Spouse From Navamsha

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Spouse From Navamsa Chart

Navamsa is the Main Divisional chart for checking Marriage prospect, spouse nature and character
etc. Our Main Birth chart shows or gives indication about all the aspect of life-Education, Finance,
Career, Marriage etc. But for getting a better and finer idea about a particular aspect we need to see
the divisional chart. There is different divisional chart for different prospect like-for marriage we
have to check Navamsa, for career we have to see Dasamsa etc. Here we will discuss about how to
predict spouse from Navamsa chart. Some time Navamsa is also known as Dharmamsa. It is the most
popular chart after Rashi Chart. So If you want to know about Nature of Spouse from Navamsa, Read
it till end and also remember it is also important for Marriage Timing from Navamsha.

Read: physical appearance of spouse in astrology

Why Use Navamsa for Marriage prediction

Navamsa chart is the most Important Divisional Chart. If Rashi chart is the Main Tree, Navamsa
chart is the fruit of that Tree. Everything We can Judge from Navamsa Kundli but still Marriage is
specially checked from Navamsa. Dividing any Rashi or sign by 9 part, we can constitute Navamsa
chart. 9th house is the house of Dharma or Fortune. In Hindu religion Marriage is considered to be
the Dharma or duty of highest order. It is a Union of Atma or Soul. That is why we try to predict
Marriage from Navamsa chart.

Before Discussing Nature of Spouse from Navamsa chart or spouse characteristics from
Navamsa chart, Lets talk about the type of Marriage described in Hindu Religion

There are 8 Types of Marriage described in Manu Smriti. These are as below

1. Bramha Vivaha: In this Type of Marriage groom Seeks Bride as per their Skills and
abilities. Jupiter is the main signifying planet for such marriage. This is considered to be
the kind of Marriage. In Modern day we can compare it with an arranged Marriage where
both Boy and Girl complete their Education and after that as per family and other factors
two persons get married.
2. Daiva Vivaha: This Kind of Marriage happens when one is unable to find a suitable groom
or Bride. In this type of wedding, there are no feasts or celebrations that are specific to the
wedding, but the wedding of the daughter of a poor family is held as an act of charity by
wealthy people. Mars is the main signifying Planet for such marriage.
3. Arsha Vivaha: In this kind of marriage the girls family is unable to bear the expense of the
marriage and the boys family pays a nominal or cutomary gift as the price of the bride and
brings the bride home. This kind of Marriage is not suitbale in modern society. Moon is
the main signifying planet for such marriage.
4. Prajapatya Vivaah: This type of marriage is the same as the Brahma vivha in all respects,
except that this type of marriage takes place when the groom and bride both are very
young. The wedding ceremony may take place but the marriage is not consummated for
several years, until the bride and groom are old enough. This kind of Marriage can be
referred to the Bal Vivaha of earlier days. Sun is the main signifying Planet.
5. Asura Vivaha: This is very similar to Arsa vivaha. Here the Grrom family Pays lot of
Money to the family of the girl as Bride Price and Bring the Bride home. The only
difference is that in Arsha Vivaha, the price paid was a nominal one or customary one but
in this case lot of wealth is given. Money Rules this kind of Marriage. This Kind of
Marriage is not considered good in society. Mercury is the signifying Planet.
6. Gandharva Vivaha: This can be referred to Modern Days Love Marriage where Bride and
Grrom is attracted towards each other and they Fall in Love. Venus is the main signifying
Planet of such Marriage.
7. Rakshas Vivaha; When some one is Kidnapped or forced to Marry due to some reason is
Known as Rakshas Vivaha. In recent time we see Several Marriage happens for Political
gain or Business expansion etc. In earlier Days Kings used this kind of Marriage for
expanding their Kingdom. Saturn is the Main Karak for this kind of Marriage.
8. Pischa Vivaha: In this type of Marriage the Bride is either intoxicated or not in stable
mental condition during Marriage. Rape can be compared with this kind of Marriage.
Rahu/Ketu is the signifying planet of this kind of Marriage.

Important Houses for Spouse Prediction from Navamsa in astrology

The Main House for Spouse Prediction is 7th House and 7th Lord. So We have to check the 7th
house of main birth chart as well as the 7th house of Navamsa Chart. Remember, 7th house in Birth
chart shows what we want or what our desire is and 7th house is Navamsa chart shows what we will
actually get. 7th house not only Indicates Marriage but it also indicates all sort of Physical relation.
That is why the Arudha Pada of 7th house (A7) needs to be checked for all kind of Physical or short
term relationship in Kundli. Darapada (A7) also shows the kind of People one Associates with. So
these houses need to be checked when predicting spouse from Navamsa chart.

Saturn is in 7th house or Associated with Darapada (A7), person often mingle around with senior
person or Aged person. They Want their spouse to be practical, matured and dutiful.

When Moon is in 7th house or conjunct with darapada(A7) the native wants a caring, emotional and
sensitive spouse.
If Venus is in 7th house or Associated with A7, it indicates that the individual want some one very
good looking and beautiful.

When Jupiter or Mercury is in 7th house or Associated with Darapada (A7), the native seeks a wise,
well educated, religious, honest person as husband or wife.

When Mars is in 7th house or conjunct with A7 it indicates that the native wants some one who loves
sports, who will have lot of fighting spirit, Bold and courageous.

But this is purely the desire of the individual. But what the person will actually get will depend upon
the 7th house in Navamsa and the Navamsa sign of 7th Lord.

Read: Spouse Profession in Astrology

Prediction of Spouse Characteristics from Navamsa(D9)

As we said That the Planet in the 7th house of Navamsa will show the nature and character of the
spouse an individual is going to Have. The Darapada (A7) in Navamsa also reveals about apperance,
Nature and characteristics of Spouse.

