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Gorgona, located in the southern zone
of the Pacific Ocean of Colombia, is
an insular territory at 35km in a
straight line from the continental
margin. Although historically this
island was used in different forms,
since 1984 it has been among the
most important protected marine
areas of the Colombian Pacific
Ocean. Here we review the historical
development of scientific research in
Gorgona island and its importance for
marine and coastal conservation in
the Colombian Pacific region.
Once upon a time, 1000
years ago there was a
group of people called
Katios, they were good
people. They worked a lot.
Since they were near to
the ocean, they had a god
called god of the Water.
The god of the Water was
a good person, he could
do any power he
wanted with water.
After a few days, the people stared to be very bad between them, the god
of the water didn´t like that, so he did a rain of many days, any person could
be out of the house. The god said to another god that had all powers to do
an island to make bad people be there all the time and never go out of
there. So they did a deal, after the rain they go to that island, that was only
for Katios people because they were very bad people between them. After a
lot of years ago they started to be happy in that island, that is now called
Gorgona Island.

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