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Tjoet Nja’ Dhien

Tjoet Nja’ Dhien is wife of Umar. She is a brave and intelligence woman. After the death

of her husband, Tjoet Nja’ Dhien take over her husband place as leader of rebellion. She led

many attack on Dutch army and success to defeat them. She also brave warrior because she is

daughter of Teuku Nanta Setia which is rival to Jenderal Van Swieten and her first husband is

Panglima Perang Ibrahim Lam Nga. Because of it she can conduct with successful Acheh army

in many battles. Besides, Tjoet Nja’ Dhien is a good leader. She managed to organize her people

to stay alive and work as usually. Even she is a woman, Acheh people respect and obey her

commands in every situation. She also able to maintain Acheh people live in harmony and

strong. Furthermore, she is good making strategy, Tjoet Nja’ Dhien able to hide her identity from

Dutch and free to lead any battle to take down Dutch army. Next, with courage she successful

kill a culprit, Leubeh, the one of who responsible lead to the death of her husband. Furthermore,

she is pious woman, she very loyalty to her husband and she love to hear zikr. In addition, Tjoet

Nja’ Dhien is a humble person. Although, she is a leader of Acheh people, she realize that she

only ordinary woman. Lastly, she is a determine woman. Even though, they were attack by Dutch

many times and betrayed by her own people, she never give up to bring peace her people and


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