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Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts

Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts

God Gave His children spiritual gifts. Part of His overall plan for the church is to see these gifts used to
accomplish His purposes. And we know that His plan and purpose for believers are good.

We normally receive gifts during special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, and during Christmas. They come
wrapped in colorful paper and ribbons. Unwrapping the gifts is an exciting part of these celebrations. Knowing
how best to use the gifts we received to their maximum potential gives us fulfillment and satisfaction.

Our desire is to help you unwrap and discover your spiritual gifts so that, together with the empowerment of god,
you could use their potential to serve Him in the local Body of Christ.


A. What Are Spiritual gifts?
Read 1 Corinthians 12:7; Ephesians 4:12
Based on these two verses, write your own one-sentence definition of spiritual gifts on the box below.

B. What observations can we make regarding spiritual gifts?

Read 1 Corinthians 12:1-20

1. What is the command regarding spiritual gifts? (v.1) ___________________________

2. Who has spiritual gifts? (vv.7a, 11) _______________________________________

3. How should spiritual gifts be used? (v.7b) __________________________________

4. Who gives the spiritual gifts? (vv. 11, 18) __________________________________

5. Not all believers are important in the body of Christ, right? (vv. 14-20) _____________
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts


What are the different kinds of spiritual gifts?.
Complete the chart below by listing the gifts from each passage.

1 Corinthians Romans 12:6-8 Ephesians 4:11 1 Peter 4:11

12:4-11, 28


Why were the spiritual gifts given?
Read Ephesians 4:7-13
1. Spiritual gifts were given as a manifestation of God's grace (v.7).
2. Spiritual gifts were given to prepare God's people for works of service (v.12a).
3. Spiritual gifts were given so that when God's people do the works of service, the body of Christ may be
built up (v.12b).
4. Spiritual gifts were given so that as these are used to serve and to build up the body, Christ-like maturity
results (v.13).
Romans 1:11-12
1. Spiritual gifts can be used to make others strong in the faith (v.11).
2. Spiritual gifts can be used for mutual encouragement (v.12).

1 Corinthians 12:4-7
1. Spiritual gifts were given to show that there is one living God that works in all believers (vv. 4-6).
2. Spiritual gifts were given for the common good of all believers (v.7)

Try this: WITHOUT looking at the notes can you mention at least two reasons why God gave us spiritual
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts


