Time Speed and Distance

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A peon walks from P to Q at the rate of 5 kmph. After transacting some business which occupies him an hour,
returns to P by the tramway at the rate of 7 kmph. He then finds that he has been absent for 2 hours 12 minutes.
Find the distance from P to Q.
(1) 2.8 km
(2) 3.5 km
(3) 4.2 km
(4) 2.1 km

D/5 + 1 + D/7 = 2(12/60) => D = 3.5 km.

I have to be at a certain place at a certain time and find that I shall be 15 minutes too late, if I walk at 4 kmph;
and10 minutes too early if I walk at 6 kmph. How far have I to walk?

(1) 4 km (2) 3 km (3) 5 km (4) 6 km

4 × (t + 15/60) = 6 × (t – 10/60). => t = 1 hour. Distance = 4 (t + 15/60) = 5 km.

A train travelling at 55 kmph leaves Mumbai at 6 am and another train starts from Mumbai at 9 am in the
same direction at the speed of 65 kmph. How many km from Mumbai will the two trains be together?

(1) 1084 km
(2) 1024 m
(3) 1024 km
(4) 1072.5 km

The first train has a start of 55 × 3 km and the second train gains (165 –155) or 10 km per hour. The second
train will gain 55 × 3 km in 165/10 = 16.5 hrs.
∴ The required distance from Mumbai = 65 x 16.5 km = 1072.5 km.

The distance of the sun from the earth is one hundred forty three million four hundred thousand km and light
travels from the former to the latter in seven minutes and fifty eight seconds. Find the speed of light per second.

(1) 3 × 105 km /sec

(2) 3 × 105 m /sec
(3) 3 × 105 × 60 m /sec
(4) 3.7 × 105 km /sec

Speed of light = 143400000 km / (7 × 60 + 58) Sec = 300000 km/sec.

The wheel of an engine 30/7 m in circumference makes seven revolutions in 4 seconds. Find the speed of the train
in kmph.

(1) 18 km/s
(2) 27 km/hr
(3) 54 m/hr
(4) 20 m/s
Distance covered by the wheel in 7 revolutions
(30/7) × 7 = 30 metres in 4 sec.
Speed = 30/4 m/sec = 7.5 m/sec => 7.5 × 18/5 km/hr = 27 km/hr.

Sound travels at 330 m/s. How many kilometers is a thunder-cloud located when the sound follows the flash after
10 seconds?

(1) 33 km
(2) 3.3 km
(3) 3.30 m
(4) 33 m
330 × 10 metres = 3300 m = 3.3 km.

Two trains travel in the same direction at 56 kmph and 29 kmph and the faster train passes a man in the slower
train in 16 seconds. Find the length of the faster train.

(1) 128 m
(2) 132 m
(3) 120 m
(4) 180 m

In one hour faster train gains = 56 – 29 = 27 km.

In one second it gains 27 × 5/18 = 7½ m.
Now the taster train moves 7½ × 16 m = 120 m.
∴ Length of the faster train = 120 m.

A man takes 6 hrs 30 min in walking to a certain place and riding back. He would have gained 2 hrs 10 min by
riding both ways. How long would he take to walk both ways?

(1) 6 hrs 30 min

(2) 6 hrs 50 min
(3) 7 hrs 45 min
(4) 8 hrs 40 min
Let the distance be D and the walking speed and riding speeds be Y and X
Then D/X + D/Y = 6.5 and 2D/X = 6.5 – 2 (1/6) = 13/3 => D/X = 13/6 => D/Y = 13/3.
Now 2D/Y = 26/3 = 8 hrs. 40 min

Two ships left a port at the same time. One started sailing towards the north and the other towards the west. The
speed of one was 6 kmph faster than the other. Two hours after their start, they were 60 km apart. Find the speed
of the slower ship.

