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Applied Ergonomics 45 (2014) 346e353

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Customization of user interfaces to reduce errors and enhance user

Dina Burkolter a, *, Benjamin Weyers b, Annette Kluge c, Wolfram Luther b
University of Groningen, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, Experimental Psychology, Grote Kruisstraat 2/1, NL-9712 TS Groningen,
The Netherlands
University of Duisburg-Essen, Department of Computer and Cognitive Science, Lotharstraße 63, D-47058 Duisburg, Germany
University of Duisburg-Essen, Department of Computer and Cognitive Science, Business and Organizational Psychology, Lotharstraße 65,
D-47058 Duisburg, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Customization is assumed to reduce error and increase user acceptance in the humanemachine rela-
Received 3 August 2012 tion. Reconfiguration gives the operator the option to customize a user interface according to his or her
Accepted 21 April 2013 own preferences. An experimental study with 72 computer science students using a simulated process
control task was conducted. The reconfiguration group (RG) interactively reconfigured their user in-
Keywords: terfaces and used the reconfigured user interface in the subsequent test whereas the control group (CG)
used a default user interface. Results showed significantly lower error rates and higher acceptance of
the RG compared to the CG while there were no significant differences between the groups regarding
Process control
User acceptance
situation awareness and mental workload. Reconfiguration seems to be promising and therefore
warrants further exploration.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd and The Ergonomics Society. All rights reserved.

1. Customization of user interfaces and expected outcomes average users to designing for individuals. Empirical research has
shown that user performance is enhanced when characteristics of
The basic idea of individuation is “to explore ways through user interfaces are matched to the skill levels of users (Trumbly
which each and every single individual can customize his or her et al., 1994). In the present study, we focus on customization of
own tools to optimize the pleasure and efficiency of his or her own user interfaces and aim at studying whether performance in a
personal interaction” (Hancock et al., 2005, p. 12). Thus, according process control task can be enhanced through customization of
to the idea of individuation, technological tools such as user in- user interfaces.
terfaces should be customizable and adaptable to individuals with In our study, participants were provided with a reconfiguration
the aim of increasing efficiency and safety (Hancock et al., 2005). In tool which allowed them to customize their user interface to their
the context of this study, individuation is perceived as the perfected own preferences. The reconfiguration tool allowed different
or accomplished form of customization. Individuation and cus- reconfiguration operations such as the duplication or removal of
tomization are assumed to increase an individual’s perception of interaction elements (e.g., buttons or sliders) or the discretization
control over the environment. Perceived control satisfies the need of continuous interaction elements, generating various values in a
for autonomy and therefore, has been shown to increase job given interval (e.g., sliders), into one discrete interaction element
satisfaction, work motivation, and positive affect (Fritzsche and (e.g., buttons), generating only one specific value out of the range
Parrish, 2005, cited in Hancock et al., 2005). the former defined interval (e.g., button; Weyers et al., 2010). Thus,
According to Pozzi and Bagnara (2011), research on custom- both, the reconfiguration of the interaction logic (defining the data-
ization within the field of humanecomputer interaction is based communication between user and the system to be
increasing and the focus in design is changing from designing for controlled) as well as the reconfiguration of the physical repre-
sentation of the user interface were possible. A computer-based
simulation of a feedwater circuit of a nuclear power plant was
employed as a process control task. This process control task
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ31 50 363 9374; fax: þ31 50 363 63 04.
involved controlling and operating the reactor and running pro-
E-mail addresses: (D. Burkolter),
(B. Weyers), (A. Kluge), cedures such as start-up and shut-down, and dealing with fault
(W. Luther). states (Weyers et al., 2012).

0003-6870/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd and The Ergonomics Society. All rights reserved.
D. Burkolter et al. / Applied Ergonomics 45 (2014) 346e353 347

