Geas Module 32

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It is the transfer of energy from the more energetic particles of substance to the adjacent less
energetic ones as a result of interactions between the particles.
a. Conduction

2. It indicates that the rate of heat conduction in a direction is proportional to the temperature
gradient in that direction.
a. Fourier’s Law of Heat Conduction

3. Which of the following is considered the best conductor of heat?

a. Diamond

4. It is the mode of energy transfer between a solid surface and the adjacent liquid or gas that is in
motion, and it involves the combined effect conduction and fluid motion.
a. Convection

5. It is the energy emitted by the matter in the form of electromagnetic waves as a result of the
changes in the electronic configurations of the atom or molecules.
a. Radiation

6. It states that energy can neither be destroyed nor created; it can only change forms.
a. First law of thermodynamics

7. It states that if two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with a third body, they are also in thermal
equilibrium with each other.
a. Zeroth law of thermodynamics

8. In second law of thermodynamic, which of the following state that no heat engine can have a
thermal efficiency of 100% or as far as power plant to operate, the working fluid must exchange
heat with the environment as well as the furnace.
a. Kelvin –Plank Statement

9. In second law of thermodynamic, which of the following state that no device can transfer heat
from cooler body to a warmer one without leaving an effect on the surroundings.
a. Clausius Statement

10. It states that energy can neither be destroyed nor created; it can only change forms.
a. First law of thermodynamics

11. It occurs when a cutting action is applied as you would see with scissors and punchers.
a. Direct Shear

12. A brittle material is one that fails suddenly under load with little or no plastic deformation. A
metal that exhibits a percent elongation less than __% is considered to be brittle.
a. 5

13. The ratio of shearing stress to shearing strain is called:

a. Modulus of rigidity

14. It is the ability of a material to absorb applied energy without failure.

a. Toughness
15. It is the indication of the resistance of a material to indentation by a penetrator.
a. Hardness

16. It is a measure of the total resistance to sliding.

a. Shear force

17. It is the maximum safe stress that a material can carry.

a. Working Stress

18. It is the point at which there is an appreciable elongation of the material without any
corresponding increase of load.
a. Yield Point

19. This component measure that pulling or pushing action perpendicular to the section.
a. Axial force

20. The property of a material to regain its original shape upon the removal of the load.
a. Elasticity

21. These materials are hard and brittle, insulative to electricity and heat, and very resistant to high
temperatures and harsh environments.
a. Ceramics

22. _________ states that a constant pressure and temperature, the volume of a gas is directly
proportional to the number of moles present.
a. Avogadro’s Law

23. If a system at chemical equilibrium is distributed by some stress, the system goes to a new
equilibrium condition in such a way to relieve the stress.
a. Le Chatelier’s Principle

24. ______ states that in the addition of polar reagents to alkenes, the positive portion of the reagents
adds to the carbon atom in the double bond that already has the most hydrogen atoms.
a. Markovnikou’s rule

25. _______ states that the partial pressure of a solvent over a solution is given by the vapor pressure
of the pure solvent times the mole fraction of the solvent in the solution.
a. Raoult’s Law

26. Term used to denote the technology of treating a mined ore to obtain a product higher on
concentration of a wanted mineral from the unwanted rock mass in which it occurs.
a. Ore dressing

27. It is customary to indicate accuracy by using a certain numbers of figures or digits.

a. Significant figures

28. Energy possessed by a substance that allows it to be changed into a new substance.
a. Chemical Energy
29. Who determined the quantitative relationship between the amount of electricity used in
electrolysis and the amount of chemical reaction that occurs?
a. Michael Faraday

30. It is the scattering of light by colloidal particles

a. Tyndall effect

31. What type of production is used when products are made singly or in small batches?
a. Job production

32. What type of production happens when a small number of products are processed at each storage
before going on to the next stage of production?
a. Job production

33. It is the rational way to ensure that our limited time is always used effectively.
a. Time management

34. It involves a voluntary association of people, called members, who operate an enterprise
collectively. The aim of this organization is not to make profit but to give support to their
a. Cooperatives

35. The compensation and allowances of the board is comparable to that being received by the
chairman and members of existing regulatory boards under the commission as provided for in the
a. General appropriation act

36. How much fine is required for any person who shall violate any provision or any rules,
regulations, the code of ethics and the code of technical standards of practice promulgated under
RA 9292?
a. Not less than P100,000 nor more than P1,000,000

37. Imprisonment required for any person who shall violate any provision or any rules, regulations,
the code of ethics and the code of technical standards of practice promulgated under RA 9292?
a. Not less than 6 months nor more than 6 years.

38. RA 9292 was approved on

a. April 17, 2004

39. Under RA 9292 Electronics Technician may apply for registration without examination within ___
years, after the affectivity of the Republic Act.
a. 5

40. Appropriations of RA 9292 is sec.?

a. 40

41. The compensation and allowances of the Board is comparable to that being received by the
Chairman and members of existing regulatory boards under the Commission as provided for in
the ___.
a. General Appropriations Act
42. Who shall correct and rate the licensure examination papers?
a. The Board of electronics engineers and a commission of PRC.

