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Zee Griston and The Black of Fire –Thalys

Eduardo Barbosa-Billy Ventura

The message of Verona
orte. The mist hid the figure of a mysterious girl
who ran through a beautiful grove in the moonlight, piercing it frantically. It was Marina Capucci. The
girl does not
he could control the violent longing he felt for Zee Griston;
it was extremely difficult for the girl to spend her vacation away from
your love and the school of Kimbulândia. She had run over the night sheets to a safe place to send a
passionate letter to the boy who had given her the reason to feel alive.
Zee, I know our love is forbidden. I'm feeling
skin, here in Verona, what other lovers felt:
the presence of something impossible. Me, a girl from
Americus, destined to love a boy of the Luminarius. Love is swallowing my senses, I never imagined that
the greenish gleam in your eyes would make me
so much lacking. My sweet and beloved, I hope you are well;
Know that I think of you at all times.
With love, Marina

P.S .: The ball glass will break after the message is read. The stars were more than in
love and in love at that moment. Zee had just received a messenger ball with a papyrus
Nina, whom she had not seen for a long time - since returning to house on school
holidays. The boy felt almost - or more - same feelings for the girl. - Hey, you stupid
kid! It was cut with that glass, right? - asked Caveirinha. "No, sir, it's tomato sauce,"
Zee lied. Zee was playing with his collector's locomotive and listening to samba The
next day, I would go to the dentist. Zee was bored at home; a great storm seized him.
He could not meet his friends, who were still trying to explain to their parents where
they had been and what Kimbulanda was. They did not accept this new world at all, the
magical world; already for Zee, the most difficult was to live with the annoying of his
stepfather, who was curious to know how a bird so big and different like Amorá and the
little dog, Futrica, did not exist in animal books and documentaries. The boy's mother
was extremely proud of everything the son had done. Now, more than ever, they were
united as best friends. Zee had just gone to take passion fruit ice cream with his
cousin, Guilherme, who was really cool, liked games, break and sandwich. Luck.
Friendship. Zee always felt this by sitting on his tire swing. She watched the immortality
of her bird, Amorá, and he saw an angel watching his grandmother; an angel he always
cultivated within his heart, eating some crackers and tallow pies in the midst of the wild
nature of his soul.

- Zee, by chance Merlin told you that you owe me 300 gold dreams "No, Grandma, he
did not tell me anything," Zee replied, feeling his winged-crown tattoo glitter. In the
kitchen, there were many fresh vegetables and salsas, fresh apples, fresh strawberries
freshly harvested and a model, as if it were a farm, with a beautiful fence. Zee's
stepfather was mumbling all over the house in the old 5, in Jardim Ipanema in
Cansville. Xandoca, the cat, was growing pompous and sleepy. Merlin had written a
letter to Zee. The letter arrived in the mailbox with the coat of arms of Kimbulândia and
who took the letter was a great butterfly pastel blue She left the letter on PlofferGood
Street, number 12: Dear Zee, Time identifiers have identified their presence. Now, at
this moment, you are aware that it is a kimbulo in the past. This note is to let you know
this. I am very happy for you, for this revolution in the world of magic. I am leaving you
the star of the journey, I hope that in this moment you already know for what she does.
I hope to see you in Kimbulândia. If you need help, remember to count with friends, our
school exists and will always exist for the faithful at heart. All that you need, you will
find with love. Keep this Letter; it contains a secret that you will soon know. Merlin

- This kid is very rebellious! How could you allow Did he get that tattoo, Keila? He
asked his wife. "I did not allow anything, it must be henna," she replied. kimbulo,
fearing that her husband would discover her world. Zee had secretly trained various
spells and now had incredible abilities, such as the Lectius spell, which banished the
Incubus, terrible, salient demons. Zee liked to watch cartoons. The days passed very
slowly and the return of Zee and his friends to school was already approaching. The
only news the boy had of his world came from his grandmother, who loved to tell him
their adventures against evil kimbulos using clouds of tibia, already that she knew that
winter would come cruelly to school to where the grandson would soon return. The
days soon passed. Zee would return for his and he had not heard from his friends. The
boy went to Doug's house and the boy's father said he was in the Himalayan Mall with
the rest of your friends. Zee left his suitcase and his caged animals ready for the trip.
Had a blue and red knitting jacket and enjoyed playing poker with his cousin Ruan. Zee
was adept at recycling; he loved to recycle things, liked to take care of the planet and
always helped to take the garbage to out of home; She also did the dishes and cleaned
the house for her family. Her grandmother was like her tutor; she educated him and
always gave a way of being an honest and honorable family. Zee, now, even without
understanding, carried a crown, and this made him responsible. Whenever you are in
danger, your crown shines like ice. "Mother, I'm going to the Himalayan Mall to try to
find the
my friends. "I'll be right back," Zee said to his beautiful mother.
"Do not delay, dear, dinner will soon be on the table. Today
we'll have rice and beans, fries and steak - replied to Kimbulo with
Zee kept sliding with his scooter to the other side of the lane, arriving in a dark street full of hallelujahs
on the light poles.
"Doug, Loryn, are you there?" Zee asked for the night.
Zee had good memories of the Trevi Fountain, for which
he made a request
Nothing could be heard but the noise of the crickets all night. Zee
perceived the presence of magic; Something was wrong there, some
something quite unusual for the world of normal people. Zee
He sat on the pavement waiting for the arrival of some of his friends when he fell asleep there, propped
up on a
light, surrounded by halleluis all over his jacket. Zee loves football,
sports and motorcycles. He set up his train, his locomotive magically flying in the sky. Zee was imagining
on the
Santa Claus in Kimbulândia ...
"Is everything okay with you, boy?" Asked a man, his face hidden in the shadows.
"Yes, I'm fine, but where exactly did I end up?" -
asked Zee, narrowing his eyes to try to visualize the face
of the stranger.
"You're close to home, boy," he said coldly.
the mysterious man. Zee was on a pine tree. Did not have
the idea of how he ended up stopping there and was very
curious and even intrigued by the presence of the man of similar voice
with the words of a bird.
"I've been watching you for some time," the man said,
now coming out of the shadows and revealing an owl face, with

pe- 12 13 in black and very purple eyes half hidden by the black hood. "You were
watching me for what?" And what exactly are you? Asked Zee, with wide eyes and his
face. the color of snow, so pale it was under the black clothes. "I was friends with your
father, Zee. We were inseparable before ..." Before... "Before he had won this curse,"
said the man with his huge purple eyes showing a sad glow brought by memories.
"What's your name, sir, and what curse are you talking about?" - asked Zee, now very
curious as he looked at the owl-man. - When the darkness gained strength, I remained
faithful and loyal my friends, my world, and especially Zedom. I hid as much as I could,
but was found by a Very cruel kimbulo called Mascareyde. He was looking for of a very
powerful magic object and knew that I was the only one Kimbulo guardian, then, he
arrested me and tortured me hoping I would tell where that object was, but I did not
say. He did not kill me; instead, it launched an irreversible curse and turned me into an
animal. I hoped that I would reveal where I was looking for, but I did not have the
courage; I preferred to live imprisoned in that body. Before, my name was Silas
Lowdberg, I prefer to be called only Lowd today, "Lowd said, looking toward the waning
moon over the sky full of falling stars. "But, Mr. Lowd, why are you watching me?" In
what Can I help you? Zee asked, watching Lowd eat. a mouse. "It's not helping me, it's
helping you, little Zee." his last year in Kimbulândia. Merlin has revealed to me his act
of bravery along with his friends, and I know there's something that Mascareyde wants
"Very, Griston," Lowd replied in a frightening way

"But, sir, what would I have that Mascareyde needs so much?" Asked Zee. "The key,
little Zee. He wants the key," Lowd said. flapping their wings and levitating in front of
Zee. "What key?" I do not know what the key is, "he replied, his eyes burning with the
wind. "The key is you, Zee Griston, you," said the wandering man on the pine tree,
which was so swaying with the icy wind. Lowd flew out in the night and led Zee to the
wooden gate of the boy's house, saying good-bye to him. a new friend standing around
lurking, shielding Zee from the dangerous and new enemy that had arisen,
Mascareyde. I was not with fear. After facing Terenzo Crack, he knew that the danger
and Zee Griston were always walking together, but one thing he was sure: if evil was
around, he would face it, would be there to face him. The great day of Zee's journey
and his friends at last arrived Everyone went to his house. Loryn pushed a huge star-
shaped suitcase, Doug and Otavio as well. "You know, my dad was crying a lot. I had
to bewitch him. to be able to go back to school, "Otavio said to Zee. "My mother tied
me to the foot of the bed. I left the ropes afire, "Loryn told his friends. Everyone waited
for their watch hands to mark the time of the Loch Ness Monster - this was the time
when the shadow would come to get them. In a crazy hurricane, Zee's shadow jumped
from his body. They all spotted Bilba Dark wearing a velvet dress all green with his
cane always studded with precious stones. - My dear, today we will take a ride with a

old friend, right? - Friend? What a Friend? Otávio asked, looking lion-faced. "Do not
ask me questions, boy. Soon all of you will see - Bilba said as he rolled up his goose-
bag. - What is that? Asked Zee. In the distance, a huge sleigh flew across the sky
toward to the group that was there. A black sled pulled by polar bears but extremely
dirty with coal. he fell to the ground. "Well, guys, I gotta introduce you to Santa's
brother. This is Baltos Noel, the brother of our kind old man. Before only we have to go
through the thunder, "Bilba told them. Baltos Noel was very corpulent and had dirty,
battered garments and grease all over his face and hands. He had a stubborn there
was a strong breath of barbaric beer. He shooed a few flies around him and nodded his
head. group to climb on the sled. They traveled at dawn all flying very high, until the fair
of the cheeses in Egypt. All arrived and disembarked. Soon the old fat and very rude
he was gone, without even saying goodbye, leaving the boys in the middle of a pile of
sand at the edge of the pyramids. - Right here, boys, join in. Everyone made a wheel
and Bilba rolled his bag, removing a strange portable mirror, a hand mirror. She put the
mirror on the floor and murmured "pigeon's foot." "Come on, boys, come in." Bilba
called the four friends. Zee put his index finger in the mirror and then The Mini Portable
Mirror, Stopping at Kim's Magic Underground again, but now accompanied by his best

"Well you could have waited for me to go first, have not you, Sucker? Doug asked
Otavio. "Do not fill up, you fool," said Otavio. "Do not fight, boys, we have a lot of
shopping to do." I am your guide; it is my duty to keep them from getting into "Bilba
Dark said in a scolding tone, walking by the huge checkered floor on the edge of the
countless shops below of the great yellow and golden eye as hot as the sun - the eye
of Zedom. - Here is the list of the second year: uniforms, books, objects for the new
class, Magic Stoning class. C'mon C'mon. Um, it's here ... Well, boys, let's go or we'll
get in line enormous, "explained Bilba Dark.
The day of the Kimbulos
The sun was in Zee's favor. "Luckily!" He wondered.
The boys followed Bilba to some stores for
purchases of new books for the second year in Kimbulândia. They entered several bookstores.
"Look, folks, that store is the famous Book Cramb bookstore,
we're sure to find the material for Magic Stoning class, "Loryn called.
The boys, accompanied by Bilba, entered the bookstore,
where there were several kimbulos doing their school purchases. At the
high of the store was a huge body of fish separated from the body
from the head where Book Cramb was written. The bookstore had been
founded in 1567, "the day of mobilization".
Inside the bookstore, they came upon Mocco, smiling and
with wrinkled skin because of the big smile.
- Hello! I am Mocco - the little one presented himself to the
other friends besides Zee.
- Hi, Mocco, what are you doing here? Asked Zee.
"Well, I'm looking for a perfume. I got one

girlfriend, Zee, "he replied, smiling and grinning. of corn. The hospitality of Kimbulandia.
The boys, along with Bilba Dark, followed huge rows of checkered corridors toward the
robes shop. They were looking for the new uniforms of the second year, since every
year some detail was added or changed in college. After walking a lot and carrying the
necessary books, they arrived at the doors of a huge store with stuffed animals all over
the window, identical to the ones found in Kimbulândia. After crossing a huge curtain of
shells, they found a fat lady with multiple warts face that had on its clothes a small
plaque where it was clearly read "Mrs. Daisy". They approached and she door with a
gentle look. "Hi, little boys, I'm Margarida Lebisquí. I presume, for the babies, who are
in need of the new second year, right? Asked Mrs. Margarida as she rolled up a raven
at his high waist. "Yes, exactly what we need, ma'am," said Bilba, who was wearing a
beautiful square watch ... Zee remembered the ghetto he liked so much. The Daisy put
metal gloves on her hands and murmured a Mentrius Corpo spell, and in a four friends
became dummies. She took all the measured up the stairs and came back again with
gorgeous purple-veiled hooded uniforms and a huge glowing dragon on the black
fabric. This will now be the new Luminarius uniform for the second year. In a few
moments, Doug, Zee, Loryn and Otávio returned

to normal, twisting hips and chins. Now that everything was ready, they stopped at the
Pumpkin Magic restaurant and took refreshments, because in a few moments they
would big balloon. The night was now stamped on the canvas with the image of a
beautiful bright moon. Bilba was much calmer after guiding his friends with excellence.
"Well, boys, here are your balloon passes that the will lead to Kimbulândia, "Bilba
explained. She handed over a piece of parchment with the design of a winged brick.
After giving a funny little bye, Bilba returned to the body of Zee in the form of a simple
shadow. The four friends hurried to the loading line, approached the rock, and stuck
their index fingers one by one. - Wow! Jessica Rardy is very thin, "Loryn said. "Maybe
she's a skeleton," Doug teased. Zee and his friends entered an empty cabin and
settled in. In minutes, the balloon was already on the air gaining a strangely magical
speed, scratching the clouds and illuminating the sky, which was quite starry that night.
Zee noticed a lot of treats inside the cabin, like pumpkin lollipops, bubble lollipops,
cookies filled with love and a basket with the head of a porcelain piggy with the
following ticket: Our Happy Kimbulo Day Vows! That our pigs are always sweet and
that everyone our beloved kimbulos always keep doing magic in your dreams.

