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ISSN (1897-3310)

A R C HIVE S Volume 11
Issue 4/2011
131 – 136
Published quarterly as the organ of the Foundry Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Use of the Niyama criterion to predict

porosity of the mushy zone with deformation
S. Polyakov a *, А. Korotchenko b, J. Bast a
Institute of Mechanical Engineering: Field of Study - Steel Works Machines,
Foundry Machines and forming Machines (HGUM), TU Bergakademie Freiberg,
Akademiestrasse 6, 09596 Freiberg / Sachs, Germany
Casting Technology and Equipment, Moscow State Technical University Bauman ,
2-nd Baumanskaya, 5, 105005, Moscow, Russia;
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:

Received 31.05.2011; accepted in revised form 27.07.2011

The article presents new results on the use of the Niyama criterion to estimate porosity appearance in castings under hindered shrinkage.
The effect of deformation of the mushy zone on filtration is shown. A new form of the Niyama criterion accounting for the hindered
shrinkage and the range of deformation localization has been obtained. The results of this study are illustrated by the examp le of the
Niyama criterion calculated for Al-Cu alloys under different diffusion conditions of solidification and rate of deformation in the mushy
zone. Derived equations can be used in a mathematical model of the casting solidification as well as for interpretation of the simulation
results of casting solidification under hindered shrinkage. The presented study resulted in a new procedure of using the Niyama criterion
under mushy zone deformation.

Keywords: Solidification, Deformations over the mushy zone, Niyama criterion, Filtration condition, Hindered shrinkage

Niyama criterion the mushy zone pressure drop providing the

1. Introduction liquid deficiency as a result of shrinkage should remain constant.
The Niyama criterion critical value corresponds to the critical
The Niyama criterion has been widely used to estimate pressure drop, such that originates shrinkage porosity
porosity appearance in castings [1-5]: development.
In the works dedicated to theoretical vindication of the Niyama
 Niy kr
(1) criterion [1-5], the pressure drop is usually connected with
Niy 
T filtration conditions in the mushy zone without regard for its
deformation, whereas the critical value of the Niyama criterion is
experimentally obtained for specimens of sufficiently simple
where T - cooling rate and G - temperature gradient in the mushy shape (usually slabs and bars) wherein the hindered shrinkage is
zone in the vicinity of the solidus temperature, Niy kr - Niyama not prominent and the mushy zone deformation is low [1-5]. The
criterion critical value. The importance of the Niyama criterion authors [6], however, have shown that the mushy zone
deformation can have a considerable effect on the pressure drop
lies in its connection with the filtration condition of the
and on the interdendritic liquid filtration process, accordingly.
interdendritic liquid in the mushy zone. At a constant value of the

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This fact should naturally change the porosity formation Vs  S  x  sn  nx ; the whole volume, including the
conditions. In commercial alloy castings the mushy zone is
practically always submitted to deformation because of the mold interdendritic liquid, will be Vs l  n  1 2 x . With a certain
and core resistance to shrinkage (Fig. 1), and also because of approximation a relative solid fraction can be written as
heterogeneous solidification of the casting layers. Therefore, to Vs s  n  n x s .
fs0   
use the Niyama criterion for intricate profiled surface castings Vs l n  1 2 x 12
without regard for deformation can introduce considerable errors
into porosity prediction. It is thus expedient to account for
deformation in the mushy zone using the Niyama criterion to
predict porosity in a casting during its solidification in a mold
under conditions which are closer to realistic ones.
For this purpose a mathematical model of the interdendritic liquid
filtration under deformation of the mushy zone is discussed in the
present paper. The model is based on the idea of the casting
solidification according to the dendritic mechanism with the
development of deformations perpendicular to primary dendrite
arms [6] (Fig. 1).

Fig. 2. Deformation effect on solid fraction variation in the mushy

zone. a) Schematic diagram of a small volume element with a
perpendicular section to primary dendrite arms in the mushy zone,
Fig. 1. Appearance of tensile deformation in the casting mushy b) Solid fraction variation as a function of relative deformation
zone under hindered shrinkage computed by a more (1) and less (2) exact formulas

In the present paper it has also been taken into account that the Using the obtained formulas one gets:
mushy zone deformations change hydraulic permeability of the Changing the average primary dendrite spacing by 1 it is
dendritic network. The model enabling this phenomenon to be possible to write:
accounted for by means of a varying fraction of solid in a porous
f s f s (1  1 )  f s 1 
medium of the dendrite skeleton is suggested. Another special
2 y   y2
feature of the present work is the abandonment of the solid  
fraction linearization across the mushy zone width being usually f s0 f s 1  1   y 2
used for the Niyama criterion derivation [1]. The solid fract ion where f s 0  f s 1  - relative solid fraction before the
value is being calculated in the present paper from the diffusion
conditions in solid and liquid phases. deformation appearance,  y  1 1 - relative deformation.
For small values  y  1 a following approximation is valid:

