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for ÜDS & KPDS

den dolayı (owing
due to :
The twentieth century has been called ‘the hydrocarbon abundance : bolluk X scarcity
century’ due to the abundance of fossil fuels, and their contribution
: katkı
contribution to human development. Fossil fuels were
formed over millions of years by the decomposing remains form : oluşturmak,şekil
of plants and animals under immense
immens heat and pressure. decompose : çürü(t)mek
remains : kalıntı
This process resulted in energy laden fuels, coal,
immense : büyük = huge,vast
petroleum, and natural gas, which together have laden : yüklü
generated most of the energy consumed globally for over a process : süreç
century, paving the way for continued advancement and resulted in : ile sonuçlanmak
new inventions. generate : üretmek
consume : tüketmek
Fossil fuels are currently the most economically available yolu
pave :
source of power for both personal and commercial uses. açmak,döşemek
Petroleum fuels our cars and thirst for plastics, while advancement : ilerleme
natural gas and coal heat and electrify our homes. Mass invention : icat
currently : şu anda = presently
transportation is also largely propelled
propel by fossil fuels. In
source : kaynak
2005, more than 3/4 of total world energy consumption commercial : ticari
was through the use of fossil fuels. Petroleum led with over thirst : susuzluk
43,4 percent of the world's total energy consumption, büyük oranda = for
followed by natural gas (15,6 15,6 percent) and coal (8,3 the most part,
largely :
percent). North America is the largest consumer of fossil mostly,
fuels, utilizing nearly 25 percent of the world's resources.
propell : itmek
Long thought to be inexhaustible, fossil fuels have been consumption : tüketim
consumer : tüketici
used extensively since the Industrial Revolution. However,
utilize : kullanmak
many believe that the world is using fossil fuels at an yaklaşık =
unsustainable rate. Some experts believe that the world almost
nearly :
has already reached its peak for oil extraction and closely
production, and that it is only a matter of time before virtually
natural gas and coal follow suit. These near-term
near concerns inexhaustible : bitmez
about oill supply have led to increasing focus on, and extensively : yoğun bir şekilde
unsustainable : sürdürülemez
exploration of, alternative sources of petroleum, such as in
expert : uzman
tar sands and oil shale. peak : zirve,doruk
extraction : (maden) çıkartma
concern(about) : endişe
supply : kaynak,sağlamak
lead to : yol açmak
increasing : artan X decreasing
focus on : odaklanmak
exploration : araştırma
such as : örneğin,---gibi

To release their stored energy, fossil fuels must be burned. salmak =emit=give
release :
It is during this combustion process that a variety of off
emissions and particulates, including ash, are released into burn : yakmak
combustion : yanma
the atmosphere. Primary releases are sulfur, nitrogen, and
including : dahil X excluding
carbon, which can be harmful to the environment. They ana =
can combine with water vapor in the air to form acidic chief
compounds that create acid rain, and burning fossil fuels primary : elementary
releases carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that scientists main
believe is key factor in global climate change. principal
zararlı =
There are also environmental risks associated with harmful (to) : destructive
extracting, transporting, and utilizing fossil fuels. Mining for detrimental
combine : birleştirmek
coal and drilling for oil are especially hazardous because
the digging of massive mines and wells can change the : ile ilgili,bağlantılı
surrounding landscapes and bring massive amounts of salt özellikle =
especially :
water to the surface which can damage nearby ecosystems particularly
without proper treatment and sequestration. Natural gas hazardous : tehlikeli =risky
extraction is somewhat safer, but can also be hazardous. dig : kazmak
While there are regulations in place that attempts to massive : büyük
nearby : yakınlarda
minimize the risks, it is impossible to eliminate them
proper : uygun,düzgün
completely. However, regulation is not sufficient; there sequestration : el koyma
must be continued research in developing new somewhat : biraz
technologies for both fossil fuel and renewable energy, in attempt : girişim,girişmek
addition to an increasing conservation measures.
meas eliminate : ortadan kaldırmak
regulation : düzenleme
yeterli =
sufficient :
renewable : yenilenebilir
in addition to : -e ilaveten
koruma =
conservation :
measure : önlem,ölçmek

