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Kevin Tohak and Chandler Henninger

Quantitative Correlations with Scatterplots

Mathematics Learning Objectives​:

Students will be able to:
1) Students will be able to determine relationships between sets of quantitative data
through the usage of scatter plots.
2) Students will be able to determine what residuals are and understand the role they serve
in the fit of functions.
3) Students will be able to determine fits of functions on scatter plots, and how the different
types of functions associate.

Language Objectives:
Should identify the language function (e.g., compare/contrast, conjecture, describe, explain,
prove) and the learning demands students need to understand and use (e.g., vocabulary and/or
symbols mathematical precision). Be sure the objective also addresses how the lesson will
engage with students in the use of mathematics or statistics specific syntax or discourse.
Students will be able to:
1) Understand what a scatterplot is and how it applies to quantitative data. R and R
squared values and its association with the line of best fit.
2) Determine the difference between quantitative and qualitative variables.
3) Prove if a function has a strong linear correlation based on the least squares line.
4) Describe residuals and their real-life applications.
5) Conceptualize the fit of a least squares line and calculate intercepts and slope.
6) Identify outside variables that may impact residuals and low r^2 values.

Essential Question:
How can we effectively use technology when assessing the similarities and differences between
correlation and linear association?

Common Core State Mathematics Standards:

Represent data on two quantitative variables on a scatter plot, and describe how they variables
are related.
Fit a function to the data; use functions fitted to data to solve problems in the context of the
data. Use given functions or choose a function suggested by the context. Emphasize linear,
quadratic, and exponential models.
Informally assess the fit of a function by plotting and analyzing residuals.
Fit a linear function for a scatter plot that suggests a linear association.
Kevin Tohak and Chandler Henninger

List all materials needed, including PPTs and worksheets. Remember that a PPT is NOT a
lesson plan, it is a material that you will use during your lesson. ​Your lesson plan should be
no more than 4 pages. You may include up to 5 pages of instructional materials
(handouts, worksheets, etc).
Laptop w/ Internet access
Padlet (​​)
Kahoot (​​)

CODAP (​​)
CODAP Worksheet

Roller Coaster Worksheet

Click the link above to open the document and begin the activity.

Welcome to CODAP and the Roller Coaster activity! In this activity, you will be going over a

dataset consisting of roller coasters from across the United States. Within the dataset, you will find that

there are a lot of different variables, such as max height, type, length, etc. To begin this activity, you need
Kevin Tohak and Chandler Henninger

to make a graph with the variables in the table. Use ideas from the presentation to explore relationships,

functions, and other unique aspects of statistics that you may find interesting. Below are more specific

questions, but for the first couple of minutes in this activity, spend time familiarizing yourself with


1. After exploring some of the relationships of different quantitative variables within the roller

coaster activity,

a. Which two variables do you think would give the strongest correlation? Why?

b. After identifying the correlation, what is the slope of the least squares line?

c. What is the Y-Intercept of the line? What does this tell us about the data?

For question 2, explore the relationships between the Max height and Top speed variables. When

graphing, plot Top Speed on the y-axis and Max Height on the x-axis.

2. Find a tool, or different tools, within CODAP to give you a visual representation of a residual.

a. When might someone in real life use a residual?

b. What is the difference between calculating the residuals of the least squares line and the

intercept locked line? How do the residuals change when the fit changes?

A linear association is a relationship between two variables in which can be modelled by a straight line to

make future predictions of data. Residuals account for the difference in points above and below that line

and thus can be both negative and positive, since they are in relation to the line.
Kevin Tohak and Chandler Henninger

3. Observe the variables Length and Duration, plotting Length on the x-axis and the Duration on the


a. Calculate the y intercept and slope of the data and construct a formula for the line in the

format of y=mx+b.

b. Why do you think the slope is as low as it is? Why do you think the r^2 value is lower

than the r^2 value of Max Height and Top Speed?

Google Slides
Kevin Tohak and Chandler Henninger

Projector (for the teacher)

Notes to the reader:

Students may have worked with CODAP before, but it is likely there are plenty of students who
have not. Therefore, a quick CODAP presentation at the beginning of the class will work as an
introduction for some students, and a light re-engagement lesson for others. Students have also
been introduced to scatterplots before. Before

Detailed Plan for Instructional Time:

Time: Assume 50 minutes

Time What is the teacher doing? What are students doing?

5 Re-Introducing Scatter Plots Re-Introducing Scatter Plots

min The teacher will instruct the students to The students will get a laptop for
get a laptop for themselves (or for a themselves (or for a group of 2-2 if there is
group of 2-3 if there is a limited amount), a limited amount), when instructed to by
and then open the page the teacher. The student will then open the​ in a browser. padlet through the provided link from the
The teacher will then instruct the teacher (​​).
students to write what they already know From the padlet, the student will follow the
about scatter plots and post them on the instructions of sharing what they
padlet. For explanatory purposes, the know/what comes to mind in regards to
teacher will show how to open padlet on scatterplots. The student may ask
their computer by displaying it on their questions as to how padlet works. Once
Kevin Tohak and Chandler Henninger

projector. If students do not already the student is finished posting, they will
know how to use padlet, the teacher will wait for the rest of their classmates to
explain. finish. After the class is done, the students
● Either click on the plus sign in the may volunteer to read their own or one of
bottom right corner or double their classmate’s posts that they like. If
click on an open area to create a they are not reading, the student will
post. From there, type your respectfully listen while reading the posts.
information to share with the Following that, they will continue to listen
class. as the teacher will read the posts that they
After all of the class has posted what think make the most sense.
they know, the teacher will then ask the
students volunteer to read their own or
read one that they can relate to the most.
Then the teacher will read the ones that
they think makes the most sense.

