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KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON Renivon XT SANGAY NG LUNGSOD NG DABAW Luncsan nc Dasaw TIN: 000-863-958 Te, Nos, 224-3274/224-0100/224~3274/227-4726 221-0059/222-1572/221-8587/224-0854/225-3600 Division Memorandum No.J 0060033 s.2018 To: (Public Schools District Supervisors Elementary and Secondary School Heads (Non 1U) / Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff / Secondary School Heads ( IU ~ for SHS Teaching & Non Teaching) Date’ January 8, 2018 In compliance with GSIS directive that all goverament employees’ Service Record must be updated in their Membership Service Profile(MSP), this office mandates that, consolidated(per district for elementary and per school for Secondary) GSIS ARA Form C must be submitted to the Division ARA in-charge not later than January 12,2018. For the Division personnel, blank form will be disseminated for a consolidated data. This is to prevent the possibility of non-acceptance of the Divisian’s GSIS premium and loan remittances and the subsequent imposition of penalty thereof. The said ARA Form C must be updated to reflect the Third Tranche salary increase effective January 1, 2018 and emailed to below email address, Attached is 2 copy of the form for your reference For any inquiries and verification including request for soft copy of the ARA Form C, feel free to contact below numbers and email Division ARA In-charge: Bernard C. Abad Contact Numbers: 225-3600 ( Budget Section}/ 0930-7993948 Email address (for 6515 communications) For your strict compliance and guidance. iS MARIA INES C. ASUNCION, CESO VI ¥ Schools Division Superintendent ¥* ‘Agency Name: ‘agency BP Number: FOR AGENCY REMITTANCE ADVICE FORM C.List of employees with salary adjustmants for confirmation 3s te cortect smount of monthly salary and afloctvty date to be eupoliod below. lMember 8° unter | Last Name _| First Name Employment ssotfe| mu Sala Ettectviy Date_| Position status ‘Agency Name Agoney BP Number Note: No reed ta attach the Notioe OF Salary A: iment (NOSA) and Notes of Salary Increase (NOS!) Issu2.01, Rav No 0, (16 August 2016), FHLGSS-OFS-UM-S

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