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Alhamdulillah....Big thanks for Allah as the almighty, finally the writer can publish the module,
namely “Basic English Grammar”. This module is the result of compilation of BETTY SCHRAMPFER AZAR,
RAYMOND MURPHY, W.Y. GUMPOL, etc. In this module, we explain about Basic Grammar Materais in
detail. In this case, the reader can get specific materials which related to the basic grammar easily.
Basic English Grammar was written to help the students to practice more in reading
comprehension. By practicing it very hard, hopefully the students will get good skill in reading
comprehension and understanding the context of the text. They will get significant ability which influnce
their interensting in English.
Hopefully, the reader will get easy and fun on learning this grammar module. Grammar is the major
foundation on learning English. When someone has mastered the basic grammar, absolutely they will get
easy to practice it. So that, just keep learning of the basic English grammar in detail.
Enjoy in practicing is a sentence used to make better in learning. It has been included lots of
material that has been written especially English grammatical for English learners. That is why, Basic English
Grammar provides some questions and gives some opportunities for students to practice it.
Some advices to improve this module quality the writer really need. Hopefully, this module is useful
for English nursing students, especially students of STIKES ICME Jombang. May Allah bless whoever read
and learn this Basic English GrammarModule. Amen .....

Blitar, 28th January 2018

Lia Miftasari, M.Pd

Practice makes Perfect

Buku ini dipersembahakan untuk

mahasiswa D3 Keperawatan STIKES ICME
Jombang semester 1

N UNIT Material Development Objective Learning Activities
1 Sentence Verbal & Nominal The students are able  Brainstorming
sentence to understand contain  Discussing sentence
of letter.  The students are asking and
questioning about sentence
2 Tenses Simple Present The students 1. The students are asking and
Pres. Progressive understanding contain questioning about tenses.
Pres. Perfect of advertisement 2. The students read and answer
Pres. Perf. Prog. the questions
Simple Past 3. The students discuss about
Past Progressive tenses with their partner then
Past. Perfect present it in front of the class.
Simple Future
Past Future
3 Question Yes /No and WH The students are able The students discuss about tenses
Questions to understand about with their partner.
4 Modal Will, would, shall, The students are able The students discussion about
Auxilaries Should, can, could, must, to undertand about modal auxilaries
have to, had to, etc modal auxilaries
5 Conditional - Real and unreal The students are able 1. The students read the and
Sentence & condition. to know about answer the questions
Subjuctive - Possible or not. conditional sentence 2. The students discuss how to
“Wish, If Icould, and subjuctive. make conditional sentence and
would rather. subjuctive.
6 Passive Voice & S + to be + V-3 The students are able 1. The students read and answer
Sttative Passive to understand about the questions.
passive voice. 2. The students discuss about
passive voice and stative
7 Part of Speech Noun, pronoun, verb, The students are able The students discuss aboit part of
adverb, Conjuction, to identify abaout part speech.
adjective,Preposition, etc. of speech.
8 Adjective Order Determiner, Opinion, Size, The students The students discuss about
Color, Origin, Material, understanding contain Adjective order.
Qualifier of Adjective Order.
9 Clause - Main Clause and sub The students are able 1. The students read and answer
clause to identify various the questions .
- Noun clause, Adjective clause. 2. The students discuss about
clause, & adverbial clause.
10 Preopsition & - The, a, and The students are able The students discuss with their
Article - In, on, at, over, above, to identify varyous partner about “preposition,
behind, beside, kind of preposition conjuction, article, etc.”
between, etc
- And, or, but, because,
11 Fuctional - Intoducing yourself The students are able 1. The students discuss about
Expression - Explaining to practice some some fuctional expressions.
- Consulting expression during in 2. The students discuss then
- Giving direction the hospital or practicing with their partner.
- Asking question meeting the patient.

Preface .................................................................................................................................................... iii
Dedication .............................................................................................................................................. iv
Book Map .............................................................................................................................................. . v
Content ................................................................................................................................................... vi
I. Sentence ...................................................................................................................................... 1
II. Tenses ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1) Simple Present ....................................................................................................................... 1
- Latihan 1 ............................................................................................................................... 3
2) Present Progressive ................................................................................................................. 3
- Latihan 2 ............................................................................................................................... 4
3) Simple Present l
Present Progressive ....................................................................... . 4
- Latihan 3 ............................................................................................................................... 5
4) Present Perfect ....................................................................................................................... 5
- Latihan 4 ............................................................................................................................... 6
5) Present Perfect Progressive .................................................................................................... 6
- Latihan 5 ............................................................................................................................... 7
6) Present Perfect
Present Perfect Progressive ........................................................................ 7
- Latihan 6 ............................................................................................................................... 7
7) Simple Past .............................................................................................................................. 8
- Latihan 7 ............................................................................................................................... 8
8) Past Progressive ...................................................................................................................... 9
- Latihan 8 ............................................................................................................................... 10
9) Simple Past
Past Progressive ............................................................................................ 10
- Latihan 9 ............................................................................................................................... 10
10) Past Perfect ............................................................................................................................. 11
- Latihan 10 ............................................................................................................................. 11
11) Simple Future .......................................................................................................................... 11
- Latihan 11 ............................................................................................................................. 12
12) Past Future .............................................................................................................................. 12
- Latihan 12 ............................................................................................................................. 13
III. Question ....................................................................................................................................... 13
IV. Modal Auxiliary ............................................................................................................................ 14
V. Conditional Sentence ................................................................................................................... 15
- Latihan 13 .................................................................................................................................. 15
VI. Subjuctive Wish, If only, Wour Rather ......................................................................................... 16
- Latihan 14 .................................................................................................................................. 16
VII. Passive Voice .................................................................................................................................. 16
- Latihan 15 ................................................................................................................................. 19
VIII. Stative Passive ............................................................................................................................. 19
IX. Part of Speech ................................................................................................................................ 20
X. Adjective Order .............................................................................................................................. 21
XI. Clause ............................................................................................................................................. 22
- Latihan 16 ................................................................................................................................. 24
XII. Preposition...................................................................................................................................... 25
XIII. Functional Expressions ................................................................................................................ 26
- Introducing yourself ................................................................................................................. 26
Practice 1 ................................................................................................................................. 26
- Explaining ................................................................................................................................ 26
Practice 2 ................................................................................................................................. 27
- Consulting ................................................................................................................................. 27
Practice 3 .................................................................................................................................. 27
- Giving direction ........................................................................................................................ 27
Practice 4 ................................................................................................................................. 28
- Asking question ......................................................................................................................... 28
Practice 5 ................................................................................................................................. 28


Sentence adalah kumpulan kata-kata yang terdiri dari Subyek dan Verb.
- I study English - I cry

Sentence dibagi menjadi 2, yaitu Verbal sentence dan Nominal sentence.

a. Verbal sentence
Yaitu kalimat dimana posisi kata kerja (Verb) merupakan aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh Subjeck (Pelaku).
- I like meatball - She sleeps
S V O S Vr
b. Nominal sentence
Yaitu kalimat dimana posisi kata kerja berupa tobe (is/am/are, was/were, atau been) bukan merupakan
aktivitas dari Subjeck (pelaku), melainkan hanya sebagai penghubung antara Subjeck dengan
Complement (Pelengkap).
Complement dibagi menjadi 3:
1. Noun (kata benda)
Contoh: teacher, farmer, student, table, chair, book, bag, pencil, chalk, cupboard, etc.
2. Adjective (kata sifat)
Contoh: beautiful, handsome, ugly, slim, fat, lazy, dilligent, smart, clever, stupid, etc.
3. Adverb (kata keterangan)
Contoh: in the garden, in the kitchen, in the canteen, at school, Blitar, Kediri, etc.
Contoh kalimat nominal:
a) I am a teacher (tobe berarti “adalah”)
b) He is handsome (tobe “tidak diartikan”)
c) We are in the class (tobe berarti “berada”)

Tenses adalah perubahan kata kerja yang dipengaruhi oleh waktu dan sifat kejadian. Semua
kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris tidak lepas dari tenses karena semua kalimat pasti ada hubugannya denan
waktu dan sifat kejadiannya.
Waktu Present Past Future Past Future

Simple Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple Past Future

Sifat Kejadiann

Present Progressive Past Progressive Future Progressive Past Future Progr.

Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect Past Future Perfect

Present Perf. Progr. Past Perf. Progr. Future Perf. Progr. Past Future Perf. Progr.


Pola kalimat :
(+) Subject + Verb 1 (s/es) + object + Ket. Waktu
(-) Subject + don’t/doesn’t + Verb 1 + object + Ket. Waktu
(?) Do/does + Subject + Verb 1 + object + Ket. Waktu +?

a. Menunjukkan aktivitas yang terjadi berulang-ulang (habitual action) atau rutinitas (continuities).
(+) She speaks English everyday z(+) I go to school everyday
(-) She doesn’t speak English everyday (-) I don’t go to school everyday
(?) Does she speak English every day? (?) Do I go to school every day?
b. Menunjukkan kebenaran umum (general truth),
- A week has seven days.
- The earth revolves around the sun.
Keterangan waktu:
- always (selalu) - often (sering)
- never (tidak pernah) - ever (pernah)
- generally (umumnya) - usually (biasanya)
- sometimes (kadang-kadang) - rarely (jarang) -
- occasionally (kadang-kadang) - seldom (jarang)
You do You + V1 (tanpa s/es)
They They Aturan disamping
We Aturan disamping berlaku We berlaku untuk
He untuk kalimat (-) & (?) He kalimat (+)
She does She
It It + V1 (ditambah s/es)
Desi Desi
Heru Heru
Heru & Desi do Heru & Desi + V1 (tanpa s/es)
Heru, Desi , & I Heru, Desi , & I
Huruf “s” ditambahkan pada kata kerja yang diikuti oleh subyek kalimat she, he, it, nama orang /
benda tunggal atau jabatan / sebutan orang tunggal.
Contoh: He works everyday.
A bird sings everytime.
She always visits me.
Huruf “es” ditambahkan pada kata kerja yang huruf terakhir adalah : -ss, -sh, -o,-ch, -x, -zz, bila diikuti
subyek kalimat seperti she, he, it, nama orang / benda tunggal atau jabatan / sebutan orang tunggal.
Contoh: Pass He sometimes passes in front of my house.
Wash Jack washes his car every week.
Go The director goes to office three times a week.
Watch She watches TV every night.
Fix The carpenter fixes the house once a year.
Buzz The plane often buzzes our house.
Huruf “ies” ditambahkan kepada kata-kata yang memiliki huruf mati (consonan) diikuti y bila subyek
kalimat yang mengikutinya : she, he, it, nama orang / benda tunggal atau jabatan / sebutan orang
tunggal. Dimana huruf y melebur / luluh menjadi huruf i.
Contoh: Fly A bird flies every where.
Cry She cries.
Jika didahului oleh huruf hidup (vocal) sebelum y, maka langsung ditambah s.
Contoh: Play My brother plays basketball ever afternoon.
Buy My mother buys vegetables in the market.
Kata “have” dalam kalimat positive, bila diikuti subyek kalimat she, he, it, nama orang / benda tunggal
atau jabatan / sebutan orang tunggal berubah menjadi “has”.
Contoh: I have a lot of books.
She has a lot of books.


Lengkapilah kalimat - kalimat dibawah ini dengan menggunakan kata – kata yang telah tersedia!

boil close cost go have like

open smoke speak teach wash need

1. She’s very clever. She .................. four languages.

2. Steve ................. ten cigarettes a day.
3. We usually ........................ dinner at 7 o’clock p.m.
4. I ................ films. I often ............................... to the cinema.
5. Water ............... at 100 degrees Celsius.
6. In Britain the drugstore ............... at 09.30 every morning.
7. The City Museoum .................. at 5 o’clock every evening.
8. Your job is very interesting. You ................... a lot of people.
9. Peter ........................ his hair twice a week.
10.Our school fee is very expensive. We ................. a lot of money to pay it.


a. Menyatakan aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung atau sedang terjadi di masa sekarang atau ketika
berbicara aktivitas itu
Pola kalimat: (+) Subject + is/am/are + Verb-ing+ object + Ket. Waktu
(-) Subject + is/am/are + not + Verb-ing + object + Ket. Waktu
(?) Is/am/are + Subject + verb-ing + object + ket. Waktu +?

Contoh: (+) she is speaking English now.

(-) she isn’t speaking English.
(?) is she apeaking English?
Keterangan waktu:
- now (sekarang); - right now (sekarang);
- today (hari ini); - at the present (pada saat ini);
- at the moment (pada saat ini).
b. Menyatakan kejengkelan (annoyance) apabila diikuti keterangan waktu “always”.
Dea is always leaving her dirty socks on the floor for me to pick up. What does she think I am? Her maid?
I am He
You She is
They are It
We Sephia
Bila suatu kalimat diawali dengan look, listen, atau be quiet, maka present progressive atau
continuous tense dipakai dalam kalimat tersebut.
Contoh: Listen! Someone is knocking at the door.
Look! The guest is singing.
Be quiet! The headmaster is speaking.



Lengkapilah kalimat - kalimat dibawah ini dengan menggunakan kata – kata yang ada di dalam kurung!
(Bentuk Positif atau Negatif)
1. I’m tired. I ..................... (go) to bed now. Goodnight!
2. We can go out now. It ............................. (rain) any more.
3. ‘How is your new job?’ ‘Not so good at the moment. I ............................ (enjoy) it very much.’
4. Ctherine phoned me last night. She’s on holiday in France. She ......................... (have) a great time and
doesn’t want to come back.
5. I want to lose weight, so this week I ....................... (eat) lunch.


Pola Kalimat:
(+) S + tobe (is/am/are) + Complement
(-) S + tobe (is/am/are) + not + Complement
(?) tobe (is/am are) + S + Complement?

Contoh: (+) She is a teacher (+) They are friendly

(-) She isn’t ateacher (-) They aren’t friendly
(?) Is she a teacher? (?) Are they friendly?
Complement adalah pelengkap yang menerangkan keberadaan subyek. Complement ada 3 (tiga):
1. Noun (kata benda)
Teacher, child, children, book,pen, pencil, eraser, bag, pencil case, blackboard, curtain, etc.
Example: I am a teacher
2. Adjective (kata sifat)
Smart, clever, stupid, silly, dilligent, lazy, crazy, beautiful, handsome, ugly, red, white, etc.
Example: She is beautiful.
3. Adverb (kata keterangan)
Adverb of place : bedroom, bathroom, dinning room, classroom, in the garden, in Jakarta, etc.
Example: He is inthe room.
Adverb of time : Monday, Sunday, Tuesday, today, later, now, last year, tomorrow, etc.
Example: It is Monday.
To be mempunyai arti:
1. Adalah : I am a teacher (Noun)
2. Berada : He is in the room (Adverb of place)
3. Menjadi : I want to be a teacher. (Digunakan dalam kalimat verbal)
4. Tidak diartikan : I am happy (Adjective)



Ubahlah kalimat berikut ke dalam bentuk negatif, interogative, dan negative interogative!
Contoh: (+) He is sleepy
(-) He isn’t sleepy
( ? ) Is he sleepy?
( ? ) Isn’t he sleepy?