- Kimbulo Day? He asked, strangely, Otavio. "True, I've never heard of this date. Do
you know anything, Loryn? Asked Zee. "Of course, I heard all about it last year with
some daughters of kimbulos. Kimbulo Day is a celebration that happens from one
hundred to one hundred years, when all put their baskets of pig under the bed and, the
next day, Pumpkin Porcalhão leaves treats and votes by date. It says a Legend for
children who, if a kimbulo does not put the basket, has attack of unresolved hiccups. I
found it very interesting, until I remembers Easter and Christmas. Zee started
friendship with Gayo Rodrigues, a new friend. He brought with him several games and
toys and a lot of joy in his eyes. - Wow - some boys were impressed ... Only one Map
of Kimbulândia has been produced to date and is a little piece of honey gum. Zee met
Spark, a black cat. He loved animals. Legend has it that there is only one cap with the
photo of a golden owl in a single bottle of soda in the world of magic. Everyone was
enjoying it all when the cabin opened and a girl came in with spiky hair and braces,
along with a goblin whose head resembled a ball basketball with bulging, shiny eyes
and full skin. rusty It was Patricia Menguer and Mocco, who appeared again, holding
pig masks and a basketful of ice cream hot and bubble lollipops. "They were seeing a
book from Ibirarema." The Zlods sang songs from the Moon Ocults. - Hi, people, I miss
you! They're great, so

I see, even you, Zee, you're more cat every day, right? - said Patricia, throwing herself
at him. "We missed you too, Patty, but Zee is Longing is for Nina, "Loryn said. "I just
crossed with her right now. You're beautiful - said Patty. Mocco was smearing himself
with bubble lollipops and when, once again, the cockpit door opened and Marina
Capucci entered. The girl had many tears in her eyes. To see Zee inside the cabin,
gave a strong push and ran up to him, giving her a very strong and passionate hug. All
stayed quiet and shy near the couple, as if they were holding a moon candle. "Zee, you
do not know how hard it is to stay away from you," he said. Nina. "I missed you too,
Nina," Zee said. Then the girl took a brooch from her pockets and dragged Zee into the
corner so no one could hear. - Zee, this is a soul tour, stay with him as a gift of reunion.
"Nina, thank you, but I did not bring you anything. Next time It's me, okay? Zee said
with passionate eyes. They said goodbye and Zee went back to the cabin to stay
together of his friends. Doug and Otávio were fighting to see who would be the last
lollipop with bubbles and Loryn was already asleep. She lay down beside her friend
and fell asleep. Meanwhile, the balloon was already arriving in Europe. Everyone
awoke and saw a strong light coming through the window. It was already day and they
were coming. At dusk, everyone disembarked in Firenze, in Hallred, where it was quite

under the uniform of the four friends. They went to a restaurant that had a strong smell
of typical Italian pasta when not mixed with American herbs. On the corner the
restaurant there was a huge wooden door and all the students came out in a row,
crossing the gigantic portal at the door. Zee and his friends went through some kind of
curtain that there was after the passage, stopping in a bathroom full of mops with a
suspicious sink. Loryn approached and opened the tap and Otávio soon said "David's
way" and all four turned into tiny bubbles that floated up to the drain of the sink, where
they burst completely. The drops were Zee, Loryn, Otávio, and Doug were in a huge
bathroom with all the gold faucets, a high ceiling all in marble and with sanitary ware in
the form of stars. "Guys, we're in Kimbuland's bathroom. Wow!! Each The year they
make those passages wilder, "Doug said, dazzled by such magic. - Come on, people,
time to meet with the teachers. and the rest of the gang, "Zee called. The four of them
went to the Primordial Room, straightening their uniforms and very happy to return to
their beloved Kimbulândia. O Palace was calm, in the distance one heard the beautiful
song Kim played by flutes and violins and strong jokes of ravens. "Zee, look at that; are
celebrating Kimbulo's Day Said Loryn. "I love the world, Kim." decoration. The huge
Circular Cathedral was all full of crows and owls flying all over the great roof, levitating
on the head of all the students; There was a stone pig with
gold; at table there were many delights from all over the world, a real and grand supper. At the gigantic
circular table were some
teachers of which Zee missed: the teacher grouch
Will Stik, senior teacher Rose Marry, Alejandro Volps, and janitor Severino, who was very cautious, the
tiny Linde Frow,
Armenian Milbe, with his whistle as judge, Raimunda Zolou and,
center, Zee noticed Merlin's presence.
Some first-year students gasped as they learned they were studying at the same college as Zee Griston,
the owner of the golden tears of the Luminarius.
Everyone was feeling an air of witchcraft in Kimbulandia,
but that passed quickly and then returned to be pure oxygen.
Zee saw a beautiful crystal chandelier in Kimbulandia. He had the
impression of being looking at him for about five years.
Arabic carpets.
Santa's elves were stirring.
Rain man, it rained.
In the strawberry plantation, a ball of titan baseball.
The field of red flowers and green leaves was sacred.
We'll come, baby, I'm here.
Zee was carrying a boreal glow.
Owl Mountain Oracle.
"Guys, it's incredible that Merlin came, do not you think?" -
asked Zee, very happily, drinking his apple juice.
"But, Zee, I do not see Merlin anywhere," Doug said.
"Yes, he's there, see, he's sitting right there," Zee said, sure. He kept seeing Merlin as if he saw a
great ship, a great vessel.
"No, Zee, he's not here," Loryn said.
Zee was quite confused, how could he be seeing

Merlin, being the only one to see? He was confused for some time; was when
Doug nudged him, showing his back shining beneath the
orange and purple uniform fabric. The mark of Zee, his crown in the
his back was shining brightly, as if to warn something.
"I'm not feeling well," the boy told the
"Eat something, Zee, who knows umbrellas."
"No, not now.
Zee felt his crown shine and a rainbow passed around
him in Kimbulândia. He heard a song, "Prince of children" and felt the taste of guaraná, sweets,
childhood, pula-pula and that
everything, a cove, folklore.
I was feeling an immense desire to live.
The initiation for first-year beginners had begun.
Zee and his friends, who were now in their second year, only
young students were selected to
their classes. Many were biting into their apples and
crying silver tears going straight to the Americus; up until
now, few were joining the Luminarius.
"Look, that boy has his face all stained!" -Doug
showed his friends a little boy with black hair
which had a violet mark all across the face.
The little boy approached the huge, larger step and picked up an apple from the big, twisted tree with
heart leaves.
In his hands, he brought an apple pie with the name Leonardo
Hudson. The boy bit the apple and soon it was heard: "Luminarius".
Behind him came another boy, Tyler Gragonvich, who went to
Americus. He was going to sit next to Erick Vilarinho who
was now with an English punch in one of his hands looking at

Zee with a rather aggressive look. Gustavo d'Badia, Luminarius; Gayo Rodrigues,
Luminarius also; and Gisele Teka, Americus. The night passed quickly. After the
commemorative dinner of the Day of the Kimbulos, Zee and his friends went to their
room, which was intact, with their beds exaggeratedly soft, their servants of cherry,
starry curtains, a large pompous rug with animal skin and his very black sofa. The Zlod
gathered once more. They stayed all night with his incredible magical gloves training
spells to unravel. Zee lay down on his bed on his magic pillow, which had a lot of story
to tell, and soon began to tell her a secret. to your friends. "I need to tell you
something," he said. "So tell me, Zee; What is so important is that did not tell us?
Asked Octavio. "Well before we came to Kimbuland I went to see you in a mall close to
home. I fell asleep and woke up a tree and a man found me. Well, he was not
specifically a man, he was half owl, half man. He said he was watching me, said he has
a person with the name of Mascareyde who tormented him and threw him this curse.
He also said that he was a friend of Merlin, he told me that I am the key, a key
Mascareyde is looking for, "Zee said. "But, Zee, you did not believe all this, did you?"
After of Crack now this Mascareyde? This looks more like a joke - said Doug. "Yeah, I
know, but they do not think I need to stay tuned, if Is this story true? And if so, and
Mascareyde exist? I need to be prepared, "Zee explained to his friends. Zee saw a sign
that read "impact on the ground floor"

Cloth Ninja. The new blue glass doll. Sopranos sang in Kimbulândia. Red armor. Night
passed and everyone returned to their rooms. Out of cathedral, only the snow fell on
the hide of dragons who always were chained, protecting the grounds with their snorts
of fire. Inside, only the geniuses stayed awake, mumbled through corridors. Kasmin
was exhausted after greeting the students all night; was in his huge barrel of rum that It
was called home. The day was raining. Through the window, the huge eye threw Zee
room strong beams of light, waking him before even someone else would. After bathing
in the morning, Zee watched Futrica and Amorá, who were very hungry. Beneath the
mattress, there was a book, The Eyes of Armageddon, which Zee remembered with
happiness. In his bed was the pompous, yellow magic pillow, Merlin's gift, which he
had won in the year a leather bag, a mask and your branded shoes. Fidelius. The
doorman from Kimbulandia asked for a password for each student to enter their
accommodation. Zee's password was "Tote Bag of Artifice ". Come on, balls. Merlin
once said that Zee was a gift and did not I wanted nothing in return.

CHAPTER 3 Soul tour Z ee passed by Alex Snake, hair pulled back, went to a brook, a
lake, and plunged among thousands of butterflies that magically levitated him to his
meeting with Nina. He passed the corn and cassava plantations, saw a scarecrow in
the midst of many greenery, and left almost late for his Magic Stoning class. When the
doors of your room opened, found Nina. The girl pushed Zee into the corner, fearing
that someone from the Americus would see them together. He saw a beautiful grass, a
grove full of flowers in a garden veil Elvis very hospitable and welcoming. The smell of
tea came from a of the canteen and also an aroma of toast with plenty of jam Of
Strawberry. Hills, many rabbits and butterflies surrounded by a breeze that dominated
the forest of the coat of arms. Merlin sent a letter to Zee: Zee, I'm riding north, near the
water that falls into the powers of the magicians of carvalions. Be alright
I'll be back soon ... Ah! May the angels watch over you.
eternally of your good dreams. Together for ever.
"Zee, do you have the gift I gave you?" Asked the girl excitedly.
- Well, actually I am, it must be here in my backpack.
Zee replied, smiling at Nina.
He pulled out a bronze brooch with a silver rabbit on it.
the metal, and then Marina Capucci showed him an exactly the same.
"Zee, I need you to borrow it and give me yours." In seconds you'll understand what it's all about.
The boy handed the metal object to the girl. She pinned the pin on her uniform and Zee did the same with
"Now, Zee, just say: spin, spin, spin-soul," he explained.
the girl.
"Turn, spin, soul-spin," Zee murmured.
In seconds, Zee felt a strange thing happen. a
cold passed her legs. When I opened my eyes, I was looking
for himself, as in a mirror.
- What happened? Zee asked in her voice.
"Zee, we change our minds; I'm in your body and you're in the body.
my. This is a soul tour, you now, actually, it's me. AND
I think that being you, I'm late, well behind schedule for class.
Magic Stalking, "Nina explained, strangely
Zee Griston.
"But, Nina, what should I do, what class will I go to?" You
is the third year, I have no idea what to do! -
Zee replied on Nina's body

"Go to Magical Animals with Professor Elena Dorbs, and I'll meet Loryn, Otávio, and
Douglas." Remember, at dinner we're back to normal, "Capucci explained. Zee and
Nina gave a big kiss and he followed the friends of Nina, scared and walking totally
awkward, as if that was the worst thing in the world. Nina's friends soon received him.
"What's wrong with you, Nina, is everything okay?" Asked Amanda Bond. "I'm fine, I
think I am," Zee said in Nina's voice. - Let's go to the forest of Gregory, today we are
going to feed unicorns, "said Amanda. - Seriously? How cool, I never fed unicorns! -
Not? But you said yes, Nina, did you lie? Zee was all taken aback, explaining himself to
Amanda, imagining how good it would be to be with his friends, but at the same time,
feeling his beloved Nina inside and they were one. The third grade class went deep
into the forest. Several crows flew in the sky, each carrying several baskets full of fresh
fruit and grass. Following in a single row, the extremely fat teacher who carried a pig
with her to the waist, in a kind of kangaroo bag, all students they jumped a stream and,
in the distance, a bunch of beautiful people horses with very smooth white mane that
exuded a power divine and supreme, with majestic pearly horns and beautiful and huge
blue eyes in a wind that touched the dew of waterfalls and mountains. "Well, guys,
today we'll learn how to win the trust of a unicorn. Each student must learn that a
unicorn is a sacred being in the world of magic Kim. If one

kimbulo gets the love of a unicorn, he will create a link and that link will make you its
creator. Unicorns protect the kimbulo and every time there is danger, your horn shines
and sends telepathic messages to its owner. But of course none of you will succeed;
such a feat is very rare - explained the teacher of gray hair and very plump. White
Master. Zee approached the unicorn lying on his back, almost isolated from the others,
sat down beside him and gave him a pear. Quickly, the unicorn devoured her
completely. That was when the wind blew hard, causing Zee to pour out of his eyes a
tear drop over another apple, which was quickly devoured by the unicorn. In seconds,
the unicorn horn began to shining and close to the legs of the beautiful creature
appeared a piece of magic parchment that said clearly: From now on, I, Crystal
Unicorn, I belong eternally to my master Zee Griston. And then the whole parchment
caught fire. Zee understood why Nina wanted him to go to that class: she wanted him
to stay with the Unicorn and knew he would, because his heart was indomitable, like
the fabulous white horse with beautiful pearly horns. The night came slowly. Zee was in
the dining room next to Amanda. In the distance, she saw Nina with her friends; was
when the girl in his body gave him a wink and he returned, then, they removed the
soul-spinning brooches, each returning to his body. - Guys, is everything okay? Asked

- Apart from the fact that we know you like to glitter glitter your notes, yes, "Doug said
mockingly. Zee told all about the soul-turn and the unicorn for his friends, who were
amazed to know that such an object had great power. "Well, I've noticed the way you
walked, very strange- said Loryn. Friends went to their rooms early that night. Loryn
had told how he made a circle point easily in class of Magic Stoning; Zee was totally
without information about that class, the only thing he thought was to rest after the full
day he had. Without realizing it, he picked up one of the pillows on his bed and fell
asleep. When he woke up, on the a pond, saw, mirrored, the reflection of the night. On
the banks of the there were several stones that almost completely hid a mysterious
cave. Zee rose from the mound of grass and entered the cave, to which he had been
carried by the magic pillow. Zee saw on the floor several small toads covered with
stones. The longer the boy entered the cave, the darker it became. Zee, in the
darkness, pulled out a pair of his magic gloves which was in the pocket of his pajamas.
"Illuminati howls," murmured Zee into the darkness, and soon. a strong echo was
heard, and in the palm of his hand came a strong light, like a flashlight finger. Zee saw
several cliffs, and in the background was a huge wall of Acacia on wood and on it,
some inscriptions with the image of Zedom's eye and, below, a huge diamond carved
on wood. Zee watched curiously, imagining the that really would be that. That was
when a the face more wrinkled than usual.

"What's Zee Griston doing here?" Asked the little pixie - Hello, Mocco, I'm fine. And
what are you doing here? Asked Zee. "I'm not Mocco, I'm his brother, I do not like
visitors. Get out of my den, go away! He cried, very angry, the goblin very similar to
Mocco. "Okay, I'm leaving, but first, I'd like to know the What are you doing here in this
cave? Zee asked again. "I'm here because the Master asked me, stop talking and go
though! - said the yellow-skinned goblin who was already getting the color of a beet. -
Master? What teacher? Zee noticed that the goblin had in his pocket a huge mask with
peacock feathers. Then came to mind, at the same time, Mascareyde. - Your master is
Mascareyde! Exclaimed Zee. "And he'll be here soon, and I'll bet he'll rip your head off,
Zee Griston, and use it as a key, "said the little one. "Before he rips my head off, I'll
take his, if not tell me the true identity of Mascareyde, "threatened Zee. "If I tell you,
you will not find it, and if you look for it, it will be when the master will meet you first,"
replied the goblin. The goblin ripped to two-pronged knife and threatened Zee with the
gun, but he raised his hand and said "Batrius!", and the goblin was cast away. Zee ran
out of the cave and in seconds, he was already in his room, returning from his pillow
trip, trying to imagine which symbols were the ones on the wall and what connection
that had between Lowd, Zee and Mascareyde.