1.1. Reducing errors through correspondence of mental model and have also been operationalized and the scales and items have been
physical system validated (e.g., Venkatesh, 2000). In the present study, we will
measure user acceptance based on the technology acceptance
We expect the customization of user interfaces, i.e., the possi- model, because we aim at evaluating computer-based user in-
bility to reconfigure one’s own user interface, to enhance terfaces with a theoretically and empirically supported model.
performance in process control. This assumption is based on con- Research within the context of human-adaptable automation has
siderations on the importance of an operator’s mental model of the shown that flexibility can increase user acceptance (Miller and
system (e.g., the reactor). A mental model is defined as “a mental Parasuraman, 2007). Therefore, we expect that customization of
structure that reflects the user’s understanding of a system” (Carroll user interfaces will increase user acceptance.
and Olson, 1987; cited in Wickens and Hollands, 2000, p. 280). The
mental model forms the basis “for understanding the system, 1.3. Enhancing situation awareness and reducing mental workload
predicting its future behavior, and controlling its actions” (Wickens
and Hollands, 2000, p. 132). An accurate mental model of the sys- Situation awareness is referred to as the perception and
tem is therefore essential for successful performance. However, comprehension of information and the projection of the informa-
mental models can be inaccurate which can decrease performance tion status in the near future (Endsley, 1995b). Situation awareness
and increase the chance of operator errors. Effective user interfaces is important for safety and performance since poor situation
require the correspondence of the following three levels of repre- awareness such as incomplete or inaccurate situation awareness
sentation: (1) the physical system, (2) the operator’s mental model, increases the probability of human error. Therefore, situation
and (3) the user interface between the system and the operator awareness has received increased attention in user interface
(Wickens and Hollands, 2000, p. 133). We suggest that this corre- design. According to Endsley (1995b), user interface design can
spondence between levels of representation can be improved with have a great impact on situation awareness because the design of a
the customization of user interfaces. With the reconfiguration tool, user interface determines the quantity and accuracy of information
the operator can reconfigure his or her user interface (level 3) acquired and the degree of compatibleness of the user interface
corresponding to his or her own mental model of the system (level with the user’s situation awareness needs. Therefore, Endsley
2) while the physical system (level 1) will be left untouched. This (1995b) suggests to design user interfaces in a way “that will
increased correspondence is expected to reduce errors, because the transmit needed information to the operator without undue
operator can ensure an intuitive and effective user interface orga- cognitive effort” (p. 50). Thus, both mental workload and situation
nized according to the physical system (cf. Wickens and Hollands, awareness should be considered in user interface design (Endsley,
2000; Weyers et al., 2012). We assume that the process of recon- 1995b). Based on these considerations regarding situation aware-
figuration can lead to a better mental model of how to control and ness and mental workload, we assume that situation awareness
handle the system. This mental model of handling and control of a will increase with the possibility to reconfigure user interfaces. The
system may be individual and cannot be predicted for every oper- underlying reasoning is that when reconfiguring user interfaces,
ator. Therefore, reconfiguration of user interfaces according to in- the operator can choose a way to present information that suits his
dividual mental models is assumed to enhance performance and or her preferences. Furthermore, we assume that operators will
support operators. However, an inaccurate mental model may lead come up with a user interface that displays needed information
to a non-optimal user interface which may increase errors and with little effort. Therefore, we expect that an effectively designed
present a risk to safety. Therefore, it is suggested to incorporate a user interface can help to reduce mental workload (Endsley, 1995b).
safety check of reconfigured user interfaces by experts especially in
safety-relevant fields and industries. 2. Method

1.2. Enhancing user acceptance 2.1. Participants and design

We expect customization to support not only process control In all, 72 participants (12 female, gender unknown: 4) took part
performance but also increase acceptance of the user interface. The in this between-subjects design involving two groups. The exper-
technology acceptance model (e.g., Davis et al., 1989) aims at pre- imental group, i.e. the reconfiguration group (RG; n ¼ 38, 6 female),
dicting the acceptance of a certain technology or computer system trained and worked with the reconfigurable user interface while
from intentions measured by attitudes, perceived usefulness, and the control group (CG; n ¼ 34, 6 female) trained and worked with
perceived ease of use (Davis et al., 1989). The model is based on the the initial user interface. Participants were students of applied
theory of reasoned action by Ajzen and Fishbein (1980) which has computer science and they participated in the study for course
been empirically tested in a range of different domains and shown credit. Their ages ranged from 19 to 41 years with an average age of
to be able to predict behavior (Davis et al., 1989). The technology 22.7 years (SD ¼ 4.3 years).
acceptance model is more specific than the theory of reasoned
action in that it is tailored to computer usage behavior (Davis et al., 2.2. Experimental task
1989). The technology acceptance model suggests that the two
beliefs perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use determine the We employed a simulation of a feedwater steam circuit of a
behavioral intention to use a certain technology or computer sys- nuclear power plant as an experimental task (see Fig. 1). The
tem, which is related to subsequent behavior (Davis et al., 1989; simulation was based on an implementation by Eriksson (2012).
Venkatesh, 2000). Perceived usefulness refers to “the prospective More detailed information on the simulation can be found in
user’s subjective probability that using a specific application system another article by Weyers et al. (2012) which is based on the same
will increase his or her job performance” and perceived ease of use study but focuses on formal modeling and reconfiguration of user
is defined as “the degree to which the prospective user expects the interfaces whereas the focus of the present article is on the psy-
target system to be free of effort” (Davis et al., 1989, p. 985). The chological aspects of reconfiguration. The main tasks of the oper-
technology acceptance model is a widely employed model of user ator were (a) to keep the reactor in a safe system state by keeping
acceptance and has been empirically supported in different studies the water level in the reactor tank constant (at 2100 mm) and to
(Venkatesh, 2000; Taylor and Todd, 1995). The model’s variables prevent accidents from happening, (b) to generate a constant
348 D. Burkolter et al. / Applied Ergonomics 45 (2014) 346e353