43. A candidate for Electronics Engineer or Electronics technician who obtains a passing rating in the
majority of the subjects but obtains a rating in the other subject/s below ____ percent but not
lower than ____ percent, shall be allowed to take one removal examinations on the subject/s
where he/she failed to obtain the passing rating.
a. 70, 60

44. Within _____ years after the effectivity of RA 9292, the board shall issue Certificate and
Professional Identification Cards without examination to all applicants for registration as
Electronics Technician who comply to all the requirements stated in sec.20.
a. 5
45. According to section 2-Statement of Policy, the state shall therefore develop and nurture
competent, virtuous, productive, and __________ PECE, ECE, and ECTs
a. Well-rounded

46. For ECT applicants, all submittals/documents shall be accompanied by a certification from
_______ registered PECEs vouching for the integrity, technical capability and good moral
character of the applicant.
a. At least 3

47. RA 9292 has how many sections?

a. 43

48. RA 9292 has how many articles?

a. 8

49. Who are the signatories of RA 9292?

a. Franklin Drilon, Jose De Venecia, Oscar Yabes, Norberto

50. As provided in RA7925, a VAS provider needs to secure a franchise if

a. It puts up its own network.

51. As provided in ACT 3846, the construction of a radio station shall begin only when
a. The NTC has already issued a Permit to construct.

52. The member of the board of electronics engineers can assume office after
a. Oath taking of office

53. According to the code of ethics, if you are employed in a company and you wish to engage in a
business which may compete with your company, the most ethical thing to do is to.
a. Tell to the employer about your business

54. What will be left to the substance after four half-lives?

a. 1/16

55. Fat is classified as?

a. Ester
56. Bee saliva is a mixture of?
a. Fructose and glucose

57. Which is not a synthetic antioxidant?

a. Sodium chloride

58. Which is not isomer of glucose?

a. Lactose

59. 1 lightyear is approximately equal to?

a. 10x10^16 m.

60. Which is not found in carbohydrates?

a. Nitrogen

61. Every organic compound have?

a. Carbon

62. A covalent bond between two atoms with different electronegativities, so that the electron density
is unsymmetrically distributed.
a. Polar bond

63. Which element has the highest ionization potential of its atom?
a. Helium

64. _______ are atoms that have completely filled ns and np subshells, giving them great stability.
a. Noble gases

65. Measuring temperature in distance

a. Maximum and minimum thermometer

66. Measuring “Heat Rays”

a. Pyrometer

67. Butter tastes rancid and potato chips have what reaction
a. Fat and O2

68. Uniform circular motion

a. Constant speed and variable acceleration

69. Two droplets with same radius form a single droplet

a. Energy is released

70. MSG is fermented

a. Vegetable proteins

71. It is defined as the pressure exerted by a force of one newton acting on an area of one square
a. Pascal
72. It is the minimum amount of radioactive material needed to sustain a nuclear chain reaction?
a. Critical mass

73. Disease kwashiorkor is due to lack of

a. Protein

74. Which is not a vector quantity?

a. Speed

75. Two balls with R1 and R2 thrown upward, after 1 sec.

a. Speed

76. Which is more elastic?

a. Steel

77. Which is a binary compound?

a. Hydrochloric Acid

78. Example of a ternary compound is?

a. Potassium chlorate

79. Circular motion, the force of the particle is always right angle with motion, the work done will
a. Zero

80. Which of the following phase changes represent sublimation?

a. Solid to Gas

81. Elongation of wire is inversely proportional to the?

a. Length of wire

82. Which is not true about PCB?

a. It is very biodegradable

83. Which of the following is not a pure substance?

a. Milk

84. The impossibility of knowing both the precise location and velocity of subatomic particle at the
same time is known as the
a. Uncertainty principle

85. It is the measure of the resistance to twisting.

a. Torque

86. Cause angular momentum

a. Torque

87. An internally reversible process of a substance during which the pressure remains constant.
a. Isobaric
88. Which result of surface tension?
a. Capillary action

89. Liquid droplet to contract and to occupy a minimum area

a. Surface Tension
90. If heat is absorbed by the system during a chemical change, it is called as:
a. Endothermic

91. Constant force applied to a body, will have a uniform

a. Acceleration

92. Pair does not represent quantity and identical dimension

a. Angular dimension and plancks constant

93. What is the charge of a hydrogen atom?

a. 0

94. DME, a chemical found in salami and bacon is a carcinogenic and can cause liver, what factor
can contribute to the toxic effect?
a. Dose and excessive quantity

95. A homogenous mixture can be separated by all of the following methods except
a. Filtering

96. The amount of energy needed to change a given mass of ice to water at constant temperature is
called? Heat of fusion

97. The energy stored in a substance by virtue of the activity and configuration of its molecules and
of the vibration of the atoms within the molecules.
a. Internal energy

98. This Law States that “The quantity of the substance entering the system is equal to the substance
leaving the system”
a. Law of conservation of mass

99. “The Acceleration of a particular body is directly proportional to the resultant force acting on it
and inversely proportional to its mass” is a statement of
a. 2nd Law of Newton

100. “Not all energy received as heat by a heat-engine cycle can be converted into mechanical work,
some are also rejected” is a statement of.
a. 2nd Law of thermodynamics

101. “Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but is converted from one form to another”
a. 1st Law of Thermodynamics

102. The property of a substance which remains constant if no heat enters or leaves the system, while
it does work or alters its volume, but which increases or diminishes should a small amount of heat
enter or leave.
a. Entropy

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