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The prevalence of adolescent overweight and obesity seems to have been

substantially increasing worldwide, forming a serious problem among children and
adolescents. They are becoming one of the major public health issues in the
developing countries including India. Adolescent over weight and obesity
comprise a risk factor for adult hood obesity. Rising prevalence of obesity in India
may be attributed to various factors, like sedentary life-style, unhealthy food
habits, cultural practices and increasing affluence of middle class population.
Wang et al (2002).

Obesity is associated with multiple co-morbidities such as type 2 diabetes

mellitus, dyslipidemia, polycystic ovarian disease, hypertension, and the metabolic
syndrome, which are increasingly becoming common among children and
adolescents. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of morbidity and mortality
as well as reduced life expectancy. However, limited literature is available on
prevalence of adolescent obesity in India, Donohoue et al (2004).
Overweight infants tend to become overweight children and adolescents,4
who in turn tend to become overweight adults.5-8 In the Haggerstown prospective
study, Abraham, Nordsieck, and Collins9 found that 86 per cent of overweight
boys and 80 per cent of overweight girls became overweight adults as compared to
42 per cent of average weight boys and 18 per cent of average weight girls.
Stunkard and Burt10 estimated that the odds against an overweight adolescent
becoming an average weight adult are 28 to 1. Females who were obese as
teenagers are more likely to develop cancer of the uterus than females who were
not obese as teenagers; obese children and adolescents experience a broad range of

social and psychological problems which often carry on into adulthood. Given the
social stigma associated with being obese, it is not surprising that obese youth
show less acceptance from peers,19 experience discrimination from significant
adults,20 21 greater body image disturbances,22 poorer self-concepts, and greater
evidence of disturbed personality characteristics than their normal weight peers,
Kosti et al(2006).
Effective interventions to help the overweight child and adolescent lose
weight and maintain a suitable and healthy weight seem imperative. Treatment
early in life seems especially crucial because young children might learn and use
appropriate eating and exercise habits more easily when they are young; obesity
with its concomitant physical and psychological problems might also be reduced
and/or prevented, Manu et al (2010).
For children and adolescents, overweight and obesity are defined using
age and sex specific norm grams for body mass index (BMI). Children with BMI
equal to or exceeding the age-gender-specific 95th percentile are defined obese.
Those with BMI equal to or exceeding the 85th but are below 95th percentiles are
defined overweight and are at risk for obesity related co-morbidities. BMI is
considered a useful measurement of the amount of body fat, Jason et al (2010)


There are virtually no epidemiological studies from India assessing the

level of awareness of adolescent obesity in a whole population. The aim of the
present study is to assess the awareness of obesity and over weight in adolescent in
Neendoor locality, Kottayam district.
Obesity is a global problem that is rising at an uncontrollable rate.
Obesity can be caused by many factors, including genetics. However, the
underlying cause has been attributed to two modifiable behavioral factors: food
consumption and physical activity. Obesity can lead to many other health
complications, including hypercholesterolemia and hypertension, and this can lead
to serious health consequences. CVD and diabetes are two chronic diseases which
are rapidly increasing globally, Hedley et al (2004).
Even though the health consequences of obesity are most commonly seen
during adulthood, the underlying factors of these diseases could originate during
childhood and adolescent period.
The aim of the study was to determine health status of adolescents (12–19
years age) in Neendoor locality and examine the factors associated with obesity.


Adolescent obesity is growing steeply and globally. A wide range of

genetic biological, behavioral and environmental factors have contributed to the
increase in childhood obesity. It is usually regarded as a risk factor for severe
obesity over life time course obese. furthermore, overweight adolescent are at risk
for numerous chronic conditions in adulthood, and this risk is thought to exist
regardless of obesity in later life obese children have high blood pressure,
undesirable serum lipid levels, insulin resistance as well as calcifications in the
coronary arteries and the aorta. Numerous studies indicate positive associations
between body weight and eating related behaviors including skipping breakfast,
emotional eating, being eating and family meals culture and socioeconomic status
play an important role in the development of eating behavior.
The factors attributing to increasing obesity in adolescent are increased
intake of high calorie food that are low in vitamins minerals and micronutrients
coupled with decreased physical activity. Various studies indicate a rising trend in
the prevalence of overweight and obesity in adolescents. This may have major
implications towards increasing, prevalence of non-communicable disease, like
diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
This study helping to access eating habits, life style and BMI of
adolescents in Neendoor locality and create a guideline to modify the life style and
thereby improving health.


The present study is stated as “Survey on obesity in adolescents of Neendoor

locality, Kottayam district”.


 To collect details of people about eating habits and life style in Neendoor
 To analyze BMI by calculating Body Mass Index (BMI).
 To give awareness about overweight and obesity.


