Estudio de Coordinacion de Insulacion de 500kV y 230kV

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Insulation Coordination for 500kV Substations and 230kV

Substations in Ecuador

Lightning Protection Calculation




1. General Information............................................................................................. 1

2. Nomenclature Used in the Calculations ......................................................... 2

3. Lightning Protection Calculation ..................................................................... 2

3.1 EL INGA 500kV Substation ............................................................................ 2
3.1.1 500kV Switchyard ................................................................................ 2
3.1.2 230kV Switchyard ................................................................................ 5
3.1.3 Transformer area ................................................................................... 9
3.1.4 Conclusion .......................................................................................... 11
3.2 SAN RAFAEL 500kV Substation .................................................................. 13
3.2.1 500kV Switchyard .............................................................................. 13
3.2.2 230kV Switchyard .............................................................................. 15
3.2.3 Transformer area ................................................................................. 19
3.2.4. Conclusion ......................................................................................... 21
3.3 TISALEO 500kV Substation ......................................................................... 24
3.3.1 500kV Switchyard .............................................................................. 24
3.3.2 230kV Switchyard .............................................................................. 26
3.3.3 Transformer area ................................................................................. 30
3.3.4. Conclusion ......................................................................................... 33
3.4 CHORRILLOS 500kV Substation ................................................................. 35
3.4.1 500kV Switchyard .............................................................................. 35
3.4.2 230kV Switchyard .............................................................................. 37
3.4.3 Transformer area ................................................................................. 41
3.4.4 SVC area ............................................................................................. 44
3.4.5. Conclusion ......................................................................................... 45
3.5 JIVINO 230kV Substation ............................................................................. 47
3.5.1 230kV Switchyard .............................................................................. 47
3.5.2 69kV Switchyard ................................................................................ 54
3.5.3 Transformer area ................................................................................. 56
3.5.4. Conclusion ......................................................................................... 57
3.6 SHUSHUFINDI 230kV Substation ............................................................... 59
3.6.1 230kV Switchyard .............................................................................. 59

3.6.2 138kV Switchyard .............................................................................. 65
3.6.3 Transformer area ................................................................................. 67
3.6.4. Conclusion ......................................................................................... 68
3.7 TOTORAS 230kV Substation Extension....................................................... 71
3.7.1 Outgoing line bay................................................................................ 71
3.7.2 Busbar area.......................................................................................... 73
3.7.3. Conclusion ......................................................................................... 73

1. General Information
In order to protect substations from lightning strokes, lightning protection measures
must be taken. Based on scientific research and engineering experience, shield wires
are preferred in substations. According to standard IEEE 998 and IEC 62305, rolling
sphere method is recommended for lightning protection calculation, and formulas
used in lightning calculation is shown below.
I s = 2.2
R = 8 ⋅ k ⋅ I s0.65
Is is the allowable stroke current in kiloamperes
BIL is the basic lightning impulse level in kilovolts (we use lightning impulse
withstand level instead)
Zs is the surge impedance of the conductor in ohms
R is the radii of sphere in meters
k is the calculation factor, k=1.2 for masts and k=1.0 for shield wires.
Zs is determined by the equation below:
 2× h  2× h 
Z s = 60 × ln  × ln 
 Rc   r 
h is the average height of the conductor
Rc is the corona radius
r is the metallic radius of the conductor, or equivalent radius in the case
of bundled conductors (which should be R0 instead)
For bundled conductors, following equations should be used,
In the case of a twin conductor bundle
R0 = r × l
In the case of a three-conductor bundle

R0 = 3 r × l 2
 2 × h  Vc
Rc × ln  − =0
 Rc  E0

Rc' = R0 + Rc
R0 is the equivalent radius of the bundle
r is the radius of subconductor in meters
l is the spacing between adjacent conductors in meters

Rc is the corona radius in the case of a single conductor in meters
Vc is the allowable insulator voltage for a negative polarity surge having a
6μs front in kilovolts (Vc = the BIL for post insulators)
E0 is the limiting corona gradient, this is taken equal to 1500 kV/m
Rc’ is the corona radius in the case of bundle conductors in meters
According to parameters of this substation, the surge impedance of conductors can be
calculated as shown below, and followings are the lightning impulse withstand level
(LIWL or BIL), the average height of conductors, the surge impedance of conductors,
allowable maximum lightning currents and the radii of sphere in each area while
shield wires are used:
LIWL(kV) h(m) Zs(Ω) Is (kA) R(m)
Class (kV)
500 1550 29 334 10.13 36
230 950 18 337 6.49 26
138 650 15 332 4.29 20
69 325 10 316 2.25 13
35 185 7 290 1.40 9

2. Nomenclature Used in the Calculations

R Sphere radius
H Height of shield wire
hx Height of protected object
hc Height of phase conductor
hb Busbar height
he Height of electrical equipment
C Separation between two shield wires
T Horizontal distance from shield wire to protected object

3. Lightning Protection Calculation

3.1 EL INGA 500kV Substation

3.1.1 500kV Switchyard

In this area, R=36m, hc=29m, hb=20m, and the maximum height of equipments is
he=13m. Outgoing line bay
Take San Rafael 1 line as an example and the situation of direct stroke is shown in
figure 1.

Section View

Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere

Shield wire

Phase Conductor
H Gantry
Equipment Ground
Shield wire
Phase Conductor C

Figure 1. Direct stroke in 500kV outgoing line bay

In figure1, hx=max{hc, hb, he}=29m, C=32m, and

C 
D = R − R −   = 3.75m

In order to protected conductors, there should be
Take consideration of the sag for shield wires and a certain margin, we will have the
minimum height of shield wires
The situation of side stroke is shown in figure 2.
Section View
Imaginary sphere Imaginary sphere

Shield wire R
Phase conductor Dc

hb he

Shield wire Equipment Ground Equipment Gantry

Phase Conductor
Figure 2. Side stroke in 500kV outgoing line bay
For outgoing lines, the horizontal distance from shield wire to protected object is
Tc=7m. In figure 2, we have

 D + R 2 − (H − R )2  + (h − R )2 = R 2
 c  c

In order to protect conductors, there should be Tc≥Dc. Substitute R and hc into this
equation , and take a certain margin, we will have the maximum height of shield wires
For busbars, there should be 2 (H − R ) < H − hb . Similarly, we will have another
maximum height of shield wires
For equipments, there is Te=6.5m. In the same way as outgoing lines, there should be
R 2 − (R − he ) − R 2 − (H − R ) < Te .
2 2

Similarly, the third one of maximum height of shield wires is

And finally, the maximum height of shield wires should be
Hmax=min{Hmax1, Hmax2, Hmax3}=50m.
There are a set of reactors in outgoing line bay and another reactor standby. The
height of reactor is hx1=11m and the height of the bus through which the standby
reactor could replace the broken one in emergency is hx2=20m. Horizontal distance
from reactor to shield wire is Dx1=7.5m and distance from the bus to shield wire is
Dx2=3.5m. The arrangement of shield wires in this area is shown in figure 3.

Plan View Section View 1-1

Shield wire Imaginary sphere

Shield wire
Stanby Reactor Bus
Standby Reactor
Bus Dx1
Shield wire Reactor hx2 h

Ground Standby Gantry

1 Reactor

Figure 3. Lightning protection of standby reactor

In order to protect the standby reactor and its bus, there should be

 D < R 2 − (H − R )2 − R 2 − (R − h )2
 x1 x1

 Dx 2 < R 2 − (H − R )2 − R 2 − (R − hx 2 )2

Substitute Dx and hx, and we have 31.76m<H<40.24m, and the limit height of shield
wires should be 32m≤H≤40m in this area.

In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
35m≤H≤40m in order to protect conductors, busbars and equipments, and we
recommend the value of 35m. Other areas
According to the layout of 500kV switchyard in El Inga substation, both of the two
500kV busbars can be shielded by outgoing line shield wires. At the curved portion of
Tisaleo outgoing line, the height of conductors is reduced to hc=11m, and the vertical
distance from the lowest point of imaginary sphere to shield wire is D=6.5m
according to the arrangement of shield wires in this area. The minimum height of
shield wires should be
We have discussed that the recommend height of outgoing line shield wires is 35m,
and this value would meet the condition above. Also the height of shield wires set up
on the gantry of transformer #3 should not be less than 18m, and we will discuss this
in detail in the lightning protection calculation for transformer area. Summary
Based on the results above, the recommended height of shield wires in 500kV
switchyard is 35m.
3.1.2 230kV Switchyard
In this area, R=26m, hc=18m, hb=12m, and the maximum height of equipments is
he=9m. Layout of lightning protection in this area is shown in figure 4.

Figure 4. Lightning protection in 230kV switchyard

In this figure, fine lines stand for shield wires which have already been set up

previously, and the bold lines stand for shield wires in current period. Outgoing line bay
The situation of direct stroke is shown in figure 5.
Section View

Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere

Shield wire

Phase Conductor
H Gantry
Equipment Ground
Shield wire
Phase Conductor C

Figure 5. Direct stroke in 230kV outgoing line bay

In figure 5, hx=max{hc, hb, he}=18m, C=17m, and

C 
D = R − R −   = 1.43m

In order to protected conductors, there should be
Take consideration of the sag for shield wires and a certain margin, we will have the
minimum height of shield wires
The situation of side stroke is shown in figure 6.
Section View
Imaginary sphere Imaginary sphere

Shield wire R
Phase conductor Dc

hb he

Shield wire Equipment Ground Equipment Gantry

Phase Conductor

Figure 6. Side stroke in 230kV outgoing line bay
For outgoing lines, the horizontal distance from shield wire to protected object is
Tc=4m. In figure 6, we have
 D + R 2 − (H − R )2  + (h − R )2 = R 2
 c  c

In order to protect conductors, there should be Tc≥Dc. Substitute R and hc into this
equation , and take a certain margin, we will have the maximum height of shield wires
For busbars, there should be 2 (H − R ) < H − hb . Similarly, we will have another
maximum height of shield wires
For equipments, there is Te=3.5m. In the same way as outgoing lines, there should be
R 2 − (R − he ) − R 2 − (H − R ) < Te .
2 2

Similarly, the third one of maximum height of shield wires is

And finally, the maximum height of shield wires should be
Hmax=min{Hmax1, Hmax2, Hmax3}=40m.
There are a set of disconnectors above the gantry of outgoing lines, as in figure 7.

Section View

Imaginary sphere


Imaginary sphere

Shield wire



Shield wire
Phase Conductor C

Figure 7. Disconnector protection in 230kV area

The height of disconnector is hx=21.6m and C=17m. In order to protect disconnectors,
there should be
C 
H − hx > R − R −   .