1. I’m hungry. 4. My mother is hospitalized

( - ) ............................................................. ( - ) ................................................................
( ? ).............................................................. ( ? )................................................................
( ? ) ............................................................ ( ? )................................................................
2. He is a good student. 5. Jack and Jane are nurses
( - ) .............................................................. ( - ).................................................................
( ? ).............................................................. ( ? )................................................................
( ? ).............................................................. ( ? )................................................................
3. Dr. John is in the drugstore.
( - ) ..............................................................
(? )..............................................................
( ? )..............................................................


Pola kalimat: (+) S + have / has + V-3 + O

( - ) S + have / has + not + V-3 + O
(?) Have / has + S + V-3 + O?

Contoh: (+) We have visited him (+) She has booked the room
(-) We haven’t visited him (-) She hasn’t booked the room.
(?) Have we visited him? (?) Has she booked the room?
a. Untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang telah terjadi sebelum waktu sekarang ini (kapan terjadinya tidak
Contoh: - I have already seen the movie.
- Dr. James has already examined the patient
b. Untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang telah terjadi beberapa kali (kapan terjadinya tidak penting).
Contoh: - I have written letters to my boufriend twice.
- We have had four tests so far this semester.
Keterangan waktu:
- For (selama) - Ever (pernah)
- Already (sudah) - Just (baru saja)
- Since (sejak) - Recently (baru-baru ini)
- Yet (belum) - Lately (akhir-akhir ini)

I Sephia
You He
They have She has
We It
Since digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah aktivitas mulai dilakukan.
since eight o’clock
I have lived here since the beginning of semester
since 2001

For digunakan untuk menyatakan berapa lama sebuah aktivitas telah berlangsung
for ten minutes
I have lived here for two hours
for five days



Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang tersedia!

Break buy finish do go
Go loss paint read take
1. ‘Are they still having dinner? “No,they ............................................
2. I .......................................... some new shoes. Do you want to see them?
3. ‘Is Tom here? ‘No, he .................................... to work.
4. ........................ you .................... the shopping? ‘No, i’m going to do it later.’
5. ‘Where’s your key? ‘Idon’t know. I ................................. it.’
6. Look! Somebody ..................................... the window.
7. Your house look different. ................... you ......................... it?
8. I can’tfind my umbrella. Somebody ................................. it.
9. I’m looking for Sarah. Where ......................... she ......................?
10. ‘Do you want the newspaper?’ ‘No, thanks. I ............................ it.


Menyatakan kapan dimulai dan juga durasi aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung pada saat ini
Pola kalimat : (+) S + aux(have/has) + been + V-ing + O + Keterangan waktu.
(-) S + aux (have/has) + not + been + V-ing + O + Keterangan waktu.
(?) Aux (have/has) + S + been + V-ing + O + Keterangan waktu?
Contoh : (+) You have been teaching English for 5 years
(-) You haven’t been teaching English for 5 years
(?) Have you been teaching English for 5 years?
Keterangan waktu :
- For (selama),
- Since (sejak),
- How long (berapa lama?)


Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan menggunakan PRESENT PROGRESSIVE atau PRESENT
1. Mark isn’t studying right now. He (watch) ................................TV. He (watch) .....................................
TV since seven o’clock.
2. Kate is standing at the corner. She (wait) ................................ for the bus. She (wait)
......................... for the bus for twenty minutes.
3. Right now we’re in class. We (do) ............................ an exercise. We (do) ........................... the exercise
for a couple of minutes.
4. Scott and Rebecca (talk) .......................... on the phone right now. They (talk) .....................................
on the phone for over an hour.
5. I (sit) ........................................ in class right now. I (sit) .............................. since ten minutes after one.

I Sephia
You He
They have + been She has + been
We It
Present Progressive kedua aktivitas tersebut sedang berlangsung,
Example: I am sitting in class right now tetati untuk Present Perfect Progressive diikuti
Present Perfect Progressive keterangan tentang kapan dimulainya
Example: since 9 o’clock aktivitas tersebut atau sudah berapa lama
- I have been sitting in class aktivitas tersebut dilaksankan.
For 30 minutes


Pola kalimat:
(+) S + have / has + been + Complement
(-) S + have / has + not + been + Complement
(?) Have / has + S + been + Complement?
Contoh: (+) We have been in the class for an hour
(-) We haven’t been in the class for an hour
(?) Have we been in the class for an hour?



Ubahlah kalimat berikut ke dalam bentuk negatif, interogative, dan negative interogative!
Contoh: (+) He has been ill for a week
(-)He hasn’t been ill for a week
( ? ) Has he been ill for a week?
( ? ) Hasn’t he been ill for a week?

1. I have been hungry for an hour. 4. He has been a doctor fpr four years
( - ) ............................................................. ( - ) ................................................................
( ? ).............................................................. ( ? )................................................................
( ? ) ............................................................ ( ? )................................................................
2. She has been sleepy since this morning. 5. They have been in USA since January 1989.
( - ) .............................................................. ( - ).................................................................
( ? ).............................................................. ( ? )................................................................
( ? ).............................................................. ( ? )................................................................
3. There has been a queue in the drugstore since yesterday.
( - ) ..............................................................
(? )..............................................................
( ? )..............................................................


 Menyatakan aktivitas yang terjadi di masa lampau dengan keterangan waktu yang jelas.
Pola kalimat:
(+) Subject + Verb 2+ object + Ket. Waktu
(-) Subject + didn’t + Verb 1 + object + Ket. Waktu
(?) Did + Subject + verb 1 + object + ket. Waktu +?

Contoh: (+) I went to school yesterday.

(-) I didn’t go to school yesterday.
(?) Did I go to school yesterday?
Keterangan waktu:
- yesterday (kemaren), - tahun yang lampau (misal th 1997),
- last week (minggu yang lalu), - this morning (tadi pagi),
- two days ago (dua hari yang lalu), - orangnya sudah mati.
Semua subject menggunakan auxilary “did” untuk kalimat negatif & interogative



Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat dibawah ini dengan menggunakan bentuk ke-2 dari kata-kata dibawah ini !

begin go read cut hold shake drink

keep shut eat lose speak spend meet

1. Sue ....................... a cup of coffee before class this morning.

2. We ....................... a delicious dinner at Enak Padang restaurant this morning.
3. When it ........................... to rain yesterday afternoon, I .................... all of the windows in the hospitall.
4. Angela hurt his finger when she was fixing his dinner last night. She accidentally ..... it with a sharp knife.
5. Jessica didn’t throw her old shoes away. She ....................,.. them because they were still comfortable.
6. Mr. Smith ............................. an interesting article in a newpaper this morning.
7. Peter was nervous when he ............................... his baby in his arms for the first time.
8. I ............................... Jennifer’s parent when they visited her. She introduced me to them.
9. Yesterday, I called Jason on the phone. He wasn’t at home, so I ................................ to his sister.
10.I don’t have any money in my pocket. I .................... my last dime yesterday. I’m flat broke.