Large proportion of young people are obese. Adolescent obesity is now a

major public health issue. Obese and overweight adolescent may suffer from a
range of health problem. Obese adolescent are more likely to become obese adult
and have higher risk of morbidity in adulthood. Over the past three decades the
prevalence of overweight and obesity across the population has increased
substantially, especially in children. Preventing the next generation of adults
becoming obese is an important priority for these study.
Overweight and obese children have significant reductions in quality of
life and suffer more teasing bullying and social isolation 85% of obese children
become obese adults and are likely to reduce their life expectancy by 9 years. The
growth in childhood obesity means that today’s children are unlikely to live as long
as their parents. Obesity occurs as a consequence of long term excess energy
consumption relative to an individual’s energy use leading to an accumulation of
excess fat. The energy balance is affected by an individual’s genetic makeup and
their choice as well as their surroundings, opportunities and life well as their
surroundings, opportunities and life conditions.
This study helping to access eating habits lifestyle and BMI of people in
Neendoor locality and create a guideline to modify the lifestyle and thereby
improve health.


A non-experimental research approach and descriptive survey design was

used. Total sample of study was 25 adolescents. A list containing the name and
details of people in Neendoor locality.


The area chosen for the study is Neendoor in Kottayam district.


The sample of the study is,14,15,16,17 And 18 year old adolescents, 25

adolescents were selected for this survey from Neendoor locality.

2.3. TOOLS

Internet : Journals on obesity in adolescents.

Questionnaire: Prepared a questionnaire on obesity in adolescents of Neendoor
locality for the collection of details.


According to the study, survey method was used. Survey conducted in 25

adolescents ,were taken from different families. For the study questionnaire was
prepared, consist of 25 questions. Body weight (kg) and body height (M) were
measured with subjects wearing light clothing without shoes and the Body Mass
Index (BMI) was calculated as weight in kilogram divided by the squire of the
height in meter.

BMI = Height(𝒎𝟐 )

 BMI below 18.5 is considered underweight.

 BMI of 18.5 to 24.5 is considered healthy.
 BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered as overweight.
 BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese.


You are instructed to read the statements carefully and put a tick √
Mark in the appropriate places.

Name :


Age :

Weight :

Height :



1 Are you a vegetarian?
2 Do you prefer egg and its products in your daily diet?
3 Do you prefer meat in your daily diet?
4 Do you like to eat fast food regularly?
5 Do you eat spicy food when you are angry?
6 Do you eat more, when you are frustrated?
7 Are you interested in trying new food item?
8 Do you consume junk food every day?
9 Do you eat fast food regularly?
10 Do you drink any type of soda every day?
11 Do you follow regular dieting?
12 Do you think your food preference has been influenced by your parents?
13 Are you sure that your eating habits are the cause for your obesity?

14 Are you diabetic?
15 Do you take any medicine for your health problem?
16 Does your health problem caused only due to your eating habits?
17 Do you have trouble in getting sleep at night?
18 Do you take sleeping pills in order to sleep at night?
19 Does your physical health have any negative impact due to obesity?
20 Do you feel ashamed about your obese condition?
21 Do you practice regular exercise?
22 Do you know long term effect of eating unhealthy food ?
23 Are you aware of side effects of obesity?
24 Are you aware about the reason for obesity?
25 Do you know how to prevent obesity?




Twenty five adolescent were taken for the survey, each from different
families, 25 questions were included in the questionnaire. These questionnaires are
based on the food pattern and life style of pupils. From the questionnaire it was
understood that from these 25 adolescents , two pupils become fat condition or
over weight and five of them has a chance for overweight or fat. The BMI of fat
pupil were 25.42, and 26.12. The BMI of five pupil has a chance for fat or over
weight are 23.20,24.09,24.77, 23.61and 24.86. From this study i understood that
most of them are non-vegetarian and increased level of junk food and fast food
consumption and very low level of exercise, So the prevention and control of this
problem is very important. Therefore, appropriate precautionary measures to
prevent further progression of the problem into an epidemic must be taken right at
this stage, because if the present trends of overweight/ obesity continue, the
situation can get worse even within decade and overweight could emerge as the
single most important public health problem in adults.



1 13 30 143 14.67
2 13 38 145 18.07
3 13 38 147 17.58
4 14 44 151 19.29
5 14 55 149 24.77
6 14 53 146 24.86

7 14 36 148 16.43
8 14 40 149 18.02
9 15 36 145 17.12
10 15 35 148 15.97
11 15 40 148 19.01
12 15 50 150 22.22
13 15 46 147 21.28
14 16 45 149 20.26
15 16 45 149 20.26
16 16 46 147 21.28
17 16 52 143 25.42
18 16 48 151 21.05
19 18 55 154 23.20
20 18 44 150 19.55
21 18 50 152 21.64
22 18 56 154 23.61
23 19 54 160 21.09
24 19 60 158 24.09
25 19 58 149 26.12




The present study focuse to access eating habits, life style and evaluate
the Body Mass Index of selected adolescents from different family in Neendoor
locality, Kottayam District. Calculating Body Mass Index, it give an information
about health status of an individual. From these study I understood that from this
25 adolescents, two pupils become fat condition or over weight and five of them
has a chance for overweight or fat. So the prevention and control of this problem is
very important. Therefore, appropriate precautionary measures to prevent further
progression of the problem into an epidemic must be taken right at this stage,
because if the present trends of overweight/ obesity continue, the situation can get
worse even within decade and overweight could emerge as the single most
important public health problem in adults.


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