Fig. 1. Screenshot of the experimental task (translated from German) with the default user interface.

output of the generator (700 MW) and (c) to react to upcoming and handling of system faults as described in the checklists provided
system faults due to malfunctions of certain technical parts such as to the participants. Log files of the participants were compared to
water pumps. Two parameters were critical to the safe running of the predefined procedures to identify errors. More detailed infor-
the reactors: The water level in the reactor tank and the pressure mation on coding and processing of error type data can be found in
(Weyers et al., 2012). These two critical parameters could be Weyers et al. (2012). Due to technical problems, there were some
controlled directly by the position of the control rods defining the missing data (leading to a sample of n ¼ 61 and 63, respectively).
value of thermal energy generated in the reactor tank and the speed Two groups of magnitude and sequence errors were identified.
of the feedwater pumps. Overall, for operating the reactor, various Magnitude errors were defined as actions taken too far and included
valves could be opened and closed, water pumps could be regu- the two types of errors “oversteering” and “understeering”.
lated, and the position of the control rods could be changed. The Sequence errors refer to the order of actions, i.e., “performing an
simulation allowed training of different scenarios such as start-up, action at a wrong place in a sequence or procedure” (Hollnagel,
shut-down, and fault states. 1998, p. 166). Five different types of sequence errors were identi-
Fig. 1 depicts the default user interface of the reactor simulation. fied in the present study: (1) swapping two neighboring operations
This user interface was designed taking into consideration usability (“swap”), (2) operations performed too early in the sequence
standards such as learnability, consistency, and transparency (cf., (“premature”), (3) operations performed too late in the sequence
Dix et al., 1997) as well as Gestalt principles of organization such as (“belated”), (4) repeated operations (“repetition”), (5) operations
proximity, similarity, and good continuation (cf., Wickens and that were not part of the predefined procedure (“false operation”).
Hollands, 2000). The user interface and its usability were tested
in pilot studies prior to this experimental study including in- 2.3.2. User acceptance
terviews with users. User acceptance was assessed employing scales by Venkatesh
A simulation of a reactor was chosen as an exemplary task to test (2000) and Taylor and Todd (1995). The scales, sources, Cron-
the potential of reconfiguration, because it is easy enough to learn bach’s alpha, item numbers and item examples are shown in
in the available time and complex enough to simulate realistic Table 1. The scales were translated to German and slightly adapted
scenarios of control and monitoring of two or more variables in a to fit the purpose if necessary (e.g., “reconfigured interface” instead
dynamic system. The simulation has also been tested in a pilot of “system”). Furthermore, the items were adapted to each group,
study with respect to training duration and resulting success in i.e., the items for the RG referred to the reconfigured user interface,
controlling the feedwater steam circuit. However, reconfiguration while the items of the CG referred to the default user interface. The
could not be directly applied to this particular field because of items were assessed on a 7-point scale ranging from 3 (strongly
safety regulations and laws (e.g., for Germany, Federal Ministry of disagree) to þ3 (strongly agree). In addition to the scales based on
Justice, 2012a,b). Venkatesh (2000) and Taylor and Todd (1995), two scales for
perceived responsibility and handling of task were developed.
2.3. Measures
2.3.3. Situation awareness
2.3.1. Performance: errors We measured situation awareness based on the Situation
Performance was measured as the number and type of errors Awareness Control Room Inventory (Hogg et al., 1995) and the
committed according to a method by Hollnagel (1998). Hollnagel’s situation awareness measurement employed by Burkolter et al.
cognitive reliability and error analysis method (CREAM) allows the (2010) which are assumed to be objective situation awareness
definition and classification of different error types. Errors were measurements. The Situation Awareness Control Room Inventory
defined as deviations from the procedures of start-up, shutdown, was derived from the Situation Awareness Global Assessment
D. Burkolter et al. / Applied Ergonomics 45 (2014) 346e353 349

Table 1
Scales used to assess user acceptance.

