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After a blisteringly torrid day, the sun has gone to rest.

I locked myself in a

dusky room. I hurriedly motioned to her bed, and turned on the lamp

shade in the nightstand. I grabbed her favorite pillow, a hello kitty one,

and sat to my study table with an opened window in front. As I gazed

upon the sky, my tears rolled down my cheeks. “How would I change

myself? When will they accept? Why is it so hard for them to accept?", I

thought wretchedly, weeping.

I belonged to a rich family, but my parents lived separately. My

father was a CEO of one of the famous oil companies in Russia while my

mother was a devoted legal eagle in the Philippines. I lived with my father

for almost 18 years in Moscow, Russia. Back to my teenage days, I was

bullied for having a face only a mother could love. I was a tall brown-

skinned girl with a round face dimpled with acne dots. I had a pair of

monolid eyes that my eyelid skin folding up when my eyes are open. I had

a flattened and broad nose that she hated the most, wide lips with impish

smile, and a short curly hair that I could hardly comb. I almost doubled her

mother’s size whose weight is around thirty-five to forty kilogram. ‘Black fat

ugly girl’--- they called me, hurting me for having delectable snacks every

break time. My wicked classmates were also stealing the luxury things I

had because those will never fit my visage. I was terrified of telling

everything to my father, knowing that he was one of the busiest

businessmen in Russia. Because I was tired of how society maltreated me

physically, mentally and emotionally, I decided to transform myself,

wholly. I was a product of plastic surgery. I had done several processes of

aesthetic operation to alter my entire appearance in Moscow Russia. Only

my gloomy personality remained, everything changed from my head to

toe. I perfectly achieved the heart-shaped face I had dreamt for a long

time, the hooked, aquiline nose that I loved the most, and a pouting lips

with a set of dazzling white teeth. My skin was as flawless as a baby's skin.

My dessert-sand brown eyes became alluringly bigger and brighter. My

curly hair turned into straight black silky hair, and it flowed over my

shoulders. I was in good shape. But society is really rude. I failed. No one’s

going to accept me, no matter how hard I tried. They still abused me with

mischievous words that made me think of getting away from the

iniquitous world I lived in. After getting my high school diploma, I asked

earnestly to my father to live with my mom since I had lived for 20 years

with him. I wanted to start my life anew, away from wicked creatures. If

escaping would mend my lonely soul, then I’d do everything to let myself

free from the cage of black-hearted animals.

After a fortnight of waiting, I finally moved to my mom's place. I,

wearing a red backless dress and a sassy strappy shoes, stepped from a

grey Porsche car, and headed straight to my mom. My mom is a Beyonce

look-alike with a reddish hair, a five-feet tall, and she's in good shape. "At

last, I am here with you, mom", I said, giving her an affectionate hug. "Did

you wait for this moment?", I added, glancing admiringly at her. As she

scrutinizing my countenance, my mom was in a total shock. . I never told

to her that I had undergone ultraexpensive treatment for my

transformation. I was only one year old then when the last time she saw

me. "Of course, iha. You have grown beautifully, my daughter.”, she said,

smiling. "This is my new world, my new life", I exclaimed, curving my lips to

a captivating smile. As we walked to my mom's sumptuous mansion, my

mom mentioned about schooling in senior level. "I have already enrolled

you to a prestigious university last week. The class was already started 2

weeks ago. You will start the next day. Prepare yourself! Are you ready?"

my mother mentioned delightedly. "Super-duper, mom", I replied

cheerfully, nodding.

After a day of resting with mom, I was finally ready to face my new

universe. "Hello, Philippines! This is it!", I shouted delightfully, leaping out of

a queen-sized bed, heading straight to the bathroom. After taking my

bath, I wore the simplest yet elegant dress made of luxurious white-angel

silk, a black classy 3-inch heels, and glamorous accessories that my mom

gave. Downstairs, in the Spanish-style kitchen, our cook prepared a

savoury oatmeal with an egg, a tomato toast with macadamia ricotta,

chocolate coffee, and a berry yogurt smoothie for her breakfast. "Iha, I've

gotta go now. Take good care of yourself. Love you, and see you later",

said her mom hastily, beaming. "Ah? It's still 6:30 in the morning. Why so

early, mom? Have you eaten your breakfast, mom?", I asked confusedly,

frowning. "Yes, baby. Don't worry. I'll be home at 8 o'clock. Be a good girl

at school, iha!", she said, giving me a sweet kiss. "Take care then, mom!

