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CREATE TABLE `code_003` (
`Code` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`Description` text,
`Code_Type` varchar(10) DEFAULT '1',
`Creation_Date` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`Last_Update` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`Owner` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`Sub` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`Status` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,
`JH` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`Detail` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL,
`icon` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL,
SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `code_003` DISABLE KEYS */;
04-30 17:36:03','2008-04-29 19:50:23','MOF','160101',1,' ',NULL,'gnome-
laptop.png'),(188,'002','PERALATAN DAN KELENGKAPAN PEJABAT','1','2008-04-30
17:52:10',NULL,'MOF','160101',1,NULL,NULL,'xsane.png'),(189,'003','PERALATAN DAN
KELENGKAPAN DAPUR','1','2008-04-30
17:52:31',NULL,'MOF','160101',1,NULL,NULL,'dapur.png'),(190,'004','PERALATAN DAN
KELENGKAPAN MAKMAL','1','2008-04-30
(196,'010','PERALATAN DAN KELENGKAPAN PERUBATAN','1','2008-04-30
17:57:11',NULL,'MOF','160101',1,NULL,NULL,'bygfoot.png'),(198,'012','PERALATAN DAN
17:59:17',NULL,'MOF','160101',1,NULL,NULL,'CR Excavator.png'),
(201,'015','PERABOT','1','2008-04-30 17:59:30','2008-06-19
13:13:31','MOF','160101',1,' ',NULL,'file-manager.png'),(202,'016','HIASAN /
LANGSIR / HAMPARAN','1','2008-04-30
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `code_003` ENABLE KEYS */;
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SET character_set_client = utf8;
CREATE TABLE `code_004` (
`Code` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`Description` text,
`Code_Type` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`Creation_Date` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`Last_Update` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`Owner` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`Sub` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`Status` tinyint(4) DEFAULT '1',
SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `code_004` DISABLE KEYS */;
INSERT INTO `code_004` VALUES (1543,'001001','PELAYAN (SERVER)','001','2008-04-30
17:36:44','2008-08-04 10:29:34','MOF','160101',1),(1544,'002001','MESIN
PEJABAT','002','2008-04-30 18:30:53',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1545,'002002','PERALATAN PEJABAT','002','2008-04-30 18:31:25','2008-07-15
16:54:43','MOF','160101',1),(1546,'002003','PERALATAN PANDANG DENGAR','002','2008-
04-30 18:32:21',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1547,'002004','PERALATAN
PAMERAN','002','2008-04-30 18:32:39',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1548,'002005','PERALATAN PERCETAKAN','002','2008-04-30
18:33:07',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1549,'002006','PERALATAN FOTOGRAFI','002','2008-
04-30 18:33:45',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1550,'002007','TEMPAT
PENSTORAN','002','2008-04-30 18:35:02','2016-03-02 10:59:16','MOF','160101',1),
(1551,'002008','PERALATAN PENYAMAN UDARA','002','2008-04-30
18:35:35',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1552,'002009','PAPAN KENYATAAN
/TULIS','002','2008-04-30 18:35:53','2008-10-08 11:13:51','MOF','160101',1),
(1553,'002010','PETI','002','2008-04-30 18:36:30',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1554,'002011','BUKU RUJUKAN BERCETAK','002','2008-04-30 18:38:05','2018-12-13
08:49:17','MOF','160101',1),(1770,'009007','PERALATAN KIT
PEMBELAJARAN','009','2016-09-01 02:08:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1555,'003001','DAPUR
STOVES','003','2008-04-30 19:07:44','2018-12-12 09:00:55','MOF','160101',1),
(1556,'003002','BEKAS MEMASAK COOKINGWARE','003','2008-04-30 19:08:29','2018-12-12
09:01:09','MOF','160101',1),(1557,'003003','PERKAKAS ELEKTRIK DAPUR','003','2008-
04-30 19:09:10',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1558,'003004','PISAU DAPUR /KITCHEN
KNIVES','003','2008-04-30 19:09:49','2011-01-24 15:16:16','MOF','160101',1),
(1559,'003005','ALATAN DAPUR /KITCHEN UTENSIL','003','2008-04-30 19:10:19','2011-
01-24 15:16:36','MOF','160101',1),(1560,'003006','PERABOT DAPUR','003','2008-04-30
17:13:54',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1563,'001003','PERALATAN RANGKAIAN','001','2008-
05-01 17:14:49',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1564,'001004','PDA/PALMTOP','001','2008-05-
01 17:15:23',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1565,'001005','PENCETAK
(PRINTER)','001','2008-05-01 17:15:46',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1566,'001006','PERALATAN STORAN','001','2008-05-01
17:16:30',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1567,'001007','PENGIMBAS (SCANNER)','001','2008-
05-01 17:18:12','2008-09-23 15:39:36','MOF','160101',1),(1568,'001008','PERISIAN/
SISTEM MAYA (ASET TAK KETARA)','001','2008-05-01 17:18:31','2017-02-02
16:40:33','MOF','160101',1),(1569,'001009','PERANTI KOMPUTER','001','2008-05-01
17:19:14',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1571,'001010','RAK PERALATAN ICT','001','2008-05-
01 21:09:21',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1573,'013001','KERETA','013','2008-05-01
22:17:38',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1577,'013005','KENDERAAN AIR','013','2008-05-01
22:20:42',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1579,'013007','TIDAK BERMOTOR','013','2008-05-01
02:05:11',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1582,'005002','AKSESORI TELEFON','005','2008-05-
07 02:05:37',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1583,'005003','WALKIE TALKIE ','005','2008-05-
07 02:05:58','2008-09-09 10:09:25','MOF','160101',1),
(1584,'005004','INTERCOM','005','2008-05-07 02:06:10',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1585,'005005','RADIO KOMUNIKASI','005','2008-05-07 02:06:29','2008-09-09
10:12:12','MOF','160101',1),(1586,'005006','ALAT KOMUNIKASI','005','2008-05-07
GIMNASIUM','011','2008-05-07 02:21:15',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1591,'015002','KERUSI','015','2008-05-07 03:09:40',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1592,'015003','ALMARI','015','2008-05-07 03:18:28',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1593,'015004','KABINET','015','2008-05-07 03:19:04',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1594,'015005','SOFA/SETTEE','015','2008-05-07 03:19:39',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1595,'015006','RAK','015','2008-05-07 03:19:50',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1596,'015007','PERABOT MODULAR','015','2008-05-07 03:20:16','2008-08-26
09:43:15','MOF','160101',1),(1597,'011002','SUKAN MEMANAH','011','2008-05-09
20:07:48',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1599,'011004','BOLA KERANJANG / BOLA
JARING','011','2008-05-09 20:08:45','2008-08-26 09:37:36','MOF','160101',1),
(1600,'011005','BOWLING','011','2008-05-09 20:09:09',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1601,'011006','BOLASEPAK / FUTSAL','011','2008-05-09 20:10:38','2008-08-26
09:38:00','MOF','160101',1),(1602,'011007','SUKAN MENDAKI / X GAMES','011','2008-
05-09 20:14:08',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1603,'011008','SUKAN KRIKET','011','2008-
05-09 20:15:02',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1604,'011009','LUMBA BASIKAL','011','2008-
05-09 20:15:56',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1605,'011010','SKY DIVING','011','2008-05-
09 20:16:32','2008-08-20 14:45:44','MOF','160101',1),(1606,'011011','SUKAN PEDANG
(FENCING)','011','2008-05-09 20:16:49',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1607,'011012','HOKI','011','2008-05-09 20:19:41',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1608,'011013','GOLF','011','2008-05-09 20:20:20',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1609,'011014','RUGBY','011','2008-05-09 20:22:23',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1610,'011015','SEPAK TAKRAW / BOLA TAMPAR','011','2008-05-09 20:22:46','2008-08-26
09:39:14','MOF','160101',1),(1611,'011016','SUKAN BERKUDA','011','2008-05-09
20:23:12','2008-08-20 14:45:06','MOF','160101',1),
(1612,'011017','TINJU/GUSTI/PERTAHANAN DIRI','011','2008-05-09 20:25:02','2008-08-
26 09:39:52','MOF','160101',1),(1613,'011018','SUKAN PADANG DAN
BALAPAN','011','2008-05-09 20:25:29',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1614,'011019','SUKAN
AIR','011','2008-05-09 20:25:52',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1615,'011020','PERKHEMAHAN
/ PEMGEMBARAAN','011','2008-05-09 20:26:28','2008-08-26
20:27:03',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1617,'011022','PEMBURUAN (HUNTING)','011','2008-
05-09 20:27:19',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1618,'011023','PAINTBALL','011','2008-05-09
20:27:51',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1619,'011024','KELENGKAPAN PADANG
MAINAN','011','2008-05-09 20:28:28',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1620,'011025','INDOOR
GAME','011','2008-05-09 20:44:54',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1621,'004001','PERALATAN
PEMANAS(HEATING INST)','004','2008-05-10 15:39:54',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1622,'004002','OVEN MAKMAL (LAB. OVEN)','004','2008-05-10
15:40:32',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1623,'004003','AUTOKLAF (AUTOCLAVE)','004','2008-
05-10 15:42:16',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1624,'004004','RELAU
(FURNACE)','004','2008-05-10 15:43:13',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1625,'004005','EMPARAN (CENTRIFUGE)','004','2008-05-10
15:44:16',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1626,'004006','PERALATAN PENYEJUKAN','004','2008-
05-10 15:45:12',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
15:53:01','2009-11-13 11:04:52','MOF','160101',1),(1629,'004009','PERALATAN
MEREKOD','004','2008-05-10 15:53:24',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1630,'004010','BEKALAN
KUASA','004','2008-05-10 15:54:35',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1631,'004011','PERALATAN
MENCUCI','004','2008-05-10 15:55:01',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1632,'004012','PAM
MAKMAL','004','2008-05-10 15:55:26','2009-03-10 01:47:52','MOF','160101',1),
(1633,'004013','PERALATAN MENGUKUR','004','2008-05-10
15:56:33',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1634,'004014','PERALATAN PENYELIDIKAN DAN
PENGUJIAN','004','2008-05-10 15:58:18','2011-06-20 11:56:35','MOF','160101',1),
(1635,'004015','PERALATAN PENYELIDIKAN NUKLEAR','004','2008-05-10
15:58:50',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1636,'004016','KABINET/MEJA KERJA
MAKMAL','004','2008-05-10 15:59:26','2009-10-19 11:42:15','MOF','160101',1),
(1637,'004017','RAK KHAS PENYIMPANAN','004','2008-05-10
MAKMAL','004','2008-05-10 16:05:24','2009-09-03 13:48:14','MOF','160101',1),
(1639,'007001','KAWALAN KESELAMATAN FIZIKAL','007','2008-05-10
16:06:53',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1640,'007002','KAWALAN KEBAKARAN','007','2008-05-
10 16:07:15',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1641,'007003','SENJATA
PERTAHANAN','007','2008-05-10 16:08:11','2015-09-03 12:30:21','MOF','160101',1),
(1642,'007004','KAWALAN KESELAMATAN NUKLEAR','007','2008-05-10
16:08:38',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1643,'007005','PERALATAN PERLINDUNGAN DIRI
(PPE)','007','2008-05-10 16:09:07',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1644,'007006','PERALATAN
PENYELAMAT DARAT','007','2008-05-10 16:09:32',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1645,'007007','PERALATAN PENYELAMAT AIR','007','2008-05-10
16:09:57',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1646,'007008','PERALATAN PENGESAN ','007','2008-
05-10 16:12:00','2013-09-18 14:46:26','MOF','160101',1),(1647,'007009','PERALATAN
KESELAMATAN HAZMAT','007','2008-05-13 17:11:58','2017-02-08
14:22:19','MOF','160101',1),(1648,'008001','MESIN/ PERALATAN MEKANIKAL DAN
LOGAM','008','2008-05-13 21:58:11','2009-11-13 15:11:31','MOF','160101',1),
(1649,'008002','MESIN PERALATAN ELEKTRIK/ ELEKTRONIK','008','2008-05-13
21:59:06',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1650,'008003','MESIN /PERALATAN KAYU DAN
ROTAN','008','2008-05-13 21:59:53','2009-11-13 15:10:12','MOF','160101',1),
(1651,'008004','PERALATAN KENDALIAN MEKANIKAL','008','2008-05-13
22:00:58',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1652,'008005','ALAT TANGAN BENGKEL','008','2008-
05-13 22:06:18',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1659,'016001','HIASAN DINDING','016','2008-
05-14 21:54:06',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1660,'016002','HIASAN SILING','016','2008-
05-14 21:54:42',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1661,'016003','HIASAN LANGSIR','016','2008-
21:55:19','2014-11-07 09:52:33','MOF','160101',1),
(1662,'016004','HAMPARAN','016','2008-05-14 21:57:17','2009-01-28
12:48:10','MOF','160101',1),(1663,'016005','AKSESORI HIASAN','016','2008-05-14
22:01:26',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1664,'002012','PERALATAN SANITARI','002','2008-
05-14 22:55:41',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1667,'015008','KELENGKAPAN
TIDUR','015','2008-05-14 23:10:46',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1668,'016006','HIASAN
TAMAN','016','2008-05-15 16:24:06',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1669,'006001','ALAT
PEMANCAR','006','2008-05-15 16:37:12',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1670,'006002','ALAT
PENGESAN SIARAN','006','2008-05-15 16:37:55',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1671,'006003','ALAT SIAR AUDIO','006','2008-05-15
16:38:44',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1672,'006004','ALAT SIAR VIDEO','006','2008-05-15
16:38:55','2009-04-20 17:00:20','MOF','160101',1),(1673,'010001','PERALATAN
DIAGNOSIS','010','2008-05-15 16:50:32','2008-09-12 10:01:17','MOF','160101',1),
(1674,'010002','PERALATAN RAWATAN','010','2008-05-15
16:52:56',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1675,'010003','PERALATAN PEMBEDAHAN','010','2008-
05-15 16:53:46',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1676,'006005','KELENGKAPAN
STUDIO','006','2008-05-15 17:02:27',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1677,'010004','PERALATAN TERAPI PEMULIHAN DAN CARA KERJA','010','2008-05-15
17:05:54','2008-09-12 10:14:39','MOF','160101',1),(1678,'006006','ALAT MUZIK TIUP
(WIND INSTRUMENT)','006','2008-05-15 17:09:33','2009-02-25
12:31:10','MOF','160101',1),(1679,'006007','ALAT MUZIK TALI (STRING)','006','2008-
05-15 17:10:28','2009-02-25 12:31:41','MOF','160101',1),(1680,'006008','ALAT MUZIK
PERKUSI (PERCUSSION)','006','2008-05-15 17:10:58','2009-02-25
12:29:18','MOF','160101',1),(1681,'006009','ALAT MUZIK KEKUNCI
(KEYBOARD)','006','2008-05-15 17:11:45','2009-02-25 12:32:40','MOF','160101',1),
(1683,'010005','PERALATAN KARDIOLOGY','010','2008-05-15
17:19:11',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1684,'010006','PERALATAN RAWATAN
PERGIGIAN','010','2008-05-15 17:21:16',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1685,'010009','PERKAKASAN HOSPITAL/KLINIK (UTENSIL)','010','2008-05-15
17:22:38','2008-10-10 10:10:48','MOF','160101',1),(1686,'010008','KELENGKAPAN
HOSPITAL/KLINIK','010','2008-05-15 21:27:34','2008-10-10
PERTANIAN/PERHUTANAN','012','2008-05-15 23:04:23','2015-09-02
PERTANIAN/PERHUTANAN','012','2008-05-15 23:04:59',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1689,'012003','PERANGKAP HAIWAN','012','2008-05-15
23:05:30',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1690,'014001','LOJI KUASA ELEKTRIK','014','2008-
05-15 23:06:37',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1691,'014002','SISTEM PENYAMAN UDARA
','014','2008-05-15 23:06:54','2009-03-19 23:29:18','MOF','160101',1),
(1692,'014003','LOJI NUKLEAR (ASET TAK ALIH)','014','2008-05-15 23:07:58','2017-11-
23 11:08:45','MOF','160101',1),(1693,'014004','LOJI SISA (ASET TAK
ALIH)','014','2008-05-15 23:08:20','2017-11-23 11:09:05','MOF','160101',1),
(1694,'014005','LOJI AIR (ASET TAK ALIH)','014','2008-05-15 23:08:41','2017-11-23
11:09:21','MOF','160101',1),(1695,'014006','BILIK SEJUK','014','2008-05-15
23:09:40',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1696,'014007','LOJI KEJURUTERAAN','014','2008-05-
15 23:13:43','2008-08-26 09:42:49','MOF','160101',1),(1697,'009001','PERALATAN KAJI
UDARA','009','2008-05-15 23:23:37','2009-02-06 23:29:10','MOF','160101',1),
(1698,'014008','JENTERA PERTANIAN','014','2008-05-15
23:23:40',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1699,'014009','JENTERA BOMBA','014','2008-05-15
23:24:44',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1700,'014010','JENTERA KERJA AWAM','014','2008-
05-15 23:25:54',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1701,'014011','JENTERA
PERTAHANAN','014','2008-05-15 23:26:20',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),
(1702,'009002','PERALATAN KAJI AIR','009','2008-05-15 23:26:24','2009-03-23
12:15:07','MOF','160101',1),(1703,'014012','JENTERA ANGKUT','014','2008-05-15
23:27:04',NULL,'MOF','160101',1),(1704,'009003','PERALATAN KAJI BUNYI','009','2008-
05-15 23:28:48','2009-02-06 23:33:00','MOF','160101',1),(1705,'009004','PERALATAN
KELENGKAPAN MARITIM','009','2008-05-15 23:32:00','2009-02-18
07:46:51','MOF','160101',1),(1706,'003007','SET PINGGAN MANGKUK','003','2008-05-16
16:04:05','2018-12-12 08:59:48','MOF','160101',1),(1707,'003008','BEKAS MINUM
/DRINKWARE/ MAKANAN','003','2008-05-16 16:05:18','2011-01-24
15:16:59','MOF','160101',1),(1708,'003009','SET HIDANGAN','003','2008-05-16
16:05:35','2017-08-24 10:15:23','MOF','160101',1),(1709,'003010','KUTLERI
(STOK)','003','2008-05-16 16:05:53','2017-08-24 10:14:48','MOF','160101',1),
(1713,'012004','SANGKAR','012','2008-08-25 20:07:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),
(1716,'008006','MEJA KERJA','008','2008-08-25 23:17:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),
(1717,'010007','PERALATAN ANALISA PERUBATAN','010','2008-09-12 16:50:40','2008-09-
12 12:03:31',NULL,NULL,1),(1718,'004019','PERALATAN PENYELIDIKAN SAINS
ANGKASA','004','2009-02-10 19:06:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1719,'009005','PERALATAN
KAJIBUMI','009','2009-03-23 19:15:50','2009-04-02 13:03:17',NULL,NULL,1),
(1720,'005007','SISTEM VSAT','005','2009-04-25 00:13:15','2009-04-24
17:16:48',NULL,NULL,1),(1721,'008007','PERALATAN KETUKANGAN BATIK','008','2009-11-
13 20:48:05','2009-11-13 14:32:54',NULL,NULL,1),(1722,'008008','PERALATAN
KETUKANGAN TENUN','008','2009-11-13 22:34:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),
(1723,'008009','PERALATAN KETUKANGAN TEMBIKAR/SERAMIK','008','2009-11-13
22:39:31','2011-10-07 09:31:42',NULL,NULL,1),(1726,'006010','SISTEM
SATELIT','006','2010-01-07 16:33:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1728,'012005','PERALATAN
MARIN','012','2010-06-24 23:31:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1729,'008010','SET KIT
PEMBELAJARAN DAN PENGUJIAN','008','2010-12-28 23:32:53','2016-10-31
PERUBATAN','010','2011-01-31 23:42:58','2015-12-22 11:00:43',NULL,NULL,1),
(1732,'004020','KIT PEMBELAJARAN MAKMAL','004','2011-02-12
16:59:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1734,'002013','PERALATAN MENGUJI/FABRIC
TESTER','002','2011-12-19 17:41:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1735,'002014','PERALATAN
ACARA RASMI','002','2013-11-15 10:04:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),
(1736,'008011','PERALATAN KENDALIAN BENGKEL AUTOMOTIF','008','2013-12-02
01:22:53','2013-12-06 10:29:13',NULL,NULL,1),(1737,'008012','PERALATAN KENDALIAN
BENGKEL KIMPALAN/FOUNDRI','008','2013-12-06 02:31:02','2017-08-04
09:34:15',NULL,NULL,1),(1738,'008013','PERALATAN KENDALIAN BENGKEL
MARIN','008','2013-12-06 02:33:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1739,'007010','KENDERAAN
KESELAMATAN','007','2014-03-06 02:27:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),
(1740,'009006','PERALATAN KAJI ASTRONOMI','009','2014-05-08
ELEKTRONIK/ELEKTRIK','008','2014-05-12 08:36:14','2014-05-12
16:41:37',NULL,NULL,1),(1742,'007011','PERALATAN RISIKAN','007','2014-07-03
KECANTIKAN','008','2014-07-07 03:20:43','2014-07-21 16:29:35',NULL,NULL,1),
(1744,'008016','PERALATAN KENDALIAN BENGKEL HOSPITALITI','008','2014-07-21
08:30:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1745,'002015','PERALATAN BANTUAN
MENGAJAR','002','2014-09-23 03:28:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),
(1746,'004021','CHAMBER','004','2014-09-24 07:35:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),
(1747,'004022','WRAPPER','004','2014-09-24 07:37:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),
(1748,'004023','PERALATAN MAKMAL','004','2014-09-25 00:53:13','2014-09-25
08:53:28',NULL,NULL,1),(1749,'004024','PERALATAN PERLINDUNGAN DIRI','004','2014-09-
25 01:09:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1750,'010011','PERALATAN BUKAN
PERUBATAN','010','2014-09-26 00:59:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1751,'008017','PERALATAN
KENDALIAN BENGKEL JAHITAN','008','2014-11-10 04:34:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),
(1752,'012006','PERALATAN PERTANIAN','012','2014-11-10 08:27:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),
(1753,'008018','MESIN/ PERALATAN KERJA BINAAN BANGUNAN','008','2014-12-02
03:20:39','2015-04-10 16:40:24',NULL,NULL,1),(1754,'005008','PERALATAN
AM','005','2014-12-09 04:11:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1755,'004025','PERALATAN DAN
KELENGKAPAN MAKMAL FORENSIK','004','2014-12-19 00:54:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),
(1756,'011026','PERLUMBAAN KERETA','011','2015-02-27 01:48:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),
(1757,'011027','SUKAN GIMNASTIK','011','2015-03-05 01:18:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),
(1758,'002016','KONTENA KHEMAH PEJABAT','002','2015-03-16 01:22:55','2018-12-17
09:18:25',NULL,NULL,1),(1759,'011028','SUKAN TENIS','011','2015-04-02
07:00:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1760,'003011','TEMPAT PENYIMPANAN','003','2015-04-03
13:25:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1761,'004026','BACTERIA INCINERATOR','004','2015-04-07
02:01:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1762,'004027','PERALATAN PEMERIKSAAN
KUALITI','004','2015-05-21 06:40:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1763,'011029','SUKAN
PENDIDIKAN JASMANI','011','2015-06-17 08:14:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),
01:55:04','2017-02-08 14:21:30',NULL,NULL,1),(1765,'012007','PERALATAN
PERIKANAN','012','2015-08-18 02:42:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1766,'010012','PERALATAN
RAWATAN KANSER','010','2015-12-11 03:08:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),
(1767,'008019','KEJURUTERAAN ROBOTICS','008','2016-02-29
00:25:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1768,'010013','PERALATAN FISIOTERAPI','010','2016-03-
14 06:58:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1769,'012008','PERALATAN VETERINAR','012','2016-06-
21 07:47:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1771,'012009','PAGAR','012','2017-06-19
00:58:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(1772,'007013','KELENGKAPAN KESELAMATAN','007','2018-
02-23 02:39:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,1);
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `code_004` ENABLE KEYS */;
SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
SET character_set_client = utf8;
CREATE TABLE `code_005` (
`Code` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`Description` text,
`Code_Type` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`Creation_Date` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`Last_Update` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`Owner` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`Sub` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`Status` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,
`JH` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`detail` text,
FULLTEXT KEY `codeSrc` (`Code`,`Description`,`detail`)
SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `code_005` DISABLE KEYS */;
INSERT INTO `code_005` VALUES (1721,'001001001','TOWER SERVER','001001','2008-04-30
17:37:02','2016-05-09 08:48:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Tower Server</b>
Merupakan sebuah komputer yang digunakan sebagai pelayan dan berbentuk menara
(tegak) serta boleh berdiri sendiri. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai bentuk, saiz,
jenis dan jenama seperti UPS Server, Tower Server, Cabinet Server, dll <br><br>
<i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Tower Server</b> is a computer intended for use as a server
and built in an upright cabinet that stands alone. The cabinet, called a tower, is
similar in size and shape to the cabinet for a tower-style personal
computer.</i>'),(1723,'002001001','MESIN TAIP ELEKTRONIK','002001','2008-04-30
18:45:25','2009-02-16 11:13:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Mesin taip Elektrik /
Elektronik </b>adalah peranti elektronik, atau elektromekanik dengan
set \"kekunci\" yang, apabila ditekan, menyebabkan huruf dicetak pada dokumen,
biasanya kertas. Mesin taip mempunyai kekunci mesin taip, dengan kekunci untuk
huruf pada muka taip.\r\n\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>A typewriter</b> is a
<u>electromechanical device</u> with a set of \"keys\" that, when pressed, cause
characters to be printed on a medium, usually paper.</i>'),(1724,'002001002','MESIN
TAIP MANUAL','002001','2008-04-30 19:05:05','2008-09-24
15:46:05','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin taip yang tidak menggunakan kuasa
elektrik.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>A typewriter</b> is a <u>mechanical
device</U> with a set of \"keys\" that, when pressed, cause characters to be
printed on a medium, usually paper.</i>'),(1725,'003001001','DAPUR
GAS','003001','2008-04-30 19:11:39','2016-05-09
08:38:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Dapur Gas adalah dapur masak yang menggunakan gas
sebagai bahan pembakar. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenis, jenama dan pelbagai
fungsi.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Gas Stove (Gas Cooker)</b> is a kitchen
stove, cooker or cookstove is a kitchen appliance designed for the purpose of
cooking food. Gas stoves rely on the gas (LPG) for the cooking process.'),
(1726,'003001002','DAPUR ELEKTRIK','003001','2008-05-01 15:38:42','2008-10-31
14:47:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Dapur Elektrik adalah dapur memasak yang
menggunakan bekalan letrik sebagai bahan pembakar.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>An Electric Stove </b> is a cooker which uses electricity as a source of
energy.\r\n'),(1727,'003001003','PERIUK TEKANAN /PRESSURE COOKER','003001','2008-
05-01 15:39:31','2011-01-24 15:18:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Periuk Tekanan adalah
periuk kedap udara untuk masak cepat atau mengawet makanan dengan cara pemanasan
wap di bawah tekanan.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Pressure Cooker</b> is stove
for pressure cooking, it is a method of cooking in a sealed vessel that does not
permit air or liquids to escape below a preset pressure. Because water\'s boiling
point increases as the pressure increases, the pressure built up inside the cooker
allows the liquid in the pot to rise to a higher temperature before
boiling.\r\n\r\n'),(1728,'003001004','PERIUK MASAK PERLAHAN /SLOW
COOKER','003001','2008-05-01 15:40:19','2011-01-24
15:19:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Periuk Masak Perlahan adalah Periuk yang masak
secara perlahan\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br> Slow Cooker</b>or Crock-Pot is a
countertop electrical cooking appliance that maintains a relatively low temperature
(compared to other cooking methods, eg, baking, broiling, or frying) for many
hours, allowing unattended cooking of pot roast, stew, and other suitable
dishes.'),(1729,'003001005','PERIUK NASI GAS','003001','2008-05-01 15:40:37','2014-
07-17 16:53:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Periuk Nasi Gas</b> adalah alat memasak
nasi, yang menggunakan sumber gas sebagai bahan pembakar. Bentuknya sama seperti
periuk nasi ekektrik tetapi ia boleh memasak dalam kuantiti yang lebih besar. Ianya
terdapat dalam pelbagai jenis seperti Dapur Gas Rice Cooker, Stove Rice Cooker
dll\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br> Gas Rice Cooker</b> or rice steamer is a gas
based device used primarily for cooking rice.\n\n'),(1730,'003001006','DAPUR
TRADITIONAL -KAYU/ARANG','003001','2008-05-01 15:45:50','2011-01-24
15:17:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Dapur Traditional merupakan alat memasak yang
menggunakan sumber asli seperti kayu, arang, minyak tanah dan
dll.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br> Traditional Stove / Cooker'),
(1731,'003001007','PEMANGGANG /GRILL (ELEKTRIK)','003001','2008-05-01
15:50:04','2019-02-11 20:58:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemanggang ialah tempat
untuk memanggang / membakar makanan seperti ikan, daging, ayam kentang dan lain-
lain menggunakan elektrik.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Grill</b> ia a device or
surface used for cooking food, usually fueled by gas or charcoal. In The US, a
Barbecue. In the rest of the world, a Kitchen grill (Known in the US as
a \'Broiler\' ). Grilling, a form of cooking that involves direct heat. '),
(1732,'003001008','DAPUR BERKETUHAR','003001','2008-05-01 15:52:58','2008-10-31
Stoves'),(1733,'003001009','DAPUR SOLAR(STOK)','003001','2008-05-01
15:54:29','2019-02-11 21:05:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Dapur Solar adalah dapur
yang menggunakan sumber pembakar terus dari
matahari.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nSolar stove,</b> using sun as heating
instrument'),(1734,'003001010','DAPUR MASAK BERGERAK/ STAINLESS
STEEL','003001','2008-05-01 15:55:23','2015-10-28
08:57:21','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan Dapur Masak Bergerak, Dapur Mudah alih
yang digunakan untuk memasak pelbagai jenis makanan, air dll. Ianya terdiri dari
pelbagai jenis.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nMobile Stove; Portable Stove'),
(1735,'003002001','PERIUK (STOK)','003002','2008-05-01 15:56:29','2011-01-24
15:20:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Periuk; belangga adalah bekas untuk memasak
makanan yang di perbuat daripada tanah, logam dan
kaca.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCooking Pot; marmite;claypot</b> a
container of earthenware, metal, etc., usually round and deep and having a handle
or handles and often a lid, used for cooking, serving, and other purposes.\r\n'),
(1736,'003002002','ALATAN PENGUKUS (ELEKTRIK)','003002','2008-05-01
15:59:07','2019-02-11 20:55:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pengukus: Alat untuk
mengukus bahan makanan. Ia itu memasak atau memanaskan sesuatu dengan menggunakan
wap air mendidih menggunakan elektrik\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nSteamer
</b>is a container in which something is steamed or moist heat cooking'),
(1737,'003002003','KUALI (STOK)','003002','2008-05-01 15:59:21','2011-01-12
08:36:08','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kuali adalah peralatan memasak atau mengoreng
termasuk kuali saute tirus, kuali saute tegak, kuali leper, kuali panci, jeluk
jongket, kuali dadar dan kuali datar lekat\r\n
\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCooking Pan; cooking wok</b> is a cooking
appliance especially for frying including including frying pan, omellete pan,
griddle, slope-sided saute pan, straight-sided saute pan, cast-iron skillet and
tilting deep pan frier. \r\n \r\n'),(1738,'003002004','PERKAKAS
PEMBAKAR/BAKEWARE (STOK)','003002','2008-05-01 16:03:55','2019-02-11
21:29:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bekas makanan yang digunakan untuk proses
\nmemasak secara pembakaran \n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\nBakeware</b>'),
(1739,'003002005','KAWAH (STOK)','003002','2008-05-01 16:06:23','2011-01-12
08:37:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kawah adalah kuali besar;
kancar\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCauldron, Crater ; Big Wok'),
(1740,'003002006','PEMANAS ELEKTRIK /CEREK','003002','2008-05-01 16:06:44','2018-
07-19 15:25:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Cerek; Pemanas air elektrik yang digunakan
dalam pelbagai kaedah memanaskan air. Bagi Cerek/Ketel biasa adalah bekas air
bermucung (bercerat) untuk menjerang air direkod sebagai
stok.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\nKettle</b> - metal pot with a lid, a handle
and a spout, usedmainly for boiling water.'),(1741,'001001002','RACKMOUNT
SERVER','001001','2008-05-01 17:22:20','2012-10-29
12:09:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Rackmounted Server</b>Peralatan/Perkakasan yang
digunakan menghantarkan, mengumpulkan maklumat kepada komputer yang berfungsi
sebagai pelayan dan telah direkabentuk supaya boleh diletak dan disusun secara
mendatar dirak komputer. Ianya terdapat dalam pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Server
Proxy dll<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Rackmounted Server,</b> is a computer
dedicated to use as a server and designed to be installed in a framework called a
rack. The rack contains multiple mounting slots called bays, each designed to hold
a hardware unit secured in place with screws. </i>'),(1742,'001001003','STORAGE
SERVER','001001','2008-05-01 17:23:46','2008-08-04
10:13:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Storage server (Pelayan Storan)</b>adalah
pelayan rangkaian yang dikhususkan untuk
storan.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Storage Server</b> is a <u>Network
server</u> that is dedicated to storage. A network attached storage (NAS) device is
a true storage server because it is dedicated to data access and nothing
else.</i>'),(1743,'001001004','BLADE SERVER','001001','2008-05-01 17:24:02','2008-
08-21 16:06:45','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<b>Blade Servers (Pelayan Bilah)</b>
<br><br>\r\n<i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Blade Servers</b> are self-contained computer
servers, designed for high density. Whereas a standard rack-mount server can exist
with (at least) a power cord and network cable, blade servers have many components
removed for space, power and other considerations while still having all the
functional components to be considered a computer.</i>'),
(1744,'001002001','KOMPUTER MEJA/DESKTOP','001002','2008-05-01 17:24:32','2017-10-
20 16:19:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Komputer (Desktop)</b> ialah sejenis
komputer peribadi yang direka bentuk supaya boleh diletakkan di atas meja untuk
kegunaan di dalam rumah atau pejabat.
Komputer Desktop ini terdapat beberapa komponen yang dilengkapkan bersekali bagi
membolehkannya dapat berfungsi seperti moniter, cpu dan keyboard.(Dikenal juga
dengan istilah <u>komputer meja</u>) \n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Desktop
Computer</b> is a personal computer (PC) in a form intended for regular use at a
single location, as opposed to a mobile laptop. Prior to the wide spread of
microprocessors a computer that could fit on a desk was considered remarkably
small. '),(1745,'001002002','KOMPUTER RIBA /LAPTOP','001002','2008-05-01
17:27:11','2015-07-08 10:10:41','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Komputer Riba</b>
(dikenal juga dengan istilah notebook/powerbook) adalah komputer bimbit (kecil dan
dapat dibawa ke mana-mana dengan mudah) yang terintegrasi pada sebuah selongsong.
Beratnya berkisar dari 1 hingga 6 kilogram tergantung dari ukuran, bahan dan
spesifikasi. Sumber elektrik berasal dari bateri atau adaptor A/C yang dapat
digunakan untuk mengisi ulang bateri dan menyalakan komputer itu sendiri. Ianya
boleh digunakan dalam pelbagai fungsi seperti Komputer Reader, Komputer Plan dll
\n<br><br> <i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Laptop Computer</b> or simply laptop (also
notebook computer, notebook and notepad) is a small mobile computer, typically
weighing .4 to 5.4 kg, Laptops usually run on a single main battery or from an
external AC/DC adapter. Laptops usually have liquid crystal displays and most of
them use different memory modules for their random access memory (RAM), for
instance, SO-DIMM in lieu of the larger DIMMs. In addition to a built-in keyboard,
they may utilize a touchpad (also known as a trackpad) or a pointing stick for
input, though an external keyboard or mouse can usually be attached.</i>'),
(1746,'001002003','COMPUTER WORKSTATION','001002','2008-05-01 17:27:27','2017-10-20
16:21:43','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Computer Workstation (Stesen Komputer)</b>
adalah <u>mikrokomputer</u> berprestasi tinggi yang biasanya digunakan untuk
pembangunan animasi, grafik dan reka bentuk berbantukan komputer (CAD). Stesen
kerja mampu melaksanakan beberapa tugas dalam satu masa. Stesen kerja hanya
digunakan oleh seorang pengguna dalam satu-satu masa. Komputer Meja (Workstation)
ini dilengkapi dengan cpu, moniter dan keyboard hendaklah direkodkan sebagai
komponen.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Computer Workstation</b>, such as a Unix
workstation , RISC workstation or engineering workstation , is a high-end
microcomputer designed for technical or scientific applications. Workstations are
intended primarily to be used by one person at a time, although they are commonly
connected to a local area network and run multi-user operating systems.</i>\n'),
(1747,'001002004','KOMPUTER TABLET','001002','2008-05-01 17:28:18','2015-03-03
09:55:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Komputer Tablet</b> adalah sebuah komputer riba
atau memeja yang mengunakan skren sentuh atau pen digital dan bukan tetikus atau
kekunci biasa. Ianya seperti Computer Tough Screen, Ipad dll.
\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Tablet PC</b> is a notebook or slate-shaped mobile
computer. Its touchscreen or digitizing tablet technology allows the user to
operate the computer with a stylus or digital pen, or a fingertip, instead of a
keyboard or mouse.</i>'),(1748,'001003001','NETWORK SWITCHES/ SUIS RANGKAIAN
KOMPUTER (STOK) ','001003','2008-05-01 17:31:57','2019-02-11
17:37:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Network Switches (Suis Rangkaian
Komputer)</b>Peralatan/Perkakasan secara satu set komponen/peranti rangkaian
komputer yang menghubungi setiap segmen rangkaian yang dibekalkan bersekali/set
dengan tempat penyimpan/rak. Ianya terdapat dalam pelbagai jenis/jenama seperti
Core Switches Rack, Fibre Channel Switch Rack 4220, Internet Switch TL200 Rack
Mount Tape Labrary dll\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>A network switch</b> is a
computer networking device that connects network segments.</i>'),
(1749,'001003002','SWITCH/KVM SWITCHES (STOK)','001003','2008-05-01
17:35:30','2012-11-21 08:59:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Peralatan/Perkakasan yang
digunakan untuk menyambungkan/mengawal beberapa Komputer.<br> KVM Switches (Suis
KVM)</b> adalah peranti yang boleh mengawal beberapa komputer melalui satu kekunci,
tetitus atau VDU.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>A KVM switch</b> (with KVM being
an abbreviation for Keyboard, Video or Visual Display Unit, Mouse) is a hardware
device that allows a user to control multiple computers from a single keyboard,
video monitor and mouse. </i>'),(1750,'001003003','HUB (STOK)','001003','2008-05-01
17:38:31','2011-05-03 10:49:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Hub (Hab)</b> adalah
peranti yang menghubungkan talian komunikasi pada lokasi pusat dan menyediakan
sambungan sepunya kepada semua peranti dalam rangkaian
tersebut\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>A network hub</b> or concentrator is a
device for connecting multiple twisted pair or fiber optic Ethernet devices
together, making them act as a single network segment. Hubs work at the physical
layer (layer 1) of the OSI model, and the term layer 1 switch is often used
interchangeably with hub. </i>'),(1751,'001003004','ROUTER (STOK)','001003','2008-
05-01 17:38:51','2011-05-03 10:26:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Router (Penghala)
</b>adalah peranti yang menerima paket Internet dan menghantarnya ke mesin berikut
dalam laluan destinasi.\n\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Router</b> is a computer
whose software and hardware are usually tailored to the tasks of routing and
forwarding information. Routers generally contain a specialized operating system
(e.g. Cisco\'s IOS or Juniper Networks JUNOS and JUNOSe or Extreme Networks XOS),
RAM, NVRAM, flash memory, and one or more processors.</i>'),
(1752,'001003005','ACCESS POINT WIRELESS (STOK)','001003','2008-05-01
17:39:24','2017-02-02 15:26:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Acesss Point Wireless
(Titik Capaian Wayarles)</b>merupakan satu peranti/alat yang membenarkan peranti
komunikasi wayarles disambung ke rangkaian
wayarles.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Wireless Access Point (WAP or AP)</b> is a
device that allows wireless communication devices to connect to a wireless network.
The WAP usually connects to a wired network, and can relay data between the
wireless devices (such as computers or printers) and wired devices on the
network.</i>'),(1753,'001003006','WIRELESS CARD (STOK)','001003','2008-05-01
17:40:02','2011-05-03 10:26:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Wireless Card (Kad
Wayarles)</b> adalah papan litar yang boleh diselitkan ke dalam papan utama atau
satah belakang sesuatu sistem.\n<br><br><i><b>DISCRIPTION <br>Wireless Card </b> ia
a wireless adapter that plugs into a PC Card or PCI slot.</i>'),
(1754,'001003007','MODEM (STOK)','001003','2008-05-01 17:40:22','2011-05-03
10:26:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Modem</b> adalah peranti elektronik yang
terdiri daripada pemodulat dan penyahmodulat isyarat yang membolehkan data dari
sebuah komputer dihantar ke komputer lain melalui talian
telefon.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Modem,</b> an acronym for
modulator/demodulator, is a device that allows one computer to \"talk\" with
another one over a standard telephone line. Modems act as a kind of interpreter
between a computer and the telephone line. Computers transmit digital data,
expressed as electrical impulses, whereas telephones transmit voice frequencies as
analog signals. To transmit digital data, the sending modem must first modulate, or
encode, a computer\'s digital signal into an analog signal that can travel over the
phone line. The receiving modem must then demodulate, or decode, the analog signal
back into a digital signal recognizable to a computer. A modem transmits data in
bits per second (bps), with the fastest modems transmitting at 56K (kilobits per
second). An internal modem is housed within the computer itself, while an external
modern is a separate device that is connected to the computer via a cable.</i>'),
(1755,'001003008','VPN / FIRE WALL APPLIANCE (STOK)','001003','2008-05-01
17:41:10','2019-02-11 17:40:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'VPN - rangkaian persendirian
maya.Tembok Api adalah Sistem keselamatan yang bertujuan untuk melindungi sistem
komputer atau rangkaian daripada
diceroboh.\n\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Virtual Private Network (VPN)</b> is a
computer network in which some of the links between nodes are carried by open
connections or virtual circuits in some larger network (e.g., the Internet) instead
of by physical wires. '),(1756,'001003009','NETWORK SPLITTER
(STOK)','001003','2008-05-01 17:41:32','2019-02-12
20:34:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Network Splitter (Pemisah)</b> ia lah satu alat
yang digunakan untuk menjadikan satu sambungan kepada dua atau lebih sambungan. Ia
membolehkan dua peranti/alat disambungkan kepada satu port dan boleh digunakan
secara berganti. \n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION: <br>Splitters</b> are used to use
one connection as two or more. Utilizes two devices on one port having the
capability of switching from one device to another. Allows two or more computers to
share the same monitor, keyboard, mouse and other.</i>'),(1757,'001004001','PALM /
OS PDA','001004','2008-05-01 17:47:08','2008-08-28
17:15:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Palmtop (Komputer Telapak / Organizer
Peribadi)</b> merupakan komputer kecil bersais tapak tangan yang boleh menjalankan
perisian tertentu seperti kalendar dan pengurus perhubungan. <br><br>\r\n
<i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Palmtop; Personal Digital Assitant (PDA)</b> is a small
computer that literally fits in your palm. Compared to full-size computers,
palmtops are severely limited, but they are practical for certain functions such as
phone books and calendars. Palmtops that use a pen rather than a keyboard for input
are often called hand-held computers or PDAs.</i>'),(1758,'001004002','POCKET
PC','001004','2008-05-01 17:47:27','2008-07-10
15:06:08','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Pocket Computer (Komputer
Poket)</b> merupakan sebuah komputer kecil bersais mesin kira.
\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Pocket Computer</b> is a small calculator-sized
handheld computer programmable in <u>BASIC</u>.</i>'),(1759,'001004003','MOBILE
GIS','001004','2008-05-01 17:47:47','2008-07-10
11:51:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Mobile GIS</b> ialah satu set alat dan prosidur
pengkalan data yang berorientasikan lokasi geografi (reruang) melalui penggunaan
fungsi-fungsi sistem yang khusus seperti pendigitan, pengumpulan, penyimpanan,
pemprosesan, pengolahan, penganalisaan, pemaparan dan percetakan data
reruang.\r\n<br><br>\r\n<i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Mobile GIS </b> is a tool that allows
users to create interactive queries (user created searches), analyze the spatial
information, edit data, maps, and present the results of all these
operations.</i>'),(1760,'001005001','LASER PRINTER','001005','2008-05-01
17:49:10','2012-11-21 09:29:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Pencetak Laser</b>
Peralatan/Mesin mencetak merupakan pencetak yang menggunakan
prinsip \'Xerographic\' ia itu melalui toner atau ke drum. Ianya terdiri daripada
pelbagai jenama/jenis mengikut kepada fungsi penggunaannya. Panduan
mendaftar/merekod samada hartamodal atau inventori adalah tertakluk kepada harga
dan menual penyelenggaraan/penggunaan yang dibekalkan semasa dibuat perolehan dan
penerimaan. \n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>\nLaser Printer</b> is a Toner-based
printers work using the Xerographic principle, by adhering toner to a light-
sensitive print drum, then using static electricity to transfer the toner to the
printing medium to which it is fused with heat and pressure. Laser printers are
available in both color and monochrome varieties.</i>'),
(1761,'001005002','INKJET/BUBBLE JET PRINTER','001005','2008-05-01 17:49:26','2012-
11-21 09:26:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Inkjet Printers</b> merupakan pencetak
yang menggunakan dakwat sebagai asas bahan pencetak. Panduan mendaftar/merekod juga
tertakluk kepada harga dan manual penyelenggaraan yang diterima semasa
dibeli.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Inkjet Printer</b>are a type of computer
printer that operates by propelling tiny droplets of liquid ink onto paper. are a
type of computer printer that operates by propelling tiny droplets of liquid ink
onto paper. are a type of computer printer that operates by propelling tiny
droplets of liquid ink onto paper.</i>'),
(1762,'001005003','DOTMATRIX','001005','2008-05-01 17:50:28','2008-08-04
11:37:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pencetak Dotmatix adalah pencetak komputer yang
menggunakan kaedah titik presis.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Dot Matrix
Printer</b> is specifically used for impact printers that use a matrix of small
pins to create precise dots</i>'),(1763,'001005004','MULTI
FUNCTION','001005','2008-05-01 17:57:21','2008-07-10
12:28:33','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Pencetak Multifunctional</b> merupakan pencetak
komputer yang mempunyai pelbagai kegunaan seperti pencetak,penyalin, faks dan
pengimbas dalam unit yang sama.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Multifunctional
Printer</b> are a type of computer printer that can do multi job such as print,
copy, fax and scan in one compact unit.</i>'),(1764,'001005005','PHOTO
PRINTER','001005','2008-05-01 17:57:40','2008-08-04
11:46:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Pencetak Foto atau Pencetak Gambar</b> adalah
pencetak warna yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan gambar berkualiti
fotografi.\r\n<br><br><i><b> DESCRIPTION: <br>A photo printer</b> is a color
printer that can produce images that mimic the color range (gamut) and resolution
of photographic methods of printing. Many can be used autonomously (without a
computer), with a memory card or USB connector. A color printer can produce images
of multiple colors.</i>'),(1765,'001005006','PLOTTER PRINTER','001005','2008-05-01
17:59:04','2008-08-04 11:54:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Pencetak Pemplot</b>
adalah pencetak grafik yang melukis imej menggunakan pen berdakwat dengan melakar
garis di antara dua koordinat. Imej yang ingin dicetak disimpan dalam bentuk format
grafik vektor. Peranti ini lazimnya digunakan untuk memplot peta atau
grafik.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>A Plotter</b> is a vector graphics
printing device which operates by moving a pen over the surface of paper.<i>'),
(1766,'001005007',' RECEIPT PRINTER','001005','2008-05-01 18:03:27','2008-08-04
11:57:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b> Pencetak Resit</b> merupakan pencetak yang
mencetak resit. \r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Receipt Printer</b> are komputer
printer used solely foe printing receipt.</i>'),(1767,'001005008','LINE
PRINTER','001005','2008-05-01 18:03:46','2008-08-04
11:58:05','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Line Printer (Pencetak baris).</b> Pencetak ini
bekerja dengan menggunakan pita baja yang mempunyai mata cetak. Proses
pencetakannya adalah sebagai berikut: pita bahan berputar cepat dan dipukul oleh
palu dari sisi yang berlawanan. Kertas diletakkan diantara pita baha dan palu.
Sehingga apabila palunya memukul maka pada kertas akan tercetak huruf-
hurufnya.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DSECRIPTION:<br>Line printers,</b> as the name implies,
print an entire line of text at a time. Three principal designs existed.</i>'),
(1768,'001005009','BAR CODE PRINTER','001005','2008-05-01 18:04:07','2008-08-04
12:08:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Pencetak Kod Bar atau Pencetak Kod Jalur</b>
adalah pencetak komputer yang mencetak label kod bar atau kod
jalur.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>A barcode printer</b> (or bar code
printer ) is a computer peripheral for printing barcode labels or tags that can be
attached to physical objects.</i>\r\n'),(1769,'001007001','MESIN
PENGIMBAS','001007','2008-05-01 20:54:22','2015-09-29
14:54:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Pengimbas adalah mesin yang digunakan untuk
memasukkan data ke dalam komputer dengan mengimbas maklumat. Pengimbasan ini
dilakukan sama ada melalui kaedah optik atau magnet. Peralataan ini juga untuk
mengimbas dan menterjemah dokumen bercetak dalam bentuk bacaan bagi OKU seperti
BLAZE EZ WITH PRO KIT dll<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<BR>\nScanner Machine </b> is a
device that optically scans images, printed text, handwriting, or an object, and
converts it to a digital image. Common examples found in offices are variations of
the desktop (or flatbed) scanner where the document is placed on a glass window for
scanning. Hand-held scanners, where the device is moved by hand, were briefly
popular but are now less common due to the difficulty of obtaining a high-quality
image. Mechanically driven scanners that move the document are typically used for
large-format documents, where a flatbed design would be impractical.</i>'),
(1770,'001007002','PENGIMBAS KOD JALUR','001007','2008-05-01 20:54:50','2011-04-05
10:30:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pengimbas Kod
Jalur\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>A barcode scanner</b> (or barcode reader ) is
an electronic device for reading printed barcodes. Like a flatbed scanner, it
consists of a light source, a lens and a photo conductor translating optical
impulses into electrical ones. Including mobile barcode scanner</i>'),
(1771,'001007003','DIGITIZER (STOK)','001007','2008-05-01 20:55:06','2019-02-12
08:57:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Adalah peranti yang menerima maklumat analog
(seperti bunyi atau cahaya) dan mengubah kepada digital\n'),
(1772,'001008001','SISTEM PEMOPERASIAN (OS) (ASET TAK KETARA)','001008','2008-05-01
20:55:40','2019-02-11 14:56:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sistem Pemoperasian (sistem
pengendalian) merupakan perisian komputer yang berfungsi mentadbirkan pengendalian,
peruntukan, dan penjadualan sumber dan proses dalam sistem komputer supaya pengguna
dapat menggunakan sistem dengan mudah. Singkatan OS. Keperluan untuk
mendaftar/merekod tertakluk kepada pengguna, jika perlu.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION
<br>Operating System</b> commonly abbreviated OS and O/S) is the software component
of a computer system that is responsible for the management and coordination of
activities and the sharing of the resources of the computer. The operating system
acts as a host for application programs that are run on the machine.</i>\n\n'),
KETARA)','001008','2008-05-01 20:55:55','2019-02-11
14:55:37','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Perisian Keselamatan dan Antivirus adalah aturcara
untuk membantu, memantau, mengesan pencerobohan juga mengesan virus dalam cakera
dan ingatan serta menghapuskannya. Keperluan untuk mendaftar/merekod tertakluk
kepada pengguna, jika perlu.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nSecurity and
Antivirus</b> is a program that will protect, backup, monitor, detect intrusion of
your computer from virus infection and help keep your system running
smoothly.</I>'),(1774,'001008003','AUTOMASI PEJABAT (ASET TAK
KETARA)','001008','2008-05-01 20:56:13','2019-02-12
09:04:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Automasi Pejabat (pengautomatan pejabat) adalah
penggunaan teknologi komputer dan sistem telekomunikasi untuk meningkatkan daya
pengeluaran kerja pejabat. Keperluan mendaftar/merekod tertakluk kepada pengguna,
jika perlu.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nOffice Automation'),
(1775,'001008004','PERISIAN MULTIMEDIA (ASET TAK KETARA)','001008','2008-05-01
21:00:36','2019-02-12 09:03:41','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Perisian Multimedia
(Multimedia Sistem). Keperluan mendaftar/merekod adalah tertakluk kepada pengguna,
jika perlu.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nMultimedia Software.'),
(1776,'001008005','PEMBANGUNAN SISTEM (ASET TAK KETARA)','001008','2008-05-01
21:01:38','2019-02-12 09:06:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pembangunan Sistem dalam
pelbagai fungsi atau jenis. Keperluan mendaftar/merekod adalah tertakluk kepada
pengguna, jika perlu.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nSistem Development; Customize
system'),(1777,'001008006','PERISIAN PENGKALAN DATA (ASET TAK
KETARA)','001008','2008-05-01 21:02:18','2019-02-12
Pengkalan Data. Keperluan untuk mendaftar/merekod adalah tertakluk kepada
pengguna, jika perlu. \n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nData Base Software'),
(1778,'001008007','SISTEM APLIKASI (ASET TAK KETARA)','001008','2008-05-01
21:02:47','2019-02-12 09:03:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sistem Aplikasi yang
dibangunkan untuk kegunaan operasi pengurusan, pentadbiran dll. Keperluan
mendaftar/merekod adalah tertakluk kepada pengguna, jika
perlu.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nApplication Software'),
KETARA)','001008','2008-05-01 21:03:15','2019-02-12
09:07:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Perisian Penyelidikan / Permodelan untuk tujuan
penyelidikan. Keperluan mendaftar/merekod tertakluk kepada pengguna, jika
perlu.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nModel / Research Software'),
(1780,'001008009','PERISIAN PEMANTAUAN RANGKAIAN (ASET TAK KETARA)','001008','2008-
05-01 21:03:43','2019-02-12 09:07:37','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Perisian Pemantuaan
Rangkaian (Backup) yang digunakan untuk membantu menyimpan, menganalisis, memantau
rangkaian terutama ICT. Ianya terdiri pelbagai jenis/jenama PDU, UPS,
Uninterruptible Power Supply, Storan DASD, Network Analyser dll. <br>Bagi tujuan
memudahkan mendaftar/merekod boleh dilaksanakan untuk tujuan
kawalan.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nNetwork Controlling Software'),
KETARA)','001008','2008-05-01 21:04:31','2019-02-12
09:08:13','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sistem Informasi Geografi yang digunakan didalam
kaedah pengoperasian/pemantauan. Keperluan untuk mendaftar/merekod tertakluk kepada
pengguna, jika perlu.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nGeograpy Infromation
System'),(1782,'001006001','HARD DISK (STOK)','001006','2008-05-01 22:24:44','2011-
05-03 10:19:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Cakera Keras</b> adalah Media storan
sekunder yang dapat merekod dan menyimpan data pukal (lebih daripada 60GB). Cakera
keras diperbuat daripada bahan tegap seperti substrat aluminium yang bersalut bahan
bermagnet yang sensitif dan diletakkan di dalam bekas kedap udara berserta
mekanisme baca/tulis. Cakera keras biasanya merujuk kepada cakera keras tetap
(dalaman). Masa capaian data cakera keras lebih pantas berbanding cakera liut
kerana kepala yang membaca data terapung di permukaan cakera keras. Lihat cakera.
Banding cakera liut dan cakera optik.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Hard Disk</b>
is part of a unit, often called a \"disk drive,\" \"hard drive,\" or \"hard disk
drive,\" that stores and provides relatively quick access to large amounts of data
on an electromagnetically charged surface or set of surfaces.</i>'),
(1783,'001006002','EXTERNAL HARD DISK (STOK)','001006','2008-05-01 22:25:08','2011-
05-03 10:20:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Cakera Keras Luaran</b> adalah peranti
media storan cakera keras mudah alih yang tidak disepadukan di dalam kasing
komputer tetapi berada di luar dan disambungkan ke komputer dengan menggunakan
kabel tertentu seperti kabel USB atau kabel selari. Kegunaannya adalah seperti
cakera liut iaitu mudah alih namun saiz storannya jauh lebih besar bagi membolehkan
atur cara dan data komputer dipindahkan atau digunakan pada mana-mana komputer lain
dengan mudah.\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPITON:</b><BR><i><b>An External Hard Disk</b> drive
is a type of hard disk drive which is externally connected to a computer, and may
be portable. External hard disk drives are connected to the computer using a cable
which is compatible with Small Computer System Interface (SCSI), Integrated Drive
Electronics (IDE), Universal Serial Bus (USB), IEEE 1394 (Firewire), CAT-3 or CAT-5
cable (Ethernet), eSATA or other bus standards.[1]</i>'),(1784,'001006003','ZIP
DISK (STOK)','001006','2008-05-01 22:25:30','2011-05-03
10:19:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Zip Disk(Cakera Zip)</b> adalah cakera liut
yang mengandungi atur cara yang seolah-olah membungkus satu set fail ke dalam
sebuah fail atau arkib yang disebut fail zip. Biasanya fail-fail di dalam fail zip
dimampatkan supaya ia menggunakan ruang storan yang kurang atau menjimatkan masa
untuk menghantar fail tersebut kepada seseorang\n<br><br><b><i>DISCRIPTION<br>Zip
Disks</b> are a floppy-like technology that uses design concepts from hard disks
and Iomega\'s earlier Bernoulli disks. The drive is bundled with software that can
catalog the disks and lock the files for security. </i>'),(1785,'001006004','TAPE
PLAYER (TAPE DISK AND DRIVER)','001006','2008-05-01 22:25:49','2017-02-02
16:30:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Cakera Pita dan Pemacu
Pita</b>\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Tape Disk And Driver</b>- A tape drive, which
is also known as a streamer, is a data storage device that reads and writes data
stored on a magnetic tape. It is typically used for archival storage of data stored
on hard drives. Tape media generally has a favorable unit cost and long archival
stability.'),(1786,'001006005','THUMBDRIVE (STOK)','001006','2008-05-01
rive (USB flash drives; pen drives)</b> are NAND-type flash memory data storage
devices integrated with a USB (universal serial bus) interface. They are typically
small, lightweight, removable and rewritable. (USB Memory card readers are also
available, whereby rather than being built-in, the memory is a removable Flash
memory card housed in what is otherwise a regular USB flash drive.</i>'),
(1787,'001006006','EXTERNAL CD/DVD WRITER(STOK)','001006','2008-05-01
22:31:34','2011-05-03 10:51:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'CD/DVD Writer
Luaran\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nExternal CD/DVD Writer / External CD/DVD
Burner'),(1788,'001006007','PORTABLE HARD DISK (STOK)','001006','2008-05-01
22:31:58','2011-05-03 10:51:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Cekera Keras Mudah Alih -
\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nPortable Hard Disk'),(1789,'001006008','PITA
KOMPUTER (STOK)','001006','2008-05-01 22:32:16','2010-12-28
15:17:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pita komputer(computer tape) adalah pita magnet
dalam bentuk kaset atau gulung kili yang digunakan sebagai ingatan sandar untuk
menyimpan data berjujukan atau atur cara
komputer.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nComputer Tape'),
(1790,'001009001','KIPAS PENYEJUK KOMPUTER (STOK)','001009','2008-05-01
22:33:10','2019-02-12 09:18:53','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bekalan atau alat ganti
kepada Aset dan didaftarkan di dalam stok item.\n'),(1791,'001009002','MEMORY CARD
READER (STOK)','001009','2008-05-01 22:36:53','2010-12-21
15:33:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bekalan atau alat ganti kepada Aset dan
didaftarkan di dalam stok item.\r\n<br>Pembaca Kad
Memori\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>A memory card reader</b> is a device,
typically having a USB interface, for accessing the data on a memory card such as a
CompactFlash (CF), Secure Digital (SD) or MultiMediaCard (MMC). Most card readers
also offer write capability, and together with the card, this can function as a pen
drive. </i>'),(1792,'001009003','PEMBESAR SUARA KOMPUTER (STOK)','001009','2008-05-
01 22:38:08','2010-12-21 15:51:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pembesar suara
komputer\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Computer speakers,</b> or multimedia
speakers, are external speakers, commonly equipped with a low-power internal
amplifier. The standard audio connection is a 3.5mm (1/8 inch) stereo jack plug
often colour-coded lime green (following the PC 99 standard) for computer sound
cards.A plug and socket for a two-wire (signal and ground) coaxial cable that is
widely used to connect analog audio and video components.</i>'),
(1793,'001009004','PAPAN KEKUNCI (STOK)','001009','2008-05-01 22:38:41','2010-12-21
15:51:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Papan Kekunci</b> adalah peranti yang mempunyai
set kekunci yang bertandakan lambang aksara tertentu yang disusun mengikut bentang
tertentu dan digunakan untuk memasukkan data ke dalam
komputer\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br> Keyboard</b> is a peripheral partially
modelled after the typewriter keyboard. A keyboard is an arrangement of buttons, or
keys. A keyboard typically has characters engraved or printed on the keys; in most
cases, each press of a key corresponds to a single written symbol. </i>\r\n'),
(1794,'001009005','TETIKUS (STOK)','001009','2008-05-01 22:38:59','2010-12-21
15:52:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tetikus adalah peranti input komputer yang
digunakan sebagai penunjuk untuk mengawal kursor dan untuk memilih objek. Tetikus
berbentuk kotak kecil yang biasanya bersambung melalui dawai dengan terminal
komputer. Tetikus biasanya mempunyai satu, dua, atau tiga butang pada bahagian
kepala tetikus. Butang ini ditekan untuk membuat pilihan objek yang ditunjukkan
oleh tetikus pada skrin.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Mouse</b> (plural mice,
mouse devices, or mouses) is a pointing device that functions by detecting two-
dimensional motion relative to its supporting surface. Physically, a mouse consists
of a small case, held under one of the user\'s hands, with one or more buttons. It
sometimes features other elements, such as \"wheels\", which allow the user to
perform various system-dependent operations, or extra buttons or features can add
more control or dimensional input. The mouse\'s motion typically translates into
the motion of a pointer on a display, which allows for fine control of a Graphical
User Interface.</i>\r\n\r\n'),(1795,'001009006','TETIKUS OPTIK
(STOK)','001009','2008-05-01 22:40:31','2010-12-21
15:52:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tetiku Optik adalah tetikus yang menggunakan
kaedah optik, seperti sinaran inframerah, untuk mewujudkan hubungan dengan
komputer, bukan dengan menggunakan talian dawai seperti tetikus
biasa.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Opitcal Mouse,</b> Modern surface-
independent optical mice work by using an optoelectronic sensor to take successive
pictures of the surface on which the mouse
operates. As computing power grew cheaper, it became possible to embed more
powerful special-purpose image-processing chips in the mouse itself. This advance
enabled the mouse to detect relative motion on a wide variety of surfaces,
translating the movement of the mouse into the movement of the pointer and
eliminating the need for a special mouse-pad.<i/>'),(1796,'001009007','PEMANAS AIR
USB (STOK)','001009','2008-05-01 22:41:05','2010-12-21
15:53:27','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemanas Air
USB\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nComputer Coffee Heater'),
(1797,'001009008','PEMACU CD (STOK)','001009','2008-05-01 22:41:47','2010-12-28
15:16:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemancu dan penulis CD; Pembakar Cd - adalah
peranti komputer yang di pasang ke komputer. <br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCD
Drive; CD burner </b>is a computer device that fix in with the computer. '),
(1798,'001009009','PEMACU DVD (STOK)','001009','2008-05-01 22:42:53','2010-12-28
15:17:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemacu DVD\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nDVD
Driver'),(1799,'001009010','PEMACU ZIP (STOK)','001009','2008-05-01
22:44:47','2010-12-28 15:18:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemacu
Zip\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nZip Drives\r\n'),(1800,'001009011','PEMACU
CAKERA LIUT (STOK)','001009','2008-05-01 22:45:12','2010-12-28
15:18:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemacu Cakera
Liut\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nFllopy Disk Drive'),
(1801,'001009012','PEMACU PITA KATRIJ / KASET ','001009','2008-05-01
22:45:41','2019-02-12 09:23:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemacu Pita Katrij /
Kaset\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nTape / Cassette Drivese'),
(1802,'001009013','FLAT SCREEN MONITOR (STOK)','001009','2008-05-01
22:46:20','2017-02-02 16:42:56','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Perkakasan Monitor
Skrin Rata yang digunakan untuk tujuan mamaparkan audio dan visual secara rangkaian
seperti dibilik mesyuarat, counter, dll <br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nFlat Screen
Monitor'),(1803,'001009014','MONITOR (STOK)','001009','2008-05-01 22:46:42','2017-
02-02 16:43:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Perkakasan Monitor LCD/TFT. yang
dibeli untuk digunakan sebagai peralatan rangkaian untuk tujuan memaparkan audio
dan visual secara rangkaian menggunakan teknologi transistor film nipis.Setiap
pixel mempunyai satu transistor nipis. Biasanya digunakan dalam aplikasi multimedia
dan mengedit video atau alat ganti pada
komputer.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nLCD/TFT Monitor. </b> It makes use of a
thin-film transistor technology to operate. A TFT has a tiny and separate
transistor for each and every pixel on the display. Mostly used for multimedia
applications or video editing.\n'),(1804,'001009015','CRT NORMAL MONITOR
(STOK)','001009','2008-05-01 22:47:08','2017-02-02
16:43:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Perkakasan Monitor Biasa CRT yang dibeli
untuk digunakan secara rangkaian untuk memaparkan audio dan
visual\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nCRT Normal Monitor'),(1805,'001009016','BEG
KOMPUTER BIMBIT (STOK)','001009','2008-05-01 22:47:21','2010-12-28
15:21:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Beg Komputer Bimbit yang dibeli secara
berasingan.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nComputer bag'),
(1806,'001009017','PENGUNCI NOTE BOOK (STOK)','001009','2008-05-01 22:47:51','2010-
12-28 15:21:29','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pengunci Note
Book\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nNotebook Lock'),(1807,'001009018','WEB
CAMERA (STOK)','001009','2008-05-01 22:48:08','2010-12-28
15:21:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kamera Web ; kamera
komputer\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Webcams (web cameras)</b> are small
cameras (usually, though not always, video cameras), whose images can be accessed
using the World Wide Web, instant messaging, or a PC video conferencing
application. The term webcam is also used to describe the low-resolution digital
video cameras designed for such purposes, but which can also be used to record in a
non-real-time fashion.\r\n\r\n'),(1808,'001009019','SCREEN FILTER
(STOK)','001009','2008-05-01 22:48:23','2010-12-28
Skrin\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nScreen Filter'),(1809,'001009020','USB
CABLE (STOK)','001009','2008-05-01 22:48:40','2010-12-28
15:22:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kabel USB\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nUSB
Cable'),(1810,'001010001','RAK SERVER','001010','2008-05-01 22:49:07','2012-05-31
10:38:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Perkakasan/Rak yang digunakan untuk
menyimpan data (Storage RAcking System) atau (Storage Area
Network).\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Server Rack </b>.<i/>\n'),
(1811,'001010002','RAK SWITCH','001010','2008-05-01 22:49:37','2008-10-30
Switch\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nSwitch Rack'),(1812,'001010003','RAK
PENYIMPANAN CD/CATRIDGE','001010','2008-05-01 22:49:50','2012-05-31
10:51:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Rak yang digunakan untuk menyimpan CD,
DVD, VCD, TAPE CATRIDGE yang terdiri daripada pelbagai bentuk dan ukuran dan jenama
seperti Tape Library, VCD Rack\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>CD,DVD and VCD
Rack</b> are rack for stacking or keeping CD/VCD/DVD</i>'),
(1813,'013001001','KERETA SEDAN','013001','2008-05-01 22:51:58','2008-10-15
09:31:27','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kereta Sedan (kereta salon) adalah sebuah kereta
penumpang. Kereta sedan mempunyai dua baris tempat duduk untuk kapisiti penumpang
seramai 4-5 orang.\r\n\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>A sedan car</b>, American
English terminology (saloon in British English), is one of the most common body
styles of the modern automobile. At its most basic, the sedan is a passenger car
with two rows of seats and adequate passenger space in the rear compartment for
adult passengers.</i>'),(1814,'013001002','KERETA EKSEKUTIF','013001','2008-05-01
22:52:12','2008-10-15 09:35:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kereta Eksekutif adalah
kereta sedan yang mempunyai kuasakuda (C.C) besar dan biasanya diperuntukan kepada
pegawai tertinggi.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br> Excecutive Car</b>are sedan car
with high c.c power and normally allocate for senior rank officer.</i>'),
(1815,'013001003','MPV','013001','2008-05-01 22:52:28','2008-10-15
09:38:49','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'MPV merupakan kereta serbaguna merupai sebuah van.
Mempunyai tiga baris tempat duduk danboleh membawa melebih 5 orang
penumpang.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br> Multi Purpose Vehicle (MPV)</b> are
vehicle similar to a van that can carry more than five people, typically seven
people in three rows of seats. A minivan, multi-purpose vehicle (abbreviated MPV),
people-carrier, people-mover or multi-utility vehicle (shortened MUV) is a type of
automobile similar in shape to a van that is designed for personal use. Minivans
are taller than a sedan, hatchback or a station wagon, and are designed for maximum
interior room.</i>\r\n\r\n'),(1816,'013001004','VAN','013001','2008-05-01
16:43:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Van\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br> Van </b> ia
a motor vehicle that has rear or side doors or sliding side panels and is used for
transporting goods or people</i>\r\n'),(1817,'013001005','PACUAN 4 RODA (4 X
4)','013001','2008-05-01 22:52:55','2012-03-23
01:51:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pancuan 4 Roda adalah kereta yang boleh tenaga
putaran keempat-empat roda serentak seperti 4WD, SUV
dll.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br> Four-wheel drive, </b>4WD, or 4x4 (\"four by
four\") or sport Utiliti Vehicle (SUV) is a four-wheeled vehicle with a drivetrain
that allows all four wheels to receive torque from the engine simultaneously</i>'),
(1818,'013002001','BAS EKSEKUTIF','013002','2008-05-01 22:53:21','2008-10-15
10:04:31','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bas Eksekutif adalah bas yang mempunyai
kelengkapan penuh seperti hawa dingin, tempat dudukselsa, fleksible dan eksekutif.
Bas ini setaraf dengan bas persiaran atau bas
pelancungan.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Executive Bus; Tourist Bus;Executive
Coach</b> It is sometimes referred to as \"executive day bus\". An executive bus is
usually made on the basis of a charter bus, but can also be made on the basis of a
public transport bus, so as to incorporate the comfort of a low floor for easier
access. Some executive buses are corporate-owned, others are hired. On the outside,
an executive bus looks just like any other bus, it\'s on the inside where it makes
a difference. '),(1819,'013002002','BAS 40 PENUMPANG','013002','2008-05-01
22:53:36','2013-09-17 12:37:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kenderaan seperti Bas 40
Penumpang atau Bas Pelbagai Guna (Pameran) adalah bas panjang yang mempunyai
kelengkapan asas atau digunakan dalam pelbagai tujuan atau fungsi jabatan.
Spekfikasi Bas ini adalah bersamaan dengan Bas 40
penumpang.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>40 Seated Bus</b>A bus (or omnibus or
autobus) is a road vehicle designed to carry passengers. A bus generally carries
more passengers than a minivan, and is used for different purposes. Buses are the
most widely used mode of public transport'),(1820,'013002003','BAS 24
PENUMPANG','013002','2008-05-01 22:53:56',NULL,'MOF','160101',1,NULL,NULL),
(1821,'013002004','BAS COASTER','013002','2008-05-01 22:54:20','2009-01-22
10:17:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bas Coaster adalah bas kecil dan berbentuk seperti
van.\r\n<br><br><b><i>Coaster Bus</b> '),(1822,'013003001','MOTOSIKAL 2
RODA','013003','2008-05-01 22:55:02','2008-09-16 10:07:08','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'2
Wheel Motocycle'),(1823,'013003002','MOTOSIKAL 3 RODA','013003','2008-05-01
22:55:15','2008-09-16 10:08:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Motosikal 3
Roda\r\n<br><br><b><i>3 Wheel Motocycle'),(1824,'013003003','MOTOSIKAL
SKREMBLER','013003','2008-05-01 22:55:47','2008-09-16
10:09:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Motosikal Skrembler\r\n<br><br><b><i>Scrambler
Motobike / Scramble Motocycle'),(1825,'013003004','SKUTER','013003','2008-05-01
22:56:09','2015-12-18 10:48:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Skuter
kenderaan spt motosikal, scooter \"2 wheel balancing\" yang rodanya lebih
kecil.\n<br><br><b><i>A scooter </b>is a style of two-wheeled motor vehicle
traditionally defined by characteristics such as a step-through frame, wheels less
than 16\" in diameter, and an engine located below the rider and to the rear.'),
(1826,'013004001','LORI 1 TON','013004','2008-05-01 22:57:46','2009-01-22
10:27:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lori 1 Ton\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>1 Ton
Lorry; 1 Ton Truck'),(1827,'015001001','MEJA PENGURUSAN TERTINGGI','015001','2008-
05-04 23:30:09','2016-04-07 12:56:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja adalah termasuk
Kategori Perabut yang diperlukan untuk melengkapkan sesebuah bangunan samada buatan
kayu atau besi direkodkan sebagai Aset mengikut harga perolehan. Ianya seperti Meja
Pengurusan tertinggi adalah perkakas perabot (dibuat drpd papan, batu marmar, dll)
yg berkaki, rata permukaannya dan digunakan untuk pihak pengurusan tertinggi
seperti Pengarah, Pegawai Kanan dan Pengurus.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION:<br>Top
Management Table </b>are table or Desk use by CEO, Director and General Manager.'),
(1828,'015001002','MEJA KUMPULAN PENGURUSAN & PROFESSIONAL','015001','2008-05-06
19:30:09','2009-02-04 16:03:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Kump. Pengurusan &
Professional adalah meja utama yang digunakan oleh pegawai, eksekutif; MBM
1A\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Eksekutif Desk orTable; Officer Main Table'),
(1829,'015001003','MEJA KUMPULAN SOKONGAN','015001','2008-05-06 19:30:33','2008-09-
23 16:27:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Kumpulan Sokongan adalah meja pada
kebiasaannya digunakan oleh pembantu tadbir, perkeranian, pembantu makmal,
juruteknik dan lain-lain jawatan yang setaraf. \r\n<br><br>
<i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Staff Desk or Table </b>'),(1830,'015001004','MEJA TEPI
PEGAWAI','015001','2008-05-06 19:31:41','2012-03-15
18:07:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Tepi; Meja Sisi; Rak Sisi; Kabinet Tepi
Berpintu Gelonsor adalah meja atau rak yang diletak disisi meja pegawai.yang
digunakan seperti meletak telefon, komputer dll; MBM1B\n.<br><br>
<i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Side Table</b> Sliding Door cabinet'),(1831,'015001005','MEJA
JURUTRENGKAS','015001','2008-05-06 19:32:59','2016-10-24
09:17:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Juruterngkas; Meja Pembantu Khas; Meja
Seketeri; Meja Translator\n<br><br> <i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Personal Assitant (PA)
Table</b> also known as Secetary Table / Desk'),(1832,'015001006','MEJA
JURUTAIP','015001','2008-05-06 19:35:34','2009-02-04
16:34:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Jurutaip adalh meja yang kecil sedik dari
meja kerani.\r\n<br><br> <i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Typist Table; Typist Desk</b> is
smaller than clerk chair'),(1833,'015001007','LACI MEJA KEKAKI /PEDESTAL
DRAWER','015001','2008-05-06 19:37:16','2013-09-20
15:29:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Laci Meja kekaki; Pedestal Mudah Alih; MBM
1C\n.<br><br> <i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Pedestral Drawer</b>'),
(1834,'002001003','MESIN FOTOSTAT','002001','2008-05-06 22:45:20','2009-02-19
17:55:56','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Mesin Fotostat</b> juga dikenali sebagai mesin
penyalin, mesin fotokopi, meliputi tugasringan, tugas sederhana, tugas berat dan
pelbagai fungsi.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Photostat Machine </b>is a device
for producing copies of text or graphic material by the use of light, heat,
chemicals, or electrostatic charge.Also known as copier machine and xerox machine.
Including lighat duty, medium duty, heavry duty and multi-function.'),
(1835,'002001004','MESIN PERINCIH/PENGHANCUR','002001','2008-05-06 22:45:38','2014-
08-07 15:33:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Perincih, penghancur sesuatu bahan
seperti kertas, logam, kaca, bahan mentah dll.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nA
shredder</b> is a machine into which paper, flimsiplast and similar materials could
be fed and thus destroyed as it automatically cut them into many separate and
illegible strips.</i>\n\n'),(1836,'002001005','MESIN PERAKAM WAKTU','002001','2008-
05-06 22:45:57','2008-10-30 10:55:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Perakam Waktu
adalah mesin yang mencetak atau merekod kehadiran kaitangan. Juga dipanggil Mesin
pencatit masa; mesin punch kad.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nTime Recorder
Machine </b> is a equipment with a clock attachment that may be manually activated
to stamp or otherwise record the exact time on a card or tape, used to keep a
record of the time of something, as of the arrival and departure of employees.It is
also known as <u>Punch clock or Card machine</u></i>'),(1837,'002001006','MESIN
NOMBOR GILIRAN','002001','2008-05-06 22:47:25','2008-10-30
10:55:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Nombor Giliran merupakan satu alat yang
digunakan di kaunter untuk memanggil giliran pelanggan secara
digital.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nQueue Machine</b> is specially
designed to bring about order, efficiency and comfort in places such as counter,
one stop centre and other places where people have to wait in line to get a
service.</i>'),(1838,'002001007','MESIN BRAILLE','002001','2008-05-06
22:47:45','2008-10-30 10:55:59','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Braile adalah mesin
seperti mesin menaip yang dikhaskan untuk orang
buta.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nBraille Machine</b>is a special machines
with six keys, one for each dot in the Braille cell. It is used to write
braille</i>'),(1839,'002001008','MESIN LABEL','002001','2008-05-06 22:48:01','2008-
10-30 10:56:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Label adalah mesin yang digunakan
untuk membuat label, tanda;
pengecapan.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nLabeling Machines</b> are machines
used to dispense, apply, or print and apply labels to packages. There are range of
labeling machines consist of automatic and semi automatic labeling
machines.Labelling machine including lettering machine.</i>'),
(1840,'002001009','MESIN PENGIRA WANG','002001','2008-05-06 22:48:23','2008-10-30
10:56:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Pengira Wang adalah sebuah alat yang
membantu juruwang membuat pengiraaan duit/wang kertas atau siling secara
automasi.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nMoney counters machine</b> are
machine that helps that need to fill coin wrappers and money or simply count the
total value of a group of money. Many of money counters also include the ability
to sort coins while counting. The coin sorter/coin counter lets you quickly count,
sort and balance mixed coins in a relatively small space.</i>'),
(1841,'002001010','MESIN PENGIMBAS DUIT','002001','2008-05-06 22:48:40','2008-10-30
10:57:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Pengimbas Duit adalah sejenis alat untuk
mengimbas ketulenan duit bagi mengelak wang palsu.
\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nMoney notes scanner'),(1842,'002001011','MESIN
JURUWANG','002001','2008-05-06 22:49:17','2008-10-30
10:57:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Juruwang ialah sebuah kotak yang mempunyai
sejenis alat untuk mencatat dan menyimpan tunai atau benda.
\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nTeller Machine; Cashier Machine; Cash
Register'),(1843,'002001012','MESIN AUTO TELLER','002001','2008-05-06
22:49:37','2008-10-30 10:57:53','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Auto Teller; Mesin
ATM\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nAuto Teller Machine (ATM Machine)'),
(1844,'002001013','MESIN FRANKING/STAMPING MACHINE','002001','2008-05-06
22:49:55','2014-11-06 10:07:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Franking adalah mesin
yang digunakan bagi menggantikan stem pos.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nFranking
Machine.</b> Franking is the marking of mail by a company or government that offers
free or low cost postage privileges, or the convenience of sending bulk mail
without using normal postage stamps.</i>'),(1845,'002001014','MESIN KIRA BERCETAK
(CALCULATOR)','002001','2008-05-06 22:50:08','2015-09-02
10:02:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Kira meliputi mesin kira cetak dan mesin
kira saintifik yang mempunyai helaian/cetakan pengiraanbagi membolehkan setiap
pengiraan dapat dicetak untuk disimpan sebagai maklumat aktiviti seperti Culculator
Portble Printer dll. Manakala Bagi mesin kira poket dan mempunyai fungsi asas
(basic function) hendaklah direkodkan sebagai bekalan (Barang stor/stok)
\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nScientific Calculator; Printer Calculator'),
(1846,'002002001','KIPAS ANGIN SILING (ASET TAK ALIH)','002002','2008-05-06
22:50:39','2017-07-28 15:54:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Kipas Angin Siling</b>
adalah satu alat yang di ikat atau tambat ke siling, berperanan untuk memutar udara
bertujuan untuk menghasilkan udara sejuk atau mengasingkan
udara.\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION<br><i>Ceiling Fan</b> is a device suspended from the
ceiling of a room, which employs hub-mounted rotating paddles to circulate air in
order to produce a cooling or destratification effect.</i>'),
(1847,'002002002','KIPAS ANGIN BERDIRI','002002','2008-05-06 22:51:22','2010-08-16
14:00:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Kipas Angin Berdiri</b> adalah satu alat yang
boleh berdiri sendiri, berperanan untuk memutar udara bertujuan untuk menghasilkan
udara sejuk atau mengasingkan udara. Biasanya digunakan di pejabat dan
kediaman.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION: \r\n<br>A Stand fan</b> is a device to
circulate air in order to produce a cooling or destratification effect. Commonly
used in domestic and office.</i>'),(1848,'002002003','AIR FRESHNER DISPENSER
(STOK)','002002','2008-05-06 22:51:40','2010-12-28
15:25:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Dispenser Penyembur Pewangi adalah bekas menyembur
pewangi secara automatik.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br> Air Freshner
Dispencer</b> offers the best continuous odor control with fresh and consistent
fragrances'),(1849,'002002004','AIR IONISER','002002','2008-05-06 22:52:08','2012-
08-10 08:09:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Penyegar Udara; Pengion Udara adalah alat
mengion udara supaya segar dan besih. Banyak digunakan
dipejabat.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>An air ioniser</b> is
a device that uses high voltage to ionise (electrically charge) air molecules.
Negative ions, or anions, are particles with one or more extra electrons,
conferring a net negative charge to the particle. Cations are positive ions missing
one or more electrons, resulting in a net positive charge. Most commercial air
purifiers are designed to generate negative ions.\n\n'),(1853,'002003001','LCD
PROJECTOR','002003','2008-05-06 22:54:10','2010-08-16
LCD\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nAn LCD projector</b> is a type of video
projector for displaying video, images or computer data on a screen or other flat
surface. It is a modern analog of the slide projector or overhead projector. To
display images, LCD (liquid crystal display) projectors typically send light from a
Metal halide lamp through a prism that separates light to three poly silicone
panels # one each for the red, green, and blue components of the video signal. As
polarized light passes through the panels (combination of polarizer, LCD panel and
analyzer), individual pixels can be opened to allow light to pass or closed to
block the light. The combination of open and closed pixels can produce a wide range
of colors and shades in the projected image.\r\n\r\n'),(1854,'002003002','OHP
PROJEKTOR','002003','2008-05-06 22:54:27','2015-06-19
09:05:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Projektor OHP yang dibekalkan bersekali dengan
alatan penghantar imej (Lumen Camera)\n\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>OHP
Projector; Overhead Projector</b> a device that projects a transparent image'),
(1855,'002003003','SLIDE PROJECTOR','002003','2008-05-06 22:54:46','2008-10-30
11:04:05','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Projektor slid\r\n<br><br><i><b>Slide
Projector</b> is a device that projects a still image with a transparent base '),
(1856,'002003004','DIRECT PROJECTOR','002003','2008-05-06 22:55:06','2008-10-30
Direct\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nDirect Projektor'),
(1857,'002003005','DIGITAL PROJECTOR','002003','2008-05-06 22:55:25','2009-02-19
16:41:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Projektor Digital; Projektor
DLP\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nDigital Projector; Digital Light Processing
(DLP) Projector'),(1858,'002003006','VIDEO SPLITTER','002003','2008-05-06
22:55:53','2018-05-17 11:07:55','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan
untuk membuat Pengasing Video (Video Extender) atau (Audio Selector) yang dipasang
bersama dengan peralatan lain seperti Display Manager
dll\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nVideo Slpitter/ Audio Selector'),
(1859,'002003007','VIDEO/AUDIO SWITCHER','002003','2008-05-06 22:56:21','2012-08-16
09:26:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Perkakasan yang digunakan untuk
memaparkan gambar/suara dengan menggunakan sistem High Definition Multi-Chennel
Digital Audio, Channel Hi-end AD/DA Converter dan pelbagai jenis/fungsi. Ianya juga
dikenalpasti sebagai Audio Interface dan seupamanya (Switch Video/PA, Playback
Device Controller, dll)\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nVideo/PA Switcher'),
(1860,'002003008','AUDIO AMPLIFIER AND MIXER','002003','2008-05-06 22:56:42','2010-
06-15 09:57:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Amplifier Audio dan Pengcampur Audio,
termasuklah amplifier untuk instrumen muzik yang lain saperti elektrik gitar,
elektrik bass dan keyboard.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nAudio Amplifier
and Mixer, </b> including instrument amplifiers available for specific
instruments, including the electric guitar, electric bass, electric keyboards, and
acoustic instruments such as the mandolin and banjo. '),(1861,'002003009','VIDEO
VISUALIZER','002003','2008-05-06 22:57:06','2008-10-30
Visualizer'),(1862,'002003010','SISTEM MIKROFON/MIKROFON
(MICROPHONE)','002003','2008-05-06 22:58:02','2009-07-15
16:09:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mikrofon adalah transducer atau sensor yang
mengubah isyarat (signal) bunyi menjadi isyarat elektrik. Ini termasuklah mikrofon
yang menggunakan kabel atau sistem mikrofon tanpa kabel (wireless)berklip yang
mengadungi penerima dan mikrofon dinamik. Terdapat juga mikrofon tanpa kabel dengan
head set. Isyarat elektrik ini kemudiannya disambungkan kepada pre-amplifier, audio
amplifier dan sebaginya untuk pembesaran dan bunyi yang
berkualiti.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nMicrophone </b> is an acoustic-to-
electric transducer or sensor that converts sound into an electrical signal. This
is including wireless microphone (clip-on) or wireless with headset microphones
.Handheld Microphone System consists of a receiver and handheld unidirectional
dynamic microphone/transmitter.'),(1863,'002003011','PEMBESAR SUARA
(SPEAKER)','002003','2008-05-06 22:58:15','2015-05-18
11:07:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Pembesar Suara berkapisiti \'besar\' adalah
alat yang membolehkan isyarat audio elektrik ditukarkan kepada bunyi sebenar yang
lebih kuat. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti aodio speaker, speaker
berkaki, dll. Manakala Head phone atau speaker kecil adalah berpasangan speaker
kecil atau terdapat juga satu speaker (earphone), yang direka supaya boleh lekap
ditelinga merupakan stok item.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nSpeaker; Loud
speaker </b> .A loudspeaker is an electroacoustical transducer that converts an
electrical signal to sound. Headphones are a pair of small loudspeakers, or less
commonly a single speaker (earphone), with a way of holding them close to a user\'s
ears .'),(1864,'002003012','CONFERENCE SYSTEM','002003','2008-05-06
22:58:38','2010-07-07 11:29:33','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sistem Conference
termasuklah sistem audio dan sistem video. Persidangan didalam satu tempat
persidangan atau diantara lokasi yang berbeza. Juga sistem persidangan yang
menggunakan teknologi komunikasi interaktif yang disebut sidang video atau
teleconference. Sistem conference mengandungi panel untuk pengerusi dan
peserta/wakil.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nConference System </b>including
audio and video system, teleconference, consist of chairman discussion station and
delegated station.'),(1865,'002003013','CASSETTE PLAYER AND
RECORDER','002003','2008-05-06 22:58:56','2010-08-16
14:25:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemain dan Perakam
Kaset\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nA Cassette Player / Recorder / cassette
deck</b> is a type of tape recorder for playing or recording audio compact
cassettes. A deck was formerly distinguished from a recorder as being part of a
stereo component system, while a recorder had a self-contained power amplifier (and
often speakers). '),(1866,'002003014','VIDEO TAPE PLAYER AND
RECORDER','002003','2008-05-06 22:59:10','2009-02-19
16:26:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemain dan perakam pita
Video\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nVideo Tape Player and recorder'),
(1867,'002003015','CD/VCD/DVD PLAYER AND RECORDER','002003','2008-05-06
22:59:36','2008-10-30 11:36:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemain dan Perakam CD, VCD,
DVD. \r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCD/VCD/DVD Player and Recorder'),
(1868,'002003016','ASTRO RECORDER','002003','2008-05-06 22:59:51','2017-11-30
12:13:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Perakam Astro atau Mytv yang digunakan secara
bersekali (set) adalah aset. Sekiranya digunakan/didapatkan berasingan hendaklah
dijadikan sebagai stok contohnya remote control,
dll.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nAstro Recorder including VSAT Equipments '),
(1869,'002003017','AUDIO PLAYER AND RECORDER','002003','2008-05-06 23:00:19','2014-
10-30 10:48:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Perakam dan Pemain Audio adalah alat yang
boleh merakam dan memainkan suara, muzik dan informasi secara digital dan analog,
termasuk MP3, MP4 dan perakam suara digital, Victor Reader, Digital Voices
dll.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nAudio playar and recorder</b> is a devices
that can record and play back voice, music, information in ofrm of digital or
analog, including MP3, MP4 and Digital Voices Recorder.'),(1870,'002003018','SYSTEM
VIDEO EDITING MACHINE','002003','2008-05-06 23:00:36','2016-06-06
15:25:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk Rakaman,
Penyunting Video, CD.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nVideo editor, CD Editor;
editting unit'),(1871,'002003019','RADIO','002003','2008-05-06 23:00:50','2010-08-
16 14:27:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Radio merupakan sejenis komunikasi yang
menggunakan gelombang elektromagnet, atau isyarat-isyarat radio, untuk menghantar
maklumat elektronik dari satu tempat ke tempat lain tanpa menggunakan wayar. Unit
penghantar dipanggil pemancar (transmitter), manakala unit yang menukar isyarat
radio ke bunyi yang boleh didengar dipanggil penerima (receiver). Biasanya,
penerima adalah dirujuk sebagai satu \"radio\" atau peti
radio.\r\n\r\n\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nRadio; Hifi; Mini Compo</b> is
the transmission of signals, by modulation of electromagnetic waves with
frequencies below those of visible light.'),(1872,'002003020','SET
KARAOKE','002003','2008-05-06 23:01:18','2009-01-08
Karaoke\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nKaraoke Set</b> is a form of
entertainment in which amateur singers sing along with recorded music (and/or a
music video) using a microphone and public address system. Lyrics are usually
displayed on a video screen, along with a moving symbol or changing color and/or
music video images, to guide the singer. In some countries, a karaoke music video
with lyrics and the option to disable the original voice track is called a KTV'),
(1873,'002003021','TELEVISYEN','002003','2008-05-06 23:01:38','2010-08-16
14:30:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peti TV; Televisyen warna ialah sejenis media
telekomunikasi terkenal yang digunakan untuk memancarkan dan menerima gambar
bergerak, sama ada monokrom (\"hitam putih\") mahupun warna, lazimnya diiringi
bunyi. \"Televisyen\" juga boleh memaksudkan
peti televisyen,\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nTelevision; CTV; Colour TV
</b> is a widely used telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving
moving images, either monochromatic (\"black and white\") or color, usually
accompanied by sound. '),(1874,'002003022','PROJECTION SCREEN','002003','2008-05-06
23:02:03','2016-07-29 09:36:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Skrin Projektor termasuk
manual, bermotor dan berkaki yang digunakan sebagai skrin pelapik skrin projektor
contoh nya seperti Cine Front Cloth, Skrin Layar, Ceiling Screen
dll.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nProjection Screen </b> including manual,
motorised and tripod screen.'),(1875,'002003023','LCD SCREEN MONITER AUDIO
VISUAL','002003','2008-05-06 23:02:28','2017-10-05
12:28:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br>Peralatan Audio Visual Moniter atau Skrin LCD
yang boleh digunakan untuk memaparkan audio dan visual secara rangkaian dalam
pelbagai tujuan dan pelbagai jenis seperti KVM Moniter dll. Sekiranya LCD ini
dibeli bersekali dengan \'stand\' maka ianya hendaklah dicatitkan sebagai aksoseri
kepada LCD tersebut.<br>\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nLCD Screen;</b> A liquid
crystal display (LCD) is an electronically modulated optical amplification shaped
into a thin, flat display device made up of any number of color or monochrome
pixels arrayed in front of a light source (backlight) or reflector. It is often
utilized in battery-powered electronic devices because it uses very small amounts
of electric power.\n\n'),(1876,'002003024','ELECTRONIC WHITE BOARD','002003','2008-
05-06 23:02:54','2012-06-04 09:49:21','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Papan Putih
Electronik\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nElectronic White Board'),
(1877,'002004001','KOTAK PAMERAN PLASTIK','002004','2008-05-06 23:03:37','2008-10-
08 15:15:31','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kotak Pameran
Plastik\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Plastic Excibition Box'),
(1878,'002004002','KOTAK PAMERAN KACA','002004','2008-05-06 23:03:53','2008-10-08
15:17:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kotak Pameran Kaca adalah sebuah bekas yang
digunakan untuk mempamerkan bahan pameran yang diperbuat dari
kaca.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Glass Excibition Box'),
(1879,'002004003','ALMARI PAMERAN KACA','002004','2008-05-06 23:04:10','2009-01-28
15:13:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Almari Pameran Kaca adalah kabinet yang salah satu
daripada permukaannya berkaca untuk mempamerkan barang-barang di dalamnya sama ada
untuk dagangan atau perhiasan.\r\n\r\n<Br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Glass Showcase;
Glass Exibition Cabinet; Display Cabinet'),(1880,'002004004','PEMAPAR
POSTER','002004','2008-05-06 23:04:36','2013-11-21
13:26:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk Pemapar Poster /
Panel Pameran yang terdiri dari pelbagai jenama atau jenis seperti Brochure Stand
dll\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Poster / Exhibition Display Board / Exhibition
Panel'),(1881,'002004005','MEJA/SET PAMERAN','002004','2008-05-06 23:04:52','2015-
12-30 10:56:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Pameran (Set Pameran) adalah berbentuk
meja, rak, kerusi, kabinet untuk meletak bahan pameran yang terdiri dari pelbagai
jenama atau jenis seperti Pop-Up Panel dll.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Excibition Table; Exibition Desk'),(1882,'002004006','PAPAN TANDA DAN
CARTA','002004','2008-05-06 23:05:16','2017-07-20
17:17:37','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Papan Tanda yang boleh berpindah/diubah meliputi
semua papan tanda seperti papan tanda lalu lintas, carta organisasi dan alat
meletak maklumat kenyataan atau makluman. \n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Sign
Board And Chart</b> A Boards with colour printed graphic Posters for pavement
advertising and promotional display including road signage, building /room signage,
organization chart and display stand.'),(6435,'004023073','SPUTTER
COATER','004023','2017-07-21 09:08:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Satu kaedah untuk
meningkatkan konduktivi sampel yang dianalisa. Sampel akan dilapisi dengan
konduktor emas atau platinum yang nipis dan sekata, menjadikannya sesuai untuk
mikroskop elektron (SEM). Penyejat ion boleh diprogramkan, dengan parameter pilihan
tersedia untuk sebarang ketebalan lapisan yang diingini.'),(1883,'002004007','MODEL
PAMERAN','002004','2008-05-06 23:05:40','2008-10-08
16:11:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Model Pameran ialah barang tiruan yg dibuat betul-
betul spt barang yg asal tetapi lebih kecil.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Display Model</b> is a small representation or copy of something.'),
(1884,'002004008','REPLIKA PAMERAN','002004','2008-05-06 23:05:59','2008-10-30
11:55:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Replika Pameran adalah citra yang ditiru daripada
yang asli.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Excibit Replica </b>is a close copy of
something.'),(1885,'002004009','BAHAN PAMERAN','002004','2008-05-06
23:06:15','2010-08-16 15:03:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bahan Pameran adalah bahan-
bahan yang di pamerkan.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Exibition Display Things
or Material'),(1886,'002005001','MESIN OFFSET','002005','2008-05-06
23:07:11','2008-10-30 11:58:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin
Offset\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nOffset Machine'),
(1887,'002005002','MESIN RIISO','002005','2008-05-06 23:07:33','2008-10-30
Riiso\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nRiiso Machine'),(1888,'002005003','MESIN
PENCETAKAN (PRINTING MACHINE)','002005','2008-05-06 23:08:00','2017-02-06
09:38:41','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br>Sebuah mesin/peralatan mencetak atau menjilid
buku atau merupakan alat mekanikal untuk memberi tekanan kepada suatu bertinta
berehat di atas permukaan media cetak seperti buku, majalah, kertas atau kain,
sehingga pemindahan tinta dalam pelbagai jenis dan fungsi seperti Mesin Perfect
Binder, Booklet Maker Machine, Wire Stitching dll>br<
\n\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nPrinting Maching </b> or a printing press is a
mechanical device for applying pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print
medium (such as paper or cloth), thereby transferring the ink.'),
(1889,'002005004','MESIN SORTER','002005','2008-05-06 23:08:28','2010-08-16
15:58:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Sorter; Mesin Pengasing kertas; Mesin Susun
Kertas\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nSorting Machione; Sorter Machine Sorting
</b> is a equipment used to separate dissimilar items into predetermined groupings
as part of an automated process. '),(1890,'002005005','MESIN
STENSIL','002005','2008-05-06 23:08:43','2010-08-16
16:14:37','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin stensil mesin stensil atau mesin mimeo
adalah kos rendah cetak akhbar bahawa bekerja dengan memaksa melalui stensil tinta
pada kertas. \r\n\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nStensil Machine</b> or
stencil duplicator or mimeograph machine (often abbreviated to mimeo) is a low-cost
printing press that works by forcing ink through a stencil onto paper.'),
(1891,'002005006','MESIN PEMOTONG KERTAS','002005','2008-05-06 23:09:10','2013-07-
01 15:10:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Pemotong Kertas/Peralatan Memotong kertas
samada manual atau mesin adalah alat yang digunakan kerja-kerja untuk memotong
kertas, gambar, atau buku berjilid seperti cek, majalah, buku koyar dll.
\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nPaper Cutter Machine; Paper Guillotine</b> is a
machine used for cutting paper. '),(1892,'002005007','MESIN PENEBUK
LUBANG','002005','2008-05-06 23:09:31','2008-10-30
12:14:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Penebuk Lubang adalah mesin yang digunakan
untuk menebuk lobang pada kertas, kad dan dokumen untuk tujuan
penjilitan.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nHole Puncher Machine </b>is a
machine used for making hole on to paper, kad and document for binding
purposes.\r\n'),(1893,'002005008','MESIN PENJILID','002005','2008-05-06
23:09:49','2008-10-30 12:22:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Penjilid; Mesin Jilid
Sisir adalah mesin menggunakan kaedah menjilid bahan dengan memasukkan plastik
silinder bergerigi ke dalam lubang menggunakan
mesin.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nBinding Machine; Comb Binding Machine'),
(1894,'002005009','MESIN LAMINATING/SEALER','002005','2008-05-06 23:10:20','2015-
09-02 10:02:53','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Laminating; Mesin Perlaminaan; Mesin
Lamina adalah sebuah mesin yang menyalut kertas, cardstock, atau bahan lain dengan
selembar plastik tipis.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nLaminating Machine</b> is a
machine which coats paper, cardstock, or other materials with a thin sheet of
plastic.'),(1895,'002005010','MESIN STAMPING','002005','2008-05-06 23:11:17','2012-
04-12 15:50:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Stamping; Mesin Terap; Mesin Penekanan
Panas (Embossing Machine) atau sejuk adalah proses menghasilkan imej pada kertas,
logam atau bahan plastik dengan mengecap secara
mekanikal.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nStamping Machine, Hot / Cold Stamping
Machine </b> is a power tool that stamps; \"a metal stamper\"'),
(1896,'002006001','KAMERA','002006','2008-05-06 23:12:03','2016-07-22
16:29:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kamera adalah alat yang mengambil gambar-gambar
menggunakan teknologi terkini atau Pegun (negatif film). Perolehan kamera ini
biasanya bersekali dengan komponen seperti len, flash light, trigger dll aksesori.
Oleh itu hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai satu set kepada Aset Kamera tersebut
sebagai komponen atau Aksesori termasuk Underwater Camera Housing
dll.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Camera</b> is a device used to capture still
images,using film\'s negative'),(1897,'002006002','KAMERA DIGITAL','002006','2008-
05-06 23:12:18','2016-07-22 16:28:08','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kamera Digital adalah
kamera yang digunakan untuk mengambil gambar dan menyimpan imej fotograf secara
digital, berbanding menggunakan filem untuk kamera biasa. Perolehan kamera ini
biasanya bersekali dengan komponen seperti len, flash light, trigger dll aksesori.
Oleh itu hendaklah didaftarkan satu set kepada Aset Kamera tersebut sebagai
atau Aksesori termasuk Underwater Camera Housing dll. \n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>A digital camera</b> (or digicam for short) is a camera that takes video or
still photographs, or both, digitally by recording images on a light-sensitive
sensor.'),(1898,'002006003','KAMERA VIDEO','002006','2008-05-06 23:12:31','2014-07-
04 08:09:53','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kamera Video ialah alat yang menukar imej
kepada isyarat video. Perakam video yang berasaskan video digital seperti Video
Cam, Kamera Dokumen, dll\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Video Camera, video cam;
cam recorder'),(1899,'002006004','KAMERA POLAROID','002006','2008-05-06
23:12:50','2008-10-29 14:26:27','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kamera Polaroid adalah
Kamera yang menggunakan filem yang boleh menangkap dan membuat gambar dengan serta-
merta.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Poloraid Camera</b>'),
(1900,'002006005','PEMEGANG TRIPOD/COPY STAND','002006','2008-05-06
23:13:16','2013-03-28 16:23:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang mempunyai 3
bahagian iaitu tempat memasang kamera, lampu, projektor dan meja meletak produk
(Copy Stand) atau Pemegang Tripod (Dirian Kamera) adalah alat berkaki tiga untuk
menyokong/menstabilkan kedudukan kamera dalam penggambaran. Ianya terdiri daripada
pelbagai jenis/jenama seperti Flycam, Jip Camera, Projektor
dll\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>Tripod Stand (Camera Stand)</b> a three-legged
stand or support, as for a camera or telescope.'),(1901,'002006006','BEG KAMERA
(STOK)','002006','2008-05-06 23:13:46','2010-12-28
15:41:01','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Beg Kamera ialah beg untuk membawa
kamera.\r\n\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Camera Bag </b>is a special design bag
for carrying your camera and easily to carry on shoulder or securely on.'),
(1902,'002006007','LENSA KAMERA (STOK)','002006','2008-05-06 23:14:06','2010-12-28
15:41:33','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lensa Kamera/ Kanta Kamera\r\n<br><br><b><i>Camera
Lens/ A photographic lens</b> (also known as objective lens or photographic
objective) is an optical lens or assembly of lenses used in conjunction with a
camera body and mechanism to make images of objects either on photographic film or
on other media capable of storing an image chemically or electronically. While in
principle a simple convex lens will suffice, in practice a compound lens made up of
a number of optical lens elements is required to correct (as much as possible) the
many optical aberrations that arise. Some aberrations will be present in any lens
system. It is the job of the lens designer to balance these out and produce a
design that is suitable for photographic use and possibly mass production'),
(1903,'002007001','RAK PIGEON HOLE (BESI)','002007','2008-05-06 23:16:29','2013-04-
05 12:12:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak atau Kabinet adalah termasuk Kategori
Perabut yang diperlukan untuk melangkapkan sesebuah bangunan samada buatan kayu
atau besi direkodkan sebagi Inventori tanpa mengira harga perolehan. Ianya seperti
Petak Isih (Besi) adalah tempat penyimpanan atau ruang yang terdapat pada rak isih
dan diperbuat daripada besi atau logam.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nPigeon Hole
Rack (Steel)'),(1904,'002007002','RAK PIGEON HOLE (KAYU)','002007','2008-05-06
23:16:53','2013-07-03 14:24:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak atau Kabinet adalah
termasuk Kategori Perabut yang diperlukan untuk melangkapkan sesebuah bangunan
samada buatan kayu atau besi direkodkan sebagi Inventori tanpa mengira harga
perolehan. Petak Isih (Kayu) adalah tempat penyimpanan atau ruang yang terdapat
pada rak isih dan diperbuat daripada kayu atau lapan
lapis.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nPigeon Hole Rack (Woodl)'),
(1905,'002007003','RAK STOR TERTUTUP','002007','2008-05-06 23:17:26','2013-07-03
14:25:41','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak atau Kabinet adalah termasuk Kategori Perabut
yang diperlukan untuk melangkapkan sesebuah bangunan samada buatan kayu atau besi
direkodkan sebagi Inventori tanpa mengira harga perolehan. Rak Stor Tertutup adalah
rak penyimpanan dimana di sisir dan belakang rak tersebut adalah
bertutup.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nClosed Store Rack</b> is a storage
rack with cover at the side and back of the rack.'),(1906,'002007004','RAK STOR
PALET','002007','2008-05-06 23:18:32','2010-08-19
12:33:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak Stor Palet (Pemparaan Palet) adalah rak tugas
berat bagi penyimpanan barang-barang berbentuk palet.
\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nPallet Rack</b> are heavry duty rack for stacking
palleting goods. Pallet racks consist of galvanized stands with no welded parts.
Assembly is done with screws. As a result of these screw connections, assembly is
very simple, and in case of damage to a stand due to uncareful handling of loads,
the damaged component can be replaced easily. Load bearing capacity of stand\'s is
up to 22000kg, depending on the disposition of the longitudinal beams.'),
(1907,'002007005','RAK PLASTIK','002007','2008-05-06 23:18:56','2013-07-03
14:26:33','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak atau Kabinet adalah termasuk Kategori Perabut
yang diperlukan untuk melangkapkan sesebuah bangunan samada buatan kayu atau besi
direkodkan sebagi Inventori tanpa mengira harga perolehan. Rak Plastik adalah rak
penyimpanan barang diperbuat daripada
plastik.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nPlastic Rack</b> are storing rack made
from plastic material.'),(1908,'002007006','RAK UBAT','002007','2008-05-06
23:19:10','2013-07-03 14:27:21','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak atau Kabinet adalah
termasuk Kategori Perabut yang diperlukan untuk melangkapkan sesebuah bangunan
samada buatan kayu atau besi direkodkan sebagi Inventori tanpa mengira harga
perolehan. Rak Ubat adalah rak penyimpanan ubat-ubatan dan barang
farmasi.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nMedicine Rack; Farmasi Rack</b> are
rack for storing medicine and farmasi item.'),(1909,'002007007','RAK PENYIMPANAN
TERBUKA','002007','2008-05-06 23:19:29','2013-07-03
14:27:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak atau Kabinet adalah termasuk Kategori Perabut
yang diperlukan untuk melangkapkan sesebuah bangunan samada buatan kayu atau besi
direkodkan sebagi Inventori tanpa mengira harga perolehan. Rak Penyimpan Terbuka
adalah rak penyimpanan dimana di sisir dan belakang rak tersebut adalah terbuka
digunkan untuk menyimpan pelbagai jenis barang
dll.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nOpen Stor Rack</b> is a storage rack
without any cover at the side and back of the rack.'),(1910,'002007008','RAK
CANTILEVER','002007','2008-05-06 23:19:49','2008-10-30
14:50:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak Cantilever (Rak Julur Tulas) adalah rak yang
terletak pada sangga julur tuas yang mempunyai pemegang di bahagian belakangnya
yang bersambung menegak di dalam alur atau lubang dan hasilnya membentuk satu baris
rak yang panjang dengan tidak dihalang oleh sangga rak mudah alih yang
menyokongnya.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCantilever racks</b> are
generally designed for the safe and organised storage of long and heavy loads like
timber or metal storage. The flexibility of bolted adjustable cantilever arms makes
warehouse racking simpler as a variety of different sized products can be stored
safely and securely.'),(1911,'002007009','RAK AUDIO VISUAL','002007','2008-05-06
23:20:07','2013-07-03 14:28:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak atau Kabinet adalah
termasuk Kategori Perabut yang diperlukan untuk melangkapkan sesebuah bangunan
samada buatan kayu atau besi direkodkan sebagi Inventori tanpa mengira harga
perolehan. Rak Audio adalah rak untuk penyimpanan atau meletak peralatan audio
visual seperti projektor, PA Sistem dan lain-
lain\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nAudio Rack</b> are rack for placing audio
visual such as projector, PAsystem and others. '),
(1915,'002009001','WHITEBOARD/PAPAN TULIS','002009','2008-05-06 23:23:36','2012-08-
10 08:01:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Papan Putih/White Board yang digunakan secara
gunasama adalah papan tulis berwarna putih yang biasanya ditulis dengan menggunakan
pen yang dakwatnya boleh dipadam, termasuk papan putih mangnetik. Ianya berfungsi
sebagai peralatan gunasama untuk tujuan aktiviti pembelajaran, penerangan,
pemberitahuan yang ditempatkan di bilik pembelajaran, ruang tamu dan lain-
lain.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>A whiteboard </b>(also known as a markerboard,
dry-erase board, dry-wipe board or a pen-board) is a name for any glossy surface,
most commonly colored white, where non-permanent markings can be made. Whiteboards
operate analogously to chalkboards in that they allow markings to temporarily
adhere to the surface of the board. The popularity of whiteboards increased rapidly
in the mid-1990s and they have become a fixture in many offices, meeting rooms,
school classrooms, and other work environments, including magnetic
23:23:50','2012-07-10 15:26:31','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Papan Serau/ Papan
Kenyataan/Papan Lembut termasuklah yang bercermin, berkunci atau tiada cermin, yang
boleh ubah, yang berbingkai kayu atau aluminium. Ianya berfungsi sebagai peralatan
gunasama untuk tujuan menyampaikan pelbagai maklumat jabatan, dan
organisasi.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br> Softboard </b> a soft, porous particle
board; notice board including with glass cover and lock, portable, with wooden
frame or aluminium frame.'),(1917,'002009003','FLIPCHART BOARD','002009','2008-05-
06 23:24:11','2012-07-10 15:27:37','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Papan Carta Selak yang
berfungsi untuk aktiviti pembelajaran, taklimat,
penerangan.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Flipchart Board</b> is a chart
consisting of sheets hinged at the top that can be flipped over to present
information sequentially. \n\n\n'),(1918,'002009004','ELECTRONIC WHITE
BOARD','002009','2008-05-06 23:24:32','2013-12-19
17:39:29','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Papan Putih Elektronik adalah papan berwarna/
putih/ bercarta/ yang digunakan sebagai tempat menulis
atau mencatat dan boleh menghasilkan salinan secara automatik, menggunakan kuasa
elektrik. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenis seperti Peta Magnetik, Carta Elektrik
dll\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Electronic Whiteboard '),(1919,'002010001','PETI
BESI','002010','2008-05-06 23:25:17','2009-02-04
11:48:13','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peti Besi (Peti Simpanan Keselamatan) meliputi
semua jenis peti simpanan yang kebal dan selamat dari kecurian, kebakaran (tahan
api) dan kebinasaan.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>A safe </b>(also called
strongbox, coffer or kist) is a secure lockable box used for securing valuable
objects against theft, fire and damage. A safe is usually a hollow cuboid or
cylinder, with one face removable or hinged to form a door. The body and door may
be cast from metal (such as steel) or formed out of plastic through blow
molding.\r\n\r\n'),(1920,'002010002','PETI TENDER/SEBUT HARGA/UNDI','002010','2008-
05-06 23:25:30','2015-09-15 17:15:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peti Tender/Sebut
Harga/Undi adalah peti dimana dokumen seperti tender/sebut harga/undi dimasukkan
bagi tujuan mengawal/menyimpan maklumat didalam peti
tersebut.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Tender Box'),(1921,'002010003','PETI
SIMPANAN KUNCI/LENCANA','002010','2008-05-06 23:25:48','2009-03-19
13:44:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peti Simpanan Kunci (Peti Kunci) adalah dimana p
kunci-kunci disimpan untuk tujuan keselamatan dan kawalan. Juga boleh digunakan
untuk menyimpan lencana film.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Key Box </b> is a box
where keys are kept for security. Also used to kept film badges.'),
(1922,'002010004','PETI PERTOLONGAN CEMAS (STOK)','002010','2008-05-06
23:26:09','2013-01-23 09:07:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peti Pertolongan Cemas
adalah kotak dimana ubat-ubat asas bagi kegunaan pertolongan cemas disimpan. Ianya
terdapat dalam pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti First-Aid Kid dll. Bagi tujuan rekod
hendaklah direkod sebagai bekalan/stok (TPS) yang mana hendaklah dilaksanakan
kawalan keluar masuk penggunaannya.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nA First Aid Kit
Box </b> is a collection of supplies and equipment for use in giving first aid.
First-aid kits contain a variety of equipment that may include bandages for
controlling bleeding, personal protective equipment such as gloves, a breathing
barrier for performing EAR (expired air resuscitation) and CPR (cardiopulmonary
resuscitation), and sometimes instructions on how to perform first aid.\n\n'),
(1923,'002010005','PETI WANG TUNAI','002010','2008-05-06 23:26:27','2011-09-08
08:59:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peti Wang Tunai adalah bekas simpanan tunai untuk
kegunaan harian, perbelanjaan runcit atau peti/tabung menyimpan tunai yang
berkunci. Peti terdapat dalam pelbagai jenis mengikut kepada fungsi penggunaannya
seperti menyimpan wang tunai atau sumbangan wang atau cash
box.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Petty Cash Box </b>is a box for keeping
cash.'),(1924,'002010006','PETI CADANGAN (STOK)','002010','2008-05-06
23:26:42','2012-01-16 14:47:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peti Cadangan adalah dimana
pelanggan memasukkan cadangan, pandangan, teguran, soalan untuk pengetahuan
organisasi.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>A Suggestion Box</b> is a device for
obtaining additional comments, questions, and requests. In its most basic and
traditional form, it is a receptacle with an opening, not unlike an offering box or
voting box. The box is used for collecting slips of paper with input from customers
and patrons of a particular organization. Suggestion boxes may also exist
internally, within an organization, such as means for garnering employee input.'),
(1927,'003003001','KETUHAR GELOMBANGMIKRO /MICROWAVE','003003','2008-05-07
01:47:01','2011-01-24 15:27:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Ketuhar
Gelombangmikro\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nMicrowave Oven'),
(1928,'003003002','BEKAS PEMANAS AIR /WATER HEATER','003003','2008-05-07
01:47:31','2011-01-24 15:27:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bekas Pemanas Air adalah
bekas untuk memasak air\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nWater Heater'),
(1929,'003003003','HOT PLATE COOKER','003003','2008-05-07 01:48:19','2008-10-31
16:40:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Dapur Plat Pemanas\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nHot Plate Cooker'),(1930,'003003004','KETUHAR ELEKTRIK','003003','2008-05-
07 01:49:02','2019-02-12 08:38:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk membakar bahan
makanan menggunakan tenaga elektrik.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\nElectrical
Oven'),(1931,'003003005','PETI SEJUK ','003003','2008-05-07 01:49:19','2019-02-12
08:50:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk menyimpan pelbagai makanan dan
minum\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\nDomestic Refrigerator; House Fridge'),
(1932,'003003006','PETI SEJUK BEKU ','003003','2008-05-07 01:49:43','2019-02-12
08:41:13','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tempat menyimpan bahan/bekalan makanan
mentah\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\nFreezer'),
(1933,'003003007','PEMBAKAR/PEMOTONG ROTI','003003','2008-05-07 01:50:02','2013-06-
11 15:44:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan memproses roti
seperti membakar, memotong dan mengasingkan roti menjadi pelbagai bentuk dan
kegunaan yang mempunyai fingsu yang sama iaitu memproses rori. Ianya seperti
Pembakar Roti; Pembakar Roti Sandwish, Pemotong Roti, Pengisar Roti, Pengasing
Roti, Bread Slicer dll.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\nToaster, Bread Baker;
Sandwich Maker'),(1934,'003003008','PERIUK NASI ELEKTRIK','003003','2008-05-07
01:50:20','2008-10-31 16:46:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Periuk Nasi Elektrik adalah
peralatan dupur untuk menanak (tanak) nasi.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nElectrical Rice Cooker'),(1935,'003003009','CEREK ELEKTRIK /
PEMANAS','003003','2008-05-07 01:50:37','2011-01-24
15:26:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemanas Elektrik/ cerek digunakan untuk pelbagai
kaedah memanas air samada berkapasiti besar atau kecil\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nElectrical kettle'),(1936,'003003010','JUG ELEKTRIK','003003','2008-05-07
01:50:50','2008-10-31 16:47:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Jug
Elektrik\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nElektrical Jug'),
(1937,'003004001','PISAU PEMOTONG BUAH (STOK)','003004','2008-05-07
01:51:48','2011-01-24 15:30:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pisau yang dibeli secara
berasingan (bukan set) digunakan untuk memotong direkod sebagai
stok.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>'),(1938,'003004002','PISAU PEMOTONG DAGING
(STOK)','003004','2008-05-07 01:52:23','2011-01-24
15:29:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\nPisau pemotong daging yang dibeli secara
berasingan (bukan set) hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai Barang
Stok.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>'),(1939,'003003011','MESIN PENGISAR
MAKANAN','003003','2008-05-07 01:55:15','2009-12-09
11:33:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Pengisar adalah alat untuk mengisar atau
menghancurkan bahan-bahan masakan atau makanan.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nBlender Machine; Food Processor'),(1940,'003003012','MESIN PENGISAR
DAGING','003003','2008-05-07 01:55:33','2008-10-31
16:54:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Pengisar Daging;
\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nMeat Chopper; Meat Grinder; Meat mill'),
(1941,'003003013','MESIN PENGISAR BUAH-BUAHAN','003003','2008-05-07
01:55:58','2008-10-31 16:59:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Pengisar Buah-Buahan
adalah alat untuk mengisar atau menghancurkan buah-buahan untuk dijadikan
minuman.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nFruit Blenger; Fruit Grinder; Fruit
Mill; Juice Maker'),(1942,'003003014','MESIN PENGULI DOH','003003','2008-05-07
01:56:14','2010-01-27 00:51:08','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Penguli; Mesin
Pencampur, Mesin Pengaul.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nDough Mixer'),
(1943,'003003015','MESIN PENGADUN KEK','003003','2008-05-07 01:56:30','2008-10-31
17:05:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Pengadun Kek / Biskut/ Tepung; Mesin
Pengadun Telur\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCake Mixer; Cookies Mixer; Eggs
Mixer'),(1944,'003003016','MESIN PARUT KELAPA','003003','2008-05-07
01:56:53','2008-10-31 17:14:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Parut Kelapa adalah
alat daripada besi dan bergigi halus untuk memarut
kelapa.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCoconut Grater Machine</b> is a machine
for grating coconut'),(1945,'003005001','KENDI AIR (STOK)','003005','2008-05-07
01:58:44','2011-01-24 15:36:08','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kendi air adalah bekas untuk
mencuci / menmbasuh Tangan\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nPot for washing hand
before and after eating.'),(1946,'003005002','DULANG (STOK)','003005','2008-05-07
01:58:57','2011-01-24 15:36:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Dulang adalah bekas yang
digunakanuntuk meletak hidangan dan juga bekas untuk makan di
asrama.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nServing Tray'),
(1948,'003006001','KABINET DAPUR','003006','2008-05-07 02:02:10','2008-11-06
Cabinet'),(1949,'003006002','MOBILE STALL/DAPUR ','003006','2008-05-07
02:02:30','2015-08-18 11:19:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Dapur yang boleh bergerak/
Stall/ Gerai Bergerak\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nMobile stall'),
(1950,'003006003','HOB (HOBS)','003006','2008-05-07 02:02:43','2009-02-04
including modular hobs and built in hobs.'),(1951,'003006004','HOOD (COOKER
HOOD)','003006','2008-05-07 02:02:54','2019-02-12
10:21:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alatan yang digunakan untuk menyedut asap
masakan.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nHoods including chimney hood, slimline
hood, glass chimney hood etc.'),(1952,'003006005','RAK DAPUR','003006','2008-05-07
02:03:12','2008-11-06 12:18:37','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak
Dapur\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nKitchen Rack'),(1958,'005006001','MESIN
PABX (ASET TAK ALIH)','005006','2008-05-07 02:11:35','2017-11-23
10:29:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin PABX adalah mesin telecomunikasi
yang menjadi pusat suis diantara sambungan-sambungan talipon didalam
organisasi.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nPABX Machine</b> - A private automatic
branch exchange (PABX) is an automatic telephone switching system within a private
enterprise. '),(1959,'005006002','MESIN FAKSIMILI','005006','2008-05-07
02:11:55','2009-02-23 12:27:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin fax; faksimile; adalah
alat penghantaran mesej secara elektronik . Sistem penghantaran salinan imej
dokumen melalui rangkaian telefon atau rangkaian
komputer.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nFax Machine; Fax (short for
facsimile, )</b> is a telecommunications technology used to transfer copies
(facsimiles) of documents, especially using affordable devices operating over the
telephone network. The word telefax, short for telefacsimile, for \"make a copy at
a distance\", is also used as a synonym.'),(1960,'005006003','MESIN
TELEX','005006','2008-05-07 02:12:08','2009-02-24
17:12:59','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Telex ialah sejenis alat komunikasi
menggunakan mosse kod.; telegram\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nTelex Machine
</b>is a telegraph message sent by a telegraph operator (or telegrapher) using
Morse code was known as a telegram or cablegram, '),(1961,'005005001','STATION
KAWALAN RADIO CONTROL MUDAH ALIH','005005','2008-05-07 02:12:39','2019-02-12
11:33:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Station Kawalan adalah station kawalan radio
dimana ia merupakan pusat perhubungan diantara mobile radio yang lain seperti
Transportable Radio Sistem.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nControl Station</b>
relates to a transmission power control method which controls a transmission power
of uplink user data for transmitting an uplink user data from a mobile station to a
radio base station.'),(1962,'005005002','MOBILE RADIO','005005','2008-05-07
02:13:08','2019-01-07 10:04:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mobile Radio (Radio
Bergerak) adalah radio atau alat perhubungan yang dipasang pada pejabat atau lokasi
atau kenderaan. \n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nMobile radio or mobiles</b> refer
to wireless communications systems and devices which are based on radio
frequencies, and where the path of communications is movable on either end. It is a
understand the word mobile to mean vehicle-mounted: a transmitter-receiver
(transceiver) used for radio communications from a vehicle. Mobile radios are
mounted to a motor vehicle usually with the microphone and control panel in reach
of the driver.\n'),(1963,'005004001','INTERCOM SATU HALA','005004','2008-05-07
02:13:32','2008-11-06 11:30:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Intercom Satu Hala adalah
alat perhubungan sehala yang dipasang untuk memberi atau mambuat pengumunan dan
pemberitahuan.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nOne Way Intercom</b> is an
intercom (intercommunication device), is an electronic communications system
intended for limited announcements. '),(1964,'005004002','INTERCOM DUA
HALA','005004','2008-05-07 02:13:46','2008-11-06
11:35:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Intercom Dua Hala adalah alat perhubungan yang
dipasang di bangunan, dimana pengguna boleh berhubung dengan pihak satu lagi dengan
mudah.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nTwo Way Intercom</b> is an intercom
(intercommunication device), talkback or doorphone is an electronic communications
system intended for limited or private dialogue, direction, collaboration or
announcements. Intercoms can be portable or mounted permanently in buildings.
Intercoms can incorporate connections to walkie talkies, telephones, cell phones
and to other intercom systems over phone or data lines and to electronic or
electro-mechanical devices such as signal lights and door latches.\r\n\r\nPermanent
intercoms installed in buildings are generally composed of fixed microphone/speaker
units which connect to a central control panel by wires\r\n'),
(1965,'005003001','WALKIE TALKIE (PORTABLE COMM RADIO)','005003','2008-05-07
02:14:21','2008-11-06 11:51:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Walkie Talkie adalah alat
komunikasi dua hala yang boleh menerima dan mengirim isyarat audio jarak dekat,
direka supaya mudah alih dan boleh berkendali sewaktu penggunanya
bergerak.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nWalkie Talkie</b> is a battery-
powered portable sending and receiving radio set'),(1966,'005003002','WALKIE TALKIE
BATTERY CHARGER (STOK)','005003','2008-05-07 02:14:36','2019-02-12
10:46:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pegecas Bateri Walkie Talkie adalah alat pengecas
bateri walkie talkie yang menghasilkan arus cas yang tinggi dan dapat mengecas
bateri.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nWalkie Talkie Battery Charger'),
(1967,'005002001','HANDFREE TRANCIEVER (STOK)','005002','2008-05-07
02:15:41','2019-02-12 10:09:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peranti Bebas
Tangan\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nHandfree Tranceiver'),
(1968,'005002002','TELEPHONE CAR CHARGER (STOK)','005002','2008-05-07
02:15:56','2019-02-12 10:11:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pegecas Telefon Kereta
adalah alat pengecas bateri yang menghasilkan arus cas yang tinggi dan dapat
mengecas bateri dalam masa yang singkat untuk kegunaan dalam
kereta.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nTelephone Car Charger'),
(1969,'005001001','SISTEM TELEFON TALIAN (ASET TAK ALIH)','005001','2008-05-07
02:16:20','2017-11-23 10:22:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sistem Telefon Talian Tetap
yang dipasang menggunakan rangkaian talian secara
berpusat.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nFixed Line Telephone Set</b> -Refers to
wired devices. A fixed-line phone is a standard phone with the handset wired to the
base unit in contrast to a portable phone or cellphone'),(1970,'005001002','TELEFON
SATELIT','005001','2008-05-07 02:16:41','2009-02-23
Satelit\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nA satellite telephone, satellite phone,
or satphone</b> is a type of mobile phone that connects to orbiting satellites
instead of terrestrial cell sites. Depending on the architecture of a particular
system, coverage may include the entire Earth, or only specific regions'),
(1971,'005001003','TELEFON BIMBIT/PINTAR','005001','2008-05-07 02:16:57','2015-06-
11 09:31:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Telefon Bimbit; Telefon Cellular; Telefon Mudah
Alih, Telefon PDA, Telefon Pintar (Personel digital
assistant)\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nHandphone; Cellular Phone; Mobile Phone,
PDA Phone.'),(1972,'005001004','TELEFON MUDAH ALIH','005001','2008-05-07
02:17:16','2008-11-05 16:22:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Telefon Mudah Alih; Set
Telephone Tanpa Wayar\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nPortable Phone Set;
Wireless Phone'),(1973,'011001001','YOGA SET (STOK)','011001','2008-05-07
02:21:51','2011-12-12 09:35:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan
untuk aktiviti sukan Yoga\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br> \r\nYoga Set'),
(1974,'011001002','DUMBELL (STOK)','011001','2008-05-07 02:22:13','2011-12-12
09:36:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Pemberat yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
senaman/sukan yang terdiri dalam pelbagai
TO INCLINE BENCH','011001','2008-05-07 02:23:40','2014-07-21
08:50:53','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Gim - Ianya terdapat pelbagai jenis seperti
Bangku Rata ke Condong, Preacher Curl Bench Seated, ABS Bench
dll\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nFlat to Incline Bench'),
(1976,'011001004','INCLINE TO INCLINE BENCH PRESS','011001','2008-05-07
02:25:38','2009-02-23 14:54:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Gim - Bangku Menekan
Condong ke Condong\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nIncline to Incline Bench
Press'),(1977,'011001005','CHINUP BAR','011001','2008-05-07 02:38:58','2009-02-23
14:55:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Palang Mendagu - alat gim
mendagu\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br> \r\nChinup Bar'),
(1978,'011001006','SINGLE/MULTI STATION HOME GYM','011001','2008-05-07
02:39:12','2014-07-21 08:38:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,' Pelbagai alat gimnasium
dalam satu set. Ianya terdapat pelbagai jenis seperti Hack Squat, Leg Press
dll\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nSingle / Multi Station Home Gym'),
(1979,'011001007','TREADMILL','011001','2008-05-07 02:39:45','2009-02-23
15:07:21','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sejenis mesin senaman dalam rumah membolehkan
perlakuan lari setempat dijalankan.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\n<b>
treadmill </b>is a piece of indoor sporting equipment ubsed to allow for the
motions of running or walking while staying in one place'),
(1980,'011001008','FITNESS EXERCISE BIKE','011001','2008-05-07 02:41:01','2016-02-
19 09:16:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Motor/Basikal Senaman adalah sejenis alat
senaman berbentuk basikal yang boleh di kayuh Seperti MOTOmed Excerciser, Exercise
Bike dll. \n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nFitness Exercise Bike'),
(1981,'011001009','FIT BALL (STOK)','011001','2008-05-07 02:44:27','2011-12-12
09:37:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bola Senaman adalah sejenis bola besar yang
diperbuat dari getah dan digunakan untuk membuat
senaman.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nFit Ball </b>- A gym quality exercise
ball '),(1982,'013005001','KAPAL','013005','2008-05-07 02:47:22','2008-09-16
11:04:55','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kapal adalah kenderaan di air (lebih besar drpd
perahu dan ada geladak) yg biasanya belayar di laut, sungai dan tasik. Kapal
meliputi bahtera, jong, tongkang, perahu, feri, rakit, keci,
lancang.\r\n<br<<br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Ship is a large vessel that floats on
water. Ships may be found on lakes, seas, and rivers and they allow for a variety
of activities, such as the transport of persons or goods, fishing, entertainment,
public safety, and warfare.\r\n'),(1983,'013005002','BOT','013005','2008-05-07
02:47:31','2008-09-16 11:27:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bot ada lah kenderaan kecil
yg bergerak di atas air, yg biasanya membawa sejumlah kecil penumpang;Juga meliputi
Bot nelayan, ronda bot yg digunakan utk meronda (biasanya oleh pasukan polis atau
kastam) dan
bot tunda.\r\n<br><br><b><i>A boat is a watercraft of modest size designed to
float or plane on water, and provide transport over it. '),(1984,'013005003','BOT
LAJU','013005','2008-05-07 02:47:41','2008-09-16
11:37:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Boat Laju\r\n\r\n<br><br>A speedboat is a small
motorboat designed to move quickly, used in races, for pulling water skiers, as
patrol boats, and as fast-moving armed attack vessels by the military.\r\n\r\n'),
(1985,'013005004','SAMPAN','013005','2008-05-07 02:47:50','2008-09-16
14:35:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sampan adalah perahu kecil. Termasuk didalam
kumpulan samapan adalah kolek - sampan yg tidak memakai layar; kotak sampan yg
mempunyai petak-petak; ludang (seludang) sampan yg bentuknya spt seludang
(mancung); payang sampan yg bersama perahu besar dipakai utk
meregan.\r\n<br><br><i><b>A sampan </b>is a relatively flat bottomed Chinese wooden
boat from 3.5 to 4.5 m (approximately twelve to fifteen feet) long. Some sampans
include a small shelter on board, and may be used as a permanent habitation on
inland waters.'),(1986,'013005005','TONGKANG','013005','2008-05-07 02:48:24','2008-
09-16 14:44:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tongkang adalah perahu yg agak besar dan
berdasar rata yg digunakan utk mengangkut barang-
barang.\r\n\r\n<br><br><i>Lighterage, lighter, flatboat, barge,is a a flat-bottomed
boat for carrying goods etc'),(1988,'013007001','BASIKAL','013007','2008-05-07
02:48:54','2008-09-16 15:33:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Basikal adalah kenderaan
beroda dua yg ditunggang dgn mengayuh pedalnya\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRITION<BR>The
bicycle,</b> cycle, or bike is a pedal-driven, human-powered vehicle with two
wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other '),(1989,'013007002','BASIKAL RODA
TIGA','013007','2008-05-07 02:49:36','2008-09-16
15:39:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Basikal Roda Tiga; Beca adalah kenderaan beroda
tiga yg kebanyakannya dikayuh spt basikal\r\n<br><br><b><i>The cycle rickshaw,</b>
being a small-scale local means of transport, is also known by a variety of other
names such as rickshaw, pedicab, bugbug, cyclo, or trishaw. Cycle rickshaws are
human-powered, often used on a for hire basis, equipped with one or more seats for
carrying passengers in addition to the driver.\r\n'),(1990,'015001008','MEJA
MESYUARAT PENDEK','015001','2008-05-07 02:51:44','2009-02-04
16:09:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Mesyuarat Pendek\r\n<br><br>
<i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Short Meeting Table</b>'),(1991,'015001009','MEJA MESYUARAT
PANJANG','015001','2008-05-07 02:52:19','2009-02-03
15:19:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Mesyuarat Panjang; Meja Mesyuarat Empat
Segi\r\n.<br><br> <i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Long Meeting Table; Rectangle Meeting
Table</b>'),(1992,'015001010','MEJA MESYUARAT PENJURU /CURVE','015001','2008-05-07
02:52:47','2011-01-25 09:12:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Mesyuarat
Penjuru\r\n<br><br> <i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Curve Meeting Tablr;</b> Corner Meeting
Table'),(1993,'015001011','MEJA MESYUARAT UTAMA /BESAR','015001','2008-05-07
02:53:05','2011-01-25 09:12:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja mesyuarat Utama; Meja
Mesyuarat Lembaga adalah meja mesyuarat bagi bilik mesyuarat induk/ besar/ Lembaga.
Ia juga meliputi meja mesyurat yang ditempah khas (pasang siap) berbentuk bujur,
bentuk U dan empat segi. Kapasiti bilangan ahli melebih dari 10 orang.\r\n<br><br>
<i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Main Meeting Table;</b> Board Meeting Table'),
(1994,'015001012','MEJA MESYUARAT /KECIL','015001','2008-05-07 02:54:28','2011-01-
25 09:13:08','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Mesyuarat Kecil adalah meja perbincangan
untuk tidak lebih 10 orang untuk kegunaan perbincangan ringkas atau meja kerja
pengarah.\r\nIa boleh samada berbentuk bulat, separuh bulat bulur atau empat
segi.\r\n<br><br><i><b> Small Meeting Table; Discussion table</b>is a meeting or
discussion table for not more than 10 person and it can be round, square, half
round and oblong.'),(1995,'015001013','MEJA KOMPUTER','015001','2008-05-07
02:54:41','2013-08-26 09:35:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan iaitu Meja yang
digunakan untuk meletakan perkakasan ICT sperti Komputer, Printer dll\n<br><br>
<i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Computer Table</b>'),(1996,'015001014','MEJA
KACA','015001','2008-05-07 02:55:17','2008-09-18
10:24:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Kaca\r\n<br><br> <i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Glass
Table</b>\r\n'),(1997,'015001015','MEJA BANQUET','015001','2008-05-07
02:55:53','2008-09-18 10:25:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Banquet\r\n<br><br>
<i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Banquet Table</b>'),(1998,'015001016','MEJA
SERBAGUNA','015001','2008-05-07 02:56:11','2016-01-15
15:48:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja serbaguna adalah meja yang boleh digunakan
untuk pelbagai tujuan, seperti meletak TV, printer, peralatan audio dan sebagainya.