CHAPTER 4 Faces Thief Zee got a bracelet from Hercules that gave him a strength
compared to that of the hero. In the Temple of Hera. Zee had a crystal swan in his
room. The heir of the stars, Zee Griston. Zee gave Nina a rabbit as proof of her love, a
rabbit named Zeni. Dishcloths hide secrets, Zee thought. "Headphones are like
unicorns," he thought as well. Weathervane in Kimbulândia. Four German doges
walked loose in the forest of Gregory, protecting the so-called sleep of the baby. Zee
showed Nina a secret, what she wanted, Ema petal. Very delicate the encounter of a
butterfly with a unicorn. Zee Griston flew with his winged magic sneakers to the statue
of the Bright Lady and entered his mouth. Inside the statue was a magical barrier in
which, in order to enter, he had who give a kiss ... When crossing, came across a giant

wild snake. Zee got passages with the snake that, in a matter of seconds, disappeared
invisibly. Then Zee found a beautiful wall, with the image of a throne, a God is a golden
robe. Soon out of the eyes of Armageddon and I was in your room once more. Zee
passed some important places in Kimbulândia. Zee boy body boy night, body of the
day boy, remembering, Apogee of the Golden Reign, the Field of Flowers of Nymphs,
the Apostolic Reign, the sculpture of the Lady of Vestes of Veil, the picture of the Black
Mermaid, the Howl of the Baby, the Lady Most Confident, the Apocalyptic Grass, the
Star Twist, Bossa Nova, one and moon, saint, Talisman, the Bondage of Love, Little
Lion, Warmth of Farm and Sertão. The Gallery. Zee knew Mascareyde was planning
something, but I did not know what and, much less, who was such a suspicious
kimbulo. The Zlod went to the cornfield behind Mocco, passed through gigantic
sculpture of St. Benedict. Zee wanted some information about this elf brother who lived
in some cave, and was also anxious to know something about Mascareyde, something
that Mocco could tell them. In the middle of the cornfield was a small house with a
round door and a full garden of tulips around the outer walls. The four friends they
came and knocked three times on the door. - Hello, what are you doing here? Mocco
asked. I get a kettle with a strong scent of lemongrass mixed with chamomile. - Mocco,
we want to know everything about your brother and about Mascareyde, said the four at
the same time. "Well, it's cold, come in, come in," the little one invited, giving them a
jerk and looking out with a look of secret

Zee told Mocco all that happened in the cave with the elf who claimed to be his brother.
Mocco listened quietly, with a Worried pixie look. "Do you want some tea?" Asked
Mocco. He picked up four tiny cups and put some of tea for each of them. He went to
his little kitchen and brought a plate with several chocolate biscuits. "Zee, I must tell
you that my brother and I never had a good relationship; he has always been bad and
who is born bad, it will never cease to be. Always been around bad kimbulos nature,
serving as a stepping stone to the community of darkness. I am not afraid to know
about everything I imagine I have done; he is not my brother anymore, "said Mocco.
"But, Mocco, you know about a diamond inscription." on an Acacia? Asked Zee.
"There's a story, Zee, that should never be revealed. At the Temple of Zedom, that
nobody knows where it is where no one never was, there is the Diamond of Magic. This
diamond has the power to give life back to the spirits of other worlds, but this diamond
can never fall into the wrong hands. Remember when you faced Lady Scorpio and
Terenzo Crack and they wanted to bring someone for our world? Mocco asked, looking
at Zee. "Yes, I remember ... I think it was Eol," boy. "If they had the Diamond of Magic
that night, he, by now, it would be between us. Merlin made me swear not to tell them
this story. Mascareyde is behind a key to open the temple and get the diamond, Lowd,
Merlin me and all the teachers we're trying to keep you safe. Mascareyde does not
show your face, can be anyone, even a friend

or known. It usurps the identity of people using magic obscure Promise that you and
your friends will not hunt whoever is hunting you, "said Mocco. "Why should we look for
a kimbulo of darkness?" Asked Zee, going out with Loryn, Otávio, and Doug to the
lowercase round port. The boys went back to school. Zee knew it was not right, but he
knew he could help look for Mascareyde and not stay being protected by all. He was no
longer a baby and did not want to be treated as such. After leaving the Egyptian
Kimbologia class, Zee and his friends noticed a crowd of students in the courtyard.
Everyone was wheel around something. The four of them ran to see of what that
uproar was about. Upon arriving there, they found a girl lying on the floor with her face
mutilated. Not really there was one more face, it had been cut off from the head;
around her there was nothing. Zee noticed a boy with spotted face holding an identical
mask that Mocco's brother had in the cave. - Look! He is holding the mask; the
Leonardo Hudson! Said Otavio. Everyone looked at Hudson with a look of suspicion.
Everyone was thinking he'd attacked Katherine Blus, especially Zee. Was it Hudson
the Mascareyde? That's what I'd most like to know. Within seconds, all the teachers
arrived, they were extremely frightened of the corpse of face torn off fallen on the cold
ground. - Who made this? Asked Professor Rose Marry. Everyone pointed at
Leonardo. The boy left the mask fall on the ground, denied such a crime with his head
and began
to cry, afraid of being punished for that event.
36 37
"How do you explain that, Mr. Hudson?" Asked Professor Will.
"Professor, I was the first to meet you." I found this mask
next to the body, I do not know who did it ...
- Being on the spot exactly at the time of the crime makes you
of guilt, sir ... what's your name again? Will asked,
who was delivering the Magic Booklet of Pata Nada, which more
seemed, when he paid attention, a surprise only to the students
noble, worthy and studious.
"Leonardo Hudson, sir." But I swear, I would never do that,
even more in my first year in Kimbulândia.
"We should call the police, Kim, to find the
guilty. For now, it's the most sensible thing to do, "he said.
Rose Marry is afflicted with such an attack.
The whole school was moved by such loss. At dinner, Professor Rose Marry made a moaning speech and
left all
the black cathedral curtains. On that night of pain, Zee, on the way to her room, bumped into a girl, who
knocked all
his books. The books had on the cover the illustration of a brick.
- Hi! You're the famous Zee Griston, are not you? - He asked
Barbara Tarryk.
"Yeah, well, I guess I'm still the Zee Griston guy -
answered without much grace.
"Did you know your hair is beautiful?" But do not be so into it, okay?
- Okay, but I already went to the store! Zee replied kindly to the girl.
Zee fell silent and was puzzled. How could that brick-loving girl find him in it? In his opinion, it has
always been
a normal boy, like any other; Maybe she had made a mistake, he thought. He did not join his friends that

he was exhausted and needed to be well, because soon he would have the first
Kimboll game for the second year and did not want to make ugly, very less lose to the
Americus and see a triumphant little smile on the Bulldog face of Erick Vilarinho. At
dawn, Zee went to Loryn's room. The girl opened the door and asked the friend to
enter. It was a beautiful Saturday day, the sky was beautiful Zee looked into her
friend's eyes and something strange. was happening to them. He saw everything in
figures again. - Stop, Loryn! Zee shouted. The girl did not even move; she was
paralyzed without moving a single muscle in her body. Zee returned to normal and
even then, her friend was still paralyzed. "Why do not you move?" Asked Zee. But the
girl was as hard as stone, nor did she answer. So Zee approached her friend, looked
back into her eyes and asked to move. There was something wrong with him. Then he
remembered that he had the eye of Horus, which he had gained after his fight with the
terrible Pharaoh last year. - Zee, your look and voice are hypnotic, never look at me
again like this! Asked the girl, very frightened, waking Paula Lara. Everyone was
studying the Futhark. Zee saw the thunderbolt of Zeus, but he did not touch it, he just
marveled. Zeus realized this noble act and presented him with the spell Raituz, coming
out of the boy's gloves. Zee entered his book and found a shrine to the sun. He wore a
golden and white cloak and had long hair, used a mask of sun, a light miter. Zee was
photographed wearing an angel's feather, holy robes and leaning against a pearl wall.
Zee got an xeday.

The Tarot of the Runes. The Look of Odim. Black monkey with white polka dots and
blue eyes that he liked of eating radish. Zee went to medieval Germany. Zee was
getting more and more confused now. First, an owlman goes to his house, then is
attacked by an elf crazy, there are attacks at school, and, finally, a hypnotizing look! He
was feeling rather abnormal. She asked her friend not to tell to the boys about what
was happening to him. There were too much evidence and a lot of weird stuff at school
so the rest of the class worried about "the new powers of Zee Griston." Zee found a
piano in the conservatory room and began to play a song called "Club of the Feelings
in Me". Outside, Loryn and Zee met with Doug and Otávio. "You need to see this,"
Otavio said. - What is it? Loryn asked. They were around a kind of rectangular game
covered by a glass, it was a Pinball. - Pinball? Is it time to play pinball? Asked Zee. -
This is not just a pinball, it's called a Guinea Pig Pinball, either to experiment? Doug
asked. Doug put Zee's finger in a kind of circle to thumbs and then the kid fell into the
game. It had turned into a silver ball of Pinball, rolling and beating for blocks, locks and
holes. "Now, Zee, you're only going to quit the game when I leave you." fall three times
into the hole! Doug sneered. Zee was stuck in the game for half an hour; Doug was
great at Pinball

Guinea pig. When he finally left, he was furious with his friend and he tried, in every
way, to make him become on the metal ball too, but both Doug and the others friends
refused. Zee plunged into his book The Eyes of Armageddon and fell on a white and
blue motorcycle. He ended up in a house of brick, like a game. There, he met Armando
Albuquerque. As it turns out, Zee left and returned to Kimbulândia. Had one party
called Kimkamb. Marina and Zee took a picture of closed eyes. Zee was on Nefertiti's
cycle, in a zero-moving truck. Zee and his friends went to the Book Magic Love coffee
shop. Nina was great at Badminton. Prince Teasb and his tutor Julius, of the
principality. Zee went to Africa, where he came across lions, buffaloes, hippos, zebras,
among other animals. Nature was lush; he was surprised and delighted. There, he
discovered a box red stamping a lion; inside the box was a hat of a jungle ring with
nature powers.

CHAPTER 5 Imprisoning Lamia Zee found Frankenstein in the Kimbuland dungeon. He

could hear the noise and was taken from there to far away. Queen Francisca Emiliana
Tiara First was a queen very kind, sweet, elegant and polite. Zee reflected and realized
that his life was too sacred to spend in a minute or less than that. He opened a camera
and started taking photos. A photo holding Euria's chest; he gets remembered daycare
and remembered Kimbulandia. He knew what should do: be just the Zee that his family
had created. He won a currency with the number 19, the age at which you received the
Nelver, which he has kept so far. It was then that Zee noticed the presence of
something strange. Yes, it was Magnus. He showed a and in that icy sun, Zee found
himself reflecting, as in a mirror, when Zedom opened a shield over his body, as an
egg. Then Zee stepped out of the egg, stepping on a checkered ground. God blessed
him with all his might. In Zee's hands, hope was born in your eyes, love
He woke up in his crib in the afternoon, in a sacred dream. Jesus
touched him and Zee was back in Kimbuland, sleeping and
protected by angels.
Zee found a piece of parchment with the word kanin savarius, a spell able to make one do what the other
wants. Zee set the parchment aside; He did not like it.
Zee had visited Bernini's Triton fountain in Rome,
with his pocket full of mothballs.
The Kimboll competition had begun. The whole school was bubbling with the announcement of senior
teacher Rose Marry.
According to her, this year the school would welcome the World Confederation of Magic Kim, opening
the first games on
the Tombor volcano, which was not far away. Zee was frightened, it was already complicated to play
aquatic kimboll, now he
had to overcome their insecurities and fears and make a great
game for the Luminarius. He had met a boy named
Matt had a radio in his backpack that played music well
eclectic styles.
"Are you scared, Zee?" Asked Octavio.
- You still ask? It's like holding a time bomb for days! Zee explained to his friend.
Zee made friends with Mariana Golds near the statue of
He found a beautiful baroque sculpture of Yandara.
He went to the wooden bar with neon green lights called Banana Danger. I was playing a song called
Zee turned a sea sponge into an eagle.
Zee was in the star pages.
A petal, a dress made with rose petals Marina

Dr. Daves prescribed some herbs and syrups. What light was fully cured of the flu, her
hair was clean, silky and smelling like a flower, his face resembled that of a child. She
was dating Fernando. Light was at home, happy. with the memory of Kimbulândia and
with a beautiful smile. Zee won a football helmet. Kimboll was not such a difficult game.
It is very similar to football and it basically comes down to making kolls. After the 14
kolls, a player imprisons a mermaid, if she is playing on the water, but in the case of
Zee, who will play on the bubbling lava of a volcano, will have to imprison, in a ball of
fire of the mark sponsor of the games, Fidelius, a demon the face of a beast, the body
of a horse, and all the skin and tail covered with a kind of snakeskin. This was what
most he had never been in front of a lamia, since in the world in which he lived, it was
not very normal. Everyone waited until they got the call for the second-year game,
which would happen on a Sunday. The entire class of students traveled in a small boat
covered with a tarp, such a canvas supported all the students, because the part
underneath the canvas was the size of a mansion. The students of the crowd already
painted their faces as with the flags, one half with the emblem of the Luminarius, and
the other half with the dog emblems of the Americus. Zee could hardly look into the
eyes of Erick Vilarinho, who always hated him, both he and all the Zlod. I did not lose of
sixth-year-old boys, much older than he is, and always he carried an English punch in
one of his hands, brutal, always with a threatening look on Zee and his friends. - Look,
Zee, we're coming! Loryn said anxiously. In the distance, a huge volcano could be
seen and around it a huge double grandstand. They all followed a stone staircase to
the top. Zee's friends stayed in the crowd while he stayed in a room with Danilo
Bianucci, of the Luminarius, and the rest of the players, preparing for the the hardest
and best game in the world, Kimboll. "Zee, put on your sneakers, let's get in," they said.
Bianucci and Luan. Zee opened his backpack and pulled out a pair of Fidelius shoes;
they always came with their wings attached to the fabric, from the heels, the beautiful
winged sneakers. He also put on his heat-resistant, bronze-colored clothes and aviator
sunglasses. All went out of the room, where they saw Armenius Milbe, the judge of the
"Zee, put on your sneakers, let's get in," they said. Bianucci and Luan. Zee opened his
backpack and pulled out a pair of Fidelius shoes; they always came with their wings
attached to the fabric, from the heels, the beautiful winged sneakers. He also put on his
heat-resistant, bronze-colored clothes and aviator sunglasses. All went out of the room,
where they saw Armenius Milbe, the judge of the game. He was using a spell that Zee
had remembered in the first year, joining a bridge on both sides of the great volcano.
Underneath the bridge, one could already see the demon lamia jumping over a rock
near the lava of fire. - We are gathered today on the Tombor volcano for the opening of
the First Games of our majestic and phenomenal Kimboll! Upon the blowing of the
dragon's whistle, the beginning will begin. 1,2,3, now! Zee and everyone began to enter
the arena of fire, levitating with his sneakers. Havanna Nil passes the ball to David
Golts who settles marks the first koll for the Luminarius. With a nice shot with his left
foot, Erick Vilarinho kicks Bianucci's head, knocking the player over a rock, leaving him
unconscious, and marks the first koll for the Americus. The game spread high and a
huge hourglass counted the time of play. The score was tied: 14 to 14 for the two
teams. Erick approached Zee, fighting over the air, like in a ring. Zee dodged all the
attacks and then

