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Savitribai Phule Pune University




This is to certify that, Mrs. ------------------------ of TY- B.B.A
Class has completed project Report on “A PROJECT ON
department of COMMERCE As prescribed by the Savitribai
Phule Pune university, in the academic year 2018-2019


I am particularly grateful to express my special thank and gratitude to my

teacher and guide, Dr. Sheetal Waghmare for her encouragement and
support that she provided during the preparation of this project.

I would also like to thanks Rd. Arun patil, Principle, VCACS, Pune Who
has been the propelling force behind my entire endeavour and also in
development of the institute. No words can adequately express my debt of
gratitude to all faculty members, and teaching staff including librarian sir
for their direct and indirect help.

Special thanks to LG Company, Pune for investing their valuable time for
making me understand the “A PROJECT ON RECRUITMENT
PLACEMENT, PUNE” and providing me with the valuable information
regarding the work culture at the workshop.

I have tried had and soul to gather all relevant information regarding this
subject. My thanks are also dur to my friends for their unstinted
cooperation in bringing out this work on time.

Class: TY. BBA


I the undersigned hereby declare that the project work entitled “A

to the “SAVITRIBAI PHULE PUNE UNIVERSITY” is the record on
an original work done by me for the partial fulfilled of BACHELOR OF
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION under the guidance of Dr. Sheetal

Conclusions drawn there in are based on the material collected by me.

This project has not been submitted or published on any other collage or
Institutes Before.

DATE :- 01.03.2019



Chapters Contents / Titles Page No.

1.1 Company introduction
2.1 Company profile
2.2 About the company
2.3 History
2.4 Competitors
2.5 Product range
4.1 Objective of the study
4.2 Scope of the study
4.3 Source of data
4.4 Research measuring tools and techniques
4.5 Sample size
4.6 Sampling design
4.7 Limitation of the study
5.1 Data analysis and interpretation
 Conclusion
 Suggestion



According to Edwin Flippo:

“Personnel management is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the

procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance and separation of
human resources to the end that individual, organizational and social objectives are

According to George R. Terry:

“Personnel management is concerned with the obtaining and maintaining of a

satisfactory and satisfied work force”.

According to Michale Armstrong:

“HRM is strategic approach to the acquisition, motivation, development and

management of the organizations human resources. It is developing to shaping an
appropriate corporate culture, and introducing programmes which reflects and support
the core values of the enterprise and ensure its success”.

“HRM is a process of bringing people and organizations together so that the goals of
each are met. It is a part of management process which is concerned with the
management of human resources in an organization”.


 Organizational management

 Personnel administration

 Manpower management

 Industrial management

But these traditional expressions are becoming less common for the theoretical
discipline. Sometimes even employee and industrial relations are confusingly listed as

synonyms, although these normally refer to the relationship between management and
workers and the behavior of workers in companies.

The theoretical discipline is based primarily on the assumption that employees are
individuals with varying goals and needs, and as such should not be thought of as basic
business resources, such as trucks and filing cabinets. The field takes a positive view of
workers, assuming that virtually all wish to contribute to the enterprise productively,
and that the main obstacles to their endeavors are lack of knowledge, insufficient
training, and failures of process.

HRM is seen by practitioners in the field as a more innovative view of workplace

management than the traditional approach. Its techniques force the managers of an
enterprise to express their goals with specificity so that they can be understood and
undertaken by the workforce and to provide the resources needed for them to
successfully accomplish their assignments. As such, HRM techniques, when properly
practiced, are expressive of the goals and operating practices of the enterprise overall.
HRM is also seen by many to have a key role in risk reduction within organizations.


Human Resource Management is An Art for Businesses, Science for

Corporations, and a Subject for Others....

Human Resource Management (HRM) act as a catalyst for overall development of

nation‟s economy. HRM is a way of management that links people-related activities to
the strategy of a business or organisation. HRM is often referred to as "strategic HRM".
It has several goals:

 To meet the needs of the business and management (rather than just serve
the interests of employees);

 To link human resource strategies / policies to the business goals and


 To find ways for human resources to "add value" to a business;

 To help a business gain the commitment of employees to its values, goals

and objectives.

It is an approach to the management of people in an organization. Organizations are
made up of people i. e employees and function through them. It is the human resource
which brings success and prosperity to a business enterprise. Human Resource
Management also called Personnel Management, deals with various problems relating
to manpower employed. Such problems include personal planning, recruitment and
selection, induction, performance appraisal, employee training and development,
promotions and transfer of employees, compensation payment, career planning and
participative management. The person who looks after personnel functions/ problems is
called Personnel/Human Resource Manager. HRM is relatively a new term for what
was earlier called as personnel management. The term HRM got popularity in the USA
by 1970s. This is a management function which helps managers to plan, recruit, select,
train, develop, remunerate and maintain members for an organization. HRM is the latest
nomenclature use to denote personnel management. The policies of management
relating to personnel matters/problems are called policies. Human Resource
Management in a Business Context provides an international focus on the theory and
practice of people management. A thorough and comprehensive overview of all the key
aspects of HRM, including case studies, articles from HRM Guide and other sources,
key concepts, review questions and problems for discussion and analysis.

An important part of HRM is the Human Resources Plan. The purpose of this plan is to
analyse the strategic requirements of the business in terms of manpower - and then to
find a way of meeting the required demand for labour. This is the subject of a separate
revision note.

Human Resource Management, in the sense of getting things done through people. It's
an essential part of every manager's responsibilities, but many organizations find it
advantageous to establish a specialist division to provide an expert service dedicated to
ensuring that the human resource function is performed efficiently.

"People are our most valuable asset" is a cliché which no member of any senior
management team would disagree with. Yet, the reality for many organizations is that
their people remain

 Under valued

 Under trained

 Under utilized

 Poorly motivated, and consequently

 Perform well below their true capability

The rate of change facing organizations has never been greater and organizations must
absorb and manage change at a much faster rate than in the past. In order to implement
a successful business strategy to face this challenge, organizations, large or small, must
ensure that they have the right people capable of delivering the strategy.

The market place for talented, skilled people is competitive and expensive. Taking on
new staff can be disruptive to existing employees. Also, it takes time to develop
'cultural awareness', product/ process/ organization knowledge and experience for new
staff members.

As organizations vary in size, aims, functions, complexity, construction, the physical

nature of their product, and appeal as employers, so do the contributions of human
resource management. But, in most the ultimate aim of the function is to: "ensure that
at all times the business is correctly staffed by the right number of people with the
skills relevant to the business needs", that is, neither overstaffed nor understaffed in
total or in respect of any one discipline or work grade.


Managerial efficiency in an enterprise may be judged by the extent of the use of the
manpower available to get the best possible results. It is only possible by manpower
planning. Personnel objectives cannot be achieved without proper planning of
manpower in the industry. In order to place the right man on the right job, manpower
planning is must. The need or importance of manpower planning may be accessed
through the following facts.

Increase in the Size of the Business

With the expansion of the plant a large number of workers are required to be
recruited. At the time of taking the decision for expansion of the plant, a track of the
existing manpower should be taken and future need of the personnel should be

assessed. It is very essential to know whether new responsibilities should be assigned
from among the existing personnel or they should be recruited a fresh from outside to
meet the challenges of the new responsibilities. It is also to be decided whether
persons are to be trained within the organization to take charge of the new
responsibilities or well qualified personnel should be recruited. For all this manpower
planning is essential.

Effective Recruitment and Selection Policy

Future need may be predicted by manpower planning hence only right man on the
right job at the right time may be recruited and selected. The enterprise is not to invest
much amount on the training of such workers who are recruited and placed after
proper scrutiny. The rate of labour turnover is also reduced by an effective manpower

Reduction in Labor Cost

In order to maintain supremacy over the other competitive forms it is in the interest of
the organization to control the cost of labour by effective use of manpower and thus
reducing the wastage. This can be well done by manpower planning.

National Policy on Employment

National Policy on employment does not permit any employer to oust the worker once
recruited by the organization. Therefore, it is very essential to recruit the workers very
carefully according to the needs of the enterprise and to develop a recruitment policy
of the organization to avoid any unnecessary hardship in the near future. Only
manpower planning can help the organization in this regard.

Effective Employee Development Programme

No effective employee development programme can be worked out unless it is linked

with the manpower requirement of the organization. While developing the employee
development programmes the talent, abilities and motives of the individuals as well as
the organizational objectives in relation to the manpower should be taken into
consideration. An effective manpower planning can only help the organization make
its employee development programme effective.


 To study the Dream Job Placement‟s management organizational objective

through their workforce.

 To study about the utilize of Dream Job Placement‟s man power of their full
Strengths and potential.

 To study about Dream Job Placement‟s recruitment and selection process,

which are their business strategies to develop the business in local market.

 To study the HRM responsibility and market response with their unique HRM
process and policy.

