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Phßng gi¸o dôc v¨n giang Hä tªn: …………………………………..

Trêng THCS MÔ Së Líp: ………………….

KiÓm tra m«n: English 8
Thêi gian: 45 minutes
Mark Teacher remarks

Questions 1.
I. Chän ph¬ng ¸n (A hoÆc B,C,D) øng víi tõ cã phÇn g¹ch ch©n co c¸ch
ph¸t ©m kh¸c víi ba tõ cßn l¹i trong mçi c©u:
C©u 1: A. return B. upset C. unsuitable D. custom
C©u 2: A. custom B. export C. patron D. carol
C©u 3: A. grand B. fat C. man D. festival
C©u 4: A. church B. Christmas C. beach D. catch
C©u 5: A. said B. tailor C. explain D. saint
II. Chän ph¬ng ¸n ®óng (A hoÆc B,C,D) ®Ó hoµn thµnh mçi c©u sau
C©u 6: It’s cold – don’t go out ________ your coat.
A. in B. with C. wearing D. without
C©u 7: It is ________ that she works 16 hours a day.
A. says B. sayed C. said D. say
C©u 8: I don’t know what ________.
A. to do B. to be done C. for doing D. be done
C©u 9: The teacher told us ________ talk.
A. not B. didn’t C. don’t D. not to
C©u 10: The journey from the airport to the university ________ about an hour and a
A. spends B. passes C. takes D. want
C©u 11: ________ is a saint regarded as protecting a particular person or place.
A. Patron saint B. Fairy godmother C. Blessed saint
D. Holy saint
C©u 12: Halloween is the night of 31 October, when people once believed that
ghosts _____.
A. could see B. can see C. could be seen D. can be seen
C©u 13: These computers are made ________ Australia.
A. of B. in C. from D. by
C©u 14: Jane had the waiter ________ her some tea.
A. to bring B. bring C. brings D. brought
C©u 15: The ________ festival was held in the communal house yard.
A. rice-cook B. rice-cooking C. rice-cooked D. rice-cooker
C©u 16: Bob had someone ________ his house.
A. paint B. painting C. paints D. painted
C©u 17: James likes climbing mountain. He has just joined a ________ club.
A. climb-mountain B. mountain-climbing
C. climbing-mountain D. mountain-climb
C©u 18: Mary told Helen that she was tired of eating fish ________ summer.
A. the B. that C. this D. 
C©u 19: John said he couldn’t repair the car the ________ day.
A. before B. following C. that D. this
C©u 20: The _____ festival is a festival in which people have their bulls fight against
each other.
A. mountain-climbing B. ice skating C. bull-fighting
D. whale watching
C©u 21: A bill ________ to you at the end of the month.
A. will be sent B. will be send C. will be sending D. will send
C©u 22: She seems very ________ today.
A. happily B. sleepy C. sleepily D. seriously
C©u 23: Gosh, that lesson was really ________; I nearly went to sleep.
A. interested B. bored C. interesting D. boring
C©u 24: Billy asked his teacher ________ he could read the story.
A. did B. if C. do D. as
C©u 25: _______ is a person whose job is to put in and repair things kike water pipes
and baths.
A. Florist B. Plumber C. Inventor D. Gardener
III. §äc kü ®o¹n v¨n sau vµ chän ph¬ng ¸n ®óng (A hoÆc B,C,D) cho
mçi chç trèng tõ 26 ®Õn 32.
Tet is a national and (26)______ festival in Vietnam. It is occasion for every
Vietnamese to be reunited to think (27)______ their past activities and hope for good
luck (28)______ the year to come.
Before Tet all house are white washed and (29)______ with yellow apricot
flowers and colorful lanterns. Everybody is looking (30)______ to a more favorable
(31)______ the New Year’s Eve, children are smartly dressed. They are hoping
to (32)______ money put in small red envelopes as they are wish-ing longevity to
their grandparents and parents. Wrong doings should be absolutely avoided on
these days.
C©u 26: A. music B. summer C. modern D. traditional
C©u 27: A. for B. about C. after D. to
C©u 28: A. at B. on C. when D. in
C©u 29: A. decorating B. decorated C. decorate D. decorates
C©u 30: A. for B. at C. after D. forward
C©u 31: A. On B. When C. At D. In
C©u 32: A. sell B. make C. buy D. receive
IV. ViÕt l¹i c©u sao cho nghÜa kh«ng ®æi
C©u 33: He can repair this machine.
 This machine ………………………………………………………………………………..
C©u 34: Have you painted the old chairs yet?
 Have you ……………………………………………………………………………………..
C©u 35: He asked “Do you like football”.
 He ask me ……………………………………………………………………………………
C©u 36: My mother says to “I’ll meet you at the market”.
 My mother tells …………………………………………………………………………….
--------------- HÕt --------------

Phßng gi¸o dôc v¨n giang Hä tªn: …………………………………..

