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Knightly News

Welcome to CCCMC

The Caldwell Career Center Middle College is a technical school designed to

prepare high school students for careers and further education. At the Mid-
dle College there are three academies which offer a career path that is suited to
each field. First, there is Advanced Technology. In the Advanced Technology
program, we offer creative and technical work. We do a variety of projects in-
cluding graphics, media production, and programming. Each student will take
high school and college classes geared towards getting certificates and pursuing
a career in computer technology. The next academy is Biomed. Biomed is for the
students who enjoy caring for others and finding out more about anatomy and
science. The Middle College offers classes to further enhance and sharpen this
knowledge. Careers along this path include doctor, veterinarian, dentist, and fo-
rensics analyst. The final academy is Engineering. The Middle College prepares
students to adapt to a variety of engineering based jobs and helps provide a gen-
eral education to enhance skills needed to do so. CCCMC is a very work inten-
sive school and provides students with the freedom to complete their education
as efficiently as possible.
Student Opinion GET INVOLVED!
“I would highly rec- Here at the Career Center Middle College, we offer many extracurricular
activities. We like to provide time for fun along with getting involved. There’s
ommend joining at something here for everyone! We have Art Club for the creative spirits,which
least one club here. It’s is sponsored and directed by our very own Lynn Bojko. In this club, students
are able to express their creativity by creating a new and exciting art project
a great way to meet each week. Although, if a particular art project doesn’t appeal to them, every-
one is welcome to use the provided art supplies to create something inspired
new people and is re- from their own imagination. Art Club typically meets every other Tuesday,
ally fun. It’s also cool but is adjusted to accommodate the school’s schedule. Pictured to the right is
a group of students making origami for Haley Coleman ( mentioned in later
to know you’re a part article).
of something.” -Megan
As gaming grows more and more popular, more students begin competing
Conley in tournaments, playing on teams, and working together to enjoy games. As
CCCMC Student, Me- gaming becomes a more social activity, it becomes important for students to
interact with others. Who better than themselves? This is what Game Club at
gan Conley is involved CCCMC is all about. We provide a carefree, fun environment while teaching
in SkillsUSA and students teamwork and practicing skill and strategy. Pictured to the right is
two students competing in a game.
Yearbook Committee.
Similar to Game Club, Esports Club is a club where students can go to com-
She credits clubs for pete in gaming tournaments. It is much like having a sports club. There is
helping her meet new training and different levels of tournaments. While it takes a more individu-
alistic approach to competition, there is a great sense of sportsmanship and
friends and says she community.
highly enjoys being
Fandom Club is a club where students can celebrate the shows, movies, char-
a part of something. acters, games and etc. that they enjoy. They offer movie days, provide ways for
Many students can say students to get to know each other, and institute expression of interests. Fan-
dom Club meets every other Monday and is a great way to make new friends.
the same and love be-
ing involved. Overall, Everyone remembers a terrible yearbook photo or two. In CCCMC’s Year-
book Committee multiple students work together to create a cool design to
I think it’s safe to say go perfectly with these images. They work with different page layout software
to create one cohesive design. They are responsible for the layout, theme, and
clubs are a great thing design of the yearbook. Needless to say, everyone is grateful for their effort in
for students to benefit making us all look better. Yearbook Committee meets every Tuesday.
from. What would high school teen dramas be without prom? The idealized last mo-
ment of youth before students graduate and enter the “real world”. CCCMC’s
Prom Committee is in charge of making this the most magical experience
possible. Prom Committee strategically plans, funds, sets up and tears down
the prom. Prom Committee meets once a month on Thursdays.

If you keep up your grades and like serving your community, then Beta Club
is for you. Beta Club members can hold positions as officers. Students do ser-
vice projects and work towards as many service hours as possible. Beta Club
meets every first Monday of the month.
Students enjoying making origami in Art Club

Students engaged in some friendly competition in Game Club.

I’m trying to cling to the
But it keeps getting far-
ther out of sight
Everyone has an opinion
on what I should do
But they don’t under-
stand, it’s you
I waited so long
And now everything
might be gone
I could say I’m already
So maybe you would
move on
But I don’t want this to
I don’t want to just be
You and I have something
Something that everyone
wants to steal
Please give me another
Or at least one more
At your smile that no one
Been able to find since I

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