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Anjaly Sabu
Department of Social Science
Mount Carmel College of Teacher Education for Women, Kottayam


The concept of health and fitness is changing and gaining greater importance in modern
times. The increasing concern over health and health care motivated both males and females
irrespective of age and sex towards fitness centres. Like men, women is now giving more
importance to fitness and health to stay fit, keep their mood brighter, to have more energy
and burning fat. Health and fitness is now developed into a major business activity and they
use various strategies to attract customers to utilize their facilities. Thus the present study is


The concept of health and fitness is recognised as an important concept. Health is an

important aspect in a human’s life. Healthy person can only do their assigned duties and
responsibilities in their life. Now fitness is regarded as an important field, people regard
person who is physically fit as a healthy person. Fitness centres provide immense facilities to
people. Emerging health issues made people conscious about health and health care.

Unhealthy food habits and life styles made people unfit and unhealthy. Both men and women
in a family are busy. Most of the employers and students skip breakfast. This gradually leads
to several health issues. And most of them prefer fast food and jug foods. This unhealthy
habits increased life style diseases. Earlier, people are less suffered from disease just because
they are engaging in physical activities in one way or another. At present people are lazy and
didn’t interest to do the activities which provide physical fitness. As a result, even the
children are suffering from obesity, and other life style diseases. So, the concept of health
and fitness is changing and gaining greater importance. In this modern days more new
disease are founded. New more specialised hospitals are emerging. This shows the unhealthy
activities and life of people. Even infant Childs are born with serious killing diseases.
Changing life activities and food habits and lack of exercise leads to these situation. Human
desire to live a disease free and long life has evolved to the present day health system.
Modern youth, due to their exposure to the global world, were very much attracted towards
fitness workouts due to a variety of reasons. Now there are a number of fitness centre were
mushrooming even in small rural areas to influence the youth towards fitness workouts.
Thus, the present study is proposed.


 To analyse the health and fitness among fitness centres in Kottayam district.
 To analyse the socio economic background of respondents.
 To find out the factors that motivate the respondent to gofor fitness centres.

Descriptive research design was used for this study. Two types of variables are used in
this study, dependent and independent variables.To understands the feasibility of the study a
pilot study was conducted. The objective of the pilot study was to ascertain the scope for
conducting research, to determine the tools and techniques of data collection. The men
availing facilities of 4 fitness centres in Panachikad panchayath constitute the universe of this
study. Among them 100 respondents were selected using stratified random sampling
methods. Interview schedule was used as the main tool in this study. It consisted of questions
based on their personal details, socio-economic background of the respondents etc. Data
required for the study collecting both from primary and secondary sources. The primary data
collect from the respondent using interview schedule. The secondary data collect from books,
magazines, journals, newspapers and internet. Pre-test was conduct with the help of interview


Analysis of data held with the help of statistical table. Analysis of data dealt with the factors
that motivate respondent towards fitness centre. This aims at finding the impact of fitness
centres on respondents.

Table 1: Place of Residence

Table 1: shows the place of residence of the respondents in the present study. Majority
of the respondent in this study from rural area. This throw light to the fact that people in the
rural areas are now giving more importance to the health and fitness workout. Respondent
from the rural area constitutes 92 percent. Among the collected sample, rest of the 8 percent
of respondents belongs to the urban area. Compared to urban area, in this present study
people in rural area has more participating in fitness workout.

Table 2

Pattern of Family

Pattern of Family Frequency Percent

Nuclear 89 89
Extended 11 11
Total 100 100

Table 2 listed the family composition of respondents in the study. Bulk of the
respondents were under the study belongs to the nuclear family (89 percent). The rest 11
percent of the respondents in the study belongs to extended family.

It is from the table it is clear that majority of the people prefer nuclear family.

Table 3

Marital status

Marital Status Frequency Percent

Single 85 85
Married 15 15
Total 100 100
Table 3 shows the marital status of the respondents under study. The respondents
under the category single constitute 85 percent of the total population. Married
respondents constitute 15 percent of respondents.

It is evident from the table that the lion shares of the respondents under the study were
single. It means the unmarried youngsters were giving more importance to health and
fitness than the married people. The married respondents were responsible with family
matters than the youngsters spend time in fitness centre.

Table 4

Have any health Issue

Health Issue Frequency Percent

Yes 14 14
No 86 86
Total 100 100

Table 4 shows whether the respondents are suffering from any health issues. 86 percent of the
respondents in this present study haven’t any health issue. 14 percent of the respondents in
this study have health issue.

Thus it is clear from the table that majority of the respondents in this study haven’t
any health issue but the rest of the respondents in the present study were suffer from health
issues. These health issues lead them towards fitness centre for workouts.
Table 5
Any increase in energy level due to fitness workout

Increase in Energy Level Frequency Percent

Yes 98 98
No 2 2
Total 100 100
Table 5 shows the respondents feel any energy level due to fitness workout. 98
percent of respondents feel increase in energy level due to fitness workout. 2 percent of
respondents not feel any increase in energy level due to fitness workout.
Thus it is clear from the table that lion share of the respondents in this present study
feels increase in energy level due to fitness workout. Fitness increases strength, stamina,
and power.


Thus fitness centre has a visible impact on health and fitness of the respondents
including mental health. There is an emerging sense of awareness among modern youth
regarding the necessity of maintaining health and fitness. Educated youngsters have a
positive attitude towards fitness workout. From the study it was revealed that fitness
workouts enhance physical appearance, reduce stress, increases energy level and
enhances mental health. Fitness workout also enhances changes in the body in their
desired direction and physical fitness makes people to love their body.


Chained, S. (1990).Child Psychology. Agra:Lakshmi Narain Agarwal Educational Publishers.

Jackson, A. W. (2004).Physical Activity for Health and Fitness. USA:Human Kinetics.

Schwarzenegger, A. (1984).Arnold's bodybuilding for men by Arnold Schwarzenegger with

Bills Dobbins. New York London :Simon & Schuster Inc.

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