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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 Differentiate prefixes and suffixes;

 Identify affixes in a given story;
 Use affixes in differentiated tasks.


Subject Matter: Affixes (Prefixes & Suffixes)

Grade level: Grade - VII Limestone
Time span: 1 hour
Materials: projector, laptop, speakers, video, illustration board, marker, manila paper.

A. Daily Routine
Teacher’s Approach Student’s Approach

Everybody rise.


Zyonne, kindly lead the prayer Yes Ma'am!


Good morning class! Good Morning, Ma'am Nica!

Before you take your seat kindly pick up the pieces of paper Thank you, Ma'am!
under your chair.
( answers may vary)
Is there any absentee today?

B. Review

Teacher’s Approach Student’s Approach

What was our last discussion all about?

Our last discussion we had yesterday was The country’s good

son it is all about patriotism.
Okay good job.

Now, based on the story that we had,

I have here some sentences. Take a look at it and tell me what

you have noticed.

(Post the sentences on the board)

 Lin Aung helped his mother in the shop during his

school holidays.
 It was more crowded on Sundays.
 Many soldiers could be seen moving about busily.

 My son’s learning how to ride a bicycle.

 Most of the company managers are bilingual. ( answers may vary)

 I underestimated the cost of our vacation, and we

ended up spending far more than we’d budgeted.

Okay, let us now proceed.

C. Motivation

Teacher’s Approach
ED Student’s Approach

I will flash pictures here. You have to guess what it is you will
use the given letters and write your answers on your cardboard.
The first
group who
raised their
will have
ED points.
Work with
your group mates.








Alright, class that was a

great job.
Teacher’s Approach Student’s Approach
I think you can tell me what our lesson for today is?
Let us now watch the video for us to know what will be our
(The video is about prefixes and suffixes.)
topic today.
Affixes are letters that attached at the end or at the beginning
Presents the video about affixes.
of the word. It is divided in to two categories: prefix and

What is a prefix? (Prefixes and Suffixes)

D. Disc
(a word part attached to the beginning of a word) ussio
Prefix is a group of letters that come before a root or base
word. Prefix is a special group of letters because it can change
the meaning of the root word and make an entirely new word.
A prefix is a group of letters and not a word that can stand on
its own.
E. Gene
Can you give me some examples you know?
(raise their hands for answers)
Teacher’s Approach Student’s Approach
Let’s see this one, wrap pre-, un-, semi-, re-, mis-, etc

The word wrap by itself means to be covered completely by

something. Let us put the prefix Questions:
“un.” “Un” is an example of
prefix. By adding “un” to the beginning of this word, we can
change its meaning. “Un” means is a prefix?
or “opposite of.” ( answers may vary)
Whenever we see the letters “un” at the beginning of the word,
When are you going to use this group of letters?
we know it means “not” or the “opposite of” the root word.
What about suffix? ( answers may vary)
Unwrap meaning remove the covering.
How are you going to use it?
What about suffix?
What is the rule when you are using suffixes like –ly,-ful? ( answers may vary)
A suffix is a letter or group of letters added at the end of a
word to form another word or new meaning.
Do you have any question?
What are some examples of suffixes?
Do you have something to clarify? ( answers may vary)

Okay, let us have the word comfort. (a word part attached to the end of a word)
( answers may vary)
The word comfort by itself means to feel less worried.
( answers may vary)
Let us add suffix in this word.

Anyone, who wants to try?

F. Appl
(-tion, -able, -ly, -ed, -er,-full.) icatio
Now in comfortable. What prefix you may attach?
Teacher’s Approach Student’s Approach

Differentiated tasks (Group Activity)

What is the prefix/root word/suffix of the word
Alright, I have here different tasks that you need to work on.
under- = Too Little
Song presentation, you will write your own lyrics based on our Criteria: Points
Undercooked lesson for this day - affixes. You can use the other songs, but
you have to change the lyrics. Content 5
This chicken is undercooked; I don’t think it’s safe to eat. Comfort- able
Poem, you need to write a short poem use of the prefixes and Creativity 5
(prefix: under-, root word: cook, suffix:
suffixes. ed) this on oslo paper.
Relevance 5
Unwrapped(suffix: un, rootYell,
willprefix: Un-comfort-able
ed) a yell or a jingle,
construct using of affixes.
Unity 5
Unwrapped meaning remove the covering.
Slogan, you will construct a slogan based on our discussion.
Write this on cartolina. Total: 20
Present to the class.
Rest + full = restful

Restful + ly = restfully

Beautiful + ly = beautifully
G. Evaluation

Teacher’s Approach Student’s Approach

Test A. H. Agre
Direction: Identify the prefix and suffix from the following t
words. Fill in the columns prefix, suffix and root word.
Teacher’s Approach Student’s Approach


Search for the copy forWORD
our next story, which is “the story of The story of Ruth
the following.
Then, Identify the following. WORD
Inhuman Characters:
Violated Setting: In- Human
Meaningless -d Violate
Illiterate -less Meaning
Undoubtedly Il- Literate
Misunderstood -ed,-ly Un- Doubt
Unknown Mis- Understood
Irrelevant Known
Happiness Un- Relevant
Disoriented Ir- Happy

-ness Orient
Test B. Dis-
Fill in the blanks with the correct prefix or suffix in a given

1. ____connect__

2. ____mature
3. Help___
4. ____believe___
5. adore___
6. ___legitimate
7. wonder___
8. ___fortunate__
9. exist___
10. Use__

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