Erick kicked him hard in the rear, making him whirl cliff of lamia. The lamia held the
boy's body with his mouth. and when he was about to throw it on the hot lava, Zee
struck out with his right hand in a ball of fire that he levitated on his gloves toward the
beast. In a single instant, the lamia was absorbed by the ball that opened like a
lunchbox, and closed, guarding the terrible devil. - Luminarius wins the first game of
this year! - announced Milbe. Throughout the volcanic stage, a gigantic sheet was seen
with the face of Zee Griston holding the trophy of victory and heard the huge noise of
the crazy crowd of the Luminarius, like an electric elephant. "Congratulations on the
great game, Mr. Griston!" - congratulated Professor Rose Marry. Inside the boat, which
already carried the whole class back to the Kimbulândia, Zee was being greeted by all
the students, being seen like a perfect player of kimboll. His friends threw cereal to the
heights, laughing much of Erick's fall, which he had his whole body bandaged going to
the infirmary. Soon, everyone was back to school, where they had a delicious dinner,
victory dinner. Marina was looking at Zee, very happy to know that she was dating a
famous sportsman of the Luminarius. Orange comets were lit in Kimbulândia. The
Horse Elza de Ouro. Winged Head. The white sphinx. Genuine Elixir. Prometheus. -
Zee, look! They are already decorating the tree, Christmas is coming! - Doug tol

In the distance, a beautiful pine tree with many ornaments, cherry balls, stars, kittens,
doggies, owls, crows and, at the top, the beautiful eye of Zedom surrounded by a star.
THE tree was covered with snow that fell on it slowly. "Soon Santa will be here. I
already wrote my letter and I'll put it in the giant socks near the fireplace, "he explained,
clasping his hands together, Loryn. Santa Claus always came down the great chimney
of Kimbuland and left presents for all alongside his goblins Helpers dropping pinecones
on the floor. In a winter full of snow and Christmas songs, Zee wondered what the
house of kind, old man, who looked a lot like Merlin, except for his great private body
upholstery that only Noel had. Zee and Nina, in the evening, went to sneak into the
forest of Gregory. So much happening at the same time in school and they still had not
had a long time alone. Zee took small chocolate umbrellas wrapped in a red packaging
to gift the girl, in the taste of love, his beloved, Marina Capucci. The girl was delighted.
They they lay on the flowers and stared at the rain of falling stars in the sky. Zee
observed a picture called "the magic in the hour H "that had the form of a mosaic, even
mosaic that allowed him to play, to change his form, to free himself and to do Zee
thought, because in Kimbulândia it was the place where he was the happiest in the
world. Zee went back to the bedroom and watched the modest pillow magician down
by the bedside table. It got a lot desire to venture once again to the fantastic gift of
Merlin. He set the beautiful pillow on the bed and put the head on the golden strands.
The boy fell into a grove of trees lined with trees, and near there, he noticed a beautiful hovel adorned
with sweets.
He approached, quietly, and took a good look at the tiny window with glass that had a flowered curtain
half stretched. Nothing could be seen, when Zee heard a few steps through the room
and then a huge squirrel, about seventy centimeters long and
fat, appeared grumbling around the little house.
- I need to find him, I need to find the fire, I need it!
Said the squirrel, very amusing.
"When I find the diamond, I can go into the Temple and get the precious!" I need the precious black fire!
- said,
again to the walls, the most different squirrel that Zee ever
had seen.
Zee ran out into the woods and returned to his room with the
head full of screws in his thoughts. It would be the diamond
which Mocco's brother had engraved on the wooden wall
in your cave? And what would this be called "Black Fire"?
He had never seen a black fire, nor did he know that there was such a
color, would that be impossible? Zee had no other way of finding
your answers; he needed to meet Merlin at his home in
little island.
The next day, Zee told everything about what he had seen
friends. Loryn knew there was only one way to get to the house.
of Merlin: through the solar mirror in Professor Rose Marry's room.
"It has to be at night. No one can see us, if not, we are expelled! Doug said.
Everyone went to their classes during the day with the teacher
Will. In class they learned about the speed of the veil. Passing
close to Daniel Luminarius, Zee took four of these veils, tied them around his waist, and at dusk he and
his friends

objects that gave them a super speed, making them so fast that were impossible to be
seen with the naked eye. The door of the teacher was absolutely locked against
gossiping; luckily, Octavio knew the password to enter the room: "Pink lamp," said
Otavio, and all four entered the room, which was filled with aquariums and magical
objects unknown for the smaller kimbulos. Doug withdrew the sun with a very silvery
metallic body and placed it on the floor, on top of the starry carpet, and the four dips on
the mirrored surface, falling on the tip of a stone of a tiny island with a beautiful garden
and fairies sleeping on top of the trees, lit by very starry sky. Zee had become friends
with Zenbal McDonald. Zee's head turned into an electric light bulb. Zee wore a white
sweater with a golden white rooster. stamped on the fabric. Zee watched the chicken
coop in Kimbulandia.
The Temple of Zedom
The four friends, wearing their winter hats, soon
they spotted the little house of Merlin surrounded by fireflies
near a magnolia tree. They all ran to the
door and knocked on the door. Soon it opened and there it was.
Merlin, smoking his pipe with his long white beard, his
very blue eyes and his fox scarf.
"What are you doing in the serene?" Come in, "said the old man.
"Excuse us, sir, for coming to bother you at this hour."
but we need to know everything about a certain diamond and about
the Black Fire, "Zee said.
Merlin soon showed a very surprised face.
- For a thousand burrows of crocodiles, who told them about Fire
Black? - He asked.
"Well, we hear a squirrel talking, and there's a
carved diamond on acacia wood in a cave.
What does this have to do with Mascareyde, sir? - He asked
Zee again

"Zee, stay away from these matters. I have done everything to destroy Mascareyde. He
wants the diamond Draum, who sleeps in the Temple of Zedom, protected from
everything and everyone. This diamond is needed to imprison the Black Fire. I must tell
you the history of the Black Fire. There is a long, long time, when Zedom was still alive,
he made a flame capable of creating magic, and, with created the angels and many
magical creatures, including the kimbulos Legend has it that the person who possesses
the Black Fire, can create any beast or magical creature. Imagine such power in the
wrong hands? Huge hailstones would fall on the world! They need stay tuned. "It
means that Mascareyde wants the Black Fire to bring creatures for our world? Loryn
asked. "Not only that. After the fight of the four of you against Terenzo Crack last year,
I assume that the darkness is wanting to give the faces, something much worse than
only the creatures wants to be born in our dimension kim. "Where is the Temple of
Zedom?" If Mascareyde wants the Draum's diamond, he must already be close. -
Impossible. The Temple of Zedom lives on the dream of an elf, and the elves would
never betray the roots of magic, impossible, "Merlin said, looking out the window.
"What if I told you there was one I'd betray?" The bad brother of Mocco, sir. He
attacked me in the cave; I was working to Mascareyde, "Zee said, looking like a kite.
Hypnosis, of course! How do we and Lowd think about it? Run, boys, go back to the
Palace! I need to leave urgently, I need to join the goblins, run! Shouted the old
kimbulo. Zee and his friends hurried back to school. On leaving of the mirror, found
Mocco sitting on the carpet.

"Zee, I was looking for you." My brother betrayed the secret of elf! Mocco said in tears.
"We had imagined it, Mocco. Tell us: how did we get to Temple of Zedom? "The cage,
sir, just passing through the cage," he said. Mocco, looking at Luana, a little girl from
Luminarius who passed close to him. - Cage, what cage? Asked Octavio. "Come into
my dreams and see; they need to be turned into light, "said the elf with a wrinkled face.
Zee approached, said "Lampadium" and turned into a tiny white light. Soon your friends
did the same. The tiny lights came in through the huge pointed ears and filled with
Mocco's ear wax, and then fell into a room dark. They were trapped inside a gilded
cage with a huge padlock. - How do we open the lock? Do we have a key? Asked
Octavio. - Key! It is! Lowd told me I was the key! "But how am I supposed to open it?"
The boy approached the huge gold lock, which soon began to shine, and in it appeared
the following inscription: "the toad fell into the pit. " "The frog fell into the well?" Zee
asked, and then the boy it turned into a huge golden key. Doug picked up the key and
unlocked the lock. The dark room soon was illuminated, with beautiful sculptures, some
in stone and some in gold, a beautiful Sacred Temple of Zedom was presented to the
eyes of the four. "Look, near the naked boy is the diamond!" –
Zee said. They approached and saw an old man and
muscular in stone, holding in his hands a huge diamond very beautiful and gleaming and, at his feet, a
boy almost
naked, all in gold, with a piece of gold cloth covering the hips.
- Zee, look at this golden boy, he looks very much like
you. Well, actually, it's you! Said Otavio.
Zee observed the identical face to his in the golden boy next to the legendary sculpture of Zedom. Zee
approached and rang
the face of the boy who, in seconds, opened beautiful golden eyes.
- What you want? Asked the boy of gold.
- Anything; I just wanted to see if it's all right, "Zee said.
Zee watched everything. Then he withdrew a sword, which
in gold, of golden blade, studded with diamonds. Written in
his blade was: "Thales bestowed the elements upon the legendary sword
Luminarius ". Zee held it carefully.
A spell was cast on Zee. He tried to turn, but
failed, then the boy said, like a black turtle
is white.
- I want the diamond Draum! Said Zee.
"Only Zedom's son can take him away from this Temple!" -
replied the golden boy.
- It's me, gold trinity! Said Zee, hardened as
a wooden pestle.
"Prove," said the golden boy.
Then tears fell from Zee's face. The golden boy became frightened and caught a tear drop, and soon huge
angel wings appeared on his golden body.
"Now you can remove Draum," said the golden boy,

that levitated on the sculpture of God Zedom, which had long beards of stone. Zee
picked up the huge diamond and turned. That's when he gave face with a masked man
with a Peacock feathers. "Give me the diamond," the man said firmly. masked. Zee
handed the diamond to the strange fellow, who soon disappeared. under the darkness.
Zee had been bewitched. On the ground they were fallen, like tar, his three friends who
quickly showed the shape of their bodies. He took the diamond. He used me.
Mascareyde. He goes imprison the Black Fire, I know it will! - said Zee to the hill of tar
that was his friends. The boys returned to normal, rushed to the cage, turned
themselves into light and left the dreams of Mocco, falling on a pompous couch in the
little elf's cottage. "Mocco, it was a trap!" Mascareyde drew us to the flat of it! She said,
crying, Zee. "But he can not find Black Fire, because he's very well-kept. I can
guarantee: a person like him can not have access to Black Fire, "said the little elf. -
Person? We do not even know who he is! Doug said. "Now we can only hope that
nothing bad will happen. Now I need to meet Merlin at the Council of Goblins and give
him that bad news. Until then! "The frog fell on the well, "said Mocco to the Zlod.

CHAPTER 7 The door Zee met a kind of green and golden alien, and he gave him a
fruit called keba that gives him energy von. Zee ate a temaki. Coming out of the sand
on a starry night in Arabia. A meteor crashed in Kimbulândia. Zee saw a house, a
structure, cars. Life. Happiness. Wealth. Humility. Silver. Blue. Red. Renaissance.
Beauty. Bricks. Love. God's bless. Taste of strawberry juice. The next day, all four
friends went to class. With Professor Linde Frow, which led to the gigantic hall several
sarcophagi containing mummified nobles. - Today we will learn how to mummify using
magic. Put on your gloves, please, "said the little professor. - Just approach the bodies
and say clearly "Mumianatlus" - taught the teacher who quickly showed several strips
coming out of his glove and winding completely over a body of wax. Zee and his friends
got bored all lunch. Everyone was not hungry, thinking about stealing the diamond from
Draum who was now in the hands of Mascareyde.
- We need to do something. I already have an idea: this
night we will use the book The Eyes of Armageddon. When everyone
go to sleep, run to my room, okay? - Zee combined
with his three friends who were too scared to use the
book once more.
The night fell on Kimbulandia. All students were
to their rooms, but Doug, Loryn, and Octavius were already at the doors of Zee's room, which quickly
opened the door quietly to his friends. Without making a sound, he picked up his
golden cloak and opened it in half, showing several yellowish pages, when a great orange flash caught the
into the book itself. They fell on a lot of
hay in a very dark forest, where only the noise was heard
of crickets and night animals. The boys walked over to
mist that hid the landscape when, in the midst of it, Loryn
disappeared like magic.
"Loryn, where are you?" Asked Octavio.
The girl soon appeared, dominated by a bearded man
closed with blond hair and shoulder length. He covered her mouth, preventing her from screaming.
- Let go of our friend! Zee ordered the mysterious man.
"Not until you're sure she's not a beautiful fairy," said the
man with a hoarse and beautiful voice.
"Do not be silly, she's a kimbulo!" Doug said.
The man released Loryn, who was shaking with fear. He
She straightened her bow and stared at the four friends.
- Who are you? Loryn asked.
"I'm a hunter, a beautiful fairy hunter of the night."
"But why hunt fairies?" They are so innocent ..