Substitute hx, and we will have H>23.03m. Hence, the maximum height of shield

wires is
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
H≥24m in order to protect conductors, busbars and equipments, and we recommend
the value of 26m for shield wires set up on outgoing line gantry. Shield wires on the
central gantry of 230kV busbars do not have to shield disconnectors, so we
recommend the height of shield wires there to be 23m. Busbar area
The 230kV busbars could be partially shielded by outgoing line shield wires. As for
the unprotected area, independent shield wire gantries should be set up. As we
discussed before, we can reach a conclusion that in the situation of direct stroke, the
cross section of imaginary rolling sphere cut by shield wires is a circle with a radius
of r, as shown in figure 8.
Section View

Imaginary sphere

r R Imaginary sphere

r Shield wire

Phase Conductor

H Gantry
Shield wire Ground
Phase Conductor

Figure 8. General situation of direct stroke

In order to shield conductors, busbars and equipments, there should be

H − hx > R − R 2 − r 2 ,
where hx is the maximum height of objects protected by shield wires with a height of
H. This formula will apply for those kinds of direct stroke situations where imaginary
sphere is supported by more than two shield wires which are not parallel to each other.
For the part with independent shield wire gantries (left part of figure 3), we have
hx=12m, rmax=10.5m. Substitute hx and rmax, and the solution is H>14.21m. The
minimum height of shield wire is
For the right part of figure 3, we have hx=12m, rmax=20.5m. Substitute hx and rmax, and
the solution is H>22.01m. The minimum height of shield wire is

As we discussed in 3.2.1, we recommend the height of shield wires to be 26m in this
area, and this value could meet the condition above. Summary
According to the results in section, below are the recommended
heights of shield wires in 230kV switchyard,
(1) 26m for shield wires set up on 230kV outgoing line gantry.
(2) 23m for shield wires set up on central gantry of 230kV busbars.
(3) 15m for the independent shield wire gantry.
3.1.3 Transformer area
Layout of lightning protection in this area is shown in figure 8.

Figure 9. Lightning protection of transformer area

This area contains two different voltage classes, which are 500kV and 230kV. There
are three set of transformers in this substation, and each one of them consists of three
single-phase transformers, and there is one more standby transformer. There are one
500kV bus and one 230kV bus on each side of two of the transformers, and the
standby transformer is connected to them. When the transformer is operating in
normal condition, both 500kV and 230kV buses are non-electrified. If one of the three
single-phase transformers is broken, then 500kV and 230kV outgoing lines will be
connected to the bus, and the standby transformer will replace the broken one. The
500kV transformer bus is 11 meters high, and the 230kV one is 14 meters high. Shield
wires are set up as in figure 9 so as to protect transformers, conductors and other
equipments. 500kV side of transformer area
According to the method mentioned in 3.2.2, we will have rmax=19.8m from the layout
of transformer area in direct stroke situations, and the vertical distance from the
lowest point of imaginary sphere to shield wire is
D = R − R 2 − rmax
= 6m .

As the sag of transmission line is longer than shield wire under normal circumstances,
500kV outgoing line of transformer can be shielded when both ends of the line get
shield wires above them, and the height of shield wire should meet the condition of
H-hx>D (which is already achieved for the one connected to 500kV switchyard as
discussed in section 3.1.1). For the one connected to transformer, the height of
conductors is hx=22m. Therefore, the minimum height of shield wire should be
In the situation of side stroke, it can be calculated by the method in section 3.1.1 that
the maximum height of shield wire is Hmax=58m.
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires set up on the transformer
gantry should be 28m≤H≤58m in order to protect transformer and conductors.
Specially, in the place of transformer #3, shield wires set up on transformer gantry
need to protect Tisaleo outgoing line as well. As we discussed in chapter 1, the height
of shield wires in 500kV switchyard should not be less than 18m, and the height of
shield wires within the scope determined in this section can meet this condition . 230kV side of transformer area
In the situation of direct stroke, we have rmax=17.5m in this area. Similarly, the
vertical distance from the lowest point of imaginary sphere to shield wire is
D = R − R 2 − rmax
= 6.8m .
As the sag of transmission line is longer than shield wire under normal circumstances,
230kV outgoing line of transformer can be shielded when both ends of the line get
shield wires above them, and the height of shield wire should meet the condition of
H-hx>D (which is already achieved for the one connected to 230kV switchyard as
discussed in section 3.1.2). For the one connected to transformer, the height of
conductors is hx=22m. Therefore, the height of shield wires should not be less than
In the situation of side stroke, in the same way as discussed in 3.2.1, for the 230kV
outgoing line of transformer, the distance of shield wire to protected object is Dx1=8m
and hx1=22m. There should be
Dx1 + R 2 − (H − R ) > R 2 − (R − hx1 )
2 2

Substitute Dx1 and hx1, and the maximum height of shield wire is
For the 230kV bus of standby transformer, we have Dx2=2m and hx2=14m. There
should be
D x 2 + R 2 − (H − R ) > R 2 − (R − hx 2 )
2 2

Substitute Dx2 and hx2, and the maximum height of shield wire is
And finally, the maximum height of shield wires should be
Hmax=min{Hmax1, Hmax2}=41m.

In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
29m≤H≤41m in order to protect 230kV side of transformers, and we recommend the
value of 30m. Summary
According to the results in section and, below are the recommended
heights of shield wires in transformer area.
(1) 35m for shield wires set up on 500kV transformer outgoing line gantry (same as
we discussed in section 3.1.1).
(2) 30m for shield wires set up on transformer gantry (35m for transformer #3).
(3) 26m for shield wires set up on 230kV transformer outgoing line gantry (same as
we discussed in section 3.1.2).
3.1.4 Conclusion
According to the results above, below are the recommended heights of shield wires in
each part of El Inga substation.
(1) 35m for shield wires in 500kV switchyard.
(2) 26m for shield wires set up on 230kV outgoing line gantry.
(3) 23m for shield wires set up on central gantry of 230kV busbars.
(4) 15m for the independent shield wire gantry in 230kV switchyard.
(5) 30m for shield wires set up on transformer gantry.
Layout of lightning protection in El Inga substation is shown below.

3.2 SAN RAFAEL 500kV Substation

3.2.1 500kV Switchyard

In this area, R=36m, hc=29m, hb=20m, and the maximum height of equipments is
he=13m. Outgoing line bay
Take El Inga 1 line as an example and the situation of direct stroke is shown in figure
Section View

Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere

Shield wire

Phase Conductor
H Gantry
Equipment Ground
Shield wire
Phase Conductor C

Figure 1. Direct stroke in 500kV outgoing line bay

In figure1, hx=max{hc, hb, he}=29m, C=32m, and

C 
D = R − R −   = 3.75m

In order to protected conductors, there should be
Take consideration of the sag for shield wires and a certain margin, we will have the
minimum height of shield wires
The situation of side stroke is shown in figure 2.

Section View
Imaginary sphere Imaginary sphere

Shield wire R
Phase conductor Dc

hb he

Shield wire Equipment Ground Equipment Gantry

Phase Conductor
Figure 2. Side stroke in 500kV outgoing line bay
For outgoing lines, the horizontal distance from shield wire to protected object is
Tc=7m. In figure 2, we have
 D + R 2 − (H − R )2  + (h − R )2 = R 2
 c  c

In order to protect conductors, there should be Tc≥Dc. Substitute R and hc into this
equation , and take a certain margin, we will have the maximum height of shield wires
For busbars, there should be 2 (H − R ) < H − hb . Similarly, we will have another
maximum height of shield wires
For equipments, there is Te=6.5m. In the same way as outgoing lines, there should be
R 2 − (R − he ) − R 2 − (H − R ) < Te .
2 2

Similarly, the third one of maximum height of shield wires is

And finally, the maximum height of shield wires should be
Hmax=min{Hmax1, Hmax2, Hmax3}=50m.
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
35m≤H≤50m in order to protect conductors, busbars and equipments, and we
recommend the value of 35m. Other areas
According to the layout of 500kV switchyard in San Rafael substation, both of the
two 500kV busbars can be shielded by outgoing line shield wires, and shield wires
with a height of 35m can protect the whole area of 500kV switchyard. Summary
Based on the results above, the recommended height of shield wires in 500kV
switchyard is 35m.

3.2.2 230kV Switchyard
In this area, R=26m, hc=18m, hb=12m, and the maximum height of equipments is
he=9m. Outgoing line bay
The situation of direct stroke is shown in figure 3.
Section View

Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere

Shield wire

Phase Conductor
H Gantry
Equipment Ground
Shield wire
Phase Conductor C

Figure 3. Direct stroke in 230kV outgoing line bay

In figure 3, hx=max{hc, hb, he}=18m, C=17m, and

C 
D = R − R −   = 1.43m

In order to protected conductors, there should be
Take consideration of the sag for shield wires and a certain margin, we will have the
minimum height of shield wires
The situation of side stroke is shown in figure 4.

Section View
Imaginary sphere Imaginary sphere

Shield wire R
Phase conductor Dc

hb he

Shield wire Equipment Ground Equipment Gantry

Phase Conductor
Figure 4. Side stroke in 230kV outgoing line bay
For outgoing lines, the horizontal distance from shield wire to protected object is
Tc=4m. In figure 4, we have
 D + R 2 − (H − R )2  + (h − R )2 = R 2
 c  c

In order to protect conductors, there should be Tc≥Dc. Substitute R and hc into this
equation , and take a certain margin, we will have the maximum height of shield wires
For busbars, there should be 2 (H − R ) < H − hb . Similarly, we will have another
maximum height of shield wires
For equipments, there is Te=3.5m. In the same way as outgoing lines, there should be
R 2 − (R − he ) − R 2 − (H − R ) < Te .
2 2

Similarly, the third one of maximum height of shield wires is

And finally, the maximum height of shield wires should be
Hmax=min{Hmax1, Hmax2, Hmax3}=40m.
There are a set of disconnectors above the gantry of outgoing lines, as in figure 5.

Section View

Imaginary sphere


Imaginary sphere

Shield wire



Shield wire
Phase Conductor C

Figure 5. Disconnector protection in 230kV area

The height of disconnector is hx=21.6m and C=17m. In order to protect disconnectors,
there should be
C 
H − hx > R − R −   .