Pola kalmat:
(+) S + was / were + V-ing + o + keterangan waktu
(-) S + was / were +not + V-ing + o + keterangan waktu
(?) Was / were + S + V-ing + o + keterangan waktu?
Contoh: (+) At 2 o’clock p.m. yesterday we were watching movie.
( -) At 2 o’clock p.m. yesterday we weren’t watching movie.
(?) Were we watching movie.At 2 o’clock p.m. yesterday?
a. Menyatakan aktivitas yang sedang terjadi di masa lampau (waktu yang tertentu).
Contoh: - at eight o’clock last night, I was studying English.
b. Sering dipakai dalam konsep 2 kejadian. Biasanya tidak bisa berdidri sendiri, dengan kata lain sering
diikuti oleh Simple Past.
Contoh: Aktivitas I: I was walking down the street. (sedang berlangsung)
Aktivitas II: It began to rain. (menyela)
Cara Peggabungan:
- I was walking down the street when it began to rain.
When it began to rain, I was walking down the street.
- While I was walking down the street, it began to rain.
It began to rain while I was walking down the street.
Keterangan waktu:
- ......when (ketika) - at ........... o’clock yesterday(pada pukul ..... kemaren)
- While .......... (sementara) - all morning yesterday (sepanjang pagi kemaren)
I was Sephia
You He
They were She was
We It
Konsep 2 kejadian dibagi menjadi 3, antara lain:
 Bersamaan, dimana ada 2 aktivitas terjadi bersama-sama.
Pola kalimat: Past Continues while Past continues
Kalimat I : Rindi eat the snacks
Kalimat II : Heni listened to the music
maka Rindi was eating the snacks while Heni was listening to the music.
 Berpotongan, dimana aktivitas yang lain datang untuk menyela aktivitas sebelumnya.
Pola kalimat: “Past Continues when Simple Past” or “Simple Past while Past continues”
Kalimat I : Chiko slept
Kalimat II : the phone rang
Maka While Chiko was sleeping, the phone rang.
Chiko was sleeping when the phone rang.
 Berurutan, dimana aktivitas yang satu terjadi lebih dahulu, kemudian diikuti oleh aktivitas yang
lainnya. Ingat! When diikuti kejadian pertama.
Kalimat I : Annisa met Lukman
Kalimat II: She said hello!
Maka Annisa said hello When she met Lukman



Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan menggunakan kata kata dalam kurung! Gunakan
Simple Past atau Past progressive!
1. While Bob (eat) ................... dinner, Ann (come) ..................... through the door.
2. Bob went to bed at 10:30, at 11:00 Bob (sleep) ..............................................
3. Bob left his house at 08:00 a.m. and (begin) ........................ to walk to cass. While he (walk) .................
to class, he (see) ............................ Mrs. Smith.
4. When Bob (call) ...................... Mrs. Smith, she (read) ........................... a newpaper in the loby.
5. In the midday, Bob (get up)......................... to investigate, when he (heard) a strange noise.


Pola kalimat:
(+) s + was / were + Complement
(-) S + was /were + not + Commplement
(?) Was / were +S + Complement?

Contoh: (+) John was happy (+) They were lucky

(-) John was not happy (-) They weren’t lucky
(?) Was John happy? (?) Were they lucky?



Ubahlah kalimat berikut ke dalam bentuk negatif, interogative, dan negative interogative!
Contoh: (+) She was ill
(-) She was’t ill
( ? ) Was she ill?
( ? ) Wasn’t she ill?
1. The doctors were very busy 4. She is polite.
( - ) ............................................................. ( - ) ................................................................
( ? ).............................................................. ( ? )................................................................
( ? ) ............................................................ ( ? )................................................................
2. He was from America. 5. We are healthy.
( - ) .............................................................. ( - ).................................................................
( ? ).............................................................. ( ? )................................................................
( ? ).............................................................. ( ? )................................................................
3. Andre was really naughty.
( - ) ..............................................................
(? )..............................................................
( ? )..............................................................


Pola kalimat (+) S + had + V-3 + O

(-) S + had + not + V-3 + O
(?) Had + S + V-3 + O?

Contoh: (+) Mr. John had already gone by the end of July
(-) Mr. John hadn’t already gone by the end of July
(?) Had Mr. John already gone by the end of July?
Menyatakan sebuah peristiwa yang telah terjadi sempurna selesai sebelum kegiatan yang lain selesai.
Contoh: Aktivitas I : Sam left
Aktivitas II : We got there.
Cara penggabungan:
a. Sam had already left when we got there.
b. Sam had already left before we got there.
a. Sam had already left before we got there. (Past Perfect & Simple Past)
b. Sam left before we got there. (Simple Past & Simple Past)
Keterangan waktu:
- After ..... (setelah.....) - by the end of ......... (menjelang.........)
- ..... before (.....sebelum) - as soon as .......... (sesegera mungkin.......)
- ..... when (...... ketika) - until .................. (sampai ........)



Gunakan Simple Past atau Past perfect kata-kata yang ada dalam kurung bawah ini!
1. He (be) .................... a newspaper reporter before he (be) ....................... a nurse.
2. I (feel) .................... a little better after I (take) ................some aspirin.
3. Dr. Talitha (leave) ..................... the ICU room after she (finish) ............... an operation.
4. Class (begin, already) .................. by the time I got there, so I (take, quietly) ................... aseat in back.
5. Yesterday at the hospital, I (see) ............ the nurse, an old friend of mine. I (see, not) .......... her in years.
At first, I (recognize, not) ................. her because she (lose) .................... at least fifty pounds.

Menyatakan aktivitas atau peristiwa yang terjadi di waktu yang akan datang (expressi sebuah planning)
Pola kalimat: (+) Subject + will / shall + Verb 1+ object + Ket. Waktu
(-) Subject + will / shall + not + Verb 1 + object + Ket. Waktu
(?) Will / shall + Subject + verb 1 + object + Ket. Waktu ?

Contoh: (+) They will go to Jakarta next week
(-) They won’t go to Jakarta next week
(?) Will they go to Jakarta next week?
Keterangan waktu:
- tomorrow (besok), - next year (tahun depan),
- two days later (dua hari yang akan datang), - toninght (malam ini), dll.
Shall digunakan untuk subyek I dan We, tetapi untuk perkembangan bahasa Inggris saat ini Shall
tidak banyak digunakan
Kadang – kadang Be going to juga digunakan untuk menggantian will dengan fungsi yang sama,
tetapi kebanyakan Be ging to digunakan untuk mengapresiasikan sebuah rencna yang sudah pastti
(preconceived plan)



lengkapilah kalimat – kalimat di bawah ini, gunakan Will atau Won’t!

1. Mr. David ....................... come today because he is still in Japan.
2. He is very busy at the moment because we ..................... have a party tomorrow evening.
3. Jenny ..................... pass the state examination because she doesn’t study seriously.
4. Don’t forget to bring your umbrella, or you ........................ get wet.
5. .............................. you be at home tomorrow morning, Jane?


Pola Kalimat:
(+) S + would/should + V-1 + O + keterangan waktu.
(-) S + would/should + not + V-1 + O + keterangan waktu.
(?) Would/should + S + V-1 + O + keterangan waktu?

Penggunaan :
Untuk menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang akan dilakukan bersama di masa lampau (rencana yang gagal)
Keterangan Waktu :
- yesterday (kemarin),
- last .......... (lalu ...........),
- two days ago (dua hari yang lalu),
Semua subject boleh menggunakan should/would, tetapi untuk should sering digunakan Subject I
dan We.