surface : yüzey
The surface of the Earth is shaped by a combination of shape :
physical processes, including earthquakes and volcanoes, shift : değiştirmek
shifts of rocks and sediments, and flows of river and ice. agricultural : tarımsal
Humans also shape the land through increasing expansion : genişleme
populations, agricultural expansion, mineral
mi and forest excavation : kazı
infrastructure : altyapı
resource excavation, changing the flow of rivers, and with
existing : var olan
layers of industrial and urban infrastructure. Land cover is vegetation : bitki örtüsü
the physical and biological material found on the surface of describe : tanımlamak
the land, existing as vegetation or the built environment various : çeşitli
created structures). Land use describes the various make use of : kullanmak
ways in which human beings make use of and manage the manage : yönetmek
land and its resources. modification : değiştirm
shelter : sığınak,korumak
Over the course of history, humans have had a changeable gather : topla(n)mak
relationship to the land. Early humans are believed to have defensive : savunmacı
domestication : evcilleştirme
ed the land with little modification for shelter, food
approximately : yaklaşık
gathering, and defensive aims. It wasn't until the extensive : yoğun
domestication of plants and animals approximately 10,000 settlement : yerleşim
years ago that land use involved extensive changes in the defense : savunmak
landscape. With domestication came large-scale clearing worship : tapmak
for both settlement and agriculture. Growing populations alter : değiştirmek
instance : örnek;defa,kez
built structures on the land (or out of the land) for shelter,
make-up : YAPI
defense and worship, and altered the existing land cover contribute TO : katkıda bulunmak
and the course of waterways for food, power, and suitable : uygun
transportation. prone TO : yatkın,eğilimli
flooding : sel basma,taşma
In many instances, the biological and physical make-up
make of located : yerleşmiş
the land contributes to how it is used; lands with rich soils bitişik =
are most suitable for farming while lands prone to flooding adjacent to : neighbouring
are less suitable for settlement. Large cities, for example, next to
are oftenn located adjacent to an ocean or river, providing provide : sağlamak
essential : gerekli
essential water, and access for food, sewer, industrial, and
access : giriş,erişim
economic purposes. As food, power, transportation, and purpose : amaç
communication technologies transformed over the last few communication : iletişim
centuries in order to meet the needs
eeds of a rapidly expanding ihtiyacı
meet the needs :
population, there have been major changes in the patterns karşılamak
of land use worldwide. hızlıca =
rapidly : quickly
expand : genişlemek
worldwide : dünya çapında

During the 18th and 19th centuries, many acres of forest reverse : tersine çevirmek
were cleared to make way for cropland, and for use as fuel regeneration : yenilenme
and building material. In many developed countries that deforestation : ormansızlaştırma
concern : endişe,ilgi
trend is reversing, and the regeneration of vegetation is
decrease (IN) : azalma
occurring. However, in many man developing countries, increase (IN) : artma
deforestation and unsustainable agricultural practices are urban : kentsel
still a major concern. Yet, worldwide, the most land : arazi
transformative change has been in the decrease of apt : uygun
cropland and the increase of urban land. rather than : -den ziyade
inner : iç X outer
Today, industrial areas are more apt
a to be found in dedicated to : adanmış,ayrılmış
suburban locales rather than in inner cities, while areas impermeable : sızdırmaz,geçirmez
punctuate : araya girmek
dedicated to natural resource extraction and production
integrate : birleştirmek
continue to be found most often in rural areas. Modern
city life is marked by large commercial and residential
spaces, with impermeable surfaces punctuated by the
occasional green space. These areas are connected by a
vast transportation network that snakes across land and
water, exchanging people, goods, and natural resources
between the urban, suburban, and rural areas. Land use
decisions have since moved from the single farmer
deciding where to place his crops to a more integrated
view of land use planning.

