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Mary Karen Beato

Bio 199-Y3

Transcriptome, Metabolome and Phenotype Characterization and Analyses of Rice

Conferring Glycine Decarboxylase-H Knockdown

In this seminar I didn’t really paid so much attention to the topic being discussed
but the way the presenter discussed his thesis. The presenter was bale to present a
part of his thesis which is enough for us to understand his study and its significance. As
I observed, Sir Galang used diagrams to simplify the mechanism involved in his
research in such a way that even students that have no background knowledge about
the concepts in his research will understand. His visual aid presentation is also simple,
straightforward and mostly contains images and diagrams. He also used only few slides
and talk most of the time. While explaining his findings, he is very confident and his
voice is loud and clear. Lastly, he answered all the questions honestly.

After the seminar, I was able to reevaluate how I did in my first seminar
compared to the seminar Sir Galang held. I

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