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Butler Area School District

Guidelines for Using Web 2.0 Online Collaborative Media Tools

The Butler Area School District understands the importance of teachers and students
engaging, collaborating, learning, and sharing in digital environments. Students are
required to demonstrate proficiency in several Pennsylvania Academic Standards for
Science and Technology that relate to digital literacy skills and the use of current
technology tools to design and apply advanced multimedia techniques. The ISTE National
Education Technology Standards (NETS) for students require that students use digital
media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including through
online interactive media tools, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning
of others.

• Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety
of digital environments and media.
• Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a
variety of media and formats.
• Develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of
other cultures.
• Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.

The 21st Century Workforce Commission National Alliance of Business has identified 21st
Century skills upon which the current and future health of America’s 21st Century digital-
age economy depends. The four broad categories of these skills include Digital Literacy
Skills – Today’s Basic, Inventive Thinking – Intellectual Capital, Interactive
Communication – Social and Personal Skills, and Quality – State-of-the-Art Results.

To this aim, the Butler Area School District has developed the following guidelines to
provide direction for teachers, students, and the school district community when using
online media tools such as wikis, blogs, glogs, podcasts, video conferencing, or other
online interactive media tool commonly referred to as Web 2.0 applications. Online media
tools should be used only to support the curriculum and enhance teaching and learning.
By accessing, creating, or contributing to any blogs, wikis, glogs, podcasts, or other
media for classroom or district use, you agree to abide by the District’s acceptable use
policy and these guidelines. Please read them carefully to be sure that you understand
them prior to using any of these tools.

Web 2.0 Application Examples and FAQ’s

What is meant by Web 2.0?
"Web 2.0" is not an updated or new version of the World Wide Web but rather it is
commonly associated with web development and web design that facilitates interactive
information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design and collaboration on the
Internet. Examples of Web 2.0 applications include sites for web-based collaborative
presentation tools like Google Docs or Glogster as well as wikis, blogs, podcasts, and
Internet-based videoconferencing. A Web 2.0 site allows its users to interact with other
users or to change website content, in contrast to non-interactive websites where users
are limited to the passive viewing of information that is provided to them.

What is a Wiki ?
A wiki is a Web site that allows users to add and update content on the site using their
own Web browser. This is made possible by Wiki software that runs on the Web server.
Wikis are created mainly by a collaborative effort of the site visitors. A great example of a
large wiki is the Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia in many languages that anyone can edit.

How can a Wiki be used in the classroom?

• Students can use information gathered in research to collaboratively create a
subject specific Web page.
• Students can use the wiki to engage and discuss different points of view on a
selected topic.
• Students/and or teachers can use the wiki to post and respond to questions on a
selected topic.
• Students can create and share study materials for everyone to use.
• Teachers can post and discuss lessons and activities throughout the year.
• Each student or group of students can create and add a page to the wiki as a
• Teachers can post resources and links to supplement lessons and activities.
• Students can post their lab reports.
• Students in more than one classroom can collaborate without being in the same

What is a Blog
Short for "Web Log," a blog is a web page where a person can regularly make entries like
a journal. Blogs are commonly used for commentary, journaling of events, news or
information about a specific subject, or reflective writing. Entries most
commonly appear in reverse chronological order, and can contain images, links, or
embedded video players. Readers of the blog can leave written comments on the blog
page, if the blog creator chooses to enable this feature.

How can a blog be used in the classroom?

• Create a blog which provides additional material on thematic units you study. You
can link to supplemental videos, podcasts and websites
to encourage extended learning.
• Create a blog where students list hypotheses before a science experiment. When
the experiment is done, the results can be posted and
compared to initial hypotheses.
• Create a blog where students share stories about their favorite holiday or event, or
blog about traditions in their family.
• Create a blog which lists creative writing prompts or post visual images.
Encourage students to post after selecting a prompt or picture.
Let this evolve so that students begin writing the prompts for other students.
• Create a blog where students post reviews for books they are reading.
• Create a blog where every member of the class posts about a favorite vacation.
Embed in a "collaborative Google map" where everyone
"pins" their favorite vacations on one map.
• Create a blog where you list various statements that are facts and opinion.
Students can leave comments explaining why each is either a
fact or opinion.
• Create a blog where students create a timelines (use online web ware such as for events in a novel or story, or for
historical events being studied.
• Create a blog that displays information and characteristics of various art
movements. Post famous art pictures and have students
comment on the prominent characteristics of each. Let students find and post
examples of various movements and techniques in art they find.
• Create a blog where students collect data on science experiments. Use blog to
display information gathered from Google spreadsheets.
Students can create/embed graphs and charts explaining relationships of data.
• Create a blog where students respond to particular relevant political cartoons. Ask
students to evaluate the real meaning behind the cartoon and correlate its
importance to current events.
• Students can create a blog to showcase individual art projects (using a digital
camera and scanner).