basic : temel
The basic building block for all life on Earth, water is the plentiful : çok = copious
in fact : aslında
most plentiful natural resource on the planet; in fact, over
thirds of the Earth is covered by water. However, 97 cover :
percent is held in the oceans, while only 3 percent is accessible : ulaşılabilir
freshwater. Of the freshwater, only 1 percent is easily store : depo,depolamak
accessible as ground or surface water, the remains are düzenli = equally
evenly :
stored in glaciers and icecaps. Moreover, freshwater is not X unevenly
evenly distributed across land surfaces, and there are a distribute : dağıtmak
a number of : bir çok
number of heavily populated countries located in arid lands
yoğun şekilde
where fresh water is scarce. heavily :
X lightly
scarce : nadir,seyrek
Water also regulates the temperature of the planet and
regulate : düzenlemek
cycles essential nutrients through the land, air, and all gerekli =
living things. The flow of water through the atmosphere, important
biosphere, lithosphere, andnd hydrosphere is called the crucial
hydrologic, or water, cycle. Thus, water is both the most indispensable
essential :
abundant natural resource on our planet and a necessary
of the essence
fundamental element of life whose preciousness requires
diligent management. substantive
nutrient : besleyici
Philosophies guiding management of water supplies suppl
bu yüzden
changed during the 20th century. Until the second half of thus :
the 1900s, water management was governed by the goal of abundant : bol
moving water to where it was most needed, particularly for fundamental : temel
irrigation of agricultural lands. Rivers, lakes, and other precious : değerli
bodies of water were also used to carry away wastes from gerektirmek =
municipal and industrial uses, because it was believed that ask
call for
the pollutants would disperse in the water. In the past
three decades, the focus of water management has shifted require : expect
to considerations of municipal, agricultural, and industrial involve
supplies, water quality, and the protection of aquatic necessitate
ecosystems. need
diligent : çalışkan
particularly : özellikle
irrigation : sulama
municipal : belediye
disperse : dağıtmak,yaymak
consideration : göz önüne alma
protection : koruma

Many argue that privatization, rather than state-control,
state argue that : iddia etmek
produces the most equitable, environmentally friendly, and privatization : özelleştirme
economically sound system for managing both the equitable : tarafsız,adil
distribution : dağıtım,dağılım
distribution and consumption of water. Water rights which
consumption : tüketim
are transferable from one individual to another are the private : özel X public
fundamental building blocks of such a system. Rather than just as : tıpkı
government controlling access to water, in a private
priv system property : mal,özellik
individuals buy, sell, and trade water rights, just as we do right : hak;doğru
with property rights today. However, critics charge that unequal : eşit değil
skew : çarpıklık
private water markets will undersupply consumers and
A means (OF) : araçlar,yöntemler
lead to unequal distribution, skewing towards those with
more means. Yet, in practice, this seems not to be the case. in practice :
X in theory
interestingly : ilginç şekilde
Interestingly enough, privatization benefits are actually görülebilir
most visible in developing countries. People living on the visible :
X invisible
margins, without recognizable property or water rights, are margin : sınır,kenar
able to access clean drinking water for a small cost because recognizable : tanınabilir
local water vendors have responded to the many failures of cost : malolmak,maliyet
government supply. In West Africa, for example, small, vendor : satıcı
respond to : yanıt vermek
disposable bags of clean drinking water called ‘sachets’ are
FAILURE : başarısızlık
available throughout the region for only a few cents. Many
M disposable : elden çıkarılabilir
foreign companies are also responding to this increased demand : talep,talep etmek
demand, shipping large amounts of bottled water to shipping : sevkiyat
consumers who need it most. effectively : etkili şekilde
treat :
In creating a realistic market for water, price increases will etmek
effectively treat water as a finite and precious resource,
resou finite : sınırlı X infinite
reflecting all costs associated with its use; therefore, precious : değerli
resource : kaynak
individuals will adapt, innovate, and find creative ways to
reflect : yansıtmak
trade and conserve. When prices do not reflect scarcity, it therefore : bu yüzden
can result in waste, inefficiency, and environmental adapt : uyum sağlamak
degradation. innovate : yeni,yenilikçi
creative : yaratıcı
conserve : korumak
scarcity : kıtlık,azlık
inefficiency : etkisizlik
degradation : bozulma

