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The strangest phobias people actually


If you have ablutophobia then you had better go grab some deodorant because you are probably too scared to
take a bath or clean yourself.
In what is probably one of the most convenient phobias on this list, ergophobia is the fear of work or the
workplace environment. On a serious note however, psychologists believe it is a combination of various fears such
as failing at assigned tasks, social anxiety, and public speaking.
Short for no-mobile-phone phobia (nomophobia), this is the constant fear of not having service and according to
researchers in the UK a whopping 50% of people have it. Third world…we apologize.
Although butterflies in the stomach are often associated with love, for someone with philophobia those butterflies
are more like deadly scorpions, as they are petrified of falling in love. Unfortunately many people in this category
end up living a life of solitude and fear of commitment.
Hypnophobia is the abnormal fear of falling asleep. Oftentimes it can be the result of people feeling as though
they are losing control and nightmares have been known to cause it as well.
In a sort of modern day vampirism, heliophobia is actually defined as fear of the sun. Although it sounds harmless,
it can actually be quite serious and lead to vitamin D deficiency as a result of staying indoors.
Although some people with chaetophobia only fear loose or detached hair, others can be terrified by the hairs on
their very own bodies.
Whatever you do just make sure you don’t get too close to anyone with haphephobia…it’s the fear of being
Imagine being scared of your toaster…and your oven, and your refrigerator, and every other household appliance
you own. For people with oikophobia, c’est la vie.
Generally found in children, coulrophobia is the fear of clowns. Some phobias are just so sad.
Generally found in the elderly, neophobia is classified as the fear of new things and in its milder form consists of an
unwillingness to part with old habits.
While some of you may just be indecisive and apathetic, there are people out there who are genuinely terrified of
making decisions, they are known as decidophobes.
If you have gephyrophobia just make sure you don’t live close to the river because you would probably be too
scared to cross any of its bridges. Some cities, however, provide services where they will actually drive your car
across the bridge for you.

For someone with descendophobia, walking down stairs or inclines can be a terrifying experience and many times
they may get dizzy as well. On the other hand you could also have ascendophobia – fear of moving upwards.
One of the stranger phobias on this list, chronophobia is the fear of time passing. Not surprisingly it is often found
mostly in prison inmates or the elderly but it can also occur in people who experience a lot of stress and anxiety.
This one could truly be hard to live with. Phagophobia is the fear of swallowing and in some cases it can actually
lead to weight loss and malnutrition.
Is it an innie or an outie? If you suffer from omphalophobia you probably don’t know and you don’t care because
belly buttons terrify you.
Also known as omniphobia, panphobia as a generalized fear describes the condition of fearing everything and is
often described as constantly dreading some “vague and persistent unknown evil”.
Globophobia: a fear of balloons and also balloons popping sound.
Ombrophobia: an irrational fear of rain.
Pogonophobia: is the extreme dislike of beards.
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: the fear of long words.
Lipophobia: the fear of becoming fat.
Genuphobia: the fear of one’s own knees, someone else knees, or the act of kneeling.
Myrmecophobia: the inexplicable fear of ants.


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