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Volume 28, Number 6 March 17, 2019 www.Eastmont.


Week of Prayer for North American Missions

March 3 - 10

Eastmont Goal: $15,000

Pray for our College Mission Team in

Puerto Rico:
Gene Kim, Emily Boyd, Heather Johnson,
Morgan Prestage & David Walker
March 8 - 16

A Look Inside ……...

From Your Pastor Search Senior Adult
Pastor Committee Update Trip Secret Church
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From Your Pastor From Your
Mike Northcutt -
Pastor Search Committee
When you serve others, God changes lives and the first Since our last update in the Encourager, the pastor Search
one He changes is yours. Committee has been meeting with the staff ministers indi-
vidually to gain input about qualities to look for in a sen-
My grandchildren are learning knock knock jokes. ior pastor. We have also developed a fasting guide, and
Knock Knock. ~ Who’s there? ~ Olive ~ Olive who? ~ I the Eastmont Senior Pastor job description. Both of these
love you too! documents are accessible on the http:/
Knocking on doors to invite someone to church used to be website on the Pastor Search page under the
fairly common. Today, people are told not to open their “About Us” tab. If you do not have access to the internet,
doors to strangers. Plus people like their privacy and don’t copies are available from the church office.
want to feel pressured. So how do we reach people? It The Committee has chosen to fast periodically, we plan to
takes creativity, sensitivity, patience and much prayer. Our
food fast this Wednesday in preparation for our weekly
method must change, but never our message.
meeting. Please feel free to join us in this effort, if you
Servant evangelism is one way. Acts of kindness and are medically able to do so. Or, if you are fasting from
thoughtfulness can make an impact. Pastor Mike Thomas something other than food, please use that free time to
tells how his Grandmother Miller became a believer pray for us and continue to study I & II Timothy and Ti-
because someone voluntarily shoveled snow from her
tus. We are grateful to Cleve Mallory, and Art Long who
driveway. After the death of two husbands, she was bitter
toward God. Pastor Thomas says, “This one act of kind- published videos to support our studies of I & II Timothy.
ness melted the icicles on Grandma’s heart and washed We look forward to Gene Kim’s videos on the book of
away decades of bitterness.” Titus in March. These videos are also accessible on the
Eastmont Facebook page and website.
Last week our Women’s Ministry led in a Day of Service.
In multiple locations they cleaned, repaired, organized and The Senior Pastor job description was posted last Friday
improved living and working conditions for others. It (3/1) on our website, and we are receiving resumes. Also,
made a difference for others but also in their own hearts. we are reaching out to other state Conventions and Baptist
When you serve others, God changes lives and the first seminaries to post the job description.
one He changes is yours.
The committee, which meets at least weekly, is composed
I once gave up my seat on an overbooked flight to a of Cindy Pitts, Courtney Corum, Brian Clements, Travis
family. I did it reluctantly. I was tired and it would make Jordan, David Seay, Jerry Short, and chairman, Brian
me late for a meeting at seminary. Then God reminded Key. Please continue to pray for us.
me, “Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is
destroyed when you are cruel.” (Proverbs 11:17) Immedi-
ately afterward I felt a warmth and contentment. I was late
for my seminary meeting, but all I missed was a free meal Senior Adult Ministry
in the school cafeteria (which was probably another bless- Billy Dickey -
ing). When you serve others, God changes lives and the
first one He changes is yours. Forever Young
When it comes to reaching the lost, we have picked the Tuesday, March 19, 10:00 am in room 205.
low hanging fruit. There is still a lot of fruit on the tree. Our special guest will be Bobby DuBois, Associate
It’s just going to take more ladders and more work. But Executive Director Alabama Baptist State Board of
when we do the possible, God does the impossible.
Missions. Covered dish lunch to follow.
You are an amazing, caring church. I’ve watched you
consistently serve to reach the lost. Keep up your praying, Senior Adult Trip
your giving to missions and your servant evangelism. September 2-7, 2019. Western Caribbean Cruise. $520
Obedience is our responsibility. Outcome is God’s. per person based on double occupancy. 6 days and 5
Knock Knock ~ Who’s there? ~ Candice ~ Candice who? nights. Deadline to sign up for cruise and 1st payment of
~ Candice door open or what? $250 is due March 26, 2019 and final payment is due
Yes, doors can be opened through servant evangelism. June 11, 2019. Please see Cheryl to sign up. Passport re-
And so will hearts. quired for this trip.

Sympathy to...
Membership Conversation Class • Sympathy to Brookie Walters and family in the loss
Thinking about joining Eastmont? The next membership of her husband Carl Walters on February 1, 2019.
conversation classes will be March 31 and April 7 @ 9:20 • Sympathy to Elizabeth Fisher and family in the loss
am in the foyer of the Worship Center. Learn about of her mother, Dorris Fisher on Sunday, March 3,
membership @ Eastmont and join through this class. 2019.

