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Health Management Preparation for Project Activities

Health Management Program Objective Health Aspect Management Risk

1. General Health Strategy
- Develop strategy for identification Contractor and Project Health All health risk in the workplace 1. Health Risk Identification and
and management of workplace Management Strategy Assessment
health hazards.
2. Decide Health Management
strategy related to HIRA
- Learning from Phase 1 on Ensure adequate medical facilities are Illness cause of general diseases, accident Provide Medical facilities related to
Clinic/medical facilities design and available at each work site. and work related diseases the risk and emergency
capacity preparedness

2. Health Contract and Clearly Scope of work and Requirment Competency and Capability Health resources 1. Build details of health
Procurement Strategy and Medical facilities needed requirements into contractor pre-
qualification, evaluation, engineering
& contractor terms and conditions

2. Third parties services providers to

support project and contractors
activities abroad.

3. Emergency Response
- Strategy to handle emergency Emergency preparedness and readiness Life treathening cases cause of general Contractor and Project team Medivac
cases diseases, accident and work related diseases & incident response preparedness
- Train project team and engineering Health reporting and recording Life treathening cases cause of general Contractors through Medical provider
contractors on injury & illness diseases, accident and work related diseases has to have reporting and recording
reporting. systems
- Ensure worker on the spill, gas Health prevention programs Hazardous exposure Prevention programs (IH aspect) to
release protection and monitoring prevent Hazardous exposure through
programs are in place. IH monitoring
Administration control and provide
appropriate PPE

Disiapkan oleh: dr. Kasyunnil Kamal, MS., SpOk

Health Management Program Objective Health Aspect Management Risk
4. Health Resource
Competency and Capability Clear Scope of Work and Requirment Competency and Capability Health resources - Select a medical contractor to
for All Health Services and Medical facilities needed provide medical personnel including
industrial hygienist and medical
Health procedure related to Health Assurance in integration between Health - This medical service contractor
Programs Operation and Project should be under coordination of
current Tangguh Medical Service, to
ensure an integrated Medical
Emergency Response Plan.

5. Health Impact Assessment

HIA, since the project is in the Present Health Status of Community Contagious diseases Health Screening: Malaria, Diarrhea,
current operation project vicinity, the etc
impact may be due to the increase Health Services available is not meet the requirment related to the risk Support with appropriate medical
of persons on site. This impact has service needed, Community health
been also covered in the current HIA programs
when was in construction project,
however PEH will create Possible impact on Health of host Contagious diseases Get Community health data, Health
documented evaluation. community? Screening: Malaria, Diarrhea, etc
Develop mitigation measures in Contagious diseases Analyze Health data from community
consultation with local communities and do mitigation programs to
prevent contagious diseases in
project site

6. Health Risk Assessment

HIRA, the contractor should develop Physical Aspect Temperature & Humidity - Health provider has to have HIRA
an HIRA plan and get approval from Noise data and have action plan to control
Oil & Gas Company IH in performing Vibration and manage Health aspect in all
a HIRA, develop a risk register and project activities
Electromagnetic / non ionization radiation
establish adequate agreed control - Health provider has to have develop
measure and remedial actions. This Ionizing Radiation Health promotion and Health
should include but not limited to: Prevention programs
Chemical Aspect Dust

Disiapkan oleh: dr. Kasyunnil Kamal, MS., SpOk

Health Management Program Objective Health Aspect Management Risk

Other Chemicals Carcinogens


Biological Virus
Malaria (Protozoa)

Psychosocial Stress

Ergonomic aspect Manual Handling

Repetitive Work
Shift work
Other ergonomics
Air travel
Water Safety
Working at Height
Confine space

7. Fitness for Task Requirements-

all staff and Health Surveillance

Disiapkan oleh: dr. Kasyunnil Kamal, MS., SpOk

Health Management Program Objective Health Aspect Management Risk
Work involving:
Fit for task requirment for each task / Psychological examination /
Psychologically demanding
hazardous exposure identified Questioner
Related to physical examination &
Working at height
Related to physical examination &
Offshore work
Examination of Cardiovascular,
Temperature extremes
Nephrology, Skin, Liver function
Physical examination related to
extremities, join, shoulder, limb and
Manual Handling
back, reflex + Questioner for manual
Physical examination and Specific
Confined space entry
Questioner for Confined space entry
Specific examination for Driver,
Driving especially Vision Field, distance
vision and deep perception
Physical examination and Specific
DSE user
Questioner for DSE
Physical examination (especially
SCBA (self contained breathing
related to Respiratory organ) and
Specific Questioner for SCBA
General Examination + Specific
Safety critical work (if available)
Specific examination and questioner
Food handler (especially related to transmission
infection prevention)
Specific examination related to the
Emergency response risk, ERT questioner and SCBA
General examination & Fatigue
Shift work