Love you more, mom!", I responded. I had my breakfast alone. I poured

myself a bowl of oatmeal. There are lot of things inside my mind that I

cannot control. I was afraid. "Phew, am I ready to go?", I questioned

myself. As I was overthinking, a man in a white shirt approached toward

me. "The car is ready, ma'am.", said the man. "Thank you... who are you?

What should I call you?", I answered. "You can call me 'manong Rej'. By

the way, I am your personal driver, ma'am. I’ll wait you outside, maám

beautiful", he introduced. I gave a warm smile at him. Then he motioned

outside. He called me beautiful, and it sounded flattering. It was my first

time to hear that word from a man, beside from my father. I rushed to get

my school stuffs, and run straight to the grey Porsche. "Get in ma'am.", he

said as he opened the car's door. "Thank you, manong Rej", I replied. The

beat of her heart was as fast as manong Rej drove. Afterward, I was finally

there. I could hear the noise of the students. I was nervous, but excited,
too. "Manong Rej, stay there. Let me open the car's door by myself. I got

this. See you later", I commanded, getting out from the car.

The school is wide with an architectural five-storey building. I

walked graciously to my classroom. The students were looking at me as

though I was a star, shining brightly. "Room 18, this must be my classroom.

Why everyone's looking at me? Okay... okay... I'll just sit here", I murmured,

sitting at the corner of the first row. Three ladies, wearing heavy make ups

and sexy attires, sauntered toward me. "So... you're our new classmate

here huh? I will just remind you that you ought to follow all my rules... all

my rules, okay?", said the tallest one, their leader. "Yeah. Don't worry.", I

said, nodding. They looked at me with a tiger look. “You guys are so

beautiful,” I added. I know that was what they wanted. Their tiger faces

turned into cat faces. It seemed that they liked me. As the girls were going

back to their proper sits, the white-haired teacher entered the classroom.

"Good morning everyone! I will be your adviser for this semester. I am Ms.

Malyn De Vera. We will be together for 5 months, and we'll be creating

happy memories. But first, you must introduce yourself. Let's start at the

front, the beautiful lady in white, please.", said the teacher. "I am Yesha

Mae Rivera. 18 years old. I am from Quezon City." I introduced. "Are you a

new student here from Russia?", she asked, everybody was looking at me.

I was shaking at that moment. "Yes, ma'am,” I responded. "Oh! Don't you
love Russia? Why did you transfer?". "Of course, I do ma'am. But it's

personal issue ma'am" But at the back at her mind, Russia was never a

good place for her. "Okay, Thank you for sharing a bit of your story, Miss

Rivera. I hope you'd enjoy here. Since it is our second week, I’ll just give

you the hand-outs tomorrow. Next week, you will be having your quiz," she

said. She proceeded to her discussion. Later, she dismissed the class. As I

was preparing my things, a good-looking girl approached me. She has a

complexion of a baby, a black shiny long hair, almond-shaped eyes,

pointed nose and an alluring smile. She has a unique aura. "Hey, girl. Want

to join with me? Let's go at the canteen" "Yeah, sure. Yesha, by the way!", I

said, extending her hand. "I'm Abegail. Pleased to meet you.", extended

her right in return. We placed our ordered snacks on a tray, and paid at

the cashier. We sat at the corner of the canteen. "Hey. I think we're gonna

be friends" Abegail said. I smiled. "What did they say?". "Who?". "The spice

girl. The three girls who approached you lately." "They just reminded me

that I should obey their rules. No big deal, I know how to follow rules." "Ah

that's nice. But they don't own this school. Why do you have to follow their

rules. Like duh?" "But, I am only a new student here. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Okay then. Your choice. Your pizza looks so yummy." "Here, take a bite."

"Thanks, girl!" I noticed a man, sitting in front of us, staring straight at me.

The guy is handsome. He got those hooded eyes with a long curled lashes
that girls loved, a perfect pointed nose, a thin shape of lips that made it

kissable, and a diamond-shaped face. He is a five-foot-and-eight-inch

tall. He is every girl's ideal man. "I wanna ask who is that guy wearing a

black shirt with a red bagpack." "He's a campus crush. Why? Do you like

him?" "No. Just caught him staring at me. Not a big deal," "Ops. He's mine!"