Scale Source Cronbach’s alpha No. of items Items

Perceived usefulness Venkatesh (2000) 0.92 4 Example item: “I find my own reconfigured [the given]
interface to be useful for operating the REACTOR”
Perceived ease of use Venkatesh (2000) 0.87 4 Example item: “I found the reconfiguration tool to be
easy to use” (only used for RG)
Perceived behavioral control Taylor and Todd (1995) 0.72 3 Example item: “I would be able to control the REACTOR
using my own [the given] reconfigured interface"
Behavioral intention to use Venkatesh (2000) 0.89 2 Example item: “Assuming I had to control the REACTOR
once again, I intend to use my own reconfigured [the
given] interface for it”
Perceived responsibility Newly developed 0.63 3 “I was serious about operating the REACTOR because
I did not want to produce a reactor accident”, “I was
afraid to make a mistake that would produce a reactor
accident”, “I know that a reactor accident would have
massive impact on the environment”
Handling of tasks Newly developed 0.83 5 “I always knew what to do”, “I understood all tasks”,
“I was able to solve the tasks”, “I was concentrated
while solving the tasks”, “It was easy for me to accept
and solve the tasks”

Technique (Endsley, 1995a) and adapted for process control tasks. (approx. 25 min; see Table 2). Upon arrival, all participants filled in
The situation awareness measurement took place during the last questionnaires on control variables. Participants then received an
testing scenario. The simulation was automatically stopped at three introduction to the reactor simulation, its initial user interface and
times by the system and a message on the screen asked the par- controls, and were given a couple of minutes to explore the simu-
ticipants to answer questions making the whole information lation on their own. After this introductory part, the training ses-
visualization of the process invisible. Following Endsley’s (1995b) sion was held. The training session included three exercises which
concept of situation awareness, the first item referred to the aimed at practicing the start-up of the reactor, the shutdown of the
perception of the situation while the second item concerned reactor, and the handling of a system fault. Participants were pro-
comprehension of the current status and prediction of the future vided with checklists which explained the steps of the procedures
status of the system. The first item was “How is the status of the and were given about 10 min to practice each exercise. Introduction
water level?” which could be answered with the three alternatives to the simulation and the training session were aimed at providing
(a) below normal range (below 2050 mm), (b) within normal range at participants with the most effective training possible within the
2100 mm (þ/ 50 mm), and (c) above normal range (above 2150 mm). given time constraints. Therefore, the training session included
The following item read: “How do you think the course of the water several practice sessions and was held in small groups of five to
level will develop over the next 10 s? Provided that no intervention eight participants to give participants the opportunity to ask
to the system is undertaken, the water level will...” with the answer questions individually. Participants were guided through the task
alternatives (a) decrease, (b) remain stable, and (c) increase. The first procedure by an instructor. First, participants were introduced to
and third measurement of situation awareness was related to the the start-up procedure in a step-by-step manner. In a next step,
water level while the second measurement asked about the output participants conducted the start-up procedure by themselves but
power. These parameters were chosen because they represented with guidance and support by the instructor. Finally, participants
the target parameters to control the simulation. Control of these completed the start-up procedure on their own.
two target parameters was also clearly stated as main objective to
the participants. In total, there were three questions referring to
perception of the situation and three questions referring to
comprehension and projection. To determine whether responses Table 2
made by the participants were correct, they were compared to Study procedure.
logged data (cf. Hogg et al., 1995; Burkolter et al., 2010).
Study parts Reconfiguration Control group (CG)
group (RG)
2.3.4. Mental workload
Introduction Assessment of control variables, introduction to
Mental workload was assessed using a translated and adapted
(approx. 20 min) simulation and exploration of simulation
version of the NASA task load index (Hart and Staveland, 1988) Training session Introduction to Documentary
which was shown to have high validity and user acceptance (approx. 65 min) reconfiguration tool
(Vitense et al., 2003). The scales included items relating to mental, Exercise 1 (start-up of reactor)
Reconfiguration Sketching of improvements
physical, and temporal demand as well as performance, effort, and
to user interface
frustration level. Ratings were made on a 10-point scale ranging Exercise 2 (start-up and shutdown of reactor)
from e.g., low to high or a little to greatly. The questionnaire was Reconfiguration Sketching of improvements
administered to the participants during the testing session before to user interface
assessing situation awareness. Exercise 3 (start-up of reactor and handling of fault state)
Reconfiguration Sketching of improvements
to user interface
2.4. Procedure Testing session Start-up of reactor and practiced fault state
(approx. 25 min) Start-up of reactor and novel fault state
The present study had an overall duration of approximately 2 h Assessment of mental workload
Situation awareness assessment
and consisted of three parts: An introductory part (approx. 20 min), User acceptance questionnaire
a training part (approx. 65 min), and the testing session in the end
350 D. Burkolter et al. / Applied Ergonomics 45 (2014) 346e353

