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Week 10 Class 5 PATRIOTIK Time 7.40-8.40 A.M.

Day Monday Attendance 28/29
Date 04-Mar-19 Lesson 1 Focus Listening & Speaking
Theme Topic
World of knowledge Malaysian Legends
Language/ Grammar focus new vocabulary based on the topic
1.3 understand and respond to oral texts in a variety of contexts.
Content Standard 1.2 listen and respond appropriately in formal and informal situations for a
variety of purposes.
1.1.4 Able to speak on related topics with guidance.
Learning Standard
1.2.4 Able to participate in conversations with peers.

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

talk about related topic with guidance.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
asking and answering 3 out of 5 questions correctly.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook Tree Map Multiple Intelligences Questions
Communication Flashcards . Contextual Learning Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1.Teacher displays flashcards and elicits the pupils’ knowledge about topic.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher asks the pupils to identify local legend. 1. Teacher distributes A4 papers to each pupils
2. Teacher refers to tb pg 31 and asks questions about the 2. pupils discuss and present about the legend
picture. 3. Teacher reads and talk about Grand Museum. Bujang Senang in tree map.
4. Divides pupils into group and they discuss and list out 3. pupils present ideas to the class.
what they can see in the museum.
5. Displays focus words and understand the meaning.


28 of the pupils asked and answered three questions correctly. The learning objective achieved.

Week 10 Class 5 PATRIOTIK Time 11.30A.M.-12.30 P.M.

Day Tuesday Attendance 27/29
Date 05-Mar-19 Lesson 1 Focus Listening & Speaking
Theme Topic
World of knowledge Malaysian Legends
Language/ Grammar focus new vocabulary based on the topic
1.3 understand and respond to oral texts in a variety of contexts.
Content Standard 1.2 listen and respond appropriately in formal and informal situations for a
variety of purposes.
1.1.4 Able to speak on related topics with guidance.
Learning Standard
1.2.4 Able to participate in conversations with peers.

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

talk about related topic with guidance.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
asking and answering 3 out of 5 questions correctly.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook Tree Map Multiple Intelligences Questions
Communication Flashcards . Contextual Learning Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1.Teacher displays flashcards and elicits the pupils’ knowledge about topic.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher asks the pupils to identify local legend. 1. Teacher distributes A4 papers to each pupils
2. Teacher refers to tb pg 31 and asks questions about the 2. pupils discuss and present about the legend
picture. 3. Teacher reads and talk about Grand Museum. Bujang Senang in tree map.
4. Divides pupils into group and they discuss and list out 3. pupils present ideas to the class.
what they can see in the museum.
5. Displays focus words and understand the meaning.

27 of the pupils asked and answered three question correctly. The learning objective achieved.

Week 10 Class 5 PATRIOTIK Time 6.40-7.40 A.M.

Day Wednesday Attendance 27 /29
Date 06-Mar-19 Lesson 2 Focus Reading
Theme Topic
World of knowledge Malaysian Legends
Language/ Grammar focus new vocabulary based on the topic
2.2 demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and nonlinear texts in
the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to
Content Standard construct meaning.
2.3 read independently for information and enjoyment.
2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from: (a) linear
texts (b) non-linear texts
Learning Standard 2.3.1 Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance: (a) fiction
(b) non-fiction
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
apply dictionary skills and find the meaning of base word with guidance
Success Criteria :Pupils can
answer at least three out of five the true or false questions correctly about Cik Siti Wan Kembang.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook Tree Map Multiple Intelligences Questions
Communication Flashcards . Contextual Learning Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1.Teacher displays flashcards and elicits the pupils’ knowledge about topic.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1.Teacher asks pupils to refer to tb pg 34. 1. Teacher asks pupils to state true or false in
2.Pupils read and recognise words. group work.
3.Teacher explains about the text and highlighted 10 words
and ask pupil to refer to dictionary to find the base words. 2. 2.Answer the questions and class discussion
4.Pupils do the task in pairs and present their answers.

27 of the pupils answered three the true or false questions correctly about Cik Siti Wan kembang.
The learning objective achieved.

Week 10 Class 5 PATRIOTIK Time 11.00A.M-12.40 P.M.

Day Thursday Attendance 28 /29
Date 07-Mar-19 Lesson 2 Focus Reading
Theme Topic
World of knowledge Malaysian Legends
Language/ Grammar focus new vocabulary based on the topic
2.2 demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and nonlinear texts in
the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to
Content Standard construct meaning.
2.3 read independently for information and enjoyment.
2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from: (a) linear
texts (b) non-linear texts
Learning Standard 2.2.3 Able to read and demonstrate understanding of texts by: (a)
sequencing (b) predicting (c) giving main ideas and supporting details
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
asking and answering questions with guidance.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
answer at least two out of four questions about Cik Siti Wan Kembang.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook Tree Map Multiple Intelligences Questions
Communication Flashcards . Contextual Learning Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1.Teacher displays flashcards and elicits the pupils’ knowledge about topic.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1.Teacher asks pupils to refer to tb pg 34. 1.Pupils answers the questions about Cik Siti
2.Pupils read and recognise words. Wan Kembang.
4.Pupils do the task in pairs and present their answers. 2.Answer the questions and class discussion


28 of the pupils answered two questions about Cik Siti Wan Kembang. The learning
objective achieved.

Week 10 Class 5 PATRIOTIK Time 10.30-11.30A.M.

Day Friday Attendance 27 /29
Date 08-Mar-19 Lesson 3 Focus Writing
Theme Topic
World of knowledge Malaysian Legends
Language/ Grammar focus new vocabulary based on the topic
1.3 understand and respond to oral texts in a variety of contexts.
Content Standard 1.2 listen and respond appropriately in formal and informal situations for a
variety of purposes.
1.1.4 Able to speak on related topics with guidance.
Learning Standard
1.2.4 Able to participate in conversations with peers.

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

write in neat legible print with correct spelling with guidance
Success Criteria :Pupils can
write in neat cursive writing.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook Tree Map Multiple Intelligences Questions
Communication Flashcards . Contextual Learning Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1.Teacher displays flashcards and elicits the pupils’ knowledge about topic.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher reads the story and pupils listen and identify 1. Teacher divides pupils in group.
words. 2. Teacher refers to tb pg 36 and asks pupils to list 2. Homework: surf the internet and find
out bold words and discuss the meaning in pair work. out the legend of Mahsuri.
3. Teacher asks pupils to write the sentences in cursive 3. Class discussion.
writing. Pupils write in exercise book.

27 of the pupils wrote in neat cursive writing. The learning objective achieved.

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