Ecosystems concept
ile ilgili =
The ecosystem concept has its roots in theoretical concepts regarding : concerning,relatin
regarding the organization and dynamics of natural g
systems. The word itself is of relatively recent origin; it was nispeten =
relatively :
initially suggested by a scientist in 1935 as a more abstract comparatively
replacement for the community concept. In its present initially : başlangıçta
abstract : soyut X concrete
usage, however, an ecosystem is generally defined as a
replacement : yedek,ikame
community of organisms living in a particular environment community : toplum
and the physical elements in that environment with which şu anki ;
they interact. Just as there is an immense diversity
diversit of present : var,mevcut X
individual species on the planet, so is there a rich diversity absent
of ecosystems from the icy arctic zones to tropical forests usage : kullanım
define : tanımlamak
lush with plants and animals. They occur on many different
particular : belli,bazı
scales, with smaller systems embedded within larger
interact : etkileşmek
systems. An ecosystem
stem can be as small as a fallen log or as just as : tıpkı
large as the ocean, depending on the scale that the immense : büyük
researcher is examining. But where does one particular diversity : çeşitlilik
ecosystem end and another begin? While the borders of species : türler
some may be clear, such as a pond; others may be less les easy olmak = take
occur :
to define, such as marshland that leads into a waterway.
embeded : gömülü
In order to better understand the ecological makeup of the log : gövde
Earth, scientists have proposed many different ways of depend on :
categorizing terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Most examine : incelemek
classification systems aree defined by the type of plant and border : sınır
animal life living in an area in relation to global climate clear : açık,belli
patterns. The most common system divides the world into marshland : bataklık arazi
biomes based on the dominant plant life that occurs within propose : teklif etmek
a certain climate. Other ways of defining ecosystems
ecos use classification : sınıflandırma
in relation to : --e oranla,ile ilgili
more specific classifications incorporating characteristics
divide : bölmek
such as rainfall patterns, type of soil, and particular species. based on : -- e dayanan
regions, for example, are nested within biomes and are egemen X
used by conservationists to define areas of the world which predominant
dominant :
hare a majority of their species and ecological dynamics in prevailing
similar environmental conditions. Newer methods of prevalent
certain : belli,bazı,kesin
classifying the world are more human-centered.
human For
instance, anthropogenic biomes are defined by sustained : birleştirmek
direct human interaction with ecosystems.
ecosyste for instance : örneğin = e.g
sustain : sürdürmek
: etkileşim

Because ecosystems are so interconnected, there have interconnected : birbirine bağlı
been many efforts by scientists to define the effect of effort : çaba
change on ecosystem functioning. Though there may be no function : işlev
nutrient : besin
true balance of nature,, changes to the number or type of
observe : gözlemek
species, temperature, soil nutrients, and other factors have sonunda =
all been observed to alter ecosystem functions. Some at last
changes may ultimately lead to species extinctions and ultimately : finally
eventual ecosystem collapse; though it can be difficult for in the end
scientists to determine exactly which factor or combination eventually
extinction : yok olma
of factors contribute to any negative outcomes. There are
eventual : nihai = ultimate
many uncertainties
ncertainties in predicting both ecosystem change
collapse : çökmek
and ecosystem functioning, and scientists continue to belirlemek,saptam
refine both their method of assessment as well as the determine :
ak,karar vermek
definition of a healthy ecosystem. exactly : aynen = precisely
sonuç =
outcome :
uncertainty : belirsizlik
predict : tahmin etmek
refine :
assessment : değerlendirme
as well as : -de- da
tanımlama =
definition :