In the subsequent testing session, participants were asked to ideas of possible improvements and adaptations to the user inter-
start-up the reactor. In addition, participants needed to handle the face using pen and paper.
practiced fault state (system fault of a feedwater pump) without
knowing in beforehand that the fault would occur. Then, they were 2.5. Reconfiguration
to start-up the reactor and handle a novel fault state which they
had not encountered before (system fault of turbine). Again, par- The reconfiguration tool allowed four different types of recon-
ticipants were not aware previously that this fault would occur. figuration operations applied interactively to the interaction ele-
Following these tasks, mental workload and situation awareness ments of the user interface (e.g., buttons or sliders): (1) the
were assessed. Situation awareness was measured as described duplication of a single interaction element, (2) the removal or
above while the participants were performing a combination of the deletion of an interaction element, (3) the sequencing of two or
start-up and shutdown procedures. Finally, the questionnaire more operations triggered by discrete interaction elements (but-
regarding user acceptance was filled in by the participants. tons) into one step that is triggered by one new button, and (4)
While the exercises and type of tasks in training and testing discretization of continuous interaction elements (such as sliders)
session were the same for both groups, the RG used their recon- into one discrete interaction element as has been described above.
figured user interface whereas the CG used the initial one. The RG Other than the four basic reconfiguration types, it was also possible
was introduced to the reconfiguration tool and its usage before (5) to combine discretization and sequencing (cf. Weyers et al.,
starting with the exercises. This introduction to the reconfiguration 2010). These reconfigurations of the user interface mainly
tool had a duration of approximately 10 min and included expla- involved adaption of its physical representation such as adding a
nations of the possibilities and tools as well as time for practicing new button. Using these reconfiguration operations, it was possible
with the reconfiguration tool and exploring its options. The par- to sequence various steps of the start-up, shut-down and handling
ticipants of the RG were then given 10 min after each of the three routines for fault states, such as combining opening and closing of
exercises to reconfigure their user interface in a way to increase valves and setting water pumps to previously discretized values.
performance at the task. Reconfiguration was only possible during Some parts of the routines, however, could not be subsumed by
the training phase. While the RG group was introduced to the reconfiguration, such as the alternating the increase of water pump
reconfiguration tool and was given time to reconfigure their own 1 and the control rods as part of the start-up routine. A screenshot
user interfaces, the CG was given other tasks with the same dura- of a reconfigured user interface by a participant in our study is
tion and similar workload to ensure comparability. During the time shown in Fig. 2 as an example.
in which the RG was introduced to the reconfiguration tool (about In Table 3, number and percentages of reconfiguration types
10 min), the CG was shown a sequence of a documentary about used by the study participants are presented. Discretization was the
simulations. The topic of the documentary was supposed to be reconfiguration type that was most frequently used, followed by
unrelated to the reactor simulation and the user interface. While the combination of sequencing and discretization and sequencing
the RG was reconfiguring their user interfaces, the CG sketched alone.

Fig. 2. Screenshot of a reconfigured user interface of one study participant (translated from German). The participant used different reconfiguration operations (e.g., sequencing) to
build up the procedure of start-up (bottom, left), shut-down of the reactor (bottom, right), and the practiced fault state (top, right). In this case, the original user interface still
existed (top, left), slightly modified in position of sliders and color of buttons. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)
D. Burkolter et al. / Applied Ergonomics 45 (2014) 346e353 351