What is a Glog ?
Users can create free online, interactive digital posters called Glogs on,
which can contain video clips, music, digital photos, Web links, and graphics. These
digital posters can then be viewed during classroom presentations, viewed online by the
teacher, or can be embedded in other tools such as wikis, blogs, or Google maps. The
Glogs are housed on an online server, and can be edited and viewed anywhere there is an
Internet connection. Best of all, no art supplies are needed in the classroom!

How can a glog be used in the classroom?

• Substitute for traditional paper poster projects.
• Supplement written projects with a visual media Glog poster, such as for
biographies, or historical timelines.
• Use in place of oral reports or PowerPoint for class presentations.
• Create a Glog about an individual leader or notable person, and then embed it in a
class collaborative Google Map place marker. A colorful, digital biography will
appear when a “visitor” to the map clicks on that place marker.
• Make an easy, yet colorful and expressive Glog and embed it as your blog
homepage, or have students design ones to fit the themes of their blogs. (See a
Glog as a wiki homepage at

What is Google Docs?

Google Docs is a free online word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation editor that
allows you to create, store, share, and collaborate on documents with others. If you know
how to use other word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation programs (like
PowerPoint), you can easily use Google Docs. Instead of emailing files back and forth
between collaborators, Google Docs allows people to work on a single version of a
document together online. You can also create web-based surveys and self-grading
quizzes to collect information from students, teachers, or parents.

How can Google Docs be used in the classroom?

• Students can work on their files from any computer—all they need is an internet
connection, which means groups of students can work collaboratively on
documents and slide presentations, even from home.
• Students can publish their papers and presentations on the web for an authentic
• Students can collect scientific data and enter it into one collaborative spreadsheet.
• Students can work collaboratively with students in another classroom, even during
a different period.
• Students can house all writing assignments on Google Docs as an electronic

What is a podcast?
An abbreviation from the original term iPOD broadcast, a podcast is an audio broadcast
that has been converted to an MP3 file or other audio file format for playback on a regular
computer or other listening device like an iPOD. Although podcasts are mostly verbal,
they may contain music, images and video.

How can podcasting be used in instruction?

• Teachers record their presentations so that students can listen to them at home to
extend and reinforce learning beyond the normal classroom hours.
• Recorded lessons support instruction in situations when either the teacher or
students are absent during a lesson, or for certain special needs students who
may need to rehear a lesson.
• Produce vocabulary and pronunciation practice guides for their students
• Record native speakers' voices in the creation of speaking and listening materials;
Students listen to their own voice compared to that of their teacher or another
native speaker, listening to the ways that their pronunciation differs.
• Production of original student work: creating commercials, song mixes, digital
travel brochures or shopping guides
• Digital storytelling or creating an aural history project in which people tell their
own story in an interview format

Faculty and Staff Guidelines for using Web 2.0 Online Media
Tools Including Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, Digital Images & Video
Personal Responsibility

• Butler Area School District employees are personally responsible for the content
they publish online. Be mindful that what you publish will be public for a long
time-protect your privacy.

• Your online behavior should reflect the same standards of honesty, respect, and
consideration that you use face-to-face.

• When posting to your blog, or other interactive site, be sure you say that the
information is representative of your views and opinions and not necessarily the
views and opinions of the Butler Area School District. See Blogging Rules.

• Remember that blogs, wikis, and podcasts are an extension of your classroom to
be used for curriculum-based activities only.

• The lines between public and private, personal, and professional are blurred in the
digital world. By virtue of identifying yourself as a Butler Area School District
employee online, you are now connected to colleagues, students, parents, and the
school community. You should ensure that content associated with you is
consistent with your work at Butler Area School District.

• When contributing online, do not post confidential teacher or student information.

• As per the district’s AUP, blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other online interactive
media will be monitored by the District.
Copyright and Fair Use

• Respect copyright and fair use guidelines.