2. Model concept
f s
 2 y (2)
2.1. Change of the solid fraction under f s0

 f s 0 1  2 y 
deformation f s0
f s  f s 0  f s 
1   
2 (3)
M ushy zone deformations in the direction perpendicular to
primary dendrite arms change the primary dendrite arm spacing. The solid fraction decreases with positive (tensile) deformations
An easy calculation scheme can be applied to calculate solid and increases with negative (contractive) ones (Fig. 2 b)
fraction variations as a function of the average primary dendrite
arm spacing. Let us designate by n the average number of
dendrites per unit length in the mushy zone section perpendicular 2.2. Hydraulic permeability
to primary dendrite arms (Fig. 2а). We shall designate the average
cross section area of one dendrite in the perpendicular direction to To describe filtration rate vx of liquid in the interdendritic
its primary arm by s , and the initial average primary dendrite space of the mushy zone along primary dendrite arms (Fig. 3) one
spacing in а strain-free state - 1 . Then a small volume element usually makes use of the Darcy equation with a varying
of a solid fraction (Fig. 2а) with a perpendicular section to permeability coefficient K  K ( f s , 2 ) as follows [7,11]:
primary dendrite arms S  sn  n and a length x is equal to

132 A RCHIV ES o f F O UNDRY ENG INEERING V o l u me 1 1 , Is s u e 4 / 2 0 1 1 , 1 3 1 -1 36

 K  f s , 2    dp
vx      gl  (4)
 f l   x  dx 

where p,  - pressure and dynamic viscosity of the interdendritic

liquid, respectively, 2 - average secondary dendrite arm

spacing, g – gravitational acceleration.

Fig. 4. Deformation effect on the permeability coefficient in the

mushy zone. Hydraulic permeability versus solid fraction in the
absence of deformation is shown with a dashed curve.

2.3. Filtration
For one-dimensional filtration along primary dendrite arms inside
a steady-state mushy zone the equation of mass balance can be
written according to [6] as follows:


f l vx l
  1    f 
s y  R
df s
0 (7)

Fig. 3. Filtration model and schematic diagram of temperature and where R - constant isotherm velocity (Fig. 3).
pressure fields over the mushy zone width
This equation in view of Eq. (4), with account of Eqs. (3) and (6)
The most popular approximation of the permeability coefficient at but ignoring gravity forces is:
present is the Kozeny-Carman equation [12-14]:
K  f s 0 ,  y   1    f s 0 1  2 y  y  R s 0  0
d dP df (8)

22 1  f s 3 (5)
dx dx dx
180 f s2 The last equation can be simplified by the following assumptions:
1) Temperature is linear in the mushy zone (Fig.3.), i.e.
  TL  T  T LTS   x L and 2) deformations are evenly
In view of Eq. (3) for small deformations we get a modified
Kozeny-Carman approximation for hydraulic permeability taking
dendrite deformation into account: distributed over the whole width of the mushy zone. The first term

22 1  f s 0 1  2 y 
2 of Eq. (8) can be approximately expressed via the average
1  ~
K   1 (6)
180  f 1  2   filtration coefficient K and the pressure drop as
 s0 y 
dP ~ PL  PS ~ P
K  fs0 ,  y 
This equation when there is no deformation coincides completely d
with its conventional form (5). K K 2
dx dx L2 L
Fig.4 shows tabulated values of the permeability coefficient where P  PL  PS - pressure drop in the mushy zone (Fig. 3).
according to Eq. (6), the permeability coefficient rising with
tensile deformation (  y  0 ) and descending with contractive Taking into account that
deformation (  y  0 ).
df s 0 df s 0 d df s 0 1 ,
  (9)
dx d dx d L

we get what follows:

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P ~ df s*0 R  tending to zero (    0 ) means that the diffusion conditions
 K  1    f *