dependent on : dayanan,bağlı
ulaşılabilirlik =
The development of modern civilization has been availability :
dependent on both the availability and the advancement of advancement : ilerleme
energy. We have witnessed a progression from animal and witness : tanıklık etmek
steam power, to the internal combustion engine and progression : ilerleme
electricity generation and to the harnessing
harnessin of alternative steam : buhar
internal : iç X external
sources of energy. Because of our reliance on energy
combustion : yanma
sources, it is also important to understand the effects of generation : üretim
energy use on the environment. All aspects of energy, the control etmek,
way itt is produced, distributed, and consumed can affect harness :
local, regional,
nal, and global environments through land use reliance on : bağlılık
and degradation, air pollution, the acidification of water aspect : yön,özellik
and soils, and through global climate change via distribute : dağıtmak
consume : tüketmek
greenhouse gas emissions.
affect : etkilemek
The majority of our energy stems from fossil fuels such as local : yerel
regional : bölgesel
coal, oil, and natural
tural gas; yet, the burning of these fuels is a
through : sayesinde
large source of carbon dioxide emissions which contributes degradation : bozulma
to the greenhouse effect. Coal is dominant in the via : yolu ile
production of electricity, while oil is the world's primary greenhouse gas : sera gazı
transportation fuel. Natural gas use, mostm commonly for majority : çoğunlukX minority
heating, is growing quickly; however, while cleaner and less stem from : kaynaklanmak
such as : --örneğin,gibi
carbon intensive than coal and oil, natural gas also emits
yet : henüz,fakat
significant amounts of carbon dioxide. burn : yakmak
contribute to : katkıda bulunmak
While fossil fuels will remain our largest source of energy
effect : etki
for the foreseeable future, they are ultimately finite dominant : egemen
resources. With concern over domestic supply and reliance ana,temel =
on foreign supplies, increasing costs and environmental chief
primary :
impacts, there is an increasing push to utilize alternative main
fuel sources. principal
commonly : yaygın
growing : artan
intensive : yoğun
significant : önemli
öngörülebilir =
foreseeable :
ultimately : nihayetinde
finite : sınırlı
etki =
impact (ON) :
utilize : kullanmak
Hydrogen is the most abundant
element in the universe and could

be an important factor in our energy future since it can abundant : bol
both carry and store energy. As such, hydrogen can be carry : taşımak
used in a wide variety of applications, from portable store : depolamak,depo
variety : çeşitlilik
devices and stationary sources to transportation vehicles
application : uygulama,başvuru
through the use of fuel cells, with the only byproducts portable : taşınabilir
being water and heat. Yet, while it can be manufactured device : araç
from renewable energy sources, the majority of hydrogen stationary : sabit,durağan
is produced by processing fossil fuels which emit pollutants vehicle : araç
in the process. A significant challenge
hallenge in the availability of byproduct : yan ürün
manufacture : üretmek
rogen energy is the large amount of energy, fossil,
renewable : yenilenebilir
nuclear, hydro that will be needed to generate the
process : süreç,işlem
hydrogen. emit : yaymak
pollutant : kirleten
Nuclear energy provides nearly a fifth of the world's challenge : sorun,engel
electricity without harmful by-products.
products. Yet, concern over generate : üretmek
safe storage and disposal of radioactive
adioactive waste, along with nearly : yaklaşık
the potential for accidents, radiation contamination and harmful : zararlı
exposure continues. This concern, along with those concern : ilgi,endişe
opposed to nuclear energy, has blocked its advancement as disposal : atma,boşaltma
along with : ile birlikte
a practical and sustainable energy source.
potential : gizli,kuvvet,olası
contamination : kirletme
Between increasingng costs and concern over the
exposure TO : maruz kalma
environmental effects related to fossil fuel use, and
related to : ile ilgili
controversy over the use of nuclear power, research and controversy : tartışma
development in the area of renewable sources of energy flourish : gelişmek
continues to flourish. These sources, wind, solar, require : gerektirmek
geothermal,, and water, have been used in one form or additional : ilave
another for many centuries, but require additional advancement : ilerleme
competitive : rekabetçi
advancement before they can become cost-competitive
conventional : geleneksel
with conventional energy sources. They also face the yüzleşmek,
challenge of providing sufficient amounts of electricity to face : karşı karşıya
be a meaningful contributor to our growing power needs. kalmak
meaningful : anlamlı
growing : artan

