Presentation Plan

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Carter, Oleson, Fredericks 1

Baylee, Jordan, & Malayna


Physical Science

March 6, 2019

To catch our audiences attention, we will show an educational and intriguing

video that will provide some information we will be covering in the presentation. After

the video, Jordan will begin to state the third law and its importance. To end off our

presentation, we would like to show one last video about Newton’s third law and then

officially end it with what the third law states.

To present our project, we will be using Google Slides. Each group member will

have their assigned slides to present to the class during the presentation. To improve

our skills during this project, we will be using collaboration by working efficiently

together and sharing ideas. When working with technology, such as Google Slides, we

will be using our technology literacy skills by using tools, organization, and

understanding the way to identify plagiarism.

To present our topic, we will evenly divide the subtopics among the group

members. Jordan will start the presentation off by stating what the third law is. Baylee

and I will split the experiments between the two of us and talk about them to the class.

Throughout the presentation, we will display many pictures and examples of what the

third law is. We will then sort the other needed information to talk about between the

three of us and present it to the class as well. After presenting all the information, we

will move on to display a demonstration, then move on to the hands-on activity.

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