The Role of Euler Parameters in Robot Control: Fabrizio Caccavale, Bruno Siciliano, and Luigi Villani

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Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.

25-34, March 1999 25


Fabrizio Caccavale, Bruno Siciliano, and Luigi Villani


Euler parameters constitute a well-known nonminimal singularity-free

representation of rigid body orientation. This paper is aimed at illustrating the
role of Euler parameters in robot control; namely, the kinematic control,
dynamic control and impedance control problems are surveyed in a unifying
perspective, where robot’s end-effector orientation displacements are de-
scribed in terms of Euler parameters. The advantages over the Euler angles
typically used in the operational space framework are demonstrated.

KeyWords: Euler parameters, robots, kinematic control, dynamic control,

impedance control.

I. INTRODUCTION • impedance control, i.e. compute the joint control

torques guaranteeing a given mechanical impedance
Robots are typically used to manipulate objects in behaviour when the end effector interacts with the
space, and thus a robotic task requires the specification of environment, by feeding back end-effector motion
the mutual position and orientation between the robot’s and force variables [5].
end effector and an object. Once a base frame is established, In spite of their popularity, not only do Euler angles
a suitable frame attached to the end effector is considered suffer from the drawback of representation singularities
whose position is uniquely described by the Cartesian affecting the motion control problem, but also consistency
coordinates of the origin, while its orientation can be with task geometry is not ensured when the interaction
represented in various ways. control problem is of concern.
A complete representation of orientation is given by An alternative nonminimal representation of orienta-
the rotation matrix. Its columns are the unit vectors of the tion can be considered in terms of 4 parameters with 1
end-effector frame expressed in the base frame, yielding 9 norm constraint which is based on a geometric description
parameters subject to 6 orthonormality constraints. On the of the rotation in terms of an equivalent angle and axis.
other hand, minimal representations of orientation are Such are the Euler parameters, viz. the unit quaternion,
defined by 3 parameters, i.e. Euler angles. These are rather which provide a global singularity-free parameterization
common in robot control, since they are at the basis of the of the special orthogonal group of rotations [6].
so-called operational space concept [1]; a robotic task is Inspired by the work in [7], recently, Euler param-
described in this space in terms of at most m ≤ 6 degrees eters have been adopted as a valid alternative to Euler
of freedom vs. the n ≥ m degrees of mobility characterizing angles to solve the kinematic control [8], dynamic contro
the joint space [2]. [9] and impedance control [10] problems. The respective
Classical control problems tackled in the operational developments are here surveyed in a unifying perspective
space include: with the goal of demonstrating the advantages and simplic-
• kinematic control, i.e. compute the joint trajectories ity of expressing orientation displacements in terms of
corresponding to an end-effector trajectory given in the Euler parameters.
operational space, which then constitute the reference
inputs to some joint feedback control scheme [3]; II. EULER PARAMETERS
• dynamic control, i.e. compute the joint control torques
guaranteeing tracking of a given end-effector trajectory, The location of a rigid body in space is typically
by feeding back directly end-effector motion variables described in terms of the (3 × 1) position vector p and the
[4]; (3 × 3) rotation matrix R describing the origin and the
orientation of a frame attached to the body with respect to
a fixed base frame.
Manuscript received March 2, 1999; accepted April 14, 1999. The body linear velocity is described by the time
The authors are with the Dipartimento Informatica Sistemistica, derivative of the position vector, i.e. p , while its angular
Università degli Studi di Nnapoli, Federico II, 80125 Napoli, Italy. velocity ω can be defined through the time derivative of the
26 Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 1999

rotation matrix by the relationship η2 + εTε = 1, (6)

R = S(ω )R , (1) and η ≥ 0 for ϑ ∈ [–π, π]. It is worth remarking that,

differently from the angle/axis representation, a rotation
where S(⋅) is the skew-symmetric matrix operator per- by –ϑ about –r gives the same Euler parameters as those
forming the cross product between two (3 × 1) vectors. associated with a rotation by ϑ about r; this solves the
A minimal representation of orientation can be ob- above nonuniqueness problem. Also, no singularity occurs.
tained by using a set of three Euler angles ϕ = [α β γ]T. The rotation matrix corresponding to a given set of
Among the 12 possible definitions of Euler angles, Euler parameters is
without loss of generality, the XYZ representation is
considered leading to the rotation matrix R(η, ε) = (η 2 – ε T ε)I + 2εε T – 2ηS(ε). (7)