1  2   0 (10)
comply with the Scheil - Gulliver model.
d L
s0 y y
Based on this theory, let us as an example consider filtration flow
~ in the mushy zone for the binary Al-Cu 2%at Cu alloy. Fig. 5
where P - pressure drop, K - average permeability coefficient in shows the tabulated solid fraction values and solidification rate
the mushy zone,   TL  T  T LTS  - relative according to Eq. (11) with the parameters listed in Table 1. As can
temperature, f s*0 - solid fraction value for which the Niyama be seen from Fig. 5a, the solid fraction variation as a function of
relative temperature is substantially nonlinear and the
criterion is calculated (this value is usually set at   0.9 ). It
dimensionless solidification rate df s*0 d when   0.9 is much
should be noted that the average permeability coefficient depends
on the deformations as well: it increases with tensile deformations less than unity (Fig.5b). From this it follows that the actual
and decreases – with contractive ones. pressure drop in the mushy zone should be much less than that
As has been mentioned earlier, in the majority of works dedicated under the assumption of the linear solid fraction distribution
to the Niyama criterion, it is assumed that the solid fraction is ( df s*0 d  1 ).
linearly distributed over the mushy zone width. This assumption
is quite acceptable with the deformation effect ignored, as the
Table 1.
critical Niyama criterion value is determined experimentally, and List of parameters of Al-Cu alloys (2%at) used in calculation
therefore the case in question is the scaling of values. When the (sourse data [24])
effect of deformations is taken into account, it is necessary to
Parameter Value
compare the shrinkage contribution and the deformation
M elting point of pure aluminium Tm (°C) 660.4
contribution to the pressure drop related to a lack of feeding. In
Design coefficient of copper solubility k 0.145
this case the solidification rate over relative temperature df s0 d
Liquidus temperature (°C) 643.3
is of considerable importance [see Eq. (10)] and correspondingly
a more accurate estimate of the solid phase distribution is
required. The solid phase distribution over temperature and the
solidification rate can be determined if we use the Brody -
Flemings diffusion model of microsegregation [15] with a
correction factor obtained from the Clyne - Kurz model [16]. In
this case the equation of a relative solid fraction for a binary alloy
(with a linear solute concentration dependence of the liquidus
temperature) [16] takes the form:

12 k  / k 1
 1   Tm  T  
f s0   1     (11)
 1  2 k   Tm  TL  

where Tm - melting point of the pure metal (solvent),

   4Dst f / 22 - diffusion Fourier number, Ds - diffusion
coefficient in the solid, t f - solidification time, k - partition
coefficient of solute between liquid and solid phases, for most
cast alloys being k  1 . When    0 there is no back-
diffusion[15], and in this case the Brody - Flemings model
coincides with the Scheil - Gulliver model[8,9]. The value of
   0.5 corresponds to the equilibrium lever-rule, i.e.
thermodynamic equilibrium between liquid and solid phases.
Thus, this model includes all diffusion conditions usually
observed in the mushy zone. However, the thermodynamic
equilibrium is generally associated with infinitely slow cooling Fig. 5. Calculated values of the relative solid fraction and
( t f   ) at finite diffusion coefficients. This fact should result crystallization rate in a stain-free mushy zone for the Al-Cu alloy:
in infinite dimensionless Fourier numbers   . And so the
a) solid fraction versus relative temperature at different diffusion
numbers, b) dimensionless crystallization rate versus temperature
physical meaning of the diffusion number   is lost when it at different diffusion numbers. Points 1, 2, 3 correspond to the
tends to 0.5. However, as Clyne and Kurz showed in [10], this crystallization rate at a dimensionless temperature  set equal to
situation can be improved if we introduce a factor  varying 0.9: df s 0 d 1  0.0015, df s 0 d 2  0.0104,
between zero and infinity. When  tends to infinity, diffusion
conditions are approaching the equilibrium ones (    0.5 ); but
df s0 d 3  0.0246.

