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5 μm from the surface, to raise by T (l, to ) = T (l, to ) − T (t = 0) = 300

K. Note that this would require determination of t from an implicit relation and
would require iteration or use of a software.
Evaluate the thermophysical properties at 300 K, as given in Table C.16.

Prescribed Surface Heat Flux

qs (W/m2)

Thin Film
T(t = 0)
Titanium Substrate

Figure Pr. 3.58. A thin-film coated, semi-infinite substrate heated by irradiation.


An automobile tire rolling over a paved road is heated by surface friction, as shown
in Figure Pr. 3.59. The energy conversion rate for each time (assuming a simple
average) divided by the tire surface area is Ṡm,F /At , and this is related to the vehicle
mass M and speed uo through

Ṡm,F 1 MgμF uo
= .
At 4 At

A fraction of this, a1 Ṡm,F /At , is conducted through the tire. The tire has a cover-tread
layer with a layer thickness L, which is assumed to be much smaller than the tire

g At
T(t = 0)

Cover-Tread Hard Rubber

uo L T(x,t) 0

Sm,F Qs = − a1
At At

Figure Pr. 3.59. Surface friction heating of a tire laminate.

3.12 Problems 315

thickness, but is made of the same hard rubber material as the rest of the tire. The
deep unperturbed temperature is T (t = 0).
Determine the temperature at this location L, after an elapsed time to , using (a)
M = 1,500 kg, and (b) M = 3,000 kg.
T (t = 0) = 20◦ C, g = 9.807 m/s2 , uo = 60 km/hr, L = 4 mm, At = 0.4 m2 , to = 10 min,
μF = 0.015, a1 = 0.4.
The properties for hard rubber are listed in Table C.17.


In ultrasonic welding (also called ultrasonic joining), two thick slabs of polymeric
solids to be joined are placed in an ultrasonic field that causes a relative motion at
their joining surfaces. This relative motion combined with a joint pressure causes a
surface friction heating at a rate of Ṡm,F /A. This heat flows and penetrates equally
into these two similar polymeric solids. The two pieces are assumed to be very thick
and initially at a uniform temperature T (t = 0).
How long would it take for the contacting surfaces of the two polymers in contact
to reach their melting temperature T sl ?
Ṡm,F /A = 104 W/m2 , T sl = 300◦ C, T (t = 0) = 25◦ C, and use the properties of
Teflon (Table C.17).

3.12.7 Lumped-Capacitance Transient Conduction


A thin film is heated with irradiation from a laser source as shown in Figure Pr. 3.61.
Assume that all the radiation is absorbed (i.e., αr,1 = 1). The heat losses from the
film are by substrate conduction only. The film can be treated as having a uniform
temperature T 1 (t), i.e., Nk,1 < 0.1, and the conduction resistance Rk,1-2 through the
substrate can be treated as constant.

Laser Source
qr,i = 106 W/m2
(ρcp)1 = 106 J/m3-K
Film, T1(t) αr, 1 = 1
(Nk,1 < 0.1) Ar, 1 = Ak
T1(t = 0) = 20oC L1 = 10 μm

L2 = 5 mm

Ts,2 = 20oC
k = 1.3 W/m-K
Figure Pr. 3.61. Laser-radiation heating of a thin film over a substrate.

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