R(ϕ ) = Rx(α)Ry(β )Rz(γ) (2) Several algorithms exist to extract the Euler parameters
from a given rotation matrix; an efficient one is reported in
where Rx, Ry, Rz are the matrices of the elementary rota- [12].
tions about three independent axes of successive frames. The relationship between the time derivative of the
The relationship between the time derivative of the Euler parameters and the body angular velocity ω is
Euler angles ϕ and the body angular velocity ω is given by established by the so-called propagation rule:

ω = T(ϕ )ϕ , (3) η = – 12 ε T ω (8)

where the transformation matrix T becomes singular at

the so-called representation singularities. In these con- ε = 12 E(η, ε)ω (9)
figurations, it is not possible to describe an arbitrary
angular velocity with a set of Euler angles time derivatives. with
Notice that all Euler angles representations suffer from
two representation singularities occurring when the first E(η, ε) = ηI – S(ε) . (10)
and last axes of rotation in the sequence, e.g. as in (2), lie
along the same direction; also, at a representation Consider now two frames, conventionally labeled 1
singularity, the extraction of the Euler angles correspond- and 2. Let R1 and R2 respectively denote the rotation
ing to a given rotation matrix is not unique. matrices expressing the orientation of the two frames with
To solve the representation singularity problem, an respect to the base frame. Then, the mutual orientation
alternative representation of orientation can be obtained between the two frames can be described by the rotation
in terms of a rotation angle ϑ about an axis in space matrix
described by the (3 × 1) unit vector r. The resulting
rotation matrix is R21 = R1T R2 . (11)

R(ϑ , r) = cosϑ I + (1 – cosϑ )rr T – sinϑ S(r) (4) As usual, a superscript denotes the frame to which a
quantity (vector or matrix) is referred; the superscript is
dropped whenever a quantity is referred to the base frame.
where I is the (3 × 3) identity matrix.
The Euler parameters describing the mutual orienta-
It is clear that R(–ϑ , –r) = R(ϑ , r), i.e. a rotation by
tion can be either extracted directly from R21 or com-
–ϑ about –r cannot be distinguished from a rotation by ϑ
puted by composition of the Euler parameters {η1, –ε1} and
about r; hence, the angle/axis representation is not
{η2, ε2} that can be extracted from R1T and R2, respectively,
unique. Also, if ϑ = 0 then r is arbitrary; this is a singular-
ity of the angle/axis representation. These drawbacks
can be overcome by a four-parameter representation;
η 21 = η 1η 2 + ε 1T ε 2 (12)
namely, the Euler parameters or unit quaternion defined as
ε 21
= η 1ε 2 – η 2ε 1 – S(ε 1)ε 2 (13)
η = cos ϑ where the double subscript denotes that a mutual orienta-
tion is of concern; the vector part of the Euler parameters
ε = sin ϑ r . (5) has been referred to frame 1, but it is easy to prove that
ε 21
= ε 21
. Notice that R21 is related to {η21, ε 21
} through a
Notice that the scalar part and the vector part of the relationship formally equal to (7).
Euler parameters are constrained by The differential kinematics relationship corre-
F. Caccavale et al.: The Role of Euler Parameters in Robot Control 27

