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To receive an Orb of Life that someone else has created for you, just make yourself comfortable
and relax. Take a few deep breaths and let go of any tension or distractions of the moment.
When you feel ready, confidently say, "I now accept my Orb of Life from (name of person who
made it for you).”

The Orb will then, as a default, place itself above your head and begin to saturate your body
with life force.

This can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes, so just relax and stay open
minded and receptive, for at least 5 to 10 minutes. You do not need to visualize or imagine your
Orb, although to your inner vision, it might seem in your mind’s eye to be a blue-silver ball
floating above your head. Some might see it as brilliant white, or emitting rainbow light, or gold

Do not expect any flashing lights, strange sounds or feelings. Some people who are psychically
sensitive and used to working with energy may have these or other experiences, but mostly
people simply feel a sense of peace or calmness, or some might feel slight tingling sensations at
the top of their head or across their scalp, or even in their hands, especially if they already
practice a healing method like Reiki.

You do not need to give any instructions to your Orb, as it will, as a default, provide you with a
steady stream of Life Force energy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It will further automatically
protect you from negative energies. But you can choose to give it further instructions, if you like.


To give instructions to your Orb, just tell it in your own words what you want it to do, and it will
follow your intentions.
• "Orb of Life, please clear my seven chakras, one by one."
• "Orb of Life, please charge this water/pendant/other item with Life Force." Then wait
about half a minute before your charged item is ready.
• "Orb of Life, please fill this room with Life Force.”
• "Orb of Life, please clear this room of negative energy.”

When giving healing sessions to others, you can use the Orb of Life to help you. Just tell it what
you would like it to do.
• "Orb of Life, please give (recipient) the life force he/she needs right now.”
• "Orb of Life, please clear (recipient’s) seven chakras, one by one."
When the job is done, the Orb will return to its position above your head, unless you have told it

If for some reason you do not wish to receive the energy flow from your Orb, just tell it to stop.
You can always start it again, just by asking it to start.

After using the Orb for some time, you might not notice the energy of the Orb as much as in the
beginning. This is not because the Orb has lost its power, but simply because you have
become used to its energy. As a test of this, you could stop receiving energy from the Orb for 3-
5 days and then turn it on again.

You can temporarily lend out your Orb or give it away permanently. You can also create an Orb
for yourself or for another person, either with a time limit (for example, three days) or

You might want to create additional Orbs, with specific purposes such as taking care of your
workspace, clinic, or home, etc.


1. Imagine and visualize that you are surrounded by life force, that is slowly becoming stronger
and stronger … the force field is becoming brighter and brighter. Do this for 2 to 5 minutes.
2. Say directly to the accumulated life force: “You will be generated continuously and you will not
fade until I am done with this creation.”
3. Imagine a 25-inch (~ 65 cm) ball hovering in front of you.
4. Start filling the ball with life force by intending to do so. Visualize the ball getting brighter and
brighter in a bluish color. Do this for 5 to 10 minutes or until you feel, sense, or see that the
ball is full.
5. Say directly to the ball: “Life force will now be generated continuously and you will never fade
or weaken.” **
**If you are creating and sending a temporary or trial Orb of Life, change the words in step 5 to:
“Life force will now be generated for three days and will not fade or weaken in this time.”
6. You are done and the ball is now ready to use.
7. You may then pass the Orb of Life to another person. Say: “I ask that this Orb of Life that I
have created be passed to (person’s name) when they ask to receive it.”


Use the same procedure as above, with the person sitting on a chair. Have the person relax
and stand behind him or her. Proceed with steps 1 and 2 above, then at step 3, visualize the
25-inch ball hovering over the other person’s head, and place your hands on either side of it as
though you were holding the ball, but not quite touching it. Proceed with steps 4 and 5. At step
7, say “I ask that this Orb of Life that I have created be passed to (person’s name) when they
ask to receive it.” The person should now say "I now accept my Orb of Life from (your name)”.
• To create energetic protection for yourself, your kids, your pets, your home and
possessions, create an Orb and instruct it: “Orb of Life, please protect (person or
object).” Imagine the Orb hovering over or near the person or object.

• To find help for your problems, first, clearly identify the nature of your problem (it is
recommended that you avoid asking for things like money without working for it – ask for
a job instead). Create an Orb and instruct it: “Orb of Life, please help me to find an
answer to this problem.” Try to state the problem in a few words as possible. The
answer may come at night in a dream, or through meditation, or through a coincidence
like finding the answer in a book or in a conversation with another person.

• To find help to achieve your life goals and attract success, first, make a list of your priority
goals and ambitions. Take just one of these and break it down into steps (activities;
acquiring resources; speaking to people; etc.), so that the most manageable steps come
first. Create an Orb and instruct it: “Orb of Life, please help me to complete the steps
and achieve my goal of (goal).” You must now be willing to actually follow the steps and
complete them, one at a time, and along the way you will be helped to achieve them so
you finally attain your goal. Create one Orb for each life-goal you wish to achieve.


To connect with your personal Guides and Angels, create an orb and instruct it: “Orb of Life,
please help me to connect and communicate with my personal Guides and Angels from the
Light.” When you wish to use this Orb, sit and relax, and imagine the Orb in front of you like a
large crystal ball. Gently gaze into it and say, “Orb of Light, please connect with my Guide (or
Angel) now.” Some people might see a face or figure within the Orb; others may feel a
presence in the room; others might like to imagine they are floating into the orb as a gateway
that leads to a beautiful inner world where they feel safe and can meet with their Guide or Angel
and then return back through the Orb into their body again.

When contacting your personal Guide or Angel for the first time, always ask for a name by which
you may call them. In reality they do not use names the same way we do, but they will give you
one to call them by so you can “tune in” to them again when you want to. Also ask, “are you
from the Light?” If they do not answer “yes” immediately, or seem hesitant, ask them to depart
in peace, and you can try again on a different session.

When you become familiar with contacting your Guides and Angels, you can ask them for help
and guidance in any area of your life, but don’t expect them to have all the answers all the time.
We are here to learn things and work some things out for ourselves, but they may be able to
help you in the right direction. Most important is to never make a life-decision without thinking it
through for yourself, whatever a Guide or Angel may tell you. You still have to make your own
decisions based on your own knowledge and experience of the facts.

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