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Boiler feedwater pump

A boiler feedwater pumpis a specific type of pump used to pump feedwater into a steam boiler. The water may be freshly supplied
or returning condensate produced as a result of the condensation of the steam produced by the boiler. These pumps are normally high
pressure units that take suction from a condensate return system and can be of the centrifugal pump type or positive displacement

Construction and operation
Failure of mechanical seal
Steam-powered pumps
Duplex steam pump
Model Pumps
See also

Construction and operation

Feedwater pumps range in size up to many horsepower and the electric motor is usually separated from the pump body by some form
of mechanical coupling. Large industrial condensate pumps may also serve as the feedwater pump. In either case, to force the water
into the boiler, the pump must generate sufficient pressure to overcome the steam pressure developed by the boiler. This is usually
accomplished through the use of a centrifugal pump.Another common form of feedwater pumps run constantly and are provided with
a minimum flow device to stop overpressuring the pump on low flows. The minimum flow usually returns to the tank or deaerator

Failure of mechanical seal

Mechanical seals of boiler feedwater pumps often show signs of electrical corrosion. The relative movement between the sliding ring
and the stationary ring provokes static charging which is not diverted due to the very low conductivity of the boiler water below one
micro-Siemens per cm [μS/cm]. Within short periods of operation – in some cases only a few hundred operational hours – pieces
having the size of finger tips break off from the sliding and/or the stationary ring and cause rapid increases in leakage current.
Diamond-coated (DLC) mechanical seals avoid this problem and extend durability remarkably

Steam-powered pumps
Steam locomotives and the steam engines used on ships and stationary applications such as power plants also require feedwater
pumps. In this situation, though, the pump was often powered using a small steam engine that ran using the steam produced by the
boiler. A means had to be provided, of course, to put the initial charge of water into the boiler (before steam power was available to
operate the steam-powered feedwater pump). The pump was often a positive displacement pump that had steam valves and cylinders
at one end and feedwater cylinders at the other end; no crankshaft was required.

Duplex steam pump

A duplex steam pump has two sets of steam and water cylinders. They are not
physically connected but the steam valves on the first pump are operated by the
movement of the second pump's piston rod, and vice versa. The result is that there
are no "dead spots" and the pump is always self-starting.

Model Pumps

See also
Boiler feedwater
Injector Weir feedwater pump

1. Diamond-coated (DLC) seals in 27.000h endurance test,(
Technical University of Graz
2. "Duplex Pump (from Internet Glossary of Pumps)"( Retrieved 2012-04-22.
3. "Boiler Feed Model Pumps"(

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