Keyword - Answer Format: Ereview Geas 19

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Ereview Geas 19

Keyword -Answer Format

1. Highest thermal Conductivity(choices only) -Copper

2. Fuse wire -Copper and tin
3. Most ductile and malleable -Gold
4. Solar constant… -1.4kW/m^2
5. Red Brass -Copper & Zinc
6. Bluish White -Zinc
7. Mica ohm… -10^15
8. Nuclei oxygen -1
9. Coined iso -Soddy
10. Meaning of iso -same place
11. Black hole -Wheeler
12. “dark matter” -Rubin
13. Melting under pressure cooling after -Regelation
14. Heavy water -most water with Deuterium & Oxygen
15. Hydrogenation alken margarine manufacturing -Nickel
16. Natural gas -Methane
17. Constituent … -Methane
18. Sodium Hypochlorite -Bleach
19. Does not contain carbon(choices only) -table salt
20. Plasma will become good conductor -Cesium Metal
21. Violently reacts with water -potassium
22. Sky diving -decrease acceleration
23. Feather vs. coin in vacuum -they have the same ratio
24. Friendliest Element -Iron(Fe)
25. Silicon on earth -25%
26. Carbon triple bond -180%
27. (On following choices more conductor) -Iron
28. German Silver -Nickel Silver
29. Reynold … ____force to ____ force -inertial, vicous
30. First relate atom characteristics -Dalton
31. (parang modern concept sa atom) -Ernest Rutherford
32. Theory on electromagnetics -James Maxwell
33. Unit of magnetic field -ampere/meter
34. Molar fraction -unitless
35. Easily refracted -violet
36. Max brinell test -630
37. Max shear of steel -90gpa
38. In Phil. “medium wind loading” -200kph
39. Barometer bring outside -less than indoor
40. (wala ng mas lalamig pa sa ABSOLUTE ZERO) -third law of thermodynamics
41. Translational equilibrium -must be stationary
42. Forces … -mechanical equilibrium
43. (bumalik sa dating form) -Elasticity
44. Energy of photon is directly prop to -frequency
45. “most widely used” -Transition metal
46. SHM -acceleration is prop to displacement
47. IRR approved -August 31, 2007
48. IRR effectivity -October 2, 2007
49. Space craft is in orbit… astronaut weightless -Spacecraft is in freefall
50. Turbulent… laminar flow… -Reynolds number
51. Ideal pulley -no mass no friction
52. Irreversible engine (ideal) -carnot cycle
53. Most acidic (choices only) -Battery acid
54. Highest density of water -4 degrees
55. Kelvin and Celsius -equal
56. Group 3 -Boron Family
57. Barium -is never used in medicine

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