Feeling pity and providing for the need of those Mk. 9:41; Lk. 10:30-37; Acts
1 Acts of mercy
suffering and the less fortunate. 16:33-34; Rom. 12:8
Acts 9:36-42 19:11-20; Rom.
Giving guidance and counsel as exercised in the
2 Administration 15:18-19; 1 Cor. 12:28; 1 Cor.
elder/deacon ministries 14:24
Rom. 12:20; 1 Cor. 12:28; 2
Preaching the Gospel and establishing a solid church
3 Apostleship Cor. 12:12; Eph. 2:20; Heb. 3:1;
mostly in unreached areas
Eph. 4:11-12
Knowing the kind of spirit behind a person or
Discernment of Acts5:1-11; 16:16-18; Mk.
4 doctrine; knowing how to distinguish truth from
spirits 9:29; 1Cor. 12:10; 1John 4:1-6
Encouragement / Comforting and persuading people to follow God's Acts 14:22; Rom. 12:8; 1 Tim.
Exhortation will through singing, counseling, writing, etc. 4:13; Heb. 10:25
Communicating the Gospel effectively, mobilizing
Acts 8:5-6; Eph. 4:11-12; 2Tim.
6 Evangelism God's people to this task and developing methods on
how to share the Gospel
Endowment by the Spirit whereby that which is
Acts 11:22-24; 27:21-25; Rom.
7 Faith uttered or desired by man or spoken by God shall
4:18-21; 1 Cor. 12:9; Heb. 11
eventually come to pass, (e.g. praying for the sick)
Mk. 12:41-44; Rom. 12:8; 2
8 Giving Aid Sensing the Needs of others
Cor. 9:2-8
Mk.16:18; Acts3:1-10; 5:12-16;
9 Healing Healing diseases and infirmities not by natural means
Acts9:32-35; 1Cor.12:9,28
Acts 16:14-15; Rom. 12:9-13,
10 Helping Helping others with their personal needs
Providing an open home, warm welcome, and caring
11 Hospitality2 1 Pet. 4:9-11
Praying for extended periods of time on a regular Acts 12:12; Col. 1:9-12; 4:12-
12 Intercession2
basis; sees specific answers to prayer 13; 1Tim. 2:1-2; James 5:14-16
Interpreting Translating spiritual truths uttered in tongues and 1Cor.12:10,28,30; 14:13-19, 26-
tongues languages understood by men. 28
Directing God's people and managing the work Acts 7:10; 15:7-11; Rom.12:8;
14 Leadership
wisely and in an orderly manner. 1Tim.5:17; Heb.13:7,17
John 10:1-18; Eph.4:11-14;
15 Pastor2 Ministry of caring for people's spiritual welfare
1Tim.3:1-7; 1Pet.5:2-4
Receiving special (not extra) revelation from God on Lk.7:26; Rom.12:6;
16 Prophecy
the mysteries of his word 1Cor.2:10,28; 14:3; Eph.11-14
Acts 6:1-7; Rom.12:7;
Helping in the practical side of church ministry, (e.g.
17 Service/helps Gal.6:2,10; 2Tim.1:16-18; Titus
doing artwork, arranging, and decorating)
Speaking in Expressing spiritual truths in languages or sounds not Mk.16:17; Acts2:1-13; 19:1-7;
tongues understood by the speaker himself 1Cor.12:10,28; 14:13-19
Mk.1:22; Acts 18:24-28;
Expounding God's word to equip the believers in
19 Teaching Rom.12:7; 1Cor.12:28;
their ministries
Work of Knowing the situation or needs of a person without Acts 5:1-11; 1Cor.2:14; 12:8;
knowledge being conveyed naturally 2Cor.11:6; Col.2:2-3
Acts 6:3-10; 1Cor.2:1-13, 12:1,
21 Word of wisdom Applying God's word into practical situations
6-16; James 1:5-6
Mk. 11:23-24; Acts 9:36-42,
Working of
22 Performing supernatural works 19:11-20; Rom. 15:18-19;
1Cor.12:10, 28
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts

Sources: 1) GROWTH Discipleship Series by Dr. Luis Pantoja Jr.

2) Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire of Lawnton Baptist Church, Australia
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts


A. Have some of the gifts ceased to exist?
There are two major positions regarding some of the spiritual gifts, particularly the spectacular or
charismatic ones (i.e. healing, miracles, tongues, prophesying etc.) and they have stirred considerable
controversy in recent years.

The Cessarionist view

This view says that this gifts have ceased (particularly tongues). It cites 1 Corinthians 13:8 where it
says "…But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be
stilled." This is the view held by many mainline denominations.

The Non-cessarionist view

This view holds the position that the spectacular gifts are still dispensed by the Holy Spirit. There is
no indication that the Holy Spirit has ceased giving these gifts to the church. This is the position held
by many charismatic and Pentecostal groups.

The CBAP Position

The Conservative Baptist Association of the Philippines issued the paper Affirmations and Denials, A
Position Paper on Charismatic Issues. Regarding the gifts of the Holy Spirit, specifically the
spectacular gifts…

The Gift
Gift of
of the
the Holy
Holy Spirit
We affirm
affirm the
the gift
gift of
of the
the Holy
Holy Spirit
Spirit where
where in in the
the Spirit
Spirit Himself
Himself isis the
the gift
gift to
to everyone
everyone who who believes
in Jesus
Jesus Christ
Christ (Acts
(Acts 2:38-39).
2:38-39). WeWe affirm,
affirm, furthermore,
furthermore, that that upon
upon receiving
receiving thethe gift
gift of
of the
the Spirit,
Spirit, He
himself gives
gives gifts
gifts or
or special
special abilities
abilities to
to each
each believer
believer to to assist
assist in
in the
the building
building up up of
of the
the Body
Body ofof
Christ toward
toward Christian
Christian maturity
maturity and
and toto carry
carry out
out the
the mission
mission of of the
the church
church (Rom.
(Rom. 12;12; 11 Cor.
Cor. 12;
12; Eph.
4; 1 Pet. 4). Such being the case, we affirm that spiritual gifts are dispensed sovereignty by the Spirit
1 Pet. 4). Such being the case, we affirm that spiritual gifts are dispensed sovereignty by the Spirit
according to to His
His purpose,
purpose, indiscriminate
indiscriminate of of gender,
gender, andand rendered
rendered valuable
valuable when
when exercised
exercised with
with love
or the fruit of the Spirit (1 Cor. 13). In as much as spiritual gifts are linked to the life and mission of
the fruit of the Spirit (1 Cor. 13). In as much as spiritual gifts are linked to the life and mission of
the church,
church, wewe affirm
affirm the the possibility
possibility that
that God
God could
could still
still use
use spectacular
spectacular gifts
gifts toto authenticate
authenticate the the
Gospel witness
witness in in special
special situations
situations until
until the
the end
end ofof the
the church
church age.
age. (Underscoring
(Underscoring supplied;
supplied; taken
from the Count Me In CBAP 2001 National
from the Count Me In CBAP 2001 National Assembly program).Assembly program).

