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SPE 94896

Sand Management of Ultra-High-Rate Gas Wells

C.J. Balgobin, SPE, BP Trinidad and Tobago LLC

Copyright 2005, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Trinidad’s gas production has increased dramatically over the
Engineering Conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 20 – 23 June 2005.
past 10 years. The gas growth has been driven by a natural
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
increase in the local demand and the construction of a series of
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to Liqufied Natural Gas (LNG) trains. BP Trinidad and Tobago
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at LLC’s (bpTT) share of the gas supply to the local market has
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of grown from less than 350 Mmcfd in 1994 to over 2000 Mmcfd
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is today with production coming from several prolific fields
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to a proposal of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The proposal must contain conspicuous located off Trinidad’s East coast. One of these newest gas
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836 U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
fields for bpTT is Kapok that represents more than half of the
daily contracted gas volume.
The Kapok field was discovered on July 1997 where the
Abstract first gas production was on July 2003. The field is located
Sand production can pose a significant threat to asset integrity, offshore the east coast of Trinidad, approximately 37 miles
hydrocarbon control and availability of production. As a result southeast of Galeota Point (Figure 1). The Kapok Field
sand management is crucial to protecting commercial interest, consist of two separate discoveries called Sparrow and
safety and the environment. Most of the sand production Renegade. Both of which is characterised by multiple stacked
problems tend to be found in relatively shallow reservoir sands gas bearing sands bounded by a major fault. The field is
that tend to be unconsolidated. The propensity for sand located in a water depth of 230 feet. bpTT is the operator with
erosion is exacerbated in ultra high rate gas wells where fluid a 70% working interest where the other 30% is owned by
velocities are typically very high. Repsol YPF.
The Kapok Field is such an example with reservoirs and
fluid velocity that are prone to incipient sand production.
Surrounding field history and an appraisal drill stem test Water depth
Water Depth 230’
(DST) results indicate that sand control will be a major 40 milesfrom Galeot
37 Miles Galeota
challenge to delivering full well potential thereby maximizing
the value of the field reserves. This risk was addressed in all
phases of the development from appraisal drilling, to the front-
end engineering design and the operation of the field. As a
result, the plan of development for the Kapok field ensured
Galeota Pt Mahogany
that sand production was taken into consideration and Flamboyant

therefore measures were put in place to manage sand spanning Red

Red Mango
Parang Amherstia
from well placement in the reservoir and well completion Trinidad Sparrow

Venezuela Amherstia
design, topside installation of wear monitors on all chokes, the
Kapok Parang
implementation of two independent types of sand detection 0 10 20 30 40

systems as redundancy, and managing the field through

Figure 1: Kapok Field Location
focused well operating guidelines and adhering to a reservoir
surveillance plan.
The Kapok Field like many adjacent gas fields in Trinidad
Kapok Field production is on plateau delivering 1.1 Bcfd
has sands that are fairly young which belong to the Pilocene to
of gas and approximately 10,000 barrels of condensate per day
Pleistocene age that is characterized by unconsolidated sands
that will be exported off the Kapok unmanned satellite
that tend to produce sand during the life of the field. Most of
platform. Customers requiring this daily volume of gas need
the sands were deposited in an 8,000 feet section. An appraisal
the assurance that this gas deliverability is not threatened in
drill stem test and a full-bore core were taken on one of its
any way and gas suppliers need to ensure that this
sands at a depth of 7,000 feet in the Kapok Field. The DST
deliverability is not compromised such that both parties
confirmed the presence of gas, good condensate yield and
maximizes return on their investment in a cost effective
excellent productivity but to be expected poorly consolidated
sand which was confirmed by the eroded screen at the end of
the DST string (see Figure 2). Sand produced in the surface
separator during the DST was less than 60 microns after
2 SPE 94896