Ia tidak termasuk meja yang dibuat khusus untuk sesuatu kegunaan seperti meja
komputer, meja bacaan, \n<br><br> <i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Multi Function Table;
Utility Table</b>'),(1999,'015001017','SET MEJA MAKAN','015001','2008-05-07
03:06:00','2008-09-18 10:27:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set Meja Makan\r\n<br><br>
<i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Dinner Table</b>'),(2000,'015001018','MEJA
MAHKAMAH','015001','2008-05-07 03:06:27','2008-09-18
10:28:49','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Mahkamah\r\n<br><br>
<i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Court Table</b>Judge Table'),(2001,'015001019','MEJA
KULIAH/LATIHAN','015001','2008-05-07 03:06:46','2008-09-18
10:30:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Kuliah / Latihan\r\n<br><br>
<i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Letcure / Trainning Table</b>'),(2002,'015001020','MEJA
PELAJAR','015001','2008-05-07 03:07:09','2012-02-20
15:34:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Pelajar adalah meja murid atau pelajar di
gunakan di sekolah rendah dan menengah.Ianya diperbuat daripada kayu, besi atau
pvc/plastik dengan mengikut spesifikasi yang standard oleh pembekal.\n.<br><br>
<i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Student Desk</b> School Table for student in primary or
secondary school.'),(2003,'015001021','MEJA DRAFTING','015001','2008-05-07
03:07:39','2008-09-18 10:34:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Drafting; Meja Pelukis
Pelan\r\n<br><br> <i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Drafting Table</b>'),
(2004,'015001022','MEJA LIPAT','015001','2008-05-07 03:07:57','2008-09-18
10:37:41','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Lipat adalah meja biasa yang bolehdilipat
untuk memudah penyimpanan. Meja ini tidak termasuk meja banquet.\r\n<br><br>
<i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Folderable Table</b> is a ordinary folderable table for easy
to stor. It does not include banquet table.'),(2005,'015001023','MEJA
KAUNTER','015001','2008-05-07 03:08:17','2008-10-07
12:00:05','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Kaunter; Meja Penyambut Tetamu\r\n<br><br>
<i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Counter Table</b>;Receprtionist Table'),
(2006,'015001024','BAR KOPI /COFFEE BAR','015001','2008-05-07 03:08:38','2011-01-25
09:13:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bar Kopi adalah jerjak atau tempat yang panjang
untuk minum. \r\n<br><br> <i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Coffee Bar</b>'),
(2008,'015002001','KERUSI PENGURUSAN TERTINGGI','015002','2008-05-07
03:10:28','2016-04-07 12:55:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi adalah termasuk
Kategori Perabut yang diperlukan untuk melangkapkan sesebuah bangunan samada buatan
kayu atau besi direkodkan sebagai Aset mengikut harga perolehan. Ianya seperti
Kerusi Pengurusan Tertinggi adalah kerusi khas yang diperuntukan kepada pegawai
tertinggi seperti pengarah dan sebagainya\n<br><br><b><i>DECSRIPTION <br>Top
Mangement Chair</b> is a chair for senior officer such as director, CEO and
other.'),(2009,'015002002','KERUSI KUMPULAN PENGURUSAN DAN
PROFESSIONAL','015002','2008-05-07 03:10:56','2014-05-05
17:41:53','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi Kumpulan Pengurusan & Professional adalah
kerusi yang diperuntukan untuk pegawai pengurusan & Professional atau dikenali juga
kumpulan A dan Pegawai Eksekutif (Kumpulan sokongan
1).\n\n<br><br>><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Managerial & Excecutive Chair (Medium Back
Chair)'),(2010,'015002003','KERUSI KUMPULAN SOKONGAN','015002','2008-05-07
03:11:35','2008-10-07 12:29:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi Kumpulan Sokongan;
Kerusi Kerani; \r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Staff Chair; Clerk Chair.'),
(2011,'015002004','KERUSI KOMPUTER','015002','2008-05-07 03:11:58','2009-02-03
Komputer\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nComputer Table is a ergonomics chair
which have reclining seat and back will shift weight to the occupant\'s back. This
may be more comfortable for some in reducing weight on the seat area, but may be
problematic for others who have bad backs. In general, if the occupant is supposed
to sit for a long time, weight needs to be taken off the seat area and
thus \"easy\" chairs intended for long periods of sitting are generally at least
slightly reclined.'),(2012,'015002005','KERUSI KULIAH/LATIHAN','015002','2008-05-07
03:12:30','2019-02-12 15:55:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi Kuliah/Latihan adalah
kerusi yang biasa digunakan di bilik kuliah dan bilik seminar yang mudah
dialih.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRITION <br>Lecture Chair</b>(Trainning Chair) is a chair
that usually use in lecture room, seminar room or presentation room that can
portable due to smaller size and lighter'),(2013,'015002006','KERUSI
MESYUARAT','015002','2008-05-07 03:13:43','2009-02-03
11:36:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi Mesyuarat adalah kerusi yang biasa
digunakan di bilik mesyuarat, bilik konferen dan bilik mesyuara
lembaga.\r\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION <br> Meeting Chair; conference chair; discusion
chair'),(2014,'015002007','KERUSI PELBAGAI','015002','2008-05-07 03:14:04','2019-
02-12 16:06:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Perbagai jenis kerusi seperti <br><b>Kerusi
Makan<br> Kerusi rehat, Kerusi Sandar untuk kegunaan bersama meja makan.\n'),
(2015,'015002008','KERUSI JURUTAIP','015002','2008-05-07 03:14:36','2009-02-18
10:50:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi Jurutrengkas / Jurutaip
<br> \r\nPA Chair; typist chair; secretary chair'),(2016,'015002009','KERUSI
TAMU','015002','2008-05-07 03:15:00','2012-03-16
00:59:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi Tamu; Kerusi Tetamu; Kerusi Pelawat yang
diperbuat daripada pelbagai jenis seperti PVC, Kulit, Kayu dan Rotan yang digunakan
mengikut kepada kesesuaian dipejabat, rumah tetamu dll\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION <br>
\nVisitor Chair; bucket chair'),(2017,'015002010','KERUSI LIPAT
(STOK)','015002','2008-05-07 03:15:15','2019-02-12
15:49:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi Lipat adalah kerusi yang boleh dilipatkan
apabila tidak digunakan bagi memudahkan penyimpanan, ia tidak termasuk kerusi
banquet.\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION <br> \nFolderable Chair;'),
(2018,'015002011','KERUSI PELAJAR','015002','2008-05-07 03:15:39','2012-07-09
12:28:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi Pelajar adalah kerusi pelajar atau murid
sekolah menengah dan sekolah rendah, juga termasuk kerusi yang digunakan untuk
membaca dan menulis di bilik-bilik komputer/bilik belajar/ bilik rehat. Ia
diperbuat dari kayu, besi atau pvc yang mempunyai pelbagai bentuk seperti kerusi
biasa atau berlipat (flip chair) atau beroda (kerusi komputer)hendaklah didaftarkan
kecuali kerusi buatan plastik 100% direkodkan sebagai stok.\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION
<br> \nStudent Chair/reading chair</b> is a chair used in secondary or primary
school including the chair use in library or study room.'),
(2019,'015002012','KERUSI BANQUET','015002','2008-05-07 03:15:57','2009-02-04
15:23:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi banquet; Bangku Banquet adalah kerusi biasa
digunakan bagi majlis keraian, pesta dan jamuan makan\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Banquet Chair; Banquet Stool'),(2020,'015002013','KERUSI
DIRAJA','015002','2008-05-07 03:16:25','2009-02-12
15:39:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi Diraja; Kerusi
Raja\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <bR>King Chair; Majesty Chair'),
(2021,'015002014','KERUSI MAKMAL/PELUKIS PELAN','015002','2008-05-07
03:16:47','2010-03-31 11:44:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi Makmal atau kerusi
pelukis pelan.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Laboratory Chair/ draughtsman
chair.'),(2022,'015002015','KERUSI KAUNTER','015002','2008-05-07 03:17:27','2008-
10-07 13:01:41','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi Kaunter\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Counter Chair'),(2023,'015002016','KERUSI SAKSI','015002','2008-05-07
03:17:41','2008-10-07 13:02:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi
Saksi\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Witness Chair'),(2024,'015002017','KERUSI
HAKIM','015002','2008-05-07 03:17:57','2008-10-07
13:07:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi Hakim\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Judge Chair; Majestic Chair'),(2025,'015002018','BANGKU
PANJANG','015002','2008-05-07 03:18:13','2008-10-07
13:03:05','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bangku Panjang\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Bench'),(2027,'015003001','ALMARI BUKU','015003','2008-05-08 20:14:13','2016-
04-07 12:55:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Almari adalah termasuk Kategori Perabut yang
diperlukan untuk melangkapkan sesebuah bangunan samada buatan kay atau besi
direkodkan sebagai Aset mengikut harga perolehan. Ianya seperti Almari Buku adalah
perabot yg pelbagai bentuk seperti bertingkat-tingkat dan berpintu utk menyimpan
buku-buku yang terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Book Case; Book Cupboard'),(2028,'015003002','ALMARI BUKU
BERCERMIN','015003','2008-05-08 20:14:39','2011-11-22
11:07:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Almari Buku Bercermin yang terdiri dari pelbagai
bentuk, jenis, bertingkat dll untuk digunakan dalam pelbagai kegunaan mengikut
keperluan agensi; \r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Book Cupboard/ Book Case With
Glass; '),(2029,'015003003','ALMARI / GEROBOK BESI','015003','2008-05-08
20:15:06','2016-12-27 10:57:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Gerobok Besi; Almari Besi;
yang diperbuat daripada Besi yang terdiri dari pelbagai jenis/bentuk seperti
bertingkat yang digunakan mengikut keperluan Jabatan.\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION <br>
Steel Cabinet; Steel Cupboard'),(2030,'015003004','ALMARI PAKAIAN
(WARDROBE)','015003','2008-05-08 20:15:46','2015-02-10
16:30:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Almari Pakaian adalah perabot yg bertingkat-
tingkat dan berpintu utk menyimpan pakaian. \r\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION <br>
Wardrobe; Cloth Cabinet</b> is a standing closet used for storing clothes. '),
(2031,'015004001','KABINET BERLACI','015004','2008-05-08 20:16:18','2016-04-07
12:54:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kabinet adalah termasuk Kategori Perabut yang
diperlukan untuk melengkapkan sesebuah bangunan samada buatan kayu atau besi
direkodkan sebagai Aset mengikut harga perolehan. Ianya seperti Kabinet Berlaci,
kabinet bertingkat; kabinet fail adalah kabinet yang digunakan untuk menyimpan fail
dan dokumen. Ia juga terdapat beberapa jenis seperti dua tingkat, tiga tingkat
empat tingkat dan sebagainya. Ia boleh diperbuat dari besi atau kayu. Ada juga yang
mempunyai kunci keselamatan berpalang (security bar)
dll.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nFilling Cabinet '),(2032,'015004002','KABINET
ATAS /TOP CABINET','015004','2008-05-08 20:17:18','2011-01-25
09:00:55','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kabinet Atas adalah kabinet disebelah atas bagi
kabinet pasang siap (built in cabinet)\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nTop
Cabinet is top portion ofa built-in cabinet'),(2033,'015004003','KABINET RENDAH
/LOW CABINET','015004','2008-05-08 20:17:42','2011-01-25
09:01:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kabinet Rendah adalah kabinet disebelah bawah bagi
kabinet pasang siap (built in cabinet)\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nLow
Cabinet is low portion of a built-in cabinet\r\n\r\n'),(2034,'015004004','KABINET
MENDATAR','015004','2008-05-08 20:18:31','2009-02-10
15:38:37','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kabinet Mendatar; Kabinet Pelan Mendatar adalah
kabinet besi/kayu yang digunakan untuk menyimpanan dokumen yang besar atau lebar
seperti pelan, lukisan langkaran (layout plan) secara mendatar.
\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nHorizontal Steel Cabinet; Horizontal Plan
Cabinet'),(2035,'015004005','KABINET SERBAGUNA','015004','2008-05-08
20:19:00','2009-02-03 12:07:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kabinet Serbaguna;
\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nMultifunctional Cabinet; Utility Cabinet'),
(2036,'015004006','KABINET PENUH /FULL CABINET','015004','2008-05-08
20:19:56','2011-01-25 09:01:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kabinet Penuh adalah kabinet
yang dibuat penuh menutupi dinding dari lantai hingga ke siling; Kabinet Pasang
Siap.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nFull Cabinet; Wood Panelling; White Board
Panelling; Full Built-in Cabinet'),(2038,'015005001','SET SOFA','015005','2008-05-
08 20:20:51','2016-04-07 12:54:08','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sofa adalah termasuk
Kategori Perabut yang diperlukan untuk kelengkapan sesebuah bangunan samada buatan
kayu atau besi atau kulit direkodkan sebagai Aset Alih mengikut harga perolehan.
Ianya seperti Set Sofa adalah sofa yang dibeli secara lengkap meliputi kerusi, meja
kopi dan meja tepi; Set Lounge termasuk L sahape
sofa.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nSofa Set a complete set of sofa; Lounge Set
including L shape sofa.'),(2039,'015005002','SET SETTEE','015005','2008-05-08
20:22:00','2009-01-28 17:28:27','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set
Settee\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nSettee Set'),(2040,'015005003','SINGLE
SEATER SOFA','015005','2008-05-08 20:22:38','2009-02-03
12:14:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi Tunggal
Sofa\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nSingle Seater Sofa'),
(2041,'015005004','DOUBLE SEATER SOFA','015005','2008-05-08 20:22:52','2009-02-03
12:16:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sofa Dua Tempat
Duduk\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nDouble Seater Sofa'),
(2042,'015005005','TRIPPLE SEATER SOFA','015005','2008-05-08 20:23:07','2009-02-03
12:18:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi Sofa Panjang; Kerusi Sofa Tiga Tempat
Duduk\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nTripple Seater Sofa; Long Sofa'),
(2043,'015005006','SINGLE SEATER SETTEE','015005','2008-05-08 20:23:27','2009-02-03
12:19:13','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi Tunggal
Settee\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nSingle Seater Settee'),
(2044,'015005007','TRIPPLE SEATER SETTEE','015005','2008-05-08 20:23:42','2009-02-
03 12:19:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi Settee
Panjang\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nTripple Seater Settee'),
(2045,'015005008','COFFEE TABLE','015005','2008-05-08 20:23:54','2009-02-04
16:41:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Kopi; Meja Sofa; Meja Settee; Meja
Tamu\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCoffee Kopi; Sofa Table; Settee Table'),
(2046,'015005009','SIDE TABLE FOR SOFA/SETTEE','015005','2008-05-08
20:24:25','2009-02-04 16:40:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Tepi Sofa / Settee;
Meja Sisi; Meja Rusuk\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nSide Table for
Sofa/Settee'),(2047,'015006001','RAK FAIL','015006','2008-05-08 20:25:00','2016-04-
07 12:53:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak adalah termasuk Kategori Perabut yang
diperlukan untuk melangkapkan sesebuah bangunan samada buatan kayu atau besi
direkodkan sebagai Aset mengikut harga perolehan. Ianya seperti Rak Fail termasuk
rak fail terbuka, rak fail tertutup; Rak fail Sliding; Rak Fail
Komputer\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nFilling Rack; Open Filling Rack; Close
Filling Rack ; sliding Fail Rack;'),(2048,'015006002','RAK TV','015006','2008-05-08
20:25:16','2009-01-23 11:45:49','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak TV; Troli
TV\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nTV Rack; TV Stand; TV Trolley'),
(2049,'015006003','RAK BAJU/AMPAIAN','015006','2008-05-08 20:25:54','2017-05-25
11:10:29','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak Ampaian, Rak Penyangkut Baju, Rak Menyimpan
Payung dll\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nHanger Rack'),(2050,'015006004','RAK
BUKU','015006','2008-05-08 20:26:12','2009-01-28
17:23:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak Buku\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nBook
Rack'),(2051,'015006005','RAK MAJALAH/DOKUMEN','015006','2008-05-08
20:26:51','2014-02-26 17:41:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak
Majalah; Rak Surat Khabar; Rak menyimpan
dokumen\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nMagazine Rack; Newspapaer rack'),
(2052,'015006006','RAK KASUT','015006','2008-05-08 20:27:16','2009-01-28
17:24:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak Kasut\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nShoe
Racks'),(2053,'015006007','RAK PELBAGAI','015006','2008-05-08 20:27:47','2015-11-20
15:21:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pelbagai rak yang digunakan untuk menyimpan,
meletakan sesuatu bahan, barang dll seperti Rak/Stand Tegak, Gantung, Rak Berdiri,
Rak Berjaring, dll. Ianya terdapat dalam pelabagai jenis seperti daripada besi,
kayu dll\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nHangging Rack'),(2054,'015006008','RAK
PENYANGKUT KOT','015006','2008-05-08 20:28:13','2009-01-28
17:26:29','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak Penyangkut
Kot\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCoat Rack'),
(2055,'015007001','WORKSTATION','015007','2008-05-08 20:28:47','2013-04-04
17:30:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Workstation adalah termasuk Kategori Perabut yang
diperlukan untuk melangkapkan sesebuah bangunan samada buatan kayu atau besi atau
lain-lain direkodkan sebagai Inventori tanpa mengira harga perolehan asal. Ianya
seperti Stesyen Kerja; Meja Kerja Berbentuk. Pendaftaran hendaklah mengikut setiap
satu set meja kerja yang pelbagai bentuk dan
saiz.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nWorkstation; Office Workstation; Staf Work
Station\n'),(2056,'015007002','MOBILE PARTITION/PENGHADANG','015007','2008-05-08
20:29:00','2013-04-04 17:37:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Penghadang Bergerak;
Penghadang Mudahalih; Pengadang Mudahalih; Kandang Mudahalih yang merupakan
kategori perabot daripada pelbagai bentuk dan jenis penggunaan seperti kandungan
logam, kayu dll. Ianya didaftarkan sebagai Inventori tanpa mengira harga
perolehan.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nMobile Partition'),
(2057,'011001010','EXERCISE WHEEL/RODA (STOK)','011001','2008-05-09
21:33:14','2011-12-12 09:39:31','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Roda yang digunakan semasa
aktiviti senaman/sukan yang terdiri daripada pelbagai jenis atau
ukuran\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nExercise Wheel - The exercise wheel is
an excellent way in which to obtain a more toned set of abs. While the rolling
action of the wheel trains both the upper and lower abdominal walls.'),
(2058,'011001011','FITNESS DOOR GYM (STOK)','011001','2008-05-09 21:33:49','2019-
02-11 20:49:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat senaman yang di pasang pada
pintu.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nFitness Door Gymnasium'),
(2059,'011001012','PUSHUP SET (STOK)','011001','2008-05-09 21:34:53','2011-12-12
09:45:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat senaman badan tekan tubi yang digunakan untuk
aktiviti senaman/sukan yang terdiri daripada pelbagai jenis dan ukuran.
\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nPushup Set'),(2060,'011001013','ADUSTABLE
ANGLE/WAIST WEIGHT (STOK)','011001','2008-05-09 21:36:06','2011-12-12
09:45:56','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat senaman pemberat untuk kaki atau pinggang
yang terdiri dari pelbagai jenis dan
ukuran\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nAdjustable Angle/Waist Weigt'),
(2061,'011001014','HAND GRIP EXERCISER (STOK)','011001','2008-05-09
21:36:45','2011-12-12 09:46:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Senaman Genggaman yang
terdiri dari pelbagai jenis dan ukuran\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nHand
Grip Exerciser'),(2062,'011001015','INVERSION TABLE','011001','2008-05-09
21:37:20','2009-02-23 15:25:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Senaman Meja
Pembalikan\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nInversion Table'),
(2063,'011001016','INVERSION BACK (STOK)','011001','2008-05-09 21:44:23','2019-02-
11 21:15:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'alat senaman pembalikan untuk
belakang.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nInversion Back'),
(2064,'011001017','DECOMPRESSION AND EXTENSION MACHINE','011001','2008-05-09
21:44:58','2009-02-23 15:30:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Senam
Penyahmampatkan \r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nDecompression and extension
machine'),(2065,'011001018','CONVERTIBLE BAR (STOK)','011001','2008-05-09
21:45:27','2011-12-12 09:48:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat yang berbentuk Palang
yang boleh diubah-ubah yang digunakan untuk aktiviti senaman/sukan yang terdiri
dari pelbagai jenis.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nConvertible Bar'),
(2066,'011001019','EZ TRAINING HANDLE (STOK)','011001','2008-05-09 21:45:50','2019-
02-11 21:20:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,' Peralatan sukan yang digunakan untuk
aktiviti senaman otot\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nEz Trainig Handle'),
(2067,'011001020','BACK STRETCHER','011001','2008-05-09 21:46:36','2009-02-23
15:38:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat senaman untuk merengangkan
belakang\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nBack Stretcher'),
(2068,'011001021','STEPPER','011001','2008-05-09 21:47:44','2009-02-23
15:39:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat senaman
MACHINE','011001','2008-05-09 21:48:05','2009-02-23
15:40:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin senaman
mendayung\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nRower Machine'),
(2070,'011001023','POWER TOWER','011001','2008-05-09 21:48:59','2014-07-21
08:41:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat senaman untuk menguatkan tenaga\ndan membina
otot-otot. Ianya terdapat pelbagai jenis seperti Cable Exercise Machine dll
<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nPower Tower </b>- a indoor gym for building muscle
and power'),(2071,'011001024','FOLDING STEPPER','011001','2008-05-09
21:49:13','2009-02-23 15:47:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'alat senaman memijak yang
boleh di lipat\r\n<br><br><i><b >DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nFolding stepper'),
(2072,'011001025','BALLEY TWIST BOARD (STOK)','011001','2008-05-09 21:49:37','2011-
12-12 09:50:27','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Papan twist balley yang digunakan untuk
aktiviti senaman/sukan dalam pelbagai saiz/jenis
\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nBalley Twist Board'),
(2073,'011001026','TRAMPOLINE/BOUNCER BOARD','011001','2008-05-09 21:50:10','2009-
02-27 10:06:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Trampolin alat gim untuk latihan
(2074,'011001027','ABDOMINAL EXERCISER','011001','2008-05-09 21:50:51','2009-02-23
15:51:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat senamanuntuk otot
perut\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nAbdominal Exerciser'),
(2075,'011001028','RISER INDOR BICYCLE TRAINER','011001','2008-05-09
21:51:59','2009-02-23 15:53:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat latihan basikal dalam
rumah\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nRiser Indoor Bicycle Trainer'),
(2076,'011001029','VIBRATING EXERCISE MACHINE','011001','2008-05-09
21:52:26','2009-02-23 15:54:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat senaman gegeran
badan\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nVirating Exercise Machine'),
(2077,'011001030','BAR BELL AND WEIGHT PLATE (STOK)','011001','2008-05-09
22:04:26','2011-12-12 09:52:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Palang dan besi angkat berat
yang digunakan untuk aktiviti sukan/senaman yang terdiri dari pelbagai jenis dan
ukuran berat plate\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>d\r\nBar bell and weight
plate'),(2078,'011020001','PACK/CAMPING BAG (STOK)','011020','2008-05-09
22:06:20','2011-02-22 16:48:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pek/Beg Galas/ Perkhemahan
adalah beg\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nBackpack/Camping Bag/</b>'),
(2079,'011020002','SLEEPING BAG (STOK)','011020','2008-05-09 22:06:37','2011-02-22
Bag'),(2080,'011020003','CAMPING TENT (STOK)','011020','2008-05-09 22:07:15','2011-
02-22 16:49:21','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Khemah
Perkelahan\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCamping Tent'),
(2081,'005003003','MOBILE REPEATER','005003','2008-05-10 15:36:58','2008-11-21
11:18:56','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Pengulang Bergerak adalah peranti yang
menghantar apa yang diterimanya, tetapi dalam bentuk yang terkuat atau
terimbuh.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nMobile Repeater'),
(2082,'004001001','HOT PLATE BLOCK','004001','2008-05-10 16:20:12','2017-02-03
09:18:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Hot Plate</b> digunakan didalam makmal untuk
memanaskan sampel dalam peralatan kaca. Ada diantara hot plate mempunyai pemutar
bermagnet yang membolehkan sampel cecair diputar ketika memanas. Dry bath yang
terdiri daripada Blok pemanas merupakan kebuk pemanasan diperbuat daripada
stainless steel yang menyalurkan haba panas dengan sama rata daripada pemanas
kepada blok pemanas. Sampel akan mendapat suhu yang sekata didalam semua kabuk
pemanasan.\n<br><br>\n<i><b>DESCRIPTION:</b><br>\n<b>Hot plates</b> are often used
in laboratory settings to heat glassware. Some hot plates also contain a magnetic
stirrer, allowing the heated liquid to be stirred simultaneously.The block chamber
of the Dry Baths is constructed of stainless steel, which acts as a heat sink and
provides a uniform transfer of heat from the heating elements to the
interchangeable blocks. The resulting block uniformity is excellent, ensuring that
all samples receive the same temperature treatment, regardless of their position in
the block.\n\n'),(2083,'004001002','HOT ROLLER PRESS','004001','2008-05-10
16:20:38','2017-02-03 09:20:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Hot Roller Press</b>
mengandungi penggelek dan pemanas yang dikawal suhunya oleh termostat PID bagi
membolehkan penggelek mendapat suhu yang sama rata dan stabil. Kelajuan dan jarak
antara penggelek boleh dilaraskan.Mesin meleperkan kertas.
<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Hot Roller Press</b> consists of rollers,
heated\nrespectively, controled by PID thermostat to keep the temperature of
rollers surface uniform and stable.\nThe roller rotational speed and press gap can
be adjusted.'),(2084,'004001003','HOT PRESS SPRAY','004001','2008-05-10
16:21:38','2019-02-13 09:34:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b> Hot Press Machine</b>,
ialah Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan secara semburan suhu panas atau pemampat suhu
panas atau penekan suhu panas yang menggunakan pemanas.
Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama. jenis seperti Hot Press Machine, Spray Dryer
Machine dll.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br> Hot Press Machine</b>, is any form of
pressing machine using heat.'),(2085,'004001004','BLOCK DIGESTER','004001','2008-
05-10 16:22:02','2009-02-11 00:53:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mengandungi blok
pemanas, pelaras suhu dan rak tabung uji. Biasa digunakan di dalam kebuk wasap
dengan Blok Digestor di dalam dan pelaras di luar. <br><br><i><b>Block Digester
</b> must be operated in a fume hood. Controller should be operated outside of fume
hood.\r\nConsists of a Heating Block, Programmable Controller, tube
rack/draftshield with a cooling stand. The heating block holding the test tubes
allows an optimal distribution of heat to all the selected temperatures.
\r\nDigestion time varies according to the treated material and to the used
methods.\r\n'),(2086,'004001005','HEATING MANTLE','004001','2008-05-10
16:22:50','2009-02-11 00:44:29','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Heating Mantle adalah alat
pemanas yang mengenakan bahang panas terus kepada bekas/kelalang. Elemen pemanas
disaluti lapisan fabrik dibentuk separuh bulatan untuk membungkus keliling
kelalang.<br><br><b><i>Heating Mantle</b> is an equipment used to apply heat to
containers. Glassware containers may be placed in direct contact with the heating
mantle.\r\nHeating element of a heating mantle is insulated from the
container.\r\nHeating wires are embedded within a strip of fabric that can be
wrapped around a flask.\r\n'),(2087,'004001006','GLASSWARE DRYER','004001','2008-
05-10 16:23:13','2012-07-09 16:13:55','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan
untuk mengeringkan barangan kaca setelah dibasuh atau digunakan untuk mengeringkan
logam, mengering tembikar dll.<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Glassware Dryer</b> used
for drying glasswares can be free-standing on a flat horizontal counter-top or
shelf.\nThe table-top glassware dryer is mainly used for rapid and convenient
drying of laboratory glassware.\nBlower forces hot air through aluminum anodized
pegs fitted on top surface of dryer.\n'),(2088,'004001007','WATER
BATH','004001','2008-05-10 16:23:43','2009-02-11
01:01:05','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Water Bath diperbuat dengan dua lapisan dinding.
Permukaan atas yang terbuka atau pun dengan penutup yang berlubang. Bagi kegunaan
suhu rendah water bath dilengkapi dengan compressor. Pemanas diletakkan diatas
water bath. Suhu air yang sekata dicapai dengan bantuan pump berpusar.
<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION </b><br><b>Water Bath</b> has a double walled
construction including hole bath, constant temperature or low temperature. Low
temperaure comprises of a compressor refrigeration system. Heater is fitted at the
top of the bath and uniformity of water temperature is achieved by water
circulation with the help of a centrifugal pump cum stirrer, which is mounted on a
plate and fitted from top side of the bath.\r\n'),(2089,'004001008','OIL
BATH','004001','2008-05-10 16:25:59','2009-02-23
10:03:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Berfungsi sama saperti water bath tetapi
menggunakan media minyak. <br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION </b><br>Using oil instead of
water <b>Oil Bath</b> is available in round & rectangular shape.'),
(2090,'004001009','WATER DISTILLATION','004001','2008-05-10 16:26:22','2017-02-03
10:01:56','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan untuk penyediaan air suling.
Terdapat jenis yang satu peringkat atau dua peringkat.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION
</b><br>Distillation is a method of separation of substances based on differences
in their volatilities. The device used in distillation, called <b>Distiller</b>
sometimes referred to as a still, consists at a minimum of a reboiler or pot in
which the source material is heated, a condenser in which the heated vapour is
cooled back to the liquid state, and a receiver in which the purified liquid, is
collected. \nDouble distillation showing distilled water going into 2nd tank for
distillation.'),(2091,'004001010','WATER HEATER (ASET TAK ALIH)','004001','2008-05-
10 16:26:40','2019-02-12 21:40:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat pemanas air.
Terdapat yang mempunyai tangki storan dan dapat mmengawal
suhu.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION </b><br>A <b>Water Heater</b> is an apparatus for
heating water and some can do storing it for later use.Once water in the tank
reaches the set temperature, the thermostats stop the flow of electricity to the
heating elements.'),(2092,'004001011','PLASTIC SEALER','004001','2008-05-10
16:27:14','2009-02-11 01:10:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk melekatkan
plastik dengan menggunakan suhu panas yang dikawal.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION
</b><br><b>Sealer</b> machine is suitable for small bags packaging and adopts
electronic constant tempertuature control system and stepless speed adjusting
transmission mechanism. It can seal plastic films of various materials.
\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n'),(2093,'004001012','BUNSEN BURNER (STOK)','004001','2008-05-10
16:27:28','2017-02-03 09:36:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Penunu
Bunsen\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION </b><br>The function of a <b>Bunsen Burner</b>
is to heat substances. The burner can be regulated by changing the air and gas
mixture. '),(2094,'004001013','STEAM GENERATOR','004001','2008-05-10
16:27:48','2014-11-06 10:43:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan untuk
menghasilkan wap atau pemanas air. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti
Water Boiler, Water Steamer, dll .<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION </b><br>A <b>Steam
Generator</b> is a device used to boil water to create steam. It may refer
to\nBoiler (steam generator), a closed vessel in which water is heated under
pressure.\n'),(2095,'005001005','ALAT KELUI','005001','2008-05-10 16:35:13','2009-
02-23 12:06:21','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Kelui adalah alat komunikasi yang
menggunakan pesanan ringkas.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>A pager</b>(sometimes
called a beeper) is a simple personal telecommunications device for short messages.
A one-way numeric pager can only receive a message consisting of a few digits,
typically a phone number that the user is then expected to call. Alphanumeric
pagers are available, as well as two-way pagers that have the ability to send and
receive email , numeric pages, and SMS messages.</i>\r\n\r\n'),
(2097,'002002005','JAM WAKTU BERHIAS','002002','2008-05-13 15:15:38','2016-07-14
10:01:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Jam yang dibeli bagi tujuan hiasan
(berhiasan) berfungsi secara gunasama untuk memaparkan, menunjukkan masa atau
waktu; meliputi Jam Dinding, Jam Meja, Jam Hiasan, Jam Berkunci yang diletakkan
dilokasi tetap secara gunasama dalam pelbagai jenama/jenis. Ianya terdiri dari
pelbagai jenis/jenama dalam pelbagai harga.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>A
clock</b> is an instrument for measuring, indicating and maintaining the time.
Including Wall Clock,Watch, Grandfather Clock , Alarm Clock'),
(2099,'002007010','RAK KAD PERAKAM WAKTU','002007','2008-05-13 15:23:23','2013-07-
03 14:29:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak atau Kabinet adalah termasuk Kategori
Perabut yang diperlukan untuk melangkapkan sesebuah bangunan samada buatan kayu
atau besi direkodkan sebagi Inventori tanpa mengira harga perolehan. Rak Kad
Perakam Waktu adalah rak penyimpanan kad-kad perakam
waktu.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nPunch Card Rack </b> are rack for
stacking punch card.'),(2100,'002003025','ELECTRONIC DISPLAY BOARD','002003','2008-
05-13 15:31:51','2008-10-30 11:42:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Papan Paparan
Elektronik\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nElectronic Display Board'),
(2101,'002003026','ROSTRUM','002003','2008-05-13 15:32:06','2008-10-30
11:45:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rostrum adalah pentas orang berucap, mimbar (jika
dlm masjid), tetingkat.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nRostrum </b>is a
platform for public speaking/articulation/utterance.'),(2102,'007001001','BARRIER
GATE (ASET TAK ALIH)','007001','2008-05-13 15:42:30','2017-09-29
09:43:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pintu Palang\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION <br>\nBarrier
Gate'),(2103,'007001002','SISTEM CCTV CAMERA (ASET TAK ALIH)','007001','2008-05-13
15:43:25','2017-09-29 09:44:13','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kamera Litar Tertutup /TV
litar tertutup (CCTV) adalah kamera pengawasan, di mana gambar diperhatian atau
dirakamkan, tetapi tidak dipancarkan \n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nClosed-
circuit television (CCTV) </b>is the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a
specific, limited set of monitors. It differs from broadcast television in that the
signal is not openly transmitted, though it may employ point to point wireless
links. CCTV is often used for surveillance in areas that may need monitoring such
as banks, casinos, airports, military installations and convenience stores\n
\ncctv cameras can produce images or recordings for surveillance purposes, and can
be either video cameras, or digital stills cameras.\n\n \n\n\n'),
(2104,'007001003','CCTV DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDER (ASET TAK ALIH)','007001','2008-05-
13 15:44:07','2017-09-29 09:44:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Perakam Video Digital
CCTV (Kamera Litar Tertutup)\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION <br></b>A more advanced form
of CCTV, utilising Digital Video Recorders (DVR), provides recording for possibly
many years, with a variety of quality and performance options and extra features
(such as motion-detection and email alerts). In industrial plants, CCTV equipment
may be used to observe parts of a process from a central control room; when, for
example, the environment is not comfortable for humans. CCTV systems may operate
continuously or only as required to monitor a particular event.\n'),
(2105,'007001004','CCTV COLOUR MONITOR (ASET TAK ALIH)','007001','2008-05-13
15:44:25','2017-09-29 09:44:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION
<br>\nA video monitor</b> also called a Broadcast Monitor, is a device similar to a
television, used to monitor the output of a video generating
device, such as a media playout server, IRD, video camera, VCR, or DVD player. It
may or may not have audio monitoring capability. Unlike a television, a video
monitor has no tuner and, as such, is unable to independently tune into an over-
the-air broadcast. One common use of video monitors is in Television stations and
Outside broadcast vehicles, where broadcast engineers use them for confidence
checking of signals throughout the system. Video monitors are used extensively in
the security industry with Closed-circuit television cameras and recording
devices'),(2106,'007001019','PENGGERA KESELAMATAN (ASET TAK ALIH)','007001','2008-
05-13 15:44:50','2017-11-23 10:42:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Penggera Keselamatan
adalah pengesan pencerobohan yang dipasang pada pintu atau tingkap dan akan memberi
isyarat amaran audio atau video apabila diceronoh. \n <br><br><b>DESCRIPTION
<br></b>\nThe most common<b> security alarm </b> sensors indicate the opening of a
door or window or detect motion via passive infrared (PIR).\n\nAn alarm gives an
audible or visual warning of a problem or condition.\n\nAlarms include:\n\nburglar
alarms, designed to warn of burglaries; this is often a silent alarm: the police or
guards are warned without indication to the burglar, which increases the chances of
catching him or her. \nA more complete home alarm also includes magnetic sensors on
the doors and windows. These sensors will alarm the system when a door or window is
opened. These sensors do not protect against glass breakage, but additional glass
break detectors can also be used. The sensors are connected to a control panel that
is operated by a keypad'),(2107,'007001006','MAGNETIC SAFETY
SYSTEM','007001','2008-05-13 15:45:38','2008-11-27
16:03:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sistem Keselamatan
Magnetik\r\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION <br>A magnetic stripe card</b> is a type of card
capable of storing data by modifying the magnetism of tiny iron-based magnetic
particles on a band of magnetic material on the card. The magnetic stripe,
sometimes called a magstripe, is read by physical contact and swiping past a
reading head. Magnetic stripe cards are commonly used in credit cards, identity
cards, and transportation tickets. They may also contain an RFID tag, a transponder
device and/or a microchip mostly used for business premises access control or
electronic payment.'),(2108,'007001007','TRIGGER SAFETY SYSTEM','007001','2008-05-
13 15:46:08','2017-10-24 10:55:08','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sistem Keselamatan RF/RH
merupakan sistem keselamatan yang menggunakan frekuensi radio atau gambar sebagai
kawalan atau pemantauan atau analisis. Contoh RFID, CCTV Tester
dll\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION <br>\nRF SAFETY SYSTEM</B> latest technology in all
kind of electrical and electronic security and lock access systems ( Hardware &
Software ) for domestic, commercial and industrial usages such as Identification
system (RFID),Card Access Systems, Guard Tour System, Closed Circuit Television
Systems (CCTV\'s), Burglar Alarm Systems (Wireless & Conventional), Indoor and
Outdoor Security System, Customised Computer Control Systems and Security Systems.
'),(2109,'007001008','BIOMETRIC READER','007001','2008-05-13 15:46:53','2010-01-22
17:28:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pembaca Biometrik merupakan alat keselamatan yang
mengawal keselamatan atau pergerakan fizikal menggunakan akses pengenalan dari
anggota manusia seperti mata, jari dan
suara.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nBiometric Reader'),
(2110,'007001009','KUNCI KESELAMATAN','007001','2008-05-13 15:47:03','2013-02-14
08:26:45','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan Kunci Keselamatan merupakan Kunci yang
dipasang untuk tujuan keselamatan dan mempunyai ciri-ciri keselamatan yang tingi.
Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenis yang dipasang kepada kenderaaan
dll.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nSafety Lock'),(2111,'007001010','LAMPU
PENGGERA(ALARM BEACON)','007001','2008-05-13 15:47:23','2008-12-01
Penggera\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nAlarm Beacon'),
(2112,'007002001','PEMADAM API','007002','2008-05-13 16:02:55','2010-09-13
08:06:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat pemadam api adalah salah satu alat kawalan
kebakaran kecil yang digunakan dipejabat, rumah dan
stor.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nA fire extinguisher </b>is an active fire
protection device used to extinguish or control small fires, often in emergency
situations. Typically, a fire extinguisher consists of a handheld cylindrical
pressure vessel containing an agent which can be discharged to extinguish a
fire.\r\n'),(2113,'007002002','PENGESAN ASAP','007002','2008-05-13 16:03:27','2008-
12-01 14:42:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pengesan Asap adalah alat kawalan kebakaran
yang boleh mengecam punca kebakaran melalui pengesanan
asap.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nA smoke detector or smoke alarm </b>is a
device that detects smoke and issues an alarm to alert nearby people that there is
a potential fire. A household smoke detector will typically be mounted in a disk-
shaped plastic enclosure about 150 mm in diameter and 25 mm thick, but the shape
can vary by manufacturer.<BR>\r\n\r\nBecause smoke rises, most detectors are
mounted on the ceiling or on a wall near the ceiling and, to avoid the nuisance of
false alarms, are mounted away from kitchens. To increase the chances of waking
sleeping occupants, most homes have at least one smoke detector near any bedrooms;
ideally, in a hallway, as well as in the bedroom itself.\r\n'),
(2114,'007002003','FIRE FIGHTING SPRINKLER (ASET TAK ALIH)','007002','2008-05-13
16:09:03','2017-09-29 09:53:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Kawalan Kebakaran
Penghamburan adalah satu sistem pencegahan kebakaran menggunakan penghamburan
air.\n<br><br>><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nA fire sprinkler</b> is the part of a fire
sprinkler system that discharges water when the effects of a fire have been
detected, such as when a predetermined temperature has been reached.\n\n'),
(2115,'007002004','HOSE REEL SYSTEM (ASET TAK ALIH)','007002','2008-05-13
16:09:26','2017-09-29 09:52:27','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sistem Gelung
Getah\n<i><br><br><b>Description</i> <br>\nFire hose reels</b> are located to
provide a reasonably accessible and controlled supply of water to combat a
potential fire risk. The length of a fully extended fire hose is 36 meters with a
diameter of 19mm (outside diameter). These appliances are designed to deliver, as a
minimum, 0.33L of water per second. A control nozzle attached to the end of the
hose enables the operator to control the direction and flow of water to the fire.
All fire hose reels come with a unique ball valve shut-off device, a plastic or
solid brass hose reel nozzle and mounting bracket.\n\n'),(2116,'007002005','FIRE
HYDRANT (ASET TAK ALIH)','007002','2008-05-13 16:11:31','2017-09-29
09:52:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pili Air Bomba ; Paip Air Bomba
<I><br><br><B>DESCRIPTION</i><br>Fire hydrant </b>is an active fire protection
measure, and a source of water provided in most urban, suburban and rural areas
with municipal water service to enable firefighters to tap into the municipal water
supply to assist in extinguishing a fire. A hose is attached to the fire hydrant,
then the valve is opened to provide a powerful source of water . This hose can be
further attached to a fire engine, which can then use a powerful pump to boost the
water pressure and possibly split it into multiple streams.'),
(2117,'007002006','ALAT PINDU RINTANGAN API (ASET TAK ALIH)','007002','2008-05-13
16:11:53','2017-09-29 09:51:45','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan Rintangan
Api\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nFire Prove Door; '),(2118,'007002007','PORTABLE
PUMP','007002','2008-05-13 16:12:09','2008-12-01
Mudahalih\r\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\r\nThe automatic fire fighting
unit is designed to operate when water is drawn from one of the fire hoses of the
fire fighting system. \r\n\r\nThe standard unit '),(2119,'007002008','FLOATING
PUMP','007002','2008-05-13 16:12:25','2015-09-02
09:53:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti mencuci.
Ianya seperti Pam Terapung, Oxidadtion Pump
dll\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>These pumps float on the water, rising
and falling according to the water level. Place this pump in the water and turn on
the switch, and then it will inhale water. Not being influenced by rain or other
water, its light weight ensures easy portability.\n'),(2120,'007002009','FOREST
FIRE EQUIPMENT','007002','2008-05-13 16:12:46','2008-12-01
(2121,'007002010','PORTABLE DAM','007002','2008-05-13 16:12:59','2008-12-01
(2122,'007002011','OSCILLATING MONITOR','007002','2008-05-13 16:13:48','2008-12-01
(2123,'007002012','FOAM TANK','007002','2008-05-13 16:14:12','2008-12-01
tanks are designed to hold nothing but agent. Foam cells are usually smaller and
installed within a water tank\'s shell. It is not uncommon to find several agent
tanks within a water tank to hold various use agents.\r\n\r\nAll CFP tank shapes
and types can be designed as an agent tank or with integral agent cells. This
includes conventional or wet side applications, T, rectangular, elliptical, bin
bottom and any other custom shape.\r\n\r\n'),
(2124,'007003001','PISTOL','007003','2008-05-13 16:15:30','2008-11-06
15:19:29','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nPistol</b> is
a handgun is a firearm designed to be held in the hand when used.'),
(2125,'007003002','RIFEL','007003','2008-05-13 16:15:44','2008-12-01
RIFEL','007003','2008-05-13 16:16:00',NULL,'MOF','160101',1,NULL,NULL),
(2127,'007003004','REVOLVER','007003','2008-05-13 16:17:10','2008-11-06
revolver</b> is a repeating firearm that consists of multiple chambers and at least
one barrel for firing. As the user cocks the hammer, the cylinder revolves to align
the next round with the barrel, which gives this type of firearm its name. In
modern revolvers, the revolving cylinder typically chambers 5 or 6 rounds, but some
models hold up to 10 rounds or more'),(2128,'007003005','SHOT GUN','007003','2008-
05-13 16:18:13','2008-12-01
(2129,'007003006','BOMB (STOK)','007003','2008-05-13 16:18:38','2012-04-30
12:32:55','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br>Barang bekalan untuk fungsi agensi merujuk
GUN','007003','2008-05-13 16:19:16','2008-12-01
(2131,'007003008','MERIAM MORTAR','007003','2008-05-13 16:19:31','2009-03-06
(2133,'007004001','RADIATION (ION) SURVEY METER','007004','2008-05-13
14:50:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION</i><br>Survey meters
</B> are portable radiation detection and measurement instruments used to check
personnel, equipment, and facilities for radioactive contamination, or check
external or ambient ionizing radiation fields (to evaluate the direct exposure
hazard). '),(2134,'007004002','DIGITAL DOSIMETER','007004','2008-05-13
16:23:15','2009-03-19 10:26:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat dosimeter personel
elektronik mempunyai pemapar digital, juga mempunyai
penggera.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION</i></b><br>Individual Personal Alarming
<b>Dosimeter \r\nDigital</b> Display for Integrated Dose or Alternatively Dose Rate
'),(2135,'007004003','DOSE RATEMETER','007004','2008-05-13 16:23:39','2008-12-01
(2136,'007004004','TELETECTOR','007004','2008-05-13 16:24:04','2010-09-21
Teletector </b> is a portable battery operated dose rate meter to measure photon
radiation (gamma and X-radiation), and to detect beta radiation. Two GM counter
tubes serve as detectors. The stainless steel telescope can extend up to four
meters and its tip carries the two tubes. The tubes are placed along the axis one
behind the other; a groove marks the center of each tube. The low End tube detects
beta radiation and together with the high end tube the Teletector covers a dose
range from 10 microR/h to 1000 R/h (0.1 microSv/h to 10 Sv/h), where it
automatically switches between the two tubes'),(2137,'007004005','FILM
BADGE','007004','2008-05-13 16:24:25','2008-12-01
badges are Personnel dosimetry commonly used to measure and record radiation
exposure due to gamma rays, X-rays and beta particles.\r\nThe film is contained
inside a film holder or badge. The badge incorporates a series of filters to
determine the quality of the radiation.'),(2138,'007004006','PERSONNEL PEN
DOSIMETER','007004','2008-05-13 16:24:42','2010-09-13
Pen dosimeters </b> measure and directly read, at any time, accumulated dose or
quantity of gamma and x-ray exposure. The PEN dosimeters are hermetically sealed
and immersion proof.'),(2139,'007004007','DOSIMETER CHARGER','007004','2008-05-13
08:44:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>The Dosimeter Charger
</b>reading light reduces re-zeroing time and effort by eliminating the need to
remove the dosimeter from the charger for reading. Simply view the scale while the
dosimeter is resting lightly on the charger contact after rezeroing. Reading in the
same orientation as charging also minimizes the effect that gravitational induced
fiber movement has on dosimeter accuracy and precision.\r\n\r\n'),
(2140,'007004008','HAND AND FOOT MONITOR','007004','2008-05-13 16:25:20','2010-09-
Hand and Foot Monitor </B> is designed to check personnel for radiation
contamination. This monitor uses seven gas-proportional probes to check for both
alpha and beta radiation, four for the hands, two for the feet and one frisker. A
status panel quickly shows whether radiation contamination exists, and if so, shows
the location and type of contamination.'),(2141,'007004009','LEAD APRON
(STOK)','007004','2008-05-13 16:25:37','2014-10-02
12:52:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i><br>A Lead Apron
</b> is a protective shield of lead and rubber that may be worn by a patient,
radiologic technologist or radiologist, or both during exposure to x-rays or other
diagnostic radiation. It is intended to guard against excessive exposure of the
reproductive and other vital body organs to ionizing radiation. '),
(2142,'007004010','NUCLEAR RAD. DECONTAMINATION KIT','007004','2008-05-13
Radiation Decontamination Kit </b> can safely, quickly and significantly remove
radioactive material from body and from other surfaces.'),(2143,'007004011','TLD
DOSIMETER','007004','2008-05-13 16:26:15','2008-12-01
inescent dosimeters (TLD) are often used instead of the film badge.\r\nA TLD
measures ionizing radiation exposure by measuring the amount of visible light
emitted from a crystal in the detector when the crystal is heated. The amount of
light emitted is dependent upon the radiation exposure.\r\n\r\n'),
(2144,'007004012','RING DOSIMETER','007004','2008-05-13 16:26:27','2008-12-01
(2145,'007004013','SPILL EMERGENCY KIT','007004','2008-05-13 16:26:49','2010-09-13
11:23:08','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION</i><br></b>The right
<b> spill emergency kit </b> for those emergency spills in your workplace or other
environments where an emergency spill kit will provide immediate response to hazmat
spills, oil spills and general spill cleanup. \r\n'),(2146,'007004014','LEAD
POT','007004','2008-05-13 16:27:00','2008-12-01
(2147,'007004015','KRYPTON SECONDARY SHIELD','007004','2008-05-13 16:27:25','2008-
unit provides the extra shielding which is needed around Krypton-81m generators to
minimise gamma camera background during ventilation imaging. It will also keep
radiation exposure to staff to a minimum.'),(2148,'007004016','LEAD BRICK/
CASTLE','007004','2008-05-13 16:27:44','2009-03-10
(2149,'007005001','HELMET KESELAMATAN (STOK)','007005','2008-05-13 16:29:26','2012-
02-17 16:14:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Helmet Keselamatan; Topi
Keselamatan\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nSafety Helmet /Hat'),
(2150,'007005002','ALAT PERLINDUNGAN MATA (STOK)','007005','2008-05-13
16:30:29','2012-02-17 16:15:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Perlindungan Mata;
Cermin Mata Keselamatan\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nEys Safety Wear;
Safety Goggle'),(2151,'007005003','ALAT PERLINDUNGAN TELINGA
(STOK)','007005','2008-05-13 16:30:45','2012-02-17
16:15:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Perlindungan Telinga; Alat Penutup
Telinga\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nEar Plug; Ear Muffle'),
(2152,'007005004','ALAT PERLINDUNGAN PERNAFASAN/RESPIRATOR (STOK)','007005','2008-
05-13 16:31:14','2012-02-17 16:15:41','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Perlindungan
Pernafasan termasuklah yang mempunyai panapis separuh muka dan muka
penuh.\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nRespirator including with filter,
half mask and full mask.'),(2153,'007005005','JAKET / VEST KESELAMATAN
(STOK)','007005','2008-05-13 16:32:03','2012-02-17
16:16:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Jaket/ Vest
Keselamatan\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nSafety Jacket/Vest'),
(2154,'007005006','KASUT KESELAMATAN (STOK)','007005','2008-05-13 16:32:27','2012-
02-17 16:16:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kast
Keselamatan\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nSafety Shoe'),
(2155,'007005007','BUT KESELAMATAN (STOK)','007005','2008-05-13 16:33:12','2012-02-
17 16:16:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(2156,'007005008','SARUNG TANGAN KESELAMATAN
(STOK)','007005','2008-05-13 16:33:31','2012-02-17
16:16:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sarung Tangan
Keselamatan\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nSaftety Gloves'),
(2157,'007005009','SUT PERLINDUNGAN SINARAN (STOK)','007005','2008-05-13
16:34:04','2012-02-17 16:17:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sut Perlindungan
Sinaran\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nRadiation Safety Sut'),
(2158,'007005010','PERISAI PENIMPAL/WELDING SHIELD (STOK)','007005','2008-05-13
16:34:40','2012-02-17 16:17:29','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Perisai
Penimpal\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nWalding Shield'),
(2159,'007005011','SUT KESELAMATAN KIMIA (STOK)','007005','2008-05-13
16:35:07','2015-12-22 08:30:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sut Keselamatan Kimia yang
dugunakan bagi mengelakkan pencemaran. Ianya terdapat dalam pelbagai
jenama/jenis\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nChemical Safety Sut'),
(2160,'007005012','COVERALL SUIT (STOK)','007005','2008-05-13 16:35:31','2012-02-17
Coverall\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nCoverall Sut'),
(2161,'007006001','TALI PENYELAMAT (STOK)','007006','2008-05-13 16:39:16','2014-07-
21 12:29:31','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tali
Penyelamat\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nRescue Rope'),
(2162,'007006002','HARNESS (STOK)','007006','2008-05-13 16:39:34','2014-07-21
12:29:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Abah Abah; Pakaian
(2163,'007006003','CARABINAR (STOK)','007006','2008-05-13 16:40:01','2014-07-21
(2164,'007006004','FIGURE OF EIGHT (STOK)','007006','2008-05-13 16:40:19','2014-07-
21 12:30:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>'),
(2165,'007006005','PULLEY (STOK)','007006','2008-05-13 16:40:31','2014-07-21
Kerek\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nA pulley is made from a wheel and a
rope. It is used to make lifting easier. A single pulley changes the direction of
the lifting force. '),(2166,'007006006','WEBBING (STOK)','007006','2008-05-13
12:31:05','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br<br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>Webbing </b>is a
strong fabric woven as a flat strip or tube of varying width and fibers often used
in place of rope. It is a versatile component used in climbing, slacklining,
furniture manufacturing, automobile safety, auto racing, towing, parachuting,
military apparel, and many other fields. Modern webbing is often made from
exceptionally high-strength material, such as Dyneema, Nylon, Polyester, and
Kevlar. For less performance-oriented applications, cotton, Polypropylene, and flax
can be used. Webbing is both light and strong, with breaking strengths readily
available in excess of 10,000 kg\n\n'),(2167,'007006007','STRAP
(STOK)','007006','2008-05-13 16:40:52','2014-07-21
12:31:37','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Strap adalah tali kulit yang dapat mengikatkan
sesuatu \n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nfound in: Adjustable Lanyards,
Lanyards, Rescue Slings, Slings, Stretchers.found in: Anchors, Rigging
Equipment\nTying in at the right distance from the litter is the key to comfort and
efficiency. Minor adjustments can be made while the litter is moving. '),
(2168,'007006008','ALAT PEMBEREK','007006','2008-05-13 16:41:10','2008-12-01
Pemberek\r\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\r\nBrake Gears'),
(2169,'007006009','ALAT PENARIK','007006','2008-05-13 16:41:21','2008-12-01
PEMANJAT','007006','2008-05-13 16:41:43','2008-12-01
Pemanjat\r\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\r\nClimbing Gears'),
(2171,'007006011','ALAT PENERJUN','007006','2008-05-13
LADDER','007006','2008-05-13 16:42:05','2008-12-01
Penyelamat\r\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\r\nRescur Ladder'),
(2173,'007006013','PIKE POLES (STOK)','007006','2008-05-13 16:42:27','2014-07-21
Tombak\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nPike Poles'),
(2174,'007006014','PISAU PENYELAMAT (STOK)','007006','2008-05-13 16:42:42','2014-
07-21 12:28:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pisau
Penyelamat\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nMade of tough 3CR13 stainless
steel and G10 Scales, this knife features a Reflective Orange Paracord Lanyard,
Carbide breaker tip, Battery wrench and window twist breaker, Full tang stainless
steel blade, Traction Grooves, Blunt Chisel Tip, Finger Choil, Cordura sheath with
pockets for shove knife and Extrik-8-'),(2175,'007006015','TRIPOD','007006','2008-
05-13 16:42:51','2008-12-01 15:45:05','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Penopang Berkaki
(STOK)','007006','2008-05-13 16:43:02','2014-07-21
r'),(2177,'007006017','RESCUE AXE/ KAPAK (STOK)','007006','2008-05-13
16:44:06','2014-07-21 12:27:33','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kapak
Penyelamat\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nRescue Axe'),
(2178,'007006018','KOMPAS (STOK)','007006','2008-05-13 16:44:19','2014-07-21
(STOK)','007006','2008-05-13 16:45:09','2016-06-14
09:40:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan Search Light/Lampu Suluh Penyelamat yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti/operasi menyelamat di dalam pelbagai situasi seperti
gelap, berkabut. Pembekalan untuk penggunaan alat ini hendaklah dikawal secara
pentadbiran Jabatan. \n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nLED handheld
spotlight gives a long-range bright white beam that works well in any environment,
including smoke. Xenon Spotlights can direct a full beam of light '),
(2180,'007006020','COMBINATION CUTTER AND SPREADER','007006','2008-05-13
16:45:54','2009-05-14 10:25:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,' Kombinasi alat spreader and
cutter adalah alat pertolongan semasa kemalangan berkuasa hidraulik. Ia digunakan
untuk mengumpil badan kereta yang remuk untuk membolehkan orang yang tersepit
dikeluarkan.\r\n\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION </i><br>\r\nCombination cutter and
spreader </b> is a hydraulic tool inserted into a wrecked vehicle and used to pry
the wreckage apart in order to provide access to people trapped inside\r\n'),
(2181,'007006021','FOREST FIRE EQUIPMENT','007006','2008-05-13 16:47:22','2008-12-
01 15:50:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Kelengkapan Pencegah Kebakaran
Hutan\r\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\r\nForest Fire Equipment'),
(2182,'007006022','LIGHTNING BALLON','007006','2008-05-13 16:48:52','2008-12-01
Kilat\r\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\r\nLightning Ballon'),
(2183,'007006023','BREATHING APPARATUS SET','007006','2008-05-13 16:49:05','2008-
12-01 15:54:55','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set Alat Penapasan
\r\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\r\nBreathing Apparatus Set'),
(2184,'007006024','BA COMPRESSOR','007006','2008-05-13 16:49:17','2008-12-01
BA\r\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\r\nBA Compressor'),
(2185,'007006025','MEDICAL EXTRICATION DEVICE','007006','2008-05-13
16:50:58','2008-12-01 15:58:53','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Bantuan Pelepasan
Kemalangan\r\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\r\nUsed to immobilise and
extricate patients from accidents and confined spaces. Has easy-to-use colour coded
straps. The wrap-around facility provides horizontal flexibility and vertical
rigidity for maximum support during extrication. \r\nA unique vacuum technology
extrication device which sets new standards in extrication immobilisation and
transportation of patients with spinal injuries. The VSI is especially well suited
for confined space rescue. \r\n'),(2186,'007006026','DECON ESCAPE
KIT','007006','2008-05-13 16:51:41','2010-09-22
16:26:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION </i><br>The
Decontamination Escape Kit </b>(DEK) contents are enclosed in a hard-sided, water-
tight case. The coveralls and gloves are approved for use with WMD agents, and the
hood style respirator complies with military standards. Also included are hazmat
over-boots, a disposal bag, and Chem-Tape. This is a one-time use kit that provides
escape protection and decontamination capabilities for one person. The DEK was
designed for the ultimate in personal safety.\r\n\r\n'),(2187,'007006027','PORTABLE
WATER MIST SYSTEM','007006','2008-05-13 16:52:15','2008-12-01
16:00:45','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sistem Mudahalih
Kabus\r\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\r\nPortable Water Mist System'),
(2188,'007006028','POSITIVE PRESSURE VENTILATOR','007006','2008-05-13
16:52:43','2012-07-02 16:25:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang
digunakan untuk Sistem Solid Phase Extraction dengan menggunan Alar Pengedar Udara
Tekanan Positif dalam pelbagai fungsi/jenis/jenama seperti Pesitive Pressure
Manifold Sistem dll.\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nPositive Pressure
Ventilator'),(2189,'007006029','RESCUE STRETCHER','007006','2008-05-13
stretcher for both horizontal and vertical lifting for confined space and rescue
(2191,'007007001','RESCUE BOUY (STOK)','007007','2008-05-13 16:58:08','2017-08-24
Rescue Buoy represents a major though elementary breakthrough which will contribute
to saving lives at sea. The principle is deceptively simple: attach a regular
horseshoe buoy permanently to a properly coiled lifeline; when the buoy is thrown,
the line pays out quickly, without tangling or fouling.\n\n'),
(2192,'007007002','SCUBA SET ','007007','2008-05-13 16:58:24','2019-02-21
16:23:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set Skuba\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nA scuba
set </b> (acronym for Self contained underwater breathing apparatus) is an
independent breathing set that provides a scuba diver with the breathing gas
necessary to breathe underwater during scuba diving. It is much used for sport
diving and some sorts of work diving.'),(2193,'007007003','REMOTE OPERATED VEHECLE
(ROV)','007007','2008-05-13 16:58:35','2008-11-20
15:51:45','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nROVs </b>are
tools used to help conduct undersea research. They\'re operated remotely from the
surface or from a submersible and are commonly used in situations when scuba diving
is not feasible due to depth and time
limitations or when expensive manned submersibles are not cost
effective.\r\n\r\n'),(2194,'007007004','THROW BAG (STOK)','007007','2008-05-13
with 6.6mm diameter sash braid MFP.- \n\n-The line is strong and floats on
water- \n\n-Flexible and anti-tangling- \n\n-Highly visible- \n\n-Stored in a
bright orange bag- \n\n-Self standing- \n\n'),(2195,'007007005','GRAPLING IRON Z/W
ROPE (STOK)','007007','2008-05-13 17:00:33','2017-08-24
(2196,'007007006','SONAR SYSTEM','007007','2008-05-13 17:00:46','2009-05-25
13:50:01','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sonar adalah teknik yang menggunakan perambatan
bunyi untuk memandu arah, komunikasi dan mengesan kapal selam. Terdapat dua jenis
sonar iaitu aktif dan pasif. Data sonar ditangkap dan dipancarkan kepada stesen
dilapangan untuk disimpan kedalam database. Komponen sonar terdiri daripada Sonar
Control/Display Unit, Network Sounder, 1-KW, 50-KHz/200-KHz Transducer, Ruggedized
Laptop Computer, Ethernet Hub . \r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nSonar
</b>(which started as an acronym for sound navigation and ranging) is a technique
that uses sound propagation (usually underwater) to navigate, communicate or to
detect other vessels. There are two kinds of sonar#active and passive. Sonar may be
used as a means of acoustic location. Sonar data was captured and transmitted to
the field camp where the data was captured on a laptop computer and save to a
database.<BR>\r\nComponents of the sonar system include:\r\n\r\nSonar
Control/Display Unit \r\nNetwork Sounder \r\n1-KW, 50-KHz/200-KHz Transducer
\r\nRuggedized Laptop Computer \r\nEthernet Hub \r\nWireless Ethernet Bridge
\r\nSonar Data Capture Software \r\nSonar Data Analysis Software \r\n'),
(2197,'007007007','FLOAT AND FLOAT MARKER (STOK)','007007','2008-05-13
17:01:06','2017-08-24 11:31:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pelampung dan Tanda
Pelampung\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\nIdeally suited for use by marine
rescue or law enforcement personnel for temporary marking of a location. The float
is a reusable buoy made of structural foamed resin & weighs only 1 lb. High
visibility yellow with dayglow rings. Includes 100\' of polyethylene 225 lb. test
line, and a 6 oz. non-drag dispatchable anchor. '),(2198,'007007008','AIRLINE
THROWER KIT (STOK)','007007','2008-05-13 17:01:41','2017-08-24
(2199,'007007009','UNDER WATER SPREADER','007007','2008-05-13 17:02:04','2008-11-20
(2200,'007007010','BOUYANCY COMPANSATOR JACKET (STOK))','007007','2008-05-13
compasator jacket/device </b>keep your body afloat.\n Scalloped lower edge rises
above the hips, \n- Air cell completely surrounds back pack, \n- Hybrid design
gives the best of both worlds, \n- ADV jacket style & and back Inflation Unit.
\n'),(2201,'007007011','TANGKI SIMPANAN UDARA (STOK)','007007','2008-05-13
17:03:26','2017-08-24 11:32:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tangki Simpanan
Udara\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nBreathing Gas Cyilinder'),
(2202,'007008001','MULTI GAS DETECTOR','007008','2008-05-13 17:04:12','2008-12-01
16:16:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Pengesan Pelbagai
Gas\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nMulti-gas detector </b>for the continuous
measurement of hydrogen sulphide, carbon monoxide, oxygen and explosive gases.
\r\navailable as a three- or four-gas detector with the following sensor
combinations:\r\n\r\nEx, O2, CO \r\nEx, O2, H2S or \r\nEx, O2, H2S, CO.\r\n'),
(2203,'007008002','NOISE DOSIMETER','007008','2008-05-13 17:04:32','2008-12-01
16:15:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Penyukat Dos
Bunyi\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></B>\r\nThis personal noise dosimeter
measures total sound exposure over an 8-hour period. Ideal for personal and
workplace monitoring.'),(2204,'007008003','HEAVY DUTY LIGHT METER','007008','2008-
05-13 17:04:48','2015-09-02 08:47:31','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meter Pengukur Cahaya
pada cermin (glass), permukaan berkaca, lantai/dinding berkaca, dan lain-lain.
Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Glass Check, Window Profiler...
\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\nA light meter is a device used to measure the
amount of light. In photography, a light meter is often used to determine the
proper exposure for a photograph.\nLight meters are also used in the fields of
cinematography and scenic design, in order to determine the optimum light level for
a scene. They are used in the general field of lighting.'),
(2205,'007008004','CHEMICAL AGENT WARFARE DETECTION','007008','2008-05-13
17:06:09','2008-12-01 16:17:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Agen Pengesan Peperangan
Bahan Kimia\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nchemical agent Warefare
Detection'),(2206,'007008005','HEAT AND SMOKE TEST KIT','007008','2008-05-13
17:06:50','2008-12-01 16:13:37','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Perkakas Pengujian Haba dan
Asap\r\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\r\nHeat and Smoke Test Kit'),
(2207,'007008006','THERMAL ANEMOMETER','007008','2008-05-13 17:07:12','2010-09-23
Anemometers </b> measure air velocity and temperature, calculate flow rate and
perform statistical calculations. Models are available that add a humidity
measurement and perform dew point and wet bulb temperature calculations.'),
(2210,'007009001','PAKAIAN CPS (CPS SUIT)','007009','2008-05-13 17:12:14','2008-11-
20 15:46:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCPS</b> is
fabricated from PVC and special chemical barrier materials which will protect the
wearer from harmful chemicals at incidents. Whenever CPS is used at incidents,
appropriate type of Respiratory Protection Equipment (breathing apparatus or
respirators) should be worn. \r\nFunction There are three types of CPS in use in
the Service, namely Level A, Level B & Level C.\r\n \r\n'),
(2211,'007009002','PERALATAN DEKONTAMINASI','007009','2008-05-13 17:12:31','2008-
11-27 10:55:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan Decontaminasi (alat nyah
kontaminasi)adalah alat untuk menghilangkan kuman dan
pencemaran\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nDecontamination Devices'),
(2212,'007009003','HAZARD SHOWER','007009','2008-05-13 17:12:43','2010-09-23
11:17:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pancaran air untuk membersihkan badan dari
sinaran, bahan kimia atau lain-lain
hazmat\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nHazard Shower </b> is use for on the
spot/ emergency decontamination. '),(2213,'007009004','HAZARD POOL','007009','2008-
05-13 17:12:50','2008-12-01 16:22:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kolam hazmat yang
digunakan untuk badan yang tercemar.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nHazard
Pool'),(2214,'004001014','BIO REACTOR','004001','2008-05-13 19:30:50','2017-02-03
09:39:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bio reaktor atau alat pemeraman, biasanya
berbentuk seperti dandang. Menyediakan persekitaran aktif untuk proses biologi bagi
organisam. Ianya terdapat pelbagai jenis/jenama seperti FERMENTER
dll<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION </b><br>A <b>Bioreactor</b> may refer to any device or
system that supports a biologically active environment. In one case, a bioreactor
is a vessel in which is carried out a chemical process which involves organisms or
biochemically active substances derived from such organisms. This process can
either be aerobic or anaerobic. These bioreactors are commonly cylindrical, ranging
in size from liters to cube meters.\n\nA bioreactor may also refer to a device or
system meant to grow cells or tissues in the context of cell culture. These devices
are being developed for use in tissue engineering.\n\n'),(2215,'004001015','COD
REACTOR','004001','2008-05-13 19:31:08','2009-02-23
10:01:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'COD Reaktor\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION
</b><br><b>COD Reactors </b> fully insulated heater block. Compact and solidly
built. Temperature safeguards are provided to prevent overheating. The lids are
transparent and lock do deter premature checking of the progress of the
reaction.\r\nUse for digestions for metals analysis, digestions for nutrients
analysis, or culture biological samples. , the units are factory set to the correct
temperature. \r\n\r\n'),(2216,'004002001','UNIVERSAL OVEN','004002','2008-05-13
19:32:28','2009-02-23 11:06:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat ketuhar pemanas yang
biasanya digunakan untuk memanas atau mengeringkan bahan atau sampel. Suhu dapat
dikawal oleh pelaras. Terdapat juga yang mempunyai pemasa<br><br><B><I>
DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nAn <b>Oven</b> is an enclosed compartment for heating,
baking or drying. Ovens have a simple thermostat which turns the oven on and off
and selects the temperature at which it will operate. A timer may allow the oven to
be turned on and off automatically at pre-set time.'),(2217,'004002002','VACUUM
OVEN','004002','2008-05-13 19:32:42','2009-02-23
11:08:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Ketuhar Vakum (Vacuum Oven) beroperasi sama
saperti ketuhar biasa. Ketuhar Vakum disambungkan dengan pum vakum (vacuum pump).
Biasanya ketuhar ini mempunyai vakum gage, exhaust valve dan berpintu
cermin<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nVacuum Oven</b> features a spacious
rectangular chamber with toughened glass viewing window and shatter-resistant
safety screen. Vacuum Oven enables heat sensitive materials to be dried at low
temperatures.\r\nNeedle type inlet and exhaust valves are fitted, situated near the
bottom front corner of the oven for connection to a vacuum pump, vapour trap or
exhaust. \r\nOven temperature is controlled by a direct reading hydraulic
thermostat .\r\n'),(2218,'004002003','LAB MICROWAVE OVEN','004002','2008-05-13
19:33:08','2009-02-23 11:09:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Ketuhar Gelombang mikro
didatangkan dalam saiz dan stail yang berbeza. Menggunakan radiasi gelombang mikro
untuk memasak/memanaskan bahan makanan atau sampel. Paras kuasa boleh dilaraskan
dengan ruangan memasak yang bertutup sepenuhnya untuk menghindari kebocoran
gelombang mikro<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nA <b>Microwave Oven</b> is an
appliance that comes in many different sizes and styles employing microwave
radiation primarily to cook or heat food and samples. \r\nMost microwave ovens
allow the user to choose between several power levels and time. \r\nThe cooking
chamber itself is a Faraday cage enclosure which prevents the microwaves from
escaping into the environment while the door is usually a glass panel for easy
viewing.'),(2219,'004002004','MICROWAVE DIGESTION OVEN','004002','2008-05-13
19:33:39','2009-02-11 12:12:37','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Menggunakan Microwave
Digestion Oven adalah satu cara penyediaan sampel yang mudah dan cepat. Microwave
Digestion Oven menggunakan suhu yang tinggi, vesel yang tertup dan pencernaan
asid.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</B><BR>Microwave Digestion sample preparation is the
technology of choice for trace and ultra-trace metals analysis. Using Microwave
Digestion Oven with high temperature, closed vessel, acid digestion prepares
samples in less time than older methods (minutes rather than hours), uses less
acid, and retains even volatile elements. \r\nWith microwave digestion ovens, you
can easily digest even the toughest organic or inorganic sample matrix.\r\n'),
(2220,'004002005','ANNEALING OVEN','004002','2008-05-13 19:37:39','2009-02-23
11:02:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Oven Penyepuhlindapan - Pemantapan bahan melalui
pemanasan dan penyejukan warna. \r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nAnnealing
Oven</b> is a heat treatment device, wherein a material is altered, causing changes
in its properties such as strength and hardness. It is a process that produces
conditions by heating and maintaining a suitable temperature, and then
cooling.\r\n'),(2221,'004003001','FRONT LOADING AUTOCLAVE','004003','2008-05-13
19:39:18','2019-02-13 10:15:29','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Autoklaf (Autoclave) ialah
alat yang digunakan untuk menyucikan hama dan membasmi kuman peralatan atau lain-
lain objek. Autoklaf muatan depan mempunyai pintu masuk barang dari bahagian depan.
<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION</b><br>\nAutoclave</b> is a device that uses steam to
sterilize equipment and other objects. This means that all bacteria, viruses,
fungi, and spores are inactivated.\n<b>Front Loading Autoclave</b> has front door
to access equipment and other objects.\nAutoclaves also have timers, temperature
and pressure gauges use to monitor those parameters.'),(2222,'004003002','TOP
LOADING AUTOCLAVE','004003','2008-05-13 19:40:56','2009-02-23
11:10:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Autoklaf muatan atas adalah alat autoklaf yang
mempunyai pintu yang boleh dibuka dari bahagian atas<br><br><B><I>
DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nTop Loading autoclave</b> has loading access from the top of
the instrument, comes with timers, temperature and pressure gauges.'),
(2223,'004003003','BENCHTOP AUTOCLAVE','004003','2008-05-13 19:41:42','2009-02-23
11:10:43','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bench top autoklaf biasanya bersaiz kecil yang
boleh beroperasi diatas meja makmal.\r\n<br><br><B><I>
DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nBenchtop Autoclave</b> with smaller in size usually placed
on lab bench. Complete with pressure, temperature, time gauges and alerts. \r\n'),
(2224,'004004001','UNIVERSAL FURNACE','004004','2008-05-13 19:43:07','2009-02-23
11:05:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Relau (Furnace) adalah alat memanas yang bersuhu
tinggi. Ruangan dalam relau biasanya diperbuat daripada ceramik. <br><br><B><I>
DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nA <b>Furnace</b> is a device used for high temperature
heating. Furnace is a major appliance that is permanently installed to provide heat
to an interior ceramic chamber. Complete with temperature setting and indicator.'),
(2225,'004004002','MELTING FURNACE','004004','2008-05-13 19:43:40','2009-02-23
11:12:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Relau yang digunakan untuk mencairkan bahan-
bahan.\r\n<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nMelting Furnaces</b> used to melt
metal in foundries workshop or laboratory. \r\n'),(2226,'004004003','TUBE
FURNACE','004004','2008-05-13 19:43:56','2009-02-23
11:12:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tube Furnace adalah relau yang berbentuk selinder,
dibaluti dengan elemen pemanas dalam cavity ceramik. Suhu dapat dilaras dengan
menggunkan thermocouple<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nTube Furnace</b> is a
heating device for conducting syntheses and purifications of inorganic compounds.
The usual design consists of a cylindrical cavity surrounded by heating coils,
which are imbedded in a thermally insulating matrix.\r\nTemperature is controlled
via a feedback from a thermocouple. The temperature controllers often allow the
operator to program the heating and cooling rates.\r\n'),(2227,'004005001','LAB
CENTRIFUGE','004005','2008-05-13 19:44:50','2009-02-23
11:14:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Emparan (centrifuge) adalah alat yang dipacu oleh
motor, dimana objek dipusing keliling satu axis tetap. Emparan menggunakan prinsip
enapan untuk mengasingkan bahan berlainan ketumpatan.\r\n<br><br><B><I>
DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nA <b>Centrifuge</b> is a piece of equipment, generally
driven by a motor, that puts an object in rotation around a fixed axis, applying a
force perpendicular to the axis. The centrifuge works using the sedimentation
principle, where the centripetal acceleration is used to separate substances of
greater and lesser density'),(2228,'004005002','HIGH SPEED
CENTRIFUGE','004005','2008-05-13 19:45:08','2009-02-23
11:15:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Emparan kelajuan tinggi menggunakan daya emparan
sehingga 60 000 x g. Kelajuan pusingan boleh mencapai sehingga 20000 ke 30000 rpm.
Megnatik rotor mengelakkan daripada kelebihan had laju. Penutup pintu mempunyai
sistem kunci yang dikawal oleh motor.\r\n<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nHigh
Speed Centrifuge </b>for centrifugal forces of up to and more than 60 000 x g.
\r\nSpeed range from 20 000 to 30 000 rpm.,Magnetic rotor identification prevents
overspeeding rotors. \r\nMotorized (Soft close) lid lock system and time pre-
setting infinite or up to 9h.'),(2229,'004005003','ULTRA HIGH SPEED
CENTRIFUGE','004005','2008-05-13 19:45:27','2009-02-23
11:32:27','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Emparan berkelajuan Ultra Laju berupaya memutar
rotor dengan kelajuan yang sangat tinggi, menghasilkan daya emparan sehingga
1,000,000 g. Dengan putaran selaju itu ia berupaya menghasilkan enapan virus
didalam plasma darah.\r\n<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nThe ultracentrifuge
</b>is a centrifuge optimized for spinning a rotor at very high speeds, capable of
generating acceleration as high as 1,000,000 g (9,800 km/s2). Ultra high-speed
centrifuge with a rotation rate fast enough to produce sedimentation of viruses,
even in blood plasma. Many kinds of biochemical analyses use ultracentrifuge,
including such analyses as the measurement and separation of some proteins and
19:45:45','2009-02-23 11:33:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,' Emparan yang bersaiz kecil
menggunakan mikro tube termasuklah serofuge dan haematocrit centrifuge. Mempunyai
kelajuan maksima 12000 ke 14000 rpm dan saiz rotor maksima 24x2
ml.\r\n<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nThe smaller centrifuges are known as
<b>Microcentrifuges</b> or microfuges, and microcentrifuge tubes or microfuge
tubes are used with them. Maximum speed 12000 to 14000 rpm dan rotor saiz up to
24x2ml.\r\nIncluding serofuge, haematocrit centrifuge.\r\n'),
(2231,'004005005','REFRIGERATED CENTRIFUGE','004005','2008-05-13 19:46:03','2009-
02-23 11:33:56','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Refrigerated Centrifuge adalah emparan yang
boleh disejukkan, dimana suhu dapat dikawal bagi sebahagian sampel yang memerlukan
suhu rendah.\r\n<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nRefrigerated Centrifuge</b>is
for temperatature-controlled centrifugation of its sample.'),
(2233,'004006001','INKUBATOR (INCUBATOR)','004006','2008-05-13 19:46:38','2013-06-
11 14:35:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Inkubator adalah alat penyejukan yang boleh
dikawal suhu dan kelembapan serta ada yang boleh dikawal karbon dioksida. (CO2).
Suhu boleh dilaraskan diparas sejuk dan panas. Ianya digunakan dalam pelbagai
bidang seperti makmal, pertanian, pengujian dll yang terdiri dari pelbagai jenama
dan jenis.\n<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION</b><br>\nAn <b> Incubator </b> is a device
for controlling the temperature, humidity, and other conditions.\nThe simplest
incubators are insulated boxes with an adjustable heater, typically going up to 60
to 65 degre C (140 to 150 degre F), though some can go slightly higher (generally
to no more than 100 degre C). More elaborate incubators can also include the
ability to lower the temperature (via refrigeration), or the ability to control
humidity or CO2 levels.\n<br>Most incubators include a timer; some can also be
programmed to cycle through different temperatures, humidity levels, etc.
<br>Incubators can vary in size from tabletop to units the size of small
rooms.\n\nIncubators also contain certain features such as the shaker.'),
(2234,'004006002','PETI SEJUK BEKU KOMERSIAL (FREEZER)','004006','2008-05-13
19:46:49','2009-02-23 11:35:31','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peti sejuk beku adalah alat
yang boleh mengekalkan suhu dibawah paras beku. Peti sejuk beku mengekalkan bahan
didalamnya beku. Kebanyakkan peti sejuk beku boleh beroperasi sehingga keparas -18
darjah celsius.\r\n<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nA device which maintains a
temperature below the freezing point of water is called a <b> Freezer</b>\r\n
Freezers keep their contents frozen. They are used both in households and
for commercial use. Most freezers operate at around -18 degre C (0 degre F).
Domestic freezers can be included as a compartment in a refrigerator. Streamlined
glass door freezer allows viewing of the food inside.\r\n\r\n'),
(2235,'004006003','KEBUK PERTUMBUHAN (GROWTH/ HUMIDITY CHAMBER)','004006','2008-05-
13 19:47:10','2014-09-03 15:37:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kebuk Pertumbuhan adalah
alat atau ruang yang dikawal suhu, kelembapan yang sesuai untuk pertumbuhan dan
percambahan. Terdapat juga dalam bentuk modular atau bilik. Kebuk pertumbuhan
terdapat dimakmal penyelidikan.<br><br><i>Culturing of plant material under
accurately controlled environmental \r\nconditions is done inside <b> Growth
/Humidity Chamber</b>. With the features range of growing area and height, wide
temperature / humidity envelopes and advanced lighting options. <br> Also avaiable
as Modular Construction plant growth room or \r\nWalk In Chambers with a range of
temperature and climate test chambers especially developed for large test specimens
that cannot \r\nnormally be tested in a standard-sized test
chamber.\r\n\r\n\r\nVersatile Chamber:\r\nTissue Culture, Plant Growth, Pathogen
Development, Insect Culture, Seed Storage.\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n'),
REFRIGERATOR)','004006','2008-05-13 19:47:38','2015-09-03
11:00:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peti sejuk komersial adalah alat penyejukan yang
digunakan secara intensif untuk penyimpanan barangan/makanan daripada dirosakkan
oleh bakteria. Terdapat dalam berbagai saiz dan mempunyai pelbagai kawalan
suhu.<br><br><i><b>Refrigerators</b> are extensively used to store foods and other
samples which deteriorate at ambient temperatures; spoilage from bacterial growth
and other processes is much slower at low temperatures. Lab Medical refrigerator
use to store vaccine and medical use.Lab/Commercial Refrigerator refers to its size
and usage. <br>Refrigeration is the process of removing heat from an enclosed
space, or from a substance, and rejecting it elsewhere for the primary purpose of
lowering the temperature of the enclosed space or substance and then maintaining
that lower temperature. \n\n . '),(2237,'004006005','ICE FLAKER','004006','2008-05-
13 19:47:57','2009-02-23 11:36:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Ice Flaker adalah Mesin
pembuat ketulan ais. Mesin ini dapat mengeluarkan kepingan atau ketulan ais dengan
cepat dan seragam.\r\n<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nIce Flaker Machine</b> ia a
machine use to produce and delivers uniform flake ice faster. Ice flaker machine
equip with self contained ice flaker, with insulated ice storage bins and it comes
in variety of sizes and capacity.'),(2238,'004006006','LAB WATER
CHILLER','004006','2008-05-13 19:48:10','2019-02-13
10:53:33','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lab water chiller atau penyejuk air adalah untuk
menyejukkan suhu air di dalam takungan. \n'),(2239,'004006007','LIQUID NITROGEN
STORAGE (STOK)','004006','2008-05-13 19:48:41','2017-02-03
12:11:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Liquid Nitrogen Storage tersebut mempunyai lapisan
penebat hampagas untuk mengekalkan suhu sejuk nitrogen cecair. <br><br><B><I>
DESCRIPTION<br>\nLiquid Nitrogen Storage </b> is a vacuum flask which keeps its
contents cooler than their environment. The vacuum referred to is used for thermal
insulation; the contents are not in vacuum conditions.<br>\n\nUsing vacuum as an
insulator avoids heat transfer by conduction or convection. The tank also \nhave an
opening for contents to be added and removed.\n'),(2240,'004006008','WATER
COOLER','004006','2008-05-13 19:48:56','2009-02-23
11:38:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Water cooler adalah alat untuk menyejukkan air
minuman dan mengeluarkan air minuman. Terdapat dua jenis water cooler, yang
menpunyai tabung simpanan air dan tanpa tabung air. \r\n<br><br><B><I>
DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nA <b> Water Cooler </b> is a device that cools and
dispenses water. They are two types, bottle-less and bottled water coolers. Bottle-
less water coolers are hooked up to a water supply, while bottled water coolers
require delivery of water in large bottles from vendors.\r\n\r\nThe most common
form of the water cooler is wall mounted and connected to the building\'s water
supply for a continuous supply of water and electricity to run a refrigeration unit
to cool the incoming water, and to the building\'s waste disposal system to dispose
of unused water\r\n'),(2241,'004006009','DEHUMIDIFIER','004006','2008-05-13
19:49:10','2019-02-13 10:57:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Dehumidifier adalah alat
untuk mengurangkan paras kelembapan dalam udara bagi alasan kesihatan manusia dan
kecekapan peralatan. <br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION</b><br>\nA <b> Dehumidifier </b> is
a device that reduces the level of humidity in air, usually for health reasons and
instrument efficiency.Very high humidity levels are also unpleasant for human
beings and cause condensation to the instruments.\nMost dehumidifiers can be
adapted to connect the drip output directly to a drain, though they usually come
with a collection receptable. There are usually sensors to detect when the
collection device is full. '),(2242,'004007001','LAB MIXER','004007','2008-05-13
19:51:16','2019-02-13 11:21:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Laboratory Mixer digunakan
untuk mencampur, memekat, mencerai-ceraikan dan juga melarutkan sampel.'),
(2243,'004007002','LAB CUTTER/CHOPPER','004007','2008-05-13 19:51:49','2009-02-23
11:43:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lab cutter/chopper adalah alat
pemotong/mencingcang tumbuhan sayur, makanan, daging dan sebagainya di dalam
makmal, industri dan lain-lain. \r\n<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nThe Meat
<b>Chopper</b> works mainly via rotating screw\'s pushing raw meat to the precut
shadow mask in the reamer chamber. \r\nMultifunctional vegetable
<b>cutters</b>/vegetable <b>chopper</b>/potato chip slicer/garlic slicer simulate
the principle of hand-cutting and adopt centrifugal slicing structure.</i>'),
(2244,'004007003','LAB BLENDER','004007','2008-05-13 19:52:02','2009-02-23
11:43:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Lab Blender</b> adalah alat yang digunakan
didalam makmal untuk menghancur dan mencampurkan bahan-bahan supaya menjadi halus
dan murni. Campuran boleh jadi dalam bentuk cecair, kerim atau serbuk. Blender
mengandungi motor untuk memutar, mata pisau dan bekas adunan bahan yang diperbuat
dari plastik, kaca atau stainless steel. \r\n<br><br><B><I>
DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\n<b>A Blender</b>, used to mix ingredients or puree
food.\r\nA blender consists of a housing, motor, blades, and food container.The
blending container can be made of glass, plastic, or stainless steel.</i>\r\n'),
(2245,'004007004','LAB MILL','004007','2008-05-13 19:52:19','2019-02-13
11:25:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lab Mill digunakan untuk penyediaan sampel di
makmal. Bahan sampel dimasukkan kedalam bekas pengisar melalui corong. Sisip pintu
pada bekas pengisar membolehkan hasil kisaran dikeluarkan. Bekas pengisar
dilengkapkan dengan empat bilah pisau pemotong pegun khas stainless steel, manakala
rotor yang disambungkan kepada motor melalui gandar mempunyai pisau pemotong yang
boleh dilaraskan<br> Suis keselamatan terdapat pada bekas pengisar menghalang Lab
Mill beroperasi ketika penutup bekas terbuka.\n<br><br><B><I>
DESCRIPTION</b><br>\n<b>Lab Mill </b> is ideal for laboratory sample
preparation.\nLoad material through the feed hopper into the grinding chamber of
the mill. A slide gate at the hopper outlet permits precise dosing of the material.
The grinding chamber is equipped with four special steel stationary cutting knives.
The rotor, which is fixed to the motor shaft, has adjustable knives.<br>\nSafety
switches in the grinding chamber and at the collector, prevent operation of the
mill when the door of the grinding chamber is open. </i>\n\n \n\n'),
(2246,'004007005','LAB CRUSHER','004007','2008-05-13 19:52:49','2008-07-17
11:43:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,' <b>Lab Crusher</b> adalah mesin penghancur yang
menggunakan permukaan metal untuk memecahkan atau menghancurkan objek /sampel
kepada ukuran yang lebih kecil. Objek/sampel kemudiannya diperhaluskan lagi dengan
menggunakan pengisar (grinder) untuk menghasilkan partikel yang lebih halus atau
serbuk.<br><br><i><b>Description<br> A Crusher </b> is typically a machine which
uses a metal surface to break or reduce large solid material objects into a
smaller volume, or smaller pieces.\r\nCrushers are used to reduce particle size
enough so that the material can be processed into finer particles in a grinder.
</i> \r\n'),(2247,'004007006','ULTRASONIC PROCESSOR','004007','2008-05-13
19:53:13','2019-02-13 11:29:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Utrasonic
Processor</b>(sonicator) adalah alat yang digunakan dalam kerja penyediaan sampel
saperti melarut, mencampur, mengganggu sel, pengemulasian atau pengeluaran gas
cecair. Probe Ultrasonic khas menghasilkan getaran sonar yang canggih digunakan
pada microplates, vial autosampler, vial storage atau vial reagen.<br> Kawalan
kuasa membolehkan Kuasa keluaran pada tip probe dilaraskan bagi mendapat output
yang sesuai. <br><br><i><b>Description<br>The Ultrasonic Processor</b>(sonicator)
devices can be used for the preparation of samples, such as dissolving, mixing,
cell disruption, emulsification or degassing. Special ultrasonic lab probe devices
allow for sophisticated sonication of microplates or autosampler vials, storage
vials or reagent vials. <br>Variable Power Output Controls allows the ultrasonic
vibrations at the probe tip to be set to any desired amplitude</i>\n'),
(2248,'004007007','STOMACHER','004007','2008-05-13 19:53:27','2008-07-17
13:09:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b> Stomacher</b> sejenis alat yang bersaiz
sebesar kotak digunakan untuk menghancurkan sampel dengan menggunakan dua keping
metal berbentuk pengayuh dengan cara memukul beg plastik . Sampel diletakkan
didalam plastik beg bersama
dengan air atau cecair.<br><br><b><i> Description <br>A Stomacher </b> is about
the size of a bread box, with two paddles that beat on a plastic bag filled with a
water-like buffer and sample. </i>'),(2249,'004007008','LAB GRINDER
MACHINE','004007','2008-05-13 19:53:50','2019-02-13
11:30:29','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan menghancur,
mengisar, memutar, menghalus pelbagai bahan-bahan mentah kepada butiran halus.
Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Lab Grinder, Rice Grader,
Pelletizer dll\n<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION</b><br>\nLab Grinder </b>grinds material
to narrow particle size distribution, with few unwanted fines, while minimizing
impact and heat generation during process. Suitable for achieving results on lab
and pilot plant scale, precision particle reduction solution. (Baker Pot Stainless
Steel Blander)'),(2250,'004008001','SHAKER','004008','2008-05-13 19:54:39','2013-
09-18 15:35:41','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Laboratory Shaker</b> digunakan untuk
mencampuradukan atau mengacau sampel didalam bekas. Shaker mempunyai pelantar
penggoncang atau pemegang bekas yang disambungkan kepada motor dan panel kawalan.
Pelantar direka supaya boleh meletak atau memegang bekar, kelalang, tabung uji dan
mencampurkan sampel dengan menggoncangkan pelantar. Laboratory shaker diketegorikan
melalui gaya goncangan termasuklah orbital, reciprocating, rocking, rolling,
rotating atau vortex atau Thermomixer.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Laboratory
Shakers </b> are used to blend or agitate samples within a vessel. The shaker has
an agitation platform or vassel clip holder connected to a motor and control panel.
The platform is designed to take beaker, flasks or tubes and mix the sample via the
shaking motion of the platform. Laboratory shakers are categorized by their manner
of shaking motion and include orbital, reciprocating, rocking, rolling, rotating
and vortex.</i>'),(2251,'004008002','LAB STIRRER/OVERHEAD STIRRER','004008','2008-
05-13 19:54:51','2009-02-19 17:14:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pengaduk/pengacau
sampel cecair<br><br><I><B>DESCRIPTION:<BR>Lab stirrer /Overhead stirrers</B> that
are ideal for every stirring need. Stirrers are equipped for constant speed or
variable speed. They are designed for emulsions, suspensions, water or oil mixtures
that require high torque or extremely high speeds. Strrer consists of shafts,
propellers, chucks, and stands may has control speed, torque and mixing
time.</i>'),(2252,'004008003','LAB ROTATOR','004008','2008-05-13 19:55:04','2019-
02-13 12:05:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rotator adalah pemutar, digunakan untuk
memutar bekas (container)sampel.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<BR>Rotator </b> rotates
sample through a horizontal circle. Samples can be rotated at variable specific
rpm, diameter, time. Lever sets angle of rotation and tubes are clips on slanting
plate. For flat platform, mixing of liquids in containers placed on top of
platform. </i>'),(2253,'004008004','SIEVE SHAKER','004008','2008-05-13
19:55:21','2009-02-19 17:27:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sieve Shaker ialah Pengetar
Pengayak<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<BR> Sieve Shaker</b> sieving motion - in
horizontal circular movement with taps. Suitable for dry sieving powders, bulk
materials etc. Complete with adjustable plate for sieve stack and digital
timer.\r\n'),(2254,'004008005','VIBRATING TABLE','004008','2008-05-13
19:55:37','2019-02-13 12:09:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Penggegar atau
penggetar.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<BR>Vibrating tables or Vibrator</B> or shake
tables are sometimes used to test products to determine or demonstrate their
ability to withstand vibration.\nThe HIGH and LOW speed are variable to allow
device to vibrate a mixing bowl or flask at the correct speed. The fully covered
larger rubber table is built to hold larger flasks and mixing bowls. \nThe rubber
top is removable for easy cleaning and replacement. '),(2255,'004009001','CHART
RECORDER','004009','2008-05-13 19:56:03','2019-02-13
12:29:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Chart Recorder adalah alat elektromekanikal yang
digunakan untuk merakam input elektrik atau mekanikal diatas sekeping kertas yang
berskala. Mempunyai beberapa input terminal dan merakam menggunakan beberapa pen
berwarna.'),(2256,'004009002','PLOTTER','004009','2008-05-13 19:56:14','2009-02-19
23:22:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Plotter atau Pemplot melukis graph yang
menunjukkan perkaitan antara dua variabel diatas kertas menggunakan sebatang
pen.<br><br><i><b>Description<br>A Plotter</b> is a vector graphics printing
device that connects to a computer.Pen plotters print by moving a pen across the
surface of a piece of paper. This means that plotters are restricted to line art,
rather than raster graphics as with other printers. <br>Pen plotters can draw
complex line art, including text, but do so very slowly because of the mechanical
movement of the pens. Pen Plotters are incapable of creating a solid region of
color; but can hatch an area by drawing a number of close, regular
lines.</i>\r\n'),(2257,'004009003','DATA LOGGER','004009','2008-05-13
19:56:26','2009-02-19 23:33:45','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Data Logger alat pencatat
data secara sendiri sepanjang masa atau melalui sensor yang dilengkapkan bersama
alat.<br><br><i><b>Description<br>A Data Logger</b> (also datalogger or Data
recorder) is an electronic device that records data over time or in relation to
location either with a built in instrument or sensor or via external instruments
and sensors. <br> They generally are small, battery powered, portable, and equipped
with a microprocessor, internal memory for data storage, and sensors.<br> Some data
loggers interface with a personal computer and utilize software to activate the
data logger and view and analyze the collected data, while others have a local
interface device (keypad, LCD) and can be used as a stand-alone device</i>'),
(2258,'004009004','PAD PRINTER','004009','2008-05-13 19:56:41','2009-02-19
23:42:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pad Printer adalah pencetak yang menggunakan pad
silikon, mencetak secara menyalin imej daripada plat pencetak kepada permukaan
yang hendak dicetak.<br><br><i><b>Description</b><br> Pad printing is a printing
process that can transfer a 2-D image onto a 3-D object by using <b>Pad Printer
Machine</b> . This is accomplished using an indirect offset printing process that
involves an image being transferred from the printing plate via a silicone pad
onto a substrate (surface to be printed). Pad printing is used for printing on
otherwise impossible products in many industries including medical, automotive,
promotional, apparel, electronics, appliances, sports equipment and toys. '),
(2259,'004010001','DC POWER SUPPLY','004010','2008-05-13 19:57:19','2009-02-23
09:23:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Bekalan Kuasa arus terus
(DC).<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>A device or system that supplies electrical
or other types of energy to an output load or group of loads is called a <b>Power
Supply </b>unit or PSU.\r\n<b>DC Power Supply </b>converting 120 or 240 volt AC
supplied to a well-regulated lower voltage DC for electronic devices.'),
(2260,'004010002','UNINTERRUPT POWER SUPPLY','004010','2008-05-13 19:57:52','2009-
02-23 11:52:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Bekalan Kuasa Tanpa Ganguan adalah alat
bekalan kuasa yang dilengkapi dengan beteri. Alat ini beroperasi menggunakan kuasa
dari arus ulang alik (AC) dalam masa yang sama mengecas bateri
storan.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br> An <b>Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
</b> takes its power from two or more sources simultaneously. It is usually powered
directly from the AC mains, while simultaneously charging a storage battery. Should
there be a dropout or failure of the mains, the battery instantly takes over so
that the load never experiences an interruption.'),
(2261,'004010003','BATTERY/JUMPER POWER CHARGER','004010','2008-05-13
19:58:14','2015-11-13 17:59:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pengecas/Pembekal kuasa
melalui kuasa voltage bateri, tranformer, power supply, dll.
\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br> Battery/ Jumper Charger'),
(2262,'004010004','AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE REGULATOR','004010','2008-05-13
19:58:41','2009-02-23 09:53:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Automatic Voltage
Regulator(AVR) adalah alat kawalan voltan keluaran. Apabila voltan keluaran tidak
bersih atau beban berubah AVR akan mengawal dan menstabilkan voltan
keluaran.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</B><br>AVR is an abbreviation for <B>Automatic
Voltage Regulator</B>.It is important part in Synchronous Generators, it controls
the output voltage of the generator by controlling its excitation current. \r\nWhen
the voltage of \r\nthe network is not steady or the load varies, the automatic
sampling control circuit \r\nThus it can control the output Reactive Power of the
Generator.\r\n\r\nmakes a signal to drive the servomotor to adjust the position of
the carbon \r\nbrush of the self-coupling voltage regulator so as to have the
output voltage regulated to the rating and to obtain the steady state. \r\n'),
(2263,'004010005','VOLTAGE STABILIZER','004010','2008-05-13 19:59:09','2009-02-23
09:58:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Voltage Stabilizer adalah alat bekalan kuasa yang
stabil sesuai untuk kegunaan peralatan elektronik saperti komputer, television dan
lain-lain.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>The Voltage Stabilizer</b> is used for
supplying power to any of electric equipments which require stable electric power,
Such as: Computer, TV, copping machine, air conditioner comperessor, refrigerator,
technical or development, programming telephone, high precision video and light
system. It is ideal stabilizer which can be used in the industrial, scientifical
research and medical field as well as domestic apparatus. \r\n\r\nFunctions and
Features \r\n1. High precision of output voltage. \r\n2. Over voltage
protection. \r\n3. Compact size, light weight.
\r\n4. Continuous and stable voltage.'),(2264,'004010006','VOLTAGE
INVERTER','004010','2008-05-13 19:59:45','2019-02-13
12:53:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peranti elektronik atau litar yang mengubah arus
terus (DC) kepada arus selari (AC).'),(2265,'004010007','ADAPTER
(STOK)','004010','2008-05-13 20:00:00','2012-02-23
16:15:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Adapter adalah alat yang digunakan untuk membekal
kuasa/voltage kepada sesuatu perkakasan seperti laptop, computer, camera dll
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>Two kind of <b>Adapter </b> AC or DC. AC adapter
or power adapter is built into the top of a plug. Same kind of DC adapter offering
different voltage or polarity, or a different plug offering the same voltage.
<br>\"Universal\" adapters attempt to replace missing or damaged ones, using
multiple plugs and selectors for different voltages and polaritie'),
(2266,'004010008','TRANSFORMER (STEP-DOWN/STEP UP /VARIAC)','004010','2008-05-13
10:38:33','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Transformer(menaik/menurun/boleh dilaras)
digunakan untuk menaikkan ,menurun atau melaras voltan keluaran.
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>Transformer </b>is use to step-up and step-down
transformers in areas where supply voltage is too low or too high. '),
(2267,'004010009','VARIABLE TRANSFORMER','004010','2008-05-13 20:01:09','2019-02-13
12:58:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Transformer(menaik/menurun/boleh dilaras)
digunakan untuk menaikkan ,menurun atau melaras voltan keluaran. '),
(2268,'004010010','GENT SET/GAS GENERATOR','004010','2008-05-13 20:01:24','2019-
02-13 13:04:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin Gasolin/Gas Generator/Mesin
Janakuasa adalah generator kuasa letrik atau tenaga minyak yang dijalankan untuk
pelbagai fungsi atau aktiviti seperti pembekal kuasa elektrik, api dll.'),
(2269,'004010011','SOLAR PANEL SYSTEM (ASET TAK ALIH)','004010','2008-05-13
20:01:42','2017-02-03 11:17:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Panel yang terdiri daripada
susunan sel suria. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>Solar Panel System'),
(2270,'004011001','ULTRASONIC CLEANER','004011','2008-05-13 20:02:51','2009-02-23
11:30:27','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pencucian ultrasonik digunakan bagi pencucian
bahagian luar radas dengan menggunakan ayunan
ultrasonik.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>Ultrasonic Cleaner </b>is a cleaning device
that uses ultrasound (usually from 15#400 kHz) and an appropriate cleaning solution
to clean delicate items.'),(2271,'004011002','MICROPLATE WASHER','004011','2008-05-
13 20:03:31','2009-02-23 12:14:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Microplate Washer adalah
alat untuk mencuci microwell strip.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>Microplate
Washer</b> is a device use to wash and clean microwell strip.'),
(2272,'004011003','VIAL WASHER MACHINE','004011','2008-05-13 20:03:50','2019-02-13
14:43:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin yang digunakan untuk membersih vial.'),
(2273,'004011004','GLASSWARE WASHER','004011','2008-05-13 20:04:11','2009-02-23
12:33:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Pembersih peralatan
kaca.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>Glassware washer </b>suitable for washing open
bottles and particularly antibiotic type containers employed mainly in the
pharmaceutical industries.'),(2274,'004012001','WATER PUMP','004012','2008-05-13
20:04:55','2009-12-31 16:28:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pam air adalah peranti yang
digunakan untuk mengendalikan kitaran cecair .
\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nA Pump is a device used to move gases,
liquids or slurries. <b>Lab Water pump </b> moves liquids from lower pressure to
higher pressure, and overcomes this difference in pressure by adding energy to the
system (such as a water system). <br>\r\nA positive displacement pump causes a
fluid to move by trapping a fixed amount of it then forcing (displacing) that
trapped volume into the discharge pipe. \r\n'),(2275,'004012002','AIR
PUMP','004012','2008-05-13 20:05:12','2011-10-27
09:46:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk memberi tekanan
udara/angin dalam pelbagai kegunaan seperti Pam Udara, Air Sampling, Low Flow Air
Sampling yang digunakan bersekali dengan fungsi Air
Pump.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\n Another modern application of
positive displacement pumps are compressed-air-powered double-diaphragm pumps or
<b>Air pump</b>.\r\nApplication - air suction.<br>Thermal protection device applied
in each model\r\nThese models work especially for household applications,
industrial machinery attachments, oxygen supply for fish / fishery, medical &
scientific apparatus, solder removal, waste water treatment, septic tanks, and
hospital applies\r\n\r\n'),(2276,'004012003','VACUUM PUMP ','004012','2008-05-13
20:06:02','2019-02-13 15:27:05','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pam vakum adalah alat yang
membuang molekul gas dari jumlah yang dimeteraikan untuk meninggalkan vakum
separa\n \n'),(2277,'004012004','PERISTALTIC PUMP ','004012','2008-05-13
20:06:21','2019-02-13 15:30:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pam Peristaltic adalah
sejenis pam penggantian yang digunakan untuk mengepam berbagai jenis cecair. Cecair
dialirkan kedalam tiub silicon flexiable yang diletakkan didalam ruang berbentuk
bulatan dan dikemaskan dengan penutup pam. Pergerakan cecair ditolak oleh putaran
rotor.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nA Peristaltic Pump</b> is a type of positive
displacement pump used for pumping a variety of fluids. The fluid is contained
within a flexible tube fitted inside a circular pump casing (though linear
peristaltic pumps have been made). A rotor with a number of \"rollers\", \"shoes\"
or \"wipers\" attached to the external circumference compresses the flexible tube.
As the rotor turns, the part of tube under compression closes (or \"occludes\")
thus forcing the fluid to be pumped to move through the tube'),
(2278,'004013001','ANEMOMETER','004013','2008-05-13 20:07:21','2012-09-24
17:20:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Anemometer juga dikenali sebagai penunjuk arah
angin, guna untuk mengukur kelajuan angin dan tekanan angin, tekanan tayar
dll.<br><br><i><b>Description<br>An anemometer</b> also known as wind vane is a
device for measuring speed,wind speed or velocity, and is one instrument used in a
weather station.\nAnemometers can be divided into two classes: those that measure
the velocity of the wind, and those that measure the pressure of the wind. <br>
Wind Speed and Direction Sensor is designed for use in high wind and marine
environments. It features a sensitive four-blade propeller made of high impact
plastic to withstand gale force winds. '),(2279,'004013002','BOD
METER','004013','2008-05-13 20:07:45','2019-02-13
15:57:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Biochemical Oxygen Demand digunakan untuk
mengukur kegunaan oksigen oleh organisma dalam
air.<br><br><i><b>Description<br>Biochemical Oxygen Demand</b> or Biological
Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a chemical procedure for determining how fast biological
organisms use up oxygen in a body of water. It is used in water quality management
and assessment, ecology and environmental science\n'),(2280,'004013003','NERACA
PENIMBANG BERAT (BALANCE SCALER)','004013','2008-05-13 20:07:59','2018-05-14
16:38:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Neraca/Penimbang (Heavy weight) (juga dipanggil
alat timbang atau dacing) adalah benda/alat yg digunakan utk mengukur, menimbang
berat, tinggi sesuatu objek, barang seperti tinggi, berat seseorang, benda, barang
dll, b. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Flatform Weighing Scale,
Digital Scale dll\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>A balance </b>(also Weight
machine; balance scale, beam balance or laboratory balance, analytical balance,
microbalance) is used to measure the mass of an object.<br>\n A balance with an
off-center beam can be almost as accurate as a scale with a center beam.</i>'),
(2281,'004013004','BAROMETER (STOK)','004013','2008-05-13 20:08:33','2019-02-13
16:00:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk mengukur tekanan
atmosfera.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<BR>A barometer</B> is an instrument used to
measure atmospheric pressure. It can measure the pressure exerted by the atmosphere
by using water, air, or mercury.'),(2282,'004013005','CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND
METER','004013','2008-05-13 20:08:46','2019-02-13
16:00:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'COD meter digunakan untuk memeriksa/ menguji
secara tak langsung jumlah sebatian organik dalam air. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai
jenis/jenama untuk pelbagai fungsi penggunaan<br><BR><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br></b>In
environmental chemistry, the <b>chemical oxygen demand (COD)</b> test is commonly
used to indirectly measure the amount of organic compounds in water. Most
applications of COD determine the amount of organic pollutants found in surface
water (e.g. lakes and rivers), making COD a useful measure of water quality'),
(2283,'004013006','CALIPER (STOK)','004013','2008-05-13 20:09:25','2011-12-21
15:54:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Angkup (Luar dan Dalam ) yang digunakan untuk
mengukur sesuatu barang/bahan seperti Dail Caliper
dll<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>A caliper</b>is a device used to measure the
distance between two symmetrically opposing sides. A caliper can be as simple as a
compass with inward or outward-facing points. The tips of the caliper are adjusted
to fit across the points to be measured, the caliper is then removed and the
distance read by measuring between the tips with a measuring tool, such as a
ruler.<BR>\r\n\r\nThe inside calipers are used to measure the internal size of an
object.\r\n\r\nOutside calipers are used to measure the external size of an
object.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n'),(2284,'004013007','COLONY COUNTER','004013','2008-05-13
20:09:42','2009-02-26 12:14:29','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Colony Counter digunakan
untuk mengira bilangan koloni bakteria atau microorganisma yang membesar diatas
pring agar.<br><br><i><b>Description<br>A colony counter </b> is an instrument used
to count colonies of bacteria or other microorganisms growing
on an agar plate. Early counters were merely lighted surfaces on which the plate
was placed, with the colonies marked off with a felt-tipped pen on the outer
surface of the plate while the operator kept the count manually. More recent
counters attempt to count the colonies electronically, by identifying individual
areas of dark and light according to automatic or user-set thresholds, and counting
the resulting contrasting spots.\r\n\r\n'),(2285,'004013008','COMBINATION NOISE
/VIBRATION METER','004013','2008-05-13 20:09:53','2019-02-13
16:03:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat ini digunakan untuk mengukur bunyi bising dan
getaran pada lalulintas, injin kenderaan, menilai akustik bangunan, barangan
pengguna, telekomunikasi dan lain-lain.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br></b>Use for
measuring traffic noise and vibration in car engines , evaluating building
acoustics and performing quality control and wide range of fields, including
automotive, aerospace, consumer goods and telecommunication.'),
(2286,'004013009','COMBINATION PH/MV/CONDUCTIVITY METER','004013','2008-05-13
20:10:10','2009-02-26 12:48:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat kombinasi
PH/MV/Conductivity meter mempunyai kombinasi probe 3 dalam 1. Digunakan untuk
mengukur pH dan konduktiviti larutan.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>Combination
PH/MV/ Conductivity</b>\r\nMeters include three-in-one electrode
pH/mV/Ion/Conductivity . Use to measure pH, conductivity of a solution.\r\n'),
(2287,'004013010','ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY METER','004013','2008-05-13
20:13:34','2019-02-13 16:05:53','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk mengukur
kekonduksian sesuatu larutan.<br><br><i><b>Description<br>An Electrical
Conductivity </b> meter(EC meter) measures the electrical conductivity in a
solution. Commonly used in hydroponics, aquaculture and freshwater systems to
monitor the amount of nutrients, salts or impurities in the water.'),
(2288,'004013011','GAUGES (STOK)','004013','2008-05-13 20:14:27','2019-02-13
16:08:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tolok yang digunakan untuk mengukur perbezaan
tekanan antara sistem dan atmosfera sekitarnya'),(2289,'004013012','GLOBAL
POSITIONING SYSTEM / GPS','004013','2008-05-13 20:14:46','2012-02-20
16:50:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk menentukan posisi/kedudukan secara
global. Berfungsi menggunakan Global Navigation Setellite Sistem (GNSS). GPS
menggunakan buruj seteli orbit tengah bumi yang menghantar gelombang mikro
terperinci , yang membolehkan GPS menerima isyarat untuk menentukan kedudukannya.
Ianya terdiri daripada pelbagai jenis/jenama seperti GPS Device, dll
<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>The Global Positioning System (GPS) </B>is the only
fully functional Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). The GPS uses a
constellation of at least 24 (32 by March 2008) Medium Earth Orbit satellites that
transmit precise microwave signals, that enable GPS receivers to determine their
location, speed, direction, and time. GPS was developed by the United States
Department of Defense. Its official name is NAVSTAR-GPS.'),
(2290,'004013013','HYGROMETER (STOK)','004013','2008-05-13 20:16:35','2012-07-09
12:13:29','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat ukur kelembapan persekitaran. Biasanya
terdapat juga bacaan suhu.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Hygrometers </B> are
instruments used for measuring humidity. A simple form of a hygrometer is
specifically known as a \"psychrometer\" and consists of two thermometers, one of
which includes a dry bulb and the other of which includes a bulb that is kept wet
to measure wet-bulb temperature.\n'),(2291,'004013014','LUX METER
(STOK)','004013','2008-05-13 20:17:10','2012-07-09
12:13:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk mengukur atau menyukat keamatan cahaya
yang terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis dan digunakan untuk keperluan keamatan
cahaya, dll.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>LUX Meter or Light Meter</B> is used in
photometry as a measure of the intensity of light, with wavelengths weighted
according to the luminosity function, a standardized model of human brightness
perception.'),(2292,'004013015','IRRADIANCE PHOTO METER ','004013','2008-05-13
20:17:29','2017-02-03 15:16:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mempunyai dua fungsi,
Mengukur keamatan cahaya dan sifat-sifat optik pada larutan atau permukaan untuk
tujuan fotografi.<br><br><i><b>Description</b><br>Meter with dual function. In its
widest sense, a photometer is an instrument for measuring light intensity or
optical properties of solutions or surfaces. Photometers are used to
measure:\n\nIlluminance,\nIrradiance,\nLight absorption etc.\n'),
(2293,'004013016','DIGITAL PRESSURE METER','004013','2008-05-13 20:18:38','2017-02-
03 15:21:27','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk mengukur tekanan, biasanya dirujuk
kepada tekanan cecair atau gas didalam turus. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama
dan jenis seperti HANDHELD DIGITAL MANOMETER, <br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>A
manometer </B>is a pressure measuring instrument, usually limited to measuring
pressures near to atmospheric. The term manometer is often used to refer
specifically to liquid or gas column hydrostatic instruments.\n\n'),
(2294,'004013017','DISSOLVED OXYGEN METER','004013','2008-05-13 20:19:24','2009-02-
26 15:51:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Dissolved Oxygen Meter digunakan untuk membaca
kepekatan oksigen terlarut didalam satu unit isipadu air. Terdapat 3 jenis sensor
yang digunakan iaitu polarographic sensor, galvanis sensor dan optical fluorescence
sensor.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>Dissolved Oxygen Meter</b> are analytical
instruments used to measure the amount of oxygen dissolved in a unit volume of
water. Dissolved oxygen meters interface to one of three common types of dissolved
oxygen sensing probes: polarographic sensors, galvanic sensors or optical
fluorescence sensors\r\n'),(2295,'004013018','MICROMETER CALIPER
(STOK)','004013','2008-05-13 20:19:53','2016-12-27
11:19:08','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan dalam kerja kejuruteraan
mekanikal dan pemesinan untuk membuat ukuran dengan tepat. Peralatan ini terdapat
dalam pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Micrometer Caliper, Vernier Height Caliper
dll.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>A micrometer </B> sometimes known as a micrometer
screw gauge, is a device used widely in mechanical engineering and machining for
precisely measuring, along with other metrological instruments such as dial
calipers and vernier calipers. Micrometers are often, but not always, in the form
of calipers\n<br>Micrometers are names based on their application:\n\nOutside
micrometer \nInside micrometer \nDepth micrometer \nBore micrometer \nTube
micrometer \n'),(2296,'004013019','MULTI GAS MONITOR ','004013','2008-05-13
20:20:05','2019-02-13 16:15:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Digunakan untuk pemantauan
paras gas. Boleh memantau sehingga 4 jenis gas. Memberi amaran bagi paras
merbahaya gas oksigen, methene, karbon monosida dan hidrogen sulfid.
<BR><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>Multi gas monitor </b>used Monitor up to four gases
using 12-month disposable cartridges. Check gas prior to entering a confined space
using a drop line, hand aspirator, or optional pump.\nalerts users to hazardous
levels of oxygen, methane, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen sulfide through visual,
audible, and vibratory alarms. LCD displays continuous, real-time gas readings and
has amber backlight for low-light visibility.'),(2297,'004013020','NOISE LEVEL
METER ','004013','2008-05-13 20:20:19','2019-02-13
16:22:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Digunakan untuk mengukur paras bunyi
bising.<br><br><i><b>Description<br>Noise </b>level is usually measured in decibels
(dB) for relative power or picowatts for absolute power.'),(2298,'004013021','PH
METER SET','004013','2008-05-13 20:20:36','2019-02-13
16:22:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur paras keasidan
atau kealkalian sesuatu larutan melalui probe khas , PH probe. Terdapat berbagai
saiz dan bentuk, untuk kegunaan dalam makmal atau kerja lapangan yang dibekalkan
secara set PH Meter bersekali dengan PHProbe.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<BR>A pH
meter</B> is an electronic instrument used to measure the pH (acidity or
alkalinity) of a liquid (though special probes are sometimes used to measure the pH
of semi-solid substances). A typical pH meter consists of a special measuring probe
(a glass electrode) connected to an electronic meter that measures and displays the
pH reading.\n\n'),(2299,'004013022','REFRACTOMETER','004013','2008-05-13
20:20:58','2019-02-13 16:25:53','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan optikal yang
digunakan untuk menentukan paras index biasan sesuatu benda atau mengukur jisim,
cuaca, kandungan udara dll. Biasanya ia dirujuk kepada sifat fizikal benda yang
berkaitan terus dengan index biasannya. dll<br><BR><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>A
refractometer </B>is an optical instrument that is used to determine the refractive
index of a substance. This often refers to some physical property of a substance
that is directly related to its refractive index. Certain types of refractometers
can be used for measuring gases, liquids such as oils or water-based, and even
transparent or translucent solids such as gemstones\nMost commonly, refractometers
are used for measuring fluid concentrations such as the sugar content (Brix level,
for example in carbonated beverages, fruits, juices, honey and or vegetables, etc),
blood protein concentration, salinity and specific gravity of urine'),
(2300,'004013023','SALINITY METER ','004013','2008-05-13 20:21:16','2019-02-13
16:26:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur kemasinan iaitu
paras garam yang terkandung di dalam air.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>Salinity
</b>is the saltiness or dissolved salt content of a body of water.'),
(2301,'004013024','DENSITY METER','004013','2008-05-13 20:21:29','2019-02-13
16:30:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mempunyai dua fungsi iaitu mengukur ketumpatan
sesuatu larutan.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br></b>Two
function in one instrument.<b> Conductivity and salinity </b>are essentially
measures of the salts dissolved in a sample. Generally, this is close to the TDS.
Conductivity measures how well the water sample conducts an electrical current.'),
(2302,'004013025','SOUND LEVEL METER ','004013','2008-05-13 20:21:49','2019-02-13
16:31:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Sound Level meter mengukur paras tekanan
bunyi dan biasanya digunakan di dalam kajian pencemaran
bunyi.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>Sound level meters </b>measure sound pressure
level and are commonly used in noise pollution studies for the quantification of
almost any noise, but especially for industrial, environmental and aircraft noise.
However, the reading given by a sound level meter does not correlate well to human-
perceived loudness; for this a loudness meter is needed.'),(2303,'004013026','STOP
WATCH (STOK)','004013','2008-05-13 20:22:24','2012-04-12
14:48:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Jam Randik adalah jam yang digunakan untuk
mengukur jumlah masa berlalu.<br> <br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>A stopwatch </b>is a
handheld timepiece designed to measure the amount of time elapsed from a particular
time when activated to when the piece is deactivated.\nThe timing functions are
traditionally controlled by two buttons on the case.\nMechanical stopwatches are
powered by a mainspring, which must be periodically wound up by turning the knurled
knob at the top of the watch.\n\nDigital electronic stopwatches are available
which, due to their crystal oscillator timing element, are much more accurate than
mechanical timepieces.\n'),(2304,'004013027','TACHOMETER ','004013','2008-05-13
20:22:55','2019-02-13 16:39:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tachometer adalah alat untuk
mengukur kelajuan pusingan aci atau cekera didalam motor atau mesin
lain.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>A Tachometer </b> is an instrument that measures
the rotation speed of a shaft or disk, as in a motor or other machine. The device
usually displays the revolutions per minute (RPM) on a calibrated analog dial, but
digital displays are increasingly common.'),(2305,'004013028','THERMOHYGROMETER
','004013','2008-05-13 20:23:12','2019-02-13
16:43:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Thermohygrometer adalah satu alat dengan dua
fungsi, iaitu untuk mengukur kelembapan bandingan dan juga suhu. Pemapar sentiasa
memberikan bacaan semasa kelembapan bandingan dan suhu dalam bacaan digital atau
pun direkod atas geraf, hygrothermograph. <BR><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION</b><br>
Designed to measure both relative humidity (as %) and temperature (in deg
C).\n\nsimultaneously displays current time indoor temperature and indoor relative
humidity - . The unit also offers Max and Min readings .\nHygrothermograph
continuously record temperature and relative humidity in interior spaces.
Temperature and humidity are tracked on a chart attached to a rotating drum.\n\n'),
(2306,'004013029','TIMER/TIMER SWITCH ','004013','2008-05-13 20:23:53','2019-02-13
16:44:21','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengukur
masa/Pemasa bagi pelbagai kegunaan seperti dibengkel, makmal, ujian kelajuan dll
<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<BR>A timer </b>is a specialized type of clock. A timer
can be used to control the sequence of an event or process.\n\n \nA simple digital
timer. The internal components including the circuit board with control chip and
LED display, a battery, and a buzzer are visible.Timers can be mechanical,
electromechanical, digital, or even software, since most computers include digital
timers of one kind or another.\n\n'),(2307,'004013030','TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLID
METER','004013','2008-05-13 20:25:13','2009-02-26
23:20:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meter Jumlah Pepejal Terampai (Total Suspended
Solid) menggunakan teknik ultrasound untuk mengukur kepekatan enap cemar dan
buburan yang mana terlalu tebal bagi teknik optik. Jumlah pepejal terampai adalah
parameter bagi kualiti air (TSS). <br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<BR>Total Suspended
Solid Meters </B>use the attenuation of ultrasound to measure the concentration of
sludges and slurries that are too thick for optical methods.<br>Total suspended
solids is a water quality measurement usually abbreviated TSS. This parameter was
at one time called non-filterable residue (NFR), a term that refers to the
identical measurement: the dry-weight of particles trapped by a filter, typically
of a specified pore size.\r\n'),(2308,'004013031','TURBIDIMETER ','004013','2008-
05-13 20:25:31','2019-02-13 17:14:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Adalah alat untuk
menguji kekeruhan air. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>Turbidimeter </B> is an
instrument use to determine turdibity of water. Turbidity is the cloudiness or
haziness of a fluid caused by individual particles (suspended solids) that are
generally invisible to the naked eye, similar to smoke in air. The measurement of
turbidity is a key test of water quality.\n'),(2309,'004013032','UNIVERSAL
COUNTER','004013','2008-05-13 20:25:44','2009-02-28
00:23:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Universal Counter digunakan untuk mengukur
ulangan, tempoh masa, kitaran, RPM, nisbah ulangan sesuatu isyarat elektrik.
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>Universal Counter </b> uses to measures Frequency,
Period, Duty Cycle, RPM, Frequency ratio, Difference frequency, Time interval and
Totalize of an electrical signal.\r\n'),(2310,'004013033','VIBRATION LEVEL
METER','004013','2008-05-13 20:26:03','2019-02-13
17:15:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Digunakan untuk mengukur paras getaran bumi,
lantai, bangunan, tempat duduk. tempat yng susah dilihat dan lain-lain dalam
beberapa jenis seperti Micto Explo, Ridgid
dllk.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>Vibration level meter </b>can measure vibrations
of the ground, floors, foundations, seats, etc. in three directions of X, Y and Z
at the same time. \nvibration levels adjusted to personal vibration sense and the
physical quantity of the vibration acceleration level. Measured values are shown
digitally and as bar graphs \n<br>Vibration refers to mechanical oscillations about
an equilibrium point . The oscillations may be periodic such as the motion of a
pendulum or random such as the movement of a tire on a gravel road'),
(2311,'004013034','VISCO METER','004013','2008-05-13 20:26:58','2009-02-28
00:36:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Digunakan untuk mengukur kelikatan/kekenyalan
sesuatu bendalir. Kelikatan menerangkan rintangan dalaman bendalir untuk
mengalir.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>Viscosity is a measure of the resistance
of a fluid. Viscosity describes a fluid\'s internal resistance to flow and may be
thought of as a measure of fluid friction. \r\nOne of the most common instruments
for measuring kinematic viscosity is the glass capillary
viscometer.<br>\r\nStormer<b> viscometer </b>is an instrument applicable to
determine the viscosity of the paints and other coating materials that are
expressed in Krebs (KU) values.\r\n\r\nVibrating Viscometers can also be used to
measure viscosity.\r\n'),(2312,'004013035','WATER FLOW PROBE ','004013','2008-05-13
20:27:11','2019-02-13 17:18:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Global Water Flow Probe
adalah alat yang berprestasi tinggi digunakan untuk menentukan kadar aliran
cecair. Probe pengukuran mengandungi sensor/transducer rotary piston positive
displacement sensor . Bagi meter bacaan terus terdapat bebola didalam tube
berskala. <br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<BR></B>The Global <b>Water Flow Probe </b> is a
highly accurate water velocity instrument for measuring flows in open channels and
partially filled pipes. The water velocity probe consists of a protected water
turbo prop positive displacement sensor/transducer coupled with an expandable
probe handle ending in a digital readout display. The water flow meter
incorporates true velocity averaging for the most accurate flow measurements. The
Flow Probe is ideal for storm water runoff studies, sewer flow measurements,
measuring flows in rivers and streams, and monitoring velocity in ditches and
canals. \n'),(2313,'004013036','WATER LEVEL METER SET','004013','2008-05-13
20:27:26','2017-02-03 15:56:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Kelengkapan untuk
mengukur kedalaman air, kajian arkologi bawah air, aras air dll di dalam telaga,
lubang gerek atau paip tegak. Meter atau bacaan akan dipaparkan dengan kabel
coaxial, sensor, meter bacaan digunakan bagi mendapatkan bacaan seperti Hand Held
Soner, Salt Scan Depth Finder, Oil Kabel Level Meter dll .
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b> Oil/Water Interface Meters or <b> Water Level
meter </b>give accurate measurements of product level and thickness in wells and
tanks. The unit gives quick and easy determination of both floating non-conductive
liquids (L.N.A.P.L.s) and sinking non-conductive liquids (D.N.A.P.L.s). The state-
of-the-art electronics includes automatic circuitry testing every time the #On#
button is used: extended battery life; clear signals; and high accuracy. '),
(2321,'004014001','ABRASION TESTING MACHINE','004014','2008-05-13 20:32:54','2012-
11-20 16:10:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk mengukur hakisan rintangan bahan
bukan pengalir. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>Abrasion testers </B> for testing the
abrasion resistance of non-conductive\nmaterials, generally including insulative
wires is well known.'),(2322,'004014002','FRACTION COLLECTOR','004014','2008-05-13
20:33:29','2009-03-27 16:36:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Fraction Collector adalah
alat yang membenarkan sampel tetap atau spesifik dikeluarkan daripada turus elute
dan disimpan didalam bekas yang boleh diambil semula. Biasanya bekas simpanan
adalah sampel tiub atau vial.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION </B><BR><b>A Fraction
Collector </b> detector is a device that allows regular or specified samples to be
taken from a column eluate and stored in a retrievable form. The storage vessels
are usually small sample tubes or vials that are oriented in a rotating disk or in
moving belt, there movement usually being controlled by a microprocessor. Fraction
collectors are in common use with most liquid chromatographs. '),
(2323,'004014003','CALORIMETER','004014','2008-05-13 20:34:00','2009-02-24
21:57:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Calorimeter digunakan untuk jumlah haba yang
diserap atau dibebaskan dalam sesuatu tindakbalas kimia. Terdapat beberapa jenis
calorimeter saperti Differential Scanning Calorimeter, Isothermal Microcalorimeter,
bomb calorimeter dan sebagainya<br><br><b><i>Description<br>A calorimeter</b> is a
device used for calorimetry, the science of measuring the heat of chemical
reactions or physical changes as well as heat capacity.\r\nTypes of Calorimeters
are Differential scanning calorimeters, isothermal microcalorimeters, titration
calorimeters and accelerated rate calorimeters are among the most common
types.<Br>Differential scanning calorimetry is a technique we use to study what
happens to polymers when they\'re heated</i>'),(2324,'004014004','CHN/CHNS
ANALYSER','004014','2008-05-13 20:34:19','2012-10-02
14:29:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'CHN/CHNS Analyser /Elemen Analyser adalah alat
saintifik yang digunakan untuk menentukan kandungan elemen dalam sampel dan
mengeringkan sampel. CHN adalah nama elemen utama yang ditentukan iaitu Carbon,
Hidrogen dan Nitrogen. Alat ini juga boleh menentukan elemen Sulfur dan Oksigen.
Menggunakan teknik pembakaran dan pengeringan untuk meleraikan bahan kepada
sebation mudah yang mana kemudiannya diukur contohnya Nitrogen Evaporator, Carbon
Analyser dan lain-lain. <br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <BR> A CHN/CHNS Analyzer
/Element Analyzer </B> is a scientific instrument which can determine the elemental
composition of a sample. The name derives from the three primary elements measured
by the device: carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and nitrogen (N). Sulfur (S) and oxygen (O)
can also be measured.\n\nThe analyzer uses a combustion process to break down
substances into simple compounds which are then measured.'),
(2326,'004014006','COATING DEFECT EQUIPMENT','004014','2008-05-13 20:35:13','2009-
04-07 23:00:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan untuk mengukur kerosakan pada
lapisan salutan penebat, contohnya salutan penebat pada paip yang ditanam.
<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Coating Defect Equipment </b> Apparatus for
measuring defects in insulative coatings, eg insulating coatings applied to buried
pipes comprises an AC signal generator and pairs of receiver transducers responsive
to the magnetic flux associated with the generated AC signal and signal processing
means for comparing the magnetic field strengths at the location of each
transducer. A guidance system is also provided using a pair of transducers whose
axes are radially aligned with respect to the pipe. '),(2327,'004014007','COATING
THICKNESS GAUGE','004014','2008-05-13 20:35:48','2009-04-07
23:16:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk memberi bacaan tepat bagi ketebalan
salutan. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR>Coating Thickness gauge </B>is a devices
specifically designed to deliver accurate readings for a broad range of coating
thickness measurement applications. \r\n'),(2328,'004014008','CRACK
DETECTOR','004014','2008-05-13 20:36:06','2009-04-07
22:37:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat ujian tanpa musnah, digunakan untuk mengesan
retak dan kecacatan pada barangan. <br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <BR> Crack detectors
</B> are nondestructive testing instruments that can detect or measure defects in
raw materials or finished products.\r\n\r\n'),(2329,'004014009','CREEP TESTING
MACHINE','004014','2008-05-13 20:36:28','2009-04-05
14:03:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Adalah alat untuk mengukur rayapan, tegasan dan
ciri-ciri keabadian berbagai jenis logam dan aloy dibawah suhu
tinggi.<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Creep and stress rupture testing machine
</B> is mainly designed for measuring the creep and permanence property of various
metal and alloy materials under high temperature condition by equipping with SANS
new designed three zone high temperature furnace.'),
(2330,'004014010','DEFECTOSCOPE','004014','2008-05-13 20:36:55','2009-04-07
22:40:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Defectoscope digunakan untuk menguji
kecacatan atau keretakan pada barangan logam. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>
Defectoscope </b> is designed for crack testing. Crack detection down to a depth of
approximateliy 20micrometer on the surface of electrically conductive materials.
Paints or other protective coatings do not have to be removed. Display and storage
of the measurement results on your PC by means of the USB interface.'),
(2331,'004014011','DYNAMIC MECHANICAL ANALYSER','004014','2008-05-13
20:37:25','2009-04-07 23:36:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'DMA, DMTA, DTM adalah alat
untuk mengukur ciri-ciri mekanikal bahan sebagai fungsi masa, suhu dan ulangan.
<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA), dynamic
mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) or dynamic thermomechanical analysis </b> is a
technique used to study and characterize materials. \r\nThese instruments are use
to measures the mechanical properties of materials as a function of time,
temperature, and frequency.'),(2332,'004014012','ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD
MONITOR','004014','2008-05-13 20:38:05','2014-07-02
11:44:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat ini digunakan untuk memantau, mengukur dan
menilai medan elektromegnetik dari berbagai punca saperti penyelidikan perubatan,
AM/FM/TV dan station selular, pemancar radio, telefon selular, gelombang mikro dan
lain-lain. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Electromagnetic
Therapeutic Appratus. <br><br><i>,<b> DESCRIPTION <br> Electromagnetic (EM) field
monitor </b> combining the major features of professional quality field monitoring
equipment with convenience and simplicity of the multimeter for users on a budget.
It is used for evaluation and measurements of EM fields from various sources such
as AM/FM/TV and Cellular stations, Transmitters and CB radios, Cell phones,
Microwave ovens, Industrial, scientific and medical equipment. \n'),
(2333,'004014013','PROTEIN ANALYZER','004014','2008-05-13 20:38:34','2009-04-08
08:21:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Adalah alat automatik digunakan untuk menentukan
nitrogen/protin dalam makanan, makanan haiwan, sereal, susu, atau daging. Dalam
Biosains analisa protin segera dan tepat dibuat dengan menggunakan Rapid Protein
Analyzer. Dengan menggunakan tenik iTAG protein tagging dimana identiti protein
saja ditentukan. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Protein Analyzer </b> is an
automatic instrument for Nitrogen / Protein determination in food, animal feeds,
cereal, meat, or milk using the Dumas combustion method. It is in compliance with
AOAC, ASBC, AACC, and other international methods for Nitrogen / Protein
measurement by combustion.\r\nIn Bioscience Rapid Protein Analyzer for fast,
accurate protein testing. This patent-pending system, which uses iTAG protein-
tagging technology, identifies and measures only protein, not nitrogen, so that the
results are not affected by fillers or contaminants. Ideal for protein analysis in
food .'),(2334,'004014014','ULTRASONIC FLAW DETECTOR','004014','2008-05-13
20:39:03','2009-03-27 10:47:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Digunakan dalam industri ,
Pengesan Kecacatan Ultrasonik adalah metod yang biasa digunakan. Menggunakan teknik
perambatan gelombang bunyi melalui bahan pepejal, kecacatan yang tersembunyi,
lompang, kehausan, dan lain- lain penyambungan yang tidak kena dalam logam,
komposit, plastik dan seramik dapat dikesan. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION </B><BR> The
applications of industrial ultrasonic testing, <b> Ultrasonic Flaw Detection </b>
is the oldest and the most common. The propagation of sound waves through solid
materials have been used to detect hidden cracks, voids, porosity, and other
internal discontinuities in metals, composites, plastics, and ceramics. High
frequency sound waves reflect from flaws in predictable ways, producing distinctive
echo patterns that can be displayed and recorded by portable instruments.'),
(2335,'004014015','FLUORESCENCE SPECTROMETER','004014','2008-05-13 20:41:54','2009-
04-08 08:52:53','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk mengukur pendarfluor. Juga
dipanggil fluorometer. Dengan menggunakan alur cahaya biasanya cahaya lampau ungu,
menguja electron dalam molekul sesuatu sebatian menyebabkan mereka mengeluarkan
cahaya yang bertenaga rendah, dan cahaya ini dianalisa. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br> Fluorescence Spectrometer or called fluorometers </b> is a devices that
measure fluorescence. \r\nFluorescence spectroscopy / fluorometry /
spectrofluorometry, is a type of electromagnetic spectroscopy which analyzes
fluorescence from a sample. It involves using a beam of light, usually ultraviolet
light, that excites the electrons in molecules of certain compounds and causes them
to emit light of a lower energy, typically, but not necessarily, visible light. '),
(2336,'004014016','FTIR SPECTROMETER','004014','2008-05-13 20:42:24','2009-04-08
09:05:56','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat FTIR adalah sejenis spectrometer guna untuk
mengesan dan menganalisa molekul fasa gas. FTIR menggunakan spectrometer yang
mengumpul interferometer melakukan fungsi FT (fourier transform) dan memaparkan
spektrum lampau merah (IR) daripada alur laser yang melalui molekul fasa gas. Alat
ini mempunyai 2 cermin dan pemisah alur .<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br> A
Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectrometer (FT IRS) </b> is a type of spectrometer
used to detect and analyse gas phase molecules.\r\n\r\nFT IRS uses a spectrometer
that collects and digitizes the interferogram, performs the FT function, and
displays the IR portion of the spectrum, from a laser passed through gas phase
molecule. <br>\r\n\r\nThe FTIRS is based on a Michelson Interferometer, which
consists of more than a beam splitter and two mirrors. It produces interference
between double beams of light waves propagated through 2 separate optical path
lengths and just the useful interference only occurs between light waves of the
same frequency and constant phase relation\r\n'),(2337,'004014017',' GC MASS
SPECTROMETER','004014','2008-05-13 20:42:44','2012-09-06
17:13:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Spektrometer Gas - Mass adalah alat yang
mengabungkan dua metod dan fungsi untuk mengenalpasti dan mengkaji berlainan zat
dalam satu contoh sampel. GC-MS terdiri dari dua blok utama, iaitu chromatograpy
gas dan spectrometer mass. Digunakan dalam penyelidikan dadah, penyiasatan
kebakaran, kajian alam sekitar, letupan dan sebagainya dalam pelbagai jenis/jenama
seperti Robotic Liquid DNA, Liquid Chromatographty Tandem Mass Spectrometer
(LCMSMS) dll. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <br> Gas chromatography-mass
spectrometry (GC-MS) </b> is a method that combines the features of gas-liquid
chromatography and mass spectrometry to identify different substances within a test
sample. Applications of GC-MS include drug detection, fire investigation,
environmental analysis, explosives investigation, and identification of unknown
samples.\nThe GC-MS is composed of two major building blocks: the gas chromatograph
and the mass spectrometer.'),(2338,'004014018','GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY','004014','2008-
05-13 20:43:34','2009-04-08 09:33:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kromatograf Gas-
Cecair atau lebih dikenali sebagai Keromatograf Gas, adalah alat penyelidikan biasa
dalam kimia organik. Alat ini digunakan untuk memisahkan dan mengkaji sebatian
yang boleh mengewap tanpa mengurai. Alat ini mengadungi autosampler, inlets,
columns and alat kesan. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <br> Gas-liquid
chromatography (GLC), or simply gas chromatography (GC), </b> is a common type of
chromatography used in organic chemistry for separating and analyzing compounds
that can be vaporized without decomposition. Typical uses of GC include testing the
purity of a particular substance, or separating the different components of a
mixture (the relative amounts of such components can also be determined).\r\nGas
Chromatography consists of autosampler, inlets, columns and detectors.'),
(2339,'004014019','GEL PERMEATION CHROMATOGRAPHY','004014','2008-05-13
20:44:35','2009-04-08 09:48:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat ini melakukan pemisahan
menggunakan teknik isipadu hidrodinamik . Molekul dipisahkan antara satu dengan
lain berdasarkan perbezaan saiz molekul. Teknik ini biasa dilakukan bagi menentukan
berat molekul polimer. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Gel permeation
chromatography (GPC) </b> is a separation technique based on hydrodynamic volume
(size in solution). Molecules are separated from one another based on differences
in molecular size. This technique is often used for polymer molecular weight
determination. GPC is performed in organic mobile phases and is used mostly for
synthetic polymers. '),(2340,'004014020','GEL DOCUMENTATION IMAGING/SISTEM
ANALYSIS','004014','2008-05-13 20:45:29','2017-02-24
07:59:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,' Gel Documentation Imaging and Analysis adalah
alat untuk membuat gambaran dan analisa gel 1 DNA dan RNA, gel protin 1D, bintik,
tompok, gambar, koloni dan lain-lain media untuk meningkatkan pendarflour. Terdapat
perisian untuk menjalankan analisa ini saperti untuk mengawal kamera, menganalisa
gel, pengekstrakan sample, pengasingan hublur dan sebagainya. Ianya terdiri dari
pelbagai jenama/jenis mesin analisis seperti Robotic Liquid Sistem, Imaging Gel
Sistem, Analisis DNA Sistem, Fully Automated Electrophoresis and Gel Analysis
System dll <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br> Gel Documentation Imaging and Analysis
</b>is a systems for the imaging and analysis of 1D DNA and RNA gels, 1D protein
gels, spots, blots, films, plates, colony plates and a range of other media are
available for enhanced fluorescence.\n\n<BR>The MiniBIS Pro model with D-
Transilluminator has a unique drawer system which not only makes insertion of gels
easy but can also be used to carry gels from staining to imaging thus minimising
handling and chance of breakage. Trans UV and trans white light illumination
drawers are included as standard.\n Software for easy control of the camera from
PC, analysis software , and gel analysis software are avaiable eg. GelCapture,
GelQuant 1-D gel included.\n\n\n'),(2341,'004014021','HARDNESS
TESTER','004014','2008-05-13 20:45:54','2009-04-08
11:56:45','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Hardness tester adalah alat untuk menguji dan
mengukur kekerasan logam. Ujian ini mengukur kedalaman kekal pelekukan yang
dihasilkan oleh pelekuk. Pertama prabebanan dikenakan menggunakan pelekuk intan.
Kemudian bebanan major dikenakan untuk jangkamasa yang sesuai meliputi masa anjal
pemulihan logam. Selepas itu bebanan dilepaskan dan posisi akhir diukur berbanding
posisi permulaan, dan ditukarkan kepada nombor kekerasan Rockwell. <br><br><b><i>
DESCRIPTION <br> Hardness Tester </b> is an instrument used to test the hardness
of metals. The test method measures the permanent depth of indentation produced by
a force on an \r\nindenter. First, a preliminary test force, also called pre-load
or minor load, is applied to a sample using a diamond indenter. Then, an
additional test force or major load is applied to reach the total required test
force, for a predetermined amount of time to allow for elastic recovery of the
metal. Test force is then released and the final position is measured against the
preliminary position and converted to a Rockwell hardness number.