B. How Should We Deal With This Issue?

1. We need to respect the position of others regarding the spectacular gifts.
2. We need to keep in mind that even if the gifts have ceased, we cannot stop God if He chooses to
reestablish these.
3. We need to observe the Scriptural guidelines regarding the proper use of these gifts. Example -The
proper use of the gift of tongues- 1 Corithians 14; What to do when one prophesies - 1 Thessalonians

4. When all else fails, love one another rather than rigidly sticking to our position (1 Corinthians 13)
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts


A. What is the difference between a talent and a spiritual gifts?
A talent is not a spiritual gift. Although they both come ultimately from the same source (God), there
are several distinctions between the two.


You are born with it You need to be born again to have it
(natural ability) (Supernatural ability)
You use it to entertain You use it to edify and encourage.
You need the Spirit's power and love to become
You need to practice to become excellent
excellent in using your gift according to God's
in using your talent.
Your God is the focus of attention
You are the focus of attention.
(His glory)

B. Question to ponder/discuss:
1. Can a spiritual gift manifest itself through talent? Can you give an example?
2. When one becomes a Christian, can he or she use talent to serve God?


What unhealthy attitudes must I avoid? (From He Gave Gifts, Chuck Swindoll)
• Waiting for a sudden inspiration from God
• Extremes of pride or envy toward one's gift or other's gifts
• Quitting because of conflict with someone or lack of appreciation
• Selfish motives rather than servant attitude


How do I know my spiritual gift?
There is no clear teachings in the Scriptures on how to discover your spiritual gifts.
However, the exhortation of Paul in 1 Corinthians 12:1 is "… about spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want
you to be ignorant."

This means that:

1. God wants us to know our gifts.
2. There are hard and fast rules of determining one's spiritual gifts. The process may vary from church
to church.
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts

Steps to Knowing Your Spiritual Gift(s)

1. Study of the Scriptures
Study Bible packages that list the spiritual gifts. Look up Bible passages that show how the gifts are
used. Consider the context of the passage. Not everything is applicable today. However, we could
draw the helpful Biblical principles that are still applicable today.

2. Self-evaluation
a. What do you enjoy doing?
b. What do you dwell?
c. What do you do that brings joy to others?

Write your answers in the box below:

3. Significant Input from Others

a. What do your family members say you dwell?
b. What other areas do your friends and fellow believers say you are gifted?

Write your answers in the box below:

From #2 and #3 above, what do you think maybe your gift?

4. Spiritual Gifts Questionnaires

Questionnaires helps you discover your gifts in an organized manner. This may serve to confirm what
you answered above. The questionnaire that you will use is an adaptation of the Spiritual Gifts
Questionnaire of Lawton Baptist Church in Brisbane, Australia. Follow the instructions that are
included. After doing the questionnaire, turn to page 7.
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts


Where can I use my spiritual gifts?
After accomplishing the Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire, look up the list of Available Ministry Opportunities
in GCF. For example your #1 Dominant gift is Leadership. From the among available ministry
opportunities, you would like to first try becoming a Bible Study leader, write this beside the gift. Then
write the GCF Ministry where you want to be involved, say for instance Equipping.


A. Top 3 (Dominant Gifts) Desired Ministry GCF Ministry


1 Leadership Bible Study Leader Districts / Equipping

A. Top 3 (Dominant Gifts) Desired Ministry GCF Ministry


B. Next 3 Subordinate Gifts)


Did the result of the questionnaire confirm what you wrote in your self-evaluation and input from others?
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts


What do I do next?
1. Be Informed
Today's workshop is only the beginning of your investigation. Continue to search out information
about the spiritual gift in a variety of resources.