sponding to (1) is where q is the (n × 1) vector of joint variables, and pe and

Re respectively denote the position and the orientation of
R2 = S(∆ω 21
1 1
)R21 , (14) the end-effector frame.
The differential kinematics is characterized by the
where relationship between the end-effector linear velocity pe
and angular velocity ω e and the joint velocities q , i.e.
∆ω 21
= ω 21 – ω 11 = R1T (ω 2 – ω 1) (15)
is the angular velocity of frame 2 relative to frame 1, which ω e = J(q)q (20)
has been referred to frame 1; the operator ∆ has been
introduced to denote that a vector difference has been where J is the manipulator geometric Jacobian [2]. In
taken. Accordingly, the differential kinematics relation- the general case (m = 6), this is a (6 × n) matrix which may
ship corresponding to (8), (9) becomes be singular. When n > 6, kinematic redundancy exists
which can be handled by suitable inverse kinematics
techniques, e.g. [13]. On the other hand, when rank(J) < 6,
η 21 = – 12 ε 21
∆ω 21
a kinematic singularity occurs and robustness of inverse
kinematics solutions can be gained as in, e.g. [14]. Since
ε 21
= 1 E(η 21, ε 21
)∆ω 21
(17) the focus of the present work is on the problems related to
orientation representation, without loss of generality, the
with E defined as in (10). Jacobian is assumed to be a nonsingular square matrix.
Let p d and R d denote the desired end-effector
III. KINEMATIC CONTROL trajectory. The inverse kinematics problem consists of
computing the corresponding joint trajectories q which are
Robot kinematic control consists of solving the mo- solution of the kinematics equation. Analytical inverse
tion control problem into two stages, i.e., the desired kinematics solutions can be found only for nonredundant
end-effector trajectory is transformed via the inverse kine- manipulators having a simple geometry, e.g. with a spheri-
matics into corresponding joint trajectories, which then cal wrist.
constitute the reference inputs to some joint space control An effective solution which is applicable to any
scheme [3]. This approach differs from operational space kinematic structure is based on the time integration of the
control [1] in the sense that manipulator kinematics is joint velocities obtained by inversion of (20). In order to
handled outside the control loop thus allowing the problem overcome the typical numerical drift concerned with dis-
of kinematic singularities and/or redundancy to be solved crete-time implementation of this solution, a closed-loop
separately from the motion control problem. Moreover, inverse kinematics (CLIK) algorithm can be devised
most built-in controllers of industrial robots are based on which acts upon an error characterizing the displacement
joint servos and thus they can be easily embedded into a between the desired and the end-effector trajectory com-
kinematic control strategy. puted via (18), (19).
The key point of kinematic control is the solution to Let
the inverse kinematics problem. If the manipulator has
simple geometry and is nonredundant with respect to the ∆pde = pd – pe(q) (21)
given task, closed-form solutions can be found for the joint
variables but special care has to be paid for the occurrence denote the end-effector position error. The end-effector
of singular configurations. On the other hand, for general orientation error depends on the choice of the orientation
manipulator structures, the inverse kinematics problem can description. In the case of Euler angles, the error is simply
be tackled by resorting to differential kinematics and thus
inverting the end-effector motion into an equivalent joint ∆ϕ de = ϕ d – ϕ e(q) (22)
motion. This is based on the manipulator Jacobian, which
is the fundamental tool for analyzing kinematic singularities where ϕ d and ϕ e denote the desired and current quanti-
and/or redundancy. ties, respectively. Notice that the computation of ϕ e (q)
The direct kinematics equation for a serial-chain requires the extraction of the Euler angles from the end-
robot manipulator can be written in terms of the vector effector rotation matrix Re via inversion formulae, which
suffer from representation singularities though.
pe = pe(q) (18) The joint velocity algorithmic solution is given by

and the rotation matrix pd + k P p∆pde

q = J A– 1(q) (23)
ϕ d + k Po∆ϕ de
Re = Re(q) (19)
28 Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 1999

where kPp and kPo are suitable positive gains, and JA is the V 1 = (η de – 1) 2 + ε de
ε de . (30)
analytical Jacobian [2] that is related to the geometric
Jacobian by the relationship Using (27), in view of the propagation rule (16), (17),
the time derivative of V1 along the trajectories of system
(29) is given by
JA = J (24)
O T (ϕ )
V 1 = – k Poε de
ε de (31)