"Oh really? You both look nice!" "I meant, he can no longer be mine. You

know, every girl likes him. Just fantasizing someone you cannot own,"

"Except me, girl." "Oh, yes. That’s nice. I think we're gonna have a good

friendship." "Yes, are you free on Saturday night?" "Yeah, why? Party?" "No,

Just a dinner at home." "Sure, why not?" "Okay, Manong Rej will just fetch

you on Saturday." "Oh by the way, haven't you experienced to be in a

relationship? Like since birth?" "No, because boys are monster in Russia."

"Oh, don't they appreciate your beauty?" "Never did they." "That is so sad,

dear" "Yeah, I hope that boys have a gentle hearts here." The bell rang.

"Let's go!" Another class started, I was comfortable with my new

environment. I was enthusiastic in learning, When the class was ended,

the man wearing a black shirt asked for my phone number. "Miss Yesha,

could I get your phone number?", he asked. "For what?", I answered with

a confused face. "I just want to talk with you about Russia. But if you don't

want, then I won't insist.", he replied. There was an internal force I felt that

moment that made me get my pouch inside my bag, and gave him a
calling card instead of entering the digits in phone. "That's how we give

our phone numbers in Russia." I said. Abegail was right that every woman

could be tamed with his winsome smile. But I didn’t admire him. I smiled,

and departed the classroom. It felt good to be finally accepted socially.

Manong was waiting for me outside the school. While we were on our

way, I opened the car's window. "I am finally free!", I shouted. "What's with

that happy face ma'am?", he asked, looking at me. "January 18, 2016

marks the happiest day of my life,", I said. "Happy to know that you're

enjoying here, ma'am.", concentrating his eyes in the way. As I got home,

I looked for mom. But she was not around. So I went to my room to

change my clothes. My room was painted with violet. There are lot of

stuffed toys inside my air-conditioned room. There was a human-sized

mirror beside the room's door. I took off my dress , and I clothed myself

with a violet sando and white shorts. I went straight to the mirror, I could

clearly see the reflection of myself. I could no longer see my old self. I

replaced, tortured and killed her. Is this really what I want? I traded myself

to be accepted by everyone. It felt like I was playing for the role of other.

But I was enjoying the new life I made. I loved how they treated me. While

I was talking to myself, someone knocked the door. "Iha, this is your mom!,

may I come in?", "Go on, mom!". Mom entered the room with an

exhausting face. I gave her a big, big hug. "Dinner's ready in 10 minutes. I'll
be back, I'll just change my clothes.", she said, departing my room. I

nodded as a sign of yes. Thereafter, I went down to eat dinner. Mom and I

ate together. We talked about trivial things about what happened today.

I was gratified that mom spared time with me despite her hectic

schedule. I felt so special. Afterward, we went in our rooms, and we sent

each other's flying kiss. We rested. In the early morning, the golden sun

started painting the dark sky into a blue sparkling sky. My alarm clock

started to create a rackety sound. It was a sign that I need to get up and

prepare myself for today. I was still sleepy, but I was again excited. I

rushed to bathe myself. I dressed myself with a yellow-fitted shirt and a

white tattered jeans. Again, I took my breakfast alone because mom

already went to her work. "Peperoni pizza and hot coffee for breakfast.

Yum! Yum!", I exclaimed. Later, I hurried outside. I saw Manong Rej waiting

for me. So I got in the car, and went to school. I entered the room quietly.

I sat down, and got my novel book inside my bag to read. Abegail came

in, and sat beside me. My teacher also entered the classroom. "Good

morning everyone. Before we'll start our discussion, I will just tell you the

upcoming event in our school, the Intramurals. There will be various sports

to play, and the search for mr. And ms. Intramurals. Everyone is invited.

Just tell me if you want to join. Yesha, do you want to join in pageant?",

she asked, looking straight at me. I was clueless why did she call me. Emily
stood up and say "Ma'am, I want to join. I got the guts to be the one.", she

said confidently. "You join, girl. I'll support you.", Abegail whispered. While

the discussion was on-going, I was thinking about entering that kind of

competition. My bad memories in Russia popped up in my mind. “Hey girl!

You okay? Abegail interrupted my reminiscing. I smiled at her, and

continued in the teacher’s lecture. After we had the class, I’d finally made

up my mind. “I’ll join, ma’am”, I told to my teacher. “You’ll be having a

short meeting later at room 208,” she said. Abegail accompanied me in

the meeting room. Emily saw me. “Oh, wrong decision girl” she said. I just

ignored her. Later that day, while I was waiting for manong outside the

campus, JM stood beside me. “Break a leg.” He said. Then we part ways.

Manong fetch me up and I waved to JM. When I got home, I prepared

my words to tell about the competition to mom.

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