Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P

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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19152
March 12, 2019

To: Patrick J. O’Connor, Esq., Chair, Temple University Board of Trustees – Plus Trustees
Re: Marc Lamont Hill, Ph.D. [D.O.B. 12/17/1978]
Cc: []

Yesterday, quoting from Philadelphia Magazine, his pattern of moral turpitude was illustrated whenever
reference was made to the desire for black power to be manifest violently; without his advocacy being
taken out of context, he demonstrated the inappropriateness for an academic to advocate resistance to
“state violence that’s been waged against black female and male bodies forever” in Baltimore/Ferguson.
This is NOT an individual who should continue to represent Temple in any capacity in any venue, noting
that he was chosen by Dean Boardman to teach about Media, Communications, and Urban Life.

Just as he has been saying recently, he opposes anyone who would romanticize peace and [who would]
romanticize marching as the only way to function. In fact, he claims the claim that black lives matter
[entails the need to] assert our right to have rage and righteous rage and righteous indignation in the
face of state violence and extrajudicial killing. Recall that he played judge/jury/executioner when falsely
claiming the city is burning because the police killed Freddie Gray, following detailed judicial analysis.

Indeed, he had to be corralled by lefties @ CNN, for Don Lemon respectfully disagreed with his view that
we can’t pathologize people who, after decades and centuries of police terrorism, have decided to
respond in this way and when we use the language of thugs, when we use the language of riots, we
make it seem as if it’s this pathological, dysfunctional, counter-productive [activity]. He was even more
extreme that an admitted Radical-Communist with whom he was interviewed, Anthony Kapel “Van” Jones
[]. As had been headlined, Baltimore’s lawlessness was not,
in his view, a “riot”; instead, it was one of a series of [justifiable] “uprisings” due to African-Americans
“dying in the streets for months, years, decades, centuries” due to “police terrorism.” That’s why he had
endorsed the need for “resistance to oppression and when resistance occurs, you can't circumscribe
resistance.” This far-left pundit cited the needs to [1]—”not get more upset about the destruction of
property than the destruction of black bodies” and [2]—“not romanticize the only way to
function.” After Jones challenged him, he only backtracked slightly and suggested that “we should be
more strategic in how we riot” (after having said minutes earlier that the word “riot” shouldn’t be used).
Dropping ambiguity, he said, “there shouldn’t be calm tonight. Black people are dying in the streets.”

A fourth article in Philadelphia Magazine emerged [March issue, page 20] in which [@ the very end]
appearing on talk-shows was OK since “The World is a F***ed-up place” [].
This is NOT the type of language that should be used when educating students how to convey their ideas
with clarity and, indeed, it harkens to the racism/prejudice/anger he evinces whenever he’s on a podium.
His odium doesn’t belong at Temple, and no matter of “speaking the community lingo” justifies vulgarism.
During the past three months, after the Board condemned his anti-Israel/Jew-hatred rhetoric [that cannot
be justified by claiming others use it…“what-about-ism”], he has doubled-down and failed to heed what
was charitably adopted; That’s why these essays have been tag-lined as his having “mocked” the Trustees.

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