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[ need deep understandings]
(What Really Life It Is?)

In all sperm cells, I only the one who will have survived. I won the miraculous race and
get the marvelous gift of Our Almighty God; Who was given me a gift of life. I would live Him
in nine (9) months with innocence. After nine (9) months, He will have decided, I will have
travelled to another place, gratis travelling with His guidance power. He gave me a gangway to
make me a genuine child. That’s why on January 26, 2000, I received a miracle birthday. I
simply repay Him by idolized Him. When I was in womb of my Mom; He will not imperil me.
He will guard me all the time.
When I grow up or grow older, I learned to resist Him and un-idolized Him, but Jesus
Christ continue to rescue my life. I want I squelch my bad attitude and bad wont, to make me
unstained child.
When we trust to Our Almighty God, we must undergo ordeal, to make us strongest
sons and strongest daughters to Him. We must follow His Ten Commandments and to His other
commands, to make us genuine children and to make us most zealous children to praise and
worship His Holy Name with truthful and faithful believing to Him.
There is a time my friend betrayed me. I’m in hurt, pain and sorrow situation, but God
never let go in times of my strange. God is within me in time of my difficulties. He is the only
one remediable of my pain, hurt, sorrow and etc. He secures me from the place of saponaceous,
and He put me in a far of bad luck situation and He put me in a far of misfortune place. But I
repay Him to un-obey Him. I know I misfit His love or I am not deserving his love because I am
not genuine child to Him.
Last month on November 16, 2016, I discovered my only TFF (True Friend Forever)
is only Jesus Christ. Who is the only son of our Father God that has benevolence heart and
rescued our lives. He is the only one that has Sovereignty to give us more lives. He died to sit me
or you free, and already know His blood was shed because of us. I am the reason that He
suffered and died, because of my sins. He gave all He could give to show what is the reason to
live. But I forswear Him. I feel a shamed when I imagine, I see Him in a Calvary. He sacrifices
His own life without skeptic sparer to His hence man with perseverance.
I tried to follow Him but Satan repel my all good wont, because I am slack child. I know
my bad attitude will sapling and make me shirk to our Lord. And I tried to imagine or scan; I see:
Jesus Christ is only one Who would sedative my life and give me satisfaction or delightful life.
Here at my tears begin to seep; when I tried to reminiscence His good doing. I open my eyes; I
see my all misdeed. I teach myself by leading and guiding the Holy Spirit of our God to trust
Him and His Only Son. I remorse my all misdeed.
I didn’t forsake our Lord so that He is the only one my savior. He is sacred, mighty, and
holy. I will not trust my own spontaneous.

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