Three Space Ships

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Early 2004

by William Nunn
Investigated by Martin Jasek and Peter Galambos

William Nunn is an elderly gentleman who lives in a downtown Vancouver apartment
on the 13th floor at 1030 Burnaby Street with a view to southwest over English Bay.
The report below is one that he submitted to us on-line on December 20, 2005.

Figure1. Mr. Nunn's at location of his UFO sighting.

At times Mr. Nunn has difficulty sleeping so he gets out of bed and sits in a
comfortable chair between his bed and a window where he has a magnificent view.
It was on such an occasion that he had the UFO sighting. We commend Mr. Nunn
for being willing to go public with his sighting.
William Nunn’s Report

The night sky was bright and clear with a full moon. My sighting occurred at

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approximately 3:30 am but until I find the small cartoon that I drew at the time I will
be unable to describe with any accuracy the date, beyond saying that it was some
time in the beginning of the year 2004.

I WITNESSED A Dark Triangle, with 3 soft RED lights at each of its points, which,
(for whatever reason) would suddenly pulse brightly. It came up from behind the top
of the apartment building across the alley and traveled over the course of the
sighting left to right. This TRIANGLE was moving through the sky point up. This
maybe what first attracted my attention.

Figure2. Mr. Nunn's drawing of event and path of UFO.

There was no noise as I watched this Dark Triangle move slowly from the EAST to
the WEST. If I had to describe its movements, I would say it was meandered, slowly
with no seeming purpose.

At first, I thought it was a strangely shaped balloon, but this would not make sense
because I live in an emergency traffic grid, helicopters continually cross my 13th
floor vista to and from St. Paul’s Hospital (2 blocks from my home) and The
Vancouver General Hospital. The latter is located in the center of the
Broadway/Cambie area (as a crow flies, approximately 1 mile from my apartment.) It
was meandering in a weaving, untroubled fashion, sometimes doubling slowly back
on it’s own track. (I assume here, that is why at first I thought it might be a balloon.) I
should also mention that at the time of the first pulsing brightening of the RED
LIGHTS, I witnessed 2 bright streaks of light flash across the night sky. One from
above my building, traveling from N to S. The other traveling from the N/E to the
S/W. These streaks (star sized) moved at speeds beyond any imagining, had I
blinked, I would have missed seeing them.

I then picked up my phone and called the Vancouver City Police. At the request of
“FIRE, POLICE or AMBULANCE?” I responded with “My name is William Nunn, I’m

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watching…By the way, I don’t do drugs, I’m not drunk and I’m not imagining it…BUT,
I’m watching a dark Triangle, with 3 red lights at each point…My Gawd, There they
go again, they’re pulsing….”


“I was talking to the Vancouver Police, I want to…!”“How can I help you, Mr. Nunn?”

“Look, I’m not imagining this, but I’m watching “A FLYING TRIANGLE.” I don’t drink,
I don’t do drugs, Hell, I don’t do anything anymore…” This attempt at trying to be
funny, was met with all business.”

“A flying triangle, Mr. Nunn?”

“Yes, I’m watching it now…there go the lights again, they’re flashing.”

“Hold on Sir.”

I was now looking around for those streaks of light, I was seeing nothing.
“Mr. Nunn?”

“Yes?” The black shape of “THE FLYING TRIANGLE” now crossing the almost full
moon, proved to me that I was seeing what I was complaining about. “A dark
triangle with flashing red lights, “SOLIDLY” crossing the moons bright circle.”

“I have had a few other complaints.” Which I quickly, in my mind, changed to “I went
and looked.” Because now I was told that she would “contact the Airport and see
whether they had anything on radar.” I didn’t hear a “yea” or “nay” about this request
to the Vancouver Airport’s Radar Station. My only contact after that was UFO BC.