Substitute hx, and we will have H>23.03m. Hence, the maximum height of shield
wires is
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
24m≤H≤40m in order to protect conductors, busbars and equipments, and we
recommend the value of 26m for shield wires set up on outgoing line gantry. Shield
wires on the central gantry of 230kV busbars do not have to shield disconnectors, so
we recommend the height of shield wires there to be 23m. Bus couple area
The connecting section of two busbars possesses a height of 18m, which is hb=18m,
and he is 8m.The situation of direct stroke is shown in figure 6.

Section View
Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere

Shield wire


H Gantry
Equipment Ground
Shield wire C
Figure 6. Direct stroke in 230kV bus couple area
In figure 6, hx=max{hb,he}=18m, C=17m. In the same way as outgoing line bay, the
minimum height of shield wires is
Hmin= 21m.
The situation of side stroke is shown in figure 7.

Front View
Imaginary sphere


R Shield wire


he hb

Gantry Equipment Ground
Shield wire

Figure 7. Side stroke in 230kV bus couple area

For the connecting section of busbars, there should be 2 H − R( ) < H − hb . Substitute
R and hb, and we will have the maximum height of shield wires
For equipments, there is Te=3.5m. In the same way as discussed before, we will have
another maximum height of shield wires
And finally, the maximum height of shield wires should be
Hmax=min{Hmax1, Hmax2}=34m.
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be

21m≤H≤34m in order to protect busbars and equipments. We recommend the same
arrangement of shield wires as outgoing line bay. Other areas
The 230kV outgoing line of transformer and the terminal of 230kV busbar 1 left
undiscussed in the above sections. In the first area, parameters are the same as
outgoing line bay, and the minimum height of shield wire should be Hmin=24m. We
recommend the value of 26m for the reason that shield wires in this area are the
protection for transformer area as well. In the second area, an independent shield wire
gantry should be set up for protecting 230kV busbar. According to the height of
busbar, which equals 12m, and the separation between two shield wires, which is
C=34m, we will have the minimum height of shield wire gantry, which is Hmin=20m,
and we recommend the value of 20m. Summary
According to the results in section, below are the recommended
heights of shield wires in 230kV switchyard,
(1) 26m for shield wires set up on 230kV outgoing line gantry and 230kV bus
connection gantry.
(2) 23m for shield wires set up on central gantry of 230kV busbars.
(3) 20m for the independent shield wire gantry.
3.2.3 Transformer area
Layout of lightning protection in this area is shown in figure 8.

Figure 8. Lightning protection of transformer area

This area contains two different voltage classes, which are 500kV and 230kV. The
transformer consists of three single-phase transformers, and there is one more standby
transformer. There are one 500kV bus and one 230kV bus on each side of the
transformer, and the standby transformer is connected to them. When the transformer
is operating in normal condition, both 500kV and 230kV buses are non-electrified. If
one of the three single-phase transformers is broken, then 500kV and 230kV outgoing

lines will be connected to the bus, and the standby transformer will replace the broken
one. The 500kV transformer bus is 11 meters high, and the 230kV one is 14 meters
high. Shield wires are set up as in figure 8 so as to protect transformers, conductors
and other equipments.
As we discussed before, we can reach a conclusion that in the situation of direct
stroke, the cross section of imaginary rolling sphere cut by shield wires is a circle with
a radius of r, as shown in figure 9.
Section View

Imaginary sphere

r R Imaginary sphere

r Shield wire

Phase Conductor

H Gantry
Shield wire Ground
Phase Conductor

Figure 9. General situation of direct stroke

In order to shield conductors, busbars and equipments, there should be

H − hx > R − R 2 − r 2 ,
where hx is the maximum height of objects protected by shield wires with a height of
H. This formula will apply for those kinds of direct stroke situations where imaginary
sphere is supported by more than two shield wires which are not parallel to each other. 500kV side of transformer area
According to the method mentioned above, we will have rmax=19.5m from the layout
of transformer area in direct stroke situations, and the vertical distance from the
lowest point of imaginary sphere to shield wire is
D = R − R 2 − rmax
= 5.8m .
As the sag of transmission line is longer than shield wire under normal circumstances,
500kV outgoing line of transformer can be shielded when both ends of the line get
shield wires above them, and the height of shield wire should meet the condition of
H-hx>D (which is already achieved for the one connected to 500kV switchyard as
discussed in section 3.2.1). For the one connected to transformer, the height of
conductors is hx=22m. Therefore, the minimum height of shield wire should be
In the situation of side stroke, it can be calculated by the method in section 3.2.1 that
the maximum height of shield wire is Hmax=58m.

In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires set up on the transformer
gantry should be 28m≤H≤58m in order to protect transformer and conductors. 230kV side of transformer area
In the situation of direct stroke, we have rmax=17.5m in this area. Similarly, the
vertical distance from the lowest point of imaginary sphere to shield wire is
D = R − R 2 − rmax
= 6.8m .
As the sag of transmission line is longer than shield wire under normal circumstances,
230kV outgoing line of transformer can be shielded when both ends of the line get
shield wires above them, and the height of shield wire should meet the condition of
H-hx>D (which is already achieved for the one connected to 230kV switchyard as
discussed in section 3.2.2). For the one connected to transformer, the height of
conductors is hx=22m. Therefore, the height of shield wires should not be less than
29m. And we recommend the height of shield wires set up on transformer gantry to be
In the situation of side stroke, it is obvious that the terminal of 230kV transformer bus
tends to be struck by lightning. Distance from the terminal of 230kV transformer bus
to shield wire is Dx=2m, and hx=14m. There should be
Dx + R 2 − (R − hx ) < R 2 − (H − R )
2 2

Substitute Dx and hx, and we will have 19.09m<H<32.91m, then the limit height of
shield wire should be 20m≤H≤32m. For the span of shield wire in this area is fairly
long, the sag of shield wire could reach 2.5m or even more, we recommend the height
of shield wire set up on central busbar gantry in 230kV switchyard to be 23m, as we
mentioned in section Summary
According to the results in section and, below are the recommended
heights of shield wires in transformer area.
(1) 35m for shield wires set up on 500kV transformer outgoing line gantry (same as
we discussed in section 3.2.1).
(2) 30m for shield wires set up on transformer gantry.
(3) 26m for shield wires set up on 230kV transformer outgoing line gantry (same as
we discussed in section 3.2.2).
3.2.4. Conclusion
According to the results above, below are the recommended heights of shield wires in
each part of San Rafael substation.
(1) 35m for shield wires in 500kV switchyard.
(2) 26m for shield wires set up on 230kV outgoing line gantry and 230kV bus
connection gantry.
(3) 23m for shield wires set up on central gantry of 230kV busbars.
(4) 20m for the independent shield wire gantry in 230kV switchyard.
(5) 30m for shield wires set up on transformer gantry.

Layout of lightning protection in San Rafael substation is shown below.

3.3 TISALEO 500kV Substation

The switchyards of this substation are arranged to a few steps, and the gantries which
support conductors in different steps maybe at different height. The right height of
shield wires should be obtained after the safe protecting distance from shield wire to
protected object is worked out. All of the heights below stand for the vertical distance
from top of the protected object to ground of the step which the protected object
belongs to.
3.3.1 500kV Switchyard
In this area, R=36m, hc1=33.5m, hc2=37m, hb=22.5m, and the maximum height of
equipments is he=13m. Outgoing line bay
Take El Inga 1 line as an example and the situation of direct stroke is shown in figure
Section View

Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere

Shield wire

Phase Conductor
H Gantry
Equipment Ground
Shield wire
Phase Conductor C

Figure 1. Direct stroke in 500kV outgoingline bay

In figure1, hx=max{hc,hb, he}=hc, C=32m, and

C 
D = R − R −   = 3.75m

In order to protected conductors, there should be
Take consideration of the sag for shield wires and a certain margin, we will have the
minimum height of shield wires
The situation of side stroke is shown in figure 2.

Section View
Imaginary sphere Imaginary sphere

Shield wire R
Phase conductor Dc

hb he

Shield wire Equipment Ground Equipment Gantry

Phase Conductor
Figure 2. Side stroke in 500kV outgoingline bay
For outgoing lineoutgoing lines, the horizontal distance from shield wire to protected
object is Tc=7m. In figure 2, we have
 D + R 2 − (H − R )2  + (h − R )2 = R 2
 c  c

In order to protect conductors, there should beTc≥Dc. Substitute R and hc into this
equation (both hc1and hc2should be substituted into the equation above and we take the
smaller solution), and take a certain margin, we will have the maximum height of
shield wires
For busbars, there should be 2 (H − R ) < H − hb . Similarly, we will have another
maximum height of shield wires
For equipments, there is Te=6.5m. In the same way as outgoing lines, there should be
R 2 − (R − he ) − R 2 − (H − R ) < Te .
2 2

Similarly, the third one of maximum height of shield wires is

And finally, the maximum height of shield wires should be
Hmax=min{Hmax1, Hmax2, Hmax3}=48m.
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
hc+5.5≤H≤48min order to protect conductors, busbars and equipments. For
conductors with the height of 33.5m, we recommend the height of shield wires to be
39m, and for conductors with the height of 37m we recommend 43m. Bus couple bay
The connecting section of two busbars possesses two different heights, which
arehb1=33.5m and hb2=29m, and he is 13m. In the same way as we discussed in section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be 39m≤H1≤48m and
34.5m<H2<48min order to protect busbars and equipments.We recommend H1 to be

39m and H2 to be 35m. Other areas
According to the layout of 500kV switchyard in Tisaleo substation, most of the two
500kV busbars can be shielded by outgoing line shield wires. For the unshielded area,
shield wires with a height of 39m should be set up as well. The 500kV outgoing line
of transformer is 29 meters high, and we recommend the height of shield wires there
to be 35m. Summary
According to the results in section, below are the recommended
heights of shield wires in 500kV switchyard,
(1) 43m for shield wires protecting 500kV outgoing lines with a height of 37m.
(2) 39m for shield wires protecting 500kV outgoing lines with a height of 33.5m.
(3) 35m for shield wires set up on 500kV bus connection gantry and 500kV outgoing
line gantry of the transformer.
3.3.2 230kV Switchyard
In this area, R=26m, hc1=18.5m, hc2=18m, hb=12m, and the maximum height of
equipments is he=9m. Outgoing line bay
The situation of direct stroke is shown in figure 3.
Section View

Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere

Shield wire

Phase Conductor
H Gantry
Equipment Ground
Shield wire
Phase Conductor C

Figure 3. Direct stroke in 230kV outgoing line bay

In figure 3, hx=max{hc,hb, he}=hc, C=17m, and

C 
D = R − R −   = 1.43m

In order to protected conductors, there should be

Take consideration of the sag for shield wires and a certain margin, we will have the
minimum height of shield wires
The situation of side stroke is shown in figure 4.
Section View
Imaginary sphere Imaginary sphere

Shield wire R
Phase conductor Dc

hb he

Shield wire Equipment Ground Equipment Gantry

Phase Conductor
Figure 4. Side stroke in 230kV outgoing line bay
For outgoing lines, the horizontal distance from shield wire to protected object is
Tc=4m. In figure 4, we have
 D + R 2 − (H − R )2  + (h − R )2 = R 2
 c  c

In order to protect conductors, there should beTc≥Dc. Substitute R and hc into this
equation (both hc1and hc2should be substituted into the equation above and we take the
smaller solution), and take a certain margin, we will have the maximum height of
shield wires
For busbars, there should be 2 (H − R ) < H − hb . Similarly, we will have another
maximum height of shield wires
For equipments, there is Te=3.5m. In the same way as outgoing lines, there should be
R 2 − (R − he ) − R 2 − (H − R ) < Te .
2 2

Similarly, the third one of maximum height of shield wires is

And finally, the maximum height of shield wires should be
Hmax=min{Hmax1, Hmax2, Hmax3}=40m.
There are a set of disconnectors above the gantry of outgoing lines, as in figure 5.