• Hyper linking to outside sources is recommended. Be sure not to plagiarize and
give credit where it is due. When hyperlinking, be sure that the content is

Profiles and Identity

• Remember your association and responsibility with the Butler Area School District
in online environments. If you identify yourself as a Butler Area School District
teacher, ensure your profile and related content is consistent with how you wish to
present yourself with colleagues, parents, and students. Remember how you
represent yourself online should be comparable to how you represent yourself in

• No private addresses, non-school email addresses or private phone numbers

should appear on blogs or wikis.

• When uploading digital images, make sure you select a school appropriate image.
Also remember not to utilize protected images.

Bookmarking of Online Media Sites

• Be aware that others can view the sites that you bookmark.
• Be aware of words used to tag or describe the bookmark.
• Be aware of URL shortening services and verify the landing site they point to
before submitting a link as a bookmark.
• Attempt to link directly to a page or resource, if possible, as you do not control
what appears on landing pages in the future.

Instant Messaging and Chat Rooms should not be used under any circumstances for
instructional use.

Procedures for requesting and setting up Online Media Tools

• The Butler Area School District understands that technology is constantly changing
and that many sites have pedagogical significance for teacher and student use.

• Teachers must submit a completed wiki/blog use request form to the principal’s office.
Approval must be received from the principal and registered with the office of the
Assistant Superintendent for Personnel, Technology and Federal and State Programs
to create and use any online media tools (wikis, blogs) for instruction. A description
of the intended instructional use of the site and what tools on the site match your
needed instructional criteria must be included in the written request. A link to the
site’s privacy policy should be included if possible.

• Wikis or blogs for instructional use will be maintained only on district-approved sites.
• Wikis or blogs that are used for interaction between teachers and students shall be set
up as protected or private/invitation only. They shall not be set up for the general
public to view.

Student Guidelines
Due to the wealth of new online media tools available to students, student
products and documents have the potential to reach audiences far beyond the
classroom. This translates into a greater level of responsibility and accountability
for everyone. Below are guidelines students in the Butler Area School District
should adhere to when using Web 2.0 tools in the classroom.

1. Be aware of what you post online. What you contribute leaves a digital
footprint. Do not post anything you wouldn’t want administrators, parents,
teachers, or other classmates to see.

2. Follow the school’s code of conduct when writing online. It is acceptable

to disagree with someone else’s opinions, however, do it in a respectful
way. Make sure that criticism is constructive and not hurtful. What is
inappropriate in the classroom is inappropriate online.

3. Be safe online. Never give out personal information, including, but not
limited to, last names, phone numbers, addresses, birthdates, and pictures.
Do not share your password with anyone besides your teachers and

4. Linking to other websites to support your thoughts and ideas is

recommended. However, be sure to read the entire article prior to linking
to ensure that all information is appropriate for a school setting.

5. Do your own work! Do not use other people’s intellectual property without
their permission. Be aware that it is a violation of copyright law to copy
and paste other’s thoughts. It is good practice to hyperlink to you sources.

6. Be aware that pictures may also be protected under copyright laws.

7. How you represent yourself online is an extension of yourself. Do not

misrepresent yourself by using someone else’s identity.

8. Blog and wiki posts should be well written. Follow writing conventions
including proper grammar, capitalization, and punctuation. If you edit
someone else’s work be sure it is in the spirit of improving the writing.

9. If you run across inappropriate material that makes you feel uncomfortable,
or is not respectful, tell your teacher right away.

10. Students who do not abide by these terms and conditions may lose their
opportunity to take part in the project and/or access to future use of online
Butler Area School District
Wiki/Blog Use Request Form

To request the use of a Wiki or Blog (or any interactive online media tool) in which the
teacher and students will communicate with each other as an extension of classroom
instruction, the teacher in charge of the project must complete the following request form
and submit it to the building principal for approval. Once approved by the principal, the
teacher must send a copy of this form to the office of the Assistant Superintendent for
Personnel, Technology and Federal and State Programs so that a Wiki or Blog site can be
set up in WikiSpaces.

Wikis or blogs will be maintained only on district-approved sites in accordance with the
Butler Area School District Guidelines for Using Web 2.0 Online Collaborative Media Tools.
Wikis or blogs that are used for interaction between teachers and students shall be set up
as protected or private/invitation only. They shall not be set up for the general public to

Name of teacher/moderator of Wiki or Blog ___________________________________

(Print Name)
Name(s) of other teachers or administrators who will have access to the Wiki or Blog (at
least 1 other teacher/ administrator must have access)
(Print name(s)

School__________________ Grade or Subject___________ Date of Request__________

Please provide a brief description of the intended instructional use of the WIki or Blog.

