Senator Harris Letter To USBR Re CVP Allocations

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COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY ‘ND GOVERNMENTAL FFAS nited States Senate eee March 11, 2019 KAMALA D, HARRIS Mr. Emest Conant Regional Director, Mid-Pacific Region Bureau of Reclamation 2800 Cottage Way Sacramento CA 95825 RE: Updates to 2019 Central Valley Project water allocations Dear Regional Director Conant, ‘As you know, on February 20, 2019 the Bureau of Reclamation announced the initial 2019 water supply allocation for the Central Valley Project (CVP), one of the highest initial water supply allocations in recent years. I appreciate that the allocation announcement was made in a timely ‘manner so the communities and farmers which are served by south-of-Delta water contractors are able to adequately plan for the year ahead. Following one of the wettest Februarys on record!, the California Department of Water Resources now reports that snowpack throughout the Sierra is over 100% of average” and many surface reservoirs are close to their full capacity’. Given the significant improvement in snowpack and hydrologic conditions since February 1", Task that you work to expedite the updated assessment of hydrologic conditions and runoff in order to more quickly announce updated CVP water supply allocations. am optimistic that the improvements in snowpack and hydrologic conditions lead to an improved allocation for south-of-Delta water contractors, while also maintaining protections for fish and wildlife that rely on the Delta. Speeding up this announcement of the revised allocations will help ensure that these communities and farmers can effectively plan their operations this year. Thank you for your attention to this timely matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss in more detail. Sincerely, Kamala D. Harris United States Senator “ ntps/! www 2 hitp:/edee. * hitp://edec. ?nam«

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