 To study the foster commitment from individuals to the success of the

company through quality orientation in their performance and that of whole

 To study the integrate human resource policies of Dream Job Placement‟s

business plans and reinforce an appropriate culture.

 To study the Dream Job Placement‟s develop a coherent set of personal and
employment policies which jointly reinforce the organizations strategies for
matching resource to business needs and improving performance?


While striving for the position as a „Market Leader‟, Dream job Placement has always
attempted to create a different impression-One that emphasized the ethics and policies
that the group has defined and proven through actions.

 To develop and maintain a quality of work life.

 To ensure efficient employment of skills and abilities of work force.

 To help the organization in attaining economically and effectively the

organizational goals.

 To help maintain ethical policies and behavior.

 Preserve and advance the general welfare of the community.

Objectives are pre-determined goals to which individual or group activity in an

organization is directed. Objectives of personnel management are influenced by
organizational objectives and individual and social goals. Institutions are instituted to
attain certain specific objectives. The objectives of the economic institutions are mostly
to earn profits, and of the educational institutions are mostly to impart education and /
or conduct research so on and so forth. However, the fundamental objective of any
organization is survival. Organizations are not just satisfied with this goal. Further the
goal of most of the organizations is growth and / or profits.


The scope of human resource management outlined below includes an outline of

transformation and development issues, tentative generic skills required in performing
HRM roles, as well as the roles of a human resource management practitioner (line
management and HRM professionals). With regard to the latter, the assumption is made
that roles are inter-linked and interdependent, even though these relationships may not
be expressly stated in each case.

Transformation and development issues

 Knowledge management which entails accumulating & capturing

 Knowledge in large organisations for future application & use (organisation


 Reconciliation management

 Work creation as opposed to job creation

 Manage the transfer of HRM functions and skills to line management

 Marketing of HRM to line management

 Development of contextual approaches to HRM

 Multi-skilling and /or multi-tasking

 Increased societal responsibility

 Managing people in virtual work environments

 Focus on deliverables rather than doable

 Develop additional means of assessing HRM

 Appreciation and assessment of intellectual capital

 Take HRM from a business partner to a business itself / Managing HRM as a

business unit

 Adviser / consultant to line management

Supportive generic skills

This is not intended to be final outline of human resource skills but the following have
emerged during the process as important skills for human resource practitioner to
possess. These are:

 Project management

 Consulting skills

 Entrepreneurship

 Self-management

 Communication skills

 Facilitation skills

 Presentation skills

 Skills for transforming groups into self-directed mutually controlled high

performing work teams

 Trans-cultural skills

 Mediation & arbitration skills

 Financial skills

 Problem-solving

 Diagnostic skills

Core roles in Human Resource Management

The core roles of human resource management are grouped below into four categories.
The titles of the clusters are tentative, and are open for comment.

 Planning And Organising For Work,

 People And HRM

 Strategic Perspective

 Organisation Design

 Change Management

 Corporate Wellness Management

 People Acquisition And Development

 Staffing The Organisation

 Training & Development

 Career Management

 Performance Management

 Industrial Relations

 Administration Of Policies , Programmes & Practices

 Compensation Management

 Information Management

 Administrative Management

 Financial Management


Human resource management has its own limitations also. Though personnel
management has been in practice for quite some time now, human resource
management is of recent origin. Some companies have already has their personnel
management departments while some have taken initiative to appoint human resource
managers to look after their personnel function. Such superficial actions may not bear
much fruit.

The presented research is not without limitations and circumscribed to the national
setting, the research was conducted in small geographical in Pune due to the need for
research in the academic field.

 The major Limitation begun with language barrier for due to Local Language
like (Marathi) which I am not flexible with it to communicate with Locale
Branches Company like DJP.

 Due to lack of time the sample size was less collected due to non-attending
attitude found in the local DJP branch in Pune, as there were factors of non-
resident, which was not good enough to communication with them.

 DJP can be measure with different factor in this research study with the job
satisfaction, job involvement and career development. Some researcher had also
argued that it is depending on its nature and vision of the organization.

 Only limited researchers have been conducted over the effectiveness of online
recruitment and selection process. So, there is lot of scope to conduct further
research over this growing phenomenon that is currently on the prime focus for
organization. Our study specially focuses on the young employees and mostly
who are affiliated with the organization for less than three years.

 Some data are confidential so the company can‟t allow giving the data to any
third party.


1. Finding and conclusions of this project will help to understand human resource
management effectiveness.

2. Suggestion or recommendation of this project will help the company to achieve

in human resource objectives.

3. This study can also undertake on order divisions of the company.

4. The scope of the study is limited to only one division to collect primary data.

5. Human resource strategies are aligned with the company goals.

6. HR team is not having ample amount of interactions with the employee team


Utilizing External Recruiters

 Utilize external recruiting agencies mostly at the very top or bottom jobs.

 Third party recruiters are utilized for hard-to-fill or key jobs.

 Primarily utilize external recruiting agencies.

 Outsource the entire recruiting function.

Primary Sourcing Tools

Identifying candidates and convincing them to apply is essential to great

recruiting. Some of the possible sourcing focus areas include:

 Traditional Media (newspapers, walk-ins)

 Sourcing using events (job fairs and industry events)

 Traditional Internet Sourcing (large and niche job boards)

 Employment branding (a long term sourcing strategy to build a steady long –

term supply of candidates)

 Acquiring intact teams and a large amount of talent through mergers and
acquisitions(buy firms for talent)

What Skills Should One Prioritize When Selecting Candidates?

When selecting the most appropriate candidates from the candidate pool organizations
can use a variety of approaches. Those target skills or competencies could include:

 Hiring brains or intelligence.

 Selecting based primarily on personality.

 Selecting based on the technical skills required for the job.

 Selecting based on skills.

 Selecting primarily based on pre-identified, company-wide competency needs.

 Selecting primarily based on candidate‟s contacts and network.

 Hiring and then finding the best job for them

 Selecting primarily based on cultural fit.

How to Assess Candidates?

An essential part of any recruiting strategy is the processes you will utilize to assess
the candidates. Common choices include:

 Interviews

 Personality Tests

 Skills Tests

 References(business, personal or educational)

 Grades or Academic Performance(primarily for college Hires)

 Drug Screening

 Job Simulations

 On-the- job assessment

 Hire more than you need and intentionally “wash out” the poor performers

Primary Sales Approach

Candidates can be “sold” on a job and company based on a variety of strategies.

They often include:

 Compensation

 Opportunities for promotion

 Benefits

 A great team and manager

 An excellent culture and values

 Bonus and stock option opportunities

 Challenge, Growth and learning opportunities

 The firms employment brand and image




We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as a professionally managed

consultancy firm, providing creative & superior solution for helping our Client
Organization to achieve their objectives in effective and efficient manner.

Dream Job Placement is a professionally managed consultancy firm, providing

creative and superior solution for helping the client organization to achieve their
objectives in effective and efficient manner. Dream job Placement (Dream Job
Placement, Pune) is recently established in Oct.2007 and is mainly into business of
executive search and man power requirement of the organizations. They operate
mainly in Pimpri Chinchwad, and can also service clients anywhere in India through
network of being registered on TIMESJOBS.COM. Dream Job Placement, Pune has
been identifying the need of organization as their human resources and provides them
the right person for their needs.

Basic Information
Nature of Business Service Provider
Total Number of Employees Upto 50 People
Year of Establishment 2007
Legal Status of Firm Sole Proprietorship (Individual)
Address Dream Job Placement3rd Floor, Vakratund Gold
Complex, Opposite Nigdi Bus Stop, Nigdi-Pimpri
Chinchwad, Nigdi, Pune-411044, Maharashtra,

Dream Job Placement, Pune guarantee high quality service.

Executive Search

Their strength in this area is speed without compromising quality. Their consultants
and Researchers tap into their wide network of contacts to locate the best person for
the position.

Executive Recruitment and Selection

They have an extensive and strong databank of candidates. They also advertise on
behalf of their clients to extend their reach within the markets we operate in. Their in-
house search software enables them to make matches to jobs efficiently.


Service Provider of a wide range of services which include Manufacturing Industrial

Placement Service, Power Plant Placement Service, Construction Placement Service,
Corporate Placement Service and Overseas Placement Service.

Expect great measures – DREAM JOB PLACEMENT meets your highest


For any type of cutting, DREAM JOB PLACEMENT offers the optimum presetting,
inspection or management solution.