Read: How to Know Love Marriage in Astrology

Spouse Prediction from Navamsa chart as per Planetary Position

Now Lets understand how can we understand the nature while checking spouse from Navamsa chart.

1. Navamsa Sun in 7th house: If Navamsa Sun is Placed in 7th house,Spouse reads or loves
music or plays musical instrument, may be egoistics and of high Self respect. He may have
short height, large head, straight hair etc. When Navamsa Sun in 7th house is strong,The
Individual may be from a respectable family background.

2. Navamsa Moon in 7th house: When Navamsa Moon is in 7th house,the spouse is Beautiful and
very sexual. He or she may be of fair complexion, soft hearted etc.

3. Navamsa Mars in 7th house: If Navamsa Mars is placed in 7th house or associated with A7 in
Navamsa, the person may be very aggresive and hot temper. He or she may be a sports lover.When
Navamsa Mars in 7th house is strong,The Native will be very well built and having a slim & athlete
like physique. He or she can be very argumentative.
4. Navamsa Mercury in 7th house: When Navamsa Mercury is in 7th house, the spouse can be Jovial
and friendly. He or she can be fond of literature, writing etc. Navamsa Mercury in 7th house can give
Lack of physical pleasure from spouse as Mercury is a eunuch planet. Spouse will look younger than
his or her age.

5. Navamsa Jupiter in 7th house: When Navamsa Jupiter is in 7th house, the spouse can be well
educated,Learned, beautiful, fortunate and very good natures, spiritual. He or she may have well
proportionate body. Navamsa Jupiter in 7th house can make the spouse very Religious too.

6. Navamsa Venus in 7th house: If Navamsa Venus is in 7th house, the spouse can be extremely
good Looking, fond of Luxury & all sort of comfort, fond of music, fine arts etc. Having Navamsa
Venus in 7th house is a Blessing. It is a strong indication of happy married life if not afflicted.

6. Navamsa Saturn in 7th house: If Navamsa Saturn is in 7th house, spouse can be, matured, always
working, cold and disinterested in romance, dutiful etc. It indicates that the wife or husband will be
very hardworking. Navamsa saturn in 7th house also indicate that there can be much age difference
between husband and wife.

7. Navamsa Rähu in 7th house: If Navamsa Rahu is in 7th house, spouse can be always thinking and
confused, abstract thinking, good at mathematics, astrology etc. This is not treated as a good
placement for Marital bliss. Navamsa Rahu in 7th house also indicates marriage outside country or
foreign spouse or intercaste marriage. You can read the effect of Rahu on Marriage when Occupies
the 7th house of D1 chart to get more idea.

8. Navamsa Ketu in 7th house: When Navamsa Ketu is in 7th house, spouse can be Very good in
mathematics and numbers, expert in computers, spiritual practice etc.

Read: Foreigner Spouse through Astrology

Some important Combinations for judging Spouse from Navamsa Chart

For a good and happy marital life, we have to first see the condition of the 7th Lord of Rashi
chart(D1) in D9. The planet should not be debilitated or afflicted by Malefics in Navamsa. After that
we have to see the 7th house of Navamsa chart and condition of 7th lord from Navamsa Lagna. If all
of them is in Good condition, we can safely predict Happy Marriage Life.

When people approach us for Marriage/Relationship Consultation we use all of the above mentioned
technique and many more to come to an conclusion about the Nature and Look of the spouse. It takes
almost three hours for Marriage Analysis only. You may see what our clients think about our
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Venus is the Main Significator of Marriage for both Man and Women. It is also the significator of
Wife in a Mans chart. So venus should not be debilitated or afflicted by Rahu or Saturn in Navamsa.
When two or more malefic planets afflict Venus and if the ätmakäraka and 8th lord are involved,
While judging spouse from Navamsa chart we should keep in mind that such combination is a curse
and marriage can be denied and delayed considerably.

If Rahu afflicts the Venus there can chances of cheating experience from Spouse or Marriage
relation. If Saturn afflicts the Venus in Navamsa chart, it brings untold misery and unending
suffering. If Mercury and Venus is conjunct in Navamsa chart, this is a bad combination for Lack of
marital bliss.

Rahu – Venus or Mars- Venus combination in D9 is a strong indication of Love marriage while
judging spouse from Navamsa chart.

If the Ketu and Mars is conjunct in 2nd, 6th, 8th or 12th house of Navamsa chart, we have to be very
careful while checking spouse from Navamsa chart because such combination indicates a spouse who
can be harmful to the spouse.

If Sun is strong in Navamsa lagna or Moon is strong in 3rd house of Navamsa chart indicates that the
native may live longer than Spouse. Jupiter-Venus conjunction in D9 chart shows the Blessing of
Shiva and it is a good for Progeny while judging Spouse from Navamsa chart.

If saturn is Placed in Navamsa lagna or aspect the Navamsa Lagna, it can delay the marriage. Saturn
aspect on Venus and 7th lord of Navamsa Lagna is equally detrimental.

When Sun is Placed in 7th house or associated with Darapada(A7), it indicates a arranged marriage.

Marriage Timing can be calculated as per Vimsottari dasha of the 7th Lord of D9 chart or Navamsa
Lagna Lord or planets sitting in the 7th house of Navamsa. Predicting Time , quality of marriage and
spouse from Navamsa chart is not an easy task. The birth time is also has to be accurate.

I have tried to give you some information about Spouse from Navamsa Chart. But remember in
Astrology, No rule works in isolation. We have to co-relate both D1 and D9 chart.

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