Buatlah kalimat berdasarkan tanda yang diberikan !
Contoh : He – sleep last night.
(+) He would sleep last night. ( - ) He would not sleep last night.
(?) Would he sleep last night? (?) Wouldn’t he sleep last night?
1. He – take my camera yesterday. 4. He – deceive that poor old woman yesterday.
(-) ........................................ (-) ...........................................
(?) ....................................... (?) ............................................
2. They – pay their bills last Monday. 5. The children – play outside last afternoon.
(?) ........................................ (?) ................................................
(-?) ........................................ (-) ................................................
3. We – visit the palace last summer.
(+) ...........................................
(-) ...........................................


I sing a song
I am singing a song
I have sung a song
I have been singing a song
I sang a song
I was singing a song
I had sung a song
I had been singing a song ... Oh sing a song...
I will sing a song
I will be singing a song
I’ll have sung a song
I’ll have been singing a song
I would sing a song
I would be singing a song
I’d have been singing a song
I’d have been singing a song .... Oh sing a song

Question (Pertanyaan), dibagi menjadi 2, yaitu:
a. Yes/No Question,
Pertanyaan yang dijawab dengan Ya atau Tidak.
 Do you study English? Yes, I do / No, I don’t.
 Are you a student? Yes, I am / No, I am not.

b. WH Question
- What (apa), - When (kapan),
- Where (dimana), why (mengapa), - Whose (milik siapa),
- Which (yang mana), - How (bagaimana).
 ‘What are you doig?’ ‘I am studying English’. (Menanyakan aktivitas yang dilakukan)
 ‘When will you go to market?’ ‘I will go to market two hours later’. (Menanyakan waktu / kapan)
 ‘How long will you stay here?’ ‘Three days along’. (Menanykan seberapa lama)
 ‘How far is your house to the drugstore?’ ‘It’s about one kilometer’. (Menanyakan seberapa jauh)
 ‘How much money do you have?’ ‘It just a little’. (Menanyakan jumlah yang tidak bisa dihitung)
 ‘How many books do you buy?’ ‘It’s only two’. (Menanyakan jumlah yang bisa dihitung)


Modal auxiliary verb adalah kata yang ditempatkan sebelum main verb (kata kerja utama) untuk
memodifikasi makna dari kata kerja utama tersebut. Fungsinya untuk mengekspresikan willingness
(kemauan), necessity (kebutuhan), dan possibility (kemungkinan). Kata kerja bantu ini antara lain:
- Can (Be able to) - Could
- May - Might
- Will (Be going to) - Would
- Shall - Should
- Must / have to - Had to
- Used to - Be used to, etc.

BASIC MODALS Modals don’t take a final –s, even when the subject is She, he or it.
Correct : She can do it
I can do it Incorrect : She cans do it
You could do it
He had better do it Modals are followed immediately by the simple form of verb.
She may do it Correct : She can do it.
It + must do it Incorrect : She can to do it/ She can does it/ She can did it.
We shall do it
You should do it
They will do it
might it
PHRASAL MODALS Phrasal modals are common expressions whose meaning are
I similar to some of modal auxiliaries.
You For example : be able to = can
He have / has to do it Be going to = will
She + am able to do it Anita can play guitar well
It are going to do it Anita is able to play guitar well
We is going to do it
You Oswaldus will go to Surabaya tomorrow
They Oswaldus is going to go Surabaya tomorrow


Conditional (Kalimat Pengandaian) merupakan kegiatan bertentangan dengan kegiatan yang lain.
Conditional yang paling umum adalah Real Conditonal dan Unreal Conditonal yang disebut juga if-clauses..
Conditional sentnces dibagi menjadi 3 tipe:
 Type I. Possible to happen (Real condition)
Pola kalimat:
If + Simple present, Simple Future
Contoh: If I have enough time, I will buy a new car.
 Type II. Impossible to happen (Unreal condition)
Pola kalimat:
If + Simple Past, Past Future
Contoh: If I had much money, I would buy a new car.
 Type III. Impossible to happen ((Unreal condition dalam bentuk lampau)
Pola kalimat:
If + Past Perfect, Past Perfect Future
Contoh: If I had had much money, I would have bought a new car
- Modal 1 : will, shall, can, and may.
- Modal 2 : would, should, could, and might.
- Simple Present: V-1 (s/es), do, does (Verbal)
Is, am, are (Nominal)
- Simple Past : V-2, did (Verbal)
Was, were (Nominal)
- Past Perfect : had + V-3 atau had +been
- The use of conjuction beside if:
Unless (+) if (-)
Example: I won’t come, unless you invite me.
(I won’t come if you don’t invite me).
Unless (-) if (+)
Example: I will come unless you don’t invite me
(I will come if you invite me).



Complete the blanks by changing the words in the brackets into Conditional Type 1 or 2!
1. Andrian will pick Sarah up if he ...... (not get up) late.
2. He would meet his closed friend if he ...... (come) to my birthday party.
3. I will buy this book if my father ....... (give) me money.
4. If they didn’t drive their cars fast, they ......... (not get) accident.
5. I ....... (lend) my money to you if i found my wallet.


Conditional sentence yang terjadi pada waktu ketika mengekspresikan waktu yang berlawanan dengan real
Subjuctives Fact / Reality
Simple Past (+) Simple Present (-)
Simple Past (-) Simple Present (+)
Past Perfect (+) Simple Past (-)
Past Perfect (-) Simple Past (+)

1. I wish you here in fact, you aren’t here (you are there or anywhere).
2. If only I din’t leave her alone. in fact, I leave her alone.
3. I would rather he didn’t come late. in fact, he comes late.
4. I wish you had come to my party in fact, you didn’t come to my party.
5. If only she had been happy in fact, she was not happy.
- Be in past subjuctiveis always “were”
- The same as Conditional Sentences, the fact is always contradiction with the subjuctive
wether in meaning or tense
- Would rather can be abbreviated in ‘d rather (e.g. I’d rather)



Write to express wishes which are the contary to the facts!

1. Sandra’s mother leaves her alone at home
Answer : ..........................................................................
2. I get bad mark.
Answer : ..........................................................................
3. Natasy goes to work.
Answer : ..........................................................................
4. The little brother gets fever.
Answer : ..........................................................................
5. Mr. Ari wins the badminton competition
Answer : ..........................................................................


Kalimat yang subyeknya menempati posisi subject disebut kalimat aktif. Sedangkan kalimat yang subjectnya
(agent) menempati posisi object disebut kalimat passive.

Syarat-syarat passive voice
1. Verbal sentence
2. Transitive verb
Hal-haltidak bisadipassive-kan:
1. Nominal sentence
2. Intransitive verb
3. 5 kata kerjatertentu
- Have - Suit - Resemble
- Fit - Lack

Example : I eat rice

The rice is eaten by me

Beberapa langkah membuat kalimat passive:
1. Identifikasi struktur kalimatnya, subject, verb, dan objectnya;
2. Letakkan subject keposisi object, dan pindahkan object keposisi subject;
3. Tambahkan tobe yang sesuai dengan subject dalam kalimat passive tersebut dan sesuaikan pula
dengan bentuk tensesnya;
4. Rubahlah ordinary-nya kedalam bentuk Past Participle (V3);
5. Letakkan by sesudah ordinary-nya, tapi dalam beberapa hal by bias dihilangkan.
Pedoman pemakaian tobe dalam kalimat passive:
1 Present Tense Am, is, are
2 Present Continuous Tense Am, is, are + being
3 Present Perfect Tense Have / has + been
4 Past Tense Was, were
5 Past Perfect Tense Had + been
6 Past Continuous Tense Was, were, + being
7 Future Tense Shall, will + be
8 Future Perfect Tense Shall, will + have been
9 Modal Modal + be
10 Modal + Perfect Modal + have been
Arni Sings a song
Present Tense : A song is sung by Arni
Present Cont : A song is being sung by Arni
Present Perfect : A song has been sung by Arni
Past Tense : A song was sung by Arni
Past Cont : A song was being sung by Arni
Past Perfect : A song had been sung by Arni
Future Tense : A song will be sung by Arni
Future Perfect : A song will have been sung by Arni
Untuk modal : Arni can sing a song
Untuk passive : A song can be sung by Arni
Modal perfect : He could have written three books
Three books could have been written by him

