Assignment Meeting 4 - Modality

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Meeting 4 – Modality

Name : _________________________
Std. No. : _________________________
Class : _________________________

This meeting is discussing about modality. There are kinds of modals such as can,
could, will, would, may, might, and must. They can be change into negative forms by
adding not after them. Each modal has its own meaning and influences in different
ways. Here are the meanings:
 Necessity
 Possibility
 Future plan
 Certainty
 Permission
 Volition
 Ability

Now find the information about the meanings above. After getting enough information,
read the sentences and find the meaning of each modals.
Hey you must be John.  must = certainty
He could be here.  could = possibility

1. You look tired. It must be a great party last night!

 _____________________
2. If you don't catch that train, you will be late for work.
 _____________________
3. The sky's quite grey today, isn't it? Yes, I think it will probably rain later.
 _____________________
4. You mus not tell anyone what I just told you. It's a secret.
 _____________________
5. The car plunged into the canal but fortunately the driver can get out and swim to
 _____________________
6. I may not eat too much cake or I'll get fat!
 _____________________
7. If you have people suffering from cancer in your family, you will be at risk of
getting it.
 _____________________
8. They must not get up early today, because it's Sunday.
 _____________________
9. The house is completely dark and silent, so there must not be anyone at home.
 _____________________
10. We have a lot of work tomorrow. You must not be late.
 _____________________
11. Tomorrow is a holiday. We won’t go to work.
 _____________________

Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

12. Unfortunately, James and Michelle already made another plan, so they
_________ come with us to the Museum.
13. We should call Tim before we go over to his house. He _____________ be
14. Susan ______________ hear the speaker because the crowd is cheering so
15. No, you______________leave the class without permission.
16. He ______________ be angry at me. I've never done anything to upset him.
Make one paragraph that consists of min. 5 sentences using at least one

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