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Practical Parasitology Msc Bahaa alaa farhan

Lab 18: Viruses

Viruses :
are extremely small infective agents. A complete particle , or virion , has much
simpler structure than a cell. It essentially consist of a block of genetic material
(DNA or RNA ) surrounded by protein coat that protects it from the environment
and aid in its transmission from host to host, the protein coat of virus is called the
capsid .
capsids normally have one of three shapes
1.icosahedral ( as in the poliovirus ).
2-helical ( as in the tobacco mosaic virus)
3.complex (as in the bacteriophages , or phages

Inoculation of chick embryos for cultivation of animal virus :-

This method is used for cultivation of more than 30 species of viruses such as
Influenza , Variola (small pox) , Vaccinia, Herpes , Mump , and New castle virus
there are many advantage , of using embryonated eggs which are :-
1.Availability in unlimited quantities
2.the relative ease of handling
23.the eggs components are sterile

To determine if the embryo is alive :

living embryo make spontaneous shaking movement ( in response to the heat and
intensity of the strong light) and show well - developed and translucent blood
vessels while dead embryos are immobile , their blood vessels rarely visible.

Routes of inoculation of embryonated egg :-

1.the allantoic & amniotic cavities
2.Yolk sac
3.choroallantoic membrane
4. the embryo itself

Signs of virus infection in chick embryo :-

Can be recognized by one or more of the following criteria :-
1.the death of the embryo
2.Demonstration of RBC, clumping reaction by virus containing fluids
(hemagglutination as in Influenza & Mumps viruses )
3.local lesions which vary in size , shape.

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