Section View

Imaginary sphere


Imaginary sphere

Shield wire



Shield wire
Phase Conductor C

Figure 5. Disconnector protection in 230kV area

The height of disconnector is hx=21.6m and C=17m. In order to protect disconnectors,
there should be
C 
H − hx > R − R −   .

Substitute hx, and we will have H>23.03m. Hence, the maximum height of shield
wires is
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should
be24m≤H≤40m in order to protect conductors, busbars and equipments, and we
recommend the value of 26m for shield wires set up on outgoing line gantry. Shield
wires on the central gantry of 230kV busbars do not have to shield disconnectors, so
we recommend the height of shield wires there to be 23.5m. Bus couple bay
The connecting section of two busbars possesses a height of 21m, which is hb=21m,
and he is 8m.The situation of direct stroke is shown in figure 6.

Section View
Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere

Shield wire


H Gantry
Equipment Ground
Shield wire C
Figure 6. Direct stroke in 230kV bus couple bay
In figure 6, hx=max{hb,he}=21m, C=17m. In the same way as outgoing line bay, the
minimum height of shield wires is
Hmin= 24m.
The situation of side stroke is shown in figure 7.

Front View
Imaginary sphere


R Shield wire


he hb

Gantry Equipment Ground
Shield wire

Figure 7. Side stroke in 230kV bus couple bay

For the connecting section of busbars, there should be 2 H − R ( ) < H − hb . Substitute
R and hb, and we will have the maximum height of shield wires
For equipments, there is Te=3.5m. In the same way as discussed before, we will have
another maximum height of shield wires
And finally, the maximum height of shield wires should be
Hmax=min{Hmax1, Hmax2}=31m.
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
24m≤H≤31min order to protect busbars and equipments.We recommend the value of

29m for shield wires set up on bus connection gantry.For shield wires set up on the
central gantry of 230kV busbars, we recommend the height of 23.5m as discussed in
last section. Other areas
The 230kV outgoing line of transformer and part of 230kV busbars left undiscussed in
the above sections. In the first area, parameters are similar tobus couple area, and the
height of conductors is hc=21m. There are a set of disconnectors with a height of
24.6m in this area. It can be calculated that the height of shield wires should not be
less than 27m as discussed in 3.2.1, and we recommend the value of 29m.In the
second area, we will have the minimum height of shield wire gantry, which is
Hmin=20m according to the height of busbars, which is 12m, and the separation
between two shield wires in this area, which is 34m. One of the future 230kV
outgoing line gantry should be set up in advance, and we recommend the height of it
to be 26m in accordance with 230kV outgoing line in current period. Summary
According to the results in section, below are the recommended
heights of shield wires in 230kV switchyard,
(1) 26m for shield wires set up on 230kV outgoing line gantry (including one future
(2) 29m for shield wires set up on 230kV bus connection gantryand 230kV outgoing
line gantry of transformer.
(3) 23.5m for shield wires set up on central gantry of 230kV busbars.
3.3.3 Transformer area
Layout of lightning protection in this area is shown in figure 8.

Figure 8.Lightning protection of transformer area

This area contains two different voltage classes, which are 500kV and 230kV. The
transformer consists of three single-phase transformers, and there is one more standby
transformer. There are one 500kV bus and one 230kV bus on each side of the
transformer, and the standby transformer is connected to them. When the transformer
is operating in normal condition, both 500kV and 230kV buses are non-electrified. If
one of the three single-phase transformers is broken, then 500kV and 230kV outgoing

lines will be connected to the bus, and the standby transformer will replace the broken
one. The 500kV transformer bus is 11 meters high, and the 230kV one is 14 meters
high. Shield wires are set up as in figure 8 so as to protect transformers, conductors
and other equipments.
As we discussed before, we can reach a conclusion that in the situation of direct
stroke, the cross section of imaginary rolling sphere cut by shield wires is a circle with
a radius of r, as shown in figure 9.
Section View

Imaginary sphere

r R Imaginary sphere

r Shield wire

Phase Conductor

H Gantry
Shield wire Ground
Phase Conductor

Figure 9. General situation of direct stroke

In order to shield conductors, busbars and equipments, there should be

H − hx > R − R 2 − r 2 ,
wherehx is the maximum height of objects protected by shield wires with a height of
H.This formula will apply for those kinds of direct stroke situations where imaginary
sphere is supported by more than two shield wires which are not parallel to each other. 500kV side of transformer area
According to the method mentioned above, we will have rmax=19.8m from the layout
of transformer area in direct stroke situations, and the vertical distance from the
lowest point of imaginary sphere to shield wire is
D = R − R 2 − rmax
= 6m .
As the sag of transmission line is longer than shield wire under normal circumstances,
500kV outgoing line of transformer can be shielded when both ends of the line get
shield wires above them, and the height of shield wire should meet the condition of
H-hx>D (which is already achieved for the one connected to 500kV switchyard as
discussed in section 3.3.1). For the one connected to transformer, the height of
conductors is hx=24m. Therefore, the minimum height of shield wire should be
In the situation of side stroke, it can be calculated by the method in section 3.3.1 that
the maximum height of shield wire is Hmax=56m.

In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires set up on the transformer
gantry should be 30m≤H≤56min order to protect transformer and conductors. 230kV side of transformer area
In the situation of direct stroke, we have rmax=18min this area. Similarly, the vertical
distance from the lowest point of imaginary sphere to shield wire is
D = R − R 2 − rmax
= 7.3m .
As the sag of transmission line is longer than shield wire under normal circumstances,
230kV outgoing line of transformer can be shielded when both ends of the line get
shield wires above them, and the height of shield wire should meet the condition of
H-hx>D (which is already achieved for the one connected to 230kV switchyard as
discussed in section 3.3.2).For the one connected to transformer, the height of
conductors is hx=24m. Therefore, the height of shield wires should not be less than
In the situation of side stroke, in the same way as discussed in 3.2.1, for the 230kV
outgoing line of transformer, the distance of shield wire to protected object is Dx1=9m
and hx1=24m. There should be
Dx1 + R 2 − (H − R ) > R 2 − (R − hx1 )
2 2

Substitute Dx1and hx1, and the maximum height of shield wire is

For the 230kV bus of standby transformer, we have Dx2=2m and hx2=15m. There
should be
D x 2 + R 2 − (H − R ) > R 2 − (R − hx 2 )
2 2

Substitute Dx2and hx2, and the maximum height of shield wire is

And finally, the maximum height of shield wires should be
Hmax=min{Hmax1, Hmax2}=40m.
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
31.5m≤H≤40min order to protect 230kV side of transformers, and we recommend the
value of 35m in consideration of larger margin because of the step-slop design in this
A lone shield wires has been set up between the 500kV bus connection gantry and the
central gantry of 230kV busbars to protect the standby transformer and its bus. Height
of both ends for this wire is H1=35m and H2=23.5m. It can be calculated that
Hmin=21.5m according to the maximum height of protected objects and separation of
shield wires in this area, which are hx=15m and C=34m, and it is certain that the
arrangement of shield wires in this area can meet this condition. Summary
According to the results in section and, below are the recommended
heights of shield wires in transformer area.

(1) 35m for shield wires set up on 500kVtransformer outgoing line gantry (same as
we discussed in section 3.3.1).
(2) 35m for shield wires set up on transformer gantry.
(3) 29m for shield wires set up on 230kVtransformer outgoing line gantry (same as
we discussed in section 3.3.2).
3.3.4. Conclusion
According to the results above, below are the recommended heights of shield wires in
each part of San Rafael substation.
(1) 43m for shield wires protecting 500kV outgoing lines with a height of 37m.
(2) 39m for shield wires protecting 500kV outgoing lines with a height of 33.5m.
(3) 35m for shield wires set up on 500kV bus connection gantry, 500kV outgoing line
gantry of the transformer and transformer gantry.
(4) 26m for shield wires set up on 230kV outgoing line gantry (including one future
(5) 29m for shield wires set up on 230kV bus connection gantryand 230kV outgoing
line gantry of transformer.
(6) 23.5m for shield wires set up on central gantry of 230kV busbars.
Layout of lightning protection in Tisaleo substation is shown below.

3.4 CHORRILLOS 500kV Substation

The switchyards of this substation are arranged to a few steps, and the gantries which
support conductors in different steps maybe at different height. The right height of
shield wires should be obtained after the safe protecting distance from shield wire to
protected object is worked out. All of the heights below stand for the vertical distance
from top of the protected object to ground of the step which the protected object
belongs to.
3.4.1 500kV Switchyard
In this area, R=36m, hc1=29m, hc2=24m, hb=20m, and the maximum height of
equipments is he=13m. Outgoing line bay
Take L/T Tisaleo 1 line as an example and the situation of direct stroke is shown in
figure 1.
Section View

Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere

Shield wire

Phase Conductor
H Gantry
Equipment Ground
Shield wire
Phase Conductor C

Figure 1. Direct stroke in 500kV outgoing line bay

In figure1, hx=max{hc, hb, he}=hc, C=32m, and

C 
D = R − R −   = 3.75m

In order to protected conductors, there should be
Take consideration of the sag for shield wires and a certain margin, we will have the
minimum height of shield wires
Hmin=hx+D+sag+margin= hc+5.5.
The situation of side stroke is shown in figure 2.