if Loryn. "I must not tell you why, it's a very sad story for me," the hunter said, his eyes
narrowed. hold back the tears. - Tell us, because shooting arrows at fairies is not
common Said Zee. - It's ok. Long ago, I fell in love with a fairy, her name was Serena.
Serena and I had the most beautiful love. that already existed, we stayed on the
brightness of the night loving us eternally, until a kimbulo throws a curse on him. He is
killed and said she would only return if I killed 500 beautiful fairies and so I hunt the
fairies. I need to get Serena's life back. Know that it is unjust to punish others for this
love, but my life will have no meaning whatsoever if you do not meet it again. I love her
more than myself, give my life to look once more in his beautiful emerald eyes - he told
the fairy hunter. Zee identified with everything he felt for Marina. The boy, for a
moment, imagined the loss of his beloved and how it would be It's painful to live in a
world without the girl you loved so much. "Tell us, hunter, what was this kimbulo like?"
Asked Zee. He had a black cape and wore a mask made with Peacock feathers -
Mascareyde! Said the four at the same time. "He probably needs your services and
he's using you, hunter; need to stop! Said Zee. "I'm not interested in anything, the only
thing I want is to find my mistress again," said the hunter, A beautiful black horse, and
walked away, entering into a wide
hidden by the fog, disappearing from the vision of the four, soon returned to school with
many mysterious questions in their heads. "Why does Mascareyde want that hunter to
kill all these fairies? Loryn asked. "Well, maybe it's part of some macabre ritual-
Douglas said. The days passed quickly. On a beautiful Saturday day, Zee heard loud
knocks on his door; were his friends. - Happy birthday, Zee! Said Otavio, followed by
Doug and Loryn brought a beautiful round cake with multicolored granules all over its
cover. "It's chocolate, Zee, we know it's your favorite," he said. Loryn, when they heard
another person arrive. Marina Capucci looked beautiful, holding a huge cake in form of
heart that it had written in pink frosting: "With love. Happy Birthday, Zee ". They all
gathered near the bed of Zee, who was giving innumerable yawns. "Blow the candles,
Zee, and do not forget the very important, "said Otavio. Zee did not know what to ask,
but in the face of recent events, being well with him was enough. Then he remembered
his father, perhaps his father, who had been taken away by death, could help you on
this journey. Zee gave a loud blow and all the candles they went out quickly. Doug
threw several confetti over Zee on your bed. Soon Zee and her friends became more
focused on class. Everything in Kimbuland was in perfect order, but something went
through the boy's thoughts, something intrigued him, a feeling strange to take,
something to do with the landscape of the environment. THE
grass in the woods nearby helped him a lot to get distracted and did not
thinking about what could happen, even more so now, with the
presence of this mysterious Mascareyde who, neither he nor himself
Merlin had the idea of who he really was.
Zee was meeting with Nina in the valley in tunnels at
hidden again. This novel was getting
more intense, when Zee touched Nina's skin, it was like touching a tiny snowflake slowly falling, making
feel your heart catch fire, or rather, set off fires
of fireworks. The presence of Zee was all that was enough for the beautiful
And sweet Nina. She was looking for and seeing in Zee a romantic boy,
very passionate and, above all, truly special. He did not know and had no idea what he felt,
she was like waiting for a letter sent by someone who
you have not seen for a long, long time, and without the courage to
open and read, as if it were a written story in which the reader
feel fear, heat, and anxiety as you read, and when you do, feel
eyes watering and the world moving straight to paradise.
It is as if lying in an abandoned and secret garden, however,
full of flowers and magical roots that curl and envelop themselves
in your heart in a simple and enthralling way. This was
the first love, the love between two teenagers with their hormones in fury, a sincere love and no exchange
of favors, the
forbidden love, always waiting for a kiss designed by Zedom, with lots of magic and power.
Zee returned to the separate school of Nina, who wore a
dressed with romance feeling. She was hidden to see
if he had no snoopers peeking out. Zee
ran down the aisles on his incredible birthday and upon entering the
gigantic Circular Cathedral, came across a room full of

animals, stuffed animals, deer, bears, lions, beavers, among others, Then, in front of
him, he noticed a huge closet, but without wood, all made of mirrors on its sides. Zee
approached slowly and opened the door and saw huge clouds, as if that was the vision
of heaven. The boy was very scared, but took a lot of courage and entered the mirror
cabinet. Zee had fallen on a white leather with violet reflections pearly He held himself
in white hairs like those who had the entire surface of the suspect leather. - Where am
I? Zee shouted. Zee saw a beaver helicopter. "This place is called Zardiam," said a
loud, powerful, loud voice. - And who are you? The boy asked in a loud voice. - My
name is Forever, I am the dragon that takes care of this place, the purpose, is upon me
- said the Dragon extremely slender, with white and violet skin. It was very large and it
flew into the wind, touching the clouds. "And why did I come here?" Asked Zee. - This
place is for the owner, as if it were the world of each one that opens the wardrobe
mirror, this is the world that God Zedom created for you, Zee Griston, your mime, I
belong to you Forever said. "And why are you called Forever?" Asked Zee to the
dragon, as in an interview. "Nothing changes here, no one dies, no one ages, there is
no pain or loss. Here, whoever enters does not want to leave the time Happiness does
not pass, happiness reigns. There is no better or worse, just there is the happy dream,
this is the world that you dreamed unintentionally, little Zee, "Forever told

They flew over the mountains and hills, watching the exuberance of nature fall upon
their eyes. Zee had never seen most perfect place. It was like being in a real happy
dream. He could stay there forever, because even if someone would open the closet,
see another world, but not that one, not his world. Forever was a friend, a millenarian
creature, without a reason, but without it, it simply existed in that madman and a strong
carousel of feelings. The dragon landed on the grass, and there was a little house
made of oak. Zee entered the little house and found several interesting things: caramel
lollipops, a collection of classic trolleys, a fireball from Fidelius, toys collectors
kimbulos, like the witch, pony winged, and Merlin himself. Zee thought that was all.
Even though it's Kim in the world, in that world the day was raining, he could have fun
in the lake with the mermaids or preach pieces in the beautiful fairies, but I knew it
would be selfish total live in a world in which it was his, while outside there were plots
that needed to unravel as a true hero, a boy of honor. So he climbed up again on
Forever and left flying across the sky to find the door near a cloud. Zee said goodbye to
Forever and returned to the stuffed animals room; was back in Kimbulândia. Zee ran
and went to wake up Loryn, Otávio and Doug. "You're going to go crazy when you
come," Zee said. friends. They sneaked into the room without anyone seeing them.
Zee opened the door and called the three of them to the door. wide open. - Wow, Zee!
What is it? I see, everything is so blue and full of lightning! Doug said.

"No, it's pink, as in a princess's tale!" Loryn said. "I do not see anything, what are you
talking about?" It is much more than that, I'm looking at space! Said Otavio. Each saw
his own world as he looked into the mirror cabinet; each had his little world
millimetrically made like magic. Zee wanted them to meet Forever, but he was not sure
if that was possible. "Well, I need you to meet someone, his name is Forever, you're
going to love it. Well, we'll make a line, everyone will hands, but I come in first, since
this closet shows the world of each. As I discovered the closet, they will know the my
world first. Zee threw his friends into his world. The four fell on Forever, who was
delighted in meet Zee Griston's friends. They flew and saw the beauties that there was.
It was comfortable, radical and at the same time magical. "Zee, what's the name of this
place?" Doug asked. "Zardiam, this is Zardiam, the world I created. unintentionally! Zee
told his friends, who were dazzled. Then they all went back to the stuffed animals room
and Doug, Loryn and Otavio kept fighting to see who would be the first to enter your
little world. Loryn fell into the world where she was greeted by a fairy named Diamond
Powder, a name that matched her clothes. There was a beautiful princess castle with
cramped wardrobes of medieval dresses and crystal shoes. The only thing she did not
find in his world was a prince, but, secretly, perhaps it already existed for her. Doug
was being greeted by a winged elephant who spoke while flying straight into the game
"Kimboll Doug. " Already Otávio, fell on a Pegasus that took him to dress

an armor and soon he would go to his warrior training. Then Zee waited, and in a
matter of minutes, everyone had already seen everything they had to see and returned
to their rooms, very happy with the magic of the mirror cabinet. Zee returned to his
bedroom falling asleep and listening to cats jumping on the roofs. Something took him
from reality, his body did not he was more inclined to fall into his deepest dreams; also,
had, after having a night like that, the boy quickly fell into very strong sleep. "Zee, did
you sleep yet?" Loryn asked, leaning against the flaming shelf. "Yes, he's gone," said
Otavio, looking at the Zee. - Well, I need to say: I think something is going to happen.
to Zee, I do not know what to say, but I had a premonition. I have had some things for
some time, but this one came with "said Loryn to his friend in the corridor of his rooms.
"Have you become a prophetess now, Loryn?" Relax, it's okay with the Zee, the most
that can happen to him is being attacked by pajamas of darkness Joked Otávio.
"Seriously, boy, are you still joking?" I tell you that something bad can happen to your
best friend and you play? Loryn asked angrily, thinking of Professor Astrogilda. "Okay, I
do not play anymore. Let's sleep before the Caretaker take us down the hall and tell
Professor Rose everything. Marry, "Otavio called. "Let's go, but let Zedom protect and
care for Zee. night I felt something really different, I do not know yet what it is, but it
was dark and there was blood all around him, "Do not think that will happen," Loryn
said with a sad look.

Zee had fallen into a confused dream, but this time did not it was just a common
dream, it was almost real. He walked in a wide lawn of a property full of chariots, like if
it had been centuries in the past, and at the door of a beautiful mansion there a man
checking the names on a papyrus that looked like a huge list of party guests. Zee
watched through the clear, transparent pane. It was a dance of masks, however, a
dance for which, even in his dream, he had not been invited. Everyone at the party was
older than he and this made him have a violent desire to see what would happen in this
party in which all were masked faces. Zee found a porcelain-white mask on the lawn,
dressed as a waiter and entered the party. There, everyone danced together in a
romantic dance. The party in Zee's dream was great. He observed a lady in a noble
dress and a beautiful red mask; she danced with a tall, elegant young man. THE The
girl approached Zee and removed her mask, showing such beauty. - Why are you
here? Asked the beautiful lady. "Well, I'm pouring drinks," Zee said, not understanding.
"Run, or they'll get you," said the girl. "But what's your name?" Asked Zee. "Joyce, my
name is Joyce, do not you remember?" She asked. girl. "No, you did not!" Zee
explained to Joyce. One of the doors opened and a strange man, without a mask,
came in. He approached the man with whom Joyce danced and he plucked at her
heart with one hand. Therefore, all others they took off the masks. Everyone at the
masquerade was vampires.

including the beautiful and noble Joyce. She looked into Zee's eyes and took a bite.
So, Zee woke up from this half-dream half nightmare in which he was in the midst of a
bunch of cut, in a classic party. Something in that girl stirred Zee, something in her
gaze was familiar; I had no idea who that was. and why she thought she knew him.
Now it was more mystery for the boy, but an impossible mystery to be uncovered, for it
was only a dream. Maybe he was being the victim of some charm of the darkness.
When dawn came, Zee went to talk to his friends and told them every detail of what
happened. Loryn made a great face of astonishment. "I knew, Zee, I had a
premonition. I saw you surrounded by blood! Said the girl. "But, Loryn, it was only a
dream, and I know what to do next: a protection ritual. So, we will make sure that no
kimbulo of evil can enter our dreams, "Zee explained to her friend. "Okay, I think I have
enough ingredients to this ritual of protection, "Loryn said. At night they went into the
forest and took a minuscule box of chopsticks with all the ingredients: Large iron
cauldron; Toad poison; Chicken foot; Bay leaves; Dreadful dust. Doug and Otavio
threw everything into the cauldron, mixing everything to a large portion of holy water.
Soon there was a great

apple that formed a cloud over the air, making a circle that held the four friends for the
ritual. - Corpirion Pentrus, Corpirion Pentrus, Corpirion Pentrus - said the four friends at
the same time, according to the ritual. A great blue flame came out of the cauldron,
sealing the ritual of protection. The friends returned to the Cathedral feeling well best.
Zee did not want to take any vampire bites or vampire again, not in a dream or even
out of it. Zee and his friends did not feel completely safe with a simple ritual of
protection, then sent a messenger beetle to Merlin. Merlin, strange things are
happening, nightmares, something related to vampires. Find us in the midnight on
Saturday. Zlod. On Saturday, Zee and his friends went to the valley. Merlin already
waiting, wearing a very long blue cape. "Zee, tell me about your dream," he said to the
boy. "Well, it was a ball, a vampire ball. There was one girl who said to call herself
Joyce; she said she knew me, she asked me what I was doing there. "Zee, I need to be
frank with you, in the world of magic, everything can exist and be done. The things you
are going through, occasionally you have lived in another dimension, in another
magical moment. If she told you this, you can be sure that Something about you must
have accelerated some world Kim and you must have lived a different life. Listen
carefully: I will give you the Mintra. Eat this leaf, it will hurt your whole body, but it is the

We'll find out what's going on, "Merlin said. Merlin removed a bag of aged cloth and,
from within, picked up a sheet of metal. He placed it in the hands of Zee, who then put
the sheet on his tongue. It dissolved like fruit salt. Zee felt pain all over her body; every
muscle ached without stopping, his eyes burned like pepper sauce. Woke up in a soft
bed in a house with wallpaper all over in sky blue. He got up from the bed in an empty
dimension, only with no one there. So he walked out on a very similar to the streets in
Cansville. At the end of the street was a door. Zee opened it. The first thing he saw
was his written name at the door, "Zee Griston", and a star. It was as if that place in
which he had woken up as a dressing room. He watched a corridor with all the walls in
red and a beautiful carpet in the hallway without exits, where he stepped. Then he
noticed an old man with a beard approaching, pushing a janitor's cart. - Hello, who are
you? Asked the boy, very curious. - Name? What is a name? Asked the gentleman. -
Name's name. Well, I say, what is the name of the girl Aria? Asked the boy. - Oh yeah!
Excuse me, I'm out of date, I clean this corridor I've had so little memory for so long.
Lucian White Moon, "Lucian said. - You're finally awake! Here you are the most
Sleeper. "Lord, where exactly am I?" Zee asked in astonishment. "Here's what it can
be, it's not what it might be. Each door of this endless corridor, contains something,
never I saw no one enter your room. Ah yes! There's Miss Joyce, she's
loves to see you sleep "She what?" In front of Zee, there was a door named Joyce
Drova. The door was ajar. There everything was beautifully decorated and as in a
movie, and there was a blonde countless notes in a book, possibly a desk. It was all
very confusing. Zee was watching the world. individually; perhaps he now had answers
that even the Merlin could give her. Life and death became, in seconds, a game in
Zee's vision. He did not know if it was magical or strange. He walked a little deeper,
into the endless hallway, and found a door that read "Zee Griston, Fantasy or War ",
another door that read" Zee Griston, was Aquarius "and another of many, "Zee Griston
in the Master's hall." Each door lead to a reality of the boy, in some, realized that
already he was an adult, in others he would still be born. Zee was very confused by it
all; he ran out and entered through the "Zee Griston," only Zee, who was the that he
was, just a normal boy and so he intended to continue, a human being with defects and
feelings. He went back to the typical American house. On top of the bed there was a
balloon and on the packaging it was written "Suck me." Zee put the bullet in his mouth
and again felt his eyes burning and his head spinning. I was waking up again from a
fainting in the valley next to his friends and Merlin. "Zee, I suppose you feel better
already," said old Merlin. "Yes, actually, it was all very strange, there were several
doors, there were several "I" of myself, as many realities Said the boy.

"But of all the realities of Zee Griston, little Zee, This is the only one I like. Here you are
kind and never arrogant; I think another Zee Griston is afraid of you, because you is
simple and innocent. In the future we will have work - Merlin. "But, sir, what does this
have to do with my dream?" "I think you already know the answer." The vampire she
saw, Zee, in another dimension, is his girlfriend. She must have left the door. open to
you, but you would never imagine that in one of your dreams you would find it. She is
very powerful, she loves you, but one love written in pure blood and this is not the Zee
that in this reality is the son chosen by Zedom, loyal, friend, sincere, and the more
important, honored. In the end, you'll have to make a choice, but by then Morbid!
Murmured Merlin, who was soon gone. like smoke in the valley, leaving Zee and his
friends gaping.