Manufacturing Industrial Placement Service; Service Details:

Qualification Required graduation

Manpower Required yes

Job Location all over

Industry Type yes

Mode of service online /offline

Service Duration 1

Recruitment Preference yes

Gender Preferred Female

Work Shift general shit

Manufacturing industrial Placement Service

Present Dealing Companies:

1. Jayshree Polymers Pvt. Ltd. Chinchwad

2. Tata Visteon Automotive Pvt. Ltd.-Hinjawadi

3. Lumax Ltd.-Chakan

4. Centaur Pharmaceutical-Hinjawadi

5. Thermax

6. Kalajanset Ltd.- Chakan

7. Horizon data system Pvt.Ltd.-Chinchwad

8. Auague technology Pvt.Ltd.-Chinchwad

9. Uma precision pvt.Ltd.-Chinchwad

10. Rajkumar forge Ltd.-Chakan

11. Orian presigen Ltd.-Chakan

12. Logicon Technology-Chinchwad

13. Friends eng Pvt. Ltd.-Chinchwad

14. Lumax Ltd.-Chakan

15. Keje electrical Pvt. Ltd.-Pimpri

16. Tata indicom-Pimpri

17. Twlight Litika Pharmaceutical-Pimpri

18. Polybond India Pvt. Ltd.-Alandi

19. Strepx Haywake Solution-Chinchwad


 To know the skills required for recruiting staff for an organization.

 To know the methodology required for the recruitment.

 To learn the latest practices of the company for recruitment and selection.

 To become aware of recruitment and selection procedure/parameters for

effectively conducting recruitment of employees in organization.


Preparing Manpower Inventory

The main purpose of manpower planning is to avoid the situations of overstaffing and
for this purpose a stock of existing manpower is to be assessed. Manpower inventory
refers to the assessment of the present and the potential capabilities of present
employees qualitatively and quantitatively. It reveals the degree to which these
capabilities are employed optimally and helps to identify the gaps that exist or that are
likely to raise in the firm‟s human resources. Preparation of manpower inventory
involves determination of personnel to be inventoried, cataloguing of factual
background information on each individual. Systematic appraisal of each individual
and listing the present and potential abilities and aptitudes of each.

Studying the Employee Turnover

From the available stock of manpower a discount should be allowed for employee
turnover during the period of planning. Employee turnover may be caused by death,
disability, dismissal, resignation, promotions, transfers etc. The study of employee
turnover helps estimating the future needs of the workforce. The study of turnover
requires a lot of experiences and the records regarding work conditions, morale, job
satisfaction, competitive situations, unemployment etc. Considering these factors and
various wastages the rate of turnover can be determined effectively.

Forecasting Manpower Needs

Forecasting of future manpower requirement is the most important part of manpower

planning. This requirement is forecasted on the basis of production and sales budgets,
workload analysis, work force analysis, estimated absenteeism and turnover etc. The
future manpower requirements should be forecasted qualitatively and quantitatively.
These forecasts depend upon the business objectives. Formal approach to manpower
forecasts involves statistical mathematical projections of labour market trends,
product market trends and technological changes.

Manpower Plans

After determining the gaps in manpower, programmes and strategies are developed
for recruitment selection training, transfers, promotion and appraisal so that the future
manpower requirement will be met. Development plans are designed to ensure a
continuing supply of trained people to take over jobs as they fall vacant either by
promotions or recruitment or through training. In this way the shortages or
redundancies can be avoided in the long run.



It forms the stage in the process which continues with selection and ceases with the
placement of the candidate. It is the next step in the procurement function, the first
being the manpower planning. Recruiting makes it possible to acquire the number and
types of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the organization.

Recruiting is the discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated
organizational vacancies. In other words, it is a „linking activity‟ bringing together
those with jobs and those seeking jobs.

Recruitment has been regarded as the most important function of personnel

administration, because unless the right type of people are hired, even the best plans,
organization charts and control systems would not do much good. Flippo views
recruitment both as positive and negative activity. He says “It is process of searching
for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in
an organization.” It is often termed positive in that it stimulates people to apply for
jobs to increase the „hiring ratio‟ i.e., the number of applications for a job. Selection,
on the other hand tends to be negative because it rejects a good member of those who
apply, leaving only the best to be hired.


All organizations, whether large or small, do engage in recruiting activity, though not
to the same extent. This differs with the following:

 The size of the organization

 The employment conditions in the community where the organization is


 The effects of past recruiting efforts which show the organization‟s ability to
locate and keep good performing people.

 Working conditions and salary and benefit packages offered by the

organization which may influence turnover and necessitate future recruiting.

 The rate of growth of organization.

 The level of seasonality of operations and future expansion and production


 Cultural, economic and legal factors, etc.


Organization’s Objectives: Both in the short-term and long term must be taken as a
basic parameter for recruitment decisions & needs the personnel area- wise, job
family- wise.

Identification Of the Recruitment: It needs to take decisions regarding the balance

of the qualitative dimensions of the would be recruits, i.e., the recruiters should
prepare profiles for each category of workers & accordingly work out the main
specifications, decide the sections, departments or branches where they should be
placed & identify the particular responsibilities which may be immediately assigned
to them.

Preferred Source Of Recruitment: It can be tapped by the organization e.g. for

skilled or semi-skilled manual workers, internal sources and employment exchanges
may be preferred for highly specialized categories and sources besides the former,
may be utilized.

Criteria of Selection& Preferences: These should be based on conscious thought

and serious deliberations. In some cases trade unions may be consulted in working out
the recruitment policy. In others, management may take the unilateral decision.

A Recruitment Policy in its broadest sense involves a commitment by the employer to

such general principles as:

(i) To find and employ the best qualified persons for each job.

(ii) To retain the best and most promising of those hired.

(iii) To offer promising opportunities for life time working careers.

(iv) To provide programmes & facilities for personnel on the job.


 To carefully observe the letter & spirit of the relevant public policy on
hiring and on the whole, employment relationship.

 To provide individual employees with the maximum of employment

security avoiding frequent lay-off or lost time.

 To provide each employee with an open road & encouragement in the

continuing development of his/her talents & skills.

 To assure each employee of the organization interest in his/her personal

goals & employment objectives.

 To assure employees of fairness in all employment relationships including

promotions & transfers.

 To avoid cliques which may develop when several members of same

household or community are employed in the organization.

 To provide employment in jobs which are engineered to meet the

qualifications of handicapped workers & minority sections?

 To encourage one or more strong effective, responsible trade unions

among the employees.


Recruitment is a two–way street

It takes a recruiter and a recruiter. Just as the recruiter has a choice whom to recruit
and whom not, so also the prospective employee has to make the decision usually on
three different bases, the objective factor, critical contact, and subjective factor.

The objective factor theory views the process of organizational choice as being one of
weighing and evaluating a set of measurable characteristics of employment offers.
Such as pay, benefits, location, opportunity for advancement, the nature of the work
to be performed and educational opportunities.”

The critical contact theory suggests that the typical candidate is unable to make a
meaningful differentiation of organization‟s offers in terms of objective or subjective
factors, because of his limited or very short contact with the organization. Choice can
be made only when the applicant can readily perceive the factors such as the behavior
of the recruiter, the nature of the physical facilities, and the efficiency in processing
paper work associated with the application.”

The subjective factor theory emphasizes the congruence between personality patterns
and the images of the organization, i.e., choices are made on a highly personal and
emotional basis.


Utilizing External Recruiters

 Utilize external recruiting agencies mostly at the very top or bottom jobs.

 Third party recruiters are utilized for hard-to-fill or key jobs.

 Primarily utilize external recruiting agencies.

 Outsource the entire recruiting function.

Primary Sourcing Tools

Identifying candidates and convincing them to apply is essential to great

recruiting. Some of the possible sourcing focus areas include:

 Traditional Media (newspapers, walk-ins)

 Sourcing using events (job fairs and industry events)

 Traditional Internet Sourcing (large and niche job boards)

 Employment branding (a long term sourcing strategy to build a steady long –

term supply of candidates)

 Acquiring intact teams and a large amount of talent through mergers and
acquisitions(buy firms for talent)

What Skills Should One Prioritize When Selecting Candidates?

When selecting the most appropriate candidates from the candidate pool organizations
can use a variety of approaches. Those target skills or competencies could include:

 Hiring brains or intelligence.

 Selecting based primarily on personality.

 Selecting based on the technical skills required for the job.

 Selecting based on skills.

 Selecting primarily based on pre-identified, company-wide competency needs.

 Selecting primarily based on candidate‟s contacts and network.

 Hiring and then finding the best job for them

 Selecting primarily based on cultural fit.

How to Assess Candidates?

An essential part of any recruiting strategy is the processes you will utilize to assess
the candidates. Common choices include:

 Interviews

 Personality Tests

 Skills Tests

 References(business, personal or educational)

 Grades or Academic Performance(primarily for college Hires)

 Drug Screening

 Job Simulations

 On-the- job assessment

 Hire more than you need and intentionally “wash out” the poor performers

Primary Sales Approach

Candidates can be “sold” on a job and company based on a variety of strategies.

They often include:

 Compensation

 Opportunities for promotion

 Benefits

 A great team and manager

 An excellent culture and values

 Bonus and stock option opportunities

 Challenge, Growth and learning opportunities

 The firms employment brand and image



Nowadays, every organization necessitates personnel planning as one of the most vital
activities. Human Resource Planning is, by far, an essential ingredient for the success
of any organization in the long run. There are a number of techniques that need to be
followed by every organization that guarantees that it possesses the right number and
type of people, at the right time and right place, so as to enable the organization to
achieve its planned objectives. Commonly, the objectives of Human Resource
Planning department include resource, planning, recruitment and selection, career
planning, training and development, promotions, risk management, performance
appraisal, to name a few. Each of these objectives requires special attention and
accurate planning and execution.