Section View
Imaginary sphere Imaginary sphere

Shield wire R
Phase conductor Dc

hb he

Shield wire Equipment Ground Equipment Gantry

Phase Conductor
Figure 2. Side stroke in 500kV outgoing line bay
For outgoing lines, the horizontal distance from shield wire to protected object is
Tc=7m. In figure 2, we have
 D + R 2 − (H − R )2  + (h − R )2 = R 2
 c  c

In order to protect conductors, there should be Tc≥Dc. Substitute R and hc into this
equation (both hc1 and hc2 should be substituted into the equation above and we take
the smaller solution), and take a certain margin, we will have the maximum height of
shield wires
For busbars, there should be 2 (H − R ) < H − hb . Similarly, we will have another
maximum height of shield wires
For equipments, there is Te=6.5m. In the same way as outgoing lines, there should be
R 2 − (R − he ) − R 2 − (H − R ) < Te .
2 2

Similarly, the third one of maximum height of shield wires is

And finally, the maximum height of shield wires should be
Hmax=min{Hmax1, Hmax2, Hmax3}=50m.
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
hc+5.5≤H≤48m in order to protect conductors, busbars and equipments. For
conductors with the height of 29m, we recommend the height of shield wires to be
35m, and for conductors with the height of 24m we recommend 30m. Bus couple area
The connecting section of two busbars possesses two different heights, which are
hb1=24m and hb2=29m, and he is 13m. In the same way as we discussed in section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be 29.5m≤H1≤50m and
34.5m<H2<50m in order to protect busbars and equipments. We recommend H1 to be

30m and H2 to be 35m. Other areas
According to the layout of 500kV switchyard in Chorrillos substation, both of the two
500kV busbars can be shielded by outgoing line shield wires. The 500kV outgoing
line of transformer is 24 meters high, and we recommend the height of shield wires
there to be 30m. Summary
According to the results in section, below are the recommended
heights of shield wires in 500kV switchyard,
(1) 35m for shield wires protecting 500kV outgoing lines with a height of 29m.
(2) 30m for shield wires protecting 500kV outgoing lines with a height of 24m, and
for shield wires set up on 500kV bus connection gantry and 500kV outgoing line
gantry of the transformer.
3.4.2 230kV Switchyard
In this area, R=26m, hc=18m, hb=12m, and the maximum height of equipments is
he=9m. Outgoing line bay
The situation of direct stroke is shown in figure 3.
Section View

Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere

Shield wire

Phase Conductor
H Gantry
Equipment Ground
Shield wire
Phase Conductor C

Figure 3. Direct stroke in 230kV outgoing line bay

In figure 3, hx=max{hc, hb, he}= 18m, C=17m, and

C 
D = R − R −   = 1.43m

In order to protected conductors, there should be

Take consideration of the sag for shield wires and a certain margin, we will have the
minimum height of shield wires
The situation of side stroke is shown in figure 4.
Section View
Imaginary sphere Imaginary sphere

Shield wire R
Phase conductor Dc

hb he

Shield wire Equipment Ground Equipment Gantry

Phase Conductor
Figure 4. Side stroke in 230kV outgoing line bay
For outgoing lines, the horizontal distance from shield wire to protected object is
Tc=4m. In figure 4, we have
 D + R 2 − (H − R )2  + (h − R )2 = R 2
 c  c

In order to protect conductors, there should be Tc≥Dc. Substitute R and hc into this
equation, and take a certain margin, we will have the maximum height of shield wires
For busbars, there should be 2 (H − R ) < H − hb . Similarly, we will have another
maximum height of shield wires
For equipments, there is Te=3.5m. In the same way as outgoing lines, there should be
R 2 − (R − he ) − R 2 − (H − R ) < Te .
2 2

Similarly, the third one of maximum height of shield wires is

And finally, the maximum height of shield wires should be
Hmax=min{Hmax1, Hmax2, Hmax3}=40m.
There are a set of disconnectors above the gantry of outgoing lines, as in figure 5.

Section View

Imaginary sphere


Imaginary sphere

Shield wire



Shield wire
Phase Conductor C

Figure 5. Disconnector protection in 230kV area

The height of disconnector is hx=21.6m and C=17m. In order to protect disconnectors,
there should be
C 
H − hx > R − R −   .

Substitute hx, and we will have H>23.03m. Hence, the maximum height of shield
wires is
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
24m≤H≤4 m in order to protect conductors, busbars and equipments, and we
recommend the value of 26m for shield wires set up on outgoing line gantry. Shield
wires on the central gantry of 230kV busbars do not have to shield disconnectors, so
we recommend the height of shield wires there to be 23m. Bus couple area
The connecting section of two busbars possesses a height of 18m, which is hb=18m,
and he is 8m.The situation of direct stroke is shown in figure 6.

Section View
Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere

Shield wire


H Gantry
Equipment Ground
Shield wire C
Figure 6. Direct stroke in 230kV bus couple area
In figure 6, hx=max{hb,he}=18m, C=17m. In the same way as outgoing line bay, the
minimum height of shield wires is
Hmin= 21m.
The situation of side stroke is shown in figure 7.

Front View
Imaginary sphere


R Shield wire


he hb

Gantry Equipment Ground
Shield wire

Figure 7. Side stroke in 230kV bus couple area

For the connecting section of busbars, there should be 2 H − R( ) < H − hb . Substitute
R and hb, and we will have the maximum height of shield wires
For equipments, there is Te=3.5m. In the same way as discussed before, we will have
another maximum height of shield wires
And finally, the maximum height of shield wires should be
Hmax=min{Hmax1, Hmax2}=34m.
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be

21m≤H≤34m in order to protect busbars and equipments. We recommend the value of
26m for shield wires set up on bus connection gantry. For shield wires set up on the
central gantry of 230kV busbars, we recommend the height of 23m as discussed in
last section. Other areas
The 230kV outgoing line of transformer and part of 230kV busbars left undiscussed in
the above sections. In the first area, parameters are similar to outgoing line bay, and
the height of conductors is hc=18m. There are a set of disconnectors with a height of
21.6m in this area. It can be calculated that the height of shield wires should not be
less than 24m as discussed in 3.2.1, and we recommend the value of 26m. In the
second area, we will have the minimum height of shield wire gantry, which is
Hmin=22m according to the height of busbars, which is 12m, and the separation
between shield wires, which is 41m. Height of shield wires in this area can meet this
condition. At the terminal area of 230kV busbars (nearby the future outgoing lines),
one of the future 230kV outgoing line gantry should be set up in advance, and we
recommend the height of it to be 26m in accordance with 230kV outgoing line in
current period. It is necessary to set up an independent shield wire gantry at the other
terminal area of 230kV busbars, and the minimum height of shield wire gantry is
Hmin=14m according to the separation between shield wires, which is C=17m. We
recommend the height of independent shield wire gantry to be 15m. Summary
According to the results in section, below are the recommended
heights of shield wires in 230kV switchyard,
(1) 26m for shield wires set up on 230kV outgoing line gantry (including one future
gantry), 230kV bus connection gantry and 230kV outgoing line gantry of transformer.
(2) 23m for shield wires set up on central gantry of 230kV busbars.
(3) 15m for the independent shield wire gantry.
3.4.3 Transformer area
Layout of lightning protection in this area is shown in figure 8.

Figure 8. Lightning protection of transformer area
This area contains two different voltage classes, which are 500kV and 230kV. There
are two sets of transformers in this substation, and each one of them consists of three
single-phase transformers, and there is one more standby transformer. There are one
500kV bus and one 230kV bus on each side of the transformer, and the standby
transformer is connected to them. When the transformer is operating in normal
condition, both 500kV and 230kV buses are non-electrified. If one of the three
single-phase transformers is broken, then 500kV and 230kV outgoing lines will be
connected to the bus, and the standby transformer will replace the broken one. The
500kV transformer bus is 11 meters high, and the 230kV one is 14 meters high. Shield
wires are set up as in figure 8 so as to protect transformers, conductors and other
As we discussed before, we can reach a conclusion that in the situation of direct
stroke, the cross section of imaginary rolling sphere cut by shield wires is a circle with
a radius of r, as shown in figure 9.

Section View

Imaginary sphere

r R Imaginary sphere

r Shield wire

Phase Conductor

H Gantry
Shield wire Ground
Phase Conductor

Figure 9. General situation of direct stroke

In order to shield conductors, busbars and equipments, there should be

H − hx > R − R 2 − r 2 ,
where hx is the maximum height of objects protected by shield wires with a height of
H. This formula will apply for those kinds of direct stroke situations where imaginary
sphere is supported by more than two shield wires which are not parallel to each other. 500kV side of transformer area
According to the method mentioned above, we will have rmax=19.5m from the layout
of transformer area in direct stroke situations, and the vertical distance from the
lowest point of imaginary sphere to shield wire is
D = R − R 2 − rmax
= 5.8m .
As the sag of transmission line is longer than shield wire under normal circumstances,
500kV outgoing line of transformer can be shielded when both ends of the line get
shield wires above them, and the height of shield wire should meet the condition of
H-hx>D (which is already achieved for the one connected to 500kV switchyard as
discussed in section 3.4.1). For the one connected to transformer, the height of
conductors is hx=22m. Therefore, the minimum height of shield wire should be
In the situation of side stroke, it can be calculated by the method in section 3.4.1 that
the maximum height of shield wire is Hmax=58m.
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires set up on the transformer
gantry should be 28m≤H≤58m in order to protect transformer and conductors. 230kV side of transformer area
In the situation of direct stroke, we have rmax=17.5m in this area. Similarly, the
vertical distance from the lowest point of imaginary sphere to shield wire is
D = R − R 2 − rmax
= 6.8m .