Question words dalam passive voice
Active : Rara writes a novel
Passive : A novel is written by Rara
S : What is written by Rara ?
V : What is done by Rara ?
Agent : By whom is a novel written ?
Passive dengan dua object
Active : Andi gives her the flower
Passive DO : The flower is given to her by Andi
Passive IO : She is given the flower by Andi
S / DO : What is given to her by Andi ?
: What is done by Andi ?
: Whom is flower given by Andifor ?
: Whom is the flower given to her by ?
Beberapa hal penting dalam passive voice:
1. Penghapusan object dalamkalimat passive
Example: - They built this house in 1777
- This house was built in 1777
2. Kalimat perintah, permintaan, atau permohonan dapat diubah kedalam kalimat passive dengan pola :
Example: - Please post the letter (active)
You are regressed to post the letter (passive)
- Shut the door (active)
You ordered to shut the door (passive)
- Don’t come late (active)
You are asked not to be late (passive)
3. Kalimat perintah bias menjadi kalimat passive dengan menggunakan let.
Rumus : Let + object + be + V3
Example : Complete the work
Menjadi : Let the work be complete
Post this letter
Let the letter be posted
4. To infinitive bias berubah menjadi kalimat passive, tapi tidak lazim dipakai
Rumus : S + V + O + to + be + V3
Example : I want to write a letter
Menjadi : I want the letter to be written
Example : I expect Linda to love me
Menjadi : I expect to be loved by Linda
5. It’s time to … dapat dipassive-kan dengan mengubah pola: It’s time + for + object + bentuk passive
Example : It time to stop the work
Menjadi : It time for the work to be stopped
Example : It is time to prepare the time table
Menjadi : It is time for the time table to be prepare
6. Kalimat passive yang terjadi dari that clause
Example : They said that she is a teacher
: it’s said that she is a teacher
7. Kalimat yang terdiri dari objective complement dapat diubah menjadi passive
Example : They elected me president
Menjadi : I was elected president (by them)

Example : We named her Irma
Menjadi : She was named Irma (by us)



Change the following sentence from active into passive sentence!

1. Somebody was delivering the documents to the department.
2. The teacher should buy the supplies for the class.
3. The fire has caused consirable damage.
4. The delegates had received the information before the recess.
5. Dr. Hendri will examine the patient after handling the meeting.


Stative passive adalah bentuk passive yang menyatakan keadaan. Ciri-ciri stative passive adalah:
1. Tidak ada action (tindakan).
2. Tindakannya terjadi lebih awal.
3. Tidak diikuti dengan by phrase
4. Verb-3 (Past Participle) berfungsi sebagai adjective.
Example: The door is locked ( pintu itu terkunci)
The window is broken (jendela itu pecah)
I locked the door five minutes ago. (active)
The door was locked by me five minutes ago.(passive)
Now, the door is locked. (stative passive)
Berikut ini beberapa ekpresi umum yang menggunakan Stative Passive :
- Be acquainted (with) ..... - Be excited (about).......
- Be opposed (to) ..... - Be bored (with) .......
- Be exhausted (from) .... - Be pleased (with) .......
- Be broken..... - Be finished (with) ......
- Be prepared (for) ....... - Be closed ..........
- Be frightened (of, by)..... - Be qualified (for) .....
- Be composed of.......... - Be gone (from) .........
- Be related (to) .......... - Be crowded (with) ..........
- Be hurt .......... - Be satisfied (with) ..........
- Be devoted (to) .......... - Be interested (in) ..........
- Be scared (of, by) .......... - Be disappointed (in, with) ..........
- Be involved (in) .......... - Be shut ..........
- Be divorced (from) .......... - Be spoiled ..........
- Be done (with) ....... - Be lost ........
- Be terrified (of, by) ......... - Be drunk (on) .........
- Be made of ...... - Be tired (of, from) ........
- Be engaged (to) ........... - Be married to ........
- Be worried (about) ....... - Be located in, noth of, etc


Bagian-bagian yang membentuk sebuah kalimat dalam bahasa inggris disebut part of speech. Ada 8 bagian
dalam Part of Speech yaitu noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, dan
Bagian-Bagian Part of Speech
1. Noun (Kata Benda)
Noun adalah kata yang berfungsi untuk menamai suatu objek seperti orang, benda, binatang, tempat,
dan hal lainnya. Contohnya seperti cat, doctor, school, Bandung, pencil, bed, sugar, hair, dan lain lain.
Contoh kalimat:
- I buy a new computer today (aku membeli komputer baru hari ini)
- Your hair is so beautiful, do you go to saloon for treatment? (rambutmu cantik sekali, apakah kamu
pergi ke salon untuk perawatan?)
2. Verb (Kata Kerja)
Verb adalah kata yang menunjukkan suatu tindakan dari seseorang atau subject. Contoh katanya adalah
study, drink, eat, drive, make, read, write, swim, walk, run, jump, dan lain lain.
Contoh kalimat:
- I study everyday at school (aku belajar setiap hari di sekolah)
- She is looking for her shoes (dia sedang mencari sepatunya)
3. Adjective (Kata Sifat)
Adjective adalah sebuah kata yang menjelaskan sifat dari noun atau pronoun. Contoh katanya adalah
white, black, long, short, handsome, beautiful, smart, big, small, clever, smart, cute, dan lain sebagainya.
Contoh kalimat:
- Rani is so beautiful, especially when she is wearing red hat (Rani sangat cantik, khususnya pada saat
dia memakai topi berwarna merah)
- My cat has brown fur, It is so soft and shiny (kucingku berbulu coklat, itu sangat lembut dan berkilau)
4. Adverb (Kata Keterangan)
Adverb adalah kata yang menerangkan verb (kata kerja), adjective (kata sifat), dan adverb yang lainnya.
Contoh katanya adalah beautifully, quickly, honestly, fairly, always, usually, angrily, slowly, dan lain lain.
Contoh kalimat:
- She sings beautifully (dia menyanyi dengan cantik)
- I always eat my foods slowly (aku selalu memakan makananku dengan pelan)
5. Pronoun (Kata Ganti)
Pronoun adalah kata ganti untuk benda (noun). Noun ini digunakan supaya kita tidak menyebutkan
noun secara berulang ulang. Contoh katan pronoun adalah I, you, they, we, he, she, it, that, those,
these, this, dan lain sebagainya.
Contoh kalimat:
- You will come to my house tonight, right? (kau akan datang ke rumahku malam ini, benar?)
- He is really sleepy, so he slept in class (dia sangat mengantuk jadi dia tidur di kelas)
6. Preposition (Kata Petunjuk)
Preposition adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan letak sebuah benda atau posisi kita berada.
Contoh kata preposition adalah in, on, at, below, above, in front of, beside, behind, near, around, dan
lain lain.
Contoh kalimat:
- My house is beside the mosque (rumahku ada di sebelah mesjid)
- There is mouse under the table (ada tikus di bawah meja)
7. Conjunction (Kata Penghubung)

