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Enrique Molina Milla
María Teresa Montañés Puente
Mari Paz Cots Marfil
Ana María Sánchez Urbano
Juan Ramón Martínez Jiménez
Francisco Miguel Fernández Banderas
Carmen Sánchez Pérez
Teresa Pino Muela
· LEVEL: 1st year of secondary education

· TIMING: 1 month


AREAS INVOLVED: English, Social Studies, Natural Science


- Understand and produce oral and written messages correctly, with

autonomy and creativity in English, and use it to communicate and

organize personal feelings and reason out the processes involved in

the use of language.

- Interpret and produce correctly, with autonomy and creativity,

messages that require artistic, scientific and technical codes in order

to enrich their communicative skills.

- Create a suitable self-image and concept of one´s traits and

capabilities and develop activities autonomously and in a well-

balanced fashion.

- Associate with other people and take part in group activities, with a

solidary and tolerant attitude, assessing social differences and

rejecting any discrimination based on race, sex, social class, creed or

other individual and social characteristics.

- Analyze the basic mechanisms that govern the functioning of the

physical environment, asses the repercussions that human activities

have on it, and contribute actively to its defence, preservation and

improvement as determining factors of the quality of life.

- Know and assess scientific and technological development, its

applications and effects within the scope of its physical and social


- Know and appreciate cultural heritage and contribute actively to its

preservation and improvement, acknowledge linguistic and cultural

diversity as a right of the people and incidents, and develop an

interest in an respect for this right.



There are several specific aims which are intended to be achieved:

1.- Obtain and give information about the Water Cycle.

2.- Develop vocabulary file strategies associated with the topic of the unit.

3.- Use text reading for a variety of purposes, appreciating its importance

as a source of information, enjoyment and leisure and as a means of

accesing cultures and life styles other than one´s own.

4.- Understand and produce oral and written messages.

5.- Use language creatively to express one´s true intentions.

6.- Foster civic customs and customs pertaining to environmental protection

and the heritage of citizenzs in other countries.


1.- Students should know what hydrosphere means.

2.- They should also know what the most common substance in the world


3.- They should know what makes the water change of state.

4.- Students must show that they understand the proportions of freshwater

and sea-water in our planet.

5.- They have to be aware of the importance of water as a resource to take

care of and to avoid its waste ness.

6. -They should also know how the cycle of water works.










Communicative abilities

- Make communicative exchanges in small groups.

- Ask and answer questions using the simple present

- Give their opinion about water use


- Imperative forms. Positive and negative orders

- Revision of the present simple (affirmative, interrogative and

negative forms)

- Countable and uncountable nouns

- There is/there are: affirmative, interrogative and negative

- How much/how many

- Measure Units (British and American units)


Nouns: water, cloud, evaporation, condensation, surface runoff, subsurface

runoff, precipitation, infiltration, transpiration, respiration, solid, liquid, gas,

steam, drop, gallon, litre, environment, litter.

Verbs: melt, boil, change, freeze, condensate, heat, happen.

Adjectives: high, low, similar, different.


- Describing the Water Cycle

- Discussing ways to decrease water use

- Making a Water Cycle Wheel and describing the changes of state

- Giving and asking for information about water, its use, the water

cycle and environment, suggesting, establishing relationships,

introducing, narrating, comparing, agreeing or disagreeing,

expressing personal opinions and judgements.


- Active participation in oral exchanges in pairs or in groups.

- Overall understanding of oral messages that come from different

sources (teacher, classmates, videos, interactive activities and

games, etc.)

- Understanding texts related to classroom activities and the ability to

infer from the context the meaning of certain unfamiliar words.

- Producing simple and understandable written texts with a suitable

logical structure (introduction, development, conclusion), paying

attention to different communicative needs (description, narration,

comparison, etc.) and aims.


- Interest and attention to the given oral texts.

- Respect and interest for whatever any student expresses in the


- Conscious acquisition of strategies that allow autonomous learning.



- The hydrosphere.

- Differences between frehswater, seawater and salt-water.

- The States of water.

- The cycle of water.


- Being able to complete all the steps of the cycle of water on a map.

- Complete an experiment on water states successfully.

- Being able to understand why there is scarce of water in some parts of the



- Being aware of our planest´s biggest resource fragility , in order to

respect it, and to take care of it.

- Recycle as much as possible any kind of material because it is

better for the environtment than to create a new one.

- Being aware of the problems that the chemical industries are

creating to the world, for example Acid Rain, Greenhouse effect or

the warming of the globe, risking the natural rhythm of the cycle of





1. Changes of state

2. Metric units of capacity

3. Unit conversions

1. Being able to do easy calculations in order to use unit conversions

2. Measure length, surface and capacity.


1. Learn to take decisions

2. Get used to working in groups





Water is essential to life. Humans must have freshwater to live.

Earth is covered by one of our most precious resources, it is nicknamed the

“water” planet or the “blue planet” as astronauts see it from space.