Disiapkan oleh: dr. Kasyunnil Kamal, MS., SpOk

Health Management Program Objective Health Aspect Management Risk
Biology hazards (misal: bacteria / Specific examination: Malaria,
Biological (e.g. bacteria / parasite)
parasite) Hepatitis, etc
Specific examination: Audiometry,
Complete blood (Radiation),
Physical hazards (misal: bising / radiasi) Physical (e.g. noise / radiation)
ECG/Liver & Renal function (Heat),
Spirometry/Chest Xray (Dust)
Specific examination: Complete
Specific hazards (misal: listrik / ledakan) Special Hazards (e.g. electric / explosives)
blood, ECG,
Chemical hazards (misal: irritant / Specific examination: Complete
e.g.. Chromium, Cd, Pb, Hg & asbestos
carcinogen) blood, Biological monitoring

8. Human Factor
Human factor identified How the human factor can be seen in all Contractor should develop a HF
project activities that can be impacted to integration plan.
Maintain HF integration plan & HF
issues register

Utilize HF champion (SPC) & identify

any additional resources required.
Consider choice of process, allocate
functions to people/system, critical
task analysis, assessment of
workload etc.

Develop HF style guides & HF

Feed into safety case Accident / Ilness anticipation Make the procedure related to
safety/Health cases to get lesson
learn (Investigation procedure)

7. Medical Services Required

Local facilities in existence?
Purpose built medical room necessary: - Fixed?

Disiapkan oleh: dr. Kasyunnil Kamal, MS., SpOk

Health Management Program Objective Health Aspect Management Risk
- Transportable?
Local professional acceptable?
Imported staff needed?
Medical Supplies Medical equipment
Identify safe source
as reference using Tangguh
Medical evacuation plan Medevac & Mass Casualty
Insurance Local
Develop relation with Medical Care
locally and develop link with Oil & Gas
Company occupational health and
Medical services.
Through Medical provider to dispose
Waste disposal
Medical waste or PPLI

9. Workplace design Ergonomics Office and the workplace

Medical room

Comply with Local government

10. Kitchen Check
regulation & best practice
Are product at risk from pests and/ or
Are suppliers reputable and hygienic?
Is the shelf life of stock being adhered
Are stock temperatures satisfactory?
Are raw and cooked foods separate? To
avoid cross contamination?
Is packaging of food clean and
Disiapkan oleh: dr. Kasyunnil Kamal, MS., SpOk
Health Management Program Objective Health Aspect Management Risk
Are there potential foreign bodies in the
preparation area?
Are suitable pest control measures in
Are chilling and cooling procedures in
Is personal hygiene satisfactory?
Are surfaces, utensils & equipment
Is anyone responsible for monitoring
Is cleaning adequate?
Are staff washing their hands routinely?
Are there adequate hand drying
arrangements and wash basin facilities?
Do staff knows that they should report
certain types of illness and infection?
Are there procedures in place for
reporting such illnesses/ infections?
Is food waste and refuse being stored
and collected hygienically?

11. Hotel Check / Camp

General Appearance
Bathroom Water
Kitchen (see specific checklist)
Bedroom Ventilation

Disiapkan oleh: dr. Kasyunnil Kamal, MS., SpOk

Health Management Program Objective Health Aspect Management Risk
Power points
Mini bar
Room layout
Enables desk work?
Computer work
Leisure centre Sport facilities, rest area, etc

Disiapkan oleh: dr. Kasyunnil Kamal, MS., SpOk

Referensi Jumlah Tenaga Medis yang dibutuhkan sesuai dengan Jumlah Pekerja,
Faktor Risiko, Transportasi & Waktu yang diperlukan untuk Rujukan, sebagai
1. Peraturan Pemerintah:
i. Sesuai dengan PERMENAKERTRANS RI No. 03/MEN/1982, maka pengadaan
Pelayanan Kesehatan diadakan tergantung pada jumlah tenaga kerja & tingkat
bahayanya, sbb:
a) Tenaga kerja lebih dari 500 orang, harus mempunyai klinik dan dokter yang praktek
setiap hari, dan bila mempunyai 3 shift , klinik melayani dalam setiap shift.
b) Tenaga kerja 200 - 500, tingkat bahaya rendah, harus mempunyai klinik, buka tiap
hari - dilayani oleh paramedis, dan dokter praktek 2 hari sekali (3 kali seminggu).
c) Dengan tingkat bahaya tinggi, pelayanan kesehatan seperti butir 1.
d) Tenaga kerja 100 - 200, tingkat bahaya rendah, harus mempunyai klinik, buka tiap
hari - dilayani oleh paramedis, dan dokter praktek 3 hari sekali (2 kali seminggu).
Dokter yang memimpin & menjalankan Pelayanan Kesehatan harus mendapat
persetujuan dari Kantor DEPNAKER wilayah, bersamaan dengan izin pembentukan
Pelayanan Kesehatan.
ii. Sesuai dengan Surat Edaran Departemen Pertambangan dan Energi RI, Direktorat
Jenderal Minyak dan Gas, nomor 1123 / DMT / Migas / 1982 yang menyatakan bahwa
untuk kegiatan pengeboran harus menyediakan tenaga Dokter.