As the sag of transmission line is longer than shield wire under normal circumstances,
230kV outgoing line of transformer can be shielded when both ends of the line get
shield wires above them, and the height of shield wire should meet the condition of
H-hx>D (which is already achieved for the one connected to 230kV switchyard as
discussed in section 3.4.2). For the one connected to transformer, the height of
conductors is hx=22m. Therefore, the height of shield wires should not be less than
In the situation of side stroke, it is obvious that the terminal of 230kV transformer bus
tends to be struck by lightning. Distance from the terminal of 230kV transformer bus
to shield wire is Dx=1.7m, and hx=14m. There should be
Dx + R 2 − (R − hx ) < R 2 − (H − R )
2 2

Substitute Dx and hx, and we will have 18.08m<H<33.92m, then the limit height of
shield wire should be 19m≤H≤33m.
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
29m≤H≤33m in order to protect 230kV side of transformers, and we recommend the
value of 30m. Summary
According to the results in section and, below are the recommended
heights of shield wires in transformer area.
(1) 30m for shield wires set up on 500kV transformer outgoing line gantry (same as
we discussed in section 3.4.1).
(2) 30m for shield wires set up on transformer gantry.
(3) 26m for shield wires set up on 230kV transformer outgoing line gantry (same as
we discussed in section 3.4.2).
3.4.4 SVC area
This area contains two different voltage classes, which are 230kV and 35kV. For the
second one, radii of the imaginary sphere is R=9m. 230/35kV transformer area
In this area, the height of protected object is hx=max{hc, he}=18m, and C=26m. It can
be calculated that the minimum height of shield wire is Hmin=22m in the situation of
direct stroke. In the situation of side stroke, the minimum height of shield wire is
Hmax=45m in the same way as we discussed in section 3.4.2. The limit height of shield
wires in this area should be 22m≤H≤45m in this area, and we recommend the value of
26m. SVC area
In this area, the height of protected object is hx=7m, and separation of shield wires is
C=17.5m according to the arrangement of lightning protection in this area. It can be
calculated that the minimum height of shield wire is Hmin=16m in the situation of
direct stroke. In the situation of side stroke, the minimum height of shield wire is
Hmax=17m in the same way as we discussed in section 3.4.2. The limit height of
shield wires in this area should be 16m≤H≤17m in this area, and we recommend the

value of 16m. Summary
According to the results in section and, below are the recommended
heights of shield wires in SVC area.
(1) 26m for shield wires set up on 230/35kV transformer gantry.
(2) 16m for the independent shield wire gantry.
3.4.5. Conclusion
According to the results above, below are the recommended heights of shield wires in
each part of Chorrillos substation.
(1) 35m for shield wires protecting 500kV outgoing lines with a height of 29m.
(2) 30m for shield wires protecting 500kV outgoing lines with a height of 24m, and
for shield wires set up on 500kV bus connection gantry and 500/230kV transformer
(3) 26m for shield wires set up on 230kV outgoing line gantry (including one future
gantry), 230kV bus connection gantry and 230/35kV transformer gantry .
(4) 23m for shield wires set up on central gantry of 230kV busbars.
(5) 15m for the independent shield wire gantry in 230kV area.
(6) 16m for the independent shield wire gantries in SVC area.
Layout of lightning protection in Chorrillos substation is shown below.

3.5 JIVINO 230kV Substation

3.5.1 230kV Switchyard

In this area, R=26m, hc=18m, hb=12m, and the maximum height of equipments is
he=8m. Outgoing line bay
Take Shushufindi 1 line as an example and the situation of direct stroke is shown in
figure 1.
Section View

Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere

Shield wire

Phase Conductor
H Gantry
Shield wire Equipment
Phase Conductor C

Figure 1. Direct stroke in 230kV outgoing line bay

In figure1, hx=max{hc, hb, he}=18m, C=39m, and
C 
D = R − R −   = 8.8m .

In order to protected conductors, there should be
Take consideration of the sag for shield wires and a certain margin, we will have the
minimum height of shield wires
The situation of side stroke is shown in figure 2.

Section View
Imaginary sphere Imaginary sphere

Shield wire R
Phase conductor Dc

hb he

Shield wire Equipment Ground Equipment Gantry

Phase Conductor
Figure 2. Side stroke in 230kV outgoing line bay
For outgoing lines, the horizontal distance from shield wire to protected object is
Tc=4m. In figure 2, we have
 D + R 2 − (H − R )2  + (h − R )2 = R 2
 c  c

In order to protect conductors, there should be Tc≥Dc. Substitute R and hc into this
equation , and take a certain margin, we will have the maximum height of shield wires
For busbars, there should be 2 (H − R ) < H − hb . Similarly, we will have another
maximum height of shield wires
For equipments, there is Te=3.5m. In the same way as outgoing lines, there should be
R 2 − (R − he ) − R 2 − (H − R ) < Te .
2 2

Similarly, the third one of maximum height of shield wires is

And finally, the maximum height of shield wires should be
Hmax=min{Hmax1, Hmax2, Hmax3}=40m.
There are a set of disconnectors above the gantry of outgoing lines, as in figure 3.

Section View

Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere

Shield wire

H Phase Conductor

Shield wire
Phase Conductor C

Figure 3. Disconnector protection in 230kV area

The height of disconnector is hx=21.6m and the width is Dx=3.3m, and C equals 39m.
In order to protect disconnector, there should be

 C − Dx 
2 2
C 
H + R −   − R2 − 
 > hx .
2  2 
Substitute hx, Dx, and we will have H > 23.31m. Hence, the maximum height of shield
wires is
This value is less than 28m, which means the minimum height of shield wires in this
area remains 28m. On the other side of disconnetor, it is well protected by
transmission line shield wires.
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
28m≤H≤40m in order to protect conductors, busbars and equipments, and we
recommend the value of 28m. Bus couple area
The connecting section of two busbars possesses a height of 18m, which is hb=18m,
and he is 8m.The situation of direct stroke is shown in figure 4.

Section View
Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere

Shield wire


H Gantry
Equipment Ground
Shield wire C

Figure 4. Direct stroke in 230kV bus couple area

In figure 4, hx=max{hb,he}=18m. In the same way as outgoing line bay, the minimum
height of shield wires is
Hmin= 28m.
The situation of side stroke is shown in figure 5.

Front View
Imaginary sphere


R Shield wire


he hb

Gantry Equipment Ground
Shield wire

Figure 5. Side stroke in 230kV bus couple area

For the connecting section of busbars, there should be 2 H − R ( ) < H − hb . Substitute
R and hb, and we will have the maximum height of shield wires
For equipments, there is Te=3.5m. In the same way as discussed in section, we
will have another maximum height of shield wires
And finally, the maximum height of shield wires should be
Hmax=min{Hmax1, Hmax2}=34m.
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
28m≤H≤34m in order to protect busbars and equipments, and we recommend the
value of 28m. Other areas of busbars

To meet the requirement of protecting outgoing line and bus couple areas, the height
of central gantry and outgoing line gantry should not be less than 28m. Most part of
two 230kV busbars can be shielded under this condition. But in the northwest and
southeast area of busbars, shield wires should be set up on the side of bus gantries as
well. For the side of bus gantry is only 12 meters high, it is fairly difficult to lengthen
the gantry by 16 meters so as to set up shield wires. Therefore, it is necessary to
particularly discuss the height of shield wires in these areas.
The layouts of shield wires are the same in these two areas, so we take the northwest
area as an example and the layout of shield wires is shown in figure 6.

Plan View

2 2

Shield wire



1 1
Shield wire D1 D2 D2 D2 D2

Figure 6. Lightning protection in northwest area

In figure 6, D1=21m, D2=4.5m, D3=34m. In the situation of direct stroke, this area can
be shield if the imaginary sphere is unable to touch busbar in section 1-1 or 2-2, as in
figure 7.

Section View 1-1 Section View 2-2

Imaginary sphere Imaginary sphere

R Shield wire R Shield wire

Busbar Hx2 Busbar
hb hb
Gantry Gantry

D1+4D2 Ground 4D2 Ground

Figure 7. Section view 1-1 and 2-2

In figure 7, hb=12m, H=28m (as recommended in section, D1+4D2=39m,
4D2=18m. Assume that the horizontal distance from origin of sphere to the lower

shield wire is x, and the vertical distance from origin of sphere to ground is y. In
section 1-1, we have
( y − H x1 )2 + x 2 = R 2

( y − H )2 + (39 − x )2 = R 2
In order to shield the busbar, there should be
y − R > Hb
Substitute all parameters, and the solution is Hx1>16.73m. Hence the minimum height
of shield wire is
In section 2-2, it can be calculated that the origin of sphere is not between two shield
wires in this situation, so the limit of Hx2 is Hx2>hb=12m. And the minimum height of
shield wire is
There are two different cases of side stroke, as in figure 8.

Plan View Plan View


Shield wire Imaginary sphere


Shield wire
Imaginary sphere D3 D3


D1 D2 D2 D2 D2 D1 D2 D2
D2 D2

Figure 8. Side stroke in northwest area

Section 3-3 and 4-4 are shown in figure 9.

Section View 3-3 Section View 4-4

Imaginary sphere Shield wire Imaginary sphere Shield wire

R H1 R H2

hb hb

Gantry Ground Gantry Ground

Figure 9. Section view 3-3 and 4-4
In section 3-3, we can figure out that D=12.8m when the imaginary sphere could just
touch the busbar. In figure 9, we have

(R − D )2 + (H1 − R )2 = R 2 .
The solution is H1=48.4m, and if we consider a certain margin, then the maximum
height of shield wire is
In section 4-4, there should be 2 (H 2 − R ) < H 2 − hb , therefore the maximum height of
shield wire is
There are a set of CVT in the southern area of busbars, as shown in figure 10.
Shield wire Section View
Phase Conductor

Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere
R Shield wire

Gantry H


Figure 10. Layout of 230kV busbar CVT

In order to protect the CVT from side stroke, the maximum height of shield wire can
be calculated in the same way as discussed in section, which is
Hmax3>Hmax2, which means that it is appropriate to consider the basbar as protected
object in this area.
In conclusion of this section, in order to protect busbars and equipments, the limit
height of shield wires in this area is shown below:
(1) Shield wires set up on the side of northern and southern bus gantry, 13m≤H≤40m,
and we recommend 15m.
(2) Shield wires set up on future 138kV outgoing line gantry, 18m≤H≤48m, and we
recommend 20m.
(3) Shield wires set up on transformer outgoing line gantry, 28m≤H≤41m, and we
recommend 28m. Summary
According to the results in section, below are the recommended
heights of shield wires in 230kV switchyard,
(1) 28m for shield wires set up on 230kV outgoing line gantry, central gantry of

230kV busbars and 230kV bus connection gantry.
(2) 20m for shield wires set up on future 138kV outgoing line gantry.
(3) 15m for shield wires set up on the side of 230kV busbar gantry.
3.5.2 69kV Switchyard
In this area, R=13m, hc=10m, hb=7m, and the maximum height of equipments is
The layout of shield wires in 69kV switchyard is shown in figure 11.

Figure 11. Lightning protection of 69kV switchyard

There is a single shield wire upon conductor of phase B, which is in other words, in
the middle of conductors in general situations for 69kV transmission line. In this
substation, shield wires for outgoing lines are set up at the same height, so are the
shield wires set up on bus gantry. This kind of arrangement will be convenient for
structural engineers to design the gantry. Lago agrio 1 and 2 lines are too far away
from each other, which makes it difficult to shield the area between these two lines
just by shield wires for transmission lines. So it is necessary to use an independent
shield wire gantry, as shown in figure 11. Height of the independent shield wire tower
should be the same as shield wires for outgoing lines.
As we discussed before, we can reach a conclusion that in the situation of direct
stroke, the cross section of imaginary rolling sphere cut by shield wires is a circle with
a radius of r, as shown in figure 12.