2. Be Open and Tolerant

Experiment with different gifts. Tolerate new ideas and be open. Stop making negative remarks such
as "I'm too young" or "too old" or "too inexperienced."

3. Be Diligent
Work diligently in the exercise of your gift/s, do not just "coast along".

4. Be Faithful
Develop your gift for the long haul, and use it regularly.

You can develop your spiritual gift, but it means taking a chance, trying new ministries, saying yes although you've
said no up until now. It means determining to be the person God has designed you to be.

You are embarking on an important step in your journey in Christ. Understanding that
God has not only saved you by grace, but has also given you gifts of grace (your spiritual
gifts) in which to minister, is truly a thrilling experience.

In the following questionnaire you will answer 110 personal experiential questions that
will be used to help you begin to identify your unique area(s) of giftedness. Your gifts,
blended together with personality and life experience, give you a unique contribution
that you and you alone can make to the Body of Christ.

However, do not regard the results of this questionnaire as the final authority. Instead,
let this be a starting point, and let the results be confirmed through prayer, the study of
God's Word, ministry experience, and the counsel of discerning believers.

Step 1 Go through the list of 110 questions and mark your response. Write your
answers on the answer sheet that is provided. Do not respond what you
think should be true. Be honest and score on the basis of past
experience. For each question mark to what extent the statement is true
of your life and doctrine only.

OFTEN, SOME of the time, LITTLE of the time, or NONE of the time.

Step 2 When completed, add the scores on the answer sheet horizontally. The
top three highest are your dominant gifts. The next three highest are
your subordinate gifts.

Step 3 After filling in your scores identify your corresponding gifts. You may
examine the definitions again. If necessary, study the Scriptural
references given.

Step 4 A pastor could help you interpret the results of the Questionnaire and, in
the light of the results, discuss ministry opportunities available for your
gifts within the Church.

The Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire is more than just a discovery tool. It has been designed
to help each person find his or her place in ministry. We encourage you to step out and
trust God to lead you into the area of ministry He has gifted you to perform. God has so
designed the Body that each of us plays an important part in helping extend the Church
and the Kingdom of God.

As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good steward of the
manifold grace of God (1 Pet. 4:10).

The head-Christ-from the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint
supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share,
causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love (Eph. 4:15-16).

Source: Lawnton Baptist Church

Page 11 of 17

Often Some Little None
QUESTIONS - Knowing your Spiritual Gifts (3) (2) (1) (0)

1 I love to tell others about Jesus. ###

Contributing financially to programs to help orphans or the underprivileged

2 ###
has been a joy to me.

3 I help start a new church, which exists today. ###

Others have told me they have been encouraged by letters I have sent or
4 ###
things I have sent to them.
I have interpreted tongues with the result that the body of Christ was
5 ###
identified, exhorted or comforted.

6 Explaining things to others from the Bible is a real joy to me. ###

7 People say they feel at home when they come to my home. ###

8 When I have laid hands on the sick, they have been helped. ###

9 Intuitively I arrived at solutions to complicated problems. ###

When a group is lacking in organization, I intend to step in and help them

10 ###
organize the task so it can be accomplished.

11 I am handy at most things and adaptable. ###

While praying, at times I have had a strong sense of a prayer need and have
12 ###
begun praying for it then.
I often find my self believing God for the impossible, and helping others see
13 ###
what God may want to do.

14 I trust God to meet my needs as I faithfully give to the church. ###

I can see through a phony before his phoniness becomes evident to many
15 ###
It is a pleasure relating to the same group of people over a long period of
16 ###
time in their successes and failures.
Being active and doing a task or job rather than just sitting around and
17 ###
talking or planning ministry suits me fine.
In the name of the Lord, I have been used miraculously to change
18 ###
circumstances and thus God was glorified.

19 I have spoken in languages I have not learned. ###

More than once I have become convinced that God was giving me a message
20 ###
for the church.
When I speak in a group of people, I often find them agreeing with what I
21 ###
feel should be done.
I have a hunger to study God's word in order to learn and discover new
22 ###
Biblical truths.
Page 12 of 17
Often Some Little None
QUESTIONS - Knowing your Spiritual Gifts (3) (2) (1) (0)
The burden in my heart is to seek out unbelievers in order to win them to
23 ###
I have felt an unusual compassion for those with physical, mental or spiritual
24 ###
I feel I could proclaim the Gospel in a new area and see new groups of
25 ###
Christians formed.
When I have shared with Christians in their afflictions, struggles and
26 ###
sufferings, their spirits have been lifted.