It is of utmost importance for every organization to employ a right person on a right

position. And recruitment and selection plays a pivotal role during such situations.
With shortage of skills and the rapid spread of new technology exerting considerable
pressure on how employers perform recruitment and selection activities, it is
recommended to conduct a step-by-step strategic analysis of recruitment and selection
processes. With reference to the current context, this paper presents an incisive review
of previous literature on the recruitment and selection process. This paper is primarily
based on an analysis of six pieces of literature conducted by practitioners and
researchers in the field of Human Resource management.

Various researchers have contributed to the field of HRM, and have offered intensive
and profound knowledge on the branches of HRM such as scientific recruitment and
selection, Manpower management, Job analysis, Need and purpose of Recruitment,
and so on.

Edwin Flippo defines Recruitment and selection process as “A process of searching

for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in
an organization.”

In simpler terms, recruitment and selection are concurrent processes and are void
without each other. They significantly differ from each other and are essential
constituents of the organization. It helps in discovering the potential and capabilities
of applicants for expected or actual organizational vacancies. It is a link between the
jobs and those seeking jobs.

Work by Korsten (2003) and Jones et al. (2006): According to Korsten (2003)
and Jones et al. (2006), Human Resource Management theories emphasize on
techniques of recruitment and selection and outline the benefits of interviews,
assessment and psychometric examinations as employee selection process. They
further stated that recruitment process may be internal or external or may also be
conducted online. Typically, this process is based on the levels of recruitment
policies, job postings and details, advertising, job application and interviewing
process, assessment, decision making, formal selection and training (Korsten 2003).

Jones et al. (2006) suggested that examples of recruitment policies in the healthcare,
business or industrial sector may offer insights into the processes involved in
establishing recruitment policies and defining managerial objectives.

Successful recruitment techniques involve an incisive analysis of the job, the labour
market scenario/ conditions and interviews, and psychometric tests in order to find out
the potentialities of job seekers. Furthermore, small and medium sized enterprises lay
their hands on interviews and assessment with main concern related to job analysis,
emotional intelligence in inexperienced job seekers, and corporate social
responsibility. Other approaches to selection outlined by Jones et al. (2006) include
several types of interviews, role play, group discussions and group tasks, and so on.

Work by Alan Price (2007): Price (2007), in his work Human Resource
Management in a Business Context, formally defines recruitment and selection as the
process of retrieving and attracting able applications for the purpose of employment.
He states that the process of recruitment is not a simple selection process, while it
needs management decision making and broad planning in order to appoint the most
appropriate manpower. There existing competition among business enterprises for
recruiting the most potential workers in on the pathway towards creating innovations,
with management decision making and employers attempting to hire only the best

applicants who would be the best fit for the corporate culture and ethics specific to the
company (Price 2007). This would reflect the fact that the management would
particularly shortlist able candidates who are well equipped with the requirements of
the position they are applying for, including team work. Since possessing qualities of
being a team player would be essential in any management position (Price 2007).

Work by Hiltrop (1996): Hiltrop (1996) was successful in demonstrating the

relationship between the HRM practices, HRM-organizational strategies as well as
organizational performance. He conducted his research on HR manager and company
officials of 319 companies in Europe regarding HR practices and policies of their
respective companies and discovered that employment security, training and
development programs, recruitment and selection, teamwork, employee participation,
and lastly, personnel planning are the most essential practices (Hiltrop 1999). As a
matter of fact, the primary role of HR is to develop, control, manage, incite, and
achieve the commitment of the employees. The findings of Hiltrop‟s (1996) work also
showed that selectively hiring has a positive impact on organizational performance,
and in turn provides a substantial practical insight for executives and officials
involved. Furthermore, staffing and selection remains to be an area of substantial
interest. With recruitment and selection techniques for efficient hiring decisions, high
performing companies are most likely to spend more time in giving training
particularly on communication and team-work skills (Hiltrop 1999). Moreover the
finding that there is a positive connection existing between firm performances and
training is coherent with the human capital standpoint. Hence, Hiltrop (1996) suggests
the managers need to develop HR practices that are more focused on training in order
to achieve competitive benefits.

Work by Jackson et al. (2009) and Bratton and Gold (1999): As discussed by
Jackson et al. (2009), Human resource management approaches in any business
organization are developed to meet corporate objectives and materialization of
strategic plans via training and development of personnel to attain the ultimate goal of
improving organizational performance as well as profits. The nature of recruitment
and selection for a company that is pursuing HRM approach is influenced by the state
of the labour market and their strength within it. Furthermore, it is necessary for such
companies to monitor how the state of labour market connects with potential recruits

via the projection of an image which will have an effect on and reinforce applicant

Work of Bratton & Gold (1999) suggest that organizations are now developing
models of the kind of employees they desire to recruit, and to recognize how far
applicants correspond to their models by means of reliable and valid techniques of
selection. Nonetheless, the researchers have also seen that such models, largely
derived from competency frameworks, foster strength in companies by generating the
appropriate knowledge against which the job seekers can be assessed. However,
recruitment and selection are also the initial stages of a dialogue among applications
and the company that shapes the employment relationship (Bratton & Gold 1999).
This relationship being the essence of a company‟s manpower development, failure to
acknowledge the importance of determining expectation during recruitment and
selection can lead to the loss of high quality job seekers and take the initial stage of
the employment relationship so down as to make the accomplishment of desirable
HRM outcomes extremely difficult. In the opinion of Bratton and Gold (1999),
recruitment and selection practices are essential characteristics of a dialogue driven by
the idea of “front-end” loading processes to develop the social relationship among
applicants and an organization. In this relationship, both parties make decisions
throughout the recruitment and selection and it would be crucial for a company to
realize that high-quality job seekers, pulled by their view of the organization, might
be lost at any level unless applications are provided for realistic organization as well
as work description.

In view of Jackson et al. (2009) and Bratton & Gold (1999) applicants have a
specific view of expectations about how the company is going to treat them;
recruitment and selection acts as an opportunity to clarify this view.

Furthermore, one technique of developing the view, suggested by Bratton and Gold
(1999), are realistic job previews or RJPs that may take the form of case studies of
employees and their overall work and experiences, the opportunity to “cover”
someone at work, job samples and videos. The main objective of RJPs is to allow for
the expectations of job seekers to become more realistic and practical. RJPs tend to
lower initial expectations regarding work and a company, thereby causing some
applications to select themselves; however RJPs also increase the degree of

organization commitment, job satisfaction, employee performance, appraisal and job
survival among job seekers who can continue into employment (Bratton & Gold
1999) Jackson et al. (2009).

Work by Silzer et al (2010): However, the process of recruitment does not cease
with application of candidature and selection of the appropriate candidates, but
involves sustaining and retaining the employees that are selected, as stated by Silzer et
al. (2010).

Work of Silzer et al. (2010) was largely concerned with Talent management, and
through their work they were successful in resolving issues like whether or not talent
is something one can be born with or is it something that can be acquired through

According to Silzer et al (2010), that was a core challenge in designing talent

systems, facing the organization and among the senior management. The only
solution to resolve the concern of attaining efficient talent management was by
adopting fully-executable recruitment techniques. Regardless of a well-drawn
practical plan on recruitment and selection as well as involvement of highly qualified
management team, companies following recruitment processes may face significant
obstacles in implementation. As such, theories of HRM can give insights in the most
effective approaches to recruitment even though companies will have to employ their
in house management skills for applying generic theories across particular
organizational contexts.

Word conducted by Silzer et al (2010) described that the primary objective of

successful talent strategies is to create both a case as well as a blueprint for
developing the talent strategies within a dynamic and highly intensive economy
wherein acquisition, deployment and preservation of human capital-talent that matter,,
shapes the competitive advantages and success of many companies (Silzer et al.

Work by Taher et al. (2000): Toward that end Taher et al. (2000) carried out a
study to critique the value-added and non-value activities in a recruitment and
selection process. The strategic manpower planning of a company, training and
development programme, performance appraisal, reward system and industrial

relations, was also appropriately outlined in the study. This study was based on the
fact that efficient HR planning is an essence of organization success, which flows
naturally into employee recruitment and selection (Taher et al. 2000). Therefore,
demand rather than supply must be the prime focus of the recruitment and selection
process and a greater emphasis must be put on planning, supervising and control
rather than mediation. Extending this principle, a realistic approach to recruitment and
selection process was demonstrated, and the study found that an organization is
efficient only when the value it commands exceeds the price involved in determining
the process of decision making or product. In other words, value-added and non-value
added activities associated with a company‟s recruitment and selection process
impacts its role in creating motivated and skilled workforce in the country (Taher et
al. 2000). Thus, the study identified the waiting time, inspection time and filing time
as non value added tasks and the cost of advertisement as the only value added
activity in the overall process.

