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U.S, Department of Justice Criminal Division Fa ay or Wana DE EN March 6, 2019 North Carolina State Board of Elections Via Hand Delivery BE: Grand Jury Subpoena ‘You have been served with a subpoena issued in connection with a criminal investigation being conducted in the Eastern District of North Carolina. That subpoena directs you to produce certain records on April 16-18, 2019, before the grand jury in the Eastern District of North Carolina, ‘AS a convenience, you may, if you wish, deliver wuesied documents in liew of ing personally before the grand jury to Special Agent via electronic mail at or via U.S. mail at 110 Pinedale Springs PPNorth Carolina 27511, tions pertaining to the records under the subpoena should be directed to Special Agent (704) 942+ ‘You are also requested to complete the attached Business Record Affidavit pursuant to Rule 902(11) of the Federal Rules of Evidence. By submitting this affidavit with the requested documents, you may avoid the need to appear at trial to testify to the authenticity of these records. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free 10 contact us at (202) 514-1412, Sincerely, bt James C, Mann Michael N. Lang Trial Attorneys Public Integrity Section United States Department of Justice Office: (202) 514-1412 Email: James. Mann@uusdoj gov acl. Langa: 0.110 ay 00 Spon a Totty Bee 2 Gry UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the Eastern District tof Noth Carolina ‘SUBPOENA TO TESTIFY BEFORE A GRAND JURY ‘To; Noth Carolina State Boerd of Elections YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear in this United States district court atthe time, date, and place shown below to testify before the court's grand jury. When you arrive, you must remain at the court until the judge or a court ‘officer allows you ta leave, Tracy DRREO SITES Ur Place Terry Sanford Federal Building Date and Time: ‘310 New Bem Avenue, Raleigh, North Carolina 27801 Apel 16-18, 2019 @ 9:00am ‘You must also bring with you the following documents, electronically stored information, or objects (ant foe epplleobly Seu Anmetomant- Date: Marcne, 2019 CLERK OF COURT ‘Sinan of Clerk or Deputy Girt ‘The name, address, e-mall, and telephone number ofthe United States altonsey, or assistant United States attomey, who” requests this subpoena, are: James C. Mann U.S, Department of Justice 41400 New York Avenue NW USAO # 2017R00198(18) Weshington, DC 20008 (202) 208-4763 ‘AO 110 (Rev O10) Scbpoon no Tasty Boar Cand ay (Page 2) eee PROOF OF SERVICE ‘This subpoena for (name of aviator organisation) was recelved by me on (due) I personally served the subposnsa on the individual at (pace) fn fda) jor ‘© 1 left the subpoena at the individual's residence or usual place of abode with fname} person of suitable age and discretion who resides there, 0n (date) + nd mailed a copy lo the individual's last known address; o © | served the subpoens on (nme of mdi) who is designated by law to accept service of process in behalf of (nme o/organizarien) on (dase) sor 0 I retumed the subpoena unexecuted because or Other tapecit): | declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true, Date: ‘Siro raanor ‘Printed rome ode Sever radon Additional information regarding attempted service, ete

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