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Children’s Ministry Music & Worship Ministries
Jeremy Lynch - Lance Maddox—
We need safe, loving adults to serve in our Preschool and PASSION PLAY
Children's Ministry There is no better way to celebrate the love of Christ
Greeters - 8:55-9:30 once a month every quarter than to recount what He has done for us on the cross!
5th grade Life Group - 1 Volunteer The Montgomery Passion Play is presented to remind us
Special Needs Buddy - 9:20 or 10:30 - 2 volunteers of His death, burial and resurrection. You will see His
Sunday Morning Teacher/Coordinator Meetings love portrayed through songs, new and old, live music
Breakfast @ 8 AM, Room 313. Our upcoming meetings: and drama. The hope of Jesus is a life altering experi-
April 7, May 5 begins at 8:30 and ends at 9:00 ence for all ages.
RA Adventure Weekend - March 22-23 at Shocco Springs SPECIAL GUESTS
for dads & lads. $32 per person-lodging, 2 meals, & fun The Amen Choir will be singing for us March 24 in the
8:10 service.
Bible Drill - Sundays 4:00 - 6:00 pm. March 24th meet
your Secret Encouragers. STUDENT CHOIR
Our students have the opportunity to take part in the
Church Drill - Wednesday, April 3 at Eastmont at 6:15pm
Passion Play this year. When our choirs join together it
Associational Drill - Sunday, April 7 at Eastern Hills at becomes a new and powerful expression of worship!
Student Choir Tour is June 16-20! To register see Lance
Timothy Time - Sundays at 4:45pm or check the EBC website.
VBS: The Incredible Race - June 10-14 Students are raising money for Choir Tour with a
VBS all workers meeting - May 19, 2:30-4:00pm Memorial Day Boston Butt Sale! Cooked by Gail’s Down
the Street. Contact the Music and Worship Office to
purchase a ticket.
Cleve Mallory - Senior adults practice Tuesdays at 9:00 in the Choir
Wednesday evenings, Cleve is leading students in THE
SEVEN, a message series from Revelation 2-3.
College & Career Ministry
Sunday, March 31, Youth On Mission will go to Hyde
Park for a picnic with local families from 5:00-6:30 p.m. Puerto Rico Mission Trip
SUMMER MISSION TRIP March 8-16. Please pray for us as we share the Gospel
June 23-29, 2019, the student ministry will be in St. Lou- with college students in Mayaguez.
is, Missouri, partnering with Street Reach, an inner-city Mosaic
gospel ministry. The cost is $300 per person. Information Will be on the last Sunday night of each month. Meets at
and registration are available through the church web- Cloverdale Baptist at 8pm. Next meeting March 31.
site. Home Groups
SUPER SUMMER ALABAMA Every Thursday at 7pm at the Kim’s house (4023 John-
July 8-12 is SSAL at Samford University. This is a disciple- stown Dr). Study will be Letters to the Church by Francis
ship/ leadership development camp for students who Chan.
have completed grades 8-12. Registration is open
through the church website. Please carefully read the Missions
steps for a student to be qualified to attend SSAL.
Guatemala Information Meeting
Miscellaneous Will be on March 24 at 4pm. Anyone interested in going
to serve in Guatemala this year (Nov. 23-30) should
Secret Church
Following the Persecuted Church’s example, we’re
inviting LifeGroups to join in this time of intense Bible Eastmont Missions Yard Sale
study & prayer on April 26 at 6PM. Locations will vary. April 6th - Dropoffs begin March 31. Donate your gently
The topic is Prayer, Fasting, & the Pursuit of God. More used items to benefit missions. Sorters, folders, and
info at loaders needed throughout the week.
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The Encourager Periodicals Postage
Eastmont Baptist Church Paid
Montgomery, AL
4505 Atlanta Highway
Montgomery, Alabama 36109
The Encourager USPS No. 018-816 is published and mailed
bi-weekly by Eastmont Baptist Church, 4405 Atlanta Highway,
Montgomery, AL 36109. Postmaster: Send address changes to
Encourager, 4405 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109.


March 20, 2019
Sunday, March 17 Sunday, March 24 Chicken Tenders, Lima Beans, Yellow Rice, Salad, Dessert & Drink
8:10 AM Worship Service 8:10 AM Worship Service $5/Adult $2/Children (Max. $15/family)
9:20 AM LifeGroups 9:20 AM LifeGroups
10:30 AM Worship Service 10:30 AM Worship Service March 27, 2019
5:00 PM Discipleship 5:00 PM Discipleship Hamburger Steak, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Green Beans, Salad, Dessert & Drink
$5/Adult $2/Children (Max. $15/family)
Wednesday, March 20 Wednesday, March 27
5:00 PM Wednesday Night Meal 5:00 PM Wednesday Night Meal WEEKLY GIVING
6:00 PM Adult Choir 6:00 PM Adult Choir
Orchestra Practice Orchestra Practice February 24, 2019 March 3, 2019
6:15 PM Timeout (youth) 6:15 PM Timeout (youth) General Budget General Budget
Mission Groups Mission Groups $24,162.49 $51,201.00
Prayer Meeting Prayer Meeting Emergency Fund Emergency Fund
$1,434.00 $2,235.00
Thursday, March 21 Thursday, March 28
10:00 AM Bible Study 10:00 AM Bible Study

BUILDING LOCK UP March 3, 2019 March 10, 2019

Preschool……………….…....60 Preschool……………….…...61
March 17, 2019 March 24, 2019 Children……………….….…..61 Children……………….…….. 51
Dallas Vick & Steve Ragsdale Kent Harwell & Kent Johnson
Students……………..……….64 Students…………….………..63
Adults……………….….……472 Adults……………….………426
Total………………….….…..657 Total………………….……..619
March 17, 2019 March 24, 2019
Mark Luker - 271-2423 Bobby Edmond - 398-3208

Office: (334) 277-6300 Fax: (334) 277-6322 Careline: (334) 277-6384 Prayer Room: (334) 277-8876
Email: Website: Facebook: Twitter: @eastmontbaptist

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