\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n'),(2342,'004014022','HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID
CHROMATOGRAPHY','004014','2008-05-13 20:46:41','2009-04-08
12:10:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'High-performance liquid chromatography adalah alat
biasa digunakan dalam biokimia dan kimia analitikal, guna untuk memisahkan,
mengenalpasti sebatian. HPLC menggunakan turus yang mengadungi bahan kromatograpi
(fasa kekal), pump untuk menjalankan fasa bergerak , dan alat kesan untuk merekod
masa penahanan molekul. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> High-
performance liquid chromatography (or High pressure liquid chromatography, HPLC)
</b>is a form of column chromatography used frequently in biochemistry and
analytical chemistry to separate, identify, and quantify compounds. HPLC utilizes a
column that holds chromatographic packing material (stationary phase), a pump that
moves the mobile phase(s) through the column, and a detector that shows the
retention times of the molecules. Retention time varies depending on the
interactions between the stationary phase, the molecules being analyzed, and the
solvent(s) used.\r\n\r\n'),(2343,'004014023',' ION CHROMATOGRAPHY','004014','2008-
05-13 20:47:33','2009-04-09 11:20:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Keromatograpi Ion
exchange atau Keromatograpi Ion melakukan proses memisahkan ion dan molekul polar
berdasarkan ciri-ciri cas molekul itu. Ia boleh digunakan untuk sebarang jenis cas
molekul termasuklah protin, nukleotida, dan asid amino. <br><br><i><b> DESCRIPTION
<BR> Ion-exchange chromatography (or ion chromatography)</b> is a process
that allows the separation of ions and polar molecules based on the charge
properties of the molecules. It can be used for almost any kind of charged molecule
including large proteins, small nucleotides and amino acids. The solution to be
injected is usually called a sample, and the individually separated components are
called analytes. It is often used in protein purification, water analysis, and
quality control.\r\n\r\n'),(2344,'004014024','LASER RESEARCH
EQUIPMENT','004014','2008-05-13 20:48:07','2009-04-03
17:13:59','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Laser adalah punca cahaya yang mempamerkan ciri-
ciri yang unik. Dalam dunia moden laser memainkan peranan penting daripada sekecil
benda saperti diode laser dalam Cd dan pemain/perakam DVD hinggalah kepada industri
besar dan bidang perubatan. Peralatan penyelidikan laser membantu pegawai
penyelidik membuat penyelidikan berbagai bidang kegunaan laser.
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> </B> The laser is a light source that exhibits
unique properties. Lasers dominate our modern world in a variety of forms ranging
from tiny diode lasers in all CD and DVD players to large industrial lasers to cut
and weld.Thus <b> Laser Research Equipment </b> helps researchers in laser-related
fields. <br>\r\nLaser research aims to improve laser technology in manufacturing;
to develop novel laser sources; to develop light activated bio-nanodevices and to
improve various therapeutic and diagnostic medical applications of lasers.\r\n'),
(2345,'004014025','LUMINESCENCE SPECTROMETER/SPECTROLINE','004014','2008-05-13
20:48:57','2013-02-20 16:37:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat
Spectroline/Spectrometer Luminescence adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur
pendarfluor, pendarphospor dan chemi atau bio-pendarkilau. Alat ini terdiri
daripada punca lampu iaitu lampu kilat pulse-xenon, alat kesan sampel, alat kesan
rujukan, dan photodiode. Ianya terdiri daripada pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti
Spectrometer Luminescence, Spectroline UV Lamp dll <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION
<br></b> The <b> luminescence spectrometer </b> is a very versatile instrument
that allows measurement of fluorescence, phosphorescence, and chemi- or bio-
luminescence. The instruments consist of Source, A pulsed-xenon flash lamp as the
source lamp with 20 kW for 8 us duration. Sample Detector, Gated photomultiplier.
Reference detector, Photodiode and Monochromators.'),(2346,'004014026','MASS
SPECTROMETER/RAMAN SPECTRAL','004014','2008-05-13 20:49:48','2014-09-15
10:43:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Spectrometer mass adalah alat analitikal
untuk menentukan komposisi elemen sesuatu sampel atau molekul. Ia juga digunakan
untuk menjelaskan struktur kimia molekul saperti peptida dan sebatian kimia lain.
<br> Spectrometer Mass terdiri
daripada tiga modul iaitu punca ion yang memisahkan molekul sampel kepada ion,
penganalisa mass yang mana menyusun/mengatur ion mengikut nilai massnya dengan
menggunakan medan electromegnet dan alat kesan yang mengukur kuantiti ion.
<br><br><b><i><br> Mass spectrometry (MS) </b> is an analytical technique
for the determination of the elemental composition of a sample or molecule. It is
also used for elucidating the chemical structures of molecules, such as peptides
and other chemical compounds. <br>\nMS instruments consist of three modules: an ion
source, which splits the sample molecules into ions; a mass analyzer, which sorts
the ions by their masses by applying electromagnetic fields; and a detector, which
measures the value of an indicator quantity and thus provides data for calculating
the abundances of each ion present.'),(2347,'004014027','MICROPLATE
READER','004014','2008-05-13 20:50:24','2012-09-20
18:25:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Microplate Reader adalah alat yang berprestasi
tinggi Spectrometer Mikroplate. Ini termasuklah Microplate reader berbagai
pengesan, Microplate reader Serapan, Microplate reader pendarflour,
Microplatereader pendarkilau, retroreflectometer,Perspirometer dll..
<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR>Microplate reader </b> is a high precision, tunable,
microplate Spectrophotometers with, endpoint, kinetic, spectrum scanning read
types. This include Multi-Detection Microplate Readers, Absorbance Microplate
Readers, Fluorescence Microplate Readers, and Luminescence Microplate Reader.\n'),
(2348,'004014028','MICROSCOPE','004014','2008-05-13 20:50:51','2009-04-09
12:39:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mikroskop - alat yang membuat benda-benda kecil
kelihatan besar. Ini termasuklah mikroskop stereo, mikroskop inverted, mikroskop
metallurgi, mikroscope monokular dan mikroskop
berkamera.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nMicroscopes </b> including stereo
microscope, inverted microscope, metallurgy microscope, monocular microscope and
camera microscope.'),(2349,'004014029','PLASTICORDER','004014','2008-05-13
20:51:21','2009-04-09 12:58:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Plasticorder adalah
peralatan makmal yang digunakan untuk menguji dan menjangka prestasi bahan plastik
dengan mengukur suhu, kelikatan, dan perkaitan nisbah ricih bahan. Juga dikenali
sebagai plastigraph. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Plasticoder </b>is a
Laboratory device used to predict the performance of a plastic material by
measurement of temperature, viscosity, and shear-rate relationships. Also known as
plastigraph. '),(2350,'004014030','POROSIMETER','004014','2008-05-13
20:51:42','2009-04-09 13:32:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Porosimetry adalah teknik
analitikal kebolehan menganggar berbagai aspek sifat dasar liang rongga
bahan/sampel, saperti garispusat liang, isipadu liang, luas permukaan liang,
ketumpatan pukal dan mutlak liang. Teknik yang digunakan adalah pencerobohan
cecair tanpa basah biasanya mercury digunakan dengan tekanan tinggi kedalam bahan
melalui alat Porosimeter. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> </B> Porosimetry is
an analytical technique used to determine various quantifiable aspects of a
material\'s porous nature, such as pore diameter, total pore volume, surface area,
and bulk and absolute densities.\r\n\r\nThe technique involves the intrusion of a
non-wetting liquid (often mercury) at high pressure into a material through the use
of a <b> Porosimeter.</b> The pore size can be determined based on the external
pressure needed to force the liquid into a pore against the opposing force of the
liquid\'s surface tension.\r\n\r\n'),(2351,'004014031','POTENTIOMETRIC
TITRATOR','004014','2008-05-13 20:53:32','2009-04-03
19:00:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat ini digunakan dalam pproses akuas/non akuas,
pengoksidan, penurunan dan lain-lain. Merupakan alat yang kompak dilengkapkan
dengan pemutar bermagnet dan pemegang probe tirrator juga mempunyai pemapar
digital. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> </B> For Aqueous /Non Aqueous, Oxidation /
Reduction and many other <b>Potentionmetric Titrations</b>. The equipment is
compact having a built-in magnetic stirrer with speed control and titration stand.
The indicator is a digital display .\r\nThe standard electrode system supplied with
the equipment consists of Platinum Glass and Calomel Electrodes. It can also be
used with other metal electrodes such as Silver, Gold Nickel, Tungsten etc. The
choice of electrode system depends on the nature of titration.\r\n'),
(2352,'004014032','LASER BEAM MEASURING EQUIPMENT','004014','2008-05-13
20:54:26','2009-04-03 17:23:56','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan pengukuran
pancaran laser termasuklah alat untuk mengukur kuasa pancaran laser dan tenaga
pancaran laser. Terdapat dalam bentuk mudah alih, untuk bacaan terus gas, diode
dan dye laser. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> Laser beam measuring equipment </b>
includes quality laser power meters and laser energy meters that meet the highest
performance standards. Their products include thermopile, pyroelectric, calorimeter
and CCD laser power & energy detectors, diffractive optics and analog/digital laser
power meters and laser energy meters.\r\nThere are also portable system ideally
suited for direct measurement of gas, diode and dye lasers. Optional accessories
enable direct readings at additional user-specified wavelengths, and enable
measurement of integrated energy (joules), peak power and pulse shape of pulsed
lasers.'),(2353,'004014033','ELECTRON MICROSCOPE','004014','2008-05-13
20:55:05','2015-09-15 17:19:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mikroskop Elektron adalah
mikroskop yang menggunakan elektron untuk pencahayaan spesimen dan membuat
pembesaran imej. Mempunyai kuasa resolusi yang tinggi daripada mikroskop cahaya.
Terdapat mikroskop elektron yang boleh membesarkan imej sehingga 2 juta kali. Ia
juga digunakan untuk analisa sampel menggunakan sinar X-Ray yang terdiri pelbagai
jenama/jenis seperti Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), MICROSCOPE SLIDES SCANNER
dll\n\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nAn Electron Microscope </b>is a type of
microscope that uses electrons to illuminate a specimen and create an enlarged
image. Electron microscopes have much greater resolving power than light
microscopes and can obtain much higher magnifications. Some electron microscopes
can magnify specimens up to 2 million times.'),(2354,'004014034','DISSOLUTION
TESTER','004014','2008-05-13 20:55:48','2014-10-08
10:50:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk tujuan
menguji atau mengukur pelbagai kelajuan sesuatu peralatan/perkakasan/alat permainan
dll yang terdapat pelbagai jenama atau jenis seperti Disolution Tester, Toy
Flammability Tester dll\n\nit is used to test the dissolution condition of chemical
under the set temperature. it is rotary speed can be adjusted. digital readout
shows accurate reading of shaft rotation ( rpm)\n\n\nThe unit has six stirred test
vessels arranged in two rows of three. \n\nHeating is provided by an independent
heater/circulator which avoids the need for priming and can be quickly removed for
maintenance, without compromising the whole tester.\n\nThe heater/circulator is
fitted with a special low vibration impellor which in comprehensive tests has
proved to be equal to or less in terms of vibration measurements than an external
heater/circulator. A low water-level safety cut-out is provided as standard.
20:56:08','2009-04-02 15:54:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Thermovision adalah kamera
lampau merah , beresolusi tinggi menggunakan cahaya lampau merah (IR) untuk
mengetahui prestasi atau perilaku perubahan haba. Kamera digunakan didalam bidang
kawalan keselamatan dan proses industri. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>Thermovision
</B> is an infrared camera provides an affordable and accurate solution for
industrial product and process monitoring, and security applications.
\r\n\r\nFeaturing an ultra-compact, rugged, high resolution IR imaging camera
complete with multiple connectivity interfaces, this fully-integrated system
provides a visual understanding of thermal performance and immediately identifies
thermal problems that are otherwise undetectable. \r\n\r\n'),
(2356,'004014036','THICKNES GAUGE','004014','2008-05-13 20:56:35','2012-10-12
10:23:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Tolok tebal termasuklah tolok digital
dan tolok ultrasonik. Tolok ultrasonik banyak digunakan dalam bidang ujian tanpa
musnah (NDT) untuk mengukur ketebalan/panjang bahan atau barang daripada satu sisi.
Ini termasuk Digital Micrometer, Range Slingshot Meter dll
<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPPTION </B><BR>Including <b>Ultrasonic thickness gauge,
electronic thickness gauge </b>. Ultrasonic thickness gaging is a widely used
nondestructive test technique for measuring the thickness of a material from one
side. Using principles derived from sonar, all ultrasonic thickness gages work by
very precisely measuring how long it takes for a sound pulse that has been
generated by a probe called an ultrasonic transducer to travel through a test
piece'),(2357,'004014037','THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY','004014','2008-05-13
20:57:24','2009-03-31 16:32:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Thin layer
chromatography(TLC) is a chromatography technique used to separate mixtures. Thin
layer chromatography is performed on a sheet of glass, plastic, or aluminum foil,
which is coated with the a thin layer of adsorbent material, usually silica gel,
aluminium oxide, or cellulose. This layer of adsorbent is known as the stationary
phase.\r\n\r\nAfter the sample has been applied on the plate, a solvent or solvent
mixture (known as the mobile phase) is drawn up the plate via capillary action.
Because different analytes ascend the TLC plate at different rates, separation is
achieved.\r\n'),(2358,'004014038','TRANSCIEVER ELECTROMAGNETIC
CELL','004014','2008-05-13 20:58:06','2009-03-31
16:19:55','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'The GTEM cell has been widely accepted as a
sufficient tool in electromagnetic compatibility for both radiated susceptibility
tests and radiated emission tests. In this article, the relationships among basic
quantities such as input power, electric field strength, antenna gain and path loss
for the GTEM cell are reviewed. How to perform the radiated sensitivity measurement
of receivers as well as how to measure antenna characteristics such as antenna
factors, antenna gains and antenna patterns using a GTEM cell are also explained.
The measured antenna patterns using a GTEM cell are compared with results obtained
using an anechoic room.'),(2359,'004014039','ULTRAVOILET/VISIBLE
SPECTROPHOTOMETER','004014','2008-05-13 21:13:16','2009-03-31
16:13:59','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy or ultraviolet-
visible spectrophotometry (UV-Vis or UV/Vis) involves the spectroscopy of photons
in the UV-visible region. This means it uses light in the visible and adjacent
(near ultraviolet (UV) and near infrared (NIR)) ranges. The absorption in the
visible ranges directly affects the color of the chemicals involved. In this region
of the electromagnetic spectrum, molecules undergo electronic transitions'),
(2360,'004014040','UNIVERSAL TESTING MACHINE','004014','2008-05-13 21:13:58','2009-
03-31 16:55:13','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat digunakan untuk menguji ciri-ciri
regangan dan mampatan bahan. Mesin mempunyai satu atau dua turus. Cell beban dan
etensometer mengukur parameter daya dan canggaan semasa bahan diuji. Alat Tensile
Strength Tester termasuk dalam kategori ini.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> A
Universal Testing Machine </B> otherwise known as a materials testing machine/ test
frame is used to test the tensile and compressive properties of materials. Such
machines generally have two columns or single column types. Load cells and
extensometers measure the key parameters of force and deformation as the sample is
tested. These machines are widely used and would be found in any materials testing
laboratory. <br> Tensile Sterength Tester are including in this categori.'),
(2361,'004014041','THERMAL PROPERTIES TESTER','004014','2008-05-13 21:15:23','2010-
08-18 12:40:21','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>Thermal
Properties Tester </b> is an instrument used to measurement of thermophysical
properties of a wide range of materials. It is equipped with various types of
optional probes: needle probes for porous, fibrous or soft materials, surface
probes for hard materials.'),(2362,'004015001','GAMMA SPECTROMETER','004015','2008-
05-13 21:15:48','2009-05-27 21:55:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Spektrometri Gama
adalah satu metod mengukur radionuklid. Spektrometer Gama digunakan untuk
menentukan tenaga dan kadar kiraan sinar gama yang dikeluarkan oleh satu bahan
radioaktif. Alat ini berkebolehan memaparkan dan menganalisa spektrum yang
dihasilkan. <BR><BR><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Gamma spectroscopy is a radionuclidic
measurement method. <b>A gamma spectrometer </b> will determine the energy and the
count rate of gamma rays emitted by radioactive substances.\r\n\r\nWhen these
emissions are collected and analyzed with a gamma spectroscopy system, a gamma
energy spectrum can be produced.\r\n<br>The equipment used in gamma spectroscopy
includes an energy sensitive radiation detector, a pulse sorter (multichannel
analyzer), and associated amplifiers and data readout devices. The most common
detectors include sodium iodide (NaI) scintillation counter and high purity
germanium detectors.</i>\r\n\r\n'),(2363,'004015002','ALPHA
SPECTROMETER','004015','2008-05-13 21:16:08','2009-05-27
22:08:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Spektrometer Alpha adalah modul pembilang yang
boleh digabungkan (4,6 atau 8 unit). Setiap satu mempunyai kebuk pembilang yang
divakum dan alat kesan yang tersendiri. Alat kesan yang digunakan adalah jenis
Surface Barrier. Alpha Spektrometer digunakan untuk analisa kuantitatif sinaran
alpha yang dikeluarkan oleh isotop Uranium, Thorium, polonium dan lain-
lain.<BR><BR> <b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Alpha Spectrometer </b> is a counting facility
comprises several counting modules (4,6 or 8) each having completely independent
counting chambers housing separate detectors. Mostly used detector are Surface
Barrier Detector. These can be used for quantitative analysis of alpha-emitting
isotopes of U, Th, Po and other actinides. The samples are counted under vacuum
and, because the levels are low, good background conditions are
requested.</i>\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n'),(2364,'004015003','ALPHA/BETA
SPECTROMETER','004015','2008-05-13 21:16:24','2009-05-27
22:15:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Merupakan Spektrometer integrasi bagi dua jenis
sinaran alpha dan beta. Kebiasaannya alat ini dikawal dan dianalisa spenuhnya oleh
komputer. <br><br> <b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Integrated Alpha /Beta spectroscopy </b>
instrument. Simultaneous measurement of sample alpha- and beta-activities. Mostly
100% computer controlled electronics and vacuum.</i>\r\n'),
(2365,'004015004','NUCLEAR PRE-AMPLIFIER','004015','2008-05-13 21:17:02','2009-05-
27 22:46:13','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Nuklear Pre-amplifier adalah pra-penguat
elektronik yang digunakan sebelum penguat guna untuk memadan dan menyediakan
signal untuk proses pembesaran seterusnya oleh penguat. <br><br><
<b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>A Nuklear preamplifier </b> (preamp),is an electronic pre-
amplifier which precedes another amplifier to prepare an electronic signal for
further amplification or processing. The preamplifier circuitry may or may not be
housed as a separate component. In general, the function of a preamp is as an
impedance matching, amplify a low-level signal to line-level.'),
(2366,'004015005','NUCLEAR AMPLIFIER','004015','2008-05-13 21:17:18','2009-05-27
23:33:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Nuclear amplifier adalah alat penguat berprestasi
tinggi untuk signal elektronik nukliar. Berfungsi menguatkan, membesarkan dan
membentuk signal sesuai untuk proses analisa seterusnya. Sesuai digunakan bersama
semua jenis alat kesan nukliar saperti alat kesan germanium, silicon surface
barrier, Sodium Iodid dan Si(Li). <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR>Nuclear Amplifier
</b> is a high performance nuclear pulse shaping amplifier, ideally suited for use
with all types of detectors such as germanium, silicon surface barrier and Si(Li)
detectors. The width may be a single width or double NIM module .'),
(2367,'004015006','SINGLE CHANNEL ANALYSER','004015','2008-05-13 21:17:41','2009-
06-01 22:26:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'.Pembilang Saluran Tunggal (Single Channel
Analyzer) digunakan untuk analisa ketinggian denyut dalam Gama Spectrometer.
Mempunyai 3 mode operasi iaitu Integral, Normal dan Window. Dengan mengukur
ketinggian denyut dalam Gama Spectrometer dapat memberikan informasi tenaga
sinaran gama tersebut. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Single Channel Analyser
</b> is essentially used for pulse height analysis. It has THREE modes of
operations namely INTEGRAL, NORMAL & WINDOW. In Gamma Ray Spectrometer the
scintillation detector pulse output is proportional to the Gamma Energy and hence
accurate measurement of pulse height by Single Channel Analyser will give the
energy information.'),(2368,'004015007','MULTI CHANNEL ANALYSER','004015','2008-05-
13 21:17:59','2009-06-01 23:03:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pembilang Gama dengan
pilihan 1024, 2048, 4096 dipanggil Pembilang Gama Multi Saluran. Dengan kawalan
mikrokomputer, bekalan voltan tinggi yang stabil dapat menganalisa sinaran gama
sehingga julat 2000 kev. Kini terdapat pembilang berasaskan komputer dan card plug
in komputer. <br><Br><b><i> DESCRIPTION </B><BR> Gamma counting instrument with
optional 1024, 2048, 4096 channel <b>Multi-Channel Analyzer</B>. It features a
microprocessor controlled precision pulse height analyzer and an electronically
stabilized high voltage supply. Five energy ranges up to 2000 keV are provided.
Data including count data, time and energy level settings can be transmitted to a
computer via the RS-232 interface. \r\nMCA PC BASED -MCA PLUG IN CARDS.These cards
require a single PCI-type bus slot, a 32-bit Windows-based operating system '),
(2369,'004015008','ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER','004015','2008-05-13
21:18:19','2009-06-01 23:15:08','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Analog to Digital Converter
menjana perkataan berdigit berkadar kepada ketinggian input masukan denyut. Dalam
spektrometri nuklear ADC digunakan untuk mendigitalkan signal keluaran daripada
unit penguat spektroskopi. Boleh digunakan bersama penguat dan pembilang pelbagai
saluran untuk menjana spektra tenaga sampel radioaktif. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION
<BR> An analog-to-digital converter </B>(ADC) generates a digital word
proportional\r\nto the amplitude of an input pulse. In nuclear applications, ADCs
are used to digitize the output signals from spectroscopy amplifiers. \r\n The ADC
can be used with an amplifier and a multichannel analyzer (MCA) to generate energy
distributions (spectra) of radioactive\r\nsamples.\r\n'),(2370,'004015009','SCALER
RATE METER','004015','2008-05-13 21:18:33','2009-06-02
09:00:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat ini adalah alat untuk mengukur dan memaparkan
kadar radiasi. Kadar signal masukan ditentukan dengan mengira jumlah denyut masukan
dalam dekad masa yang tertentu. Scaler Rate Meter digunakan khusus untuk membuat
pengiraan gros kadar sinaran sampel radioaktif. Scaler Rate Meter mempunyai pemapar
digital dalam skalar log atau linear. Jumlah kiraan boleh mencapai 500,000 cpm.
Dilengkapkan juga dengan head set dan fungsi audio. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION
<BR></B> A ratemeter is an instrument that measures and displays an average
radiation count rate. The rate of input is determined by counting the number of
pulses that occur over a certain period
of time<b>Scaler Rate Meter </b> used for gross sample counting. Digital readout.
Adjustable count time, 6 Decade LCD Scaler with backlight. Scale either Logarithmic
and Linear Ratemeter with a Total Counting Range from 0 - 500,000 cpm . Headset
Compatible and Audio function. \r\n'),(2371,'004015010','COUNTER/TIMER
(STOK)','004015','2008-05-13 21:18:48','2012-07-09
12:15:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Counter/Timer adalah unit pembilang yang boleh
digunakan sebagai pembilang dengan preset masa atau sebagai pemasa dengan preset
kiraan. Bagi counter/timer yang berkeupayaan tinggi mampu mengira sehingga 250 Mhz.
Unit berasingan boleh memilih paparan data, mod operasi, operasi count/stop/reset
dan set masa /kiraan ambang. Uji diri membolehkan unit menguji sistem operasi
sendiri, dan terdapat juga yang dilengkapkan dengan sambungan RS-232 untuk kawalan
komputer. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Counter/Timer </b>be used in any
system as a counter and presettable timer, timer and presettable counter, or as two
counters. Counter/Timer offers greater than 250 MHz count rate capability for the
most demanding counting applications. Stand alone unit can select displayed data,
operating mode, count/stop/reset operation and threshold setting.\nA selftest mode
allows confirmation of proper counter/timer functioning at power on. The built-in
RS-232 serial communications interface provides computer control .'),
(2372,'004015011','LIQUID NITROGEN MONITOR','004015','2008-05-13 21:19:09','2009-
06-02 09:42:05','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Liquid Nitrogen Monitor digunakan bersama
pengesan khas sebagai pemonitor tahap nitrogen cecair. Monitor akan membunyikan
penggera sebelum alat kesan yang dikawal menjadi panas yang berpunca dari
kekurangan nitrogen cecair didalam dewar. Penggera dibunyikan dan lampu merah
dihadapan module akan berkelip. <br><br><i><b> DESCRIPTION <BR> Liquid Nitrogen
Monitor </b>used with the appropriate probe, the monitor will sound an alarm long
before the detector can warm up as a result of loss of liquid nitrogen in the
dewar. The level of liquid nitrogen is sensed by a thermistor probe in the dewar.
When the liquid nitrogen falls below a safe level (approximately 1/4 of the dewar
capacity), an alarm sounds and a red light on the front panel of the control module
flashes a warning.'),(2373,'004015012','HIGH VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY','004015','2008-
05-13 21:19:34','2009-06-02 10:08:05','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bekalan Kuasa Voltan
Tinggi yang digunakan dalam instrumentasi nuklear menyediakan bekalan kuasa bebas
hingar (noise), kemas teratur dan sangat stabil saperti yang diperlukan oleh tiub
photomultiplier, chamber ionization, pengesan semiconductor dan lain-lain untuk
beroperasi dengan baik. Tersedia dalam kasing modul NIM atau berasingan untuk
kegunaan bench-top. Voltan keluaran boleh dilaraskan dari 10 v sehingga 3000 v dc
dengan arus 0 hingga 10 mA.<br><br><i> <b> DESCRIPTION <BR> High voltage power
supplies </b>unit used in nuclear instrumentation provide the noise-free, well-
regulated, very stable high voltage necessary for proper operation of
photomultipliers, ionization chambers, semiconductor detectors, electron
multipliers, and many other nuclear devices. It is house NIM module (per DOE/ER-
0457T) or stand-alone instrument designed for bench-top operation with output
continuously adjustable from 10 to 3000 V dc with 0 to 10 mA load current.'),
(2374,'004015013','NIM BIN POWER SUPPLY','004015','2008-05-13 21:19:51','2009-06-02
11:00:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bekalan kuasa NIM BIN direkabentuk untuk
membekalkan kuasa arus terus kepada modul yang menggunakan bin. Bekalan kuasa yang
dibekalkan adalah positif dan negatif 12 v pada arus 2Amp, positif dan negatif 24v
pada arus 1 Amp dan pilihan positif dan negatif 6 v. Unit ini juga dilengkapkan
dengan perlindungan beban lebih. <br><BR><i><B> DESCRIPTION <BR> NIM Bin Power
Supply </b> is designed to supply dc power to a NIM bin when the application
requires plus and minus 12 V and plus minus 24 V power or optional plus minus 6 V.
Regulated dc power supplied to the attached bin is rated at +12 V at 2 A, \r\n-12 V
at 2 A, +24 V at 1 A, and -24 V at 1 A. The maximum output power is 96 W at ambient
temperatures up to 50 degreC. In addition, 117 V ac is available up to 0.43
A.\r\n\r\nProtection against overload is provided in several ways. '),
(2375,'004015014','BORE HOLE LOGGER','004015','2008-05-13 21:20:16','2009-02-25
12:35:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Borehole Logger adalah alat penyelidikan
untuk mendapatkan informasi berterusan berkaitan sifat-sifat fizik tanah,
persekitaran dan air dalam tanah.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>Borehole logging
</B>provides continuous information with depth of physical properties that are
vital for most environmental and water resources investigations. \r\n'),
(2376,'004015015','X-RAY DIFFRACTION MACHINE (ASET TAK ALIH)','004015','2008-05-13
21:21:48','2017-11-23 10:15:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat X-Ray Differaction
digunakan untuk mengkaji bentuk sifat-sifat struktur kristal. Kelebihan XRD
berbanding serakan elektron adalah tenaga yang dipindahkan berkurangan dan
sampel menjadi kurang panas. Terdapat 3 jenis diffractometer dalam bidang sains
bahan iaitu \na. four circle diffractometer yang digunakan dalam kedua-dua mod
reflection dan transmission.\nb. Powder Diffractometer yang digunakan untuk
mengkaji serbuk.\nc. Four circle diffractometer yang digunakan dalam mode
reflection geometry. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> </B> The <b> XRD (X-Ray
Differaction ) </b> machine is use in order to characterized the crystalline
structure of solid phase if it is crystalline.\nThe main advantage of XRD as
compared to electron diffraction is that the energy transferred to the system is
less important with XRD and limits the risk of artifacts due to sample heating or
in-situ reduction due to an electron beam.\nThere are three diffractometers in the
material science .\na. A four circle diffractometer working in both reflection and
transmission modes.\nb. The Powder Diffractometer is a #two circle# diffractometer,
wich is clearly enough to study powders.\nc. A four circle diffractometer working
in reflection geometry.\n'),(2377,'004015016','X-RAY FLUORESCENCE MACHINE (ASET TAK
ALIH)','004015','2008-05-13 21:22:18','2017-11-23
10:16:08','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat X-Ray Fluorescence adalah alat analisa yang
menggunakan sinar X untuk menganalisa bahan-bahan dengan pantas, saringan tanpa
musnah secara meluas. X-ray fluorescence adalah pemancaran teruja kedua sinar X
daripada bahan yang telah ditembak dengan sinar X yang bertenaga tinggi atau sinar
radioaktif gama. Penomena ini banyak digunakan dalam penyelidikan logam, kaca,
ceramik, barangan binaan, geochemistry, forensik dan lain-lain. <br><br><b><i>
DESCRIPTION <BR> X-Ray Fluorescence machine (XRF)
</b> analysis is widely used for fast, non-destructive screening of manufacturing
materials and parts . X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is the emission of
characteristic \"secondary\" (or fluorescent) X-rays from a material that has been
excited by bombarding with high-energy X-rays or gamma rays. The phenomenon is
widely used for elemental analysis and chemical analysis, particularly in the
investigation of metals, glass, ceramics and building materials, and for research
in geochemistry, forensic science and archaeology.'),(2378,'004015017','X-RAY
RADIATION MONITOR','004015','2008-05-13 21:22:39','2019-02-14
11:25:37','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<B><I>DESCRIPTION <br> X-Ray Radiation Monitor</b>
is use to measure and monitor X-Ray radiation level.'),(2379,'004015018','NUCLEAR
MOISTURE GAUGE (HYDROTECTOR)','004015','2008-05-13 21:23:02','2009-02-25
13:13:13','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Nuclear Moisture Gauge atau Hydrotector/hydroprobe
digunakan sebagai ujian tanpa musnah pengukuran kelembapan, untuk mengesan dengan
pantas kehadiran dan lokasi kelembapan dan air di dalam tanah atau penebat paip dan
dandang. Kelembapan air boleh menyebabkan karat. Alat ini menggunakan neutron
pantas dari americium 241/berylium dan mengesan neutron thermal
backscater.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>Nuclear Moisture Gauge or
Hydrotector/hydroprobe </B> is use as Non Destructive moisture measurement gauge
for the rapid water detection of subsurface soil moisture or the water moisture in
thermal insulation of pipe and vessel. Rapidly locate area of trapped moisture
where corrotion may develop. Emits fast neutrons from an americium 241 or berylium
source and detects the much slower thermal neutrons backscatter.'),
(2380,'004015019','NEUTRON IMAGING (ASET TAK ALIH)','004015','2008-05-13
21:23:16','2017-11-23 10:16:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Neutron Imaging /
radiography adalah teknik pengimejan yang berkuasa tinggi untuk penilaian dalaman
bahan atau komponen. Ia melibatkan pengecilan alur neutron oleh objek yang
diradiograph dan pendaftaran imej dibuat secara digital atau keatas film. .
<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Neutron Imaging / radiography </b> is
a powerful non-destructive imaging technique for the internal evaluation of
materials or components. It involves the attenuation of a neutron beam by an object
to be radiographed, and registration of the attenuation process (as an image)
digitally or on film.\nNeutron radiography is similar in principle to X-ray
radiography, and is complimentary in the nature of information supplied.<br>
\n\n'),(2381,'004015020','NEUTRON SCATTERING (ASET TAK ALIH)','004015','2008-05-13
21:23:38','2017-11-23 10:17:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Neutron scattering
</b>encompasses all scientific techniques whereby the deflection of neutron
radiation is used as a scientific probe. Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) is
a laboratory technique. The technique provides valuable information over a wide
variety of scientific and technological
applications . '),(2382,'004015021','SENSITOMETER','004015','2008-05-13
21:24:05','2009-06-04 15:45:33','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'sensitometer - a measuring
instrument for measuring the light sensitivity of film over a range of
exposures.'),(2383,'004015022','TLD READER','004015','2008-05-13 21:24:15','2010-
08-19 12:03:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'TLD Dosimeter diguna untuk mengumpul dose
radiasi dan TLD Reader mengukur dose pada orbit. TLD dosimeter diletakkan ditempat
tertentu dan didedahkan pada sinaran radioaktif dalam jangka masa tertentu.
Akhirnya TLD akan diletakkan kedalam alat pembaca TLD, dimana TLD akan dipanaskan
diukur dose yang terkumpul.. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> TLD </B>dosimeters
accumulate dose and a Reader to measure that dose on-orbit. The TLDs are placed in
various locations and exposed for specific durations. At the end of the exposure
period, the TLD is placed in the TLD Reader, which heats it and measures the
cumulative radiation exposure.'),(2384,'004015023','NUCLEAR RADIATION
SOURCE','004015','2008-05-13 21:24:39','2010-08-18
13:31:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sumber Radiasi Nuklear. Dibentuk dalam pelet kecil
dengan bahan radioaktif dipeteri didalam. Terdapat dalam beberapa jenis bahan
radioaktif saperti cobalt 60, calsium 137 dan sebagainya. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<BR> Nuclear Radiation source,</b> is a pelet sealed source, with different source
example cobalt 60 , cesium 137 et.'),(2385,'004015024','NUCLEAR RADIATION
DETECTOR','004015','2008-05-13 21:25:01','2010-08-19
12:04:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Kesan Nuklear. Direkodkan didalam
inventori.'),(2386,'004015025','WHOLE BODY COUNTER (ASET TAK ALIH)','004015','2008-
05-13 21:25:21','2019-02-14 11:30:45','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),
(2387,'004015026','DOSE CALIBRATOR','004015','2008-05-13 21:25:36','2009-06-04
15:54:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'A dose calibrator (radioisotope calibrator) is a
device used in radiological research that measures the total amount of a
radionuclide in units of curies (Ci) or millicuries (mCi), or in the SI units
becquerels (Bq) with an appropriate prefix. It consists of a hollow, lead shielded
cylinder, in which samples of radionuclides are lowered for measurement. It can be
programmed for 8 specific isotopes, or adjusted by dial for isotopes not in the
program. It is commonly used to obtain quick measures of the total radioactivity of
isotopes prior to administration to patients and animals, or further processing in
chemical synthesis.'),(2388,'004014042','ELECTROPHORESIS EQUIPMENT','004014','2008-
05-13 21:26:16','2012-04-23 16:56:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat electrophoresis
digunakan dalam gel electrophoresis, metod untuk memisahkan macromolekul sama ada
asid nuklie atau protien berasakan saiz, cas elektrik atau ciri-ciri fizikal. Alat
ini termasuklah Mini-Power Supply, Mini-Peristaltic Pump, dual cassette,
heater/stirrer/cycler with lumen, gradient maker, buffer siphone pump, and well
comb, capillary electrophoresis.\n<BR><BR><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Gel electrophoresis
</B>is a method that separates macromolecules-either nucleic acids or proteins-on
the basis of size, electric charge, and other physical properties.\nThe instrument
includes: Mini-Power Supply, Mini-Peristaltic Pump, dual cassette,
heater/stirrer/cycler with lumen, gradient maker, buffer siphone pump, and well
comb.'),(2389,'004016001','LAMINAR FLOW CABINET','004016','2008-05-13
21:28:28','2010-08-20 10:23:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<BR>A laminar flow cabinet </B> or laminar flow closet or tissue culture hood is a
carefully enclosed bench designed to prevent contamination of semiconductor wafers,
biological samples, or any particle sensitive device. Air is drawn through a HEPA
filter and blown in a very smooth, laminar flow towards the user. The cabinet is
usually made of stainless steel with no gaps or joints where spores might
collect.'),(2390,'004016002','LAMINAR BIO-HAZARD CABINET','004016','2008-05-13
21:29:10','2010-08-20 10:35:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION
<BR></B>For microbe experiments, it often be made by hands, even experimenter pay
special attention to it, pathogens also can emit to the air of working space. <B>
BIO-HAZARD SAFE CABINET</B> can control those pathogens to emit outside of the
operating box, which shall contaminate operation personnel and lab materials'),
(2391,'004016003','LAMINAR MICROBIOLOGYCAL CABINET','004016','2008-05-13
21:30:20','2010-08-20 11:05:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<BR><Br><B><I>
DESCRIPTION <BR> Laminar microbiological safety cabinet</b> provides operator,
product and environmental protection within Biosafety Levels 1, 2 and 3. \r\n'),
(2392,'004016004','PERCHLORIC FUME CUPBOARD','004016','2008-05-13 21:30:40','2010-
08-20 11:13:56','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>Perchloric
Fume Cupboard </b> units feature a waterwash system in the ductwork. Because
perchloric acid fumes settle, and form explosive crystals, it is vital that the
ductwork is cleaned internally with a series of sprays.'),
(2393,'004016005','RADIOISOTOP FUME CUPBOARD (ASET TAK ALIH)','004016','2008-05-13
21:32:43','2019-02-14 11:32:49','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION
<BR> Radioisotop fume cupboard/ hood </b> is made with a coved stainless steel
liner and coved integral stainless steel countertop that is reinforced to handle
the weight of lead bricks or blocks.'),(2394,'004016006','LABORATORY CABINET AND
BENCH','004016','2008-05-13 21:33:13','2009-02-03
15:16:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kabinet dan Meja
Makmal\r\n<br<br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nLaboratory cabinet and Bench'),
(2395,'004016007','POWDER FILTER CUPBOARD','004016','2008-05-13 21:34:12','2010-08-
20 13:31:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><r><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR></B>Ducted or
Recirculatory<B> Powder filter/Safety Cabinets,</B> provide the operator with a
safe environment in which to weigh or handle powders.'),(2396,'004016008','FUME
CUPBOARD (ASET TAK ALIH)','004016','2008-05-13 21:34:37','2019-02-14
11:33:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>A fume hood or fume
cupboard </B> is a type of local ventilation device that is designed to limit the
user\'s exposure to hazardous or noxious fumes, vapors or dusts. A fume hood is
typically a large piece of equipment enclosing five sides of a work area, the
bottom of which is most commonly located at a standing work height.'),
(2397,'004016009','GLOVE BOX','004016','2008-05-13 21:34:51','2010-08-23
22:26:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>A glovebox (or glove box)</b> is a sealed
container that is designed to allow one to manipulate objects where a separate
atmosphere is desired. Built into the sides of the glovebox are gloves arranged in
such a way that the user can place his or her hands into the gloves and perform
tasks inside the box without breaking containment. Part or all of the box is
usually transparent to allow the user to see what is being manipulated'),
(2398,'004017001','DESSICATOR','004017','2008-05-13 21:38:03','2010-08-24
09:24:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>Desiccators </b> are
sealable enclosures containing desiccants used for preserving moisture-sensitive
items. A common use for desiccators is to protect chemicals ,samples or standard
item which are hygroscopic or which react with water from humidity.'),
(2399,'004017002','DRY CABINET','004017','2008-05-13 21:38:27','2010-03-12
11:49:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kabinet kering, guna untuk menyimpan barang
saperti peralatan, kanta, film dan lain-lain. Suhu dan kelembapan dalam kabinet
dapat dikawal dengan pelaras suhu dan kelembapan.'),(2401,'004017003','KABINET
BAHAN KIMIA','004017','2008-05-13 21:41:50','2010-08-24
10:04:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kabinet khas untuk menyimpan bahan-bahan kimia.'),
(2402,'004017004','KABINET BAHAN MUDAH BAKAR','004017','2008-05-13 21:42:08','2010-
08-24 10:09:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kabinet khas untuk menyimpan bahan-bahan
kimia mudah terbakar. Mempunyai pintu 2 lapisan, ventilasi dibahagian atas, dan
mempunyai lebel amaran hazard di bahagian pintu (depan) kabinet.'),
(2403,'004017005','KABINET BAHAN RADIOAKTIF','004017','2008-05-13 21:43:04','2010-
08-24 10:22:56','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>The
radioactive storage cabinet </B> is designed for safety storing radioactive
material. It features lead lined as a shielding, a drawer for easy removal and
cleaning contaimination.'),(2404,'004018001','PIPETTE DISPENSER (ELECTRONIC
SYRINGE)','004018','2008-05-13 21:43:56','2014-10-17
10:35:33','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(4832,'004009007','ANIMAL TATOO
MACHINE','004009','2014-10-17 02:56:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Untuk membuat
penandaan ID haiwan bagi eksperimen.'),(4833,'001003022','MESSAGING GATEWAY
(STOK)','001003','2014-10-17 03:03:13','2019-02-11
21:10:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Anti Spam Messaging Gateway'),
(2405,'004018002','BURETTE','004018','2008-05-13 21:44:11','2009-11-04
11:08:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tiub kaca yang mempunyai pancur untuk cecair
keluar dan dapat disukat. Hanya termasuk yang menggunakan bateri dan pemapar
digital. <br><br><b> DESCRIPTION<BR> A Burette </b> (also buret) is a vertical
cylindrical piece of laboratory glassware with a volumetric graduation on its full
length and a precision tap, or stopcock, on the bottom. It is used to dispense
known amounts of a liquid reagent in experiments for which such precision is
necessary, such as a titration experiment. '),(2406,'004018003','LAB
DISPENCER','004018','2008-05-13 21:44:46','2009-04-07
10:18:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pembahagi adalah perkakas makmal yang digunakan
secara manual atau automatik atau pun dikawal oleh komputer. Perkakas ini guna
untuk mengeluarkan sejumlah sampel kedalam tiub, mikroplate, dulang dan sebagainya.
Dengan menggunkan pembahagi amaun dapat diambil dengan tepat, mempercepatkan
masa kerja dan mengelakkan pencemaran sampel. <br><br><i><b> DESCRIPTION <BR>Lab
Dispensers </b> feed measured amounts of sample material into trays, vessels,
microplates, or centrifuges, without human contact with the material. These devices
may be operated manually, automatically timed, or computer controlled for more
complicated projects. Dispensers are used instead of simply pouring out materials
because they are more accurate, help to cut down on waste, and lessen the risk of
sample contamination. \r\n\r\n'),(2407,'004018004','JACK SCISSOR','004018','2008-
05-13 21:45:21',NULL,'MOF','160101',1,NULL,NULL),(2408,'004018005','TEST TUBE
RACK','004018','2008-05-13 21:45:58','2010-08-24
10:27:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Direkodkan sebagai barangan bekalan (stor)'),
(2409,'004018006','WATER PURIFICATION','004018','2008-05-13 21:46:17','2012-12-03
15:34:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin/Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menapis air,
menyingkir kandungan air, seperti Penapis Air, Pembersih Air, Mesin Penapis Air
Dalam Tanah dll\n\n<br><br><i><b>Water Purfication, Water Filter'),
(2410,'004018007','AERIAL','004018','2008-05-13 21:46:39','2010-08-24
10:28:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Barangan alat ganti (stor)'),
(2412,'004018008','FILM VIEWER','004018','2008-05-13 21:52:32','2009-08-26
11:28:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR> Film Viewer or X-
Ray Film viewer or X-Ray Illuminator.</b> Table standing or wall mounted,
individual on off switch, used to view x ray film or others.'),
(2413,'004015027','ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROMETER','004015','2008-05-13
21:54:13','2009-06-04 15:52:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Atomic absorption
spectroscopy is a technique for determining the concentration of a particular metal
element in a sample. Atomic absorption spectroscopy can be used to analyse the
concentration of over 62 different metals in a solution. \r\n'),
(2450,'016005001','PASU HIASAN','016005','2008-05-14 22:02:03','2019-02-12
20:58:49','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pasu yang dijadikan sebagai
hiasan\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nDecoration Pot; vase </b> - The vase is an
open container, often used to hold cut flowers. It can be made from a number of
materials including ceramics and glass. The vase is often decorated and thus used
to extend the beauty of its contents.'),(2451,'016005002','POKOK BUNGA HIASAN
(STOK)','016005','2008-05-14 22:02:20','2017-09-14
15:15:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pokok Bunga Hiasan; Bunga Tiruan; Bunga
Plastik\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nArtificial Flower; Plastic Flower; Decor
Flower'),(2452,'016005003','AIR TERJUN HIASAN','016005','2008-05-14
22:02:45','2009-01-28 16:09:43','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Air Terjun Hiasan; Air
Terjun buatan\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nIndoor Waterfall; Artificial
Waterfall'),(2453,'016005004','AKUARIUM','016005','2008-05-14 22:03:09','2009-01-28
16:10:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Akuarium, kolam ikan yang dibuat daripada
kaca\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nAquarium; Fish Aquarium'),
(2454,'016005005','BATU KRISTAL','016005','2008-05-14 22:03:33','2019-02-12
21:00:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Batu Kristal yang dijadikan sebagai
hiasan\n<Br><Br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nCrystal Stone; Crystal Rock'),
(2455,'016005006','ARCA /SCULPTURE','016005','2008-05-14 22:03:55','2011-01-25
09:23:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Arca adalah seni ukiran yang mempunyai bentuk
seperti manusia, binatang atau seni untuk hiasan
(2456,'016004001','PERMAIDANI','016004','2008-05-14 22:05:31','2009-02-12
12:41:08','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Permaidani; Karpet; tidak termasuk kemasan lantai
seperti karpet tile\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCarpet </b> not including
floor furnishing, such as carpet tile.'),(2457,'016004002','ALAS KAKI /FLOOR MAT
(STOK)','016004','2008-05-14 22:06:11','2011-01-25
Kaki\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nFloor mat; Door Mat'),
(2458,'016004003','TIKAR (STOK)','016004','2008-05-14 22:06:26','2018-10-04
16:16:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tikar adalah hamparan yang biasanya diperbuat
daripada daun mengkuang, biasanya digunakan sebagai alas
duduk\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Mat</b> is a rough strong material used for
cover floor.'),(2459,'016003001','LANGSIR (STOK)','016003','2008-05-14
22:06:39','2019-02-12 20:46:31','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),
(2460,'016003002','VENETIAN BLIND (STOK)','016003','2008-05-14 22:06:50','2019-02-
12 20:46:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Venetian Blind; Bidai
Melintang\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Venetian Blind'),
(2461,'016003003','VERTICAL BLIND (STOK)','016003','2008-05-14 22:07:03','2019-02-
12 20:48:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bidai Menegak\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Vertical Blind'),(2462,'016003004','RAILING LANGSIR (STOK)','016003','2008-05-
14 22:07:36','2019-02-12 20:49:43','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Railing Langsir; Rel
langsir adalah palang yg digunakan utk menggantung
langsir\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nCurtian Railling; Railing Pipe'),
(2463,'016003005','TIRAI (STOK)','016003','2008-05-14 22:09:01','2019-02-12
20:50:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tirai adalah kain yg dipasang labuh hingga
mencecah lantai utk menutup pentas dll; tabir.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Stage
Curtain'),(2464,'016002001','LAMPU KANDIL','016002','2008-05-14 22:11:11','2009-01-
28 16:35:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lampu
Kandir\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nChandelier Light'),
(2465,'016002002','DOWN LIGHT (STOK)','016002','2008-05-14 22:12:01','2019-02-12
16:30:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lampu Ke
Bawah\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nDown Light </b>or A recessed light (also pot
light in Canadian English, sometimes can light [for canister light] in American
English) is a light fixture that is installed into a hollow opening in a ceiling.
When installed it appears to have light shining from a hole in the ceiling,
concentrating the light in a downward direction as a broad floodlight or narrow
spotlight.\n\nThere are two parts to recessed lights, the trim and housing. The
trim is the visible portion of the light. It is the insert that is seen when
looking up into the fixture, and also includes the thin lining around the edge of
the light. The housing is the fixture itself that is installed inside the ceiling
and contains the light socket.'),(2466,'016001001','GAMBAR HIASAN','016001','2008-
05-14 22:12:58','2009-02-03 13:02:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Gambar Hiasan adalah
tiruan sesuatu benda yang dibuat menggunakan kamera, foto dan di bingkaikan untuk
dijadikan hiasan. \r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nDecoration picture</b> is a
photograph of person, scenery, thing and framed as a decoration item.'),
(2467,'016001002','GAMBAR LUKISAN (PAINTING)','016001','2008-05-14 22:13:27','2008-
09-25 11:42:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Gambar lukisan adalah hasil melukis,
gambaran samada menggunakan cat minyak dan lain-lain yang menggambarkan sesuatu.
Samada gambar, lakaran, tulisan, catitan, rekaan, catatan, contengan, ilustrasi,
ciptaan, karya, imej, sorotan, potret.\r\n<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <br> Painting
</b> A picture made by drawing using paint or other.'),(2468,'016001003','LAMPU
HIASAN DINDING','016001','2008-05-14 22:13:54','2017-05-31
15:47:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lampu Dinding adalah lampu hiasan yang di lekatkan
pada dinding.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nWall Light</b> are decoration light
mounted to the wall.'),(2469,'016001004','CERMIN HIASAN','016001','2008-05-14
22:14:20','2017-05-31 15:47:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Cermin yang digunakan untuk
pelbagai fungsi seperti Cermin Muka Hiasan, Cermin Pandang Keselamatan, Cermin
Hiasan Berbingkai dll. Ianya adalah cermin yang mempuyai bentuk, bingkai, posisi
yang diperolehi untuk tujuan gunasama.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nMirror;
Decorative Mirror'),(2470,'013001006','AMBULANS','013001','2008-05-14
22:21:59','2008-10-15 09:52:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Ambulans</b>kereta sakit,
adalah kenderaan untuk membawa pesakit atau orang cedera untuk
rawatan.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>An ambulance</b> is a vehicle for
transporting sick or injured people,[1] to, from or between places of treatment for
an illness or injury. The term ambulance is used to describe a vehicle used to
bring medical care to patients outside of the hospital or to transport the patient
to hospital for follow-up care and further testing. In some jurisdictions there is
a modified form of the ambulance used, that only carries one member of ambulance
crew to the scene to provide care, but is not used to transport </i>'),
(2471,'013004002','BOX TRUCK','013004','2008-05-14 22:23:10','2009-01-22
10:27:41','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Box truck adalah lori kecil yang dibahagian
belakang bertutup penuh dan boleh dikunci.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>'),
(2472,'013004003','LORI KONTENA','013004','2008-05-14 22:23:34','2009-01-22
10:27:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lori Kontena; Treler
Kontena\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Container Trailer; '),
(2473,'013004004','LORI PIKAP','013004','2008-05-14 22:25:07','2009-01-22
10:26:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lori Pikap; trak
Pikap\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br> Pick Up Truck; Pick Up Lorry'),
(2474,'013004005','LORI TRELER','013004','2008-05-14 22:25:27','2009-01-22
10:26:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lori Treler; Kepala
Treler\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br> Trailer Lorry; Trailer Truck; Trailer
Head'),(2475,'013006001','PESAWAT RINGAN','013006','2008-05-14 22:34:16','2009-02-
16 16:49:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pesawat
Ringan\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nLight aviator'),
(2476,'013006002','HELIKOPTER','013006','2008-05-14 22:34:40','2008-09-16
15:17:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Helikopter adalah pesawat terbang yg mempunyai
baling-baling (kipas) di atasnya dan boleh turun dan naik secara
menegak.\r\n<br><br><b><i>Helicopter; A helicopter</b> is an aircraft that is
lifted and propelled by one
or more horizontal rotors, each rotor consisting of two or more rotor blades.
Helicopters are classified as rotorcraft or rotary-wing aircraft to distinguish
them from fixed-wing aircraft because the helicopter derives its source of lift
from the rotor blades rotating around a mast.\r\n\r\n'),(2477,'003004003','PISAU
CHEF (STOK)','003004','2008-05-14 22:40:25','2011-01-24
15:32:13','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pisau yang dibeli secara berasingan (bukan set)
hendaklah direkod sebagai stok.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>'),
(2478,'003004004','PISAU MELAPAH DAGING (STOK)','003004','2008-05-14
22:42:57','2011-01-24 15:33:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Jenis pisau yang dibeli
secara berasingan (bukan set) hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai
stok.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>'),(2479,'003004005','PISAU ROTI
(STOK)','003004','2008-05-14 22:43:14','2011-01-24
15:33:59','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pisau yang dibeli secara berasingan (bukan set)
hendaklah direkod sebagai stok.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>'),
(2480,'003005003','PEMBUKA TIN (STOK)','003005','2008-05-14 22:44:53','2011-01-24
tin\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCanned opener'),(2481,'003004006','ALAT
PENGUPAS /PEELER (STOK)','003004','2008-05-14 22:45:49','2011-01-24
15:34:59','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'pelbagai alat pengupas yang dibeli berasingan
hendaklah direkod sebagai stok.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>'),
(2482,'003005004','SISTEM PEMBERSIH AIR /PENAPIS AIR','003005','2008-05-14
22:46:12','2011-01-24 15:50:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sistem Pembersih Air;
Penapis Air\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nMineral Pot; Water Filter'),
(2483,'003005005','MESIN DOBI','003005','2008-05-14 22:47:30','2009-02-19
17:12:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Basuh; mesin dobi adalah mesin membasuh
pakaian automatik dan separa auto.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br><br>\r\nWashing
Machine; Doby Machine is a machine for washing and cleaning cloth; either automatic
or semi auto.\r\n'),(2484,'003005006','MESIN PENGERING PAKAIAN','003005','2008-05-
14 22:48:17','2008-11-06
11:58:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCloth Drying
Machine'),(2485,'003005007','MESIN PEMBASUH PINGGAN','003005','2008-05-14
22:48:49','2008-11-06 11:59:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Pembasuh Pinggan;
Mesin Basuh Pinggan Mangkuk\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>Dishes Washing Machine;
Dish Washer'),(2486,'003005008','TERMOS BESAR (STOK)','003005','2008-05-14
22:51:56','2011-01-24 15:51:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Termos Besar adalah bekas
atau balang untuk menyimpan makanan atau minuman supaya tetap panas atau sejuk.
\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nThermos Container'),(2487,'016005007','KOTAK
HIASAN (STOK)','016005','2008-05-14 23:02:13','2011-01-25
09:22:49','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kotak Hiasan; Kotak
Perhiasan\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nDecor Box; Decor case; Sterling
Box'),(2488,'016005008','BAKUL HIASAN (STOK)','016005','2008-05-14 23:02:23','2011-
01-25 09:22:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bakul
Hiasan\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nDecor Basket'),(2489,'016005009','BEKAS
LILIN (STOK)','016005','2008-05-14 23:02:39','2011-01-25
09:30:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bakas Lilin; Tempat letak
lilin\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCandle stand; Candle Holder'),
(2490,'015008001','KATIL','015008','2008-05-14 23:10:55','2016-04-07
12:51:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Katil adalah termasuk Kategori Perabut yang
diperlukan untuk melengkapkan kelengkapan tidur samada buatan kayu atau besi
direkodkan sebagai Aset mengikut harga perolehan. Sekiranya dibeli beersekali
dengan tilam ianya boleh didaftarkan bersekali iaiatu Tilam sebagai komponen kepada
Katil.\nTermasuk semua jenis katil, katil bujang, katil berkembar, katil kanak-
kanak, katil bayi atau katil dua tingkat atau katil mudah alih (portable bed)
dll.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nBed </b> Including all type of beds. Single or
double bed, kids bed, baby coach or double decker bed.'),(2491,'015008002','TILAM
(STOK)','015008','2008-05-14 23:11:16','2015-09-22
16:37:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tilam yang terdiri dari pelbagai jenis/bentuk dan
harga yang berbeza yang digunakan sebagai kelengkapan tidur. Ianya didaftarkan
sebagai inventori sekiranya perolehan dibuat hanya Tilam
(STOK)','015008','2008-05-14 23:11:24','2011-01-25
),(2493,'015008004','CADAR (STOK)','015008','2008-05-14 23:11:31','2011-01-25
08:58:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Cadar; Alas
Katil\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nBed Sheet; Bed Spread'),
(2494,'015008005','COMFORTER (STOK)','015008','2008-05-14 23:11:47','2011-01-25
BANTAL (STOK)','015008','2008-05-14 23:14:07','2011-01-25
Bantal\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nPillow Cover'),(2497,'015008007','SARUNG
TILAM (STOK)','015008','2008-05-14 23:16:28','2011-01-25
Tilam\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nMattress Cover'),(2500,'015001025','MEJA
SOLEK','015001','2008-05-15 14:59:56','2009-02-12
17:00:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Solek; Almari solek\r\n<br><br><b><i>Make-up
table; Dressing Table\r\n'),(2501,'015003005','ALMARI SOLEK','015003','2008-05-15
15:00:15','2009-02-03 11:43:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Almari
Solek\r\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION <br> \r\nMake-up Table'),(2502,'015003006','ALMARI
LAUK','015003','2008-05-15 15:00:27','2009-02-10
15:29:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Almari Lauk; Almari Makanan; Kabinet Makanan
adalah almari untuk menyimpan atau pamer lauk-pauk;
makanan.\r\n\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Food Cupboard; Food Cabinet are
closet for keeping food.'),(2503,'015008008','SELIMUT (STOK)','015008','2008-05-15
t'),(2504,'015008009','KELAMBU (STOK)','015008','2008-05-15 15:02:26','2011-01-25
to Net'),(2505,'013004006','LORI SAMPAH','013004','2008-05-15 15:03:32','2009-01-22
10:26:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lori Sampah; Trak
Sampah\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br> Waste Truck; Waste Lorry; Rubbish / Refuse
Truck'),(2506,'013004007','LORI SIMEN','013004','2008-05-15 15:04:02','2009-01-22
10:25:53','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lori Simen\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>
Cement Truck / Lorry'),(2507,'013004008','LORI 3 TON','013004','2008-05-15
15:07:56','2013-07-12 10:20:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lori 3 Ton hingga 4.5
Ton;Trak adalah lori yang berkapisiti tiga ton, meliputi trak askar, trak
polis\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br> 3 Ton Lorry; Truck - Tree Ton Lorry'),
(2508,'013001007','CARAVAN','013001','2008-05-15 15:13:19','2008-10-15
09:56:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Karavan adalah treler kecil dimana orang boleh
tinggal dan mengembara dengannya.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>A Caravan</b>, a
small trailer in which people can live and travel</i>\r\n'),
(2509,'016001005','HIASAN UKIRAN DINDING','016001','2008-05-15 15:14:26','2009-02-
12 16:33:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Hiasan Ukiran Dinding - Bentuk seni yang
dihasilkan melalui proses memotong, menggaris, menoreh dan sebagainya pada
permukaan kayu atau batu untuk hiasan dinding.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Carving </b>are the wrk or art of something shaped or made by carving for wall
decoration.'),(2510,'016004004','TIKAR GETAH (STOK)','016004','2008-05-15
15:23:28','2011-01-25 09:18:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tikar Getah; Tikar
Plastik\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nRubber Mat; Plastic Mat'),
(2511,'002012001','BEKAS PEMBAHAGI SABUN-SOAP DISPENSER (STOK)','002012','2008-05-
15 15:27:26','2010-12-28 16:00:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bekas Pembahagi Sabun ;
Dispenser Sabun Cecair\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Soap Dispenser '),
(2512,'002012002','ALAT PENGERING /TANGAN','002012','2008-05-15 15:28:09','2012-06-
12 10:26:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Pengering
Tangan\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Hand Dryer'),
(2513,'002012003','PEMEGANG/BEKAS TISU (STOK)','002012','2008-05-15
15:29:21','2010-12-28 16:01:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemegang Tisu; Bekas Tisu
Tandas\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Tissue Holder'),(2514,'002012004','SANITARY
BIN (STOK)','002012','2008-05-15 15:29:48','2010-12-28
16:02:05','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tong Tuala Wanita adala bekas tempat pembuangan
tuala wanita terpakai.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Sanitary Bin; femine
hygiene disposal'),(2515,'002012005','PENYIDAI KAIN/PAKAIAN/TUALA','002012','2008-
05-15 15:30:22','2016-02-05 11:00:41','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk mengeringkan sesuatu dalam pelbagai bentuk dan fungsi seperti
Ampaian Batik, Penyidai, ampaian pakaian termasuk juga rak penyidai pakaian,
Pemegang Tuala, Tempat Penyangkut baju atau tuala; Palang
Tuala\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nClothes rack,</b> clothes hanger,Towel
Holder; Towel Hanger; Towel Bar; Apron Hanger'),(2516,'013004009','LOW
LOADER','013004','2008-05-15 16:25:49','2009-01-22
10:25:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Low Loader</b> adalah lori atau trak yang
dibina pelantar yang rendah bagi memudahkan barang berat dinaik
keatasnya.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br> Low Loadaer</b> is a vehicle with low
platform for loading: a truck or railroad car built with a low platform so as to
make it easier to load and unload heavy goods and Low Loader and Machine Trailers
have the following features: \r\n<br>-Air Suspension or conventional spring
suspension \r\n<br>-30- 100 tonne capacity \r\n'),(2517,'004014043','MULTIPLE GAS
ANALYSER','004014','2008-05-15 16:45:08','2009-03-31
12:00:13','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Penganalisa Berbagai Gas adalah
alat yang boleh menganalisa berbagai jenis gas dengan satu saluran masukan. Alat
ini berupaya mengasingkan berbagai jenis gas saperti H2, O2, N2, methane, CO,
ethane, CO2, ethylene, NOx, acetylene, propane, butanes, pentanes and C6-C8. Alat
dilengkapi dengan pengesan TCD. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>\r\n Multiple Gas
Analyzer </B> can separate multiple gases with a single injection. It is pre-
plumbed and ready to resolve H2, O2, N2, methane, CO, ethane, CO2, ethylene, NOx,
acetylene, propane, butanes, pentanes and C6-C8.\r\nThe basic Multiple Gas Analyzer
is equipped with a TCD detector for detection limits in the 200-500ppm range.'),
(2518,'004014044','VECTORSCOPE','004014','2008-05-15 16:45:54','2009-03-31
11:50:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Vectorscope adalah oscilloscope khusus yang
digunakan dalam bidang audio dan video. Dalam oscilloscope biasa, monitor
mengambarkan plot signal berlawan masa, manakala dalam vectorscope, monitor
mengambarkan dua signal, X dan Y plot dan perhubungan antara dua signal.
<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> A vectorscope </B> is a special type of
oscilloscope used in both audio and video applications. Whereas an oscilloscope or
waveform monitor normally displays a plot of signal vs. time, a vectorscope
displays an X-Y plot of two signals, revealing valuable details about the
relationship between these two signals. Vectorscopes are highly similar in
operation to oscilloscopes operated in X-Y mode; however those used in video
applications have specialized graticules, and accept standard television or video
signals as input '),(2519,'016004005','SEJADAH (STOK)','016004','2008-05-15
21:04:34','2019-02-12 20:54:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Hamparan adalah Fabrik tebal
biasanya daripada bulu binatang sebagai alas lantai yang hanya menutupi bahagian
tertentu lantai. ; tikar sembayang \n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Rugs </b>is a
woollen floor mat (smaller thancarpet); a large woollen covering to wrap
roundoneself when travelling or camping.; praying mat '),
(2520,'006009001','ACCORDION','006009','2008-05-15 21:06:28','2008-10-14
14:05:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'akordeon; harmonika tangan, (sejenis alat
muzik).\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>An accordion </b>is a musical instrument
of the hand-held bellows-driven free reed aerophone family, sometimes referred to
as a squeezebox. The accordion is played by compressing and expanding the bellows,
while pressing buttons or keys to allow air to flow across reeds, thereby producing
tones and chords.\r\n'),(2521,'006009002','KEYBOARD','006009','2008-05-15
21:06:44','2008-12-02 11:48:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Keybord adalah alat muzik
idiofon yang mempunyai papan jari\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nAny of
various instruments, played by means of a set of pianolike keys, often connected to
a synthesizer or amplifier.'),(2522,'006009003','HARPSICORD','006009','2008-05-15
harpsichord</b> is a musical instrument played by means of a keyboard. It produces
sound by plucking a string when each key is pressed.\r\n\r\nAlso in the harpsichord
family is the smaller virginals, the muselar or muselaar virginals and the spinet
(but not the clavichord which is a hammered instrument).\r\n\r\nThe harpsichord was
widely used in baroque music. It became less popular following the invention of the
piano, but its distinctive sound is still used in contemporary music.\r\n\r\n'),
(2523,'006009004','ORGAN','006009','2008-05-15 21:08:00','2008-12-02
11:52:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nThe high-
quality instruments designed purely as pipe organ replacements, have developed
greatly over the last two decades, and are now a common alternative to the pipe
organ, particularly in churches. These are often referred to as pipeless or digital
organs. '),(2524,'006009005','PIANO','006009','2008-05-15 21:08:08','2008-11-06
14:46:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Piano adalah alat key board idiofon yang berpapan
jari dan ditekan pada matanya untuk menghasilkan
bunyi\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nThe piano </b>is a musical instrument
played by means of a keyboard that produces sound by striking steel strings with
felt covered hammers'),(2525,'006008001','DRUM SET','006008','2008-05-15
21:08:44','2008-10-14 14:45:55','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set Gendang; perangkat dram;
deram ia lah Dram yang mengandungi beberapa jenis dram seperti dram bes, dram
getar, dram samping, tomtom, simbal, simbal kacip dan loceng.
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Drum set</b> is a collection of drums, cymbals and
sometimes other percussion instruments, such as cowbells, wood blocks, triangles,
chimes, or tambourines, arranged for convenient playing by a single drummer.\r\n'),
(2526,'006008002','BONGO','006008','2008-05-15 21:09:02','2008-10-14
14:40:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bongo; bonggo ialah sebuahgendang kecil yang
berkembar dua yang dipukul dengan tangan.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DISCRIPTION <br>Bongo
</b>a percussion instrument made up of two small drums attached to each other; '),
(2527,'006008003','CONGA','006008','2008-05-15 21:09:20','2008-10-14
14:55:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Konga ialah alat perkusi daripada keluarga
gendang\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>The conga </b>is a tall, narrow, single-
headed Cuban drum of African origin'),(2528,'006008004','CYMBALS','006008','2008-
05-15 21:10:10','2009-02-25 12:35:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Simbal ;gembereng,
canang, gong\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Cymbals </b>are a modern percussion
instrument. Cymbals consist of thin, normally round plates of various cymbal
alloys'),(2529,'006008005','CASTANETS (STOK)','006008','2008-05-15 21:10:24','2019-
02-12 22:16:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kastanet: Alat perkusi yang lazimnya diketuk
dengan tangan oleh penari-penari Sepanyol\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Castanets</b> are percussion instrument (idiophone), much used in Moorish,
Ottoman, Ancient Roman, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American music. The
instrument consists of a pair of concave shells joined on one edge by string. These
are held in the hand and used to produce clicks for rhythmic accents or a ripping
or rattling sound consisting of a rapid series of clicks'),(2530,'006008006','METAL
SHAKER (STOK)','006008','2008-05-15 21:10:48','2019-02-12
22:16:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\nAn all-
purpose metal shaker for a limitless variety of situations. The extra fine fill
material provides a delicate shaker sound'),(2531,'006008007','EGG SHAPE SHAKER
(STOK)','006008','2008-05-15 21:11:09','2019-02-12
22:16:49','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\nAn egg shaped
musical shaker instrument has an egg shaped shell and pellets enclosed therein. The
shell has two parts. A first large shell part includes an exterior surface forming
a large end portion and a central portion. The first part truncates at a small end
portion of the shell and includes an opening in the truncated small end portion.
The second small shell part has a cap member for closing the opening in the first
large shell part. The first and second shell parts are joined together by an
internal joint which is not exposed to the external surface of the shell. In a
second embodiment, a handle, which replaces the second small shell part, is
attached to the first large shell part. '),(2532,'006008008','MARACCAS
(STOK)','006008','2008-05-15 21:11:26','2019-02-12
22:17:01','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\nMaraccas is a
tuned pair of rattles made from gourds filled with pebbles or seeds, one of a wide
range of America-derived rattles'),(2533,'006008009','TAMBOURINE
(STOK)','006008','2008-05-15 21:11:49','2019-02-12
22:17:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tamburin: Alat perkusi yang mempunyai kepingan
logam nipis di bingkainya yang terdiri dari pelbagai jenis seperti Ensemle
Percussion, Tambourine, Rocar dll\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Tambourine</b>The
tambourine or Marine is a musical instrument of the percussion family consisting of
a frame, often of wood or plastic, with pairs of small metal jingles,
called \"zils\". Classically the term tambourine denotes an instrument with a
drumhead, though some variants may not have a head at all. Tambourines come in many
different shapes with the most common being circular It is found in many forms of
music, classical music, Roma music, Persian music, gospel music, pop music and rock
music. \n\n'),(2534,'006008010','XYLOPHONE','006008','2008-05-15 21:12:03','2008-
10-14 15:21:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Xilofon; zilofon; alat muzik pekusi berasal
dari Indonesia. \r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Xylophone</b> is a musical
instrument in the percussion family which probably originated in Indonesia.[1] It
consists of wooden bars of various lengths that are struck by plastic, wooden, or
rubber mallets.'),(2535,'006008011','AGOGO BELL/TIMBALES DRUM','006008','2008-05-15
21:12:24','2013-12-26 11:18:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Timbales; Gendang satu muka
dalam orkestra Barat berbentuk pasu, bell, cowbell. Sinonim dengan timpani. Ianya
dimainkan dengan menggunakan drumstick (kayu).\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Timbales (or tymbales)</b> are shallow single-headed drums, shallower in shape
than single-headed tom-toms, and usually much higher tuned. The player (known as a
timbalero) uses a variety of stick and hand strokes, rim shots, and rolls on the
skins to produce a wide range of percussive expression during solos and at
transitional sections of music, and usually plays the shells of the drum or
auxiliary percussion such as a cowbell or cymbal to keep time at other parts of the
song.\n\n'),(2536,'006008012','PERCUSSION TRIANGLE WITH BEATER
(STOK)','006008','2008-05-15 21:12:49','2019-02-12
22:17:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerincing adalah alat Pekusi yang diketuk,
atau goncang yang terdapat dalam orkestra barat. Kerincing diperbuat daripada besi
dan berbentuk segitiga. Pemegangnya merupakan seutas tali pendek yang diikat pada
bucunya.Kerincing mempunyai sebatang besi pengetuk. Apabila diketuk kerincing
menghasilkan bunyi lanjut yang nyaring.\n\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Percussion
Triangle and Beater\n'),(2537,'006008013','PERCUSION STICK (STOK)','006008','2008-
05-15 21:13:03','2019-02-12 22:17:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kayu gendang; kayu
drum; \n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\n'),(2538,'006008014','PALM
DRUMS','006008','2008-05-15 21:13:15','2008-10-14
15:44:33','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Derum Tapak Tangan\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Palm Drum; </b>These delightful hand held beaded palm drums are made with a
strong wooden frame overlaid with goatskin and finished attractively with assorted
coloured beads.\r\n\r\nThe drum is hand held and beaten with the palm or fingers.
Alternatively a light padded drum stick (not included) may be used. Uses include
general percussion groups/workshops, theatre work, drama or storytelling, sound
therapy or shamanic work.'),(2539,'006008015','KOMPANG (STOK)','006008','2008-05-15
21:13:26','2019-02-12 22:18:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kompang Mempunyai
baluh \'berbingkai\' yang diperbuat daripada kayu jenis keras. Lazimnya dari spesis
Nangka dan nama saintifiknya Artocarpus heterophyllus. Belulang daripada kulit
kambing digunakan sebagai bahan bunyi yang dipasang pada permukaan baluhnya dengan
menggunakan bahan pelekat kemudian ditindih dengan paku supaya ketegangannya lebih
terjamin. Kompang juga memerlukan rotan sedak sebagai alat tala untuk menghasilkan
suara yang baik\n<br><br><b><i>Kompang</b>-Traditional Music \n The kompang is
arguably the most popular Malay traditional instrument, for it is widely used for
all sorts of social occasions, from National Day parades and official functions to
signal the arrival of VIPs to wedding ceremonies and football
matches.\n\nResembling and played in a manner similar to the tambourine, the
kompang is approximately 40cm in diameter, with a narrow circular frame called the
balos made out of the dried wood of the balau tree, that is covered with a goathide
skin on one side.\n\nThis hand drum is most commonly played in a large kompang
ensemble, where various rhytmic composite patterns are produced by an interlocking
technique; sometimes to accompany the choral singing of zikir.\n\n'),
(2540,'006008016','ANGKLUNG (STOK)','006008','2008-05-15 21:13:45','2019-02-12
22:19:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Angklung adalah alat musik terbuat dari bambu,
dimainkan dengan cara digetarkan dan satu alat menghasilkan satu nada. Termasuk
dalam kategori alat musik idiophone.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br> \nAngklung</b>
is al instrument made out of two bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo frame. The tubes
are carved so that they have a resonant pitch when struck. The two tubes are tuned
to octaves. The base of the frame is held with one hand while the other hand shakes
the instrument rapidly from side to side.</i>\n\n'),
(2541,'006008017','GAMELAN','006008','2008-05-15 21:13:59','2008-10-14
16:00:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Gamelan adalag Seperangkat alat muzik yang
menonjolkan alat perkusi tradisional Jawa, seperti saron, borang, gambung, gambir,
rebab, gong, gondang dan lain-lain .\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>A gamelan
</b>is a musical ensemble of Indonesia typically featuring a variety of instruments
such as metallophones, xylophones, drums, and gongs; bamboo flutes, bowed and
plucked strings, and vocalists may also be included.\r\n\r\nThe term refers more to
the set of instruments than the players of those instruments. A gamelan as a set of
instruments is a distinct entity, built and tuned to stay together # instruments
from different gamelan are not interchangeable.\r\n\r\n'),
(2542,'006008018','REBANA','006008','2008-05-15 21:14:11','2008-10-14
16:09:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rebana mempunyai satu muka berbentuk bulat.
Belulang kerbau dipasang dan disirat dengan pasak-pasak kayu yang terdapat di
kakinya. Rebana digantung melintang dan dipalu dengan tangan. Ada tiga saiz. Ada
rebana beasr; reban ubi\r\n\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Rebana</b> is a name
that is used for several types of drums that are used in Islamic devotional music
such as zikir, dance music, and other types of traditional Malay song and in dance
Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and Singapore. It typically has a resonant sound
reminiscent of the Middle Eastern tanbur and is often used to keep the beat in a
manner similar to the way the tanbour is used in Middle Eastern music. Malay Rebana
have one face to hit.'),(2543,'006008019','GENDANG/TABLA','006008','2008-05-15
21:14:21','2013-12-26 11:11:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tabla adalah sejenis gendang
yang dimainkan dalam pelbagai irama/muzik melayu, india dan lain-lain. Ianya
terdiri dari pelbagai jenama, jenis seperti Tabla, Dholak, Darbuka, Djembe
dll\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nTabla </b>is a popular Indian percussion
instrument used in the classical, popular and religious music of the Indian
subcontinent and in Hindustani classical music. The instrument consists of a pair
of hand drums of contrasting sizes and timbres. The term tabla is derived from an
Arabic word, tabl, which simply means \"drum\".\n'),
(2544,'006008020','GONG','006008','2008-05-15 21:14:35','2008-10-14
16:19:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Gong adalah Alat idiofon daripada logam yang
bertombol di tengahnya.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>A gong</b> is an East
Asian musical instrument that takes the form of a flat metal disc which is hit with
a mallet.Gongs are made mainly from bronze or brass but there are many other alloys
in use.\r\n\r\n'),(2545,'006007001','GUITAR','006007','2008-05-15 21:16:50','2008-
10-14 16:24:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Gitar adalah alat tali yang
dipetik\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>The guitar</b> is a musical instrument
with ancient roots that is used in a wide variety of musical styles. It typically
has six strings, but four, seven, eight, ten and twelve string guitars also
exist.\r\n\r\n'),(2546,'006007002','VIOLIN','006007','2008-05-15 21:17:21','2008-
10-14 16:32:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Violin / Biola; Violin adalah alat tali yang
digesek dan mempunyai suara suprano atau suara tertinggi. Manakala biola mempunyai
suara yang lebih rendah daripada suara violin.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Violin/ Viola </b>The violin is a bowed string instrument with four strings
usually tuned in perfect fifths. It is the smallest and highest-pitched member of
the violin family of string instruments, which also includes the viola.'),
(2547,'006007003','CELLO','006007','2008-05-15 21:18:00','2008-10-14
16:51:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kependekan istilah violoncello; Alat tali yang
digesek dan mempunyai suara bes atau suara rendah.\r\n<br><br><b><i>The
violoncello</b> (abbreviated to cello, or \'cello, plural cellos or celli#the c is
pronounced , as in the ch in \"checkerboard\", thus \"chel-lo\") is a bowed string
instrument. A person who plays a cello is called a cellist. The cello is used as a
solo instrument, in chamber music, and as a member of the string section of an
orchestra.\r\n\r\n\r\n'),(2548,'006007004','DOUBLE BASS','006007','2008-05-15
21:18:13','2010-06-03 17:44:56','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Dabal Bes adalah alat yang
terbesar dan terendah picnya dalam keluarga violin.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>The double bass</b> is the largest and lowest-pitched bowed string instrument
used in the modern symphony orchestra. It is a standard member of the string
section of the symphony orchestra [1] and smaller string ensembles [2] in Western
classical music. In addition, it is used in other genres such as jazz, 1950s-style
blues and rock and roll, rockabilly/psychobilly, bluegrass, and
tango.\r\n\r\nDouble basses are constructed from several types of wood, including
maple for the back, spruce for the top, and ebony for the fingerboard. It is
uncertain whether the instrument is a descendant of the viola da gamba or from the
violin, but it is traditionally considered to be a member of the violin family.
While the double bass has features which are similar to those found on other violin
family instruments, it also has features which may be derived from the
viols.\r\n\r\nLike many other string instruments, the double bass is played either
with a bow (arco) or by plucking the strings (pizzicato). In orchestral repertoire
and tango music, both bowing and plucking styles are used. In jazz music, the bass
is mostly plucked, except for some solos which are performed with the bow. In most
other genres, such as blues and rockabilly, the bass is plucked.\r\n\r\n'),
(2549,'006007005','GAMBUS','006007','2008-05-15 21:18:32','2008-10-14
16:57:55','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Gambus adalah alat muzik berasal dari Timur
Tengah\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>A gambus </b> (Arabian oud) is a stringed
instrument shaped like a pear sliced in half. It has twelve nylon strings that are
plucked with a plastic plectrum to generate sound, much like a guitar. However,
unlike a guitar, the gambus has no frets.\r\n\r\n'),
(2550,'006007006','SITAR','006007','2008-05-15 21:18:42','2019-02-12
22:09:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sitar adalah alat muzik tali yang dipetik berasal
dari Melayu, India yang terdiri dari pelbagai
bentuk/jenis/rupa.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Sitar </b>is a plucked stringed
instrument. It uses sympathetic strings along with a long hollow neck and a gourd
resonating chamber to produce a very rich sound with complex harmonic resonance'),
(2551,'006007007','ZITHER','006007','2008-05-15 21:19:56','2008-11-06
zither</b> is a musical string instrument, most commonly found in Slovenia,
Austria, Hungary, the southern regions of Germany, alpine Europe
and East Asian cultures'),(2552,'010001001','BLOOD PRESSURE MONITOR MACHINE
(SPHYGMOMANOMETER)','010001','2008-05-15 21:23:18','2018-07-25
15:12:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Moniter Machine yang digunakan untuk
mengukur kandungan atau tekanan darah.\n<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>A
sphygmomanometer or blood pressure meter is a device used to measure blood
pressure, comprising an inflatable cuff to restrict blood flow, and a mercury or
mechanical manometer to measure the pressure. It is always used in conjunction with
a means to determine at what pressure blood flow is just starting, and at what
pressure it is unimpeded. \nManual sphygmomanometers are used in conjunction with a
stethoscope.\nA sphygmomanometer usually consists of an inflatable cuff, a
measuring unit (the mercury manometer), a tube to connect the two, and (in models
that don\'t inflate automatically) an inflation bulb also connected by a tube to
the cuff. <br>\nDigital blood pressure monitors are electronic, easy to operate and
practical in noisy environments. \n'),(2553,'010001002','STETHOSCOPE
(STOK)','010001','2008-05-15 21:23:38','2019-02-12
21:00:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Stethoscope adalah alat diagnostic perubatan mudah
yang digunakan untuk mendengar denyutan jantung,aliran darah dalam pembuloh darah
dan pernafasan. Terdapat juga stethoscope digital.<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b>
<br>The<b> stethoscope</b> is an acoustic medical device for auscultation, or
listening to the internal sounds of a body. It is most often used to listen to
heart sounds and breathing. It is also used to listen to intestines and blood flow
in arteries and veins Thre are aslo digital stethoscope. The main elements of a
Digital Stethoscope are the sensor unit that captures the heart and lung sounds
(also known as auscultations), digitization, and digital processing of the
auscultations for noise reduction, filtering and amplification. Algorithms for
heart rate detection and heart defect detection may also be included'),
(2554,'006007008','BANJO','006007','2008-05-15 21:23:55','2008-10-14
17:06:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Banjo adalah alat muzik tali yang dipetik berasal
dari Amerika\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>The banjo </b> is a stringed
instrument developed by enslaved Africans in the United States, adapted from
several African instruments\r\n'),(2555,'010001003','CLINICAL THERMOMETER
(STOK)','010001','2008-05-15 21:24:09','2019-02-12
21:01:31','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat yang direka untuk mengukur suhu badan
manusia. Thermometer analog (dengan bulb mercury) meliputi skala terhad untuk
bacaan suhu badan manusia pada salah satu sisinya. Terdapat juga thermometer
digital dan InfraRed.<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b> <br>The Clinical Thermometer
designed to measure the temperature of the human body; analog thermometer (with
mercury bulb) graduated to cover a range a few degrees on either side of the normal
body temperature. Also avaiable digital and InfraRed thermometer.\n'),
(2556,'006007009','HARP','006007','2008-05-15 21:24:12','2008-10-14
17:09:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Hap adalah alat tali yang dipetik berasal dari
Eropah yang dimainkan secara menegak.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Harp </b> is
a stringed instrument which has the plane of its strings positioned perpendicular
to the soundboard. All harps have a neck, resonator and strings.'),
(2557,'010001004','HEART RATE MONITOR','010001','2008-05-15 21:24:29','2010-10-21
10:29:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk memantau atau monitor denyut
jantung.<br><br><i><b>Description</i> <br>A heart rate monitor</b> is a personal
monitoring device that allows a subject to measure their heart rate in real time or
record their heart rate for later study. Early models consisted of a monitoring box
with a set of electrode leads that attached to the chest.'),
(2558,'006007010','LUTE','006007','2008-05-15 21:24:35','2008-10-14
17:11:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lut: Alat tali yang dipetik bertali
kembar\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Lute</b>Lute can refer generally to any
plucked string instrument with a neck (either fretted or unfretted) and a deep
round back, or more specifically to an instrument from the family of European
lutes.\r\n\r\n'),(2560,'006006001','TRUMPET','006006','2008-05-15 21:25:02','2013-
12-26 11:23:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Trompet adalah alat tiup keluarga bras yang
menggunakan mouthpiece. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenis seperti English Trumpet,
Electronik Trumpet dll\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\nThe trumpet is a musical
instrument with the highest register in the brass family. They are constructed of
brass tubing bent twice into an oblong shape, and are played by blowing air through
closed lips, producing a \"buzzing\" sound which starts a standing wave vibration
in the air column inside the trumpet'),(2562,'006006002','RECORDER
(STOK)','006006','2008-05-15 21:25:12','2019-02-12
21:52:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alar Muzik Recorder adalah alat tiup aerofon bebas
yang mempunyai lubang petik yang ditiup.
\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\nRecorder Muzical Instrument'),
(2563,'006006003','SERULING/ FLUT (STOK)','006006','2008-05-15 21:25:28','2019-02-
12 21:55:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Seruling adalah alat tiup aerofon bebas yang
mempunyai lubang petik yang ditiup secara menegak.
SCANNER','010001','2008-05-15 21:25:28','2010-10-21
10:41:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Ultrasound scanner<BR><BR><i><b>DESCRIPTION
<br>Ultrasound scanner </b> is an instrument used ultrasound-based diagnostic
imaging technique. This technique used to visualize subcutaneous body structures
including tendons, muscles, joints, vessels and internal organs for possible
pathology or lesions. Obstetric sonography is commonly used during pregnancy and is
widely recognized by the public.'),(2565,'006006004','CLARINET','006006','2008-05-
15 21:25:38','2019-02-12 21:59:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'The clarinet is a
musical-instrument family belonging to the group known as the woodwind instruments.
It has a single-reed mouthpiece, a straight cylindrical tube with an almost
cylindrical bore, and a flared bell.'),(2566,'010001008','PATIENT MONITORING EQUIP.
(AUTOMATIC MULTIPARAMETER)','010001','2008-05-15 21:25:51','2008-11-20
15:19:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>Patient Monitoring
Equipment can be used on the ward, during intra- and inter-hospital transport.
Depending on the configuration and the options selected, recorded parameters
include ECG (up to 12 simultaneous leads), respiration, temperature, sistolic and
diastolic blood pressure (NIBP), oxygen saturation (SpO2) (Masimo), etCO2, FIO2 and
invasive BP. Patient data are displayed in graphs and tabular format on a large,
high-resolution colour LCD. All parameters can be stored for 24 hours.\n\n\n'),
(2567,'006006005','BAGPIPES','006006','2008-05-15 21:25:52','2008-12-02
agpipes are a class of musical instrument, aerophones using enclosed reeds fed from
a constant reservoir of air in the form of a bag'),
(2568,'006006006','SAXOPHONE','006006','2008-05-15 21:26:12','2013-12-26
11:24:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Seksofon adalah alat tiup berlelidah tunggal dari
keluarga bras yang ditiup dipangkal alat. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenis seperti
English Horn dll\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\nThe saxophone (commonly
referred to simply as sax) is a conical-bored transposing musical instrument
considered a member of the woodwind family. Saxophones are usually made of brass
and are played with a single-reed mouthpiece similar to the clarinet.'),
(2570,'006006007','BUGLE','006006','2008-05-15 21:26:33','2008-12-02
10:58:55','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Begol adalah alat muzik daripada tembaga dan
digunakan untuk memberi isyarat
tentera.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nThe bugle is one of the simplest
brass instruments; having no valves or other pitch-altering devices. All pitch
control is done by varying the player\'s embouchure, since the bugle has no other
mechanism for controlling pitch. Consequently, the bugle is limited to notes within
the harmonic series'),(2571,'006006008','CORNET','006006','2008-05-15
21:26:46','2008-12-02 11:00:55','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kornet adalah alat tiup
bras.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nThe cornet is a brass instrument very
similar to the trumpet, distinguished by its conical bore, compact shape, and
mellower tone quality. The most common cornet is a transposing instrument in Bm. It
is not related to the medieval cornett or cornetto.\r\n\r\n'),
(2572,'006006009','TENOR HORN','006006','2008-05-15 21:26:59','2008-12-02
Tenor\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nTenor Horn is a member of the brass
family of instruments'),(2573,'006006010','TROMBONE','006006','2008-05-15
21:27:14','2008-12-02 11:08:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Trombon adalah alat tiup
keluarga bras yang menggunakan
mouthpiece.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nThe trombone is a musical
instrument in the brass family. Like all brass instruments, it is a lip-reed
aerophone: sound is produced when the player#s vibrating lips (embouchure) cause
the air column inside the instrument to vibrate.'),(2574,'010008001','KATIL
HOSPITAL','010008','2008-05-15 21:27:56','2009-01-13
(2575,'010008002','CHILD COT/BABY CHANGGING TABLE','010008','2008-05-15
21:28:25','2012-12-19 15:31:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan
untuk meletak, menempatkan baby untuk menguruskan aktiviti mengenai baby seperti
rawatan dll<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>'),(2576,'010008003','BASSINET
COT','010008','2008-05-15 21:28:46','2009-01-13
SCREEN','010008','2008-05-15 21:29:07','2009-01-13
(2578,'010008005','I.V POLE','010008','2008-05-15 21:29:28','2017-07-31
15:46:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b>\nEasy Irrigation
Tower, dll\n<br>Intravenous (IV) / drip pole'),(2579,'006001001','PEMANCAR
TV','006001','2008-05-15 21:29:31','2019-02-12
15:03:53','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemancar TV adalah peralatan mudah alih yang
digunakan untuk menguatkan isyarat pembawa frekuensi TV, memodulatkan isyarat
pembawa dengan sewajarnya, dan menyuapkan pembawa termodulat ke antena untuk
pemancaran ke ruang angkasa sebagai gelombang
elektromagnet.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nTV Transmitter </b>'),
(2580,'010008006','BED SIDE RACK','010008','2008-05-15 21:29:54','2009-01-13
(2581,'010008007','OVERBED TABLE','010008','2008-05-15 21:30:12','2009-01-13
(2582,'006001002','PEMANCAR GELOMBANG PENDEK','006001','2008-05-15 21:30:28','2019-
02-12 15:07:05','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan mudah alih yang digunakan untuk
menguatkan isyarat pembawa frekuensi radio gelombang pendek, memodulatkan isyarat
pembawa dengan sewajarnya, dan menyuapkan pembawa termodulat ke antena untuk
pemancaran ke ruang angkasa sebagai gelombang
elektromagnet.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nShort Waves Transmitter'),
(2583,'010008008','EXAMINATION LIGHT','010008','2008-05-15 21:30:34','2009-01-13
(2584,'010008009','TROLI PESAKIT (PATIENT TROLLEY)','010008','2008-05-15
(2585,'006001003','PEMANCAR FM','006001','2008-05-15 21:32:02','2019-02-12
15:08:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemancar FM / Radio mudah alih adalah peralatan
yang digunakan untuk menguatkan isyarat pembawa frekuensi radio, memodulatkan
isyarat pembawa dengan sewajarnya, dan menyuapkan pembawa termodulat ke antena
untuk pemancaran ke ruang angkasa sebagai gelombang
elektromagnet.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nFM/ Radio Transmitter</b>'),
(2586,'006002001','PENGESAN SIARAN GELOMBANG PENDEK','006002','2008-05-15
21:32:55','2010-08-26 10:40:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\nAlat kesan siaran
gelombang pendek digunakan untuk mengesan siaran gelombang pendek dalam
penyiaran.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b> Shortwave detection instrument used in
broadcasting.\r\n'),(2587,'010008010','TROLI RAWATAN (MEDICAL
TROLLEY)','010008','2008-05-15 21:33:09','2009-01-13
(2588,'006002002','PENGESAN SIARAN SATELITE','006002','2008-05-15 21:33:20','2010-
08-26 10:50:21','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\nPengesan siaran setelit yang digunakan
dalam bidang penyiaran.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nSetellite Broadcasting
Detector.'),(2589,'010008011','TROLI REKOD PESAKIT','010008','2008-05-15
(2590,'006005001','LAMPU LASER (STOK)','006005','2008-05-15 21:34:17','2019-02-12
16:39:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lampu Laser\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nLaser
Light; Laser Lamp'),(2591,'010008028','BANGKU PEMERIKSAAN (EXAMINATION
TABLE)','010008','2008-05-15 21:35:52','2009-01-13
(2592,'010008013','DIALYSIS CHAIR','010008','2008-05-15 21:36:35','2009-01-13
(2593,'010003001','OPERATION TABLE','010003','2008-05-15 21:37:21','2009-02-03
Pembedahan\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION</i></b> <br>\r\nOperation Table'),
(2594,'010003002','OPERATION LIGHT','010003','2008-05-15 21:37:33','2014-04-30
11:45:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Lampu yang digunkan semasa aktiviti
pembedahan\n<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>'),(2595,'010003003','SURGICAL BOWL
STAND','010003','2008-05-15 21:37:54','2009-01-13
(2596,'010003004','SURGICAL MICROSCOPE','010003','2008-05-15 21:38:22','2008-11-27
15:22:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mikroskop (alat yang membuat benda-benda kecil
kelihatan besar). \r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nMicroscopes'),
(2597,'010004001','NEUROMUSCULAR STIMULATORS','010004','2008-05-15
Electrical Stimulator - Battery-operated, neuromuscular electrical stimulator
featuring three therapeutic modes: TENS, Muscle Stimulation and Microcurrent.'),
(2598,'010004002','HYBRID/LASER THERAPY MACHINE','010004','2008-05-15
21:42:03','2015-09-30 17:00:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang
digunakan untuk rawatan terapi pemulihan dan cara kerja. Ianya terdiri dari
pelbagai jenama seperti Hibric Therapy Machine, Laser Therapy Machine
dll<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Hybrid / Laser Therapy make uses Laser
instrument (desk top or floor model) with a pulsed diode that provides peak powers
ranges of up to100,000 mW (40,000-100,000) for the most effective photonic tissue
penetration. '),(2599,'010004003','SINGLE CURVE SHOULDER ARC','010004','2008-05-15
10:43:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Single Curved
Shoulder Arc, is an arm and hand exerciser and an eye hand coordination exerciser
designed for use by people with neurological or upper extremity disabilities.
Designed for range of movement and pinch strengthening activities, the unit
features a hardened aluminum base that holds a curved plastic tube with 24 movable
colored tabs for range of motion exercises. The base may be anchored to a tabletop
through pre-drilled holes or clamped to a surface (clamp not included). '),
(2600,'010004004','HAND THERAPY/ EXERCISER','010004','2008-05-15 21:44:26','2009-
01-13 10:43:43','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Hand
Therapy/ Exerciser/ Hand Helper promotes passive, gentle exercising to maintain the
hand\'s healthy mobility and improved range of motion.'),
(2601,'010004005','HYDROTHERAPY BATH','010004','2008-05-15 21:45:07','2009-01-13
10:43:59','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b># stainless
steel tub, tank rim reinforced with concealed stainless steel rod\r\n# Whitehall
turbine with adjustable positioning device\r\n# bottom drain, overflow drain\r\n#
temperature gauge with long stem\r\n# over-the rim fill spout ready to plumb'),
(2602,'010004006','MINNOSOTA MANUAL DEXTERNITY','010004','2008-05-15
12:38:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Minnesota Manual
Dexterity Test. Measures manual dexterity of the arm and hand for manipulative
work, utilizing a broad range of shoulder motion. Test involves turning, placing or
moving 50 discs in a prescribed manner. Requires unilateral and bilateral
movements. Complete with 50 wooden cylinders, Masonite board, carrying case and
manual with test battery instructions. Complete version includes an extra test
board. Latex free.\r\n\r\n'),(2603,'010004007','REHABILITATION
STEPS','010004','2008-05-15 21:46:57','2009-01-13
(2604,'010004008','ADJUSTABLE THERAPY TABLE','010004','2008-05-15 21:47:20','2009-
08-13 13:07:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>'),
(2605,'010004009','UPPER EXTREMITY THERAPEUTIC WORKSTATION','010004','2008-05-15
12:21:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br> Upper extermity
therapeutic workstation </b> provides all devices such as s a robotic
rehabilitation system for upper limb motion therapy for the disabled. The motion
therapy is driven by two industrial robots utilising the knowledge of the operating
physiotherapist, stacking cones, graded pegboard, shoulder exercise ladder etc.'),
(2606,'010004010','KANAVEL TABLE','010004','2008-05-15 21:47:58','2009-01-13
10:46:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b> It consists of
a wooden table with therapy equipment mounted on it that is designed to exercise
and rehabilitate the hand, wrist and forearm muscles. It has a height-adjustable
axial resistance unit that allows forearm pronation, supination, and wrist
circumduction'),(2607,'010004011','O\'CONNOR TWEEZERS DEXTERITY
TEST','010004','2008-05-15 21:48:25','2009-08-27
11:45:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Specialized test
uses tweezers to place pins in holes. <B>Tweezer Dexterity Test </B>consists of
board, pins, and manual with norms. Approximately 8\" x 4\" x 1\".'),
(2608,'010004012','THERAPY PARALLEL BAR','010004','2008-05-15 21:48:48','2009-01-13
(2609,'010004018','THERAPY MASSAGE TABLE','010004','2008-05-15 21:49:10','2009-12-
09 16:57:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Fixed or
portable therapy massage table, manual adjustment or electric table, back rest
versatility builds your practice, high density, multi-layer, semi-firm padding for
longevity and comfort.'),(2610,'010004019','THERAPY MASSAGE CHAIR','010004','2008-
05-15 21:49:30','2009-12-09 16:56:33','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi Urut
Terapi\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Therapy Massage Chair allows you to
easily bring a little more ease and peace into stressed lives. Simple to adjust,
the Portal Pro massage chair offers complete access to cervical, thoracic, lumbar
and shoulder regions, while specially engineered seat angles tilt the pelvis to
relieve strain on the lumbar spine.'),(2611,'010004015','HOT AND COOL TERAPY
EQUIPMENT','010004','2008-05-15 21:49:57','2009-01-13
hot or cold therapy for the relief of pain associated with sprains, strains and
other injuries. The Therma-Wrap is designed with pockets to hold Flexi Pacs which
are included.\r\n'),(2612,'010001010','GENERAL X-RAY MACHINE','010001','2008-05-15
21:51:59','2015-06-11 09:24:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang
digunakan untuk mengesan imej-imej pada pesakit. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai
jenama/jenis seperti Radas Penyinaran General X-Ray, Radas X-Ray Imej dll
<br><br><i><b>Description</i> <br>General X-Ray machine</b> using general
radiography which is the most basic form of medical imaging. It uses x-rays to
create a fixed or still image of the inside of the body. Any part of the body can
be examined. <br>The x-ray machine consists of either a long table with a camera on
top of it, or a large plate against the wall, with the camera pointing at it. There
is a light, which will shine from the camera, to help the technologist position the
patient to get the best \"picture\" possible.'),(2613,'010002001','MESIN
HEMODIALYSIS','010002','2008-05-15 21:52:37','2009-01-12
12:58:08','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Hemodialysis Machine
is an artificial kidney.During hemodialysis, the blood is passed through an
artificial kidney. The artificial kidney cleans the blood in almost the same way
that healthy kidneys do. It can take between three and five hours each time and is
called a run.\r\n'),(2614,'010006001','DENTAL CHAIR','010006','2008-05-15
21:54:02','2015-09-22 11:18:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi Pergigian / Portable
Dental Chair\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nDental Chair'),
(2615,'006004001','VIDEO SWITCHER MIXER','006004','2008-05-15 21:56:37','2017-12-29
11:20:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tersuis / Pengcampur
Video\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nA vision mixer (also called video switcher,
video mixer or production switcher)</b> is a device used to select between several
different video sources and in some cases composite (mix) video sources together
and add special effects. This is similar to what a mixing console does for audio'),
(2616,'006004002','VIDEO STANDARD CONVERTER','006004','2008-05-15 21:57:01','2010-
08-30 12:10:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nVideo
standards converter </b> is a video device that converts NTSC to PAL and/or PAL to
NTSC.\r\n\r\nThe PAL TV signals may be transcoded to or from SECAM.\r\n\r\nVideo
standards converter is used so TV shows can be viewed in nations with different
video standards.\r\n'),(2617,'006004003','VIDEO MATRIX AUDIO MIXER','006004','2008-
05-15 21:57:19','2017-12-29 11:17:55','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pengadun audio yang
menerima input yang berasingan supaya berkemampuan untuk mengasingkan audio semasa
rekod atau mendengar. Ianya terdapat pelbagai jenama seperti Audio Mixer, Multi
Channel Audio Mixer dll\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>\nVideo Matrix is a
device that switch audio and video from many computers among multiple monitors and
speakers.\n'),(2618,'006003001','COMPRESSOR LIMITER','006003','2008-05-15
21:59:15','2017-12-29 11:18:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><i><b>DESCPITION
<br>A Limiter</b> is a circuit that allows signals below a specified input power to
pass unaffected while attenuating the peaks of stronger signals that exceed this
input power.</i>\n'),(2619,'006003002','EQUALIZER','006003','2008-05-15
12:10:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>An audio
equalizer</b> adjusts the sound energy of the audio data/frequency.\r\n'),
(2620,'006003003','TURNTABLE','006003','2008-05-15 21:59:49','2008-12-02
09:59:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemain Piring
MIC RECEIVER','006003','2008-05-15 22:00:13','2009-02-19
15:36:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Penerima Gelombang
Mikrofon\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCodeless Mic Receiver'),
(2622,'006003005','MULTI EFFECT PROCESSOR','006003','2008-05-15 22:00:43','2017-12-
29 11:22:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nMulti Effect
Processor </b>all types of multi effect processor including Multi-Effect Digital
Signal Processor; Stereo Multi-FX Processor; Multi-Engine Effects Processor;
Tweakalizer DJ Effects Processor; Dual-Engine Reverb Modeler; VIDEO IMAGE
(2623,'006003006','TELEPHONE HYBRID','006003','2008-05-15 22:01:06','2019-02-12
15:45:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br> A telephone
hybrid</b> is a relatively simple electronic device used to connect telephone line
to studio audio circuits. These are normally used in radio stations (and sometimes
TV stations and broadcast networks) to connect callers into the airchain, so that
conversations may be broadcast. A key benefit is to isolate the audio from the
caller from that of the studio host so that the caller\'s audio can be played in
the studio without feedback while still allowing the caller to hear the host over
the telephone.</i>\n'),(2624,'006003007','AUDIO WORK
STATION/AMPLIFIER','006003','2008-05-15 22:01:30','2018-10-16
15:03:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Sistem Audio yang dibekalan bersekali
dengan pelbagai peralatan sokongan yang lain\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nThe
Digital Audio Workstation Studio (DAW)</b> grew out of a demand on campus for high-
end, professional tools for recording and editing audio. e.g BEHRINGER XENYX
1204USB 8CHANNEL Mixer with USB'),(2625,'006003008','NOISE GATE','006003','2008-05-
15 22:01:47','2008-08-14
11:51:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>A Noise Gate</b>
or gate is an electronic device or software logic that is used to control the
volume of an audio signal. In its most simple form, a noise gate allows a signal to
pass through only when it is above a set threshold: the gate is \'open\'. If the
signal falls below the threshold no signal is allowed to pass (or the signal is
substantially attenuated): the gate is \'closed\'. [1]A noise gate is used when the
level of the \'signal\' is above the level of the \'noise\'. The threshold is set
above the level of the \'noise\' and so when there is no \'signal\' the gate is
closed. A noise gate does not remove noise from the signal. When the gate is open
both the signal and the noise will pass through.</i>\r\n\r\n'),
(2626,'006003009','QUAD EXPANDER GATE','006003','2008-05-15 22:02:21','2014-10-10
09:21:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Quad Expander Gate,
Reverberator\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nQuad Expander Gate </b>-Combining
familiar front panel controls with the accuracy and performance of digital signal
processing, full-featured, high performance G4 Quad Gate is suitable for use in a
variety of demanding dynamics processing applications. Gating, ducking and downward
expansion modes are offered, together with internal high- and low-cut filters and
external side-chain inputs. It is the ideal tool for front of house, monitor,
instrument and voice processing, broadcast and recording.\n\n'),
(2627,'006003010','AUDIO SPLITTER','006003','2008-05-15 22:02:39','2009-02-19
16:22:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br> Audio Splitter
</b>Joiner, you can cut/split piece from a big audio file and then convert it to a
MP3 or WAV or WMA or OGG file. And also you can join/merge multiple files into one
big file. Cut/join with high precision and no quality is lost! \r\n\r\n'),
(2628,'006004004','FILM PROJECTOR','006004','2008-05-15 22:03:05','2008-12-23
13:32:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Tayangan Film; Projektor Wayang
Gambar\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nFilm Projector; Cinema Projector; Movie
Projector'),(2629,'011025001','SNOOKER TABLE','011025','2008-05-15 22:04:19','2009-
01-20 11:17:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Snuker\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>
\r\nSnooker Table'),(2630,'011025002','POOL TABLE','011025','2008-05-15
22:04:31','2009-01-20 11:19:56','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Billiad; bola sodok;
bilyar \r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nPool Table; Billiard Table'),
(2631,'011025003','TABLE TENIS TABLE','011025','2008-05-15 22:05:04','2009-01-20
11:20:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Ping Pong\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nTable Tenis Table'),(2632,'011025004','TABLE TENIS BAT
(STOK)','011025','2008-05-15 22:05:17','2011-02-22
16:33:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bat Pinpong; Pemukul
Pingpong\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nTable Tenis Bat'),
(2633,'011025005','TABLE TENIS NET (STOR)','011025','2008-05-15 22:06:11','2011-02-
22 16:34:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Jaring Pingpong\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nTable Tenis Net'),(2634,'011002001','BOW AND ARROW (STOK)','011002','2008-
05-15 22:07:17','2011-12-12 09:52:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Busur dan Anak Panah
adalah terdiri daripada busar dan anak panah yang digunakan untuk tujuan
mempertahankan diri atau berburu atau sukan\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nBow and Arrow'),(2635,'011002002','BOW (STOK)','011002','2008-05-15
22:07:24','2011-12-12 09:53:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Busur;
Busar\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\n<b>A bow </b>is a weapon that
projects arrows powered by the elasticity of the bow. Essentially, it is a form of
spring. As the bow is drawn, energy is stored in the limbs of the bow and
transformed into rapid motion when the string is released, with the string
transferring this force to the arrow.'),(2636,'011002003','ARROW
(STOK)','011002','2008-05-15 22:07:35','2011-12-12
09:53:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Anak Panah\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br> An
arrow</b> is a pointed projectile that is shot with a bow'),
(2637,'011002004','ARCHERY TARGET FACE','011002','2008-05-15 22:07:55','2008-12-15
16:10:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Papan Sasaran
Pemanah\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nArchery Target Face'),
(2638,'011003001','RAKET BADMINTON
(STOK)','011003','2008-05-15 22:08:24','2011-12-12
09:55:49','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Raket Badminton adalah alat yang mempunyai
permukaan bulat, berjaring dan pemegang untuk pemainan badminton yang terdiri
daripada pelbagai jenis dan bentuk
ukuran.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nBadminton Racket'),
(2639,'011003002','RAKET SQUARSH (STOK)','011003','2008-05-15 22:08:45','2011-12-12
09:56:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Raket Squarsh yang terdiri dari pelbagai
jenis\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nSquarsh Racket'),
(2640,'011003003','RAKET TENIS (STOK)','011003','2008-05-15 22:08:55','2011-12-12
Tenis\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nTennis Racket'),
(2641,'011003004','JARING BADMINTON (STOK)','011003','2008-05-15 22:09:10','2011-
12-12 09:58:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Jaring Badminton yang dibekalkan untuk
permainan badminton dalam pelbagai
jenis/ukuran\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nBadminton Net'),
(2642,'011003005','JARING TENIS (STOK)','011003','2008-05-15 22:09:20','2011-12-12
09:57:33','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Jaring Tenis yang dibekalkan kepda permainan tenis
yang terdiri dari pelbgai jenis\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nTennis
Net'),(2643,'011005001','BOLA BOWLING (STOK)','011005','2008-05-15 22:09:50','2011-
12-12 10:03:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bola Bowling; Boling yang dibekalkan dalam
pelbagai jenis.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nBowling Ball'),
(2644,'011005002','PIN BOWLING (STOK)','011005','2008-05-15 22:10:19','2011-12-12
10:04:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pin Bowling; Botol Boling yang dibekalkan dalam
pelbagai jenis/ukuran\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nBowling Pin'),
(2645,'011006001','JARING GOL BOLASEPAK (STOK)','011006','2008-05-15
22:11:15','2011-12-12 10:07:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Jaring Gol Bolasepak yang
dibekalkan dalam pelbagai jenis dan
ukuran\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nFootball / Soccer Net'),
(2646,'011006002','TIANG GOL BOLA SEPAK','011006','2008-05-15 22:11:24','2008-12-15
17:02:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tiang Gol Bola
Sepak\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nFootball / Soccer Goal Post'),
(2647,'011006003','TIANG GOL FUTSAL','011006','2008-05-15 22:12:05','2009-02-25
14:30:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tiang Gol
Futsal\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nFutsal Goal Post; Street Soccer Goal
Post'),(2648,'011006004','JERSEY BOLASEPAK (STOK)','011006','2008-05-15
22:12:19','2011-12-12 10:08:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Jersi Bola yang dibekalkan
untuk permainan bolasepak terdiri dari pelbagai jenis dan
ukuran.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nSoccer Jersey'),
(2649,'011021001','JORAN PANCING (STOK)','011021','2008-05-15 22:20:44','2011-02-22
Rod</b></i>'),(2650,'011002005','CROSBOW (STOK)','011002','2008-05-15
22:27:14','2011-12-12 09:54:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Busur Silang
(2651,'011002006','ARCHERY QUIVER (STOK)','011002','2008-05-15 22:29:10','2011-12-
12 09:54:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Uncang
Panah\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nArchery Quiver'),
(2652,'011002007','ARCHERY SHOOTING GLOVE (STOK)','011002','2008-05-15
22:29:52','2011-12-12 09:54:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sarung Tangan
Pemanah\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nArchery Shooting Glove'),
(2653,'011002008','PISTOL GRIP CROSBOW (STOK)','011002','2008-05-15
22:32:10','2011-12-12 09:55:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Busur silang berbentuk
pistol\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nPistol Grip Crosbow'),
(2654,'011005003','BALL CARRIER (STOK)','011005','2008-05-15 22:36:38','2011-12-12
10:04:59','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bekas Pembawa Bola Boling; Beg Boling yang
dibekalkan dalam pelbagai jenis\r\n <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nBowling
Ball Carrier; Bowling Bag'),(2655,'011005004','DRY GRIP SACK
(STOK)','011005','2008-05-15 22:37:00','2011-12-12
10:05:37','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Karung Mengering Pegangan yang dibekalkan dalam
pelbagai jenis kegunaan.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nDry Grip Sack'),
(2656,'011005005','BOWLING GLOVES (STOK)','011005','2008-05-15 22:38:00','2011-12-
12 10:06:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sarung Tangan Boling yang dibekalkan dalam
pelbagai jenis dan ukuran\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nBowling Gloves'),
(2657,'011007001','CLIMBING HARNESS (STOK)','011007','2008-05-15 22:40:57','2011-
12-12 10:08:27','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Abah-Abah Pendaki adalah tali pengikat untuk
memegang.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nClimbing Harness</b>'),
(2658,'011007002','NECK PILLOW (STOK)','011007','2008-05-15 22:41:40','2011-12-12
10:09:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alatan yang digunkan sebagai bekalan untuk
aktiviti mendaki.'),(2659,'011007003','GRIP SAVER (STOK)','011007','2008-05-15
22:44:53','2011-12-12 10:10:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan
untuk aktiviti sukan mendaki'),(2660,'011007004','BOLULDERING HOLD SET
(STOK)','011007','2008-05-15 22:45:07','2011-12-12
10:10:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/bekalan yang digunakan untuk sukan
mendaki'),(2661,'011007005','SCREW ON FOOTHOLD (STOK)','011007','2008-05-15
22:45:44','2011-12-12 10:11:43','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bekalan perlatan yang
digunkan untuk sukan mendaki'),(2662,'011007006','PORTABLE POWER GRIP
(STOK)','011007','2008-05-15 22:46:06','2011-12-12
10:12:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bekalan peralatan ynag digunakan aktiviti sukan'),
(2663,'011007007','S BINNER (STOK)','011007','2008-05-15 22:49:41','2011-12-12
10:17:21','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Barangan bekalan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
sukan mendaki dalam pelbagai jenis'),(2664,'011007008','PAPAN LUNCUR
(STOK)','011007','2008-05-15 22:51:36','2019-02-11
22:12:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Papan Selaju\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\nSkateboard'),(2666,'011008001','CRICKET BAT (STOK)','011008','2008-05-15
22:57:07','2011-12-12 10:18:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bat Kriket yang dibekalkan
terdiri dari pelbagai jenis dan
ukuran\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nCriket Bat'),
(2667,'011009001','BASIKAL LUMBA','011009','2008-05-15 22:58:31','2009-02-25
14:35:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Basikal Lumba; Basikal Sukan; Basikal
Pecut\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nRacing Bicycle; Sport Bicycle'),
(2668,'011012001','KAYU HOKI (STOK)','011012','2008-05-15 22:58:52','2012-01-11
11:40:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kayu Hoki adalah kayu yang digunakan untuk
permainan hoki padang\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nField Hockey Stick'),
(2669,'011013001','GOLF SET','011013','2008-05-15 22:59:06','2012-02-17
15:21:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set Golf yang mempunyai perbagai saiz kayu untuk
digunakan dalam permainan tersebut\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nGolf Set'),
(2670,'011019001','WATER SKI (STOK)','011019','2008-05-15 22:59:25','2011-02-22
16:50:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Ski Air\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nwater
Ski'),(2674,'010006002','DENTAL LIGHT','010006','2008-05-15 23:02:59','2015-09-22
11:47:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lampu Pergigian/ Portable Dental
Lighting\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nDental Light'),(2675,'010006003','AIR
ABRASION UNIT','010006','2008-05-15 23:03:40','2009-01-13
11:22:37','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Air abrasion
systems consist of an air compressor and a delivery unit that holds an abrasive
powder that is delivered through a handpiece similar in size to a dental drill .
The cut areas are then filled with composite bonding material. The technology is
similar to a sandblaster with a fine tip. These machines blast aluminum oxide
particles through a very small opening (0.375 -0.5 mm) with high-pressure air (up
to about 160 pounds per square inch) on a surface area of 0.11 square
millimeters.'),(2676,'010006004','DENTAL DELIVERY UNIT ( VACUUM
SYSTEM)','010006','2008-05-15 23:04:19','2009-01-13
11:22:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Complete with
dental chair, delivery unit (1 3-way syringe 2 High speed terminals 1 Micromotor
terminal 1 LED curing light),dental light which can be activated by foot control of
the chair or by lever switch, and water unit 1 3-way syringe 1 Connection to the
vaccum pump terminal 1 Saliva suctor (venturi system)'),(2677,'010006005','TEETH
WHITENING','010006','2008-05-15 23:05:01','2009-01-13
11:23:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Whitening Unit
is a new type whitening technology, based on the condition of strong blue LED light
and whitening kit accelerant.'),(2678,'010006006','DENTAL SUCTION
PUMP','010006','2008-05-15 23:05:16','2009-01-13
11:23:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Portable Suction
Unit, contain 1pc of suction bottle, oiless vacuum pump, suction tube and foot
operated. '),(2679,'010006007','AMALGAMATOR EQUIPMENT','010006','2008-05-15
11:24:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>A device for
combining mercury with a metal or an alloy to form a new alloy.'),
(2680,'010005001','ECG (EKG) MACHINE','010005','2008-05-15 23:06:52','2009-01-13
electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG, abbreviated from the German Elektrokardiogramm) is a
noninvasive transthoracic graphic produced by an electrocardiograph, which records
the electrical activity of the heart over time.Sympathetic electrical impulses in
the heart originate in the sinoatrial node and travel through the heart muscle
where they impart electrical initiation of systole or contraction of the heart.
[citation needed] <BR>The electrical waves can be measured at selectively placed
electrodes (electrical contacts) on the skin. Electrodes on different sides of the
heart measure the activity of different parts of the heart muscle. An EKG displays
the voltage between pairs of these electrodes, and the muscle
activity that they measure, from different directions, also understood as vectors.
This display indicates the overall rhythm of the heart, and weaknesses in different
parts of the heart muscle.'),(2681,'010005002','STRESS TEST
EQUIPMENT','010005','2008-05-15 23:07:28','2009-01-13
(2682,'010005003','SPIROMETRY','010005','2008-05-15 23:08:22','2009-01-30
ry (meaning the measuring of breath) is the most common of the Pulmonary Function
Tests (PFTs), measuring lung function, specifically the measurement of the amount
(volume) and/or speed (flow) of air that can be inhaled and exhaled. Spirometry is
an important tool used for generating pneumotachographs which are helpful in
assessing conditions such as asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, and
COPD.'),(2683,'010005004','HOLTER EQUIPMENT','010005','2008-05-15 23:09:09','2009-
01-13 11:20:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>'),
(2684,'014004001','LOJI KUMBAHAN','014004','2008-05-15 23:11:04','2009-01-22
10:40:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>'),
(2685,'010005005','HEART LUNG BYPASS UNIT','010005','2008-05-15 23:11:16','2009-01-
13 11:20:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Heart Lung
Bypass Units are external system that provide circulation, oxygenation and
filteration of the blood as a temporary substitute for circulatory and pulmonary
function. They are most often used for open heart surgery.'),
(2686,'014004002','LOJI PENAHANAN SAMPAH','014004','2008-05-15 23:11:31','2009-01-
22 10:40:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>'),
(2687,'010005006','SPIRO MOUTHPIECE','010005','2008-05-15 23:11:52','2009-01-30
le mouthpieces for all spirometer models'),(2688,'014004003','LOJI
INCENERATOR','014004','2008-05-15 23:12:02','2009-01-22
10:41:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>'),
(2689,'014003001','LOJI REAKTOR','014003','2008-05-15 23:12:14','2009-01-22
10:38:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>'),
(2691,'014003002','LOJI PENYINARAN','014003','2008-05-15 23:12:27','2009-01-22
10:38:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>'),
(2692,'014007001','LOJI PENAPIS MINYAK (ASET TAK ALIH)','014007','2008-05-15
23:14:24','2017-11-23 11:10:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(2693,'014005001','LOJI
PENAPIS AIR','014005','2008-05-15 23:15:15','2011-09-08
10:23:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Merupakan satu sistem rawatan penapisan air yang
menggunakan pelbagai mekanisma bahan/treatment untuk mewujudkan kandungan air yang
selamat/bersih. \r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>'),(2694,'014001001','LOJI
JANAKUASA LETRIK (ASET TAK ALIH)','014001','2008-05-15 23:16:45','2017-11-23
11:06:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>'),
(2695,'014001002','PENCAWANG LETRIK (ASET TAK ALIH)','014001','2008-05-15
23:17:21','2017-11-23 11:07:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>'),(2696,'012003001','PERANGKAP HAIWAN PELIHARAAN','012003','2008-05-15
23:18:25','2009-02-06 12:37:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Perangkap Haiwan Perliharaan
adalah perangkap yang digunakan bagi menangkap haiwan perliharaan hidup seperti
anjing, lembu dan sebagainya.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nLife Pet/
Livestock Animal Trap\r\n'),(2697,'012003002','PERANGKAP HAIWAN
LIAR','012003','2008-05-15 23:18:38','2010-11-01
18:15:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Perangkap Haiwan Liar adalah perangkap yang
digunakan bagi menangkap haiwan perliharaan hidup seperti harimau, gajah, beruang
dan sebagainya. \r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>'),(2698,'012003003','PERANGKAP
HIDUPAN AIR','012003','2008-05-15 23:18:53','2010-11-01
18:17:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Perangkap Hidupan Air\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\n'),(2699,'012003004','PERANGKAP BURUNG','012003','2008-05-15
23:19:07','2010-11-01 18:14:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Perangkap Burung adalah
perangkap yang digunakan bagi menangkap burung hidup seperti gagak dan
sebagainya. \r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nBird Trap'),
(2701,'009001001','PARTICLE MONITOR','009001','2008-05-15 23:33:25','2009-02-24
22:40:53','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Particle Counter/Monitor adalah alat untuk
mengesan dan mengira partikel. Terbahagi kepada dua kategori asas, iaitu aerosol
partikal dan Liquid partikel counter.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nA
particle Counter/Monitor </b> is an instrument that detects and counts particles.
Applications of particle counters are separated into two primary
categories:\r\nAerosol particle counters,\r\nLiquid particle
counters\r\n<br>Aerosol Particle Counters are used to determine the air quality by
counting and sizing the number of particles in the air. <br>\r\nLiquid Particle
Counters are used to determine the quality of the liquid (size and number of
particle) passing through them. Liquid particle counters can be used to test the
quality of drinking water or cleaning solutions, or the cleanliness of power
generation equipment, manufacturing parts, or injectable drugs.'),
(2702,'009001002','CO ANALYZER (CARBON MONOXIDE)','009001','2008-05-15
11:27:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<I><B>Description</i></b><br>Measures the level of
CO with a single compact instrument. Usually consists a pump,while the newest
generation uses of electrochemical sensors, the CO responds very quickly to ambient
changes in carbon monoxide concentration without the use of a pump. Carbon Monoxide
(CO) Analyzer uses infrared absorption spectroscopy to continuously measure CO
concentration in combustion flue gases.'),(2703,'009001003','RADON THORON
MONITOR','009001','2008-05-15 23:35:10','2009-02-25
11:16:45','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat kesan untuk mengawas dan mengukur tahap radon
dan thoron.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nInstrument for continuous <b>radon
and thoron monitoring </b>and sniffing of entry paths. Quick respons, high
precision. With expansion packs can be used for measuring radon concentration in
soil and water. '),(2704,'009001004','HIGH VOLUME AIR SAMPLER','009001','2008-05-15
23:35:40','2013-06-10 12:33:41','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan
untuk mengukur, menguji, memeriksa, memantau pergerakan/kandungan/kapasiti uadara
atau apa-apa molekul cecair untuk pelbagai tujuan. Ianya terdapat pelabagai
jenis/jenama seperti Adang Stevenson<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>High Volume
Air Sampler which would take accurate samples whatever the wind direction, simplify
sample collection, operate quietly and use less power.'),(2705,'014010001','JENTERA
PEMADAT/COMPACTOR','014010','2008-05-15 23:43:16','2013-01-23
09:23:21','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Jentera/Mesin Pemadat yang digunakan untuk kerja-
kerja menurap jalan dengan memadatkan \'tar\' batu kerikil pembinaan jalan raya.
Ianya terdiri dari pelabagai jenama/jenis seperti Compactor Enjine SHP
dll\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>\nCompactor Machine'),
(2706,'014010002','JENTOLAK (BULLDOZER)','014010','2008-05-16 00:17:19','2009-02-05
ulldozer'),(2707,'014010003','MESIN PENGOREK','014010','2008-05-16 00:17:33','2008-
12-02 16:36:53','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin
Pengorek\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br> Excavator'),
(2708,'014010004','JENTERA KAUT CANGKUL BELAKANG','014010','2008-05-16
00:18:01','2009-02-05 15:52:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Jentera Kaut Cangkul
Belakang\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nBack Hoe Loader'),
(2709,'014010005','PERATA TANAH (GRADER)','014010','2008-05-16 00:18:19','2009-02-
05 15:46:27','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Perata
(SHOVEL/WHEEL LOADER)','014010','2008-05-16 00:18:32','2009-02-05
hovel; Wheel Loader'),(2711,'014010007','SKID MENGEMUDI','014010','2008-05-16
00:18:54','2009-02-05 15:47:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Skid
Mengemudi\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nSkid Steer'),
(2712,'014010008','TRAKTOR EMPAT RODA','014010','2008-05-16 00:19:14','2009-02-05
15:47:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Traktor Empat
Tayar\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nFour Wheel Tractor'),
(2713,'014010009','PENGGELEK (ROLLER)','014010','2008-05-16 00:19:29','2009-02-05
Roller'),(2714,'014010010','TRAK RODA RINGAN DENGAN TINDAK
BELAKANG','014010','2008-05-16 00:20:05','2009-02-05
15:49:01','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Trak Roda Ringan Dengan Tindak
Belakang\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nLight Wheel Tractor c/w Back
Actor'),(2715,'014010011','JENTERA GARUK','014010','2008-05-16 00:20:22','2009-02-
05 15:49:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Jentera
TERUP','014010','2008-05-16 00:20:40','2009-02-05
Terup\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nPaving Plant'),
(2717,'014010013','PEMAMPAT UDARA BERGERAK','014010','2008-05-16 00:21:22','2009-
02-05 15:50:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemampat Udara
Bergerak\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nMobile Air Compressor '),
(2718,'014010014','TRAK PEMBUANG (DUMPER TRUCK)','014010','2008-05-16
00:21:37','2009-02-05 15:51:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Trak
Pembuang\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nDumper Truck'),
(2719,'014010015','TRELER PERKHIDMATAN LOJI','014010','2008-05-16 00:22:04','2009-
02-05 15:51:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Treler Perkhidmatan
(2720,'014008001','JENTUAI','014008','2008-05-16 00:22:15','2009-08-19
Jentera Tuai\r\n<br><br><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nCombines Harvest including forage
harvester, paddy harvester.'),(2721,'014008002','JENTERA BAJAK','014008','2008-05-
16 00:22:26',NULL,'MOF','160101',1,NULL,NULL),(2722,'014001003','GENERATOR
BERGERAK','014001','2008-05-16 00:22:56','2009-02-18
10:36:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Generator Bergerak. Generator untuk bekalan kuasa
letrik yang boleh dialih.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nMobile Generator'),
(2723,'014003003','LOJI EBM','014003','2008-05-16 00:23:14','2009-01-22
10:39:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>'),
(2724,'014003004','LOJI RAYMINTEK','014003','2008-05-16 00:23:33','2009-01-22
10:40:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>'),
(2725,'014006001','BILIK PENYEJUK (ASET TAK ALIH)','014006','2008-05-16
00:24:00','2017-11-23 11:09:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sistem pembekuan yang
berasaskan binaan yang tetap yang mengandungi pelbagai alatan-alatan untuk
penyejukbekuan.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>'),
(2726,'012001001','ROTAVATOR','012001','2008-05-16 00:31:29','2009-08-19
10:58:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Pembajak\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nPlough Machine/ rotovator/tiller'),(2727,'012001002','PUM PENYEMBUR
RACUN','012001','2008-05-16 00:33:39','2009-05-18
00:28:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pum / Mesin Penyembur Racun termasuklah yang
menggunakan enjin dan menggunakan elektrik.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nPoison Spray Machine/pump </b> including engine type and using electric
supply.'),(2728,'014008003','TRELER BALAK','014008','2008-05-16
SPLITTER','014008','2008-05-16 00:37:10',NULL,'MOF','160101',1,NULL,NULL),
(2730,'014008005','WOOD MILLING','014008','2008-05-16 00:37:20','2008-08-11
CHIPPER','014008','2008-05-16 00:37:37','2009-02-05
15:40:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br></b>\r\n'),
(2732,'014008007','SLURRY TANKER','014008','2008-05-16 00:39:33','2009-02-05
15:40:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br></b>\r\n'),
(2733,'012002001','PEST KILLER LIGHT','012002','2008-05-16 00:48:52','2015-01-05
10:50:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lampu Pemusnah Serangga Perosak; Perangkap
Serangga Perosak\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\nPest Killer Light; Pest Trapper,
Insect killer'),(2734,'012002002','BUDDING KNIVES (STOK)','012002','2008-05-16
00:53:32','2012-01-13 15:57:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pisau
Perbungaan\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nBudding Knives'),
(2735,'012002003','LONG ARM PRUNER (STOK)','012002','2008-05-16 00:54:44','2012-01-
13 15:58:59','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/alatan tangan yang digunakan untuk
memotong benda keras spt kayu, ranting dll'),(2736,'012002004','VACUUM
SEALER','012002','2008-05-16 00:55:50','2009-03-04
22:16:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Pelekat Plastik untuk pembungkusan dengan
menggunakan hampagas (vacum)\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nVacuum Sealer</b>
for plastic packaging.'),(2737,'012002005','LOPPER (STOK)','012002','2008-05-16
00:56:38','2012-01-13 16:00:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/alatan tangan yang
digunakan untuk memotong\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br></b>\r\nSpecially
designed for orchard work, but also recommended for landscape pruning. Long and
light aluminium handles with long reach for overhead cutting.'),
(2738,'012002006','POLE SAW (STOK)','012002','2008-05-16 00:57:39','2012-01-13
16:00:53','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/alatantangan yang digunakan untuk
memotong\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nPole saw'),(2739,'012002007','PRUNING
SAW (STOK)','012002','2008-05-16 00:57:56','2012-01-13
16:01:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/alatan tangan yang digunakan untuk
memotong\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nPruning Saw'),
(2740,'012001003','MESIN POTONG RUMPUT','012001','2008-05-16 00:59:07','2009-02-06
09:21:13','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Potong Rumput adalah mesin untuk memotong
atau memendekanrumput termasuk mesin rumput sandang; mesin rumput tolak; mesin
rumput tunda dan jenis kenderaan\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nGrass Cutter
Machine; </b> are mechanical machine for cutting and trimming grass, including
hand, pull, push and vehicle type.'),(2741,'012002008','ALAT PENYEMBUR MANUAL
(STOK)','012002','2008-05-16 01:00:12','2019-02-12
12:41:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan manual yang digunakan untuk menyembur
racun, baja dan sebagainya.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\nManual Sprayer; Spray
container;</B> for spraying poison, fertilizer, insecticide, pesticide and
other.'),(2742,'012002009','SPRINKLERS (STOK)','012002','2008-05-16
01:00:57','2012-01-13 16:02:29','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Pemercik
Air\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nSprinklers; water sprinkler'),
(2743,'012002010','WHEEL BARROW','012002','2008-05-16 01:01:47','2009-02-06
10:38:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kereta Sorong beroda satu adalah peralatan untuk
membawa atau memindahkan barang.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nA wheelbarrow
</b>is a small hand-propelled vehicle, usually with just one wheel, designed to be
pushed and guided by a single person using two handles to the rear or a sail may be
used to guide the ancient wheelbarrow by wind.'),(2744,'012002011','AGRO GLASS
MAGNEFIER','012002','2008-05-16 01:03:45',NULL,'MOF','160101',1,NULL,NULL),
(2745,'012002012','SOIL PROBES (STOK)','012002','2008-05-16 01:05:16','2012-01-13
16:02:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk penyiasatan atau mengambil sampel tanah
untuk tujuan kajian dan analisis tanah\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nSoil
Probes -</b>\r\nAn essential tool for home gardeners for sampling soils and
collecting information where plants will be grown.\r\n\r\n'),
(2746,'012002013','SOIL PH ANALYSER (STOK)','012002','2008-05-16 01:06:12','2012-
01-13 16:03:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/alatan tangan yang digunakan untuk
Analisa PH Tanah\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nSoil PH Analyser\r\n'),
(2747,'012002014','FERTILISER ANALYSER (STOK)','012002','2008-05-16
01:07:09','2012-01-13 16:04:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Analisa
Baja\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br></B>\r\nQuickly determine the levels of
nitrogen, phosphorus and potash in soils. Spot deficiencies before they become a
major problem. We recommend that this instrument only be used for potted plants
because of the narrow sensor probe. \r\n'),(2748,'012002015','SOIL SALT
ANALYSER','012002','2008-05-16 01:07:31','2013-07-12
11:04:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin/Peralatan yang digunakan secara (set) untuk
mengukur, analisa, sample kandungan garam dalam Tanah, kandungan Tanah. Ianya
terdiri dari pelbagai jenama seperti Mackintosh Probes
dll\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nSoil Salt Analyser</b> Nutrient analysis,
soluble salt chemistry and tracer recovery of soil extracts is accomplished using
this instrument.'),(2749,'012001004','MESIN GERGAJI POKOK','012001','2008-05-16
01:09:04','2011-05-03 10:47:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Gergaji
Pokok\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nChain Saw / Masonry Saws'),
(2750,'012002016','SUN ANALYSER (STOK)','012002','2008-05-16 01:11:47','2012-01-13
16:05:56','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/alatan tangan untuk analisa cahaya /
matahari\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nThe Sun Analyzer Meter </b>is
designed to give an accurate reading of light energy originating from any source.
The photoreceptors are pointed at the light source to get a reading from 0-10,000
footcandles. No batteries required.\r\n'),(2751,'011008002','CRICKET STUMPS
(STOK)','011008','2008-05-16 01:15:03','2011-12-12
10:18:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Stumps Kriket yang dibekalkan dari pelbagai
jenis\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nCricket Stumps'),
(2752,'011008003','CRICKET BATTING GLOVES (STOK)','011008','2008-05-16
01:15:45','2011-12-12 10:19:43','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alatan yang dibekalkan untuk
permainan cricket terdiri dari pelbagi jenis/ukuran'),(2753,'011008004','THIGH PAD
(STOK)','011008','2008-05-16 01:16:18','2011-12-12
10:21:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alatan permainan kriket yang terdiri dari pelbagai
jenis'),(2754,'011008005','BAIL SET (STOK)','011008','2008-05-16 01:24:02','2011-
12-12 10:20:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set Bail yang dibekalkan terdiri dari
pelbagi jenis\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nBail Set'),
(2755,'011008006','WICKETKEEPING GLOVES (STOK)','011008','2008-05-16
01:25:00','2011-12-12 10:22:21','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alatan kriket yang
dibekalkan terdir dari pelbagai jenis dan ukuran'),(2756,'011009002','SPORT BIKE
HELMET (STOK)','011009','2008-05-16 01:26:14','2012-01-11
11:39:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Helmet Sukan
Sikal\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nSport Bike Helmet'),
(2757,'011009003','BIKE KNEE AND ELBOW PAD (STOK)','011009','2008-05-16
01:27:32','2012-01-11 11:39:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pad Keselamatan Lutut dan
siku untuk sukan basikal\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nBike Knee and
Elbom Pad'),(2758,'003007001','SET PINGGAN MAKAN','003007','2008-05-16
16:06:59','2019-02-12 11:17:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set pinggan makan yang
dibeli mengikut set yang diperbuat daripada seramik atau kaca. Selain daripada
seramik dan kaca, direkod sebagai stok.'),(2759,'003007002','SET PINGGAN
HIDANG','003007','2008-05-16 16:07:37','2019-02-12
11:16:59','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set pinggan hidang yang dibeli mengikut set yang
diperbuat daripada seramik atau kaca. Selain seramik dan kaca direkod sebagai
stok.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nServing Plate; Dish Plate'),
(2760,'003007003','SET PINGGAN SUP','003007','2008-05-16 16:07:50','2019-02-12
11:18:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set pinggan sup yang dibeli mengikut set yang
diperbuat daripada seramik atau kaca. Selain daripada seramik dan kaca, direkod
sebagai stok.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nSoup Plate'),(2761,'003007004','SET
PINGGAN TAMBAH','003007','2008-05-16 16:08:04','2019-02-12
11:18:31','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set pinggan tambah yang dibeli mengikut set yang
diperbuat daripada seramik atau kaca. Selain daripada seramik dan kaca, direkod
sebagai stok.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>'),(2762,'003007005','SET PIRING
PENCUCI MULUT','003007','2008-05-16 16:08:33','2019-02-12
11:18:55','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set pinggan pencuci mulut yang dibeli mengikut set
yang diperbuat daripada seramik atau kaca. Selain daripada seramik dan kaca,
direkod sebagai stok.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nDesert Plate'),
(2763,'003007006','SET PIRING DAN CAWAN','003007','2008-05-16 16:08:52','2019-02-12
14:47:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set minuman yang diperbuat daripada seramik atau
kaca. Selain daripada seramik dan kaca, direkod sebagai
stok.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\n'),(2764,'003007007','SET PIRING
SALAD','003007','2008-05-16 16:09:05','2019-02-12
11:19:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set piring salad yang dibeli mengikut set yang
diperbuat daripada seramik atau kaca. Selain daripada seramik dan kaca, direkod
sebagai stok.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nSalad Plate'),(2765,'003007008','SET
MANGKUK LAUK','003007','2008-05-16 16:09:24','2019-02-12
11:20:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set mangkuk lauk yang dibeli mengikut set yang
diperbuat daripada seramik atau kaca. Selain daripada seramik dan kaca, direkod
sebagai stok.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nSide Dish Bowl; '),
(2766,'003007009','SET MANGKUK SUP','003007','2008-05-16 16:09:58','2019-02-12
11:20:53','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set mangkuk sup yang dibeli mengikut set yang
diperbuat daripada seramik atau kaca. Selain daripada seramik dan kaca, direkod
sebagai stok..<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>'),(2767,'003007010','SET MANGKUK
SALAD','003007','2008-05-16 16:10:11','2019-02-12
11:21:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set mangkuk salad yang dibeli mengikut set yang
diperbuat daripada seramik atau kaca. Selain daripada seramik dan kaca, direkod
sebagai stok.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nSalad Bowl'),(2768,'003007011','SET
MANGKUK TAMBAH','003007','2008-05-16 16:10:28','2019-02-12
11:21:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set mangkuk tambah yang dibeli mengikut set yang
diperbuat daripada seramik atau kaca. Selain daripada seramik dan kaca, direkod
sebagai stok..<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>'),(2769,'003007012','SET MANGKUK
BIJIRIN','003007','2008-05-16 16:10:41','2019-02-12
11:22:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set mangkuk bijirin yang dibeli mengikut set yang
diperbuat daripada seramik atau kaca. Selain daripada seramik dan kaca, direkod
sebagai stok..<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nCereal Bowl'),(2770,'003008001','CAWAN
(STOK)','003008','2008-05-16 16:11:00','2011-01-24
15:54:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Cawan. \r\nCawan yang dibeli secara berasingan
(bukan set) hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai Barang Stok.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Cup'),(2771,'003008002','CAWAN DAN PIRING (STOK)','003008','2008-05-16
16:11:10','2011-01-24 15:54:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,' Cawan dan Piring. Cawan dan
Piring yang dibeli secara berasingan (bukan set) hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai
Barang Stok.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Cup and Saucer.'),
(2772,'003008003','GELAS MINUMAN (STOK)','003008','2008-05-16 16:11:20','2011-01-24
15:54:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Gelas Minuman adalah bekas untuk meminum air
diperbuat daripada kaca. Gelas minuman yang dibeli secara berasingan (bukan set)
hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai Barang Stok.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Drinking
Glass'),(2773,'003008004','MUG /KOLEH (STOK)','003008','2008-05-16 16:11:26','2011-
01-24 15:55:13','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Koleh. Koleh yang dibeli secara berasingan
(bukan set) hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai Barang Stok.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Mug'),(2774,'003008005','TEKO (STOK)','003008','2008-05-16 16:11:36','2011-01-
24 15:55:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Teko .\r\n<br> Teko yang dibeli secara
berasingan (bukan set) hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai Barang
Stok.\r\n><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Teapot'),(2775,'003008006','JUG
(STOK)','003008','2008-05-16 16:11:41','2011-01-24
15:55:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Jug. Jug yang dibeli secara berasingan (bukan set)
hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai Barang Stok.\r\n\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Jag'),(2776,'003008007','BEKAS SUSU (STOK)','003008','2008-05-16
16:11:53','2011-01-24 15:56:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bekas Susu. Bekas Susu yang
dibeli secara berasingan (bukan set) hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai Barang
Stok.\r\n\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Milk Container; Milk tray, Milk Cup'),
(2777,'003008008','BEKAS GULA (STOK)','003008','2008-05-16 16:12:00','2011-01-24
15:56:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bekas Gula\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Sugar
Container, Sugar Pot; Sugar Can'),(2778,'003009001','SET MAKAN ','003009','2008-05-
16 16:12:20','2019-02-12 11:44:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set makan malam lengkap
yang diperbuat daripada seramik atau kaca. Selain daripada seramik dan kaca,
direkod sebagai stok.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Dinner set; Dinning Set.'),
(2779,'003009002','SET TEH ','003009','2008-05-16 16:12:29','2019-02-12
14:47:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set Teh, set minum
petang\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Tea Set; Drinking set'),
(2780,'003009003','SET HIDANG BUFET','003009','2008-05-16 16:12:43','2008-10-10
11:59:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set Hidang Bufet\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Buffet Tray; Buffet Serving set'),(2781,'003009004','COCKTAIL SET
','003009','2008-05-16 16:12:56','2019-02-12 14:52:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set
bekas minuman yang dibeli mengikut set yang diperbuat daripada seramik atau kaca.