Section View

Imaginary sphere

R Imaginary sphere
r Shield wire

Phase Conductor

H Gantry

Shield wire Equipment Ground

Phase Conductor

Figure 12. Direct stroke in 69kV swichyard

In order to shield conductors, busbars and equipments, there should be

H − hx > R − R 2 − r 2 ,
where hx is the maximum height of objects protected by shield wires with a height of
H. This formula will apply for those kinds of direct stroke situations where imaginary
sphere is supported by more than two shield wires which are not parallel to each other. Outgoing line bay
In this area, outgoing lines start from gantries between two busbars. As both ends of
busbars are protected by shield wires, this area could have the probability to be struck
from side only if the height difference between shield wires for outgoing lines and
shield wires for busbars is close to 2R (which is actually impossible). Therefore, it is
meaningless to calculate side stroke situations in this area.
In the situation of direct stroke, rmax=8m from the layout of 69kV switchyard, and
hx=10m. Substitute r and hx, and we will have H>12.75m. The minimum height of
shield wire is
Hmin=12.75+sag+margin=13m. Busbar area
In the situation of direct stroke, the by-pass bus can be shielded by outgoing line
shield wires. As for the main busbar, we have rmax=8.5m and hx=7m. Substitute r and
hx, and we will have H>10.16m. The minimum height of shield wire is
In the situation of side stroke, the maximum height of shield wire can be calculated in
the same way as discussed before, which is
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
11m≤H≤19m in order to protect conductors, busbars and equipments, and we
recommend the value of 11m.

55 Summary
According to the results in section and, below are the recommended
heights of shield wires in 69kV switchyard,
(1) 13m for shield wires set up on 69kV outgoing line gantry and independent shield
wire gantry.
(2) 11m for shield wires set up on 69kV busbar gantry.
3.5.3 Transformer area
This area contains two different voltage classes, and parameters of each one are
shown below.
Voltage Class Rolling Sphere Radius Height of Conductors Maximum Height of
(kV) (m) (m) Equipments (m)
230 26 18 8
69 13 18 6

The layout of shield wires in 69kV switchyard is shown in figure 13.

Imaginary sphere



230kV 69kV
Equipment Shield wire

Figure 13. Lightning protection of transformer 230kV side of transformer area
In this area, all parameters are the same as 230kV switchyard. As we discussed before,
the recommended height of shield wire is 28m. Particularly, above the 230kV inlet
lines of transformer, the arrangement of shield wires changes from longitudinal to
lateral, and separation between two shield wires is C=17m, which determines the
minimum height of shield wires set up on gantries on both sides of transformer
(named transformer gantry in the following) to be
Hmin=21m. 69kV side of transformer area
Based on the results in section 3.5.2, 69kV outgoing line of the transformer, which is
connected to 69kV busbars, is 10 meters high. The recommended height of shield
wire is 13m in this area. But the transformer 69kV outgoing line starts with a height of

about 18m, as shown in figure 13. According to rolling sphere radius value and
separation between two shield wires in this area, we will have H>21.16m. Therefore,
the minimum height of shield wires set up on transformer gantry should be
In the situation of side stroke, horizontal distance from the transformer 69kV outgoing
line to shield wire is T=3.8m. We will have H<23.07m, that is, the maximum height of
shield wires set up on transformer gantry should be
Hmax=23m Summary
According to the results in section and, the limit height of shield wires
set up on transformer gantry in this area should be 22m≤H≤23m in order to protect the
transformer, conductors and equipments, and we recommend the value of 23m.
3.5.4. Conclusion
According to the results above, below are the recommended heights of shield wires in
each part of Jivino substation.
(1) 28m for shield wires set up on 230kV outgoing line gantry (including one future
gantry), central gantry of 230Kv busbar and 230kV bus connection gantry.
(2) 15m for shield wires set up on the side of 230kV busbar gantry.
(3) 23m for shield wires set up on transformer gantry.
(4) 13m for shield wires set up on 69kV outgoing line gantry and independent shield
wire gantry.
(5) 11m for shield wires set up on 69kV busbar gantry.
Layout of lightning protection in Jivino substation is shown below.

3.6 SHUSHUFINDI 230kV Substation

3.6.1 230kV Switchyard

In this area, R=26m, hc=18m, hb=12m, and the maximum height of equipments is
he=8m. Layout of lightning protection in this area is shown in figure 1.

Figure 1. Lightning protection of 230kVswitchyard Outgoing line bay

Take Jivino 1 line as an example and the situation of direct stroke is shown in figure
Section View

Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere

Shield wire

Phase Conductor
H Gantry
Equipment Ground
Shield wire
Phase Conductor C

Figure 2. Direct stroke in 230kV outgoing line bay

In figure 2, hx=max{hc, hb, he}=18m, C=17m, and

C 
D = R − R −   = 1.43m

In order to protected conductors, there should be
Take consideration of the sag for shield wires and a certain margin, we will have the
minimum height of shield wires
According to the layout of lightning protection, side stroke is practically impossible in
this area, so there is no need to calculate such kind of stroke situations.
There are a set of disconnectors above the gantry of outgoing lines, as in figure 3.

Section View

Imaginary sphere


Imaginary sphere

Shield wire



Shield wire
Phase Conductor C

Figure 3. Disconnector protection in 230kV area

The height of disconnector is hx=21.6m and C=17m. In order to protect disconnectors,
there should be
C 
H − hx > R − R 2 −   .
Substitute hx, and we will have H>23.03m. Hence, the maximum height of shield
wires is
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
H≥24m in order to protect conductors, busbars and equipments, and we recommend
the value of 26m for shield wires set up on outgoing line gantry. Shield wires on the
central gantry of 230kV busbars do not have to shield disconnectors, so we
recommend the height of shield wires there to be 23m.

60 Bus couple area
The connecting section of two busbars possesses a height of 18m, which is hb=18m,
and he is 8m.The situation of direct stroke is shown in figure 4.

Section View
Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere

Shield wire


H Gantry
Equipment Ground
Shield wire C
Figure 4. Direct stroke in 230kV bus couple area
In figure 4, hx=max{hb,he}=18m. In the same way as outgoing line bay, the minimum
height of shield wires is
Hmin= 21m.
The situation of side stroke is shown in figure 5.

Front View
Imaginary sphere


R Shield wire


he hb

Gantry Equipment Ground
Shield wire

Figure 5. Side stroke in 230kV bus couple area

For the connecting section of busbars, there should be 2 H − R ( ) < H − hb . Substitute
R and hb, and we will have the maximum height of shield wires
For equipments, Te=3.5m in figure 5. In order to protect busbars, there should be
R 2 − (R − he ) − R 2 − (H − R ) < Te , and we will have another maximum height of
2 2

shield wires

And finally, the maximum height of shield wires should be
Hmax=min{Hmax1, Hmax2}=34m.
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
21m≤H≤34m in order to protect busbars and equipments, and we recommend the
value of 26m. Other areas of busbars
To meet the requirement of protecting outgoing line and bus couple areas, the height
of central gantry and outgoing line gantry should not be less than 26m. Most part of
two 230kV busbars can be shielded under this condition. As for those unshielded
areas, it is necessary to set up shield wires on the side of bus gantries as well. For the
side of bus gantry is only 12 meters high, it is fairly difficult to lengthen the gantry by
14 meters so as to set up shield wires. Therefore, we need to particularly discuss the
height of shield wires in these areas. Shield wires set up on the side of bus gantry are
at the same height for the convenience of arrangement.
As we discussed before, we can reach a conclusion that in the situation of direct
stroke, the cross section of imaginary rolling sphere cut by shield wires is a circle with
a radius of r, as shown in figure 6.
Section View

Imaginary sphere

r R Imaginary sphere

r Shield wire

Phase Conductor

H Gantry
Shield wire Ground
Phase Conductor

Figure 6. General situation of direct stroke

In order to shield conductors, busbars and equipments, there should be

H − hx > R − R 2 − r 2 ,
where hx is the maximum height of objects protected by shield wires with a height of
H. This formula will apply for those kinds of direct stroke situations where imaginary
sphere is supported by more than two shield wires which are not parallel to each other.
In the unshielded area mentioned before, it can be calculated that rmax=17m, and
hx=12m. Substitute r and hx, and we will have H>18.33m. The minimum height of
shield wire is

In the situation of side stroke, there are three different cases.
Case 1 is shown in figure 7.
Plan View Section View 1-1

Shield wire

Shield wire
Imaginary sphere

r D
D3 R H1

1 R D Busbar
Imaginary sphere

D1 Shield wire Gantry Ground

D2 D2 D2 D2

Figure 7. Case 1 of side stroke in busbar area

In this figure, D1=21m, D2=4.5m, D3=34m.In section 1-1, we can figure out that
D=12.8m when imaginary sphere could just touch the busbar. In figure 7, we have
r 2 + (H1 − R )2 = R 2

 2
  D2 +D 2 
 D + r 2
−  1 3  =R
  2 
 
The solution is H1=36.08m, and if we consider a certain margin, then the maximum
height of shield wire is
Case 2 is shown in figure 8.
Plan View Section View 2-2

Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere Shield wire

Shield wire

R H2



D2 D2 D2 D2 Gantry Ground

Figure 8. Case 2 of side stroke in busbar area

In section 2-2, there should be 2 (H 2 − R ) < H 2 − hb , therefore the maximum height of
shield wire is
Case 3 is shown in figure 9.

Plan View Section View 3-3
Shield wire

Imaginary sphere
Shield wire
Imaginary sphere

H3 R
R Busbar

Busbar hb Tb

D2 D2 D2 D2
Ground Gantry
3 3

Figure 9. Case 3 of side stroke in busbar area

In this figure, we have Tb=4.5m, and there should be
R 2 − (R − hb ) − R 2 − (H 3 − R ) < Tb .
2 2

The solution is H3<45.31m, and the maximum height of shield wire is

There are a set of CVT in the southern area of busbars, as shown in figure 10.
Shield wire Section View
Phase Conductor

Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere
R Shield wire

Gantry H


Figure 10. Layout of 230kV busbar CVT

In order to protect the CVT from side stroke, the maximum height of shield wire can
be calculated in the same way as discussed in section, which is
Therefore, the maximum height of shield wire in this area should be
Hmax=min{Hmax1, Hmax2, Hmax3, Hmax4}=36m
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
19m≤H≤36m in order to protect busbars and equipments, and we recommend the
value of 19m. Summary
According to the results in section, below are the recommended
heights of shield wires in 230kV switchyard,

(1) 26m for shield wires set up on 230kV outgoing line gantry and 230kV bus
connection gantry.
(2) 23m for shield wires set up on central gantry of 230kV busbars
(3) 19m for shield wires set up on the side of 230kV busbar gantry.
3.6.2 138kV Switchyard
In this area, R=20m, hc=15m, hb=9m, and the maximum height of equipments is
he=7.5m. Layout of lightning protection in this area is shown in figure 11.