Trêng THCS MÔ Së Líp: ………………….
KiÓm tra m«n: English 8
Thêi gian: 45 minutes
Mark Teacher remarks

Questions 2.
I. Chän ph¬ng ¸n (A hoÆc B,C,D) øng víi tõ cã phÇn g¹ch ch©n co c¸ch
ph¸t ©m kh¸c víi ba tõ cßn l¹i trong mçi c©u:
C©u 1: A. beach B. Christmas C. church D. catch
C©u 2: A. custom B. carol C. patron D. export
C©u 3: A. return B. unsuitable C. upset D. custom
C©u 4: A. tailor B. saint C. said D. explain
C©u 5: A. fat B. festival C. grand D. man
II. Chän ph¬ng ¸n ®óng (A hoÆc B,C,D) ®Ó hoµn thµnh mçi c©u sau
C©u 6: Bob had someone ________ his house.
A. painting B. paint C. paints D. painted
C©u 7: It’s cold – don’t go out ________ your coat.
A. in B. wearing C. without D. with
C©u 8: She seems very ________ today.
A. sleepily B. sleepy C. happily D. seriously
C©u 9: Halloween is the night of 31 October, when people once believed that
ghosts ______.
A. can see B. could see C. could be seen D. can be seen
C©u 10: I don’t know what ________.
A. to do B. be done C. to be done D. for doing
C©u 11: The teacher told us ________ talk.
A. don’t B. didn’t C. not to D. not
C©u 12: Gosh, that lesson was really ________; I nearly went to sleep.
A. bored B. interested C. interesting D. boring
C©u 13: The _____ festival is a festival in which people have their bulls fight against
each other.
A. ice skating B. whale watching C. bull-fighting
D. mountain-climbing
C©u 14: These computers are made ________ Australia.
A. in B. of C. from D. by
C©u 15: John said he couldn’t repair the car the ________ day.
A. following B. this C. before D. that
C©u 16: Jane had the waiter ________ her some tea.
A. brings B. bring C. to bring D. brought
C©u 17: The journey from the airport to the university ________ about an hour and a
A. passes B. spends C. want D. takes
C©u 18: Mary told Helen that she was tired of eating fish ________ summer.
A. that B. this C. the D. 
C©u 19: _______ is a person whose job is to put in and repair things kike water pipes
and baths.
A. Florist B. Plumber C. Gardener D. Inventor
C©u 20: Billy asked his teacher ________ he could read the story.
A. as B. did C. do D. if
C©u 21: ________ is a saint regarded as protecting a particular person or place.
A. Holy saint B. Fairy godmother C. Blessed saint
D. Patron saint
C©u 22: A bill ________ to you at the end of the month.
A. will be sending B. will send C. will be sent D. will be send
C©u 23: James likes climbing mountain. He has just joined a ________ club.
A. mountain-climbing B. mountain-climb
C. climb-mountain D. climbing-mountain
C©u 24: It is ________ that she works 16 hours a day.
A. says B. say C. sayed D. said
C©u 25: The ________ festival was held in the communal house yard.
A. rice-cooking B. rice-cook C. rice-cooked D. rice-cooker
III. §äc kü ®o¹n v¨n sau vµ chän ph¬ng ¸n ®óng (A hoÆc B,C,D) cho
mçi chç trèng tõ 26 ®Õn 32.
Tet is a national and (26)______ festival in Vietnam. It is occasion for every
Vietnamese to be reunited to think (27)______ their past activities and hope for good
luck (28)______ the year to come.
Before Tet all house are white washed and (29)______ with yellow apricot
flowers and colorful lanterns. Everybody is looking (30)______ to a more favorable
(31)______ the New Year’s Eve, children are smartly dressed. They are hoping
to (32)______ money put in small red envelopes as they are wish-ing longevity to
their grandparents and parents. Wrong doings should be absolutely avoided on
these days.
C©u 26: A. modern B. summer C. traditional D. music
C©u 27: A. about B. for C. to D. after
C©u 28: A. on B. in C. at D. when
C©u 29: A. decorating B. decorated C. decorates D. decorate
C©u 30: A. forward B. for C. at D. after
C©u 31: A. At B. On C. In D. When
C©u 32: A. sell B. make C. buy D. receive
IV. ViÕt l¹i c©u sao cho nghÜa kh«ng ®æi
C©u 33: My mother says to “I’ll meet you at the market”.
 My mother tells …………………………………………………………………………….
C©u 34: He can repair this machine.
 This machine ………………………………………………………………………………..
C©u 35: Have you painted the old chairs yet?
 Have you ……………………………………………………………………………………..
C©u 36: He asked “Do you like football”.
 He ask me ……………………………………………………………………………………
--------------- HÕt --------------
Phßng gi¸o dôc v¨n giang Hä tªn: …………………………………..
Trêng THCS MÔ Së Líp: ………………….
KiÓm tra m«n: English 8
Thêi gian: 45 minutes
Mark Teacher remarks