Selain seramik dan kaca direkod sebagai stok. \n\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Punch Set; Punch Bowl; Cocktail bowl'),(2782,'003010001','SUDU MAKAN
(STOK)','003010','2008-05-16 16:13:13','2010-12-29
16:04:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sudu yang digunakan untuk
makan.\r\n\r\n\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br> \r\nSpoon </b>-A large spoon, used
for eating food.</i>'),(2783,'003010002','SUDU SUP (STOK)','003010','2008-05-16
16:13:43','2010-12-29 16:05:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sejenis sudu yang digunakan
untuk makan sup.\r\n\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>A soup spoon</b> is a type of
spoon used for eating soup'),(2784,'003010003','SUDU TEH (STOK)','003010','2008-05-
16 16:13:55','2010-12-29 16:05:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sudu Teh adalah sudu
kecil yang digunakan untuk membancur air minuman panas, teh atau
kopi.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DSCRIPTION <br>A teaspoon</b> is a small spoon, or a spoon
used in measuring, commonly used to stir the contents of a cup of tea or
coffee.</i>'),(2785,'003010004','GARPU MAKAN (STOK)','003010','2008-05-16
16:14:09','2010-12-29 16:05:33','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Garpu Makan adalah alat
untuk menyuap makanan, hujungnya bercabang.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Fork
</b>an instrument for holding food or carring to the mouth. having a handle at one
end and 2 or more point at the other. '),(2786,'003010005','GARPU KECIL
(STOK)','003010','2008-05-16 16:14:22','2010-12-29
16:05:49','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Garpu Kecil adalah alat untuk menyuap makanan,
hujungnya bercabang bersais kecil dan biasanya digunakan untuk makanan ringan,
buah-buahan, kueh atau pencuci mulut.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Small Fork
</b>an instrument for holding food or carring to the mouth. having a handle at one
end and 2 or more point at the other and smaler thann ormal l fork. Useg mainly for
eating dessert, fruit and cake.'),(2787,'003010006','SENDUK KUAH
(STOK)','003010','2008-05-16 16:14:33','2010-12-29
16:06:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Senduk kuah adalah alat untuk menyeduk lauk
.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>A Ladle </b>. A ladle is a type of spoon used to
serve soup or other liquids. Although designs vary, a typical ladle has a long
handle terminating in a deep bowl, frequently with the bowl oriented at an angle to
the handle to facilitate lifting liquid out of a pot or other vessel. Ladles are
usually made of the same stainless steel alloys as other kitchen utensils; however,
they can be made of aluminium, silver, plastics, melamine resin, wood, bamboo or
other materials '),(2788,'003010007','SENDUK NASI (STOK)','003010','2008-05-16
16:14:46','2010-12-29 16:06:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Senduk
Nasi\r\n<br><br><i><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Rice Ladle</b>'),(2789,'003010008','SUDIP
(STOK)','003010','2008-05-16 16:14:57','2010-12-29
16:06:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sudip adalah alat seperti sudu lepih yang
digunakan untuk menggoreng atau menceduk nasi. \r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Flat Ladle</b> is a spoon for stirring rice and fried.'),
(2790,'003010009','PISAU MAKAN (STOK)','003010','2008-05-16 16:15:10','2010-12-29
Knife'),(2791,'001007004','ALAT PENGIMBAS','001007','2008-05-16 19:45:26','2014-04-
15 15:10:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Pengimbas Kad, Stem yang digunakan untuk
mengesahkan ketulenan barang seperti Stem, Lesen, Kad Nama, dll. Kawalan penggunaan
alat ini hendaklah dikawal secara pentadbiran dalaman Kem/Jab bagi tujuan
keselamatan sesuatu aktiviti.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nCard Reader; Card
Scanner'),(2793,'005002003','KAD MEMORI TELEFON (STOK)','005002','2008-05-16
19:58:50','2019-02-12 10:13:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kad Memori
Telefon\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nTelephone Memory Card'),
(2794,'005006004','MESIN MORSE KOD/TUTOR','005006','2008-05-16 19:59:45','2011-01-
12 17:33:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Kod
Morse\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nMorse Code Machine </b> is a combined
morse tutor and reader program which may be useful to anyone learning Morse Code'),
(2795,'005006005','MESIN KRYPTO','005006','2008-05-16 20:00:32','2009-02-23
Krypto\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCrypto Machine</b> is a complex electro-
mechanical polyalphabetic cipher to
protect sensitive communications.'),(2796,'006005002','LAMPU SOROT MUDAH
ALIH','006005','2008-05-16 20:01:16','2019-02-12
Sorot\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\nGleam Light ;Ray of Light, Spotlight'),
(2797,'006005003','MESIN ASAP','006005','2008-05-16 20:01:28','2008-12-23
15:07:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Asap adalah mesin yang digunakan untuk
persembahan atau ketika perasmian sesuatu upacara dengan mengeluarkan asap yang
tidak membahaya.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nSmoke Machine is a machine
that produce harmless smoke during presentation or open ceremony occasion.'),
(2798,'007001011','SISTEM SIREN PENGGERA (ASET TAK ALIH) ','007001','2008-05-16
20:02:54','2017-11-23 10:40:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Siren Penggera alat yg
mengeluarkan bunyi raungan yg kuat, biasanya sbg semboyan
amaran\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nAlarm Siren'),
(2799,'007003009','KERIS','007003','2008-05-16 20:03:36','2008-12-01
(2800,'007003010','LEMBING','007003','2008-05-16 20:03:52','2008-12-01
(2801,'007003011','PEDANG','007003','2008-05-16 20:04:26','2008-12-01
15:02:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pedang; parang
PERISAI','014011','2008-05-16 20:23:32',NULL,'MOF','160101',1,NULL,NULL),
(2804,'002007011','KABINET FAIL BERGERAK','002007','2008-05-16 20:30:59','2013-07-
03 14:22:45','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak atau Kabinet adalah termasuk Kategori
Perabut yang diperlukan untuk melangkapkan sesebuah bangunan samada buatan kayu
atau besi direkodkan sebagi Inventori tanpa mengira harga perolehan. Kabinet atau
Rak Fail Bergerak adalah rak yang boleh digerak-gerakkan untuk penyimpanan fail-
fail.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nMobile Filling Cabinet</b> are moveable
compartment used for storing fails.'),(2805,'011004001','PORTABLE BASKETBALL
BACKBOARD','011004','2008-05-16 21:20:56','2008-12-15
16:36:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Papan Pantul Bola Keranjang
Mudahailh\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nPortable Basketball Backboard'),
(2806,'011004002','BASKETBALL NET (STOK)','011004','2008-05-16 21:22:35','2011-12-
12 09:59:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Jaring Bola Keranjang dalam pelbagai
jenis/ukuran\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nBasketball Net'),
(2807,'011004003','BASKETBALL RIM (STOK)','011004','2008-05-16 21:24:53','2011-12-
12 10:00:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Gelung Gol Bola Jaring yang dibekalkan untuk
permainan bolajaring dalam pelbagai
jenis\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nBasketball Rim\r\n'),
(2808,'011004004','NETBALL NET (STOK)','011004','2008-05-16 21:28:59','2011-12-12
10:01:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Jaring gol bolajaring yang dibekalkan terdiri
dalam pelbagai jenis dan ukuran.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nNetball Net'),
(2809,'011004005','PORTABLE NETBALL GOAL POST','011004','2008-05-16
21:30:04','2008-12-15 16:38:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tiang Gol Bola Jaring
Mudahalih\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nPortable Netball Goal Post'),
(2810,'011004006','NETBALL BIB (STOK)','011004','2008-05-16 21:30:38','2011-12-12
10:02:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bib Bola Jaring yang dibekalkan untuk permainan
tersebut dalam pelbagai jenis
kegunaan\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nNetball Bib'),
(2812,'011009004','FOLDING BIKE RACK (STOK)','011009','2008-05-16 21:36:05','2012-
07-10 15:43:55','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak basikal; tempat barang
basikal\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\nFolding Bike Rack'),
(2813,'011009005','EXPLORER BIKE RACK (STOK)','011009','2008-05-16 21:37:06','2012-
07-10 15:43:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak Bisikal
Pemgembara\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\nExplorer Bike Rack'),
(2814,'011009006','BIKE PUMP (STOK)','011009','2008-05-16 21:38:03','2012-01-11
basikal\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nBike pump; Bicyle pump'),
(2815,'011009007','BICYCLE U LOCK (STOK)','011009','2008-05-16 21:38:53','2012-07-
10 15:43:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kunci U
Basikal\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\nBicle U Lock'),(2816,'011009008','BIKE
COVER (STOK)','011009','2008-05-16 21:44:29','2012-07-10
Basikal\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\nBike Cover'),(2817,'011009009','TRAVEL
BIKE CASE (STOK)','011009','2008-05-16 21:45:04','2012-07-10
15:43:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bekas /Kes /Peti Mengembara
Basikal\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\nTravel Bike Case'),
(2818,'011009010','BIKE WHELL COVER (STOK)','011009','2008-05-16 21:45:46','2012-
07-10 15:42:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Penutup Roda
Basikal\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\nBike Wheel Cover'),
(2819,'011009011','CYCLING GLOVES (STOK)','011009','2008-05-16 21:51:30','2012-07-
10 15:42:37','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sarung tangan untuk sukan
basikal\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\nCycling Gloves'),
(2820,'011009012','CYCLING GPS UNIT (STOK)','011009','2008-05-16 21:54:36','2012-
07-10 15:42:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Unit GPS untuk sukan
basikal\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\nCycling GPS Unit'),
(2821,'011009013','THREE BIKE STAND (STOK)','011009','2008-05-16 21:56:29','2012-
07-10 15:42:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Penyangga Basikal (tiga ruang)adalah benda
yg digunakan utk menyangga atau menopang
basikal.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nThree Bike Stand '),
(2822,'002011001','BUKU CERITA /FICTION','002011','2008-05-21 14:58:53','2011-02-16
15:52:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Buku Cerita Rekaan dan pelbagai buku cerita
hendaklah direkod mengikut peraturan / panduan Perpustakaan atau
Arkib\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nStory Books ;Friction Books'),
(2823,'002011002','BUKU BUKAN CERITA /NON FRICTION','002011','2008-05-21
14:59:29','2011-01-25 15:24:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Buku Bukan Cerita; Buku
Ilmiah; Buku Rujukan hendaklah direkod mengikut peraturan/panduan Perpustakaan atau
Arkib\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nNon Friction Books; Academic Book;
Reference Books'),(2824,'002011003','BUKU UNDANG-UNDANG','002011','2008-05-21
15:00:21','2016-08-25 10:18:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Buku Undang-Undang; Buku
Perundangan; Buku Syariah; Akta; Enakmen; Ordinan hendaklah direkod mengikut
peraturan/panduan Perpustakaan atau Arkib. <br><br>\nDimaklumkan bagi buku-buku
tersebut sekiranya dibeli khusus untuk kegunaan sebagai rujukan pegawai-pegawai dan
disimpan di pejabat hendaklah direkodkan sebagai Aset
Alih.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nLaws Book; Acts; Orinance; Enactment; Law
Practice; Law Precedent Book; Law Refrence Book.'),(2825,'002011004','PEKELILING
DAN BAHAN BERCETAK','002011','2008-05-21 15:01:17','2017-11-16
10:01:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pekeliling Kerajaan dan Bahan bercetak seperti
Warta Kerajaan; Buku PKPA, Jernal hendaklah direkod mengikut peraturan/ panduan
Perpustakaan atau Arkib\n<br> <br> Dimaklumkan bagi buku-buku tersebut sekiranya
dibeli khusus untuk kegunaan sebagai rujukan pegawai-pegawai dan disimpan di
pejabat hendaklah direkodkan sebagai Aset Alih.
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nGovernment Circullar and Printed Material; Jurnal'),
(2826,'002012006','MESIN PENGERING RAMBUT','002012','2008-05-21 15:04:37','2012-06-
12 10:25:56','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pengering Rambut adalah alat yangdigunakan
untuk mengeringkan rambut selepas mandi atau membasuh
rambut.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Hair Dryer</b> is a device for drying
hair.'),(2827,'002012007','TUALA (STOK)','002012','2008-05-21 15:05:59','2010-12-28
(2828,'002006008','LAMPU KILAT KAMERA -FLASH (STOK)','002006','2008-05-21
15:10:25','2010-12-28 15:41:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lampu Kilat Kamera (Lampu
Kamera) adalah lampu yang dipasang pada kamera untuk mendapatkan gambar dengan
lebih jelas. Lampu ini juga digunakan untuk menambah jumlah cahaya yang datang
daripada lampu utama.\r\n\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>camera Flash Light'),
(2829,'015008010','LAMPU TIDUR','015008','2008-05-21 15:56:56','2009-01-28
Tidur\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nBed Light'),(2830,'002006009','KAD MEMORI
KAMERA (STOK)','002006','2008-05-21 20:51:04','2010-12-28
15:42:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kad Memori
Kamera\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>Camera Memory Card; Memory Stick'),
(2831,'004010012','POWER CONDITIONAL','004010','2008-05-21 20:57:27','2009-02-23
11:21:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Penyesuai Kuasa elektronik adalah peranti yang
digunakan untuk menyesuaikan bekalan kuasa.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>A Power
Conditioner </b>is an electrical device that provides \"clean\" AC power to
sensitive electrical equipment, commonly provides surge protection as well as noise
filtering. '),(2832,'003004007','PISAU UKIRAN SAYUR/BUAH (STOK)','003004','2008-05-
21 20:58:07','2011-01-24 15:35:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pisau ukiran sayur/buah
yang dibeli secara berasingan (bukan set) hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai Barang
DOME','003009','2008-05-21 21:05:38','2008-10-10
12:04:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bekas Kubah Hidangan adalah sebuah bekas yang
digunakan untuk menghidang makan dimana penutupnya berbentuk kubah.
\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Serving Dome'),(2834,'016005010','ALAS MEJA
(STOK)','016005','2008-05-21 21:06:47','2011-01-25
09:22:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alas Meja; Penutup Meja; Renda
Meja\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nTable Cloth; Table Runner; Table Cover;
Table Lace'),(2835,'016005011','KAIN SCALLOP (STOK)','016005','2008-05-21
21:10:35','2011-01-25 09:31:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kain Scallop;
\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nScallop; Tent Scallop'),
(2836,'016005012','KAIN SKIRTING (STOK)','016005','2008-05-21
21:11:38','2011-01-25 09:21:41','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kain Skirting; Skirting
Meja\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nTable Skirting'),(2837,'005005003','RADIO
WIRELESS SISTEM ','005005','2008-05-21 21:21:05','2019-02-12
11:29:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Radio Tanpa Wayar adalah alat perhubungan yang
mesejnya dihantar dengan wayarles (tanpa wayar)yang terdiri daripada pelbagai
jenis/jenama seperti Radio Comunication, Voice Comunication, Transporttable Voice
Radio Repeater, Intergrated Radio Network (GRIN), Radio Finder Switch
dll.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nWireless Radio</b> means by which sounds
(message)are sent over a distance by radio signal.'),(2838,'002003027','KAKI
MIKROFON (STOK)','002003','2008-05-21 21:27:20','2010-12-28
Mikrofon\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nMicrophone Stand or Leg.'),
(2839,'002003028','HELLA','002003','2008-05-21 21:30:58','2008-10-30
11:51:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pembesar Suara
Hella\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nHella / Loud Hella'),
(2840,'014011002','KERETA KEBAL','014011','2008-05-21
(2841,'007003012','BELANTAN','007003','2008-05-21 21:43:57','2008-12-01
cudgel, truncheon '),(2842,'007003013','COTA (STOK)','007003','2008-05-21
21:45:02','2012-04-30 12:26:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kelengkapan bekalan yang
perlu disimpan mengikut PP 5/2009 spt
Cota\nbr><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nPolice Baton'),(2843,'007003014','GARI
(STOK)','007003','2008-05-21 21:46:18','2015-05-06
10:54:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
penguatkuasaan seperti Gari, Pengunci, dll. Walau bagaimanapun penggunanya
hendaklah dikawal. \n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nHandcuff'),
(2844,'007003015','PELURU (STOK)','007003','2008-05-21 21:47:14','2012-04-30
12:25:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Merupakan bekalan mengikut fungsi agensi yang
perlu disimpan dengan merujuk PP 5/2009 spt Peluru; Peluru
Meriam\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nBullet; canonball'),
(2845,'007003016','PERISAI TANGAN (STOK)','007003','2008-05-21 21:47:42','2016-06-
14 09:41:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Perisai
Tangan\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nhand shield; hand armour'),
(2846,'006005004','PAKAIAN RAGAM (COSTUME) (STOK)','006005','2008-05-21
21:51:08','2019-02-12 16:51:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pakaian Beragam adalah
pakaian beranika bentuk yang merupai sesuatu seperti binatang, potret atau zaman
(STOK)','016003','2008-05-21 21:51:39','2019-02-12
20:50:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bidai; Bidai Buluh; Bidai
Kayu\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nBamboo Curtain; Mat Curtain'),
(2848,'004014051','SPM ANALYZER','004014','2008-05-21 21:55:06','2009-03-30
22:53:27','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pengukur Kejutan, SPM analyzer adalah alatan yang
digunakan untuk memantau secara berkala keadaan mesin. Pengukuran denyut kejutan
pada galas berguling membekalkan data yang menunjukkan kerosakan galas, keadaan
pelincir dan kesan penjajaran oleh bebanan. <br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <BR> SPM
analyzer </B>is a hand held instrument for periodic machine condition monitoring.
Shock Pulse measurement (SPM) on rolling bearing supplies data on bearing damage,
lubrication condition and the effects of alignment on load. In many applications
the bearings are the only machine elements which need monitoring.'),
(2849,'004014046','VOLTAMMETRY AND POLAROGRAPHY ANALYZER','004014','2008-05-21
21:55:50','2009-03-31 11:38:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Dengan alat voltammetry dan
polarography analisa trace elemen didalam air, sampel persekitaran dan bahan kimia
tulin boleh dibuat. Voltammetry membolehkan ion logam berbeza tahap oksidasi
diasingkan, boleh membezakan antara ion logam bebas dan terikat dan juga berbagai
sebatian organik. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR></B> With <B>voltammetry and
polarography analyzer </B>you can analyze trace elements in water, environmental
samples or ultrapure chemicals. \r\nvoltammetry allows to distinguish the different
oxidation stages of metal ions or differentiate between free and bound metal ions,
also various organic compounds.'),(2850,'002012008','MESIN PENCUKUR
(STOK)','002012','2008-05-21 21:56:37','2010-12-29
15:59:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Pencukur - berfungsi menggunakan bateri atau
elektrik\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Electrical Shaver'),
(2851,'004014047','MAGNETIC FLUX METER','004014','2008-05-21 21:56:56','2009-03-31
11:11:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk mengukur kuantitatif magnetik flux
didalam besi. Ia juga berkebolehan mengukur ketumpatan flux dalam sebarang arah.
Alat ini termasuklan Gaussmeter.<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Magnetic Flux meter
</b> provides quantitative measurement of the magnetic flux inside steel. It also
capable to measure flux density in any direction. This include Gaussmeter.'),
(2852,'008002001','CONTINUITY CHECKER','008002','2008-05-21 22:02:42','2008-10-17
16:11:43','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>A continuity tester
is an item of electrical test equipment used to determine if an electrical path can
be established between two points; that is if an electrical circuit can be made.
The circuit under test is completely de-energized prior to connecting the
apparatus.\r\n\r\nThe tester consists of an indicator in series with a source of
electrical power - normally a battery, terminating in two test leads. If a complete
circuit is established between the test-leads, the indicator is
activated.\r\n\r\n'),(2853,'008002002','EARTHING TESTER','008002','2008-05-21
22:03:18','2008-10-20 12:46:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Digital Earth Tester, Rugged
and easy to use with Automatic 3 and 4 pole measurement up to 20kohm with upto
0.001ohm resolution.\r\nA full range of accessories are available for 3-pole or 4-
pole testing including ground stakes, cable reels, test leads and carrying
case.\r\n\r\n'),(2854,'008002003','RESISTANCE TESTER / OHM METER','008002','2008-
05-21 22:03:39','2014-06-04 17:27:01','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk mengukur KVARH aliran tenaga elektrik. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai
jenama/jenis seperti Kvarh Meter, KWH Meter
dll<br><i><b>Descriptions</i></b><br>Low resistance ohm meters are also known as
micro-ohmmeter, milli ohm meter,They also have application specific names such as
bond meters, bondmeters, dlro, digital low resistance meter, safety ohmmeter. These
micro ohm and milli ohm meters utilize the kelvin measurement method which
virtually eliminates errors caused by resistance in the test leads, test pins and
test clips as well as the contact resistance of the pin or clip to the device under
test.<br>\nHigh resistance meters are also known as megohm-meter, gig ohmmeter,
tera ohmmeter, insulation resistance tester. These instruments will measure
leakage currents, dielectric integrity insulation resistance from 50 volts to 1000
volts and up to 200 gig ohms.\n\n'),(2855,'008002004','IC TESTER','008002','2008-
05-21 22:04:07','2008-10-20
16:36:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Descriptions</i></b><br>Tests about 1800
devices including:\r\n74/54 series TTL and high speed CMOS families up to 28 pin
device,\r\n4000 and 1800 series CMOS\r\n55 and 75 series TTL.\r\nLoop Test, Auto
Search, Self-Diagnosis, Overload Protection, High test speed at average 0.8 second.
16 Character LCD Display.\r\n'),(2856,'008002005','LOGIC PROBE','008002','2008-05-
21 22:04:26','2019-02-13
09:32:55','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Descriptions</b></i><br>A logic probe is a
hand-held pen-like probe used for analyzing and troubleshooting the logical states
(boolean 0 or 1) of a digital circuit. While most are powered by the circuit under
test, some devices use batteries. It can be used on either TTL (transistor-
transistor logic) or CMOS (complementary metallic oxide semiconductor) integrated
circuit devices.\nThere are usually three different colored LEDs on the probe\'s
chassis;\nA red and green LED indicate high and low states respectively.\nAn amber
LED indicates a pulse.'),(2857,'008002006','HIGH VOLTAGE PROBE','008002','2008-05-
21 22:04:42','2019-02-13 09:32:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'A High voltage probe is
designed to extend the voltage measuring capability of an AC/DC voltmeter to 40,000
volts peak AC or DC Overvoltage Category I. This means the probe can only be used
to make measurements on energy limited circuits within equipment. Examples include
high voltage within televisions or photo copy machines.'),
(2858,'008002007','VOLTAGE INDICATOR','008002','2008-05-21 22:05:20','2019-02-13
09:32:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Descriptions</i></b><br>The Voltage
Indicator (VI) is a single point instrument designed to read the voltage on a
conductor up to 99kV line-to-ground. Digital Voltage Indicator, the large LED
readout is easy-to-read on the end of a long hotstick and can be used on overhead
lines or in underground applications with an underground bushing
probe.<br>\nDigital Voltage Indicator may have Large auto-ranging LED display
indicates the line-to-ground voltage level, Audible indication of voltage detected.
Voltage readout allows user to distinguish between nominal and induced voltage
levels.\nBuilt-in universal spline for standard hotstick attachment.\nPowered by a
field replaceable 9-volt alkaline battery.\nAuto shut-off.\n\n\n\n'),
(2859,'008002008','CURRENT TRACER','008002','2008-05-21 22:05:33','2019-02-13
09:27:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Descriptions</i></b><br>Heavy duty current
tracer recommended for tough industrial applications. Traces live wires buried
underground or hidden behind walls up to 13 feet deep. Hand-held Current Tracer
provides a fast, easy, and economical way to troubleshoot wired-AND buses and
three-state buses to pinpoint
the one bad IC on a stuck node, locate hairline solder bridges, or find backplane
and motherboard shorts. '),(2860,'008002009','MONITOR TESTER','008002','2008-05-21
09:32:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i>,</B><br>Check Monitor
Without a computer! The portable computer monitor tester can quickly and easily
troubleshoot, test and align computer monitors.\nTest MDA, CGA, EGA, VGA(640x480),
SVGA(800x600), 8514A(1024x384), VESA(1024x768) (1280x1024)\nVideo pattern: Color
bars, Cross Hatch, Dots, Color Raster, & Windows.\n2 Video connector: Digital/TTL
9-D & Analog 15-HD\nPowered by a 9V battery or an external AC adapter.\n\n'),
(2861,'008002010','AMMETER','008002','2008-05-21 22:06:35','2019-02-13
09:32:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>An ammeter is a
measuring instrument used to measure the electric current in a circuit. Electric
currents are measured in amperes.Digital ammeter designs use an analog to digital
converter (ADC) to measure the voltage across the shunt resistor; the digital
display is calibrated to read the current through the shunt.\n\nA portable hand-
held clamp-on ammeter is a common tool for maintenance of industrial and commercial
electrical equipment, which is temporarily clipped over a wire to measure
current.\n'),(2862,'008002011','CLAMP AMMETER','008002','2008-05-21
22:06:55','2019-02-13 09:32:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'In electrical and electronic
engineering, a current clamp or current probe is an electrical device having two
jaws which open to allow clamping around an electrical conductor. This allows the
electrical current in the conductor to be measured, without having to make physical
contact with it, or to disconnect it for insertion through the probe. Some types of
current clamp are used to induce current in the conductor.\n\nIn biology, a current
clamp is a current sensor used to measure activity in an individual cell..\n\n'),
(2863,'008002012','MULTIMETER','008002','2008-05-21 22:07:45','2019-02-13
09:31:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Perkakasan yang digunakan untuk mengukur
pelbagai kandungan arus elektrik yang terdiri dalam pelbagai jenama/jenis dan
fungsi penggunaan seperti analog multimeter, digital miltimeter
dll\n<i><b>Description</i></b><br>A multimeter or a multitester, also known as a
volt/ohm meter or VOM, is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several
functions in one unit. A standard multimeter may include features such as the
ability to measure voltage, current and resistance. There are two categories of
multimeters, analog multimeters and digital multimeters (often abbreviated DMM or
DVOM.)\n<br>\nA multimeter can be a hand-held device useful for basic fault finding
and field service work or a bench instrument which can measure to a very high
degree of accuracy. They can be used to troubleshoot electrical problems in a wide
array of industrial and household devices such as batteries, motor controls,
appliances, power supplies, and wiring systems.\n\n'),
(2864,'008002013','CAPACITANCE METER','008002','2008-05-21 22:08:13','2019-02-13
09:25:21','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>A capacitance meter
is a piece of electronic test equipment used to measure capacitors. Depending on
the sophistication of the meter, it may simply display the capacitance or it may
also measure a number of other parameters such as leakage, equivalent sMany DVMs
(digital volt meters) also contain a capacitance-measuring functioneries
resistance, and inductance.'),(2865,'008002014','LCR METER','008002','2008-05-21
22:08:50','2019-02-13 09:25:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br>Peralatan yang digunakan
untuk mengukur arus elektrik. Bagi LCR/AC Voltage tinggi yang digunakan atau
ditempatkan bersekali dengan mesin janakuasa elektrik, ianya hendaklah direkodkan
sebagai komponen kepada janakuasa tersebut. <br><br>Description</i>,</b><br>A LCR
meter is a piece of electronic test equipment used to measure, among other things,
the impedance (inductance, capacitance, resistance) of a component.\n\n<br>Usually
the device under test (DUT) is subjected to an AC voltage source, then the voltage
over, and the current through the DUT are measured. The measured impedance consists
of real and/or complex component. The phase angle also is an important
parameter.\n\n'),(2866,'008002015','KVP METER','008002','2008-05-21
09:24:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>The KVP Meter
measures the peak x-ray accelerating voltage from tungsten x-ray generators. To
measure peak kV the user simply places the instrument in the beam and takes an x-
ray. In addition to measuring kVp, the meter also measures the exposure time and
displays the x-ray waveform type. Some Models KVp Meters are optimized for dental,
radiographic and fluoroscopic x-rays. \n\nThere is a high resolution mode which is
used for measurements on older x-rays and x-rays with slow rise times.\n\nThe kVp
Meter has a large display which is readable from outside the x-ray room.\n\n'),
(2867,'008002016','UNIVERSAL/FREQUENCY COUNTER','008002','2008-05-21
10:14:59','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br> frequency counter is
an electronic instrument, or component of one, that is used for measuring
frequency. Frequency is defined as the number of events of a particular sort
occurring in a set period of time. Frequency counters usually measure the number of
oscillations or pulses per second in a repetitive electronic
signal.<br>\r\n\r\nFrequency counters designed for radio frequencies (RF) are also
common and operate on the same principles as lower frequency counters. Often, they
have more range before they overflow. For very high (microwave) frequencies, many
designs use a high-speed prescaler to bring the signal frequency down to a point
where normal digital circuitry can operate.'),(2868,'008002017','MULTIFUNCTION
TESTER','008002','2008-05-21 22:09:58','2008-10-21
12:58:05','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b><i>Description</i></b><br>Digital multifunction
tester for the testing of electrical installations to the requirements of BS
7671.\r\nMultifunction tester provides 5 primary test functions of Continuity
Tester, Insulation Tester, Loop Impedance tester, RCD Tester, PSC Tester. All in a
compact, light, and portable design.\r\n\r\n'),
(2869,'008002018','RHEOSTAT','008002','2008-05-21 22:10:20','2019-02-13
09:28:01','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b><i>Description</i></b><br>A Rheostat is a two-
terminal variable resistor. Often these are designed to handle much higher voltage
and current. Typically these are constructed as a resistive wire wrapped to form a
toroid coil with the wiper moving over the upper surface of the toroid, sliding
from one turn of the wire to the next. Sometimes a rheostat is made from resistance
wire wound on a heat resisting cylinder with the slider made from a number of metal
fingers that grip lightly onto a small portion of the turns of resistance wire. The
\'fingers\' can be moved along the coil of resistance wire by a sliding knob thus
changing the \'tapping\' point. They are usually used as variable resistors rather
than variable potential dividers.\n\n'),(2870,'008002019','DECADE RESISTANCE
BOX','008002','2008-05-21 22:11:01','2019-02-13
09:24:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></B><br>Decade resistors
(also referred to as decade boxes) typically are precision devices. Depending on
the make and model of the decade resistor, it may be capable of providing you with
a selection of resistors ranging in value from a small fraction of an ohm to
hundreds of megohms. Decade resistors are commonly used in calibration laboratories
and in engineering design applications. Like the fixed rf attenuator, most decade
resistors are capable of handling only small amounts of current. They are very
limited in respect to frequency capabilities and are commonly used in dc-circuit
applications.'),(2871,'008002020','PRESCALER','008002','2008-05-21 22:11:44','2019-
02-13 09:23:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<I><B>Description</i></b><br>A prescaler is
an electronic device that takes a frequency and reduces it by a pre-determined
factor. For example; converts a 1 MHz signal to a 100kHz signal (scales the
frequency by a factor of 10).<BR>\n\nThere are many applications for prescalers. An
example is in conjunction with Phase-locked loops (PLL) in transmitters.A prescaler
can convert a transmission frequency of 1.1GHz (microwave radio communications) to
1.1kHz. This scaled signal is then \'mixed\' with the output of a local oscillator
(LO). Any difference in these two nominally identical frequencies will be converted
into an error voltage. It is this which is fed into a PLL.<br>\n\nPrescalers are an
essential part of modern electronics. In microcontrollers they are used for timers
and counters.\n\n'),(2872,'008002021','WATT METER/ OPTICAL POWER WATT
METER','008002','2008-05-21 22:12:08','2014-07-04
15:38:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengukur kuasa
elektrik (Optical Power Meter) pada sesuatu penyambungan atau penceraian. Ianya
terdiri dari pelbagai jenama dan jenis.\n\n<br><br><I><B>Description</i></b><br>The
wattmeter is an instrument for measuring the electric power (or the supply rate of
electrical energy) in watts of any given circuit. A modern digital electronic
wattmeter/energy meter samples the voltage and current thousands of times a second.
<BR>\n\nPower Watt Meter is a Plug-in electricity watt meter (kWh) for easy
monitoring and testing of connected appliances. Use this meter to understand your
appliance running costs throughout your home and office. \n'),
(2873,'008002022','TONE TESTER','008002','2008-05-21 22:12:34','2008-10-22
11:12:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>Tone tester trace
wires, cables, or telephone lines within wall with this easy-to-use tone
test set and inductive probe. It will also help you find a break in the cable or
wire you are tracing and eliminates the guesswork when you\'re trying to find a
particular wire among a group of wires. The only easier way to find and trace your
wiring.'),(2874,'008002023','FIBRE OPTICAL LIGHT TESTER','008002','2008-05-21
15:39:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>Single-Mode &
Multimode Fiber Optic Tester (Test Kit) allows you to make precise optical
measurements of all types of multimode and single mode fiber cable, for short and
long runs use the LED light source. This test kit accurately measures power loss in
passive optical component.\nLarge LCD display makes it easy to read, able to stores
up to 999 readings per wavelength and can be uploaded to PC .\n'),
(2875,'008002024','LAN TESTER','008002','2008-05-21 22:14:17','2008-10-23
10:46:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>This ergonomic tester
is designed to test most network cable wiring. You can either conduct an auto or
manual test.\r\n LAN Tester comes with LED Indicators, a remote unit, includes BNC
adapter cables, Very compact size, easy and simple to use.\r\n \r\n'),
(2876,'008002025','TELECOM LINE TESTER','008002','2008-05-21 22:15:06','2019-02-13
09:31:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>Telephone Test Set
provides all the features and designed for use by communications wiring
installation and repair technicians,Provides with line powered two way
communication and general line condition diagnostics.\n4 1/2 foot braided cloth
cordsets are equipped with popular bent nose clips .\n'),(2877,'008002026','HEAT
GUN','008002','2008-05-21 22:15:26','2008-10-23 12:05:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'A
heat gun is a device used to emit a stream of hot air. They are superficially
similar in shape and construction to a hair dryer, though they run at much higher
temperatures. They are often found in physics, materials science, chemistry,
engineering, and other types of laboratory or shop settings.\r\n\r\nHeat guns can
be used to dry and strip paint, apply heat shrink tubing, dry out damp wood, bend
and weld plastic, soften adhesives, and thaw frozen pipes. They are also used in
electronics to desolder circuit board components. They typically output air at
temperatures ranging from 100-550 Degre Celcius (200-1000 degree F) with some
hotter models running around 760 degree Celcius (1400 degre F)'),
(2878,'008002027','CURVE TRACER /COMPONENT TESTER','008002','2008-05-21
15:00:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<I><B>Description</I></b><br>A semiconductor curve
tracer is a specialised piece of electronic test equipment used to test and analyse
the characteristics of discrete semiconductor devices or component such as diodes,
transistors, and thyristors. Based on an oscilloscope, the device also contains
voltage and current sources that can be used to stimulate the device under test
(DUT).\r\n<BR>\r\nCurve tracers are capable of generating lethal voltages and
currents and so pose an electrocution hazard for the operator. Modern curve tracers
often contain mechanical shields and interlocks that make it more difficult for the
operator to come into contact with hazardous voltages or currents. The DUTs can
also become hot during operation, posing a burn hazard to the operator.\r\n\r\n'),
(2879,'008002028','MAINS SOCKET TESTER','008002','2008-05-21 22:16:51','2009-03-10
16:22:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Power Monitoring System adalah alat untuk memantau
keadaan bekalan kuasa dan merekod kegunaan kuasa, agihan dan semua ganguan yang
terjadi.<BR><BR><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>Power Monitoring System </B> are #permanently
installed,# they operate on continuous logging of energy-related data provides
information on the operational characteristics of an electrical system. This
includes where the energy is being consumed, when the energy is being consumed, how
the energy is being consumed, what loads are consuming the energy, and power
disturbances.<br>Microprocessor-based protection monitoring device is applicable
for the power network at 110k V or less voltage level, which provide protections,
control, measure, monitor, and communication for transmission-line, equipment
(transformer etc)'),(2880,'008002029','PORTABLE APPLIANCES TESTER (PAT)
','008002','2008-05-21 22:17:15','2011-01-31
12:21:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<I><B>Description</i></b><br>A Portable Appliance
Test or PAT, in the United Kingdom is a process by which electrical appliances are
routinely checked to see whether they are safe. \r\nPAT Tester Test Class I and II
equipment including IT and business equipment. It is also including electrical
safety test for medical equipment analyzers, measuring equipments and factory
electrical tools.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n'),(2881,'008002030','CABLE FAULT
LOCATOR','008002','2008-05-21 22:17:36','2008-10-24
10:50:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Fault location in power cables requires an
efficient instrument capable of locating the fault in minimum possible time and
restoring the supply. Powerful instrument Cable Fault Locator use to pre-locate
the fault distance and exactly locate the fault point in a short time.'),
(2882,'008002031','BENCH MAGNIFIER','008002','2008-05-21 22:17:58','2008-10-24
11:06:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Designed to facilitate process of working under
magnification, Optical lens has minimal distortion across entire field of view.
Multi-layer coating on lens minimizes any ambient reflection disturbance while
inspecting or manipulating subjects.'),(2883,'008002032','POWER EXTENSION BOARD
(STOK)','008002','2008-05-21 22:18:40','2012-07-09
12:21:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Power Extension cable is used to extend the length
of any standard PC power cable. \nThis cable should mates with any of your type of
power cords to extend its length. \n\n'),(2884,'011021002','UMPAN TIRUAN
(STOK)','011021','2008-05-22 15:22:42','2011-02-22
16:46:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Umpan Tiruan\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nArtificial Bait'),(2885,'008001001','DUST EXTRACTOR/VACUMM
PUMP','008001','2008-05-22 16:16:05','2016-10-14
15:34:08','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin/Peralatan/Vacumm Machine yang digunakan
untuk menyedut Habuk atau Sistem Penyedut Habut yang terdiri daripada pelbagai
jenis seperti Dust Extractor, Sktd Single Beg, Dust Collector, Vacuum Pump, Vacuum
Wax Injektor, Portable Vacuum Potholing dll. \n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <b>\nDust
Extractor'),(2886,'008001002','VENTILLATION FAN (ASET TAK ALIH)','008001','2008-05-
22 16:16:48','2019-02-12 20:44:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kipas Ekzos adalah kipas
pembuangan udara. \n<br><br><b><i>Description</i></b><br>Mechanical or forced
ventilation: through an air handling unit or direct injection to a space by a fan.
A local exhaust fan can enhance infiltration or natural ventilation, thus
increasing the ventilation air flow rate. \nNatural ventilation occurs when the air
in a space is changed with outdoor air without the use mechanical systems, such as
a fan. Most often natural ventilation is assured through operable windows but it
can also be achieved through temperature and pressure differences between spaces.
Open windows or vents are not a good choice for ventilating a basement or other
below ground structure. Allowing outside air into a cooler below ground space will
cause problems with humidity and condensation'),(2887,'008001003','BASIC HYDRAULIC
BENCH','008001','2008-05-22 16:17:12','2009-05-18
00:58:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\nMeja yang dilengkapkan dengan kuasa hidraulik
untuk digunakan. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nBasic Hydraulic Bench'),
(2888,'008001004','BORING MACHINE','008001','2008-05-22 16:17:30','2008-09-02
16:47:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Jara; Mesin Gerek\r\n<br><br>Machine for
boring (mechanical) holes.'),(2889,'008001005','CNC MACHINE','008001','2008-05-22
10:44:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>The abbreviation CNC
stands for computer numerical control, and refers specifically to a
computer \"controller\" that reads G-code instructions and drives a machine tool, a
powered mechanical device typically used to fabricate components by the selective
removal of material. CNC does numerically directed interpolation of a cutting tool
in the work envelope of a machine. The operating parameters of the CNC can be
altered via a software load program\r\nA line in a G-code file can instruct the
machine tool to do one of several things.\r\n\r\n'),(2890,'008001006','COATING
MACHINE','008001','2008-05-22 16:18:03','2009-03-03
11:06:13','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Penyalut (Coating) adalah mesin untuk
menyalut atau melekatkan varnish keatas kertas tebal atau nipis, polimer atau
objek lain. Bagi penyalut pil tablet pula , mempunyai dulang penyalut berbagai
saiz, kelajuan yang boleh dilaraskan dan penyembur angin panas yang boleh
dikawal. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR> Coating
Machine </B>is used to varnish on thick and thin paper, polymer or other object.
\r\nSystems are built using the latest technology to allow many processes to be
operated with the minimum amount of labour.\r\n<BR>Tablet coating-\r\nfitted with
variable speed pulley, \r\noffered with different size coating pan, \r\ncontrolled
hot air blower, \r\npolishing pan can easily replace coating pan.\r\n
\r\n\r\n\r\n'),(2891,'008001007','CUTTING MACHINE','008001','2008-05-22
16:18:48','2018-09-27 09:42:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin/Alat yang digunakan
untuk memotong, memecah, menghancur, mengetam kepingan kayu, logam, besi, batu, tar
seperti Pemotong /Perincih Logam/Pita/CD, pemotong jalan, batu dll yang terdapat
dalam pelbagai jenis/jenama seperti Pexto PH 52A Hydraulic, Hard Drive Degausser,
Pemotong Hidrualik, Ejecter Pin Cutter Machine, Thickness Planer
dll.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\nCutting
Machine/Shear cutting/steel cutting </b> is used in Chip producing processes most
commonly known as machining \nA machine tool is a powered mechanical device,
typically used to fabricate metal components of machines by machining, which is the
selective removal of metal.'),(2892,'008001008','DRILLING MACHINE','008001','2008-
05-22 16:19:18','2012-06-12 10:09:21','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Gerudi /penebuk
lubang pada pelbagai logam, besi, kayu dll <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br> Drilling
machine </b> is a tool with a rotating drill bit used for drilling holes in various
materials. Drills are commonly used in woodworking, metalworking, construction and
DIY.\nThe drill bit is gripped by a chuck at one end of the drill, and is pressed
against the target material and rotated. <br>\nThere are many types of drills: some
powered manually, others using electricity or compressed air as the motive power,
and a minority driven by an internal combustion engine (for example, earth drilling
augers). Some types of hand-held drills are also used to drive screws. Some small
appliances may be drill-powered, such as small pumps, grinders, etc.\n\n'),
(2893,'008001009','CHIP COLLECTOR MACHINE','008001','2008-05-22 16:19:51','2010-09-
23 11:57:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION<BR><BR>Chip
Collector Machine </b> is a Scrap Metal Chip Processing and Collection Systems for
Easier Scrap Handling in manufacturing operation produces scrap metal chips and
turnings.'),(2894,'008001010','BENDING MACHINE','008001','2008-05-22
16:20:21','2009-03-03 15:56:49','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Pembengkok
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</B><BR>Sheet metal bending, pipe bending, tube bending,
plate bending, steel bending are some of the common metal bending operations.'),
(2895,'008001011','EDGE TRIMMING MACHINE','008001','2008-05-22 16:21:19','2018-09-
27 09:46:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin Perapian yang digunakan untuk
merapatkan, mengikat, mengetatkan kayu, logam yang terdiri dari pelbagai fungsi
keatas jenis atau kandungan kayu, logam. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> The
trimming and beading machines </b>are used for auxiliary operations after the
spinning or press operations. These vertical machines have a bench with a system to
rotate the piece and installed with different units to make the different
operations.'),(2896,'008001012','ENGINE PUMP','008001','2008-05-22 16:22:20','2009-
02-17 16:11:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Engine Pump ,Gasolin or diesel pump
including water pumps are single self-priming centrifugal pumps manufactured from
high pressure aluminum alloy castings. They are widely used in park and garden
constructions, carrying water on high place, farm field polughing and weeding,
generator units, etc.'),(2897,'008001013','AIR COMPRESSOR MACHINE','008001','2008-
05-22 16:22:48','2016-09-21 15:31:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,' Solid cast-iron units
\nheavy-duty 2 stage compressor with oversized ball bearings, industrial grade
balanced pistons, cast iron cylinders, and long-life oil seals.\nStandard features
include start-stop pressure switch control, fully enclosed belt guard, ASME safety
valve, tank drain and discharge valve. \n'),(2898,'008001014','GRINDING
MACHINE','008001','2008-05-22 16:23:09','2013-04-11
16:15:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengasah dan
mengilat kepada sesuatu permukaan supaya menjadi tajam, licin, sekata, bersih dll
seperti Mesin Pencanai, Mesin Pengilat (Polish), Rotaring Tumbling Mechine dll
<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> A grinding machine </B> is a machine tool used for
producing very fine finishes or making very light cuts, using an abrasive wheel as
the cutting device. This wheel can be made up of various sizes and types of stones,
diamonds or of inorganic materials.\n\n'),(2899,'008001015','THREADING
MACHINE','008001','2008-05-22 16:23:35','2012-05-31
15:39:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk memproses
kandungan benang, kain, besi dan sebagainya. Mesin initerdiri dari palbagai jenis,
jenama dan fungsi seperti Scope Thread Pitoh, dll\n\n<br>It is built to thread
carbon, galvanized, and stainless-steel pipe; PVC; conduit; rod and bolt<br>'),
(2900,'008001016','PLASMA CUTTER/CUTTING TORCH','008001','2008-05-22
16:24:00','2014-10-10 11:21:49','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Plasma cutting is a process
that is used to cut steel and other metals (or sometimes other materials) using a
plasma torch. In this process, an inert gas (in some units, compressed air) is
blown at high speed out of a nozzle; at the same time an electrical arc is formed
through that gas from the nozzle to the surface being cut, turning some of that gas
to plasma. The plasma is sufficiently hot to melt the metal being cut and moves
sufficiently fast to blow molten metal away from the cut. Plasma can also be used
for plasma arc welding and other applications.\n\n'),(2901,'008001017','PRESSING
MACHINE','008001','2008-05-22 16:24:18','2012-06-01
11:26:41','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk
memampat/Penekan Mesin tekan digunakan secara manual atau automatik. Mesin mampat,
tekan(letrik) kertas, logam yang terdiri pelbagai jenis/jenama seperti Vulcanizer,
Hand Press Scroll dll <br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<BR>The COLD PRESS MACHINE </B>is
fit for making cold pressed cutter blade, grinding wheel and resin bond wheel which
can be finished if heating plates are used. \n \nMain Features of the cold press
machine: \n1.Four columns oriented working table. \n \n2.Single action hydraulic
cylinder. \n3.Two operators both the machine sides work on the same time.\n \n'),
(2902,'008001018','IMPACT/HOT AIR GUN','008001','2008-05-22 16:24:41','2011-08-18
11:08:29','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan ini digunakan untuk memanaskan sesuatu
barang untuk membuang ruang-ruang udara seperti tinted, wayar, kerekahan.'),
16:25:01',NULL,'MOF','160101',1,NULL,NULL),(2904,'008001020','LATHE WOOD
MACHINE','008001','2008-05-22 16:25:32','2011-05-19
09:16:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Digunakan bagi melarik/membentuk kayu dalam
pelbagai bentuk yang dikehendaki. \r\nA lathe is a machine tool which spins a block
of material to perform various operations such as cutting, sanding, knurling,
drilling, or deformation with tools that are applied to the workpiece to create an
object which has symmetry about an axis of rotation\r\n Most suitably equipped
metalworking lathes can also be used to produce most solids of revolution, plane
surfaces and screw threads or helices'),(2905,'008001021','SHEARS
MACHINE','008001','2008-05-22 17:13:12','2008-07-23
11:29:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'The shears are mainly intended to cut rectangular
corners and recesses in pieces of steel sheets . The shears can be used also for
trimming, notching or dividing flat steel pieces. Blanking corners before bending
when producing box-shaped components can be mentioned as a standard shearing
operation.\r\n'),(2906,'008001022','MILLING MACHINE','008001','2008-05-22
17:13:50','2012-07-26 16:00:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Milling/Blasting
adalah mesin yang biasa digunakan dalam kerja kejuruteraan. Hasil kerja /baranan
dibentuk dengan memotong/mengeluarkan bahan/bahagian/menghasilkan kesan kepada
permukaan besi, kayu (produk kraf) yang perlu menggunakan mesin ini. Mesin ini
termasuklah mesin CNC Milling, mesin engraving and copy , mesin NC milling,
Blasting Machine, Milling Plaster Mould dll.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <BR>A milling
machine </b>is a machine tool used for the shaping of metal and other solid
materials. Its basic form is that of a rotating cutter which rotates about the
spindle axis (similar to a drill), and a table to which the workpiece is affixed.
In contrast to drilling, where the drill is moved exclusively along its axis, the
milling operation involves movement of the rotating cutter sideways as well as \'in
and out\'. The cutter and workpiece move relative to each other, generating a
toolpath along which material is removed. CNC Millling, Engraving and Copy Milling,
NC Milling machine are included in this category.'),(2907,'008001023','MOULDING
MACHINE','008001','2008-05-22 17:14:11','2012-06-01
11:35:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Injection Moulding adalah mesin tuangan
acuan (Mesin Acuan) untuk logam, polimer dll. Biasanya mesin ini berfungsi secara
automatik bersama dengan alat pembakar logam acuan, dan digunakan dalam kelajuan
yang tinggi dalam pelbagai jenama seperti Centrefugal Casting Machine, Burn Of
Furnace dll. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR></B>Essentially, injection moulding is
die-casting for polymers by using <b> Moulding Machine </b>. It is normally
automated and used for high speed, high volume production where component quality
does not need to be high - over 50% of polymer parts are produced this
way.\n\nautomatic stretch blow moulding machine combination can blow \nplastic
bottles made of PET, PE, PP, and PC material. It is suitable to blow bottles of
various material in big quantity. Two blow units are equipped\nwith one enlarged
pre - heater, with is small in size, low in energy consumption and high in
productivity.\n\n\n\n\n'),(2908,'008001024','PUNCHING MACHINE','008001','2008-05-22
17:16:12','2008-07-23 11:25:45','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'The punching machines are
intended to make holes of various shapes in components made of steel sheets, bands,
rods or profiles. They can be used for all standard metallic materials such as
steel, non-ferrous metals or even non-metallic materials\r\n'),
(2910,'008001026','ROLLING MACHINE','008001','2008-05-22 17:17:56','2009-03-03
15:28:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Messin Pengguling <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>
Rolling Machine </b>consists of uncoiler and its base, coil sheet guiding \r\n- Two
shearing sets, one in the front and one in the rear. \r\n- Rollers and shearers
made of alloy steel, thermo-hardened,
chrome plate get hardness 50 - 60HRC. \r\n-Hydraulic system is equiped with water
cooling system to allow the machine working.\r\n '),(2911,'008001027','SAW
MACHINE','008001','2008-05-22 17:18:21','2011-10-10
14:56:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br>Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk memotong
dalam pelbagai keratan/corak seperti berbentuk bunga, kerawang, bulatan dll pada
kayu.<br>A saw is a tool that uses a hard blade or wire with an abrasive edge to
cut through softer materials. The cutting edge of a saw is either a serrated blade
or an abrasive. A saw may be worked by hand, or powered by steam, water, electric
or other power.<br>\r\nThe circular saw,table-mounted powered by electricity, is a
metal disc or blade with saw teeth on the edge as well as the machine that causes
the disk to spin .<br>\r\n\r\nA reciprocating saw is a type of saw in which the
cutting action is achieved through a push and pull reciprocating motion of the
blade.\r\nhandheld models that are usually shaped like a cordless drill, to high-
power, high-speed, or variable speed, corded models. <br>\r\nA band saw uses a
blade consisting of a long, narrow, flexible band of toothed metal, and may be
powered by wind, water, steam, electrical motor. The band rides on two wheels in
the same vertical plane with a space between them.\r\nA scroll saw/gergaji kerawang
membuat bunga pada kayu. '),(2912,'008001028','SLIDING/SHAPING
MACHINE','008001','2008-05-22 17:18:46','2014-10-10
10:58:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk kerja-kerja
membentuk atau mengukir atau mengikir sesuatu bahan kepada beberapa objek. Ianya
terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Shaping Machine, Sliding Machine dll'),
(2914,'008001030','WATER PRESSURE PUMP','008001','2008-05-22 17:19:52','2008-08-26
11:08:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pam Air Tekanan Tinggi\r\n<br><br>Water Pressure
Pump (Hot and Cold)(also known as water jet pump) is a compact high pressure
cleaners feature a slim space saving design, low weight & high cleaning efficiency
which makes them true all-rounders for fast & thorough cleaning jobs on the farm,
in the worksho, for company fleets & machinery. '),(2915,'008001031','WELDING
MACHINE','008001','2008-05-22 17:20:27','2009-03-04
08:19:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Kimpalan termasuklah berbagai jenis mesin
iaitu gas welding, arc welding dan arc and plasma welding.
<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<BR></B>Including various type of <B>welding machine</B>
i.e gas welding, arc welding and arc and plasma welding machine. Requires users to
select wire diameter (.023 or .030 in.) and set machine to material thickness being
welded. Consequently, machine is automatically set to proper voltage and wire feed
speed. Manual mode is also available. \r\n'),(2916,'011015001','JARING SEPAKTAKRAW
(STOK)','011015','2008-05-22 17:21:17','2012-01-11
11:46:33','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Jaring Sepak
takraw\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nSepaktakraw Net'),
(2917,'011015002','JARING BOLA TAMPAR (STOK)','011015','2008-05-22 17:21:36','2012-
01-11 11:46:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Jaring Bola
Tampar\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nVolleyball Net'),
(2918,'008003001','CONCRETE MIXER','008003','2008-05-22 17:22:46','2008-07-09
10:51:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Concrete Mixer (3.5 Cubic Feet) is a rotating
drum-type mixer is used to produce small batches of concrete (i.e. approximately 1
cubic foot) in the laboratory. The concrete is cast into cylinders and prisms for
strength and durability testing'),(2919,'011024001','PAPAN
GELONGSOR','011024','2008-05-22 17:23:04','2015-09-03
12:09:43','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Papan Gelongsor\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION '),
(2920,'008003002','CUTTER MACHINE','008003','2008-05-22 17:23:29','2014-06-04
10:42:01','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Digunakan untuk kerja-kerja mengerat atau membelah
kayu atau mengepok/mengupas papan/kayu/rotan/besi secara tepat mengikut ukuran yang
telah ditetapkan. \n<b></b><br />\n<i><b>Description</i></b><br>A wood cutting
machine having a first saw blade adapted to cut a horizontal groove in a wood
member, a second saw blade adapted to cut a vertical groove in the wood member,
motive means for moving the saw blades selectively into engagement with the wood
member, and clamp means automatically operable before operation of the motive means
for holding the wood member in place during a cutting operation.'),
(2921,'011024002','PAPAN JUNGKIT','011024','2008-05-22 17:23:29','2009-02-27
10:31:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Papan Jungkit; Jongkang
Jungkit\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nSeesaw'),
(2922,'011024003','BUAIAN','011024','2008-05-22 17:23:54','2009-01-20
<br>\r\nSwing'),(2923,'008003003','SANDER MACHINE','008003','2008-05-22
17:24:15','2014-04-16 12:03:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br>Peralatan/Mesin yang
digunakan untuk melicinkan permukaan kayu, logam dll. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai
jenis/jenama seperti Buffing Machine, Band Sander dll.\n<br>A sander is a power
tool used to smooth wood and automotive or wood finishes. Sanders have a means to
attach the sandpaper that does the work. Woodworking sanders are usually operated
by electrical power while the ones used in auto-body repair work on compressed air.
<BR>There are many different types of these machines: Band sander, Disc sander,
orbital sander, Automatic Wide Belt Sender.\n\n'),(2924,'011024004','ALAT GYNM
PADANG','011024','2008-05-22 17:24:47','2009-01-20
14:14:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Gynm Padang\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nField Gynm Set'),(2925,'008003004','TIMBANG AIR (SPIRIT/BEAM LEVEL)
(STOK)','008003','2008-05-22 17:24:50','2019-02-13
09:35:21','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Penyukat keseimbangan, menggunakan spirit atau
buih air untuk menentukan keseimbangan sesuatu pemukaan. <br><br><b><i>
DESCRIPTION <BR> A spirit level </b>or bubble level or beam level is an instrument
designed to indicate whether a surface is level or plumb. Different types of spirit
levels are used by carpenters, stone masons, bricklayers, other building trades
workers, surveyors. Original spirit levels had two banana-shaped curved glass vials
at each viewing point. Some are also capable of indicating the level of a surface
between horizontal and vertical to the nearest degree.'),(2926,'008003005','PAHAT
KAYU (STOK)','008003','2008-05-22 17:26:43','2012-07-09
14:21:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pahat merupakan alat besi yang berbentuk bilah
bersegi dengan mata yang tajam dihujungnya. Kegunaan utamanya adalah bersama
tukul/penukul untuk menebuk lubang dan memperkemaskan takuk tanggam serta mengukir
kayu.\n\nHulu pahat diperbuat daripada kayu yang berbentuk bulat gadah dan
dibuntutnya dipasangkan sisi supaya ia tidak mudah pecah apabila diketuk dengan
tukul.\n\nPahat juga mempunyai pelbagai jenis. Jenis-jenisnya diberi berasaskan
bentuk mata dan bilahnya. Antara jenis yang pelbagai itu ialah pahat mata bulat,
pahat kuku, pahat putar, pahat caku dan pahat mata lintang.'),
(2927,'008003006','KETAM KAYU','008003','2008-05-22 17:27:23','2009-02-18
16:42:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Ketam merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk
melicinkan kayu. Papan atau mengecilkannya kepada ukuran yang diperlukan dalam
pertukangan tradisional Melayu.<br>\r\n\r\nMata ketam diperbuat daripada logam dan
bahagian-bahagian lain diperbuat daripada kayu. Ia mempunyai pemegang kanan dan
kiri untuk memudahkan pengguna menjalankan proses pengetaman kayu. Namun pada masa
sekarang, keseluruhan ketam diperbuat daripada logam dan banyak yang menggunakan
tenaga elektrik.<br><br><b><i>Description<br>Planner</b> including electric
planner'),(2928,'011025006','SET CATUR','011025','2008-05-22 17:27:42','2010-12-22
16:56:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Set Catur Ekslusif iaitu yang diperbuat daripada
logam, marmar, kristal atau kayu khas, dan biasanya dijadikan bahan hiasan. Set
catur direkod sebagai aset.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nExclusive Chess
Set'),(2929,'008003007','GERGAJI TANGAN KAYU (STOK)','008003','2008-05-22
17:27:58','2012-07-09 14:20:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'hand saws, also known
as \"panel saws\", are used to cut pieces of wood into different shapes. This is
usually done in order to join the pieces together and create a wooden object. They
usually operate by having a series of sharp points of some substance that is harder
than the wood being cut. The hand saw is a bit like a tenon saw, but with one flat,
sharp edge<br>\na bow saw is a metal-framed saw in the shape of a bow with a coarse
wide blade.\n'),(2930,'011025007','CARROM BOARD','011025','2008-05-22
17:28:35','2009-01-20 11:40:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Papan
Carom\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nCarrom Board'),(2931,'011025008','DART
BOARD','011025','2008-05-22 17:29:04','2009-01-20
11:48:43','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Papan Dart\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nDart Board'),(2932,'008003008','PIPE BENDING TOOL','008003','2008-05-22
17:29:13','2009-03-03 15:59:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Pembengkok
Paip<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR></b>A compact<b> Pipe Bender </b>with precision
high pressure aluminium die cast formers and guides to produce sets, offsets,
multiple bends etc in tubes of a maximum diameter of 22mm.'),
(2933,'008003009','TANGGA','008003','2008-05-22 17:29:44','2013-03-05
15:46:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tangga atau Portable Step adalah satu alat yang
dibina khusus untuk menaik dari satu aras kesatu aras yang lebih tinggi. Terdapat
berbagai jenis tangga, ada yang kekal dan ada yang boleh dialih, ada yang satu
bahagian (sebelah) dan ada yang dua bahagian yang dicantumkan disatu bahagian atas
manakala disatu bahagian bawah boleh dibuat bukaan. Ianya terdir dari pelbagai
jenama dan jenis'),(2934,'011025009','DART ARROW (STOK)','011025','2008-05-22
16:42:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nDart
CUTTER (STOK)','008003','2008-05-22 17:30:13','2012-07-09
14:21:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'It will slice through paper, vinyl, cardboard,
fabric, and foam board with ease and accuracy. Cuts in any direction, forward or
backward. For left or right hand used.'),(2936,'008003011','PIPE CUTTER
(STOK)','008003','2008-05-22 17:30:39','2012-07-09
14:22:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b><i>Description</i></b><br> pipecutter is a type
of tool used by plumbers to cut pipe. Besides producing a clean cut, the tool is
often a faster and more convenient way of cutting pipe than using a hacksaw,
although this \ndepends on the metal the pipe is made out of.<br>\n\nThere are two
types of pipe cutters. Plastic tubing cutters, used for thinner pipes and tubes.
Then there is a pipecutter with a sharp wheel and adjustable jaw grips for use on
thicker pipes. '),(2937,'008003012','HAND DRILL (STOK)','008003','2008-05-22
17:31:05','2012-07-09 14:22:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'The hand drill generally
holds drill sizes from 1mm to 9mm whilst the brace will hold larger drill bits
called #forstner bits# and #auger bits#. These larger bits can be used to drill
#blind holes# (holes that do not go the entire way through material).'),
(2939,'011025010','CONGKAK','011025','2008-05-22 17:33:31','2009-04-14
09:15:31','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Congkak Dalam permainan congkak, terdapat dua
bahan iaitu papan congkak dan buah congkak. Papan congkak boleh diperbuat daripada
pelbagai jenis kayu dan terdapat lima atau tujuh lubang sebaris yang dikenali
sebagai \'kampung\' dan di kedua-dua hujungnya terdapat lubang ibu yang dikenali
sebagai \'rumah\'. Panjang papan congkak tujuh lubang biasanya sekitar 80 cm dan
lebanya 18 cm\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nCongkak; </b>congkak board is
shaped like a boat it is believed that it is based on the legend of a fisherman
unable to go to the sea during rainy season who lost his income during this time.
To prevent boredom he created this game which is similar to his boat.'),
(2940,'011025011','KAYU SNUKER /QUE (STOK)','011025','2008-05-22 17:35:33','2011-
02-22 16:42:56','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kayu Snuker <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nSnooker Que; Snooker Stick'),(2941,'011019002','PAPAN LUNCUR AIR
(STOK)','011019','2008-05-22 17:38:16','2011-02-22
16:50:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Papan Luncur
Air\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nWater Skateboard'),(2942,'011019003','JET
SKI','011019','2008-05-22 17:39:24','2009-02-25
16:11:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Jet Ski\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nJet
Ski'),(2943,'011019004','TIANG GOL POLO AIR','011019','2008-05-22 17:40:00','2009-
01-20 15:32:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tiang Gol Polo
Air\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nWaterpolo Goal Post'),
(2952,'011019005','KAYAK','011019','2008-05-22 19:19:44','2009-01-20
(2953,'011019006','CONOE','011019','2008-05-22 19:19:59','2009-01-20
(2954,'011019007','BOT LAJU','011019','2008-05-22 19:20:17','2009-02-16
16:52:43','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bot Laju\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nSpeed
Boat'),(2955,'011019008','INJIN BOT SUKAN','011019','2008-05-22 19:20:52','2010-06-
24 17:10:43','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Injin Bot Sukan adalah engin bot kecil yang
digunakan untuk kegunaan sukan.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nSport Boat
engine'),(2956,'011019009','KAPAL LAYAR','011019','2008-05-22 19:21:32','2009-01-20
Layar\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nSail Boat'),(2957,'011019010','SWIM
GOGGLE (STOK)','011019','2008-05-22 19:22:03','2011-02-22
16:51:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Pelindung Mata
Perenang\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nSwim Goggle'),
(2958,'011019011','PENGAYUH KAYAK (STOK)','011019','2008-05-22 19:22:27','2011-02-
22 16:52:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pengayuh
Kayak\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nKayak paddle'),(2959,'007007012','JAKET
PENYELAMAT (STOK)','007007','2008-05-22 19:23:53','2017-08-24
11:32:01','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Digunakan oleh juruterbang dan anak kapal sebagai
jaket keselamatan.\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nLife Jacket'),
(2960,'011019012','WATER SKI ROPE (STOK)','011019','2008-05-22 19:40:06','2011-02-
22 16:52:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tali Ski
air\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nWater Ski Rope'),(2961,'011019013','WATER
HELMET (STOK)','011019','2008-05-22 19:40:21','2011-02-22
16:52:31','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Topi keselamatan
air\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nWater helmet'),
(2962,'011019014','KITESURFING KITES (STOK)','011019','2008-05-22 19:40:39','2011-
02-22 16:52:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lungsur
Layang\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nKitesurfing Kiter'),
(2963,'011019015','KITESURFING BOARD (STOK)','011019','2008-05-22 19:40:55','2011-
02-22 16:53:05','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Papan Lungsur
Layang\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nKitesurfing Board'),
(2964,'011021003','FISHING REEL (STOK)','011021','2008-05-22 20:00:18','2011-02-22
16:46:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Serek/ Lempoyan; Serek mekanikal khusus yang
direka untuk menggulung tali pancing pada gelendong yang tebal secara teratur dan
kemas dalam aktiviti pancing layang. Serek moden dan canggih mempunyai daya seretan
yang rendah bagi mewujudkan ketegangan dan kerintangan terhadap tindak balas
sentapan ikan. Serek ini boleh didapati dalam pelbagai saiz, bentuk dan
berat\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nFishing Reel'),(2965,'011021004','TANGGUK
IKAN (STOK)','011021','2008-05-22 20:02:33','2011-02-22
16:46:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tangguk Ikan adalah sejenis jala yang berbentuk
raga untuk menghimpun ikan yang ditangkap dengan
kail.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nLanding Net;'),(2966,'011021005','JARING
IKAN (STOK)','011021','2008-05-22 20:02:52','2011-02-22
Ikan\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nFishnet; fishing net'),
(2967,'011021006','KOTAK UMPAN (STOK)','011021','2008-05-22 20:03:15','2011-02-22
Umpan\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nBait Box'),(2968,'011021007','KOTAK
PERALATAN PANCING (STOK)','011021','2008-05-22 20:04:00','2011-02-22
16:47:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kotak Peralatan
Pancing\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nFishing Tool Box'),
(2969,'011021008','RAK JORAN','011021','2008-05-22 20:04:20','2009-01-20
Joran\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nFishing Rod Rack'),
(2970,'011021009','BANGKU MEMANCING (STOK)','011021','2008-05-22 20:05:06','2011-
02-22 16:47:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bangku
Memancing\r\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nFishing Stool'),(2971,'011022001','VEST
PEMBURU (STOK)','011022','2008-05-22 20:31:33','2011-02-22
16:44:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Vest Pemburu adalah sejenis pakaian berbentuk anak
baju yang digunakan semasa pergi memburu. Biasanya pakaian ini mempunyai beberapa
ruang penyimpanan seperti poket untuk menyimpan dan meletak
barang.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br> Hunting Vest'),(2972,'011022002','PEMIKAT
BUNYIAN (STOK)','011022','2008-05-22 20:32:40','2011-02-22
16:44:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemikat Bunyian\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nAllure'),(2973,'011022003','PEMIKAT UMPAN (STOK)','011022','2008-05-22
20:32:55','2011-02-22 16:44:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemikat
Umpan\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>'),(2974,'011022004','TEROPONG
PEMBURU','011022','2008-05-22 20:33:46','2011-08-18
10:57:45','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk melihat objek yang
berada jauh dengan lebih jelas di pelbagai tujuan seperti Teropong Pemburu,
teropong biasa dan lain-lain alat pandang jauh.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nHunting Binocular'),(2975,'011022005','PISAU PEMBURU
(STOK)','011022','2008-05-22 20:33:57','2011-02-22
16:45:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pisau Pemburu\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nHunting Knives'),(2976,'007007013','BOAT PENYELAMAT','007007','2008-05-22
20:34:36','2009-02-03 12:42:43','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Digunakan sebagai bot
penyelamat apabila berlaku kecemasan di
laut.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nLifeboat; Dinghy\r\n'),
(2977,'011011001','SUT PERLINDUNGAN DADA (STOK)','011011','2008-05-22
21:01:42','2012-07-10 15:44:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sut Perlindungan
Dada\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nChest Protection Suit'),(2978,'011011002','SUT
PERISAI BADAN (STOK)','011011','2008-05-22 21:03:27','2012-07-10
15:44:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sut perisai
Badan\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nBody Armour Suit'),(2979,'011011003','PERISAI
MUKA SUKAN PEDANG (STOK)','011011','2008-05-22 21:04:37','2012-07-10
15:45:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Perisai Muka Sukan
Pedang\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nFencing Face Protection / cover / Mask'),
(2980,'011011004','PEDANG SUKAN (STOK)','011011','2008-05-22 21:05:49','2012-07-10
sukan\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nFencing Sword'),(2981,'011011005','PEDANG
SUKAN LATIHAN (STOK)','011011','2008-05-22 21:06:22','2012-07-10
15:45:29','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pedang Sukan
Latihan\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nTraining Fencing Sword'),
(2983,'011011006','SARUNG TANGAN SUKAN PEDANG (STOK)','011011','2008-05-22
21:07:43','2012-07-10 15:45:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sarung Tangan Sukan
Pedang\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nFencing Gloves'),(2984,'008005001','PIPE
WRENCH (STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:07:56','2011-08-18
(STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:08:28','2013-12-27
11:09:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pengapit '),(2986,'011011007','TALI BADAN/BODY
CORD (STOK))','011011','2008-05-22 21:08:37','2012-07-10
15:46:01','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tali badan untuk sukan lawan
pedang\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nBody cord for fencing sport'),
(STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:08:51','2011-08-18
11:31:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Playar. Playar yang dibeli secara berasingan
(bukan set) hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai Barang Stok.\r\n'),
(2988,'008005004','SPANNERS (STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:09:16','2011-08-18
11:31:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Spanar. Termasuk spanar satu saiz dan yang boleh
dilaraskan.Spanar yang dibeli secara berasingan (bukan set) hendaklah didaftarkan
sebagai Barang Stok.\r\n'),(2989,'008005005','SCREWDRIVER (STOK)','008005','2008-
05-22 21:10:04','2016-07-25 08:40:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemutar Skru perbagai
jenis (lurus, philips, torx). Pemutar skru atau Cordless Screwdriver yang dibeli
secara berasingan (bukan set) hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai Barang
Stok.\n<br><br><b><i> Screwdriver '),(2990,'011011008','PEMEGANG PEDANG
(STOK)','011011','2008-05-22 21:10:20','2012-07-10
Pedang\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nFencing Sword Handle'),
(2991,'008005006','COMPONENT CUTTERS (STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:10:26','2011-
08-18 11:30:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemotong Komponen yang dibeli secara
berasingan (bukan set) hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai Barang
Stok.\r\n<br><br><b><i>ESCRIPTION <BR>COMPONENT CUTTERS'),
(2992,'008005007','HAMMER (STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:10:36','2011-08-18
11:30:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pengetuk paku; Tukul besi; Penukul; Martil; Mertul
'),(2993,'008005008','MALLET (STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:10:50','2011-08-18
11:30:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tukul kayu; Tukul Plastik; Palu'),
(2994,'008005009','METALWORKING CHISEL (STOK)','008005','2008-05-22
21:11:22','2011-08-18 11:30:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Chisel'),
(2995,'008005010','HAND FILES (STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:11:32','2011-08-18
11:29:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kikir. Kikir yang dibeli secara berasingan (bukan
set) hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai Barang Stok.\r\n'),(2996,'011016001','POLO SADLE
(STOK)','011016','2008-05-22 21:13:49','2012-02-17
15:22:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Alat yang digunakan untuk tunggangan
kuda supaya memudahkan kawalan dan pergerakan penunggang.'),(2997,'008002033','PCB
REPAIR SET','008002','2008-05-22 21:13:55','2008-10-24
11:27:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>PCB repair kits give
you the tools you need for fast repair and modification of lands, traces, contact
fingers, SMT pads, plated hole connections and PCB base board material. These
materials, packaged together and designed that allows you to meet original PCB
quality standards. <br>\r\nThe kit includes a selection of eyelets and funnelets,
swaging tools for eyelets, a variety of circuit frames to repair or add traces, SMT
pads, through hole connections and edge connectors. Each kit also contains a
variety of specialty tools which, are used by both professional repair technicians
and as teaching aids for board level repair instructors.'),
(2998,'008002034','SOLDERING IRON','008002','2008-05-22 21:14:37','2019-02-13
09:23:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>A soldering iron is a
device for applying heat to melt solder for attaching two metal parts. A soldering
iron is composed of a heated metal tip and an insulated handle. Heating is often
achieved electrically, by passing a current, supplied through an electrical cord or
a battery, through a heating element. Another heating method includes combustion of
a suitable gas, which can either be delivered through a tank mounted on the iron
(flameless), or through an external flame.\nSome heat up and cool down in a few
seconds, but others take minutes.\n\n'),(2999,'008005011','CIRCLIP PLIERS
(STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:17:08','2011-08-18
11:29:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Circlip Pliers yang dibeli secara berasingan
(bukan set) hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai Barang Stok.\r\n'),
(3000,'008005012','ALLEN KEY DRIVERS (STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:18:30','2011-
08-18 11:29:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemutar Kunci Allen. Pemutar Kunci Allen
yang dibeli secara berasingan (bukan set) hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai Barang
Stok.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> Allen Key Driver.'),(3001,'008005013','WIRE
STRIPPERS (STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:18:57','2011-08-18
11:29:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3002,'008005014','IC EXTRACTION TOOLS
(STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:20:08','2011-08-18
11:28:49','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Direkod kan sebagai barangan stok.'),
(3003,'008005015','IC INSERTION TOOLS (STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:20:24','2011-
08-18 11:28:33','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Direkodkan sebagai barangan stok.'),
(3004,'008005016','WIRE/CABLE CRIMPPING TOOL (STOK)','008005','2008-05-22
21:21:34','2012-07-09 12:23:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<BR>Wire Crimping Tool'),(3005,'008005017','SOLDER SUCKER (STOK)','008005','2008-
05-22 21:22:31','2011-08-18 11:28:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),
(3006,'008003013','CONCRETE VIBRATOR','008003','2008-05-22 21:24:19','2008-11-04
(STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:24:53','2011-08-18
(STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:25:42','2011-08-18
11:22:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR> Snipper, cutting
tool.'),(3009,'008005020','METAL PUNCHER (STOK)','008005','2008-05-22
21:26:54','2011-08-18 11:22:21','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),
(3010,'008005021','IRRIGATOR TOOLS (STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:27:57','2012-07-
09 12:23:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3011,'008005022','FAUCET HANDLE PULLER
(STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:28:19','2011-08-18
11:21:41','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3012,'008005023','PIPE THREADING TOOLS
(STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:29:15','2011-08-18
11:21:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3013,'008005024','DRAIN AUGER','008005','2008-
05-22 21:29:30',NULL,'MOF','160101',1,NULL,NULL),(3014,'008005025','RATCHET PIPE
(STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:30:31','2011-08-18
11:20:43','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengeluarkan
komponen pengikat pada pelbagai kedudukan yang sukar'),(3015,'008005026','HAND
ENGRAVER/ MENGUKIR','008005','2008-05-22 21:31:18','2011-10-10
09:41:38','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan tangan yang digunakan untuk mengukir
pada kayu atau logam atau seramik seperti router/shupped/cutter dll.'),
(3016,'008005027','WORKSHOP VICE (STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:31:42','2012-06-11
17:19:59','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Perkakasan yang digunakan secara manual
untuk mengikat atau memegang apa-apa peralatan lain'),(3017,'008005028','INSPECTION
MIRROR (STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:33:08','2011-08-18
11:18:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Perlatan yang digunakan untuk melihat pada sudut
yang sukar seperti rawatan dental'),(3018,'008005029','GAS REGULATOR
(STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:33:43','2011-08-18
11:17:08','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pengawal Atur Gas/meter kawalan gas'),
(3020,'008005031','PROTRACTOR (STOK)','008005','2008-05-22 21:35:38','2011-08-18
11:16:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alatan mengukur sudut.\r\n<br><br><b><i>
DESCRIPTION<BR>Protractor,</b> angle measuring tool.'),(3021,'013002005','BAS DUA
TINGKAT','013002','2008-05-22 22:00:16','2008-10-15
10:11:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bas Dua
Tingkat\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>Double Decker Bus</b>is a bus that has two
levels</i>'),(3022,'014012001','MESIN ANGKAT (LIFT)','014012','2008-05-22
22:02:23','2009-03-19 23:59:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lif; Mesin Angkat adalah
Pelantar atau kereta tertutup yang bergerak turun dan naik dalam lubang syaf untuk
mengangkut orang atau barangan.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nAn
<b>elevator or lift </b> is a vertical transport vehicle that efficiently moves
people or goods between floors of a building. They are generally powered by
electric motors that either drive traction cables and counterweight systems, or
pump hydraulic fluid to raise a cylindrical piston.\r\n\r\n'),
(3023,'014012002','CONVEYOR','014012','2008-05-22 22:02:54','2008-12-02
16:26:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Konveyor adalah jentera untuk memindahkan sesuatu
bahan secara berterusan pada jarak yang agak dekat, dengan penanganan dan usaha
insani yang minimum.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nA conveyor system is a
common piece of mechanical handling equipment that moves materials from one
location to another'),(3024,'014012003','KREN','014012','2008-05-22
22:10:31','2008-12-02 16:31:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kren adalah jentera takal
pengangkat berjib yang dikendalikan oleh kuasa, yang dapat menggerakkan beban pada
jarak yang berkesan secara mendatar serta dapat pula menaikkan dan
menurunkannya.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nA crane is a lifting machine
equipped with a winder, wire ropes or chains and sheaves that can be used both to
lift and lower materials and to move them horizontally'),(3025,'008004001','SLING
(STOK)','008004','2008-05-22 22:13:39','2012-01-13
15:53:45','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'In heavy equipment supports a weight by contacting
2 or more points using cable,chains or rope to a single point of lift to evenly
distribute weight. Sling also an item of climbing equipment consisting of a sewn
loop of webbing that can be wrapped around sections of rock or tied to other pieces
of equipment.'),(3026,'008004002','HOIST (STOK)','008004','2008-05-22
22:14:23','2012-01-13 15:54:05','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'A Hoist is a device used for
lifting or lowering a load by means of a drum or lift-wheel around which rope or
chain wraps. It may be manually operated, electrically or pneumatically driven and
may use chain, fiber or wire rope as its lifting medium. The load is attached to
the hoist by means of a lifting hook'),(3027,'008004003','PULLEY BLOCK
(STOK)','008004','2008-05-22 22:15:12','2012-01-13
15:54:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'A pulley (also called a sheave or block) is a
wheel with a groove between two flanges around
its circumference. A rope, cable or belt usually runs inside the groove. Pulleys
are used to change the direction of an applied force, transmit rotational motion,
or realize a mechanical advantage in either a linear or rotational system of
motion.'),(3028,'008004004','MESIN CRANE','008004','2008-05-22 22:15:52','2013-12-
18 17:22:07','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengangkat/
mengubah sesuatu barang yang berkapisiti besar/berat. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai
jenis seperti Workshop Engine Crane, Electric Crane including Electric Overhead
Travelling (EOT) dll.'),(3029,'008004005','STACKER','008004','2008-05-22
22:17:39','2008-11-10 15:38:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'A stacker is a large machine
used in bulk material handling applications. A stacker\'s function is to stack bulk
material such as ores and cereals onto a stockpile. A stacker can usually move in
at least two directions typically: horizontally along the rail and vertically by
luffing its boom. Some stackers are able to rotate by slewing the boom. This
allows a single stacker to form two stockpiles, one on either side of the
conveyor.'),(3030,'008004006','FORKLIFT','008004','2008-05-22 22:18:02','2010-11-02
10:37:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'A forklift (also called a lift truck, a high/low,
a stacker-truck, or a sideloader) is a powered industrial truck used to lift and
transport materials. '),(3031,'008004007','TABLE / FLOOR LIFTER','008004','2008-05-
22 22:21:59','2012-05-30 15:06:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk mengangkat
barang dari lantai.<br><Br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> A lift table or floor lifter
</B> that lowers to floor level and is designed for safety. You can roll on a floor
truck or hand pallet jack easily. Elastomeric front edge protects against toe
injury'),(3032,'010008014','KERUSI RODA (WHEEL CHAIR)','010008','2008-05-22
22:22:20','2009-03-19 12:57:33','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi
Roda<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Wheel Chair'),
(3033,'010008015','TONGKAT','010008','2008-05-22 22:24:47','2009-01-13
(3034,'010001011','MAMMO X-RAY MACHINE','010001','2008-05-22 22:36:11','2010-10-21
11:00:27','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<I><B>Description</i><br>Mammo X-Ray machine</b>
is a special dedicated machine with a special X-ray tube is required for doing
mammography. There are compression paddles which compress the breast and then X-
rays are taken. Usually, two views of each breast are performed, with a total of
four X-ray films per patient'),(3035,'010001012','DENTAL X-RAY
MACHINE','010001','2008-05-22 22:36:40','2010-10-21
11:01:33','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Dental Radiographic
units <b>Dental X-ray machine</b> is use to take dental radiographs of teeth.
Extra- and intra-oral dental radiographic techniques can be utilized to obtain
diagnostic dental films utilizing standard or dental radiographic units.'),
(3036,'010007001','URINE ANALYZER','010007','2008-05-22 22:45:23','2009-01-13
12:11:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Urine Analyzer
uses a reflectance photometer which reads the Urine Test Strips. Perform the
following tests: leucocyte esterase, blood, glucose, protein, ketones, bilirubin,
nitrite, pH, urobilinogen, and specific gravity.'),(3037,'010007002','BLOOD GAS
ANALYZER','010007','2008-05-22 22:46:21','2009-01-13
(3038,'010007003','COAGULATION ANALYSER','010007','2008-05-22 22:48:44','2012-11-20
10:27:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunkan untuk mengukur
kandungan analisis DNA atau mengukur kandungan darah dan terdiri pelbagai jenis dan
jenama seperti Genetic Analyzer, DNA Genetic Analisis, Real Time PCR,Thermal
Cycler, Thermoreator dll<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Coagulation Analyzer or
Coagulometers is a Blood Coagulation Analyser/Automatic Blood Coagulation Analyzer.
The instrument use in analyzing coagulation parameters such as bleeding time,
clotting time etc.\nAutomated coagulation machines measure the ability of blood to
clot by performing any of several types of tests including Partial thromboplastin
times, Prothrombin times (and the calculated INRs commonly used for therapeutic
evaluation), Lupus anticoagulant screens, D dimer assays, and factor
assays.\n\n\n'),(3039,'010007004','AUTO/SEMI CELL COUNTER ','010007','2008-05-22
11:51:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Automated cell
counters sample the blood, and quantify, classify, and describe cell populations
using both electrical and optical techniques. Electrical analysis involves passing
a dilute solution of the blood through an aperture across which an electrical
current . Optical detection may be utilised to gain a differential count of the
populations of white cell types. Ais flowing.'),(3040,'010007005','BLOOD ROLLER
MIXER','010007','2008-05-22 22:49:31','2009-01-13
11:51:41','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Blood Roller
Mixers is used for blending analysis samples such as blood samples. Gently rolling
and tilting action prevents the sediment of the specimen to provide the homogenous
specimen quality. Plastic rollers are suitable for use with a variety of
tubes.\r\n\r\n'),(3041,'011017001','BOXING GLOVES (STOK)','011017','2008-05-22
22:54:02','2011-02-22 16:54:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sarung Tangan
Peninju\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nBoxing Gloves'),
(3042,'011017002','PUNCHING BAG (STOK)','011017','2008-05-22 22:54:28','2011-02-22
16:55:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,' Karung Tinju adalah beg yang diisi dengan kapas
dll dan digantung untuk latihan menumbuk.
\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nPunching Bag'),(3043,'011017003','PUNCH MITTS
(STOK)','011017','2008-05-22 22:57:19','2011-02-22
16:55:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sarung Tangan Tinju untuk latihan dan kecil
sedikit dari sarung tangan yang digunakan dalam perlawanan
tinju.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nPunch Mitt\r\n'),
(3044,'010007006','CHEMISTRY ANALYSER','010007','2008-05-22 22:58:01','2009-01-13
Analyzer is a clinical chemistry analyzer, which incorporates random access
capabilities. Using single reagent systems, this analyzer can be operated
continuously. With on-board capacity of 195 cuvettes, it has the potentiality to
use 4 reagents per test. Other features included are internal tape and external
report printer, 26 position reagent tray along with a 40 position serum sample cup,
control, and calibrator tray.'),(3045,'011017004','SPEED PUNCHING BAG
(STOK)','011017','2008-05-22 23:02:14','2011-02-22
16:55:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Karung Tinju untuk latihan
kepantasan\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nSpeed Punching Bag'),
(3046,'011017005','BOXING SWIVEL (STOK)','011017','2008-05-22 23:02:57','2011-02-22
16:55:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk mengikat karung tinju yang boleh
berpusing \r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nBoxing Swivel'),
(3047,'011017006','BOXING HEAD PROTECTER (STOK)','011017','2008-05-22
23:03:46','2011-02-22 16:55:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pelindung Kepala
Peninju\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nBoxing Head Protector'),
(3048,'011017007','MOUTH PIECE GUARD (STOK)','011017','2008-05-22 23:04:08','2011-
02-22 16:56:13','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pelindung Mulut
Peninju\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nMouth Piece Guard\r\n'),
(3049,'011013002','GOLF BAG (STOK)','011013','2008-05-23 01:17:57','2012-01-11
11:43:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'GOLF BAG\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\n'),
(3050,'011013003','GOLF GLOVES (STOK)','011013','2008-05-23 01:18:16','2012-01-11
11:42:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sarung tangan
golf\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nGolf Gloves'),(3051,'011013004','HAMMER
DRIVER (STOK)','011013','2008-05-23 01:18:40','2012-01-11
11:43:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3052,'011013005','TI DRIVER
(STOK)','011013','2008-05-23 01:18:57','2012-01-11
(STOK)','011013','2008-05-23 01:19:09','2012-01-11
11:43:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3054,'011012002','HOCKEY SHIN GUARD
(STOK)','011012','2008-05-23 01:19:42','2012-01-11
11:41:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pelindung Tulang Kering untuk sukan
hoki\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nHockey Shin Guard'),
(3055,'011012003','HOCKEY MOUTH GUARD (STOK)','011012','2008-05-23 01:20:38','2012-
01-11 11:41:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pelindung Gigi untuk sukan hoki
\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nHockey Mouth Guard'),
(3056,'011012004','GOALKEEPER STRAP PAD (STOK)','011012','2008-05-23
01:21:01','2012-01-11 11:41:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pengalas Keselamatan penjaga
gol hoki\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nGoalkeeper Strap pad'),
(3057,'011012005','HOCKEY GOALKEEPER HALMET (STOK)','011012','2008-05-23
01:21:31','2012-01-11 11:41:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3058,'011012006','
HOCKEY BODY PROTECTOR (STOK)','011012','2008-05-23 01:21:50','2012-01-11
11:41:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pelindung Badan Sukan
Hoki\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nHockey Body Protector'),
(3059,'011012007','HOCKEY GLOVES (STOK)','011012','2008-05-23 01:22:12','2012-01-11
11:42:08','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sarung Tangan
Hoki\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nHockey Gloves'),(3060,'011012008','HOCKEY
EYEMASK (STOK)','011012','2008-05-23 01:22:33','2012-01-11
11:42:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pelindung Mata
Hoki\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nHockey Eye Mask'),
(3061,'011012009','GOALKEEPER ELBOW GUARD (STOK)','011012','2008-05-23
01:22:58','2012-01-11 11:42:29','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pelindung Siku Penjaga
Gol\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nGoalkeeper Elbow Guard'),
(3062,'011023001','PAINTBALL MARKER (STOK)','011023','2008-05-23 01:23:20','2011-
02-22 16:44:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Penanda paintball;
penembak paintball\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nPaintball Marker;
Paintball Gun'),(3063,'011023002','PAINTBALL MASK (STOK)','011023','2008-05-23
01:23:42','2011-02-22 16:44:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Topeng permainan
paintball\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nPaintball Mask'),
(3064,'011014001','RUGBY HEAD PROTECTOR (STOK)','011014','2008-05-23
02:00:32','2012-01-11 11:47:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pelindung Kepala
Ragbi\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nRugby Head Protector'),
(3065,'011014002','SCRUM CAP (STOK)','011014','2008-05-23 02:00:50','2012-01-11
Skram\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nScrum Cap'),(3066,'011014003','SHOULDER
PAD (STOK)','011014','2008-05-23 02:01:12','2012-01-11
Bahu\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nShoulder Pad'),(3067,'011014004','RUGBY
GLOVES (STOK)','011014','2008-05-23 02:01:49','2012-01-11
11:47:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sarung Tangan
Ragbi\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nRugby Gloves'),(3068,'011014005','RUGBY
JERSEY (STOK)','011014','2008-05-23 02:02:03','2012-01-11
Rugby\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nRugby Jersey\r\n'),
(3069,'011010001','PAYUNG TERJUN (STOK)','011010','2008-05-23 02:02:50','2012-07-10
15:44:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Payung Terjun\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>
Parachute</b>'),(3070,'011016002','POLO WHIP (STOK)','011016','2008-05-23
02:03:23','2012-02-17 15:23:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3071,'011016003','BRIDLE
SET (STOK)','011016','2008-05-23 02:03:50','2012-02-17
15:23:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3072,'011016004','POLO HELMET
(STOK)','011016','2008-05-23 02:04:03','2012-02-17
15:47:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3073,'011016005','HORSE SPORT BOOT
(STOK)','011016','2008-05-23 02:04:27','2012-02-17
15:47:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3074,'011016006','HORSE STIRRUPS
(STOK)','011016','2008-05-23 02:04:42','2012-02-17
15:47:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3075,'011016007','HORSE BIT
(STOK)','011016','2008-05-23 02:05:24','2012-02-17
15:48:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3078,'011018001','TAKE OFF BOARD
(STOK)','011018','2008-05-23 02:23:12','2011-02-22
16:29:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Papan Pelepas; Papan Penanda
Mula\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nTake off Board'),(3079,'011018002','ROLL
OUT RUNWAY (STOK)','011018','2008-05-23 02:23:34','2011-02-22
16:30:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pelapik yang diljadikan landasan larian atau
laluan sesuatu sukan.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nRoll out runway '),
(3080,'011018003','RELAY BUTTON (STOK)','011018','2008-05-23 02:23:50','2011-02-22
16:30:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Besi Relay\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nRelay Button'),(3081,'011018004','IRON SHOT PUT (STOK)','011018','2008-05-
23 02:24:09','2011-02-22 16:31:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Besi Sukan Lontar
Peluru\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nIron Shot Put'),
(3082,'011018005','SPORT DISCUS (STOK)','011018','2008-05-23 02:24:34','2011-02-22
16:31:22','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lontar Cakera\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nSport Discus'),(3083,'011018006','SPORT IRON HAMMER (STOK)','011018','2008-
05-23 02:24:59','2011-02-22 16:31:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Besi Sukan Lontar
Tukul Besi\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nSport Iron Hammer'),
(3084,'011018007','JAVELINS (STOK)','011018','2008-05-23 02:26:12','2011-02-22
16:31:56','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lembing (Dalam Sukan lontar
lembing)\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nJavelins'),(3085,'011018008','POLE
VAULT POLES (STOK)','011018','2008-05-23 02:26:37','2011-02-22
16:32:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Galah panjang untuk sukan lompat
bergalah\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nPole Vault Poles'),
(3086,'011018009','STARTING BLOCK (STOK)','011018','2008-05-23 05:44:53','2011-02-
22 16:32:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Blok Pelepas; Blok
Permulaan\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nStarting Block'),
(3091,'011015003','TALI PENANDA BOLA TAMPAR (STOK)','011015','2008-05-23
05:48:15','2012-01-11 11:46:56','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3092,'016006001','KERUSI
TAMAN','016006','2008-05-23 15:44:19','2009-01-28
Taman\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>Garden Chair</b>'),(3093,'016006002','MEJA
TAMAN','016006','2008-05-23 15:44:54','2009-01-28
Taman\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nGarden Table</b>'),
(3094,'016006003','PERGOLA','016006','2008-05-23 15:45:09','2019-02-12
Pergola</b>'),(3095,'016006004','AIR TERJUN BUATAN (LUAR)','016006','2008-05-23
15:45:38','2009-01-28 16:04:49','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Air Terjun
Buatan\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nMan Made Waterfall</b>; Artificial
Waterfall'),(3096,'016006005','PASU HIASAN TAMAN','016006','2008-05-23
15:46:56','2019-02-12 21:30:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pasu yang terdiri dari
pelbagai jenis, bentuk, saiz yang digunakan diluar bangunan untuk tujuan hiasan.
Ianya diperbuat/diukir dengan menggunakan pelbagai bahan mentah seperti pasir,
tanah, kayu dll\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nFlower Pot</b>'),
(3097,'016006006','TEMPAYAN','016006','2008-05-23 15:47:31','2009-01-28
16:03:55','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tempayan merujuk kepada sejenis bekas yang
diperbuat daripada tembikar. Bekas ini bermulut luas dan terdapat dalam pelbagai
saiz, kekadang dengan pelbagai ukiran tetapi biasanya tanpa ukiran. Selain itu,
terdapat juga tempayan yang mempunyai ukiran timbul pada bahagian
sisinya.\r\n\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nBig Jar; Big Pot</b>'),
(3098,'016006007','LAMPU TAMAN MUDAH ALIH','016006','2008-05-23 15:48:07','2019-02-
12 21:34:21','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lampu Taman yang mudah
dialihkan\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nGarden Light / Lamp</b>'),
(3099,'016006008','BANGKU TAMAN','016006','2008-05-23 15:48:59','2009-01-28
Taman\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nGarden Bench</b>'),
(3100,'016006009','KOLAM/KOLAH HIASAN','016006','2008-05-23 15:51:32','2009-02-27
Hiasan\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nGarden Pool</b>'),
(3102,'016006010','ARCA HIASAN LUAR','016006','2008-05-23 15:59:44','2009-02-03
10:01:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Arca Hiasan Luar adalah seni ukir atau patung yang
dibuat daripada simen atau batu atau kayu atau logam; yang diukir, menghiasi dengan
ukiran.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nOutdoor Sculpture</b>'),
(3103,'010003005','SUCTION PUMP ASPIRATOR','010003','2008-05-23 16:00:24','2018-11-
28 09:19:31','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br> A surgical
aspirator </b> (suction pump/regulator)working on electrical supply 230V ~ / 50
Hz , to be used for the nasal aspiration, oral aspiration, tracheal aspiration of
the body liquids (mucus, catarrh or blood) in the adult or in the children. It is
portable suction unit which provides variable controlled vacuum regulation.'),
(3104,'004012005','SUB-MERSIBLE PUMP ','004012','2008-05-23 16:07:16','2019-02-13
15:34:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pam selam, atau pam yang boleh ditenggelamkan. Pam
ini mempunyai penutup yang kalis air supaya air tidak bocor dan memasuki motor.
\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br> Lab Sub-mersible Pump </b>\ncable base and wire
are impregnated with special leakage-prof and water-prof in order to avoid the
moist going into the motor.<br>\nEnable to be used the high quality mechanical seal
as Silicon Carbide.\n <br>equipped with the motor overload Protector and will shut
itself off automatically to prevent from overheating whenever its phase failure,
voltage drop, impeller plugged and the draining line is under the pump\'s watermark
and other unusual conditions.\n\n'),(3105,'009002001','RUTTNER WATER
SAMPLER','009002','2008-05-23 16:19:06','2009-02-03
11:53:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Ruttner type water sample bottle, manufactured in
acrylic. The bottle is also fitted with a non mercury type thermometer. A brass
weight is supplied with the sampler.\r\n'),(3106,'009002002','WATER
SAMPLER','009002','2008-05-23 16:19:50','2010-10-08
11:00:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,' Alat untuk mendapatkan percontohan dan data dari
air. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION<BR>Water sampler - </b>For collection of physical
(temperature), chemical (dissolved gasses), and biological (photo-zooplankton
stratification) data \r\n'),(3107,'009002003','SEDIMENT GRAP
SAMPLER','009002','2008-05-23 16:20:19','2010-10-08
11:09:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk menyauk sampel tanah/lumpur didasar
tasik atau sungai.<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION<BR>Grab sampler </B> is designed for
sampling in soft bottomed lakes and rivers composed of muck, mud or fine peat'),
(3108,'009002004','PLANKTON NET SAMPLER','009002','2008-05-23 16:21:39','2010-10-08
11:20:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION<BR>Plankton net sampler
</b> is used to collect discrete samples of plankton from a calculated volume.'),
(3109,'009002005','STREAM SAMPLER','009002','2008-05-23 16:23:30','2010-10-08
11:27:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk mendapat sampel organisma dalam aliran
sungai .<br><br><b><i>DESCRPTION<BR>Stream Samplers </b> are used for quantitative
analysis of benthic stream organisms and can be used in shallow streams less than
18\" deep with a range of bottoms from silt to large cobble.'),
(3110,'009002006','INSITU WATER SAMPLER','009002','2008-05-23 16:24:17','2009-04-12
01:31:24','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'The sampler draws fluid from a point of interest
once the inlet of the sampling tube (3/8\" dia.) is positioned by the scientist
using Tiburon\'s manipulator arm. The sample fluid is drawn past two instrumented
flowcells using a Seabird pump (SBE 5T). The first flowcell houses the optical path
of the ISUS sensor (In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer - green enclosure) while
the second flowcell houses the electrodes of
the Eh sensor (silver enclosure with blue endcaps) and a temperature probe.
\r\n'),(3111,'009002007','SOIL WATER SAMPLER','009002','2008-05-23 16:25:14','2010-
10-08 11:36:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk mendapatkan sampel tanah dalam
air.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>Soil water sampling</b> kits are ideal for a
variety of soil sampling environment Features specially designed bits that easy
penetration. The mud auger has an opening cut out of the cylinder for easy removal
of heavy, wet soil and clay samples.'),(3112,'009002008','COMPOSITE /DISCRETE WATER
SAMPLER','009002','2008-05-23 16:26:27','2010-03-20
21:50:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Percontohan Diskret. Tahan hujan, mengandungi
botol sampel, pum peristalsis, pemasa dan bateri. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR>
Discrete Sampler </B> consists of a rugged, rainproof, and lockable carrying
enclosure. Inside the enclosure is a 1.0 liter polyethylene sample bottle, a
peristaltic sampling pump, a logic timer/controller, and a rechargeable cell
battery. Also provided is the auto-drain rain gauge, sampler pickup hose and a
battery charger. Sampler also includes two water sensors.'),
(3113,'009002009','SECCHI DISC','009002','2008-05-23 16:27:19','2009-02-03
12:12:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'is a circular disk used to measure water
transparency in oceans and lakes. The disc is mounted on a pole or line, and
lowered slowly down in the water. The depth at which the pattern on the disk is no
longer visible is taken as a measure of the transparency of the water. This measure
is known as the Secchi depth and is related to water turbidity.\r\n'),
(3114,'009002010','DINGHY','009002','2008-05-23 16:27:49','2010-10-12
12:38:59','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>A dinghy</B> is a
type of small boat, often carried or towed by a larger vessel. The term can also
refer to small racing yachts or recreational open sailing boats. Utility dinghies
are usually rowboats or have an outboard motor, but some are rigged for sailing.'),
(3115,'009002011','SOIL DRILLING EQUIPMENT','009002','2008-05-23
16:28:32',NULL,'MOF','160101',1,NULL,NULL),(3116,'009002012','FISH SURVEY SAMPLING
NET (STOK)','009002','2008-05-23 16:29:26','2019-02-12
09:13:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Jaring menangkap sampel ikan semasa membuat
tinjauan ikan disesuatu penempatan. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>Netting </b > used
during conducting fish survey.'),(3117,'009002013','UNDER WATER
IRRADIAMETER','009002','2008-05-23 16:30:29','2010-10-14
16:12:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3118,'009002014','WATER MONITORING
SYSTEM','009002','2008-05-23 16:31:24','2009-06-13
09:47:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><i><b> DESCRIPTION <BR> Groundwater and
surface water monitoring </B> instrument is a high quality hydrogeological and
hydrological instrumentation. Groundwater Monitoring Instruments are designed to
obtain surface or ground water samples, continuous or manual water level
measurements and recordings of concentrations of various water parameters.
Groundwater and surface water monitoring instruments include water level
indicators, level and water quality data loggers, groundwater samplers, oil/water
interface probes, drive-point piezometers and complete monitoring systems,
including multilevel systems. \r\n<br>\r\nThe data collected can be used to
estimate hydraulic conductivity and other aquifer conditions; to monitor potable
water recharge areas; and to monitor tailings ponds, dewatering activities and
water supply levels of mines.\r\n'),(3119,'009002015','WATER QUALITY MONITOR
BUOY','009002','2008-05-23 16:32:14','2010-10-14
16:27:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>Water quality
monitoring buoy </b>is ideal for fish farmers, researchers and water resource
managers it allows the monitoring of critical water quality parameters (dissolved
oxygen and temperature) from the convenience of their office. the buoy houses a
wireless transmitter, sensors and power supply, and can transmit data up to 1km in
certain conditions.'),(3120,'009002016','SCENTOGRAPH','009002','2008-05-23
16:32:57','2010-10-15 11:26:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'The\r\nAlat untuk mengukur
bau.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>Scentograph/Scentometer </b> is a plastic box with
a number of air\r\ninlets and two sniffi ng ports. Two of the air inlets\r\nhave
activated charcoal fi lters to remove odors and\r\nprovide clean air. The remaining
inlets are of varying\r\ndiameter to permit a range of dilutions of odorous
air.\r\nto be sampled.'),(3121,'009002017','PHOSPHATE PROBE','009002','2008-05-23
11:51:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR> A Phosphate probe
</B> are available for the identification of binding sites for drug-like molecules,
and ligands containing phosphate groups, respectively. '),
(3122,'009002018','PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON PROBE','009002','2008-05-23
16:36:04','2012-11-21 09:35:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Perkakasan yang
digunakan untuk membuat pengujian kandungan petroleum dalam pelbagai kaedah/cara.
Ianya terdapat dalam pelbagai jenis/jenama mengikut fungsi penggunaan seperti Micro
Carbon Residue Tester, Herzog Distillation Appratus, Scavini Cloud pour Point dll
<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <BR>Petroleum hydrocarbon probe </B>uses fiber-optic
sensor-based is an sensing equipment for monitoring hydrocarbon content in
offshore produced water streams.'),(3123,'009002019','PORTABLE WATER QUALITY
CHECKER','009002','2008-05-23 16:36:39','2010-08-17
14:07:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pemeriksa Kualiti air. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION
</I><BR>Water Quality Checker </B> is a multiparameter portable field instrument.
Probe can measure pH, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity, Conductivity, and
Salinity. The sensor can be used as a remote data logger'),
(3124,'009002020','GROUND WATER SAMPLER','009002','2008-05-23 16:52:25','2010-10-15
Monitoring System /sampler</b># A technology for groundwater monitoring and
testing. Key components of this system is th intelligent sensor. is both a
pressure sensor and a logger in one unit. The sensor can also be equipped with a
GSM module for wireless data transfer.'),(3125,'009002021','OIL RECOVERY
SYSTEM','009002','2008-05-23 16:54:15','2010-10-15
16:06:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Oil Recovery system including the Terminator, is a
high efficiency weir skimmer that will recover all types of oil, from diesel and
light grade of oil to the most heavy weathered crude and emulsions.'),
(3126,'009002022','ELECTROFISHER','009002','2008-05-23 16:56:11','2010-10-15
16:14:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>Electrofishing </B>
uses electricity to stun fish before they are caught. Electrofishing is a common
scientific survey method used to sample fish populations to determine abundance,
density, and species composition. When performed correctly, electrofishing results
in no permanent harm to fish, which return to their natural state in as little as
two minutes after being stunned.'),(3127,'004018009','TONGS (STOK)','004018','2008-
05-23 16:59:56','2016-09-21 15:37:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Didaftarkan sebagai
bekalan (stor)'),(4831,'004009006','PORTABLE LABEL PRINTER','004009','2014-10-17
02:54:11','2019-02-13 12:39:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pencetak mudah alih yang
digunakan untuk mencetak label.'),(4830,'004017007','Stainless steel and
Aluminium / Chest Freezer Racks','004017','2014-10-17
02:51:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3130,'004018012','KANTA PEMBESAR/GLASS
(STOK)','004018','2008-05-23 17:04:58','2013-02-21
14:56:48','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Didaftarkan sebagai bekalan (stor)'),
(3131,'009002023','HOLE DIGGER /AUGER SET','009002','2008-05-23 17:05:56','2010-10-
15 16:21:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR>Hole diggers
</B> and augers are specifically designed to dig holes for posts. A post hole
digger is the manual way to dig holes, where an auger will drill its way through
the soil\r\n\r\n'),(3132,'009002024','CURRENT PROFILER','009002','2008-05-23
17:06:35','2009-05-18 00:05:49','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION
<BR> The Aquadopp/ Current Profiler </B> works equally well in typical ocean
surface water and in the high sediment suspensions found near the coast or in
rivers, and a variety of head designs ensure optimal measurement conditions
regardless of deployment surroundings. The Aquadopp/ current Profiler can be used
in stand-alone mode with data recorded to the internal recorder or online,
communicating via GSM or radio modem.'),(3133,'009002025','EMERGENCY SPILL KIT
(STOK)','009002','2008-05-23 17:07:17','2019-02-12
09:37:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3134,'009002026','SPILL BERMS
(STOK)','009002','2008-05-23 17:07:58','2019-02-12
09:37:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR> Spill
Containment</B> is used for the containment of liquids preventing contamination or
pollution occurring. The use of a spill berm liner for containment of fuel tank
leaks, oil spill cleanup, truck wheel washing, HAZMAT chemical spill response and
decon pool showers for clean animals, birds or people.'),(3135,'009002027','SALVAGE
DRUM (STOK)','009002','2008-05-23 17:08:56','2019-02-12
09:38:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>A Salvage Drum</b> is
an outer container used for shipping a leaking, damaged or non-compliant drum
containing hazardous materials'),(3136,'010002005','INFANT
INCUBATOR','010002','2008-05-23 20:34:02','2009-01-12
13:00:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>'),
(3137,'009001005','WEATHER EQUIPMENT (ASET TAK ALIH)','009001','2008-05-23
11:00:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>A professional
weather station is a set of weather measuring instruments .Typical instrumentation
includes an anemometer, wind vane,
thermometer, hygrometer, barometer, and rain gauge. More sophisticated stations
may also measure the ultraviolet (UV) index, solar radiation, leaf wetness, soil
moisture, soil temperature, water temperature, and occasionally other data. <br>The
console provides readouts of the data being collected. These consoles may interface
to a personal computer where data can be displayed, stored, and uploaded to web
sites or data ingestion/distribution systems.'),(3138,'009001006','AMBIENT
PARTICULATE SAMPLER','009001','2008-05-23 20:39:05','2008-12-02
Particulate Monitor measures the mass concentration of suspended particulate matter
in ambient air.'),(3139,'009001007','DUST SAMPLER CONTROLLER','009001','2008-05-23
20:39:58','2013-02-21 15:53:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin/Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk menguji, mengukur, membersih, mengawal injap/vakum kandungan habuk,
debu dll. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama, jenis seperti Heidolph, Vacuum
Controller, Dust Sampler dll \n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br> Dust sampler</b> is
a high volume dust sampler designed to sample dust, specifically heavy metals such
as lead and radioactive particulates/dust. <br>Handy Sampler is constructed with
all the required items mounted in a compact case. It is fitted with Pump, Rotameter
with Flow Controller, timer and Sampling Devices.'),(3141,'009001009','SO2 SAMPLING
MANIFOLD','009001','2008-05-23 20:42:52','2008-12-02
(3142,'009001010','MULTIPLE GAS CALIBRATOR','009001','2008-05-23 20:43:08','2010-
10-05 11:03:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\nAlat untuk membuat tentukuran gas
berbagai jenis.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br> Multiple Gas Calibrator</b> supplies
precise levels of ozone, carbon monoxide, non-methane hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide,
nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide or other gases that a user may require. The gas
levels are used to calibrate instruments that perform zero, precision and level 1
span checks, audits and multi point measurements.'),(3143,'009001011','RADIATION
AREA MONITOR','009001','2008-05-23 20:45:08','2009-02-25
12:02:01','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Radiation alarm monitor adalah alat untuk memantau
dan memberi amaran apabila tahap radiasi disekitarnya melebihi tahap radiasi yang
telah ditetapkan. Penggera akan dicetuskan, dan lampu amaran akan
dinyalakan.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>Radiation Area Monitor </b> unit can detect
gamma rays and, with the assistance of a helium-3 neutron detector, also can
monitor for neutrons. The instrument compared measured radiation level against high
and low reference level being set. The alarm will trigger when radiation levels
reaches high setting level. Beacon light wil flash up.\r\n'),
(3144,'009001012','STACK MONITOR','009001','2008-05-23 20:45:23','2009-02-25
11:12:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\nStack Monitor adalah alat pemantauan
berterusan. Ia dilengkapi dengan sistem penyempelan dan analisa berbagai
komponen.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br> Stack Monitor </b> is a Continuous Emissions
Monitoring Systems (CEMS) using multi-component IR technology. Each system includes
a sampling system, and multicomponent analyzer . Component detected are NOx, SO2,
CO, CO2, H2O, O2 etc.'),(3145,'009001013','REFRIGERANT IDENTIFIER','009001','2008-
05-23 20:46:21','2009-04-02
refrigerant </B> gas analysis technology to provide the fastest identification for
S.N.A.P. refrigerants, R134a, R12, R134a, R22, HC and Air. \r\n'),
(3146,'009001014','CO/HC GENERATOR','009001','2008-05-23 20:46:51','2008-12-02
(3147,'009001015','WIND SPEED METER','009001','2008-05-23 20:47:14','2010-10-05
13:47:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b> Installing a
<b> wind speed meter </b> is to position it in a location where the wind flows
freely and is not influenced by nearby objects.'),(3148,'009001016','CO2
MONITOR','009001','2008-05-23 20:48:31','2010-10-05
13:50:01','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>CO2 Monitor</b>
use to checks for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) concentrations with Max/Min value .'),
(3149,'009001017','ENVIROMENT OXYGEN MONITOR','009001','2008-05-23 20:48:51','2010-
10-06 11:54:37','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>Enviroment
oxygen monitor /detection</b> is available in hazardous area or general purpose
configurations and is suitable for measurement of concentrations from ppm to almost
100% oxygen. '),(3150,'009001018','FLOW METER (ENVIRONMENTAL)','009001','2008-05-
23 20:49:42','2010-10-06
12:15:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br> Gas flow
monitoring</b> devices typically used in environmental monitoring. With set to
automatic mode, it integrates temperature and pressure sensors to its volumetric
flow measurement.'),(3151,'009001019','QUANTIMETER PUMP','009001','2008-05-23
12:25:10','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>The Quantimeter
</b> is designed for short term measurements of very low (ppb) concentrations or
when repetitive short term measurements must be performed.'),
(3152,'009001020','PROPELLER CUP WHEEL TORQUE DISC','009001','2008-05-23
21:39:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Torque Disc
checks anemometer bearing torque with 0.1 gm/cm resolution. The disc temporarily
replaces the propeller for torque measurement or simple yet accurate pass/fail
checks. Charts included with the unit relate torque to propeller threshold with
limits for acceptable bearing performance. The Cup-Wheel Torque Disc checks cup
anemometer bearing torque.'),(3153,'009001021','SPM SAMPLING
MANIFOLD','009001','2008-05-23 20:52:26','2008-12-02
(3154,'009001022','SMOKE TEST SET','009001','2008-05-23 20:52:52','2008-12-02
(3155,'009001023','WIND INDICATOR/SOCK (Stok)','009001','2008-05-23
21:32:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Wind Sock is a
cloth cone open at both ends and used to indicate wind direction. It can also be
used to estimate wind speed by its angle. The most common application of wind socks
is wind indication at small airports.'),(3156,'009001008','WIND
MONITOR','009001','2008-05-23 20:53:39','2008-12-02
11:55:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br> Wind Monitor is
a high resolution wind speed and direction sensor. Its simplicity and lightweight
corrosion resistant construction make it well suited for a wide range of wind
measuring applications.\r\n\r\nThe wind sensor is a four blade helicoid propeller.
Propeller rotation produces an AC sine wave voltage signal with frequency directly
proportional to wind speed. '),(3159,'009003001','NOISE CALIBRATOR','009003','2008-
05-23 20:56:41','2008-12-02
12:04:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>A stand-alone
instrument that is used to perform a field check of the sensitivity of a
measurement device. These devices usually produce a single tone at a single
frequency but can have multiple frequencies and levels to verify the meter.'),
(3160,'009003002','VIBRATION CALIBRATOR','009003','2008-05-23 20:57:07','2008-12-02
Calibration System is the perfect tool to calibrate accelerometers over a wide
frequency and amplitude range. Portable Vibration Calibrator conveniently use the
system to test accelerometers, velocity sensors and displacement sensors in the
field without having to send them offsite to be calibrated.'),
(3161,'009003003','SOUND LEVEL CALIBRATOR','009003','2008-05-23 20:57:31','2008-12-
02 12:04:33','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Sound
level generator is a battery-fed portable sound\r\nsource, suitable for calibrating
sound level meters (portable and laboratory\r\nmodels) and acoustic measuring
stations. It#s possible to calibrate directly 1# microphones and, by means of a
proper adapter also 1/2# microphones; the mechanical dimensions are in accordance
with standards.'),(3162,'009003004','LEQ METER','009003','2008-05-23
12:04:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>LEQ METER is
an instrument used to measure and accessed noise from land used activities in units
Lmax, L10, L90, and Leq,T (all expressed in dBA values). '),
(3163,'009003005','MICROPHONE CARRIER UNIT','009003','2008-05-23 20:58:22','2008-
12-02 12:05:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>'),
(3164,'009003006','NOISE LEVEL RECORDER','009003','2008-05-23 21:01:01','2008-12-02
12:05:20','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Needs for
industries and local government to monitor community noise. Noise Level Recorder
is convenient to leave the equipment unattended and perform noise logging over a
period of hours or days. For long term logging a permanent noise monitor may be
appropriate. A Sound Level Meter running Logging and Sound Recording Software, and
the same equipment in a tamper-proof box. \r\n'),(3165,'009003007','OCTAVE FILTER
UNIT','009003','2008-05-23 21:02:53','2008-12-02
12:05:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Octave Filter
Set primarily intended for use with Precision Integrating Sound Level Meter. Used
with either of the SLMs, it forms a compact and portable lightweight unit enabling
in situ octave acoustic analysis. Semi-automatic recording of the analysis is
possible using either Level Recorder. Manual stepping of the filter is indicated by
a green LED.\r\n'),(3166,'009003008','OUTDOOR
MICROPHONE UNIT','009003','2008-05-23 21:04:29','2008-12-02
Microphone Unit is a lightweight system designed to fit onto a standard tripod (not
included) and give some weather protection to the microphone and preamplifier to
allow it to be left unnattended in poor weather for up to 24 hours.'),
(3167,'009003009','REAL TIME SPECTRUM ANALYSER','009003','2008-05-23
12:06:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>It consists
of a real time oscilloscope and a real time spectrum analyzer and can run them
concurrently. Unlike most of the sound card oscilloscopes in the market which
search trigger event after data collection, it features a specially designe'),
(3168,'009003010','NARROW BAND SPECTRUM ANALYSER','009003','2008-05-23
10:57:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Narrow Band
Spectrum analyser achieves\r\nwavelength resolution of 0.01 nm and
wavelength\r\naccuracy of ?0.01 nm (resolution of 1 GHz and accuracy\r\nof ?1 GHz
in optical frequency mode) at the 1550 nm\r\nspectrum band. Capable
of\r\naccurately measuring the each wavelength of optical\r\nwavelength division
multiplexing (WDM) transmission\r\nsignal by separating the spectrums.'),
(3170,'009004001','SCUBA FIN (STOK)','009004','2008-05-23 21:07:15','2016-11-29
(STOK)','009004','2008-05-23 21:07:37','2016-11-29
09:16:01','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3172,'009004003','SCUBA BOOTIE
(STOK)','009004','2008-05-23 21:07:55','2016-11-29
09:16:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3173,'009004004','WET SUIT
(STOK)','009004','2008-05-23 21:08:11','2016-11-29
09:16:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3174,'009004005','JUMP SUIT
(STOK)','009004','2008-05-23 21:08:37','2016-11-29
09:16:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3175,'009004006','WEIGHT BELT
(STOK)','009004','2008-05-23 21:09:05','2016-11-29
09:16:56','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3176,'009004007','CARRIER BAG
(STOK)','009004','2008-05-23 21:09:27','2016-11-29
09:17:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3177,'009004008','SCUBA MASK
(STOK)','009004','2008-05-23 21:09:57','2016-11-29
09:17:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3178,'009004009','SCUBA HOOD
(STOK)','009004','2008-05-23 21:10:15','2016-11-29
09:17:25','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3179,'009004010','SCUBA WATCHES
(STOK)','009004','2008-05-23 21:10:50','2016-11-29
09:17:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3180,'009004011','SCUBA SOCK
(STOK)','009004','2008-05-23 21:11:01','2016-11-29
09:17:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3181,'009004012','SCUBA OXYGEN
CYLINDER','009004','2008-05-23 21:11:25','2019-02-12
16:21:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR> Scuba oxygen
cylinder </b> or scuba oxygen tanks. A diving cylinder, scuba tank or diving tank
is used to store and transport high pressure breathing gas as a component of SCUBA
(Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus). It provides gas to the SCUBA diver
through the demand valve of a diving regulator.'),(3182,'009004013','PRESSURE AND
DEPTH GAUGE (STOK)','009004','2008-05-23 21:11:50','2016-11-29
09:18:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR></B> Safety
instruments that divers need in scuba diving is the depth gauge. \n\nA depth gauge
is a type of a<B> pressure gauge,</B> which determines the corresponding deepness
in water. Most depth gauges that divers use have a digital display and an
electrical mechanism.\n'),(3183,'009004014','BOOM SET (STOK)','009004','2008-05-23
21:13:48','2016-11-29 09:18:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),
(3184,'009004015','SKIMMER','009004','2008-05-23 21:14:15','2008-07-03
15:46:49','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'A <b>Skimmer</b> is the primary piece of equipment
used to pull waste from the water, so it#s essential for the aquarium and it#s
basically the heart of the filtration system.'),(3185,'009004016','BACK PACK
SPRAYER','009004','2008-05-23 21:14:53',NULL,'MOF','160101',1,NULL,NULL),
(3186,'009004017','DISPERSANT SPRAY SYSTEM','009004','2008-05-23 21:15:34','2010-
10-20 12:35:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPPTION<BR>Dispersant
spray systems </b> and oil spill containment systems use for marine or aicraft
dispersant application systems for operation from Tugs, Supply Vessels and
Workboats.'),(3187,'009004018','OIL SPILL KIT BIN (STOK)','009004','2008-05-23
11:09:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR></B> Use for spills
of Oil, fuel, diesel, petrol, solvents & other petroleum products, that tend not to
travel from point of release. Contains accessories such as shovels (long handled
or non sparking), wall mounted signs, bassine brooms, bin covers, squeegees, bin
locks or rakes.'),(3188,'009004019','MOBILE VACUUM SYSTEM','009004','2008-05-23
21:16:31','2010-10-20 15:45:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<BR>Mobile vacuum cleaners </B>, vacuum conveying systems & vacuum equipment that
will clean up any material that will flow through a hose such as aggregates,
powders, liquids & slurries. Units are available with capacities up to 100 tons per
hour, a reach up to 2000 ft., and powerful motors.'),(3189,'009004020','BOAT
ENGINE','009004','2008-05-23 21:16:57','2009-02-18
08:00:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Injin bot.'),(3190,'009004021','MARINE PACK
CAMERA','009004','2008-05-23 21:17:47','2010-10-20
15:57:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kamera khas yang digunakan dalam air (Laut) yang
tahan bocor. <BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION </b><BR> Digital camera to the depths of the
ocean with the <b> marine pack </b> Designed to be water resistant to a maximum
depth of 132 feet, it helps keep your digital camera safe from damage in a variety
of elements.'),(3191,'009004022','OCEAN WATER QUALITY MONITORING
SYSTEM','009004','2008-05-23 21:18:25','2010-10-20
16:32:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR>Water quality
monitoring system </B> continuously collecting water samples and water quality
data. Sensors measure surface water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH,
turbidity and chlorophyll a fluorescence (algal biomass).'),
(3192,'009004023','WRIST DIVE COMPUTER','009004','2008-05-23 21:18:53','2010-10-20
16:39:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<br><br><b><i> DECSRIPTION <BR>Wrist Dive Computer
</b>monitors depth & bottom time, tracking the duration of a dive, calculating
nitrogen absorption or measuring air supply, divers must be able to easily and
quickly read their guages. This instruments can process dive information
accurately and precisely, displaying it on an easy-to-read, high-resolution screen
so thet divers can dive with confidence.\r\n'),(3193,'009002028','SPILL BASINS
(STOK)','009002','2008-05-23 22:18:17','2019-02-12
09:38:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION <BR>Spill Basins </B>
are ideal to contain drums, cans, and small equipment and to collect small leaks
and spills under vehicles'),(3194,'009002029','SPILL DECKS AND PALLETS
(STOK)','009002','2008-05-23 22:19:06','2019-02-12
09:38:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR></B>For storing your
chemical drums. Both drum<B> pallets </B>are designed so that hazardous spills can
be safely contained in pallet basin - not on your floors or in the soil. '),
(3199,'014008008','MESIN MENANAM','014008','2008-05-23 22:24:48','2009-02-05
15:40:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Menaman adalah jentera yang digunakan untuk
menaman benih-benih dan anak pokok seperti padi, jagung
dll\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br></b>\r\nPlanting Machine'),
(3200,'012001005','PADDLE WHEEL SYSTEM','012001','2008-05-23 22:26:32','2009-02-06
09:25:11','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sistem Kayohan Beroda\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nPaddle Wheel System'),(3201,'012002017','AERATOR/FUMIGATOR
PUMP','012002','2008-05-23 22:27:16','2015-09-30
17:22:27','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pam Alat Pengudaraan (Mesin Pewasapan) yang
digunakan untuk mengeluarkan asap atau racun menghalau serangga
dll\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\nAerator Pump </b> The Hydor Ario Turbo Air
pump sets new standards for air pumps. Unlike most air pumps the Ario series of
pumps is placed in the tank and draws air in though a hose. '),
(3202,'012002018','DIFFUSERS','012002','2008-05-23 22:27:48','2009-02-06
12:14:50','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nDiffusers'),
(3203,'012002019','TANGKI SIMPANAN','012002','2008-05-23 22:28:18','2010-03-31
13:57:13','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tangki simpanan termasuklah tangki simpanan air,
atau lain-lain cecair. Biasanya dilengkapi dengan pump dan sistem
paip.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\nTank</b> including Water Tank or any liquid
tank. Complete with pump out system and piping.'),(3204,'012001006','PROPELLER
AERATOR','012001','2008-05-23 22:29:00','2009-02-06
09:28:35','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Pengudaraan
Kipas\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nPropeller Aerator'),
(3205,'012002020','FISH FEEDER (STOK)','012002','2008-05-23 22:29:40','2019-02-12
13:00:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat pemberi makanan ikan automatik bersaiz kecil
untuk aquarium.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\nAutomatic Fish Feeder'),
(3206,'002008001','ALAT HAWA FAN COIL (ASET TAK ALIH)','002008','2008-05-27
14:53:45','2017-11-23 09:32:45','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Unit Gegelung Kipas
(Penyaman Udara) hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai ASET TAK ALIH\n<br><br><i><b>
DESCRIPTION <br>A fan coil unit (FCU)</b> is a simple device consisting of a
heating or cooling coil and fan. It is part of an HVAC system found in residential,
commercial, and industrial buildings. Since it does not have any ductwork, a fan
coil unit is used to control the temperature only in the space where it is
installed. It is controlled either by a manual on/off switch or by
thermostat.</i>\n'),(3207,'002008002','ALAT HAWA DINGIN UNIT BERASINGAN (ASET TAK
ALIH)','002008','2008-05-27 14:54:07','2017-11-23
09:32:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Hawa Dingin Unit Berasingan(Penyaman Udara)
adalah alat mengawal suhu udara dengan radas tertentu yang boleh membersih,
melembap dan menyaman udara termasuk jenis dinding, siling dan multi-split
hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai ASET TAK ALIH\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nSplit
Unit Air Conditioning System, including ceiling unit, wall mounted and multi-
split'),(3208,'002008003','ALAT HAWA DINGIN TINGKAP (ASET TAK
ALIH)','002008','2008-05-27 14:54:24','2017-11-23
09:33:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Hawa Dingin Tingkap (Penyaman Udara Tingkap)
hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai ASET TAK ALIH\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nWindows
Unit'),(3209,'002008004','ALAT HAWA DINGIN MUDAH ALIH','002008','2008-05-27
14:54:48','2011-10-19 09:25:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan Hawa Dingin Mudah
Alih (Penyaman Udara Mudah Alih) yang digunakan untuk membekalkan penyejukan
(cooling) kepada pelbagai persekitaran seperti dalam bilik bacaan, bilik ICT, stor
data ICT dll\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nPortable Air Conditioning Unit'),
(3210,'002008005','ALAT HAWA DINGIN AIR CURTAIN (ASET TAK ALIH)','002008','2008-05-
27 14:56:02','2017-11-23 09:33:41','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat hawa dingin
(Penyaman Udara) air curtain juga dikenali sebagai alat hawa dingin langsir udara
henddaklah didaftarkan sebagai ASET TAK ALIH.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nAn
air curtain or air door</b> is a device used for separating two spaces from each
other, usually at the exterior entrance. The most common configuration for air
curtains is a downward-facing blower fan mounted over an opening. Normally this
opening is an entrance to a building, and the air curtain is intended to help keep
flying insects out by creating forceful turbulence. It also helps keep outside air
out, avoiding cold drafts by mixing-in warm air from the air curtain. The fan must
be powerful enough to generate a jet of air that can reach the floor.'),
(3211,'002008006','ALAT PENYEJUK UDARA/MEMBERSIH UDARA','002008','2008-05-27
14:57:39','2011-08-15 16:00:04','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Penyejuk Udara adalah
alat yang menyejukan dan penyaman udara melalui penyejukan air serta digunakan
untuk membersih udara dan menyegarkan udara di
bilik/dewan.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nAir Cooler Unit are devices that
cool air through the simple evaporation of water.'),(3212,'002002006','KIPAS ANGIN
TETAP','002002','2008-05-27 14:58:57','2016-08-30
11:42:05','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Kipas Angin Tetap</b> ialah sejenis kipas yang
direka bentuk supaya boleh diletakkan di dinding untuk memutar udara bertujuan
untuk menghasilkan udara sejuk atau mengasingkan udara. Biasa digunakan di dalam
rumah atau pejabat atau industri.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Table or Desk
Fan'),(3213,'002002007','KIPAS ANGIN KOTAK','002002','2008-05-27 14:59:12','2016-
09-08 16:03:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Kipas Angin Kotak</b> ialah sejenis kipas
yang berbentuk kotak untuk memutar udara bertujuan menghasilkan udara sejuk atau
mengasingkan udara. Biasa digunakan di dalam rumah atau pejabat. Ianya terdapat
dalam pelbagai jenis seperti Kipas Angin Kotak, Kipas Angin Tower
dll\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Box Fan'),(3214,'002002008','KIPAS ANGIN KABUS
(MIST FAN)','002002','2008-05-27 14:59:50','2008-10-29
17:18:53','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kipas Angin Kabus\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Mist Fan </b> are devices that cool air through the simple evaporation of
water. '),(3215,'002002009','TROLI BARANG','002002','2008-05-27 15:00:30','2016-07-
29 09:39:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Troli barang adalah troli yang digunakan untuk
membawa barang-barang terutama di stor termasuk troli yang digunakan di pasaraya,
lapangan terbang seperti Troli Beroda, Troli Bertingkat, Cylinder Gas Trolley dan
lain-lain.\n\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Trolley</b> for carrying goods,
including cargotrolley, supermarket troley, airport trolley '),
(3216,'003005009','TROLI HIDANG/DISPLAY/MAKANAN/BARANGAN DAPUR','003005','2008-05-
27 15:01:03','2016-06-08 10:56:53','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan
untuk menyusun, mempamer, membekal, menghantar makanan kepada sesuatu majlis
keraian. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenis dan jenama seperti Troli Hidang, Troli
Makanan, Carving Board, Troli Barang with Halogen Lamp
dll\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nServing Trolley'),(3217,'002002010','TROLI
BANGUET','002002','2008-05-27 15:01:47','2008-10-29
17:20:59','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Troli banguet adalah sebuah troli yang digunakan
untuk membawa perabut banguet seperti meja, kerusi
dll\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>BanquetTrolley</B></i>is a trolley for carring
banquet furniture such as table, chair etc.'),(3218,'014002001','PENYAMAN UDARA
PACKAGE (ASET TAK ALIH)','014002','2008-05-27 20:33:48','2017-11-23
11:05:51','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>'),
(3219,'014002002','PENYAMAN UDARA PUSAT (ASET TAK ALIH)','014002','2008-05-27
20:34:25','2017-11-23 11:06:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>'),(3220,'014002003','CHILLER','014002','2008-05-27 20:35:11','2009-01-22
10:34:26','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>'),
(3221,'014002004',' DRAIN WATER PUMP (ASET TAK ALIH)','014002','2008-05-27
20:35:40','2017-11-23 11:06:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>'),(3222,'014002005','COOLING TOWER (ASET TAK ALIH)','014002','2008-05-27
20:36:00','2017-11-23 11:06:31','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>'),(3223,'014002006','HEAT EXCHANGER','014002','2008-05-27 20:36:21','2009-01-
22 10:36:08','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\n'),
(3227,'014001004','GENERATOR KUASA TUNGGU SEDIA','014001','2008-05-27
20:43:13','2009-02-18 10:38:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Generator kuasa tunggu
sedia. Dijalankan oleh kuasa minyak (petrol/disel)Beroperasi secara Automatic
apabila kusa elektrik terputus.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Standby
generator</b>, operates automatically during power failure.'),
(3228,'014001005','SWITCH GEAR (ASET TAK ALIH)','014001','2008-05-27
20:43:35','2017-11-23 11:07:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Gear
Suis\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\nSwitch Gear </b>- The term switchgear, used
in association with the electric power system, or grid, refers to the combination
of electrical disconnects, fuses and/or circuit breakers used to isolate electrical
equipment. Switchgear is used both to de-energize equipment to allow work to be
done and to clear faults downstream'),(3229,'014001006','TRANSFORMER (ASET TAK
ALIH)','014001','2008-05-27 20:44:01','2017-11-23
11:07:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>'),
(3230,'014001007','CIRCUIT BREAKER (ASET TAK ALIH)','014001','2008-05-27
20:44:44','2017-11-23 11:08:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Circuit Breaker </b>can distribute energy of electricity and infrequent making
circuit \nin normal conditions. They are \nprovided with the function of protecting
against overload and short \ncircuit and under - voltage, The Moulded Case Circuit
Breaker (MCCB ) complies with standard of IEC947 - 2.'),
(3231,'014001008','DISTRIBUTION BOARD (ASET TAK ALIH)','014001','2008-05-27
20:45:04','2017-11-23 11:08:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>'),(3232,'014005002','LOJI RAWATAN AIR','014005','2008-05-27 20:46:55','2011-
09-08 10:20:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sistem Pengolahan Effluen/Rawatan Air yang
digunakan bagi proses biologikal atau merupakan satu sistem rawatan sisa air
buangan \r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>'),(3233,'014007002','PEMAMPAT UDARA
BERPUSAT','014007','2008-05-27 20:52:26','2009-02-10
14:30:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3234,'014005003','HOUSE WATER
PUMP','014005','2008-05-27 20:55:04','2011-09-08
10:25:16','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Merupakan rumah/mesin sistem mengenyedut/mengambil
bahan cecair dalam pelbagai bentuk \r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>'),
(3235,'014009001','FIRE RESCUE TENDER (FRT)','014009','2008-05-27 21:04:50','2009-
07-21 17:04:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3236,'014009002','RAPID FIRE RESCUE
TENDER (RFRT)','014009','2008-05-27 21:05:01','2009-07-21
17:06:17','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3237,'014009003','SKY LIFT
LADDER','014009','2008-05-27 21:05:55','2009-07-21
17:08:37','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR> Sky Lift ladder
including Turn Table Ladder.'),(3238,'014009004','WATER TANKER','014009','2008-05-
27 21:06:17',NULL,'MOF','160101',1,NULL,NULL),(3239,'014009005','LIGHT FIRE RESCUE
TENDER (LFRT)','014009','2008-05-27 21:06:40','2009-07-21
MACHINE','008001','2008-05-27 21:10:24','2009-01-16
10:40:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<I><B>DESCRIPTIONS</i></b><br>Turning is the
machining operation that produces cylindrical parts. In its basic form, it can be
defined as the machining of an external surface: \r\nwith the workpiece
rotating, \r\nwith a single-point cutting tool. \r\nTaper turning is practically
the same, except that the cutter path is at an angle to the work axis. <br>In
contour turning, the distance of the cutter from the work axis is varied to produce
the desired shape. \r\n<br>\r\nThe three primary factors in any basic turning
operation are speed, feed, and depth of cut. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n'),
(3242,'004014048','CURING MACHINE','004014','2008-05-27 21:12:23','2009-03-31
10:45:54','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Adalah sejenis mesin yang mengintegrasikan
teknologi cahaya dan pnumatik. Mesin ini boleh membuat UV varnis secara
keseluruhan atau pun tompok keatas kertas atau lapisan tebal atau nipis dengan
kelajuan 6000 keping sejam. <br><br><i><b> DESCRIPTION <BR> Curing Machine </b> is
a kind of high and new tech product integrating light machinery and electric
peneumatic. This machine can do full
and spot uv varnish on thick & thin paper at the speed of 6000 sheets per hour.
<BR>Conventional varnish or water based varnish can also be done on this machine.
This machine includes all technological solutions for easier and to increase
productivity. compact and solid machine built on a strong C.I. frame. It is
reliable at any working speed. This machine is equipped with high grade hardened
grounded gears for its smooth operation for years.\r\n'),(3243,'005006006','MESIN
JAWAB AUTOMATIK','005006','2008-05-27 23:01:15','2008-11-21
11:28:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Jawab Automatik ; Mesin Jawab Panggilan
adalah mesin yang menjawab dan merakam pesanan
telefon.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nAutomatic Answering Machine</b> also
known as an answerphone, ansaphone or ansafone (especially in UK and British
commonwealth countries) or telephone answering device (TAD). This device would be
attached to a telephone and could be set to record a voice message from a
caller.'),(3244,'005001006','KEYPHONES (ASET TAK ALIH)','005001','2008-05-27
23:01:48','2017-11-23 10:23:46','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Keyphone adalah talipon yang
mempunyai butang tambahan bagi membolehkan menerima panggilan tambahan dan juga
boleh menyambungkan ke nombor sambungan lain.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION
<br>\nKeyphone</b> Commonly used by a company within its private automatic branch
exchange (PABX) telephone system, a keyphone (abbreviated as K/P, sometimes called
a key station) is a telephone with the extra buttons and the intelligence to allow
incoming calls to be transferred to other extensions. Extra lights, either on the
phone console or in the handset, indicate the status of lines and extensions; extra
keys facilitate connections between extensions and external lines. analog, digital,
and Internet-enabled versions of keyphones are available. </i>'),
(3245,'016005013','REPLIKA PERHIASAN','016005','2008-05-28 21:49:10','2019-02-12
21:18:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Segala bentuk replika yang dijadikan sebagai
hiasan contoh replika kapal terbang, reeplika kapal
layar\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nDecor Model'),(3246,'014004004','LOJI SISA
RADIOAKTIF','014004','2008-05-29 17:18:21','2009-01-22
10:41:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>'),
(3248,'008002035','CAPACITANCE BOX','008002','2008-06-06 17:53:47','2019-02-13
09:23:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'portable decade capacitance box, housed in a
robust metal case and designed for industrial, laboratory and education
requirements.\n\nThe unit incorporates a colour coding system which divides the
setting into three groups , microFarad = Red, nanoFarad = White, picoFarad=
Yellow.\n\n\n'),(3249,'008002036','POWER LINE MONITOR/ANALYSER','008002','2008-06-
06 17:56:47','2009-04-20 16:32:49','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Line Monitor provides
three independent measurement channels monitoring up to three voltage inputs whose
RMS values may range from 60 to 600 V. It detects and classifies three types of
line disturbances: Impulse, Sag/Surge and Slow Avarage. All three input channels
are processed simultaneously and independently. Real time clock with battery backup
records exact time of of the event. Automatically prints the disturbance
information on built in printer.\r\n'),(3250,'008002037','FUNCTION /SIGNAL
GENERATOR','008002','2008-06-06 17:57:52','2009-01-19
16:51:09','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>A function /signal
generator, also known as a test signal generator, tone generator, arbitrary
waveform generator, digital pattern generator or frequency generator is an
electronic device that generates repeating or non-repeating electronic signals (in
either the analog or digital domains)or single-shot in which case some kind of
triggering source is required (internal or external). They are generally used in
designing, testing, troubleshooting, and repairing electronic.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n'),
(3251,'008002038','PULSE GENERATOR','008002','2008-06-06 17:58:53','2008-10-28
10:16:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>Pulse generators can
either be internal circuits or pieces of electronic test equipment used to generate
pulses.\n\nSimple pulse generators usually allow control of the pulse repetition
rate (frequency), pulse width, delay with respect to an internal or external
trigger and the high- and low-voltage levels of the pulses. More-sophisticated
pulse generators may allow control over the rise time and fall time of the pulses.
