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Department of Examinations Main Office Chehliah Campus, Muzaffarabad Practical Date Sheet for B.A/B.Sc.Composite Supplementary Examination 2018 Timing: Momning 3:00 AW- 12:00 PM Evening 1:30 PM - 08:50 PI [Pae _[Paver Rall nde Total [eener Name fzz‘ret-aa [prysics A [erring [030088, 030003, 030006, 030007, 030009, 030020, 030023, a7 [Govt Fox Graduate College Pnysics 8 evening |o30022, 30089, 030123, 030121, 030301, 030465, 030466, Gils, Bagh 30453, 030459, 030473 [030023, 030030, 036036, 030038, 030042, 030048, 030049, 5 [Govt Post Graduate Colege 1030050, 030053, 030054, 030056, 030057, 030058, 030065, boys, Kou 1030059, 030071, 030072, 030073, 030075, 030079, 030222, }o30307, 030451, 030457, 030458, 030860, 030138, 030160, 030190, 030184, 030196, 030202, 030208, 13 |Govepost Graduate College Jo30208, 030211, 30483, 030462, 030163, 030470 Gis, khavick, 2. Kear f2z-Feb9 [Paychology |Werning [S201 T [Govt Post Graduate College is, Muratfarabad f2s-Fet-9 [applied |inerning_ [31203, T [GovtPost Graduate College Psychology sits, Muratarabad fas-ret-aa [neath & — |iacening J0a0tes, 030123, 030385, 3 |eeve Post Graduate College Physical Girls, KACCK 12 Kot Jesveation 2e-Feba9 [Geography [orig 1030547, c30081, 030062, 030083, 7 |eeve Pow Graduate Colege Geography 8 {evening cys, Mirpur jaz;Feb.9 |chemsvyA |ierring [030019, 030033, 030080, 030082, 030085, 030089, 030308, B_ [eve Pont Graduate College L7-Fet-19 |onemsty evening 030216, 030120, 030125, 030132, 030309, 030316, 03468, aoys, Muzaffarabad je.Fat-10 |oremetyy frscering fos0002, 030003, 036005, 030068, 030035, 030016, 030618, 18. |evepost Graduate Calle lo30xs3, 030146, 030152, 030165, 030166, 030367, 030184, sins, xnarick, Rxcof loacz07, 030214, 030237, 030359, fewer |CompaterA |orsing 1030083, 030195, 036235, 030306, 030322, 030467, 030770, 7 [Gavi Pon Graduate College l-marag computers |évening Boys, Muzaffarabad Ja‘Miarsis [Rotary A |iorring [030016 030045, 030005, 30066, 030080, 030132, 030141, TE [Seve Pon Graduate College Jamar Jeotery® evening Josoase, 030184, 0303¢9, 030339, 030855 sis, Muraforabad Js-mar-19 [Botany c | torning Js-er-19 |ootany 0 evening lesvaraa [ZooI0gyA [moving Jo30015, c30066 > | 2 [Seve Post Graduate College J6-Mar-19 |Zooloey® evening Boys, Muzaffarabad I7-viar-19 [Zoology Morning lswaraa |Satsucs |iorring [030012, 30038, 030060, 030064, 030074, 030075, 030078, 8 |Gevt Post Graduate College Jo30094, 030096, 030104, 030107, 030119, 030122, 030124, Boys, Muzaffarabad Jo30183, 030199, 030350, 030461, iSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES 1. The candidates are advised to collect their Practical Roll No slips from their College. The Practical Roll No Slip ean also be downloaded form AJK University Website ( 2. The Roll No Slip is required tobe submiteed to the Examiner The Cendiate is also required to show hishher Orignal CNIC tothe Examiner 3. Incase a student is unable to find his her Rell No. Slip hese is required to contact with Controller of Examinations. N02 Yl/-P2 ofeordad Litas RA 4. neste of abeence (rom Practical no special Examination will be conducted Notification No#77/8.A/8 Sc/S/2018 Muzaffarabad, The Feb 04,2019

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