Please provide the URL of the link to the site’s privacy policy if possible.
I, ___________________________________________, have read and will follow the Butler
Area School District’s Acceptable Use Policy and Guidelines for Using Web 2.0 Online
Collaborative Media Tools when implementing this project with my classes.

Approved by __________________________________________ _________

(Principal’s Signature) (Date)

Wiki and Blog Use Agreement

Purpose: The purpose of class use of a wiki or blog is to use technology to
demonstrate understanding, to share knowledge from many students to increase
the knowledge of all, to give students greater access to class information, and to
increase student use of technology for educational purposes.


1. Everything on the wiki or blog must be appropriate for school.

Everything you create can and will be viewed by others. Treat these
sites as a place for learning, a place to learn from each other and a
place to have conversations. Do not say/write/do anything within this
wiki or blog site that you would not say/write/do at school.
2. When you are editing a wiki, you are changing the information that is
published for all users to see. Treat the work of others with respect.
Any defacing or sabotage of the wiki will not be tolerated. When
adding comments to a blog post, remember to keep them school-
3. Only information that is related to the assignment may be posted on
the wiki or blog.
4. You may NOT change your username, password, e-mail information,
or any other settings assigned by your teacher on your wiki or blog

Please keep these rules and the wiki/blog etiquette in mind. Every page on these
sites is monitored by your teacher. Please report any technical difficulties
concerning the wiki/blog to your teacher immediately.
Violating the rules of the wiki/blog may result in loss of wiki/blog privileges,
loss of project points, loss of Internet privileges, or other disciplinary

Agreement: I agree to the purpose and rules for wiki and blog use. I promise
to give my best effort, to write responsibly, and contribute appropriately when I
edit a wiki or comment on a blog, to follow the wiki/blog rules, and use good
wiki/blog etiquette.
Teacher’s name_____________________________ Class/
Student Signature ____________________________________
Print Student Name
Parent Signature (required for students in grades K – 8 )
Print Parent Name
Using a Wiki or Blog
The District’s AUP: (view entire AUP at
The Internet, including our wiki or blog, may NOT be used for:

• Non-school related work

• Hate mail, discriminatory remarks, and offensive or inflammatory communication

• Inappropriate language or profanity

• Intentionally obtaining or modifying files, data, and/or passwords belonging to


• Impersonation of another user

• Disruption of the work of others

Follow District Network Etiquette when using the Discussion Board or Posting Comments:

• Be Polite—Never send or encourage others to send abusive messages

• Use Appropriate Language-Never swear, use vulgarities or any other inappropriate


• Representation—Do not send anonymous messages or represent a message to

have been written by another. All correspondence should be clearly identifiable as
to its originator.

In Addition:

Please be thoughtful and respectful when participating in online discussions and

collaborative online projects. Remember that you CANNOT DELETE once a message is posted. Only
your instructor has this ability. Inappropriate or abusive messages in any format will not be
When using wikis/blogs for project purposes, you are responsible for the text, audio, video
and graphic material as well as any links that you post onto a wiki page. Teachers have access to an
edit history that identifies what was edited, when it was edited and who did the editing.
Please do not use instant message or texting slang (lol for example) and express your
thoughts in complete sentences.
Finally, respect the ideas of others and be constructive, not critical or condescending, if
you disagree.
Examples of Wiki/Blog Use in the Classroom

A collaborative, online “drop box” for students working on a group project where they can enter
their notes so they can be shared, edited and/or viewed by other students in the group 24/7.
A personal journal for each student to document a learning experience which can be viewed by the
teacher at all times, and used for assessment.

A discussion area to respond to a debate question, discussion prompt, or literature response.

Students are able to respond to each others’ postings, and ALL responses are identified to deter
rude or inappropriate remarks.

An electronic scrapbook with images, Web links, and other resources on a specific topic.

A workplace for students to collaboratively write and peer review a project, which can be viewed by
the teacher at any time.

A collaborative handout for students to create and modify.

Student-created books (wikibooks).

A class FAQ site.

A place for students to build and add to a collection of Web resources and links.

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