Conjunction adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan kata, frase, klausa, atau kalimat.
Contoh kata sambung adalah, For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, dan So atau yang bisa disingkat menjadi
FANBOYS agar kita lebih mudah mengingatnya.
Contoh kalimat:
- Do you like pink or blue? (kamu suka merah muda atau biru?)
- Both of mother and her baby are treated in the hospital (kedua ibu dan bayinya sedang dirawat di
rumah sakit)
8. Interjection (Kata Seruan)
Interjection adalah sebuah ucapan pendek yang menggambarkan emosi atau perasaan seseorang.
Misalnya, Oh!, Ouch!, Eww!, Yummy!, Ahaa!, Oops!, Hurray!, Yippee!, dan lain sebagainya.
Contoh kalimat:
- Wow! Your dress is so beautiful! (Wow, gaunmu sangat indah!)
- Ouch! My knee is hurt, be careful. (Aw! lututku sedang sakit, hati hati)


Adjective berfungsi untuk menerangkan noun. biasanya posisi adjective di depan noun yang
diterangkannya (fungsi attributive). Pada situasi dimana memungkinkan digunakan lebih dari satu adjective,
maka perlu menggunakan adjectve order (urutan adjective dalam bahasa inggris berdasarkan kategori)
untuk menempatkan setiap kata sifat tersebut pada posisi yang tepat.
Tabel Adjective Order
Urutan Kategori Penjelasan Contoh
1 Determiner Kata atau frasa yang digunakan Article (the, a, an), my, your, his, her,
sebelum kata benda. its, our, their, whose, which.
2 Opinion Menyatakan pendapat tentang beautiful, dilligent, delicious, easy,
sesuatu good, important, nice, tidy
3 Size Menyatakan seberapa besar atau kecil big, enormous, large, little, small
suatu kata benda
4 Age Menyatakan seberapa tua atau muda ancient, antique, new, old, young
suatu kata benda
5 Shape Menyatakan bentuk suatu kata benda annular, flat, hexagonal, round,
rectangular, short, square
6 Color Warna suatu kata benda benda black, blue, brownish, green, purple,
reddish, white
7 Origin Kebangsaan Canadian, eastern, French, Greek,
Indonesian, Thai
8 Menyatakan suatu benda terbuat dari cotton, gold, marble, silk, wooden
9 Menjelaskan sesuatu digunakan untuk meeting, travelling, sleeping,
apa (biasanya menggunakan adjective swimming, touring
berupa Present Participle)

Ketika menerangkan noun, dua adjective pada kategori yang sama dapat digunakan secara
bersamaan dengan tanda baca comma (dapat dipisahkan pula dengan coodinate
conjunction and atau but). Adapun tiga atau lebih adjective dari kategori yang sama pisahkan
dengan comma dan coordinate conjunction “and” atau “or”.

 the little, important habits (the little but important habits)
 a smart, talented, and communicative worker

Beberapa contoh adjective order yang membentuk noun phrase adalah sebagai berikut:

Det. Opinion Size Age Shape Color Origin Material Purpose Noun
A beautiful small wooden house
The luxurious large square swimming pool
His healthy curly reddish hair
Some delicious Italian dishes
Two happy young married couple


Clause adalah serangkaian kata yang mengandung subject (pokok kalimat) dan predikat.
1. Macam-macam Clauses
 Main Clause : Serangkaian kata yang mengandung subject dan predikat dan telah mempunyai
pengertian yang sempurna. Main clause disebut juga independent clause atau
Induk kalimat.
Example : - Pare is the most famous place in Indonesia.
- English is an international language.
 Sub Ordinate Clause : Serangkaian kata yang mengandung subject dan predikat tetapi belum
mempunyai pengertian yang sempurna, dan tidak bisa berdiri sendiri,
untuk memahaminya memerlukan kalimat lain yang disebut Main Clause.
Sub Clause disebut juga dengan anak kalimat.
Example : - After I eat,
- When she visited me,
2. Fungsi Clause
Clause mempunyai 3 fungsi / penggunaan, yaitu : Noun Clause, Adjective Clause, dan Adverbial Clause.
a) Noun Clause :Clause yang difungsikan sebagai Noun.
Example : - You love me.
- Noun clause: that you love me.
b) Adjective Clause
Adjective Clause disebut juga relative clause, yaitu anak kalimat yang berfungsi sebagai adjective baik
menerangkan noun atau pronoun. Noun / pronoun yang diterangkan disebut Antecedent.
Secara umum ada 3 fungsi adjective clause, yaitu:
1) Berfungsi sebagai Noun
a. Sebagai Subject
Example : The girl who gave me smile is Rita.
b. Sebagai Object
Example: I met the girl who visited you.
c. Sebagai Appositive (penegas)
Example: The teacher, who teaches math in my school is Mr. Rodi.

2) Berfungsi sebagai Adjective
Example: The girl whose bike I used is Aminah.
3) Berfungsisebagai Adverb
Example: The restaurant where I bought rice is luxurious.
Secara specific Adjective menggunakan kata penghubung Relative Pronoun.
Relative Pronoun mempunyai 3 fungsi :
1. Relative Pronoun as Subject (RPS)
Conjunction yang digunakan :
Who : untuk subject orang.
Which : untuk subject selain orang
Which : untuk semua benda / orang
Ciri RPS setelah conjunction terdapat verb milik antencedent (noun/pronoun yang digantikan)
Example : Kalimat 1 : I gave salary to the man.
Kalimat 2 : He worked in my place.
Menjadi : I gave salary to the man who worked in my place.
Kalimat 1 : The girl was Ani
Kalimat 2 : She gave me smile
Menjadi : The girl who gave me smile was Ani.
Kalimat 1 : The book is expensive.
Kalimat 2 : The book is on the tabe
Menjadi : The book which is on table is expensive.

2. Relative Pronoun as Object (RPO)

Conjunction yang digunakan :
Whom : Object (orang)
Which : Object (selain orang)
That : Semua benda
Ciri RPO, setelah conjunction terdapat subject dan verb transitive. Antecedentnya adalah object
dari verb transitive tersebut.
RPO terbagi dua :
a. Object of Verb
Example : Kalimat 1 : The girl is smart.
Kalimat 2 : I love her.
Menjadi : The girl whom I love is smart.
Kalimat 1 : He likes the book
Kalimat 2 : I bought it
Menjadi : He likes the book which I bought
b. Object of Preposition
Example: Kalimat 1 :She is the girl.
Kalimat 2 :I told you about her.
Menjadi : She is the girl about whom I told you
She is the girl that I told you about
Kalimat 1 : The girl is smart.
Kalimat 2 : I sent message for her
Menjadi : The girl for whom I sent message is smart.
The girl whom I sent message for is smart
3. Relative Pronoun as Possessive (RPP)
Conjunction yang digunakan :
Whose : untuk semua benda.
…. of which : untuk benda selain orang
Ciri RPP whose + noun/noun of which
Example: Kalimat 1 : I saw the boy
Kalimat 2 : His hair is red.
Menjadi : I saw the boy whose hair is red.
Kalimat 1 : My father has an old car.
Kalimat2 : The color of it is red black.
Menjadi : My father has an old car, the color of which is black.
c) Adverbial Clause
Yaitu clause yang berfungsi sebagai adverb, yakni menerangkan kata kerja.
Adverbial clause diklasifikasikan berdasarkan arti atau maksud dari conjunction yang digunakan
sebagai berikut:

a. Clause of time (clause yang menunjukkan waktu)

Conjunction yang digunakan :
After : Setelah As : Saat/sewaktu
Since : Semenjak Wherever : Kapan pun
Before : Sebelum Every time :Setiapwaktu
Until /till : Hingga As long as : Selama
When : Ketika The first time : Pertama kali
While : Saat/sewaktu The last time : Terakhir kali
As soon as : Segerasetelah The next time : Di lain waktu
Example: After she graduates, she will go on her study to higher level
*(Clause of time ini telah dijelaskan secara rinci dalam bab konsep dua kejadian.)

b. Clause of Place (clause yang menerangkan tempat)

Conjunction yang digunakan :
Where : Dimana
Wherever : Dimanapun
Example: - The man died where he was born.
- Where there is a will, there is a way.
- Where there is a will, there we find a way.
- Study where you want!