Pulse generators may use digital techniques, analog techniques, or a combination of
both techniques to form the output pulses.\n'),
(3252,'008002039','OSCILLOSCOPE','008002','2008-06-06 17:59:45','2008-08-12
12:20:18','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b><i>Description</b><br>An oscilloscope (commonly
abbreviated to scope ) is a type of electronic test equipment that allows signal
voltages to be viewed, usually as a two-dimensional graph of one or more electrical
potential differences (vertical axis) plotted as a function of time or of some
other voltage (horizontal axis). The oscilloscope is one of the most versatile and
widely-used electronic instruments.<br>\r\n\r\nOscilloscopes are widely use when it
is desired to observe the exact wave shape of an electrical signal. In addition to
the amplitude of the signal, an oscilloscope can measure the frequency, show
distortion, and show the relative timing of two related signals.\r\n'),
(3253,'008001029','UV CURING MACHINE','008001','2008-06-10 18:52:28','2008-10-20
11:49:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Used for curing or drying paper coated by UV oil
or UV ink\r\nCan be matched with all kinds of screen printing machine, offset
printer, UV coating machine\r\nCan be subject to the detailed specifications
ordered by customers.'),(3254,'008005032','PLASTIC PIPE SHEARS
(STOK)','008005','2008-06-10 19:03:30','2011-08-18
11:16:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat memotong pipe plastik, pvc dan
sebagainya.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <BR>Plastic pipe shears.'),
(3255,'008002040','SMOKE / FUME ABSORBER','008002','2008-06-10 19:07:37','2009-04-
27 17:41:29','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b><i>Description</b><br>Removes flux fumes
from soldering workbench.\r\nGreat for workspaces using more active fluxes used
with lead-free solder.\r\nFumes are absorbed by the replaceable carbon-activated
filter.\r\nIncludes two replacement filters.\r\nStand allows the smoke absorber to
be adjusted to varying angles.\r\nFan is quiet and will not add significant noise
to the workspace.</i>\r\n'),(3256,'008003014','PRY BARS (STOK)','008003','2008-06-
11 17:22:27','2012-07-09
14:22:55','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>A straight bar of
iron or steel, with the working end shaped like a chisel and often slightly bent
and forked, used as a lever.'),(3257,'007004017','RADIATION
SHIELDING','007004','2008-06-11 17:52:26','2008-12-01
(3259,'008003015','PIPE THREADING MACHINE','008003','2008-06-17 17:19:22','2008-11-
03 11:22:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3260,'008004008','PALLET
TRUCK','008004','2008-06-17 17:33:10','2008-11-10
15:47:29','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'A pallet jack, also known as a pallet truck or
pump truck, is a tool used to lift and move pallets.\n\nThe front wheels are
mounted inside the end of the forks, and as the hydraulic jack is raised, the forks
are separated vertically from the front wheels, forcing the load upward until it
clears the floor. The pallet is only lifted enough to clear the floor for
subsequent travel.'),(3261,'008004009','JACK/JACK STAND','008004','2008-06-17
17:33:28','2016-10-12 10:47:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan/Hydraulic Jack
yang digunakan untuk menahan, mengangkat, semasa proses membaikpulih kenderaan.
Ianya terdapat dalam pelabagai jenis seperti TELESCOPIC TRASMISSION JACK
dll\n<br><br> A jack is mechanical device used to lift heavy loads or apply great
forces. Jacks employ a screw thread or hydraulic cylinder to apply very high linear
forces.\n\nThe most common form is a car jack, floor jack or garage jack which
lifts vehicles so that maintenance can be performed.'),(3262,'008005033','PENEMBAK
GRIS (STOK)','008005','2008-06-17 17:37:01','2012-07-09
12:24:13','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Grease Gun'),(3263,'008005034','PULLER SET
(STOK)','008005','2008-06-17 17:48:51','2012-07-09
12:24:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3264,'010008016','BEKAS MANDI
MAYAT','010008','2008-06-17 19:20:17','2009-01-13
(3265,'010008017','KERANDA','010008','2008-06-17 19:21:06','2009-01-13
(3266,'016006011','AIR PANCUT/ FOUNTAIN','016006','2008-06-17 19:22:14','2019-02-12
21:38:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Air Pancut; Air Pancutan yang mudah
TANKI (TANKER)','013004','2008-06-18 18:39:52','2009-01-22
10:24:01','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lori Tanki adalah lori dibina bagi membawa
cecairan seperti minyak, air, Lpg, Latek dan lain-
lain.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Tanker</b> is a truk for transporting liquid
such as petroleum, oil, water, latex etc.'),(3270,'002002011','PEMBERSIH
HAMPAGAS/VACUUM','002002','2008-06-18 19:34:23','2014-02-11
09:17:31','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Pembersih Hampagas (Basah dan Kering)(juga
dikenali sebagai pembersih vakum) merupakan satu alat yang pam untuk menyeduk habuk
dan debu. Kini terdapat pembersih hampagas yang digunakan untuk menyeduk air dan
pelbagai kegunaan lain seperti Vacuum Cleaner, Vacuum Wax, dll.
<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>A vacuum cleaner (wet and dry)</b> is a device that
uses an air pump to create a partial vacuum to suck up dust and dirt and now
commonly used for water, usually from floors. The dirt is collected by a filtering
system or a cyclone for later disposal.</i>\n\n'),(3271,'008002041','INSULATION
TESTER','008002','2008-06-19 16:35:06','2009-04-27
17:26:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Insulation Tester </b> up to 12000V, resistance up
to 35T-Ohm - High Voltage insulation tester -Rubber-plastic enclosed body houses a
low power CMOS A/D IC. Features include auto-checking to zero, auto polarity
display , HOLD function, AC 750V testing and more. Powered by 6 \"AA\" batteries
(included with your meter).Includes heavy duty, high impact black plastic carrying
case, test leads, manual and the aforementioned 6 \"AA\" alkaline batteries.'),
(3272,'013007003','TRELER','013007','2008-06-19 16:54:16','2013-01-03
10:06:59','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Treler</b> adalah kenderaan (gerabak, pedati
dll) yang ditarik oleh kenderaan lain. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama dan jenis
seperti Boat Carrier, Gerabak Tangki Air/Minyak, Gerabak Bucket dll;
\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Trailer</b> is a vehicle that is towed by another
vehicle, e.g. a small open cart or a platform used for transporting a boat\n'),
(3273,'013004011','TIPPING TRUCK','013004','2008-06-19 16:55:47','2009-02-05
16:32:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tipping Truck adalah atau lori yang direka untuk
membawa barang pukal seperti tanah, pasir dan batu. Bahagian barang truk ini boleh
dinaikkan bagi memudahkan memuggah barang.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>A
Tipping Truck</b> is a vehicle designed for carrying bulk material, often on
building sites. \r\n'),(3274,'008005035','IMPACT WRENCH','008005','2008-06-19
16:56:53','2011-08-18 11:15:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan ini digunakan
untuk kerja-kerja memutarkan skrew iaitu membuka atau mengetatkan'),
(3275,'013004012','TRAK PENUNDA (TOW TRUCK)','013004','2008-06-19 16:58:57','2009-
01-22 10:22:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b>Tow Truck; Trak Tunda;</b> Kenderaan
Kembalik adalah trak yang digunakanuntuk menarik / menghela / menyeret / menunda
kenderaan.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Tow Truck </b> ia a vehicle use for
towing vehicle and machine.'),(3276,'013006003','KAPAL TERBANG','013006','2008-06-
19 17:00:07','2009-02-16 16:50:01','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kapal Terbang, Pesawat
adalah kenderaan jentera yang boleh terbang, termasuk pesawat tentera dan jet
pejuang.\r\n<br><br>Air Flight; Aeroplane; airplane - flying vehicle that is
heavier than air, that has wing, and has at least one engine.Including fighter
plane and jet '),(3277,'008005036','WIRE ROPE CUTTER','008005','2008-06-19
17:44:45','2009-02-18 11:50:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Wire Rope Cutter adalah
pemotong tali wire, berkemampuan memotong wire besi, mudahalih. Mempunyai mata
pemotong dibuat daripada besi titanium.<br><br><b><i>Description</b><br>Wire Rope
Cutter portable,cuts steel core wire rope to specification IWRC 6 x Fi(29)\r\nBlade
construction: high-speed steel with titanium coating'),(3278,'008005037','ELECTRIC
HAND DRILL','008005','2008-06-19 17:50:36','2015-09-22
16:50:53','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Gerudi Tangan termasuklah yang beroperasi
menggunakan kuasa elektrik atau udara mampat. Ianya dibekalkan bersekali Hand Drill
Bone Battery Charger/ Bateri Charge.\n\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR> Hand Drill
</b>including electric hand drill and operated by compress air.'),
(3279,'004013037','DIGITAL THERMOMETER ','004013','2008-06-19 17:55:44','2019-02-13
17:25:44','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Thermometer atau jangka suhu, digital, recording,
logger atau infrared tidak termasuk jangkasuhu kaca. Digunakan untuk mengukur suhu
bilik, suhu persekitaran, bahan dan sebagainya. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama
dan jenis seperti Thermal Environment Moniter, dll<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Thermometer</b>, digital, analog, recording, logger or infrared excluding glass
thermometer. Thermometers measure temperature, by using materials that change in
some way when they are heated or cooled. In a mercury or alcohol thermometer the
liquid expands as it is heated and contracts when it is cooled, so the length of
the liquid column is longer or shorter depending on the temperature. Modern
thermometers are calibrated in standard temperature units such as Fahrenheit or
Celsius.\n\n'),(3280,'002003029','LASER POINTER (STOK)','002003','2008-06-19
18:35:01','2010-12-28 15:32:12','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Penunjuk Laser adalah alat
yang mengeluarkan laser cahaya nampak berkuasa rendah yang digunakan sebagai alat
penunjuk pada skrin paparan.\r\n<BR><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br> A laser pointer</b>
is a portable, pen-sized laser designed to be held in the hand, and most commonly
used to project a point of light to highlight items of interest during a
presentation. Most laser pointers have low enough power that the projected beam
presents a minimal hazard to eyes for incidental </i>'),(3281,'008003016','TOTAL
STATION (UKUR TANAH)','008003','2008-06-19 18:51:34','2008-11-03
12:53:30','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>A Total Station is an
optical instrument used in modern surveying and archaeology as well as by police,
crime scene investigators. It is a combination of an electronic theodolite
(transit), Electronic distance meter (EDM) and software running on an external
computer known as a data collector.<br>\nIt may determine angles and distances from
the instrument to points to be surveyed. The angles and distances may be used to
calculate the coordinates of actual positions (X, Y, and Z or northing, easting and
elevation) of surveyed points, or the position of the instrument from known points,
in absolute terms.'),(3282,'008003017','THEODOLITES ','008003','2008-06-19
12:54:55','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br> Theodolites is an
instrument for measuring both horizontal and vertical angles, as used in
triangulation networks. It is a key tool in surveying and engineering work,
particularly on inaccessible grounds, but theodolites have been adapted for other
specialized purposes in fields like meteorology.\nA modern theodolite consists of a
movable telescope mounted within two perpendicular axes, the horizontal or trunnion
axis, and the vertical axis.'),(3283,'008003018','AUTOMATIC LEVELS','008003','2008-
06-19 18:52:39','2008-11-04
12:24:36','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>An Automatic Level is
a Professional Leveling Tool used by Contractors, Builders, Land Surveying
Professionals, or the Engineer who demands accurate leveling every time. AutoLevels
set up fast, are easy to use, some Auto Levels come in kits that include the grade
rod and tripod. Auto-Levels are great for Fence Builders, Foundation Installers,
Deck Builders, Landscaping Pros, Swimming Pool Builders, Home Builders, Roadwork
Jobs, Excavations and More. Auto-Levels require that you level the instrument by
hand, but you\'re only required to get the bubble within the black circle on the
bubble vial, from there the Auto-Levels\'compensator takes over and precisely
levels itself. '),(3284,'008003019','ROTATING LASER','008003','2008-06-19
12:48:40','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>Rotating lasers are
designed to do leveling, vertical alignment, plumbing and squaring.\nRotating Laser
delivers pinpoint accuracy for all leveling and aligning applications.\nProjects
continuous, 360 degree rotating beam; Projects laser in horizontal plane with
plumb-up beam or in vertical plane with horizontal beam; equipped with high-
performance tilt sensors and servo motors that provide accurate leveling in both
horizontal and vertical directions.'),(3285,'008003020','PIPE
LASER','008003','2008-06-19 18:53:10','2008-11-04
13:15:52','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>Pipe Laser used to
determine the position, direction and gradient.The beam is green laser is several
times brighter then red laser and its visibility is drastically higher. Laser beams
can be irradiated in three directions - horizontal, up and down. Laser beam
blinking mode is provided for easy finding of laser beam.'),
(3286,'008003021','MEASURING POLE','008003','2008-06-19 18:53:27','2008-11-04
13:23:27','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>This Measuring Pole
is great when you want to measure from the ground up to the underside of something
tall. Exact measurements of up to 26 feet (or 8 meters) are conveniently read on
the enclosed sealed counter. The counter is mounted to the bottom tier so it
remains down closer to you so you can read the measurements. The top tier has a
metal flip-out feeler or stop that you can put up against what you are measuring
to. This tool is great for measuring underneath bridges, overhangs, utility lines,
telephone poles, ceilings, and more. '),(3287,'015003007','ALMARI
BERTINGKAT/LOKER','015003','2008-06-19 19:02:57','2014-02-11
10:01:39','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Almari Loker Bertingkat adalah almari atau
kompartmen atau Cabinet Bertingkat yang dapat ditutup dengan kunci, biasanya untuk
menyimpan barang-barang milik peribadi.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Locker</b>
is a small cupboard for keeping personal thing in.'),(3288,'002012009','TONG SAMPAH
GUNA SAMA','002012','2008-06-19 19:08:31','2018-11-19
15:36:55','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tong Sampah yang berkapisiti besar seperti
Stainless Steel Bin, Tong Sampah Kitar Semula, Metal Bin 1500L
dll\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Waste Bin; Dustbin'),(3289,'002012010','ASHTRAY
BIN GUNASAMA','002012','2008-06-19 19:08:47','2010-12-28
16:09:02','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bekas Habuk Rokok yang berkapisiti besar yang
diletakan di ruang-ruang yang
ditentukan\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nAshtray Bin'),
(3290,'015002019','KERUSI BERANGKAI/TANDEM/THEATRE CHAIR','015002','2008-06-19
19:22:49','2013-12-26 11:38:23','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kerusi Berangkai adalah
kerusi pelawat yang dibuat secara berangkai dua, tiga dan empat. Banyak digunakan
di hospital, stesyen bus, dewan taklimat, dan sebagainya.\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION
<br> \nTandem Chairs </b>are visitor chair, available
in sets of two, three and four. Such two seater tandem chairs and three seater
tandem chairs are generally used in hospitals, metro stations, parks etc. They are
available in different designs and colors. They are quite comfortable and are found
even without foams as plain chairs.\n'),(3291,'015006009','TRAY FAIL
(STOK)','015006','2008-06-19 19:28:12','2011-09-08
09:10:21','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Tray Fail; Bekas Fail dalam pelbagai jenis yang
direkodkan dalam pengurusan Stor\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nFile Tray'),
(3292,'016001006','BINGKAI /FRAME (STOK)','016001','2008-06-19 19:32:49','2011-01-
25 09:16:01','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bingkai adalah tepi sesuatu benda yg dibuat
drpd kayu, besi, rotan dll yg dibuat di keliling sesuatu benda (gambar dll) supaya
kuat.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nFrame </b>- to put a border round with
wood, steel other to strenghtern.'),(3293,'003005010','WATER
DISPENCER','003005','2008-06-19 19:43:21','2015-09-02
09:58:49','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peralatan menyimpan air dalam pelbagai guna
seperti Dispenser Air, Hydrocoliator dll\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nWater
Dispencer; water cooler'),(3294,'003005011','SETERIKA','003005','2008-06-19
19:50:06','2016-04-07 13:06:05','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Seterika; Sterika Wap;
Sterika/Iron Elektric yang digunakan untuk kerja-kerja domestik/asrama/hostel.
Pembekalan seterika kebiasaannya bersekali dengan Papan Seterika,Iron Elektrik,
Tacking Iron dll\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nIron; Cloth Iron; Steam Iron;
Electrical Iron'),(3295,'008002042','AIR BLOWER / DRYER','008002','2008-06-19
19:55:45','2011-10-10 14:41:14','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'<b><i>Description\r\n<br>
Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk mengering yang terdiri dalam pelbagai fungsi
seperti Pengering Air, Pengering Kertas, Lantai dll\r\n</b><br>Air Blowers/ Dryer,
including portable hand dryer and floor dryer. Hand dryer have a small motor and
heater. Air Blower have 1 HP High Efficiency motor,They are built with state of the
art construction,with safety screens and reverse air blocking louvers which are
built in to insure long life. Handles are designed for easy carrying and units are
shaped like a Pyramid for stability and stackable for space efficiency.'),
(3296,'006005005','LAMPU SOROT MUDAH ALIH','006005','2008-06-19 20:05:28','2008-12-
02 10:14:27','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lampu Sorot Mudah
Alih\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nPortable Gleam Light.'),
(3297,'012001007','GRANULATOR','012001','2008-06-19 22:56:14','2009-04-02
13:25:57','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin yang boleh memproses adunan menjadi butiran
seperti palet, makan binatang, baja dan sebagainya.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nGranulator, pelletizer.'),(3298,'014010016','JENGKAUT DRAGLINE
','014010','2008-06-19 23:19:40','2009-02-05
Dragline\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nDragline Loader'),
(3299,'014010017','JENGKAUT HIDROLIK','014010','2008-06-19 23:21:37','2009-02-05
Hidrolik\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nHydraulic Loader'),
(3300,'015001026','MEJA PERPUSTAKAAN /CARREL','015001','2008-06-20 00:27:31','2011-
01-25 09:14:06','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Meja Perpustakaan (Karel) adalah sebuah meja
yang separa tertutup di pepustakaan untuk tujuan membaca atau
belajar.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nCarrel</b> is a partially partitioned
nook in or near the stacks in a library, used for private study.'),
(3301,'002004010','RAK PAMERAN','002004','2008-06-20 00:31:43','2014-03-28
16:15:31','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Rak Pameran atau Set Pameran atau Pentas Pameran
yang digunakan pelbagai aktiviti agensi yang terdir dari pelbagai jenis seperti
Elit Smart Frame, Set Rak Interaktif, Pentas Boneka
dll\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nDisplay Rack'),(3302,'002005011','DOCUMENT
FEEDER','002005','2008-06-20 00:38:30','2010-08-16
16:28:19','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Peyuap Kertas; Penyuap Kertas Dedua adalah alat
yang mempunyai dua bekas untuk menyimpan kertas dan memasukkan kertas tersebut ke
dalam mesin cetak.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nDocument Feeder; Dual Sheet
Feeder; Paper Feeder </b> an automatic document feeder or ADF is a feature which
takes several pages and feeds the paper one page at a time into a scanner or
copier[1], allowing the user to scan, and thereby copy, print, or fax, multiple-
page documents without having to manually replace each page.'),
(3303,'008001025','KIPAS ANGIN INDUSTRI','008001','2008-06-20 17:28:17','2009-02-05
14:52:32','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Kipas AnginIndustri\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<b>\r\nIndustrial Fan'),(3304,'002002012','MESIN STAPLER TUGAS
BERAT','002002','2008-06-20 17:34:11','2017-07-28
15:56:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Stapler Tugas Berat adalah alat untuk
mencantum kepingan kertas yang besar dan biasanya digunakan untuk kerja penjilidan
bagi kegunaan bersama. Contoh STEPLER MACHINE, dll\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Heavy Duty Stapler</b> is a big and high capacity stapler used in
bookbinding.'),(3305,'012001008','CAPSULE FILLER','012001','2008-06-20
17:39:06','2009-02-06 09:33:34','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat Pengisi
Kapsul\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nCapsule Filler'),
(3306,'002002013','ALAT MENGHITUNG (COUNTING DEVICE)','002002','2008-06-20
17:39:10','2009-06-01 11:06:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat menghitung meliputi
alat Menghitung orang, binatang ternakan dan lain-
lain.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Counting Device</b>is a device use for
counting animals, people and others '),(3307,'004013038','OXYGEN
METER','004013','2008-06-20 17:48:09','2019-02-13
20:47:42','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Alat untuk mengukur oksigen dalam air dalam kerja
penyelidikan, akuakultur dan marin. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Oxygen meters
</B> are the most essential meter for critical oxygen measurements for research,
aquaculture and mariculture operations'),(3308,'002001015','MESIN
PERFERATOR','002001','2008-06-20 17:54:11','2014-09-12
17:22:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Mesin Preferator; Mesin Penebuk angka, nama, atau
apa-apa berbentuk huruf pada sesuatu kertas, peta, kad dan
sebagainya\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPITON <BR>A Perforator Machine; Letering Syatem
Machine</b> is a machine for perforating thin materials such as paper, card and
sometimes even plastic and metal.</i>\n\n'),(3309,'002009005','PAPAN
HITAM','002009','2008-06-20 18:09:08','2008-10-30
16:34:03','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Papan Hitam adalah alat biasanya daripada papan
lapis atau fabrik yang permukaannya hitam atau hijau, dan digunakan sebagai tempat
menulis di dalam bilik darjah. Peralatan menulis menggunakan kapur. Juga dikenali
sebagai papan hijau.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Blackboard; Chalk board;
Green Board'),(3310,'002002014','LAMPU MEJA','002002','2008-06-20 18:13:38','2008-
10-29 17:23:56','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Lampu Meja adalah lampu kecil yang digunakan
untuk bacaan; lampu bacaan\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>Table or Desk Lamp;
Reading Lamp'),(3311,'002001016','TRANSPARENCY MAKER','002001','2008-06-20
18:15:55','2008-10-30 11:00:47','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\nMesin Pembuat
Transparensi adalah mesin yang digunakan untuk membuat slide persembahan
menggunakan plastik transparensi. Ia dibentangkan menggunakan Mesin
OHP.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nTransparency Maker'),
(3313,'014010018','DRILLING RIG','014010','2008-06-20 18:52:07','2009-02-05
Pengerudi\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nDrilling Rig'),
(3314,'007002013','FIRE CONTROL PANEL (ASET TAK ALIH)','007002','2008-06-20
nal fire alarm control panel is the perfect solution for your small building fire
alarm applications. Panels also offer an array of life safety options for small to
medium sized applications. Options for using either conventional and intelligent
panels - or both - along with their intuitive front-panel programming and simple
installation make panels a favorite among life safety professionals. \n'),
(3315,'008003022','WATER TANK','008003','2008-06-23 18:17:33','2013-12-20
16:10:28','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Bekas atau tangki yang digunakan untuk menyimpan
sesuatu cecair atau larutan mengikut pelbagai kandungan yang digunakan untuk
mencuci/ menangkal kotoran/ menghilang kotoran
dll.\n<i><b>Description</i></b><br>Water tanks are liquid storage containers, these
tanks are usually storing water for human consumption. The need for water tanks is
as old as civilized man. Water tanks provide for the storage of drinking water
potable, irrigation agriculture, fire suppression, agricultural farming and
livestock, chemical manufacturing, food preparation and many other
applications.\nVarious materials are used for constructing water tanks: plastic,
polyethylene, polypropylene, fiberglass, concrete, steel (welded or bolted, carbon
or stainless). Earthen ponds designed for water storage are also often referred to
as tanks.'),(3316,'009004024','SCUBA GLOVE (STOK)','009004','2008-06-25
23:08:47','2019-02-12 11:09:45','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'Sarung tangan scuba.
<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR>Water glove for scuba </B> diving, snorkeling,
kayaking or any type of water sprots to keep your hands protected and warm.'),
(3317,'009004025','MARINE KNIFE (STOK)','009004','2008-06-25 23:09:56','2019-02-12
11:10:00','MOF','160101',1,NULL,''),(3318,'009004026','SCUBA MOUTH PIECE
(STOK)','009004','2008-06-25 23:11:38','2019-02-12
11:10:15','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</B><br>\nScuba Mouth
Piece is a standard silicone mouthpiece comes with a mini cable tie for fastening
and should fit most regulators and snorkels with separate mouth pieces. \n'),
(3320,'009004028','MARINE TORCH LIGHT','009004','2008-06-25 23:12:45','2008-12-02
torches are more than just waterproof, they are all depth rated, designed to
withstand pressure, corrosion, and ease of use whilst diving. Peli Lights have a
reputation for durability and extraordinary output which make our submersible
ran'),(3323,'004012006','CENTRIFUGAL PUMP (ASET TAK ALIH)','004012','2008-06-26
18:35:13','2017-11-23 09:55:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pam Emparan, adalah
rotodinamik pam yang menggunakan pendesak emparan untuk meningkatkan kelajuan
cecair. Biasa digunakan untuk mengalirkan cecair didalam paip. Ianya terdapat
pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti HORIZONTAL CENTRIFUGAL PUMP, dll
\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nA Centrifugal pump </b>is a rotodynamic pump that
uses a rotating impeller to increase the velocity of a fluid. Centrifugal pumps are
commonly used to move liquids through a piping system\n'),(3325,'007004018','FOOT
MONITOR','007004','2008-06-30 18:51:15','2010-09-13
11:32:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br> The
Pancake GM Foot Monitor serves as a convenient shoe contamination monitor.'),
(3326,'007004019','AIR MONITOR','007004','2008-06-30 18:51:58','2010-09-13
11:39:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br> Measure
the total number of gamma rays (high energy x rays) in the air.'),
(3327,'007004020','CONTAMINATION MONITOR','007004','2008-06-30 18:58:07','2010-09-
Monitor </b>detects contamination from radioisotopes commonly used in research
laboratories, usually GM tube detectors being use.'),(3328,'004006010','INCUBATOR
SHAKER','004006','2008-07-02 22:20:22','2019-02-13
11:01:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat inkubator shaker adalah alat inkubator yang
boleh menjalankan fungsi penyejukan dan menggoncang. Alat ini memegang dulang
sampel dan menggoncang. Kekuatan goncangan dan paras suhu dapat dilaraskan.
<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION</b><br>\nIncubator Shaker</b> holds individual removable
trays. \nProvides variable shaking, variable strokes, \nMicroprocessor-controlled,
digital temperature selector, analog safety thermostat. \nTemperature range of
ambient plus 5 degre C to 70 degre C, and an LCD temperature display.'),
(3329,'004014049','ICP MASS SPECTROMETER','004014','2008-07-03 19:37:58','2009-03-
31 10:39:58','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'ICP-MS (Inductively coupled plasma mass
spectrometry) adalah sejenis alat spectrometer mass yang sangat sensitif dan
berkeupayaan untuk menentukan rangkaian/banjaran logam dan bukan logam pada
kepekatan bawah satu per 1012. Pada asasnya ia adalah gandingan bersama aruhan
pasangan plasma sebagai metod untuk melahirkan ion dengan spectrometer mass
sebagai metod memisahkan dan mengenalpasti ion. <br><br><i><b> DESCRIPTION <BR>
ICP-MS (Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) </B> is a type of mass
spectrometry that is highly sensitive and capable of the determination of a range
of metals and several non-metals at concentrations below one part in 1012. It is
based on coupling together an inductively coupled plasma as a method of producing
ions (ionization) with a mass spectrometer as a method of separating and detecting
the ions. ICP-MS is also capable of monitoring isotopic speciation for the ions of
choice.\r\n\r\n'),(3330,'004014050','DNA SEQUENCER','004014','2008-07-03
23:04:52','2009-03-31 10:23:13','MOF','160101',1,NULL,'\r\nAlat DNA Sequencer
adalah alat saintifik secara automatik menjalankan proses jujukan DNA. Alat ini
juga adalah sebagai alatan optical secara amnya menganalisa signal cahaya yang
dihasilkan dari flurochromes yang dikepilkan bersama nukleotida.
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> DNA sequencer </B> is a scientific instrument used
to automate the DNA sequencing process. It can be also considered an optical
instrument as it generally analyses light signals originating from fluorochromes
attached to nucleotides.\r\nA simple DNA sequencer will have one or more lasers
that emit at a wavelength that is absorbed by the fluorescent dye that has been
attached to the DNA strand of interest. It will then have one or more optical
detectors that can detect at the wavelength that the dye fluoresces at\r\n'),
(3332,'004015028','X-RAY TEST PHANTOM','004015','2008-07-04 18:21:33','2010-08-20
09:55:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> X-Ray Test Phantom
</b> is a test simulator for image evaluation of x-ray systems.'),
(3333,'010001013',' MOBILE X-RAY MACHINE','010001','2008-07-04 18:23:33','2010-10-
21 11:02:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i> <br>Mobile or Portable x-
ray machine</b> is a compact apparatus that can be taken to the patient in a
hospital bed or the emergency room.'),(3334,'010001014','BODY FAT
ANALYZER','010001','2008-07-04 18:24:52','2009-06-25
08:56:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk menganalisa lemak dalam badan digunakan,
banyak digunakan di klinik dan hospital. <BR><BR><B><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br></B> Used
world-wide in both clinical and field settings for Body Fat %, Body Fat Weight,
Target Fat % (min/max), Body Mass Index (BMI), Body Impedance, Basal Metabolic Rate
(BMR) (Kcal), Target Weight (min/max), Lean Weight, Lean %, Water Litres, Water %,
Target Water (min/max), Energy Expenditure (daily/weekly).\r\n'),
(3335,'010001015','GLUCOSE METER','010001','2008-07-04 18:39:45','2009-01-12
12:47:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>'),
(3336,'002012011','MESIN PENGILAP KASUT','002012','2008-07-15 23:41:50','2008-10-08
12:26:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Pengilap Kasut\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Shoe Shinning Machine'),(3342,'003003017','MESIN MENGADUN
MINUMAN','003003','2008-07-16 00:03:38','2014-02-12
16:17:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin/Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengadun
minuman seperti Pembuat Kopi; Pemanas kopi, Pembancuh Kopi, Pengadun Susu, \nteh
atau apa-apa minuman lain.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nCoffe Maker; Coffee
Mixer; Coffee warmer'),(3343,'015006010','RAK KUNCI','015006','2008-07-16
18:24:06','2009-02-03 12:24:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Rak Kunci; Peti
Kunci\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nKey Rack; Key Box'),
(3344,'015004007','KABINET KAD/SURAT/DOKUMEN','015004','2008-07-16 18:27:57','2012-
11-05 16:42:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kabinet besi merupakan satu kabinet yang
digunakan untuk menyimpan pelbagai bentuk mengikut susunan seperti lukisan, plan,
surat, kad dan lain-lain. Biasanya diperbuat daripada besi, kayu
dll.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br> Card Cabinet</b> or Card Index Carbinet</i>'),
(3346,'016005014','SARUNG KERUSI BANQUET (STOK)','016005','2008-07-16
19:00:32','2011-01-25 09:21:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sarung Kerusi
Banquet\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nBanquet Chair Cover'),
(3347,'016005015','REBEN KERUSI BANQUET (STOK)','016005','2008-07-16
19:01:24','2011-01-25 09:21:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Reben Kerusi
Banquet\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nBanquet Ribbon'),
(3348,'002002015','PENANDA/TIANG BARISAN (QUEUE UP STAND)','002002','2008-07-16
19:06:01','2015-12-18 08:36:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan
sebagai Penanda Mudah Alih seperti Tiang Barisan, Penanda Laluan, Penanda Maklumat
dll\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nQueue Up Stand; Que bar'),
(3349,'002002016','TALI BARISAN /QUEUE UP (STOK)','002002','2008-07-16
19:07:14','2012-08-10 08:10:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Tali
Barisan\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nQueue Up Rope'),(3350,'016005016','BENDERA
(STOK)','016005','2008-07-16 19:10:06','2011-01-25
(3351,'016005017','TIANG BENDERA MUDAH ALIH','016005','2008-07-16 19:10:42','2019-
02-12 21:10:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Tiang Bendera samada dalam bangunan atau luar
bangunan yang mudah dialihkan\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nIndoor Flag Post;
Free Stand Flag Post; Moveable Flag Post'),(3353,'008005038','SET PERKAKAS
MEKANIKAL','008005','2008-07-16 19:23:32','2009-01-28
16:50:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mechanical Tools Box / Trolley tools box.'),
(3354,'008005039','SET PERKAKAS ELEKTRONIK/ELEKTRIKAL','008005','2008-07-16
19:23:58','2009-05-14 10:08:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3355,'008005040','SET
PERKAKAS KENDERAAN','008005','2008-07-16 19:24:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3356,'007001012','THERMAL IMAGING CAMERA','007001','2008-07-16 19:36:06','2009-02-
24 18:25:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kamera termal adalah kamera Imej
Inframerah.<br><br><b><i>Description<br>Thermal Camera </b> is Infrared Imaging
camera suited for detecting thermal anomalies while looking at small or distant
targets. Degree of image quality helps users pinpoint problems and understand their
origin.\r\nThermal infrared imaging system uses a high technology, high resolution.
This FPA technology represents one of the highest resolution arrays currently
available .'),(3357,'007001013','NIGHT VISION','007001','2008-07-16
19:37:54','2008-12-01 14:33:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat Penglihatan Malam;
Teropong Malam atau Gelap\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nNight Vision</b>'),
(3358,'007001014','RADAR (ASET TAK ALIH)','007001','2008-07-16 19:39:47','2017-11-
23 10:41:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk membuat pengesanan
di sesuatu lingkaran pusat kawalan dalam pelbagai jenis kegunaan. Ianya terdiri
dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Electro Optical Surveillance System (EOS) dll
\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nRadar'),(3359,'007005013','BAJU KALIS PELURU
(STOK)','007005','2008-07-16 19:41:59','2012-02-17
16:18:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Baju Kalis
Peluru\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\nBulletproof Vest'),
(3361,'007001015','LOCENG PENGGERA (ASET TAK ALIH)','007001','2008-07-18
17:18:23','2017-11-23 10:41:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Loceng Penggera adalah loceng
letrik yang dipasang pada alat penggera dan akan berbunyi jika berlaku sebarang
kecemasan.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nNotification appliances </b>-
these devices provide stimuli for initiating emergency action and provide
information to users, emergency response personnel, and occupants. Examples are
bell, siren, horn'),(3362,'007002014','HEAT DETECTOR','007002','2008-07-18
detector is a device that responds to changes in ambient temperature. Typically, if
the ambient temperature rises above a predetermined threshold an alarm signal is
triggered. In the case of sprinkler systems, water will be released to extinguish
the fire.\r\n\r\nHeat detectors can also be further broken down into two main
classifications of activation, \"rate-of-rise\" and \"fixed.\" The most
sophisticated units are activated by both conditions\r\n'),
(3364,'004008006','EVAPORATOR/SOLVENT EXTRACTOR','004008','2008-08-01
18:13:40','2019-02-13 12:13:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin/Peralatan untuk
menapis/ekstrak dan menyejat bahan larutan. \n\n
\n\n'),(3365,'002008007','HUMIDIFIER','002008','2008-08-05 19:52:50','2008-10-30
16:06:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat Humidifier adalah radas untuk memantapkan
keadaan kelembapan yang dikehendaki dalam udara yang dialirkan ke dalam
bangunan\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>A humidifier</b> is a household appliance
that increases humidity (moisture) in a single room or in the entire home. There
are point-of-use humidifiers, which are commonly used to humidify a single room,
and whole-house or furnace humidifiers, which connect to a home\'s HVAC system to
provide humidity to the entire house.</i>\r\n\r\n'),(3366,'010001016','CENTRAL
MONITORING SYSTEM','010001','2008-08-05 23:29:27','2009-01-12
12:36:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Central Monitoring
System consists of color display monitor .\r\nMonitoring simultaneously 1 ~ 8
patient beds \r\nFlexible layout to meet different requirements \r\nUnlimited time
for monitoring & storage of patients\' data \r\nMultiple views for displaying full
data of one patient \r\nGrabbing freely characteristic waveforms or multiple
data \r\nPowful reviewing function for ECG, RESP, SpO2 and trends '),
(3367,'010001017','CARDIOTOCOGRAPH MACHINE','010001','2008-08-05 23:34:57','2009-
01-12 12:47:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>The
cardiotocograph, more commonly known as an electronic fetal monitor or external
fetal monitor (EFM) or non-stress test (NST), is used to monitor and record a graph
of pregnant woman, typically in the third trimester. A cardiotocograph measures
simultaneously both the fetal heart rate and the uterine contractions, if any,
using two separate disc-shaped transducers laid against the woman\'s abdomen. An
ultrasound transducer similar to a Doppler fetal monitor measures the fetal
heartbeat. A pressure-sensitive transducer, called a tocodynamometer (toco),
measures the frequency of uterine contractions.'),(3368,'010001018','FETAL HEART
MONITOR (DAPTONE)','010001','2008-08-06 18:32:36','2008-11-13
16:02:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>A Fetal Heart
monitor /Detector (Deptone) or fetal heart rate monitor is a hand-held
ultrasound transducer that uses the Doppler effect to detect the heart beat of a
fetus and provides an audible simulation of the heart beat. Some models also
display the heart rate in beats per minute. Use of this monitor is sometimes known
as Doppler auscultation.<br>\nSupplied with one probe, tube of gel, user manual,
battery charger and stand\nFHR digital display using auto-correlation to accurately
track the fetal heart rate\nTwo output jack sockets, one for recording blood flow
waveforms on an external printer (such as an ECG machine), the other for recording
the fetal heart sounds for the mother\n\n'),(3369,'004006011','CHILLER
REFRIGERATOR','004006','2008-08-06 19:03:26','2009-02-23
11:39:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kotak Dingin untuk menyimpan makanan dan sebagainya.
Direka untuk dapat menyejukkan dengan cepat.\r\n<br><br><B><I>
DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nChill Refrigerator </b>consist of a system designed to quickly
cool foods through the temperature danger zone most conducive to microorganism
growth to assure food safety and quality. Some has glass display.'),
(3370,'010008012','TROLI MAKANAN HOSPITAL(FOOD TROLLEY)','010008','2008-08-07
19:49:54','2009-06-24 23:40:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>Hospital food serving trolley </b>including hot and chiller trolley.'),
(3371,'007004021','HOT CELL','007004','2008-08-08 00:09:28','2008-12-01
are designed to handle irradiated material with radioactivity upto 3.7 x 107 GBq of
1 MeV gamma. Radiation shielding glass windows (Dry) and nuclear periscopes are
provided in the cell wall for viewing into the cells. The hot-cells are equipped
with Master Slave Manipulators for carrying out in-cell operations.'),
(3372,'010002006','LINEAR ACCELERATOR','010002','2008-08-14 19:20:41','2009-01-12
13:00:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Radiation therapy is
the use of a high-energy radiation beam to treat cancer. Radiation therapy is
given by a machine called a linear accelerator, which produces high-energy x-rays
directed at the cancer in the body. This beam has no mass; it is a form
of \"light.\" It only affects the area that is treated and does not travel to
other pars of your body. The Radiation Oncologist carefully tailors the radiation
beam to the area of treatment delivering high doses to the tumor and excluding
normal structures. Normally, a patient is treated once a day, 5 days a week, for 6
to 8 weeks.'),(3373,'010008019','LENSOMETER','010008','2008-08-14 22:50:43','2009-
01-13 12:19:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Lensometer is
use to measure the refractive powers of soft and hard contact lenses as well as
conventional spectacle lenses. '),(3374,'010002007','PHOTOTHERAPY MACHINE
(LAMP)','010002','2008-08-14 23:02:35','2009-01-12
13:04:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Jaundice in newborn
can be best treated by using Photo Therapy especially using special purpose NNPT
tubes (Normally 4 NNPT cool blue tubes Phillips Holland make for Photo Therapy
Source unit only), made exclusively for treating Hyperbilirubinaemia.Photo Therapy
is available in single & double surface version. Both the trolley and source unit
can be used in conjunction or separate.'),
(3375,'010002008','VENTILATOR','010002','2008-08-14 23:10:44','2008-11-09
10:01:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>A medical Ventilator
may be defined as an automatic machine designed to mechanically move breatheable
air into and out of the lungs, to provide the mechanism of breathing for a patient
who is physically unable to breathe, or breathing insufficiently.\n\nVentilators
are used in intensive care medicine, home care, and emergency medicine (as
standalone units) and in anesthesia (as a component of an anesthesia
machine).<br>\nPositive pressure ventilator consists of a compressible air
reservoir, air and oxygen supplies, a set of valves and tubes, and a disposable or
reusable \"patient circuit\". The air reservoir is pneumatically compressed several
times a minute to deliver room-air, or in most cases, an air/oxygen mixture to the
patient.'),(3376,'010002009','INFANT VENTILATOR','010002','2008-08-14
23:11:13','2009-01-12 13:05:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b>
<br>The ventilator features:\r\n\r\nalarm status indicators (high/low inspired
pressure, low PEEP/CPAP, airway leak, obstructed tube, insufficient expiration
time, ventilator inop, low oxygen pressure, low air pressure, low battery, external
power loss) \r\nalarm silence button,\r\nvisual reset button, \r\nadjustable high
inspired pressure,\r\nadjustable low inspired pressure,\r\nadjustable ventilator
rate, \r\ninspiratory time, \r\n flow rate \r\n'),(3377,'010008020','INFANT/ BABY
SCALER','010008','2008-08-14 23:14:23','2009-01-13
(3378,'010001019','PULSE OXIMETER AND SIMULATOR','010001','2008-08-14
23:22:31','2011-01-31 12:41:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'SpO2 Monitor atau Pulse
Oximeter Simulator adalah suatu alat yang berfungsi sebagai virtual pasien
khususnya jari tangan untuk menguji alat pulse oximeter. Simulator ini
mensimulasikan pasien dengan berbagai kondisi kandungan oksigen dalam
darah.\r\n<p><i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Finger pulse Oximeter. Quick,easy to
use,wireless readings of blood Oxygen saturation (SpO2) levels and pulse rate.
</p>'),(3379,'010002010','INFUSION PUMP','010002','2008-08-18 17:16:54','2009-01-12
13:12:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>An Infusion Pump is
used to delivered fluid, or electrolytes or blood into a patient#s bloodstream
accurately over a period of time. It is used to control the rate of infusion by
means of its pumping mechanism.\r\n'),(3380,'010002011','SYRINGE INFUSION
PUMP','010002','2008-08-18 17:23:30','2009-01-12
14:49:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>A syringe driver or
syringe pump is a small infusion pump, used to gradually administer small amounts
of fluid (with or without medication) to a patient or for use in chemical and
biomedical research.\r\n\r\nThe most popular use of syringe drivers is in
palliative care, to continuously administer analgesics (painkillers), antiemetics
(medication to suppress nausea and vomiting) and other drugs.\r\nSyringe drivers
are also useful for delivering IV medications over several minutes.'),
(3381,'010002012','VOLUMETRIC PUMP','010002','2008-08-18 18:02:49','2009-01-12
14:50:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Volumetric Infusion
Pump is designed for the delivery of medical/nutritional fluids
to patients in pediatric/neonatal infusions using \"Microset\" administration
sets'),(3382,'010002013','NEBULIZER','010002','2008-08-18 18:47:01','2009-01-12
14:50:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>A Nebulizer system for
producing a humidified and heated breathing gas to be inhaled by a patient
undergoing inhalation therapy. The nebulizer system includes a nebulizer module and
a heater module affixed to one another and optionally detachably connected to each
other. The nebulizer module is connectable to an oxygen source, a liquid water
supply, and, through an outlet, to a breathing apparatus.<br>It is commonly used in
treating cystic fibrosis, asthma, and other respiratory diseases.An asthma
nebulizer is a machine that uses compressed air to deliver asthma medicine as wet
aerosol, a mist that can be inhaled. Nebulizers are most often used for people who
have difficulty using inhalers, and those with severe asthma. '),
(3383,'011004007','NETBALL RIM (STOK)','011004','2008-08-18 22:10:13','2011-12-12
10:03:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Rim Bola Jaring yang dibekalkan dalam pelbagai
jenis/ukuran\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nNetball Rim'),
(3384,'010008022','TABLET COUNTING MACHINE','010008','2008-08-20 18:11:57','2009-
01-13 12:25:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>'),
(3385,'010008023','RIPPLE MATTRESS','010008','2008-08-20 18:58:27','2009-01-13
12:45:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Pressure sores,
which is built up after lying in bed for a long period are very painful and they
take a long time to heal. To prevent and treat pressure sores a ripple mattress is
used beneath the patient to relieve the pressure on the tissue and allow blood flow
in the tissue.\r\nA ripple mattress consists of an alternating pressure pump and a
special air-mattress. The mattress consists of groups of cells which can be
pressurised and depressurised in turn. The pump pushes air into the cells at
different times so that different mattress cells are pressurised alternately. '),
(3386,'010008024','KATIL HIDRAULIK (HYDRAULIC DELIVERY BED)','010008','2008-08-20
(3387,'011018010','STARTER REVOLVER','011018','2008-08-20 21:39:12','2009-02-25
16:04:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pistol Pelepas adalah pistol yang digunakan sebagai
tanda pelepasan dalam sukan.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nStarter
Revolver'),(3388,'011018011','HURDLES STAND','011018','2008-08-20 21:39:53','2009-
02-25 16:07:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pagar / Penghalang bagi sukan lari berpagar
/berhalangan'),(3389,'011018012','HIGH JUMP MEASURING STICK','011018','2008-08-20
21:41:08','2009-02-25 16:08:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Tiang Lompat
Tinggi\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nHigh Jump Measuring Stick'),
(3390,'011018013','HIGH JUMP LANDING SET','011018','2008-08-20 21:42:34','2009-02-
25 16:09:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Tilam Mendarat Sukan Lompat
Tinggi\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nHigh Jump Landing Set'),
(3391,'011016008','EQUESTRIAN GLOVES (STOK)','011016','2008-08-20 22:33:49','2012-
02-17 15:48:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3393,'011016009','DUMMY SPURS
(STOK)','011016','2008-08-20 22:37:27','2012-02-17
15:48:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3394,'007001016','CHIP CARD READER/SMART
READER','007001','2008-08-25 18:31:27','2012-12-18
16:08:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan Pembaca Kad Cip yang digunakan untuk
membuat semakan, rujukan, menyemak maklumat data dalam pelbagai jenis dan jenama
yang digunakan oleh pelbagai agensi seperti JPJ, JPN, IMG seperti kad reader,
smart tag, Pembaca Kad Pintar(M-CAD), Terminal Tambah Nilai (Tought n Go) dll ;
Pembaca Cip<br><br>\n<i><b>Description</i></b><br>Contact smart Chip card readers
are used as a communications medium between the smart card and a host, e.g. a
computer, a point of sale terminal, a mobile telephone or smart tag'),
(3395,'007001017','LAMPU KESELAMATAN/ TRAFFIC BATON LIGHT','007001','2008-08-25
18:44:39','2016-12-07 16:19:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Lampu Keselamatan ialah lampu
yang mempunyai bateri sebagai kuasa sokongan untuk melihat sasaran dari jarak jauh
atau untuk kegunaan isyarat akan menyala apabila berlaku kegagalan kuasa letrik
atau penggelapan. Iany digunakan dalam pelbagai aktiviti seperti yang terdiri
daripada pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Megaray MR175
dll.\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>An emergency light is a battery-backed
lighting device that comes on automatically when a building experiences a power
outage or in the event of fire. Emergency lights are standard in new commercial and
high occupancy residential buildings, such as college dormitories. Most building
codes require that they be installed in older buildings as well.<BR>\n\nModern
emergency lighting is installed in virtually every commercial and high occupancy
residential building. The lights consist of one or more incandescent bulbs or one
or more clusters of high-intensity light-emitting diodes (LED). The emergency
lighting heads are usually either PAR 36 sealed beams or wedge base lamps. All
units have some sort of a reflector to focus and intensify the light they
produce.'),(3396,'012004001','SANGKAR HAIWAN PELIHARAAN','012004','2008-08-25
20:15:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3397,'012004002','SANGKAR HAIWAN
LIAR','012004','2008-08-25 20:16:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3398,'012004003','SANGKAR HIDUPAN AIR','012004','2008-08-25 20:16:57','2009-02-06
11:35:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3399,'008006001','MEJA KERJA
MEKANIKAL','008006','2008-08-25 23:17:52','2013-12-27
11:10:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Meja Kerja mekanikal\n<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION
<BR> Mechanical work bench.'),(3400,'008006002','MEJA KERJA
ELEKTRIK','008006','2008-08-25 23:18:15','2010-09-28
12:44:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Meja kerja elektrik\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>
Electrical work bench.'),(3401,'008006003','MEJA KERJA ELEKTRONIK','008006','2008-
08-25 23:18:45','2010-09-28 12:46:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Meja kerja
elektronik\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>Electronic Work bench.'),
(3402,'008006004','MEJA KERJA BENGKEL KAYU','008006','2008-08-25 23:19:16','2008-
08-25 16:51:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3403,'008006005','MEJA KERJA MUDAH
ALIH','008006','2008-08-25 23:23:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3404,'004011005','ULTRAVIOLET STERILIZER','004011','2008-08-26 18:23:36','2019-02-
13 14:46:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat Nyahkuman cahaya ungu.\n'),
(3405,'002002017','TROLI BUKU','002002','2008-08-26 19:01:40','2009-02-16
11:30:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Trolli Buku; Trolli
Perpustakaan\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>Book Trolley, Library Trolley'),
(3406,'002012012','MESIN PEMOTONG RAMBUT (STOK)','002012','2008-08-26
20:36:54','2010-12-28 16:58:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Pemotong Rambut, Mesin
Trim Rambut\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nHair Cutter Machine , Hair Trimmer
Machine'),(3407,'010006008','DENTAL CURING LIGHT','010006','2008-08-27
11:24:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b> The Dental Curing
Light unit is a source of high intensity, cold, visible blue light.This light
only designed for dental unit, it\'s structure is compact, very easy to install(AC
24V)and easy to use. The LED emits light in the most relevant and most efficient
spectrum. And it takes only 10S to 20S to polymerize 2mmm of any composite.'),
(3408,'010006009','IMPRESSION MATERIAL MIXER','010006','2008-08-27 22:49:36','2009-
09-01 14:41:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Alginate
Mixer use to do mixing alginate into a smooth paste, free from small lumps or air-
bubbles inside the final mixture. The dentist will have a smooth and homogeneous
mixture, free from lumps or air-bubbles. \n'),(3409,'010006010','PULP
TESTER','010006','2008-08-27 23:07:10','2009-01-13
11:25:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>All Pulp Testers
are designed to do testing - determine whether a tooth is vital or non-vital, the
teeth nerve is alive or dead.\r\n'),(3411,'010008025','PERSONAL SCALER WITH
BMI','010008','2008-08-28 17:16:39','2009-01-13
12:47:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Personal scale with
BMI Function Comprises height and weight station, charger, height measure bracket
and rechargeable batteries.\r\n'),(3412,'007004022','MOBILE LEAD
SCREEN','007004','2008-08-28 17:27:37','2009-08-27
10:26:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>Mobile Lead
screen</b> is use as a protection screen/shielding from ionizing radiation and non-
ionizing radiation (x-ray).'),(3413,'002007012','KABINET UBAT','002007','2008-08-28
18:36:19','2013-07-03 14:29:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Rak atau Kabinet adalah
termasuk Kategori Perabut yang diperlukan untuk melangkapkan sesebuah bangunan
samada buatan kayu atau besi direkodkan sebagi Inventori tanpa mengira harga
perolehan. Kabinet Ubat adalah almari bertingkat yang bertutup atau laci tempat
menyimpan ubat-ubatan. \r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nMedicine Cabinet</b>
are cabinet for storing medicine and farmasi item.'),(3414,'002003030','SISTEM PA
MUDAHALIH','002003','2008-08-28 21:01:40','2008-10-30
11:51:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat Siaraya; Sistem Siaraya
Bergerak.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nMobile Public Address System
(Portable PA System)'),(3415,'004018013','FILM PROCESSOR (PEMPROSES
FILM)','004018','2008-08-28 22:46:47','2009-06-30
13:45:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Exclusively used in medical and laboratory. Be
suited for all standard film. With timer and temperature adjustments.\r\n'),
(3416,'004018014','CHEMICAL MIXER','004018','2008-08-28 23:23:11','2012-06-01
12:06:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk membancuh pelbagai
kandungan seperti Chemical, Asid dll seperti Ascent Max Ductless Fume Hood dll
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> chemical mixer
</B> for developing as well as fixing bath solutions The electronically controlled
water supply assures exact mixing ratios of the chemical concentrates, washing
function for chemical containers. \n\n'),(3417,'010001020','MANUAL TOURNIQUET
SET','010001','2008-08-28 23:26:04','2019-02-14
09:05:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>'),
(3418,'004018015','X-RAY FILM CASSETTE (STOK)','004018','2008-08-28
23:27:06','2013-02-21 14:55:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3419,'010002014','TRANSCAPSULE (INCUBATOR) TRANSPORT','010002','2008-08-29
17:08:01','2009-01-12 14:50:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b>
<br>Transcapsule Transport is a powerful warming capacity enables the incubator to
maintain its air temperature at 34degre C or higher even when the ambient
temperature is 0 degre C. In addition, the double-wall hood minimizes the infant\'s
heat loss due to radiation. '),(3420,'002002018','MESIN JAHIT','002002','2008-08-29
17:39:19','2010-03-19 11:25:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Jahit adalah mesin
dengan jarum mekanikal khas untuk menjahit atau menyulam pakaian, menjahit tepi,
menjahit kelim, sama ada menggunakan kuasa elektrik atau
manual.\r\n><br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br> A sewing machine </b>is a textile machine
used to stitch fabric or other material together with thread.'),
(3421,'011001031','PARALLEL BAR','011001','2008-09-02 17:06:57','2014-07-21
08:54:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan exercise tangan. Ianya terdapat pelbagai
jenis seperti Palang Selari, Weight Tree
dll\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nParallel Bar.'),(3422,'010004016','LEG
FRAME','010004','2008-09-02 17:13:33','2009-01-13
(3423,'010001005','OPHTHALMOSCOPE ','010001','2008-09-02 18:34:38','2009-01-12
12:29:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Diagnostic Set
(Ophthalmoscope) is an instrument containing a bright light and small lenses, used
by a doctor to examine the inside of an eye.\r\nOphthalmoscope providing good
views. Features 28 lenses from -25 to +40 diopters gives better resolution and 6
standard apertures for general and specialist use. \r\n'),
(3424,'004013039','CHLOROMETER ','004013','2008-09-02 18:53:22','2019-02-13
20:48:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk mengukur tahap klorin dalam air minuman.
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>Chlorometer </B> measures the level of chlorine
disinfectant in drinking water distribution and other low-level chlorine residual
applications. It uses the world standard DPD test.\n '),(3425,'008005041','TAPE
PENGUKUR/KAYU PENGUKUR (STOK)','008005','2008-09-02 19:21:55','2011-08-18
11:13:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Tape Pengukur atau Kayu Pengukur guna untuk mengukur
jarak, panjang sesuatu benda.'),(3426,'002007013','KABIN KONTENA','002007','2008-
09-02 19:55:51','2018-12-17 09:18:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<b>Kabin</b>Peralatan
yang digunakan untuk menyimpan, menduduki, yang boleh digerakan atau ditetapkan. Ia
merupakan ruangan tertutup yang digunakan sebagai pejabat, tempat tinggal, kontena
tempat penyimpanan barangan dan sebagainya. \n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nCabin;
Container Cabin; Office Cabin; sanitary Cabin; Site Cabin;'),
(3427,'004018016','ULTRAVOILET LAMP (STOK)','004018','2008-09-02 20:28:17','2013-
02-21 14:55:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Didaftarkan sebagai bekalan (stor)'),
(3428,'010006012','PORTABLE WASHER DENTAL UNIT','010006','2008-09-02
10:18:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Portable dental
unit includes high & low speed handpiece controls with individual water and air
coolant controls. '),(3433,'010008026','BOTTLE WARMER','010008','2008-09-08
(3434,'010007007','HAEMOGLOBIN METER','010007','2008-09-08 16:46:08','2009-01-13
analyser is a portable, rapid and accurate method of measuring haemoglobin at the
bedside. Haemoglobin Meter allows the rapid and accurate quantitative measurement
of total haemoglobin from capillary and venous whole blood. It is mobile photometer
for the use with the Medisynthana reagents for the quantitative determination of
haemoglobin.\r\n\r\n'),(3435,'010008027','OXYGEN REGULATOR/FLOWMETERS
(STOK)','010008','2008-09-08 16:52:05','2016-11-29
Regulator/Flowmeter (Pin Index) regulates the flow of oxygen from oxygen
tank/line.'),(3436,'010001022','LARYNGOSCOPE','010001','2008-09-08 17:25:21','2009-
01-12 12:49:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>A laryngoscope
Is a medical instrument that is used to obtain a view of the vocal folds and the
glottis, which is the space between the cords.\r\nA rigid laryngoscope utilized by
anesthesia personnel for intubation typically consists of a handle (incorporating
two batteries) and an interchangeable blade with a bulb light source. Laryngoscopes
used by otolaryngologists are found in many variations, used for various
specialized tasks during endoscopy or surgery of the upper aerodigestive
tract.\r\nDirect laryngoscopy, generally performed by an otolaryngologist (ear,
nose, throat, head and neck surgeon) is carried out (usually) with the patient
lying on his or her back; the laryngoscope is inserted into the mouth on the right
side.'),(3437,'002012013','BEG PAKAIAN (STOK)','002012','2008-09-09
21:18:40','2010-12-28 16:09:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Beg Pakaian ia lah berbagai-
bagai jenis bekas pakaian dll yg dibuat drpd kulit
dsb\r\n\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <br>Cloth Bag; Luggage Bag'),
(3438,'010004017','TRACTION BED','010004','2008-09-09 22:07:48','2009-01-13
(3439,'010001023','SLIT LAMP ','010001','2008-09-09 22:22:44','2009-01-12
12:50:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Slit Lamps provide
varying types of illumination,magnification, stereopsis, and selective focus. By
ma-nipulating a beam of light and correctly positioning amicroscope, the user can
view a specific area of the eye.Slit lamps can provide images of both the internal
andexternal structures of the eye, as well as cross sectionsof transparent
tissues.'),(3440,'002002019','LOCENG LETRIK','002002','2008-09-09 23:08:31','2008-
10-29 17:27:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Loceng Letrik adalah loceng yang menggunakan
kuasa letrik untuk membunyikanya dan biasa digunakan
disekolah.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>Electrical Bell'),
(3441,'004001016','PARAFFIN BATH','004001','2008-09-10 22:37:03','2017-02-03
09:45:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Besin pemanas lilin - Berfungsi sama saperti water
bath tetapi menggunakan media lilin (wax). \n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION </b><br>The
Paraffin bath/wax bath allows a patient to recieve therapeutic treatment by dipping
an extremity into a pool of heated paraffin wax. This penetrating heat relieves
pain and stiffness, optimal for patients suffering from arthritis, bursitis, muscle
spasms.'),(3442,'010003006','LAMINECTOMY SET','010003','2008-09-11 22:05:50','2009-
01-13 10:32:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>'),
(3444,'010003007','EXTERNAL FIXATOR FOR HAND','010003','2008-09-11 22:32:47','2009-
01-13 10:32:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>'),
(3445,'010003011','ORTHOPEDIC CLEANING GUN','010003','2008-09-11 22:41:39','2009-
01-13 10:34:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>'),
(3446,'010003008','LARGE CANNULATED CANCELLOUS INST.','010003','2008-09-11
(3447,'010003009','SMALL FRAGMENT INST SET','010003','2008-09-11 22:58:40','2009-
01-30 11:22:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>'),
(3448,'010003010','BASIC LARGE INST SET','010003','2008-09-11 23:01:29','2009-01-13
(3449,'010003012','BONE CUTTING FORCEPS','010003','2008-09-11 23:03:57','2009-01-13
(3450,'010003013','MANUAL REAMER','010003','2008-09-11 23:05:29','2009-01-13
(3451,'010003014','FLEXIABLE REAMER','010003','2008-09-11 23:06:09','2009-01-13
(3452,'010003015','RETRACTORS','010003','2008-09-11 23:07:03','2009-07-17
11:22:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br> Retractors </b> is a
surgical instrument which pulls and holds back the edge of the incision in an
operation\r\n'),(3453,'010009001','EMESIS BASIN','010009','2008-09-12
(3454,'010009002','EMESIN BASIN STAND','010009','2008-09-12 16:54:17','2009-01-14
(3455,'010009003','BEDPAN','010009','2008-09-12 16:55:05','2009-01-14
(3456,'010009004','URINAL','010009','2008-09-12 16:55:36','2009-01-14
(3457,'010009005','CONTAINER/BUCKET WITH COVER','010009','2008-09-12
16:56:10','2015-12-21 17:32:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Perkakasan yang
digunakan untuk menyimpan bahan hospitaliti\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>'),
(3458,'010009006','STERILE SCAPEL','010009','2008-09-12 16:57:19','2009-01-14
(3459,'010009007','STAINLESS STEEL UTENSIL (STOK)','010009','2008-09-12
12:16:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Stainless steel
utensil including storage jar, bowls, ointment jar etc.'),(3460,'008002043','GAUSS
METER','008002','2008-09-12 17:21:28','2019-02-13
09:22:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b><br>This digital
gaussmeter is designed to measure magnets, solenoids,\nand other strong DC magnetic
fields.'),(3462,'010004014','SEQUENTIAL COMPRESSION THERAPY','010004','2008-09-12
Compression Therapy unit- a treatment system utilising multi-chambered garments
which sequentially inflate, creating a peristaltic massaging effect, facilitating
movement and drainage of built up fluids and stimulating blood flow to
tissues.\r\n\r\n'),(3463,'010004020','FOREARM BASED SKATEBOARD','010004','2008-09-
12 17:59:42','2009-01-13
11:09:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Forearm Based
Skateboard provide a stable base of support to eliminate tipping. Quiet rubber
casters minimize noise. The repositionable hand piece attaches securely with hook
and look strips and features a neutral position hand design to comfortably support
the right or left hand. The straps maintain secure hand and forearm position.'),
(3464,'010004022','HORIZONTAL RING TREE','010004','2008-09-12 18:03:33','2009-01-13
11:10:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Horizontal Ring
Tree, model A405-5, is an arm exerciser, an eye hand coordination exerciser and a
perceptual training activity for individuals with neurological or upper extremity
disabilities or burns. The Ring Tree consists of a vertical post supporting three
horizonal bars of varying length. Rings of differing dimensions are placed on the
bars in a variety of exercise patterns that can be customized by adjusting the
length and height of the horizontal rods by placing them in any of six holes on the
vertical post. Users can sit or stand during use to increase their range of motion,
strength, balance and perceptual motor skills. A choice of 36 rings, 12 in each of
three sizes, offers the ability to grade coordination tasks and address cognitive
and perceptual motor skills.'),(3465,'010004021','TRANSFER BOARD ','010004','2008-
09-12 18:05:44','2009-08-28
14:03:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Transfer board
with hotches enable a patient to transfer or slide themselves from one level
surface to another e.g from bed to wheelchair or wheelchair to commode. Tappered
ends enable the board to be easily placed underneath the patient, whilst the curves
design facilitates angled transfers.'),(3466,'005006007','OPERATOR SWITCHBOARD
(ASET TAK ALIH)','005006','2008-09-12 18:19:53','2017-11-23
10:28:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Papan Suis Operator adalah alat dimana telefonis
menerima dan menyambungkan panggilan kesambungan
lain.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nOperator Switchboard</b> is where switchboard
operators connected each call by inserting a pair of phone plugs into the
appropriate jacks. Each pair of plugs was part of a cord circuit with a switch
associated that let the operator participate in the call. Each jack had a light
above it that lit when the telephone receiver was lifted (the earliest systems
required a generator on the phone to be cranked by hand). Lines from the central
office were usually arranged along the bottom row. Before the advent of direct
distance dialing, switchboard operators would work with their counterparts in the
central office to complete long distance calls.\n'),(3467,'010008018','COMMODE
CHAIR ','010008','2008-09-12 18:23:40','2009-01-13
(3468,'010004023','POSITIONING AND STANDING AID','010004','2008-09-12
18:25:36','2009-08-18 13:26:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat bantuan untuk latihan
berdiri. <br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b> Quality-crafted standing board is
designed to promote improved weight bearing/standing ability for children with
impaired balance and/or low muscle tone. Unit can be used horizontally and
vertically through a full angle range of 90 degrees and can be set at any desired
angle to accommodate a wide range of postural needs. The tray also adjusts in angle
and fits at the front or back of the stander. Rechargeable battery-operated
actuator with built-in emergency button makes adjustments safe and easy. Comes
complete with headrest, and reversible sandals.'),(3469,'010004024','PAEDIATRIC
THERAPY TABLE SET','010004','2008-09-12 18:27:37','2009-01-13
(3470,'010007008','BILIRUBIN ANALYSER','010007','2008-09-12 19:19:27','2009-01-30
13:01:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br> It is a stat
photometric analyzer for determining total concentration in newborn infants. It
quickly determines if more extensive tests are needed by providing a measurement of
bilirubin levels in less than 5 seconds. Operation involves inserting the undiluted
serum into the sample chamber, push the measure button and results appear in the
LED display. Optical calibration standards are included.'),
(3471,'010007009','TISSUE GROSSING WORKSTATION','010007','2008-09-12
13:10:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br> Grossing
Wokrstation is a durable, safety-driven, ergonomic pathology grossing workstation
designed for gross examination and sectioning of specimens. It features stainless
steel construction, 3 efficient ventilation systems and options of manual or hands-
free controls for water faucets, table rinses, disposals and dictation systems.
Grosslab Senior models are stand-alone units with fixed-height or elevating work
surfaces.'),(3472,'010007010','AUTOMATED STAINNER','010007','2008-09-12
13:14:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Automated stainer
expedites the preparation of bone marrow and blood specimens.\r\n'),
(3473,'010004025','MULTIFUNCTION EXCERCISER (PHYSICAL THERAPY)','010004','2008-09-
12 19:26:52','2009-01-13
(3474,'010004026','DUPLEX PULLEY WEIGHT SYSTEM','010004','2008-09-12
11:13:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Duplex Pulley
Weights System is a Physical Therapy instrument for shoulder, elbow and chest . Two
handles at chest level and two handles at the floor.'),
(3475,'010003016','ORTHOPEDIC GRAP DRILL','010003','2008-09-12 22:53:09','2009-01-
13 10:36:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>'),
(3476,'010004013','MOBILE PRONE STANDER','010004','2008-09-12 23:11:53','2009-01-13
11:06:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>MOBILE PRONE
STANDER is designed for children in need of a \r\nstanding system that allows for
independent user mobility. It also enhances the \r\nlevel of peer interaction and
allows for increased activity and exercise. \r\n'),(3477,'010007011','CELL WASH
CENTRIFUGE (SEROFUGE)','010007','2008-09-12 23:16:30','2009-01-30
13:05:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br> Serofuge is use
for conducting blood grouping, cross matching, typing, and other cell washing
procedures.'),(3478,'010006013','DENTAL WORKSTATION','010006','2008-09-15
11:26:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Made of high
quality steel, powder coated one side cabinet with three drawers clinical
workstation. The workstation is well-equipped with phantom head with high quality
face mask, closed oral cavity, Bensons jaw with ivory teeth and TMJ movement,
Quartz light and choice of modular control.'),(3479,'004001017','WATER
BOILER','004001','2008-09-15 19:03:14','2009-02-23
10:26:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Dandang Air - bekas untuk memasak
air.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION </b><br>\r\nWater Boiler - An electric water
boiler, also sometimes called an electric dispensing pot, electric water heater, or
electric water urn, is a consumer electronics small appliance used for boiling
water and possibly maintaining it at a constant temperature. It is typically used
to provide an immediate source of hot water'),(3480,'010004027','TILT
TABLE','010004','2008-09-15 22:53:54','2009-08-13
10:34:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Tilt Table,
(manual or electrical) consists of three adjustable safety belts can be
positioned for child or adult use. \r\nCasters with brakes provide stability and
maneuverability .The table top and foot board are fully padded with 2 inch thick
foam and covered with an attractive, easy-to-clean vinyl. \r\nLoad capacity is
provided by a smoothly operating, efficient actuator with automatic over travel
protection, remote control switch . The attached angle indicator shows the table
position from 0 degre (horizontal) to 90 degre (vertical).\r\n'),
(3481,'004001018','POUCH SEALER MACHINE','004001','2008-09-16 19:30:31','2017-05-29
16:11:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Bahan pengap / pematari\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION
</b><br>This microprocessor-controlled pouch sealer manages critical temperature at
the sealing platen with a thin-film temperature sensor.The\nsealers creates a wide
10mm seal in order to create a robust sealed channel between the sterile part and
the ambient environment. The sealer includes a switch table (on 300mm models only)
that allows operators to activate the switch with the side of their hands during
packaging. The air-switch can be removed from the table docking station and set on
the floor in order to be used as a foot switch.\n'),(3482,'010006014','SCALER
UNIT','010006','2008-09-16 19:46:45','2009-01-13
(3483,'004008007','VIBRATOR UNIT','004008','2008-09-16 20:12:54','2009-02-19
Penggetar<br><br><b><i>Description<br>VIBRATOR</b> is designed to provide an
infinite range in vibration, from low to maximum intensity. Engineered for ease in
operation and maintenance. Features large suction
feet for stability and a convenient power indicator light to show when the
vibrator is on.'),(3484,'004013040','COLORIMETER ','004013','2008-09-16
20:36:46','2019-02-13 20:50:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan dalam
bidang kolorimetri. Dalam penyelidikan saintifik ianya dirujuk sebagai alat untuk
mengukur serapan sesuatu gelombang cahaya oleh larutan tertentu.
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>A colorimeter, </B> an instrument used in
colorimetry,In scientific fields the word generally refers to the device that
measures the absorbance of particular wavelengths of light by a specific solution.
Most commonly used to determine the concentration of a known solute in a given
solution by the application of the Beer-Lambert law, which states that the
concentration of a solute is proportional to the absorbance.\n<br> In digital
imaging, tristimulus colorimeters, also shortened to colorimeters, are used to
profile and calibrate output devices.\n'),(3485,'010006015','HANDPIECE MAINTENANCE
EQUIPMENT','010006','2008-09-16 20:41:02','2009-01-13
handpiece cleaning and lubrication system has been developed to professionally
clean and lubricate all handpieces and airmotors each time before
autoclaving.\r\nEvery automatiC cycle cleans and lubricates 1,2 or 3 high speed
and/or low speed handpieces, plus air motors. Handpieces are simply attached to any
of the three Care ports.\r\n'),(3486,'010006011','DENTAL AIR
POLISHER','010006','2008-09-16 20:53:30','2009-01-13
11:25:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Air Polisher is a
kind of dental descaler equipment which is used synthetically with complex
treatment method in dental surgery. It is connected to the joint of high speed
manual machine of complex treatment unit, the air souse(0.2Mpa-0.4MPa)and water
source(0.05MPa-0.5MPa)on complex treatment unit will control air pressure and water
pressure of Mini-Polisher.'),(3487,'010002015','MICROMOTOR','010002','2008-09-16
21:03:00','2009-01-12 14:51:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b>
<br>Forward and reverse direction selection Hand and foot operation Laboratory
micromotor with direct current engine, 25000 rpm. It is a powerful, light and
reliable tool to be used to process resins, hard metals and ceramics. \r\n\r\n'),
(3488,'010006016','PACO BATH','010006','2008-09-16 21:18:15','2009-01-13
(3489,'010003017','LASER SYSTEM','010003','2008-09-16 22:31:19','2009-01-13
(3491,'010006017','DENTAL MODEL TRIMMERS/POLISHING','010006','2008-09-16
18:08:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>MODEL TRIMMER is
equipped with the 1/2 HP motor and includes the following accessories: Electric
water valve which eliminates constant flow adjustment. Water spray attachment for
easy clean-up Splash shield provides protection from spray and debris.'),
(3493,'015002020','BANGKU /STOOL','015002','2008-09-23 19:36:26','2011-08-18
09:39:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<b>Bangku</b> adalah tempat duduk tanpa sandaran
atau bersandar, meliputi bangku makmal, bangku bengkel, bangku dapur, bangku
pergigian dan lain-lain. Jenisnya terdiri daripada pelbagai seperti kayu atau besi
atau campuran kayu plastik/besi.\r\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION <br> \r\nStool</b> is
sit without back, including lab stool, workshop stool, kitchen stool, dentist stool
and others.'),(3494,'007001018','BEG/PETI KESELAMATAN','007001','2008-09-23
22:43:18','2010-01-20 00:05:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Beg Keselamatan adalah beg
atau bekas yang digunakan untuk membawa dokumen terperinci (sulit), wang dan
barang-barang berharga. beg ini mempunyai ciri-ciri keselamatan seperti kunci dan
bahan pembuatan.\r\n<br><br><b><i>Description</i></b><br>safety Bag (Case)</b> are
beg or casing used for carrying money, secret documen and valuable item. This beg
have safety characteristic and safety lock.'),(3495,'010006018','DENTAL
HANDPIECE','010006','2008-09-23 23:06:11','2009-01-13
11:46:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>A dental handpiece
(or dentist\'s drill) is a small, high-speed drill used in dentistry to remove
decayed tooth material prior to the insertion of a dental filling. Dental drills
are used in the treatment of dental caries.'),(3496,'010006022','DENTAL TROLLEY
','010006','2008-09-23 23:17:30','2009-01-13
11:48:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Dental Trolley
Study Model'),(3497,'010008029','COOL STORAGE/COLEMAN BOX
EXCURSION','010008','2008-09-24 21:17:39','2014-09-15
12:17:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Bekas menyimpan vaksin, berdinding tebal dengan
penebat bagi mengekalkan suhu sejuk didalam
bekas.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Cool Box is a box with insulated thick wall
to maintain cool temperature inside the box. Use for storing vaccine.'),
(3498,'010006020','PORTABLE SPITTON','010006','2008-09-24 21:55:48','2009-01-13
(3499,'010008030','LUP (LOUPE)','010008','2008-09-24 23:25:32','2009-01-13
12:58:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Lup adalah Kanta cembung dan kecil, bagi membesarkan
objek, digunakan untuk memeriksa kesihatan. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>'),
(3500,'010008031','NEEDLE DESTROYER','010008','2008-09-24 23:33:27','2009-01-13
(3501,'010004028','EARLY EDUCATION PROGRAM','010004','2008-10-07 18:14:51','2009-
08-13 11:08:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Early Education
Program </b>caters to children ages 2-4. In order for children this age to grow and
develop cognitively they must be stimulated intellectually by child initiated
activities and adult developed and directed lessons, that are carefully planed
ahead of time and programmed into the child\'s day.<br>\r\nThe program consists of
Early Reading Program,\r\nRecognition and Repetition of Alphabets and Numbers, Arts
& Crafts, Music Activities & Instruments , Free Play and Planned Outdoor
Activities.\r\n'),(3502,'010006021','INTRAORAL CAMERA','010006','2008-10-07
11:48:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Includes camera,
docking station w/built in receiver, foot pedal, video remote control, wireless
video module, charger, 100 sheaths. Docking station may be connected to PC or Video
Printer'),(3504,'008002044','CAPACITOR BANK','008002','2008-10-08 17:46:23','2010-
09-25 10:28:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>Description<br>Capacitor Bank
</b>Most of the power distribution authorities have a requirement of high power
factor for electrical installation, machinery and equipment. The most common method
of achieving power factor correction is with the use of dry type capacitor
banks</b>. '),(3505,'008002045','VOLTAGE ARRESTOR','008002','2008-10-08
17:51:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Surge voltage arrestor\r\nLightning voltage
arrestor'),(3506,'002002020','KIPAS ANGIN DINDING','002002','2008-10-08
18:09:00','2008-10-29 17:28:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kipas Angin
Dinding\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>Wall Fan'),(3507,'010006019','SCALER
HANDPIECE','010006','2008-10-08 22:29:47','2008-10-08
15:34:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</b></i><br>The scaler handpiece is
mainly used for teeth cleaning and also indispensable equipment for tooth disease
Prevention and treatment. It eliminates the dental calculus, bacterial plaque, and
tea scales on the teeth quickly without hurting the gum and the enamel.\r\n\r\nThis
Detachable handpiece can be autoclaved under a high temperature of 135 degree and
pressure of 0.22Mpa avoiding cross-infection effectively'),
(3508,'010008032','BREAST PUMP MACHINE/ MILK STERILLIZER','010008','2008-10-09
18:30:54','2015-10-16 09:38:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
menyimpan dan menguruskan aktiviti kandungan susu badan yang terdiri dari pelbagai
jenama/jenis mengikut fungsi penggunaan. Peralatan ini hendaklah direkodkan sebagai
bekalan utensil dihospital (stok) seperti Milk Bottle Sterillizer, Breast Pump
dll<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>'),(3509,'010004029','HAND DYNAMOMETER
(HYDRAULIC)','010004','2008-10-09 23:25:32','2012-09-24
17:31:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menguji tekanan,
kuasa enjin jenarator, motor dll yang digunakan untuk pelbagai situasi atau keadaan
persekitaran atau perubatan atau pengujian<I><B>Description</i></b><br>Hydraulic
Hand Dynamometer an indispensable tool. Ideal for routine screening of grip
strength and initial and ongoing evaluation of clients with hand trauma and
dysfunction. Virtually leak-proof hydraulics and isometric design ensure accurate,
reproducible results and years of reliable service. Built to last, a shock-
resistant rubber cap protects the stainless-steel gauge and a wrist strap prevents
accidental damage if dropped.\n'),(3510,'010009008','PLASTIC TRAP','010009','2008-
10-10 17:14:41','2009-01-14
(3511,'010006023','THERMOFORMING MACHINE','010006','2008-10-10 18:27:03','2009-01-
13 11:49:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br><br>Thermal
forming machine that is designed to fabricate a variety of hard and soft dental
appliances. Features including: advanced thermostatic infrared heating technology;
an extra deep model cup for embedding mounted models; positive pressure, a large
display panel and an electric vacuum .'),(3512,'010002016','BLOOD
WARMER','010002','2008-10-14 18:08:38','2009-01-12
14:51:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br> Infusion/Blood Warmer
is an electrically powered dry warmer that supplies heat to the infusion/blood set
tubing. The tubing is placed in an #S#-shaped channel through the heating
plate. Temperature sensors in contact with the tubing control the heating and
regulate effluent temperature. The temperature of fluids depends on many factors #
including initial fluid temperature, room temperature, flow rate and tubing size.
Available in two sizes: a 4mm channel for I.V. administration sets and a 5mm
channel for blood administration sets.\r\n'),(3513,'012001009','ECHO
SOUNDER','012001','2008-10-15 17:14:09','2009-02-06
09:34:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nEcho
sounding</b> is the technique of using sound pulses directed from the surface or
from a submarine vertically down to measure the distance to the bottom by means of
sound waves.<BR>\r\nAn echo sounder is a special form of sonar in which the
transducer or transducer array is fixed in its spatial orientation. The echo
sounder, like the more general sonar, consists of several parts, including
transducer or transducer array, electronics for controlling transmission and
reception, and a means of displaying the echo data. The echo data are displayed in
an echogram, or on a special paper chart recorder; now echograms are displayed on
an electronic screen.'),(3514,'008005042','RIVET GUN (STOK)','008005','2008-10-20
12:24:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>Rivet Gun </b>fastens
metal, leather, canvas and vinyl in seconds. Hardened steel construction. Extended
nose for hard to reach places. Equipped with removable ejector spring. \n'),
(3515,'008005043','TIMING TESTER','008005','2008-10-20 18:41:45','2010-09-25
11:44:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Ignition timing detection, coil on plug vehicles
included\r\nMeasurement of motor dwell angle 0 to 120.\r\nMeasurement of motor
speed.'),(3516,'002002021','PEMOTONG POLISTIRENA (POLYSTYRENE)','002002','2008-10-
21 23:22:15','2008-10-29 17:29:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pemotong
Polissterina\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>Polystrene Cutter / trimmer'),
(3517,'008005044','SCRAPER (STOK)','008005','2008-11-04 19:56:00','2011-08-18
11:26:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3518,'008005045','SHOVEL (STOK)','008005','2008-
11-04 20:05:35','2011-08-18 11:26:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3519,'010003018','ANESTHESIA MACHINE/UNIT','010003','2008-11-05 23:43:03','2009-
09-09 15:16:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>The
anaesthetic machine is used by anaesthesiologists to support the administration of
anaesthesia. The most common type of anaesthetic machine use is the continuous-
flow anaesthetic machine, which is designed to provide an accurate and continuous
supply of medical gases (such as oxygen and nitrous oxide), mixed with an accurate
concentration of anaesthetic vapour (such as isoflurane), and deliver this to the
patient at a safe pressure and flow. Modern machines incorporate a ventilator,
suction unit, and patient-monitoring devices.'),(3520,'010001009','OTOSCOPE
(STOK)','010001','2008-11-06 00:01:13','2018-09-12
15:42:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengukur suhu badan.
<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b> <br>An Otoscope or auriscope is a medical device
which is used to look into the ears. Health care providers use otoscopes to screen
for illness during regular check-ups and also to investigate when a symptom
involves the ears. With an otoscope, it is possible to see the outer ear and middle
ear.\nOtoscopes consist of a handle and a head. The head contains an electric light
source and a low power magnifying lens.'),
(3521,'010001024','LAPAROSCOPE','010001','2008-11-07 19:59:21','2009-01-12
12:51:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Laparoscopy is a type
of surgical procedure in which a small incision is made, usually in the navel,
through which a viewing tube ,Laparoscope is inserted. The Laparoscope (viewing
tube ) has a small camera on the eyepiece. This allows the doctor to examine the
abdominal and pelvic organs on a video monitor connected to the tube. Other small
incisions can be made to insert instruments to perform procedures. Laparoscopy can
be done to diagnose conditions or to perform certain types of operations.'),
(3523,'010002018','OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR','010002','2008-11-09 16:43:12','2008-12-17
16:57:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<I><B>Description</i></b><br> An oxygen concentrator
uses ambient air as a source of oxygen by separating these two components(Nitrogen
and Oxygen). It utilises the property of zeolite granules to selectively absorb
nitrogen from compressed air. \r\nThis device used to provide oxygen therapy to a
patient at substantially higher concentrations than those of ambient air.<br>
Portable oxygen concentrators usually can also be plugged into a vehicle DC
adapter, and most have the ability to run from battery power as well.'),
(3524,'004013041','GAS FLOW METER ANALYZER','004013','2008-11-10 17:47:57','2019-
02-13 20:51:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Gas Flow Meter digunakan untuk menentukan
kadar aliran gas. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR> Gas Flow Meter </B> use to
determine gas flow rates even at low pressure. Clamp-on ultrasonic gas flow meter
is a portable flow meter used to measure natural gas, compressed air, inert gas or
any compressed gas application.erosive, corrosive or sterile.'),
(3525,'010008033','HEADLIGHTS','010008','2008-11-10 18:31:11','2009-01-13
headlights are simply bright flashlights mounted on a headband. The result is an
unequaled clean, bright, adjustable and well-focused large spot of light.'),
(3526,'010001025','COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY','010001','2008-11-10 19:51:44','2009-01-12
12:51:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Computed tomography
(CT) is a medical imaging method employing tomography. Computed Tomography (CT) is
a powerful nondestructive evaluation (NDE) technique for producing 2-D and 3-D
cross-sectional images of an object from flat X-ray images. Characteristics of the
internal structure of an object such as dimensions, shape, internal defects, and
density are readily available from CT images.'),(3527,'010001026','SPOT VITAL SIGN
(NIBP)','010001','2008-11-13 23:32:00','2008-11-17
13:42:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</I></b><br>Spot Vital Signs
Monitor delivers vital signs in seconds. The basic unit offers noninvasive blood
pressure, pulse rate and mean arterial pressure (MAP). Spot Vital Signs additional
parameters include thermometry and Pulse Oximetry. Portable and allows one-button
operation.'),(3528,'010002019','INFANT OXYGEN HEADBOX (OXIDOME)','010002','2008-11-
14 19:05:54','2009-01-12 14:52:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b>
<br> Infant Oxygen Headbox (Oxidome) comes complete with neckband, silicone flap,
thermometer and tubing adaptor.'),(3530,'004013042','DENSITOMETER ','004013','2008-
11-14 20:11:29','2019-02-13 20:51:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Densitometer adalah alat
untuk mengukur darjah kegelapan (optical density) bahan fotografik atau separa lut
sinar atau permukaan memantulkan cahaya. <br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <BR>A
densitometer</B> is a device that measures the degree of darkness (the optical
density) of a photographic or semitransparent material or of a reflecting surface.
The densitometer is basically a light source aimed at a photoelectric cell It
determines the density of a sample placed between the light source and the
photoelectric cell from differences in the readings. <BR>Modern densitometers have
the same components, but also have electronic integrated circuitry for better
reading. There are two types:\n\nTransmission densitometers that measure
transparent materials \nReflection densitometers that measure light reflected from
a surface. \n'),(3531,'010002020','EAR WASH SYSTEM','010002','2008-11-17
21:10:59','2009-01-12 14:53:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>
Ear Wash System provides a safe and effective way to remove cerumen from the ears
of patients of all ages. Chamber regulates the output pressure to prevent damage to
the tympanic membrane. Handle indicator will contrast in color when water is within
10 degrees of body temperature. Chamber automatic shut-off will shut off system if
water reaches 110 degrees. Multi-functional disposable tip.'),
(3532,'010008034','KABINET PERUBATAN (MEDICAL CART)','010008','2008-11-17
(3533,'010008035','TRANSILLUMINATOR','010008','2008-11-17 21:43:13','2008-11-17
13:47:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<I><B>Description</i></b><br>Transilluminator uses
halogen lamp used to examine of an organ by shining a bright light through it.'),
22:08:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<I><B>Description</i></b><br>Standrard Kit
comes with resuscitation musk, oxygen reservoir and tubing. Pressure relief valve
allows resuscitation of both adults and children. Light weight and made of
silicone.'),(3535,'010004030','THERAPY MATS/EXERCISE MATS','010004','2008-11-18
19:08:29','2010-10-14 10:36:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Hamparan untuk lantai guna
semasa latihan fizikal atau latihan
pemulihan.<br><br><I><b>DESCRIPTION</i><br>Theraphy /Exercise mats,</b> used by
therapist or others. Used as floor mats, activity mats and flatform mats. '),
(3536,'010002022','HAND SUCTION/ASPIRATOR (RES Q VAC)','010002','2008-11-18
19:38:18','2009-01-12 14:53:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b>
<br>'),(3537,'014010019','JENTERA PEMBERSIH (SWEEPER)','014010','2008-11-24
18:23:52','2009-02-05 15:59:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Jentera pembersih (Sweeper)
berfungsi untuk membersihkan kawasan kerja, kawasan hangar, kawasan bengkel dan
lapangan hangar daripada bendasing seperti sampah, logam dan batu-
batuan.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nSweeper Machine </b> are outdoor
sweeper machines, versatile sweepers allowing you to clean congested sidewalk,
parking lot, road or downtown areas beyond the reach
of larger more traditional street sweepers. \r\n'),(3538,'007007014','ELECTRIC
BEACON','007007','2008-11-24 20:15:34','2008-12-01
Letrik\r\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\r\nElectric beacons are a kind of
beacon used with direction finding equipment to find ones relative bearing to a
known location (the beacon).\r\n\r\nThe term electric beacon includes radio,
infrared and sonar beacons.'),(3539,'002003031','SISTEM SIAR RAYA (SYSTEM
PA)','002003','2008-11-24 20:47:58','2009-01-08
16:30:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sistem Siar Raya merupakan sistem penyiaran yang
terkecil, berinstitusi yang memancarkan perbualan dan muzik dalam lingkungan
tempat-tempat terbatas seperti sekolah atau hospital\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nA public address or \"PA\" system </b>is an electronic amplification system
with a mixer, amplifier and loudspeakers, used to reinforce a given sound, e.g., a
person making a speech, prerecorded music, or message, and distributing the sound
to the general public around a building.\r\n\r\n'),(3540,'002002022','MESIN PENEBUK
LUBANG TUGAS BERAT','002002','2008-11-24 21:03:49','2015-12-11
17:16:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Penebuk Lubang Tugas Berat yang terdapat
pelbagai jenama/jenis \n\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Heavry Duty Hole
Puncher</b>'),(3541,'002001017','MESIN INFORMASI (INFORMATION
KIOSK)','002001','2008-11-24 22:28:08','2013-01-03
10:41:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin Informasi yang digunakan untuk
memberi maklumat kepada pelanggan yang terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti
Interactive Board, Customer Terminal Board, Interactive Customer Terminal
dll.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nInformation Kiosk</b> is a Kiosk (pronounced
key-osk) is a computer based terminal or display that is used to provide
information or services, typically in a public place. Kiosk systems are being used
in a variety of applications, including information directories, customer self-
service terminals, electronic catalogs, internet access terminals, tourism guides,
and more. We offer several standard kiosk enclosures, displays and components for
kiosk builders, and also custom kiosk design solutions. '),
(3542,'004014045','MOISTURE ANALYSER','004014','2008-11-25 00:10:40','2012-10-12
10:12:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Adalah alat untuk mengukur kelembapan atau kandungan
solid/pepejal dalam sampel serbuk atau cecair atau pepejal atau kayu dalam pelbagai
jenama/jenis. <br><br><i><b> DESCRIPTION <BR> Sample Moisture analyser </B> use to
measure moisture or solids content in samples ranging from powders to liquids.'),
(3543,'013004013','TRAK KREN (TRUCK CRANE)','013004','2008-11-25 00:34:29','2009-
01-22 10:23:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Trak yang dilengkapi dengan Crane untuk
mengangkat/memindah barang berat, alat ganti dan sebagainya dari satu tempat ke
satu \r\ntempat yang lain.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nTruck Crane'),
(3544,'010001027','MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI)','010001','2008-11-25
18:44:05','2009-01-12 12:52:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b>
<br>Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI),
is primarily a medical imaging technique most commonly used in radiology to
visualize the structure and function of the body. It provides detailed images of
the body in any plane. MRI provides much greater contrast between the different
soft tissues of the body than computed tomography (CT) does, making it especially
useful in neurological (brain), musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and oncological
(cancer) imaging. '),(3545,'010007012','CHEMILUMINESCENT
IMMUNOASSAY','010007','2008-11-25 19:48:31','2009-01-13
Immunoassay Analyzer is a R&D instrument used to do immunoassay Chemiluminescence.
Chemiluminescent is a chemical reaction that emits energy in the form of light.
When used in combination with immunoassay technology, the Light produced by by the
reaction indicates amount of analyte in the Sample.\r\n\r\nThe assay group
includes \r\nThyroid function, Fertility , Anemia- Ferritin, Folic acid, Vitamin
B12, RBC folate,\r\n\r\nOncology, Cardiac markers , Monitoring Digoxin,
Carbamazepine, etc.'),(3546,'004006012','INCUBATOR, CARBON
DIOXIDE(CO2)','004006','2008-11-25 21:54:34','2009-02-23
11:40:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Inkubator Karbon dioksida (CO2 inkubator)
membolehkan karbon dioksida dan oksigen di dalam persekitaran alat dilaraskan.
Terdapat dua jenis inkubator, disaluti gas (gas jaketed) dan disaluti air (water
jaketed.\r\n<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCarbon dioxide incubator</B> also
called<b> CO2 incubators,</b> may regulate the carbon dioxide(CO2) and oxygen
content of the atmosphere inside the instrument. Two types of incubators, gas
jaketed or water jaketed. The incubator keeps cultures at an optimal temperature
and humidity. Cell incubators are essential for a lot of experimental work in cell
biology and molecular biology and are used to culture both bacterial as well as
eukaryotic cells.'),(3547,'010002023','LITHOTRIPTERS
INTRACORPOREAL','010002','2008-11-26 00:37:00','2009-01-12
14:54:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>The Intracorporeal
Lithotripter or Intracorporeal Lithotripsy system is a urology surgical
equipment. <BR>Pneumatic Intracorporeal Lithotripter\r\nThe range includes
pneumatic lithotripter, pneumatic intracorporeal lithotripter with probes and
pneumatic intracorporeal lithotripter (pulse).'),
(3548,'010001028','AUDIOMETER','010001','2008-11-26 17:41:55','2009-01-12
12:52:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Audiometer is an ear
analyzer that provides quick and reliable results of ear conditions including
ipsilateral acoustic reflex thresholds for up to four frequencies. The user can
program a pass/fail criteria box for tympanograms making it even easier to
identify problem ears. <br>There are also diagnostic air/bone/speech audiometer.
Tests include manual or automated pure tone testing and speech testing as well as
ABLB and Stenger for binaural presentation of a monophonic speech signal.\r\n\r\n
'),(3549,'010002002','CHOLEDOCHOSCOPE (ENDO THERAPY DEVICE)','010002','2008-11-26
18:19:32','2009-01-12 12:58:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b>
<br>Endo Therapy device use for biliary tract surgery .High performance fiberoptic
imaging device. Ultra-slim which is available in two lengths.'),
(3550,'010002003','COLPOSCOPE','010002','2008-11-26 18:44:48','2009-01-12
12:59:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Colposcope is a device
which provides an enlarged view of the areas, allowing the colposcopist to visually
distinguish normal from abnormal appearing tissue and take directed biopsies for
further pathological examination. The main goal of colposcopy is to prevent
cervical cancer by detecting precancerous lesions early and treating them.'),
(3551,'010008036','MEDICAL AIR COMPRESSOR','010008','2008-11-26 19:33:03','2009-01-
13 13:01:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Medical Air
Compressor is Oil-less Clean Dry Air with Dual Refrigerated Dryer System and CO
Monitor, Corrosion Resistant ASME Receiver Tank , UL Listed NEMA 12 Medical Control
Panel, Meets NFPA 99. '),(3552,'007006030','JUNGLE SURVIVAL PACK','007006','2008-
11-27 19:58:29','2008-12-01 16:05:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pak yang mempunyai
pelbagai peralatan untuk menghadapi kecemasan di dalam hutan termasuk juga
makanan.\r\n<br><br><i><b>Description</i></b><br>\r\nJungle Survival
Pack\r\n\r\n'),(3553,'010002004','PERITONEAL DIALYSIS UNIT','010002','2008-11-27
21:09:39','2009-01-12 13:00:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b>
<br>Peritoneal Dialysis Unit is a device use to remove waste metter from patients
blood by introducing fluid into the peritoneum which then acts as a filter.(as
apposed to haemodialysis)'),(3554,'007001005','SISTEM CCTV (ASET TAK
ALIH)','007001','2008-11-27 23:59:08','2017-09-29
09:45:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sistem TV Litar Tertutup yang mempunyai pelbagai
peralatan sokongan seperti Screen Moniter, CPU, Kamera dll. Perdaftaran hendaklah
dibuat sebagai Set Sistem CCTV \n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nClosed Circuit TV
System (CCTV System) - Closed-circuit television (CCTV)</b> is the use of video
cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place, limited set of monitors. It
differs from broadcast television in that the signal is not openly transmitted,
though it may employ point to point wireless links. CCTV is often used for
surveillance in areas that may need monitoring such as banks, casinos, airports,
military installations and convenience stores'),(3556,'010007013','TISSUE
PROCESSOR','010007','2008-12-01 17:24:52','2009-08-17
22:24:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br> Tissue Processor </B>
is fully enclosed, self-contained, automated, menu-driven, microprocessor
controlled, fully programmable, high volume tissue processor. Automatically
processes tissue in a stationary retort through a sequence of fixation,
dehydration, clearing and paraffin impregnation steps. Processing of each tissue in
the solution can be enhanced by heat, vacuum-only, pressure-only, and a combination
of pressure-vacuum cycles to enhance the infiltration process. User-friendly
integrated control panel features 15 processing programs including ten reagent and
three paraffin steps, and four cleaning programs.\r\n\r\n'),
(3557,'010007014','TISSUE EMBEDDING UNIT','010007','2008-12-01 19:01:34','2009-01-
13 11:58:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>'),
(3558,'010002024','TONOMETER','010002','2008-12-01 19:49:27','2009-01-12
14:54:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>A tonometer is an
instrument for measuring tension or pressure .\r\n\r\nIn ophthalmology, tonometry
is the procedure eye
care professionals perform to determine the intraocular pressure (IOP), the fluid
pressure inside the eye. It is an important test in the evaluation of ocular
conditions such as glaucoma as well as conditions such as phthisis bulbi, and
iritis. Most tonometers are calibrated to measure pressure in mmHg.'),
(3559,'010007015','BLOOD CELL PROCESSOR(APHERESIS UNIT)','010007','2008-12-01
12:00:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Blood Cell
Processor /Apheresis Unit, normally used to wash or deglycerolize red blood cells,
permit serial plasmapheresis using a small roller pump, an adapter line and the
disposable processing set usually used for cell washing. <BR>Blood is withdrawn
from the donor, pumped into the plastic centrifuge bag and the plasma removed after
centrifugation. Donor erythrocytes are pumped from the processing bag to a
reservoir bag from which they are returned to the donor by gravity. '),
(3560,'010001029','BRONCHOSCOPES','010001','2008-12-01 20:49:37','2009-01-12
12:53:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>A bronchoscope is a
flexible tube with a small light and camera used to evaluate the airway and lungs
to diagnose or rule out respiratory problems such as pneumonia and lung cancer.'),
(3561,'010001006','ENDOSCOPY CAMERA','010001','2008-12-01 20:58:42','2009-01-12
12:30:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br> Endoscopy Camera is a
high resolution, video endoscopy camera for all kinds of endoscopes, borescopes,
fiberscopes.<br>\r\n\r\nIt has universal eyepiece connection and is equipped with
focusable optical coupler for connecting it to eyepiece of your
00:39:54','2009-01-12 14:56:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b>
<br>Defibrillators are devices that apply sharp electrical shocks to the heart when
its beating becomes dangerously rapidly or chaotic. The shocks can restore normal
heart rhythms before the malfunctioning heart suffers sudden cardiac arrest, a
seizure than can lead to death within minutes. \r\n\r\n'),
(3564,'010003019','ELECTROSURGICAL UNIT','010003','2008-12-02 19:46:53','2009-01-13
10:39:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>High Power Digital
Electrosurgical Unit.\r\n\r\nThis unit has digital display for output power and can
be used for almost any electrosurgical procedure.\r\nComes with foot pedal
capability, both Monopolar and bipolar output or bipolar only.'),
(3565,'009004027','MARINE BUOY','009004','2008-12-02 20:13:23','2008-12-02
12:14:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\r\nA marine buoy is a floating device that can have
many different purposes, which determine whether the buoy is anchored (stationary)
or allowed to drift. '),(3566,'010003020','NEPHROSCOPE','010003','2008-12-02
10:39:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>New technologies
in optics, processing and application. Laser-welded mechanics in stainless steel
and scratch-resistant sapphire windows distal and proximal provide high safety in
sterilization. High flow sheath design\r\nCrystal clear image quality due to hybrid
lens technology\r\n\r\nSpecially designed three-nail grasper with lumen for laser
fibre'),(3568,'010002026','GASTROSCOPES','010002','2008-12-02 23:54:52','2009-01-12
14:56:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>'),
(3569,'004013043','OSMOMETERS','004013','2008-12-03 01:00:43','2017-02-03
16:08:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Osmometer digunakan untuk mengukur tahap osmolality
sesuatu bahan. Seperti Single Sample Osmometer Mechine <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<BR> Osmometers </B>can be used to measure the osmolality of a sample. The
freezing point depression method is the most commonly used method in laboratories
around the world.'),(3570,'010008037','ENTERAL FEEDING PUMP','010008','2008-12-03
13:01:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Enteral Feeding
device used to deliver nutritional solutions directly into the gastrointestinal
tract. Portable unit allows patients to carry the pump wherever they go.'),
(3571,'010005007','EXTRACORPERAL PERFUSION PUMP','010005','2008-12-03
perfusion is the science of using equipment to conduct blood outside the body of
the patient. This is usually performed to provide a static, blood free surgical
field during heart surgery.\r\n\r\nExtracorporeal Circulation is physiologically
maintained using cardiopulmonary bypass, anaesthetic agents, drug intervention and
temperature manipulation by highly skilled professionals called Perfusionists. '),
(3572,'010002025','FUNDUS CAMERA','010002','2008-12-04 19:29:02','2009-01-12
14:55:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Non-Mydriatic Fundus
Retinal camera for mass screening of adult diseases such as Diabetic Retinopathy,
Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration. '),
(3574,'010001030','COLONOSCOPE','010001','2008-12-04 19:59:39','2009-01-12
12:54:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Colonoscope is use to
examination of the large colon and the distal part of the small bowel .It may
provide a visual diagnosis (e.g. ulceration, polyps) and grants the opportunity for
biopsy or removal of suspected lesions. Colonoscopy allows an examination of the
entire colon, which measures four to five feet in length.'),
(3575,'010001031','SIGMOIDOSCOPE','010001','2008-12-04 20:08:04','2009-01-12
12:54:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Sigmoidoscope use in
Sigmoidoscopy. Sigmoidoscopy is the minimally invasive medical examination of the
large intestine from the rectum through the last part of the colon. There are two
types of sigmoidoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy, which uses a flexible endoscope,
and rigid sigmoidoscopy.<br>A Sigmoidoscopy only examines up to the sigmoid, the
most distal part of the colon, while colonoscopy examines the whole large bowel.'),
(3576,'010007016','SLIDE STAINERS','010007','2008-12-04 20:42:38','2009-01-13
(3577,'010001032','DUODENOSCOPE','010001','2008-12-04 23:33:25','2009-01-12
12:55:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Duodenoscope is an
endoscope for examining the duodenum.'),(3578,'010008038','PRESSURE
INSUFORS','010008','2008-12-05 00:26:42','2009-01-13
(3579,'010007017','HEMATOLOGY ANALYZER','010007','2008-12-05 19:23:05','2009-01-13
12:00:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>This instrument
measures WBC, RBC, Hgb, Hct, MCV, MCH, MCHC, and Platelets using a sample volume of
40 ul'),(3580,'010007018','BLOOD CULTURE ANALYZER','010007','2008-12-05
(3581,'010003021','MEDICAL BONE SAW ','010003','2008-12-05 23:45:25','2009-01-13
(3582,'010007019','BLOOD GROUP ANALYZER','010007','2008-12-17 20:11:24','2009-01-13
(3583,'010005008','INTRA AORTIC BALLON PUMP (IABP)','010005','2008-12-17
11:21:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>The Intra-aortic
balloon pump (IABP) is a mechanical device that is used to decrease myocardial
oxygen demand while at the same time increasing cardiac output. By increasing
cardiac output it also increases coronary blood flow and therefore myocardial
oxygen delivery. It consists of a cylindrical balloon that sits in the aorta and
counterpulsates. That is, it actively deflates in systole increasing forward blood
flow by reducing afterload thus, and actively inflates in diastole increasing blood
flow to the coronary arteries. '),(3584,'010002027','AUTOMATIC EXTERNAL
DEFIBRILLATOR (AED)','010002','2008-12-17 23:51:32','2009-01-12
14:56:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>An automated external
defibrillator (AED) is a portable automatic device used to restore normal heart
rhythm to patients in cardiac arrest. \r\n\r\nAn AED is applied outside the body.
It automatically analyzes the patient#s heart rhythm and advises the rescuer
whether or not a shock is needed to restore a normal heart beat. If the patient#s
heart resumes beating normally, the heart has been defibrillated. \r\n'),
(3585,'010001033','CYSTOSCOPE','010001','2008-12-18 01:01:50','2009-01-12
12:55:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Flexible cystoscopy is
a procedure that allows doctors to look inside the bladder.\r\n\r\nFlexible
cystoscopy uses a narrow, flexible, tube-like telescopic camera, called a
cystoscope.Flexible cystoscopy can help find out what is causing recurrent urinary
tract infection (UTI), incontinence or blood in your urine. It also allows your
doctor to examine the bladder wall very closely for unusual growths, ulcers or
stones.'),(3586,'010003022','HI PRECISION CCD CAMERA','010003','2008-12-18
01:16:07','2009-09-10 12:12:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION<BR>
Hi Precision CCD Camera</b> is a high-performance color camera, employing high-
density CCDs to deliver unmatched image quality. Excellence in the field of medical
imaging, the CCD Camera incorporates precision RGB prism optics and FT (frame
transfer) CCDs with approximately 400,000 pixels in its image sensing device.
<br>\r\n\r\nSophisticated video technology has been fully utilized to reproduce
true-to-reality scenes of the most advanced medical techniques. '),
(3587,'010002029','DIALYZER REPROCESSING UNIT','010002','2008-12-18
20:32:42','2009-01-12 14:57:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b>
<br>Dialyzer Reprocessing Equipment is design for the clean and
sterilizes all types of dialyzer and tubes. It could sterilize two or four blood
circuit tubes and dialyzer simultaneously.\r\n'),(3588,'010002030','EAR/ NOSE/
THROAT TREATMENT UNIT','010002','2008-12-19 00:16:50','2009-01-12
14:57:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>'),
(3589,'010001035','INJECTOR (CONTRAST MEDIA)','010001','2008-12-19 18:27:12','2009-
01-12 12:56:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Powered
injectors are used in various medical applications, such as injecting contrast
agents into the vascular systems of patients who undergo certain diagnostic imaging
procedures. A powered injector ordinarily uses a motor drive that is attached to a
syringe plunger. The drive pulls the plunger rearward to draw contrast agent into
the syringe and then drives the plunger forward to inject contrast agent through a
tube and into the patient. The contrast agent is usually injected into the patient
under high pressure.\r\n\r\n'),(3590,'010002031','INSUFFLATOR','010002','2008-12-19
19:04:06','2009-01-12 14:58:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>
On/off switch\r\n# digital display of volume (liters), gas flow (liters/min) and
abdominal pressure (mm Hg)\r\n# 4 position flow selector\r\n# pressure selector
dial\r\n# connector to gas canister and patient outlet\r\n# gauge for gas in bottle
'),(3591,'010001034','INTUBATION SCOPE','010001','2008-12-19 19:22:19','2009-01-12
12:56:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>'),
(3592,'010001036','LIGHT SOURCE','010001','2008-12-19 19:52:09','2009-01-12
12:57:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Light Sources
specifically designed for fiber optic lighting (Endoscopy equipment). Several type
of light sources used including xenon, halogen, quartz halogen, metal halide,
CERMAX high performance ceramic xenon, etc. '),(3593,'010002032','PERIMETERS
(OPHTHALMIC)','010002','2008-12-22 20:40:09','2009-01-12
14:59:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Eye tracker system for
rapid exams & accurate results. '),
(3594,'010005009','PHONOCARDIOGRAPH','010005','2008-12-22 23:47:32','2009-01-13
11:22:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>An instrument
consisting of microphones and recording equipment used to monitor and record heart
sounds and murmurs (sound usually the sound of the heart, heard through a
stethoscope).\r\n'),(3595,'010002033','ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM (EEG
MONITOR)','010002','2008-12-23 07:50:42','2009-01-12
15:01:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Electroencephalography
(EEG) is the measurement of electrical activity produced by the brain as recorded
from electrodes placed on the scalp by using an Electroencephalogram.\r\nScalp EEG
is collected from electrodes positioned on the surface of the head. EEG signals
(in the range of milli-volts) are amplified and digitalized for later processing.
The data measured by the scalp EEG are used for clinical and research purposes in
neurology, epilepsy, pathologies such as sleep-related disorders, sensory
deficits, brain tumors, cognitive neuroscience ect.\r\n\r\n'),
(3596,'010003023','ZAWBONES','010003','2008-12-23 08:18:07','2009-08-19
10:00:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR>ZawBones </B> is a
Manual Bone Cutting Instrument for removing a slice of bone for histological
examination.\r\n All Stainless Steel Construction\r\n Includes one (1) Coarse Blade
and one (1) Fine Blade \r\n'),(3597,'010003024','AUTOPSY SAW','010003','2008-12-23
09:53:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Autopsy Saw
includes one and Large Section Blade and Allen Wrench with a 10 foot Hospital Grade
Cord.'),(3598,'010006024','DENTAL FLASK PRESSES/HYDRAULIC','010006','2008-12-24
18:11:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Flask Press
manufactured of malleable/ductile cast iron for durability and long wear. Press is
provided with alloy steel shaft, grey iron handle and malleable/ductile iron
pressure plate. Holes in frame allow for easy bench mounting.'),
(3599,'010003025','DIATHERMY (RADIOFREQUENCY/SHORTWAVE)','010003','2008-12-25
10:41:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Diathermy is a
device using high frequency electric current to produce heat in body tissue. In
medical therapy diathermy is used.By using heat produced by electricity for
treatment of muscle and joint disorders (such as rheumatism).\r\n\r\nIn surgical
diathermy is used as a knife or electrode which is heated by a strong electric
current until it coagulates tissue. <br>The difference between medical and surgical
uses of diathermy is in the size of the electrodes used. Two large electrodes will
give a warming effect over a large area (medical diathermy); if one of the
electrodes is small, the heat will be concentrated enough to coagulate tissue
(surgical diathermy) \r\n \r\n'),(3600,'010001021','RHINOSCOPE','010001','2009-01-
02 06:17:04','2009-01-12 12:49:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b>
<br>Rhinoscope is a medical instrument consisting of a mirror mounted at an angle
on a rod; used to examine the nasal passages (through the nasopharynx).'),
(3601,'010007020','SEDIMENTATION RATE ANALYZER(ESR)','010007','2009-01-02
12:02:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Sed rate, or
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), is a blood test that can reveal inflammatory
activity in your body. The test is done using Sedimentation Rate Analyzer. ESR
analyzer is an automatic instrument controlled by a microprocessor and exclusively
employed for analysis of the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate..<BR>The sed rate test
measures the distance red blood cells fall in a test tube in one hour. The distance
indirectly measures the level of inflammation # the further the red blood cells
have descended, the greater the inflammatory response of your immune system.'),
(3602,'010004031','ELECTRICAL NERVE STIMULATOR','010004','2009-01-02
involves the use of electrical impulses to stimulate the muscle or nerve.\r\nThe
primary delivery mechanism is via transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
(TENS). Its use has been reportedly positive in RA and OA among other conditions.
Common uses include musculoskeletal pain, peripheral nerve injury, peripheral
neuropathy, postsurgical pain, and complex regional pain syndrome.'),
(3603,'010004032','ULTRASOUND SYSTEM','010004','2009-01-03 00:42:35','2016-03-14
15:15:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Ultrasound Therapy
System unit which comes with a dual frequency applicator. It is light-weight and
portable and features a universal applicator cable to make changing applicators
quick and easy. There is an optional rechargeable lithium ion battery pack that
truly allows you to take therapy on the road with you'),
(3604,'010004033','ULTRASOUND NEUROMUSCULAR STIMULATORS','010004','2009-01-03
11:16:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Therapy units
combine ultrasound with electrical stimulation in one compact package. These units
is ease to use embodied by the Sonicator therapeutic ultrasound and Stim stimulator
. Multiple stimulation waveforms and dual frequency applicators for therapeutic
ultrasound.'),(3605,'010003026','PNEUMATIC TOURNIQUETS','010003','2009-01-05
10:41:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>A device used to
stop bleeding in an emergency. Modern surgical tourniquets are specifically
designed to enable surgeons to perform delicate dissections in a bloodless
operative field. They use compressed gas to apply a carefully controlled amount of
pressure to an extremity. Some computerized tourniquet systems perform self -
checks of calibration, display elapsed inflation time, and sound alarms if problems
arise.'),(3606,'010008021','MANIKIN (CPR)','010008','2009-01-05 06:26:32','2009-08-
06 23:43:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Manikins is a
tranning device for realistic and high-quality to learn & practice critical
lifesaving skills. Educationally effective by focusing on the performance level
of key CPR and defibrillation skills and techniques.'),
(3607,'010001037','URODYNAMICS MEASUREMENT SYSTEM','010001','2009-01-05
06:51:44','2013-02-19 15:51:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan
untuk menganalisis atau menguji kepada sistem saraf/anggota badan seperti Cardio
Pulmonary Exercise Test, Sensormedics Vmax Pulmonary Funcition Test, Impulse
Oscillometry, Full Lung Function Test, General Respiratory Test dll
<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Urodynamics Measurement System is a system for non-
invasive testing of bladder activity, aiding in the diagnosis of patients with
lower urinary tract symptoms, that is patients who suffer from Urinary
Incontinence.'),(3608,'010002034','VACUUM EXTRACTORS (OBSTETRICAL)','010002','2009-
01-05 18:37:40','2009-01-12
15:02:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>It is a vacuum device
used to assist the delivery of a baby when labour has not progressed adequately. It
is an alternative to a forceps delivery and caesarean section. The device consists
of silicone/metal cup, PVC Tube, Suction Pump, Glass Jar fitted with Vacuum Gauge
and Control Valve. \r\n'),(3609,'010003027','VITRECTOMY INSTRUMENT','010003','2009-
01-05 19:41:40','2009-09-01 12:00:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pembedahan
mata. Melibatkan prosedur mikrosurgery dan peralatan khusus.
<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Vitrectomy instrument is a small instrument which
is placed into the eye to remove the vitreous and insert the saline solution into
the eye.\n Small Incision Vitrectomy Instruments
include a full range of instruments to permit a small incision approach to cases
such as macular hole and macular pucker.'),(3610,'010002017','PATIENT WARMER
(BLANKET)','010002','2009-01-05 20:25:48','2009-01-12
14:51:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>A radiant warmer is
used to keep the patient#s core temperature stable at 37 degre Celsius. Patient
Warmer/Blanket Warmer is a perfect unit to help prevent unintended Hypothermia.
This wamer provides clinical warmth to the patients/animal before, during and after
surgery.\r\n'),(3611,'010002035','INFANT WARMER (RADIANT)','010002','2009-01-05
20:38:01','2009-05-25 13:37:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pemanas Bayi digunakan untuk
memanaskan bayi setelah bayi dilahirkan. Pemanas ini dapat sentiasa melaraskan dan
mengekalkan suhu panas pada bayi. Pemanas menggunakan sinaran inframerah.
<BR><BR><i><b>DESCRIPTION</i><br>Infant Warmer (radiant) </B> is use to warm a baby
directly after birth, to regulate a babys temperature during long term care in
hospital. The radiant warmer element is positioned above the patient/infant. The
warmer element emits infrared radiation, which is absorbed by the patients skin and
warms the patient. '),(3612,'010002036','WARMING/COOLING UNIT','010002','2009-01-05
23:04:34','2013-02-21 15:43:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin/Peralatan yang digunakan
untuk memberi kesan kelembapan udara/penyejukan mengikut pelbagai keadaan seperti
dibengkel, makmal, bilik dll. Ianya terdiri pelbagai jenama, jenis mengikut fungsi
penggunaan seperti Cooling Aspirator, Eyela dll<i><b>Description</i></b> <br>Units
that control patient body temperature using warming or cooling elements. These
systems operate by circulating warm or cold liquids through pads or blankets. They
are often used during surgical procedures for protective or prevention purposes
STIMULATORS','010004','2009-01-07 19:29:01','2009-01-13
11:16:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>Stimulators that
apply heat stimuli (e.g., hot fluids) to the patient. Most of these stimulators are
used to elicit a measurable response for diagnostic, monitoring, or therapeutic
purposes.'),(3614,'010007021','OXYGEN BREATH ANALYZER','010007','2009-01-08
12:03:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Oxygen Breath
Analyzer checks oxygen concentration (%), flow rate (L-min), and patient outlet
pressure (psi-kPa) on any oxygen concentrator.'),(3615,'002010007','PETI
BARANG','002010','2009-01-15 19:43:57','2009-01-22
10:43:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peti Barang adalah bekas untuk menyimpan dan membawa
barang-barang, peralatan, alatan kerja dan lain-lain yang diperbuat dari aluminium,
besi, kayu atau plastik keras.\r\n\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nHard
Case</b> is a box case for storing and carrying , tools, devices and others goods.
It is made of aluminium, steel, wood or hard plastic.\r\n'),(3616,'001005010','CARD
PRINTER','001005','2009-01-15 20:44:38','2009-02-12
12:27:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pencetak Kad adalah pencetak yang digunakan untuk
mencetak kad plastik dan kad keras samada kad pintar, kad pengenalan plastik, kad
keahlian dan kad pas. \r\n\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCard Printer</b> are
printer that used for printing smart card, plastic id card, membership card and
pass card.'),(3618,'004004004','ANNEALING FURNACE','004004','2009-01-19
19:27:25','2009-02-23 11:13:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Relau
Penyepuhlindapan\r\n<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nFurnace anneals are
performed by equipment especially built to heat semiconductor wafers (in
semiconductor device fabrication). Furnaces are capable of processing lots of
wafers at a time but each process can last between several hours and a day.'),
(3619,'004001019','AMPOULE SEALER','004001','2009-01-19 20:24:42','2009-02-23
11:03:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pemateri Ampul adalah alat pemateri kaca yang
digunakan untuk mementeri bahagian hujung ampul setelah dimasukkan bahan sampel.
<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\noperated Ampoule Sealer unit is designed for
use with natural or bottled gas and air.\r\nA mixer valve enables the user to
adjust the flame for maximum heat. A small air pump is available to give a flow of
air and a regulator and pressure gauge is recommended to keep the flow
constant.\r\n\r\nThe ampoule is placed and held on the adjustable platform and
turned while manually drawing off the ampoule top with tweezers.'),
(3620,'004006013','FREEZE DRYER','004006','2009-01-19 23:14:53','2009-02-23
11:41:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat Freeze Dryer digunakan untuk mengeringkan
sampel, terdapat 3 jenis: rotary evaporator dryer, manifold freeze dryer dan tray
freeze dryer. Rotary freeze dryer selalu digunakan dengan sampel cecair, Manifold
freezer dryer selalu digunakan apabila bekerja dengan banyak bekas-bekas kecil
manakala tray freeze dryer adalah lebih canggih dan digunakan untuk mengeringkan
berbagai bahan. \r\n <br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION</b><br>\r\nThree categories of<b>
freeze-dryers</b>: rotary evaporators, manifold freeze-dryers, and tray freeze-
dryers.\r\n\r\nRotary freeze-dryers are usually used with liquid products, such as
pharmaceutical solutions and tissue extracts.\r\nManifold freeze-dryers are usually
used when drying a large amount of small containers and the product will be used in
a short period of time.\r\n<br>Tray freeze-dryers are more sophisticated and are
used to dry a variety of materials. A tray freeze-dryer is used to produce the
driest product for long-term storage. A tray freeze-dryer allows the product to be
frozen in place and performs both primary (unbound water removal) and secondary
(bound water removal) freeze-drying,'),(3621,'004007009','SPECIMENT
POLISHER/POLISHING MACHINE','004007','2009-01-19 23:23:21','2010-06-27
22:04:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Lab Polisher adalah alat untuk menggilap bahan
sampel. Banyak digunakan dalam penyediaan sampel kaji logam /
metallurgi.\r\n<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nLab Speciment Polisher </b>For
metallographic polishing automation, individual specimens, central specimen holder
or power polishing heads are available.'),(3622,'004008008','ORBITAL
SHAKER','004008','2009-01-19 23:46:20','2019-02-13
12:13:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Orbital Shaker digital dikawal oleh mikroprosessor
dan pemapar LED untuk kelajuan serta pemasa. Goncangan yang sekata keatas semua
sampel didapati melalui timbal balas makanisma yang esksentrik yang digerakkan
sekeliling orbit. Orbital shaker mempunyai lapik getah yang didudukan keatas
dulang. \n<br><br><B><I> DESCRIPTION<br>\nDigital Orbital Shaker </b>is a
microprocessor-controlled unit that features LED displays for speed and time. Speed
range from 25 to 500rpm . Reproducible motion is evenly distributed to all samples
through a counter-balanced eccentric drive mechanism that travels over a 19mm
(3/4\") circular orbit. Shaker is supplied with a rubber pad, which sits on a
square tray that rotates on heavy-duty sealed ball bearings and is powered by a
continuous-duty motor.'),(3623,'004008009','FLOCCULATOR','004008','2009-01-20
00:23:06','2019-02-13 12:18:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk mengasingkan cecair
dan pepejal\n'),(3624,'008002046','VOLTAGE /CURRENT CALIBRATOR','008002','2009-01-
20 00:45:57','2010-09-25 10:21:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Voltage/ Current
Calibrator is a general purpose current and voltage source and measure voltage
/current, that can be used in engineering, manufacturing, calibration,test, and
process control application.'),(3625,'004013044','DISTANCE MEASUREMENT
DEVICE','004013','2009-01-20 23:25:36','2009-03-21
01:02:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pengukur Jarak adalah alat yang boleh mengukur jarak
atau keluasan sesuatu bilik atau kawasan menggunakan
digital.\n<br><BR><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>Distance measurement device </B>(digital,
laser) which can measure distance from some cm to several meters or imperial
inch/feet , also with laser pointer to mark distance, and water resistant.'),
(3626,'001001005','PRINT SERVER (STOK)','001001','2009-01-21 21:16:40','2019-02-11
20:39:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pelayan Pencetak\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\nPrint Server; Printer Server</b> is a computer or device that is connected to
one or more printers and to client computers over a network, and can accept print
jobs from the computers and send the jobs to the appropriate printers.\n\n'),
(3627,'015004008','KABINET MENEGAK','015004','2009-01-22 18:58:35','2009-02-10
15:39:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kabinet Menegak sesuai penyimpanan peta, pelan dan
lukisan.\r\n<BR><br><I><B> Description</b><br> Vertical Cabinet has space saving
solution for filing maps, plans and drawings.'),(3628,'001005011','LED
PRINTER','001005','2009-01-22 19:52:40','2009-02-16
10:43:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pencetak LED adalah pencetak komputer yang
menggunakan teknologi LED.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nAn LED printer</b>
is a type of computer printer. LED technology uses a light-emitting diode array as
a light source in the printhead. The LED bar pulse-flashes across the entire page
width and creates the image on the print drum or belt as it moves past.\r\n\r\n'),
(3629,'004014052','THERMOGRAVIMETRIC ANALYZER (TGA)','004014','2009-01-22
20:13:30','2009-03-30 19:50:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat Analisa Thermogravimetric
atau TGA adalah sejenis alat ujian yang digunakan keatas sampel untuk mengukur
perubahan berat apabila terdapat perubahan suhu. Analisa ini bergantung pada
kejituan pengukuran yang tinggi dalam 3 parameter iaitu berat, suhu dan perubahan
suhu. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> Thermogravimetric Analysis or TGA </B> is a
type of testing that is performed on samples to determine changes in weight in
relation to change in temperature. Such analysis relies on a high degree of
precision in three measurements: weight,
temperature, and temperature change. '),(3630,'004014053','COLOR QUEST
SPECTROMETER/FASTNESS TESTING MACHINE','004014','2009-01-22 20:14:18','2013-02-20
16:11:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin/peralatan atau spectrometer warna, boleh
menguji warna, mengukur legap, lutsinar, dan lutcahaya, pepejal atau cecair bagi
ciri-ciri warna, keteguhan, pancaran warna dan lain-lain pada fabrik, kain, kertas
atau hamparan dll. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Colour
Spectrometer, Rota Wash dll.<br><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION <br> Color Quest spectrometer
</b> is a color measurement spectrometer,able to measure opaque, transparent and
translucent solid and liquid for properties such as color, opacity, strength,
transmitted color, APHA and haze.'),(3631,'015003008','ALMARI
HIASAN','015003','2009-01-22 20:38:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Almari Hiasan;
Almari Sisi; Almari sudut; Almari Jati\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nSide
Cupboard; Coner Cupboard Decoration Cupboard; Jati Wood Cupboard'),
(3632,'004014054','LIGHT SCATTERING ','004014','2009-01-22 20:41:11','2009-03-30
18:45:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Ada dua jenis Serakan cahaya (Light Scattering),
iaitu serakan cahaya dinamik dan serakan cahaya statik. Serakan dinamik atau
dikenali sebagai Photon Corellation Spectroscopy atau Quasi-Elastik Light
Scattering adalah teknik fizik untuk menentukan saiz partikel halus dalam larutan.
<br> Sementara dalam Statik Light Scattering, keamatan serakan cahaya diukur
sebagai fungsi sudut. <BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION</b><br>There are two types of
Light Scattering. <B>Dynamic Light Scattering and Static Light Scattering
</B>(Classical Light Scattring). Dynamic light scattering (also known as Photon
Correlation Spectroscopy or Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering) is a technique in
physics, which can be used to determine the size distribution profile of small
particles in solution. <BR> In Static Light Scattering (SLS), the intensity of the
scattered light is measured as a function of angle. For the case of macromolecules
such as proteins of polymers, this measurement can yield the molar mass, rms
radius, and second virial coefficient (A2). For certain classes of particles,
static light scattering can yield the size, shape, and structure.\r\n'),
(3633,'009002030','RAIN FALL GAUGE','009002','2009-01-23 18:00:07','2014-03-06
09:26:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Sistem yang digunakan untuk mengukur
curahan hujan, paras air, tekanan air. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai komponen yang
dipasang bersekali dengan Sistem Mengukur Air. Antara jenama/jenis komponen seperti
Tipping Bucket, Dry Pressure, Wet Pressure Tranducer, Water Level Radar Sensor,
Ultrasonic Sensor dll.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<BR></b>Types of <b> rain fall
gauges </b> include graduated cylinders, weighing gauges, tipping bucket gauges,
and simple buried pit collectors. also known as a udometer or a pluviometer or a
cup, is a type of instrument used by meteorologists and hydrologists to gather and
measure the amount of liquid precipitation over a set period of time.'),
(3636,'002002023','MESIN PENIMBANG/SCALE','002002','2009-01-28 17:52:08','2014-08-
28 08:04:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk mengetahui
ukuran berat sesuatu benda, barang dll. Ianya terdapat pelbagai jenis seperti
Penimbang Surat, bahan mentah, \n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\nPostal Scaler;
Weight Machine'),(3637,'006003011','HEAD SET','006003','2009-01-28 19:50:43','2019-
02-12 15:48:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Set Pendengaran
lengkap\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nHead Set; Ear Phone'),
(3638,'015001027','MEJA PARA','015001','2009-01-28
20:30:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Meja Para\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nConsole Table'),(3639,'016005018','LAMPU HIASAN BERDIRI','016005','2009-01-
28 20:49:03','2009-01-28 12:51:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Lampu Hiasan Berdiri; Lampu
Hiasan Lantai\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br> \r\nDecoration Stand Lamp;
Decoration Floor Lamp'),(3640,'007002015','FIRE EXTINGUISHER STAND','007002','2009-
01-28 20:57:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Tempat Meletak Pemadam Api'),
(3641,'008003023','FLAT COMPACTOR','008003','2009-01-29 00:17:39','2009-03-04
08:06:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat Pemampat adalah alat mekanikal atau hidrolik
yang digunakan untuk mengecilkan saiz tanah atau barangan buangan dengan cara
memampat. <br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<BR>A compactor,</b> basically, is a mechanism
or hydraulic that is used to diminish the size of soil or waste materials by
compaction. These equipments are normally powered by hydraulics. Plate Compactors
are also used for trenches, foundations, asphalt and paving. <br>Waste compactors
are stylish pieces of refuse equipment that reduce the equivalent of up to 14 large
rubbish bins into one trash compactor bag.\r\n\r\n'),(3642,'004016010','MOBILE LAB.
/ VEHICHLE UNIT ','004016','2009-01-29 01:10:25','2010-08-24
09:19:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>A mobile laboratory /
A Vehicle Unit,</b> is a laboratory that is either fully housed within or
transported by a vehicle such as a converted bus, RV, or tractor-trailer. Such
vehicles can serve a variety of functions, including:\r\n\r\nScience
education\r\nScience research\r\nAir, water, and soil analysis and
monitoring\r\nBiosafety etc.'),(3643,'012001010','MESIN PEMOTONG/PENGISAR
POKOK','012001','2009-02-03 19:31:53','2009-03-12
09:14:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Pemotong / Pengisar Daun, dahan,
pokok.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nLeaf/plant Cutter / Grinder /
Shredder</b>\r\nCan chop forage fro all kind of grass and strokes.\r\nRobust,
Portable machine.'),(3644,'009002031','OIL CONTENT ANALYZER','009002','2009-02-03
21:22:19','2009-02-03 13:28:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Oil Content Analyzer
efficiently measures the level of oil in water or soil for environmental
applications, checks for residual oil on semiconductor parts which have been
cleaned, and measures oil on any industrial surface. Recomended applications are in
Surveying water quality and hazardous waste sites ,\r\nOil depots- Monitoring the
discharge produced when cleaning storage tanks, \r\nAutomotive- Monitoring waste-
water discharge from service stations.\r\n\r\n'),(3645,'015001028','MEJA MESYUARAT
SEPARA BULAT','015001','2009-02-03 23:26:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Meja
Mesyuarat Separa Bulat adalah meja mesyuarat modular berbentuk separa
bulat\r\n<br><br><b><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br> \r\nHalf Round Meeting Table'),
(3646,'011020004','KHEMAH','011020','2009-02-04 01:07:24','2019-02-12
12:07:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Khemah bersaiz besar seperti kanopi, kanvass dan
zink\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\n'),(3647,'012001011','ALTIMETER/TOTAL STATION
LEVEL','012001','2009-02-04 19:37:17','2012-05-03
15:40:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Perkakasan yang digunakan untuk mengukur
ketinggian sesuatu titik rujukan ditapak ekskavasi dengan tepat. Mengukur
ketinggian permukaan tanah dari aras laras purata laut dan sebagainya seperti Total
Station Level Altimeter dll\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\nAn altimeter </b>is an
instrument used to measure the altitude of an object above a fixed level. The
measurement of altitude is called altimetry. There are various type of Altimeter,
analog altimeter, digital altimeter, altimeter watches, sky diving altimeter.'),
(3648,'004014055','GROUND PENETRATING RADAR','004014','2009-02-04 20:24:42','2009-
03-30 18:37:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Ground panetrating radar adalah alat goefizik
menggunakan denyut radar bagi mendapatkan gambaran dibawah permukaan tanah. Teknik
ujian tanpa musnah ini menggunakan radiasi elektromegnetik dalam jalur gelombang
mikro (ulangan UHF/VHF) dan mengesan pantulan signal daripada struktur bawah tanah.
<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) </B> is a
geophysical method that uses radar pulses to image the subsurface. This non-
destructive method uses electromagnetic radiation in the microwave band (UHF/VHF
frequencies) of the radio spectrum, and detects the reflected signals from
subsurface structures. GPR can be used in a variety of media, including rock, soil,
ice, fresh water, pavements and structures. It can detect objects, changes in
material, and voids and cracks.\r\nGPR uses transmitting and receiving antennas or
only one containing both functions.\r\n'),(3649,'008003024','PIPE AND CABLE
LOCATOR','008003','2009-02-04 20:43:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pipe and cable
Locator is use to locate pipe and cable and other meterial, when direct connect is
not possible, and on the toughest conductors: coated iron pipes with insulated
joints, un-energized power (street/parking lot lights), worn-out tracer tape &
wire, short side services & stub-outs, concentric neutrals, and fiber. <br>Check
either signal with the flick of a switch. Working depth of 4 to 18 feet depending
on the type of connection, soil conditions and how well the item conducts the
signal. \r\n'),(3651,'009002032','MULTI PROBE/PARAMETERS WATER QUALITY
TESTER','009002','2009-02-04 20:59:48','2010-08-17
13:47:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Multi Probe/parameters water quality tester / water
quality sondes is a compact water quality instrument . The water quality sonde can
simultaneously measure: pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, salinity,
turbidity, total dissolved solids (TDS), water depth, oxidation reduction potential
(ORP), seawater specific gravity and up to three specific ions. <br> Featuring a
powerful water quality sonde and state-of-the-art functions, the water quality
instrumentation makes it easy to get highly reliable water quality data simply and
quickly just by submersing the sensor in the water. '),
(3652,'004014056','HYDROCARBON ANALYZER','004014','2009-02-05 19:42:19','2009-03-30
18:28:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Penganalisa Hidrokarbon digunakan dalam analisa
berbagai jenis hidrokarbon dalam campuran kepekatan gas atau udara ambien.
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> Hydrocarbon Analyzer </b> provides reliable
performance in the analysis of a wide varieties of hydrocarbon concentrations in
gaseous mixtures or in ambient air.\r\nIt utilizes two flame ionization detectors
(FID). The flame ionization detectors, sample filters, all sample lines, solenoid
valves, pump heads, capillaries and some related components.'),
(3653,'004014057','NO/NO2/NOX ANALYZER','004014','2009-02-05 20:12:29','2009-03-30
18:19:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Penganalisa NO/NO2/NOX digunakan untuk mengukur
jumlah nitrogen dioksida dalam udara daripada paras sub ppb sehingga paras 100ppm.
Alat ini menggunakan satu chamber satu pengesan tiub photomultiplier dan mempunyai
keluaran yang berasingan untuk NO/NO2/NOX. <br><br><i><b> DESCRIPTION <BR>
NO/NO2/NOX Analyzer </B> measures the amount of nitrogen oxides in the air from
sub-ppb levels up to 100ppm.The instrument use a single Chamber, single
photomultiplier tube and has independent outputs for NO, NO2, and NOX. Each can be
calibrated separately. Dual range and Auto range are standards features as
well.'),(3654,'004014058','OZONE ANALYZER','004014','2009-02-05 20:31:52','2009-03-
30 18:08:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat Analisa Ozon menggunakan photometer U.V
untuk mengukur kepekatan ozon dalam ambien dengan tepat dan bolehharapkan.
<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Ozone Analyzer </B>is a U.V. photometer which
accurately and reliably measures ozone concentrations in ambient air. Operates on
the U.V. absorption principle of specific wavelengths of UV light created by
Ozone. One such wavelength of light is passed through a glass sample cell that
alternately contains the measurement sample and then a reference sample that is
selectively scrubbed of ozone. The difference in UV light attenuation between the
sample and reference gas streams provides a measurement of the ozone present in the
gas sample.'),(3655,'004014059','SO2 ANALYZER','004014','2009-02-05
20:46:25','2009-03-30 17:51:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat analisa ini digunakan
untuk mengukur sulpur dioksida (SO2) dalam udara ambien. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<BR>ThE Sulphur Dioxides (SO2) </b> analyser uses the Ultraviolet Pulsed
Fluorescence principle for continuous monitoring of sulphur dioxides (SO2) in
ambient air. This instrument provides high sensitivity and low noise. Use a PTFE
tube to minimize gas sample losses due to absorption.'),(3656,'002012014','TANDAS
BERGERAK /PORTABLE TOILET','002012','2009-02-05 23:11:20','2011-01-24
15:15:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Tandas bergerak terdiri daripada satu unit binaan
tertutup dengan pintu yang boleh dikunci dari dalam, bersaiz 4\' lebar x 4\' dalam
x 7.5\' tinggi. Diperbuat daripada plastik dan boleh dialih
tempat.<br><br><i><b>Portable Toilet</b> is an enclosed unit with a door that can
be locked from the inside, approx. 4\' wide x 4\' deep x 7.5\' high, made from
injection molded plastic. Has 1 toilet seat over a 50 - 60 gal holding tank which
contains approx. 5 gal of liquid chemical for breaking down waste. Usually stocked
with seat covers, toilet paper and waterless hand cleaner. '),
(3657,'012004004','SANGKAR BURUNG','012004','2009-02-06
19:36:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3658,'003003018','MESIN PENGGELEK
DOH','003003','2009-02-11 19:18:48','2010-01-27
01:00:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin yang digunakan untuk menggelek, meleper atau
meratakan doh untuk proses menerap seterusnya. Ada juga yang dilengkapkan dengan
mata pemotong saperti untuk membuat mee (Noodle Machine).
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</b><br>Dough Roller Machine '),(3659,'001010004','RAK
PERALATAN KOMPUTER','001010','2009-02-12 18:13:03','2017-03-09
\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION: <br>Computer Tools Rack</b>'),(3660,'003003019','ALAT
PEMANAS MAKANAN','003003','2009-02-12 18:38:10','2014-06-16
09:11:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk memanaskan makanan
atau bahan mentah untuk dimasak. Iany terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti
Food Warmer, Cornet Beef, Franfurter, Kebuk Pengasap dll<br><br><i><b> DESCRIPTION
<BR> Food warmer </B> including Bain marie.'),(3661,'004019001','TELESKOP
CERAP','004019','2009-02-12 19:09:13','2009-02-17
CLEOPATRA','015005','2009-02-12 23:43:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kerusi
Cleopatra\r\n<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nCleopatra Chair</b>\r\n'),
(3663,'003009006','SET GELAS MINUMAN ','003009','2009-02-17 00:26:43','2019-02-12
14:53:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Set Gelas Minuman adalah set bekas minuman meliputi
gelas dan jug sekali.\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\nSet Glassware'),
(3664,'003009007','SET KUTLERI (STOK)','003009','2009-02-17 00:36:32','2017-08-24
10:12:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Set Kutleri adalah meliputi set termasuk sudu,
garfu, pisau makan dan lain-lain alat kutleri.
\n\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nCutlery Set refers to any hand implement used in
preparing, serving, and especially eating food \n\n'),(3665,'004014060','ADHESION
TESTER','004014','2009-02-17 00:57:37','2009-03-30
17:47:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk menguji kekuatan ikatan rekatan
(adhesion) salutan. Rekatan diukur dengan menggunakan tarikan tegangan keatas
pelekat Dolly kepada permukaan salutan. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> Adhesion
Tester </B>or Pull Off Tester measures with ease and precision the adhesion bond
strength of applied coatings. The adhesion is measured by the tensile pull on a
Dolly glued to the coating surface. The force is applied through the centre of the
Dolly by a hydraulically loaded pin. '),(3666,'002009006','FLANNEL
BOARD','002009','2009-02-17 21:27:06','2009-02-17
Flannel\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nFlannelgraph (sometimes called a
flannel board)</b> is a storytelling system that uses a board covered with flannel
fabric, usually resting on an easel. It is very similar to Fuzzy felt, although its
primary use is as a storytelling medium, rather than as a toy.\r\n'),
(3667,'002003032','INTERACTIVE BOARD','002003','2009-02-17
21:42:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Papan Interatif; Skrin
sentuh\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nInteractive whiteboard;</b> Touch
Screen; Touch Whiteboard; Smart Whiteboard; Touch Screen Monitor'),
(3668,'010008039','UTENSIL STERILIZER','010008','2009-02-18 16:22:53','2009-02-18
08:30:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Construction of stainless steel. Use for steam
sterilization/ disinfection of utensils, bowls etc. Sterilizers are fitted with
thermostat, specially design low water level cut off device. Available iin various
sizes.'),(3669,'012001012','MESIN PENYEMBUR KABUT','012001','2009-02-18
18:10:00','2014-04-25 10:53:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Penyembur Kabut, Mesin
Termal Pengawalan Nyamuk terdapat dalam berbagai saiz tangki cecair. Kuasa
menyembur lebih 25 HP, boleh digunakan dengan bahan kimia berasaskan air atau
minyak. Ianya terdapat dalam pelbagai jenama dan jenis seperti Swingfog
dll<br><br><i><b>Description<br></b>Fog generating machines ( fogging machine).