with T as in (3) and O is the (3 × 3) null matrix. Note that which is negative definite, implying that εde converges to
JA is singular at a representation singularity, where it is not zero.
possible to describe an arbitrary set of Euler angles time The block scheme of the resulting CLIK algorithm
derivatives with a set of joint velocities. using the Euler parameters is shown in Fig. 1.
In view of (21), (22), substituting (23) into (20) gives
∆pde + k P p∆pde = 0 (25)
Even though kinematic control is a congenial strat-
∆ϕ de + k Po∆ϕ de = 0 . (26) egy used by industrial robots performing simple tasks, e.g.
pick-and-place, operational space control becomes essen-
It is easy to see that system (25) is exponentially tial to execute complex tasks, e.g. those requiring interac-
stable, implying that ∆pde converges to zero. Likewise, tion between the end effector and the environment. In such
system (26) is exponentially stable as long as no represen- a case, a feedback loop is closed directly on operational
tation singularity occurs. space variables, and thus no preliminary inverse kinemat-
In order to devise an inverse kinematics scheme ics is required.
based on Euler parameters, a suitable end-effector orienta- In order to cope with the nonlinear and coupled
tion error shall be defined. Let {ηd, εd} and {ηe(q), εe(q)} nature of the manipulator dynamic model, dynamic control
represent the Euler parameters associated with Rd and can be pursued which consists of designing a model-based
Re(q), respectively. The mutual orientation can be ex- compensating action which globally linearizes and
pressed in terms of the Euler parameters {ηde, ε de
} via the decouples the mechanical system in terms of a resolved
formulae (12), (13). The end-effector orientation error can operational space acceleration [4]; this is chosen on the
be defined as basis of the end-effector position/orientation and velocity
feedback so as to ensure stable tracking of the desired
ε de = R eε de
(27) trajectory.
The dynamic model of a robot manipulator can be
which has been conveniently referred to the base frame. written in the joint space as
The joint velocity algorithmic solution is given by
B(q)q + C(q, q)q + d(q, q) + g(q) = τ – J T (q)h , (32)

pd + k P p∆pde where B is the (n × n) symmetric positive definite inertia

q = J – 1(q) . (28) matrix, Cq is the (n × 1) vector of Coriolis and centrifugal
ω d + k Poε de
torques, d is the (n × 1) vector of friction torques, g is the
(n × 1) vector of gravitational torques, τ is the (n × 1) vector
It is worth pointing out that in (28), differently from of driving torques, and h = [f T µ T ]T is the (6 × 1) vector of
the previous Euler angles-based algorithm in (23), the contact forces and moments exerted by the end effector on
geometric Jacobian appears in lieu of the analytical Jacobian, the environment. For the purpose of this section, it is
and thus representation singularities cannot occur.
In view of (21), (27), substituting (28) into (20) gives
(25) and

∆ω de + k Poε de = 0 (29)

with ∆ω de as in (15). It should be observed that now the

orientation error equation is not homogeneous in εde since
it contains the end-effector angular velocity error instead of
the time derivative of the orientation error.
To study stability of system (29), consider the posi-
tive definite Lyapunov function candidate Fig. 1. Block scheme of CLIK algorithm.
F. Caccavale et al.: The Role of Euler Parameters in Robot Control 29

assumed that h = 0, i.e. no contact with the environment positive feedback gains. Substituting (38) into (35) gives
occurs. the closed-loop dynamic behaviour of the orientation error
According to the well-known concept of inverse
dynamics, the driving torques can be chosen as ∆ϕ de + k Vo∆ϕ de + k Po∆ϕ de = 0 (39)

τ = B(q)J – 1(q)(a – J(q, q)q) + C(q, q)q + d(q, q) + g(q) , where the matrix T(ϕ e ) shall be nonsingular. The system
(33) (39) is exponentially stable, i.e. tracking of ϕ d and ϕ d is
ensured, which in turn implies tracking of Rd and ω d .
where a is a new control input, and perfect dynamic The above Euler angles-based control scheme be-
compensation has been assumed; to this purpose, note that comes ill-conditioned when the actual end-effector orien-
it is reasonable to assume accurate compensation of the tation ϕ e becomes close to a representation singularity. In
dynamic terms in the model (32), e.g. as obtained by a order to mitigate this drawback, an alternative orientation
parameter identification technique [15]. error can be adopted which is based on the Euler angles
In deriving (33), a nonredundant manipulator (n = 6) extracted from the rotation matrix describing the mutual
moving in a singularity-free region of the workspace has orientation between the desired and the actual end-effector
been considered to compute the inverse of the Jacobian. A frame; the advantage is that representation singularities
damped least-squares inverse can be adopted to gain ro- occur only for large orientation errors as long as a proper set
bustness in the neighbourhood of kinematic singularities of Euler angles is chosen [9].
[16], whereas a pseudoinverse can be used in the redundant In order to overcome the problem of representation
case (n > 6) in conjunction with a suitable term in the null singularities, the orientation error can be defined in terms
space of the Jacobian describing the internal motion of the of the Euler parameters as in (27). Accordingly, the
manipulator [17]. resolved angular acceleration can be chosen as
The vector a represents a resolved acceleration [4]
which can be partitioned into its linear and angular com- a o = ω d + k Vo∆ω de + k Poε de (40)
ponents, i.e. a = [a Tp a oT ]T. Substituting the control law (33)
in (32) and accounting for the time derivative of (20) gives where kVo, kPo are suitable positive feedback gains. Substi-
tuting (40) into (35) gives the closed-loop dynamic
pe = a p (34) behaviour of the orientation error