producing at a maximum gas rate of 30 Mmcfd with an production on all wells. Sand production is a major
associated 100 psi drawdown at the sand face. consideration in establishing the production potential for
Kapok. In addition, the plan of development called for Kapok
to produce into a multiphase pipeline to a central processing
hub3. As a result, sand production problems at Kapok could
have severe effects not only for Kapok deliverability but for a
larger portion of Trinidad deliverability if the operation of the
central processing hub is negatively impacted. Therefore, a
completion plan was adopted that included mechanical sand
control, at the sand face, in every well.
The first line of defense is the correct application of sand
face completion technologies that are aimed at keeping the
sand downhole. Special core testing was carried out on the
full-bore core that was taken at a depth of 7000 feet in the
Kapok field. Sand size distribution seen in Figure 3 that Laser
Particle Size (LPS) indicates massive amount of fines in the
range of 25-35% of reservoir sand was found to be sub-325
mesh (<44 microns). These fines migrated during both fluid
sensitivity and fines migration testing as evidenced by changes
in permeability. The amount of fines produced was small
indicating that there is slight grain movement and not massive
release of fines. As a result the distribution suggested an open
gravel pack to minimize drawdown of the formation and
inflow of fines.

Figure 2: Eroded Screen after appraisal DST

Sand strength analysis done on the acquired full-bore core

in this sand where the DST was conducted also confirmed that
the sand was weak and contained a high volume of fines. The
analysis also concluded that the Kapok sands will probably
produce sand even at initial conditions. As a result sand
production was identified as one of the major risks to the
Kapok Field development due to its geography and geology.
During the development of this field, a tremendous amount of Figure 3: Particle Size Distribution on Kapok Sand at
attention was devoted to managing sand production without 7000 feet
sacrificing well deliverability. Since most of the Kapok
reservoirs are relatively shallow and as a result tend to be Pressure drawdowns must therefore, be minimised to avoid
unconsolidated with poor sand strength, sand production or water coning and sand production. In order to minimize the
inhibition of same, is a major consideration in establishing the drawdown on the sand face but yet maintain the high gas rates,
production potential for Kapok. long horizontal sections were completed in the best permeable
Throughout the Appraise, Select, Define, Execute and sands. Partial plugging of screens was seen as a risk to
Operate phases, the Kapok project team was charged with delivering the required high rate completions since it can lead
setting the Kapok Field development for success. This meant to limited flow entry into the completion causing a higher flux
recognising sand production as a clear and present threat to the rates across the screens leading to “hot spot” and eventually
field development and thereby incorporated aspects of sand erosion of screens (see Figure 4).
management techniques and industry best practices throughout
each phase of the project.

Well Completion Selection, Design and

The unconsolidated reservoirs combined with the high well
production rate of 100 – 250 Mmcfd indicates that sand
control is a necessity to mitigate the risk of severe sand
SPE 94896 3

v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v SAND FACE^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^

P1 Buildup

"Hot Spot"
Erosion Path CL
∆P = P1 - P2

Figure 4: Demonstration of limited flow through plugged


To minimize formation damage a formation porosimetery

analysis was done to select a calcium carbonate bridging Figure 5: Acoustic sand detector location on flowline
particle size distruibution that optimized the bridging and
sealing efficiency of the drilling fluid and provide the thinnest This allows the device the best opportunity to detect the
filtercake. This would reduce the invasion into the formation noise of the sand particles bombarding the interior flowline
and the possibility of changing the near relative permeability. wall with the most force. This noise is then converted to an
The average pore throat size of the reservoir sand was found to electrical signal which is then conveyed to a computer via
be 5 microns with a broad variation in the uniformity. The size cables. The raw data is displayed graphically on a digital
of calcium carbonate particle selected gave the ability to form control system (DCS). Here the data is then archived and
a tight thin seal, allow the particles to flow freely through the alarms are set to notify the onboard operator of any sand
premium production screen preventing damage to either production in excess of 15 minutes. The alarm setting is
screen or formation and the lift-off pressures was seen to be determined during the calibration stage of the sand monitoring
minimal when the well is put on production. These mitigate system when the well is on-line. During the calibrated excerise
the risks of creating any “hot spots” in the completion the background noise at different velocities is determined and
resulting from non-uniform flow contribution along the a blue print of the signal from the detector is defined for
production interval leading to premature erosion of the screen. known size and quantity of sand (see Figure 6).