There is basic model ,and other models vary having solution tanks of different
sizes and material. The power of the combustion chamber of more than 25 HP makes it
possible to apply oil based as well as water based chemicals in an equivalent
droplet spectrum. \n'),(3671,'008005047','PLANIMETER (STOK)','008005','2009-02-18
23:32:23','2012-07-09 12:25:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Planimeter adalah alat pelukis
pelan untuk mengukur keluasan kawasan dengan dua dimensi. Terdapat juga Planimeter
digital.<br><br><b><i>Description<br>A Planimeter</b> is a drafting measuring
instrument used to measure the area of an arbitrary two-dimensional shape/or may
have irregular shape. The most common use is to measure the area of a plane
shape.\nThere are also digital planimeter.'),(3672,'008001033','HYDRAULIC
TESTER','008001','2009-02-18 23:55:33','2009-02-18 15:58:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A
simplified digital hydraulic tester with a single ON / OFF switch. Measure flow,
temperature and pressure in one robust unit.'),
(3673,'006003012','BOOSTER','006003','2009-02-19 23:54:18','2009-02-19
16:16:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Penguat Penggalak signal
audio\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nBooster </b> is a device used to boost
the signal reception to the local area by the usage of a reception antenna, a
signal amplifier and an internal rebroadcast antenna. These are similar to the
cellular broadcast towers used to broadcast by the network providers, but are much
smaller, usually intended for use by one building.'),(3674,'003005012','PENGISAR
AIS','003005','2009-02-20 00:57:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pengisar
Ais\r\n<br><br<b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nIce Scrapper'),
(3675,'004013045','ELECTROMETER','004013','2009-02-24 19:09:02','2012-06-01
12:12:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Electrometer adalah instrumen electronik untuk
mengukur cas elektrik atau beza upaya voltan elektrik seperti elektrometer,
Rectifier dll.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>An Electrometer </b>is an electrical
instrument for measuring electric charge or electrical potential difference. Modern
electrometers based on vacuum tube or solid state technology can be used to make
voltage and charge measurements with very low leakage currents, down to 1
femtoampere.'),(3676,'008006006','ENGINEERING TURNTABLE','008006','2009-02-24
19:32:44','2009-02-24 11:45:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Turntable adalah sebuah binaan
meja daripada logam yang boleh berpusing atau menjalankan fungsi bergerak.
Pergerakan meja dikawal oleh motor untuk tujuan
tertentu.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>A turntable </b> is generally a rotating
platform.\r\nEngineering turntable is a motorized or manual device, usually
installed in a lab or workshop, that rotates a instrument or setup to facilate an
easier or safer of the setup for special purposes.'),(3677,'008001034','FILLING
MACHINE','008001','2009-02-24 19:55:04','2009-02-24
12:10:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Pengisi digunakan untuk mengisi bahan kedalam
botol, vial, cawan dll.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>The machine is designed for
filling and packing the plastic cups, bottles, vials etc.'),
(3678,'008001035','CRIMPPING/CAPPING MACHINE','008001','2009-02-24 20:13:20','2009-
06-25 00:07:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin untuk memasang penutup pada vial, botol,
cawan dll. Terdapat dalam bentuk manual, hidrolik, semiautomatik dan automatik
sepenuhnya. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br> </b>It is designed to seal metallic
caps / Plastic screw caps of various sizes on the bottles, vials fed on continuous
line. It is manual, hydraulic, semi/fully automatic and is of robust construction,
complete with a rotary cap feed and a built in slat conveyor for the incoming and
outgoing bottles.\r\n'),(3679,'008001036','DECAPPER MACHINE','008001','2009-02-24
20:52:50','2009-02-24 12:59:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin untuk mengeluarkan tutup
vial atau botol.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>Decapper machine</b>semiautomatic or
automatically remove and dispose off the caps of vials, bottles.'),
(3680,'004013046','EDDY CURRENT CONDUCTIVITY METER','004013','2009-02-25
01:47:19','2009-02-24 17:59:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Adalah meter yang digunakan
untuk mengukur kekonduksian logam menggunakan teknik eddy current dalam kerja ujian
tanpa musnah. <br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <BR>Eddy Current Conductivity </B>meter is
use to measure conductivity of a metal. Eddy current is a non-destructive testing
technique that utilizes a probe or coil to establish a small alternating electric
current within a test material. The instrument probe or coil is affected by the
eddy current. By interpreting the affect of the test material on the probe,
information can be obtained about the material#s permeability, mass and electrical
conductivity.'),(3681,'004015029','LIQUID SCINTILLATION COUNTER','004015','2009-02-
25 16:26:21','2009-02-25 08:41:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pembilang Sintillasi Cecair
adalah alat untuk mengesan dan mengukur radiasi daripada nuklei yang mengeluarkan
pancaran beta. sampel dilarutkan didalam cecair dengan dicampur bahan yang boleh
memancar cahaya. Partikel beta yang terkeluar dari sampel akan dikesan oleh alat
pengesan sintillasi.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <BR>Liquid scintillation counter
</b>is an instrument use to detect and measuring radiation from beta-emitting
nuclides. Samples are dissolved or suspended in a solvent (historically benzene or
toluene, but more recently less hazardous solvents ) and small amounts of other
additives known as fluors. Beta particles emitted from the sample transfer energy
to the solvent molecules, which in turn transfer their energy to the fluors; the
excited fluor molecules dissipate the energy by emitting light. In this way, each
beta emission (ideally) results in a pulse of light. '),
(3682,'004015030','SCINTILLATION COUNTING SYSTEM','004015','2009-02-25
16:50:14','2009-02-25 09:09:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat Pembilang Scintillasi
adalah sistem untuk mengesan dan membilang radiasi yang dikeluarkan oleh radiasi
mengion menggunakan alat kesan sintillasi. Sampel yang digunakan berbentuk
pepejal.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>Scintillation Counting system </b> is a
system/ device for detecting and counting scintillations produced by ionizing
radiation from solid sample using scintillation detector.'),
(3683,'004015031','GAMMA COUNTER','004015','2009-02-25 17:13:14','2009-02-25
09:25:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pembilang Gama adalah alat pembilang automatik,
mengukur radiasi gama yang dikeluarkan oleh radionuklie. Sehingga 300 sampel boleh
disusun diatas trek yang bergerak . Vial ini kemudian akan ditarik kebawah masuk
kedalam ruangan alat kesan berperisai untuk pembilangan. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<BR>A Gamma Counter </B>is an automatic gamma counting machine to measure gamma
radiation emitted by a radionuclide. Up to 300 samples are placed in sealed vials
or test tubes, and move along a serpentine track on a horizontal plain. Sealed
vials move down one by one inside a shielded detector, set to measure specific
energy windows characteristic of the particular isotope.'),(3684,'006008021','TIK
TOK (STOK)','006008','2009-02-25 20:41:32','2019-02-12
22:20:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Tik-Tok diberbuat daripada kayu. Ia mempunyai
pemegang dan sebatang pengetuk. Tik-Tok menghasilkan bunyi yang tidak lanjut. Bunyi
di bahagian kanan tik-tok tidak sama dengan bunyi di bahagian
kirinya.\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION\nDouble - tone block '),
(3686,'006008022','PERKUSI LOCENG (STOK)','006008','2009-02-25 20:43:53','2019-02-
12 22:20:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Perkusi Loceng merupakan segugusan loceng kecil
yang dipasang pada bingkai. Bingkai berbentuk gelung yang diperbuat daripada
plastik dan loceng-loceng logam kecil diikatkan pada bingkai tersebut. Loceng-
loceng ini akan menghasilkan bunyi yang halus dan nyaring apabila digoncang.
\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\nPercussion Bell\n'),
e Melodian</b> was a monophonic synth with 12 bit A/D and sampling rates up to 22
kHz. It was designed to be compatible with analog synthesizers and had a feature
where it would sync to the pitch of an analog synth, such as an Arp 2600. This
means the Melodian captured all of the frequency modulation effects, including the
touch ribbon control. It also could trigger of the ARPs keyboard so it could almost
be thought of as a hybrid sampler/analog synth, making best use of the technology
that was available.\r\n'),(3688,'006008023','SIDE DRUM','006008','2009-02-25
21:02:00','2012-11-30 09:06:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Drum sampingan yang digunakan
untuk sesuatu upacara rasmi\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br> \nSide Drum </b> is a
small drum with two heads and a snare stretched across the lower head'),
(3690,'004015032','INDUSTRIAL X-RAY MACHINE','004015','2009-02-26 18:07:53','2009-
03-10 16:32:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Dalam bidang Radiography, x-ray digunakan
untuk melihat objek yang tak dapat dilihat secara fizikal. Mesin X-Ray Industri
digunakan di dalam kerja-kerja industri saperti ujian pemeterian dan bilah turbin
dalam industri aeroangkasa, dalam industri automotif dan sebagainya. Terdapat juga
mesin X- Ray mudah alih bagi kegunaan pemeriksaan dan penyenggaraan saluran paip
industri. <br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<BR></b>Radiography is the use of X-rays to
view unseen or hard-to-image objects. <b>Industrial X-Ray Machine </B>is used for
the inspection and testing of weld and turbine blades in earospace industry,
testing of automotive castings, wheels and tires in automotive industry etc.
<br>There are also Portable industrial x-ray system and x-ray based pipe inspection
system for the testing of welded seams in pipe production and maintenance.'),
(3691,'011024005','JUNGLE GYM','011024','2009-02-27
17:54:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The jungle gym, also known as monkey bars,
Brachiation or climbing frame, is a piece of playground equipment made of many
pieces of thin material, such as metal pipe or, in more current playgrounds, rope,
on which children can climb, hang, or sit. The monkey bar designation was for the
resemblance that playing children had to the rambunctious, climbing play of
monkeys, though the term nowadays often refers specifically to a single row of
overhead bars designed to be swung across'),(3692,'012001013','LABELING
MACHINE','012001','2009-03-05 06:29:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3693,'002012015','MESIN URUT KAKI / REFLEXOLOGI ','002012','2009-03-06
machine</b></i>, used to do treatment to relieve tension by massaging the soles of
the feet.\r\n'),(3694,'001005012','DVD PUBLISHER','001005','2009-03-06
19:10:10','2009-03-06 11:23:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'DVD Publisher mempunyai
pencetak berwarna, pemacu DVD/ CD-R, dapat mengeluarkan (mencetak) sehingga 100
disk, juga boleh berfungsi sebagai Network Disc Publisher.
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> DVD Publisher </b>consist of DPI Full-Color
Printing,\r\nOne DVD-R / CD-R Drive,\r\n50-Disc Capacity and\r\nNetworked Disc
Publishing'),(3695,'008001037','INJEN BOT','008001','2009-03-07
01:41:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3696,'008003025','GERGAJI BESI/TANGAN
(STOK)','008003','2009-03-09 06:04:56','2012-07-09
14:24:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3697,'008005048','TOOL CABINET','008005','2009-
03-10 06:51:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kabinet Perkakasan iaitu kabinet tempat
simpan perkakasan samaada besi atau kayu, digantung di dinding atau yang boleh
bergerak. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>Tool Cabinet </B> is a cabinet for storing
tools, including drawer cabinet, steel or wood, on wall cabinet or mobile.'),
(3698,'008005046','COMPONENT CABINET/RACK','008005','2009-03-10 06:54:36','2009-04-
10 11:19:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Rak/Kabinet komponen, adalah tempat untuk
menyimpan komponen elektronik/elektrik. <br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <BR> Componen
cabinet/rack </b>- electronics/electric componnent storage cabinet.'),
(3699,'002008008','PENDINGIN UDARA MULTI SPLIT MOBILE','002008','2009-03-10
17:49:25','2016-09-21 11:29:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pendingin udara yang
boleh bergerak'),(3700,'008003026','POLISHING MACHINE','008003','2009-03-10
19:14:39','2013-09-06 11:34:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/ Mesin Pengilat
seperti pada Kenderaan, Lantai khusus untuk melicin atau merata permukaan besi,
kayu, lantai marmar, granit, terrazzo, dan lain lain kemasan. Ianya terdiri dari
pelbagai nama dan jenis seperti Okaiz, dll <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>Floor
polishing Machine </b>or finishing machine is a finishing system specifically
designed for marble, granite, terrazzo and other stone
floors, the Diamond Finishing Machine allows successive stages of stone floor
surfaces to be completed. <br>The Finishing system combines the unique Cimex
three-head counter rotating system, using water as a lubricant, with a selection of
diamond faced finishing disks, graded from coarse to fine, to accommodate newly
laid floors, heavily worn or damaged stone or surface re-polishing.\n\n'),
(3702,'008002047','ROBOT/ ROBOTICS','008002','2009-03-11 16:37:18','2009-03-11
11:45:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Robot adalah alat rekaan electromekanikal yang boleh
menjalankan berbagai fungsi saperti benda hidup, bergerak, berpusing, sensitif
dengan perubahan persekitaran dan sebagainya.<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<br>A Robot
</b>is a virtual or mechanical artificial agent. In practice, it is usually an
electro-mechanical system which, by its appearance or movements, conveys a sense
that it has intent or agency of its own. <BR>\r\nRobots tend to do some or all of
the following: move around, operate a mechanical limb, sense and manipulate their
environment, and exhibit intelligent behavior, especially behavior which mimics
humans or other animals.'),(3703,'004013047','LAB PERISCOPE','004013','2009-03-11
16:43:40','2019-02-13 20:58:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Periscope adalah alat
pemerhatian dari tempat tersembunyi yang menggunakan cermin atau prisma yang
diletakkan selari antara satu sama lain disudut 45
darjah.<br><Br><i><B>DESCRIPTION <BR>A Periscope </B> is an instrument for
observation from a concealed position. In its simplest form it is a tube in each
end of which are mirrors set parallel to each other and at an angle of 45 with a
line between them. <br>\n\nMore complex periscopes, using prisms instead of
mirrors, and providing magnification, are used on submarines'),
(3704,'010001038','GAMMA CAMERA','010001','2009-03-11 16:51:37','2009-03-11
09:52:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kamera Gama digunakan untuk mendapatkan emej sinaran
gama yang dikeluarkan oleh radioisotop yang digunakan dalam bidang
perubatan.<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR>A gamma camera</B> is a device used to
image gamma radiation emitting radioisotopes, a technique known as scintigraphy.
The applications of scintigraphy include early drug development and nuclear medical
imaging to view and analyse images of the human body of the distribution of
medically injected, inhaled, or ingested radionuclides emitting gamma
rays.\r\n\r\n'),(3705,'012001014','COMPOSTER','012001','2009-03-11 17:03:36','2009-
03-11 10:42:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Composter adalah alat dimana bahan
buangan/sisa makanan disimpan untuk dijadikan kompos yang boleh digunakan sebagai
bahan tanaman. <br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <BR>A Composter </B> an instrument where
simply place your compost materials in the top and, as the drum rotates, finished
compost moves to an inner chamber which can be easily accessed from the end.'),
(3706,'010007022','MICROBIOLOGY DIAGNOSIS SYSTEM','010007','2009-03-23
18:02:51','2009-03-23 11:10:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan oleh makmal hospital
microbiologi untuk menentukan jenis bakteria dengan pilihan media tumbesaran.
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> Microbiological Diagnosis System </b> used by
hospital microbiological laboratories to identify bacteria with selective growth
media and to determine drug susceptibility (kill curves, minimum inhibitory
concentrations, etc.). \r\n\r\nSystem automated prep station and reader-
recorder.'),(3707,'009002033','ACOUSTIC DOPPLER CURRENT PROFILER','009002','2009-
03-23 18:33:05','2009-03-23 11:39:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Adalah alat sonar yang
digunakan untuk merekod halaju arus dalam berbagai kedalaman. Acoustic Doppler
Current Profiler boleh digunakan dalam berbagai situasi, side-listening, dalam
sungai atau terusan untuk tempoh masa yang lama. <br><br><i><b> DESCRIPTION <BR> An
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler </B>(ADCP or ADP) is a sonar that attempts to
produce a record of water current velocities for a range of depths. ADCPs can be
configured in many ways: side-listening, into rivers and canals for long term
continuous discharge measurements, downward-listening and mounted on boats for
instantaneous surveys in the ocean or rivers, and mounted on moorings, or the
seabed for long term current & wave studies.\r\n\r\n'),
(3708,'009005001','TERRAMETER','009005','2009-03-23 19:16:41','2009-03-23
12:40:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mengukur rintangan dalam bumi geofizik dilakukan
dengan menggunakan Terrameter. Dengan dua elektrod yang dimasukkan kedalam bumi
dan mengenakan arus elektrik kedalam bumi, medan keupayaan dibentuk, bacaan
keputusan boleh diambil. <br><br><b><i></b>Resistivity measuremets with a
<b>Terrameter </b> are one of the simplest methods to be used in geophysics. By
putting two electrodes into the ground and inducing an electric current through the
ground a potential field is created. Two additional electrodes are used to measure
the potential at some location.'),(3709,'009001024','MICROWAVE
MONITOR','009001','2009-03-23 23:24:46','2009-03-23
16:36:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk mengesan dan mengukur paras pendedahan
mikrowave berdekatan station telefon celular, oven mikrowave, telefon mobile ,
telefon mudahalih digital dan lain-lain punce mikrowave selamat atau tidak.
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> Microwave Environmental Monitor </B> is ideal for
checking whether exposure levels near to cellular phone base-station masts and from
microwave ovens, Mobile Phones, Digital Cordless Phones (DECT) and other microwave
sources are safe or dangerous. It features a vertical array of 10 coloured LED
lights, each with a measurement threshold, further grouped into easy-to-read bands
of green, yellow, and red. Frequency range 100 MHz - 3 GHz; display range 0.7 - 6.5
V/m'),(3710,'004001020','SAMPLE OXIDIZER','004001','2009-03-27 06:09:29','2009-03-
26 23:20:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Oxidizer mengguna pakai teknologi pengoksidan api
terbuka/tertutup. Sebagai hasilnya pembakaran sampel akan dapat mmeningkatkan
ketepatan dalam sistem pembilang cecair (LSC). <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR> Sample
Oxidizer </b> utilizes the patented \"open/close\" flame oxidation technology. The
result: an oxidizer that will expand your experimental designs in liquid
scintillation counting. Combustion of sample material increases accuracy in LS
counting because there is: \r\n\r\nNo self-absorption \r\nNo chemiluminescence
\r\nNo color quench \r\nNo spectral overlap \r\nNo variable chemical quench \r\n'),
(3711,'004013048','ULTRASONIC VELOCITY METER','004013','2009-03-27 18:37:12','2010-
08-18 11:11:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Memantau kelajuan dan juga paras aliran
saliran , paip. Banyak digunakan dalam air banjir, air kumbahan dan air limpahan,
pengairan dan taliair. Menggunakan sensor ultrasonik yang dipeteri rapat mengukur
secara berterusan kelajuan aliran dan paras air.<br><br><B><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>
Ultrasonic Velocity meter </b> monitor flow through open channels, partially full
sewer pipes and surcharged pipes without a flume or weir. Ideal for stormwater,
combined effluent, raw sewage, irrigation water and streams. <BR>\r\nUses a
submerged ultrasonic sensor to continuously measure both Velocity and Level in the
channel. The sensor is a completely sealed ultrasonic unit with no orifices or
ports. It mounts inside a pipe or at the bottom of a rectangular, trapezoid or egg-
shaped channel. '),(3712,'004014005','BORESCOPE','004014','2009-03-27
19:49:40','2009-07-22 13:51:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Borescope atau Boroscope satu
fungsi atau dengan dua fungsi, dua jenis cahaya, UV light untuk pengesanan
kebocoran dan cahaya putih untuk pengesanan biasa. Mempunyai tiub fibre optik yang
panjang boleh menjangkau kedalam komponen saperti enjin dan lain-
lain.<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <BR> BoreScope or Boroscope </b> or dual function
boroscope, features and benefits Dual lights - UV leak detection and white for
normal inspection; lights can also be used separately Long 36\" fiber optic tube to
reach deep into components and engine compartments 4.3mm tube diameter - ideal for
diesel engines with smaller diameter glow plugs Comes with clip on mirror and
magnet; magnet picks up to 1/4 lb.<BR>Versatile inspection scope that features 4
Functions in one kit: Internal UV leak detection, Internal component inspection,
Powerful 1 watt Pico-Lite and Super bright 1 watt Luxeon LED flashlight.'),
(3713,'004013049','CORROSION METER','004013','2009-03-27
20:16:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk mengukur karatan/kakisan dalam
sebarang persekitaran. <br><Br><i><b>DESCRIPTION </B><BR>Measures corrosion in any
environment both aqueous and non-aqueous liquids, mixed phases, vapours, gases,
atmosphere and solids. <b>Corrosion meter </b> works in connection with a probe
installed in a corrosive environment. The probe employs a sensing element made from
wire, strip or tube of the same metal as the pipeline, vessel or structure to be
monitored'),(3714,'012001015','CHLOROPHYLL METER','012001','2009-03-27
20:36:26','2009-03-27 13:43:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk mengukur jumlah
klorofil pada daun/pokok, dimana jumlah klorofil adalah petunjuk keadaan kesihatan
tumbuhan.<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION ,<BR>Chlorophyll Meter </B> instantly measures
the amount of chlorophyll content, a key indicator of plant health.'),
(3715,'009005002','SEISMOMETER','009005','2009-04-02 17:20:45','2009-04-02
10:54:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Seismometer adalah alat untuk mengukur dan merekod
pergerakan bumi termasuklah gelombang sismos yang dihasilkan oleh gempa bumi,
letupan nuklear dan lain-lain punca siemos. Rekod gelombang seismos ini memberikan
ahli seismologi melakarkan bentuk keadaan dalam bumi, menentukan lokasi dan
mengukur saiz punca seismos. <br><br><B><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> Seismometers </B>are
instruments that measure and record motions of the ground, including those of
seismic waves generated
by earthquakes, nuclear explosions, and other seismic sources. Records of seismic
waves allow seismologists to map the interior of the Earth, and locate and measure
the size of these different sources.\r\nModern instruments use electronic sensors,
amplifiers, and recording instruments. Most are broadband covering a wide range of
frequencies. Some seismometers can measure motions with frequencies from 30 Hz
(0.03 seconds per cycle) to 1/850 Hz (850 seconds per cycle).\r\n'),
(3716,'009005003','INFILTROMETER','009005','2009-04-02 18:30:45','2009-04-02
11:47:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Meter susup adalah alat untuk mengukur kadar
penyusupan air kedalam tanah atau sebarang media poros. Ada dua jenis meter susup
iaitu satu gelang atau dua gelang. <br><br><i><b> DESCRIPTION <BR> Infiltrometer
</B> is a device used to measure the rate of water infiltration into soil or other
porous media (permeability of soils). Commonly used infiltrometers are single ring
or double ring infiltrometer. Others are the disc permeameter, and the sprinkler
infiltrometer.\r\nThe single ring involves driving a ring into the soil and
supplying water in the ring either at constant head or falling head condition.
Double ring infiltrometer requires two rings: an inner and outer ring. '),
(3717,'009005004','GEOELECTRICAL IMAGING','009005','2009-04-02 19:18:51','2009-04-
02 12:27:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Geoelectrikal Image adalah tomograpy metod yang
berfungsi sama saperti pengimbas CAT atau MRI dalam perubatan Menggunakan elektrod
logam yang dimasukkan ke dalam bumi atau kedalam lubang gerek. Kerintangan bumi
kemudiannya dukur. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Geoelectrical Imaging </B> or
tomography produces images of the subsurface in much the same way that CAT or MRI
scanners. It is a minimally invasive technique that uses metal electrodes inserted
into the ground, either at the surface or in boreholes. These measure the
electrical resistivity of the Earth. \r\n\r\nThis physical property depends on the
geology, the quality of the groundwater, and the presence of contaminants and their
breakdown products. '),(3718,'009005005','ELECTRICAL DENSITY GAUGE','009005','2009-
04-02 20:04:07','2009-04-02 13:20:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Adalah alat alternatif
untuk mengukur kelembapan, ketumpatan tanah padat yang digunakan dalam pembuatan
jalan dan tapak asas bangunan. Ia merupakan alat mudahalih berkuasa beteri.
Mengukur ciri-ciri dielektrik elektrik tanah dan paras kelembapan tanah mampat
menggunakan perjalanan gelombang radio. <br><BR><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> The
Electrical Density Gauge </B>(EDG) is a non-nuclear alternative for determining the
moisture and density of compacted soils used in road beds and foundations. The EDG
is a portable, battery-powered instrument capable of being used anywhere. <BR>
\r\nThe EDG measures the electrical dielectric properties and moisture levels of
compacted soil using high, radio frequency traveling between darts driven into the
soil being tested. When conducting a test, the EDG measures and displays the
results for wet and dry density, gravimetric moisture content and percent
compaction.'),(3720,'008005049','SET PERKAKAS KERJA KAYU','008005','2009-04-10
08:07:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk memisahkan ion dari larutan (air).
<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Deionizer </B> is a device use to remove ions from
(a solution/water) using an ion-exchange process.'),(3722,'008003027','MIRROR
STEREOSCOPE','008003','2009-04-14 01:53:00','2009-04-13
18:56:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION </B> <br>A fine quality
optical instrument with optical paths extended to 16cm mirrors, <b>Mirror
Streoscope </b> - provides a wide field of view; ideally suited to stereo photos -
field of view; 100m x 100mm - 1.5X magnification -, land is seen in three-dimension
and all objects stand out. Height can be observed in even the smallest object,
legs for compact storage - complete with wooden case.\r\n\r\n'),
(3723,'011003006','TIANG MUDAH ALIH','011003','2009-04-14 23:07:26','2014-01-24
10:00:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3724,'011003007','REFEREE STAND','011003','2009-
04-14 23:33:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Tempat Duduk Pengadil'),
(3725,'011003008','BADMINTON COURT MAT','011003','2009-04-14 23:39:18','2014-01-24
10:01:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Padang permainan badminton samada yang boleh dialih
atau tetap'),(3726,'003005013','GARBAGE GRINDER','003005','2009-04-15
00:00:08','2009-04-14 17:06:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pengisar bahan buangan dapur,
dipasang di sinki dapur untuk mengisar sisa makanan menjadi halus supaya boleh
dilupuskan kedalam saluran air.\r\n<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> \r\nA Garbage
Grinder /disposer </b> is a motorized appliance that grinds waste from food
preparation into liquid for washing down the drain.\r\n\r\nThe disposer motor turns
a flywheel to which impellers are attached. Food waste within the chamber is
repeatedly hit and cut by these rotating impellers, grinding it into small
particles that can be flushed through the drain pipe and into the septic or sewer
system.\r\n'),(3727,'006003013','AUDIO TEST AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEM','006003','2009-
04-20 23:39:22','2009-04-20 17:55:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ujian dan
pengukuran untuk signal audio. Terdapat dalam unit tersendiri atau kad komputer.
Boleh menerima masukan dan keluaran analog atau digital, mengeluarkan signal
ujian, spectrum dan menganalisis signal. <BR><BR><B><I> DECSRIPTION <BR> Audio
test and measurement system </b> are rackmounted I/O/processor box; software with
numerous test, measurement and analysis programs; computer-controlled via PCI, ISA
or PCMCIA card\r\n Some key features are analog and digital inputs and outputs,
generation of test signals for both analog and digital devices, multifunctional
audio analysis, spectrum analysis, multitone analysis and detailed harmonic
analysis.'),(3728,'006002003','TV SIGNAL LEVEL METER','006002','2009-04-21
00:04:40','2009-04-20 17:08:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION
<BR> \r\nTV Signal Level Meter </B> is a measurement device designed for cable
installers. This unit measures broadcast VHF/UHF and standard cable channels
.\r\nThis unit includes a large LCD that displays signal level, engineering units
employed, and video & sound carrier status. It also shows a display of relative
signal level for antenna adjusts. Sound monitoring is provided at a phone jack with
volume control and an on-screen graph of volume level.'),(3729,'006003014','STEREO
GENERATOR','006003','2009-04-21 00:39:24','2009-04-20
17:49:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini digunakan dalam proses siaran bagi signal
FM. Ianya gabungan antara signal multiplex, stereo pilot, dihasilkan dengan teknik
sintesis digital untuk mendapatkan keupayaan pengasingan stereo yang optima.
<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <br> Stereo generator </b> intended for use with an
external FM audio processing system.\r\nThe composite multiplex signal, including
the stereo pilot, is generated with digital synthesis techniques to assure optimum
stereo separation.\r\nStereo Generator PC Board installed in an enclosure and wired
for plug and play operation. Rear panel contains balanced left and right XLR audio
input jacks and a BNC multiplex output connector.\r\n'),(3730,'006004005','TIME
BASE CORRECTION','006004','2009-04-21 01:16:11','2009-04-20
18:22:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini digunakan untuk pembetulan masa ketika
merakam video analog. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR></b> Time base correction is
a technique to reduce or eliminate errors caused by mechanical instability present
in analog recordings on mechanical media. <b>Time base correction </b> unit is used
to do correction. Without time base correction, a signal from a videotape recorder
or videocassette recorder cannot be mixed with other, more time stable devices
found in video studios. Most broadcast-grade VCRs have simple time base correctors
built in though external time base correctors (\"TBC\"s) are often used.'),
(3731,'006004006','VIDEO SYSTEM CONVERTER','006004','2009-04-21 01:24:23','2009-04-
20 18:31:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Video system converter adalah alat universal
multisistem, yang boleh menukarkan sistem PAL TV/VHS/DVD/video Satellite kepada
NTSC TV dan sebaliknya. <BR><BR><I><B> DESCRIPTION <br> </b>This universal multi-
system <B>video standards converter </B>delivers superb conversion and performance
for worldwide TV or video recording application. Users can also watch PAL
TV/VHS/DVD/Satellite videos on a NTSC TV or capture TV/VHS/DVD/Satellite videos
from a PAL system into a NTSC video recorder or vice versa. \r\nGreat <B> video
system converter </B> for playback conversion and recording conversion. Features
full digital decoding and encoding. Ideal for converting VHS tapes or other analog
video contents onto DVD or video tapes\r\n'),
(3732,'004013050','OLFACTOMETER','004013','2009-04-21 16:43:04','2019-02-13
21:02:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Olfactometer adalah sejenis alat pengesan bau. Juga
terdapat alat pengesan bau, menggunakan cahaya uv untuk mengesan tompok/ kesan
urine yang memberikan bau. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR></b>An olfactometer is
one of the instrument typically used to detect and measure ambient odor dilution
Olfactometers are utilized in conjunction with human subjects in laboratory
settings, most often in market research, to quantify and qualify human olfaction.
<br> Other type are using uv light to detect odor. Shine the <b> Odor Detector
</b> Blacklight on any surface hidden urine stains magically appear as
greenish/yellow.\n Best to use the Odor Detector Blacklight in the evening. '),
(3733,'009002034','UNDERWATER CAMERA','009002','2009-04-21 17:37:54','2009-04-21
10:44:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,' Kamera khas yang digunakan untuk mengambil
gambar didalam air.<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> </B>Underwater photography is
the process of taking photographs while under water. It is usually done while scuba
diving, but can be done while snorkeling or swimming by using s special camare, <b>
underwater camera. </b>. All underwater housings are outfitted with controls knobs
that access the camera inside, giving the photographer use of most of its normal
functions. These housings may also have connectors to attach external flash
units.'),(3734,'006002004','WAVEFORM MONITOR','006002','2009-04-22 00:33:44','2009-
04-21 17:46:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Waveform monitor digunakan untuk memantau dan
pemeriksaan kepatuhan dalam penyebaran video dan penyiaran .<br><br> <b><i>
DESCRIPTION <BR>Waveform monitor </b> is used for monitoring and compliance
checking in video distribution and broadcasting.\r\nQuality control in video
production and post production.\r\nEquipment qualification and troubleshooting in
the installation and maintenance of video facilities and system.\r\n'),
(3735,'009002035','LEAK LOCATOR (WATER)','009002','2009-04-22 05:39:05','2010-10-18
12:17:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sistem untuk mengesan kebocoran air dalam paip
besi, plastik atau simen. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Leak locator </b>
provides a powerful solution for locating leaks, even where there is substantial
background noise or only the quietest of leak noise is present. Users can have
confidence on metallic, plastic and cement pipes.\r\n'),(3736,'009002036','ACOUSTIC
LEAK DETECTION SYSTEM','009002','2009-04-22 06:00:10','2009-04-21
23:13:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sistem pengesan kebocoran air dalam sistem
penghataran air. Mempunyai data logger yang boleh dipasang di merata tempat sebagai
alat pemantauan atau untuk tujuan penyenggaraan.<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR>
Acoustic leak detection system </B> is an acoustic data logger system designed for
widespread use in detecting and localising leakage on water distribution systems.
<br> Large areas may be rapidly assessed. It is a \'smart\' logger which can
automatically determine the presence of a leak. This enables use in either survey
mode or allows permanent installation.The logger gives visual, on-site indication
of leakage or can be used with sophisticated software to produce graphical and
tabular results. '),(3737,'006004007','FRAME SYNCHRONIZER','006004','2009-04-22
21:22:20','2009-04-22 14:40:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat frame synchronizer adalah
alat yang digunakan dalam siaran lansung telivision. Alat ini berfungsi
memadankan masa masukan signal video supaya segerak dengan masa sistem video yang
digunakan. Terdapat dalam bentuk satu unit tersendiri atau kad module.
<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> A frame synchronizer </B> is a device used
in live television production to match the timing of an incoming video source to
the timing of an existing video system. They are often used to \"time in\" consumer
video equipment to a professional system but can be used to stabilize any video.
The frame synchronizer essentially takes a picture of each frame of incoming video
and then outputs it immediately with the correct synchronization signals to match
an existing video system.\r\nModular-type HD/SD-supported frame synchronizer that
can be equipped to UFM frame'),(3738,'006004008','TEST PATTERN
GENERATOR','006004','2009-04-22 21:51:11','2009-04-22
15:04:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini digunakan untuk ujian TV, VCR, Video
monitor dalam semua jenis sistem standard saperti PAL, NTSC, SECAM. Fungsi asas
adalah peten ujian untuk menguji dan menjajarkan laluan signal untuk video, audio
dan perkhidmatan data saperti teleteks. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR>
Test pattern generators </b> provide support for TV, VCR and video monitor testing
in all the PAL, NTSC and SECAM standards. Their basic functionality includes test
patterns and outputs to test and align the total signal paths for video, audio and
data services such as the Teletext and Closed Caption.'),(3739,'002002024','MESIN
VENDOR (VENDING MACHING)','002002','2009-04-23 16:44:39','2010-05-25
18:30:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin vendor (vending machine) menjual berbagai
barangan saperti makanan ringan, coklat, minuman sejuk atau panas, rokok, kad pra
bayar, tiket dan lain-lain lagi kepada pelanggan tanpa juruwang. Barangan yang
dijual berbeza bergantung kepada negeri juga lokasi mesin itu. <br><br><b><i>
DESCRIPTION <BR> A vending machine </b> provides various snacks, chocolate, cool or
hot beverages , cigaratte, pre paid card, tickets and other products to consumers
without a cashier. Items sold via vending machines vary by country and places or
location. '),(3740,'005007001','VSAT EQUIPMENT (ASET TAK ALIH)','005007','2009-04-
25 00:15:47','2017-11-23 10:30:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A VSAT (Very Small Aperture
Terminal) is a two-way satellite ground station with a dish antenna that is
smaller than 3 meters. Most VSAT antennas range from 75 cm to 1.2 m. Data rates
typically range from narrowband[vague] up to 4 Mbit/s. VSATs access satellites in
geosynchronous orbit to relay data from small remote earth stations (terminals) to
other terminals (in mesh configurations) or master earth station \"hubs\" (in star
configurations). <BR>\n\nVSATs are most commonly used to transmit narrowband data
(point of sale transactions such as credit card, polling or RFID data; or SCADA),
or broadband data (for the provision of Satellite Internet access to remote
locations, VoIP or video). VSATs are also used for transportable, on-the-move
(utilising phased array antennas) or mobile maritime communications\n'),
(3741,'005007002','VSAT TERMINAL ANTENNA (ASET TAK ALIH)','005007','2009-04-25
00:21:30','2017-11-23 10:30:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This antenna is available with
a robust flexible mounting bracket that allows a high degree of elevation and
azimuth tilt and can be mounted on a mast or a wall. The antenna housing is also
made available with a back plate that can be mated directly to an external CPE
radio enclosure. In addition, the antenna can also be provided as a kit without the
radome structure for integration into a CPE enclosure for a fully integrated CPE
solution. The antenna provides a gain of 18 dBi and covers the 3.4 to 3.6 GHz
frequency range.'),(3742,'005007003','IP CONFERENCE PHONE EQUIPMENT (ASET TAK
ALIH)','005007','2009-04-25 00:22:33','2017-11-23 10:30:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'An
IP phone uses Voice over IP technologies allowing telephone calls to be made over
an IP network such as the internet instead of the ordinary PSTN system. Calls can
traverse the Internet, or a private IP Network such as that of a company. The
phones use control protocols such as Session Initiation Protocol, or one of various
proprietary protocols such as that used by Skype. IP phones can be simple software-
based Softphones or purpose-built hardware devices that appear much like an
ordinary telephone or a cordless phone. There also exist the possibility to reuse
ordinary PSTN phones as IP phones, with analog telephony adapters (ATA).'),
(3743,'005007004','SETELLITE MODEM/NETWORK GATEWAY (ASET TAK ALIH)','005007','2009-
04-25 00:24:14','2017-11-23 10:30:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The modem is an indoor
equipments that includes in the network gateway, that provides the interface for
the connection of phones, fax machines and computers.'),
(3744,'008003028','DEMOLITION HAMMER (AC)','008003','2009-04-27 23:58:01','2009-04-
27 17:09:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Tukul meroboh dengan kuasa elektrik 240 v ,
digunakan untuk meroboh binaan, direka supaya senang digunakan dan berkuasa tinggi
untuk kerja berat. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Demolition Hammers </B> uses
electric supply 240 v. Used to demolish contruction, are ergonomically designed for
comfortable handling, but does not lack the power needed for the toughest jobs.'),
(3745,'001009021','SECURITY DONGLE (STOK)','001009','2009-04-28 19:56:28','2011-05-
03 10:53:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Dongle keselamatan adalah satu perkakas kecil
mudahalih yang disambungkan kepada komputer bagi tujuan keselamatan. Dongle
digunakan untuk memastikan ketulinan sesuatu perisian yang digunkan atau sebagai
adaptor jalurlebar. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> A dongle </B> is a small piece
of hardware that connects to a computer as an external hardware-based security
solution, and may be portable like a USB Pen. Although earlier use of dongles was
to authenticate a piece of software, the word dongle is now widely used to refer to
a broadband wireless adaptor.\n<BR>A dongle provides the highest level of security
currently available. '),(3746,'001009022','GRAPHIC / VIDEO CARD
(STOK)','001009','2009-04-28 19:57:17','2010-12-28
15:22:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kad grafik atau video, yang boleh ditambahkan kepada
slot komputer, guna untuk meningkatkan keupayaan grafik dan tayangan video.
<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR> A Graphic/video card,</b> add on computer, to
improved performance and features for Windows. The graphics processor contains a 2D
GUI, video, and Direct3D, 3D accelerator. Codenamed \"Toucan\", it was a more
powerful and refined version of its predecessor. Other brands are ASUS, eVGA, ATI,
MSI etc.'),(3747,'008005050','HYDRAULIC TEST PUMP','008005','2009-04-30
04:26:33','2009-04-29 21:49:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pump ujian hidraulik adalah
alat ujian untuk menghasilkan tekanan hidraulik sehingga 1000 bar. Alat ini
digunakan bersama master test gauge. Pump ini digunakan untuk memeriksa kualiti
prestasi tekanan peralatan yang menggunakan tekanan. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION
<BR> Hydraulic test pump </b> for generating hydraulic pressures up to 1000
bar (14,500 psi). Used in conjunction with a master test gauge the pump can set
precise test pressures for checking the performance of pressure instrumentation as
part of routine quality procedures.\r\n'),(3748,'002003033','PLASMA
SCREEN','002003','2009-05-06 18:23:37','2009-06-17
18:54:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pemapar plasma atau skrin plasma menggunakan noble
gas didalam sel halus panel kaca. Biasanya skrin bersaiz besar dan rata digunakan
oleh television. <br><br><i><b> DESCRIPTION <BR> A plasma display panel /screen
</B> (PDP) is a type of flat panel display screen common to large TV displays (32
inches or larger). Many tiny cells between two panels of glass hold an inert
mixture of noble gases. The gas in the cells is electrically turned into a plasma
which then excites phosphors to emit light. Plasma displays should not be confused
with LCDs, another lightweight flatscreen display using different technology.'),
(3749,'012002021','CLINOMETER (STOK)','012002','2009-05-07 20:38:34','2012-01-13
16:07:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/alatan tangan untuk kerja
mengukur\r\nClinometers is a common tool used in forestry, to measure the height of
tall objects such as building and trees. Astronomers use clinometers to calculate
the degrees above the horizon where objects can be seen in the night sky. In
forestry clinometer use to measure slope, vertical angles, and -in combination with
range measurements- elevation change or tree heights. '),
(3750,'012002022','MONOCULAR (STOK)','012002','2009-05-07 21:01:26','2019-02-12
13:07:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'DESCRIPTION <BR><BR><B><I> A monocular </b> is a
modified refracting optical device used to magnify the images of distant objects by
passing light through a series of lenses and prisms; the use of prisms results in a
lightweight construction. <BR>\n Monoculars are often used by visually impaired
people to see distant objects that would normally be indiscernible. \nBesides
their use by the visually impaired, they are also used in hunting, survival and
espionage..\nDepends on size and range, the low spec is consider as STOK'),
(3751,'007006031','LIGHTING BALLOON','007006','2009-05-14 19:33:07','2010-09-22
16:32:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'lights are diffused, glare-free and illuminate a 360
degre area. The envelope is non-flammable. The fans circulating air keep the
envelope inflated and the lamp cool . A safety switch turns off the power if the
internal pressure is reduced'),(3752,'008003029','ROAD MEASURER','008003','2009-05-
18 05:58:41','2009-05-17 23:04:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Penyukat Jalan adalah alat
penyukat jarak jauh jalan termasuk jalan keratapi, lengkap dengan pemegang, brake,
kotak simpanan. Alat standard untuk mengukur jarak/jalan. <br><br><b><i>
DESCRIPTION <BR> Road Measurer </b> , complete with stand,brake, carry case,and
display carton. The worldwide professional standard for distance/ road
measurement.'),(3754,'010002037','OXYGEN THERAPHY UNIT','010002','2009-05-25
20:08:03','2009-05-25 13:27:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
adalah alat rawatan / therapi oksigen guna untuk merawat berbagai jenis kesakitan.
Ia mungkin merupakan rawatan primer / permulaan bagi sesetengah kekacauan, tetapi
ia kerap digunakan sebagai sebahagian daripada program bersepadu yang melibatkan
antibiotik dan pembedahan. Oksigen disalurkan kepada pesakit didalam chamber
bertekanan. <BR><BR>,<I><B> DESCRIPTION </B> Hyperbaric <B> Oxygen Therapy</B> is
a medical treatment that is used to treat a limited but diverse series of
illnesses. It may be the primary treatment for some disorders, but it is often used
as part of a combined program involving antibiotics and surgery.\r\nBy providing
pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber we are able to deliver 2-3 times that which
can be provided by breathing 100% oxygen with no increase in pressure.'),
(3755,'002001018','MESIN ASING SURAT','002001','2009-06-01 18:10:07','2009-06-01
11:20:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Asing Surat\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPITON <BR>A
Letter Sorting Machine</b> is a machine for sorting letter, paper, card and other
document.</i>\r\n'),(3756,'002001019','MESIN LIPAT SURAT','002001','2009-06-01
18:11:27','2009-06-01 11:22:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\r\nMesin Lipat Surat;
<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPITON <BR>A Letter Folding Machine</b> is a machine for folding
letter, paper, card and sometimes even thin plastic.</i>'),(3757,'002001020','MESIN
PENGANGKAAN (NOMBOR)','002001','2009-06-01 18:13:14','2009-06-01
11:27:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Pengangkaan; Mesin Nombor
<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPITON <BR>A Numbering Machine</b>a machine for printing
consecutive numbers.</i>\r\n'),(3758,'002001021','MESIN TANDATANGAN
CEK','002001','2009-06-03 23:34:11','2009-06-03
TandatanganCek\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nCheque Signature Machine</b>is
automatic signature printing machine used for signing cheques, documents etc.
</i>'),(3759,'009002037','WAVE PROBE','009002','2009-06-13 17:06:59','2009-06-13
10:15:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Wave Probe adalah alat mudah untuk mengukur ciri-
ciri gelombang. Menggunakan prinsip mengukur konduktiviti elektrik antara dua wire.
Terdapat dalam 1,2,3 saluran dan memapar data pada alat rekorder atau data logger.
<BR><BR><I><B> DESCRIPTION <BR> Wave Probe </b> is a simple and robust system for
the measurement and recording of water wave profiles, which uses the principle of
measuring the electrical conductivity between two parallel wires. The system is
available in 1, 2 or 3 channel form and can display data by high speed recorder or
input to a data logger. Alternative lengths of probe are 300mm or 500mm.\r\n\r\n'),
(3760,'009003011','PISTON PHONE','009003','2009-06-13 17:29:45','2009-06-13
11:52:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>The Piston phone </B>
is a battery-operated, precision sound source for accurate and reliable calibration
of measurement microphones, sound level meters and other sound measuring
equipment.\r\n\r\nIt has a built-in precision barometer and a thermometer. Via its
display and RS-232 interface, the user can read the actual corrected sound pressure
level, as well as the calibration temperature and ambient static
07:20:50','2009-06-14 00:35:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A Gravimeter is an instrument
used to measure variations in a gravitational field, typically by measuring the
rate of acceleration of a falling body. Gravimeters are used to survey geological
features with different densities beneath the Earth\'s surface, such as ore-laden
rock or oil fields, that affect the local strength of gravity above them.\r\nAn
instrument, such as a hydrometer, used to measure the specific gravity of a liquid
or solid.\r\n\r\n'),(3762,'011024006','KIDS INDOOR SET PLAYGROUND','011024','2009-
06-15 23:27:38','2015-09-03 11:35:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan dan
kelengkapan permainan indoor kanak-kanak'),(3763,'002003034','LIFT
AUDIO','002003','2009-06-18 02:10:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Lift Aduio adalah
alat yang dipasang pada siling atau dinding yang boleh menyembunyi (menyimpan) dan
mempamerkan alat audio bila diperlukan. Ini meliputi Lift LCD, Lift TV, Lift
Camera, Lift Siling dan lain-lain.\r\n<br><br>\r\n<b>Audio Lift</b> including LCD
Display Unit, Panel Lift, Table Lift, Plasma Lift, TV Lift and Ceiling Lift.'),
(3764,'010003028','CONTINUOUS SUCTION REGULATOR','010003','2009-06-20
18:28:08','2009-06-20 11:53:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Continuous Suction Regulators
adalah sistem vakum yang disediakan secara berterusan. Digunakan dalam kerja
pembedahan, prosedur perubatan dan lain-lain. Biasanya ia dilekatkan di dinding
bersama pengatur vakum. Sistem ini dilengkapi dengan pemegang jar, jar pemungut dan
tiub penyedut. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Continuous Suction Regulators
</b> provide regulated continuous suction for tracheal and pharyngeal airway
management, surgical procedures, trauma suctioning and continuous nasogastric
drainage. Vacuum regulators with color coded Standard gauge (0-200mm Hg -Full Vac
or 0-760 mm Hg -High Vac) provide wall regulated suction from a piped vacuum
system. The suction system will complete with carrier, collection canister and
tubing.'),(3765,'010006025','APEX LOCATOR','010006','2009-06-20 19:31:59','2009-06-
20 12:41:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Apex Locator </b>
delivers precise root canal measurements . The large color LCD display screen is
easy to read and provides a clear, progressive display with high contrast.'),
(3766,'010006026','DENTAL IMPLANT SYSTEM','010006','2009-06-20 19:54:58','2009-06-
20 13:50:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Dental Implant
system </b>is a superior stainless placement instruments to work specifically with
the BASIC dental implant. Bundled the main surgical tools as a kit, which includes
the most common instruments necessary series. Kits contains Anodized Instrument
Tray, Depth Gauges (13mm, 18mm) , Pilot Hole Soft Tissue Trephine, Pilot Hole
Drill, Soft Tissue Cutters (3.5mm Midi, 4.5mm, 5.0mm, 5.5mm) , Osteotomy Drills
(2.3mm Midi, 3.5mm, 4.0mm, 4.5mm), Healing Cap Tools etc.'),
(3769,'010006027','DENTAL ARTICULATOR','010006','2009-06-20 21:09:55','2009-06-20
14:19:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> </B>Simple <b>
Dental Articulator </b> features an easy-to-use mounting system with indexed
magnetic mounting plates and reusable metal mounting disks. Average settings allow
for smooth protrusive and lateral movements. A Mounting Base with both Curved and
Flat Mounting Platforms and an Anterior Centering Pin enables the upper cast to be
quickly positioned for easy case mounting.'),(3770,'008003030','PNEUMETIC
NAILER','008003','2009-06-23 05:24:29','2009-06-22
23:07:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pneumatic Nailer, comes along with a rubber mallet.
Gun it on hardwood or engineered floors\' and set the tongue-and-groove joint right
for once and for all. The long reach handle of this cleat nailer enhances the
comfort of use besides
adding to the control.'),(3771,'008003031','PNEUMATIC STEPLER','008003','2009-06-
23 05:25:43','2009-06-22 22:57:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The compact, mallet-
actuated air stapler automatically positions and drives staples for rapid
installation of hardwood working. It secures the flooring at the proper angle and
penetration without the danger of hammer marring.'),(3772,'003002007','DAPUR
MEMASAK DAGING','003002','2009-06-23 06:55:58','2009-06-25
00:59:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Dapur memasak daging secara komersial. Boleh
digunakan untuk mereneh, merebus, membuat stem, menggoreng dan lain-lain. Boleh
dilaraskan kuasa memasak dan api . <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION </B><BR> The Most
Versatile Piece Of Commercial Cooking Equipment Available, It Can Braise, Boil,
Simmer, Griddle Cook, Pan Fry, Steam, Thaw, Poach, Blanch, Heat Canned Foods.
<br>Normal and High Power Cooking Controls, Power Burner (Forced-Air) Gas
Combustion System, Automatic Ignition, Splash-Proof Construction, Spring Assist
Cover with Vent, Easy to use Manual Hand Tilt.'),
(3773,'003005014','PULPER','003005','2009-06-25 06:22:13','2009-06-24
23:26:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b> DESCRIPTION <BR> Pulper </B> is an
equipment capable of handling fruits and vegetable processing, suitable for small
and medium industrial units.'),(3774,'007005014','SUT ANGKASAWAN
(STOK)','007005','2009-06-25 06:52:08','2012-02-17
16:18:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3775,'002007014','RAK DUNNAGE
(STOK)','002007','2009-06-25 07:24:24','2010-12-28
15:55:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Dunnage Rack </B>
Heavy Duty, Durable Tubular Stainless Steel Construction, loose wood, matting, or
similar material used to keep a cargo/ goods in position.'),
(3776,'015002021','KERUSI REHAT/SANDAR','015002','2009-06-25
07:37:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kerusi untuk berehat atau bersandar, terdapat
di wad hospital dan sebagainya.\r\n\r\n<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Recliner
chair.'),(3777,'010006028','DENTAL X-RAY CHAIR','010006','2009-06-25
07:48:12','2009-06-25 00:48:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kerusi X-Ray
pergigian.\r\n<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Dental X-Ray chair </b>'),
(3778,'010007023','BIOELECTRIC IMPEDANCE ANALYZER','010007','2009-06-25
15:58:14','2009-06-25 09:01:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'used world-wide in both
clinical and field settings for the assessment of Body Composition, Nutrition,
Fluid Monitoring and in real time imaging. Widely used for the assessment of Body
Composition is diverse settings, by hospitals, medics and clinics. <BR> The
analyzer uses are Impedance, Phase Angle, Resistance, Total Body Potassium, Total
Body Calcium Mass, Extra Cellular fluid, Glomerular Filtration Rate, Extra Cellular
Water Volume, Reactance, Creatinine, Intercellular Water Volume, Capacitance, Body
Volume, Total Body Water Volume, Dry Weight Fat %, Extra Cellular Water %, Body
Cell Mass, Fat Mass, etc.'),(3779,'010006029','ENDODONTIC SET','010006','2009-06-30
19:55:02','2009-06-30 13:06:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Endodontic instruments is a
set of special design instruments for endodontic treatment. May be purchased
separately or as a set. '),(3780,'010002038','CONTINUOUS RENAL REPLACEMENT
THERAPY','010002','2009-07-02 15:24:50','2013-02-21
15:38:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin/Peralatan atau sistem yang digunakan untuk
membersihkan, mencairkan darah atau apa-apa sampel pencairan. Sistem ini digunakan
bagi pesakit yang mengalami kegagalan fungsi ginjal. Ianya terdapat pelbagai jenama
dan jenis yang mempunyai berbagai fungsi seperti Hamilton, Auto Diluter
dll<br><br><i><b> DESCRIPTION <BR> The Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
(CRRT ) </b> unit is completely self-contained, allowing it to be used cage-side.
This is possible because the flow rates used in CRRT are slower, enabling the use
of packaged fluids.\nCRRT involves sophisticated technology, the actual process of
blood purification can be divided into four easily described steps: (1) blood is
diverted from the patient to the CRRT unit, (2) anticoagulants are added to the
blood, (3) uremic toxins are removed and electrolytes normalized, and (4) the blood
is returned to the patient.\n'),(3781,'010002039','AMBULATORY BLOOD PRESSURE
MONITOR','010002','2009-07-02 15:42:29','2009-07-02 08:53:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) digunakan untuk mendapatkan banyak
informasi tekanan darah. ABPM adalah alat mudah alih digunakan 24 jam berterusan,
merekod tekanan darah pesakit semasa pesakit menjalankan aktiviti seharian.
<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR> Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) </B>
provides the physician with more detailed information on blood pressure. The
greater number of readings provided by ABPM are more representative of the normal
circadian rhythm of blood pressure, as compared to the limited number of readings
with typical, casual office measurement. <BR>Ambulatory blood pressure monitors
(i.e. 24-hour sphygmomanometers) are portable devices that record blood pressure
while the patient is involved in daily activities. There are several types of
monitors, including:\r\n Intra-arterial, which are used exclusively as research
tools due to the risk of infection or arterial damage and tissue necrosis.\r\n
Fully automated, which inflate at pre-programmed intervals .\r\n Semi-automated,
which are patient activated.\r\n Transtelephonic, which allows use of the telephone
to transmit measured automatic digital readings to a computer-assisted
receiver.\r\n'),(3782,'010002040','SKINFOLD CALIPER','010002','2009-07-02
16:01:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Skinfold Caliper digunakan untuk mengukur
ketebalan lemak badan. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Skinfold Caliper </B> use
for estimation of body fat by skinfold thickness measurement. The right side is
usually only measured (for consistency). The tester pinches the skin at the
appropriate site to raise a double layer of skin and the underlying adipose tissue,
but not the muscle. The calipers are then applied 1 cm below and at right angles to
the pinch, and a reading in millimeters (mm) taken two seconds later. The mean of
two measurements should be taken. If the two measurements differ greatly, a third
should then be done, then the median value taken.\r\n\r\n'),
(3783,'010001039','ALICE SLEEPWARE WORKSTATION','010001','2009-07-02
16:20:48','2009-07-02 09:25:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alice Sleepware Workstation
adalah kemudahan lengkap untuk merekod, merakam dan mencetak informasi physiologi
untuk kegunaan kelinik dan doktor. <br><br><b><i> Alice Sleepware Workstation
</B>-\r\nA system include a base station, head box, speakers, microphone kit, mouse
pad, power supply, head box wall mounting kit, head box shoulder strap, neuro
accessories, sensors, ecg accessories etc. <BR>\r\nThe system records, display and
print physiological information for clinical or physicions. The system help to
simplify the integration of lab devices through a high tech consolidation that
requires a max of two cables. These parameters are presented graphically on a
computer screen for diagnostic review. The system is appropriate for adult and
infant patients.\r\n'),(3784,'010002041','CPAP MACHINE','010002','2009-07-02
16:31:17','2009-07-02 09:43:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Continuous positive airway
pressure therapy (CPAP MACHINE) adalah alat untuk membantu seseorang yang mengalami
masalah pernafasan ketika tidur. Saluran pernafasan mungkin tersekat . Continuous
positive airway pressure digunakan untuk menolong meningkatkan tekanan udara dalam
keronkong supaya saluran pernafasan tidak lemah semasa bernafas. <br><br><b><i>
DESCRIPTION </B> <BR> Some people, the windpipe that brings air into the body is
blocked during sleep. This keeps the lungs from getting enough air. This is called
obstructive sleep apnea. <B> Continuous positive airway pressure therapy (CPAP)
</B> uses a machine to help a person who has obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) breathe
more easily during sleep. A CPAP machine increases air pressure in your throat so
that your airway does not collapse when you breathe in. When you use CPAP, you may
sleep better. <BR> The CPAP machine will have one of the following:\r\nA mask that
covers your nose and mouth\r\nA mask that covers your nose only-called nasal
continuous positive airway pressure, or NCPAP (this type of mask is most
common)\r\nProngs that fit into your nose.\r\n'),(3785,'010002042','BIPAP
MACHINE','010002','2009-07-02 16:54:55','2009-07-02
10:02:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Bi-Level Positive Air Pressure (BIPAP machine)
adalah alat bantuan pernafasan untuk membantu pesakit bernafas. Alat BIPAP
melakukan 2 perkara iaitu menolak udara kedalam paru-paru dan menolong membuka
paru-paru supaya udara dapat masuk. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> The Bi-Level
Positive Air Pressure (BIPAP) machine </B> is a specific type of breathing machine
that helps the patient breathe. It is a small, bedside respiratory machine
connected to tubing and a facemask worn by the patient. <BR> The BIPAP machine does
two things - it helps push air into the lungs and helps hold the lungs open to
allow more oxygen to enter the lungs. Each time the patient breathes, the BIPAP
machine assists the patient by applying air pressure to the lungs while the patient
is breathing out (exhaling or expiration) in order to hold open the air sacs in the
17:26:12','2009-09-01 13:01:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Keratometer atau dikenali juga
sebagai ophthalmometer adalah alat untuk mengukur garis bengkok bahagian hadapan
permukaan kornea, terutamanya berkaitan penilaian peluasan dan axis astigmatism.
<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> A Keratometer </B>, also known as a ophthalmometer,
is a diagnostic instrument for measuring the curvature of the anterior surface of
the cornea, particularly for assessing
the extent and axis of astigmatism. A keratometer uses the relationship between
object size (O), image size (I), the distance between the reflective surface and
the object (d), and the radius of the reflective surface (R).'),
(3787,'010001041','RETINOSCOPE','010001','2009-07-03 01:14:45','2009-07-02
18:18:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alatan Optik, guna untuk mengukur biasan cahaya pada
mata. Dikenali juga sebagai skiascope. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Retinoscope
</b> is an optical instrument for examining refraction of light in the eye. Also
called skiascope.\r\n\r\n'),(3788,'010001042','PHOROPTOR / EYE
TESTER','010001','2009-07-03 06:22:50','2009-07-02
23:39:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Phoroptor adalah alat ujian mata yang biasa
digunakan semasa pemeriksaan mata oleh pakar pemeriksa mata. Phoroptor terdiri
daripada kanta yang berbeza untuk biasan mata semasa ujian penglihatan dilakukan
bagi mengukur tahap ralat biasan individu dan seterusnya menentukan arahan
kantamatanya. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> A phoropter (or phoroptor) </b> is an
instrument commonly used by eye care professionals during an eye examination,
containing different lenses used for refraction of the eye during sight testing, to
measure an individual\'s refractive error and determine his or her eyeglass
prescription. Typically, the patient sits behind the phoropter, and looks through
it at an eye chart placed at optical infinity (20 feet or 6 metres), then at near
(16 inches or 40 centimetres) for individuals needing reading glasses.'),
(3789,'010007024','GEL CARD INCUBATOR','010007','2009-07-06 17:53:20','2009-07-06
11:56:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3790,'010007025','PLASMA THAWER','010007','2009-
07-06 18:56:53','2009-07-06 12:02:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Plasma Thawers represent
the latest in rapid and reliable thawing of plasma and cryoprecipitate. The general
principle is similar to that of a water bath, but with two main
differences:\r\n\r\nThere is no contact between the plasma pack and the water
\r\nThere as an agitation action included to further speed up thawing \r\nThe
plasma packs are suspended in individual pockets, thereby providing isolation from
the water and the added advantage that is a plasma or cryo pack ruptures, the
contents are contained within the pocket, so that no contamination of the water can
occur.'),(3791,'010007026','PLATELET AGITATOR','010007','2009-07-06
19:37:30','2009-07-06 12:40:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION
<BR>Platelet agitators </B> provide continual side-to-side motion for the safe
storage of platelets. Rollers and glides allow the drawer storage platform to
agitate smoothly, eliminating the need for ball bearings which wear down and
squeak. Sturdy, one-piece perforated drawers with non-slip textured coating provide
uniform air circulation for your platelets.'),(3792,'010007027','PLASMA
EXTRACTOR','010007','2009-07-06 20:50:57','2009-07-06
14:11:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR> Plasma Extractor
</B> is designed to Extract Blood component from centrifuged Bags. The spring
loaded front panel applies pressure on the collected bag causing the liquid to
contain in transfer bag. Its sturdy construction makes it durable and reliable,
easy to use and portable. The unit is available in both versions automatic and
manual.\r\n'),(3793,'010008040','SCOOP STRETCHER','010008','2009-07-07
19:21:38','2009-07-07 12:38:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pengusung skop, diperbuat
daripada logam, boleh di lipat bagi memudahkan pesakit diletakkan kedalam
pengusung. <BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR> A Scoop Stretcher </b> is a metallic
stretcher that can be split into two halves for easy loading of casualty onto the
stretcher or spinal board. It is used on lifting a casualty with fractures or
spinal injury with minimum movement to the casualty.'),(3794,'010008041','SPINAL
BOARD','010008','2009-07-07 19:31:03','2009-07-07
12:33:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Spinal Board guna untuk mengangkat pesakit yang
mengalami kecederaan tulang. <br><br><b><i> Spinal Board </b> Used with Head
Immobilizer and straps, it provides a firm surface to support casualty with
suspected spinal injury.'),(3795,'010005010','CARDIAC READER','010005','2009-07-07
20:30:41','2009-07-07 13:31:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION
<BR>The Cardiac reader </B> analyzer allows the quantitative determination of
troponin T, myoglobin, D-dimer and NT-proBNP from a single whole blood sample.
Quantitative results are available within minutes, making it easier to choose the
appropriate treatment. This means rapid point of care diagnosis for patients with
acute coronary syndrome, venous thromboembolism and for patients suspected of
having Congestive Heart Failure. \r\n'),(3796,'010008042','PORTABLE
INCINERATOR','010008','2009-07-08 15:27:11','2009-07-08
08:38:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Incinerator mudahalih, digunakan secara meluas untuk
bahan-bahan sisa buangan hospital dan lain-lain sisa buangan. Mudah digunakan cuma
pasangkan plug bekalan kuasa, masukkan sisa buangan dan hidupkan api.
<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Small scale incinerators / portable incinerator
</b>are a viable solution to pollution and contaminant disposal. Portable
incinerators are used widely for medical waste disposal and general site refuse .
Easy to use; Simply plug-in, insert waste, light and burn .'),
(3797,'010008043','BLOOD COLLECTION MIXER','010008','2009-07-08 16:37:00','2009-07-
08 09:40:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Blood Collection
Mixer </b> is automated mixer designed for both fixed site and mobile collections.
Continuous rocking action mixes blood with anti-coagulant\r\n\" Automatically tares
collection bag\r\n\" Automatically clamps tubing when pre-set volume achieved\r\n\"
Automatically signals end of collection/abnormal flow/low battery \r\n\" Accuracy
assured#time accuracy to 1 second\r\n'),(3798,'010008044','BLOOD DONOR
COUCH','010008','2009-07-09 16:21:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kerusi / ranjang
penderma darah. Direka untuk memberi keselesaan kepada penderma semasa duduk
menderma darah. Boleh dilaraskan kedudukan kerusi dan posisi penderma.
<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Blood Donor Couch </B> is designed to provide a
comfortable position for the donor. Donor\'s position can be easily shifted from
upright body position. All surface are clean and smooth. Electrical and mechanical
accessories are housed inside the structure. Seat elements are designed with
ergonomic consideration to maximize donor comfort. Accessories like BP apparatus,
blood collection monitor etc. Have trays on which they can be placed then by
increasing doctors convenient.\r\n'),(3799,'010008045','OPHTALMIC EXAM
CHAIR','010008','2009-07-09 16:55:03','2009-07-09
09:58:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kerusi untuk pemeriksaan mata. <br><br><b><i>
DESCRIPTION <BR> Ophtalmic Examination Chair </b> - Full power tilt examination
chair with dual controls for base and top tilt function, either by footswitch or
membrane switches on both sides of chair back. \r\nProgrammable memory tilt feature
and safety switch. \r\nSingle lock adjustable concave headrest standard.'),
(3800,'010003029','CRYOSURGICAL UNIT','010003','2009-07-09 17:40:53','2009-07-09
10:46:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Unit Cryosurgical untuk pembedahan. <br><br><b><i>
DESCRIPTION <BR> Cryosurgical Unit </b> features-\r\n\"back of unit has connectors
for footswitch (included) gas intake (CO2 or N2O) and gas exhaust \r\n\"front
display has voltage selector, flow meter, pressure gauge and probe connector (probe
not included) \r\n\"motor (2 Hz) and sensory (100 Hz) modes \r\n\"power on and
function indicator lamps \r\n\"operates on six 1.5 V D batteries '),
(3801,'010003030','INTEROCULAR PRESSURE REDUCER','010003','2009-07-09
pressure reducer </B>for cataract surgery, IOL implantation, keratoplasty and
glaucoma surgery. Instrument is supplied with gauge, balloon and tubing in soft
pouch.'),(3802,'002003035','DVD DUPLICATOR','002003','2009-07-13 21:42:08','2009-
07-13 14:56:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'DVD Duplicator mengandungi 3 komponen utama
iaitu pengawal duplicator, pemacu pembaca dan pelbagai target burner.
<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR> DVD Duplication </B> tower is a complete standalone
duplicator that consists of 3 major components, the duplicator controller, reading
drive, and multiple target burners. The main difference between a duplication tower
and a PC equipped with a burner is that a duplicatior tower is usually a standalone
unit that does not require any software to make it work. The writing speed of a
good duplicator is adjusted and optimized to avoid duplication write failures.
Besides burning DVDs, it can also be used in buring CD-Rs.\r\n'),
(3803,'010001043','SINUSCOPE SET','010001','2009-07-14 04:47:41','2009-07-13
21:52:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Set Sinuscope <BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR>
Sinuscope set </b> adopt high quality stainless steel, \r\ncan stand of temperature
fo 134/273 F for sterilization . Endoscope adopt the German optic fiber. \r\nWith
direction index. \r\nSapphire lens cover, never abrasion \r\nNew optic system,
clear field of view. '),(3804,'001009023','TOUCH SCREEN MONITOR/PANEL
(STOK)','001009','2009-07-15 23:39:21','2017-02-02
16:48:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Monitor skrin sentuh sesuai untuk pelbagai kegunaan
saperti merekod penjualan, kiosk penerangan, hospital dan lain-lain. Kesan sentuh
memberi respon kepada skrin untuk mengenal lokasi yang tepat dan jumlah tekanan
yang dikenakan membolehkan sistem berfungsi. sentuhan boleh dengan menggunakan
tangan, pen stylus, kad kredit dll. <BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR> Ideal Touch
screen/monitor </b> solution for Point-of-Sale, self-service kiosks, and
hospitality applications. The monitor incorporates Surface Acoustical Wave
touch-screen technology to meet the various touch-screen usage applications and to
deliver reliability. The sensitive touch response screen recognizes precise
location and amount of pressure applied which allows it to be operated with any
stylus, finger or gloved hand. The screen is also scratch resistant which provides
ideal visibility in terms of image clarity, resolution and light transmission.
CLAMP)','007001','2009-07-16 18:11:21','2009-11-19
12:13:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kunci tayar atau klip tayar kenderaan, diguna untuk
keselamatan kenderaan daripada bergerak. <BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR> A wheel
clamp </B> is a device that is designed to prevent vehicles from moving. In its
most common form, it consists of a clamp which surrounds a vehicle wheel and is
designed to prevent removal of both itself and the wheel. It is often used for
security purposes, such as preventing a trailer or caravan from being towed away by
a thief, or to stop one\'s own car from being driven away by a thief. '),
(3806,'008001038','FLAME GENERATOR','008001','2009-07-22 19:51:10','2009-07-22
12:58:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Flame Generator - menggunakan air untuk menghasilkan
gas hidrogen dan oksigen. Gas kemudiannya disalurkan kepada jamung (torch) Apabila
dinyalakan, gas menyala dihujung tip jamung. <BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR> Flame
Generator </b> uses Electric current applied to holding tank of water and
electrolyte, where it converts the water to hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. The gases
pass through a small hose to a torch. When lit, the gas produces a high-
temperature, precise hydrogen flame. Flame is focused in one direction - very
little lateral heat.\r\n'),(3807,'007006032','HOSE BINDING MACHINE','007006','2009-
07-22 20:03:37','2009-07-22 13:32:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
Videoscope or Video Borescope </B> is an advanced type of borescope that houses a
very small CCD chip embedded into the tip of the scope. The video image is relayed
from the distal tip and focusable lens assembly back to the display via internal
wiring. This is unlike a traditional Borescope and Fiberscope. Borescopes use hard
optical relay components to transfer the image from the tip to an eyepiece and
Fiberscopes use coherent image fiberoptics to relay the image to one\'s eye through
an eyepiece. The image quality of a videoscope is superior to a fiberscope and
could be compared to that of a high-end Video Camcorder'),
(3809,'010003031','PTERYGIUM SET','010003','2009-07-28 16:45:52','2009-07-28
09:47:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR> Pterygium Set
</b>'),(3810,'010003032','VITREORETINAL /VITRECTOMY SURGERY SET','010003','2009-07-
28 16:55:02','2009-09-01 12:01:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION
<br> Vitreoretinal Set</b>'),(3811,'010003033','CORNEAL TRANSPLANT
SET','010003','2009-07-28 17:04:51','2009-07-28
10:11:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR> Corneal Transplant
Set </b> is a set of instrument use to do transplant of cornea. Corneal transplant
is a surgical procedure that replaces a damaged or diseased cornea.'),
(3812,'010003034','STRABISMUS/MUSCLE SET','010003','2009-07-28
17:43:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Strabismus /
Muscle set </b>'),(3813,'010003035','CATARAC SET','010003','2009-07-28
</B>. Cataract surgery set.'),(3814,'003005015','PLATE/TRAY/CUTLERY
DISPENCER','003005','2009-07-28 19:17:09','2009-07-28
12:34:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Tempat menyusun pinggan, mangkuk, dulang sudu, garpu
dan sebagainya.\r\n<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Plate, bowl, trayand cutlery
dispencer </b>. Offered in a variety of styles each available in a single or double
configuration.'),(3815,'003005016','RAK MENGERING DAN PENYIMPANAN','003005','2009-
07-28 19:46:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Rak untuk mengering dan menyimpan
pinggan, mangkuk, dulang, perkakas dapur dan sebagainya.\r\n<br><bR.<b><i>
DESCRIPTION <BR> Drying and storege rack.'),
(3816,'010007028','MICROTOMES','010007','2009-08-06 17:21:44','2009-08-06
10:24:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>A microtome is a
mechanical instrument used to cut biological specimens into transparent thin
sections for microscopic examination. Microtomes use steel, glass, or diamond
blades depending upon the specimen being sliced and the desired thickness of the
sections being cut'),(3817,'010007029','DERMATOMES','010007','2009-08-06
17:22:17','2009-08-06 10:36:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'
<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br></b>A dermatome is a surgical instrument used to
produce thin slices of skin from a donor area, in order to use them for making skin
grafts. One of its main applications is for reconstituting skin areas damaged by
grade 3 burns or trauma. Dermatomes can be operated either manually or
electrically'),(3818,'002003036','NETWORK DISPLAY SYSTEM','002003','2009-08-10
18:41:06','2009-08-10 11:41:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION
<BR> Network Display System </b> is a total network display solution using Plasma
TV/Display. Units provides LAN interface, USB interface, disk interface and audio /
video output.'),(3819,'010004035','READING AIDS AND ADAPTATION','010004','2009-08-
13 17:57:30','2009-08-13 11:09:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><bR><b><i> DESCRIPTION
</B><BR>It holds nearly any size or thickness of book, magazine, Key board, photo
album, etc. at a comfortable reading angle. it consists of a flat base, a backrest,
and two adjustable pegs that prevent pages from flipping yet allow for easy page
turning. \r\n'),(3820,'010004036','SHAMPOO AID','010004','2009-08-13
18:06:11','2009-08-13 11:09:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><Br<b><I> DESCRIPTION <BR>
Shampoo Aid </b> makes shampooing more comfortable and less messy.\r\nProvides
comfort for any seated individual because of its complete adjustability to fit
various body types. It rests comfortably on the shoulders, eliminating the
discomfort of leaning over a sink or lying back in a shampoo bowl.\r\n'),
(3821,'010004037','HYGIENE AND GROOMING AIDS AND ADAPTATION','010004','2009-08-13
18:31:10','2009-08-13 11:46:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION
<BR>Hygiene and grooming aids </b> help people with reduced range of motion to wash
their back and lower extremities without straining, to help apply moisturizing
lotions, to hold a bar of soap etc. Grooming aids help people who trouble bending
over to put on socks, slacks, pajamas, dress, etc.'),(3822,'010004038','FEEDING
AIDS AND ADAPTATION','010004','2009-08-13
19:13:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR>Feeding aids and
adaptation </B>designed to assist children, the elderly, people with limited muscle
control and individuals with the use of only one hand, Alzheimer\'s patients who
loss of the ability to distinguish contrast between colors, \r\nAdjustable rings on
the handles cutlery give support against individual fingers for maximum comfort and
grip handles for hands with weak grasps or arthritis. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n'),
(3823,'010004039','REACHERS ','010004','2009-08-13
19:42:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR>Reachers </b>
needs the trigger requires a bare minimum of hand strength to operate. A unique
locking mechanism allows a continuous hold on an item without applying pressure on
the trigger. The jaw is easily adjusted to any of four up/down positions and any of
four axial positions to achieve the best angle for use whether sitting, standing,
or lying down. A magnet on the jaw picks up needles and nails. Removable wrist
support adds balance and control for people who need it.\r\n'),
(3824,'010004040','WEIGHT CUFF (STOK)','010004','2009-08-13 20:02:34','2019-02-12
Rehabilitation Weight </B> contours to snugly fit the ankle, wrist, and even thigh.
Its long velcro closure strap assures a secure and comfortable fit even during the
most strenuous exercise program'),(3825,'010004041','ACTIVITY/HAND THERAPHY
TABLE','010004','2009-08-13 20:40:35','2009-08-13
13:45:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR> Half-moon shaped
Activity/hand theraphy table </b>accommodates two seated or wheelchair patients.
Two 16\"x16\", 360 degre -rotating pegboard inserts can be or at 60 degre angle.
Pegboard inserts come with 81 pegholes and 81 plastic pegs. Metal legs adjust from
26\"#34\" in 1\" increments. '),(3826,'010004042','PORTABLE CYCLE','010004','2009-
08-13 20:54:19','2015-08-17 16:57:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan
untuk aktiviti terapi pemulihan dan cara kerja. Seperti Pedola System, Tread Mill
Pedola, Pedola Cycle dll<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Portable Cycle </b>
exerciser is self-powered and portable. Provides a great upper or lower body
workout in the home, in the office, or in the clinic.'),(3827,'010004043','REHAB
CORNER SEAT','010004','2009-08-13 20:56:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3829,'012001016','BRISKET SAW (BEEF)','012001','2009-08-14 17:04:09','2009-08-14
10:16:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin khas untuk memotong daging di bahagian dada
ternakan.<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Brisket Saw </b>The powerful, high-
performance is designed to cut beef briskets quickly - only in a few
seconds.\r\nSmall and maneuverable for optimum handling'),
(3830,'012001017','SPLITTING SAW','012001','2009-08-14 17:22:55','2009-08-14
10:29:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin gergaji untuk mengasingkan daging senbelihan .
Mesin besar khas untuk binatang besar. Direka untuk mudah dikendalikan, dengan
motor elektrik ditutup seppenuhnya untuk keselamatan. <br><br><i><b>
DESCRIPTION <BR> Splitting Saw </b> used worldwide for splitting fat cattle,
bulls, oxen and horses. The largest splitting saw suited for the largest
animals. \r\nDesigned for the operator--ultra-thin rail for unobstructed vision and
dual rear handles for comfort. Anti-tie down controls and totally enclosed electric
motor for operator safety\r\n'),(3831,'006005006','PENTAS MUDAH
ALIH','006005','2009-08-14 20:37:12','2009-08-14
13:38:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pentas Mudah alih yang boleh dipasang dan dibuka
untuk dialihkan ke tempat lain untuk berbagai persembahan dan pertunjukan. Terdapat
dalam berbagai bentuk dan saiz mengikut permintaan pengguna.\r\n\r\n<br><br><b><i>
DESCRIPTION <BR> Portable stage, moveable,</b> easy to set up and take down for all
performance and occasion. Available in various a deck style, size and
height.\r\n'),(3832,'015008011','SET BILIK TIDUR','015008','2009-08-14
20:45:00','2014-05-15 16:31:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Set kelengkapan tidur
termasuklah katil, tilam, meja sisi, almari solek, almari pakaian. Ianya
didaftarkan sebagai set manakala yang lainnya hendaklah direkod kan sebagai
komponen/eksoseri.'),(3833,'015001029','MEJA MAKAN BERPUTAR','015001','2009-08-14
21:02:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Meja makan berputar (Lazy susan), diletak
diatas meja makan besar, bagi memudahkan pengambilan makanan.\r\n<br><br><i><b>
DESCRIPTION <BR> Lazy Susan '),(3834,'012001018','DEHAIRING
MACHINE','012001','2009-08-14 22:01:11','2009-08-14
15:05:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> </B>The dehairing
process is begin with a <B> dehairing machine</B>. Mechanical (hydraulic) dehairing
machine, a type of abattoir equipment, is suited for pig dehairing in large and
medium-sized slaughterhouses or butcher houses. \r\n'),(3835,'012001019','CARCAS
CUTTING MACHINE','012001','2009-08-14 22:07:31','2009-08-14
15:15:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin untuk memotong binatang sembelihan.
<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION <BR> Carcass cutting machine </B> used for carcass
cutting good quality, high efficiency. '),(3836,'012001020','DEHAIDER
MACHINE','012001','2009-08-14 22:23:20','2009-08-14
15:28:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin untuk menanggalkan kulit daripada
daging.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> The Dehaider machine </b>is a skinning tool
worldwide for cattle, veal, hogs, and sheep. Remove skins perfectly; no cuts, marks
or holes. \r\nHigh capacity, high performance tool, designed for long life and low
maintenance.\r\nExtra-thin head with stainless steel centre plate for exceptional
handling and enduring strength. \r\n\r\n'),(3837,'012002023','EGG TESTER
(STOK)','012002','2009-08-17 20:45:30','2012-01-13
16:08:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk kualiti telur ayam/itek. <BR><BR><b><I>
DESCRIPTION <BR> Egg Teater </b>unit provides a powerful light beam with plenty of
penetrating power. Designed with a special soft edge for egg safety. Comes with an
4 foot power cord.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n'),(3838,'012002024','HORSE
CRUSH','012002','2009-08-18 03:28:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>
DESCRIPTION <BR> Horse crush </b> Manufactured & Designed with safety for horse and
human in mind. \r\n\r\nSuper heavy duty fully galvanised steel construction,
available with many adjustments to suit all sizes of horses and ponies.'),
(3839,'012001021','MILKING MACHINE','012001','2009-08-18 04:36:30','2009-08-17
21:44:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin memerah susu lembu, kambing, kuda.
<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Milking Machine </b> Comes complete with 8cfm
portable vacuum pump equipped with regulating relief valve, vacuum guage, on/off
switch, carry handle and pre-filter. Bucket is equipped with Stainless Steel lid,
pulsator, auto shut-offs, clear teatcups, silicone inflations and all tubing and
hoses.\r\n\r\n'),(3841,'004001021','SLIDE DRYING BENCHES','004001','2009-08-18
06:04:30','2010-08-17 22:47:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Slide Drying
Benches<BR><BR><I><B> DESCRIPTION <BR> Slide Drying Benches </b>-Temperature range
from slightly above ambient to 100 degre C. \r\n\r\n Accepts up to 50 slides.
\r\n\r\nDry slides across the drying bars, angled on the bars or lying flat without
bars. \r\n\r\n\r\n'),(3842,'010004044','NEUROMUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT
EQUIPMENT','010004','2009-08-18 19:31:45','2009-08-18
12:54:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3843,'010004045','WALKING AID','010004','2009-
08-18 20:21:05','2009-08-18 13:37:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3844,'010004046','CONTINUOUS PASSIVE MOTION','010004','2009-08-18 20:45:04','2009-
08-20 10:56:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR> Continuous
Passive Motion (CPM) </B> is a postoperative treatment method that is designed to
aid recovery after joint surgery. In most patients after extensive joint surgery,
attempts at joint motion cause pain and as a result, the patientfails to move the
joint. This allows the tissue around the joint to become stiff and for scar tissue
to form resulting in a joint which has limited range of motion and often may take
months of physical therapy to recovery that motion.\r\n\r\n\r\nPassive range of
motion means that the joint is moved without the patient\'s muscles being used.
Continuous Passive Motion devices are machines that have been \r\n'),
(3845,'010008046','VACUUM HYDRO ASPIRATOR','010008','2009-08-19 17:04:05','2009-08-
19 10:05:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR></B>Built-In
Vacuum Breaker\r\n Reverse Flow for Simple Clearing\r\nof Clogged Suction Line\r\n
Standard 3/4\" Hose Thread\r\n'),(3846,'010004047','GONIOMETER AND TORSIOMETER
SET','010004','2009-08-20 18:08:05','2009-08-20
11:12:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> Goniometers and Torsiometers </B> are
ideal for quick, simple, and accurate measurement of joint movement in multiple
planes. Extremely robust, lightweight and flexible, the sensors can be comfortably
worn undetected under clothing, without hindering the actual movement of the
joint.The sensor must be capable of reaching across the joint so that the two end
blocks can be mounted where least movement occurs between the skin and underlying
skeletal structure. <BR> Single axis torsiometers are designed for measurement of
rotations in one plane, e.g. forearm pronation/supination or neck axial rotation.
If the torsiometer is bent in planes X-X or Y-Y the output remains constant. '),
(3847,'010004048','MULE E LINK','010004','2009-08-20 18:18:12','2009-08-20
11:28:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b> DESCRIPTION <BR> The E-LINK Upper
Limb Exerciser </B> is designed for active and active resistive upper extremity
exercise. The various tools provide wrist flexion/extension, radial/ulnar
deviation; forearm pronation/supination; elbow flexion/extension; shoulder
flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, internal/external rotation. The versatility
of the parameters allows rehabilitation for a wide range of orthopaedic and
neurological patients.\r\n\r\nRange of motion used for exercise can be set as
little as 2 degrees, exercising patients with very little motion, through to full
range of motion\r\n<BR> The E Link Microcomputer Upper Limb Exerciser requires the
InterX Unit as the interface to the computer.'),(3848,'010001044','COMPUTED
RADIOGRAPHY READER','010001','2009-08-26 17:39:26','2009-08-26
10:47:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR></B>Computed
radiography (CR) uses an imaging plate, instead of film. The imaging plate contains
photostimulable storage phosphors, which retain the latent image. When the imaging
plate is scanned with a laser beam in the digitizer, the latent image information
is released as visible light. This light is captured and converted into a digital
stream to compute the digital image.<BR>\r\n\r\nA <B>computed radiography reader
</B>scans the plate by means of a laser beam. The laser energy releases the trapped
electrons, causing visible light to be emitted. This light is captured and
converted into a digital bit stream that encodes the digital image.\r\n'),
(3849,'010002043','UNDERWATER SEAL DEVICE (stok)','010002','2009-08-26
18:54:57','2019-01-30 15:13:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION
<BR> The underwater seal </B> acts as a one-way valve through which air is expelled
from the pleural space and prevented from re-entering during the next
inspiration.The multifunction systems allow single or multi-catheter drainage and
are suitable for both gravity and suction-assisted drainage. '),
(3850,'010008047','BEDPAN SANITIZERS','010008','2009-08-26 19:20:42','2009-08-26
Flusher/Sanitizers </B>are the most efficient and effective machine to use for the
cleaning and sanitizing of soiled bedpans and urinal bottles.'),
(3851,'010004049','O\'CONNOR FINGER DEXTERITY TEST','010004','2009-08-27
18:53:53','2009-08-27 12:00:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION
<BR> </b>Evaluates rapid manipulation of small parts. Useful for fine motor
coordination training. Self-contained board has shallow well for 1 inch pins and
100 holes that hold 3 pins each. '),(3852,'010004050','EATING EVALUATION
KIT','010004','2009-08-27 19:44:14','2009-08-27
12:53:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Contains products that therapists find most helpful
when treating eating disorders, including specialized utensils, plates, a stainless
steel food guard, drinking cups, one-way straws, a laryngeal mirror, Dycem(R)
matting, three pieces of cylindrical foam with various diameters, and a North Coast
Rehabilitation catalog. Durable, hard-sided carrying case protects the contents
while providing neat, compact storage. Convenient carrying case'),
(3853,'010004051','STROKE THERAPY BOARD','010004','2009-08-27
20:58:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3854,'010004052','UPLIFT SEAT
ASSIST','010004','2009-08-28 19:49:52','2009-08-28
12:52:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR> Uplift Seat
Assist </B> is a mechanical lifting cushion that will ease you into your seat, as
well as help you up. Its lifting action releases gently as you begin to stand #
lifting up to 70% of your body weight, as needed. \r\n\r\nSeat Assist requires no
electricity to operate, and so is convenient to take everywhere.\r\n'),
(3855,'010004053','PINCH GAUGE','010004','2009-08-28 19:59:07','2009-08-28
13:06:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR> Pinch Gauge </B> is
a precision instrument for measuring the force of prehension. A highly accurate
pinch-force measurement, devoid of artifact, is the result. Red indicator remains
at maximum reading until reset. '),(3856,'010001045','VISUAL ACUITY TEST CHART
(STOK)','010001','2009-09-01 19:06:12','2019-02-12
21:15:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR></b>Visual acuity is a
measure of the spatial resolution of the visual processing system and is usually
tested in a manner to optimise and standardise the conditions. To this end
<b>visual acuity test chart </b> in black symbols on a white background are used
(for maximum contrast) and a sufficient distance allowed to approximate infinity in
the way the lens attempts to focus. Letters are normally used (as in the classic
Snellen chart) as most people will recognise them but other symbols (such as a
letter E facing in different directions) can be used instead.'),
(3857,'010001046','NEAR VISION TEST CHART (STOK)','010001','2009-09-01
19:07:05','2019-02-12 21:16:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br> <b><i>
DESCRIPTION<BR></b>The near vision test is measuring your ability to read and see
objects close up by using <b> near vision test chart </b>. This test is important
if you have hyperopia or presbyopia.'),(3858,'010001047','COLOUR VISION TEST CHART
(STOK)','010001','2009-09-01 19:09:16','2019-02-12
21:17:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR>Colour vision test chart </b>
is the eye chart with color vision screening comprises a chart which displays
objects of progressively smaller sizes with the larger sized objects being
displayed in color. Then color perception can be measured.'),
(3859,'010001048','SHERIDAN GARDINER TEST CHART (STOK)','010001','2009-09-01
19:10:59','2019-02-12 21:18:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<b><i><br><br>DESCRIPTION
<BR>The Sheridan Gardiner Test</b> is a well established test designed for children
but suitable for disabled people, those with learning\ndifficulties or patients who
do not share a common language with\nthe examiner.'),(3860,'010001049','AMSLER
CHART (STOK)','010001','2009-09-01 19:12:36','2019-02-12
21:18:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>Amsler Chart </b> is a
diagnostic tool that aids in the detection of visual disturbances caused by changes
in the retina, particularly the macula (e.g. macular degeneration, Epiretinal
membrane), as well as the optic nerve and the visual pathway to the brain. <BR> The
original Amsler grid was black and white. A color version with a blue and yellow
grid is more sensitive and can be used to test for a wide variety of visual pathway
abnormalities, including those associated with the retina, the optic nerve, and the
pituitary gland.'),(3861,'010001050','INTRAPUPILARY MEASUREMENT
DEVICE','010001','2009-09-01 19:15:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3862,'010001051','MADDOX WING TEST','010001','2009-09-01
19:19:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3863,'010001052','GAUGE BINOCULAR
RAF','010001','2009-09-01 19:20:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
TOPOGRAPHY','010001','2009-09-01 19:28:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3866,'010001055','TRIAL LENS SET','010001','2009-09-01
19:29:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3867,'010001056','TRIAL FRAME
SET','010001','2009-09-01 19:30:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3868,'010001057','KAY\'S PICTURE','010001','2009-09-01
19:32:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3869,'010001058','FRISBY STEREO
TEST','010001','2009-09-01 19:36:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3870,'010001059','RETINOSCOPY LENS SET','010001','2009-09-01
BAR','010001','2009-09-01 19:37:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3872,'010001061','STREOACUITY TEST','010001','2009-09-01
19:38:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3873,'010001062','F-FOOKS SYMBOL
TEST','010001','2009-09-01 19:38:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3874,'010001063','HEADSPRING OCCLUDER','010001','2009-09-01
SCREEN','010001','2009-09-01 19:42:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3876,'010001065','BJERRUM SCREEN','010001','2009-09-01
20:04:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3878,'010001067','KANTA PEMERIKSAAN
MATA','010001','2009-09-01 20:06:37','2009-09-01 13:43:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3879,'010002044','KANTA RAWATAN LASER','010002','2009-09-01
MAGNET','010003','2009-09-01 20:11:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3881,'010003037','MESIN PHACOEMULSIFICATION/VITRECTOMY','010003','2009-09-01
SET','010003','2009-09-01 20:21:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3883,'010003039','GLAUCOMA SET','010003','2009-09-01
20:21:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3884,'010003040','LID SET','010003','2009-
09-01 20:22:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3885,'010003041','ENUCLEATION/EVISCERATION SET','010003','2009-09-01
20:23:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3886,'010003042','SYRINGING AND PROBING
SET','010003','2009-09-01 20:25:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
HUMIDIFIER','010002','2009-09-01 21:02:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3889,'010006030','ELECTRIC DISPENCER PLASTER ','010006','2009-09-01
21:45:41','2010-12-09 12:48:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<BR>Plaster Dispenser</b> with electric controlled unit for dispensing required
quality of plaster at steady rate with On/Off control switch. Capacity-10kg. Can be
wall mounted.\r\n\r\n'),(3890,'010006031','CLEANER STEAMER','010006','2009-09-01
21:49:04','2010-12-09 12:59:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION</B>
<BR>Dental and Medical <b>Steam Cleaners,</b> efficient way of cleaning away wax,
plaster waste and other debris, and for polishing the final product.'),
(3891,'010006032','INTRA IMAGING ORAL SURGICAL SET','010006','2009-09-01
21:52:23','2015-11-20 08:29:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
aktiviti rawatan imeg pembedahan seperti Intra Oral Imaging System'),
21:55:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3894,'010006034','DENTAL SAND BLASTER/ DUST
COLLECTOR','010006','2009-09-01 21:59:13','2016-02-05
10:52:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan pergigian'),
(3895,'010006035','DENTAL WIRING SET','010006','2009-09-01
22:01:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3896,'010006036','T AND S
SET','010006','2009-09-01 22:04:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3897,'012002025','BONE SAW','012002','2009-09-02 17:59:42','2010-09-25
11:09:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin memotong tulang/ daging.'),
(3898,'012002026','PRODDER (STOK)','012002','2009-09-02 18:15:32','2012-01-13
16:09:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/alatan tangan yang digunakan untuk
penjagaan haiwan \r\n<BR><BR><B><I> Prodder </b> Highest Power, Won#t Short out on
wet animals \r\n Longest Battery Life & Warranty \r\n'),(3899,'012001022','MILK
ANALYZER','012001','2009-09-02 18:41:44','2009-09-02
11:44:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR> Milk analyzer</b>,
rapid analysers which can be applied for measurement of fat (FAT), solids non-fat
(SNF), density, proteins, lactose, salts, water content percentages, temperature
(degre C), freezing point, pH, conductivity, as well as total solids of one and the
same sample directly after milking, at collecting and during processing.'),
(3900,'012001023','MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYZER','012001','2009-09-02 19:55:14','2013-
06-11 15:02:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Radas yang digunakan untuk mengukur,
menguji, menganalisis pelbagai bahan-bahan seperti pertanian dll. Ianya terdiri
dari pelbagai jenama dan jenis seperti Microorganisms Applicator, Micro Applicator
dll<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR> </B> Is used in microbial laboratories to deal
with almost all tasks the microbiologist is familiar with from the classical agar
plate. The system can be working under different temperature zones allowing the
investigation of various groups of micro-organisms. '),
(3901,'008001039','MOTOR/MESIN SATU FASA','008001','2009-09-02 20:57:41','2014-01-
28 16:20:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin/Motor yang digunakan untuk
menggerakan perbagai jenis pemotong, pengisar, pengasah sebagai alat membantu
kepada fungsi perkakasan atau kerja bengkal. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenis dan
jenama seperti Motor Sangkar Tupai, Motor Pemutar Berlilit, Motor Segerak
dll<BR><Br><B><I> DESCRITION <BR> </B> Motor Blade \"1/2 HP, 110 volts, Baldor
motor - heavy-duty, ball bearing, direct drive sealed; UL approved - Made in
USA. \n\"8# sharpening wheel\n\"Easily accessible reverse switch\n\"Left or right
sharpening discharge'),(3902,'008001040','EMBOSING UNIT','008001','2009-09-02
21:40:14','2009-09-02 14:47:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION
<BR> </B>The manual roller embossing machine enables the rational and economic
labeling of round work pieces.\r\nIt is very user-friendly and especially suited
for job production and small series.\r\n'),(3903,'012002027','FERTILIZER
SIEVER','012002','2009-09-02 21:54:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
GAS','004018','2009-09-03 20:54:51','2010-08-24
12:49:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Didaftarkan sebagai bekalan (stor)'),
(3905,'010008048','BLOOD STORAGE AND TRANSFER','010008','2009-09-03
21:35:18','2009-09-03 14:40:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Insulated blood container for
transfer of up to five packs of blood. Easy to carry with integral shoulder strap
and carry handle.'),(3906,'010001068','HYDROSTATIC HEAD/SPECULUM NASAL
SET','010001','2009-09-03 22:00:42','2012-12-03
examination assistants for ENT and ophthalmology.\n\n\"Includes: Uni I otoscope
head, uni II May ophthalmoscope head, nasal speculum expandable, bent arm
illuminator, 2 laryngeal mirrors No. 3 and 4, tongue blade holder, replacement lamp
otoscope (also for bent arm illuminator).\n\n\n\"In hard protective deluxe case
with sturdy sliding safety catches.\n\n\n\"Battery handle type C with
rheostat.\n \n \n'),(3907,'004001022','THERMAL CYCLER','004001','2009-09-09
18:43:57','2009-09-09 11:55:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION
<BR> Thermal Cycler </b> features interchangeable block options of 25 x 0.2 ml or
20 x 0.5 ml. It includes 4 Peltier heating and cooling elements per block, and
adjustable heated lid that prevents sample condensation and eliminates need for oil
overlay. Cycler is equipped with quick dial facility, PC connection, and power
failure protection that ensure auto restart after power failure. '),
(3908,'004017006','KOTAK PENYIMPAN SLIDE/TISSUE','004017','2009-09-09
19:52:44','2009-09-09 12:54:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION
<BR></B> Moisture resistant, plastic covered corrugated boxes interlock to stack
ten high, each supporting up to 500 lbs of overhead cassette and slide weight. Each
box accommodates 2000 slides or 500 tissue blocks to meet your varied storage
requirements. Come unassembled boxes require minimal storage space and can be
easily assembled as needed.<BR>The tissue files come with 100 partitioned
compartments arranged 10 deep and 10 across. By removing alternating partitions,
each compartment can be doubled or quadrupled in size. For other storage needs, the
partitions may also be removed. '),(3909,'010008049','SKIN GRAFT
MESHER','010008','2009-09-09 21:56:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>
DESCRIPTION <BR>The Skin Graft Mesher </B> instrument consists of a ratchet
handle, continuous feed roller, a cutting roller, and a guidance plateau. The
guidance plateau helps ensure a proper alignment of the Dermacarriers II Skin Graft
Carriers and cutting rollers, and the ratchet handle facilitates proper advancement
of the carrier. \r\n\r\n'),(3910,'010001069','PEAK FLOW METER','010001','2009-09-09
22:07:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> description <br>A peak flow
meter </b>for asthma is like a thermometer for a fever. It\'s a tool that helps you
monitor what\'s going on inside your body. In some cases when you are not feeling
well, you may feel \"hot\" or \"feverish,\" but when you take your temperature with
a thermometer, it is normal. With asthma, sometimes you may feel your breathing is
fine, but when you measure it with a peak flow meter, your lung function is
slightly decreased. A peak flow meter can help you determine airway changes and
better manage your asthma.\r\n\r\n'),(3912,'003005017','MESIN MEMBASUH
BERAS','003005','2009-09-14 20:01:03','2009-09-14
13:11:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR>This Rice Washer </B>
is mounted on trolley wheels with tilting arrangement. After rice washing the dirty
water can be discharged easily by tilting the washer. This rice washer can also be
moved to other places easily.\r\n'),(3913,'002001022','MESIN PEMBUKA
SURAT','002001','2009-09-14 20:07:51','2009-09-14
13:10:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I> DESCRIPTION <BR> </B>It cuts out
tedious fanning and sorting, cleanly and precisely opens stacked letters at up to
250 per minute - even switches itself on and off. The manual Access is compact and
handy. Just lay the envelope on the cutting board. Put the lever across to the
other side - it\'s open. the B100 handles all generally-used envelope sizes in
thicknesses of up to 6mm. \r\n'),(3914,'002001023','MESIN PENGIPAS KERTAS (AIR
JOGGER)','002001','2009-10-16 18:11:49','2010-08-16
13:55:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Pengipas Kertas\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:
<br>Air Paper Jogger</b>is air-assisted. Air, forced between sheets, helps reduce
jogging time and eliminates powder buildup. Press sheets and digital copies can be
air dried immediately to help prevent offset. Because air is used to jog the paper,
sheets of paper are separated, preventing them from sticking together. This helps
prevent misfeeds and double feeds in printers, folders and collators. This jogger
includes a foot pedal for easy operation and is fixed to heavy-duty casters.\r\n'),
(3915,'012002028','ALUMINIUM/STAINLESS STEEL TUB/BOX','012002','2009-10-19
MOULD','012002','2009-10-19 17:51:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3917,'012002030','PROJECT/WORKING TABLE','012002','2009-10-19
18:30:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3918,'012001024','TELEMETRY WATER
IRRIGATION SYSTEM','012001','2009-10-19 21:31:29','2009-10-19
14:36:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Telemetry has become indispensable for water
management applications such as irrigation in agriculture, including water quality
and stream gauging functions. Major applications include AMR (automatic meter
reading),distribution irrigation monitoring, groundwater monitoring, leak detection
in distribution pipelines and equipment surveillance. Having data available in
almost real time allows quick reactions to occurrences in the field.'),
(3920,'008003032','ROAD OR LINE MARKING','008003','2009-10-26 18:43:57','2009-11-02
14:43:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin untuk membuat garisan pada jalan,
padang.<BR><br><b>DESCRIPTION<BR></b>\r\n\r\nHand-push <b><i>Road-Marking
Machine</b></i>/<b><i>road line marking.</b> For use on parks, factory/warehouse
floors, playgrounds, sport fields, tennis courts, leisure centre and road surfaces.
For stenciles, line or free marking.'),(3921,'001003010','TERMINAL
CONCENTRATOR/CONTROLLER (STOK)','001003','2009-10-28 21:31:19','2017-02-02
15:27:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Perkakasan yang digunakan untuk mengawal,
menghantar, mamantau aliran sesuatu network supaya dapat disalurkan kepada terminal
yang lain. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Bandwidth Management,
Fabric Interconnet, IPAM Appliance, WLAN Controller, Data Safety Device (DSD)
dll\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION: <br>Terminal concentrators</b>\nA terminal
concentrator is a hardware device that consolidates serial access to multiple
servers into a single networked device. You can use this device to monitor a large
number of servers simultaneously from one location. \n\n'),
(3922,'004008010','HOMOGENIZER','004008','2009-11-13 19:05:47','2019-02-13
12:21:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan untuk membuat bahan sebatian
saperti larutan, makanan, tisu, tanah, tumbuhan dan lain-lain menjadi homogen
(larut dan sebati). '),(6559,'002014007','DULANG ISTIADAT','002014','2019-02-15
02:41:12','2019-02-15 10:41:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
Majlis-majlis Rasmi seperti Pertabalan, Angkat Sumpah dan Pengurniaan Darjah
Kebesaran, Bintang dan Pingat Persekutuan'),(3923,'008007001','PERALATAN KRAF
BATIK','008007','2009-11-13 22:27:00','2012-12-03
15:54:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peraltan yang digunakan untuk menjalankan kerja
berkenaan proses mencorak batik seperti pemidang, ampaian, troli gas pemanas batik,
troli bekas warna, takung air beroda batik, dll'),(3925,'008008001','MESIN MELERAI
BENANG','008008','2009-11-17 20:39:01','2010-10-04
12:31:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin untuk melerai benang yang akan digunakan
sebelum proses menenun dijalankan.'),(3926,'008008002','MESIN
TENUNAN','008008','2009-11-17 20:40:53','2010-10-04
12:33:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin atau alat tenunan dimana benang ditenun untuk
menjadi kain dan corak dikain.'),(3927,'008008003','MESIN JAQUARD','008008','2009-
11-17 20:42:36','2010-10-04 12:39:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Jaquard adaalah
mesin tenunan otomatik yang menggunakan kad berlubang berputar. Kad lubang
mewakili reka corak yang akan dibentuk diatas kain.'),(3928,'008007002','KEK
MEMBATIK','008007','2009-11-17 20:45:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3929,'007001021','PENGIMBAS LOGAM (METAL SCANNER)','007001','2009-11-19
20:12:23','2009-11-19 12:34:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pengesan atau pengimbas logam,
adalah alat elektronik yang biasa dipasang di pintu masuk penumpang kapal terbang
di lapangan terbang. Berfungsi mengesan barangan logam pada penumpang yang akan
menaiki kapal terbang.<BR><BR><I><B>DESCRIPTION<BR> </I></B>Airport <B>metal
detectors </b>or scanner are electronic instruments for identifying different types
of metal objects. Terrorism, hijacking, and bombings have lead to the installation
of airport metal detectors/ scanner for security reasons. Walk over or hand held
models of metal detectors/scanner are normally used in airports. Airport metal
detectors/scanner ensure that no weapons or smuggled goods are brought to the
airport premises or into the aircraft.<BR>Metal detectors are used for various
purposes such as security maintenance, item recovery, archaeological exploration,
and geological research. Different styles such as beachcomber, hand held, and
mounted models are available to suit different needs.'),(3930,'015006011','RAK/TRAY
KEYBOARD','015006','2009-12-03 23:58:24','2009-12-03
15:59:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Tempat letak papan kekunci/keyboard'),
(3931,'015006012','RAK KOMPUTER/CPU','015006','2009-12-04
00:04:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Tempat letak CPU Komputer'),
/ALAT PENGASAH PISAU','003005','2009-12-05 00:15:54','2011-01-24
15:53:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin atau alatan yang digunakan
mengasah\r\n<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR> Knife Sharpener </b></i>including battery
operated or electricity.'),(3933,'002002025','KAMUS ELEKTRONIK','002002','2009-12-
DICTIONARY'),(3934,'002002026','AL QURAN ELEKTRONIK','002002','2009-12-05
QURAN.'),(3935,'012001025','HEAVY DUTY BLENDER','012001','2009-12-09
19:35:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3936,'002012016','KERUSI URUT
BADAN','002012','2009-12-10 01:06:46','2010-08-19
12:46:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\n<br><br><b>DESCRIPTION <br> Massage Chair</b>'),
(3937,'002012017','PANCURAN AIR PANAS (MANDIAN)','002012','2009-12-11
03:01:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION<BR><BR>Instant hot
shower.</B> An automatic switch ensures the heater only operates when there\'s
sufficient water flow.'),(3938,'012001026','SPIN FRYER','012001','2009-12-14
15:06:09','2009-12-14 07:12:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat menggoreng yang
dilengkapi dengan motor yang membolehkan ianya berputar semasa menggoreng. Biasanya
alat menggoreng tugas berat yang digunakan dalam kerja pemprosesan makanan.
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>Spin Fryer </b> complete with spin motor. Usually
heavy duty fryer, for food processing.'),(3939,'012001027','VINEGAR PROCESSING
FACILITY','012001','2009-12-14 15:20:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kemudahan/
Peralatan yang digunakan untuk pemprosesan cuka. <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>
Vinegar Processing Facility. '),(3940,'012001028','THERMAL OIL
COOCKER','012001','2009-12-14 15:29:03','2009-12-14
08:04:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Thermal Oil Cooker adalah peralatan memasak yang
menggunakan minyak sebagai media pemanas. Biasanya ia digunakan dalam industri
makanan yang memerlukan suhu memasak yang tinggi. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION
<BR>Thermal Oil Cooker </b> is used for heat production in those industrial
processes where high process temperatures are required.\r\nThermal oil is used as a
heating medium when the process requires very high surface temperatures.'),
(3941,'007001022','SISTEM KAWALAN PINTU MASUK (ASET TAK ALIH)','007001','2009-12-21
16:03:38','2017-09-29 09:45:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sistem Kawalan Pintu Masuk
atau sistem keselamatan pintu masuk merupakan sistem kawalan bersepadu. Sistem ini
biasa digunakan untuk mengawal pintu masuk premis pejabat, kilang, lift, lot
meletak kereta dan lain-lain. Tujuan utama sistem ini digunakan adalah untuk
menghalang personal yang tidak berkenaan memasuki kawasan tersebut. Sistem ini
termasuklah pembaca card, perakam waktu, sistem pemantauan, sistem penggera dan
bekalan kuasa tambahan.<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR>Door access system </B> also
known as keyless door system, proximity card system,security card access system and
etc. The Integrated Access Control System for Door, Lift and Car park. Door access
system is widely used for stopping unauthorised person entering your office /
premises.\nThe system consist of card reader, built in real time clock, built in
system monitoring, alarm system, power back up, etc.\n'),
(3942,'006001004','PEMANCAR GELOMBANG MIKRO','006001','2010-01-07 15:38:20','2019-
02-12 15:09:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan mudah alih yang digunakan untuk
menguatkan isyarat pembawa frekuensi radio gelombang mikro.'),
(3943,'006005007','PANEL LAMPU (ASET TAK ALIH)','006005','2010-01-07
15:47:33','2019-02-12 17:03:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\n\nPanel Kawalan Lampu.
<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION<BR>Board Lighting System </b> is a lighting control
console (also called a lightboard, lighting board, or lighting desk) is an
electronic device used in theatrical lighting design to control multiple lights at
once. They are used throughout the entertainment industry and are normally placed
at the Front of House (FOH) position or in a control booth'),
(3944,'006005008','ALAT PENYURAM (DIMMER)','006005','2010-01-07 15:55:49','2010-08-
30 12:26:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR>Dimmers </B> are
devices used to vary the brightness of a light. By decreasing or increasing the RMS
voltage and hence the mean power to the lamp it is possible to vary the intensity
of the light output'),(3945,'006010001','ANTENNA','006010','2010-01-07
16:34:11','2012-05-30 12:39:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Antena merupakan satu sistem
yang menyatukan gelombang radio daripada pemancar kepada dunia luar dan sebaliknya.
Antena radio Gelombang menyatukan tenaga electromegnet daripada satu media (ruang
udara) kepada satu alat yang lain ( contohnya, kabel coaxial, wayer, waveguide).
Antena terdapat dalam berbagai bentuk mengikut kegunaan dan fungsinya seperti
Diamond Antenna dll. <br><br><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR>Antenna System </b>is the port
through\nwhich radio frequency (RF) energy is coupled from the transmitter to the
outside\nworld and, in reverse, to the receiver from the outside world.\nRadio
antennas couple electromagnetic energy from one medium (space) to\nanother (e.g.,
wire, coaxial cable, or waveguide). Physical designs can vary\ngreatly'),
(3946,'006010002','ANTENNA PARABOLIC','006010','2010-01-07 17:01:46','2010-01-07
09:16:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Antena Parabola adalah antena yang mempunyai
pemantul (reflector)berkuasa tinggi untuk kegunaan radio, television, komunikasi
data dan radar bagi spektrum gelombang elektromagnet, UHF dan SHF.
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>A parabolic antenna</B> is a high-gain reflector
antenna used for radio, television and data communications, and also for
radiolocation (radar), on the UHF and SHF parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.
The relatively short wavelength of electromagnetic radiation at these frequencies
allows reasonably sized reflectors to exhibit the desired highly directional
response for both receiving and transmitting.<BR>\r\n\r\nWith the advent of TVRO
and DBS satellite television, the parabolic antenna became a ubiquitous feature of
urban, suburban, and even rural landscapes. Extensive terrestrial microwave links,
such as those between cellphone base stations, and wireless WAN/LAN applications
have also proliferated this antenna type. Earlier applications included ground-
based and airborne radar and radio astronomy.\r\n'),(3947,'006010003','RF
SYSTEM','006010','2010-01-07 18:01:17','2010-01-07
10:03:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR>The radio-frequency
system, or RF system, </B>supplies power to the ALS in the form of microwaves.
Microwaves are radio waves with a wavelength between about one meter and one
millimeter, which are the wavelengths used for radio and television broadcasts as
well as radar and microwave ovens. '),(3948,'006010004','BASEBAND
SYSTEM','006010','2010-01-07 18:13:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3949,'006010005','INTERFACILITY LINK','006010','2010-01-07
AMPLIFIER','006010','2010-01-07 18:35:54','2010-01-07
Amplifiers,</B> or DAs, are used to divide a single video source or audio source
and duplicate it into two or more identical copies of the original signal. DAs are
available for both analog and digital audio and video signal types. <BR>Analog
distribution amplifiers provide signal amplification and enhancement features such
as fixed or variable peaking and gain.<BR> Digital distribution amplifiers provide
appropriate signal buffering so that each of the outputs may be driven without
affecting the data path integrity and bit error rate performance. In some cases,
digital DAs will also reclock the signal at the output, ensuring that each of the
output signals is at a data rate identical to the original signal.\r\n'),
(3951,'006010007','SOLID STATE POWER AMPLIFIER','006010','2010-01-08
16:51:11','2010-09-11 11:29:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>A
solid state power amplifier</B> (SSPA) is a transmitter power amplifier that uses
semiconductor devices (transistors) for all amplification.\r\n'),
(3952,'006010008','UPCONVERTER','006010','2010-01-08 16:56:13','2010-09-11
11:42:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR>An upconverter,</B>
also known as a digital television ( DTV ) upconverter, is a device that converts
the digital data on a DVD to a format that can be viewed directly on a high-
definition television ( HDTV ) receiver without intermediate conversion to an
analog signal.'),(3953,'006010009','MODULATOR','006010','2010-01-08
SYSTEM','006010','2010-01-08 17:56:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3955,'006010011','DOWNLINK SYSTEM','006010','2010-01-08 17:58:22','2010-09-11
11:51:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR></B>A microwave
<B>downlink system </B>simply transmits live video from your aircraft (transmit
side) and sends it down to the ground (receive side) so that people on the ground
can see what you see'),(3956,'006010012','AV DISTRIBUTION & MONITORING
SYSTEM','006010','2010-01-08 18:02:15','2010-09-11 12:54:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'
'),(3957,'006010013','BROADCASTING TEST EQUIPMENT','006010','2010-01-08
14:13:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR><BR>Test equipment</B>
is needed to ensure systems are performing as they should and content complies with
applicable technical specifications'),(3958,'006010014','NETWORK MANAGEMENT
SYSTEM','006010','2010-01-08 18:10:41','2010-09-11
14:19:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>A Network Management
System (NMS)</B> is a combination of hardware and software used to monitor and
administer a network.\r\n\r\nIndividual network elements (NEs) in a network are
managed by an element
management system.\r\n'),(3959,'006010015','MULTIPLEXER','006010','2010-01-11
01-11 19:20:01','2010-01-11 11:22:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3961,'006010017','ENCODER AND MODULATOR','006010','2010-01-11 19:20:42','2010-01-
11 11:24:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3962,'006010018','INTEGRATED RECEIVER
DECODER','006010','2010-01-11 19:21:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(3963,'006010019','AUDIO VISUAL ROUTER','006010','2010-01-11
19:25:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3964,'006010020','AUDIO VISUAL
MONITOR','006010','2010-01-11 19:27:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(ASET TAK ALIH)','007001','2010-01-25 18:42:58','2017-09-29
09:46:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sistem Kawalan Pengawal adalah sistem yang merekod
aktiviti pengawal dan pegawai keselamatan. Sistem terdiri dari tiga komponen utama
iaitu rekorder dan downloader, guard ID key dan station point.
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>Guard Tour System or guard Patrol System </B>is the
concept about monitoring guards\' activities. The system consists of three
components.The tamper-proof recorder and downloader, used to record patrol data.
The exact time and route sequene will be rcordered in the recorder. The guard ID
key and station point.'),(3968,'002003037','AUDIO VIDEO TRANSMITTER
(STOK)','002003','2010-01-29 18:50:29','2012-08-16
09:15:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>Audio Video
Transmitter</B> use to connect a video signal originating from a camera or other
video source to a normal TV set. The audio and video signal is converted into a UHF
TV signal so that the signal can be received through the TV antenna input. Stereo
audio transmission capable. '),(3969,'002003038','JUKEBOX','002003','2010-02-03
08:13:28','2010-02-03 00:14:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peti nyanyian yang menggunakan
duit syiling, biasa terdapat di restoren, kedai makan dan lain-lain.
<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> A jukebox </B>is a partially automated music-playing
device, usually a coin-operated machine, that can play specially selected songs
from self-contained media. The classic jukebox has buttons with letters and numbers
on them that, when combined, are used to indicate a specific song from a particular
record.<br>\r\nSoftware jukebox are not include.'),(3970,'002003039','WIRELESS
PRESENTATION ADAPTOR (STOK)','002003','2010-02-10 08:53:40','2010-12-28
15:35:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>Wireless Presentation
Adaptor </B>connects directly to any projector with a VGA connection, making that
projector wireless-enabled. Not only can users send standard slideshow
presentations from their laptop, but advanced hardware actually enables it to
receive seamless high-resolution video and stereo audio simultaneously.'),
(3971,'015002022','KERUSI SOLEK','015002','2010-03-02
07:05:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kerusi yang digunakan semasa
bersolek.\r\n\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>Makeup Chair'),
(3972,'002002027','PEMOTONG KERTAS/ELEKTRIK CUTTER','002002','2010-03-02
20:18:17','2014-11-10 12:37:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk memotong kertas
atau bahan-bahan lain (manual/elektrik) biasanya untuk kegunaan pejabat. Terdapat
dalam bentuk mendatar dan untuk kertas bergelong.\n<br><br><b><i>
DESCRIPTION<BR><BR> Paper cutter </b>(manual) often for offices use.'),
(3973,'009003012','NOISE SOURCE','009003','2010-03-09
</b> is composed of an electronic unit, including the noise generator and the power
amplifier and of a loudspeaker system. The noise generator is capable of white,
pink or octave band noise generation. Other signals can also be generated. '),
(3974,'009003013','DODECAHEDRON LOUDSPEAKER','009003','2010-03-09
17:17:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION <BR>Dodecahedron
Loudspeaker </B>is a high power loudspeaker with omnidirectional characteristics.
It fulfils the directional characteristisc and delivers a continuous
sound.\r\nSource signals may be provided by the Nor-840 analyser, the external MLS
generator Nor-257 or the Nor-230 noise generator.\r\n\r\nThe loadspeakers are
available in a variety of impedance configurations to suit other types of power
amplifiers.\r\n'),(3975,'009003014','TAPPING MACHINE','009003','2010-03-09
09:43:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR>Tapping Machine</b> use
for making footfall noise transmission measurements in buildings as set out in
International and National Standards.'),(3976,'009003015','ROTATING
BOOM','009003','2010-03-09 17:52:02','2010-10-19
12:03:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> Rotating Boom </b>use for
Sound power measurements and Building acoustic measurements.'),
(3977,'009003016','ENVIROMENT NOISE MONITORING','009003','2010-03-09
Monitoring system/terminal </b> is a robust, cost efficient solution for your
outdoor noise monitoring. Equipped with the sound level meter and latest
generation communication modules.'),(3978,'009003017','NOISE AND VIBRATION
ANALYZER','009003','2010-03-09 18:44:03','2010-10-19
12:07:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> Nooise and vibration
Analyzer</b> is the most flexible tools to qualify a product#s noise and vibration
performance. They are easy to operate and immediately show the frequency content of
a vibration or sound signal.'),(3979,'009003018','HYDROPHONES','009003','2010-03-09
18:49:30','2010-03-09 10:49:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR>
Hydrophones </b>is a device which will listen to, or pick up, the acoustic energy
underwater. A hydrophone converts acoustic energy into electrical energy and is
used in passive underwater systems to listen only. Hydrophones are usually used
below their resonance frequency over a much wider frequency band where they provide
uniform output levels. '),(3980,'009003019','SOUND INTENSITY PROBE','009003','2010-
03-09 19:02:35','2010-10-19 12:15:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>A
sound intensity probe </B> measures only the component of the sound tavelling
parallel to the probe axis. Sound travelling toward the probe is measured as
positive intensity, while sound travelling opposite to the direction of the probe
registers as negative intensity. \r\n'),(3981,'008001041','SURFACE PLATE/PARALLEL
BLOCK','008001','2010-03-10 00:21:43','2014-10-10
11:24:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR>A surface plate </B>is
a solid, flat plate used as the main horizontal reference plane for precision
inspection, marking out (layout), and tooling setup. The surface plate is often
used as the baseline for all measurements to the workpiece, therefore one primary
surface is finished extremely flat with accuracy up to .00001\"/.00025 mm for a
grade AA or AAA plate. Surface plates are a very common tool in the manufacturing
industry.'),(3982,'008005051','V BLOCK (STOK)','008005','2010-03-10
01:33:20','2011-08-18 11:25:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Blok
V.<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR> V Block </b>is a precision tools for marking out
and accurate measurement.'),(3983,'009003020','HARMONIE SYSTEM','009003','2010-03-
10 18:53:51','2010-03-10
11:12:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>The Harmonie system
</B>consists of one or more transducers (microphones/accelerometers/ intensity
probe, etc.) connected to a small acquisition unit (four channels) which transfers
data in real-time to a notebook computer. Harmonie belongs to the 01dB range of
systems integrated on a notebook computer and, as such, offers realtime
performances for the simultaneous measurement of time and frequency data. <BR>The
Harmonie system features many possibilities for noise and vibration measurements,
offering the user great flexibility in the field. Digital inputs/outputs (remote
control, tachometry)'),(3984,'009003021','SYMPHONIE UNIT','009003','2010-03-10
19:12:22','2010-03-10 11:23:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR>A
Symphonie unit </b> performs signal acquisition, on one or two input channels with
a 18-bit resolution, directly on to the computer hard disk via a PCcard interface.
The application software can select the sampling frequency (up to 51.2 kHz). The
application software located on the PC controls all acquisition and processing
functions.\r\n\r\n'),(3985,'009003022','IMPACT HAMMER','009003','2010-03-10
10:54:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR></b>The function of
an<b> impact hammer</b> is to deliver an impulsive force into a test specimen or
material. The force gauge that is built into the hammer measures the magnitude and
frequency content of this excitation. e.g Impact Soil Tester\n'),
(3986,'009003023','MICROPHONE PREAMPLIFIER ','009003','2010-03-10
Preamplifiers </B>are small robust units optimised for acoustical measurements with
condenser microphones.\r\n\r\nConnections to preamplifiers are most often made via
a 7-pin LEMO series 1B connector; unless its a CCP* Preamplifier.<BR>\r\n
Preamplifiers are based on a small ceramic substrate thickfilm precision amplifier
with very high input impedance. The casings are made of stainless steel for maximum
strength and durability with minimum sensitivity to vibration and
microphonics.\r\n'),(3987,'008005052','TORQUE WRENCH (STOK)','008005','2010-03-11
00:46:37','2011-08-18 11:25:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR>A
torque wrench </B>is a tool used to precisely apply a specific torque
to a fastener such as a nut or bolt. It is usually in the form of a socket wrench
with special internal mechanisms. A torque wrench is used where the tightness of
screws and bolts is crucial. The simplest form of torque wrench consists of a long
lever arm between the handle and the wrench head.<BR>With electronic (indicating)
torque wrenches, measurement is by means of a strain gauge attached to the torsion
rod. The signal generated is converted by the transducer to the required unit of
force (N m, lbf.ft etc.) and shown on the digital display.'),
(3988,'015002023','KERUSI MEMBACA/PERPUSTAKAAN','015002','2010-03-11
EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM','007002','2010-03-11 18:42:11','2017-11-23
10:39:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sistem cegah kebakaran dan pemadaman pada kapal
terbang.'),(3990,'002002028','SMOCKING PLEATER MACHINE','002002','2010-03-19
18:35:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR>A Smocking pleater
machine </b> is a machine invented by the Read Company of South Africa in the
1950\'s to make pleats for smocking. It takes fabric that is fed in from the back
and pushes it through grooved rollers onto specially designed needles which are
threaded with strong thread. Once the fabric is pleated, it is blocked and sized in
preparation for your beautiful stitching.\r\n'),(3991,'008005053','ELECTRIC
HAND/MINI CUTTER','008005','2010-03-19 18:55:28','2019-02-13
09:46:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(3992,'004014062','LIGHT BOX AND OPTICAL
SET','004014','2010-03-21 04:06:54','2010-03-20
21:19:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR> Light Box Set </b>
includes all the equipment needed to perform 30 experiments on reflection,
refraction, and color. The durable light box has an adjustable lens that can
project a parallel, convergent, or divergent beam.'),(3993,'009002038','DATA
DISPLAY (WATER QUALITY)','009002','2010-03-21 05:51:02','2010-03-20
22:51:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION <BR> Data Display </B>for
water quality data, allows the user to view all parameters including internal
battery voltage and barometric pressure simultaneously on a high-density liquid-
crystal display. It contains 128k memory and adapter cable needed if underwater
cables are not used.\r\n'),(3994,'002004011','PATONG PERAGAAN
(MANNEQUIN)','002004','2010-03-26 19:07:41','2010-03-26
12:12:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR> Mannequin, dummy body
form, dressmaking dummy etc.'),(3995,'002003040','TELEPROMPTER','002003','2010-03-
29 19:15:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR>A teleprompter
</B> (also known as an autocue) is a display device that prompts the person
speaking with an electronic visual text of a speech or script. Using a teleprompter
is similar to the practice of using cue cards. The screen is in front of the lens
of the camera, and the words on the screen are reflected to the eyes of the speaker
using a two-way mirror.'),(3996,'002003041','TAPE ERASER','002003','2010-03-29
20:15:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><Br><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR> Tape Eraser'),
(3997,'002003042','FILEM/SLIDES SCANNER','002003','2010-03-29
20:30:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION<BR>Filem / Slides
Scanner </b> scans up to six 35mm negatives or slides film.'),
(3998,'004001023','KJELDAHL APPARATUS','004001','2010-03-30 18:59:49','2019-02-13
Kjeldahl<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR>Kjeldahl Digestion </B> Units are designed for
laboratories that require separate digestion stations. Six-Place Digestion Units
provide fume-free operation by drawing fumes through the manifold with either a
blower exhaust or a water ejector system,or it is compact and may be placed inside
a fume hood.\n<B>Kjeldahl Distillation</B> Units are designed for mounting on a
base cabinet or table. Models are available with two or six heaters.\n'),
(3999,'004001024','SOXHLET EXTRACTION UNIT','004001','2010-03-30 19:22:11','2012-
07-09 15:11:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk memproses
kandungan lilin pada fabrik terutamanya cetakan berwarma
dll<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> Soxhlet extraction </B> unit is the most
commonly instrument used for example of a semi-continuous method applied to
extraction of lipids, oil and fat from solid material or foods.'),
(4000,'004013051','RNA DNA CALCULATOR','004013','2010-03-31 03:50:52','2010-03-30
Calculator</b> - molecular biology calculator to help calculate the concentration
of a nucleic acid solution (either DNA, RNA or oligonucleotides) from the optical
density absorbance value measured by a spectrophotometer (using a wavelength of
260nm).'),(4002,'004002006','PARAFFIN OVEN','004002','2010-03-31 05:50:50','2010-
08-17 22:48:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Ketuhar
Paraffin<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR>Paraffin Oven </b> - High-precision
temperature control of the embedding medium, such as paraffin or wax in science,
research and forensics. '),(4004,'009002039','UNDER WATER VIDEO
CAMERA','009002','2010-04-01 18:50:58','2010-04-01
11:58:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><Br>,B><I>DESCRIPTION <BR>Under water Video
Camera\'s</b> housings feature dome port optics, patented x-ring double seals,
excellent visibility of the LCD screen.'),(4005,'009002040','UNDER WATER LIGHTING
UNIT','009002','2010-04-01 19:00:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4006,'002004012','KOTAK PEMAPAR POSTER','002004','2010-04-06 03:27:49','2016-11-25
10:02:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kotak pemapar poster, media pengiklanan yang
berkesan. Mempunyai frame, lampu dan boleh ditukar bahan yang pamerannya,
mempamerkan atau memaparkan sesuatu iklan, poster atau gambar.
<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR> This light box</b> is an effective advertising
medium, often referred to as an illuminated poster frame.<BR> It has a lockable
frame mounted on hinges, enabling quick and easy change of graphics via a special
key. This light box is made for external usage, utilising special seals to enable
it to be totally waterproof. Therefore, it works as an effective advertising tool
in outdoor places and on external walls.'),(4007,'007005015','SUT PERLINDUNGAN
ANJING (STOK)','007005','2010-04-10 23:03:20','2012-02-17
16:18:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4008,'007005016','DOG BITE SLEEVE PROTECTION
(STOK)','007005','2010-04-10 23:14:06','2012-02-17
16:19:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Bite sleeves for dog training, puppy sleeve, sleeve
cover.'),(4009,'007005017','DOG BITE LEG PROTECTION (STOK)','007005','2010-04-10
23:25:13','2012-02-17 16:19:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Dog bite leg protection with
Bite Bar The leg sleeves are constructed from the best French Linen material.'),
(4010,'007005018','BITE TUG/PAD (STOK)','007005','2010-04-10 23:34:33','2012-02-17
16:19:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Dog bite tug/ pad is a trainning equipment, made of
jute ,strong French linen or leather with 2 handle.'),(4011,'007005019','DOG PADDED
BELT (STOK)','007005','2010-04-10 23:45:42','2012-02-17
16:20:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4012,'007005020','DOG HARNESS
(STOK)','007005','2010-04-10 23:56:21','2012-02-17
16:20:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>A dog harness </B> is
piece of equipment for dogs, generally similar to harness tack for horses. There
are various designs depending on the type of use. '),(4013,'007005021','DOG MUZZLE
(STOK)','007005','2010-04-11 00:17:31','2012-02-17
16:20:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4014,'007005022','DOG COLLAR
(STOK)','007005','2010-04-11 01:41:15','2012-02-17
16:20:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR>A dog collar </B> is a
is a piece of material put around the neck of a dog. A collar might be used for
control, identification, fashion, or other purposes.'),(4015,'007005023','ANIMAL
FLEXIABLE LEASH (STOK)','007005','2010-04-11 02:20:27','2012-02-17
16:21:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4016,'015002024','KERUSI TETAMU
KEHORMAT','015002','2010-04-12 23:06:05','2010-04-12
16:40:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4017,'015002025','BANGKU ALAS
KAKI','015002','2010-04-12 23:07:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4018,'015004009','KABINET BILIK AIR','015004','2010-04-12
23:11:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4019,'015004010','KABINET DULANG /TRAY
CABINET','015004','2010-04-17 23:05:08','2011-01-25
09:01:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kabinet Dulang iaitu kabinet dengan dulang atau
kotak untuk menyimpan barangan kecil saperti permanan kanak-kanak atau bahan projek
dan lain-lain.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR> Tray Cabinet,</b>For storing student
projects and supplies.'),(4020,'002004013','PETI PENYIMPANAN BAHAN
PAMERAN','002004','2010-05-13 17:36:17','2013-07-03
14:21:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menyimpan barang atau
bahan-bahan pameran seperti Portable Booth dll'),(4021,'002004014','EASEL
KAYU','002004','2010-05-13 18:00:50','2010-08-16
15:21:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Easel atau kuda-kuda adalah suatu sokongan tegak
digunakan untuk memaparkan dan / atau membaiki sesuatu berehat di atasnya.
\r\n\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION: <br>An Easel</b> is an upright support used for
displaying and/or fixing something resting upon it.'),(4022,'002004015','KAKI
BANTING (STOK)','002004','2010-05-13 18:01:57','2010-12-28
15:39:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kaki Banting atau Bunting adalah alat mengantung
banting.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION: <br>Banner Stand</b>'),
(4023,'002005012','MESIN HEMPIT PERCETAKAN ELEKTIK','002005','2010-05-13
18:33:48','2010-08-16 16:43:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:
<br> PRINTING PRESS MACHINE </b>\r\nor Paper Press Machine - Enables users create a
great variety of transfer designs on the garment such as rubber transfer, \r\n
caviar transfer, motif design transfer, etc. with high air pressure with easy
HEMPIT PERCETAKAN MANUAL','002005','2010-05-13
MACHINE','002005','2010-05-13 18:40:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4026,'007001024','MESIN PENGELUAR TIKET (ASET TAK ALIH)','007001','2010-05-25
17:54:09','2017-11-23 10:42:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Pengeluar Tiket,
mengeluarkan tiket kertas untuk tempat meletak kereta dan sebagainya. Biasanya
mempunyai pencetak therma. Mencetak tarikh , masa dan kadang-kadang berkebolehan
mencetak kod bar.<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR>Ticket Issuing Machine. </b>Ticket
machines issues a 2\" by 5\" paper ticket. The ticket printer is thermal so there
are never any ribbons or ink cartridges to replace. ticket is printed with the
time and date and can also be printed with a bar code.'),(4027,'002002029','METER
LETAK KERETA','002002','2010-05-26 02:09:59','2010-05-25
19:11:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Meter Letak Kereta, dimana tempoh masa penggunaan
dipilih dan dibayar menggunakan wang siling terus kedalam meter
tersebut.<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> Parking meter </B> is a device used to
collect money in exchange for the right to park a vehicle in a particular place for
a limited amount of time.\r\n'),(4028,'003004008','PISAU PENCINCANG
(STOK)','003004','2010-05-26 18:41:44','2011-01-24
15:35:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pisau Pencincang, guna untuk mencincang atau
memotong makanan, sayuran kepada bahagian kecil-kecil bagi kegunaan bahan perap
atau perasa.<br><br><B><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>Mincing Knife </b>A knife that can be
used to mince or cut food into smaller bits for seasoning sauces, soups, salads,
and other dishes. Mincing knives can be either single or double bladed to cut a
variety of foods into very small pieces.'),(4029,'001009024','GRAPHICS TABLET
(STOK)','001009','2010-05-27 22:57:44','2010-12-28
15:23:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR>A graphics tablet
<b>(or digitizing tablet, graphics pad, drawing tablet, pen tablet[1]) is a
computer input device that allows one to hand-draw images and graphics, similar to
the way one draws images with a pencil and paper signatures. <br><br>It can also be
used to trace an image from a piece of paper which is taped or otherwise secured to
the surface. Capturing data in this way, either by tracing or entering the corners
of linear poly-lines or shapes is called digitizing.\r\n<br><br>\r\nA graphics
tablet (also called pen pad or digitizer) consists of a flat surface upon which the
user may \"draw\" or trace an image using an attached stylus, a pen-like drawing
apparatus. The image generally does not appear on the tablet itself but, rather, is
displayed on the computer monitor. Some tablets however, come as a functioning
secondary computer screen that you can interact with directly using the
stylus.\r\n\r\nSome tablets are intended as a general replacement for a mouse as
the primary pointing and navigation device for desktop computers.\r\n\r\n'),
(4030,'006006011','TUBA','006006','2010-06-04 01:17:48','2010-06-03
18:36:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\n The tuba</b> is
the largest and lowest pitched brass instrument. Sound is produced by vibrating
or \"buzzing\" the lips into a large cupped mouthpiece. It is one of the most
recent additions to the modern symphony orchestra, first appearing in the mid-19th
century, when it largely replaced the ophicleide. '),
(4031,'006008024','TIMPANI','006008','2010-06-04 01:25:08','2010-06-03
18:35:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\r\n\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\n Timpani
</b>(also known as kettledrums) are musical instruments in the percussion family. A
type of drum, they consist of a skin called a head stretched over a large bowl
traditionally made of copper, and more recently, constructed of more lightweight
fiberglass. They are played by striking the head with a specialized drum stick
called a timpani stick or timpani mallet. Unlike most drums, they are capable of
producing an actual pitch when struck, and can be tuned, often with the use of a
pedal mechanism to control each drum\'s range of notes. Timpani evolved from
military drums to become a staple of the classical orchestra by the last third of
the 18th century. Today, they are used in many types of musical ensembles including
concert, marching, and even some rock bands.'),(4032,'006008025','SNARE
DRUM','006008','2010-06-04 01:28:42','2010-06-03
18:34:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\r\n.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br>\r\nThe snare
drum</b> is a drum with strands of snares made of curled metal wire, metal cable,
plastic cable, or gut cords stretched across the drumhead, typically the bottom.
Pipe and tabor and some military snare drums often have a second set of snares on
the bottom (internal) side of the top (batter) head to make a \"brighter\" sound,
and the Brazilian caixa commonly has snares on the top of the upper drumhead. The
snare drum is considered one of the most important drums of the drum kit.'),
01:39:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The euphonium is a conical-bore, tenor-voiced
brass instrument. It derives its name from the Greek word euphonos, meaning \"well-
sounding\" or \"sweet-voiced\" (eu means \"well\" or \"good\" and phonos means \"of
sound\", so \"of good sound\"). The euphonium is a valved instrument; nearly all
current models are piston valved, though rotary valved models do exist.'),
(4034,'006006013','OBOE','006006','2010-06-04 01:42:02','2010-06-16
oboe is a double reed musical instrument of the woodwind family'),
(4035,'001005013','HANDHELD PRINTER','001005','2010-06-07 19:39:20','2010-06-07
12:43:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> Handheld Printer
</b>is a small and light enough to be used comfortably in a handheld operation, and
it prints bar codes and text with high-quality print resolution.'),
(4036,'004013052','STANDARD CALIBRATION WEIGHT (STOK)','004013','2010-06-08
05:25:51','2017-02-03 16:19:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Standard Calibration Weight
adalah pemberat yang digunakan untuk membuat tentukuran dan ujian bagi
penimbang/neraca (balance). Terdiri dari berbagai kelas. Pembuat alat penimbang
akan menentukan kelas yang mana diperlukan untuk setiap penimbang
tersebut.<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION <BR>Standard Calibration Weight </B> is
perfectly designed to support routine testing of balances in accordance to
manufacturer recommendation. There are various class calibration weight. Balances
manufacturer recommended weight and weight class need for certain balances.'),
(4037,'004013053','STANDARD CYLINDER (STOK)','004013','2010-06-08 05:49:51','2012-
07-09 12:12:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Selinder <br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR> A
Standard Cylinder </B> is a graduated cylinder either a cylindrical glass or
plastic, stainless steel, tube sealed\nat one end with a calibrated scale etched
(or marked) on the outside wall. Graduated\ncylinders come in a range of sizes
(volume capacities). Hence, the graduated cylinder and devices like it are
classified as to-contain (TC) devices.\nThe volume of liquid in the graduated
cylinder is obtained directly by reading the\ncalibrated scale.'),
(4038,'006006014','BASSOON','006006','2010-06-16 19:20:22','2010-06-16
12:24:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>\r\nThe bassoon
is a woodwind instrument in the double reed family that typically plays music
written in the bass and tenor registers, and occasionally higher'),
piccolo (Italian for small ) is a half-size flute, and a member of the woodwind
family of musical instruments. The piccolo has the same fingerings as its larger
sibling, the standard transverse flute, but the sound it produces is an octave
higher than written. This gave rise to the name \"ottavino,\" the name by which the
instrument is referred to in the scores of Italian composers.\r\n'),
(4040,'006006016','FRENCH HORN','006006','2010-06-16
19:42:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>The French
horn is a brass instrument consisting of about 12#13 feet (3.66#3.96 meters) of
tubing wrapped into a coil with a flared bell'),(4041,'006008026','TUBULAR
BELLS','006008','2010-06-16 19:48:37','2010-06-16
12:49:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>Tubular bells
(also known as chimes) are musical instruments in the percussion family. Each bell
is a metal tube, 30#38 mm (1?#1? inches) in diameter, tuned by altering its length.
