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Allyarisna Novia R


Kimia Tekstil/1K1

Correction :

1. False = I was born at Tasikmalaya in 21 July 1999

True = I was born in Tasikmalaya on July 21st, 1999
Reason = Tasikmalaya belongs to the name of place , so “at” can be replaced by “in” because
it is include to place but in the general sense, and for the date or month we can use “on” , to
write the date, month, and year, it should be month, date, and year.
2. False = I live on Kadipaten Raya street number 31 Bandung City
True = I live at Kadipaten Raya street number 31, Bandung City
Reason = Kadipaten Raya street number 31, Bandung City is a place but in the spesific sense,
so, “on” should replaced with “at”.
3. False = my elder brothers have been working at “Bank Nasional Indonesia” Jakarta
True = my elder brother have been working at “Bank Nasional Indonesia”, Jakarta
Reason = it refers to “elder”, so it cant added “s” for “brother”.
4. False = she is studying really hard to deal with national exam.
True = she is studying really hard to deal the national examination.
Reason = the word “with” replaced with “the” because it refers to spesific activity.
5. False = my hobbies are always changing my hobbies itself
True = my hobbies are always changing itself
Reason = my hobbies is deleted because “itself” refers to hobbies.
6. False = and then I also liked playing basketball, and so the other things.
True = also like playing basketball, and the other things.
Reason = “ and then i” deleted because based on the sentence before it the word “also”
already represents it, the word “liked” replaced with “like” because it represents for
“menyukai” not “disukai” in Indonesian language, the word “so” deleted because it
unnecessary for this context.
7. False = I’m the person who need to try hard for adaptation in the new social circle.
True = I’m the person who needs to try hard for adaptation in the new social circle.
Reason = = the plural verb “need” does not appear to agree with singular subject “the person”,
so it replaced with the singular verb “needs”.
8. False = But if I have feel comfortable in my new social circle or feel so enjoy to my new
True = But, if I have felt comfortable in my new social circle or feel so enjoy with my new
Reason = it appears that the verb “feel” should be in the past participle form, the prepotition
“to” can replaced with “ with” because “to” unnecassary fot this context.
9. False = because since I was born I always school near from my house
True = because since I was born I always school near to my house
Reason = it appears that the preposition “from” not suitable with this context.
10. False = It’s like a bird that always stay in its cage.
True = It’s like a bird that always stays in its cage.
Reason = the plural verb “stay” does not appear to agree with singular subject “a bird”, so it
replaced with the singular verb “stays”.
11. False = But I really enjoy for studying in this campus
True = But I really enjoy studying at this campus
Reason = it appears that the preposition “for” unnecassary fot this context, and “this campus”
represents to spesific sense, so used “at” for the preposition.
12. False = But sometimes I feel so bored, because since
True = But sometimes I feel so bored because since
Reason = it appears that the sentence has an unnecessary comma before the dependent clause
marker “because”.
13. False = Also this campus is near from my home
True = Also, this campus is near from my home
Reason = it appears that the sentence has missing comma after the introductory phrase “also”.
14. False = It is so challenging for me, because something like
True = It is so challenging for me because something like
Reason = it appears that the sentence has an unnecessary comma before the dependent clause
marker “because”.

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