Well Location and Reservoir Management. Unforeseen Calibration can obtain a

water production is a serious threat to deliverability and blue print for quantity
and size of silica
recovery of reserves. To mitigate this risk, well placement is injected at any flow rate.
key – along with completion efficiency (inflow performance)
and depletion plan. Sand problems are more severe in dirty,
fine-grained formations that in relatively clean, well-
developed sands1. To this end the wells were targetted into the
cleanest sand closest to the top of the reservoir section. The
high-permeability sections are usually cleaner and larger-
grained sand that will have the highest productivity and the
lowest drawdown. As a result the tendency to move fines will
be reduced and water contact will be futherst from the
completion thereby delaying water production and massive
fines migration into the wellbore. Figure 6: Calibration of acoustic sand detectors

Topsides Design Consideration The major advantage of installing this detector is for the
Non-Intrusive Sand Monitors. A non-intrusive, acoustic early detection of a sand control failure but is highly
sand monitoring device is placed on all wells on Kapok. The influenced by multiphase production. As a result, the increase
device is strapped on the outer wall of the flowline, in signal which results from sand impacts will vary hugely
downstream of the second 90o bend from the tree (see Figure from well to well, and will even vary within a well as the flow
5). conditions change. During the calibration for each well it was
found that the detector was able to distinguish water from sand
and sand production less than 0.1 pound per Mmcf of gas.
Whenever sand was injected the response time was very fast
and essentially instantaneous. The installation of the detector
is simple, reliable and needs some intervention and
maintenance. The device can not be installed close to the
choke, since noise from the choke generates an unacceptably
high background signal which sometimes masks any sand
4 SPE 94896

Intrusive Sand Monitors. An intrusive sand erosion probe is Test Separator with Automatic Sand Flushing System.
located on all wells on Kapok. The probe is inserted into the The test separator on Kapok is equipped with a vortex sand
flowline and almost spans the ID of the flowline. The probe trap and solids collection accumulator. A test separator with
continuously monitors the thickness of the element and reports an induced vortex desander is located at the bottom of the
any changes to the DCS display. This probe uses Electric vessel for periodic removing of sand. The desanding operation
Resistivity (ER) to calculate the thickness. As the metal loss is done offline. A portable sand trap can be installed from the
increases, the Electric Resistivity also increases (see Figure desander. The sand collected and be inspected and again
7). determine sand production rate, grain size and type of
produced solids debris. The system is used during the ramp
up of wells, unloading of new wells and where a peak in the
acoustic detector is observed. The initial returns on all wells
S A N D /E R are normally flowed back into the test separator in the event of
FLOW capturing any unexpected high volume of proppant from the
gravel pack. This solid will be collected in the separator and
not end up in the single multiphase export pipeline thereby
interrupting production from leaving Kapok platform. Samples
can then be retrieved and can be visually inspected.
Choke Wear Monitor. The majority of wear in choke occurs
in the vena contracta and in the adjacent downstream area as a
A C CESS result of high velocity, cavitation or flashing created by the
F IT T IN G pressure drop. The seat body of the cage design is extended
into the outlet bore of the choke. This extended section
contains an annular cavity that is sealed from the flow line
pressure. By monitoring the cavity for any significant pressure
increase, the operator can detect a failure of the seals or
washout of the seat liner (see Figure 8).

SA N D L O G #1

Figure 7: Intrusive sand erosion probe in flowline

The sand probe elements are 0.15 mm (6 mils) thick and

can register a metal loss of 20 nanometers (20x10-9 nm). It is
located on the flow line just downstream of the choke. The
intrusive probe sand detection system is sensitive to sand
detection under multiphase conditions and will give the best
indication of cumulative wall loss, changes in actual erosion
rate and erosion associated with fines production.
Alarms are set on the DCS to alarm if 1 mil (.001 inch) of
thickness is lost for a calculated year. Some gravel from the Figure 8: Wear monitor location on choke body
gravel pack was flowed back during the initial cleanup of one
of Kapok producer and the probe was able to monitor the Both can be detected before damage occurs to the choke
thickness loss rate during that time. body. As a result the downtime on the well will be minimal
Ultra-Sonic Non-Destructive Testing. This testing is not and as the seals and seat liner can be easily replaced as it
intended for permanent installation. It was used in a manual makes up part of the spare material critical inventory list for
mode to confirm that no major wall loss was occurring. the Kapok platform.
Routine manual ultrasonic (UT) non-destructive testing (NDT)
of critical locations along the system flow path is done on a Operating Practices
monthly maintainance schedule to detect loss of wall Kapok Field’s sand monitoring requirements are:
thickness. The limit of detection is limited to the range of ~ ± ƒ To provide an alarm to assist offshore production
0.1 mm. As expected from this conventional UT probe the operators with a guide of a sanding event that maybe
results are reliable, accurate, stable and repeatable. However, ocuring with a particular well.
no metal loss was detected for any of the Kapok flowlines ƒ An action plan to handle such an event and there by
because the total loss was less than the sensitivity of the managing the situation in a controlled and systematic
instrument. approach.
SPE 94896 5