Figure 11. Lightning protection of 138kVswitchyard

There are two shield wires beside the conductors in general situations for 138kV
transmission line. In this substation, shield wires for outgoing lines (including
transmission, transformer and capacitor outgoing lines) are set up at the same height,
so are the shield wires set up on bus gantry. This kind of arrangement will be
convenient for structural engineers to design the gantry. Capacitors are vulnerable to
lightning stroke because shield wires are only set up at one side, therefore it is
necessary to set up independent shield wire gantries so as to protect capacitors. Outgoing line bay
In this area, outgoing lines start from gantries between two busbars. As both ends of
busbars are protected by shield wires, this area could have the probability to be struck
from side only if the height difference between shield wires for outgoing lines and
shield wires for busbars is close to 2R (which is actually impossible). Therefore, it is
meaningless to calculate side stroke situations in this area.

In the situation of direct stroke, same as we discussed in 3.1.3, rmax=12m from the
layout of 69kV switchyard, and hx=15m. Substitute r and hx, and we will have H>19m.
The minimum height of shield wire is
Hmin=19+sag+margin=20m. Busbar area
In the situation of direct stroke, the main busbar can be shielded by outgoing line
shield wires. As for the transfer busbar, we have rmax=13.9m and hx=9m. Substitute r
and hx, and we will have H>14.62m. The minimum height of shield wire is
In the situation of side stroke, the maximum height of shield wire can be calculated in
the same way as discussed before, which is
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
15m≤H≤31m in order to protect busbars and equipments, and we recommend the
value of 15m. Capacitor area
As we discussed before, there is a need to set up independent shield wire gantries so
as to protect capacitors. The gantry beside capacitor 1 could not be parallel to
capacitor outgoing line gantry for the road’s constraint, so we need to move it a little,
as shown in figure 11. Horizontal distance from the edge of capacitor 1 to shield wire
is 3.9m.
The maximum height of capacitor is hx=7.5m, and separation between two shield
wires is C=24m. In the situation of direct stroke, it can be calculated that the
minimum height of shield wires is
The situation of side stroke is shown in figure 12.

Plan View Section View 1-1

Imaginary sphere

Shield wire Imaginary sphere

Shield wire
Shield wire
Capacitor 2

H Dx

Capacitor 1 Shield wire

Shield wire
1 gantry

Road Ground Capacitor 1

Figure 12. Side stroke protection of 138kV capacitors
In this figure, Dx=3.9m, and the farthest point of capacitor 1 from shield wire is 6.5m
high (In figure12 the capacitor is simplified to an identical height, which is hx=6.5m).
In order to protect the capacitor, there should be

Dx + R 2 − (R − hx ) < R 2 − (H − R )
2 2

Substitute Dx and hx, and we have 12.79m<H<27.21m. If we consider a certain margin,

then the limit height of shield wire is 13m≤H≤27m.
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
13m≤H≤27m in order to protect capacitors, and we recommend the value of 13m. Summary
According to the results in section, below are the recommended
heights of shield wires in 138kV switchyard,
(1) 20m for shield wires set up on 138kV outgoing line gantry.
(2) 15m for shield wires set up on 138kV busbar gantry.
(3) 13m for shield wires set up on independent gantry beside capacitors.
3.6.3 Transformer area
Layout of lightning protection in this area is shown in figure 13.

Figure 13. Lightning protection of transformer area

This area contains two different voltage classes, which are 230kV and 138kV. The
transformer consists of three single-phase transformers, and there is one more standby
transformer. There are one 230kV bus and one 138kV bus on each side of the
transformer, and the standby transformer is connected to them. When the transformer
is operating in normal condition, both 230kV and 138kV buses are non-electrified. If
one of the three single-phase transformers is broken, then 230kV and 138kV outgoing
lines will be connected to the bus, and the standby transformer will replace the broken
one. The 230kV transformer bus is 10 meters high, and the 138kV one is 12 meters
high. Shield wires are set up as in figure 13 so as to protect transformers, conductors
and other equipments. 230kV side of transformer area
This area can be divided into two part, that is, the transformer outgoing line of 230kV
switchyard and the 230kV outgoing line of transformer. In the first part, all parameters

are the same as 230kV switchyard, and the recommended height of shield wire is 26m
as we discussed before. And in the second part, there is rmax=14m,hx=18m according
to the layout in direct stroke. Then we have H>22.09m. Then the minimum height of
shield wire is
In the situation of side stroke, it is clear that the terminal of 230kV transformer bus is
the weakest part. The arrangement of shield wires is similar to the 138kV capacitor
area. Distance from the terminal of 230kV transformer bus to shield wire is Dx=5.4m,
and hx=10m. There should be
Dx + R 2 − (R − hx ) < R 2 − (H − R )
2 2

Substitute Dx and hx, and we will have 23.65m<H<28.35m, then the limit height of
shield wire should be 24m≤H≤28m.
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
24m≤H≤28m in order to protect transformer and conductors, and we recommend the
value of 26m. 138kV side of transformer area
Based on the results in section 3.6.2, 138kV outgoing line of the transformer, which is
connected to 138kV busbars, is 15 meters high. The recommended height of shield
wire is 20m in this area. But the transformer 138kV outgoing line starts with a height
of about 18m. We have rmax=14m in this area when direct stroke take place, then we
have H>23.72m. The minimum height of shield wire is
In the situation of side stroke, also the terminal of 230kV transformer bus tends to be
struck by lightning. Similar to last section, Dx=0.5m and hx=12m in this area.
Substitute Dx and hx, and we will have 5.46m<H<34.54m, then the limit height of
shield wire should be 6m≤H≤34m.
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires set up on transformer
gantry should be 25m≤H≤34m in order to protect transformer and conductors, and we
recommend the value of 26m. Summary
According to the results in section and, below are the recommended
heights of shield wires in transformer area, which is 26m for shield wires set up on
230kV transformer outgoing line gantry and the transformer gantry.
3.6.4. Conclusion
According to the results above, below are the recommended heights of shield wires in
each part of Shushufindi substation.
(1) 26m for shield wires set up on 230kV outgoing line gantry (transmission line and
transformer), 230kV bus connection gantry and transformer gantry.
(2) 19m for shield wires set up on the side of 230kV busbar gantry.
(3) 23m for shield wires set up on central gantry of 230kV busbars.
(4) 20m for shield wires set up on 138kV outgoing line gantry.
(5) 15m for shield wires set up on 138kV busbar gantry.

(6) 13m for shield wires set up on independent gantry beside capacitors.
Layout of lightning protection in Shushufindi substation is shown below.

3.7 TOTORAS 230kV Substation Extension

Totoras substation will be extended by two more 230kV outlet lines in current period,
and we discuss lightning protection for the extensions particularly in this report.
Lightning protection of extensions is shown in figure 1. In this area, R=26m, hc=18m,
hb=12m, and the maximum height of equipments is he=8m.



Figure 1. Lightning protection of Totoras 230kV substation extension

3.7.1 Outgoing line bay

Take Tisaleo 1 line as an example and the situation of direct stroke is shown in figure
Section View

Imaginary sphere

Imaginary sphere

Shield wire

Phase Conductor
H Gantry
Equipment Ground
Shield wire
Phase Conductor C

Figure 2. Direct stroke in 230kV outgoing linearea

In figure 2, hx=max{hc, hb, he}=18m, C=18m, and

C 
D = R − R −   = 1.61m

In order to protected conductors, there should be
Take consideration of the sag for shield wires and a certain margin, we will have the
minimum height of shield wires
The situation of side stroke is shown in figure 3.
Section View
Imaginary sphere Imaginary sphere

Shield wire R
Phase conductor Dc

hb he

Shield wire Equipment Ground Equipment Gantry

Phase Conductor
Figure 3. Side stroke in 230kV outgoing linearea
For outlet lines, the horizontal distance from shield wire to protected object is Tc=4m.
In figure 3, we have
 D + R 2 − (H − R )2  + (h − R )2 = R 2
 c  c

In order to protect conductors, there should be Tc≥Dc. Substitute R and hc into this
equation , and take a certain margin, we will have the maximum height of shield wires
For busbars, there should be 2 (H − R ) < H − hb . Similarly, we will have another
maximum height of shield wires
For equipments, there is Te=3.5m. In the same way as outlet lines, there should be
R 2 − (R − he ) − R 2 − (H − R ) < Te .
2 2

Similarly, the third one of maximum height of shield wires is

And finally, the maximum height of shield wires should be
Hmax=min{Hmax1, Hmax2, Hmax3}=40m.
There are a set of disconnectors above the gantry of outlet lines, as in figure 4.

Section View

Imaginary sphere


Imaginary sphere

Shield wire



Shield wire
Phase Conductor C

Figure 4. Disconnector protection in 230kV area

The height of disconnector is hx=21.6m and C=18m. In order to protect disconnectors,
there should be
C 
H − hx > R − R −   .

Substitute hx, and we will have H>23.21m. Hence, the maximum height of shield
wires is
In conclusion of this section, the limit height of shield wires in this area should be
H≥24m in order to protect conductors, busbars and equipments, and we recommend
the value of 26m for shield wires set up on outgoing linegantry. Shield wires on the
central gantry of 230kV busbars do not have to shield disconnectors, so we
recommend the height of shield wires there to be 23m.
3.7.2 Busbar area
In order to protect busbars, independent shield wire gantries should be set up as in
figure 1. The height of busbars is hb=12m and separation between two shield wires is
C=36m. There should be
C 
H − hb > R − R −  

Substitute hb, and we have H >19.24m. The minimum height of shield wires should be
Therefore, the height of shield wires set up on independent shield wire gantry should
not be less than 20m, and we recommend the value of 20m.
3.7.3. Conclusion

According to the results above, below are the recommended heights of shield wires in
Totoras 230kV substation extension,
(1) 26m for shield wires set up on 230kV outgoing linegantry.
(2) 23m for shield wires set up on central gantry of 230kV busbars
(3) 20m for shield wires set up on independent shield wire gantry.


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