134 A RCHIV ES o f F O UNDRY ENG INEERING V o l u me 1 1 , Is s u e 4 / 2 0 1 1 , 1 3 1 -1 36

2.4. Pressure drop (deformation effect factor, DEF) dependent on alloy properties
and deformation conditions in the mushy zone.
Accounting for the assumption that the temperature
distribution in the mushy zone is close to linear, the average
temperature gradient can be written as follows: G  TL  TS  L . 3. Discussion of results
The average cooling rate of a point in the mushy zone
The results of the present work show that the deformation of the
(solidification time) is T  (TL  TS ) / t , where t  L R -
mushy zone is associated with the change of filtration conditions
duration of the point stay in the mushy zone (solidification time), of the interdendritic liquid. The greater the value of the Niyama
therefore average cooling rate will be: criterion, the less is the pressure drop required to make up the
T  TL  TS  t  TL  TS  L R  R  G . Hence, taking liquid deficiency and, therefore, the better feeding conditions.
account of the expression for the Niyama criterion (1), the This fact corresponds to conventional interpretation of the
following relationship is true: Niyama criterion. However, Eq. (15) contains quantities that as
well affect the pressure drop: the effective or average filtration
coefficient K~ depending on the deformation of dendrites, and the
R  L  TL  TS  Niy 
second summand demanding an additional pressure drop to
compensate for a lack of feeding associated with expansion of the
Using the relationship (12), Eq. (10) can be thus transformed: dendrite skeleton in the perpendicular to the dendrite growth
direction. Let us consider approximate estimates of the DEF
P  p  pst (13) values. Note that under tensile deformations of constant rate
where 
p   TL  TS  df s*0 d  Niy  K~2
-pressure drop  
 y  const  0 the quantity 1 2 y  y takes the maximum
associated with shrinkage processes, value when  y  0 , i.e. at the first instant the deformation

appeared. Note next that the quantity TL  TS  / T  t is the

pst  1    f s*0 TL  TS  1  2 y  y Niy 2 K~ T - pressure drop

time of the mushy zone solidification and the product

due to lateral deformations of the mushy zone. Note that the
second term of Eq. (13) includes both, the deformation rate  
T LTS y T   y is the maximum deformation of the

 y and the deformation y  

as a multiplier 1  y  y . This mushy zone at the end of its solidification. Tensile deformations
are conveniently estimated in comparison with the linear
circumstance results in stronger effect of the deformation rate on shrinkage  of the phase transfer from liquid to solid state,
the additional pressure drop at the initial stage of the filtration which is expressed in terms of the volumetric shrinkage as
process with  y  1 than at the later ones.    3 . Let us introduce a relative quantity

2.5. Effective Niyama criterion    y max  (16)

To use the customary procedure for porosity prediction with

and call it a coefficient of deformation localization. When   0 ,
the Niyama criterion (see Introduction) the obtained results should
be brought to the form when all quantities appearing in the deformations are missing; when   1 , the shrinkage is
Niyama criterion are intact and its critical value changes to fit the completely stopped; and when   1 , increased localization of
deformation conditions of the mushy zone. To do this, let us first deformations takes place.
transform Eq. (10) as follows: With regard for the latter the maximum DEF (during coupling of
dendrites with formation of the bridged skeleton and with
 
T  T  df s*0  1    f s 0 TL  TS 1  2 y  y 
*  y  0 ) can be rewritten as follows:
P  ~L S 2 1  
K Niy  d  df s*0  
 
 d  nmax  1  f s*0 1    3 df s*0 d (17)

It is possible hence to derive the effective Niyama criterion value: The quantity nmax shows the increase in the critical Niyama

Niy ef  nNiy kr (15) criterion value required to account for the effect of deformations
in the mushy zone. Thus, to prevent the appearance of porosity
 
where n  1  1    f s*0 TL  TS  1  2 y  y T  d d - under tensile deformations, it is necessary to have higher values
of the Niyama criterion, and, therefore, higher temperature
deformation effect factor (DEF). gradients and lower cooling rates than under conditions without
deformations. Fig. 6 shows the tabulated values of this coefficient
The distinction between the expression (15) and the usual form of for alloys with the coefficient of volumetric shrinkage
the Niyama criterion (1) lies in the presence of the mult iplier n   0.06 (corresponding to steel and some aluminum alloys) at

A RCHIV ES o f F O UNDRY ENG INEERI NG V o l u me 1 1 , Is s u e 4 / 2 0 1 1 , 1 3 1 - 13 6 135

different values of the coefficient of deformation localization and 1. Deformations in the mushy zone have a strong effect on the
diffusion conditions (diffusion Fourier numbers according to the pressure drop and, therefore, on the conditions of porosity
Brody - Flemings model [15]). formation. The critical Niyama criterion value can be several
times higher under tensile deformations than in a case when
deformations are missing. This fact can explain in particular
porosity formation in castings manufactured with rigid
molds, whereas computer programs simulating solidification
predict its absence.
2. The effect of deformations on porosity formation depends
considerably on the diffusion conditions in liquid and solid
phases. Low solidification rates favouring the equilibrium
solidification conditions are preferable for the production of
castings without shrinkage porosity even in the presence of
tensile deformations. On the contrary, at high solidification
rates the crystallization rate in the vicinity of the solidus
temperature decreases what results in the increased
deformation contribution to the pressure drop and, therefore,
in the hazard of porosity formation under hindered
Fig. 6. M aximum deformation effect factor versus coefficient of shrinkage, especially with rigid, non-yielding molds.
deformation localization

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