Short Essay Prevent and

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Short essay prevent and/or combat NCD and poor mental health

1. Reason ideal candidate for 2019 yseali-engange workshop

Nursing is my passion. I follow my passion and also my dream to become a professional. I have
experienced in medical ward for 2 years. I have certification for basic life support. I also have
experienced nursing training at RSUP kepri, RSUD Kepri, RSHS Hasan Sadikin Bandung, RS
jiwa Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor. I always looking for a new experience, I love learning something
new. I ever joined webinar by ANA(American nurse association). The Webinar I ever joined
about emerging technology and it’s impact to nursing practice. I have ever joined student
exchange in Hongkong for 2 weeks. In Hongkong, I learned about elderly, mental health and
how to prevent or reduce our stress, as you know with high level of demand and pressure in this

I am currently doing my degree at university of Riau. In this time, I am doing research about age-
friendly city. Age-friendly city was arranged by WHO that contains of 8 domains of citizen’s
live and impact to social and physical environment. Research has identified that age-friendly
environment will decrease risk of chronic illness, service demand/costs, and social isolation or
loneliness. Through to my research, I try to implying my idea about peer to peer promoting
health in elderly population for decrease chronic illness or support elderly who already get
chronic illness.

2. Prior experience do you have in working at the community level NCD?

I have experienced in medical ward for 2 years. In our ward, we focused to patient who get NCD
and HIV/AIDS. NCD who incharge in our ward mostly are: Diabetes Mellitus, Thalasemia,
chronic kidney, cancer and stroke. As paramedic in private hospital, we always get training and
get update knowledge related to prevent and reduce effect of NCD. I also have experienced
nursing training at RS jiwa Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor. In this hospital, we learned about mental
health, reduce and deal with our stress level. We implemented to elderly because most of elderly
have social isolation, loneliness and perceived social isolation. Everybody must be stress with
their life, but it’s your ability to maintain and handle your stress not become maladaptive and
effect to negative side. Right now, I and puskesmas, working together to promoting health in
puskesmas. our target is elderly or people with 55 years old or above. I try to implying my idea
about peer to peer promoting health in elderly population for decrease chronic illness or support
elderly who already get chronic illness. In this project, we choose one of elderly to become peer
ambassador that have knowledge about basic NCD and spread information toward their


1. Overall goal (50)

2. Idea (250)
main idea:
peer ambassador
peer ambassador approach:
Promoting health collaborate with first primary care (puskesmas),create FGD, choose
peer ambassador.
3. Resources needed (50)
4. Timeline (50)
5. Outcomes (150)
How to decrease risk of non communicable disease among elderly:
- Increase knowledge
- Improve behavior and life style
- Bring positive environment to avoid poor mental among elderly

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