27 Others have been blessed when I have interpreted tongues. ###

I enjoy devoting time to learning new Biblical truths in order to communicate

28 ###
them to others.

29 My home is always open to who are in need of a place to stay. ###

I feel a deep, caring love for those who are ill and a call to help them get
30 ###
At times I have been able to perceive and apply Biblical truth to specific
31 ###
needs of the body of Christ.
Giving directions to others and making decisions for them, rather trying to
32 ###
persuade them to my way of thinking is how I operate best.

33 Helping others in practical ways is how I spend my time. ###

34 I take prayer requests very seriously. ###

At times I have had confidence that God would keep His promise in spite of
35 ###
the circumstances.
There is an inward joy in my life when I am giving to meet a need and
36 ###
doesn't matter anyone knows about it or not.
Sometimes I am concerned about preachers misinterpreting or misapplying
37 ###
the Scriptures.
I am comfortable giving spiritual guidance and direction to a group of
38 ###

39 When ask to do tasks, I respond even if they seem menial. ###

40 God has sometimes intervened to do impossible things in my life. ###

I have spoken a message and when it was interpreted God seemed to bless
41 ###
the group through it.
Messages I felt came from God have proved to be timely and urgent when
42 ###
delivered to others.
Sometimes other believers have followed my leading in a situation because
43 ###
they sensed God was guiding me.

44 I have studied and read a great deal to learn Biblical truths. ###
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Often Some Little None
QUESTIONS - Knowing your Spiritual Gifts (3) (2) (1) (0)
When I have explained clearly that Jesus is the Savior, I have seen positive
45 ###
effects on the listeners.
I have a desire to work with those who have physical, mental or addictive
46 ###
problems, to alleviate their suffering.

47 Whenever I hear of a new church starting I am overjoyed. ###

I am sensitive to people and can recognize that they are hurting even when
48 ###
others don't seem to see it.
God has used me to interpret when someone begins speaking a message in
49 ###

50 Others seem to learn new Biblical truths when I communicate with them. ###

I feel I could provide food and/or lodging without too much trouble to those in
51 ###
I enjoy praying for the sick and those who are struggling emotionally because
52 ###
I believe that many of them will be restored.
When a person has a problem, I can usually help them find the best Biblical
53 ###

54 Doing office work thoroughly is of great enjoyment to me. ###

55 When I have done routine tasks it led to a more effective ministry by others. ###

56 God has consistently answered my prayers in tangible ways. ###

There have been times when I felt awe I knew God's specific leading and I
57 ###
could see what needed to occur even though others have not been so sure.

A deep sense of urgency comes upon me when I am confronted with urgent

58 ###
financial needs in God's work and I can usually find something to give.

I have accurately recognized whether a teaching is from God, from Satan, or

59 ###
of human origin.

60 Presently I am responsible for the spiritual welfare of a group of people. ###

I find myself looking for tasks that need to be done at the church or in the
61 ###
ministry and then making time to see they are accomplished.

62 God seems to involve me in situations where supernatural events take place. ###

In private I find myself lifting up praise and adoration in a language that is

63 ###
not known to me.
Preaching or talking about Jesus to a congregation or group is most enjoyable
64 ###
for me.

65 When I join a group, others seem to step back and want me to take the lead. ###

66 I feel I can Acquire and master new facts and principles of Bible truths. ###
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Often Some Little None
QUESTIONS - Knowing your Spiritual Gifts (3) (2) (1) (0)
Some have been led to a decision to follow Christ through faith when I have
67 ###
shared the Gospel with them.

I enjoy spending time with those who often get ignored by the church; the
68 ###
lonely, shuts-in, single parents, the aged or other down-and-outers.