CHAPTER 8 The Chocolate Girl Zee Griston bathed in the tub. The water was washing
his soul. The tub was bright and the tap was gold. Zee dived into his book and went to
Camelot, where he dined. On the plates there was a royal seal, resembling the coat of
arms of Kimbulandia. He wore a magical medieval steel mesh. He made a hat fly with
the spell "Acônius Von". The time has passed since that day when Zee Griston, a kid
who bleeds like any human being, like a bullfighter, fell into an unreal world, where he
did not know the walls and curtains of a parallel reality. vizy, he and his friends in the
magical classes of the enormous Cathedral, everything was doing very well, thank you.
His romance with Marina Capucci was shining like a flash of magical light, the Kimboll
games were getting warmer in that station. One day, returning from lunch in the
cafeteria, some Americus girls approached Zee with a look sad and comforting. Zee
went out and went with them to his friends, to the school garden, where all the students

swirls around a strange sculpture. - What is it? Loryn asked. "Well, we do not know, but
it smells like chocolate, that's it!" Said Patricia Menguer. Zee approached and soon had
no doubts. On the floor, a mask with peacock feathers and the face of the sculpture
was that of no one else, none other than Marina Capucci. The beloved of Zee had
been turned into a chocolate sculpture; The skin, clothes, absolutely everything. The
boy filled his eyes. of tears and his heart was already desperate and without joy. He
had fallen in the midst of cotton wool. Nearby, the Professor Rose Marry and a few
other teachers amazed at what had just happened. - Take it to the refrigerator and do
not dare to pinch or a little of that chocolate, "Rose said to some goblins over there.
gifts. Marina was taken to a body refrigerator. All they were hopeful that some antidote
or spell would soon emerge for that curse, previously unknown to the teachers. Loryn
approached Zee with a clear look. All four were behind the garden, running over the
vast black and white checkered floor. - Zee, when I was in the mirror cabinet I found
something, a mirror. Well, he's much more than a mirror, I want you to see Loryn said,
trying to help. - Lô, do not be silly, come talk of mirror when your friend is absolutely
devastated? Asked Doug, very indignant. Loryn picked up her purse and took out a
heart that was a hand mirror. He approached the mirror in front of Zee, but this did not
She could see his face. He looked more closely at the mirror and he continued to see
nothing, beyond the reflections of the very flowery garden.

"What do you want me to show you, boy?" Asked the a mirror that, to the astonishment
of Zee, spoke. "Well, I'd like to find an antidote, someone I love." you need it as soon
as possible. "What's his name?" Asked the mirror. "Marina Capucci," Loryn said
quickly. The mirror was silent for a minute and then began to gasp. "Well, what she
needs is a sugar cloud. This cloud alone exists in the world of someone evil. If you can
get into a someone else's world, they will have what they seek, "explained the mirror.
Zee and his friends kept thinking of many people for hours, when Doug soon
suggested Erick Vilarinho. "But how do you get Erick into the closet?" It will be
impossible, folks, "Otavio said. "Maybe I can help with that too," Loryn said, smiling.
"Well, I realized that Zee, having the eye of Horus, can hypnotize, I myself was living
proof of that. If you can hypnotize or Erick, he will do whatever Zee says instantly,
"Loryn explained simply. All four ran to the Americus wing and, by far, they observed
the students, one by one, until they found Erick. The boy came very happy after
stealing enough gold dreams of Luminarius boys. Zee ran ahead of Erick and she
narrowed her eyes. - Follow me! Zee ordered the boy. In seconds, Erick was in a state
of trance and followed Zee. The five of them went to the stuffed animals room; Zee and
his friends opened the door and played Erick, then went after his. They fell on a bunch
of gold bars, the sky was

violet cotton and there were many winged ponies everywhere. Erick was eating huge
chocolate bars while Zee and his friends flew to the sky, jumped on a cloud quite
sugary and soon tasted. It was really cotton candy, but it was, also, cloud. Anyway,
they had found what they were looking for. Loryn noticed a small, golden box there
where they They were. The girl placed the small box in the pockets of her robes and
quickly left the closet mirror with his friends. They returned to the great Circular
Cathedral. Loryn and the friends rushed to the hospital and faced the vitreous
refrigerator. Spreading clouds of sugar all over the body of chocolate from Marina
Capucci. The girl soon had her skin back, fell from the cold and the fright on the floor of
the hospital wing and embraced by Zee, who shed tears for having her great love, your
happy story, your Nina. The stars danced in the sky of Kimbulândia. Nina had no idea
how it had happened to her, the only thing she knew and she was was that something
inside her called love screamed and screamed like A delicate girl does when she's in
love. Everyone went to their rooms. Loryn took the box without speaking. nothing to
anyone. On the metal was written "Secret"; that was something she needed to analyze
before telling her friends. Lying on her bed of large pink-baby sheets, she straightened
and gently opened the box. It was a music box with a face that quickly noticed to be
similar to the face of Zee Griston. The girl was intrigued and soon the box began to
play. a magic melody. It was as if she were listening to the song most beautiful in the
world, a sweet, radical, party melody a daring carnival look. Then she approached her
face. of the box with his eyes fixed on the face that gleamed in gold and fel

in a magical field, with a glass castle and in front a gigantic face, like what she had
seen in the box, the face of one World. She was sure it was Zee Griston, but this one
He had a face of stone and black hair, shivering and pulled top. Around him, there was
nothing more than a Cathedral like that of Kimbulândia. The floor was also all square.
She felt The kiss, her cheeks and lips were totally mutilated by the feel of that beautiful
and perfect stone mouth giving you kisses magicians, unforgettable kisses. She felt the
green, rays, pink power, She felt like a girl. "Was that the face of an angel?" She
wondered. She did not want to know anymore, she only had one goal now: to be this
girl who was and believe in her own laws. She did not want out of that world, the
waterfalls were more than perfect, their clothes were stamped to themselves as in a
shop window, she was the showcase now. This world was unreal and perfect for Loryn,
that was, for she, the monster of music, this was her first law in that world. But she was
like a vampire, wanting more. So he appeared again, stealing the scene, dressed in a
T-shirt red. He did not say his name, he was just throwing a party, this was who she
really wanted to see. The song now was another, she felt the beats in her veins; when
she could not take it any longer, she asked to return and there she was, Loryn, again in
bedroom, holding a simple music box. That was and would forever be his greatest
secret; She always I would come back to see that face, that Secret God. I felt the
jungle invading her body when she was surprised by the wave of the sea, as if he were
surfing in Hawaii. The star of music, beauty and of power, a sacred and blue secret.
Loryn had just get out of prison, or feel like using the tiger phone

to call home, she just stood there, watching all the others girls looking at her in a
strange way, as if something would happen. All the other kimbulo girls had noticed how
beautiful she was, as if she had a 12 on her forehead. Logo Zee appeared with Otávio
and Loryn. - Hi, Loryn, any problem? - Boys, is there a 12 on my forehead? Asked the
girl with blinking eyes. "No, maybe 318. Even, well, you look beautiful!" - said Zee,
surprising the new look of the friend and playing with the same time. Loryn said nothing
about what had happened to his friends. That, for the girl, was more than secret, it was
untouched, it was like to be in a boy's room, but a quarter of a boy very special, whose
only photography would freeze the world. Now Zee was, once again, sinking into
feelings hazardous waste. What would Mascareyde be up to? What are your goals?
Why so many holes that year in Kimbulandia? But one thing was certain, he, being the
brave boy he was, would not nothing dangerous to exist between him, his friends and
people who loved Marina was now much better after being turned into a chocolate

CHAPTER 9 The Sacred Hand Celts. Bottles of glass with water mineral source. Magic
wolf. Black star tavern. Transylvania. Zee got into his book and landed on a ship called
Blue Wizard. He found on the table on the ship a map called Field. On the map, Zee
and his shipmates. He read the map, which said "invisible sea, corset lock, dog's
stone". Behind the map, it was written that at the bottom of a dune, behind the vedra
wine, very deep, there is a treasure: there are 90 chests with gold and silver,
sapphires, diamonds, emeralds, and many precious stones. THE magic password to
enter is "grape and wind"; Zee got the password with your family and friends. After
much work and navigation, they took all the Kabem tunnel treasure alongside Jesus.
The twins Todd and Charlie Danzel and Edward Jackson Long were great players of
magic top. And just like Zee, they went well in Mathematics class. Kimbulândia was full
of secret passages, a kim folklore.

The winds were blowing in the cornfields in Kimbulândia. Zee needed to be distracted,
it was when, at night, locked in his fourth, straightened out his book The Eyes of
Armageddon and plunged into history. He fell into a place called Magistral, there, there
was a a large pen, a henhouse with a corral and a road. He walked in the night to a
small house there was a frog-shaped door and inside, Zee, with very frightened, gave
three beats. The door opened and there man with luminous skin and curly and gray
hair. "Hello, Zee, how's the election going?" Asked the man. - How do you know my
name? Asked Zee, terrified. "I know everything, dear, I am the visionary, but you can
call me Stonewall." "Well, I'm fine, but which elections do you speak of, sir?" "There are
two parties, Mr. Griston, the Rabbit and the 14. Choose which side you are on, just
that. Do you like fish? "Yes," said Zee. - Zee Griston, the papaya stem, well, your future
always goes be great Zee In the name of Joseph Magdalene, Zedom, our majesty,
chose him. You want fish? Asked the visionary again. "Sir, what do you know about
Mascareyde?" Asked Zee. "If I speak, you'll never know, if you look, you will not find it,
just be careful, Mr. Griston, remember the family, so you have my permission." Accept
more fish? Said the man, and Zee had eaten no fish. Zee said goodbye and left,
returning to his bed in Kimbuland and falling into deep sleep. Upon reaching his dream,
he met the dog Mr. J., who belched a bubble and took the small Zee to a house painted
white and pink with a black. It was the dog house, which Zee already knew when

met for the first time with Bilba Dark. The dog gave him great licks insatiable, as if he
did not want to detach himself never from Zee Griston. The dog dug and dug and
removed a bone with the following inscription on its surface: "Talisman of the Dogs".
Zee held the bone in his hands and, in a matter of seconds, his hands turned into a
black metal. Zee sneezed and soon a great black flame lit in the palms of his hands.
Now Zee was the guardian of the Black Fire. She woke up with her burning sheets,
waved her hands and soon his skin returned to normal. The next day, Zee, Doug,
Octavio, and Loryn went to Merlin. By hearing everything about the dream of Zee,
Merlin was very impressed. "Zee, you're holding your hand, you're the guardian of
Fire." Black now and must do everything so that Mascareyde does not find it, because
if he finds you, he will steal the Black Fire and imprison him in the diamond of Draum.
And you have no idea how it would be dangerous for our world if that happened! Said
Merlin. "But if he finds me, I'll be brave and I'll face him." Zee explained bravely. The
next day, the Zlod went to Magic Stoning class with Professor Felix Salvatori, a very
serious and somber man. Soon he put rough stones on each student's wallets. "Well, I
presume none of you know the essence." of Magic Stoning. In this lesson, I will teach
you how to stone yourself. First, we'll start with rocks, then I want to see their souls.
shining like crystals. The spell they will wear with their gloves will calls it "Cristalitus".
Who will be the first? Oh yes, sir. Griston, I think you can do well. - Ok sir... - Cristalitus!
Zee yelled at his piece of rock and then
his piece of rock turned into a beautiful crystal swan.
"Great, Mr. Griston!" - congratulated the teacher.
"Now, Mr. Miller."
Doug used the spell on his rock and had a beautiful bear
of glass. Then it was the turn of Loryn, who had a beautiful skull
human glass; Otavio, a beautiful ruby elephant; and Patricia
Menguer, a Swarovski crocodile.
The levitating shears are great for cutting hair.
The rowing crew trained.
The class was easy and lovely for the Zlods. Zee found a
ticket under the rug written "Meet me in the woods. Mocco ". Once there, Mocco had a flying broom and
everything in his house waiting for a person who, according to him,
Zee needed to know. Soon one of the
babysitter, a magic nanny who, according to Mocco, was the only one who could
give clues to where Mascareyde would be.
- Hello! Said the nanny, whose name was Nelly Barbb.
- Hello! Well, miss, thanks for coming. The four of us are
to days trying to find out something about Mascareyde. He has a
which belongs to the world of magic, the "Diamond of Draum".
She listened quietly. Within a minute, she pulled out a doll from her
backpack and began to comb the hair of the doll. Well, Mascareyde is a terrible kimbulo, capable of being
invisible in most
of the times. It possesses unimaginable allusion powers, from a simple
insect it can turn into a great Evil Dragon.
Be careful; your protection is in the friendship, never
forget about it. Now, Merlin has already informed me through Mr. J.
that Zee has the Black Fire. Mascareyde will only get Fire
Black sacrificing Zee.
"But there must be some way that does not happen."