2. Praktek terbaik dari beberapa perusahaan Oil & Gas:

Keperluan tenaga medis untuk beberapa proses kerja di perusahaan Oil & Gas sebagai
Matrik keperluan Tenaga medis di Oil & Gas:
Operasi di Darat

Activitas Skor
Seismic 1
Operations 2
Construction 3
Demobilization 3
Drilling 4
Jumlah Personal Skor
< 20 1
20-99 2
100-499 3
500-1999 4
2000-4000 5
Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk Rujukan ke Rumah Sakit Skor
< 30 menit 1
< 60 menit 2
1 - 6 jam 3
> 6 jam 4
Tambahkan masing-masing katagori skor diatas dan
lihat Total Skor
Disiapkan oleh: dr. Kasyunnil Kamal, MS., SpOk
Tenaga Medis yang direkomendasikan**
Anggota P3K terlatih (EMT = Emergency Medical
Perawat (Paramedic) + EMT 4-5
Dokter + EMT/Paramedic 6-8
Dokter + 1 atau 2 tenaga medis lainnya 9-10
Dokter + 2 atau 3 tenaga medis lainnya 11-12
Dokter (2) + 3 atau 4 tenaga medis lainnya 11-13

Operasi di Lepas Pantai atau Daerah Terpencil

Activitas Skor
Seismic 1
Operations 2
Construction 3
Demobilization 3
Drilling 4

Jumlah Personal Skor

< 10 1
11-20 2
> 20 3

Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk Rujukan ke Rumah Sakit Skor

< 30 menit 1
< 60 menit 2
1 - 6 jam 3
> 6 jam 4

Tambahkan masing-masing katagori skor diatas dan lihat

Total Skor
Tenaga Medis yang direkomendasikan**
Anggota P3K terlatih (EMT) 3
Perawat (Paramedic) + EMT 4-9
Dokter + EMT/Paramedic 10-11

*Fasilitas kesehatan spesialis khusus yang mempunyai tenaga medis spesialis ahli dan
fasilitas medis pendukung dan pengobatannya.
**Tenaga medis yang tersedia seharusnya yang dapat menangani skenario kasus terburuk
dalam waktu 2 jam (kasus Jantung) dan 6 jam (kasus Luka Bakar).

Disiapkan oleh: dr. Kasyunnil Kamal, MS., SpOk

Waktu yang diperlukan untuk merespon Kondisi Darurat Medis
Perusahaan harus mempertimbangkan waktu respon yang mengikuti terjadinya kasus
darurat medis yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi local dan fasilitas yang tersedia.
Salah satu referensi yang bisa dijadikan pertimbangan adalah panduan dari IPIECA – OGP

Response time Responder Site of health care

< 4 minutes Level 1 health-care provider Site of the incident
< 20 minutes Level 2 health-care provider or Site of the incident (Level 2) or
Level 3 health-care professional field first-aid station (Level 3)
Designated primary health-care
< 1 hour Level 4 health-care professional
Secondary and tertiary health-care
< 6 hours Level 5 health-care professional

Dari tabel diatas dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut:

 Selama waktu kurang 4 menit – akan ditolong oleh first aider, jika dibutuhkan
pertolongan lebih lanjut maka akan dilakukan akan dilanjutkan penangannanya:
 Dalam kurang waktu 20 menit – akan di tangani oleh perawat atau dokter dari lokasi
yang area khusus (first aid station)
 Dalam waktu kurang 60 menit – pasien akan ditangani untuk stabilisasi di fasilitas yang
mempunyai paramedis/perawat, dokter umum atau dokter emergency untuk melakukan
 Selama waktu kurang 6 jam – pasien akan dirujuk ke rumah sakit yang mempunyai
fasilitas lengkap (tertiary referral centre).
Referensi lain dari Perusahaan Oil & Gas:
Waktu respon mempertimbangkan persyaratan penanganan darurat medis sesuai dengan
waktu yang dibutuhkan yaitu:
 Selama waktu kurang 4 menit – akan ditolong oleh first aider, jika dibutuhkan
pertolongan lebih lanjut maka akan dilakukan akan dilanjutkan penangannanya:
 Dalam kurang waktu 10 menit – akan di tangani oleh perawat (emergency medical
technician or paramedic with the patient).
 Dalam waktu kurang 60 menit – pasien akan ditangani untuk stabilisasi di fasilitas yang
mempunyai paramedis/perawat, dokter umu atau dokter emergency untuk melakukan
 Selama waktu kurang 6 jam – pasien akan dirujuk ke rumah sakit yang mempunyai
fasilitas lengkap (tertiary referral centre) yang dapat menangani kasus darurat medis
seperti: kasus darurat penyakit jantung, luka bakar dan kasus darurat trauma lainnya.
Dengan semakin jauhnya dan atau lamanya mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang
dibutuhkan untuk penanganan keadaan darurat medis untuk kasus tertentu, akan
berpengaruh kepada hasil dari penanganan kedaruratan medis tersebut.

Disiapkan oleh: dr. Kasyunnil Kamal, MS., SpOk

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