69 I have been a charter member of a new church. ###

People seem to be motivated to get involved in ministry when I spend time

70 ###
with them.
Sometimes when a person speaks in tongues, I have a good idea what God is
71 ###
wanting to say.
As a result of sharing Biblical truths with others, their lives have been
72 ###

73 I enjoy arranging and preparing church teas, suppers and social events. ###

God has used me to help bring healing to those struggling with an illness or
74 ###
past hurts.
I have an unusual presence of God and personal confidence when important
75 ###
decisions needed to be made.
Good, clear, simple and efficient organization is my contribution to serving
76 ###
the Lord.
It gives me a great deal of pleasure to assist leaders and free them to
77 ###
minister in the way God has gifted them.
When I hear a prayer request, I often find myself praying for that need for
78 ###
the next several days.
Trusting in the reliability of God when all else looks dim poses few problems
79 ###
for me.
People say that they are blessed by how willing I am to share the resources
80 ###
God has given me.
Sometimes I can see through situations and recognize those things that are
81 ###
not of God.

82 Good relationships with others come easily to me. ###

I enjoy being called upon to do special jobs around the church and it is
83 ###
tremendous when God gets the credit.
Others can point to specific instances jobs when my prayers have resulted in
84 ###
visible miracles.

85 Sometimes I have spoken to God in a language I have never learned. ###

86 I love the study and work in preparing a message. ###

God seems to have given me an ability to persuade others to move towards

87 ###
achieving Biblical objectives.
I find that when I apply myself to studying the Scriptures, I sometimes get
88 ###
insights others never see.
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Often Some Little None
QUESTIONS - Knowing your Spiritual Gifts (3) (2) (1) (0)
I often find myself attracted to non-believers and am sometimes more at
89 ###
ease with them than believers.
A deep concern comes over me when I see others with material or personal
90 ###

91 God seems to be calling me to do church planting. ###

In my experience, I have found that I am a person people talk to and I often

92 ###
have a heart-to-heart talk with them.
Some have told me that when people are speaking in tongues, my insight
93 ###
into what God is saying has been accurate.
People have told me that when I share, the Bible becomes more relevant and
94 ###

95 My home is always available for ministry. ###

96 Others have been healed when I have prayed for them. ###

People seek my advice in relationship to how God might be leading them or

97 ###
what God might be saying through their study of the Bible.
I enjoy handling the details of organizing ideas, people and resources for
98 ###
more effective ministry.

99 I get great joy from working behind the scenes and helping others. ###

I find great delight in staying behind the scenes and supporting the ministry
100 ###
through prayer.

101 Others have told me that I am a person of unusual vision and belief in God. ###

I am certain God has given me special abilities to make money so I can give
102 ###
large amounts away.
I can tell, with a fairly high degree of assurance, when a person is afflicted by
103 ###
an evil spirit.
I have been able to guide needy Christians to relevant portions of the Bible
104 ###
and prayed with them.

105 Performing routine tasks for God's glory gives me great satisfaction. ###

106 I have been an instrument for God's supernatural change in lives and events. ###

I have found myself ministering to the body of Christ or worshipping Him in a

107 ###
tongue or language I do not know.

108 God has given me a clear call to preach. ###

109 I have been or am at present serving in a leadership position in the church. ###

I often seem to know spontaneously some things I could not know unless God
110 ###
had given them to me.
In the grid below, write your answer in the bigger box. Then add together the numerical values
of each of your responses (horizontally).
OFTEN = 3 SOME = 2 LITTLE = 1 NOT AT ALL = 0 ###
(Boxed Upper Left) #1
1 23 45 67 89 Evangelism ###
2 24 46 68 90 Mercy ###
3 25 47 69 91 Apostle ###
4 26 48 70 92 Encouragement ###
5 27 49 71 93 Interpretation of Tongues
6 28 50 72 94 Teaching ###
7 29 51 73 95 Hospitality ###
8 30 52 74 96 Healings ###
9 31 53 75 97 Wisdom ###
10 32 54 76 98 Administration ###
11 33 55 77 99 Helps ###
12 34 56 78 ### Intercession ###
13 35 57 79 ### Faith ###
14 36 58 80 ### Giving ###
15 37 59 81 ### Discerning of Spirits
16 38 60 82 ### Pastor ###
17 39 61 83 ### Service ###
18 40 62 84 ### Miracles ###
19 41 63 85 ### Tongues ###
20 42 64 86 ### Prophecy ###
21 43 65 87 ### Leadership ###
22 44 66 88 ### Knowledge ###
From the results above, list your three highest totals under Dominant and your next three
highest totals under Subordinate. If there are ties, rank them according to what you feel is the
most dominant.
Dominant Subordinate

1 1

2 2
3 3

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