What if I sacrifice myself? Said Loryn. - Yeah, when we did the

covenant of eternal friendship, we unite; I give my life to
save my friend!
-Me too! Said Otavio.
-Me too! Doug said.
"No, you do not have to. If this is my destiny, I will go.
die. Now Mascareyde will not leave nor study in peace
more, "Zee said.
The babysitter is gone and the boys have returned to Kimbulândia with
a thousand things in the head

CHAPTER 10 P age Zee went to Rio de Janeiro with his friends. They flew over the
Christ magically in a winged bus. Bilba Dark appeared saying that Zee needed to go to
his safe at the Kimgoldem Bank. In a moment, they teleported to France and entered a
shark watch that it showed a pointer. For Zee to enter, he said his password, which
was "visual". The kimbulos, He then found a door that it looked like a Christmas
envelope, then through a windowpane, behind the windowpane, had a very rustic door.
Zee, Bilba and the Kimgoldem Banking Gnome. In the safe there were many bars of
gold, an amount to leave a lucky person, many jewels, crowns, chests, bags with
square coins with gold dreams, rubies, diamonds, sapphires, emeralds of many
shapes, gold dreams of great value, furniture, relics, pictures millennia and works of
art. Zee found a necklace written "Our Phoenix MAKTEJ "and a necklace called"
Traculian ". Zee just got it the amount he needed to keep with him and left. Soon
already was back in Kimbulândia, locked with this secre
"Traculian". A choker made of jadeite was a sacred symbol and treasured by Zee's
grandfather. Zee entered a church in Wales with gold finishes ... He found a table and,
on top of it was an angel holding a goblet of wine. Zee touched the wine and found a
rose petal, in which it was said, in a golden inscription: Graal. Zee sensed the presence
of Jesus Christ and soon returned to Kimbulândia with the vision inside him. As in the
whole world, Zee felt a gigantic kindness in your heart. Kindness exists in the heart of
the human being. Even all we have borne sins that the world itself tells us, no one
loses its purity, its innocence. You know when you close the eyes and kneel on the
floor at very difficult times? These are the hours when the power of God comes and
covers you with a holy and holy mantle; children and the elderly, young people and
pure in heart, and may God never forget even the most sinner of the world. And when
you look at an enemy, always do it well, because in this life we only take our soul, so
take care well, to plant in the great harvest of life reaping blessings and much light,
simplicity, humility, hope, sincerity and love. Zee puts his hand on his heart and thinks,
"I I'm here; he feels the pain of the world with him; that I never Lose the orange work of
happiness that I carry and the joy of my friends that I love and always take 'in my
heart', that my family love me for the sanctified way in which I was born, and that my
love Marina Capucci is my epic love, that I am an example of education in the world,
encouraging others in this a planet that only requires attitudes, such as feeding people
with hunger, caring for the environment and spreading peace. Zee took a piece of
parchment and thought: "I am

just a good boy. God. Look at me. " The monks with shaved heads shouted to the
world that there was a family in which there was a boy who died by touching the lip of
the girl who says goodbye to the Great Eye of Zedom at die. Remember your love in
marriage, a kiss on a bedroom with a large heart tub that symbolizes the first one in the
spring made Zee see a colorful flower. Once, for his mother, death is like touching the
sun in a photograph and Zee Griston always knew that. To all men and women who
followed him, perhaps this was the answer for possessing the Black Fire, love as of
Zee and Nina. A Christmas crib, a Santa Claus and a doll on a bed, a photograph of
the model, christmas or captain of the ship, or the one in the photograph of a net who
lives holding her hair in an endless wind. The magic cybernetic by grids when touching
the light, the shield of the warrior against oppression and confusion and enemies of
light. The petals of roses falling like rain, in a whirl in the community of a free America,
of a sunny world in black and white. Owls, which always remember the blue of the sky,
diving in a pond still more blue, showing blond hair like laurels of a great Roman metal
serpent or black lighted. In light of a window on a day of magic sun. The Paris sheet
shows the the world in the face of coffee, in faith for true love. Applause violets to
Armageddon from the streets dawn in a protest by the fanaticism for true love. A yellow
pole, a Anger by the flash when leaning on a motorcycle, shows the boy of the sun and
the bells. To see on TV, Professor Fatima a meeting with a face. In the Academy of
Magic he remembers the first kiss forbidden Like a glass flower lit by an angel standing
glued and another of wings that ignite the ticking of the watch

gain in love, being every second, love of life, like blood. Displayed in the newspaper or
on TV, a baby covered by a cloak red with a password 4659, a special tea containing a
rare pearl The free tiger and, at the same time, there arises an army and Bunnies in my
direction asking for voice, sweat, love and all that I can give, or an oracle that only sees
my face and a full TV of bunches next to the blackberry jelly in my spoon. This is
sequence of Zee Griston, it was what was on the floppy, offering me cherry globes, a
flashlight in my hand, a vase broken and Jesus touching my hands, I choose a deer.
Zee had in mind a video game that played a lot. In jump, the cable-stayed bridge to
Christ the Redeemer shows my Statue of Liberty, the Great Wall of China or a regatta
stamping Las Vegas. The guardians of the owls shouted the name of Zee Griston,
sometimes I see my bird on the railing, then I see hat and umbrella and I still believe in
Zee, coming out of a simple suitcase with his enchanted gloves, or a son of a king, a
prince or a bird. How about a Cupid? loose in Kimbulândia? Zee left giving more shots
in the clouds and found, and soon fell in love, once again, with Marina Capucci.
Nothing made him take his mind off those hands, that way or that photograph. Zee,
without fear, let Loryn smooth everything her hair and left a fringe on the left side,
because she was welcoming me like the lap of a father and a mother. Powder
diamond, in dreams inside a school of angels' secrets. Zee Griston, a strawberry boy,
woke up and went to his History of Magic class Kim alongside the Zlod. Loryn took the
hands of Zee with great force and they moved on.

CHAPTER 11 Owl in the Wind The Zlod went to Merlin. Zee told me everything had
happened to the memories and reflections he had had. Merlin, smoking his pipe,
looked a lot intrigued, picked up a crocodile skull and asked Zee to to concentrate Zee
did as Merlin asked and then fainted. I was back soon. According to Merlin, the Black
Fire was having a connection with the surreal world. Zee went to Kim's fashion class
where Professor Crow waited. - All in a row. When playing the 2000 song, all parading,
in 1, 2, 3, all models! Zee stepped out into a mirror in two lines, one to the boys and
another for girls. Then everyone went into the Chalet Hair Beauty. The students in
Kimbulândia were having great jobs cultural, music, cinema and theater. In
Kimbulândia also was happening the Olympics. Zee had won a medal on the tombor

kimboll. The Kimbulândia pipeline was intertwined with that of the Vatican. Zee felt this
holiness, sometimes he could even believe that the Pope himself was present, but he
is a boy who sees God and goodness in the world, in animals. Now! I myself saw the
bluish lord use a spell and turn fish food! He became nature, elements. Earthworms of
gold. Merlin loved fishing. Atlas holding the world. Thespis and Dionysus. White elf.
Tudor, a pose, green butterfly, portrait with golden lips. Sole well prepared. Bread. Ion
and his father. Diamond sun. The talking glasses. Zee was impressed, they spoke.
Bocas lenses, nose and eyes. Elegant, fine, very rich costumes. Lunar kimbulo crystal
ball. Miss. Drum. Soon Zee went to his room, for this was his refuge, where was kept,
as in a temple. Through the glass, I could see the rain falling and revealing Zee Griston
completely. Zee took advantage of the raindrops he always liked to hear, and started
reading his book, eating some potatoes from the Gostosuras store. or Mischief. Zee
had used the spell "Arverus Lu" and a white stone sculpture in motion, a statue that he
was moving. He had a hamster at home

He entered his book and fell into India, where he was soon on an enormous elephant,
this elephant is called Dimas, who took him to the palace, where Zee came in and
received a lotus, like that left by the panther princess. In the palace, he had kindness
and a secret that only Zee knew. He left and left its mark in India, was very happy with
its lotus flower. Zee put the flower away, maybe she would need it later, would not she?
In his room began to snow, Zee thought it was in the cold of Tuscany. Then came
Lowd, who came flying to the window. of your room in Kimbulândia. "Zee, how are
you?" Asked Lowd. "Well, now knowing what the nanny told me, I think I'm with fear
and courage. Mascareyde wants to get me, does not he? Replied Zee. - Yes, he wants
to and you have to stay safe, take the maximum possible care. Who did you see in
India? Inquired Lowd. "A lady in a very nice blue dress," Zee said. "Zee, I'm an owl-
man, I live a curse, you you have the unique opportunity to live, be careful and do the
the legacy of maple leaf, "Lowd suggested. - What is the legacy of the maple leaf? Zee
asked. "It's a secret society in the world of magic that cares." of the world treasure Kim,
in this case, the maple leaf. Ask about this tomorrow in History class Kim with
Professor Rose Marry, "Lowd finished. Zee slept, and the next day found his friends in
the central area of the revolving staircase, entering the teacher's Rose Marry. She was
teaching "The contrasts of mythology Greek Bumper Sticker ". Zee, then, very
unnoticed, as if unwittingly,

lifting 86 87 I shook my hand and said, "Professor, what is the legacy of maple leaf?" -
Oh yeah! I do not know who mentioned it, but I do not know if everyone the students
know. When this school was founded, 30 centuries ago, there was a leaf of the maple
tree and, according to legend, that leaf protected Kimbulândia, north, south, east and
west. The Sacred Magician planetary Ninario gave the name to the leaf of Santa Leaf
Bordo. The Kimbulian geniuses protect her. And also a legend says that she has a
temple, but never heard anything again. So, that's all. Lovers of art, history, philosophy
and scholars always have done research and research to find the environmental part
and the our sacred autumn, "said Rose Marry. The class was curious about the
teacher's explanation. Zee entered the Eyes of Armageddon and went to 1971. He met
the God Hermes who gave him a gift. Zee saw the sculpture of Semiramis beside the
tree of lights, in Kimbulândia. She held a beautiful golden cloak. Next to, the statue of
Onleosof all of stone. Zee really enjoyed listening to pop music. Near Kimbulândia was
located the tribe of the Kimgoal Indians. Kimbulanda was on time horistaiji. Kavin
Castles was loving it. Soon there was a boom. Dimmy and Tommy and their explosives
are a mess in Kimbulândia. Man half wolf, half bird lumberjack. Dancing candy. Rattle,
isolation, secret, pills, angel, pic-nic. Touch the magician's face. Saw-sawing machines.
The sacred fringe blesses those who wear it. Sewing sun in long socks.

Raining multicolor glitter. I just want to make you smile every day, Zee. May your
dreams always come true. Maybe I'm in this dream. You touch my soul in every way,
my sincere love. Fashion is to be you. Come on, let's see. I am a simple, humble, rare
forest, waiting to be inhabited, a child waiting for water. A lullaby for you to remember
me. See how this boy shakes his hair. Diamond of the cross. Bird manon Diamond

CHAPTER 12 What's up Zee would take a purple potion to gain morphine energy. He
was reading the newspaper that clearly said "Zee Griston: will he be the kimbulo of the
generation?" Zee went to the Cox restaurant, cooking magic spell cox. He put a gold
chip on his arcade and soon showed up. on the Diamond screen. The Zlod. He went to
see Merlin. He asked for a password; Zee soon said - Shooting star. Tijolinhos of
dragon. The stars were plowing like owls in the sky. They entered and Merlin offered a
cup of tea of chamomile. Mr. J. was bouncing. Merlin said: "I hope at this moment, Zee,
you already know this secret. "I think so," Zee said. "Zee, your mother gave me a
jacket, this jacket has magical and holy powers, she speaks to you. That's what they

I give you to use in a special moment and always remember that whoever we love
does not die and never leaves us. AND Luck, look how curious! Said Merlin. Zee put on
his black jacket and soon there was a beautiful woman, who said: - Who wears it? -
Zee Griston. Ah! So you are my owner! Said the voice of the jacket. "I think so," Zee
said. "Well, I've never been dressed, now we can go anywhere Continued the voice.
The boys laughed, had a good time with their talking jacket, which was very rare, there
were few in the world. Soon Zee left for Kimbulândia that afternoon. He entered the
book The Eyes of Armageddon and fell into a place that had a glass pool. It was placed
inside the box of glass with contours of gold. In seconds, his blond hair became soaked
and his feet shaped into a Golden-tailed Newt. Quickly, a sculptor sculpted the image
of the prisoner in the sacred waters. When Zee returned to Kimbulândia, he got a of
Professor Rose Marry. He did not understand why. of that brooch. Zee was sowing
pumpkin seeds for Halloween. Received a note from Marina Capucci: Love, in the
tunnel of precious stones, near the boar of gold, after the hen's golden eggs. Find me
in coat of arms forest. Marina Capucci

Zee was in the woods. He saw a frog on the lake, trunk and saw a bunny get out of
there. An owl flew. Perched on trees, squirrels and various colorful birds. So, sighted a
mysterious princess in the woods. Zee ran, his eyes passionate. When you get there,
Nina looked beautiful in a light blue dress. Marina lay down on the flowers before a
large pine tree. Zee was holding a rose and did not let go. As Marina always played a
part of the Losango da Cruz family, the love for Nina was like a paradise oasis and give
innocent kisses, feeling the butterflies playing with our hair. Zee and Nina fell in love.
The sincerity, the love and the beginning of a flower that rises in the sky, gilded and
framed by angels, wild and aphrodisiac, sacred and warm. Nina felt the fire black
kisses on Zee, which were secret kisses, in secrets of a boy who only showed up at
sunset, a look in the waterfalls, silent, in the elven, human hills, or to be for being. Now,
it showed this couple, was when I saw his look and when I I fell in love with him. They
kissed and Zee was gone, knowing he had this love, sacred as the heart of magic. Zee
slept on a Sunday, when a white owl with golden feathers and golden eyes appeared in
his room, the Clara owl. Futrica kept beating the owl, Amorá she got a little jealous and
went flying sky high. Then he returned, because Amorá was immortal and will always
be. Zee found a drawing and a ram. He sometimes thought in these types of animals;
he also imagined the winged ponies. It had a secret bar, named Rihz Ongon near the
golden bricks, after the brown portrait, rising up the valley of the latrine

blue. There, it was served, for Zee and his friends, nectar juice and, for the meal, many
salads, cakes, pastries and cheese breads. Soon they were back to Kimbulândia. The
library in Kimbuland was vast with books from all centuries, including works from the
Library of Alexandria. Zee watched the big world telescopically. Furongs on the roof
show Zee small suns on the ground, as well as some Little stars look like little
airplanes. I leave all this light overflowing from my mountain, good energies. Zee
entered once more in his book The Eyes of Armageddon and it was when he fell in a
cute airplane. Zee was flying peacefully when he met a star, who asked, - Want to
come in? "Yes," said Zee. Then the plane landed inside the star. Zee was in a beautiful
place. He saw the star more closely and then left. again to Kimbulândia. It was a
blessed star. Zee was listening to a beautiful song called "Muse." When he felt fragile,
he just felt that way.

CHAPTER 13 C o n c e n t a tio n Apollo appeared to Zee, turned into a red light and
entered his mouth. In a few minutes, the light returned. He was blond, had fine
features, flushed skin, wore a black burqa stamping a cat with a bow and his eyes were
extremely blue. He held a piece of wood written "yes." Solar hair and he took out a
basket of pure honey. The electrician in checkered red and white clothes and a match
stick. Moti. The earring of the Sheva light. Regal, the giant purple rabbit. Ptolemy.
Aristotle. Haired haired. Plato, Socrates. Ell Kent, mechanical dog. A secret society
called "the Amksta". Contains the secret of Abraham's blade. Mythical The son of the
Astronomer "Mehagu".
God makes you great.
Elixir of the East.
The Gnome Penny.
The new 3000 bike is blue-cloud dye with solar rays, gold brake, leather pedals and golden velvet. Is able
high speeds and has a fast-paced marching flight, accompanied by a red helmet with mega protection.
Ahagade, the kimbulo.
Street of bewitched wires dancing in the streets.
Plastic face.
Zee and his friends played bowling with hope blue pins.
Zee felt stars inside her belly.
The white fairy approached Zee and said,
- Shoot your dreams.
The secret of Atlantis is a giant of twenty arms.
Zee ate a soup of planets. Blue lined lord.
"Mr. Hitrad, owner of the dragon Resperato, black of eyes
yellow. Zee felt the air freeze in his presence. "
Zee saw piles of books fly, they were like flying saucers.
"Killer Dreams are terrible dream-destroying creatures,
They have gold hands over a red haze and
bubble of kimbulo mind, taking your dreams. "
"Zee discovered the Green Lion, the legendary. The Lion's Breath
Green is able to create diamonds and resurrect the dead and his hair
has healing properties, his blood has waters of Eden,
give eternal life to anyone. Your growls are how to do
philosophy speak; he obeys only those who gave him life and name. Only
there is one in the world and his name is Ankorde. "

Zee found himself inside a globe of harmonic gold hoops. Uwni. Keyra Leto. The purple
mystic necklace. The planets bubbled up in Zee's head. Wavy gold bars like hair
strands. Hebrew. Mother nature, zedonic architect, refos, pitia. Halloween was great.
The Zlod went to the Scorpion's Nest bar. Rocket hand. Fields of four leaf clovers. Zee
looked at the Raven made of Cullinan diamonds. Goddess Nuit. Zee was plunged into
the apartments in Bavaria. Your new friend, Mr. Adam Weishaupt, who was a Christian,
and now, without Zee to know, a distant relative. He only got to know this relative
entering the book The Eyes of Armageddon. Adam gave Zee one book called Illiminati.
Zee soon met with the World President of Magic Kim who was looking for Merlin to deal
with the magical planning of creatures like Amphisbaena, a serpent of two heads with
enormous wings which, according to the President, was loose in the forest of Gregory.
According to the President, this snake, which comes and goes on both sides, is feeding
on the giant ants in the Gregorian Forest. Zee could not imagine why Merlin was to
treat this beast, but Professor Rose Marry told the President. He left after he had given
the information, was intrigued; O that the World Magic President would be looking for
with Merlin? Zee was full of books on the Nix Goddess, for all classes was a top priority
in Kimbulland this year.