ωe = ao . (35) ∆ω de + k Vo∆ω de + k Poε de = 0 . (41)

The goal is to design ap and ao so as to ensure tracking Differently from (37), (39), the error system is non-
of the desired end-effector trajectory. linear, and thus a Lyapunov argument is invoked below to
The resolved linear acceleration can be chosen as ascertain its stability [18]. Let

a p = pd + k Vp∆pde + k Pp∆pde (36) V 2 = k PoV 1 + 1 ∆ω deT∆ω de (42)

where ∆pde is defined in (21), and kVp, kPp are suitable be a positive definite Lyapunov function candidate, with V1
positive feedback gains. Substituting (36) into (34) gives as in (30). The time derivative of (42) along the trajectories
the closed-loop dynamic behaviour of the position error of system (41) is

∆pde + k Vp∆pde + k Pp∆pde = 0 . (37) V 2 = – k Vo∆ω deT∆ω de (43)

The system (37) is exponentially stable, and thus where (16), (17) have been exploited.
tracking of pd and pd is ensured. Since V 2 is only negative semi-definite, in view of
As regards the resolved angular acceleration, ao can LaSalle’s theorem, the system asymptotically converges to
be chosen in different ways, depending on the definition of the invariant set described by the two equilibria:
end-effector orientation error used. According to the
classical operational space approach [1], and accounting Q 1 = {η de = – 1, ε de = 0, ∆ω de = 0} (44)
for the time derivative of (3), the resolved angular accelera-
tion can be chosen as Q 2 = {η de = 1, ε de = 0, ∆ω de = 0}. (45)

a o = T(ϕ e)(ϕ d + k V o∆ϕ de + k Po∆ϕ de) + T(ϕ e, ϕ e)ϕ e Both Q1 and Q2 give the same mutual orientation Rde
(38) = I , i.e. the end-effector frame is aligned with the desired
frame, so as wished. However, the equilibrium Q1 is
where ∆ϕ de is defined in (22), and kVo, kPo are suitable unstable. To see this, consider (42) which, in view of (43),
30 Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 1999

is a decreasing function. At the equilibrium in (44), it is where ∆pce = pc – pe. For the orientation, it is worth
discriminating between the Euler angles representation,
V2,∞ = 4kPo. (46) via (38), i.e.