The 2005 Energy Policy Act established a practical
establish : kurmak
approach toward energy development and energy
practical : kullanışlı
independence for the country. In late 2007, Congress approach : kaklaşım
passed another energy bill which will increase CAFE (fuel independence
: bağımsızlık
economy) standards, implement a Renewable Fuels (FROM/OF)
Standard, and seek to improve America’s energy efficiency. bill : yasa taslağı,fatura
However, rather than providing significant economic and implement : uygulamak
seek : araştırmak
environmental benefits, some believe it is a politically-
improve : geliş(tir)mek
motivated measure that fails to take into consideration efficiency : etkililik =efficacy
economic and market forces. rather than : -den ziyade
benefit FROM : fayda,faydalanmak
As human consumption of energy continues to increase, motivate : teşvik etmek
further research and development will be necessary to measure : önlem;ölçmek
produce alternative and/or renewable sources of energy fail TO DO : başarısız olmak
that are readily available, affordable, and less harmful to take into
: gözönüne almak
the environment than conventional
conventiona fossil fuels. While our consideration
force : güç,zorlamak
dependence on energy is not likely to decrease, it will be
necessary : gerekli
important to foster new innovations in energy technologies
readily : kolayca,isteyerek
with a larger focus on energy efficiency and conservation. ulaşılır,satın
affordable :
zararlı =
harmful (TO) :
: bağımlılık
likely TO DO : muhtemel
teşvik etmek
foster :
innovation : yenilik
focus ON : odaklanmak
conservation : koruma

Food civilization : uygarlık
root : kök
Human civilization has its roots in the early domestication domestication : evcilleştirme
of plants and animals nearly 10,000 years ago. Success in success IN : başarılı olmak
this endeavor led to drastic changes in how and where çaba göstemek =
human beings lived; agriculture led humans from a
endeavor : enterprise
nomadic existence to one based in permanent and semi- semi strive
permanent settlements. It even changed how humans try
acted with one another and how they interacted with drastic : şiddetli,sert
the Earth. nomadic : göçebe
existence : varolma X extiction
The unprecedented growth in global population that permanent : kalıcı = lasting
occurred in the 20th century was made possible by the settlement : yerleşim
remarkable advances in agriculture, public health, and interact with : etkileşmek
technology. The Green Revolution brought high-yield crops unprecedented :
and advanced growing techniques to developing countries, make possible : olası kılmak
improving nutrition and health in most parts of the world. dikkate değer
remarkable :
Continued growth, however, will likely require more land = noteworthy
to plant and water for irrigation, increasing pressure on advance IN : ilerlemek
habitats and natural resources. agriculture : tarım
yield : ürün vermek
Advanced agricultural methods have made it possible to crop : ürün
grow more food on fewer acres of land, permitting some nutrition : beslenme
pressure : baskı
land to be returned to forest and other natural states. Yet,
habitats : yerleşim
there are costs associated with high-yield
high methods,
advanced : ileri
ncluding a heavy reliance on pesticides and fertilizers. izin vermek
Runoff from agricultural lands affects the water quality of permit :
lakes and rivers. Erosion continues to be a serious dönmek,geri
return :
environmental problem in the absence of preventative vermek
measures. And, irrigation required in many parts of the associated
: ilgili
world can be a significant drain on water supplies in arid
fertilizer : gübre
areas and, if improperly managed, can lead to a buildup of runoff : boşalma.akış
salt deposits, which can severely degrade soil quality. absence : yokluk X presence
preventative : önleyici
The most critical challenge is to find ways to increase food arid : kurak
production while minimizing environmental degradation. improperly : uygunsuz
Considerable research in this and other countries has led to buildup : artma
advanced methods to preserve soil and prevent erosion, deposit : brikinti,depozito
including conservation tilling and computer-controlled
computer severely : şidetli bir şekilde
degrade : niteliğini bozmak
application of pesticides, fertilizers,
rtilizers, and water.
critical : tehlikeli
considerable : önemli =sizeable
tilling : sürülme