To assist them to carryout there activities safely there are

Production operator to monitor
several physical barriers that are put inplace on Kapok. These acoustic sand detector readings

1. A continuous sand monitoring system on the flowline of
each well where specific alarms are set for each individual (1)
Reading above
alarm limits for a
NO Continue producing as per
well priorities/constraints
wells and short term tending can be facilitated on the DCS. sustained 15 mins schedule.

This data is automatically archived into a data historian.

2. A mechanical sand erosion probe that is installed YES
Choke back well by 10 MMscf/d and
downstream of the choke on each well. The elctrical signal monitor detector readings

is translated as a cumulative metal lost in mils that is

displayed realtime on the DCS with alarm settings. This
signal is also trended with the acoustic raw data and other NO Reading above
alarm limits for a
sustained 15 mins
key realtime well information where the data can be
interrogated easily.
3. Wear monitor on each of the chokes. This gives an (3)
Route well to test separator and
indication of wearing due to erosion on a sacrifical seat choke back well further in 10 MMscf/d
increments every 15 mins until acoustic
liner. Here an alarm is set up if this is breached. This detector reading is below alarm setting.

barrier indicated that there is servere sand erosion taking

Upon stabilization for 3 hours, increase
palce and the well should be shut-in for a choke inspection. production by 10 MMscf/d every 3
hours to rate before sanding event.
The choke inspection will confirm any signs of sand
erosion on the liner and embedded sand in the internals.
This sand can be inspected to confirm screen failure or Reading above NO
alarm limits for a
fines production through the use of particle size analysis or sustained 15 mins

scanning electron microscope (SEM). (1) Alarm set after calibration of acoustic
4. A test separator with an indued vortex desander at the YES detectors. This setting is equivalent 0.1
lb/MMscf nominal sand production.
bottom of the vessel for periodic removing of sand. The Choke back well in 10 MMscf/d
increments every 15 mins until acoustic
(2) Using a PI of 0.5 MMscf/d/psi for
particular well, the control on the choke
sand collected can be inspected and can determine sand detector reading is below alarm setting.
DO NOT repeat bean up exercise. DO
is limited to 20 psi drawdown. This
equates to 10 MMscf/d increments.
NOT use well as ‘swing’ production (3) Routing to test separator allows for the
production rate, grain size and type of produced solids and schedule sand injection testing. UT solids to be contained in a vessel verses
flowline and take shakeouts off carrying through the sand into the
debris. flowline. Contact PE to analyse well multiphase pipeline and jeopardizing
data and make further deliverability to the area processing
5. Monthly manual ultrasonic (UT) non-destructive testing recommendations. hub.

(NDT) of locations along the flowline to detect loss of wall

6. Coupons that is located on the inner wall of the flowlines Figure 9: Procedure for handling sand detector alarm
that can give an indication of erosion through distinctive
markings on the coupon in the direction of the production For sand producing wells is strongly recommended to
flow path. minimize the frequency of shut-downs and where possible to
7. Physical shakeouts off the flowline and test separtors that apply the shut-down in a slow and controlled manner. This
gives an indication of water production a major proponent should be addressed with the platform operators and should be
of sand production and more importantly confirmation of documented in the well priority listing located on the
any produced solids. operator’s control panel room.
The likelihood of fines migration and solids production is
In the event of a violation of the recommended alarm greatest during the initial stages of bean-up right after a shut-
setting on a particular well the following reactive approcach down, particularly a hard shut-down.
should is advised. (see Figure 9) With everything being equal, the success of bean-up
increases with: increase in permeability, reduction in
viscosity, decrease in well inclination, increase in reservoir
depth, reduction in initial reservoir pressure, increase in
depletion, reduction in initial drawdown to flow, reduction in
the smallest achievable drawdown step, increase in average
particle size (D50) and angularity.
The principle objectives of a bean-up schedule is therefore to:
(a) minimize weakening the integrity of formation sand (i.e.,
strength degradation via break-down of cementation holding
the sand grains and disturbing the packing and interlocking of
sand particles), (2) minimize generation of fines, (3) minimize
mobility potential of fines, (4) minimize the potential of
formation sand production affecting the integrity of
completion, and (5) accomplish all in the most efficient
fashion (optimized).
6 SPE 94896