Questions 3.
I. Chän ph¬ng ¸n (A hoÆc B,C,D) øng víi tõ cã phÇn g¹ch ch©n co c¸ch
ph¸t ©m kh¸c víi ba tõ cßn l¹i trong mçi c©u:
C©u 1: A. beach B. church C. catch D. Christmas
C©u 2: A. said B. explain C. saint D. tailor
C©u 3: A. return B. custom C. upset D. unsuitable
C©u 4: A. fat B. grand C. man D. festival
C©u 5: A. carol B. custom C. export D. patron
II. Chän ph¬ng ¸n ®óng (A hoÆc B,C,D) ®Ó hoµn thµnh mçi c©u sau
C©u 6: I don’t know what ________.
A. be done B. for doing C. to do D. to be done
C©u 7: ________ is a person whose job is to put in and repair things kike water pipes
and baths.
A. Plumber B. Inventor C. Florist D. Gardener
C©u 8: James likes climbing mountain. He has just joined a ________ club.
A. mountain-climbing B. climbing-mountain
C. mountain-climb D. climb-mountain
C©u 9: ________ is a saint regarded as protecting a particular person or place.
A. Patron saint B. Blessed saint C. Fairy godmother D. Holy saint
C©u 10: The journey from the airport to the university ________ about an hour and a
A. spends B. want C. passes D. takes
C©u 11: These computers are made ________ Australia.
A. in B. by C. from D. of
C©u 12: John said he couldn’t repair the car the ________ day.
A. that B. this C. following D. before
C©u 13: It’s cold – don’t go out ________ your coat.
A. in B. without C. with D. wearing
C©u 14: The ________ festival is a festival in which people have their bulls fight
against each other.
A. ice skating B. bull-fighting C. whale watching D. mountain-
C©u 15: The ________ festival was held in the communal house yard.
A. rice-cooked B. rice-cooker C. rice-cooking D. rice-cook
C©u 16: Billy asked his teacher ________ he could read the story.
A. do B. did C. if D. as
C©u 17: Jane had the waiter ________ her some tea.
A. to bring B. brought C. bring D. brings
C©u 18: It is ________ that she works 16 hours a day.
A. says B. said C. sayed D. say
C©u 19: She seems very ________ today.
A. happily B. sleepily C. seriously D. sleepy
C©u 20: Bob had someone ________ his house.
A. painting B. paints C. paint D. painted
C©u 21: Halloween is the night of 31 October, when people once believed that
ghosts _____.
A. can see B. can be seen C. could see D. could be seen
C©u 22: A bill ________ to you at the end of the month.
A. will be send B. will be sending C. will be sent D. will send
C©u 23: Gosh, that lesson was really ________; I nearly went to sleep.
A. bored B. boring C. interesting D. interested
C©u 24: The teacher told us ________ talk.
A. didn’t B. don’t C. not D. not to
C©u 25: Mary told Helen that she was tired of eating fish ________ summer.
A. that B. the C. this D. 
III. §äc kü ®o¹n v¨n sau vµ chän ph¬ng ¸n ®óng (A hoÆc B,C,D) cho
mçi chç trèng tõ 26 ®Õn 32.
Tet is a national and (26)______ festival in Vietnam. It is occasion for every
Vietnamese to be reunited to think (27)______ their past activities and hope for good
luck (28)______ the year to come.
Before Tet all house are white washed and (29)______ with yellow apricot
flowers and colorful lanterns. Everybody is looking (30)______ to a more favorable
(31)______ the New Year’s Eve, children are smartly dressed. They are hoping
to (32)______ money put in small red envelopes as they are wish-ing longevity to
their grandparents and parents. Wrong doings should be absolutely avoided on
these days.
C©u 26: A. modern B. music C. traditional D. summer
C©u 27: A. to B. for C. about D. after
C©u 28: A. in B. at C. when D. on
C©u 29: A. decorate B. decorated C. decorates D. decorating
C©u 30: A. at B. forward C. for D. after
C©u 31: A. At B. In C. When D. On
C©u 32: A. receive B. sell C. make D. buy
IV. ViÕt l¹i c©u sao cho nghÜa kh«ng ®æi
C©u 33: He asked “Do you like football”.
 He ask me ……………………………………………………………………………………
C©u 34: My mother says to “I’ll meet you at the market”.
 My mother tells …………………………………………………………………………….
C©u 35: He can repair this machine.
 This machine ………………………………………………………………………………..
C©u 36: Have you painted the old chairs yet?
 Have you ……………………………………………………………………………………..