The use of pesticides and new types of genetic modification : değiştirme
modification, or "genetic engineering," continue to be controversial : tartışmalı
controversial. In order to reduce a reliance on pesticides, sophisticated : ileri,gelişmiş
traditional : geleneksel
methods such as biocontrol (using other species to control
breed : beslemek,
pests), more sophisticated traditional breeding (DNA yetiştirmek
shuffling; marker recombination) to enhance positive traits, shuffling : karıştırma
and using biotechnology to create pest-resistant
pest crops are enhance : gelitirmek
being tested. While biocontrol using naturally occurring trait : özellik
and mutant species is generally accepted, especially by resistant TO : dirençli
accept : kabul etmek
organic producers, the use of genetically modified
deletion : iptal etmek
biocontrol agents changed by DNA deletion or insertion of
insertion : ekleme
new traits are not accepted due to concerns about their rare : nadir
potential impacts. Natural hybrids of species, though rare, notably : özellikle
are known, most notably, triticale,
iticale, a highly nutritious cereal nutritious : besleyici
produced by crossing rye and wheat. rye : çavrdar
wheat : buğday

Environment & Society VOCABULARY
throughout : boyunca
Throughout history humans have both affected, and been a good deal : bir çok
due to : den dolayı
affected by, the natural world. While a good deal has been
lost due to human actions, much of what is valued about value :
the environment has been preserved and protected uncertainty : belirsizlik
through human action. While many uncertainties
unce remain, gerçekleştirme,
realization :
there is a realization that environmental problems are fark etme
becoming more and more complex, especially as issues karmaşık X
complex :
arise on a more global level, such as that of atmospheric simple
especially : özellikle
pollution or global warming.
issue : konu
Interactions between human society and the environment arise FROM : ortaya çıkmak
constantly : devamlı
are constantly changing. The environment, while highly
ensure : garanti etmek
valued by most, is used and altered by a wide variety of tradeoff : takas
people with many different interests and values. unanticipated : beklenmeyen
Difficulties remain on how best to ensure the protection of kasıtsız,tesadüfi
our environment and naturalural resources. There will always = accidental
be tradeoffs and, many times, unanticipated or unintended causeless
consequences. However, a well--managed environment can unintended :
provide goods and services that are both essential for our unintentional
well being as well as for continued economic prosperity.
prospe unplanned
The environment has become one of the most important consequence : sonuç
issues of our time and will continue to be well into the well being : refah
future. The challenge is to find approaches to prosperity : zenginlik,refah
environmental management that give people the quality of foundation : temel;kurum
life they seek while protecting the environmental systems superficial : yüzeysel
that are also the foundations of our well being. In order to knowledge : bilgi
awareness : farkındalık
face these challenges, students today will need more than
multidisciplinary : çok disiplinli
superficial knowledge or awareness of disconnected strength : güç,kuvvet
environmental issues. A multidisciplinary approach to option : seçenek
learning can
an build upon the strengths of a wide range of relationship : ilişki
fields of study, providing a deeper understanding of the
technological, political, and social options and strategies
for both studying and managing the relationship between
our society and the environment.


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