Therefore, any organization is encouraged to development real-time recruitment

strategies that must attempt to generate a pool of appropriately qualified and well-
experienced individuals so as to effectively initiate the selection strategies and
decisions. In essence, the potential applications are encouraged to apply for the open
vacancies and also the relevant departments can engage in recruiting the best
candidates to upgrade the department‟s performance (Taher et al. 2000).


Human Resource Development (HRD) is regarded as a process which is used by the

management for the growth and development of the employees working in the
organization. HRD is not only training, but it is concerned with the all-round
development of the individual employee. It should increase the competency of the
employees in such a way that they can gain confidence that they can perform the new
jobs properly. HRD activity is to be carried out for the benefit of the employees as
well as for the organization.


Career Planning and Development

Career Planning is one of the most important functions of the personnel department. It
means the programmes and the procedures which are designed to provide the
individual leverage in deciding personnel career within the environment of the
organization. Career planning helps to facilitate dialogue between the individual and
organization for optimizing their mutual requirements. Career planning, stands for the
forward looking employment policies of an organization which take into account the
career of individual executives involved in various tasks, particularly critical tasks. It
unites organizational human resources planning with individual career needs. Career
planning programme should be dynamic. Promotion means the assignment of a
position of higher responsibility to an individual. Transfer is the change in jobs which
may involve some changes in status, responsibilities, salary etc.

Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal is one of the oldest and most universal practices of

management. It refers to all the formal procedures used in working organizations to
evaluate the personalities and contributions and potentials of group members. It is to
improve but not to prove work performance. It can serve as a basis for change or
promotion. It serves as a feedback to the employee. Performance Appraisal often
provides the rational foundation for the payment of piece-work, wages, bonus etc. It is
also used as a guide by formulating a suitable training and development programmed
to improve his quality of performance in his present work. Performance appraisal
often serves as a means for evaluating the effectiveness of devices for the selection
and classification of workers.

Potential Appraisal

Potential appraisal as a sub-system of HRD is created to judge the potential abilities

of the employees as well as the executives. Under it, the capacity of the person in
respect of technical skills and knowledge, aptitude for a particular type of work,
willingness to accept responsibility is ascertained. By using this information,
management can identify persons having potentiality for doing more responsible jobs.
Such persons already possess a certain capacity and by giving they further training,

such capacity can be developed to the required level so that when the need arises they
can be promoted the higher posts in the organization. Potential appraisal also helps the
employees because they become aware of the skills, abilities, aptitudes which they
have and can make efforts for developing and using them in the future.


An organization which undertakes human resource development has to establish a

system for training of its employees. Training is an instrument of developing the
employees by increasing their skills and by improving their behavior. Technical,
managerial skills are needed by the employees for performing the jobs assigned to
them .Training is required to be given to new employees and experienced employees.
The methods to be used for training and the duration for which training should be
given is decided by the management according to the objectives of the training, the
number of persons to be trained and the amount of training needed by the employees.

Organizational Development

Organizational Development is the process of employing various methods and

techniques by which an organization is developed and is able to survive and make
progress in the changing environment. The people working in the organization should
be developed by increasing their skills, abilities and capacity to adjust themselves to
the changed environment. In organization development, efforts are made for team-
building and creative of organization culture so that the performance of the people can
be improved. For organization development, the organization should be willing to
change itself according to the need created by the changes in the environment in
which it operates.


Types of Training

There are various methods of training. The choice of any of the methods depends
upon several factors like cost of training, number of workers, depth of knowledge
required, background of the trainees, and purpose of training and so on. The various
training methods are:

On The Job Method

As the name suggests is imparted on the job and at the work place where the
employee is expected to perform his duties. This is the most effective method of
training the operating personnel and generally used in most of the industrial
undertakings. Under this method, the responsibility to impart training to workers is
given to the immediate superior who knows exactly what is to be taught to the trainee
for the better performance or to some outside instructor who is specialist in the field.
Under this method following systems may be included:

1. Training by Supervisor: Supervisor in charge is responsible for the training to

the operative staff under this system. The supervisor supervises and instructs the
employee while on work. Sometimes he demonstrates the system of working to
the employee. It enables the supervisor and the employee to understand each
other better.

2. Under-Study System: Under this system senior and experienced workman is

assigned the job of teaching the new employee as his under study. The trainee
under this system loses his motivation and morale because the person under
whom he is working does not take interest in him. A common version of such
training is three position plans. Under it a man learns from the man above him
and teaches the much below him. This system is more suitable in circumstances
where the trainer requires an assistant.

3. Position Rotation: Under this system the employee is periodically rotated from
one job two another instead of sticking to one job just to acquire the general
background of the trainee in various positions of the job.

4. Vestibule Training

Under this method the training is not given on the job, but workers are trained
on specific jobs in a special part of the plant by models. Training is given in
class rooms where working conditions are created which are similar to the actual
workshop conditions. After training the worker is put on similar jobs in the
workshop. It should be noted that a well-qualified and trained instructor should
be the in charge of the programme. This method is expensive because there is a

duplication of material, equipment and conditions found in a real work place but
it is a correct blending of theory and practical work.

5. Class Room Training

Where concepts, attitudes, theories and problem solving abilities are to be learnt,
the class room instruction is the most useful device. In other words it is more
associated with knowledge rather than skill. Orientation about organization,
safety training or refresher training can be accomplished most effectively in the
classroom. There may be different methods of instruction such as:

i. Formal Lecture: When depth of theoretical knowledge (such as safety, health

etc.) is required, formal lectures are arranged by the organization and
delivered by the lecture presumed to be the master of the subject at hand. The
lecture method may be used for large group and therefore cost per trainee is
low. Trainees should be permitted to ask questions.

ii. Conference and Seminar: There are two types of seminar. The first is that, is
which a student gives a lecture on some predetermined topic and is followed
by discussion and exchange of views under a chairman who sum up the
discussion by his fruitful advises and comments. The second method is where
all students participate in the seminar under a chairman who sparked off the
idea and discussion follows which in turn, leads further ideas.

iii. Case Study: Case study is a practical problem faced by an industrial unit
which is discussed in the large group, possibly to find an optimum solution.
The trainee studies the problem and finds the solution. The supervisor reviews
the solutions and discusses it with the trainees.

iv. Role Playing: Under this system the trainees play their assigned role such as
the role of supervisor, instructor etc. under an instructor who prepares them to
assign different roles for the play. The above systems in classroom method are
not much value for the operative staff. These are used generally to train the
employees for various executive positions.


Man Power Planning: Man power Planning is a procedure of foreseeing the human
resource requirements of an organization and the future supply human resources.
„Man planning‟ is also termed as „Human Resource Planning‟ This concept is of
recent origin.

“Manpower Planning” is the process of including forecasting, developing and

controlling by which a firm ensures that it has the right number of people at the places
at the right time doing work for which they are economically most useful.”

Human resource planning is undertaken to achieve the overall objectives of the

organization as decided by its strategic planning. It aims at ensuring the human
resources are made available as and when required. It provides a basis for
management and organization development programmes. Human resource planning is
described as a process. It is a continuous process in the sense that the work of
estimating demand for and supply of employees is required to be carried out on as
long as the organization is in existence. There are various methods of recruitment,
such as Direct Recruitment through Notification, Advertisements, etc. The selection
process of candidates must be scientific; it includes various steps such as Initial
Screening, Application form, written test, Interview medical exams.


Man Power Planning is undertaken to achieve the overall objectives of the

organization as decided by its strategic planning. These Objectives can be mentioned
as under:

Optimum Use

The manpower planning should ensure optimum utilization of the human resource
currently employed in the organization. This is done by providing sufficient work to
each employee and by assigning the work according to the skills and abilities of the
persons working in the organization.

Human Resources Available

The human resources are made available as and when required. Employees are needed
in various departments of the organization which perform different function. They
may be needed to fill up the vacancies which arise in the organization. Manpower
planning is expected to anticipate the number needed, the kind of employees needed
and when they will be needed and make arrangement for supplying the employees
from different sources.

Management and Organization

Provide a basis for management and development programmes. Manpower planning

is expected to provide the basic information by using which these programmes can be
prepared and implemented.

Avoid Redundancy and Redeployment

In manpower planning, it may be found out that, in the future the organization may be
required to discontinue the present product line and start production of some new
article. Due to this change some jobs which are being done at present may require to
be cancelled and the persons performing these jobs may become redundant. If
information about this becomes available well in advance through manpower,
planning management can arrange to retain such employees and redeploy them for the
new jobs.

Recruitment Level and Training Need

All types of employee‟s i.e. skilled, unskilled employees needed by the organization
are recruited in different ways. Manpower planning should decide which category of
the employees will be needed and make arrangement for recruitment of the required
employees. It is also expected to find out what type of training should be given to
them to prepare them to face the conditions in the future.