--------------- HÕt --------------

Phßng gi¸o dôc v¨n giang Hä tªn: …………………………………..

Trêng THCS MÔ Së Líp: ………………….
KiÓm tra m«n: English 8
Thêi gian: 45 minutes
Mark Teacher remarks

Questions 4.
I. Chän ph¬ng ¸n (A hoÆc B,C,D) øng víi tõ cã phÇn g¹ch ch©n co c¸ch
ph¸t ©m kh¸c víi ba tõ cßn l¹i trong mçi c©u:
C©u 1: A. upset B. unsuitable C. return D. custom
C©u 2: A. man B. fat C. festival D. grand
C©u 3: A. said B. tailor C. saint D. explain
C©u 4: A. catch B. church C. Christmas D. beach
C©u 5: A. export B. patron C. custom D. carol
II. Chän ph¬ng ¸n ®óng (A hoÆc B,C,D) ®Ó hoµn thµnh mçi c©u sau
C©u 6: Mary told Helen that she was tired of eating fish ________ summer.
A. this B. the C. that D. 
C©u 7: Jane had the waiter ________ her some tea.
A. brings B. bring C. brought D. to bring
C©u 8: These computers are made ________ Australia.
A. in B. from C. of D. by
C©u 9: The ________ festival was held in the communal house yard.
A. rice-cooker B. rice-cooked C. rice-cooking D. rice-cook
C©u 10: James likes climbing mountain. He has just joined a ________ club.
A. mountain-climbing B. mountain-climb
C. climb-mountain D. climbing-mountain
C©u 11: It’s cold – don’t go out ________ your coat.
A. wearing B. without C. in D. with
C©u 12: Bob had someone ________ his house.
A. painted B. painting C. paint D. paints
C©u 13: The _____ festival is a festival in which people have their bulls fight against
each other.
A. ice skating B. bull-fighting C. whale watching D. mountain-
C©u 14: I don’t know what ________.
A. to do B. to be done C. for doing D. be done
C©u 15: John said he couldn’t repair the car the ________ day.
A. that B. following C. before D. this
C©u 16: Billy asked his teacher ________ he could read the story.
A. as B. do C. if D. did
C©u 17: Halloween is the night of 31 October, when people once believed that
ghosts _____.
A. can be seen B. could be seen C. can see D. could see
C©u 18: Gosh, that lesson was really ________; I nearly went to sleep.
A. boring B. interested C. bored D. interesting

C©u 19: The journey from the airport to the university ________ about an hour and a
A. spends B. want C. passes D. takes
C©u 20: ________ is a saint regarded as protecting a particular person or place.
A. Fairy godmother B. Blessed saint C. Holy saint D.
Patron saint
C©u 21: She seems very ________ today.
A. happily B. seriously C. sleepy D. sleepily
C©u 22: ________ is a person whose job is to put in and repair things kike water
pipes and baths.
A. Gardener B. Plumber C. Inventor D. Florist
C©u 23: The teacher told us ________ talk.
A. don’t B. didn’t C. not to D. not
C©u 24: A bill ________ to you at the end of the month.
A. will send B. will be send C. will be sending D. will be sent
C©u 25: It is ________ that she works 16 hours a day.
A. sayed B. said C. say D. says
III. §äc kü ®o¹n v¨n sau vµ chän ph¬ng ¸n ®óng (A hoÆc B,C,D) cho
mçi chç trèng tõ 1 ®Õn 7.
Tet is a national and (26)______ festival in Vietnam. It is occasion for every
Vietnamese to be reunited to think (27)______ their past activities and hope for good
luck (28)______ the year to come.
Before Tet all house are white washed and (29)______ with yellow apricot
flowers and colorful lanterns. Everybody is looking (30)______ to a more favorable
(31)______ the New Year’s Eve, children are smartly dressed. They are hoping
to (32)______ money put in small red envelopes as they are wish-ing longevity to
their grandparents and parents. Wrong doings should be absolutely avoided on
these days.
C©u 26: A. modern B. music C. summer D. traditional
C©u 27: A. after B. for C. about D. to
C©u 28: A. when B. at C. on D. in
C©u 29: A. decorated B. decorating C. decorate D. decorates
C©u 30: A. forward B. after C. at D. for
C©u 31: A. When B. On C. In D. At
C©u 32: A. receive B. make C. sell D. buy
IV. ViÕt l¹i c©u sao cho nghÜa kh«ng ®æi
C©u 33: Have you painted the old chairs yet?
 Have you ……………………………………………………………………………………..
C©u 34: He asked “Do you like football”.
 He ask me ……………………………………………………………………………………
C©u 35: My mother says to “I’ll meet you at the market”.
 My mother tells …………………………………………………………………………….
C©u 36: He can repair this machine.
 This machine ………………………………………………………………………………..

--------------- HÕt --------------

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