Zee saw the photo of Goddess Thalyorrane. Zee has turned into a waterfall, a beautiful
view on the forest. Zee found a book that showed everyone's picture the animals of the
planet. The name of this book was Animal Magicale. Zee had a picture of a beautiful
green girl in her bedroom. stamping a very important magazine in the world. Now Zee
had to study more than ever, because she was in school for this. The bell, every day,
made its sounds, waking him up in his room. Zee, Loryn, Otávio, and Doug were
amused. There was a Kimbulândia that had a coffee plantation. The four were planting
some seedlings; this was a form of awareness, the hospital wing of Kimbulândia was
very important. Zee and his friends returned for dinner at the Palace, at the Circular
Cathedral, when he appeared, in the midst of the candlelit dinner of moons, a little girl
who was delivering care for the environment, animals and the planet. Zee loved it all
this and always worked as a team for that. Coming back from dinner, Zee went to his
room and his book The Eyes of Armageddon. That's when you found a beautiful
waterfall and seven lakes. When diving, passed the "waterfall of respect "and found the
so-called" Narcissus refuge ". Zee became hypnotic, a butterfly almost drowned him in
the diamond, but managed to go to Kimbulândia with ease. Zee found Kasmin in the
corridor of Kimbulândia. The genius said: "The Arabian sands." Zee Griston, make a
wish. Zee asked in his thoughts. And the genius is gone after fulfill your desire.

Zee went to Kim Gym class. All students were exercising a lot, breathing clean air into
the environment. Zee entered a stadium with a sculpture of a man long-haired,
muscled, with an owl, a book in a hand, a long beard, naked, only with a folding sheet
the genitalia, of great wisdom; the sculpture was all diamond, from head to toe. Zee
wondered what the sculpture was.

CHAPTER 14 Blue look Zee woke up in a robe of lace and yellow robes. Was how to
look at the world for the first time this way. He went to History class, chose a blue vest
well despoiled, then went to meet Merlin. Merlin arrived in a wooden truck. He wore a
beautiful blue cape and smoked his pipe. In the distance, Zee saw the wheel of water
in the little house of Merlin run endlessly. Zee asked if Merlin had found the World
President of Magic Kim and he said yes. According to him, she wanted Merlin to
assume the power of the World Confederation of Gloves. That was how they treated
issues in the world of Kim. Zee said goodbye to Merlin and went to his room to study.
Then he went through the pages of his book and went to Hawaii, where found a winged
killer whale. He held on to the orca and flew over the waves, feeling free. From there,
Zee took the joy and the happy moment he had for a moment. Aloha

Zee found an interesting book, Special. In this book there were some stories, for
example: "João Jiló that killed a bird". "The woman who had nothing and who found a
saint Sacred and blessed. " "The jaguar eating flour with sugar". Zee loved this book,
found it quite educational, and the writer was incredible. He also had a primer called
The Nothing Much Paw education in Kimbulândia. His family was adept at a unique
education and Kimbulandia followed this, without Zee understanding, it was like
something familiar. Zee was eating popcorn with his friend Gayo Rodrigues. They were
talking about video-games, the colorful knights and toys. Gayo revealed that he was in
love with Thalyorrane. Gayo was American and Thalyorrane, an eagle Goddess. Zee
went to meet Loryn; she was listening to a song called "As I Go." Zee loved her friend
more than anything in life. Your friends, for him, his family and Kimbuland was
something magical and sacred; God was present in all this. Sincerity was something
you had to have to look into your eyes. of Zee, because he is a boy of feelings and,
mainly, hope. Zee entered his book The Eyes of Armageddon and stopped at an
angelic field with a beautiful, maternal atmosphere. Saw one street tiled with shiny
pebbles, all sparkling. He smelled fresh strawberry ice cream on the slope of China.
with an American puff. In that place, Zee found a box with photographs that, to him,
were very important. Took

his photographs and was straight on the street of bright, when he found a beautiful and
huge heart-shaped music box. He gave rope in the music box and heard a beautiful
song and saw a beautiful dancer to dance. Zee came home and kept the vision of the
ballerina in her memory. Zee was lying on his bed, past the bathroom, and he smelled
of strawberry. Zee went to bed in his warm bed in Kimbulândia. At Kilingue class they
were reading a book called Toque Meu Meu Time. Zee loved these lessons. Who
stamped the magazine cover Magic People of the Month was the Cathedral of
Kimbulândia, showing magical and rustic, classy, stones, mognos, marbles, sculptures,
quality metals from past centuries and a large gallery with sculptures and pictures,
geometric shapes sacred and millennial, modern medieval for historians and religious,
with majestic and royal forms. The magazine told on the Circular Cathedral and the
great Kimbulândia Palace

CHAPTER 15 Another Moonlight Zee met Merlin. He went into a bottle of bubbles and
went to the house of Merlin, who there was a beautiful forest in the moonlight. Zee
came out carrying his magazine Catboy: a feline superhero. "Hi, Merlin," Zee said. -
Hello, Zee! What do you want at this hour? Ah, I need you to tell me what you saw
when you were in my house for the first time - asked Merlin. "Sand covering my
sneakers in the fireplace," replied the little Zee in his pink robes. - Greetings to our
meeting! - Come in, Zee Griston. "Come in," Merlin said, taking sugar to form a
shooting star. "Sir, I had a strange dream tonight; I would like that clarify this dream.
"What did you see in the dream, Zee?" "I saw bats, which reminded me of a drawing I

when I was a child. The only thing I could relate to was that, sir. Said the boy. "So
today is your lucky day, Zee Griston!" Said Merlin. Merlin opened a toy box with
memories and gave to Zee some blue glasses and said: - Happy birthday, little son of
Christ. Alchemy of the well, of the angels. Let anyone who reads your pages from
beginning to end read God. Tomorrow you will come back here again, but to get
something and only I will, "said Merlin. Zee had a lot of things on his mind; the first
thing that came into his mind was always to have been a fatherless orphan, but he
knew he would always have someone to tell. And what would so waiting for you
tomorrow? Zee found a drop of glass on the floor, also saw a pyramid. Zee plunged
into the book The Eyes of Armageddon and went to in Romania, where he found a
beautiful garden with daisies and hydrangeas Zee, in that place, discovered something
very special, a group of people who made sculptures. There he met Joanne; it was her
new best friend, and she gave him a look of generosity, gratitude, luck and a crib. Zee
returned to Kimbulândia and came to to remember the image of a metallic grass on the
white skin of a wild creature with a mohawk. Zee met an angel who wrote on his skin
"Fame", placed a star and said: "Congratulations Zee, you can now see that your fame
is not everything, will carry this forever. God be with you". Zee Griston now had a brand
in a familiar source written "fame" on his skin. The blood penetrated and disappeared,
Zee now had more of this mark. Luck. The moon was waning and beautiful, the sky
was a boy, black and with the starry body, and when

The day will be blue with white clouds and a beautiful sun. That It's the day boy, Zee
Griston. All we do is out of love, we work out of love, Kim Kim Kimbulândia is like this.
The moon will never leave me alone. She makes me dream

CHAPTER 16 Star body ‫ یتقو هک نم یارب نیلوا راب امش ار تاقالم‬.. ‫دوب هک نم رد قشع طوقس درک‬
‫ینامز‬, ‫ام چیه دومن‬, ‫چیه زار قشع ام‬, ‫ نم هشیمه اجنیا‬. ‫ هچ نابوخ و یدبا قشع ام‬.. ‫ یارب هشیمه‬J, These
inscriptions are for you. Zee, Otávio, Loryn and Doug crashed into a Ferrari red and
went to a party. Zee and his friends flew up to the "Forbidden Portrait". Then they saw
the statue of Havanna which, legend had it, has the worship of joy to steal you. They
were in a mystical field. Zee wore metal armor. They dived into a clean pool and
stripped to the sun in this adventure. Zee had a blue and yellow watch. Zee put on his
purple glasses. At the party, friends of Zee prepare a beautiful cake with blue deer
icing, everyone was very happy. It was Zee's birthday, a beautiful party that her friends

and family had made for him, very special. Zee Griston, Happy Birthday. The biggest
Zee made a wish when blowing the candles, and desired something in secret. Zee
Griston is a guy fallen, thrown into the wheat and barley field, wearing clothing golden
as the tears that came out of her eyes. Zee Griston, waking up like the sun. Mercurius.

CHAPTER 17 Holy Millenium Zee plunged into his book The Eyes of Armageddon,
going stop in ancient Babylon, where he found a beautiful orange butterfly touching the
desert. Zee soon took off his clothes. and went diving in a crystalline ocean, when he
received of the wind a Z shield. Then, Zee returns to the Cathedral; it was snowing
there very. Zee clung to his crucifix. Peeto Secrets. The Empire. Curious Cat. No
matter the size of the audience, but the size of your work. Overladius. Zee was
listening to Billy Ventura's record when he a letter from a friend, Marcelle. In
Kimbulândia it was cold at times. Zee wore a scarf, knit coats, sweatshirts, black
kabans, tunics and their magic gloves. Zee's hair was now smooth with slight natural
waves. And his eyes remained greenish brown, the green of the mother.

CHAPTER 18 When I arrived Zee had a crucifix he had bought. He protected him and
the He guided the ways of God. He had the image of a protection of good, sacred,
innocent baby. Zee did not know, but Jesus lives and always lived inside him and
Kimbulandia. May Jesus always be with us in my prayers, that the angels always
protect us from everything that exists, for God exists and today I I see that. Thank you.
I just want to follow the path of good. Zee
CHAPTER 19 Donation Childrens Zee met Donation Childrens, she was the teacher
who prepared the smaller kimbulos before they discovered which were kimbulos. She
was a children and young people to prepare them to be good adults. She was kind and
generous, always cultivated God, planted things good and enjoyed being treated like a
happy being, forever bring joy in people's homes and always be welcome. And she is
Welcome now and Always
My name is Hollywood
Zee passed a cute winged dog. Giant.
Zee met a boy named Hollywood. He was
innocent, entertainment and was in Kimbulândia. Zee saw him in the book The Eyes of Armageddon, and
now they were
friends, or have always been. He was going to go near his mother.

CHAPTER 21 The Black Fire For Merlin, Zee was a jewel that held a secret. Zee
entered into his book The Eyes of Armageddon with his friends. They fell on a maple
leaf. For entering, you had to say a password, Zee's password was "the key." Zee
turned into a key and opened a huge a Temple. He went in with his friends, and they
saw a flash. Soon the light was gone and Zee came upon a golden Temple. They
walked and he found a maple leaf on the ground; When rose, saw a sword
"Luminarius", a sword with diamonds and emeralds, with the gold sheath. She was
trapped in a rock, Zee tried to pull it away, but the sword did not even move. They
walked and it was when they found a dungeon. The temple had the image of a giant
bird, all gold and a fountain with blue waters. That's when a giant Red Dragon
appeared. Fire that launched on Zee and his friends a big snort of fire at the same
instant. Zee became Forever and they fought The Red Dragon played Forever, the
white dragon pe- 110 111 rolled, on the wall. They fought bravely, with flames and
claws, groans and snorts, but Forever fell to the ground and Zee became human again
and his friends were unconscious. Zee withdrew the sword Luminarius and destroyed
the Dragon, ripping off his head, which dropped a peacock feather. At the same time,
Zee felt his crown shine and angel wings on his crown levitate. Your hands they found
the diamond of Draum on the floor. Zee touched the diamond, which soon turned into
an alliance. Zee transferred Fire Black for a golden lighter.

CHAPTER 22 U m d i a r e r e s e f f e l e n t e n t Zee met the World President of

Magic Kim, who took the sword, and, according to Merlin, the Luminarius will be stored
in a safe place. Zee dived into his book and went to Monaco, where he found a
beautiful cloud. Phone booth yo-yo. Sometimes Zee gets under the sheets like a ghost.
Moon tiles. The egg bar had good drink and good music, the bar door was an E.T. of
wood. Writing with pen gives more impact. The wax man. The beautiful woman turned
into a white horse. Zee went through the wishing machine. Close to ice skaters.
Floating hair. Uatk contains a super strength. Books chained by chains and padlocks
and spells

protection. Angel Laurio. Swndy wore a beautiful purple and purple dress over her
black skin. To be a kimbulo is to be selected eternally. The kimbulo rings. Dwarf devils.
Zee crossed his mirror and entered a room, found a chain with a medallion. As he
placed the medallion in the form of a dragon, Zee became a mirror, his body was all of
mirror, boy mirror. Poltergeist. Blair. Zee was in the circle of Solomon when a young
man came with a divine elixir and Zee said loudly and magically: "King." Robo Little
L o r d o f th e S e n h o r b o c e
C o reation
Zee saw a bottle of PRIMO wine left over
a table.
Zee met Prince Teasb Valery First. Your
Temple was all crystal and he had fair skin, hair
blondes, blue eyes, well-drawn lips, the posture of a true prince, and genuine goodness. His clothes were
of one
blue-cloud, silver trousers and leopard-black shoes

CHAPTER 24 A L e a l d e f Kimbulândia will always be loyal and faithful to whoever

deserves it. For love. God. Zee stood next to Marina Capucci, Zlod. The tests went
well. Zee, after defeating the Red Dragon, won a small statue of the wizard, just like the
one in the Kim World government, a stone mage holding a golden apple on a land
invisible. The whole school applauded cheerfully. Zee ended the year with decency,
honor and dignity, eating pudding at a golden party. Let's meet in the third year,
friends, united, in love. And all this, Lowd appeared again, now as a man. The curse
was gone, he was Zee's uncle, Geronimo. "This magic takes me when I'm here!" - Zee
Griston. Sweet honey, sweet love, carousel. Primors of magic.

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