Tubular bells are often replaced by studio chimes, which are a smaller and usually
less expensive instrument. Studio chimes are similar in appearance to tubular
bells, but each bell has a smaller diameter than the corresponding bell on tubular
bells.'),(4042,'006009007','CELESTA','006009','2010-06-16 19:54:49','2010-06-16
12:59:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>The celesta
(pronounced /sh?l[stY/) or celeste (pronounced /sh?l[st/) is a struck idiophone
operated by a keyboard. Its appearance is similar to that of an upright piano
(four- or five-octave) or of a large wooden music box (three-octave). The keys are
connected to hammers which strike a graduated set of metal (usually steel) plates
suspended over wooden resonators. On four or five octave models one pedal is
usually available to sustain or dampen the sound. The three-octave instruments do
not have a pedal, due to their small \"table-top\" design. Celeste or celestaThe
sound of the celesta is akin to that of the glockenspiel, but with a much softer
and more subtle timbre.\r\n'),(4043,'006008027','MARIMBA','006008','2010-06-16
20:09:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION<br></b>The marimba
( pronunciation (help?info))
is a musical instrument in the percussion family. Keys or bars (usually made of
wood) are struck with mallets to produce musical tones. The keys are arranged as
those of a piano, with the accidentals raised vertically and overlapping the
natural keys (similar to a piano) to aid the performer both visually and
physically.\r\n\r\n'),(4044,'006006017','TENOR TROMBONES','006006','2010-06-16
trombones typically have a bore of 0.450\" (small bore) to 0.547\" (large or
orchestral bore) after the leadpipe and through the slide. The tenor member of the
trombone family'),(4046,'004010013','AC POWER SUPPLY (ASET TAK
ALIH)','004010','2010-06-17 19:51:21','2017-11-23
09:44:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Bekalan Kuasa Arus Terus. <br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION
<BR>Power supply </B> is a supply of electrical power (AC Power). A device or
system that supplies electrical or other types of energy to an output load or group
of loads is called a power supply unit or PSU.'),(4047,'006004009','ENCODING
SYSTEM','006004','2010-06-21 19:13:21','2017-12-29
11:29:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sebuah peranti untuk melakukan perekodan video yang
akan disambungkan kepada peranti ini dan akan memberi input siar video untuk dapat
direkodkan. Ianya terdapat pelbagai jenama seperti Video Encoding System; HD
DIGITAL VIDEO MIXER RECORDER; \n<br><br>\nEncoding system, media encoding servers
deliver high-performance, multi-format video capture and encoding from live sources
or decks, transcoding between media file formats and live streaming in
comprehensive solutions that integrate easily into any professional
environment.'),(4048,'012005001','SAUH','012005','2010-06-24 23:44:55','2010-11-01
18:05:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sauh\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nAnchor'),
(4049,'012005002','BOYA','012005','2010-06-24 23:45:16','2010-11-01
18:08:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Boya\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nBuoy'),
(4050,'012005003','PETI SEJUK MARIN','012005','2010-06-24 23:45:56','2010-11-01
18:03:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peti Sejuk Marin\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<br>\r\nFridges & Freezers for use on Yachts, Cruisers, Canal Boats'),
(4051,'012005004','INJIN BOT MARIN','012005','2010-06-24 23:46:23','2010-11-01
18:09:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Injin bot marin adalah injin bot berkuasa
besar.\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>\r\nMarine Boat Engine'),
(4053,'008001042','FOUR BAR LINK MECHANISM','008001','2010-06-25 20:03:15','2010-
06-25 13:16:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><B><I><BR>DESCRIPTION<BR></b>Using the<b>
four bar link model,</b> rotary mot ion is converted into oscillatory mot ion. This
apparatus\r\ndemonst rates the degrees of freedom in a four bar linkage system, as
well as the relat ionship\r\nbetween the crank, follower and coupler links.'),
(4054,'008001043','SLIDER CRANK CHAIN MECHANISM','008001','2010-06-25
20:09:46','2010-06-25 17:40:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><B><I><BR>DESCRIPTION</b>
<BR>This apparatus,<b> slider crank chain machanism </b> is used by students to
invest igate the t ransformat ion of rotary mot ion into linear\r\nmot ion. A
slider crank and a connect ing rod forms a simple four bar linkage.'),
(4055,'008001044','SLOTTED LINK MECHANISM','008001','2010-06-25 20:14:24','2010-06-
25 17:43:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><bR><b><i>DESCRIPTION<BR> Slotted Link
Mecahnism, </b> is used by students to invest igate the t ransformat ion of rotary
mot ion into linear\r\nmot ion. A slider crank and a connect ing rod forms a simple
four bar linkage'),(4056,'008001045','DYMANIC AND STATIC BALANCING
APPARATUS','008001','2010-06-26 00:45:58','2010-06-25
17:46:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><I><b>DESCRIPTION <BR> The Static and
Dynamic Balancing Apparatus </B> is a bench top model designed for studying
both\r\nstat ic and dynamic balancing in a system with eccentric masses.'),
(4057,'008001046','COMPOUND PENDULUM','008001','2010-06-26
00:49:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>decsription <br>The Compound
Pendulum </b> is used for studying the simple harmonic mot ion of an oscillat
ing\r\npendulum. The length of the pendulum is adjustable for invest igat ing the
relat ionship between\r\nnatural frequency of vibrat ion and length.'),
(4058,'008001047','BEAM APPARATUS','008001','2010-06-26 00:52:30','2010-06-25
17:53:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR>Beam Apparatus </b> is
suitable for students to perform experiments related to bending in beams.
With\r\nthis, students can determine the react ion and deflect ion of simply
supported, fixed end, cant ilever\r\nor propped cantilever beams.'),
(4059,'008001048','THIN CYLINDER APPARATUS','008001','2010-06-27
00:49:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Thin Cylinder Apparatus is designed for
students to study the behavior of a thin w all cylinder under internal\r\npressure.
This is a bench top unit. The main component of this unit is the thin w all
cylinder.'),(4060,'008001049','EULER STRUTS APPARATUS','008001','2010-06-27
Apparatus </B>apparatus consists of a specially fabricated steel panel sitt ing on
a rigid epoxy-coated steel\r\nbase with 4 interchangeable end mounts for the st
ruts. Students can observe the buckling shapes\r\nand deflect ion under different
loading condit ions.'),(4061,'008001050','PRINTING WITH CONVEYOR','008001','2010-
06-27 00:57:29','2019-02-12 20:52:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Pencetak dengan
conveyor ini digunakan untuk mencetak abjad, nombor dan logo keatas pembungkusan
akhir.'),(4062,'008001051','HEAT SEAL STRENGTH TESTER','008001','2010-06-27
01:02:10','2014-04-29 11:29:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Hot Tack Seal Strength
Tester ini digunakan bagi menguji kekuatan pelekat(seal) bagi pembungkusan yang
menggunakan\nproses perekat (sealing). Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis
seperti Heat Seal Tester, Seal Strength Tester'),(4063,'008001052','COMPRESSION
CASE ','008001','2010-06-27 01:04:36','2015-07-13
15:03:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Compression Case ini digunakan untuk menguji
kekuatan mampatan bagi kotak yang berisi produk bagi\nmengetahui kekuatan mampatan
bagi setiap bungkusan (kotak) seperti Stretch Wrepper Machine dll'),
(4064,'008001053','DROP TESTER','008001','2010-06-27
01:06:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Drop Tester ini digunakan bagi mengetahui
tenaga yang diserap oleh sesuatu pembungkusan\r\napabila jatuh pada ket inggian
tertentu.'),(4065,'008001054','PACKAGE LEAK DETECTOR','008001','2010-06-27
01:10:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Package Leak detector ini digunakan bagi
mengetahui tekanan maksimum yang diperlukan untuk membuka\r\npelekat (seal)
daripada dalam produk.'),(4066,'008001055','HAZE METER','008001','2010-06-27
01:14:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Haze Tester ini digunakan untuk kadar
ketelusan cahaya pada filem plastik.'),(4067,'008001056','DIGITAL GLOSS
METER','008001','2010-06-27 05:12:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Digital Gloss
Meter ini digunakan untuk menentukan kadar pembalikan cahaya oleh sesuatu
permukaan\r\nyang berkilau.'),(4068,'008001057','STIFFNESS TESTER','008001','2010-
06-27 05:27:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin ini digunakan untuk menentukan
tahap kelenturan bagi sesuatu kertas jenis\r\ncardboard.'),(4069,'008001058','BURST
TESTING MACHINE','008001','2010-06-27 05:40:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin ini
digunakan untuk menentukan kekuatan kertas dan kadboard apabila
dikenakan\r\ntekanan angin.'),(4070,'008001059','TEAR TESTER','008001','2010-06-27
05:42:28','2011-02-16 15:49:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin ini digunakan untuk
menentukan kekuatan koyakan bagi pelbagai kategori kertas dan\nkad. Ini termasuk
digital tear tester dan tear strength tester'),(4071,'008001060','GAS PERMEABILITY
TESTER','008001','2010-06-27 06:03:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin ini
digunakan untuk menentukan kadar aliran gas oksigen dan nit rogen
melalui\r\npelbagai sampel plast ik bagi tujuan pemilihan plast ik untuk digunakan
sebagai medium\r\npembungk usan makanan yang sensit if terhadap gas.'),
(4072,'008001061','FOLDING ENDURANCE TESTER','008001','2010-06-27
06:06:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin ini digunakan untuk menentukan kekuatan
ketahanan bagi sampel kertas pada berat\r\n0.5 kg, 1.0 kg dan 1.5 kg.'),
(4073,'002005015','IMAGE SETTER','002005','2010-06-27 06:14:08','2010-06-26
23:14:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin Image Setter ini digunakan untuk mengasingkan
4 warna utama dalam percetakan dan mencetak\r\nfilem yang berasingan mengikut warna
utama percetakan.'),(4074,'002005016','FILM PROCESSOR','002005','2010-06-27
06:18:09','2012-04-12 15:59:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin ini digunakan untuk
mencuci filem atau gambar daripada image setter dengan menggunakan\nbahan kimia
tertentu untuk menghasilkan filem negatif seperti Enlarger dll.'),
(4075,'008001062','SHRINK TUNNEL MACHINE','008001','2010-06-27 06:22:08','2010-06-
26 23:23:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin ini digunakan untuk melakukan pembungkusan
kecut (shrink) terhadap produk dengan\r\nmembalut produk dengan plast ik dan
melalukan produk tadi dibawah oven yang panas.'),(4076,'008001063','CARTON CREASE
AND FORMING MACHINE','008001','2010-06-27 06:27:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin
ini digunakan untuk memasukkan produk berbentuk tiub atau silinder ke dalam
kotak\r\ndan seterusnya ianya akan membentuk kotak dan menutup kotak tersebut .'),
(4077,'002005017','PLATE MAKER','002005','2010-06-27
06:33:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin ini digunakan untuk membuat pendedahan
cahaya UV terhadap plat positif mengikut\r\ntekanan dan masa tertentu bagi
menghasilkan plat percetakan positif.'),(4078,'008001064','HYDRAULIC
PRESS','008001','2010-06-28 04:46:42','2014-04-16
11:58:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk kerja-kerja
logam bertujuan meratakan permukaan bahan logam
seperti besi, tembaga dll. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenis/jenama seperti
Hydraulic Press, Shaping Machine dll'),(4080,'005002004','MOBILE PHONE
19:42:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION <BR>A mobile phone
jammer </B> is an instrument used to prevent cellular phones from receiving signals
from or transmitting signals to base stations. When used, the jammer effectively
disables cellular phones.'),(4081,'002003043','TV BOX','002003','2010-07-15
15:46:24','2010-08-16 14:49:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'TVBox adalah atas garis TV
Tuner luaran dengan kemampuan untuk mengubah anda menjadi TV LCD monitor tanpa
menggunakan PC.\r\n\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION: <br>TV Box</b>is a top of the
line external TV Tuner with the ability to turn your LCD monitor into a TV without
the use of a PC.'),(4082,'013001008','BUGGY/GOLF CART','013001','2010-07-15
16:18:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><I><B>DESCRIPTION <BR>A golf cart or
golf buggy </B>(officially referred to as a golf car according to ANSI standard
z130.1,) is a small vehicle designed originally to carry two golfers and their golf
clubs around a golf course with less effort than the traditional method of walking.
<BR> Golf cars come in a wide range of formats and are more generally used to
convey small numbers of passengers short distances at speeds less than 15 mph (24
km/h). Originally golf cars were electrically powered, but in time gasoline-powered
variants started to occur'),(4083,'001007005','PENGIMBAS OMR','001007','2010-07-20
19:40:29','2010-07-20 12:53:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION
<BR>Optical Mark Reader (OMR) Scanner </B> represents the latest technology
designed for handling everyday data collection tasks. The scanner scans
information directly from forms into the computer. A special output mechanism
allows forms to be sorted to different locations\r\nduring the scanning process.'),
(4084,'016003007','ROLLER BLIND (STOK)','016003','2010-07-23 17:11:19','2019-02-12
20:51:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <BR>Roller Blinds </B>,
also called roll up shades or roller shade, are an easy and economical way to add
color, style and texture to any decor. A popular choice, roller shades are
constructed with modern fabrics, vinlyn and offer simple functionality for ease of
use. Other optional upgrades include continuous cord loop and motorization\n\n'),
(4085,'006003015','RECORDING MICROPHONE','006003','2010-08-09 14:58:14','2019-02-12
15:52:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A digital recording microphone. Flash recorder to
deliver a maximum recording time of over 18 hours.'),(4086,'006003016','AUDIO
CODEC','006003','2010-08-09 15:29:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'An audio codec (The
word codec is a portmanteau of \'compressor-decompressor) converts analog audio
signals into digital signals for transmission or storage. A receiving device then
converts the digital signals back to analog using an audio decompressor , for
playback.'),(4087,'009002041','LOG PERAKAM HUJAN (DATA LOGGER)','009002','2010-08-
</I><BR>The Data Logging Rain Gauge </B>is a rainfall data collection and recording
system which includes a Event data logger integrated into a tipping-bucket rain
gauge. This automatically records rainfall data that can be used to determine
rainfall rates, times and duration.'),(4088,'009002042','PERALATAN SISTEM TELEMETRI
(ASET TAK ALIH)','009002','2010-08-17 23:03:36','2017-11-23
11:02:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/sistem Telemetri adalah sistem pungutan
data dari serata tempat, boleh dimuat turun dan dipaparkan kedalam laman web,
melalui weblink. Terdapat sistem automatik yang memberi data sebenar, sistem amaran
ke alamat email pengguna atau telefon bimbit.<br><br><b><i> DESCRIPTION
<BR>Telemetry System </b>Provide live data from anywhere in the world and displayed
on a secure weblink for you to view and download. There are automatic data
collection systems that can provide real time data, instantaneous warnings to your
email address or mobile phone, reduced site visit costs and the ability to trigger
samplers during key events.'),(4089,'009002043','UNIVERSAL CURRENT
METER','009002','2010-08-17 23:44:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR><BR><B><I>
DESCRIPTION <BR> Universal current Meter </B> is instrument for measuring the
velocity of water in streams, open canals, pressure pipes, lakes and seas. Made of
Stainless Steel, is suitable for even the most extreme environments and ensures
reliable field services .'),(4090,'008004010','WINCH','008004','2010-08-18
00:06:18','2012-09-20 14:03:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/mesin yang digunakan
untuk menarik atau mengikat bebanan yang kebiasaannya diletakan pada kenderaan
untuk menarik bebanan<BR><BR><I><B> DESCRIPTION <BR> A winch </B> is a mechanical
device that is used to pull in (wind up) or let out (wind out) or otherwise adjust
the \"tension\" of a rope or wire rope (also called \"cable\" or \"wire cable\").
In its simplest form it consists of a spool and attached hand crank. In larger
forms, winches stand at the heart of machines as diverse as tow trucks, steam
shovels and elevators. The spool can also be called the winch drum. More elaborate
designs have gear assemblies and can be powered by electric, hydraulic, pneumatic
or internal combustion drives. Some may include a solenoid brake and/or a
mechanical brake or ratchet and pawl device that prevents it from unwinding unless
the pawl is retracted.'),(4091,'015001030','MEJA MESIN PENCETAK /PRINTER
TABLE','015001','2010-09-03 22:29:39','2011-01-25
09:14:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br>'),(4092,'002001024','MESIN TULIS CEK (CHEQUE
WRITER MACHINE)','002001','2010-09-20 16:52:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Cheque
writer is easy to operate like calculator with elegant outline and delicate
printing that provides quick and accurate effectiveness. The sign of RM, DAN ,SEN
and comma can be printed respectively.\n'),(4093,'002002030','PORTABLE TRACING
LIGHT','002002','2010-09-21 23:58:41','2010-09-21
17:03:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Lampu Surih\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br>Mist
Fan DESCRIPTION<BR>\r\nPORTABLE TRACING LIGHT </b> is a portable tracing device
assists in tracing a picture from a picture paper sheet onto a plain paper sheet.
The portable tracing device comprises a housing and at least one light
source.\r\n\r\n'),(4094,'008005054','HACKSAW (STOK)','008005','2010-09-25
18:29:37','2011-08-18 11:24:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Gergaji
Besi<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR>A hacksaw </B> is a metal-framed saw used
primarily for cutting plastic and metal and other small household materials. The U-
shaped bow frame holds a thin, wide blade between its spigots (clips) and a plastic
or wood handle at one end. Some models use an adjustable frame to accommodate 8-,
10-, or 12-inch blades as needed. Depending on the cut desired, metal blades will
have 14, 18, 24, or 32 teeth per inch, with the denser teeth best for cutting
smaller objects.\r\n'),(4095,'006007011','MANDOLIN','006007','2010-09-30
22:31:51','2010-09-30 15:35:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mandolin alat muzik
bertali\r\n\r\n<br><br><b><i>DESCRIPTION <br></b>\r\n\r\nA mandolin (Italian:
mandolino) is a musical instrument in the lute family (plucked, or strummed). It
descends from the mandore, a soprano member of the lute family. The mandolin
soundboard (the top) comes in many shapes#but generally round or teardrop-shaped,
sometimes with scrolls or other projections. A mandolin may have f-holes, or a
single round or oval sound hole. A round or oval sound hole may be bordered with
decorative rosettes or purfling, but usually doesn\'t feature an intricately carved
grille like a Baroque era mandolin'),(4096,'006008028','BONANG','006008','2010-10-
28 23:29:02','2010-10-28 16:29:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Bonang or sometimes
called \"kettles\"# or #\"pots\"# is a Javanese musical instrument collected and
placed on a wooden frame called \"rancak\" in one or two rows that the shapes
similar to gongs.'),(4097,'006008029','GAMBANG','006008','2010-10-28
23:32:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This instrument made of seventeen to twenty
flat wooden bars arranged in the hollowed wooden frame, generally teak, that serve
as a resonator. To obtain an ascending tone, the length of the bars are made
different, and arranged from the shortest to the longest. The shortest bar has the
highest tone and vice versa, so, when it#s played, the position is lying athwart in
front of the player where the longest bar in the leftmost.'),
23:35:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Saron is somewhat like the western
xylophone. The brass keys, suspended on light ropes, resonate when struck by a hard
wooden mallet. The resonance is enhanced by a hollow tube beneath the keys, as
with the Keromong. As successive notes are struck, the performer mutes the
preceding note.\r\n'),(4099,'006008031','KESI','006008','2010-10-28
23:36:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The kesi is somewhat similar to the western
cymbal. Four small brass discs (two to four inches in diameter) are attached to a
wooden block, which is approximately twelve inches square. The kesi is played by
striking the fixed discs with two other discs which the performer holds in his
hands. In a manner like western cymbals, the discs are either struck briefly
together and allowed to ring, or struck together then held closed to achieve a
muted sound. \r\n'),(4100,'006008032','SELANTAM','006008','2010-10-28
23:41:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Selantam similar to gambang but smaller
size which having from five to seven metal keys.'),(4101,'013004014','LORI (5 TON
KEATAS)','013004','2010-11-01 19:58:37','2013-07-12
10:19:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Lori berkapasiti berat (5 Ton keatas) adalah
kenderaan komersial
tugas sederhana. Kapasiti yang boleh dibawa dari 4.5 ton ke 5 ton dan
keatas.\r\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION<br>LORRY 5 TON</b><br>\r\n\r\n5-ton truck is
a line of medium-duty commercial vehicle'),(4102,'002003044','KOD (Karaoke-On-
Demand) Player','002003','2010-11-03 17:21:16','2010-11-03
10:44:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br>KOD (Karaoke-On-Demand) Player</b>\nadalah alat
pemain karaoke multi-fungsi yang membolehkan anda membuat koleksi lagu anda
sendiri.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION: <br>KOD (Karaoke-On-Demand) Player</b> is a
magnificent multi-function professional karaoke player that allows you to make your
own collection of songs.'),(4103,'016001007','HIASAN KAIN SONGKET','016001','2010-
11-04 16:39:00','2011-01-25 09:16:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Frame kain songket'),
(4104,'001003011','MOBILE BROADBAND (STOK)','001003','2010-11-09 05:35:26','2017-
02-02 15:28:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mobile broadband satellite yang terdiri
daripada pelbagai bentuk dan kegunaan. Bagi talian broadband yang \n\nmenggunakan
talian berbayar hendaklah direkodkan mengikut kepada pengurusan kewangan yang
berkuatkuasa.'),(4105,'001003012','NETWORK SERVER (STOK)','001003','2010-11-16
16:44:33','2011-05-03 10:47:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<b>Network Server (Pelayan
Rangkaian) </b>membolehkan peranti disambungkan kepada pelayan rangkaian ini agar
setiap pengguna dalam rangkaian tersebut dapat menggunakan peranti-peranti
tersebut.\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br>Network server </b>adapter allows regular
devices to work as network attached devices. Once the unit has been configured, any
user on your network can use those devices that connected to this server, printing,
scanning, share and back up their documents, pictures, video and audio files.It
works independently as a server, no need connect to a computer.'),
(4106,'010001070','POLYSOMNOGRAM','010001','2010-11-26 07:19:26','2010-11-25
23:20:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat diagnosa/penyelidikan untuk mengetahui beberapa
masalah semasa tidur.<BR><BR><B><I>DESCRIPTION<BR></b>In Sleep Study
,<b>Polysomnogram </b>is use for the diagnosis of several sleep disorders
including, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, and narcolepsy.
\r\n<br>Polysomnograms are conducted in a sleep center, hospital or in a patient\'s
home. The test usually performed at night to record the patient\'s normal sleep
pattern. Electrodes are placed on the scalp, the outer edge of the eyelids, and to
the skin on the chin in preparation for the test. \r\n'),(4107,'004014063','MASTER
METER','004014','2010-12-14 23:13:24','2010-12-14
15:13:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<BR>Master Meter</B> digunakan untuk menentukan
kadar aliran cecair minyak diesel atau petrol yang dirampas. Master Meter ini
dilengkapkan dengan flow meter, indicator, sucking pam, genarator dan stablizer.
Alat ini boleh mengukur 80 liter perminit.'),(4108,'007001025','GANTRY GATE (PAGAR
KESELAMATAN/ASET TAK ALIH) ','007001','2010-12-16 16:56:34','2017-09-29
09:47:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<B>Gantry Gate</B> direkabentuk untuk digunakan
dengan #Security Strips# dan dilengkapi sistem terbaik yang menyediakan
perlindungan daripada kecurian barangan dengan penyelesaian #Electronic Article
Surveillance Gantry# (EAS) yang bertindak dengan tag RFID yang dilekatkan pada
barangan dan pagar EAS ini boleh digunakan untuk membaca kandungan dalam tag
RFID; \n'),(4109,'002001025','KIOSK SERBAGUNA','002001','2010-12-16
17:04:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<B>Kiosk pelbagaiguna</B> ini menampilkan
#self-service# yang dapat menambahbaik produktiviti dan perkhidmatan pelanggan di
samping mengurangkan kos perkakasan; '),(4110,'002002031','BOOK
DROP','002002','2010-12-16 17:09:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<B>Book drop</B> ini
adalah fleksibel dan boleh ditempatkan di tempat stategik sama ada luar atau di
dalam perpustakaan dan mudah bagi buku untuk dimuat turun; Terdapat pembaca RFID
dan MyKad/MyKid/MyPR yang dipasang untuk pengesahan keahlian bagi proses pemulangan
bahan secara 24 x 7 yang berlangsung kurang dari 3 saat dan kurang menggunakan
tenaga manusia;\n'),(4111,'002001026','MESIN PENYISIH','002001','2010-12-16
17:17:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<b>Mesin penyisih</b> bersama #bookdrop# ini
direkabentuk bagi membolehkan pemulangan koleksi perpustakaan secara #automatic
check-in# dan proses penyisihan bahan mengikut lokasi dapat dilakukan secara
serentak yang mengurangkan tempoh masa penyusunan semula bahan di rak sekaligus
meningkatkan produktiviti kakitangan dan kepuasan pengguna;\n'),
(4112,'010004054','SHOCKWAVE THERAPHY MACHINE','010004','2010-12-23
SYSTEM','010001','2010-12-23 21:01:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4114,'013002006','BAS 25 PENUMPANG','013002','2010-12-28
23:29:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4115,'013002007','BAS 35
PENUMPANG','013002','2010-12-28 23:29:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4116,'008010001','SET KIT PEMBELAJARAN KEJURUTERAAN PESAWAT','008010','2010-12-28
23:44:14','2015-12-14 17:41:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<B>Model/Kit Pembelajaran</b>
kejuruteraan pesawat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran bagi struktur-struktur
pesawat seperti avionik, enjin, sistem pesawat dan sebagainya. '),
(4118,'002007015','RAK PLAN HANGER','002007','2011-01-06 20:33:59','2014-10-23
16:08:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Menyimpan Pelan atau Bunting atau helaian pameran
secara menegak atau bergulung. Merupakan satu bentuk penstoran bagi media berbentuk
helaian bersaiz sederhana dan besar.'),(4119,'008001065','MODEL/KIT
PEMBELAJARAN','008001','2011-01-11 18:07:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<B>Model/Kit
Pembelajaran</b>digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran di dalam bidang mekanikal dan
logam'),(4120,'012001029','DEFEATHERING MACHINE','012001','2011-01-14
17:01:17','2013-05-16 08:59:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan
untuk memotong, mencabut, membuang bulu haiwan/binatang dalam pelbagai bentuk,
fungsi, kedudukan. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Wool Cutter,
dll '),(4121,'010003044','MEJA POST-MORTEM','010003','2011-01-14
20:43:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Meja untuk menjalankan kerja-kerja post-mortem
bagi karkas atau mayat'),(4122,'008004011','PLATFORM LIFT','008004','2011-01-14
20:59:55','2014-05-05 08:48:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Platform yang terdiri daripada
sistem hidraulik atau bukan hidraulik dan digunakan untuk kerja-kerja pada
ketinggian berbeza.'),(4123,'010003045','COMPACT AIR-DRIVE','010003','2011-01-22
03:02:02','2011-01-21 19:02:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
MACHINE)','002001','2011-01-28 01:15:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4126,'008010002','SET KIT KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKEL/AWAM','008010','2011-01-28
18:12:00','2015-12-14 17:42:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kid Pembelajaran kejuruteraan
mekanikel/awam digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran'),(4127,'008010003','SET KIT
KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIKEL/ELEKTRONIK','008010','2011-01-28 18:16:38','2015-12-14
17:42:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kit kejuruteraan elektrik/elektronik yang digunakan
bagi tujuan pembelajaran di pusat-pusat pembelajaran. Ianya seperti Electronic Tool
Kid dll'),(4128,'004018019','WATER REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEM','004018','2011-01-28
19:37:25','2011-01-28 11:38:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'sistem rawatan air pembalikan
semula (reverse osmosis) digunakan untuk tujuan penyediaan perubatan/makmal atau
untuk kegunaan harian.'),(4129,'008002048','POTENTIOMETER SET','008002','2011-01-31
18:06:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Potensiometer adalah resistor tiga terminal
dengan sambungan geser yang membentuk pembagi tegangan dapat disetel.[1] Jika hanya
dua terminal yang digunakan (salah satu terminal tetap dan terminal geser),
potensiometer berperan sebagai resistor variabel atau Rheostat. '),
(4130,'004013054','IBP METER ','004013','2011-01-31 18:51:18','2019-02-13
21:05:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'High reliable measurement of conductivity,
temperature, pressure and pH. Attached to dialysis machine for measurement
purposes.'),(4131,'004014064','FETAL SIMULATOR DEVICE','004014','2011-01-31
19:21:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Simulates fetal and maternal ECG as well as
uterine activity to test and troubleshoot fetal eletronic monitors and to train
clinical staff. It simulates several fetal parameters including twins, and it
simulates a wide range of clinical scenarios for training labor-and-delivery staff
in how to recognize normal and abnormal responses. An option mechanical heart
creates fetal heart sounds for testing fetal monitors\' ultrasound cables and
transducers.'),(4132,'004014065','NIBP SIMULATOR AND TESTER','004014','2011-01-31
19:35:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'It provides dynamic blood-pressure simulations
for testing adult and neonatal noninvasive blood pressure monitors, including both
arm and wrist-cuff types. The analyzer features a preset mode for simulation of
most patient conditions. It tests for leaks, measures statispressure, generates
pressure and tests over pressure valves.'),(4133,'004014066','ELECTROSURGICAL
ANALYZER','004014','2011-01-31 19:47:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'It analyzes
electrosurgical units quickly and accurately. A wide load-resistance range provides
user-selectable loads, including very low loads for testing many of today\'s
ESUs.'),(4134,'004013055','ULTRASOUND POWER METER','004013','2011-01-31
20:02:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'It\'s design to measure the ultrasound power
output of diagnostic or therapeutic transducers up to 30 watss. The principle of
measurement is the radiant force method. '),(4135,'004014067','MULTIPARAMETER
PATIENT SIMULATOR','004014','2011-01-31 22:31:23','2011-01-31
15:56:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Handheld device with high performance simulator for
testing patient monitors. It\'s include a full range of ECG, respiration, blood
tempreture and cardiac output conditions.'),(4136,'004013056','PHOTOTHERAPY
RADIOMETER','004013','2011-01-31 22:55:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'To measure
accurately of light radiation in blue part of spectrum from 400 - 480 nanometers.
Phototherapy exposure in this range is used in treatment of hyperbilirubinemia in
newborn children'),(4138,'010010001','ULTRASOUND STATION (TRAINING
SYSTEM)','010010','2011-01-31 23:44:27','2011-01-31
15:45:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Set latihan bagi tujuan kalibrasi dan pengujian
Sistem Ultrasound'),(4139,'010010002','PULSE OXIMETER STATION (TRAINING
SYSTEM)','010010','2011-01-31 23:49:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Set latihan bagi
tujuan pengujian dan kalibrasi Sistem Pulse Oximeter.'),(4140,'010010003','INFUSION
PUMP STATION (TRAINING SYSTEM)','010010','2011-01-31 23:51:00','2011-01-31
16:01:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Set latihan bagi tujuan kalibrasi dan pengujian
Sistem Infusion Station'),(4141,'010010004','MASTER BIOMED STATION (TRAINING
SYSTEM)','010010','2011-01-31 23:59:31','2011-01-31
16:01:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Set latihan bagi tujuan pengujian dan kalibrasi
peralatan eletronik perubatan'),(4142,'010010005','INCUBATOR STATION (TRAINING
SYSTEM)','010010','2011-02-01 00:00:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Set latihan bagi
tujuan pengujian dan kalibrasi Sistem Inkubator'),(4143,'010010006','GAS FLOW
STATION (TRAINING SYSTEM)','010010','2011-02-01
00:02:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Set latihan bagi tujuan pengujian dan kalibrasi
bagi persediaan peralatan eletronik perubatan'),(4144,'010010007','ELECTROSURGERY
STATION (TRAINING SYSTEM)','010010','2011-02-01
00:04:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Set latihan bagi tujuan pengujian dan kalibrasi
peralatan eletronik perubatan bagi Sistem Elektrosurgical'),
(4145,'010010008','HUMIDITY CHAMBER STATION (TRAINING SYSTEM)','010010','2011-02-01
00:05:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Set latihan bagi tujuan pengujian dan kalibrasi
peralatan elektronik perubatan.'),(4146,'010010009','HUMAN PATIENT
SIMULATOR','010010','2011-02-01 00:08:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Set latihan
bagi tujuan pembelajaran perubatan'),(4147,'004014068','INFUSION DEVICE
ANALYZER','004014','2011-02-01 00:24:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'It test the flow
rate of intravenous (I.V) infusion pumps. The flow rates are displayed in
mililiters per hour. The unit can test volumetric pumps for output flow rate
simultaneously.'),(4148,'010002046','ELECTROMYOGRAPH (EMG) FULL
SET','010002','2011-02-01 00:51:44','2011-01-31
16:55:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Electromyography (EMG) is a technique for evaluating
and recording the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles.[1] EMG is
performed using an instrument called an electromyograph, to produce a record called
an electromyogram. An electromyograph detects the electrical potential generated by
muscle cells[2] when these cells are electrically or neurologically activated. The
signals can be analyzed to detect medical abnormalities, activation level,
recruitment order or to analyze the biomechanics of human or animal movement.'),
(4154,'010002047','TRANSCUTANEOUS/DEFIBRILLATOR PACER ANALYZER','010002','2011-02-
07 23:52:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The impulse to test sytem are rugged,
portble precision test instruments that ensure proper operation and ultimate
performence of critical life support\r\nPeralatan yang digunakan untuk menguji dan
mengukur'),(4156,'004014069','DIGITAL PRESSURE METER','004014','2011-02-08
00:01:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan digunakan untuk mengukur.\r\nPressure
Meter is designed to measure the positive and negative pressures of medical devices
in either liquid or gaseous form to assist in repair and quality control.'),
(4164,'008001066','LABORATORY DIGESTER','008001','2011-02-17
00:09:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Laboratory Digester is a self-contained
circulation type pulping pressure vessel system. The vessels are available in the
standard ten liter size or sizes ranging from one to twenty liters, with
practically any size available. The vessels are designed, manufactured, tested and
certified to the current ASME Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII, Div 1. This is
your assurance of proper design for longevity, uniform build quality and safety in
every system. The vessels have easy to open and close covers that are designed to
not leak during temperature ramping. The design of the covers do not impart any
shear force to the gasket causing premature gasket failure.'),
(4165,'004014070','BOUYANCY BALANCE','004014','2011-02-17 00:18:18','2011-02-17
15:17:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Consists of a rigid support frame, incorporating a
water tank mounted on a platform.\r\n\r\nA mechanical lifting device is used to
raise the water tank through the frame height immersing the specimen suspended
below the balance.\r\n\r\nThe balance supplied may also be used as a standard
weighing device, thus providing a versatile and comprehensive weighing system in
the laboratory '),(4166,'004014071','IMPACT VALUE APPARATUS','004014','2011-02-17
00:27:44','2011-02-17 15:17:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Used to determine the impact
value of aggregates and select them for a given application. The machine has a
trip-action hammer release, blow counter device and a built-in operator safety
device.\r\nManufactured in heavy duty form with hardened steel surfaces for minimum
wear. The complete assembly is cadmium plated for corrosion protection.\r\nSupplied
#without# cylindrical mould and accessories to be ordered separately depending on
the Standard in use.'),(4167,'004014072','MARSHALL STABILITY
APPARATUS','004014','2011-02-17 00:48:22','2011-02-17
15:18:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Marshall Mechanical Compactor Set is used for
mechanical compaction of asphalt samples for Marshall testing. Mechanical
compaction reduces inaccuracies involved in hand compaction and eliminates much of
the work. This set includes an automatic counter unit for pre-selecting the number
of hammer blows, after which the unit will automatically shut off. Lift and release
mechanism on hammer weight ensures uniform impact on hammer foot. A constant
surcharge weight is maintained on hammer foot during compaction, and face of hammer
foot is held squarely against specimen at all times. '),
(4168,'001003013','INTRUSION PREVENTION SYSTEM (ASET TAK KETARA)','001003','2011-
02-17 01:13:33','2017-02-02 15:35:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Aplikasi yang digunakan
untuk memantau keselamatan rangkaian seperti Intrusion Prevention Systems
(IPS)\n<br><br><i><b>DESCRIPTION:<br> Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS),</b> also
known as Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS), are network security
appliances that monitor network and/or system activities for malicious activity.
The main functions of ###intrusion prevention systems### are to identify malicious
activity, log information about said activity, attempt to block/stop activity, and
report activity.'),(4169,'004013057','SPEED RADAR GUN','004013','2011-02-17
22:28:01','2017-02-03 16:29:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mengukur kelajuan (speed)
kenderaan bagi kajian lalulintas. Data diperolehi bagi membolehkan kerja
perancangan jalan baru atau penyelenggaraan jalan dilakukan. Termasuk jenis mudah
alih (portable) seperti Laser Speed Detector (DIGICAM), Lazer Camera
dll\n<br><br>\nA radar speed gun (also radar gun and speed gun) is a small doppler
radar unit used to detect the speed of moving objects, including vehicles, pitched
baseballs, runners and other moving objects. Radar speed guns may be hand-held,
vehicle-mounted or static. A radar speed gun measures the speed of objects at which
it is pointed by detecting a change in frequency of the returned radar signal due
to the Doppler effect)</br>'),(4170,'004001025','HEAT ADHESION MACHINE
','004001','2011-02-17 23:27:10','2017-02-03 09:55:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat
penekan yang digunakan dalam industri pakaian untuk melekatkan lapik dalam fabrik
dengan cepat dan rata.'),(4171,'004014073','COBB SIZING TESTER','004014','2011-02-
17 23:36:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Cobb sizing test gives information on
the water absorption properties of paper, carton and corrugated board, it shows how
much water is absorbed during a specified period of time by 1m of the material
under specified conditions. The lower the Cobb value, the higher the absorption
ability of the material.'),(4172,'008003033','TRANSITING TELESCOPE','008003','2011-
02-18 00:03:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan untuk melakar arah meridian
benar dan mendapat sudut dalam sesuatu terabas samada terabas tertutup atau
terbuka. Sering digunakan dalam bidang ukur tanah, ukur jalan dan
astronomi.\n<br>\n<br>\n<i><b>Description:</i></b>\n<br>\nA telescopic instrument
adapted to the observation of the passage, or transit, of an astronomical object
across the meridian of an observer; consists of a telescope mounted on a single
fixed horizontal axis of rotation which has a central hollow cube (sometimes a
sphere) and two conical semiaxes ending in cylindrical pivots; the objective and
eyepiece halves of the instrument are also fastened to the cube of the instrument,
perpendicular to the horizontal axis.</br>\n'),(4173,'003001011','CONVECTION
OVEN','003001','2011-02-18 00:05:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Dapur ini digunakan
untuk memasak dalam kuantiti yang banyak.'),(4174,'003001012','SALAMANDER
','003001','2011-02-18 00:22:57','2019-02-11
20:47:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan untuk membakar roti,cheese dan sebagainya.
'),(4175,'003002008','FRYER','003002','2011-02-18 00:35:28','2019-02-11
21:54:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk menggoreng makanan menggunakan minyak dan
tanpa minyak.'),(4176,'003005019','MARBLE SLAP','003005','2011-02-18
00:36:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan untuk tempering coklat dan
membuat coklat.'),(4177,'003002009','CHOCOLATE WARMER','003002','2011-02-18
yang digunakan untuk mencairkan coklat.'),(4178,'003003020','WAFFLE
MAKER','003003','2011-02-18 00:48:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan
untuk membuat waffle.'),(4179,'003006006','KITCHEN WORK TABLE','003006','2011-02-18
00:53:22','2015-10-28 09:01:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan kerja yang digunakan
untuk aktiviti menyimpan, memotong dll'),(4738,'003006007','RACK /CABINET STAINLESS
STEEL','003006','2014-09-29 06:46:46','2015-10-28
08:55:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Rak yang digunakan untuk menyimpan/menyusun
makanan'),(4180,'003003021','AIRBRUSH MACHINE','003003','2011-02-18
01:34:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan untuk menghias kek yang
menggunakan fondant,pastillage dan sebagainya.'),(4181,'003003022','BAKERY
PROOFER','003003','2011-02-18 01:35:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang
digunakan untuk merehatkan dan mempercepatkan proses pengembangan doh roti sebelum
boleh digunakan.'),(4182,'002012018','JANITOR CART','002012','2011-02-18
01:38:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan untuk meletakkan barang
atau peralatan.'),(4183,'006005009','MUSIC NOTE STAND','006005','2011-03-02
00:10:25','2019-02-12 17:08:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Rack or light frame on which
written or printed music is supported.'),(4184,'002003045','PROJEKTOR INTERACTIVE
KIT','002003','2011-04-01 23:38:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4185,'008002049','FUSION SPLICER MACHINE','008002','2011-04-01
BENCH','004014','2011-05-10 22:15:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This equiment is
capable of demonstrating a range of experiment including measurement of water
temperature on a range of experiment including measurement of water temperature on
a hot water bath and vacuum flash thermocouples, mercury in glass thermometer, RTO
and bimetallic temperature indicator'),(4188,'008003034','UNIVERSAL MILL
(WOOD)','008003','2011-05-10 22:22:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan untuk
menghancurkan kayu untuk dijadikan partikel dalam kuantiti kecil'),
(4189,'001006009','DISC MANAGER (ASET TAK KETARA)','001006','2011-05-19
17:10:34','2019-02-12 08:44:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Disc Manager ialah sejenis
perisian dan pakej dokumentasi untuk komputer MS-DOS dan PC-DOS. Berguna untuk
memasang cakera keras komputer peribadi'),(4190,'016001008','PINTU
GERBANG','016001','2011-06-03 17:58:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pintu gerbang
yang digunakan sebagai hiasan'),(4191,'004014075','VICAT APPARATUS','004014','2011-
06-20 16:45:04','2016-06-06 15:11:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan
untuk pengujian dimakmal. Ianya terdapat dalam pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Jar
Apparatus, Vicat Apparatus, dll<br><br>This unit is designed to determine the
quantity of water required to produce a cement paste of standard consistency. The
apparatus consists of a metal frame with a sliding rod. An adjustable indicator
moves over a graduated scale. The needle or plunger is attached to the bottom end
of the rod to make up the test weight of 300g.'),(4192,'004014076','TRIAXIAL TEST
APPARATUS','004014','2011-06-20 16:48:19','2011-06-20
09:49:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini juga digunakan untuk mendapatkan kekuatan
ricih tanah. Alat ini mempunyai beberapa kelebihan. Pertama, satah kegagalan tanah
tidak ditentukan terlebih dahulu. Oleh itu, sampel akan gagal pada satah yang
paling lemah. Selain daripada itu, penyaliran keluar dan penyaliran masuk air ke
dalam sampel dapat dikawal dan tekanan air liang di dalam sampel dapat diukur.
Seterusnya alat ini boleh mengukur: Tekanan keliling, beban paksi, terikan paksi
sampel, tekanan air liang dalam sampel, perubahan isipadu sample dan terikan
jejarian sampel.\n<BR><BR><B>\nDESCRIPTION:</B><BR>\nThe measurement of total
stress or effective stress requires different procedures and therefore different
equipment.\nTotal stresses are normally measured in a triaxial cell where the
sample is subject to an all round confining pressure ( 3). A load is applied ( 1)
through a piston onto a pressure pad, with the sample being confined within a
rubber membrane so that no drainage in or out of the specimen is allowed. Pore
water pressures are not normally measured and the undrained test is often\nreferred
to as the QU-TXL test.\n'),(4193,'004014077','SHEAR FORCE
APPARATUS','004014','2011-06-20 16:52:33','2016-06-09
12:34:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan tindakbalas
daya ricih pada keratan rentas rasuk sokongan mudah yang diletakkan beban. Antara
jenama/jenis seperti Shear Force Apparatus, Forces In Frame Apparatus
dll<BR><BR><B>\nDescription</B><BR>\nThis apparatus is used to demonstrate the
action of shear force at a cut section of a loaded simply supported beam\n'),
(4194,'004014078','COMPRESSION/FLEXING TESTER','004014','2011-06-20
16:54:16','2012-12-03 16:19:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan
untuk membuat/menguji tekanan kepada sesuatu bahan seperti barang, kandungan
oksigen, sistem pengudaraan, dll. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenis/jenam mengikut
fungsi penggunaannya seperti Compression Tester, Compression Flexing Tester,
Bursting Strenght Tester dll <BR>The Short Span Compression Tester is an advanced
microprocessor-controlled instrument for determining the compression strength of
fluting medium or test liner, and offers unrivalled repeatability and
reproducibility. Considerable cost savings are possible through
accurate\nprediction of corrugated component performance.'),
(4195,'004013058','SLIDING MICROTOME','004013','2011-06-20
16:56:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Di gunakan untuk memotong sampel kayu untuk
dijadikan slaid.'),(4196,'008003035','WOOD SHAPER/MOULDER','008003','2011-06-20
17:04:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan untuk kerja-kerja membentuk bahagian-
bahagian projek kayu.'),(4197,'004014079','STABILITY FLOATING ','004014','2011-06-
20 17:06:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This simple apparatus for determining the
metacentre of a model hull is particularly suitable for experiments in small
groups. The experiments are performed in a tank filled with water. A transparent
hull is used with a rectangular cross-section horizontal and vertical sliding
weights enable the centre of gravity to be adjusted. The position of the sliding
weights as well as the draught of the floting body can be read on scales. An
Inclinometer indicates the angle of heel.'),(4198,'004014080','REBOUND
HAMMER','004014','2011-06-20 17:08:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This concrete test
hammer is designed to carry out non-destructive tests on concrete structure, and
gives an immediate indication of the compressive strength of the concrete using the
calibration curve supplied with the instrument.'),(4199,'008001067','RIFFLES
BOX','008001','2011-06-20 17:10:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Used for the precise
division into two representative portions of materials such as: aggregates, sand,
gravel and similar.'),(4200,'004012007','PUMP TESTER','004012','2011-06-20
17:11:30','2011-10-27 16:35:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
menguji, mengukur kandungan, kualiti udara yang terdiri daripada pelbagai
komponen/set seperti Air Sampling Pump, Low Flow Air Sampling, Pump Dry Calibrator
dll\r\nThe Pump Test Rig (Model : SE 701-B1) allows students to measure the
operating characteristics of 2 different pumps in a self contained unit. It contain
all necesserary equipment to perfom a wide range of tests on both centrifugal pump
and positive displacement gear pumps. Pump suction and delivery heads are monitored
by pressure gauges and the flow rate can be determinded volumetrically.'),
(4201,'004014081','SHARP CRESTED WEIR','004014','2011-06-20
17:12:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Using the supplied weir plates, the measurement
of flow rate in open channels can be investigated. They are used together with the
HM 150. Water is fed from the HM 150 into a section of channel, the water then
flows over the weir into the volumetric tank and back to the sump tank. A weir with
a V notch (Thomson weir) and a weir with a rectangular notch are provided for the
investigations. A depth gauge for the determination of the weir head is
included.'),(4202,'008001068','SHEET FORMER','008001','2011-06-20
17:16:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Semi-automatic Sheet Former follows the
same specification as the hand operated\nformer in all main criteria. It differs in
the method of stirring in the container and in the\ncouching operation. These
innovations have been shown by experiment under mill\nlaboratory conditions to give
identical mean values for handsheet properties, but with\nbetter
reproducibility.\n'),(4203,'008001069','DIPPING TANK','008001','2011-06-20
17:19:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Di gunakan untuk rawatan pengawetan rendaman
panas.'),(4204,'008001070','GYRATORY SCREEN','008001','2011-06-20
17:20:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4207,'008001071','PFI MILL
BEATER','008001','2011-06-20 17:35:57','2011-06-20
10:36:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Beating in the PFI Mill is carried out automatically
once the pulp charge has been placed in the bowl. The beating elements consist of a
stainless steel roll with 33 chiselled bars and a smooth sided circular bedplate.
The bedplate is charged with pulp, forming an endless band around the
circumference. As the roll rotates with a higher peripheral speed than the
bedplate, the roll bars cut out sections of the pulp band, transporting them into
the beating zone. The beating pressure is obtained from a load applied by means of
a weight lever action via a cantilever mounted on the base of the supporting pillar
that is rigidly attached to the frame. Brass weights are attached to the lever arm
to vary the load.'),(4212,'004014082','OSBORNE - REYNOLDS
APPARATUS','004014','2011-06-20 17:41:23','2011-06-20
10:44:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini adalah bertujuan untuk menjalankan
ujikaji \"Osborne Reynolds\" bagi menentukan pekali nombor Reynolds berdasarkan
halaju aliran. Nilai pekali nombor Reynolds akan menetukan jenis aliran perantaraan
dan aliran gelora. Alat ini juga dapat menunjukkan jenis-jenis aliran melalui
suntikan pewarna ke dalam aliran paip yang dapat dicerapkan secara
visual.<BR><BR>\n<B>DESCRIPTION:</b><br>\nThe core of the demonstrator is a
transparent pipe section (Di=10mm, length 540mm) with a streamlined inlet through
which water flows. The flow rate in the experimental pipe section can be adjusted
with a manual valve. Ink from a tank is injected into the flowing water to
visualize the flow. The transition from laminar to turbulent flow can be observed
as function of the flow velocity. The critical Reynolds number is determined from
the results of the experiment.\nThe water supply is provided either from the
laboratory mains or using the HM 150 (closed water circuit).'),
(4213,'004014083','POKER VIBRATOR','004014','2011-06-20
17:48:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Suitable for the internal compaction of
concrete specimens both in laboratory and in site. \nThe diameter of the needle
must not exceed the 25% of the smallest dimension of the specimen.\n'),
(4214,'004013059','PORTABLE DIGITAL THERMOMETER','004013','2011-06-20
18:05:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This instrument is a hand held portable digital
thermometer designed to use Type K thermocouples with connection via industry
standard mini plug.'),(4215,'004013060','PORTABLE SKID RESISTANCE
TESTER','004013','2011-06-20 18:10:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alatan ini
digunakan untuk mengukur darjah kegelinciran permukaan jalanraya. Hasil ujian akan
membolehkan jurutera membuat perancangan penyelenggaraan muka
jalan.<BR><BR><B>\nDESCRIPTION:</B><br>\nPortable skid resistance tester with
accessories to measure the road surface frictionnal properties. In accordance with
ASTM E303, BS 812, EN 1097-8, NF P 18-578. Supplied with rubber sliders, setting
gauge, spanners, thermometer, tools and carrying case.\n'),
(4218,'008002050','PORTABLE THREAD CUTTER','008002','2011-06-20
18:32:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'For workshop, building site or repairs.
Immediately ready for action even with out vice. Also operateable where there is
difficult access, e.g corners, on the ceiling or in the trench. Also can be used to
cut threads on pipes which are already installed. Reversible for right or left hand
thread. Can be fitted using special adaptors.'),(4219,'004014085','WATER CONSTANT
PRESSURE SYSTEM','004014','2011-06-20 18:36:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The
provision and use of constant pressure systems in the geotechnical laboratory is
essential if testing methods and equipment are to be fully utilised.Generally a
number of independent and variable pressure sources will be required in a
laboratory.Accurate and reliable monitoring systems will also be required, which
may range from a single pressure gauge through a whole series of transducers.'),
(4221,'004014084','PRESSURE GAUGE CLIBRATOR','004014','2011-06-20 18:40:30','2011-
06-20 11:41:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini lebih dikenali sebagai tolok tekanan
Burdon. Ia merupakan sejenis tolok anjal yang bergantung kepada keanjalan jisim di
dalamnya. Ia digunakan secara meluas dalam kebanyakan pengukuran tekanan bendalir
dalam makmal. Ia menggunakan pengukuran tekanan bendalir ke atas \"Hydraulic Oil\"
di dalam sistem paip dan bacaan tekanan ditunjukkan oleh manometer
melalui \"Hydraulic Oil\" ini.\n<BR><BR><b>\nDES CRIPTION:</b><BR>The benchtop unit
contains a Bourdon tube manometer as the test object and a piston manometer for
generating the test pressure. A very precise and reproducible calibration pressure
is generated by loading the calibrated piston with weights. The known pressure is
applied to the test manometer. Hydraulic oil is the medium for transmitting the
pressure. The transparent scale on the manometer allows the spring tube mechanism
to be clearly seen.'),(4222,'004013061','ORDINARY PLANE TABLE
OUTFIT','004013','2011-06-20 18:42:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini digunakan
untuk amali Ukur Meja'),(4223,'008001072','MODULAR COMPOSITE BOARD
TESTER','008001','2011-06-20 18:48:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4224,'004014086','MOTORISED CASAGRANDE DEVICE ','004014','2011-06-20
18:49:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Particular design features of the instrument
include a positive action horizontal lead screw, which is rapidly adjustable and
rigidly fixes the height of cup in relation to the base during the test procedure.
The cam mechanism and cup suspension assembly have been designed to withstand
constant use with minimum readjustment'),(4225,'004014087','MULTI-PURPOSE TEACHING
FLUME/FLOW CHANNEL','004014','2011-06-20 18:51:14','2011-06-20
11:51:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini merupakan unit asas bagi ujikaji yang
berkaitan dengan saluran terbuka seperti empangan, alur limpah dan pintu air.
Parameter yang diuji bagi saluran terbuka adalah seperti tekanan, kelajuan aliran,
pekali kadaralir, kecerunan aliran, pecutan dan nyah pecutan dan juga penggunaan
persamaan keterusan dan Teorem Bernoulli. Bagi empangan pula parameter yang diuji
ialah ciri-ciri alurlimpah,ketinggian empangan, lompatan hidraul, aliran keluar di
bawah empangan dan perubahan bentuk aliran. Sebagai contoh, alat ini berfungsi
menunjukkan hubungan di antara nilai y(ukur dalam) dan E(jumlah tenaga) apabila
Q(kadaralir) tetap.<br><BR><B>\nDESCRIPTION:</b><BR>\nUsing the HM 160 Multi-
Purpose Teaching Flume in conjunction with the comprehensive accessories, the
behaviour of flows can be demonstrated in numerous experiments. This makes it
possible for researchers and students to carry out experiments, above all, in the
area of open flume structures in hydraulic engineering. The measuring section of
the base unit is 2.5 m long and has transparent side walls. This can be extended to
5 m by adding an additional element. Important elements of the Multi-Purpose
Teaching Flume are the specially shaped inlet area by means of which a homogeneous
flow is obtained, a centrifugal pump for setting up the water circuit, a flow rate
measuring device and a manual inclination adjustment mechanism designated to
compensate flow losses or to simulate natural slope.\n'),(4226,'004014088','MULLEN
TYPE BURST TESTER','004014','2011-06-20 18:52:58','2011-06-20
11:54:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4227,'004014089','ORIFICE AND JET
APPARATUS','004014','2011-06-20 18:58:14','2011-06-20
12:03:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini adalah bertujuan untuk menjalankan ujikaji
bagi menentukan nilai turus, pekali kadaralir untuk berbagai bentuk orifis. Melalui
saiz yang berbeza perbandingan dapat dibuat dari nilai-nilai yang diperolehi. Alat
ini juga dapat menunjukkan secara visual akan perubahan bentuk jet bagi kadaralir
yang berbeza-beza.<BR><BR><B>\nDESCRIPTION:<BR></b>\nA plexiglas cylinder is
equipped with an adjustable overflow and scale which enables the height of the
water column to be set and read accurately. 2 Types of outlet nozzle can be
compared. The trajectory of the jet can be traced using adjustable probes and
recorded on a white panel. \nThe water supply is provided either from the
laboratory mains or using the HM 150 (closed water circuit).'),
(4232,'008002051','ABRASION MACHINE','008002','2011-06-20 19:18:05','2011-06-20
12:18:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alatan ini digunakan untuk menguji kekuatan batu
baur bagi mengatasi kesan hentakan dan geseran tayar. Ia dapat menolong menentukan
kualiti batu baur yang akan digunakan di dalam pembinaan tapak
jalanraya.<BR><BR><B>\nDESCRIPTION:<BR></B>\nUsed to determine the resistance of
aggregates to abrasion. It comprises a heavy steel cylinder of 711 mm inside
diameter x 508 mm inside length, mounted on a base frame. The cylinder rotates at
31÷33 rpm.\nThe machine is fitted with an automatic digital counter which can be
preset to the required number of revolutions of the drum.\nSupplied without
abrasive charges to be ordered separately according to the Standards the machine
has to comply. It cannot be sold in the CE markets without protection (see
accessories).'),(4233,'004014090','3 PHASE MEASUREMENT PANEL','004014','2011-06-20
19:20:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'It’s a complete power measurements unit
includes all the equipment required to perform the fullrange of student experiments
of three phase systems so it contains the three ammeters, three voltmeters, two
watt meters and power factor meter devices.'),(4234,'004013062','MACHINE CONTROL
PANEL (ASET TAK ALIH)','004013','2011-06-20 19:40:27','2017-11-23
09:58:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Perkakasan yang digunakan untuk mengetahui
atau memantau setiap pergerakan arus DC/AC didalam sesuatu mesin atau aliran
kuasa \n\nIt has the necessary test equipments that allow the students to become
fully familiar with testing DC and AC motors and generators.'),
(4235,'004001026','MAGNETIC STIRRER WITH HEATING','004001','2011-06-20
19:42:51','2019-02-13 09:48:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan untuk memanaskan
larutan sambil menggoncang.'),(4237,'008003036','MESIN PENGERING
KAYU','008003','2011-06-20 20:00:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Di gunakan untuk
proses mengeringkan kayu'),(4238,'004014091','LIQUID LIMIT CONE
PENETROMETER','004014','2011-06-20 20:03:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini
digunakan untuk menguji hubungan antara kandungan lembapan dengan tusukan kon ke
atas contoh tanah. Seterusnya graf garis lurus penusukan kon lawan kandungan air
tanah diplotkan dan penusukan 20mm diambil sebagai had cecair tanah. Alat ini
mempunyai bekas tusukan bersaiz 55mm (diametera0 dengan ketinggian
35mm.<br><br><b>\nDESCRIPTION:<br></b>\nThe method is fundamentally more
satisfactory than the Casagrande method as it is essentially a static test
depending on the soil shear strength. The test is based on the relationship between
moisture content and the
penetration of a cone into the soil sample under controlled conditions.'),
(4239,'004014092','LABORATORY VANE SHEAR','004014','2011-06-20
21:55:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The equipment is based on a design by the
Transport Research Laboratory, England, and is available in hand or motorised
versions. Stress is applied through the 12.7 x 12.7 mm vane by means of any one of
four calibrated springs. The motorised version produces a shearing rate of 10º per
minute.'),(4240,'008001073','IMPREGNATION PLANT','008001','2011-06-20
21:56:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Di gunakan untuk rawatan pengawetan tekanan.'),
(4241,'004014093','IMPACT OF JET APPARATUS','004014','2011-06-20 21:58:44','2011-
06-20 14:59:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini direkabentuk untuk menentukan daya
hentaman jet air ke atas objek pegun yang berbagai bentuk. Daya hentaman ini diukur
menggunakan mekanisma tuil dan pemberat. Sebagai contoh bagi keadaan ini pada
keadaan sebenar ialah hentaman air terhadap struktur
konkrit<BR><BR><B>\nDESCRIPTION:<BR></B>\nThe unit comprises a plexiglas tank in
which a water jet discharged from a nozzle hits a surface and is deflected. 4
different test shapes with the following deflection angles are included: plate
90°, hemisphere 180°, angled plate 45!, cone 135°. The impact forces at the
deflector are measured using scales loaded with weights. \nThe water supply is
provided either from the laboratory mains or using the HM 150 (closed water
circuit).\n'),(4242,'008005055','INTERCHANGEABLE/HAND RATCHET
THREADERS','008005','2011-06-20 22:00:36','2013-12-27
11:10:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk membuat kerja-kerja
penyelarasan pada enjin/mesin secara mudah. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenis
seperti Interchangeable Fork Spring, dll\n<br><br>Enclosed ratchet system keeps
chips out for smooth, easy threading. Long guides center pipe perfectly. Heads
interchange instantly. Reversible dies allow for close-to-wall threading. Sets
include die heads, ratchet with two-piece handle and case.'),
(4243,'004013063','DIGITAL WATT METER ','004013','2011-06-20 22:02:18','2019-02-13
21:09:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The digital watt meter give a direct reading of WATT
value on 3 1/2 digits LCD display, five range and functions give precision reading
to the ACV, ACA, DCV, DCA and WATT.'),(4244,'008001074','FLUID FRICTION
APPARATUS','008001','2011-06-20 22:04:30','2013-02-21
15:15:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini dapat menentukan profil tekanan,kehilangan
turus, mencuci analiss dioksin di dalam system perpaipan. Ujikaji ini dapat
menentukan kehilangan tekanan dalam paip dan sambungan-sambungan. Alat ini juga
dapat menunjukkan pengaruh halaju aliran terhadap kehilangan tekanan, pekali
geseran, perbezaan tekanan antara dua titik di dalam paip dan seterusnya membuat
perbandingan bagi nilai teori dan ujikaji. Ianya terdapat dari pelbagai jenama,
jenis mengikut fungsi penggunaan seperti Fluid Management System (FMS), Fluib
Friction dll<BR><BR><B>\nDESCRIPTION:<BR></B>\nThe panel comprises a pipe network
with sub-sections that can be isolated individually and one measurement section in
which different elements can be inserted. There are 4 water manometers for pressure
measurements. The pipe network is made of plastic. Annular chambers enable
pressures to be measured with minimum interaction. \nThe water supply and flow rate
measurements are provided by the HM 150. Alternatively, the arrangement can also be
operated from the laboratory mains supply.'),(4245,'008001075','FALLING HEAD
APPARATUS','008001','2011-06-20 22:09:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Clays and silts
are tested using the falling head technique. Flow of water through the specimen
is\nobserved by monitoring the rate of fall of water in the tube. It is essential
that soils of very low permeability are sealed inside the cylinder to prevent
seepage along the sides of the specimen. Before testing, the specimen must be
completely saturated with water as the presence of air will restrict the flow of
water. \n'),(4246,'008001076','EXTRUDER','008001','2011-06-20
22:11:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This Sample Extruder comprises a vertically
mounted lever action hydraulic jack, with the body extended to form a chamber which
accommodates a 38 mm diameter sample tube. Supplied complete with trimming knife,
38 mm split former and wire saw.'),(4247,'004013064','RESISTIVITI METER/ DIRECT
SHEAR TEST APPARATUS','004013','2011-06-20 22:13:17','2013-12-26
11:52:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menentukan kekuatan
ricih jangka pendek tanah atau kerataan permukaan tanah. Pada prinsipnya, alat ini
digunakan untuk mengukur kekuatan pada suatu permukaan kegagalan yang ditetapkan.
Beban diletakkan ke dalam kotak ricih dan pergerakkannya secara mengufuk serta
mendatar dapat diukur apabila tegasan pugak dikenakan ke atas beban tersebut. Ianya
terdiri dari palbagai jenama dan jenis seperti Land Forming System
dll<BR><BR><B>\nDESCRIPTION:<BR></b>\nEvery building or structure that is built in
or on the earth imposes loads on the soil supporting the foundations.The stresses
set up in the soil cause deformation of the soil with stress failure being caused
by slippage of soil particles, which may lead to sliding of one body of soil
relative to the surrounding mass.\nThe process is known as shear failure and occurs
when shear stresses set up in the soil mass exceed the maximum shear resistance
that the soil can offer, i.e. its shear strength.\n'),(4248,'008003037','DOWEL
BORING MACHINE','008003','2011-06-20 22:17:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan
untuk membuat dowel atau penetap bagi tujuan memasangkan bahagian-bahagian perabot.
'),(4249,'004013065','AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATION CHARGING METER','004013','2011-06-20
22:20:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This instrument capable of dispencing a preset
amount of refrigerant into a system in fractions of an ounce, from standard
cylinders up to 50lbs.'),(4250,'004014094','BERNOULLI’S THEOREM DEMONSTRATION
APPARATUS','004014','2011-06-20 22:22:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini dapat
menunjukkan bahawa jumlah turus tenaga bagi setiap paip yang mempunyai saiz yang
berbeza adalah sama pada mana-mana titik di dalam system paip. Tujuan ujikaji ini
adalah untuk membuktikan kebenaran Teorem Bernoulli. Ujikaji ini berfungsi untuk
menunjukkan perkaitan di antara tekanan, halaju dan ketinggian bagi sesuatu system
paip.<BR><BR><B>\nDESCRIPTION:<BR></B>\nThe entire experimental set-up is clearly
laid out on a metal panel, this is fitted to the HM 150 Basic Hydraulics Bench. The
bench provides the water supply for carrying out the experiment. The experimental
set-up comprises a measurement section with a transparent venturi tube, the
associated pipework and 2 pressure measuring devices. Six measurement connections
on the venturi tube enable the static pressure along the pipe through which the
water is flowing to be indicated on a multiple tube manometer. The total pressure
is measured with a pitot probe and displayed on a second tube manometer. The flow
rate is determined using the volumetric tank on the bench.\n'),
(4251,'004014095','CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO LAB APPARATUS','004014','2011-06-20
22:23:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini digunakan di dalam makmal untuk
menguji kekuatan tanah yang digunakan sebagai subgred di dalam pembinaan
jalanraya.\n<BR><BR><B>DESCRIPTION:</B><BR>\nLoad is applied through a meckanical
jack and handwheel. Upper beam can be adjusted in height.\nForeseen of fast
approach device of the base plate.\n'),(4252,'004014096','CANADIAN FREENESS
TESTER','004014','2011-06-20 22:25:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'For determination
of freeness of wood fibre ground wood and mechanical pulp.\nFor measuring the
Canadian Freeness number which is a measure of the drainage capacity of different
pulp types\n'),(4253,'004014097','DIGITAL EARTH LOOP TESTER','004014','2011-06-20
22:27:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Loop and prospective short circuit current
tester with automatic ELCB (RCD) lock. Loop-PSC tests can be performed without
tripping the ELCB (RCD) in the circuit. This convenient test instrument is capable
of measuring fault loop impedance within the wiring circuit directly at the power
outlet.'),(4254,'008001077','CONSOLIDATION APPARATUS','008001','2011-06-20
22:28:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The One-dimensional Consolidation test is used
to determine the consolidation characteristics of soils of low permeability. Tests
are carried out on specimens prepared from undisturbed samples. Data obtained from
these tests, together with classification data and a knowledge of the soils loading
history, enables estimates to be made of the behaviour of foundations under
load.'),(4255,'008001078','COMPACTING FACTOR APPARATUS','008001','2011-06-20
22:29:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Determination of the compacting factor of
concretes with low, medium and high workability. The physical characteristics of
concrete will affect the relationship between the weight of partially compacted
concrete and the concrete in its fully compacted state. This relationship is known
as the Compacting Factor.'),(4256,'004013066','CONSTANT HEAD PERMEAMETER
APPARATUS','004013','2011-06-20 22:33:03','2019-02-13
21:15:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This equipment is used for testing the permeability
of granular soils (sands and gravels).The specimen is formed in a permeability cell
and water is passed through it from a constant level tank. Take-off points located
along the sides of the permeability cell are connected to three manometer tubes
mounted on a panel complete with a metre scale. Water passing through the specimen
is collected and measured, either for a specific quantity or over a period of time.
The reduction of head is noted from the variation of water level in the manometer
tubes.'),(4257,'008001079','DEMONSTRATION 3 TERM CONTROLLER','008001','2011-06-20
22:36:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This Demonstratrioon 3-Term Controller develop
for introducing students to the principle of the pneumatic 3-term controller. The
characteristics of proportional, proportional and integral, proportional and
derivative and proportional and integral and derivative control and demonstrations.
The operation of the differential bellows, feedback bellows, nozzle and flapper
assembly, pneumatic relay are shown. The advent of electronics has advanced the
application of feedback control theory. Nevertheless, pneumatic control is still
widely used in industry in areas such as oil and gas platforms and air conditioning
controls. '),(4258,'004014098','3 PHASE SUPPLY PANEL','004014','2011-06-20
22:41:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Three-Phase Series RLC Load block
implements a three-phase balanced load as a series combination of RLC elements. At
the specified frequency, the load exhibits a constant impedance. The active and
reactive powers absorbed by the load are proportional to the square of the applied
voltage.It contains three variable resistors, three variable inductors and three
variable capacitors to obtain any kinds of three phase loads (R, L, C, RL or RC)
with free terminals to be connected either star or delta as the test required'),
(4259,'008001080','FIBER CLASSIFIER','008001','2011-06-20
22:43:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Fiber Classifier segregates a fiber sample
into groups of different lengths to allow the proportion of each group to be
measured, by weight. Uniform operation is assured by a constant flow of water
through the stainless steel inlet system.'),(4261,'004014099','ELECTRONIC AIR
BALANCING INSTRUMENT ','004014','2011-06-20 22:54:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The
Alnor Model EBT721 Air Balancing Balometer Flow Hood is an electronic multipurpose
air balancing instrument for measuring the volume of air flow at diffusers and
grills. \nThe Alnor EBT721 Balometer Electronic Balancing Tool includes a
detachable multi purpose digital manometer that can be utilized with a wide range
of common balance and test tools such as air foil, pitot, relative humidity, and
temperature probes, or a 16 point velocity matrix. It is the professional’s
choice for facilities personnel and contractors due to its light weight and
ergonomic design. Applications include HVAC testing, thermal comfort studies,
balancing, adjusting, as well as air volume measurements.'),
(4262,'004014100','THERMOCYCLER PCR','004014','2011-07-29 17:45:48','2011-07-29
10:46:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk tujuan pengujian
dimakmal'),(4263,'010001073','BIOPSY SYSTEM','010001','2011-08-04
21:54:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan perubatan yang digunakan untuk
mengambil specimen bagi tujuan mammography test.'),(4264,'002001028','MESIN
PEMERIKSAAN BUKU','002001','2011-08-15 22:32:29','2013-05-30
08:30:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Ia adalah mesin pemeriksaan buku yang digunakan di
perpustakaan dimana mesin ini digunakan untuk menyahaktifkan sistem keselamatan
bahan-bahan perpustakaan seperti buku, jurnal, majalah, VCD, arkib dan sebagainya.
Antaranya Self Check System, 3M Library System Equiment'),(4265,'008001081','AIR
BRUSH MACHINE','008001','2011-08-15 23:16:40','2019-01-02
10:16:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan ini digunakan untuk mengecat dan mewarna
yang digunakan secara lebih cepat. Mesin Penyembur Cat'),(4266,'010002048','ALAT
SUMPITAN (BLOWPIPE)','010002','2011-08-18
17:00:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan sebagai alatan sumpitan ubat pelali
kepada pelbagai haiwan yang didapati susah untuk dikawal. Peralatan ini kebanyakan
digunakan di perkhidmatan veterinar.'),(4267,'010002049','ALAT BANTUAN KELAHIRAN
(OBSTETRIC SET)','010002','2011-08-18
17:03:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alatan/Kelengkapan ini digunakan semasa
ternakan/haiwan yang mengalami dystocia atau anak tersangkut semasa hendak
melahirkan anak. Alat ini kebanyakan digunakan di perkhidmatan veterinar. '),
(4269,'008001082','PLASTIC CREEPER BOARD','008001','2011-08-18
18:45:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan ini digunakan bagi tujuan aktiviti
pembaikan pada kedudukan bawah seperti papan gelongsor mekanik'),
(4270,'015001031','MEJA REHAL','015001','2011-09-12
16:21:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Meja Rehal yang terdiri daripada pelbagai jenis
samada bercorak, berkaki atau berlapik yang digunakan untuk penggunaan harian di
sekolah, asrama, masjid dan juga sebagai pameran'),(4271,'004013067','SISTEM
TRAFFIC ANALYZER (ASET TAK ALIH)','004013','2011-09-12 16:32:57','2019-02-13
21:18:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sistem yang mengukur pelbagai pergerakan trafic.
Seperti data analisis, vehicle speed, vehicle length classification, vehicle count,
roadway occupancy, wet/dry surface condition, roadway surface temperature, vehicle
presence'),(4272,'004013068','DISTANCE MEASURING INSTRUMENT ','004013','2011-09-12
16:36:50','2019-02-13 21:19:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
mengukur/merekod jarak dalam pelbagai penggunaan seperti meter atau laser yang
mengikut pada kiraan km/batu dan juga digunakan untuk kajian perjalanan. Antaranya
seperti Laser Distence, Meter Ditance dll dalam pelbagai jenama seperti Lieca Disto
D5, Measuring Wheel, Bosch Laser Range Finder dll.'),(4273,'007003017','KOTAK
16:48:56','2012-04-30 12:22:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan ini digunakan untuk
mengosongkan peluru dalam senjata api. Contoh jenis Clearing Chamber dll'),
(4274,'010006037','NITROUS OXIDE QUANTIFLEX MACHINE (DENTAL)','010006','2011-09-23
23:05:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Merupakan peralatan rawatan pergigian yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti rawatan pergigian iaitu \"Sadative Machine\".'),
(4275,'008009001','SPRAY BOOTH SERAMIK','008009','2011-10-07
16:35:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan atau tempat atau ruang yang digunakan
untuk tujuan aplikasi/glaze/ atau penyemburan pada permukaan produk seramik.'),
(4276,'008009002','PRESSSURE CASTING','008009','2011-10-07 16:38:26','2012-12-03
15:38:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin bagi menguji, mengukur kandungan
pembentukan Jasad atau Seramik untuk produk \"Flat Ware\" yang menggunakan tekanan
udara bagi tujuan memampat slip. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenis/jenama seperti
Microcomputer Plasticity, Moduls Of Ruptures, Diaphram Pump dll'),
(4277,'008009003','GAS TEST KILN /TENUR KAJIAN GAS','008009','2011-10-07
16:41:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pembakaran Jasad Tembikar/Seramik
supaya masak dan menjadi tembikar yang menggunakan bahan bakar gas dalam kuantiti
yang sedikit/kecil.'),(4278,'008009004','PUGMILL','008009','2011-10-07
16:45:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang berfungsi untuk memadatkan
dan membuang kandungan udara yang terperangkap dalam tanah semasa proses
penyediaaan tanah liat.'),(4279,'008003038','VACUMM AGITATOR/PENEBUK
LUBANG','008003','2011-10-07 16:55:46','2012-12-03
15:22:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk mengaduk,
menyingkir, menebuk bagi tujuan pembuatan model pada permukaan kayu. Ianya terdiri
dari pelbagai jenis/jenama seperti Agitator Vaacum Casting dll.'),
16:59:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk menghancur
dan mencampurkan/mengaul tanah liat dengan air bagi tujuan menghasilkan Slip'),
(4281,'008009006','BALL MILL','008009','2011-10-07 17:02:27','2012-12-03
15:12:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan mengisar, menghancurkan, memindahkan
tanah/bahan dan dimasukkan ke \'ball mill\' bagi proses penyediaan licau/glaze dan
slip/tanah liat cair, ceramik dengan air atau bahan mentah lain yang digunakan
untuk menghancurkan, mensebati bahan, menghias pasu dan penuangan tanah liat/tanah
lumpur. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenis/jenama dan kegunaan seperti Speed Jar
Mill, Jar Mill, Clay Conveyor dll'),(4282,'006004010','SET CONTROLLER VIDEO
CONFERENCING LINK CAMERA','006004','2011-10-07 17:11:54','2019-02-12
16:28:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan bersama dengan aktiviti
sistem penyiaran/television broadcast. Ia adalah satu set teknologi telekomunikasi
interaktif melalui dua arah audio video dan panghantaran secara bersamaan juga
disebut kolaborasi visual seperti video conferencing, video streaming, video link,
vulnerable witness room system, video spectral comparator, raman video comparator
dll<br>\nThe CAMERA CONTROL UNIT It is responsible for powering the professional
video camera, handling signals sent over the camera (multicore cable, triax or
fiber) to and from the camera and can be used control various camera parameter such
as iris remotely. The CCU will usually convert these to SDI, YUV or composite for
interfacing to other video equipment.'),(4283,'008001083','MESIN
MENGUKIR/ENGRAVING','008001','2011-10-07 17:20:58','2012-06-11
09:30:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengukir dan rekaan
pada logam/kayu/buluh/glass/tile/titanium/ leather dll yang tidak terlalu tebal
samada secara manual atau menggunakan '),(4284,'008003039','BEKAS/PALUNG MEREBUS
','008003','2011-10-07 17:27:52','2012-06-11
11:40:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Palong atau bekas atau tong yang digunakan
merebus buluh/kayu, membilas kain/batik, mebilas getah serta pelbagai kandungan dan
lain-lain'),(4285,'008003040','SLICING MACHINE','008003','2011-10-07
17:39:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Perlatan ini digunakan untuk menipiskan atau
solid pada kayu/buluh/rotan yang dipecahkan. Contohnya pada anyaman dinding
rumah/tikar buluh dll.'),(4286,'008001084','SPRAY BOOTH','008001','2011-10-07
17:43:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menapis habuk
bahan kimia yang diwarnakan'),(4287,'008009007','POTTERS WHEEL
ELEKTRONIC/MOULDER','008009','2011-10-10 16:50:58','2012-12-03
15:31:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/ Mesin bengkel
yang digunakan membuat atau membentuk seramik dalam pelbagai bentuk. Ianya terdiri
dari pelbagai jenis/jenama seperti Moulder Thermojet dll'),
(4288,'008007003','STAINLESS STEEL TUB BULAT','008007','2011-10-10
23:07:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk membuat batik
iaitu untuk kerja merendam/mewarna pada permukaan kain/batik.'),
(4289,'001003014','ENVIRONMENT MONITORING SYSTEM (ASET TAK KETARA)','001003','2011-
10-19 17:15:29','2017-02-02 15:36:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Aplikasi yang digunakan
untuk memantau peralatan di dalam Pusat Data. Antara peralatan yang dipantau ialah
suhu, peralatan pendingin hawa, EMS, dll'),(4290,'004009005','MIKROFILEM
READER','004009','2011-10-25 18:39:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk membaca dan membuat salinan (print) dari kategori bahan-bahan yang
berbentuk mikrofilem.'),(4291,'004014101','DUST MONITER/DUST TRACK','004014','2011-
10-27 23:18:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Measures particle concentrations to PM10,
PM2.5, PM1.0 or respirable size fractions and measures aerosol contaminants such as
dust, smoke, fumes and mists.'),(4292,'004014102','MERCURY ANAYZER/SURVEY
METER','004014','2011-10-27 23:42:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk membuat pengujian/ penyelidikan kepada kandungan logam, besi dll
seperti cecair dalam jangka tekanan udara/suhu.'),(4293,'004014103','HEAT STRESS
MONITER','004014','2011-10-27 23:44:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk mengukur tekanan pada sesuatu rangsangan/tekanan/dll.'),
(4294,'009003024','EAR SIMULATOR SYSTEM','009003','2011-10-27 23:47:27','2016-02-05
08:38:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Intended for frequency responce, sentivity and
distortion measurements on earphones coupled to the ear by ear inserts such as
tubes, ear moulds or eartip, for example as used in hearing aids and operator
headset.'),(4295,'002005018','KAMERA MIKROFILEM','002005','2011-11-04
16:57:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin/Kamera yang digunakan untuk
membuat penyalinan dokumen, gambar, filem, dalam pelbagai saiz serta berbagai
bentuk seperti gambar, majalah, buku, dokumen,fail, surat khabar, peta, plan dll.
Peralatan ini terdiri dari pelbagai jenis/jenama contohnya; Super Repro, Recordak,
Rewinder, Hirakawa, Minolta dll'),(4296,'002005019','MESIN
17:10:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk
melaksanakan kerja-kerja baikpulih/kekemasan pada dokumen yang rosak, pecah, lusuh,
dll bagi tujuan simpanan kekal supaya kelihatan baik, cantik dan kemas. Mesin ini
terdiri daripada pelbagai jenama/jenis contohnya; Ultrasonic Mesin HDS Keeper, Leaf
Caster Mesin dan lain-lain.'),(4297,'002009007','PAPAN CARTA/ORGANISASI/PAPAN
KENYATAAN','002009','2011-12-12 19:13:43','2014-01-08
08:47:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Papan Carta berfungsi sebagai menjelaskan,
memaparkan pelbagai bentuk kenyataan, aktiviti. program, carta organisasi jabatan
terdiri dari pelbagai jenis/ukuran.'),(4298,'006007012','GAOHU','006007','2011-12-
12 23:49:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Gaohu adalah alat muzik penting dalam muzik
tradisional Guangdong, China. Ciri khas adalah ukiran kepala naga pada bahagian
atas yang mempunyai pelbagai versi'),(4299,'006007013','ERHU','006007','2011-12-12
23:52:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'alat muzik yang digelar nanhu (gesk selatan)
atau biola cina adalah alat muzik dua tali. Ianya alat termasyhur dalam
keluarga \'hugin\' bersamaan dengan zhonghu, jinghu dll'),(4300,'006007014','YANG
QIN','006007','2011-12-12 23:54:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Merupakan alat muzik
jenis zither dan mempunyai banyak tali, badannya dibuat dari kayu dalam bentuk
rama-rama serta dugunakan sebagai alat solo untuk hiburan.'),
ALIH)','005006','2011-12-13 23:14:41','2017-11-23
10:28:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin/Peralatan yang digunakan untuk merekod setiap
panggilan atau merakam suara yang terdiri dari pelbagai fungsi dan jenis/jenama
seperti Arunta, Total Recall VR-04 4 Channel, Voice Logger, Voyage Data Recorder
dll'),(4302,'007006033','TEROPONG KESELAMATAN/Militery Binocular','007006','2011-
12-13 23:19:55','2011-12-13 15:20:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan
semasa operasi menyelamat mangsa di dalam hutan atau waktu malam yang terdiri dalam
pelbagai fungsi kegunaan dan jenama/model seperti Pyser, SGI, Militery
Binoculars.'),(4303,'002003046','MEMORY CARD PORTABLE RECORDER','002003','2011-12-
16 23:47:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pandang dengar yang digunakan
untuk memainkan setiap rakaman yang telah dibuat seperti semasa proses pengambaran,
rakaman dll. '),(4304,'002013001','WEIGHT CUTTER','002013','2011-12-19
17:43:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk memotong kain
mengikut saiz ukuran standard keluasan kain bagi mendapat berat dalam \'gsm\'
atau \'gm\''),(4305,'002013002','WEIGHT MACHINE/ELEKTRONIC PRESION
BALANCE','002013','2011-12-19 17:45:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin
untuk timbangan berat keratan kain standard dari weight cutter'),
(4306,'002013003','COLOR DETECTOR','002013','2011-12-19
17:50:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
membaca/menentukan warna kain serta menentukan \'kod warna kain\' dari lab.'),
(4307,'002013004','COLOR PLANNER','002013','2011-12-19
17:54:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk memastikan
contoh warna yang tepat daripada Color Detector yang mengandungi 1925 contok
warna.'),(4308,'002003047','eBEAM PROJECTION','002003','2011-12-29
19:27:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengubah dinding
ataupun papan putih kepada papan putih berinterakaktif. Peralatan tersebut
digunakan secara bersekali/set seperti eBeam Receiver, Software, eBeam USB,
Interractive Stylus, Battery AA.'),(4309,'006006018','SERUNAI','006006','2012-01-14
00:14:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan Muzik yang dimainkan secara meniup'),
00:15:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan muzik bertali yang dimainkan secara
iringan '),(4311,'101003006','BORANG/DOKUMEN PERBENDAHARAAN','101003','2012-01-19
17 23:58:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan muzik paluan tradisional yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti muzik seperti samrah, Zapin yang popular di Johor (Kopak
Marwas, dll)'),(4314,'013003005','MOTOSIKAL 4 RODA','013003','2012-02-18
00:26:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Motosikal yang digunakan didalam kawan taman-
taman persekutuan yang mempunyai 4 roda'),(4315,'002001029','MESIN MENGIRA/TALLY
COUNTER','002001','2012-02-22 20:53:03','2012-03-15
12:30:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/mesin mengira, menghitung sesuatu
pergerakan atau aktiviti yang digunakan untuk mengesan atau mengukur aktiviti
pengiraan manual seperti sukan, penyelidikan, pengangkutan, industrial dll'),
(4316,'006003017','AUDIO BLUETOOTH','006003','2012-03-15
23:20:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang berfungsi untuk menghantar
isyarat audio kepada handycam, jarak kegunaan antara 50meter hingga 100 meter'),
(4317,'001003015','POWER DISTRIBUTION UNIT/PDU (ASET TAK ALIH)','001003','2012-03-
16 08:26:20','2019-02-11 17:41:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan
sebagai sokongan bekalan kuasa kepada peranti/alatan ICT untuk apa-apa program
sistem sebagai bantuan komputer atau rangkaian. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai
jenama/jenis serta mengikut kepada fungsi penggunaan kepada sistem rangkaian ICT.
Antarnya UPS (Uninterrupt Power Supply), PDU (Power Distribution Unit) dll \n\nA
device fitted with multiple outputs designed to distribute elektric power,
especiallly to rack of computers and networking equipment located within a data
center'),(4318,'001003016','SFP TRANSCEIVER (STOK)','001003','2012-03-16
08:35:01','2017-02-02 15:39:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Small Form-factor Pluggable
transceiver is also Mini GBIC, because it function is similar as the GBIC
transceiver but with much smaller size. SFP transceiver s are used in telecom and
data communication to link the equipment like switch, routers. SFP fiber optic
transceiver is the standard components supported by many
industrial\nPeralatan/Peranti yang menjadi penghubung antara fiber dan swutch untuk
memastikan talian internet dapat berfungsi.'),(4319,'004013069','PENIMBANG BERAT
KENDERAAN','004013','2012-03-23 09:19:08','2019-02-13
21:22:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengukur timbangan
berat kenderaan'),(4320,'001009025','KOMPUTER SET TOOL KIT (STOK)','001009','2012-
04-06 17:12:30','2017-02-02 16:53:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Set alat
tangan asas yang digunakan secara set untuk membaiki komputer'),
17:36:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pelancar untuk digunakan sebagai
bantuan dalam pelbagai fungsi melancar sesuatu objek bagi tujuan bantuan
keselamatan atau pertahanan'),(4322,'002001030','MESIN PENGIMBAS/PENGESAN LAYAN
DIRI','002001','2012-04-06 17:54:48','2012-09-06
17:06:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk mengimbas atau
mengesan atau memantau pergerakan pada buku atau dokumen atau ekshibit dalam
perbagai jenis dan fungsi seperti Radio Frequency (RFID), Sellf-Chek System,
Tracking System, Evidence Tracking System dll'),(4323,'004013070','AUTO LIGHT
PLUS','004013','2012-04-12 21:58:02','2016-04-07
15:22:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengukur ketelusan
cahaya pada cermin kenderaan. Digunakan oleh JPJ. Kebiasaannya digunakan mengukur
kelulusan cahaya seperti Auto Plus, Light Plus, Tint Testa dll'),
(4324,'002006010','PHOTOGRAPHICS STUDIO KIT','002006','2012-04-12 22:47:48','2016-
11-29 15:59:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'<br>Peralatan photo studio yang
digunakan mengikut set untuk tujuan gambar yang lebih cantik. Peralatan ini
digunakan mengikut set yang lengkap seperti Shooting Table, Layar Shooting, Lampu
Shooting, Reflector, Deep Professional dll<br> '),(4325,'002006011','FOTOGRAFI
PAPER DRYER','002006','2012-04-19 23:49:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
atau mesin yang digunakan untuk mengering gambar selepas dicuci.'),
(4326,'006003018','COURT RECORDING TRANSCRIPTION (CRT)','006003','2012-05-03
16:35:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Kelengkapan/Set peralatan yang
disediakan untuk kegunaan di dalam bilik bicara untuk tujuan merekod audio dan
visual secara langsung bagi prosiding mahkamah dan dalam masa yang sama menyediakan
kemudahan menterjemah/menaip nota keterangan kes.'),(4327,'012005005','SEA
SCOOTER','012005','2012-05-03 16:42:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk membantu penyelam bergerak dengan lebih pantas di dalam dasar
laut'),(4328,'002001031','MESIN MAGNIFIER','002001','2012-05-25
18:15:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin/Peralatan yang digunakan untuk membaca,
menyimpan data, gambar, scanning untuk tujuan memdapatkan maklumat lebih jelas.
Mesin ini terdapat dalam pelbagai jenis contohnya Ruby 4.3 Freedom Scientific '),
(4329,'008007004','MESIN PENGUJIAN KUALITI KAIN','008007','2012-05-25
23:51:34','2012-11-20 15:55:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunkan
untuk menguji kualiti kain yang terdapat pelbagai jenis seperti Dyeing and Fastness
Testing, Mesin Tearing Tester dll.>>Tearing Tester is applicable in tear test of
films, laminated films, foils, paper, textiles and other flexible materials.
\n\n'),(4330,'004014104','MESIN MENGUJI KETAHANAN CAHAYA','004014','2012-05-26
00:03:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk menguji
ketahanaan cahaya dalam pelbagai jenis seperti Xenotest, Weathertest dll '),
(4331,'001001006','SHUTTLE','001001','2012-05-31 18:23:17','2017-01-06
10:58:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Perkakasan yang digunakan menyimpan data
atau membekal data kepada pelbagai kegunaan seperti pada server, desktop, notebook
dalam pelbagai jenis seperti Barebone Computer, Media Storage Editing Studio,
dll\n<br>A barebone computer is a partially assembled platform or an unassembled
kit of computer parts allowing more customization and lower costs than a retail
computer syatem. They are avalable for desktop computer, note book and server
purposes'),(4332,'015001032','MEJA TRACING','015001','2012-05-31
18:48:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Meja yang digunakan khas untuk melakar
design/rekabentuk dalam pelbagai jenis dan bentuk'),(4333,'008001085','MESIN EXPOSE
DESIGN','008001','2012-05-31 18:54:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin/Peralatan
yang digunakan untuk memaparkan sesuatu perukiran, dll seperti Vacumm Screen
Exposing Equipment '),(4334,'004014105','MICROMEG DEIONISER
ELGASTART','004014','2012-05-31 22:50:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk menapis dan menguji air suling yang akan digunakan untuk beberapa
aktiviti seperti membuat batik, mewarna kain, menyuling/membersihkan kandungan air,
dll'),(4335,'001009026','COOLING DISTRIBUTION UNIT/CDU','001009','2012-05-31
23:30:35','2012-12-18 16:06:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Perkakasan yang
digunakan untuk membekalkan suhu sejuk/cooling kepada row rack di pusat
data/server. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti High Precision Air
Condition (HPAC), Cooling Distribution Unit (CDU) dll '),(4336,'008001086','MESIN
MEMBERSIH LOGAM','008001','2012-06-01
18:02:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk membersih
atau mencuci sesuatu logam/perak dan sebagainya. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai
jenis/jenama seperti Ultrasonic Cleaner. Magnectic Tumbler 2Way Digital dll. '),
(4337,'008001087','MESIN PENYADUR LOGAM','008001','2012-06-01
19:02:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk menyadur
logam (emas, besi, perak dll) ke atas permukaan yang dditetapkan untuk pelbagai
kegunaan seperti Pen Plating Elektrik Gold, dll '),(4338,'015001033','MEJA
MAKAN','015001','2012-06-05 16:59:42','2012-06-05
10:09:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Meja yang digunakan bersama dengan Kerusi Makan atau
Bangku Makan\n'),(4339,'002012019','MESIN FACIAL TREATMENT','002012','2012-06-12
17:31:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk membuat
rawatan muka, terdiri pelbagai jenama dan jenis.'),(4340,'002012020','MESIN SAUNA
PORTABLE','002012','2012-06-12 17:44:20','2012-06-18
14:04:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin Sauna yang digunakan untuk merawat
badan berbentuk kesihatan terdiri dari pelbagai jenis/jenama dll'),
(4341,'010008050','BATH TUB','010008','2012-06-12 19:35:08','2012-06-12
12:51:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan Mandi/Tab Mandi yang digunakan secara
serbaguna untuk tujuan memcuci pesakit dan ianya boleh digerakkan atau dipindahkan
kepada pelbagai tempat yang diperlukan, ia terdiri dari pelbagai jenis seperti
logam, plastik, fiber dll . Sekiranya ia dibina/dipasang bersekali dengan
bangunan/lantai maka ianya tidak perlu direkodkan.'),(4342,'001001007','KVM
SCREEN/MONITER BLADE','001001','2012-06-21
02:09:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Perkakasan yang digunakan bersama
dengan server untuk tujuan mengawal/mengawasi setiap operasi sesuatu server
berkenaan'),(4343,'004013071','MICRO CALIBRATION BATH','004013','2012-06-21
09:18:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Perkaaksan yang digunakan untuk
mengukur/membuat perbandingan suhu antara thermometer rujukan dan thermometer yang
digunakan dalam makmal'),(4344,'012005006','FISH FINDER','012005','2012-06-29
09:49:13','2012-06-29 17:50:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Perkakasan yang
digunakan untuk mengesan ikan dalam laut bagi memudahkan nelayan menangkap ikan
terutamanya dalam Vesel yang terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Garmin
dll.'),(4346,'008007005','MESIN MENCETAK SKRIN','008007','2012-07-09
07:36:49','2012-07-09 15:51:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan
untuk mencetak skrin fabrik/kain atau mematikan warna kain untuk tujuan mendapatkan
corak yang direka. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Mesin Skrin
Complete Printing, Mesin Rollor Silicate dll. '),(4347,'009001025','PELANCAR ROKET
AIR','009001','2012-08-07 07:23:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Kelengkapan
yang digunakan untuk melancarkan model roket air sebagai alat bantuan mengajar
dalam aktiviti penyelidikan sains angkasa. Terdapat pelbagai jenama seperti Bigfoot
Water Rocket Launcher, SMT Slim River Water Rocket Luncher, Zul Water Rocket
Luncher, Hanz Water Rocket Luncher dll'),(4348,'009005007','PORTABLE MINI
PLANETARIUM','009005','2012-08-07 07:27:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
yang digunakan untuk bantuan mengajar dimana boleh memaparkan keadaan malam langit
malam di siling dan dinding dalam bilik tertutup bagi membenarkan anda menerokai
bintang dan buruj dilangit malam. Alat ini boleh berputar mengikut putaran langit
malam. Ia mudah dipasang dan digunakan serta memberikan kaedah yang menyeronokkan
untuk mempelajari astronomi.'),(4349,'007001026','MULTITYPE SHOOTING
STAND','007001','2012-09-20 06:06:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk memegang atau meletakan senjatapi bagi tujuan mencari
sasaran/menembak.'),(4350,'004016011','CABINET FUV','004016','2012-09-20
09:06:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
menyimpan/meletakkan alat makmal dalam pelbagai kegunaan, jenama dan jenis seperti
C15 Consist C10, FUV 6L5 dan lain-lain.'),(4351,'004013072','MOBILE BRAKE
TESTER','004013','2012-09-24 09:17:07','2019-02-13
21:25:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menguji prestasi brek
kenderaaan iaitu brek servis atau brek tangan'),(4352,'012005007','PENGESAN
PENYELAMAT AIR','012005','2012-11-08 03:33:12','2012-11-08
11:33:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Perkakasan yang digunakan di kapal/bot
sebagai pengesan/penunjuk arah semasa operasi menyelamat atau berlaku kecemasan
dilaut. Peralatan ini terdiri daripada pelbagai jenama/jenis yang mengikut pelbagai
fungsi penggunaan seperti Rhoteta SAR Direction Finder dll'),
(4353,'012005008','PENUNJUK ARAH/LALUAN LAUT','012005','2012-11-08
03:39:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Perkakasan yang digunakan untuk
menentukan atau menunjuk arah/laluan kapal/bot dilaut, ia juga boleh menyimpan data
semasa dan selepas pelayaran, peta-peta laut dan panduan arah. Peralatan ini
terdiri dari palbagai jenama/jenis seperti Electronic Chart Dislpay (ECDIS) dan
lain-lain. '),(4354,'012005009','MENYELARAS TEKANAN OKSIGEN','012005','2012-11-08
03:52:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menyelaraskan
semula tekanan oksigen kepada penyelam/penyelamat selepas selesai kerja
menyelam/menyelamat. Ianya terdapat dalam pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti
Transportable Recompression Chember dll'),(4355,'003005020','MESIN MEMPROSES
MAKANAN','003005','2012-11-08 04:05:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin/Peralatan
yang digunakan untuk memproses bahan makanan yang terdiri daripada pelbagai fungsi
seprti secara manual atau elektrik. Mesin-mesin ini digunkan untuk memproses
kelapa, pelbagai kuih, memproses mee/mihun,dlli'),(4356,'004011006','DIAGNOSTIC
PREFERRAL DISEASE','004011','2012-12-03 06:51:53','2019-02-13
14:47:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menganalisis, mencuci
dan membersihkan sesuatu kandungan semasa proses diagnostic.'),
(4357,'008009008','MESIN MENAPIS TANAH','008009','2012-12-03
07:43:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Perlatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk menapis
bendasing didalam slip tanah liat yang telah dikisar didalam ball mill, proses
tapisan menggunakan konsep ayakan & goncangan. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai
jenis/jenama seperti Vibrator Sieve dll'),(4358,'008008004','PEMIDANG
TEKATAN/FRAME','008008','2012-12-03 07:47:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralaatan
yang digunakan untuk meregangkan kain bagi memudahkan kerja menyulam corak/menekat
dengan benang emas pada kain baldu, mempulur. Penggunaan mempulur ini akan
menjadikan bentuk sulaman itu timbul.'),(4359,'007001027','EXPLOSIVES TRACE
DETECTOR','007001','2013-01-29 08:06:44','2013-01-29
16:11:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk melaksanakan
pengesanan/mengesan/menguji kandungan bahan-bahan larangan seperti toxic, bahan
dadah larangan, bahan kimia larangan dan lain-lain. Ianya digunakan oleh agensi
keselamatan yang terdiri dari pelbagai jenis/jenama seperti Hand Held Trace
Detector For Explosives dll'),(4360,'014010020','MESIN PEMOTONG
JALAN','014010','2013-01-29 08:19:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin
yang digunakan untuk memotong jalan tar bagi kerja-kerja awam jalanraya. Ianya
terdiri dari pelbagai jenis/jenama seperti Road Cutter YRC16 dll.'),
(4361,'004018020','CRIMPER ELECTRONIC','004018','2013-02-21 07:01:41','2013-02-21
15:46:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk mengetatkan,
memampatkan, mengikat sesuatu objek/botol/bekas atau membuka penutup dan
sebagainya. Ianya terdapat pelbagai jenis dan jenama seperti Agilent, Electronic
Crimper, Electronic Decapper dll. '),(4362,'004018021','SOLID PHASE
EXTRACTOR','004018','2013-03-06 07:28:07','2013-07-17
16:11:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menganaliss,
menyedut, menapis, mengekstrakan molekul atau cecair dari pelbagai sample seperti
SPE Catridge, SPME. Cecair dari SPE dikumpulkan di bahagian bawah \'glass
container\'. Alat menggunakan vakuumm untuk menyedut cecair dari SPE ini terdiri
pelbagai jenama dan jenis seperti Extractor Sloid Phase, SPME Holder Stand dll\n
'),(4363,'003003023','MESIN PENGHANCUR AIS','003003','2013-05-07 04:01:49','2019-
02-12 09:08:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk
menghancur pelbagai bentuk ketulan ais/Ice Cube. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai
jenama/jenis yang terdapat dipasaran seprti Ice Make Machine dll'),
(4364,'003003024','SUGAR LAMP MACHINE','003003','2013-05-07 04:08:37','2019-02-12
09:10:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
memasak, menyejuk, mencair gula secara pemanasan tenaga elektrik. '),
(4365,'004011007','PEEL MACHINE','004011','2013-05-07 08:08:15','2019-02-13
14:48:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk mencuci,
mengupas, menyedut permukaan kulit wajah/muka. '),(4366,'004007010','SEPARATOR
MACHINE','004007','2013-05-10 00:10:34','2013-05-10
08:12:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk membuat
pengasingan, pengisaran pada sesuatu bahan seperti padi, beras, bijirin kecil dll.
Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenis/jenama seperti Paddy Separator dll'),
(4367,'004007011','EXTRACTOR MACHINE','004007','2013-05-10
03:34:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk memecah,
membelah, memproses, menapis, bahan-bahan bijirin seperti kelapa, kalapa sawit,
dll. Ianya terdiri pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti VCO Extractor Machine, Expeller
Machine dll'),(4368,'013005006','FERI','013005','2013-05-13
02:47:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kenderaan yang digunakan untuk mengangkut
penumpang menjemberangi sesuatu terusan, kuala, muara, pulau yang beroperasi
sebagai kenderaan pengangkut.'),(4369,'004007012','LAB GRADER
MACHINE','004007','2013-05-16 01:09:35','2019-02-13
11:33:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk membuat
penilaian, pengasingan, pengenalan mutu/kualiti sesuatu bijirin, benih seperti padi
dll. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Rice Grader dll.'),
(4370,'004014106','ENCAPSULATOR','004014','2013-07-23 07:04:28','2013-07-23
15:07:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin \n\n<BR>DESCRIPTION:</B><BR>New
system for the immobilization of many different pharmaceuticals and food
ingredients. Uniform capsules and beads are produced with the same technology. The
Encapsulator B-390 is an open system for easy access to microencapsulation '),
(4371,'012003005','PERANGKAP SERANGGA','012003','2013-07-23 07:20:19','2017-11-14
11:19:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menangkap, menjerat
Haiwan Kecil seperti Serangga, Nyamuk. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenis/jenama
seperti Perangkap Malaise Traptowns Style, Biogents Sentinel Trap dll'),
(4372,'004020001','GOOGOL TECHNOLOGY TRAINER','004020','2013-08-15
04:09:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menguji atau
melaksanakan aktiviti pembelajaran kepada pelajar di makmal. Antaranya Ball and
Beam Control System dll'),(4373,'007008007','PENGESAN TAHAP
ALKOHOL','007008','2013-09-18 06:49:04','2013-09-18
14:59:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Alat yang digunakan untuk membuat saringan
tahap alkohol dalam pernafasan semasa sekatan jalanraya. Alat saringan ini terdiri
dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Screening Device, Evidential Breath Analyser
(EBA II), dll'),(4374,'007008008','PENGESAN SAMAN','007008','2013-09-18
06:52:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Alat yang digunakan untuk mengesan
atau menyemak saman atau mengeluarkan saman atau mengeluarkan bil/penyata. Ianya
terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis mengikut kepda fungsi penggunaan seperti Mobile
Card Acceptance Device (MCAD) dll'),(4375,'007008009','PENGESAN
SIASATAN/INVESTIGATION','007008','2013-09-18 06:55:58','2013-09-18
14:57:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk mengesan atau
memrekod atau menganalisa rakaman/percakapan semasa tugas penyiasatan bagi
mengumpul dan mengambil bahan bukti untuk membantu siasatan. Ianya terdiri dari
pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Investigation Kid Mechine dll'),
(4376,'005002005','PENGECAS MUDAH ALIH (STOK)','005002','2013-10-08
06:41:12','2019-02-12 10:44:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
mengecas seperti tablet telefon bimbit yang terdapat dalam pelbagai jenis dan
jenama. Antaranya Power Bank dll'),(4377,'012002031','PENGHALAU
HAIWAN','012002','2013-10-08 06:52:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk menghalau musuh tanaman seperti gajah, burung dll. Ianya digunakan
dilapangan, hutan, kawasan pertanian untuk menakutkan musuh tanaman dengan
menggunakan letipan sonik tekanan terkawal dengan kandungan gas LPG. Ianya terdapat
dalam pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Zon Mark 4, Zon Pest Animal, Birdscarers.'),
(4378,'009002044','PERALATAN UKUR HIDROGRAFI','009002','2013-10-08 07:01:03','2013-
10-08 15:11:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan secara bersekali
(set) seperti RTA,DM505,Tide Gauge untuk mengukur hidrografi sesuatu permukaan.
Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Valeport Tide Master, TSS Dynamic
Motion Sensor,TSS Odom Real Time Applicance (RTA)'),
10:05:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan sebagai alat istiadat
untuk majlis rassmi penganugerahan'),(4380,'008010004','SET KIT KEJURUTERAAN
AUTOMOTIF','008010','2013-12-02 07:06:13','2015-12-14
17:42:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kid pembelajaran automotif digunakan sebagai
peralatan dalam proses pembelajaran dibengkel yang terdiri dari pelbagai jenis atau
jenama. Ianya seperti Kid Electronic Cooling Fan Trainer, Heater AC Blower Motor
System Trainer, Electronic Climate Control System Trainer, dll'),
(4381,'008011001','TRANSFER BOX STAND','008011','2013-12-18
07:17:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
memegang/menahan/mengikat semasa kerja-kerja pemindahan enjin kenderaan. '),
(4382,'008011002','ATF FLUID EXTRACTOR','008011','2013-12-18 07:21:21','2016-10-12
10:42:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menyedut/menyimpan
minyak semasa aktiviti penyelenggaraan/servis kenderaan. Ianya terdiri dari
pelbagai jenis seperti Fluid Flushing Extractor, Automatic Fluid Changer, Fuel
Injector Nozzle, Coolant System ATF Flushing Machine, Charging Cylinder dll'),
(4383,'008011003','TRAILING ARM SUSPENSION STAND','008011','2013-12-18
07:24:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk membuat aktiviti
penyelenggaraan atau pembaikan pada keseimbangan/gegaran tayar atau badan
kenderaan.'),(4384,'008011004','ENGINE STAND WITH GEARBOX','008011','2013-12-18
07:27:29','2013-12-27 10:52:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
membantu aktiviti penyelenggaraan/pembaikan/pembelajaran bagi enjin petrol atau
diesel kenderaan. Ianya terdapat pelbagai jenis seperti Mitsubishi 4g15, Proton
4g15, Mitsubishi 4m41 Auto, Campro Waja 1.6'),(4385,'008011005','HALFCUT ON
STAND/ENGINE HALF CUT','008011','2013-12-18 07:41:09','2013-12-20
16:27:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan kenderaan yang sebahagian atau separuh
untuk aktiviti pembelajaran. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenis seperti Mitsubishi
4g63, Proton Waja 1.6, Mitsubishi Lancer 4g92 efi, '),(4386,'008011006','TWIN
SCISSORS HOIST','008011','2013-12-18 07:44:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
yang digunakan untuk aktiviti pembelajaran/penyelenggaraan bagi kenderaaan. Ianya
tersiri pelbagai jenis seperti Rorary GLP30, dll'),(4387,'008011007','VEHICLE
SAFETY TESTING LANE','008011','2013-12-18
07:46:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pembelajaran/penyelenggaraan bagi pengujian kelajuan kenderaaan. Ianya terdiri dari
pelbagai jenis seperti Maha Euro dll'),(4388,'008011008','WHEEL ALIGNMENT
SYSTEM','008011','2013-12-18 07:51:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti penyelenggaran/pembaikan/pembelajaran getaran pada
tayar/badan kenderaan. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenis seperti Hunter S611 dll'),
(4389,'008011009','ENGINE ANALYZER WITH SCOPE','008011','2013-12-18
07:54:20','2014-01-23 11:10:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
aktiviti pembelajaran/penyelenggaraan bagi enjin kenderaan. Ianya terdiri dari
pelbagai jenis seperti Hermann/HMS-990, HGA 400 5g, Engine Dynamometer
dll'),(4390,'008011010','PNEUMATIC TYRE CHANGER MACHINE','008011','2013-12-18
07:59:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Perlatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pembelajaran/penyelenggaraan bagi tayar kenderaan. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai
jenis seperti Faip/F40 Compact 20E 18, dll.'),(4391,'008011011','DRUM AND DISC
LATHE','008011','2013-12-18 08:02:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti pembelajaran/ pembaikan pada brek kenderaan. Ianya terdiri
dari pelbagai jenis seperti Hunger/B345, E326A dll.'),(4392,'008011012','CHASIS
TRANSM/TRANSAXLE VEHICLE ','008011','2013-12-18
08:06:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pembelajaran/ penyelenggaraan chasis enjin kenderaan. Iaanya terdiri dari pelbagai
jenis seperti Transaxle Vehicle Sectioned Model, SEADA/ART.31 dll.'),
(4393,'008005056','SET TOOL DIAGNOSTIC SCAN','008005','2013-12-18 08:10:20','2016-
02-19 09:05:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan SPECIAL SET TOOL yang digunakan
untuk aktiviti bengkel yang dibeli secara set seperti Special Tool For Mechine ,
Special Tool For Proton, Special Tool For Toyota, Special Tool Mitshubishi dll '),
(4394,'008011013','SET MACHINE VALVE FACE REFACING','008011','2013-12-18
09:30:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pembelajaran/ penyelenggaraan bagi enjin kenderaan.'),(4395,'004011008','WATER JET
MACHINE','004011','2013-12-20 00:19:23','2015-11-20
15:09:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mencuci, membersih
sesuatu permukaan, lantai, cermin dengan lebih berkesan. Ianya terdiri dari
pelbagai jenis seperti Water Jet Cleaner, Air Water Machine, dll'),
MACHINE','008011','2013-12-20 07:47:46','2013-12-20
16:20:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pembelajaran/ penyelenggaraan cengkaman/brake pada tayar kenderaan. Ianya terdiri
dari pelabagai jenis seperti Revitting Brake, Brake Shoe dll'),
(4397,'008001088','COOLING FLUSHING MACHINE','008001','2013-12-20
07:55:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengukur kadar
penyejukan/tahan panas paada injen kenderaan (sistem penyejukan enjin). Ianya
terdapat pelbagai jenis seperti Cooling Flushing, dll'),(4398,'008011015','EXHAUST
SMOKE/GAS ANALYZER','008011','2013-12-20 08:02:11','2014-01-02
09:14:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti pembelajaran
menganalisis kandungan gas pada asap kenderaan. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenis
seperti Exhaust Analisis, Gas Exhaust Machine dll'),(4399,'008006007','GAS WELDING
WORKSTATION','008006','2013-12-20 08:05:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralataan
khas yang disediakan untuk mnyimpan selinder gas di bengkel,'),
(4400,'008012001','ELECTRONIC SPRING TESTER','008012','2013-12-20
08:18:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralaatn yang digunakan untuk kerja kimpalan
atau pembelajaran membuat, menguji spring besi untuk disesuaikan pada kenderaan.'),
(4401,'008011016','BATERY CHARGER/TESTER MACHINE','008011','2013-12-20
08:22:54','2014-01-02 09:10:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/ Mesin yang
digunakan untuk mengaktifkan/memeriksa bateri kenderaan.'),(4402,'008011017','FUEL
PUMP TEST BENCH','008011','2013-12-20
08:25:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pembelajaran menguji kuasa pada kandungan minyak dengan tindakbalas enjin
kenderaan.'),(4403,'012005010','PERALATAN PENGAPUNGAN/PONTOON','012005','2013-12-24
03:48:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti marin
untuk mengapungkan sesuatu bahan seperti pelantar, bot, jambatan, dll. Ianya
terdiri dari pelbagai jenis seperti Pontoon, Pelampung Tong. dll'),
(4404,'002014002','MEJA ANGKAT SUMPAH AHLI DEWAN','002014','2013-12-26
03:28:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kelengkapan perabot (Set Meja dan Kerusi) yang
digunakan untuk acara-acara rasmi seperti pertabalan, angkat sumpah yang diperbuat
khusus dan berkualiti tingggi.'),(4405,'004013073','GEOMETRICS
SMARTSEIS','004013','2013-12-26 04:06:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti kajibumi bagi gegaran, kelembapan, keseimbangan. Ianya
terdiri dari pelbagai jenis seperti Seismograf dll'),(4406,'008005057','ANALYSER
COOLING SYSTEM','008005','2013-12-27 03:46:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
yang digunakan untuk membuat analisa sistem penyejukan (aircon) pada kenderaan,
sistem penyejuk lain yang digunakan secara set perkakasan analisa.'),
(4407,'008011018','AMATURE TESTING GROWLER/ GEGELUNG STARTER','008011','2013-12-30
01:07:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/ Mesin yang digunakan untuk
pembelajaran/ penyelenggaraan kenderaan bertujuan untuk menguji kelancaran medan
magnet yang dihasilkan oleh gegelung starter motor (amature coil). Ianya terdiri
dari palbagai jenama seperti Growler, Starter Growler Testing, dll '),
(4408,'008011019','RECOVERY / RECYCLING GAS AIRCOND MACHINE','008011','2013-12-30
01:21:25','2013-12-30 09:21:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan
sebagai peralatan pembelajaran/ penyelenggaraan untuk memasukan gas aircond baru
atau mengeluarkan gas aircond lama dari sistem penghawa dingin kenderaan. Ianya
terdiri dari pelbagai jenis seperti Gas Recovery Machine, Gas Recycling Machine
dll'),(4409,'002001032','MESIN PEMBERSIH','002001','2013-12-30 04:37:29','2015-11-
04 10:13:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin untuk membersih, mencuci lantai/
habuk/hampagas/melekul kecil/sampah kecil dan lain-lain. Ianya terdiri dari
pelbagai jenis/jenama seperti Vacuum Machine , Cleaaning Machine.'),
SYSTEM','008011','2014-01-02 01:42:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan sebagai bahan pembelajaran/penyelenggaraan di bengkel bagi aktiviti
menguji, membaiki sistem multimedia pada kenderaan. Ianya terdapat pelbagai jenis
dan jenama seoerti Multimedia Test System, Capable Mobile Test Audio System dll'),
(4411,'008011021','INJECTION NOZZLE TESTER','008011','2014-01-02 02:15:41','2014-
01-02 10:19:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
penyelenggaraan, pembaikan dan pembelajaran di bengkel. Ianya terdapat perbagai
jenis/jenama seperti Injection Test, Injection Nozzle Tester, Nozzle Machine Taster
dll.'),(4412,'004014107','STROBOSCOPE','004014','2014-01-03 02:36:32','2014-01-03
10:38:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengukur sebarang
kelajuan, putaran, pencahayaan, dalam eksperimen sains. Ianya terdapat pelbagai
jenis/jenama seperti Ultra Stroboscope, Pioneer Stroboscope dll'),
(4413,'004014108','VIDEO SPECTRAL COMPARATOR','004014','2014-01-06
03:10:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pengujian, penyelidikan di makmal'),(4414,'004014109','ELECTROSTATIC DETECTION
APPARATUS','004014','2014-01-06 03:14:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti penyelidikan, pengujian.'),(4415,'007001028','TELESCOPIC
SEARCH MIRROR','007001','2014-01-06 04:28:36','2014-01-06
12:40:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti pencegahan
keselamatan. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama. jenis seperti Under Vehicle Search
Mirror, Telescopic Mirror dll'),(4416,'007001029','MESIN PENCUCI GARI/ HAND CUFF
CLLEANER','007001','2014-01-06 04:37:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin
yang digunakan untuk mencuci, membersih gari'),(4417,'001003017','MAIN FRAME DATA
CENTRE/NETWORK','001003','2014-02-10 08:44:09','2014-10-10
17:43:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menyimpan data atau
pusat pemerosesan data (CPU) atau kawalan data. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai
jenama/jenis seperti System Z10, IBM Data Centre, FTTH Gpon OLT, Network Gateway
dll'),(4418,'002001033','MESIN STEPLER ELEKTRIK','002001','2014-02-10
09:10:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk membuat
kerja-kerja menyimpan, mengasingkan dokumen atau surat.'),(4419,'003008009','BEKAS
MELETAK MINUMAN/BUCKET WITH STAND','003008','2014-02-12 08:29:53','2014-02-12
16:44:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan digunakan untuk menyimpan
botol minuman untuk tujuan semasa hidangan. Ianya terdiri pelbgi jenama dan jenis
seperti Wine Bucket With Stand. '),(4420,'003008010','BAKERY REFRIGERATORS/RAK
KUIH','003008','2014-02-13 09:58:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk mempamerkan, meletakan, makanan seperti kuih, kek dll. Ianya
terdiri dari pelbagai jenis/jenama seperti Display Fridge, Bakery Rak, Cabinat
Kuih'),(4421,'003008011','MESIN PEMANAS PINGGAN','003008','2014-03-05
04:16:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralaatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk
memanaskan pinggan'),(4422,'008002052','MESIN PENGIMBAS MUDAH ALIH','008002','2014-
03-05 09:37:48','2019-02-13 09:11:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang
digunakan untuk mengimbas bagasi dan mengesan sebarang barangan terlarang seperti
dadah dll, biasanya ditempatkan dipintu masuk utama negara seperti dilapangan
terbang. Kem/Jab hendaklah mengawal penggunaan secara peentadbiran dalaman
sekiranya alat ini digunakan bagi aktiviti keselamatan agensi. Ianya terdiri dari
pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Smith Detection, Smith Hainan, Rapiscan dll'),
(4423,'007010001','KENDERAAN KESELAMATAN DARAT','007010','2014-03-06
02:31:45','2016-08-11 16:42:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Semua jenis kenderaan yang
digunakan untuk tujuan keselamatan mengikut fungsi Jabatan seperti PDRM dan
Kementah. Ianya terdapat pelbagai jenis/jenama seperti POLARIS DEFENSE VEHICLE, ALL
KESELAMATAN UDARA','007010','2014-03-06 02:32:16','2014-03-06
10:33:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Semua jenis kenderaan yang digunakan untuk tujuan
keselamatan mengikut fungsi Jabatan seperti PDRM dan Kementah.'),
(4425,'007010003','KENDERAAN KESELAMATAN AIR','007010','2014-03-06
02:32:57','2014-03-06 10:33:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Semua jenis kenderaan yang
digunakan untuk tujuan keselamatan mengikut fungsi Jabatan seperti PDRM dan
Kementah.'),(4426,'004018022','PORTABLE EYEWASH','004018','2014-03-19
09:25:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk membersih mata
atau penglihatan manusia.'),(4427,'010006038','TRAY LIGHT CURE','010006','2014-03-
19 10:10:42','2014-03-19 18:14:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang
digunakan untuk merawat gigi'),(4428,'010006039','THERMOPRESS INJECTION
SYSTEM','010006','2014-03-27 02:16:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peraalatan yang
digunakan untuk rawatan pergigian'),(4429,'010006040','WAX INDUCTION HEATING
UNIT','010006','2014-03-27 03:05:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/mesin yang
digunakan untuk rawatan pergigian'),(4430,'002002032','PENGEWAP PAKAIAN/GARMENT
STEAMER','002002','2014-03-28 08:06:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin
yang digunakan untuk mengeringkan pakaian atau membentuk/meratakan struktur pada
ULTRA','012005','2014-04-11 01:52:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
elektronik yang digunakan untuk menganalisa atau mengesan sesuatu putaran atau
gerakan pada mesin, enjin pada kapal.'),(4432,'008013001','MARINE OIL HYDRAULIC
TRAINING MACHINE','008013','2014-04-11 02:00:31','2019-02-13
10:10:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan sebagai peralatan
pembelajaran di bengkel Kejuruteran Marin'),(4433,'008013002','FILTER PRESS
STAINER','008013','2014-04-11 02:01:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk tujuan pembelajaran di bengkel Kejuruteraan Marin'),
(4434,'008013003','MULTI VALVE TRAINING MACHINE','008013','2014-04-11
08:59:34','2019-02-13 10:10:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
tujuan pembelajaran bengkel Kejuruteraan Marin '),(4435,'008013004','LUB OIL
PURIFIER','008013','2014-04-11 09:01:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk pembelajaran di bengkel Kejuruteraan Marin'),
(4436,'008013005','HEAT EXCHANGER','008013','2014-04-11
09:06:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk tujuan
pembelajaran di bengkel Kejuruteraan Marin.'),(4437,'008013006','VARIABLE PITCH
PROPELLER','008013','2014-04-11 09:15:00','2014-04-11
17:43:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk pembelajaran di
bengkel Kejuruteraan Marin'),(4438,'008013007','WORK ON AIR COMPRESSOR TRAINING
MACHINE','008013','2014-04-11 09:16:28','2019-02-13
10:11:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk pembelajaran di
bengkel Kejuruteraan Marin '),(4439,'008013008','ENGINE DIESEL
09:17:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunkan untuk pembelajaran di
bengkel Kejuruteraan Marin'),(4440,'008013009','ENGINE V8 ON STAND/MAN TRAINING
MACHINE','008013','2014-04-11 09:19:55','2019-02-13
10:11:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk tujuan pembelajaran
dibengkel Kejuruteraan Marin'),(4441,'008013010','AIR CONDITIONER MARIN TRAINING
MACHINE','008013','2014-04-11 09:22:48','2019-02-13
10:13:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk tujuan pembelajaran
di bengkel Kejuruteraan Marin'),(4442,'006004011','FILM FREE SHRINK
TESTER','006004','2014-04-11 09:55:22','2019-02-12
16:28:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk menganalisis
filem di bilik penapisan video'),(4443,'002001034','MESIN
PERFORATORS','002001','2014-04-11 10:05:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
yang digunakan untuk mencetak maklumat .'),
07:00:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengukur
kedudukan aras/dasar dengan objek/sasaran.'),(4445,'007002017','LIGHTING PROTECTION
SYSTEM (ASET TAK ALIH)','007002','2014-04-16 07:13:15','2017-11-23
10:38:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunkan untuk perlindungan fizikel
fasiliti daripada penahan kilat'),(4446,'008013011','CUTWAY VALVE','008013','2014-
04-16 07:30:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan bagi tujuan
pembelajaran di bengkel kejuruteraan marin'),(4447,'008013012','GEAR REDUCTION
','008013','2014-04-16 07:33:16','2014-04-16
15:33:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk tujuan pembelajaran
di bengkel Kejuruteraan Marin'),(4448,'008013013','FAN DUCTING TRAINING
MACHINE','008013','2014-04-16 07:35:34','2019-02-13
10:13:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk tujuan pembelajaran
dibengkel Kejuruteraan Marin '),(4449,'008013014','MARINE
GEARBOX/YX150L','008013','2014-04-16 07:37:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
yang digunakan untuk tujuan pembelajaran dibengkel Kejuruteraan Marin'),
(4450,'008013015','MARINE STEERING SIMULATOR','008013','2014-04-16
07:41:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk tujuan
pembelajaran di bengkel Kejuruteraan Marin'),(4451,'008013016','INJECTOR NOZZLE
TESTER','008013','2014-04-16 07:46:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan tujuan pembelajaran dibengkel Kejuruteraan Marin'),
(4452,'015002026','KERUSI PENGADIL','015002','2014-04-16
08:20:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kerusi pengadil yang digunakan untuk pelbagai
aktiviti sukan'),(4453,'008013017','WORK REFRIGERATION UNIT','008013','2014-04-16
09:42:00','2014-04-16 17:42:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
tujuan pembelajaran di bengkel Kejuruteran Marin'),(4454,'008013018','WATER TIGHT
HATCH','008013','2014-04-16 09:43:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk tujuan pembelajaran di bengkel Kejuruteraan Marin'),
(4455,'008013019','AIR STARTING SYSTEM TRAINING MACHINE','008013','2014-04-16
09:45:05','2019-02-13 10:14:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
tujuan pembelajaran di bengkel Kejuruteraan Marin'),(4456,'008013020','ANALYSIS LAB
SET','008013','2014-04-16 09:47:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk tujuan pembelajaran di bengkel Kejuruteraan Marin'),
(4457,'008013021','EIGHT PUMP DEMOTRATION TEST','008013','2014-04-16
09:49:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk tujuan
pembelajaran di bengkel Kejuruteraan Marin'),(4458,'008013022','VERTICAL COUPLING
SHAFT','008013','2014-04-16 09:52:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yanag
digunakan untuk tujuan pembelajaran di bengkel Kejuruteraaan Marin'),
(4459,'008013023','ALIGNMENT SET MANUAL MARIN','008013','2014-04-16
09:54:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk tujuan
pembelajaran di bengkel Kejuruteraan Marin'),(4460,'010010010','DIABETIC SET
TRAINER','010010','2014-04-25 08:36:24','2014-04-25
16:39:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kit pembelajaran '),(4461,'010010011','HEART
CONDITION','010010','2014-04-25 08:37:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kid
pembelajaran'),(4462,'004014110','LASTING ADHESIVE TESTER','004014','2014-04-29
03:43:08','2014-04-29 11:58:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan
untuk penyelidikan di makmal-makmal\n<br>RT-01 rub tester is professionally
applicable to the abrasion resistance test of surface coating layers of printed
materials, e.g. ink layer or photosensitive (PS) coating. This instrument could
effectively analyze the problems of poor abrasion resistance, ink layer falling
off, and bad hardness of coating layers of printed materials. '),
(4463,'004014111','WATER VAPOUR PERMEABILITY','004014','2014-04-29 07:12:45','2014-
04-29 15:42:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan bagi tujuan
penyelidikan di makmal. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis.\n<br>The
instrument operates according to the dynamic measuring method used successfully for
decades which has since become standard. The specimen fixed a self-adhesive mask is
used as a barrier between a space with a saturated atmosphere and the measuring
space with low reletive humidity, The extremely sensitive moisture sensor on AIO'),
(4464,'004014112','SAMPLE MAKER SYSTEM','004014','2014-04-29
08:19:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk membuat
pengujian di makmal.'),(4465,'004014113','LABORATORY CORE SAND
TESTER','004014','2014-04-29 08:41:35','2014-04-29
17:25:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk membuat
pelbagai pengujian pada pasir. Ianya terdapat dalam pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti
Sand Rapmmer, Sand Strength Machine, Sand Digital Absolute Premmeter, dll'),
(4466,'008001089','SHRINK PACKING MACHINE','008001','2014-04-29 09:00:40','2019-02-
12 21:23:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan '),
(4467,'008002053','TECH DESIGN TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION SYSTEM','008002','2014-04-29
09:11:21','2014-04-29 17:16:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan
untuk aktiviti rekabentuk grafic seperti Labvolt/ computer/ plastic
manufacturing.'),(4468,'008001090','TABLE TOP VACUUM CHAMBER','008001','2014-04-29
09:29:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan dibengkel'),
(4469,'010008051','WATER DISTILLER','010008','2014-04-30
03:36:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk menapis
air'),(4470,'010002050','CAUTORY MACHINE','010002','2014-04-30 03:42:38','2014-04-
30 11:44:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk membuat
rawatan kepada pesakit.\n<br><br>The Valleylab SSE2L is an electrosurgical unit
that provides cutting and coagulation in monopolar biploar or micropolar outputs.
Preset blended cutting modes provide optimum hemostasis during cutting. REM Return
Electrode Monitoring is optional.'),(4471,'008011022','SYSTEM DIAGNOSTIC
TOOL','008011','2014-04-30 08:42:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk membuat trouble shooting sistem enjin, sistem elektrik dan
elektronik pada kenderaan'),(4472,'008011023','ENGINE DYNAMOMETER','008011','2014-
05-05 00:39:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
aktiviti pembelajaran bengkel automotif '),(4473,'008011024','CHASIS
DYNAMOMETER','008011','2014-05-05 00:43:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
yang digunakan untuk aktiviti bengkel automotif'),(4474,'008011025','RIM ADJUSTER
STAND','008011','2014-05-05 00:46:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti pembelajaran di bengkel'),
03:32:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengukur '),
03:32:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk kerja
mengukur'),(4478,'009006003','JAM MATAHARI','009006','2014-05-08
03:33:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengukur
kedudukan matahari'),(4479,'009006004','TONGKAT ISTIWA','009006','2014-05-08
03:34:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralata yang digunakan untuk mengukur '),
(4480,'009006005','SKY ROVER CCD COLOR CAMERA','009006','2014-05-08
03:37:08','2014-05-08 11:43:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
kajian pencahayaan'),(4482,'002014003','COP MOHOR BESAR RAJA-RAJA','002014','2014-
05-12 00:54:30','2014-07-08 11:19:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan
untuk acara rasmi.'),(4483,'008014001','PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC
CONTROLLER','008014','2014-05-12 08:39:02','2014-05-12
16:41:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk tujuan aktiviti
pembelajaran dibengkel elektrik'),(4484,'008014002','CHANNEL LOGIC
ANALYZER','008014','2014-05-12 08:42:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti pembelajaran di bengkel elektrik'),
(4485,'008014003','UNIVERSAL PROGRAMMER','008014','2014-05-12 08:48:07','2014-05-12
16:48:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti pembelajaran
di bengkel elektronik'),(4486,'011001032','SET PERALATAN ANGKAT
BERAT','011001','2014-05-14 07:32:00','2014-07-21
08:49:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Set Peralatan angkat berat yang digunakan sebagai
aktiviti Gimnasium yang terdiri dari pelbagai komponen seperti Bar Bell, Star Trac,
Fixed Weight Dumbell, Weight Lifting Platform,Vertical Weight Tree-Hypoxy, Squat
Rack dll. Ianya hendaklah didaftarkan bersekali (Set).'),(4487,'015007003','MOBILE
PEDASTAL','015007','2014-05-15 08:42:54','2014-05-15
16:44:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kabinet/Rak Pedastal yang boleh bergerak yang
bersaiz kecil'),(4488,'008014004','AUTOMATIC OIL TESTER SET','008014','2014-05-16
02:59:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pengujian untuk menguji tebatan dan
kendalian minyak mineral. Ianya digunakan diaktiviti bengkel pembelajaran.'),
(4489,'008014005','POWER FACTOR CORRECTION UNIT','008014','2014-05-16
09:12:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan untuk membetulkan dan membaiki bacaan
faktor kuasa. Ianya digunakan dibengkel untuk tujuan latihan.'),
(4490,'008014006','POWER FACTOR METER/AC MOTOR','008014','2014-05-16
09:18:52','2014-06-05 16:38:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
mengukur faktor kuasa untuk aktiviti latihan dibengkel. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai
jenama seperti Capacitor Stand Motor, Split Pole Motor, Universal Motor, Repilson
Motor, dll '),(4491,'008014007','PRESURE TEST SET','008014','2014-05-16
09:24:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menguji
ketahanan kabel, busbar dan mengalirkan voltan DC. Ianya digunakan untuk aktiviti
latihan di bengkel.'),(4492,'008014008','PRIMARY INJECTION TEST
SET','008014','2014-05-27 03:28:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti latihan dibengkel pembelajaran'),(4493,'008014009','RCD
TESTER','008014','2014-05-27 03:31:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti pembelajaran dibengkel'),(4494,'008014010','SECONDARY
INJUCTION TEST','008014','2014-05-27 03:37:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
yang digunakan untuk aktiviti pembelajaran dibengkel'),(4495,'008014011','CABLE
SPIKE TOOL','008014','2014-05-27 03:40:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti pembelajaran dibengkel'),(4496,'008014012','CT METERING
BOARD','008014','2014-05-27 03:41:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti pembelajaran dibengkel'),(4497,'007003019','GLOCK REAR
FRONT SIGHT MOUNTING TOOL','007003','2014-06-03
08:52:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengimbangi
sasaran senjatapi bagi tujuan latihan menembak.'),(4498,'008014013','ELECTRONIC
DRIVE TEST','008014','2014-06-04 01:29:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti pembelajaran di bengkel'),(4499,'008014014','FLASH
TESTER','008014','2014-06-04 01:31:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti pembelajaran dibengkel'),(4500,'008014015','GENERATOR SET
AC-DC MOTOR','008014','2014-06-05 08:40:03','2015-01-14
11:52:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti latihan
dibengkel. Ia digunakan untuk simulasi perjalanan tenaga elektrik menggunakan AC
Motor dan DC Motor. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama seperti DC Compound Machine,
DC Shunt Machine, DC Genarator Set, Current Transformer dll'),
(4501,'008014016','CHARGEMAN TRAINNING UNIT','008014','2014-06-05
08:41:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti latihan
dibengkel. Ianya digunakan untuk simulasi dan pengoperasian latihan kendalian
sistem scada. '),(4502,'008014017','LIVE ALERT SAFETY VOLTAGE
DETECTOR','008014','2014-06-05 08:43:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti latihan dibengkel untuk memeriksa arus elektrik pada kadar
yang tinggi '),(4503,'008014018','PROGAMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER','008014','2014-06-05
08:45:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk pembelajaran
simulasi dan pengoperasian latihan kendalian pengaturcaraan kawalan logic.'),
(4504,'004020002','DRIVE SYSTEM KIT/UNIVERSAL COUPLING','004020','2014-06-16
01:05:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan sebagai aktiviti
pembelajaran di bengkel.'),(4505,'004020003','FRICTION IN INCLINED PLANE
KIT','004020','2014-06-16 01:06:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti pembelajaran dibengkel.'),
02:26:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk membuat
peengujian/penyelidikan kepekatan sesuatu makanan/cecair.'),
(4507,'002014004','TUKUL MAHKAMAH','002014','2014-06-16
03:41:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk acara rasmi
seperti di mahkamah oleh hakim.'),(4508,'007003020','SHOOTING TARGET CONTROL SYSTEM
(ASET TAK ALIH)','007003','2014-06-16 08:17:38','2017-11-23
10:38:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Sistem pengawalan sasaran untuk latihan
penembakan dalam lapang sasar/tertutup. Ianya dibekal bersekali dengan PA System,
CPU, Moniter dan Motor.'),(4509,'007003021','LIFE FIRE SCREEN
SIMULATOR','007003','2014-06-16 08:23:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sistem latihan
penembakan simulator menggunakan peluru hidup. Itemnya termasuk skrin layar, LCD
Projektor, Camera Laser dan Komputer Riba'),(4510,'008014019','WIRING
BAY','008014','2014-06-16 08:53:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti pembelajaran dibengkel.'),(4511,'008014020','LOW VOLTAGE
MAIN SWITCHBOARDS','008014','2014-06-16
08:56:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pembelajaran dibengkel seperti membuat pendawaian , pengujian dan selenggara kotak
suis utama.'),(4512,'008014021','LOAD BANK FOR LV AND PFC SYSTEM','008014','2014-
06-16 09:24:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviri
pembelajaran di bengkel '),(4513,'008014022','KWH METERING','008014','2014-06-16
09:36:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralaatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pembelajaran dibengkel. Ianya digunakan untuk latihan pemasangan, pengujian dan
selenggara meter arus elektrik.'),(4514,'002002033','MESIN PENGILAT LANTAI (MACHINE
FLOOR POLISHER)','002002','2014-06-19 04:46:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin
yang digunakan untuk mengilatkan lantai'),(4515,'013001009','KERETA
GOKART','013001','2014-06-20 08:12:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kereta yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti permainan sukan riadah'),(4516,'010004055','SHOULDER
EXERCISE LADDER','010004','2014-06-23 01:23:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
yang digunakan untuk aktiviti pemilihan dan carakerja'),
(4517,'010004056','HYDROCOLLATOR HEATING/HOT PACS','010004','2014-06-23
01:25:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk pemulihan dan
carakerja'),(4518,'010004057','TRACTION UNIT','010004','2014-06-23
01:33:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pemulihan dan carakerja'),(4519,'008010005','SET KIT KEJURUTERAAN
TELEKOMUNIKASI','008010','2014-07-01 04:06:53','2015-12-14
17:42:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti pembelajaran
di bengkel. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis yang diperolehi.'),
(4520,'010004058','ROLYAN INCLINE BOARD','010004','2014-07-01
08:29:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk terapi
pemulihan'),(4521,'010004059','HEATING PAN FOR SPLINTING','010004','2014-07-01
08:32:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk pemulihan
carakerja'),(4522,'010002051','ACUPUNCTURE ELECTRIC STIMULATION 5
OUTPUT','010002','2014-07-02 03:52:21','2014-07-02
11:53:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
penyelidiakan.'),(4523,'008001091','IN SITU REPLICA METALLURGY SET','008001','2014-
07-02 08:43:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk kerja
penyelenggaraan dan pembaikan kimpalan'),(4524,'008002054','FIBER OPTIC
CLEAVER','008002','2014-07-03 08:53:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk kerja-kerja bengkel bagi tujuan mengawal, mengukur dan memotong
arus elektrik (Elektrik Cut Cutting Tool).'),(4525,'008002055','FUSION
SPLICER','008002','2014-07-03 08:58:13','2014-07-03
16:59:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk melaksanakan kerja-
kerja pengukuran arus elektrik.\n\n<br><br>Fusion Splicing is the act of joining
two optical fiber end to end using heat.'),(4528,'004014115','OPTICAL TALK
SET','004014','2014-07-04 08:14:06','2014-07-04
16:17:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk kerja-kerja
memadamkan perantaran suara (digital voice transmision). Ianya terdiri dari
pelbagai jenis/jenama seperti Fiberoptica, '),(4529,'008015001','GALVANI
MACHINE','008015','2014-07-07 03:28:06','2014-07-07
11:31:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk membuat rawatan muka
dan badan. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama dan jenis seperti Galvanic Machine,
High Frequency, Vacuum Galvanic dll'),(4527,'008002056','OPTICAL TIME DOMAIN
REFLECTOMETER','008002','2014-07-04 07:29:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
yang digunakan untuk mengukur parameter-parameter seperti pelemahan (attenuation),
panjang, kehilangan pencerai dan penyambung dalam sistem telekomunikasi serat
optik. Ianya merupakan peralatan optoelektronik yang terdapat dalam pelbagai jenis
dan jenama.'),(4530,'008015002','MICRO CURRENT MACHINE','008015','2014-07-07
03:37:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk membuat rawatan
muka atau badan. Ia terdiri dari pelbagai jenama dan jenis seperti Faradic
Machine, Ultra Sound Machine dll.'),(4531,'008015003','GYRATORY MASSAGER
G5','008015','2014-07-07 03:43:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk membuat rawatan badan'),(4532,'008015004','SAUNA
CABINET','008015','2014-07-07 03:43:54','2015-05-19
10:00:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan badan seperti
Sauna, Steambath dll'),(4533,'008015005','FACIAL STEAMER','008015','2014-07-07
03:48:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan muka'),
(4534,'008015006','MAGNIFYING LAMP','008015','2014-07-07 03:49:08','2014-07-07
11:57:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan muka seperti
Magnifying Lamp, Infrared Lamp, Lamp Skin Analyser dll'),(4535,'008015007','POT
HEATER','008015','2014-07-07 03:50:25','2014-07-07
15:14:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan manicure,
pedicure, waxixng pada muka. Ianya terdapat dalam pelbagai jenis atau jenama
seperti Foot Bath, Pot Heater dll'),(4536,'008015008','HOT BLANKET','008015','2014-
07-07 07:17:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk
membuat rawatan badan.'),(4537,'008015009','HOT TOWEL CABINET','008015','2014-07-07
07:23:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mensteril tuala
dan peralatan kecantikan'),(4538,'008015010','JACUZZI','008015','2014-07-07
07:24:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan
kecantikan dan kesihatan'),(4539,'008015011','FACIAL BED/MASSAGE
BED','008015','2014-07-07 07:38:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk rawatan kecantikan dan kesihatan.'),(4540,'008011026','AUTOMOTIVE
PART CLEANER','008011','2014-07-07 08:05:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
yang digunakan untuk kerja-kerja mencuci bahagian alat ganti (part)'),
(4541,'008011027','OXY ACETYLENE TORCH KIT','008011','2014-07-07
08:10:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk pateri
(welding)'),(4542,'008011028','TYRE INFLATOR','008011','2014-07-07
08:20:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pembelajaran di bengkel latihan.'),(4543,'007011001','PERAKAM RISIKAN
AUDIO','007011','2014-07-08 00:31:29','2015-12-16
16:06:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk tugas-tugas
keselamatan yang terdapat dalam pelbagai jenis dan jenama bagi rakaman berbentuk
audio. Ianya adaalh alat pengesan penipuan seperti Polygraf dll'),
(4544,'007011002','PERAKAN RISIKAN VIDEO','007011','2014-07-08
00:32:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk tugas-tugas
keselamatan yang terdapat dalam pelbagai jenis dan jenama bagi rakaman berbentuk
video.'),(4545,'007008010','MULTIPURPOSE LOCATING SYSTEM','007008','2014-07-21
07:52:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk keselamatan
kawalan pergerakan atau persekitaran atau kawasan larangan. Ianya terdapat pelbagai
jenis seperti Camera Location System, Key Lock System dll '),
(4546,'008014023','MECHATRONIC COMPACT TRAINING SYSTEM','008014','2014-07-21
08:21:55','2014-07-21 16:26:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
aktiviti pembelajaran dibengkel. Ianya terdapat dalam pelbagai jenis seperti
Mechatronic Compact, Mechatronic Flexible Production dll.'),
(4547,'008001092','SMOKING MACHINE','008001','2014-08-07
08:54:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk membuat,
menganalis, membungkus rokok. Ianya terdapat dalam pelbagai jenama dan jenis
seperti Cerulean dll'),(4548,'002003048','INTERACTIVE CUSTOMER TERMINALS
(ICT)','002003','2014-09-12 02:46:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'sedang
dikemaskini'),(4549,'012001030','MESIN TRIMMER POKOK','012001','2014-09-15
04:10:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk memotong
serta membentuk pelbagai pokok, rumput, pokok hiasan dll'),
(4550,'002003049','SERVICE KIOSK','002003','2014-09-18
DRIER','004001','2014-09-19 02:19:40','2019-02-13 09:51:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A
simple hot air dryer will suffice when you need to remove surface moisture from
non-hygroscopic resins. A hot air dryer works very simply. It consists of a heater
blower unit mounted on drying hopper and a control for the HB'),
(4552,'004011009','POROUS LOAD STERILIZER','004011','2014-09-19 02:39:51','2019-02-
13 14:52:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin yang digunakan untuk menyahkuman
menggunakan wap panas'),(4553,'004011010','UV WATER STERILIZER SYSTEM (ASET TAK
ALIH)','004011','2014-09-19 02:46:02','2017-11-23
150MM','008001','2014-09-23 00:52:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'ACUAN YANG
KETARA)','001008','2014-09-23 03:20:36','2019-02-12
09:10:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Perisian untuk pembelajaran '),
(4557,'002015001','UNITRAIN INTERFACE LUCAS NULLE SO4203-2A','002015','2014-09-23
NULLE SO4203-2B','002015','2014-09-23 03:31:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
CABLE','002015','2014-09-23 03:32:27','2014-09-23
11:32:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'LUCAS NULLE SO4203-2A'),(4560,'002015004','EXTENDED
POWER SUPPLY LUCAS NULLE SO4203-2D','002015','2014-09-23
MODULE LUCAS NULLE SO4204-5A','002015','2014-09-23
MODULE LUCAS NULLE SO4204-5K','002015','2014-09-23
03:36:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4563,'002015007','TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER
TECHNOLOGY MODULE LUCAS NULLE SO4204-5H','002015','2014-09-23
MODULE LUCAS NULLE SO4204-5D','002015','2014-09-23
03:39:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4565,'002015009','POWER SEMICONDUCTOR
DEVICES MODULE LUCAS NULLE SO4204-5P','002015','2014-09-23
03:40:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4566,'002015010','ANALOGUE POWER SUPPLY
MODULE LUCAS NULLE SO4204-5R','002015','2014-09-23
03:43:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4567,'002015011','SWITCHED MODE POWER
SUPPLIES MODULE LUCAS NULLE SO4204-5S','002015','2014-09-23 03:43:37','2014-09-23
11:55:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4568,'002015012','DC TECHNOLOGY MODULE LUCAS
NULLE SO4204-4D','002015','2014-09-23 03:56:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4569,'002015013','AC TECHNOLOGY MODULE LUCAS NULLE SO4204-4F','002015','2014-09-23
04:11:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4570,'002015014','THREE PHASE TECHNOLOGY
MODULE LUCAS NULLE SO4204-4H','002015','2014-09-23
LUCAS NULLE SO4204-4B','002015','2014-09-23 04:13:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
4A','002015','2014-09-23 04:14:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
4C','002015','2014-09-23 04:14:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
9A','002015','2014-09-23 04:16:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
4K','002015','2014-09-23 04:17:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
5M','002015','2014-09-23 04:18:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4577,'002015021','COAXIAL CABLES MODULE LUCAS NULLE SO4204-9D','002015','2014-09-
23 04:24:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4578,'002015022','FIBRE OPTICS MODULE
LUCAS NULLE SO4204-9E','002015','2014-09-23 07:02:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4579,'002015023','FOUR WIRE LINES MODULE LUCAS NULLE SO4204-9F','002015','2014-
09-23 07:03:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4580,'002015024','MEASUREMENTS
TECHNOLOGY MODULE LUCAS NULLE SO4204-9U','002015','2014-09-23
PAM/PCM/DELTA MODULE LUCAS NULLE SO4204-9J','002015','2014-09-23
PTM MODULE LUCAS NULLE SO4204-9K','002015','2014-09-23
07:09:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4584,'002015028','MODEM METHODS ASK,FSK,PSK
MODULE LUCAS NULLE SO4204-9L','002015','2014-09-23
07:11:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4586,'002015030','AM TRANSMISSION AND
07:12:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4587,'002015031','TEST PROBE LUCAS NULLE
LM9036','002015','2014-09-23 07:13:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
9S','002015','2014-09-23 07:14:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
9W85','002015','2014-09-23 07:15:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
KETARA)','001008','2014-09-23 07:17:04','2019-02-12
09:11:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4591,'002015034','NETWORK TECHNOLOGY COURSE
TCP/IP LUCAS NULLE SO4204-9Q','002015','2014-09-23
INTEGRATION LUCAS NULLE SO4204-9R','002015','2014-09-23
','015007','2014-09-23 07:20:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4594,'002003050','PROJECTOR MOUNT (stok)','002003','2014-09-23 07:23:50','2015-04-
29 12:26:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Jika perolehan dibuat bersekali pemasangan oleh
pembekal, pemegang projektor dikategorikan sebagai aset tak alih'),
(4595,'006001005','VHF/UHF TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER','006001','2014-09-23
07:36:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4596,'008005058','HAND HELD
GRINDER/PNEUMATIC ANGLE POLISHER','008005','2014-09-23 07:42:12','2014-10-23
17:01:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk pelbagai
aktiviti dibengkel seperti grinder, polisher dll. Ianya terdiri ddari pelbagai
jenama seperti Hand Grinder Machine, Hand Polisher Machine dll'),
(4597,'008011029','PNEUMATIC GREASE PUMP','008011','2014-09-23
07:43:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4598,'008011030','PORTABLE WASTE OIL
DRAINER','008011','2014-09-23 07:44:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4599,'008001095','HYDRAULIC WRENCH','008001','2014-09-23
LUBRICATOR','008011','2014-09-23 07:46:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4601,'008011032','BRAKE OIL BLEEDER/REFILLER','008011','2014-09-23
07:46:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4602,'008005059','AIR IMPACT WRENCH
450NM','008005','2014-09-23 07:47:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4603,'008005060','AIR IMPACT WRENCH 640NM','008005','2014-09-23
07:48:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4604,'008005061','FLOOR JACK 3
TON','008005','2014-09-23 07:48:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4605,'008001096','TALL TRANSMISSION JACK','008001','2014-09-23
STAND','008011','2014-09-23 07:54:38','2016-10-12
TOOLS','008011','2014-09-23 07:55:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4608,'008011035','FLOOR JACK CRANE 2 TON','008011','2014-09-23
HAMMER','009005','2014-09-24 06:08:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'1. UNTUK
SEAL DRIVER SET','008005','2014-09-24 06:21:17','2014-09-24
BUSHING DRIVER SET','008005','2014-09-24 06:24:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4612,'008005064','SLIDE HAMMER','008005','2014-09-24
06:26:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4613,'008001097','STRAIGHT EDGE
MACHINE','008001','2014-09-24 06:28:43','2014-10-10
10:52:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk kerja mengukur
logam. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Straight Edge Machine,
Coordinate Measuring Machine dll'),(4614,'008002057','STATIC RELAY AND RELAY
PROTECTION','008002','2014-09-24 06:34:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4615,'008002058','SWITCHBOARD DEMOSTRATOR','008002','2014-09-24
06:37:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4616,'004010014','GENERATING STATIONS
SIMULATION LAB (ASET TAK ALIH)','004010','2014-09-24 06:39:20','2017-02-03
11:20:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4617,'008002059','MOTOR FAULT
SIMULATOR','008002','2014-09-24 06:40:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4618,'003003025','ELECTRIC SLICER','003003','2014-09-24
TABLE','004016','2014-09-24 07:26:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4620,'004016013','STAINLESS STEEL TABLE SMALL','004016','2014-09-24
07:31:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4621,'004021001','ELECTRIC SMOKE
CHAMBER','004021','2014-09-24 07:35:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4622,'004022001','ELECTRIC SHRINK WRAPPER','004022','2014-09-24
07:38:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4623,'003003026','ELECTRIC SAUSAGE
STUFFER','003003','2014-09-24 07:40:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4624,'004011011','ELECTRIC RETORT MACHINE','004011','2014-09-24
07:42:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4625,'001003018','PATCH PANEL / Easy
Guard/Slimline 5e 24 Way (STOK)','001003','2014-09-24 07:43:59','2017-02-02
15:41:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4626,'001003019','PATCH PANEL 48 PORT
(STOK)','001003','2014-09-24 07:46:11','2016-02-18
15:12:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4627,'001003020','PATCH PANEL 24 PORT
(STOK)','001003','2014-09-24 07:49:39','2016-02-18
RANGKAIAN/NETWORK APPLIANCE (ASET TAK ALIH)','001003','2014-09-24 07:51:12','2019-
02-11 17:50:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Teknologi peralihan membenarkan pengendali
rangkaian untuk melaksanakan IPv6 manakala peranti legasi dan infrastruktur masih
boleh digunakan untuk menyambung pengguna ke seluruh Internet ( IPv4 atau IPv6) .