5 Re-Introduce/Introduce CODAP Re-Introduce/Introduce CODAP

min The teacher will instruct the students to The students will close their laptops after
close their laptops and look at the finishing the padlet activity and then listen
projector screen for further instruction. to the teacher’s instruction. The student
Then the teacher will open the Google will follow along the Google Slides and
Slides presentation named read them as the teacher reads and
“Reintroduction/Introduction to CODAP” explains them. While listening, the student
(​ may raise their hand at any time and ask a
1sU4qSI0YfAndKtGrUHLsPvFi31T4aR4 question that pertains to how to work
DtGWQ_617P0M/edit?usp=sharing​). CODAP.
Once the presentation is open and ● Is there a difference between how
ready, the teacher will go through it with the types of variables will graph?
the students, explaining the basics of ○ There are two types of
CODAP and how to use it. The teacher variables: Categorical and
will do such by reading the information Numeric, and they will
off the slides and fielding any questions create different types of
the students have. graphs.
● Are there other types of
measurement tools available?
○ There are different types of
measurement tools
available depending on the
type of graph you have.
● How do we remove or switch a
○ You can remove a variable
by clicking on it on an axis
and then clicking remove, or
switch it by dragging a new
Kevin Tohak and Chandler Henninger

one on the desired axis.

30 CODAP Worksheet CODAP Worksheet

min Instruct the students to reopen their The students will proceed to use their
laptops and then enter the url laptops to open the CODAP link provided.​ in their After opening the CODAP link, the
browser. The teacher will then instruct students will explore the data provided in
the students to open the CODAP link the table. After a few minutes of getting
within the Google Doc and then read the familiar with the technology, students will
instructions provided by the document. answer the questions in the worksheet by
Then allow the students to work on the interacting with CODAP and its features.
document, floating around the classroom Specific instructions will be listed on the
and answering questions when worksheet describing which variables to
necessary. Once the students are about observe and explore.
10 minutes into the activity and have 1st Question:
completed the first question, ask them to Students will be asked questions about
share what line they think has the exploring relationships and
strongest correlation and explain, the correlations. Students must be able to
least squares line, and the y-intercept. recall what a y-intercept is as well as
The teacher will then provide them with slope, and what makes a correlation
the correct answer. 8 minutes later and strong or not. Students may ask
after they have completed the second questions about recalling correlation
question, ask the students to share what and slope.
a residual would be in real life and
differences in the calculation of least
squares. 8 minutes later and after they
have answered the third question, ask
the students to share their calculated
y-intercept and the explanation of their
slopes. Then tell the student’s to save
the worksheet and send it to the teacher
for grading (email, google doc share,
2nd Question:
Students will be asked questions about
residuals and their applications.
Students must be able to interpret
statistics in a real-world setting and
discover its importance. Students may
ask questions about the least squares
line and intercept locked line.
Kevin Tohak and Chandler Henninger

3rd Question:
Students will have to recall information
similar to question 1. Students will be
asked to form an equation rather than
just identify parts of the equation.
Students will be observing the line of
fit, as well as r^2 values in association
with other variables.
Kevin Tohak and Chandler Henninger

10 Kahoot Activity Kahoot Activity

min Instruct the students to open on The student will take out their phone or
their phones or laptops while the teacher continue on their laptop and proceed to
gets the code for the activity and display on their internet browser of
it on the projector. Then the teacher will choice. The student will then enter the
then have the students enter the code, code provided and wait for the teacher to
let them enter names, and then explain start the activity. Once the teacher begins
to them how to use kahoot if they have the activity, the student will select an
not used it before. answer choice and wait until the rest of the
● Kahoot will present one multiple class finishes to move on to the next
choice question at a time with question. In between questions, the
four answer choices that student will listen to the teacher’s
correspond to symbols that will explanation as to why the correct answer
appear on your phone. The is what it is. After the student answers all
student will then select one of the of the questions, the activity will conclude
answers that they think is correct, and they will see where they placed
and then wait to see the results among the whole class.
appear on the screen.
Once they all understand how to use
Kahoot, they will begin the activity. Each
of the four questions presented will
pertain to R values of different
scatterplots. After each question is
finished, the teacher will explain why the
respective answer choice is correct.
● Question 1: The correct answer is
0.51 to 1 because the graph has
a strong positive correlation as
displayed by the tight line
● Question 2: The correct answer
-0.49 to 0 because there is a
loose correlation that seems to be
in a slightly negative direction.
0.01 to 0.5 would also be seen as
a viable option because it will be
hard to see the negative
● Question 3: The correct answer is
0.01 to 0.5 because there is a
positive correlation, but not
extremely strong. 0.51 to 1 could
be thought of an option due to the
interpretation of the tightness of
the line.
● Question 4: The correct answer is
0.01 to 0.5 because there is
virtually no correlation with a
Kevin Tohak and Chandler Henninger

slightly positive slope. -0.49 to 0

could also be interpreted as a
correct answer because the slope
could be hard to be determined.
Upon the conclusion of the activity, the
top student is congratulated.

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