Ngo Hung Kiem Dinh Van Duong

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(Proverbs 27: 9)

 TIME: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM (MARCH 12, 2019)

 AGE: 15 – 18 YEARS OLD (most of them are living in rich families and in the city).
 To be able to gradually recognize their unique identity and special mission through their friends.
 To be able to identify the importance of their friends and friendship in their lives as they discover themselves.
 To be able to enjoy the friendship with God, the true Friend.
a. Laptop, Projector, Sound system,
b. Bible, Notebook,
c. Name tags of the students and the facilitators
d. Schedule posted on the door of function hall.
e. White board/board marker/chalk
f. Short bond paper
g. drawing (crayon) and writing materials
h. Masking tape.

 Registration: The participants will register and
fill up the attendance sheet given by the
facilitators or class adviser.
8:00 am Arrival and welcoming Class adviser
 Giving the name tag: The facilitators or class
adviser will give name tag to each participant.

Facilitator asks the students to be silent and assume
meditative position.
Facilitator leads the prayer prepared with a video
- To get the attention of “The Purpose Driven Life- Opening Prayer”
Introduction the students
 Getting to know each other
8:45 am  Opening prayer T - To set and prepare the - The facilitators introduce themselves.
mood of the students - The facilitators try to get some information
from the students by letting the students
introduce themselves one by one (name,

Orientation  The facilitator will discuss some Schedule and

 Schedule and House House rules and the list of schedule & house rules
Rules will be posted on the wall of SCJ function hall door
 Drawing expectations - To have a basic - No one is allowed to use any gadgets until
from both sides the recollection was ended. Turn off
9:15 am knowledge of the Kiem & Duong
cellphone or any gadgets during the time of
 Short explanation of recollection and its goals recollection.
the meaning of - No one allowed going out during the
recollection and the activities or sessions except if it is
theme. necessary.
- Respect, openness, trust and cooperation is

a must
- Observe and maintain in silence &
prayerfulness as the atmosphere of the
recollection, except if the facilitators allow
some noise for some activities.

 Drawing expectations from both sides

- Asking expectations of participants
- Facilitators expect all participants flow
the Schedule and House Rules from the
beginning to the end of recollection.

What is Recollection?

Recollection is a time for us to re-collect our memories
from the past, build moments with our present, and to
think in having a good future. Recollection is a spiritual
activity where we are able to have a time for silence,
prayer, and to communicate with God. it is also a time
for us to recall some of our experience and difficulties in
life where we meet God in each circumstances of our
lives, Recollection is like an MP3 icon, it has unwind
button, pause button and forward button.

Deepening of the Theme.

Theme: “A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.”
(Proverbs 27: 9)
"Friendships are relationships that involve two very
critical dimensions – interdependence and voluntary
participation," explains Northern Illinois University
psychologist and friendship expert Dr. Suzanne Degges-
White in an email interview. As anyone who's ever been
in a friendship knows, it's a complex process and
experience. "True friendships are hallmarked by each
member's desire to engage with the other – it's about
mutual interest in one another's experiences and
thoughts, as well as a sense of 'belongingness' and
connection," she says. "Friendships require reciprocity –
of admiration, respect, trust, and emotional and
instrumental support."

Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between

people and it is a stronger form of interpersonal bond
than an association. We can describe this relationship
"doubles your joy and divides your grief and the most
beautiful discovery that true friends make is that they
can grow separately without growing apart."

To accomplish the first - The students are asked to pair themselves (close
Session 1: Your Symbol/ objective: “To be able to friends)
Your Profile Pictures gradually recognize their - The students are asked to draw and color any
9:30 am symbol that would represent his/her partner, Duong
Activity I: Drawing of your unique identity and special
symbol/your profile pictures mission through their - The students are to identify the symbol which would
friends.” represent his/her partner
 After finishing their drawings, they will share to
The students know that their partner the meaning of what they drawn. Then
they are in continuous self- to post and display their drawings on the board of
Activity II: Sharing discovery. the function hall.
10:00 am  The facilitator will ask some students to share the Kiem & Duong
Knowing the meaning of
meaning of what they drawn.
their drawings  The facilitator is to gather the points of their sharing.
 The facilitator is to give the important values of first
- Your true friend sees you as one who has a special
identity (even though the symbol might be the same)
- Your true friend will help you identifying and fulfilling
your uniqueness.