Drawing Attention

When information about the present employees is studied for the purpose of
manpower planning attention is drawn to those sections where the required type of
persons in adequate number is not easily available. Manpower planning also brings to

the notice of the management those employees who from the organizations point of
view are indispensable.

Technical Skills

Constant changes take place in the technological field and accordingly an

organization has to use new techniques in its operation. Persons who have acquired
new skills are needed by the organization. Manpower planning is carried out with the
objective of deciding the skills which will be needed in future and either training the
present employees to acquire the new skills or obtain new employees who possess the
new skills.


Direct Methods

These include sending travelling recruiters to educational and professional

institutions, employees‟ contacts with public, and manned exhibits. One of the widely
used direct methods is that of sending of recruiters to colleges and technical schools.
Most college recruiting is done in co-operation with the placement office of a college.
The placement office usually provides help in attracting students, arranging
interviews, furnishing space and providing student resumes. For managerial,
professional and sales personnel, campus recruiting is an extensive operation. Persons
reading for MBA or other technical diplomas are picked up in this manner. For this
purpose, carefully prepared brochures, describing the organization and the jobs it
offers, are distributed among students, before the interviewer arrives. The DCM,
TATAs and other enlightened firms maintain continuing contacts with institutions
„placement officials with a view to recruiting staff regularly for different responsible

Indirect Methods

Indirect method involves mostly advertising in newspaper, on the ratio, in trade and
professional journals, technical magazines and brochures.

Advertising in newspapers or trade journals and magazines is the most frequently

used method, when qualified or experienced personnel are not available from other

sources. Senior posts are mostly filled by this method when they cannot be filled by
promotion from within.

Advertising is very useful in recruiting blue-collar and hourly workers, as well as

scientific, professional and technical employees. Local newspapers can be good
source of blue collar workers, clerical employees, and lower level administrative

The Third Party Methods

These include the use of commercial or private employment agencies, state agencies,
and placement offices of schools, colleges and professional associations, recruiting
firms, management consulting firms, indoctrination seminars for college professors,
and friends and relatives.

Private employment agencies also known as Employment or Labour Exchanges are

the main agencies of public employment. They provide a clearing house for jobs and
job information. Employers inform them of their personnel requirements, while job
seekers get information for them about the types of jobs that are referred to by
employers. These agencies provide a wide range of services- counseling, assistance in
getting jobs, information about the labour market, labour and wage rates.

Schools, Colleges and Professional institutions offer opportunities for recruiting their
students. They operate placement services where complete bio-data and other
particulars of the students are available. The companies that need employees maintain
contact with the guidance Counselors of employment Bureaus and teachers of
business and vocational subjects. The prospective employers can review credentials
interview candidates for management trainees or probationers.

Sometimes the organizations provide Work Study Programme to the students or

summer jobs for undertaking a project in the establishment so as to get them
interested in the organization in question, and after completion of this, they may be
absorbed by the companies concerned.

Employee Referrals: Friends and relatives of present employees are also a good
source from which employees may be drawn When the labour market is very tight ,

large employers frequently offer their employees bonuses or prizes for any referrals
who are hired and stay with company for a specific length of time.


Human Resource Management (HRM) is concerned with the human beings in an

organization. HRM approach helps to improve the organizational efficiency, work
culture, job satisfaction of people, better understanding of human relationship
resulting in coordinal industrial relations and better productivity. HRM deals with the
process of developing people in accordance with their aspirations and to suit the
organizational needs. It is a part and parcel of every line function. HRM is not limited
to mere personnel management. The purpose of HRM is to improve the productive
contribution of people to organization in an ethical and socially responsible way.

Manpower and Requisition

The requirements for man power come from different company. The consultancy gets
the number of vacancies from various companies for different posts. Then the process
of further recruitment takes place.

Advertisement Posting

The consultancy gives advertisements in newspaper for man power requirements.

Generally advertisement is given in Sakal , Other Local newspaper and Ascent. The
Advertisement Posting is done on the basis of the posts to be filled. The job
description is given along with area of specialization.

Checking of Responses

After the Advt. Posting is done, responses are checked. The response is received
according to the advt. posting done and then the further procedure of the recruitment
procedure is followed.

Printing of Resumes

Resume Printing is done after searching on Naukri. Com, Times Jobs, and Monster.
Then on the basis of man power requisition from different departments, resumes are

Basic Scrutiny

When the resumes are printed, they are then scrutinized. Scrutinizing is done to
highlight the qualification, experience and special courses done by the person. This
helps in saving time otherwise it takes time to see each and every detail of the resume.

Resumes Forwarding to the Respective HODs

When the resumes are collected they are sent to the respective HODs for selecting the
resumes for further action. Then the resumes are shortlisted and sent back to the HR
department for further action.

Tele Calling

When the resumes are selected by the concerned HODs , telephone calls are made for
the shortlisted candidates. The interview dates are fixed on the basis of the
convenience of the candidates.

Interview Schedule Making

After the calls are being made and confirmation date for interview is taken, an
interview schedule is made and further procedure of recruitment is followed.


The mails are also sent to the short listed candidates for the date and time of the
interviews. Mailing has become one of the important tools for sending interview day
and date these days. Mailing is one of the fastest tools for keeping people informed
these days.

Sending Of Interview Schedules to the Respective HODs

After sending mails to the candidates, three copies of the interview schedules are
made and one of them is sent to the respective HODs. Another copy is sent to the
reception and the third copy is kept with the HR department.

Filling of Application Form by the Candidates

Before going for the interview, the candidate has to fill the Application form and then
he/she has to go to the respective HODs.

Interview by the Respective HODs

After filling the Application form the candidate is sent for the interview to the HODs.


After the interview is taken the candidate is either selected or rejected. The remarks
are written inside the Application form.

Second Interview If Selected

When the candidate is selected, he/she is again called for the second interview. The
interview schedule is again made for the second interview.


After the second interview is taken, the candidate is asked for the salary expectation.
Negotiation is done and then final decision of selecting a person is taken.

Confirmation for Joining

After the negotiation is being done, joining letter is handed over to the selected
candidate. The date of joining is decided on the basis of the convenience of the

Detailed Induction

On the day of joining, the person is given detailed induction. In induction, the person
is made aware about the rules and regulation of the company along with the details of
the company.

Candidate Sending To the Respective HODs

After detailed induction, the candidate is sent to the respective HODs. The HOD
sends the candidate to the respective department.

Information about the Safety and Facility

The selected person is given full information about the safety and facilities

Methodology adopted by us in Recruitment

1. Man Power and Requisition

2. Sources-, Times Jobs, Monster, Placement Agencies, References etc.

3. Add Posting

6. Resumes forwarding to respective HODs for short listing

7. Calls Making

8. Mailing

9. Sending of interview schedule to respective HODs

10. Filling of Application Form by the candidates

11. Selection/Rejection

12. Second Interview if selected

13. Negotiation

14. Confirmation for Joining

15. Appointment Letter

20. Information about the salary & facility to the selected person


Personnel New
Recruiting Selecting
Human Employees
Needed Qualified
Resource On Job
Personnel Personnel

Developing Search For Evaluating

Sources Of Potential Recruiting
Potential Employment Effectiveness
Personnel Upgrading In
Research Same Position

Job To New Job

To Higher
Employee Responsibilities
External Reference
Sources s Evaluating
Advertising For



1. What are primary goals? (Why Hire?)

The first element of recruiting strategy is to determine “Why” the company is hiring
outside people. First, one must determine firm‟s business goals and then what
recruiting can do to contribute to each of them.

Some of the more common business reasons for hiring include:

(i) Replacements for turnover.

(ii) Current or future business expansion.

(iii) Upsizing the caliber of talent because top talent has become available.

(iv) Limiting the talent available in the market in order to hurt a competitor‟s
ability to staff adequately.

(v) Learning from other firms.

(vi) Increasing the capability of the firm by adding new skill sets.

Which of these focus areas are selected is important because each requires that one
direct its recruiting efforts in a different way. For example if the organization is hiring
for geographic expansion, one will need to implement a strategy that allows one to
enter new geographic regions-- as opposed to hiring to hurt, where it need to focus on
hiring away key talent directly from competitors.

2. Prioritization of Jobs:

No recruiting function has enough resources to fill every position immediately with
the top quality hire. As a result, recruiting strategy needs to include a prioritization

Priority can be assigned in the following ways:

 Hire all jobs equally with the same priority.
 Focus on key strategic business units.
 Focus on key jobs.
 Focus on key or powerful managers.

3. Performance Level to Target

Recruiting top performers requires a different strategy and set of tools than recruiting
average performers. As a result, one must first determine what level of performance
one is primarily targeting before one to determine the other elements of recruiting

Performance targets include:

 Focus on average performers in all jobs.

 Focus on top performers in all jobs.