The control items in the flow chart are the size of the justification. The value of surveillance will be measured by
drawdown step and the stabilization time. The former is a the future ability to ensure that the promised production is met
function of the in situ sand strength (degree of cementation, and create options to grow production and reserves.
particle size and shape, reservoir pressure, formation depth) Full-bore Cores. The first strategic data in understanding
and the completion type. The latter is a function of fluid sanding tendencies in wells begins during the appraisal phase
viscosity, formation permeability and well deviation. of the field. A full suite of Electric-line logs were taken in
As a result to minimize the "shock effect" on the formation Kapok in conjunction with full-bore cores. The acquisition of
sand, it is best to use the smallest possible drawdown step that whole cores was used to help in reservoir characterization and
is practical. In general, it is more efective to use a large to ensure proper gravel pack sizing. Rock mechanical data was
number of small drawdown steps with shorter stabilization measured for borehole stability and for the design of optimum
time in between steps than a few large steps and long sand free completions.
stabilization. Any fragile bonding (cementation) as well as the Production Logs. To date none has been run on Kapok
packing of sand grains will be adversely affected both the however it is part of the surveillance plan to ensure that there
frequency of shut-downs and the rate of downhole pressure is an even distribution of flow along the open-hole
increase. completion. This minimizes any concern of concentrated flow,
The type of choke used (level of control on choke size plugging or damage of the pack, or partial flow from the
opening) governs the minimum achievable drawdown. reservoir. The production log also confirms that the flux rate
Regardless of the magnitude of drawdown, there is an upper through the pack and across the screens is evenly distributed.
limit on stabilization time for reaching the maximum effective Permanent Downhole Pressure Gauges. Once stable, all
stress possible which governs the sand strength. Increasing Kapok wells were shut-in for an initial Pressure Build-Up
stabilization time beyond that provides no additional benefit. (PBU). The PBU confirmed the high reservoir quality (kH,
Once the pore pressure within the near vicinity of the wellbore permeability-height) and the completion efficiency (skin).
and around the outer extremes of the gravel pack reaches a With the high quality reservoir sands and efficient completion,
near steady state condition (so called stabilization state), that drawdown constraints were not an issue for Kapok wells.
is considered to be the optimum stabilization time4. Gravel Pack Memory Log. Most of the completions in the
To materialise the true benefit of the sand monitoring and Kapok development are of a horizontal design. Information on
operating guidelines the training of the platform operators is the gravel pack quality was of significant importance as it
critical to its success. As the operators are at the forefront of affected the well’s production. To this end a cost effective
the operations and will be handling any sanding event they gravel pack evaluation solution was created. The gravel pack
should understand and be comfortable with the procedure. logging tool was integrated into the well completion work
They should be allowed to make recommendations and string that was conveyed at the bottom of the gravel pack wash
thereby own the procedure as this document ensures their pipe. The tool was operated in memory mode providing gravel
safety and maintain the reputation of BPTT LLC as a pack data across the entire gravel pack interval. By correlating
responsible operator. the density difference to the gamma ray count rates made it
possible to identify voids along the lateral length that
Well Conditioning. The concept of well conditioning is based ultimately determined the percentage of pack. This technology
upon the phenomenon of “post failure stabilisation’ where confirmed a 50 feet void on one of the Kapok wells resulting
stable cavities are formed behind the completion2. The in a remedial completion sleeve over the void thereby
technique only applies to transient sand producers and can be restricting the flow across the unpacked area and successfully
achieved by beaning up the well in steps to a maximum flow producing the well sand free.
rate (drawdown) that exceeds the required final flow rate. Saturation Logs. Water breakthrough is a key risk at Kapok
After every bean-up step, the well is kept at a constant rate since most of the reservoirs are thin and are underlain by
until the sand production rate declines to a steady-state value water. The presence of water will be monitored through
(often zero). Following the highest flow rate, the well is detecting gas-water contact (GWC) movements and saturation
beaned back to its required flow rate, at which the well now changes using saturation logs in offset surveillance wells.
will be producing sand-free. Real-time Production Monitoring. A surface gas meter is
Flow line samples. Shakeouts are taken from each well at present on all wells to monitor real-time gas rates. Production
least once per platform visit: well test will be carried out to confirm or adjust these rates. At
1. Obtain flowing sample from flowline least once per month a production well test is done on all th
downstream of the wellhead choke. wells to obtain flow rates of gas, condensate and water using
2. Heat sample if it contains an emulsion. the test separator. Production is allocated back to each well at
3. Centrifuge sample (for 2 to 3 minutes if the end of each month’s when all the production from Kapok
necessary). is counted.
4. Record results for transfer to Production Report.
If a well shows abnormal amounts of sand, condensate, or Conclusion
water, notify the Production Engineer. The tendency to produce incipient sand during the Kapok
Field development was confirmed from core testing and
Down-hole Surveillance Plan
experience with analog fields within Trinidad. As a result any
Formulation of a detailed surveillance plan is seen as a critical
major sand production will not only pose a risk to Kapok gas
step in outlining the types of data required, the frequency and
delivery but also be detrimental to bpTT gas supply to
SPE 94896 7