10:30 am Snacks
Ice Breaker: Break-Break! - The students are to sit on their respective chairs as
they will use their laps and hands for series of
Making the rain drop by claps To energize the students ‘claps’.
Or Dancing: imitate and after break and to dispose - The facilitator is to give sign with its corresponding
11:00 am
follow to the Video. Kiem
them before the second ‘clap’ (ex. Break one for the simples ‘clap’)
Energizer dance: Tooty Ta - The students are to compete in their attentiveness in
Song following the sign given by the facilitator.

Not only must we trust in God, but it is important to

trust in one another. This activity will teach teens how
to trust their friends and neighbors.

Session 2: Games Instructions:

To accomplish the second Before playing the game, facilitators will need to create
objective: “To be able to an obstacle course using the cones, pool noodles, and
Activity I: In God We Trust
identify the importance of other soft materials. Then follow these instructions:
Materials for game: their friends and friendship Kiem & Duong
11:15 am  Create multiple groups of 10 teens.
- Cones and other obstacles in their lives as they
- Space discover themselves.”  Blindfold 1 teen.
- Blindfold  Spin the blindfolded teen.
 Using their hands and verbal commands, the group
will lead the blindfolded teen through the course.
 The blindfolded teen must follow the commands to
try to make it through the course first.

 After the course is completed introduce the verse
Psalm 56:3. When I was afraid, I put my trust in
you. Have the youth explore together how they had
to put their trust in one another.

 Some students are chosen randomly to share their

experiences on the first activity.
 The facilitator is to gather the points of their sharing.
 The facilitator is to give the important values of
second session:
Activity II: Sharing
11:45 am Lecturette: Kiem
- Everyone has a special role in the group
and contribute uniquely to the group’s
- How important it is to trust our friends as
we discover ourselves.
12:30 pm Lunch
Game: I Never Ever
Need: Candies
How To:
1. Hand out an equal amount of candies to each
To energize the students
after the break and to 2. Let all players sit down in a circle.
1:30 pm Ice Breaker: Break-Break! Duong
dispose them before the 3. Now walk around the circle and say things that
third session begin with the phrase ‘I never ever.’ For instance,
‘I never ever had a full chocolate bar at night.’
4. After every sentence, whoever did that activity has
to eat one candy from his pile. The person who
finishes all the candies first is the winner.

 The facilitators give some verse from the Holy Bible
talk about the friendship.
Je Jesus our true Friend
To accomplish the third  The facilitators encourage the participants to choose
Activity I : Reading and
objective: one after that read and reflect on it base on the
reflecting the Holy Bible
“To be able to enjoy the guidance.
John 15: 9-17.
1:45 pm friendship with God, the - What does the text tell you? What do you learn? Kiem
1 John 1:3-4
true Friend.” - What can you change after reading the text?
John 11: 1-45
- What is the relationship you want to have with
Revelation 3:20
 Participants find proper place to read and to reflect
on the Bible text that they are choosing.
Some students are chosen randomly to share their
experiences on the first activity.
 The facilitator is to gather the points of their sharing.
 The facilitator is to give the important values of
second session.
Activity II: Sharing Lecturette:
2:45 pm Duong
- As we discover ourselves, we discover God
in each one of us.
- We are created in the image and likeness of
- He always eager to love us and listen to us.

 Recapitulation:
-The facilitators are to remind the students of the
Recapitulation and whole activities and the values they could instill.
3:15 pm Conclusion - To understand the importance of friendship in our Duong
- To build a true friendship
- To understand, sympathy and help your friend.

- To recognize, to establish and deepen relationship
with God.
 Facilitators give each student two pieces of paper
- To write their learning/ significant
experience in the recollection
- To evaluate the recollection, the
facilitators, the modules and the venue.
 Facilitators invite the participants attend the
 Facilitator will ask a Priest to help Adoration.
 The facilitators are to close the recollection with
Closing: Adoration and the word of thanksgiving and sing a song “Jesus Kiem
4:30 pm
dismiss our friend” at the end of adoration.
 The facilitators dismiss the recollection.
 The facilitators are to close the recollection with
the word of thanksgiving and sing a song “Jesus
our friend”

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