 Focus on top performers just in key jobs.

4. Experience Level to Target

Some employment strategies required to take the long –term approach and develop
one‟s talent, while other approaches target bringing in experienced talent for
immediate help or to bring in new skills.

Experience target ranges include:

 Inexperienced talent that can be trained.

 Temporary and contract labor that can be converted.

 Hire at the bottom and promote within.

 Undergraduate college hires(interns, Internet and on-campus hires)

 Postgraduate hires.

 Experienced hires.

5. Category of Candidate to Target

Whether one target active or passive candidates. Candidate has a tremendous impact
on both the quality of hire and the difficulty of getting an acceptance.

Active Candidates (the easiest candidates to attract):

 Unemployed candidates

 Currently employed but frustrated in their current job

Passive Candidates (These are individuals who are currently employed and not
actively seeking employment. They represent over 80% of potential
candidates, but they are the hardest to attract.):

 Focus on currently employed average or above average performers

 Focus on currently employed top performers

Diverse Candidates

 Diverse candidates defined by using EEOC standards

 Diverse “thinkers” using a global standard Magnet hires (Target magnet hires
who are well-known individuals who, because of their notoriety, by
themselves help to attract others.)

 Magnet hires from within the industry.

 Magnet hires from outside the industry.

6. When to Begin Search for Candidates?

Most firms begin a search once a requisition has been created. But there are a
multitude of approaches available.

 Begin recruiting when an opening occurs

 Continuous search (evergreen jobs where there is a constant need)

 Begin before an opening occurs (pre-need hiring can be done to build a

talent pool or to build a relationship over time, in order to increase
applications and offer acceptance rates from employed individuals and top
performer candidates )

7. Where to Look For Candidates?

There are three sub-categories within the “where” element. They include:

Internal versus external:

 Focus on all internal candidates (laterals or promotions)

 Settle on a fixed ratio of internal to external hires

 Hire primarily from college campuses

 Hire primarily from external sources

Geographic Focus:

 Local commuting area only

 Within the region

 A truly global search

8. Who Does The Recruiting?

There are two sub-categories under this element. They include: Internally, who is
responsible for recruiting?

 Generalists do most recruiting.

 Primarily internal recruiters working in HR.

 Separate sourcing and recruiting efforts within a centralized recruiting


 A mix of corporate and contract recruiters that work internally.

 Line managers do most recruiting.

 Employees contribute significantly to recruiting through a heavy emphasis on

employee referrals.


Research Methodology is a method of collecting data and information relevant to the

project. It's a systemized way of getting knowledge and learning new things their
relations and casual explanation and the natural laws which governs them. Research
Methodology is a "Systemized effort to gain new knowledge".

Research Methodology is original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge

making for its advancement. It is the purist of truth with the help of study.

Observation, Comparison and Experiment. In short also covers the systematic method
of finding solution to a problem is research. It also covers the systematic approach
concerning generalization and the formulation of the theory. Different stages
involved in research consists of enacting the problem, formulating a hypothesis,
collecting the facts or data, analysing the facts and reaching certain conclusion either
in the form of solution towards the concerned problem or in generalization for some
theoretical formulation.

In any project, research methodology used is very important because it is the one that
really leads you to the successful completion of the project.

While preparing any specific research project, the following steps are to be followed.

1. Define the research problem.

2. Specifying the research objectives.

3. Preparing a list of information needed.

4. Design the data collection project.

5. Analyses the data.

6. Interpret and write the data.

In Research Methodology mainly Data plays an important role. The Data is
divided in two parts:

a) Primary Data.

b) Secondary Data.

(a) Primary Data is the data, which collected directly by direct personal
interview, Group Discussion with Employees of the company, indirect oral
investigation, Information received through local Consultancy who do the
Recruiting and selection for DJP as a associates, drafting a schedule, drafting a

(b) Secondary Data is the data, which is collected from the various books,
magazine and material, reports, etc. The data which is stored in the organization
and provide by the HR people are also secondary data. The various information is
taken out regarding that subject as well other subject from various sources and


Sample Design is a definite plan determined before any data is actually collected from
a given population. All items in the field of enquiry are called "Universe” or
"Population". It is not always possible to conduct a census of "universe". Therefore a
section of the "universe" is taken and is surveyed.

Some of the various type of sample design is as follows:-

• Simple Random Sample

• Systematic Sampling

• Stratified Sampling

• Sequential Sampling

For this project the Simple Random Sampling Method has been applied. Sample
design were also prepared which comprised of people interviewed under this project.


This sample consists of a total of 20 individuals belonging to DJP. Sample design was
restricted to the people of Pune owing to certain time constraints and language
barriers. The inputs received from these People were very helpful.


It refers to the method to be applied / the technique to be used in selecting the Sample.
The technique used may be deliberate or random sampling, systematic sampling,
stratified sampling, area sampling, and extensive sampling.

The sampling technique applied for this project report is Simple random technique


After the research problem has been identified the important step is to collect and
analyze the data. The researcher has to decide whether he has to collect the primary
data or secondary data or both.

Primary data is the first hand information and the secondary data is the supplement to
the firsthand information. Secondary data already exists somewhere.

The methods of collecting data are very important in any project. Two types of data
was collected and used in my project viz. Primary and secondary forms a major part
of my project.

Methods for Collection of Primary Data:

 Observation

 Experimentation

 Questionnaire

 Interviewing

Primary data I have collected from candidates, staff, fresher, students and by
discussing with the HR managers of the company.

Secondary data I have collected from files of dream job placements booklet, Internet,
and their recruitment and selection records and report.

Questionnaire on Recruitment

Open ended question asked by me from the candidates:

1. May I see your resume?

2. Introduce yourself?

3. Why do you feel that you are qualified for this job?

4. Tell me about your experience?

5. Is your present employer aware of your interest in a job change?

6. Why do you want to change job?

7. Describe your education for me?

8. Why did you pick your major (area of specialization)?

9. Have you had any special training for this job?

10. What pay do you have in mind?

11. What is your pay record for the last five years?

12. We can‟t pay the salary you should have. Would you be willing to start lower
and work up to that figure?

13. Why should I hire you?

14. Could I see samples of your work?

15. What duties performed in the past have you liked best/least and why?

16. What is experience?


The tools / methods used to collect primary data for this research report are through:

• Telephonic interviews

• Personal face-to-face interview

• Questionnaire method.

• Quantitative Research Method

Questionnaire Method

For this project, the Questionnaire Method of data collection has been used. In this
method a set of Questions is handed over to a particular person. The Questions are
printed in a particular form or order. A Set of printed Questions were distributed to
these people who comprise of sample design. This was indeed the best and
easiest way of data collection.

Quantitative Research Method

A quantitative research method was used in the research for data collection; the
questionnaire was composed of two variables. The population of study was employees
of different organization in Pune. Because items were adopted for that pilot testing
was carried out on a sample size of 25. Both dependent and independent variables
were measured on a scale whose range from strongly disagree to „Strongly agree‟.
Other than the measurement of variables the demographic section was also included
in the questionnaire which was composed of gender, level of education of employees
their current income level and tenure with the organization. Frequency analysis has
been done by the researcher in order to check the reliability of the variables. To test
the hypothesis, correlation test was used. Regression analysis was done by the
researcher in order to check the variation of the data.



Q1. What are the Age groups of the Respondents while conducting the
recruitment and selection process adopted by Dream Job Placement?

S. No. Age group of Responded Responses PERCENTAGE

1 21-25 7 35%
2 26-30 5 25%
3 30-40 6 30%
4 41 & Above 2 10%
TOTAL 20 100%




30% 21-25
41 & Above


From the above Question No. 1 we can find that 35% of the employees age are in
between 21 to 25 year and 25% of respondent are in between 26 to 30 Years, whereas
30% respondent are in between 30 to 40 years rest hardly 10% responses are 41 or
above year group.

Q2. What are the preferable Gender of the Respondents in Dream Job
Placement while consultant were on the floor for recruitment and selection
process ?.

S. No. Gender of Responded Responses PERCENTAGE

1 Male 12 60%

2 Female 8 40%

TOTAL 20 100%





The above Question No.2 shows that 60% of the total respondents were male and the
rest 40% were female.

Q3. How employee referred about the job in Dream Job Placement ?

S. No. Referred By respondent Responses PERCENTAGE

1 Employee recommendation 1 5%

2 Recruitment advertisement 16 80%

3 Recruitment agencies 1 5%

4 Direct approach by GJP 2 10%

Total 20 100


5% 10% 5%

Employee recommendation
Recruitment advertisement
Recruitment agencies
80% Direct approach by GJP


From the above Question No.3 we can interpret that 80% of the employees were
referred about the job by Recruitment advertising and 10% of the employees came
through direct approach by DJP and the rest were referred by such as Employee
Recommendation, Recruitment agencies.

Q4. How candidate came to know about the vacancy availability in Dream Job
Placement with which media ?

