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Describe the main reasons for launching a pig

The main reasons for launching the 'pig' are:

To clean the piping by removing any wax deposits on the pipeline wall. This
will eliminate blockages or pressure-drops in the pipeline.

To clear any sand or sludge that may have accumulated in the pipeline.

To remove any water that may have collected in low points along the line.
This water can cause serious corrosion problems if left in the line.

Pigs can also provide separation of products transferred along the pipeline.

A special pig trap, constructed like the launching barrel, is installed

downstream from the oil pipeline to recover the pigs.


There are several types of pig used the three main being:

A cylindrical, plug-like device equipped with scraper blades, wire brushes
and toothed roller, all fixed on a central stem. This type gives very good
performance, but since it is indestructible it is advisable that it be used only
when it is certain that there are no obstructions inside the pipeline before
putting it into operation.

This consists of foam-rubber cylinder which has a diameter about 1/10
higher than the internal diameter of the pipeline. This soft scraper is driven
by the fluid and any sediments accumulate in front of it. When the sediments
block the scraper, it compresses and is able to pass over them. It is normally
used to make sure there are no obstructions.

Its diameter corresponds to the internal diameter of the pipeline and it also
consists of a compressed foam rubber cylinder which is coated with an
abrasive plastic. It is normally used after a SOFT 'pig' has arrived at its

Are easy to handle and do not require special launching or receiving traps.
The polly pigs unique design consists of a flexible bullet shaped body with
a concave base. This prevents penetration of the propulsion medium into the
pig body. The polly pig provides the most efficient drying and clearing
product available for Pipeline commissioning.


Name the different types of pigs/scrappers

There are several commercially available intelligent pigs.
In most cases intensive line preparation is required before intelligent pigs
can be applied.

The steps required before launching include:

1. Ensure that all bends in the pipeline can be negotiated by the

intelligent pig.
2. Install launching and receiving facilities (if required).
3. Remove any known obstructions e.g Chemical injection probes etc.
4. Clean pipeline.
5. Run geometry inspection pig, e.g. T.D. Williamson, Kaliper.
6. Remove any detected dents that can obstruct intelligent pig.
7. Run dummy intelligent pig with gauging plate.
8. Run intelligent pig.

Examples of intelligent pigs are:

1. Tuboscope/ Linalog
2. British gas/ On-line inspection tool (OLI)
3. Pipetronix/ Ultrascan

The above are only a few of the types of 'pig' now in use. Naturally the
personnel in charge will be responsible for choosing the type which is
technically suitable both for the pipeline characteristics and the properties of
the crude and its temperature.
Introducing the pig into the pipeline is done from a specially constructed
area with facilities for launching the pig into pipeline and for receiving pigs
sent from the other end of the pipeline.

1. A pressure safety valve to relieve excess crude oil pressure to the

sump. In some cases this is combined with the vent.
2. A manual drain.
3. A pressure indicator to monitor the internal pressure of the barrel.
4. A passage indicator to indicate that the sphere has passed out of the
scraper trap. Usually a second "Pig Sig" passage indicator is fitted
downstream of the motorised valve. This indicates that the sphere has passed
through the motorised valve and into the pipeline.
5. Tube turn hinge closure type door which is pressure tested to
withstand pipeline operating pressures and is used to load or retrieve

Pig Launcher
Pig Receiver

1. Install pressure gauges on launcher and exit fittings.

2. Ensure valves 'G' and 'H' are closed.
3. Open drain valve 'J', then open vent valve 'K'
4. Purge with nitrogen if required
5. Ensure both pressure gauges have registered atmospheric pressure.
6. (Refer to subtask for precaution to be taken in the presence of
pyrophoric iron)
7. Closure 'L' may be opened and the pig inserted. Ensure pig is pushed
up to reducer.
8. Replace closure 'L' and check that it is secure.
9. Close drain valve 'J' and vent valve 'K'
10. Ensure pig signals are set.

1. Ensure closure 'L' is secure.

2. Ensure drain valve 'J' is closed.
3. Purge with nitrogen if required.
4. Crack valve 'H' and bleed through vent valve 'K'.
5. Close vent 'K', confirm pressure increase on both gauges.
6. Open valve 'H' fully, then open valve 'G' fully.
7. Throttle down on valve 'I'.
8. Ensure pig signals have registered passage.

The opening of the scraper door is DANGEROUS and the laid down
procedure MUST be followed at all times

Launch check procedure

After about 15 minutes it will be necessary to make sure that the launching
has been actually made.
To do this, the procedure is as follows.

1. Open valve "I"

2. Close the valves 'G' and 'H'
3. Slowly open valve 'J' until pressure falls to zero.
4. Fully open valve 'J' and open the vent 'K' and allow barrel to drain into
a container.
5. When it is certain that the fluid has stopped flowing through the drain
valve, open the door 'L' with the special keys .For reasons of safety be sure
to always work on the side of the door, never in front of it.
6. Ascertain that the chamber is empty.
7. Re-close the door
8. Clean the installation and the surrounding area.

Describe the pig receiving procedure.

Pig Receiving Procedure

1. Ensure end closure 'L' secure.

2. Ensure vent valve 'K' is closed.
3. Ensure drain valve 'J' is closed.
4. Install pressure gauges on trap entry and receiver fittings.
5. Open valve 'H', confirm both pressure gauges have registered pressure
6. Ensure pig signals are set.
7. Open valve 'H', then throttle down on valve 'I'

Pig Removal procedure

1. Ensure pig signals have registered passage of pig.
2. Fully open valve 'I'.
3. Close valve 'H'.
4. Close valve 'G'.
5. Slowly open drain valve 'J' and vent valve 'K'.
6. Purge with nitrogen if required.
7. (refer to subtask 7.7.4 for precaution to be taken in the presence of
pyrophoric iron.)
8. Ensure both pressure gauges have registered atmospheric pressure.
9. Closure 'L' may be opened and pig removed.
10. Clean debris from trap barrel.
11. Replace closure 'L' and check that it is secure.
12. Remove pressure gauges and install weather plug protectors in thread

Close drain valve 'J' and vent valve 'K'.

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