Welfare State

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Welfare State

Mahesh Jaiwantrao Patil
M.A. (Political Science), M.Phil, NET, SET, & Ph.D (Pursuing)
Assistant Professor,
Narayanrao Chavan Law College, Nanded, Maharashtra, India.
Cell No (+91) 09860816313
Object of the Chapter
 To understand meaning & definition.
 To understand nature and significance.
 To explain functions of Welfare State.
 In olden times, the state was a ‘police-state’ i.e., the governments had to perform
the sovereign functions along with the establishment of public safety and security,
administration of justice and collection of taxes and these formed the primary
duties of every government. But democracy changed the role and functions of the
government. Today, the concept of 'welfare states' have redefined the meaning of

 As a result of the socio-economic and political changes, things have changed and
the concept of state has also changed to give way for the principle of ‘welfare

 In modern times, the responsibilities and functions of governments have increased

beyond limits.
 There is no agreed definition of the concept of welfare state.
 T. W. Kent : “A state that provides for its citizens a wide
range of social services."

 G.D.H. Cole:- The welfare state is a society in which an

assured minimum standard of living and opportunity becomes
the possession of every citizen.“

 Hobman: “The welfare state as a compromise between

communism on the one side and unbridled individualism on
the other. It guarantees a minimum standard of subsistence
without removing incentives to private enterprise”.
 It is a concept of government in which the state plays a key role in the
protection and promotion of economic and social well-being of its citizens.
 A welfare state is based on the principles of equality of opportunity and
equitable distribution of wealth.
 It also focuses on the governmental responsibility for those who are unable
to avail themselves of the minimal provisions of a good life.
 Under this system, the welfare of its citizens is the responsibility of the
 The welfare state involves a transfer of funds from the state, to the services
provided (healthcare, education & etc.) as well as directly to individuals
 A welfare state is a state or a government meant for the welfare, or the well-
being of the people.
 In other words, it is a government which primarily aims at the 'welfare' of
the people.
 A welfare state takes the responsibility of the welfare and the economic and
social wellbeing of its citizens.
 Welfare implies the benefits or different modes of aid provided to the
 It can be in terms of money or services.
 Cash payments, subsidies, concessions, grants and public distribution come
under the term welfare.
 All these welfare measures amount to the redistribution of governmental
revenue to the needy
 Ensures social security:- In a welfare state of economy, though the traits of
capitalism are also seen, it is mainly a mixed economy. Even when a
combination of capitalistic and socialistic features exists, the government
plays a dominant role in controlling the economic activities and in the social
welfare of the people.
 Socialistic in nature:- It is based on the principles of equality and is keen to
provide equal opportunity to all. It also aims to ensure equitable distribution of
 Control over all the economic activities. In a welfare state, all the private
enterprises are regulated by the government.

 Provide basic facilities to its citizens:- A welfare government is keen in
providing economic and social services such as general education, public
health, public transport, housing, and other financial assistance to its people.

 Runs various enterprises:- Ownership and operation of industrial enterprises,

business and other commercial activities are also done by welfare

 Justice to all:- In a welfare state, common man has to deal with the authorities
for many of their needs. For example; administrative officers, controlling
officers, sanctioning authorities, officers of social services, executives of public
sector undertakings etc. In all such dealings, a welfare state has the
responsibility to ensure justice and fulfillment of their requirements.
 Planning of activities:- Economic activities include production and
distribution. It is the duty of the welfare state to formulate national
policies and to plan every economic activity in a balanced manner.
Industrial policy, trade policy, commercial and banking policy etc are
framed in order to control those activities.
 Regulate and control:- It regulate & controls all private enterprises
engaged in economic activities. Such control includes registration,
licensing, taxation etc.
 Welfare of labourers :- It makes legislations to prevent exploitation
of workers, and to ensure the security and welfare of those who work
in industrial enterprises, factories, companies and all other sectors of
Functions of Welfare state
 To Protect life and property.
 To Protect from external invasion.
 To Maintain of law and order.
 To maintain diplomatic relations with other
 Judicial administration.
 To spread education.
 Social economic security.
 To Eradicate poverty.
 To improve health.
 Moral and social reforms.
 To provide recreational facilities.
 To provide public utility services.
 To develop agriculture sector.
 To make regulations regarding trade and
 Maximum use of natural resources.
 To make regulations regarding export and
 To make regulations about labour.
 To impose and collect taxes.

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