(1) 12 kmph
(2) 15 kmph
(3) 18 kmph
(4) 24 kmph

Two boys begin together to write out a book containing 817 lines. The first boy starts with the first line, writing at
the rate of 200 lines an hour; and the second boy starts with the last line, then writes line 816 and so on,
backwards at the rate of 150 lines an hour. At what line will they meet?

(1) 350th line

(2) 467th line
(3) 325th line
(4) 376th line
Relative speed = 200 + 150 = 350 lines/hour.
Time required to meet = 817/350 = 2.33 hours.
In 2.33 hours, the first writes 2.33 × 200 = 466.8 lines.
=> They meet at 467th line.
A, B and C can walk at the rate of 3, 4, 5 kmph. They start from Mumbai at 1, 2, 3 pm respectively. When B
catches A, B sends him back with a message to C. At what time will C get the message?
(1) 4:45 pm
(2) 5:15 pm
(3) 5 pm
(4) 4:50 pm
B starts one hour after A.
In-one hour A covers 3 km.
B will take 3/(4 – 3) = 3 hours to catch A.
=> B catches A at 5 o'clock.
Now at 5 pm, A has covered 4 × 3 = 12 km from start and C has covered 2 × 5 = 10 km.
Now A and C are moving towards each other.
Time required = 2/(3 + 5) = 1/4 hrs = 15 min.
Hence C gets the message at 5:15 pm.
A thief steals a motor car at 1 pm and drives it at 45 kmph. The theft is discovered at 2 pm and the owner sets off
in another car at 54 kmph. When will he overtake the thief?

(1) 4 hrs, 6 pm
(2) 4.5 hrs, 6:30 pm
(3) 5 hrs, 7 pm
(4) 6 hrs, 8 pm
To gain 45 km over the thief,
Time required = 45 / (54 – 45) = 5 hours i.e. 7 pm.

A policeman goes after a thief who has 100 m start. If the policeman runs a km in six minutes and the thief runs a
km in ten minutes, how far will the thief have gone before he is overtaken?

(1) 140 m
(2) 130 m
(3) 125 m
(4) 150 m

Speed of policeman = 10 km/hr. Speed of thief = 6 km/hr.

Time required = (1/10km) / (10 – 6) = 1/40 hrs.
Distance covered by thief before being overtaken = 6 × (1/40) = (6/40) km = (6000 /40) m
= 150 m.


Two men start together to walk a certain distance, one at 3.75 kmph and the other at 3 kmph. The former arrives
half an hour before the latter. Find the distance.

(1) 7.5 km
(2) 6.75 km
(3) 7.75 km
(4) 7.25 km

Let the distance be D. => D/3 – D/3.75 = ½ => D = 7.5 km.


Two cyclists do the same journey by travelling at the speeds of 9 kmph and 10 kmph respectively. Find the length
of the journey when one takes 32 minutes longer than the other.
(1) 48 km
(2) 56 km
(3) 38 km
(4) 19 km
Let the distance be D. => D/9 – D/10 = 32/60 => D = 48 km.

A motor car completes a journey in 10 hours, the first half at 21 kmph and the rest at 24 kmph. Find the distance.

(1) 232 km
(2) 250 km
(3) 224 km
(4) 248 km

Let the distance be D. => ((D/2) / 21) + ((D/2) / 24) = 10 => D = 224 km.


A man walks from A to B and back in a certain time at the rate of 3.5 kmph. But if he had walked from A to B at
the rate of 3 kmph and back from B to A at the rate of 4 kmph, he would have taken 5 minutes longer. Find the
distance between A and B.

(1) 3.5 km
(2) 6.5 km
(3) 6 km
(4) 7 km
Let the distance be D => 2D/3.5 – 5/60 = D/3 + D/4 => D = 7 km.

A man rode out a certain distance by train at the speed of 25 kmph and walked back at the speed of 4 kmph, The
whole journey occupied 5 hours 48 minutes. What distance did he ride?

(1) 25 km
(2) 18 km
(3) 16 km
(4) 20 km
Let the distance be D. D/25 + D/4 = 5(48/60) => D = 20 km.

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