S. No. Media Adopted by respondent Responses PERCENTAGE

1 Newspaper 2 10%
2 Internet 15 75%
3 Walk-in 1 5%
4 Others 2 10%
Total 20 100


5% 10% 10%



As the above Question No.4 shows most of the candidate, about 75% , came to know
about the vacancy by the internet which will be the advertisement in the internet , and
also some candidates are came to know about the vacancy by newspaper
advertisement and some at the beginning of the company came to know by walk-in
but number of employee who came to know about the vacancy by private consultant
in the organization was very low.

Q5. Are the Candidates Attending the Written Test while processing for
recruiting in Dream Job Placement branch?

S. No. Written Test chosen by Respondent Responses PERCENTAGE

1 Yes 18 90%
2 No 2 10%
TOTAL 20 100






It is visible from the above Question No.5 that 90% of the total respondents were
attending written test and 10% of the respondents were not attending the test.

Q6. What Type of fundamental questions asked by interviewer while conducting
interviews in Dream Job Placement ?

S. No. Type of Questions asked by Respondent Responses PERCENTAGE

1 Age 1 5%
2 Family Background 2 10%
3 Education 9 45%
4 Reference 1 5%
5 Experience 3 15%
6 Qualification 4 20%
Total 20 100


20% 10%
Family Background
5% 45%


As the Question No.6 shows 45 % of the candidate asked about their education while they
have been interviewed by the interviewee and also about their qualification and experience
which have 20% and 15 % respectively. But not all of them asked about their age and

Q7. What kind of status of Interviewee Felt While Being Interviewed in Dream Job
Placement ?

S. No. Respondent Status while interview Responses PERCENTAGE

1 RELAXED 4 20%


3 COOL 1 5%

4 TENSED 2 10%

5 NERVOUS 4 20%

Total 20 100


20% 20%




The Question No.7 show that most of the candidate did not have same feeling while
they have been interviewed by the interviewee , about 45 % of the candidate have been
comfortable while interview and around 20 % of them were nervous ,about 20 % were
relaxed and only 5 % of them were cool during the interview .

Q8. Did Employees Liked Their Interviewers in Dream Job Placement ?

S. No. Respondent Choice Responses PERCENTAGE

1 Like 15 75%

2 Dislike 3 15%

3 Neutral 2 10%

TOTAL 20 100




75% Neutral


From the above Question No.8 after analysis we come to know that most of the
employees liked their interviewers.


According to the graph and tables the following finding been quest;

 From the above Question No. 1 we can find that 35% of the employees age are
in between 21 to 25 year and 25% of respondent are in between 26 to 30 Years,
whereas 30% respondent are in between 30 to 40 years rest hardly 10%
responses are 41 or above year group.

 The above Question No.2 shows that 60% of the total respondents were male
and the rest 40% were female.

 From the above Question No.3 we can interpret that 80% of the employees
were referred about the job by Recruitment advertising and 10% of the
employees came through direct approach by DJP and the rest were referred by
such as Employee Recommendation, Recruitment agencies.

 As the above Question No.4 shows most of the candidate, about 75% , came to
know about the vacancy by the internet which will be the advertisement in the
internet , and also some candidates are came to know about the vacancy by
newspaper advertisement and some at the beginning of the company came to
know by walk-in but number of employee who came to know about the
vacancy by private consultant in the organization was very low.

 It is visible from the above Question No.5 that 90% of the total respondents
were attending written test and 10% of the respondents were not attending the

 As the Question No.6 shows 45 % of the candidate asked about their education
while they have been interviewed by the interviewee and also about their
qualification and experience which have 20% and 15 % respectively. But not
all of them asked about their age and references.

 The Question No.7 show that most of the candidate did not have same feeling
while they have been interviewed by the interviewee , about 45 % of the
candidate have been comfortable while interview and around 20 % of them
were nervous ,about 20 % were relaxed and only 5 % of them were cool during

the interview .

 From the above Question No.8 after analysis we come to know that most of the
employees liked their interviewers.

 From the above Question No.9 we can interpret that 70% of the respondents
came to know about their selection immediately and 30% of the respondents
came to know about their selection in fair period of time.

 From the above Question No.10 we can interpret that from the total
respondents, 40% of the employee that they were not aware whether there was
reference check made by DJP on them and the 60% said there was background
investigation and they did not face any problem on it.

 From the Question No.11, Majority of the respondents said that they did not
have any problem in the joining time provided by DJP to them. But 10% of the
respondents said that they had problem with regarding to the joining time given
to them.




 DREAM JOB PLACEMENT should select the employees through

employment exchanges also some of employees referred about the job by
employee recommendation it will not be a proper recruitment. DREAM JOB
PLACEMENT must restrict that kind of recruitment for this.

 When DREAM JOB PLACEMENT wants to select the new person for
suitable job that time DREAM JOB PLACEMENT should advertise about the
vacancy through newspaper as well.

 Separate database should be maintained with updated employee profile and

skill set which can be easily accessed whenever necessary.

1. Candidates were not competitive enough.

2. High Attrition Rate.

3. Expectation is more than qualification.

4. Very few were trained candidates.

5. Lack of Technical skill in the candidates.

6. Advertisement was not proper.

7. Networking was less.

8. Experienced people were less.

9. Most of them were not qualified.

10. Skills were not matching with the job profile.


 The exit interviews should be conducted for keeping the attrition rate under

 Candidate should undergo for training.

 Advertisement should be given in newspaper so that more candidates can apply.

 Certificate course should be done by the candidates.

 Networking should be more.

 Resume selection should be in a manner that the work profile should match with

 Only skilled people should be called for interview.

 Experienced people should be there.



It can be clearly concluded that for a company to succeed all it takes is the proper
recruitment and selection strategies which also shapes the overall manpower
management of the company. By conclude this literature review, the study
emphasizes on the fact that the recruitment and selection process is integrated with
other processes such as strategic plan of the company, training and development
schemes, compensation, rewarding/incentive system, performance appraisal, and
lastly, industrial relations. Furthermore, according to Silzer et al (2010), there exist
several reasons why the most apparent information have been more promising;
including the well-structured nature of interviews, the use of questionnaires based on
a job analysis, inclusion of panel of interviewers, the practice of note-making during
the interview, and the use of rating scale based on behavioural factors to gauge the
interviewee‟s answers all play an integral part in the improvement of the recruitment

This project work has provided me opportunity to interact with the professionals in
the consultancy & thereby let me know the various facts of management. The
exposure, which I have got during this short tenure, would definitely help me a lot in
going a long way in my life. Here, I learned how typical human nature & how
challenging is it to deal with a human beings. Also I came to know about the pressure
& constraints, which are there for HRD professionals, while he/she is working in an

I am giving some of my suggestion which may help the company in their recruitment

The respondents include the employees who concur that the current recruitment is
satisfactory except few exemptions. Even though the recruitment procedure is
satisfactory, it can be organized in such a way that it obtains optimal point.

Recruitment procedure of a company should be in such a manner that it puts the right
person in the right job at the right time. To face this challenge, recruitment team of an
organization should be well equipped while recruiting as this is where everything


To complete this project I have taken help of Mr. Chandrakant Nimbalkar director of
Dream job placement. Along with him I have collected the information from the
following sites:-

 Reference Book by Resource Management (5th edition) McGraw-Hill


 Reference Book- By Michael Armstrong (1999), A handbook of New Delhi

 Reference Book- By Biswajeet Pattanayak (2001), Human Resource

management, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd.,New Delhi

 Reference Book - By Lloyed L.Byers and Leslie W . Rue (1997), Human

Resource Management Practice (7th edition)

 George R. Terry and Edwin Flippo. Wikipedia

 Reference Book- By Kothari C.R., “Research Methodology Methods and

Techniques”, New age International Publishers, reviser second edition, 2004.

 Reference Book- By“Human Resource and personnel management”

 Reference Book- By Human Resource Management; Vipul Prakashan

 Reference Book- By Human Resource Management; Fisher, Schoenfeldt, Shaw

 Reference Book- By Human Resource Development; P. P. Arya, B. B. Tandon

 Management Paradise Publication.

 Human Resource Management & Human Relation; Dr. V. P. Michael

(Himalaya Publications)

 Brochure of dream job placement




2. Brochure of dream job placement

3. Reference Book- By C.B Mamoria,S.V Gankar.




 Kothari C.R., “Research Methodology Methods and Techniques”, New age

International Publishers, reviser second edition, 2004.

 Human Resource and personnel management -

 K. Ashwathappa

 Reference Book- By C.B Mamoria,S.V Gankar.

 Human Resource Management

- Vipul Prakashan

 Human Resource Management

- Fisher, Schoenfeldt, Shaw

 Human Resource Development

- P. P. Arya, B. B. Tandon

 Management Paradise Publication.

 Human Resource Management & Human Relation

- Dr. V. P. Michael (Himalaya Publications)

 Human Resource Management; Mirza S. Saiyadain


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