Take a small perturbation ηde = –1 + σ around the a o = T(ϕ e)(ϕ c + k V o∆ϕ ce + k Po∆ϕ ce) + T(ϕ e)ϕ e , (50)
equilibrium with σ > 0; then, it is ε de
εde = 2σ – σ2. The
perturbed Lyapunov function is where ∆ϕ ce = ϕ c – ϕ e , and the Euler parameters repre-
sentation, via (40), i.e.
V2,σ = 4kPo – 2σkPo < V2,∞ (47)
a o = ω c + k Vo∆ω ce + k Poε ce (51)
and thus, since (42) is decreasing, V2 will never return to
V2,∞, implying that Q1 is unstable. Therefore, the system where εce denotes the vector part of the Euler parameters
must asymptotically converge to Q2, which in turn implies associated with the mutual orientation between the compli-
that tracking of Rd and ω d is achieved. ant and the end-effector frame referred to the base frame,
The block scheme of the resulting dynamic control and ∆ω ce = ω c – ω e . Needless to say, the occurrence of
scheme using the Euler parameters is shown in Fig. 2. representation singularities constitutes a problem for (50).
In order to ensure a suitable compliant behaviour
V. IMPEDANCE CONTROL during the interaction, a mechanical impedance between
the contact force and moments and the end-effector posi-
When the robot’s end effector is in contact with the tion and orientation displacements of the compliant frame
environment, a suitable compliant behaviour has to be relative to the desired frame shall be designed. For the
ensured. One of the most reliable strategies to manage the position part, the impedance equation can be chosen so as
interaction is impedance control [5]. The goal is to keep the to enforce an equivalent mass-damper-spring behavior for
contact force limited both during transient and at steady the end-effector position displacement under the contact
state by acting on the end-effector displacement. Therefore, force f acting on the end effector, i.e.
instead of tracking the desired frame specified by pd and Rd,
it is worth considering a compliant frame specified by pc M p∆pcd + D p∆pcd + K p∆pcd = f , (52)
and Rc, and a mechanical impedance aimed at imposing a
dynamic behavior for the position and orientation displace- where ∆pcd = pc – pd, and Mp, Dp, Kp are positive definite
ments between the above two frames. matrices. In particular, the stiffness matrix Kp can be
With reference to the dynamic model (32) (h ≠ 0), the decomposed as
driving torques can be chosen as
K p = U pΓ pU Tp , (53)
τ = τ m + J (q)h
where Γ p = diag{γp1, γp2, γp3} is the eigenvalue matrix and
with τ m as in (33), where contact force and moment Up = [up1 up2 up3] is the (orthogonal) eigenvector matrix.
measurements are used to compensate for the term h in Then, considering a position displacement of length λ
(32). Substituting the control law (48) in (32) and account- along the i-th eigenvector leads to
ing for the time derivative of (20) gives the same equations
as (34), (35), where now ap and ao shall be designed to fE = Kp∆pcd = γpiλupi (54)
guarantee tracking of the compliant frame. In view of (36),
for the position it is which represents an elastic force along the same upi axis.
This implies that the translational stiffness matrix can be
a p = pc + k V p∆pce + k P p∆pce (49) expressed in terms of three parameters γpi representing the
stiffness along three principal axes upi, and in turn it allows
the translational stiffness to be specified in a consistent
way with the task geometry [19].
With reference to the Euler angles representation,
the rotational part of the impedance at the end effector can
be formally defined in the same way as for the positional
part (52), i.e.

M o∆ϕ cd + Do∆ϕ cd + Ko∆ϕ cd = T T (ϕ c)µ , (55)

where ∆ϕ cd = ϕ c – ϕ d , and Mo, Do, Ko are positive definite

Fig. 2. Block scheme of dynamic control. matrices describing the generalized inertia, rotational
F. Caccavale et al.: The Role of Euler Parameters in Robot Control 31

damping, rotational stiffness, respectively, and µ is the task geometric consistency is ensured only for a diagonal
contact moment at the end effector; all the above quantities stiffness matrix [10].
have been referred to the base frame, and TT(ϕ c ) is the In order to overcome the problem of representation
transformation matrix needed to express the moment in singularities and task geometric consistency, the rotational
terms of an equivalent operational space quantity, via a impedance can be formulated in terms of the relative
kineto-static duality concept based on (3). angular velocity and the Euler parameters between the
Notice that, differently from (52), the dynamic compliant and the desired frame, i.e. in the form
behaviour for the rotational part is not absolutely deter-
mined by the choice of the impedance parameters but it M o∆ω cdd + D o∆ω cdd + Ko′ ε cdd = µ d , (59)
does also depend on the orientation of the compliant
frame with respect to the base frame through the matrix where the equivalent rotational stiffness matrix is
TT(ϕ c ). Moreover, Eq. (55) becomes ill-defined in the
neighbourhood of a representation singularity; in parti- Ko′ = 2E T (η cd, ε cdd)Ko (60)
cular, at such a singularity, moment components in the
with E as in (10). The expression of Ko′ is motivated by
null space of TT do not generate any contribution to the
energy arguments to be found in [10]. Notice that the
dynamics of the orientation displacement, leading to a
rotational part of the impedance equation has been derived
possible build-up of large values of contact moment.
in terms of quantities all referred to the desired frame; this
The effect of the rotational stiffness can be better
allows the impedance behavior to be effectively expressed
understood by considering an infinitesimal orientation
in terms of the relative orientation of the compliant frame
displacement between the compliant and the desired
with respect to the desired frame, no matter what the
frame. From (55), in the absence of representation
absolute orientation of the desired frame with respect to the
singularities, the elastic moment is
base frame is.
As above, the effect of the rotational stiffness can be
µ E = T – T (ϕ c)Ko∆ϕ cd . (56)
better understood by considering an infinitesimal orienta-
tion displacement between the compliant and the desired
In the case of an infinitesimal orientation displace-
frame, i.e.
ment about ϕ d , it is