1. The lady ….. lives across the street is my aunt. (who)

2. The boy ….. shoes are on the floor is my little brother. (whose)
3. The moment ….. the clown burst in to surprise the teacher was great! (when)
4. I still remember the place ….. I put my mobile phone last night. (where)
5. Tokyo, ….. is located in japan, was my favorite city to visit. (where)


Indeks Makna Contoh Prepositional Phrase

Aboard di atas, naik ke atas aboard the roof
About di seputar, di dekat about my home
benda diam di atas benda lain above us
sebelumnya atau diatasnya (tulisan) see above
above di atas/lebih tinggi dari above/over his fence
/over tidak menyentuh; kontradiksi dengan on above/over the floor
Against menempel pada against the wet floor
Along di sepanjang along the Surapati street
alongside di tepi alongside Mahakam river
amid(st) di tengah amid(st) dense forest
[tempat] diantara: seragam, diantara tiga atau
Among among his friends
[tempat] diantara: satu dari, sebagian dari,
around dekat, berada di daerah bersangkutan, di around
/about sekeliling, di sekitar /about this street
terletak pada suatu ukuran atau batasan yang at Bandung Super Mall, atthe top of the
tidak jelas page
dipakai dengan benda-benda yang sulit
ditempati di atas atau di dalamnya at the door
tempat (umum) beraktivitas at home, at work, at school
titik tertentu at the bus stop, at the airport
tempat (posessive) at Edi’s house
tempat (posisi) at the bottom, at the top
away from jauh dari away from home
Behind di belakang behind the bookstore
Beside pinggir, di samping beside Andy
under di bawah under the chair
beneath di bawah, lebih rendah daripada beneath the highway
diantara: berbeda dan terpisah, diantara dua;
between perbedaan diantara satu dengan lainnya between Rian and his brother
by dekat; benda/hal lebih dekat ke benda lainnya stand by her
bermakna “di dalam” (memiliki panjang x
lebar x tinggi atau ruang tertutup) in a box, in the class, in the sea
a position surrounded by an area with and not in the street, in the window, in the
In beyond an open space garden
inside (berada) di dalam inside my PC
in front of [tempat] di depan Tedi sat in front of me.
in the [tempat] di tengah The table is put in the middle of the
middle dinning room
near dekat, di pinggir near the market and bank
next to di sebelah next to me

Indeks Makna Contoh Prepositional Phrase
posisi sesuatu yang menyentuh permukaan on the floor, on the ground, on the
bermakna “di” (posisi) on the right place, on the first
on floor, on the top
Jalan on Ciung Street
di atas/puncak pada permukaan horizontal on top of the page
di pinggir on the lake, on the border
punya penekanan batas (wadah, tembok, dll):
(berada) di luar outside the auditorium
Over menutupi benda lain over my bedroom’s floor


Introducing yourself.
Skills for introduction is the first step of starting communication between nurse and patient. The
most important things of introducing yourself are by saying greeting, contrax time and mention your name.
 Hello my name is Arsyila.
 How do you do?
 Nice to meet you
 I’m in the charge today
 How do you spell your name?

Practice 1

Practice the dialoque in a pairs.

Nurse : Hello, mr Joni, I am Arsyila, I am on duty tonight.
Patient : Hai, nice to meet you.
Nurse : Nice to meet you too. How are you mr Jony?
Patient : I’m better thanks.
Nurse : Alright Mr Jony, see you later.
Patient : See you later.
 Discuss with your friends in pairs about the nursing duties.

Explaining is used to explain something about information questions. You need to use some conjuction
words such as:and, but, or, then, after that, because, for example, etc.
For example:
 Let me tell you this..
 Generally speaking, smoking is harmful
 However, they shoud maintance balanced diet.
 This will give you a lot of energy
 Because milk contains a lot of energy.

Practice 2

Practice the dialoque with your pair.

Patient : What’s going to happen there?
Nurse : First, the doctor will ask you detailed questions.
Patient : About what?
Nurse : About your health, and aany illness you may have had.
Patient : Then?
Nurse : The doctor will physically examine you.
Patient : With my cloths on?
Nurse :Well you may need to take off most your clothing.
Patient : But...?
Nurse : You can ask to e examined by a doctor of the same gender.
 Discuss with your friend how is the appropriate way for history taking.
Consulting is used to consult something that is unclear or need more explanation.
For example:
 What do you think?
 Do you think it is a good idea?
 Do you have any doubts?
 Are you convinced?

Practice 3

Practice the dialoque with your pair.

“ Consulting with the doctor”
Nurse : Doctor I’ve been having this problem. It worries me
Doctor : What is it? Tell me
Nurse : Yesterday when I went shopping I felt dizzy things were moving. I though I was fainting.
Doctor : Then what did you do?
Nurse : I sat down somewhere. I had some fruit juice.. Then I feel better.
Doctor : Then what did you do?
Nurse : I went home and took aspirin, it bothers me..
Doctor : Well... I’d better take a look, let me check.
Nurse :Thanks doctor.
 Make table of complaints to differ the sign and symptoms and discuss with your friend.!
Giving Direction
Giving Direction is one of the competence that nurse must be posses. Nursing intervention needs the
direction , clearly, accurately, and relevance.
For example;
1. You’d better sit down madam
2. After that, you need to do the pre admission test.
3. Before the test, you must be fasting
4. When you get the result,please come back here.
5. The laboratory is down the hallway.

Practice 4

Practice the dialoque with your pair!

“Measuring Blood Pressure”
Nurse “Mrs. Jackson, I’m just going to do some routine test. I want to start off with your blood
pressure. Just to make sure that everything’s OK. All Alright?”
Mrs. Jackson :”I see, yes off course.”
Nurse “So I’m going to wrap this around your arm the I’ll pump some air into it so I can read your
blood pressure..... How’s that feel? OK?”
Mrs. Jackson “Feels a bit funny”
Nurse “Does it? Never mind, it’ll be over in a second or two.”
Mrs Jackson “Is it OK? My pressure I mean?”
Nurse “Yes everything perfect and you pop this in your mouth, under your tongue?. Good And
while you are doing that I’ll just take your pulse.”
 Discuss with your friend what the appropriate method in observing patient!
Asking Question.
Asking question purpose to gather information needed in order to explore and identify the relevance data.
For example:
 Excuse me, can I ask you something
 What symptoms do you have?
 Do you have pains here?
 Are you covered by any health insurance?
 Are you allergic to any antibiotics?

Practice 5

Practice the dialoque in pair.

Nurse :Good morning mr Joni. How are you today?
Patient :Fine thanks
Nurse :Have you been fasting since last night?
Patient :Yes I have
Nurse :Good, are you ready for the urine and blood test now?
Patient :Of course
Nurse :Do you want anything for your breakfast afterward?
Patient :Yes please. Something light.
Nurse :You mean fruit, cereal or...
Patient :Just one apple and banana. Thanks
Nurse :Not a problem.
 Discuss with your friend about your first experience in blood donor!


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