Table 3 Table 5
Number and percentage of used reconfiguration types (only RG; n ¼ 35). Mean and SD (in parentheses) for error types (both start-up and practiced/novel) as
a function of group and results of t-tests.
Reconfiguration type Number Percentage
Error types RG CG t(df), p (one-tailed),
(1) Duplicate of interaction element 53 13.6%
effect size r
(2) Removal of interaction element 0 0.0%
(3) Sequencing 80 20.6% Start-up and practiced fault state
(4) Discretization 161 41.4% Magnitude error
(5) Discretization and sequencing 95 24.4% Oversteering 0.38 (0.70) 2.38 (1.72) t(45.86) ¼ 6.13, p ¼ .000,
(3 and 4 together) r ¼ .67
Total 389 100.0% Understeering 0.15 (0.37) 0.15 (0.36) t(58) ¼ .07, p ¼ .472, r ¼ .01
Sequence error
Swap 0.04 (0.20) 0.47 (0.86) t(37.40) ¼ 2.83, p ¼ .004,
r ¼ .42
2.6. Assessment of control variables Premature 0.23 (0.43) 0.24 (0.50) t(58) ¼ .04, p ¼ .486, r ¼ .01
Belated 0.42 (0.58) 0.38 (0.70) t(58) ¼ .24, p ¼ .405, r ¼ .03
Repetition 0.38 (0.70) 0.09 (0.29) t(31.54) ¼ 2.04, p ¼ .025, r ¼ .34
We controlled for pre-training knowledge, subjective rating of False operation 0.96 (1.25) 1.82 (1.90) t(56.87) ¼ 2.12, p ¼ .020,
knowledge level, cognitive flexibility, and general mental ability. r ¼ .27
Pre-training knowledge was measured with seven multiple-choice Total 2.48 (1.93) 5.53 (2.71) t(59) ¼ 4.93, p ¼ .000, r ¼ .54
questions about nuclear power plants (e.g., “How is electricity Start-up and novel fault state
Magnitude error
produced in a power plant?”). In addition, participants were asked
Oversteering 0.45 (0.83) 1.50 (1.60) t(51.03) ¼ 3.34,
to give subjective assessment of their previous knowledge about p ¼ .001, r ¼ .42
nuclear power plants on a seven-point scale ranging from (1) very Understeering 0.10 (0.31) 0.18 (0.39) t(61) ¼ 0.82, p ¼ .209, r ¼ .10
poor to (7) very good. General mental ability was assessed with the Sequence error
Wonderlic Personnel Test (Wonderlic Inc., 2002). Due to time Swap 0.21 (0.41) 0.29 (0.52) t(61) ¼ 0.73, p ¼ .236, r ¼ .09
Premature 0.10 (0.31) 0.38 (0.60) t(50.82) ¼ 2.35, p ¼ .011,
constraints, general mental ability was assessed at a later date (on
r ¼ .31
which not all of the participants could take part, n ¼ 43). Cognitive Belated 0.48 (0.69) 0.44 (0.56) t(61) ¼ .26, p ¼ .396, r ¼ .03
flexibility was assessed with the Cognitive Flexibility Inventory Repetition 0.07 (0.26) 0.00 (0.00) t(28.0) ¼ 1.44, p ¼ .081, r ¼ .26
(Spiro et al., 1996). Participants in the two groups did not differ False operation 0.31 (0.71) 0.59 (1.02) t(61) ¼ 1.23, p ¼ .111, r ¼ .16
Total 1.72 (1.62) 3.38 (2.32) t(61) ¼ 3.23, p ¼ .001, r ¼ .38
significantly with regard to control variables which indicates that
there was not an “unhappy randomization” (Mohr, 1995; see
Table 4).
However, the CG committed fewer “repetition” errors during start-
up and practiced fault state. With respect to start-up and novel fault
3. Results
state, the RG committed fewer “oversteering” errors and “prema-
ture” errors.
3.1. Performance: errors