dε cdd = ε cdd dt
d(∆ϕ cd) = (ϕ c – ϕ d) ϕc=ϕd
dt {η cd = 1, ε dcd = 0}

= T – 1(ϕ d)∆ω cddt , (57) = 1 ∆ω cdd dt (61)


where ∆ω cd = ω c – ω d is the relative angular velocity be- where the propagation rule (17) has been exploited. From
tween the two frames. Folding (57) into (56) written for an (59), the elastic moment is
infinitesimal displacement d(∆ϕ cd ) gives
µ Ed = E T (dη cd, dε cdd)Kod∆ω cdd dt
µ E = T (ϕ c)KoT (ϕ d)∆ω cddt
–T –1
∼ Ko∆ω cdd dt , (62)
∼ T (ϕ d)KoT (ϕ d)∆ω cddt
–T –1
where the first-order approximation ET(dηcd, dε cdd ) ~ I has
where the first-order approximation T–T(ϕ c ) ~ T–T(ϕ d ) has been made. Eq. (62) clearly shows how the equivalent
been made. Eq. (58) reveals that the equivalent rotational rotational stiffness is independent of the desired end-
stiffness between the orientation displacement and the effector orientation, and the problem of representation
elastic moment depends on the desired end-effector singularity is avoided.
orientation. It follows that a property of geometric consis- As regards the property of geometric consistency, the
tency similar to that of the elastic force (54) is lost when stiffness matrix Ko can be decomposed as
considering the elastic moment (56), that is, the eigenvec-
tors of the matrix Ko do not represent the three principal Ko = U oΓ oU oT (63)
axes for the rotational stiffness [19].
The drawbacks of representation singularities and where Γ o = diag{γo1, γo2, γo3} is the eigenvalue matrix and
task geometry consistency can be mitigated by adopting an Uo = [uo1 uo2 uo3] is the (orthogonal) eigenvector matrix.
alternative orientation displacement which is based on the Then, considering an orientation displacement by an angle
Euler angles extracted from the rotation matrix describing θ about the i-th eigenvector gives the Euler parameters
the mutual orientation between the compliant and the
desired frame; as above, the advantage is that representa- η cd = cos ϑ , ε cdd = sin ϑ u oi , (64)
tion singularities occur only for large orientation errors, but 2 2
32 Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 1999

leading to

µ Ed = γ oi sin ϑ u oi (65)

which represents an elastic moment about the same uoi

axis. This implies that the rotational stiffness matrix can be
expressed in terms of three parameters γoi representing the
stiffness about three principal axes uoi, i.e. in a consistent Fig. 3. Block scheme of impedance control.
way with the task geometry.
Eqs. (52), (59) describe a six-degree-of-freedom im-
pedance behaviour where the translational part is decoupled and thus, since (68) is decreasing, V3 will never return to
from the rotational part. A more general impedance equa- V3,∞, implying that those equilibria are all unstable. Notice
tion can be derived by introducing coupling elastic terms, that, at such equilibria, the compliant frame is anti-aligned
as discussed in [20]. with the desired frame with respect to the equivalent axis of
In the case of free motion, it is worth finding the the mutual rotation Rcd between the two frames.
equilibria of the rotational impedance equation (59). These It can be concluded that ε cdd must converge to Q1 ∪ Q2.
should occur whenever the orientation of the compliant Notice, however, that the equilibrium Q1 corresponds to a
frame coincides with that of the desired frame. If µ d = 0, rotation of 2π about the equivalent axis, but such a large
then the equilibria of (59}) are described by orientation displacement between the compliant and the
desired frame is of no interest for practical implementation
µ Ed = 2(η cd Koε cdd + S(ε cdd)Koε cdd) = 0 (66) of impedance control.
The block scheme of the resulting impedance control
where (60) has been exploited. scheme using the Euler parameters is shown in Fig. 3. It is
By observing that the two terms in (66) are mutually worth observing the presence of an inner motion loop,
orthogonal, the equilibria are Q1 in (44), Q2 in (45), and whose references pc, Rc and its associated velocities can be
computed by forward integration of the translational and
Q 3 = {η cd = 0, ε cdd:Koε cdd = γ oε cdd, ε cdd = 1, ∆ω cdd = 0} the rotational impedance equations (52), (59) with input
(67) h available from the force/torque sensor. Remarkably, the
gains of the motion loop in (49), (51) can be set inde-
where γo > 0 denotes an eigenvalue of matrix Ko. pendently of the impedance parameters so as to provide
The stability of the system can be analyzed by consid- accurate position tracking of pc, Rc and good disturbance
ering the positive definite Lyapunov function candidate rejection [21].