But about 97% of the Earth´s water is too salty to use; 3% is freshwater

but most of it is in polar icecaps, remote glaciers and icebergs. This makes

it not very accessible. Accessible freshwater, therefore, comes from

streams, lakes and underground sources.

Earth´s water is always in movement and the water cycle, also known as

the hydrologic cycle, describes the continuous movement of water on,

above, and below the surface of the Earth.

Since the water cycle is truly a “cycle”, there is no beginning or end. Water

can change states among liquid, vapour, and ice at various places.

The multiple cycles that make up the Earth´s water cycle involve five main

physical actions: evaporation, precipitation, infiltration, runoff flow and

subsurface flow. You can see it in the mat on the next page:
How do we obtain fresh water resources then? Where does drinkable water

come from? To understand, we need to turn to the Hydrologic cycle. See

the diagram.

You can test your knowledge of safe drinking water with this quiz.

1) How much of the water of earth is available to drink?

a) 95%

b) 26%

c) 1%

2) How much of your body is made up of water?

a) 75%

b) 25%

c) 6%

3) How much water should you drink daily for good health?

a) 1-2 glasses

b) 3-4 glasses

c) 6-8 glasses

4) How many glasses or tap water do Americans drink every day?

a) A million glasses

b) 10 million glasses

c) A billion glasses

5) How long could you live without water?

a) About three months

b) About seven days

c) About one day

6) A hundred years ago, earth had

a) Much more water than there is now

b) A lot less water than there is now

c) The same amount there is now

7) One half of the world´s fresh water lies within the borders of one

nation. That country is

a) The United States

b) Canada

c) Russia

8) Drinking water sources can be contaminated by

a) Naturally occurring materials

b) Runoff from farm fields, parking lots and streets

c) All the above

9) Water that is safe to drink is called

a) Potable

b) Piliated

c) Placoid

10) For the price of one can of soda, many community water supplies

can deliver how many gallons of fresh, clean drinking water directly
to your tap?

a) 1,000 gallons

b) 500 gallons

c) 100 gallons

* Gallon = EEUU: 3,78 litres, UK: 4,55 litres

This quiz can be done on the computer (

stuff/quiz/water-quiz.htm1) Instructions are as follows:

As the questions appear on the computer:

. Just click the button next to the answer that you think is correct

. Then click the “Next Question” button when you are ready for another


. You can use the “Try Again” button to start over at any time

Put the letters in the right order to complete the sentence:

1.- All living things need _______________ (tawer) to live.

2.- When water eveporates, it travels inito the air and becomes part of a


3.- Less than 1% of all the water on the earth is _________________

(sefrh) water.

4.- We ________________ (ikrdn) water in the liquid form.

5.- Check for leaks and save hundreds of _________________ (allogns)

water a day.

6.- You´ll save water by taking a quuick _________________ (howser).

7.- Wash bikes and cars with a __________________ (kecbut) and sponge

instead of running water.

8.- Ask your ___________________ ( mfaiyl) to look for ways to save


Match the correct facts

__ Taking a shower A) 1 gallon

__ Watering the lawn B) 30 gallons

__ Washing the dishes C) 15-30 gallons

__ Washing clothes D) ½ gallon

__ Flushing the toilet E) 180 gallons

__ Brushing teeth F) 4-7 gallons

__ Drinking G) 9-20 gallons

__ Needed to process one can of fruit or H) 39,090 gallons


__ Needed to produce one ton of steel I) 62,600 gallons

__ Needed to manufacture a new car and J) 9.3 gallons

its four tires


Discuss ways to decrease water use.


a) Spend less time in the shower

b) Take a shower instead of a bath

c) Run the clothes washer and dishwasher with full loads

d) Turn off the water while brushing your teeth

Add more examples.


Nature cleans and uses water over and over again. The water changes from

liquid to a gass or a sollid (snow/ice). The water move from the ocean to

the air to the land and back again. The endless movement of water in

nature is called the water cycle.

If you want to colour your own Water Cycle Wheel, then click on the arrow

(Instructions to follow as in -cycle/

Once you have printed out Circle 1 and Circle 2, it´s time to make your

own cycle wheel! Colour the pictures on the two big circles with your

favourite colours. When you are finished colouring, cut out the two circles

and the four “cut outs” that are on circle 1. Attach the two circles together

(one on top of the other) with a metal fastener through a hole in the centre.

Put the circle with the cut outs on top. Using the tab on circle two, turn the

circle counterclockwise and see the water cycle at work!


Interactive Water Cycle

(Drinking Water and Ground Water Kids´Stuff)


Students bring maps of their countries or regions. They place

oceans, seas, rivers, streams, lakes on their map and name them.

Aim: “We challenge you to become aware of water in your


Find the litter hidden in the playground! When you click on a piece

of litter, you´ll learn about ways to dispose of it. Find all of the

litter and be an Enviro.


Activities for different levels.



Translation: The hydrosphere is the liquid water component of the Earth. It

includes the oceans, seas, lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. The

hydrosphere covers about 70% of the surface of the Earth and is the home

for many plants and animals.