In line with our assumptions, performance of the RG was better 3.2. User acceptance
than performance of the CG which is shown by the total number of
errors committed (see Table 5). Both during start-up of the reactor Descriptive statistics as well as results of t-tests regarding user
and the practiced fault state as well as the novel fault state, the RG acceptance scales can be found in Table 6. As expected, participants
committed significantly fewer errors (practiced: M ¼ 2.48, in the RG showed significantly higher acceptance of the user in-
SD ¼ 1.93; novel: M ¼ 1.72, SD ¼ 1.62) than the CG (practiced: terfaces than the CG, except from ratings regarding perceived re-
M ¼ 5.53, SD ¼ 2.71; novel: M ¼ 3.38, SD ¼ 2.32). Thus, the RG sponsibility and handling of task. On a scale from 3 to 3,
committed about half as many errors than the CG, constituting a participants in the RG rated their behavioral intention to use the
large effect in the case of the practiced fault state (r ¼ .54) and a user interface again almost 2 on average (SD ¼ 1.07) whereas the CG
medium to large effect in the case of the novel fault state (r ¼ .38; rated their behavioral intention to use 0.5 on average (SD ¼ 1.68).
Field, 2005; Cohen, 1992). Regarding the types of errors during This difference between the two groups was significant and
start-up and practiced fault state, the RG committed significantly constituted a large effect (r ¼ .53; Field, 2005; Cohen, 1992).
fewer “oversteering” errors, “swap” errors, and “false operations”.
Table 6
Table 4 Mean and SD (in parentheses) of user acceptance as a function of group and results
Mean and SD (in parentheses) on control variables as a function of group and results of t-tests.
of t-tests.
User acceptance variablesa RG CG t(df), p (one-tailed),
Control variables RG CG t(df), p (two-tailed), effect size r
effect size r
Perceived usefulness 1.95 (1.05) 0.40 (1.47) t(65) ¼ 5.02,
Knowledge testa 12.38 (2.17) 11.74 (2.12) t(69) ¼ 1.26, p ¼ .211, p ¼ .000, r ¼ .53
r ¼ .15 Perceived ease of useb 1.78 (1.31) e e
Subjective assessment 4.13 (1.63) 4.17 (1.78) t(66) ¼ .09, p ¼ .933, Perceived behavioral control 1.65 (0.94) 1.20 (1.06) t(65) ¼ 1.85,
of knowledgeb r ¼ .01 p ¼ .034, r ¼ .22
General mental abilityc 26.28 (5.06) 25.89 (5.19) t(41) ¼ .25, p ¼ .806, Behavioral intention to use 1.99 (1.07) 0.48 (1.68) t(44.79) ¼ 4.22,
r ¼ .04 p ¼ .000, r ¼ .53
Cognitive flexibility 0.29 (0.93) 0.49 (1.23) t(61.12) ¼ .77, p ¼ .442, Perceived responsibility 1.71 (1.06) 1.77 (1.10) t(64) ¼ 0.22,
r ¼ .10 p ¼ .414, r ¼ .03
Handling of task 2.16 (0.74) 1.83 (1.09) t(64) ¼ 1.48,
a p ¼ .072, r ¼ .18
0e14 pts.
Scale from 1 (very poor) to 7 (very good). Note:
c a
0e50 pts. Scale from 3 to 3.
d b
Scale from 4 to þ4. Only rated by RG.
352 D. Burkolter et al. / Applied Ergonomics 45 (2014) 346e353

