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At the Seminar With the Theme

I joined a seminar by Andik Top speakers with the theme “ Explore Your Potential ”.
In the seminar I conclude that college student must have courage. The courage is about
intelligent. Don’t be student who doesn’t to interact to others people and a student doesn’t who
ordinary students, but must be a students outstanding. A outstanding students is not only to
produce a good IP and IPK but also can to produce rupiah or money. As a student we also can
college with working, join organizations on the campus, or to be a businessman. Courage is faith.
If we not brave or believe, reckless, haven’t toughness, then the potential in yourself will be
worthless. There’s are friends or other peope have a good potential then us when during school,
but now, the potential who we have beyond intellectual than them.
A college students need the courage for achieve the purpose, if we don’t dare then a potential
who we get there will be no result.
There are 3 courage by Andik Top, that is;
1. Courage in yourself, we must be sure of youself, sure that we can, amazing, and great student.
Don’t assume that we are inferior to others people. Dare to say what we want to convey, sure that
we can do it. We must optimistic thinking and positif thinking. Self confidence is successful, not
successful is self confidence.
2. Courage against other people’s word, don’t listen to the ridicule of other’s people. Must
believe that we can be better than other’s people. Make the people’s ridicule motivating, never
give up for explore your potential. Do what you think is right and make you better. If you can
you can, if you can’t you can’t.
3. Courage to believe in God, believe that the potential that’s within you is a gift from God, don’t
forget to grateful who gift of God. But we also develop our potential, we must improve our
potential that is in us. But, we also don’t be arrogant with the potential that in us, stay humble to
who gift from God to us.

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