Trinidad and Tobago gas market. As bpTT is the major gas

supplier to the island of Trinidad, no single operator or
combined operators can replace Kapok’s entire gas production
of 1.1 Bcfd. By implementing a holistic approach to a sand
management strategy for ultra-high rate gas wells in the
Kapok field development identifies bpTT as a responsible
operator ensuring a sustained gas supply without
compromising the company’s HSE goals resulting from the
effects of sand in the production of a sand proned field. All
wells at Kapok performed better that expected with no sand
production indentified. To date Kapok has successfully
implemented its sand management strategy where over 40
Mmboe was produced without any hydrocarbon release to the
environment from sanding effects. This successful sand
management strategy at Kapok will be transferred to the next
gas development project in BP Trinidad, the Cannonball field
development which is expected to deliver wells capable of
producing more than 350 Mmcfd of gas through a facilty with
a 1.0 Bcfd of gas capability.
BP is striving to be an industry leader in the application of
sand management. It is estimated that more than 1 Mmboed of
BP’s worldwide oil and gas production is from reservoirs
where there is a risk of producing sand. Sand production is
especially detrimental in high velocity production
environments such as ultra-high rate gas wells. In the future
more production is expected to come from environments
where sand management becomes an issue and more
assurance will be needed around the preservation of
production equipment and the harvesting of reserves in a safe
and cost effective manner.

The author wishs to acknowledge the management of the BP
Trinidad and Tobago LLC, the Kapok project team, Greater
Cassia Operations Team, the many contactors and BP
Exploration and Technology Group namely Hans Vaziri for
his work on bean-up schedule for sandy wells and John Glenn
for his work on recommending alarm settings for sand
detectors who all made Kapok outstanding production delivery
a reality for permission to publish and present this paper.

1. Penberthy, W.L. Jr.; Shaughnessy, C.M “Sand Control,”
SPE Textbook Series Vol. 1, page 1-8.
2. Teng, D.; Nettleship, G.; Hicking, S. and Hindmarsh, K.
“High rate Gas Well Design: Issues and Solutions –
Goodwyn Gas Condensate, NWS, Australia” SPE paper:
50081 presented at the 1998 SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas
Conference and Exhibition, Perth, Australia, 12-14
October 1998.
3. Balgobin, C.J et al “The Kapok Field – A Step Change for
Trinidad Gas Developments” SPE paper: 75670 presented
at SPE Gas Technology Symposium, Calgary, Alberta,
Canada, 30 April - 2 May, 2002.
4. Vaziri, Hans – Technical study on bean-up schedule for
sandy wells.

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