Similarly, perceived usefulness was rated significantly higher by the 2005). We tested whether customization of user interfaces had the
RG (M ¼ 1.95, SD ¼ 1.05) than the CG (M ¼ 0.40, SD ¼ 1.47) and also potential to enhance performance and user acceptance as well as
this effect was large (r ¼ .53). Furthermore, there was a significant situation awareness and reduce mental workload. Participants in
difference between the groups regarding perceived behavioral the experimental group, the RG, were provided with a reconfigu-
control, although the effect was smaller (r ¼ .22). The reconfigured ration tool which allowed different reconfiguration operations such
user interface received thus a higher user acceptance rating than as the discretization of continuous interaction elements or the
the default user interface. However, user acceptance of the default duplication and removal of interaction elements. The RG trained
user interface was still on the positive side on the scale from 3 to and worked with the reconfigurable user interface while the CG
3. Finally, the RG rated perceived ease of use of the reconfiguration trained and worked with a default user interface.
tool on average 1.78 (SD ¼ 1.31) on a scale from 3 to 3. Thus, the First, results showed clearly that the RG committed fewer errors
RG perceived the reconfiguration tool as fairly easy to use. than the CG. Both during start-up and practiced fault state as well
as novel fault state, the RG committed significantly fewer errors
3.3. Situation awareness and mental workload than the CG and this proved to be a medium to large effect. The CG
committed about twice as many errors than the RG. These findings
Results regarding situation awareness and mental workload are show the potential of reconfigurable user interfaces to support
shown in Table 7. Although the possibility to reconfigure one’s own performance.
user interface was expected to enhance situation awareness, the RG Second, not only was performance supported by reconfigurable
did not outperform the CG regarding situation awareness (see user interfaces but the interfaces also enhanced user acceptance.
Table 7). Participants in the RG rated perceived usefulness, perceived behav-
Unlike our assumptions, the groups did not differ significantly ioral control and perceived intention to use significantly higher than
with respect to mental workload. That is, the RG did not show the participants in the CG. However, perceived responsibility and
significantly lower mental workload ratings than the CG. Partici- handling of task were not significantly increased by the use of
pants’ ratings of their mental workload were around four to six on a reconfigurable interfaces. In summary, participants learned to handle
scale from one to ten, which suggests that they perceived their the complex task better with the reconfigurable interface and also
workload as not very high. subjectively liked the reconfigurable interface better than the CG.
Third, results regarding situation awareness and mental work-
3.4. Additional analysis load, however, were not in line with our assumptions. The RG did
not outperform the CG regarding situation awareness nor mental
As an additional analysis, duration of initialization (i.e., duration workload. In general, performance is supposed to be good when
from starting the simulation until power is produced) was situation awareness is good (Endsley, 1995b). Thus, situation
compared between the groups. For the first task (start-up and awareness is expected to be linked to performance. In the present
practiced fault state), the RG needed 20.35 s on average (SD ¼ 17.92) study, however, it seems that performance was good as such (in the
and the CG 45.68 s on average (SD ¼ 18.47). This difference in RG) without the need of support by good situation awareness.
duration of initialization proved to be significant (t(58) ¼ 5.39, Possibly, for the task at hand, the option to reconfigure was more
p < .000) with a large effect size of r ¼ .58 (Field, 2005; Cohen, critical for good performance than having high situation awareness.
1992). For the second task (start-up and novel fault state), The findings may also be explained by usage duration: The study
average duration of initialization of the RG was 18.86 s (SD ¼ 11.72) lasted approximately 2 h in total of which approximately 25 min
and of the CG 38.55 s (SD ¼ 14.80). Also this difference in mean were reserved for the testing session. This usage duration may have
duration of initialization was significant (t(65) ¼ 6.07, p < .000) been too short to build up and maintain high situation awareness,
with a large effect size of r ¼ .60; Field, 2005; Cohen, 1992). Thus, especially when using a novel system. As Endsley (1995b) argues,
reconfiguration reduced the time needed until power was situation awareness “is not necessarily acquired instantaneously
produced. but is built up over time” (p. 38). Further research may thus
consider a longer usage duration. Another possibility is to consider
4. Discussion reconfiguration of the system parameters’ visual representation
(output elements; e.g., single- and multi-value displays and dia-
In the present study, we took up the idea of individuation that grams) in addition to reconfiguration of interaction elements of the
tools such as user interfaces should be customizable (Hancock et al., user interface (i.e., input; cf. Weyers et al., 2012). Reconfiguring
output elements may enhance situation awareness since informa-
Table 7 tion can be displayed as preferred. Regarding mental workload, we
Mean and SD (in parentheses) of situation awareness and mental workload as a
expected the reconfigured interface to decrease mental workload of
function of group and results of t-tests.
the RG. However, mental workload ratings did not differ signifi-
Variables RG CG t(df), p (one-tailed), cantly for the two groups. Maybe this result can be explained by the
effect size r
fact that mental workload ratings were on a rather low level for
Situation awarenessa both groups. Thus, the reconfigurable interface could not decrease
Perception 2.14 (0.92) 1.97 (0.88) t(68) ¼ .77, p ¼ .223, r ¼ .09 an already low perceived workload further. Another explanation
Comprehension 1.54 (0.69) 1.58 (0.97) t(57.15) ¼ .17, p ¼ .432,
and prediction r ¼ .02
could be that reconfiguration led to an increased mental workload
Mental workloadb during the training session and was still on an increased level
Mental demand 5.82 (1.92) 5.85 (1.91) t(70) ¼ .08, p ¼ .468, r ¼ .01 during the testing session.
Physical demand 3.66 (2.35) 4.50 (2.84) t(70) ¼ 1.38, p ¼ .087, r ¼ .16 Although these findings are promising with respect to the use of
Temporal demand 5.76 (1.70) 5.88 (1.80) t(69) ¼ .28, p ¼ .391, r ¼ .03
reconfiguration, some limitations of this study need to be dis-
Performance 4.68 (2.23) 4.29 (2.01) t(70) ¼ .78, p ¼ .220, r ¼ .09
Effort 5.50 (1.75) 5.09 (2.29) t(70) ¼ .86, p ¼ .196, r ¼ .10 cussed. Performance was assessed as the number and type of errors
Frustration level 6.24 (1.94) 5.68 (2.24) t(70) ¼ 1.14, p ¼ .130, r ¼ .14 committed according to Hollnagel’s (1998) classification. The latter
represents one possible method of assessing performance, how-
0e3 pts. ever, future studies should explore other measures such as mea-
Scale from 1 (low/little) to 10 (high/greatly). sures for normal operation. Also, future research should assess the
D. Burkolter et al. / Applied Ergonomics 45 (2014) 346e353 353

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