I now sat in the chair watching as this FLYING TRIANGLE moved towards a dark
cloud, moving into it; the lights pulsed faintly through the darkness of the cloud. As I
remember, this was the only cloud I saw. It lay in the 5-o-clock position of the moon.
I thought nothing about it, until a friend told me that this was what the “UFO’s do. I
fell asleep in the chair after the triangle moved into cloud – I am a diabetic and will
fall asleep quickly.

“Unidentified Flying Objects” are usually described as a circle, flashing brightly

against a dark night sky. My sighting was of a FLYING TRIANGLE, plainly visible in
the bright night sky, fully outlined against an almost full moon.

Whatever I saw, must have been immense…Hold your hands up and form a
triangle, picture 3 red lights that flashed periodically now place your hands out, at
arms length against the sky. That would be the approximate size I saw. It had to be
“HUGE!” from that distance. I again state that I was:


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I am unsure what the 2 streaks of light were, but felt they were connected,
somehow. The sighting lasted approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

I now am a believer. “Yes Martha, They do exist!”

Whether they are government or from outer space. I declare that I saw a FLYING
TRIANGLE, so help me GOD.

William George Nunn, ESQ

To any who I may have offended, pooh-poohing their reports of sightings, I

apologize. To any that might read this report, I apologize for my levity. “It happened!”
(Determining the approximate date of the sighting)

We interviewed Mr. Nunn on location on Feb 5, 2006 about 7 weeks after his initial
report to us. During our interview Mr. Nunn recounted the above events in perfectly
matching detail with the same enthusiasm as depicted in his e-mail (Figure 1).
There were no deviations from the account. He also had a drawing for us already
prepared (Figure 2). We also obtained a photograph (Figure 3) of the same scene,
which allowed for landmark identification (the four apartment buildings). The
direction of the most right apartment building became of particular interest in the
investigation since the moon was directly above it during the sighting. It was thought
possible that the approximate date could be determined based on the astronomical
position of the moon as well as local weather records (was it cloudy or clear?).
Using maps and aerial photographs it was established that the right most apartment
building has an Azimuth of 262 degrees from true north. For reference the left most
and the centre two apartment buildings have Azimuths of 195, 230, 240 degrees
from true north respectively.

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Figure3. View outside of Mr. Nunn's apartment.

The only time references that Mr. Nunn was able to provide was “early in 2004” and
“3:30 am”. Table 1 examines several possible dates and times in early 2004. Each
set of three dates in each month are the day before, the day of, and the day after
the full moon as it can be difficult to discern if the moon is exactly full on a certain
date in this three-day period.

Table 1.

Date/Time in 2004 Azimuth Angle Weather at Vancouver

above Airport
(degrees) Horizon
(degrees) (Environment Canada)
258 45
Jan 7, 3:30 am Rain/Fog
244 52
Jan 8, 3:30 am (full moon) Rain
255 56
Jan 9, 3:30 am Rain

Feb 5, 3:30 am 260 39 Mainly Clear

Feb 5, 3:50 am 264 36 Mainly Clear

245 44
Feb 6, 3:30 am (full moon) Cloudy

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Feb 7, 3:30 am 228 47

Mostly Cloudy
260 30
Mar 5, 3:30 am Rain
246 33
Mar 6, 3:30 am (full moon) Mostly Cloudy
231 35
Mar 7, 3:30 am Rain/Fog
247 20
Apr 4, 3:30 am Clear/Mainly Clear
233 21
Apr 5, 3:30 am (full moon) Mostly Cloudy
218 21
Apr 6, 3:30 am Clear

It is apparent from the examination of Table 1 that February 5, 2004 is the most
likely if not the only date for the sighting in terms of satisfying the position of the full
(or nearly full) moon, clear sky and the time of night and year.

This investigation confirms that what ever Mr. Nunn was observing it was consistent
with the position of the moon and the weather for that time of year making it unlikely
that the object was the product of his imagination or an illusion. The consistency of
him retelling the story more than 7 weeks after his written deposition also supports a
truthful experience.


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