The water is the most common substance on Earth, it represents two

thirds of the planet surface. It is also the only one which may appear in

three different states: Ice, water and vapour.

The water can be freshwater or seawater. However the proportion of

each one is quite different. There is a 97´3 % of salt-water and only 2´7%

is freshwater.

The water doesn´t appear spontaneusly in nature, it isn´t an

inexhaustible resource either. The water belongs to a special circulate

proccess ( cycle of water ) which is essential for life.

I´m going to break down the cycle of water to make it clear.

1) Evaporation: The water evaporates due to the increase of

temperature, that happens everywhere ( in the oceans, seas, rivers

and even part of the water from the plants and the ground

evaporates in this process).

2) Condensation: The vapour of water cools itself forming clouds. Then

the wind will drive its way through the continents.

3) Precipitation: Part of the water precipitates in different ways: Rain,

Snow and Hail, it basically depends on the temperature and the kind

of winds.
4) Infiltration: One part of the water infiltrates itself into the ground.

The remaining water circulates through rivers and lakes. Ending

finally in the sea.



Changes of state

Activity 1

Melting and boiling

Although the sun is shining,it takes a long time for the iceberg to change

into water. This change from solid to liquid is called melting. Two other

examples of solids melting to form liquids are a candle and an ice lolly.

Melting takes place at the melting point.

When water is heated in a bowl, the temperature of the water rises. When

the temperature reaches 100º C the water boils. Liquid water changes into

gas o vapour. The temperature in which boiling takes place is called the

boiling point. Different liquids have different boiling points.

1. copy and finish the following:

solid liquid gas

...... .....
2. All materials can be in three different states – solid, liquid or gas. In

which state are the following materials at room temperature?

a) polythene

b) petrol

c) air

d) limestone

3. Here are some melting and boiling points.

Material Melting point ºC Boiling point ºC

Ethanol -117 78

Antifreeze -16 198

Oxigen -218 -183

Sulphur 113 444

a) Which material has the highest melting point?

b) Which material has the lowest boiling point?

c) Draw a thermometre and mark the melting point and the boiling

point for every material, like the picture about water.

d) Paint in blue the zone where the material is solid.

e) Paint in red the zone where the material is liquid.

f) Paint in blue the zone where the materal is gas.

g) In which state are each of the materias at room temperature? Room

temperature is 20ºC

h) In which state are each of the materials at 150ºC?

i) In which state are each of the materials at -10ºC?


Ethanol 20 ºC

Antifreeze 20 ºC

Oxigen 20 ºC

sulphur 20 ºC


150 ºC

150 ºC

150 ºC

150 ºC

-10 ºC

-10 ºC

-10 ºC

-10 ºC

Activity 2

Changes on cooling

The steamy bathroom

What happens to a mirror in a bathroom if you have a hot bath or shower,

especially on a cold day? The mirror stems up so you can no longer see

yourself. The water vapour or steam turns into liquid water on the cold

surface of the mirror. This is called condensation and the water vapour

condenses on the cold surface.

Making ice lollies

Have you ever made ice lollies by putting orange squash in a mould in the

freezer? As the orange squash cools, the liquid turns into a solid called ice.

The liquid is said to freeze. This takes place at the freezing point. For pure

water the freezing point is 0 ºC but for orange squash is lower.

The ice lolly is different from the orange squash. It has a definite shape and

it is hard.

Other liquids will freeze if you cool them to the correct temperature.

1. copy and finish the following:

gas liquid solid

...... .....

2. Copy these sentences and finish them using words from the


Freeze gas liquid melt solid

The tar is heated until it is ________ and then poured onto the road. On

cooling the tar turns into a___________. On a very hot day the tar may

__________and form a liquid

3. In groups of 2-3 people do a model like the example about

the changes of the state. Don’t forget to draw an object in each state,

say the names of the changes and draw 6 arrows in the correct

solid liquid

Activity 3


1. Complete the second table with the names in the first one:

thermometer measuring cylinder hour litre ruler metre degrees

Celsius stop clock litre cubic metre balance minute second

cubic centimetre second kilogram








1. Write down the correct unit over the steps, begin with mm³ and

finish with km³.

Every step you go down you have to multiply by 1000

Every step you go up you have to divide into 1000

E.g. 1. How many cubic metres are there in 2000000 cm³?

Solution: you have to go up 2 steps so you have to divide into 1 000 000

E.g. 2 How many cubic metres are there in10 dam³?

Solution: you have to go down 1 step so you have to multiply by 1000.

2. Now, do it yourself.

Write the following measures in m³:

a) 2500000 cm³=

b) 30000 dm³=

c) 2 Hm³=

d) 15 Dm³=

Activity 4


In small groups, 2-3 people.

Do the following measures and complete the table.

lenght m cm





classmate 1

classmate 2
surface m² cm²

Notebook Length x width=

table Length x width=

blackboard Length x width=

classroom Length x width=

volume m³ cm³

Table Length x width x


Classroom Length x width x


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