V 3 = 1 ∆ω cddT M o∆ω cdd + 2ε cddT Koε cdd . (68)
The role of Euler parameters in robot control has
Computing the time derivative of V3 along the trajec- been discussed in this paper. The advantages over the
tories of the system (59), (60) yields Euler angles typically used in the operational space frame-
work have been demonstrated in avoiding representation
V 3 = – ∆ω cddT Do∆ω cdd (69) singularities for the problems of kinematic control and
dynamic control. In addition to that, task geometry consis-
which is negative semidefinite. In view of LaSalle’s tency has been demonstrated for the impedance control
theorem, the system asymptotically converges to the in- problem when using Euler parameters. The theoretical
variant set Q1 ∪ Q2 ∪ Q3. analysis of the various control schemes has been provided
The equilibria in Q3 are unstable. To see this, consider in a unifying perspective, whereas a thorough numerical
the function (68) which, in view of (69), is a decreasing analysis and experimental validation on an industrial robot
function. At any of the equilibria in (67), it is of kinematic control, dynamic control and impedance
control based on Euler parameters can be found in [8], [9],
V 3,∞ = 2γ oε cd ε cd = 2γ oi
dT d
(70) [10], respectively.

where (6) has been used. Consider a small perturbation REFERENCES

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book Control Problems in Robotics and Automation (1999).
(Springer-Verlag, 1998). He has delivered more than 60
invited seminars and presentation at international
institutions. Professor Siciliano has served as an Associate
Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automa- Luigi Villani was born in Avellino,
tion from 1991 to 1994, and as an Associate Technical Italy, on December 5, 1966. He re-
Editor of the ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, ceived the Laurea degree and the Re-
Measurement, and Control from 1994 to 1998. He is also search Doctorate degree in Electronic
on the Editorial Advisory Boards of Robotica and the Engineering from the University of
JSME International Journal. He is an Associate Member Naples in 1992 and 1996, respectively.
of ASME and a Senior Member of IEEE. Since 1996 he is Since 1996 he has been working at the
an Administrative Committee Member of the IEEE Robot- Faculty of Engineering of the Univer-
ics and Automation Society (re-elected in 1999), and Chair sity of Naples, where he is currently Post-Doctorate Fel-
of the Technical Committee on Manufacturing and Auto- low of Robotics in the Department of Computer and Sys-
mation Robotic Control of the IEEE Control Systems tems Engineering. From June to October 1995 he was a
Society. In February 1999 he has been appointed Vice- visiting scholar at the Laboratoire d’Automatique de
President for Publications of the IEEE Robotics and Auto- Grenoble, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble.
mation Society. He has been on the program committees of His research interests include force/motion control of
several international robotics conferences, he has been manipulators, adaptive and nonlinear control of mechani-
Program Chair of the IEEE International Workshop on cal systems. He has published more than 35 journal and
Control Problems in Robotics and Automation: Future conference papers, and he is co-author of the booklet
Directions (1997), Program Vice-Chair of the IEEE Inter- Solutions Manual to Modeling and Control of Robot
national Conference on Robotics and Automation (1998, Manipulators, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996. He is a
1999), and General Co-Chair of the IEEE/ASME Interna- Member of IEEE.

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