Ini boleh dilakukan dengan menggunakan softwires melalui infrastruktur IP silih
ganti, atau untuk menterjemahkan antara kedua-dua teknologi IP.'),
(4629,'003005021','KEBAB GRILLER','003005','2014-09-24
07:53:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4630,'003003027','ICE CUBE
MAKER','003003','2014-09-24 07:56:24','2019-02-12
09:12:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk menghasilkan ais. '),
(4631,'003003028','ELECTRIC GRIDDLE FRYER','003003','2014-09-24
MAKER','003003','2014-09-24 08:01:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4633,'003003030','DOUGH DIVIDER AND ROUNDER','003003','2014-09-24
DEBONER','003003','2014-09-24 08:04:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4635,'003003032','ELECTRIC CAN SEAMER','003003','2014-09-24
08:06:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4636,'003003033','BURGER FORMER
MACHINE','003003','2014-09-24 08:08:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4637,'008005065','PLANE TABLE ALIDADE','008005','2014-09-24
08:14:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4638,'008005066','FIELD DENSITY
APPARATUS','008005','2014-09-24 08:16:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4639,'004014116','CELL SORTER','004014','2014-09-24
09:17:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4640,'004014117','NEXT GENERATION
SEQUENCER','004014','2014-09-24 09:21:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4641,'004014118','AUTOMATED NUCLEIC ACID EXTRACTION SYSYTEM','004014','2014-09-24
09:23:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4642,'004014119','REAL TIME CELL
ANYLYZER','004014','2014-09-24 09:24:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4643,'004014120','ROBOTIC LIQUID HANDLING SYSTEM','004014','2014-09-24
09:25:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4644,'004014121','HIGH CONTENT IN-SITU
CELLULAR ANALYZER','004014','2014-09-24 09:27:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4645,'004014122','IN VIVO IMAGING SYSTEM','004014','2014-09-24
09:27:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4646,'004014123','SPECTRAL IMAGING
SYSTEM','004014','2014-09-24 09:28:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4647,'004014124','INCUBATORS FOR MICROSCOPE','004014','2014-09-24
FOR MICROSCOPE','004014','2014-09-24 09:30:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4649,'004014126','SCANNER HEAD FOR CONFOCAL MICROSCOPE SYSTEM','004014','2014-09-
24 09:32:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4650,'004014127','PHOTO MULTIPLIER TUBE
09:34:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4651,'004014128','LASER FOR CONFOCAL
MICROSCOPE SYSTEM','004014','2014-09-24 09:35:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4652,'004014129','NUCLEOFECTOR ','004014','2014-09-24
09:35:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4653,'004014130','ULTRA LOW TEMPERATURE
FREEZER','004014','2014-09-24 09:36:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4654,'004014131','BIOMEDICAL/LABORATORY FREEZER','004014','2014-09-24
09:37:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4655,'004014132','AUTOMATED SHOE COVER
DISPENSER','004014','2014-09-24 09:37:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4656,'004011012','AIR SHOWER (ASET TAK ALIH)','004011','2014-09-25
00:37:20','2017-11-23 09:50:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4657,'004011013','PASS
BOX','004011','2014-09-25 00:38:18','2019-02-13
yang digunakan untuk mengangkut barangan masuk dan keluar dari bilik bersih. Kotak
ini digunakan secara meluas dalam makmal, hospital, persekitaran farmaseutikal dan
perindustrian ringan'),(4658,'004014133','HYDROGEN PEROXIDE GAS
DETECTOR','004014','2014-09-25 00:39:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4659,'004013074','ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING SYSTEM (EMS) ','004013','2014-09-25
00:40:08','2019-02-13 21:33:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan untuk memantau
faktor persekitaran seperti cahaya, bunyi, suhu, kelembapan, kuasa, kebocoran air,
aliran udara, asap dan banyak lagi. Ia menyimpan rekod terperinci tentang faktor-
faktor tersebut dengan penstriman video secara langsung menggunakan kamera
berkualiti tinggi.'),(4660,'004014134','INDIVIDUALLY VENTILATED CAGE (IVC)
SYSYTEM(WITH AIR HANDLING UNIT)','004014','2014-09-25
00:40:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4661,'004014135','ANIMAL TRANSPORT
UNIT','004014','2014-09-25 00:41:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4662,'004011014','PORTABLE AIR SHOWER ','004011','2014-09-25 00:42:35','2019-02-13
15:12:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan untuk mengeluarkan zarah
permukaan dari personel sebelum memasuki kawasan kerja Cleanroom.'),
(4663,'004011015','CLEAN ROOM HOUSING SYSTEM (ASET TAK ALIH)','004011','2014-09-25
00:43:18','2019-02-13 15:16:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4664,'004016014','CHANGING
STATION','004016','2014-09-25 00:44:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4665,'004016015','BEDDING DISPOSAL WORKSTATION','004016','2014-09-25
00:44:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4666,'004011016','PASS THROUGH CAGE WASHER
(ASET TAK ALIH)','004011','2014-09-25 00:45:33','2017-11-23
09:46:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4667,'004003004','PASS THROUGH CAGE
STERILIZER','004003','2014-09-25 00:46:18','2019-02-13
10:20:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sangkar yang dimuatkan ke dalam ruang sterilisasi
untuk mensterilkan produk biohazard'),(4668,'004014136','MICROINJECTOR,
00:47:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4669,'004018023','MOUSE TAIL ILLUMINATOR
RESTRAINER','004018','2014-09-25 00:48:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4670,'004018024','CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) CHAMBER','004018','2014-09-25
00:49:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4671,'004011017','CLEAN ROOM STICKY MAT
(STOK)','004011','2014-09-25 00:49:52','2017-02-03
11:35:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4672,'004014137','LABORATORY DEWAR
FLASK','004014','2014-09-25 00:50:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4673,'004023001','RACKS FOR ANIMAL CAGES','004023','2014-09-25
GAUGE','004014','2014-09-25 00:54:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4675,'004001028','SOLVENT DISTILLATION','004001','2014-09-25 00:55:13','2019-02-13
09:54:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk menyuling bahan pelarut'),
(4676,'004001029','MINI SPRAY DRYER','004001','2014-09-25 00:55:51','2017-02-03
10:02:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'MAchine Spray Gun Cleaner yang digunakan untuk
kerja-kerja mengecat.'),(4677,'004014139','Cryosistem Storage Tank','004014','2014-
09-25 00:57:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
Microtip','004014','2014-09-25 00:58:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4680,'015001034','MEJA KONKRIT','015001','2014-09-25
00:59:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4681,'004014142',' Dietary Fiber
System','004014','2014-09-25 01:00:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4682,'004014143','Portable Water Activity Meter','004014','2014-09-25
01:01:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4683,'004014144','Ventilated Animal
Transport/ Backup Unit, Type 2 Long Rack','004014','2014-09-25
Chamber','004014','2014-09-25 01:03:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4685,'004014146','Striker Autopsy Saw','004014','2014-09-25
(stok)','004005','2014-09-25 01:04:46','2017-02-03
10:36:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4687,'004014147','Squencer ','004014','2014-09-
25 01:05:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4688,'004016016','PCR Hood ( DNA/RNA UV-
cleaner box )','004016','2014-09-25 01:06:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4689,'004014148','Liquid Handling System','004014','2014-09-25
Machine','004014','2014-09-25 01:08:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4691,'004024001','Shoe Cover Dispenser','004024','2014-09-25
01:09:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4692,'004014150','Pierce Fast Semi-Dry
Blotte','004014','2014-09-25 01:10:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4693,'004001030','THERMOMIXER','004001','2014-09-25 01:11:12','2019-02-13
09:57:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk memanas dan mengadun larutan sebatian
yang boleh dikawal'),(4694,'008001098','ELECTRICAL MACHINE','008001','2014-09-25
01:45:07','2019-02-12 21:26:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Untuk digunakan sebagai alat
bantu mengajar untuk kursus berkaitan electrical machines\nUntuk digunakan bagi
mencatat nilai kelajuan (rpm )motor, voltan bekalan dan janaan (V) arus angkir(Ia),
tork (dayakilas). Kesemua data ini digunakan untuk menganalisis sifat dan prestasi
motor dan mesin elektrik\n'),(4695,'008001099','PIPE THREADING
MACHINE','008001','2014-09-25 01:48:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The machine is
mainly used for cutting, threading and reaming pipe, conduits and rods in both
right and left hand threads'),(4696,'008001100','PIPE BENDING MACHINE
','008001','2014-09-25 01:50:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Untuk digunakan sebagai
alat pembengkokan paip berkapasiti tinggi '),(4697,'008001101','PILLAR DRILLING
MACHINE','008001','2014-09-25 01:51:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4698,'008001102','ARC WELDING SET','008001','2014-09-25
01:52:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4699,'008005067','SOIL COMPACTION
APPARATUS','008005','2014-09-25 02:15:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4700,'008005068','SPECIFIC GRAVITY APPARATUS','008005','2014-09-25
02:16:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4701,'008005069','DIRECT SHEAR
APPARATUS','008005','2014-09-25 02:17:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4702,'008005070','UNCONFINED COMPRESSION APPARATUS','008005','2014-09-25
APPARATUS (ASET TAK ALIH)','008005','2014-09-25 02:23:34','2019-02-13
09:56:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4704,'003005022','BEKAS AIR KELULI/ BOILING PAN
STAINLESS STEEL','003005','2014-09-25 06:42:50','2016-07-28
09:49:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan untuk mengisi atau memasak air seperti
Steel Water Container, Urns Tea (Tempayan Teh), Boiling Pan Stainless Steel dll'),
(4705,'015008012','BED CAMP FOLDING','015008','2014-09-25
06:57:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan sebagai tempat tidur semasa terlibat
dengan operasi yang mengambil masa yang lama.'),(4706,'004013075','LASER
MEASUREMENT SENSORS ','004013','2014-09-25 07:57:17','2019-02-13
21:42:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan untuk mengukur jarak bagi kegunaan
semasa'),(4707,'002010008','PETI KAYU','002010','2014-09-25
08:06:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan sebagai tempat simpanan barang'),
(4708,'010011001','TROLLEY WRAPPING PAPER ','010011','2014-09-26
CUTTER','010011','2014-09-26 01:48:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4710,'010011003','TABLE LINEN INSPECTION WITH ILLUMINATED','010011','2014-09-26
01:49:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4711,'010011004','STERILIZER LOW
TEMPERATURE','010011','2014-09-26 01:50:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4712,'010011005','TROLLEY BODY LIFTING W SCALE HYDRAULIC','010011','2014-09-26
01:51:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4713,'010011006','TROLLEY KAPAN SS W SIDE
01:52:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4714,'010011007','BODY SEPARATOR PLATE FOR
PAEDS','010011','2014-09-26 01:53:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4715,'010011008','TROLLEY CADAVER COVERED','010011','2014-09-26
01:54:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4716,'010011009','REFRIGERATOR MORTUARY 2
01:55:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4717,'010002052','UV LIGHT BOX
G6PD','010002','2014-09-26 01:57:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4837,'004023033','RIPPLE TANK WITH SCREEN','004023','2014-10-23
COMPLETE','010008','2014-09-26 07:29:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4721,'010008055','CTG MACHINE','010008','2014-09-26
BOARD','010009','2014-09-26 07:32:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4723,'010009010','ICE BUCKET','010009','2014-09-26
APPARATUS','010008','2014-09-26 07:35:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4725,'007001031','STEEL BARRIER','007001','2014-09-29 04:01:05','2014-09-29
12:02:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan semasa tugas kawalan orang ramai dan
mengawal ketenteraman awam'),(4726,'010011010','FORMULA DISPENSER','010011','2014-
09-29 05:02:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4727,'010011011','HOLDER (STAND)
HOSPITAL OXYGEN CYLINDER','010011','2014-09-29
DUTY','010011','2014-09-29 05:08:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4729,'010011013','INJECTION STEEL CABINET 7 DRAWERS','010011','2014-09-29
05:10:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4730,'010011014','MIXER (ELECTRONIC
MAJOR)','010011','2014-09-29 05:11:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4731,'010011015','PEAK FLOWMETER ADULT','010011','2014-09-29
05:13:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4732,'010011016','TANK STAINLESS STEEL
120L','010011','2014-09-29 05:14:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4733,'010002053','Medical Oxygen
Tank Pin Index 0.7L (STOK)','010002','2014-09-29 05:21:00','2016-10-24
16:46:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4734,'010002054','Medical Oxygen Tank Bull Nose
3.4L (STOK)','010002','2014-09-29 06:24:28','2016-10-24
16:46:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4735,'010002055','Medical Oxygen Tank Bull Nose
0.7L (STOK)','010002','2014-09-29 06:27:47','2016-10-24
16:46:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4736,'010002056','Medical Oxygen Tank Bull Nose
1.4 m³ (STOK)','010002','2014-09-29 06:29:17','2016-10-24
16:47:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4737,'010002057','MEDICAL OXYGEN TANK PIN INDEX
(STOK)','010002','2014-09-29 06:30:32','2016-10-24
16:47:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan Oxygen Tank yang digunakan untuk
rawatan.'),(4739,'008011036','ENGINE STAND WITHOUT GEARBOX','008011','2014-09-30
04:49:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4740,'008011037','CENTRE JACK ALIGNMENT
PIT','008011','2014-09-30 04:50:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4741,'008001103','OFF CAR WHEEL BALANCER','008001','2014-09-30
(4742,'008005072','UNIVERSAL DIAL INDICATOR SET (MAGNETIC BASE)','008005','2014-09-
30 04:54:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4743,'011007009','MULTIPURPOSE TOWER
SCANNER','008015','2014-09-30 05:06:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'mesin yang
digunakan untuk menganalisis kulit kepala dan rambut'),(4745,'008015013','PERM
ACCELERATOR STAND','008015','2014-09-30 06:10:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'ALAT
UNTUK MENGERITING RAMBUT KEKAL'),(4746,'008015014','MANICURE TABLE','008015','2014-
CHAIR','008015','2014-09-30 06:13:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'DIGUNAKAN SEMASA
MELAKUKAN REFLEKSOLOGI'),(4748,'008015016','MANNIQUIEN HEAD','008015','2014-09-30
MAKE UP OLEH PELAJAR'),(4749,'008015017','BODY MASSAGER','008015','2014-09-30
(4750,'008015018','WAX WARMER','008015','2014-09-30
GALVANIC','008015','2014-09-30 06:19:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'BAGI RAWATAN
FARADIC','008015','2014-09-30 06:20:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'UNTUK RAWATAN
BAGI MENGECILKAN BADAN'),(4753,'008015021','EPILATION MACHINE','008015','2014-09-30
ELEKTRIK'),(4754,'008015022','HOT STONE KIT','008015','2014-09-30
SUAM'),(4755,'008008005','BOUND BUTTON MAKER MACHINE','008008','2014-09-30
HIASAN PADA BAJU WANITA)'),(4756,'008014024','DIGITAL TESTER','008014','2014-09-30
06:40:19','2019-02-13 10:15:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'DIGUNAKAN UNTUK PENGUJIAN
TESTER','008014','2014-09-30 06:41:36','2019-02-13
ELEKTRONIK'),(4758,'008014026','NETWORK AND CABLING SIMULATOR','008014','2014-09-30
06:43:01','2019-02-13 10:16:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'DIGUNAKAN UNTUK MEMBUAT
(4760,'008015024','HAIR CRIMPER','008015','2014-09-30
(4761,'008015025','CURLING TONG','008015','2014-09-30
SEMENTARA'),(4762,'008015026','HOT PRESSING COMB','008015','2014-09-30
SEMENTARA'),(4763,'008015027','HAIR TROLLEY','008015','2014-09-30
(4764,'008015028','TROLLY 3 TIER','008015','2014-09-30
STEAMER','008015','2014-09-30 06:59:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'UNTUK MEWAPKAN
RAMBUT'),(4766,'008015030','THERAPY SKIN ','008015','2014-09-30 07:09:45','2017-06-
14 08:42:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan kecantikan
kulit untuk mengembalikan kulit yang kendur, kering seperti Terapy Skin Machine,
Skin Analyser, Mesin Beaute Forme '),(4767,'008015031','STERILISER','008015','2014-
MANGKUK KECIL DAN SEBAGAINYA'),(4768,'008015032','VAPOURISER','008015','2014-09-30
DIGUNAKAN BERSAMA CAMPURAN HERBA'),(4769,'008015033','MICRO BRUSH','008015','2014-
EFEKTIF DAN MUDAH'),(4770,'008015034','FOOTBATH (JACUZZI FOOT SPA)','008015','2014-
(4771,'008015035','HOOD HAIR DRYER','008015','2014-09-30 07:18:04','2015-01-06
10:53:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk pengeringan
rambut. Ianya terdapat pelbagai jenama dan jenis seperti Hair Dryer (Fixed,
Moveable, Hanging)'),(4772,'008015036','HOT CABINET','008015','2014-09-30
RAWATAN'),(4773,'008015037','HAIR STRAIGHTEN/HIGH FRECUANCY','008015','2014-09-30
07:23:54','2015-05-08 11:41:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
menambah suhu bagi tujuan melurus, membentuk, memanaskan pada pembentukan rambut
seperti High Frecuancy Set, Hair Straighten dll'),(4774,'008015038','WOODS
LAMP','008015','2014-09-30 07:25:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'UNTUK MENGANALISA
KULIT MUKA DAN KULIT KEPALA'),(4775,'008015039','FACIAL GALVANIC','008015','2014-
STEAMER (HOT AND COLD)','008015','2014-09-30
LIANG ROMA'),(4777,'008015041','MANICURE STOOL / TABLE','008015','2014-09-30
08:04:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4778,'008015042','MANICURE AND PEDICURE
SET','008015','2014-09-30 08:05:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'UNTUK RAWATAN KUKU'),
(4779,'008008006','MINI CUTTING MACHINE','008008','2014-09-30
DAN CEPAT'),(4780,'008014027','TROLLY OHP','008014','2014-09-30
08:32:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'TEMPAT MELETAK OHP'),(4781,'015001035','MEJA
MAKMAL','015001','2014-09-30 08:37:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4782,'015001036','MEJA KERJA BENGKEL KAIN','015001','2014-09-30
08:38:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4783,'015001037','MEJA KERJA
STUDIO','015001','2014-09-30 08:39:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4784,'015001038','MEJA KERJA BERLAMPU','015001','2014-09-30
MELUKIS / MELAKAR'),(4785,'008015043','HOT ROLLER','008015','2014-09-30
PELBAGAI BENTUK IKAL'),(4786,'008015044','ROLLER BALL','008015','2014-09-30
CARE)','008015','2014-09-30 08:51:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'POT UNTUK
(FOOT CARE)','008015','2014-09-30 08:52:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'POT UNTUK
LAMP','008015','2014-09-30 08:54:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'DIGUNAKAN SEMASA
SEAL','002002','2014-10-01 03:48:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4792,'004014151','FLAMMABLE TESTER','004014','2014-10-01
SPECTROMETER','004014','2014-10-01 09:29:01','2015-12-22
11:47:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4794,'004014153','BOND MAX
AUTOSTAINER','004014','2014-10-02 08:17:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Automating
the entire staining process of dewaxing through to immunohistochemistry, ISH,
and/or counterstaining, the Bond-X and Bond-maX systems feature innovative
covertile technology, ensuring superior staining quality and reproducibility while
protecting the integrity of the tissue. Capable of processing up to 3 x 10 slide
batches per module, the systems have the ability to run multiple protocols per
batch and start each batch at different times or simultaneously. Other features
include slide and vial reagent bar coding to minimze the potential for error and a
sophisticated reagent management system that allows reagent inventory to be managed
both onboard and while in storage'),(4795,'004014154','CRYOSTAT','004014','2014-10-
02 08:20:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Cryostat features superior user
comfort with excellent safety standards for practically all types of
cryosectioning applications. It is the instrument of choice for all cryosectioning
research '),(4796,'004014155','QIACUBE','004014','2014-10-02
08:23:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'QIACube is the solution for fully automated
extraction of RNA, DNA and / or proteins using columns by QIAgen. This will reduce
work hours and will help to obtain standarized results. Enables processing of 12
samples in parallel. \n'),(4797,'004014156','IN CELL ANALYZER','004014','2014-10-02
08:26:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'IN Cell Analyzer 2200 is a super-fast and
sensitive widefield cell imaging system fine-tuned to the needs of the entire high-
content \nimaging workflow. Designed to bring efficiency to your imaging so you can
spend more time on your science, it delivers the flexibility to \nmake both simple
and complex high-throughput high-content assays an everyday reality.\n• From
investigative microscopy to automated high-content screening\n• From organelles
to cells to tissues to whole organisms\n• From fixed end-point assays to extended
live-cell studies'),(4798,'004014157','CELL ANALYSIS SYSTEM (FACS FLOW ANALYSIS
SYSTEM)','004014','2014-10-02 08:29:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The BD
FACSCaliburâ„¢ platform offers a unique modular approach to flow cytometry and
allows users to perform both cell analysis and cell sorting in an innovative single
benchtop '),(4799,'004014158','CELL ANALYSIS SYSTEM (FACS ARIA
III)','004014','2014-10-02 08:38:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The BD FACSAriaâ„¢
III is built on the solid foundation of patented technologies, superior multicolor
performance, and legendary ease-of-use that has led to the unparalleled success of
the BD FACSAria. \nSince the introduction of the first BD FACSAria in 2003, each
successive generation has opened the complex world of cell sorting to a broader
audience of researchers and wider range of applications. Now, the BD FACSAria III
system is even more powerful, dependable, and easy to use. '),
(4800,'004014159','MOTORISED FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPE','004014','2014-10-02
08:40:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The flexibility of the motorized fluorescence
illuminator accommodates multi-color stained specimens.\nThe 8-position mirror
units permit quick changeover of fluorescence colors.'),(4801,'004014160','AMPLISED
BECKMAN COULTER','004014','2014-10-02 08:42:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The
AmpliSpeed slide cycler is an ultra-compact instrument specifically designed for
performing thermal cycling reactions on glass slides. An optimal thermal coupling
with the glass slides is guaranteed using a superior heat transfer technology based
on highly-planar silicon wafers. This system generates extremely homogenous surface
temperatures with effective heating and cooling rates of up to 3°C/sec.'),
(4802,'004014161','HIGH THROUGH GENETIC ANALYSIS FLUIDIGM','004014','2014-10-02
08:44:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Biomark HD system is a high-throughput
real-time PCR system developed by Fluidigm. The system relies on microfluidic valve
technology for sample and reagents handling. The key benefits of the system include
high-throughput (10s of thousand PCR reactions per day possible), low reagent
consumption (nanoliter reaction chambers), reproducible results from populations of
cells down to a single cell. In addition to real-time PCR the system enables
digital PCR measurements and the generation of multiplexed amplicon libraries for
NGS applications.'),(4803,'004023002','Ultramicrotome-Leica','004023','2014-10-02
08:47:37','2014-10-02 17:06:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan untuk memotong sel
yang besar supaya dapat dilihat di mikroskop'),(4804,'004014162','VIDEO MICROSCOPE
KH1000','004014','2014-10-02 08:52:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan untuk
melihat video sel hidup'),(4805,'004014163','QIACUBE NUCLEIC ACID
EXTRACTION','004014','2014-10-02 09:00:03','2014-12-15
14:22:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sistem Robotik Automatik Pengekstrak Nucleic Acid
(Liquid Handling)'),(4806,'004023003','DATA LOGGER','004023','2014-10-02
09:04:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sistem mengukur dan merekod suhu'),
(4807,'004023004','HAZARD EYE WASH','004023','2014-10-03
INSERT INTO `code_005` VALUES (4808,'004012008','ROTATIONAL VACUUM
CONCENTRATOR','004012','2014-10-03 00:38:55','2019-02-13
15:43:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Penumpu vakum rotasi digunakan untuk penyejatan,
pengeringan, pemurnian dan kepekatan sampel. Pelarut sampel menyejat pada suhu
bilik, pada tekanan rendah dan tanpa perlu dibekukan.'),
(4809,'004012009','INTERATED SPEED VACUUM SYSTEM (ASET TAK ALIH)','004012','2014-
10-03 00:41:35','2019-02-13 15:48:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4810,'004007013','VORTEX MIXER','004007','2014-10-03 00:44:57','2019-02-13
11:39:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan dalam makmal untuk menggabungkan
cecair dalam botol kecil.'),(4811,'004023024','THERMOCYCLER (PCR
SYSTEM)','004023','2014-10-03 00:49:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4812,'004023025','FREEZER -20','004023','2014-10-03
00:51:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4813,'002006012','POLORAID INSTANT
CAMERA','002006','2014-10-03 00:56:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
00:59:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4815,'004023027','Transblot Semi Dry
Transfer Cell','004023','2014-10-03 01:02:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4816,'004023028','THERMOCYCLER (GENE LOADER)','004023','2014-10-03
02:09:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4817,'008006008','MEJA ANVIL
STAND','008006','2014-10-10 03:03:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Perlatan yang
digunakan untuk kerja-kerja andas pada logam'),(4818,'008001104','SINE CLAMPING
CONTROL TABLE','008001','2014-10-10 03:17:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Perlatan
yang digunakan untuk mengukur pelbagai sudut'),(4819,'008004012','TROLLEY
OXYGEN','008004','2014-10-10 03:26:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Perlatan
trolley'),(4820,'008011038','INDUCTION MOTOR','008011','2014-10-10
03:32:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Motor yang digunkan untuk bengkel
pembelajaran. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai jenis seperti Three Phase Induction
Motor, Cage Motor Three Phase, Three Phase Slip Ring Motor '),
(4821,'008011039','HEAD LAMP FOCUSING ALIGNER','008011','2014-10-10
03:40:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Perlatan yang digunakan untuk kerja menyelaras
lampu kenderaan'),(4822,'008011040','SPARK PLUG CLEANER AND TESTER','008011','2014-
10-10 09:01:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk
bengkel pengujian atau latihan untuk membersih, mencuci carbon pad tip sppark
plug'),(4823,'008011041','ENGINE TUNING MACHINE','008011','2014-10-10
09:05:43','2014-10-10 17:29:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan
dibengkel latihan pelarasan pada sistem elektronik enjin mengikut standard yang
ditetapkan'),(4824,'008002060','NETWORK ANALYZER ELECTRONIC','008002','2014-10-17
00:52:20','2014-10-23 16:59:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan untuk menganalisa
sistem rangkaian pada peralatan elektronik'),(4825,'004023029','DBS PUNCHER (Wallac
DBS Puncher) Model 1296-071','004023','2014-10-17
02:23:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4826,'004023030','DBS PUNCHER (Wallac DBS
Puncher) Model 1296-071 Delfia','004023','2014-10-17
02:25:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4827,'004023031','AUTO DESICCATOR (Vertical
230 V)','004023','2014-10-17 02:27:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4828,'004023032','Evaporator/Concentrator ','004023','2014-10-17
BIOLOGICAL','010011','2014-10-17 03:52:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4835,'003005023','CENTRAL PLATING CONVEYOR BELT','003005','2014-10-20
00:55:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4836,'003005024','NYLON CHOPPING
BLOCK','003005','2014-10-20 00:59:08','2014-10-20
08:59:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4838,'002002035','PLAN HANGERS STAND
','002002','2014-10-23 06:27:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4839,'008011042','SHOCK ABSOBER SPRING COMPRESSOR CLAMP','008011','2014-10-23
09:05:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
dibengkel bagi tujuan menyelaraskan absober pada kenderaan.'),
(4840,'008011043','CONNECTING ROD ALIGNER','008011','2014-10-23
09:07:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
dibengkel bagi tujuan memeriksa kebengkokan rod enjin.'),
(4841,'008002061','COORDINATE MEASURING MACHINE','008002','2014-10-24
01:00:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'CMMs (Coordinate Measuring Machines) are
systems designed to move a measuring probe in order to determine the coordinates of
points on a work piece surface. A CCM is used in the manufacturing and assembly
processes, for the purpose of testing a part or assembly against the design intent.
By recording the target’s X, Y, and Z coordinates precisely,'),
(4842,'008002062','PROFILE PROJECTOR','008002','2014-10-24
01:03:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Profile Projector technology designed to
display accurate magnification of workpiece for comparision and precision
measurements with data processing. Powerful tool for the measurement and inspection
of precision components, molds, and other objects.'),(4843,'008002063','DOUBLE
FLANK GEAR ROLL TESTER','008002','2014-10-24
01:05:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Double Flank gear testing is considered a
composite testing approach to gear measurement. It measures the \'composite\' of
Index, Helix (lead), Profile and Runout errors in a gear. '),
(4844,'008002064','SMALL CONCENTRICTY TESTING MACHINE','008002','2014-10-24
01:06:39','2014-10-24 09:07:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'As advanced as the technology
is for these machines, just about every shop out is the need to ensure accuracy,
especially when going from job to job operations. So what is the easiest way to
verify runout and concentricity of small parts. The ideal and most practical way to
accurately perform a quality control test.'),(4845,'004013076','LUMITESTER PORTABLE
','004013','2014-10-29 06:44:56','2019-02-13 21:44:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'MENGUJI
(STOK)','004013','2014-10-29 06:48:22','2019-02-13
APPLIANCE','001006','2014-10-29 07:01:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sebuah
peralatan sandaran dan pemulihan di dalam persekitan fizikal dan maya'),
(4848,'001001008','CHASSIS / BLADE SERVER ENCLOSURE','001001','2014-10-29
07:06:22','2017-02-27 11:19:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Enclosure kepada blade
server'),(4849,'004020004','THERMOFORM MACHINE','004020','2014-10-30
08:25:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk membentuk
sesuatu objek bagi tujuan latihan atau pembelajaran'),(4850,'008004013','TRAY
MASKER/PAINTING MIXING SYSTEM','008004','2014-10-31 00:23:23','2014-10-31
08:24:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk kerja mengecat
kenderaaan atau jentera di bengkel '),(4851,'004016017','PCR
CHAMBER','004016','2014-10-31 00:37:58','2014-10-31
08:39:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk kerja-kerja
penyelidikan dan pengujian\n<br><br>This chamber has been designed to help improve
the accuracy of P.C.R.* and general Tissue Culture procedures. The chance for air-
borne contamination during D.N.A. sequencing is greatly reduced.'),
(4852,'008005073','APPARATUS FOR CUBE TEST/ SLUMP TEST','008005','2014-11-03
03:19:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peraltan yang digunakan untuk menguji kekuatan
atau penurunan konkrit dan bahan pembinaan'),(4853,'008001105','EXPOXY INJECTION
PUMP','008001','2014-11-03 03:21:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang
digunakan untuk menutup ruang-ruang rekahan pada bangunan'),
(4854,'010007030','PNEUMATIC TUBE SYSTEM STATION','010007','2014-11-06
02:36:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk proses
mengalisis'),(4855,'004007014','GAUZE CUTTER','004007','2014-11-06 08:55:46','2019-
02-13 11:41:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk memotong
besi'),(4856,'011025012','SOCCER TABLE','011025','2014-11-07
07:17:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan permainan sukan bolasepak indoor atas
meja.'),(4857,'003005025','SINK BERGERAK','003005','2014-11-07 07:51:21','2016-07-
28 09:53:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk kerja pencucian
yang boleh bergerak atau tetap. Ianya terdapat dalam pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti
Stainless Steel Sink Bowl, Double Sink Bowl Table dll'),(4858,'003005026','TABLE
TOP VACUUM PACKING MACHINE','003005','2014-11-07
07:53:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Masin yang digunakan untuk proses
pembungkusan makanan secara vakum'),(4859,'008011044','CAR DOOR PANEL WITH
RIG','008011','2014-11-07 08:21:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti pembelajaran dibengkel'),(4860,'008011045','WINDSHIELD
TOOL','008011','2014-11-07 08:33:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan dibengkel bagi tujuan pembelajaran pemasangan cermin kenderaaan'),
(4861,'008005074','AIR HAMMER DRILL','008005','2014-11-07
08:39:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk kerja-
kerja menhentak, memukul , memecah sesuatu bahan.'),(4862,'004023034','LEED TEST
OBJECT TOR CDR','004023','2014-11-10 04:10:25','2014-11-10
12:10:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A routine test object designed to be used quickly
and easily on a regular basis (e.g. weekly or monthly) to provide an ongoing check
of imaging performance, particularly those aspects which are most liable to
deterioration. After an initial grey-scale check, image quality is measured simply
by counting the number of details detected and the number of bar-patterns resolved
in the image. An ongoing record of these numbers will reveal any trend towards
deterioration in imaging performance.'),(4863,'008017001','PLEATER
(4864,'008017002','BOUND BUTTON MAKER','008017','2014-11-10
04:39:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin pembuat/ terikat butang pakaian'),
(4865,'010001074','CARDIO CHECK PA','010001','2014-11-10
04:51:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The turn-around time with the CardioChek® PA
system is less than half that of the most commonly used point-of-care (POC)
cholesterol testing product, and up to two days faster than send-out testing. Just
two minutes for an entire lipid profile'),(4866,'010011018','INFANT MEASURING
BABY','010011','2014-11-10 08:19:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk mengukur ketinggian bayi. '),(4867,'012006001','MESIN TRIMMER
POKOK','012006','2014-11-10 08:28:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin
yang digunakan untuk kerja-kerja memangkas (Trimmer) pokok bunga'),
(4868,'010011019','DINAMP CARESCAPE WITH STAND','010011','2014-11-10
08:31:46','2015-01-08 15:48:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
mengukur tekanan darah tinggi seperti Carescape With Stand'),
(4869,'008016001','SKIN PACKAGING SYSTEM','008016','2014-11-11
01:03:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk
latihan/pembelajaran dibengkel bagi kerja-kerja membungkus. Ianya terdiri dari
pelbagai jenis seperti Vacumaster Packing, Skin Packaging System dll '),
(4870,'008016002','KNIFE CRUSHER MACHINE','008016','2014-11-11
01:05:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan dibengkel
pembelajaran'),(4871,'008016003','PACKET PRESS MACHINE','008016','2014-11-11
01:11:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan dibengkel
pembelajaran bekas makanan'),(4872,'010003046','STANDARD ELECTRO
BLOCK','010003','2014-11-17 00:45:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4873,'010011020','TEMPERATURE MONITORING SYSTEM','010011','2014-11-17
00:48:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A temperature monitoring, is a portable
measurement instrument that is capable of autonomously recording temperature over a
defined period of time. The digital data can be retrieved, viewed and evaluated
after it has been recorded. A data logger is commonly used to monitor shipments in
a cold chain and to gather temperature data from diverse field conditions.'),
(4874,'010001075','TENDON HAMMER','010001','2014-11-17
00:56:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A tendon / reflex / patella hammer is a medical
instrument used by physicians to test deep tendon reflexes. Testing for reflexes is
an important part of the neurological physical examination in order to detect
abnormalities in the central or peripheral nervous system. A reflex hammer is a
medical instrument used by physicians to test deep tendon reflexes. Testing for
reflexes is an important part of the neurological physical examination in order to
detect abnormalities in the central or peripheral nervous system.'),
(4875,'010011021','MEDICAL GAS ALARM','010011','2014-11-17
00:58:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Medical Gas Alarm adalah pemamtauan bagi
Medical Gas System yang diaplikasikan di hospital-hospital dan fasiliti-fasiliti
kesihatan, diperlukan untuk membekalkan dan menyalurkan oxygen, nitrous oxide,
nitrogen, carbon dioxide, dan berbagai jenis medical air kepada pelbagai bahagian
didalam institusi berkenaan.'),(4876,'010011022','CONTROL PANEL (DISTRIBUTOR
BOX)','010011','2014-11-17 01:00:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Salah satu komponen
electricity supply system. Ianya membahagikan electrical power feed kepada litar-
litar tertentu dan juga mengandungi protective fuse atau circuit breaker untuk
setiap satu litar. Kebiasannya, akan diletakkan didalam satu bekas tertutup'),
(4877,'010001076','SLEEP DISORDER SCREENER','010001','2014-11-17
(4879,'010002058','ELECTRO CONVULSIVE THERAPY MACHINE (ECT)','010002','2014-11-17
02:35:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), formerly known
as electroshock therapy and often referred to as shock treatment, is a standard
psychiatric treatment in which seizures are electrically induced in patients to
provide relief from psychiatric illnesses. ECT is usually used as a last line of
intervention for major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, mania and catatonia. A
usual course of ECT involves multiple administrations, typically given two or three
times per week until the patient is no longer suffering symptoms.'),
(4880,'010004060','WOBBLE BOARD','010004','2014-11-17
02:37:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The fulcrum of almost all wobble boards is a
semi-sphere or smaller spherical cap (or a shape that is approximately such) whose
flat side is attached to the center of the board\'s underside. This allows the
board to pivot in all directions during the same ride: forward-backward, left-right
and anywhere in between, i.e., toward 360 degrees. Standing on a wobble board
exercises muscles that are not exercised by standing on boards that tilt in only
two (opposite) directions.'),(4881,'010004061','ELECTROTHERAPY
BIOFEEDBACK','010004','2014-11-17 02:38:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Biofeedback
adalah salah satu teknik melatih pesakit bertindak balas dengan isyarat dari badan
meraka sendiri. Kebiasaanya digunakan bersama dengan peralatan Electrotherapy'),
(4882,'010004062','ADJUSTABLE ELBOW CRUTCH','010004','2014-11-17
02:41:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A crutch is a mobility aid that transfers
weight from the legs to the upper body. It is often used for people who cannot use
their legs to support their weight, for reasons ranging from short-term injuries to
lifelong disabilities'),(4883,'010004063','HYDROTHERAPY UNIT','010004','2014-11-17
02:42:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Hydrotherapy, formerly called hydropathy, is a
part of medicine, in particular of naturopathy, occupational therapy and
physiotherapy, that involves the use of water for pain relief and treatment. The
term encompasses a broad range of approaches and therapeutic methods that take
advantage of the physical properties of water, such as temperature and pressure,
for therapeutic purposes, to stimulate blood circulation and treat the symptoms of
certain diseases'),(4884,'010004064','WALL BAR WALL MOUNTED','010004','2014-11-17
IMPROVEMENT'),(4885,'010004065','SHORT WAVE DIATHERMY','010004','2014-11-17
02:45:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Short wave diathermy machines use two condenser
plates that are placed on either side of the body part to be treated. Another mode
of application is by induction coils that are pliable and can be molded to fit the
part of the body under treatment. As the high-frequency waves travel through the
body tissues between the condensers or the coils, they are converted into heat. The
degree of heat and depth of penetration depend in part on the absorptive and
resistance properties of the tissues that the waves encounter.'),
(4886,'010004066','AERO UPPERCYCLE','010004','2014-11-17
02:47:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A stationary bicycle (also known as exercise
bicycle, exercise bike, or exercycle) is a device with saddle, pedals, and some
form of handlebars arranged as on a bicycle, but used as exercise equipment rather
than transportation. The exercise bike has long been used for physical therapy
because of the low-impact, safe, and effective cardiovascular exercise'),
02:49:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'It is an instrument that either measures an
angle or allows an object to be rotated to a precise angular position'),
(4888,'010004068','WRIST ROLLER','010004','2014-11-17
02:51:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This board is basically used for finger flexion
and extension, lateral prehension and for wrist flexion and extension and for wrist
supination and pronation exercises.'),(4889,'010004069','COMBINATION THERAPY WITH
ELECTROTHERAPY UNIT','010004','2014-11-17 02:52:46','2015-01-08
(4890,'010004070','SHOCKWAVE THERAPY UNIT','010004','2014-11-17
(4891,'010004071','INTERFERENTIAL MUSCLE STIMULATOR','010004','2014-11-17
SYSTEM','010002','2014-11-17 03:00:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Intracranial
pressure monitoring uses a device, placed inside the head. The monitor senses the
pressure inside the skull and sends measurements to a recording device'),
(4893,'010002060','ANGIOJET THROMBECTOMY SYSTEM','010002','2014-11-17
03:03:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'To remove thrombus with the Venturi-Bernoulli
effect, with multiple high-velocity, high-pressure saline jets which are introduced
through orifices in the distal tip of the catheter to create a localized low-
pressure zone, resulting in a vacuum effect with the entrainment and dissociation
of bulky thrombus'),(4894,'010002061','ROTABLATOR CONSOLE','010002','2014-11-17
(STRETCHER)','010011','2014-11-17 03:16:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'DUA WOOD
(4896,'010011025','MEDIRAIL UNBREAKABLE CATHETER HOLDER 110mm','010011','2014-11-17
oil hydraulic trainer','012005','2014-11-17
03:39:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4898,'012005013','Filter press stainer for
trainer','012005','2014-11-17 08:15:03','2015-11-20
17:17:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4899,'012005014','Work on multi valve
trainer','012005','2014-11-17 08:17:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4900,'012005015','Diesel and lub oil purifier trainer','012005','2014-11-17
08:18:44','2015-11-20 17:12:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4901,'012005016','Heat
Exchanger Trainer','012005','2014-11-17 08:19:55','2015-11-20
17:12:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4902,'012005017','Heat exchanger
trainer','012005','2014-11-17 08:21:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4903,'012005018','Work on air compressor trainer','012005','2014-11-17
08:22:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4904,'012005019','Engine diesel generator
trainer','012005','2014-11-17 08:24:17','2015-11-20
17:12:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4905,'012005020','Engine v8 on stand with gear
box trainer','012005','2014-11-17 08:25:38','2015-11-20
17:13:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4906,'012005021','Air conditioner unit
Trainer','012005','2014-11-17 08:26:49','2015-11-20
17:13:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4907,'012005022','Variable pitch propeller for
trainer','012005','2014-11-17 08:28:23','2015-11-20
17:17:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4908,'012005023','CUTWAY VALVE
TRAINER','012005','2014-11-17 08:29:34','2015-11-20
17:16:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Untuk latihan marin'),(4909,'012005024','GEAR
REDUCTION UNIT','012005','2014-11-17 08:30:45','2015-11-20
17:16:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Untuk latihan marin'),(4910,'012005025','Fan ducting
triner unit','012005','2014-11-17 08:31:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4911,'012005026','MARINE GEARBOX FOR TRAINER','012005','2014-11-17
08:33:49','2015-11-20 17:15:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4912,'012005027','NEWARA
CRANES (NEC 200)','012005','2014-11-17 08:35:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4913,'012005028','Marine steering simulator for trainer','012005','2014-11-17
08:36:30','2015-11-20 17:15:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4914,'012005029','Injector
nozzle tester for trainer','012005','2014-11-17 08:37:41','2015-11-20
17:15:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4915,'012005030','Engine diesel on stand for
trainer','012005','2014-11-17 08:39:04','2015-11-20
17:14:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Cummins/ntpa 855m,350 hp'),
(4916,'012005031','Ultrasonic inspection unit','012005','2014-11-17
08:40:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4917,'012005032','Work refrigeration unit
triner','012005','2014-11-17 08:41:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4918,'012005033','Water tight hatch','012005','2014-11-17
08:43:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4919,'012005034','Air starting system
tranier','012005','2014-11-17 08:44:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4920,'012005035','Water tight door','012005','2014-11-17
08:46:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4921,'012005036','Analysis lab set
trainer','012005','2014-11-17 08:48:00','2015-11-20
17:14:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4922,'012005037','Gas FM200 System
(STOK)','012005','2014-11-17 08:50:01','2015-11-20
17:13:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4923,'012005038','Eight pump demotration test
(STOK)','012005','2014-11-17 08:51:09','2015-11-20
17:11:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4924,'012005039','Vertical coupling shaft
(STOK)','012005','2014-11-17 08:52:44','2015-11-20
17:11:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4925,'012005040','ALIGNMENT SET MANUAL
(STOK)','012005','2014-11-17 08:54:19','2015-11-20
17:11:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4926,'012005041','Safety helmet with visor
(STOK)','012005','2014-11-17 08:56:27','2015-11-20
17:11:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4927,'012005042','Fire fighter jaket
(STOK)','012005','2014-11-17 08:58:06','2015-11-20
17:10:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4928,'012005043','Immersion suit
(STOK)','012005','2014-11-17 08:59:23','2015-11-20
PRINTER','001005','2014-11-19 03:14:25','2019-02-11
22:05:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pencetak mudah alih untuk mencetak dari kamera atau
telefon pintar'),(4930,'004013078','iSTAT ANALYZER','004013','2014-11-20
CHECK PA','010001','2014-11-20 08:18:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The turn-around
time with the CardioChek® PA system is less than half that of the most commonly
used point-of-care (POC) cholesterol testing product, and up to two days faster
than send-out testing. Just two minutes for an entire lipid profile'),
(4932,'010011026','AIR DRYER','010011','2014-11-20
08:54:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4933,'010011027','X RAY DEVELOPER
MACHINE','010011','2014-11-20 09:00:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4934,'010011028','BIOLOGICAL TEST INCUBATOR / LED INTENSITY METER','010011','2014-
11-20 09:01:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4935,'010006041','DENTAL SUCTION
UNIT','010006','2014-11-20 09:03:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4936,'010011029','CURETTE METER','010011','2014-11-20
09:04:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4937,'011001033','DICKSON ZT120 WEIGHING
SCALE','011001','2014-11-21 02:38:38','2014-11-21
10:40:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'penimbang berat'),(4938,'011001034','INFLIGHT
02:40:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4939,'011001035','INFLIGHT FITNESS 5006
HYPER BACK EXTENSION','011001','2014-11-21 02:41:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4940,'011001036','PARAMOUNT PFW 7000 FLAT BENCH','011001','2014-11-21
02:43:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4941,'011001037','INFLIGHT FITNESS 5001 AB
BENCH','011001','2014-11-21 02:44:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4942,'011001038','PANATTA ISC113A SMITH MACHINE COUNTER BALANCE','011001','2014-
11-21 02:45:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4943,'011001039','PANATTA ISC036
VERTICAL CHEST PRESS','011001','2014-11-21 02:47:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4944,'011001040','PANATTA ISC001 LAT PULLDOWN','011001','2014-11-21
02:50:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4945,'011001041','INFLIGHT FITNESS CT MLA
MULTI LAT/ARM','011001','2014-11-21 02:52:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4946,'011001042','INFLIGHT FITNESS CT-MIO MULTI INNER/OUTER THIGH','011001','2014-
11-21 03:00:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4947,'011001043','INFLIGHT FITNESS
CT-MFD MULTI PEC FLY/REAR DELT','011001','2014-11-21
03:02:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4948,'011001044','INFLIGHT FITNESS CT-MBT
MULTI BICEP/TRICEP','011001','2014-11-21 03:04:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4949,'011001045','INFLIGHT FITNESS CT-MAB MULTI AB/BACK','011001','2014-11-21
03:09:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4950,'011001046','INFLIGHT FITNESS CT-CCO
03:10:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4951,'011001047','INFLIGHT FITNESS CT-MEC
MULTI LEG EXTENSION/CURL','011001','2014-11-21
03:12:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4952,'011001048','INFLIGHT FITNESS CT-MLP
MULTI LEG PRESS','011001','2014-11-21 03:13:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4953,'010008057','INFRARED LAMP','010008','2014-11-21
03:22:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4954,'001002005','TOUCH SCREEN
COMPUTER','001002','2014-11-21 03:27:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4955,'006005010','JIB SET','006005','2014-11-21
JAR','004023','2014-11-21 03:37:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Instrument used in
the production of an anaerobic environment. This method of anaerobiosis as others
is used to culture bacteria which die or fail to grow in presence of oxygen
(anaerobes)\nA catalyst in the anaerobic jar permits oxygen to combine with
hydrogen that comes from a gas generator producing CO2 and H2. Sodium
thioglycollate is also used in growing anaerobes and microaerophiles because it
sucks up oxygen.\n'),(4957,'004023036','DRI BLOCK HEATER (SAMPLE
CONCENTRATOR)','004023','2014-11-21 03:41:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
03:42:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4959,'004023038','24 POSITION N
EVAP','004023','2014-11-21 03:44:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4960,'004023039','ROTARY EVAPORATOR','004023','2014-11-21
MIXER','004008','2014-11-21 03:47:36','2019-02-13
12:23:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan dalam makmal untuk menggabungkan
cecair dalam botol kecil.'),(4962,'008004014','ABM JENIS JENIS
GEAR','008004','2014-11-21 04:06:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4963,'008005075','CORDLESS DRILL BOSCH','008005','2014-11-21
04:11:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4964,'008004015','ORBITA BELT AND DISK
ZANDER MACHINE','008004','2014-11-21 04:15:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4965,'011001049','ABDOMINAL BOARD WITH ADJUSTMENT ','011001','2014-11-21
06:20:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4966,'011001050','ABDOMINAL BOARD WITH
BARBELL HOOK','011001','2014-11-21 06:20:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4967,'010011030','PORTABLE REMOTE','010011','2014-11-21
06:31:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4968,'010008058','INFRARED LAMP
SET','010008','2014-11-21 06:36:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4969,'010004072','POWDER BOARD TABLE','010004','2014-11-21
06:38:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4970,'010004073','OVERHEAD WALKING
EXERCISE','010004','2014-11-21 06:39:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4971,'010004074','FURNITURES ELECTROTHERAPY SET','010004','2014-11-21
GALVANIC ELECTROTHERAPY','010004','2014-11-21
06:43:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4973,'010004076','SUPPORT POSITIONING
is designed for Special Education. Can be position for side-lying, prone, supine,
long leg and log-roll sitting. Consists of different shapes
and forms to answer the therapist\'s varied needs positioning children and adults.
It enables proper positioning All the Tumble Forms shapes are made of molded
flexible foam. Enhancing therapeutic system for vestibular stimulation
activities.'),(4974,'010004077','VESTIBULAR BOARD','010004','2014-11-21
06:46:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Vestibular board is a therapy tool for
providing vestibular stimulation input, working on balance and equilibrium, and for
formal occupational therapy vestibular spinning protocols.'),
(4975,'010004078','SWEDDISH BENCH','010004','2014-11-21
UNIT','010004','2014-11-21 06:48:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4977,'010008059','SLING SUSPENSION FRAME','010008','2014-11-21
06:49:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A frame mounted into the wall in which holds a
sling. A sling is supporting bandage or suspensory device; especially a loop
suspended from the neck and supporting the flexed forearm and other possible
parts'),(4978,'010001078','PORTABLE FINDER SCAN','010001','2014-11-21
06:51:43','2015-10-01 09:12:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
mengimbas. Ianya terdapat dalam pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti AccuVein Portable
Vein Finder\n<br><br>\nA-scan is an amplitude modulation scan. It gives the
information in the form of one dimensional. it is used to detect the presence of
flaws in the materials. A-scan ultrasound biometry, commonly referred to as an A-
scan, is routine type of diagnostic test used in ophthalmology. The A-scan provides
data on the length of the eye, which is a major determinant in common sight
disorders. The most common use of the A-scan is to determine eye length for
calculation of intraocular lens power. By measuring both the length of the eye (A-
scan) and the power of the cornea (keratometry), a simple formula can be used to
calculate the power of the intraocular lens needed'),(4979,'010008060','LOW VISION
MAGNIFIER','010008','2014-11-21 06:53:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Berfungsi
seperti kanta pembesar konvensional, alat elektronik ini kebiasaanya digunakan
untuk memudahkan proses membaca bagi yang menghadapi masalah penglihatan.'),
(4980,'010001079','OCT MAHINE','010001','2014-11-21
06:54:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an
established medical imaging technique that uses light to capture micrometer-
resolution, three-dimensional images from within optical scattering media (e.g.,
biological tissue). Optical coherence tomography is based on low-coherence
interferometry, typically employing near-infrared light. The use of relatively long
wavelength light allows it to penetrate into the scattering medium. Confocal
microscopy, another optical technique, typically penetrates less deeply into the
sample but with higher resolution. Optical coherence tomography is one of a class
of optical tomographic techniques. A relatively recent implementation of optical
coherence tomography, frequency-domain optical coherence tomography, provides
advantages in signal-to-noise ratio, permitting faster signal acquisition.
Commercially available optical coherence tomography systems are employed in diverse
applications, including art conservation and diagnostic medicine, notably in
ophthalmology where it can be used to obtain detailed images from within the
retina.'),(4981,'010011031','VITRECTOMY MACHINE','010011','2014-11-21
STERILIZER','010008','2014-11-21 07:01:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'UNTUK
ULTRASOUND','010001','2014-11-21 07:02:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Endoscopic
ultrasound (EUS) or echo-endoscopy is a medical procedure in which endoscopy
(insertion of a probe into a hollow organ) is combined with ultrasound to obtain
images of the internal organs in the chest and abdomen. It can be used to visualize
the walls of these organs, or to look at adjacent structures. Combined with Doppler
imaging, nearby blood vessels can also be evaluated. Endoscopic ultrasonography is
most commonly used in the upper digestive tract and in the respiratory system. The
procedure is performed by gastroenterologists or pulmonologists who have had
extensive training..'),(4984,'010011032','HISTOPATHOLOGHY SLIDE
BOARD','010008','2014-11-21 07:05:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'UNTUK MENGUKUR
07:12:52','2014-11-21 15:16:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'MODEL TULANG UNTUK
DETERMINATION)','010002','2014-11-21 07:18:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'MODEL
SEBENAR'),(4988,'010002064','PARRAFIN SECTION MOUNTING BATH','010002','2014-11-21
07:19:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4989,'010011033','HARD SHELL TRANSPORT
CASE','010011','2014-11-21 07:21:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4990,'010008063','WALL MOUNTED SINK','010008','2014-11-21
07:23:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4991,'010011034','INFRARED DISTANCE
METER','010011','2014-11-21 07:28:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4992,'010011035','TABLE TOP AUTOCLAVE','010011','2014-11-21
LAMP','010011','2014-11-21 07:31:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
0007N)','010002','2014-11-26 01:35:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4995,'010002066','POOL CLEANING APPARATUS EWAC','010002','2014-11-26
01:36:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4996,'010002067','TRICYCLE EXERCISE
CHILDREN (PG0015)','010002','2014-11-26 01:37:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(4997,'010002068','FLUSHER /DISINFECTOR W/STEAM GENER (GB0004)','010002','2014-11-
26 01:38:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4998,'010002069','CLUSTER PROBE FOR
LASER UNIT THERAPUTIC (PU 0001(A))','010002','2014-11-26
01:39:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(4999,'010002070','MACHINE CPM SHOULDER (PE
0043 N)','010002','2014-11-26 01:40:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5000,'010002071','MACHINE CPM KNEE (P 0045 N)','010002','2014-11-26
01:40:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5001,'010002072','MACHINE ELBOW (PE0042
N)','010002','2014-11-26 01:41:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5002,'010002073','DIATHERMY UNIT SHORT WAVE','010002','2014-11-26
01:42:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5003,'010002074','EXTRA ELECTRODES FOR
DIATHERMY UNIT SHORT WAVE ','010002','2014-11-26
THERAPY ','010002','2014-11-26 01:43:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5005,'001001009','LOAD BALANCER (STOK)','001001','2014-11-26 08:49:00','2019-02-11
20:56:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Load balancer adalah merupakan satu perkakasan yang
digunakan bagi mengalihkan beban trafik pada dua atau lebih jalur rangkaian secara
seimbang, agar trafik dapat digunakan secara optimal, memaksima throughput dan
menghindari overload pada salah satu jalur rangkaian. Beberapa kelebihan utamanya
ialah dapat membahagi Load capaian kepada server, meminima Down Time dan
mempercepat akses capaian kerana dapat mengarahkan permintaan capaian ke server'),
(5006,'004023040','KEBUK WASAP (ASET TAK ALIH)','004023','2014-11-26
08:58:32','2019-02-14 11:52:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5007,'010011037','CHOLESTROL METER CARDIOCHESK STARTER PACK','010011','2014-11-27
CENTRIFUGE','010011','2014-11-27 00:42:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Untuk memutar
sampel pada kecepatan tinggi, memaksa partikel yang lebih berat terkumpul ke dasar
tabung centrifuge.'),(5009,'015002027','KERUSI MOZEK','015002','2014-11-27
METRINOME','010004','2014-11-27 02:12:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'SEJENIS ALAT
GERAKAN LINEAR','004020','2014-11-27 02:18:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5012,'001009027','GAMES STUDIO / XBOX/ MS XBOX 360','001009','2014-11-27
VEDIOSCOPE / GASTROSCOPE','010001','2014-11-27
02:25:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Gastroscope Offers A Wide Field Of View Of
140° And A Reliable Ccd Chip To Provide Exceptional Visualisation Of The Examined
Area. Additionally, A Working Channel Of 2.8 Mm Facilitates A Broad Range Of
Procedures Such As Biopsies And Treatments. \nRefer:\n'),
(5014,'010011039','CAMERA IDENTIFICATION','010011','2014-11-27 02:32:09','2016-08-
Idendifikasi pada filem. Peralatan ini terdapat dalam pelbagai fungsi, jenis dan
(5015,'015004011','MOBILE CASSETTE STORAGE BOX','015004','2014-11-27
02:33:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5018,'010011040','METAL CASSETTE HATCH
1.5mm Pb','010011','2014-11-27 02:41:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5019,'015004012','HOPPER (FILM CABINET)','015004','2014-11-27
','010011','2014-11-27 02:50:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5021,'008002065','AMPLIFIER/LOGARITMIC CONVERTER','008002','2014-11-27
TECHNOLOGY TRAINING SYSTEM','008002','2014-11-27
02:58:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5023,'008002067','UV EXPOSE
UNITS','008002','2014-11-27 02:59:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5024,'008002068','TEMPERATURE RECORDER','008002','2014-11-27
03:01:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5025,'008002069','AUTOMATIC RCL
METER','008002','2014-11-27 03:02:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5026,'008002070','DIGITAL ELECTRONIC TRAINER','008002','2014-11-27
BENCH','008002','2014-11-27 03:05:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5028,'008002072','Q FAKTOR METER','008002','2014-11-27
MACHINE','008002','2014-11-27 03:18:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5030,'008002074','ELEVATOR SIMULATOR','008002','2014-11-27
PANEL','008002','2014-11-27 03:24:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5032,'008002076','ELECTRIC GENERATOR & MOTO DEMO KIT','008002','2014-11-27
03:25:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5033,'008002077','DIGITAL PHASE
METER','008002','2014-11-27 03:27:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5034,'008002078','DIY PNEUMATIC ROBOT ARM PICK AN PLACE SYSTEM','008002','2014-11-
27 03:29:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5035,'008002079','JUN AIR
COMPRESSOR','008002','2014-11-27 03:31:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
TRAINING','008002','2014-11-27 03:45:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5038,'008002082','SENSOR TRAINING KIT','008002','2014-11-27
OVEN','008002','2014-11-27 03:52:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5040,'008002084','SERVO MOTION CONTROL UNIT','008002','2014-11-27
ROBOT','008002','2014-11-27 03:55:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5042,'008002086','MODULAR PRODUCTION SYSTEM (MPS)','008002','2014-11-27
03:56:14','2019-02-13 09:14:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5043,'008002087','PARALLEL
LINK ROBOT','008002','2014-11-27 03:57:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5044,'008002088','REVOLUTE ROBOT','008002','2014-11-27
ROBOT','008002','2014-11-27 04:00:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5046,'010011042','MOBILE DUCTLESS FILTRATION FUME HOOD','010011','2014-11-27
04:17:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5047,'010011043','OXYGEN THERAPY SET 680
LITERS','010011','2014-11-27 04:19:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5048,'010011044','PICO + SMOKERLYZER ','010011','2014-11-27
04:20:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5049,'010011045','TROLLEY O² WITH CYLINDER
AND FLOWMETER','010011','2014-11-27 04:22:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5050,'002015036','Kit Modul Pembelajaran bagi subjek Perdagangan','002015','2014-
11-27 07:49:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5051,'008001106','INVERTER WELDING
SET','008001','2014-11-27 07:54:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5052,'008001107','BELTING DISC CUTTER','008001','2014-11-27
07:55:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5053,'008002090','SOCKET WRENCH
SET','008002','2014-11-27 07:59:13','2019-02-13 09:15:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5054,'008001108','RAPID PROTOTYPING MACHINE','008001','2014-11-27 08:08:29','2019-
02-12 21:36:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Rapid prototyping machine is a machine used to
quickly fabricate a scale model of a physical part or assembly using three-
dimensional computer aided design (CAD) data. Construction of the part or assembly
is usually done using 3D printing or \"additive layer manufacturing\"
technology.'),(5055,'008001109','RAPID PROTOTYPING MACHINE','008001','2014-11-27
08:12:08','2017-11-23 10:46:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
TINGGI'),(5057,'003006008','DOUBLE BOWL SINK TABLE','003006','2014-12-02
03:24:30','2015-12-04 09:25:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'DIGUNAKAN UNTUK MEMBASUH
DLL\n'),(5058,'003003034','WEIGHING SCALE','003003','2014-12-02
(5059,'004013079','AIR VELOCITY METER ','004013','2014-12-02
03:27:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5060,'008002091','3 PHASE SALIENT POLE
SYNCHRONOUSE MOTOR','008002','2014-12-02 03:28:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5061,'008002092','SINGLE PHASE MOTOR WITH RUNNING CAPASITOR','008002','2014-12-02
03:30:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5062,'008002093','3 PHASE SLIP RING
INDUCTION MOTOR','008002','2014-12-02 03:32:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5063,'008002094','DC COMPOUND WOUND MACHINE','008002','2014-12-02
03:33:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5064,'008002095','SINGLE PHASE MOTOR WITH
STARTING RUNNING CAPASITOR','008002','2014-12-02
MOTOR','008002','2014-12-02 03:34:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5066,'008002097','HIGH POWER ELECTROMECHANICAL TRAINING SYSTEM','008002','2014-12-
02 03:37:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5067,'008002098','VARIABLE CAPASITIVE
LOADING UNIT','008002','2014-12-02 03:38:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5068,'008002099','VARIABLE INDUCTIVE LOADING UNIT','008002','2014-12-02
03:40:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5069,'008002100','3 PHASE SQUIRREL CAGE
03:40:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5070,'008002101','PNEUMATIC TECHNOLOGY
TRAINING SYSTEM','008002','2014-12-02 03:41:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5071,'008002102','ADVANCE LEVEL PNEUMATIC TRAINER','008002','2014-12-02
LEVEL','008002','2014-12-02 03:43:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5073,'008002104','ADVANCE LEVEL ELECTRO PNEUMATIC TECHNOLOGY','008002','2014-12-02
TRAINER','008002','2014-12-02 03:45:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5075,'008002106','PROGRAMMING CONTACTOR PANEL','008002','2014-12-02
03:46:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5076,'008002107','AUTOMATION OF A SLIDING
GATE SYSTEM','008002','2014-12-02 03:48:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5077,'008018002','ALUMINIUM SCAFFOLD TOWER','008018','2014-12-02
SIMULATOR','008014','2014-12-02 04:07:49','2019-02-13
10:16:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5079,'008014029','INDUSTRIAL CONTROL
SIMULATOR','008014','2014-12-02 06:25:03','2019-02-13
10:17:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5080,'008004016','LATHE MACHINE (MESIN
LARIK)','008004','2014-12-02 06:28:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5081,'010003047','NAVIGATION SYSTEM ','010003','2014-12-02
06:33:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Navigation System is a techonology for image
guided surgery, radiation oncology and medical image excharge. Navigation System is
focuses on creating medical techonology for the fields of neurosurgery, radiation
oncology, orthopedic surgery, ENT surgery, CMF Surgery, Spine Surgery and Trauma
Surgery. Navation System also develops digitally integrated operation room and
cloud-based medical image sharing.'),(5082,'014010021','MOBILE
CRUSHER','014010','2014-12-02 07:07:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
07:10:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5084,'008001110','PLASTIC CRUSHERS
A','008001','2014-12-02 07:16:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan untuk
menghancurkan bahan-bahan plastik yang rosak atau reject dan seterusnya dikitar
semula untuk dihasilkan produk plastik.'),(5085,'008001111','PLASTIC CRUSHER (HEAVY
DUTY)','008001','2014-12-02 07:18:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan untuk
menghancurkan bahan-bahan plastik yang rosak atau reject dan seterusnya dikitar
semula untuk dihasilkan produk plastik.'),(5086,'008001112','PLASTIC CRUSHER
(SILENCE TYPE)','008001','2014-12-02 07:23:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan
untuk menghancurkan bahan-bahan plastik yang rosak atau reject dan seterusnya
dikitar semula untuk dihasilkan produk plastik.'),(5087,'008001113','PROFILE
PROJECTOR CW DRO ','008001','2014-12-02 07:25:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5088,'008001114','RAPID PROTOTYPE 3D PRINTER','008001','2014-12-02
07:27:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5089,'010009011','SPLINTS VACUUM SET IN
CARRYING BAG','010009','2014-12-02 07:36:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'PROVIDES A
BAG','010009','2014-12-02 07:38:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
07:46:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5092,'002006013','TRACK DOLLY/ KREN SET
','002006','2014-12-02 07:54:11','2017-01-04
16:54:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan menggerakan Kamera seperti Track, Kren
Kamera dll'),(5093,'008001115','COORDINATE MEASURING MACHINE (CMM)
','008001','2014-12-03 00:47:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5094,'008011046','ANTI LOCK BRAKING SYSTEM SIMULATOR','008011','2014-12-03
03:04:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5095,'008011047','ENGINE TESTING KIT
','008011','2014-12-03 03:12:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5096,'008011048','VALVE SEAL RUNNING KIT','008011','2014-12-03
03:19:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5097,'008011049','VALVE SPRING
TESTER','008011','2014-12-03 03:24:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5098,'008011050','BATTERY STARTER TESTER','008011','2014-12-03
03:27:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5099,'008011051','COMBINED V A TESTER
(stok)','008011','2014-12-03 03:38:25','2015-04-10
RECONDITIONER','008011','2014-12-03 03:42:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5101,'008011053','HEAD LAMP BEAM TESTER AND ALIGNER','008011','2014-12-03
03:44:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5102,'008011054','GEAR OIL
DISPENCER','008011','2014-12-03 03:45:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5103,'008011055','DIESEL SMOKE TESTER','008011','2014-12-03
03:47:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5104,'008011056','DIESEL ENGINE NISSAN SD
22','008011','2014-12-03 03:48:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5105,'008011057','CASTER CHAMBER AND KINGPIN INCLINATION GAUGE','008011','2014-12-
03 03:49:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5106,'008011058','STEERING GEOMETRY
HEAD','008011','2014-12-03 03:52:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5107,'008011059','CYLINDER COMPRESSION TESTER','008011','2014-12-03
03:53:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5108,'004013080','POWER SUPPLY DUAL
OUTPUT','004013','2014-12-03 08:20:45','2019-02-13
21:53:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peranti yang membekalkan kuasa elektrik kepada beban
elektrik'),(5109,'004013081','TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER PNEUMATIC','004013','2014-12-
03 08:21:33','2019-02-13 21:56:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk mengukur suhu
dan menukar kepada isyarat tekanan udara yang dihantar kepada penerima, pengawal
atau penunjuk pneumatik'),(5110,'004013082','INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION
(A)','004013','2014-12-03 08:22:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5111,'004013083','INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION (B)','004013','2014-12-03
08:23:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5112,'004013084','BALL VALVE
(STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:23:45','2019-02-13
22:03:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5113,'004013085','BUTTERFLY VALVE
(STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:24:44','2019-02-13
22:03:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5114,'004013086','DEW POINT
INDICATOR','004013','2014-12-03 08:25:36','2019-02-13
22:04:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk mengukur kelembapan dalam udara'),
(5115,'004013087','ELECTRIC INVERTER','004013','2014-12-03 08:26:41','2019-02-13
22:06:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk mengubah DC ke AC'),
(5116,'004013088','HAND DIGITAL PRESSURE GAUGE','004013','2014-12-03
08:27:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5117,'004013089','RTD TEMPERATURE
TRANSMITTER/PID CONTROL SMART VERSION','004013','2014-12-03 08:28:27','2019-02-13
22:13:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan untuk mengesan suhu bagi
memaparkan signal untuk tujuan kawalan'),(5118,'004013090','FLOW SWITCH H1313W
DELTA','004013','2014-12-03 08:29:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5119,'004013091','FLOW SWITCH','004013','2014-12-03
08:29:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5120,'004013092','MERCURY MANOMETER WALL
TYPE','004013','2014-12-03 08:30:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5121,'004013093','HAND HELD CAPACITANCE DECADE BOX','004013','2014-12-03
(STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:31:59','2019-02-14
(STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:32:38','2019-02-14
09:13:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5124,'004013096','PRESSURE SWITCH
(STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:33:13','2019-02-14
(STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:34:37','2019-02-14
09:16:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5126,'004013098','LEVEL SWITCH: CONDUCTIVITY
(STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:35:28','2019-02-14
(STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:36:06','2019-02-14
INDICATING','004013','2014-12-03 08:36:42','2019-02-14
10:46:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk mengukur'),(5129,'004013101','PRESSURE
TRANSMITTER ELECTRONIC (STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:37:20','2019-02-14
09:26:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5130,'004013102','LEVEL TRANSMITTER: PRESSURE
(STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:38:00','2019-02-14
09:27:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5131,'004013103','LEVEL TRANSMITTER:
PIEZOELECTRIC (STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:39:09','2019-02-14
09:30:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5132,'004013104','CONDUCTIVITY METER:
PORTABLE','004013','2014-12-03 08:39:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5133,'004013105','SQUARE ROOT EXTRACTOR PNEUMATIC (STOK)','004013','2014-12-03
08:40:17','2019-02-14 09:33:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5134,'004013106','BOOSTER
RELAY PNEUMATIC (STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:40:53','2019-02-14
CONTROLLER','004013','2014-12-03 08:41:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5136,'004013108','PORTABLE GAS MONITOR ','004013','2014-12-03
08:42:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5137,'004013109','TRANSDUCER PRESSURE TO
CURRENT (STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:42:36','2019-02-14
09:38:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5138,'004013110','MASS FLOW METER : INTELLIGENT
VERSION (STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:43:21','2019-02-14
10:59:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk mengukur tekanan udara'),
(5139,'004013111','FLOW METER : MAGNETIC (STOK)','004013','2014-12-03
08:44:05','2019-02-14 09:46:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5140,'004013112','LEVEL
SWITCH: CONDUCTIVITY (STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:44:38','2019-02-14
(STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:45:15','2019-02-14
09:50:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5142,'004013114','TEMPERATURE SWITCH (LIQUID
EXPANSION)','004013','2014-12-03 08:45:49','2019-02-14
09:56:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur dan mengawal
suhu. '),(5143,'004013115','FLOW SWITCH','004013','2014-12-03
08:46:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5144,'004013116','DEAD WEIGHT TESTER:
PNEUMATIC','004013','2014-12-03 08:46:59','2019-02-14
10:01:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk menguji berat '),(5145,'004013117','HAND
HELD CAPACITANCE DECADE BOX','004013','2014-12-03
08:47:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5146,'004013118','TRANSDUCER: CURRENT TO
PRESSURE (STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:48:28','2019-02-14
ELECTRONIC','004013','2014-12-03 08:49:04','2019-02-14
10:05:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan untuk mengesan suhu bagi
memaparkan signal untuk tujuan kawalan'),(5148,'004013120','TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER
: T/C ELECTRONIC (STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:49:44','2019-02-14
10:10:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pemancar suhu adalah alat elektrik yang mengawal
sensor suhu ke peranti pengukuran atau kawalan'),(5149,'004013121','THERMOCOUPLE
TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER/PID (STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:50:17','2019-02-14
(STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:50:53','2019-02-14
10:13:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5151,'004013123','DEAD WEIGHT TESTER :
HYDRAULIC','004013','2014-12-03 08:51:26','2019-02-14
10:14:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk menguji berat'),
(5152,'004013124','CONDUCTIVITY METER, PORTABLE','004013','2014-12-03
08:52:07','2019-02-14 10:20:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan dalam
penyelidikan dan kejuruteraan hydroponics, akuakultur, aquaponics, dan sistem air
tawar untuk memantau jumlah nutrien, garam atau kekotoran di dalam air.'),
(5153,'008001116','REFRIGERANT AIR DRIER','008001','2014-12-03
STATION','004013','2014-12-03 08:53:47','2019-02-14
10:23:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk mengukur ketepatan'),
(5155,'004013126','PSYCHROMETER SLING TYPE (STOK)','004013','2014-12-03
08:54:20','2019-02-14 10:27:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5156,'004013127','CONTROL
VALVE 3 WAY GLOBE VALVE (STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:55:16','2019-02-14
10:27:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5157,'004013128','CONTROL VALVE GLOBE STYLE
PISTON ACTUATOR (STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:55:48','2019-02-14
10:28:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5158,'004013129','CONTROL VALVE GLOBE STYLE
PNEUMATIC ACTUATOR (STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:56:23','2019-02-14
(STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:56:53','2019-02-14
10:37:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5160,'004013131','DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE
TRANSMITTER ELECTRONIC (STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:57:27','2019-02-14
10:47:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5161,'004013132','RTD TEMPERATURE
TRANSMITTER : SMART VISION','004013','2014-12-03 08:58:16','2019-02-14
10:48:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan untuk mengesan suhu bagi
memaparkan signal untuk tujuan kawalan'),(5162,'004013133','CONTROLLER SINGLE
STATION (STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:58:51','2019-02-14
10:57:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5163,'004013134','MASS FLOW METER
(STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 08:59:28','2019-02-14
11:00:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk mengukur tekanan udara'),
(5164,'004013135','INFRARED PYROMETER ','004013','2014-12-03 09:00:05','2019-02-14
11:05:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Termometer yang menyerap suhu dari sebahagian
radiasi haba yang kadang-kadang dipanggil radiasi badan hitam yang dipancarkan oleh
objek yang diukur.'),(5165,'004013136','INFRARED HEAT SCANNER ','004013','2014-12-
03 09:00:40','2019-02-14 11:09:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang membentuk imej
zon haba menggunakan sinaran inframerah, sama dengan kamera biasa yang membentuk
imej menggunakan cahaya yang kelihatan'),(5166,'004013137','PRESSURE CALIBRATION
DIGITAL (STOK)','004013','2014-12-03 09:01:13','2019-02-14
11:14:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur tekanan dengan
peranti pengukuran tekanan yang lain atau piawaian pengukuran tekanan.'),
(5167,'004013138','CONTROL VALVE ROTARY BALL PISTON ACTUATOR ','004013','2014-12-03
09:01:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5168,'004013139','FLOW METER VORTEX
SHEDDING','004013','2014-12-03 09:02:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
CALIBRATOR','004013','2014-12-03 09:03:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5171,'004013142','TEMPERATURE PROBE CALIBRATION BLOCK','004013','2014-12-03
12-03 09:04:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5173,'004013144','HART/FIELD
COMMUNICATORS','004013','2014-12-03 09:05:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5174,'004013145','LOOP mA VOLT PROCESS CALIBRATIONS MACHINE','004013','2014-12-03
PROGRAMMER','004013','2014-12-03 09:06:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5176,'004013147','BRAIN TERMINAL (BT 200)','004013','2014-12-03
09:06:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5177,'004013148','4 ~ 20 MA CURRENT
LOOP','004013','2014-12-03 09:07:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5178,'008002108','REPULSION TYPE MOTOR','008002','2014-12-03
09:09:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5179,'008002109','3 PH SLIPRING INDUCTION
MOTOR','008002','2014-12-03 09:10:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5180,'008014030','MOBILE INDUCTIVE LOADING UNIT','008014','2014-12-03
UNIT','008014','2014-12-03 09:12:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5182,'008014032','MOBILE RESISTIVE LOADING UNIT','008014','2014-12-03
09:13:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5183,'008002110','3 POLE CHANGING
MOTOR','008002','2014-12-03 09:14:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5184,'008002111','3 PH SQUIRREL CAGE POLE CHANGING INDUCTION','008002','2014-12-03
09:15:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5185,'008002112','3 PH SQUIRREL CAGE
INDUCTION MOTOR','008002','2014-12-03 09:16:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5186,'008002113','3 PH SQUIRREL CAGE MOTOR INDUCTION MOTOR 1 KW','008002','2014-
12-03 09:17:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5187,'008002114','3 PH SLIPRING
INDUCTION MOTOR','008002','2014-12-03 09:18:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5188,'008002115','3 PH SALIENT POLE SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE','008002','2014-12-03
09:19:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5189,'008002116','LEAKAGE CURRENT CLAMP
TESTER','008002','2014-12-03 09:20:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5190,'008002117','LOW VOLTAGE INDICATOR','008002','2014-12-03
09:21:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5191,'008002118','RCD TESTER MEGGER R (DT
310/UK)','008002','2014-12-03 09:21:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5192,'008014033','800 A MAINS SWITCH BOARD SINGLE FEEDER','008014','2014-12-03
LALAT','003003','2014-12-04 01:59:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk memerangkap/ perangkap lalat'),(5194,'008014034','LOW VOLTAGE SUB
MAINS SWITCH BOARD','008014','2014-12-04 08:56:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5195,'008014035','LOW VOLTAGE MAIN SWITCH BOARD','008014','2014-12-04
08:56:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5196,'008014036','INDUCTIVE LOAD
BANK','008014','2014-12-04 08:57:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5197,'008014037','RESISTIVE LOAD BANK','008014','2014-12-04
PROGRAMMING/WIRING BOARD','008014','2014-12-04
08:58:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5199,'008014039','REMOTE CONTROL BOARD FOR
08:59:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5200,'008002119','LOW VOLTAGE OUTDOOR
FEEDER FILLER','008002','2014-12-04 09:02:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
SYNCHRONIZING','008014','2014-12-04 09:04:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5202,'008002120','LOW VOLTAGE INDOOR FEEDER FILLER','008002','2014-12-04
09:05:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5203,'008002121','SINGLE PHASE STREET
09:08:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5204,'008002122','THREE PHASE STREET
09:09:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5205,'008014041','THREE PHASE AC GENERATOR
SIMULATOR','008014','2014-12-04 09:09:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5206,'011001051','TRIPLE TWISTER','011001','2014-12-08
06:13:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5208,'011015004','TIANG BOLA
TAMPAR','011015','2014-12-08 06:14:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5209,'006005011','CAJON ','006005','2014-12-08 06:20:53','2014-12-08
14:24:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5210,'006005012','CELLO STAND','006005','2014-
12-08 06:22:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5211,'006005013','CHIMES
','006005','2014-12-08 06:24:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5212,'006005014','CONDUCTOR CHAIR','006005','2014-12-08
06:26:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5213,'006005015','CONDUCTOR MUSIC
STAND','006005','2014-12-08 06:27:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5214,'006005016','CONDUCTOR PODIUM','006005','2014-12-08
06:29:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5215,'006005017','CUSTOM MADE FLIGHT
CASE','006005','2014-12-08 06:30:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5216,'006005018','CUSTOM MADE MIXER FLIGHT CASE','006005','2014-12-08
06:32:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5217,'006005019','DIGITAL HAND
PERCUSSION','006005','2014-12-08 06:33:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5218,'006005020','DRUM DOUBLE PEDAL','006005','2014-12-08
06:34:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5219,'003003036','GAS RICE
COOKER','003003','2014-12-08 06:46:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5220,'005006009','VECTOR NETWORK ANALYZER FAMILYZER ','005006','2014-12-08
06:48:23','2019-02-12 11:48:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5221,'006005021','ACOUSTIC
GUITAR AMPLIFIER','006005','2014-12-08 06:59:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5222,'006005022','ELECTRIC GUITAR AMPLIFIER CABINET','006005','2014-12-08
07:00:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5223,'006005023','GUITAR MULTI EFFECT
PEDAL','006005','2014-12-08 07:01:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5224,'006005024','HEAVY DUTY KEYBOARD CASE','006005','2014-12-08
07:02:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5225,'006005025','KEYBOARD HARDCASE 61
KEYS','006005','2014-12-08 07:03:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5226,'006005026','KEYBOARD LAB SYSTEM (STOK)','006005','2014-12-08
07:04:26','2019-02-12 20:58:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Keyboard lab system adalah
komponen kepada alar muzik keyboard'),(5227,'006005027','MUSICIAN NOTA
CHAIR','006005','2014-12-08 07:11:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5228,'006005028','ORKESTRA STAGE (PORTABLE)','006005','2014-12-08
WORKSTATION','006005','2014-12-08 07:15:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5230,'006005030','DOUBLE CD MULTI ENTERTAINMENT PLAYER','006005','2014-12-08
07:16:36','2019-02-12 21:01:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5231,'006005031','DIGITAL
DRUM','006005','2014-12-08 07:18:05','2019-02-12 21:02:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
07:19:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5233,'006003019','OUTPUT DSP REMOTE
MONITORING C/W MONITORING SOFTWARE','006003','2014-12-09 01:48:23','2019-02-12
15:57:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5234,'006005033','500W 9-60 BEAM ANGLE RANGE
PRISM CONVEX SPOTLIGHT','006005','2014-12-09
01:51:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5235,'006005034','500W 18-65 BEAM ANGLE
RANGE PRISM CONVEX SPOTLIGHT','006005','2014-12-09 01:52:29','2014-12-09
09:53:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5236,'006005035','1 IN 8 OUT DMX
SPLITTER','006005','2014-12-09 01:54:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5237,'006003020','PA SISTEM/PORTABLE','006003','2014-12-09 01:56:33','2019-02-12
15:57:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sistem Perantara mudah alih yang digunakan dibilik
mesyuarat secara (on-air). Ianya terdapat peralatan sokongan lain seperti Moniter,
Pembesar Suara, Audio Controller yang direkodkan sebagai komponen kepada PA
Sistem.'),(5238,'006005036','500W PARCAN SPOTLIGHT','006005','2014-12-09
01:57:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5239,'008002123','MOTOR AND PHASE ROTATION
INDICATOR','008002','2014-12-09 03:02:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5240,'015001039','MEJA PENCERAMAH','015001','2014-12-09
KIT','005008','2014-12-09 04:11:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This kit provides all
the necessary equipment to enable earth testing to be carried out in conjunction
with a 3 or 4 pole earth tester'),(5242,'005008002','MACHINE ANALOG MODULATION
','005008','2014-12-09 04:13:11','2019-02-12 12:05:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5243,'005008003','FREQUENCY MULTIPLEX TECHNOLOGY','005008','2014-12-09
04:14:08','2019-02-12 12:12:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5244,'005008004','NOISE ON
ANALOG DIGITAL TRANSMISSION ','005008','2014-12-09 04:15:04','2019-02-12
SYSTEM ','005008','2014-12-09 04:15:58','2019-02-12
12:13:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5246,'005008006','TELEPHONY TRAINING SYSTEM
','005008','2014-12-09 04:16:54','2019-02-12 12:22:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sistem
latihan Telefon adalah alat pembelajaran yang menyediakan latihan dalam rangkaian
telefon moden dan pertukaran cawangan automatik digital peribadi (PABX). Ia juga
merupakan alat penting untuk memperkenalkan pelajar kepada Rangkaian Digital
Perkhidmatan Bersepadu (ISDN).'),(5249,'008002124','CIM CLOSE LOOP PALLET
CONVEYOR','008002','2014-12-09 07:58:43','2014-12-09
15:59:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan tersebut digunakan untuk latihan
pembelajaran kawalan conveyor bersama dengan beberapa sistem robotik ( CIM –
Computerised Intergrated Manufacturing ) didalam Kursus bidang Teknologi
kejuruteraan Mekatronik. '),(5250,'008002125','PROCESS CONTROL TRAINNING PLANT
SYSTEM','008002','2014-12-09 08:01:08','2014-12-09
tersebut digunakan untuk latihan pembelajaran kawalan proses paras bendalir,
latihan kawalan proses kadaralir bendalir, latihan kawalan proses haba atau suhu
dan latihan kawalan proses tekanan udara didalam Kursus bidang Teknologi
kejuruteraan Mekatronik. (Makmal Instrumentasi)'),(5251,'003006009','STAINLESS
STEEL MIRROR FRAMEWORK LECTURER\'S TABLE','003006','2014-12-09 08:16:08','2019-02-
12 10:25:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5252,'003001013','GRIDDLE HOT PLATE ON
STAND','003001','2014-12-09 08:19:50','2019-02-11
20:46:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5253,'003003037','ICE CREAM
MACHINE','003003','2014-12-09 08:22:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5254,'003006010','VENTILATION FAN (STOK)','003006','2014-12-09 08:24:06','2019-02-
12 10:43:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5257,'003003038','KITCHEN SCALE ELECTRONIC
','003003','2014-12-09 08:44:15','2019-02-12 09:20:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5256,'003005027','PRE RINSE FAUCET','003005','2014-12-09
08:27:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5258,'003006011','HUMIDOR BOX
(STOK)','003006','2014-12-09 08:51:06','2019-02-12
(5259,'004023041','GEIGER MULLER COUNTER','004023','2014-12-15
02:07:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5260,'004023042','OPTICAL COMPONENTS
KIT','004023','2014-12-15 02:08:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5261,'004023043','PLANO CONVEC SIMPLE LENS KIT','004023','2014-12-15
02:09:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5262,'004023044','GENETICS OF CORN
KIT','004023','2014-12-15 02:13:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5263,'004023045','FLEX CAM','004023','2014-12-15
02:19:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5264,'004023046','AIR RACK','004023','2014-
12-15 02:21:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5265,'004023047','VISUALIZING CELL
PROCESSES SERIES','004023','2014-12-15 02:23:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5266,'004023048','SOIL SAMPLE KIT','004023','2014-12-15
02:25:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5267,'004023049','SOIL PH
METRE','004023','2014-12-15 02:27:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5268,'004023050','DISPOSABLE CENTRIFUGE TUBE (STOK)','004023','2014-12-15
02:29:59','2019-02-14 11:52:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5269,'004023051','DISTILLATION FISK 500 ML','004023','2014-12-15
02:31:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5271,'007009005','HAZARD EYE
WASH','007009','2014-12-15 06:25:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5272,'004006014','FREEZER -20°C','004006','2014-12-15 06:32:12','2019-02-13
11:07:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peti sejuk beku adalah alat yang boleh mengekalkan
suhu dibawah paras beku. Peti sejuk beku mengekalkan bahan didalamnya beku.
Kebanyakkan peti sejuk beku boleh beroperasi sehingga keparas -20°C. '),
(5273,'004017008','Mini Protean 11 cell','004017','2014-12-15
06:37:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5274,'010002077','PORTABLE PNEUMATIC
06:44:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5275,'008011060','LUB OIL PUMP
','008011','2014-12-15 06:58:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'UNTUK MENGELUARKAN
DRUM','006008','2014-12-15 07:26:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
12-15 08:10:21','2014-12-15 16:10:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'BERFUNGSI MENGANGKAT
(5279,'004017009','X RAY FILM HOPPER','004017','2014-12-15
08:40:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5280,'004023052','EHT POWER
PACK','004023','2014-12-15 08:49:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5281,'010008065','DOBY BEG TROLLY','010008','2014-12-15
DISPENCER','010003','2014-12-16 00:40:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5283,'010008066','PEN TORCHLIGHT','010008','2014-12-16
00:42:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5284,'010008067','BED REST','010008','2014-
12-16 00:43:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5285,'010008068','BIOMED OXYGEN
BLENDED COMPLETE SET','010008','2014-12-16 00:46:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5286,'010004081','GEOMETRIC BOARD PUZZLE','010004','2014-12-16
02:39:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5287,'004023053','DIFFERENT COUNTER
TALLY','004023','2014-12-16 02:41:40','2015-01-08
15:58:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatanyang digunakan untuk pengiraan sesuatu
pergerakan seperti Different Counter Hand Tally dll'),(5288,'010009013','UPPER LIMB
IMMOBILIZER','010009','2014-12-16 02:42:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5289,'010009014','PLANO MEDICAL BOX','010009','2014-12-16
02:43:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5290,'010004082','WOODEN NOBBLE
BOARD','010004','2014-12-16 02:44:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5291,'010004083','ROCKER SQUARE','010004','2014-12-16
CONES','010004','2014-12-16 02:47:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5293,'010004085','STACKING CONES','010004','2014-12-16
02:48:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5294,'010004086','SQUEEZE BALL
HAND','010004','2014-12-16 02:48:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5295,'010009015','AUTOCLAVE TRAY','010009','2014-12-16
02:52:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5296,'010003049','SAW OSCILLATING
ELECTRIC','010003','2014-12-16 02:54:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5297,'010003050','POP CUTTER MACHINE','010003','2014-12-16
02:55:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5298,'010011046','MESIN PENGERING
PERALATAN','010011','2014-12-16 02:56:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5300,'010011047','SISTEM PANGGILAN DIGITAL ELEKTRONIK','010011','2014-12-16
03:03:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5301,'010004087','WALL BARS
EXERCISE','010004','2014-12-16 03:04:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5302,'010004088','KETTLER GOLF S MAGNETIC CYCLE','010004','2014-12-16
CALL','010011','2014-12-16 03:07:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5304,'004011018','EMERGENCY SHOWER AND EYEWASH (ASET TAK ALIH)','004011','2014-12-
16 03:11:32','2017-11-23 09:45:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
03:14:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5306,'010004090','LOCAL SUSPENSION FRAME
WITH PLINTH','010004','2014-12-16 03:15:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5307,'010008069','FORDABLE EVACUATION CHAIR','010008','2014-12-16
TIMER','010002','2014-12-16 03:18:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5309,'010004091','BASELINE HAND ON EVALUATION KIT','010004','2014-12-16
GUN','010004','2014-12-16 03:20:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5311,'010004093','WOODEN CORNER STAIRCASE','010004','2014-12-16
03:21:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5312,'010011049','LEAK TEST
APPRATUS','010011','2014-12-16 03:24:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5313,'004004005','TEST TUBE INCUBATOR','004004','2014-12-16 03:26:53','2019-02-13
10:27:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk mengekalkan keadaan optimum untuk sesuatu
bahan atau sample ujikaji'),(5314,'010011050','STEAM SUPPLY, BOILER
ELECTRIC','010011','2014-12-16 03:28:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5315,'005008007','FIBER TEST BED','005008','2014-12-17 00:46:16','2014-12-17
08:46:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Fiber test bed is optimized to allow field
technicians to carry out dedicated FTTH, Ethernet and multiservice test
applications simply and efficiently. '),(5316,'005008008','FTTH GPON
OLT','005008','2014-12-17 00:47:21','2014-12-17 08:47:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The
S5 platform is high performance switch router that acts as PON OLT and Ethernet
Aggregation Switch. It provides various optical links while generating and
controlling the services. It offers the optical links of Gigabit Ethernet, GEPON,
GPON and WDM PON. The S5 platform makes access network simple by integrating
multiple functions into a single scalable platform. With its high functionalities
and scalability, it enables both of residential and commercial services with a
single platform.'),(5317,'005008009','VoIP OVER FTTH INTEGRATION
SYSTEM','005008','2014-12-17 00:49:08','2014-12-17
08:49:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Corecess S2 OLT(Optical Line Terminal) enables
service provider to seamlessly and cost-effectively migrate into optical broadband
access infrastructure. The S2 OLT provides wide choices of G-PON, 10Gigabit
Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet. Additionally, the S2 OLT adopts advanced packet
processing engine that integrates per-flow service control capability to offer more
accurate service control and extensive subscriber management. The S2 OLT provides
flexible role out configuration of service network from low density to mid density
under the same management and provisioning. This flexibility is further extended by
cascading or aggregating multiple R1P (VDSL2 or fast Ethernet switch) products
deployed at remote area.'),(5318,'005008010','BREAKOUT BOX','005008','2014-12-17
00:50:16','2014-12-17 08:50:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A breakout box is a critical
piece of electrical test equipment used to support integration testing, expedite
maintenance, and streamline the troubleshooting process at the system, subsystem,
and component level by simplifying the access to test signals'),
(5319,'005008011','DUAL BAND GSM/ GPRS TERMINAL MODEL','005008','2014-12-17
00:51:52','2014-12-17 08:52:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The ultra-compact MC35i
Terminal boasts an always-on connection and high-speed data transfer capabilities.
The robust dual-band GSM unit with GPRS class 8 can be used in a wide range of M2M
applications. With standardized interfaces, you can easily link up the MC35i
Terminal to your own products via plug & play, thus shortening development times
and reducing development costs.'),(5320,'005008012','TEST EQUIPMENT FOR LAB FRAME
INSTALLATION ASSITANT TOOL','005008','2014-12-17 00:53:02','2014-12-17
08:53:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The 660 Series Frame Relay Installation Assistant
is a portable, battery-operated, handheld tester used to install frame relay
services and perform basic throughput testing and troubleshooting of those services
over Wide Area Network (WAN) links.\n \nAs an installation tool, the Frame Relay
Installation Assistant gives you the option of emulating customer premise or
network equipment. This feature enables you to test the function of each network
component and determine whether a frame relay service is ready for use before any
routers, Channel Service Units/Data Service Units (CSUs/DSUs), or Frame Relay
Access Devices (FRADS) are deployed.\n'),(5321,'005008013','TEST EQUIPMENT FOR LAB
DIGITAL CABLE ANALYZER','005008','2014-12-17 00:54:15','2014-12-17
08:54:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The testers in this series provide accurate testing
of Cat 5e and Cat 6 twisted-pair cabling as well as loss testing of fiber optic
cabling.\nThe DSP-4000 Series is based on an exclusive digital signal processing
test platform that provides a complete and accurate solution for certifying,
documenting and troubleshooting twisted-pair copper cabling links from Cat 3
through Cat 6. Three sets of fiber optic test adapters can be combined with any of
the DSP-4000 Series testers to provide automatic optical loss testing for
horizontal or backbone fiber cabling. And like all Fluke Networks instruments, the
DSP-4000 series products are built rugged to withstand drops and other mishaps that
occur in today’s network installation environments.\n'),(5322,'005008014','SIGNAL
TRACER/INJECTOR','005008','2014-12-17 00:59:35','2014-12-17
09:00:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This signal tracer /injector has been designed to
inject or detect a specific signal into an audio circuit in need of repair (such as
amplifiers, radios, tone controls) so as to detect the fault. In this way problems
can be traced more easily. The signal tracer may also be used as a simple monitor
or amplifier.'),(5323,'005008015','CABLE REEL RACK','005008','2014-12-17
01:09:30','2019-02-12 12:45:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'These cable reel racks are
used in pairs for reel support in many\nindustries such as phone and cable
companies, public utility\ncompanies, industrial plants, warehouses and shipyards.
A firm\njacking foundation is incorporated in a laminated hardwood base,\noil
treated to withstand the effects of severe weather conditions.\nThey provide safe,
reliable performance with a minimal measure of physical intervention.\n'),
01:11:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5325,'008002126','PCB DEVELOPMENT TRIPLE
TANK','008002','2014-12-17 01:12:47','2014-12-17
09:13:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Triple tank combines a Universal tank (Process),
Bubble Etch and Spray Wash in one complete unit\nOffers cost savings over two or
three separate tanks when incorporated in a complete 7-stage processing
sequence\nIntegral spray wash tank operated by a solenoid valve\n'),
(5326,'008002127','ATTENUATOR','008002','2014-12-17 01:14:06','2014-12-17
09:14:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Fixed attenuators in circuits are used to lower
voltage, dissipate power, and to improve impedance matching.'),
(5327,'008014042','RS 232 CABLE TESTER','008014','2014-12-17 01:16:10','2014-12-17
09:16:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Troubleshooting is made easy with this RS-232 mini
tester that checks for failures and helps identify cable and connection problem
areas.'),(5328,'008014043','IDC CABLE TESTER','008014','2014-12-17 01:17:29','2014-
12-17 09:17:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Ribbon Cable Tester is designed to test
the most commonly used flat cables for wiring continuity, opens, shorts, any mis-
wiring. An intelligent CPU will memorize the correct wiring configuration for an
flat cable, thus enabling mass production cable assemblies to test one cable after
another for pass or fail status. It is an excellent tester for system integrators
to perform inexpensive tests on internal PC cables.'),(5329,'008002128','CABLE AND
METAL DETECTOR','008002','2014-12-17 01:19:06','2014-12-17
09:19:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'for locating pipe and cable, but you don’t have to
be a pro to use it. So, to find telephone, cable TV, and fiber optic lines, AC
power lines, water and gas pipes'),(5330,'008002129','CABLE
IDENTIFIER','008002','2014-12-17 01:38:31','2014-12-17
09:38:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'can be used for unmistakable identification of a
cable or phase before it is cut or fitted'),(5331,'010011051','3 LINER GUN HAND
LABELLER','010011','2014-12-17 03:09:48','2014-12-17
(5332,'010011052','FLUORESCENT EMERGENCY LIGHT','010011','2014-12-17
THERMOMETER','010011','2014-12-17 03:59:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5334,'010011054','MICRO PIPETTE/PIPETTE WITH STAND','010011','2014-12-17
04:11:02','2016-03-30 09:02:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
aktiviti rawatan kepada pesakit seperti Micro Pipette, Pipette With Stand
dll\n<br><br>\nA pipette (sometimes spelled pipet) or dropper is a laboratory tool
commonly used in chemistry, biology and medicine to transport a measured volume of
liquid, often as a media dispenser.'),(5335,'010011055','SLIDER
HOLDER','010011','2014-12-17 04:12:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5336,'010011056','SPRING SCALE','010011','2014-12-17
04:13:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5337,'010011057','WOODEN SLIDE
BOX','010011','2014-12-17 04:16:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5338,'004025001','FORENSIK OPTICAL COMPARATOR','004025','2014-12-19
00:54:56','2014-12-19 08:55:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The FX8B is designed
exclusively for operator convenience and performance. The FX8B features two
projectors for a full-screen, side-by-side display of two images—without image
overlap. Latent fingerprints may be compared with recorded prints; suspected
counterfeit money may be compared with legal tender; and questioned documents and
signatures may be compared with genuine articles. Two quartz halogen projection
lamps are controlled by individual front-panel switches for dual or single unit
usage. Optics carried by the turret automatically provide appropriate surface
illumination. Each lamp compartment is monitored by a thermal switch which allows
the silent-run fan to continue to operate even after shut off. A matched pair of
color-corrected, side-by-side f/3.5 objective lenses provide 6.5X and 10X
magnification. Control knobs raise and lower the unit’s two stainless steel
surface platforms for image focusing.\n\nSpecifications:\n• Dual Projection
Screens\n• Quartz Halogen Projection Lamps\n• Fine-Focus Platforms\n•
Matched f/3.5 Objective Lenses (6.5X and 10X)\n• 110V or 220V\n• Sliding
Turret with Pre-Focused Illumination\n• 4\" (10.2cm) Internal Cooling Fan\n•
Viewing Screen 6.5\" x 15\" (16.5cm x 38.1cm)\n• Sliding Ambient Light
Shield\n• Dimensions: 20.5\" x 18\" x 20.25\" (52.1cm x 45.7cm x 51.4cm)\n•
Weight: 48 lbs (21.8kg)\n\n'),(5339,'004025002','MASTER EXPERT LATENT PRINT
KIT','004025','2014-12-19 00:57:34','2014-12-19 08:57:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The
Sirchie Master Expert Latent Print Kit offers the crime scene investigator all the
methods of developing fingerprints available from Sirchie. All of the necessary
support equipment is included. The components of this kit should enable the user to
accomplish successful latent fingerprint development in the field or
laboratory.\n\nWhat\'s Included With This Item\n• Sirchie 101L Black Latent
Powder, 2 oz\n• 103L White Latent Powder (2 oz)\n• SB201L Silver/Black
Latent Powder (2 oz)\n• SG202L Silver/Gray Latent Powder (2 oz)\n• SR301L
Silver/Red Latent Powder (2 oz)\n• 2 x 122L Fiberglass Latent Print
Brushes\n• 5 x 118L Regular Powder Brushes\n• M114L Black Magnetic
Powder (1 oz)\n• M116L White Magnetic Powder (1oz)\n• SBM9 Silver/Black
Magnetic Powder (1oz)\n• Sirchie Warranty (See Specifications for More Item
Includes)\n'),(5340,'004013149','ALAT ARAS','004013','2014-12-19
02:28:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5341,'004013150','STAF ARAS
(LEICA)','004013','2014-12-19 02:30:51','2014-12-19
10:34:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5342,'004013151','STAF ARAS
(TRIMBLE)','004013','2014-12-19 02:35:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5343,'011001053','INFLIGHT FITNESS MUTLI HIP / GLUTE MACHINE','011001','2014-12-19
08:23:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5344,'011001054','PARAMOUNT DUAL CABLE
CROSS MACHINE','011001','2014-12-19 08:24:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5345,'011001055','PARAMOUNT LAT PULLDOWN / SEATED ROW MACHINE','011001','2014-12-
19 08:26:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5346,'011001056','PARAMOUNT LEG CURL
MACHINE','011001','2014-12-19 08:28:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5347,'011001057','PARAMOUNT LEG PRESS MACHINE','011001','2014-12-19
08:29:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5348,'011001058','PARAMOUNT LOW BACK /
ABDOMINAL MACHINE','011001','2014-12-19 08:30:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5349,'011001059','PARAMOUNT PEC FLY / REAR DELT MACHINE','011001','2014-12-19
08:31:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5350,'011001060','PARAMOUNT ROTARY TORSO
MACHINE','011001','2014-12-19 08:33:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5351,'011001061','PARAMOUNT SHOULDER PRESS MACHINE','011001','2014-12-19
08:34:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5352,'011001062','PARAMOUNT SMITH
MACHINE','011001','2014-12-19 08:35:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5353,'011001063','STAR TRAC HACK SQUAT MACHINE','011001','2014-12-19
08:36:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5354,'011001064','WEIGHT PLATE TREE
(STOK)','011001','2014-12-19 08:38:22','2019-02-11
SIDE RAIL','010011','2014-12-19 08:44:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
SPECTROPHOTOMETER ','009002','2014-12-22 03:43:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
MESHINE','010002','2014-12-22 08:46:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5359,'004023054','TUBE SEALER','004023','2014-12-22
SCALPEL','010003','2014-12-22 08:53:45','2014-12-22
16:54:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Harmonic scalpel is a cutting instrument used
during surgical procedures to simultaneously cut and coagulate tissue.'),
(5361,'004006015','MICROALGAE CULTURE CHAMBER','004006','2014-12-23
01:55:46','2019-02-13 11:11:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kebuk atau ruang penyimpanan
kultur mikroalga'),(5362,'005003004','MULTI UNIT CHARGER (STOK)','005003','2014-12-
24 03:42:18','2019-02-12 11:14:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5363,'006003021','MULTIVOICE RECORDING PLAYBACK','006003','2014-12-24
03:44:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5364,'006004012','NON LINEAR EDITTING
SISTEM','006004','2014-12-24 03:46:49','2014-12-24
inci\n'),(5365,'006004013','WEEKLY PROGRAM TIMER','006004','2014-12-24
03:56:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5366,'015007005','MOBILE TABLE WITH
CHAIR','015007','2014-12-24 06:34:24','2014-12-24
(5367,'010008070','SUCKER SET','010008','2014-12-24 06:36:23','2014-12-24
(5368,'013001010','PACUAN 4 RODA (4X2)','013001','2014-12-26
ACCESS','010011','2014-12-29 04:02:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
SET','010002','2014-12-29 07:20:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5372,'010002081','BLOOD TUBE SEALER','010002','2014-12-29
CINERATOT','010002','2014-12-29 07:22:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5374,'010002083','AUTOPSY HEAD REST','010002','2014-12-29
COLLAR','010004','2014-12-30 07:01:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5376,'008002130','PROCESS CONTROL TRAINING PLANT SYSTEM','008002','2014-12-30
08:56:29','2014-12-30 16:56:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan tersebut digunakan
untuk latihan pembelajaran kawalan proses paras bendalir, latihan kawalan proses
kadaralir bendalir, latihan kawalan proses haba atau suhu dan latihan kawalan
proses tekanan udara didalam Kursus bidang Teknologi kejuruteraan Mekatronik.
(Makmal Instrumentasi)'),(5377,'004020006','COMPUTER BASED FAULT ASSISTED CIRCUIT
FOR ELECTRONICS TRAINING SYSTEM','004020','2014-12-31 00:35:23','2014-12-31
08:36:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Satu set peralatan yang digunakan dalam bidang
kejuruteraan dan sistem latihan yang merangkumi empat bidang pengajian: Prinsip
Asas Elektrik dan Elektronik, Digital dan Mikropemproses Elektronik, Elektronik
Perindustrian dan Komunikasi. '),(5378,'004020007','WORKSTATION MOBILE FOR
PNEUMATIC AND ELECTRO PNEUMATIC','004020','2014-12-31 00:37:06','2014-12-31
08:37:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Satu set peralatan yang digunakan dalam bidang
kejuruteraan dan dilengkapi dengan asas pneumatik serta elektro pnuematik sebagai
persediaan di industri kelak.'),(5379,'004020008','WORKSTATION MOBILE FOR HYDRAULIC
AND ELECTRO HYDRAULIC','004020','2014-12-31 00:38:34','2014-12-31
08:38:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Satu set peralatan yang digunakan dalam bidang
kejuruteraan dan dilengkapi dengan asas hidraulik serta elektro-hidraulik sebagai
persediaan di industri kelak.'),(5380,'004020009','SERVO PNEUMATIC
TRAINER','004020','2014-12-31 00:40:11','2014-12-31
08:40:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan latihan yang menggunakan sistem pnumatik
dan PLC'),(5381,'004020010','SERVO MOTOR TRAINER','004020','2014-12-31
00:41:16','2014-12-31 08:41:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
menguji/mengkaji prinsip sistem kawalan dengan menggunakan mekanisme servo yang
terdiri daripada motor arus terus, pelbagai penderia dan kawalan digital serta
analog'),(5382,'004020011','PROPORTIONAL HYDRAULIC TRAINER','004020','2014-12-31
00:42:24','2014-12-31 08:42:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Satu set peralatan yang
digunakan dalam bidang kejuruteraan dan dilengkapi dengan basic hydraulic
transmission circuit experiment dan advance hydraulic, electro-hydraulic
transmission circuit experimen.'),(5383,'004020012','POWER ELECTRONICS
TRAINER','004020','2014-12-31 00:46:01','2014-12-31
08:46:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Satu set peralatan yang digunakan dalam bidang
kejuruteraan dan dilengkapi dengan power supply, meter dan motor units untuk tujuan
pembelajaran. Mesin ini merupakan alatan pembelajaran elektrik dan elektronik
kuasa.'),(5384,'004020013','MODULAR PRODUCTION SYSTEM','004020','2014-12-31
00:47:10','2014-12-31 08:47:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Set peralatan yang dilengkapi
dengan spesifikasi iaitu control unit, testing station, prosessing station dan
lain-lain. konsep latihan meliputi mekanikal, hidraulik, pneumatik, sensor, PLC dan
lain-lain. Sesuai untuk persediaan kepada industri'),(5385,'004020014','DRIVE
TECHNIQUE TRAINER','004020','2014-12-31 00:48:13','2014-12-31
08:48:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Satu set peralatan yang digunakan dalam bidang
kejuruteraan dan digunakan sebagai alat bantu latihan serta pengenalan kepada motor
yang merangkumi pendawaian 3 fasa dan lain-lain untuk tujuan pembelajaran'),
(5386,'004013152','DAIL INDICATOR SET','004013','2014-12-31 00:49:50','2014-12-31
08:50:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Merupakan alat pengukuran yang digunakan untuk
membandingkan saiz dan ukuran standard yang dikehendaki dalam kerja kejuruteraan'),
(5387,'004014164','SURFACE PLATE WITH IRON STAND','004014','2014-12-31
00:51:28','2014-12-31 08:51:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan sebagai alat penguji
untuk permukaan yang rata bagi bahan kerja di dalam bidang kejuruteraan'),
(5388,'010004095','CONNECTING TUNNEL','010004','2014-12-31 01:55:14','2014-12-31
09:55:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Develop body awareness, motor planning, and upper
extremity strength. Sturdy spring steel construction allows for long lasting fun,
while padding over the interior wire makes crawling easy on the hands and knees.
Great for playing hide and seek, practicing crawling and just creating a quiet
place for sensitive children to avoid the commotion of a busy or noisy house'),
(5389,'010004096','CONSTRUCTION SET','010004','2014-12-31 01:57:58','2014-12-31
09:58:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'With 48 wooden pieces (including nuts, bolts,
drilled bars to connect, and a child-size screwdriver), this classic building set
gives kids all they need to tinker and build. Kids play with this durable set,
they\'ll be building fine motor skills, problem-solving skills, and hand-eye
coordination. Included extension activities guide trainers to educational
activities that also build early math skills'),(5390,'010004097','MOTOR SKILL
SET','010004','2014-12-31 01:59:28','2014-12-31 09:59:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The
motor skill education series is ideal for various age groups and meets the demands
for development and theme based exercises. The components in the Motor Skill Set
can be used separately or in combination to provide a platform for children to
improve their physical skills. Components include half brick, brick, hoop, pole,
clip, bean bag, balance beam, handprint and footprint'),(5391,'010004098','SAND AND
WATER TABLE','010004','2014-12-31 02:06:09','2014-12-31
10:06:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sand and Water Table is fully mobile, the wheels are
attached to two of the legs for easy transport and all legs are adjustable to suit
the height of the children. The tub can be lifted right out for easy cleaning and
the lid fits snuggly and easily on top of the tub. The lid can be used as a writing
or a drawing surface when filled with sand or a storage shelf when placed
underneath the tub on the rack. The water flow can be controlled by the drainage
plug'),(5392,'010004099','SHAPE SORTING CUBE','010004','2014-12-31 02:07:50','2014-
12-31 10:08:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Developmental play cube'),
(5393,'010004100','PEGBOARD SET','010004','2014-12-31 02:13:58','2014-12-31
10:14:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pegboards set helps kids learn how shapes look, feel
and fit together. It\'s ideal for pattern, symmetry, sorting and sequencing work.
By arranging shapes on the plastic pegboard, kids learn geometry and hone fine
motor skills. With different shapes come in five different bright colors'),
(5394,'010004101','DRIVING SIMULATOR','010004','2014-12-31 03:05:59','2014-12-31
11:06:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Simulator memandu digunakan untuk hiburan dan juga
latihan dalam kursus pendidikan pemandu diajarkan di institusi pendidikan swasta
dan perniagaan . Ia juga digunakan untuk tujuan penyelidikan dalam bidang faktor
manusia dan penyelidikan perubatan , untuk memantau tingkah laku pemandu ,
prestasi, dan perhatian dan dalam industri kereta untuk mereka bentuk dan menilai
kenderaan baru atau sistem bantuan pemandu maju baru .'),(5395,'006005037','6 DUTY
SELECTOR','006005','2014-12-31 03:44:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5397,'006005039','8 CHANNEL POWER AMPLIFIER MONITORING PANEL','006005','2014-12-31
ZONE SELECTOR ','006005','2014-12-31 03:47:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5399,'006005041','AUTO REVERSE DOUBLE CASSETTE DECK','006005','2014-12-31
03:48:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5400,'006005042','MINI DV TAPE
RECORDER','006005','2014-12-31 03:50:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5401,'006005043','AM/FM TUNER','006005','2014-12-31
03:51:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5402,'006005044','ANALOG COMPOSITE INPUT
BOARD','006005','2014-12-31 03:53:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5403,'006005045','BATTERY CHARGER','006005','2014-12-31 03:55:13','2019-02-12
21:19:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pengecas bateri untuk kelengkapan studio '),
(5404,'006005046','DUAL CHANNEL WIRELESS INTERCOM MAIN STATION','006005','2014-12-
31 03:56:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5405,'006005047','EMERGENCY PAGING
PANEL','006005','2014-12-31 03:57:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5406,'006005048','FULL HD CAMERA (P2 HD)','006005','2014-12-31
04:00:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5407,'006005049','HDD and DVD
RECORDER','006005','2014-12-31 04:01:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5408,'008001117','DIGITAL TENSILE TEST MACHINE (BENCH TOP)','008001','2014-12-31
06:49:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5409,'008018003','MESIN PEMOTONG
BATA','008018','2014-12-31 06:54:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5410,'015004013','CABINET SLIDING DOOR','015004','2014-12-31 06:55:11','2017-02-03
08:02:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kabinet yang terdapat dalam pelbagai jenis dan saiz
yang menpunyai pintu gelonsor.'),(5411,'015002028','KERUSI AUDITORIUM (ASET TAK
ALIH)','015002','2015-01-02 00:33:55','2019-02-12
16:13:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kerusi yang dilekatkan pada lantai di auditorium,
bilik seminar dan dewan kuliah'),(5412,'015002029','KERUSI BANQUET
BERLENGAN','015002','2015-01-02 00:36:10','2016-04-13
17:20:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kerusi yang digunakan pada acara rasmi. '),
(5413,'006005050','MEMORY CARD DRIVE (STOK)','006005','2015-01-02 00:40:30','2019-
02-12 21:22:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5414,'006005051','MOBILE STORAGE
UNIT','006005','2015-01-02 00:42:06','2019-02-12
21:23:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk kegunaan peralatan muzik.'),
(5415,'006005052','PRE AMPLIFIER ','006005','2015-01-02
00:43:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5416,'006005053','16 ZONE REMOTE PAGING
MICROPHONE','006005','2015-01-02 00:44:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5417,'006005054','UHF WIRELESS BELT PACK UNIT ','006005','2015-01-02
UNIT','010003','2015-01-02 08:49:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5419,'010003053','X RAY PRINTING DEVICE','010003','2015-01-02
08:50:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5420,'008016004','ENZYMATION TANK
HEATING','008016','2015-01-06 02:40:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan di bengkel/food lab'),(5421,'008016005','SEAMING MACHINE','008016','2015-
01-06 02:42:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan dibengkel/food
lab'),(5422,'008005077','SET ELECTRONIC REPAIRING HAND TOOL KIT','008005','2015-01-
07 02:07:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan sebagai alat
bantuan pembaikan electronic'),(5423,'008014044','PIR LIGHTING
SYSTEM','008014','2015-01-09 02:30:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti pembelajaran dibengkel.'),(5424,'008014045','DISTRUBUTION
FUSE BOARD CONSUMER UNIT','008014','2015-01-09
02:33:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yanag digunakan untuk aktiviti
pembelajaran dibengkel'),(5425,'008014046','FIRE ALARM CONTROL
PANEL','008014','2015-01-09 02:35:34','2015-01-14
11:28:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pembelajaran'),(5426,'004023055','DCA 20000 + HBA ANALYSER','004023','2015-01-12
03:17:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5427,'004023056','SYSTEM KX 21N KOBE
(JAPAN)','004023','2015-01-12 03:18:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5428,'001005015','PRINTHEAD CLEANER (STOK)','001005','2015-01-12 06:37:01','2019-
02-11 22:07:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5429,'010011061','BLOOD
FREEZER','010011','2015-01-13 07:27:42','2015-01-13
15:29:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menyimpam darah'),
(5430,'008014047','CONDUIT REAMER','008014','2015-01-14
03:30:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pembelajaran dibengkel'),(5431,'008014048','SMOKE HEAT DETECTOR
TEST','008014','2015-01-14 03:50:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Perlatan yang
digunakan dibengkel pembelajaran'),(5432,'008011061','STEPPER
MOTOR','008011','2015-01-14 03:57:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti pembelajaran dibengkel'),(5433,'008014049','MODULAR
STEPPER DRIVE SYSTEM','008014','2015-01-14
08:55:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pembelajaran dibengkel.'),(5434,'008014050','SOLAR PANEL ','008014','2015-01-14
09:04:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pembelajaran di bengkel.'),(5435,'010011062','MINI NEST BALL POOL','010011','2015-
01-15 03:11:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5436,'010002084','EXTRICTION DEVICE
KENDRICK','010002','2015-01-15 04:44:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5437,'011001065','PETI LOMBOL','011001','2015-01-19
06:21:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5438,'010008071','BIPHASIC 8.4’ MONITOR
’CARDIOLIFE’','010008','2015-01-26 01:51:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5439,'010008072','ELECTRIC VACUUM SUCTION','010008','2015-01-26
01:52:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5440,'010008073','PORTABLE FETAL
DOPPLER/CAPNOGRAPH','010008','2015-01-26 02:10:15','2015-12-22
11:22:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk pengujian '),
(5441,'010008074','ABR HEARING SCREENING','010008','2015-01-26
02:16:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5442,'010008075','ADULT FLEXIBLE
NASOLARYNGOSCOPY','010008','2015-01-26 02:18:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
','010008','2015-01-26 02:27:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5444,'010008077','ENT TREATMENT UNIT','010008','2015-01-26
DOOR','010008','2015-01-26 03:34:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5446,'010008079','X RAY VIEWER','010008','2015-01-26
01-26 03:37:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
EVACUATOR','010008','2015-01-26 03:40:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5450,'010008083','AUTOMATED ENDOSCOPIC WASHER / MEDIVATOR MV 2','010008','2015-01-
26 03:41:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5451,'010008084','DDA
CUPBOARD','010008','2015-01-26 03:42:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5452,'004013153','CHAIR WEIGHING SCALE','004013','2015-01-26
03:44:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5453,'010002085','E C T
MACHINE','010002','2015-01-26 03:47:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5454,'010002086','E C T SOMATICS','010002','2015-01-26
TABLE','010008','2015-01-26 03:50:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5456,'010008086','BLOOD WARMING BATH','010008','2015-01-26
PUMP','010008','2015-01-26 03:52:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5458,'010008088','HYDRAULIC PATIENT LIFTER','010008','2015-01-26
03:54:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5459,'008014051','COMBINED V/A
TESTER','008014','2015-01-26 04:32:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5460,'008002131','KE JETRONIC TRAINER','008002','2015-01-26
06:49:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5461,'008011062','TESTED FOR DELIVERY
QUANTITY COMPARISON (EFI ENGINE)','008011','2015-01-26
07:06:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5462,'008011063','CENTRAL CONTROL TESTER
UNIT','008011','2015-01-26 07:11:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5463,'008011064','FUEL INJECTION PUMP SERVICE TOOL ','008011','2015-01-26
07:23:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5464,'008011065','FUEL PUMP TOOL
KIT','008011','2015-01-26 07:28:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5465,'008011066','AIR OPERATED PORTABLE GREASE LUBRICATOR','008011','2015-01-26
07:38:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5466,'008011067','AIR COND VACUUM
PUMP','008011','2015-01-26 07:43:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5467,'008011068','PEDESTAL BUFFING MACHINE HEAVY DUTY','008011','2015-01-26
LUBRICATOR','008011','2015-01-26 07:46:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
FLOWBENCH','008011','2015-01-26 07:48:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5470,'008011071','WHEEL BALANCING MACHINE','008011','2015-01-26
07:50:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5471,'008011072','AIR OPERATED WASTE OIL
CHANGER','008011','2015-01-26 07:52:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5472,'008011073','EXHAUST GAS ANALYZER','008011','2015-01-26
07:53:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5473,'008011074','MODULE DISC/ BRAKE/ ABS
SYSTEM','008011','2015-01-26 07:54:55','2015-10-08
COMP SYS','008011','2015-01-26 07:56:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5475,'008011076','MODULE VEHICLE DISPLAY AND ACCESSORIES','008011','2015-01-26
08:31:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5476,'008011077','MODULE START CHARG AND
BASIC IGNITION SYSTEM','008011','2015-01-26 08:32:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5477,'008011078','MODULE AUTOMOTIF ELECTRICS','008011','2015-01-26
08:36:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5478,'008011079','ENGINE MANAGEMENT
SYSTEM','008011','2015-01-26 08:39:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5479,'008011080','DIESEL INJECTOR TESTER','008011','2015-01-26
08:43:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5480,'008011081','UNIVERSAL RADIATOR
PRESSURE TESTER TOOL','008011','2015-01-26 08:45:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
TUBE MANOMETER','008011','2015-01-26 08:47:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5482,'008011083','ENGINE CAMPRO ON STAND','008011','2015-01-26
08:48:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5483,'001005016','CLAVIS METER (3D
PRINTER)','001005','2015-01-26 08:50:59','2019-02-11
22:10:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Belt Tension Meter '),(5484,'010008089','GUN SET
STEAM','010008','2015-01-29 03:09:02','2015-01-29
11:09:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Steam Gun can be used to clean carts and
other\nportable equipment, racks and other large metal items. For\nhardened dirt
and stains, use steam with detergent, brush to\nsoften and remove – rinse with
hot water. For soft stains and\ndirt, use hot water and detergent to wash – rinse
with hot\nwater'),(5485,'015002030','CHAIR SHOWER WATERPROOF CHILD (WHITE
COLOUR)','015002','2015-01-29 03:30:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5486,'010004102','SEAT BATH MADDACARE CHILD','010004','2015-01-29
POSITIONER','010004','2015-01-29 04:34:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5488,'010004104','STERILIZER FASH','010004','2015-01-29
04:35:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5489,'010004105','FRAME TOILET ADD
ON','010004','2015-01-29 04:36:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5490,'010004106','SEAT TOILET ELEVATED COMFORT','010004','2015-01-29
SET 3','010004','2015-01-29 04:39:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5492,'010004108','SPLINTING WEDGE','010004','2015-01-29
04:41:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5493,'010004109','PERCEPTUAL MOTOR
PROGRAM','010004','2015-01-29 04:42:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5494,'010004110','DESENSITISATION SET','010004','2015-01-29
04:53:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5495,'010002087','REMOTE AFTERLOADING
BRACHYTHERAPY SYSTEM','010002','2015-01-29 06:18:55','2015-01-29
14:19:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Remote afterloading unit ialah mesin yang mengawal
kedudukan bahan radioaktif semasa rawatan brakiterapi. Mesin ini dikawal secara
berkomputer daripada luar bilik rawatan. Remote-Afterloading Brachytherapy System
terdiri daripada afterloader unit, panel kawalan, bahan radioaktif, applicator dan
transfer tube.'),(5496,'004015033','3D WATER PHANTOM','004015','2015-01-29
06:21:18','2015-01-29 14:21:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'3D water phantom is a
motorized water phantom for automatic dose distribution measurement of radiation
therapy beams'),(5497,'004015034','QA BEAM CHECKER','004015','2015-01-29
06:22:51','2015-01-29 14:23:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The QA BeamChecker Plus uses a
unique Wire-Free system which allows a therapist or physicist to perform daily
linear accelerator, TomoTherapy, IMAT, or VMAT QA measurements without using any
cables or PC software interface.'),(5498,'004015035','IONIZATION
CHAMBER','004015','2015-01-29 06:24:27','2015-01-29
14:24:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'In medical physics and radiotherapy, ionization
chambers are used to ensure that the dose delivered from a therapy unit[6] is what
is intended. A chamber will have a calibration factor established by a national
standards laboratory or will have a factor determined by comparison against a
transfer standard chamber traceable to national standards at the user\'s site.'),
(5499,'004015036','ELECTROMETER','004015','2015-01-29 06:25:49','2015-01-29
14:26:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'An electrometer is an electrical instrument for
measuring electric charge or electrical potential difference'),
(5500,'004015037','WELL CHAMBER','004015','2015-01-29 06:27:28','2015-01-29
14:27:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Another common type of ionization chamber is the
well detector in which the outer chamber wall projects down inside a hollow tubular
anode. This greatly increases the system’s sensitivity because the sample can be
positioned in the center of the chamber'),(5501,'010002088','BREAST
BOARD','010002','2015-01-29 06:29:34','2015-01-29
14:30:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini digunakan untuk mencegah gerak pesakit
semasa rawatan dibahagian toraks. Ia diperbuat daripada bahan telus radiasi iaitu
carbon fiber.'),(5502,'010002089','IMMOBILIZATION DEVICE Posifix Headrest to U
frame Adapter 301016 (STOK)','010002','2015-01-29 06:38:06','2016-10-24
16:48:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini digunakan untuk mencegah gerak pesakit
semasa rawatan dibahagian kepala. \n\nIa diperbuat daripada bahan telus radiasi
iaitu Busa Lembut (Soft Foam).\n\nPeralatan ini membolehkan ia disuaipadankan
dengan peralatan lain iaitu U-Frame (Model MT2011CF/MT20100)'),
(5503,'010002090','IMMOBILIZATION DEVICE Posifix Headrest to U-frame Adapter 301029
(STOK)','010002','2015-01-29 06:44:51','2016-10-24
16:49:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini digunakan untuk mencegah gerak pesakit
semasa rawatan dibahagian kepala. \n\nIa diperbuat daripada bahan telus radiasi
iaitu Plastik\n\nPeralatan ini membolehkan ia disuaipadankan dengan peralatan lain
iaitu Type-S ( 20CFHNSUB2)'),(5504,'010002091','IMMOBILIZATION DEVICE Head Rest
Model 305000 (STOK)','010002','2015-01-29 06:47:44','2016-10-24
16:49:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini digunakan untuk mencegah gerak pesakit
semasa rawatan radioterapi dibahagian kepala. Set ini digunakan untuk kepala
pesakit bersaiz normal.\n\nIa diPerbuat dari Busa Lembut (Soft Foam) untuk
keselesaaan pesakit semasa memakainya.\n\nSet ini terdiri daripada 5 jenis bentuk,
untuk posisi kepala yang dikehendaki semasa rawatan radioterapi dijalankan.'),
(5505,'010002092','IMMOBILIZATION DEVICE Contoured Headrest Model 301234
(STOK)','010002','2015-01-29 06:49:46','2016-10-24
16:50:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini digunakan untuk mencegah gerak pesakit
semasa rawatan radioterapi dibahagian kepala. Set ini digunakan untuk pesakit yang
berkepala besar.\n\nSet ini terdiri daripada 3 jenis varian bentuk, untuk
penyesuaian bentuk kepala pesakit\n'),(5506,'010003054','ARTHROSCOPY CAMERA
SYSTEM','010003','2015-01-29 09:01:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
01-30 02:44:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5509,'010002093','MEMBRANE FILTRATION
SET C/W PUMP','010002','2015-02-05 02:34:46','2015-02-05
10:35:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan untuk menapis ubat yang tidak boleh
disteril menggunakan haba.'),(5510,'008004017','ARBOR PRESS','008004','2015-02-09
01:54:51','2015-02-09 09:55:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Arbor tekan ialah sejenis alat
tekan kendalian tangan yang biasa digunakan untuk memancang, menyumbat, memasang,
mengeluarkan galas dan lain-lain kerja tekan yang bersesuaian. '),
(5511,'008002132','HARMONIC ANALYSER','008002','2015-02-11 08:43:09','2015-02-11
16:43:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengukur nilai punca
min kuasa dua (pmkd), nilai puncak dan Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) bagi arus
dan voltan'),(5512,'008004018','SIGNWRITING PLOTTER MACHINE','008004','2015-02-12
03:30:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5513,'008004019','TRUE SOLVENT
JET','008004','2015-02-12 03:33:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5514,'002005020','THERMOFOM','002005','2015-02-13 01:16:31','2015-02-13
(5515,'002005021','INDEX BRAILLE','002005','2015-02-13 01:17:45','2015-02-13
(5516,'006003022','HOME THEATER','006003','2015-02-13
02:25:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5517,'001001010','GATEWAY SERVER - X
RAY','001001','2015-02-13 07:59:52','2019-02-11 20:58:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5518,'001003023','DICOMAR SYSTEM - X RAY','001003','2015-02-13 08:01:27','2019-02-
11 21:12:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5519,'001002006','VIEWING STATION BARCO NIO -
X RAY','001002','2015-02-13 08:02:31','2019-02-11
21:10:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5520,'001005017','PRINTER (X
RAY)','001005','2015-02-13 08:03:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5521,'001003024','APC BACK UPS RS - X RAY','001003','2015-02-13 08:04:29','2019-
(5522,'015001040','DESKTOP CART','015001','2015-02-13 08:06:02','2015-02-13
BARCO DAN PERALATAN LAIN-LAIN'),(5523,'010001083','MOBILE C ARM','010001','2015-02-
13 08:10:05','2015-02-13 16:11:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'DIGUNAKAN SEMASA PEMBEDAHAN
(XRAY)','010011','2015-02-13 08:12:28','2015-02-13
(5525,'010011064','CHEMIX (XRAY)','010011','2015-02-13 08:13:49','2015-02-13
KIMIA UNTUK MEMPROSES FILEM'),(5526,'010008090','MAYFIELD SKULL','010008','2015-02-
16 00:49:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5527,'010005011','ANGIOJET ULTRA
THROMBECTOMY','010005','2015-02-17 02:41:03','2015-02-17
10:41:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Most advanced system to restore blood flow to
thrombosed arteries and veins'),(5528,'010005012','C CLAMPS L SHAPE
COMPRESSAR','010005','2015-02-17 02:42:36','2015-02-17
10:43:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The present invention is directed generally to a
simplified adjustably fastened, quickly positioned external pressure delivery
device for applying varying amounts of localized external pressure to a selected
region of the body. More particularly, the invention relates to a portable,
wearable vascular compression device for promoting hemostasis at the site of a
puncture after a vascular catheterization procedure has been performed which
applies adjustable localized pressure at the exact site of interest for a required
time that minimizes interference with patient mobility. The device and method are
particularly suited to access the radial artery in the forearm'),
(5529,'010005013','PORTABLE ECMO (BYPASS SUPPORT)','010005','2015-02-17
02:44:21','2015-02-17 10:44:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The HLS Set Advanced provides
complete monitoring and is specially developed for veno-venous or veno-arterial
extracorporeal support for up to 30 days continuous use. Powered by CARDIOHELP, the
world’s smallest heart-lung machine, the system combines user-friendliness and
patient safety. The system also has all the necessary approvals for the transport
of patients on extracorporeal support within or between hospitals'),
(5530,'010005014','ANGIO BIPLANE SYSTEM','010005','2015-02-17 02:47:02','2015-02-17
10:47:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The HLS Set Advanced provides complete monitoring
and is specially developed for veno-venous or veno-arterial extracorporeal support
for up to 30 days continuous use. Powered by CARDIOHELP, the world’s smallest
heart-lung machine, the system combines user-friendliness and patient safety. The
system also has all the necessary approvals for the transport of patients on
extracorporeal support within or between hospitals'),(5531,'010005015','REOCOR
SINGLE CHAMBER','010005','2015-02-23 07:35:44','2015-02-23
15:36:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The device is available in two models, for dual- and
single-chamber pacing therapy, and offers individualized patient therapy, easy
handling and flexibility in every detail. Reocor enriches BIOTRONIK’s portfolio
of high quality cardiovascular devices and sets a new standard of quality for
external pacing therapy.'),(5532,'010003055','I/I MACHINE','010003','2015-02-23
07:42:16','2015-02-23 15:43:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Advanced multipurpose C-arm
for a broad range of applications like orthopedics, trauma and vascular surgery, or
urology'),(5533,'010001084','ARTERIAL BLOOD GAS (ABG) MACHINE','010001','2015-02-23
07:45:54','2015-02-23 15:46:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'An arterial blood gas (ABG)
test measures the acidity (pH) and the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the
blood from an artery. This test is used to check how well your lungs are able to
move oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide from the blood.As blood passes
through your lungs, oxygen moves into the blood while carbon dioxide moves out of
the blood into the lungs. An ABG test uses blood drawn from an artery, where the
oxygen and carbon dioxide levels can be measured before they enter body tissues'),
(5534,'010004111','PRESSURE MAPPING ASSESSMENT KIT','010004','2015-02-23
07:51:23','2015-02-23 15:51:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Whether used as a general
anesthetic for oral surgery or as a means to provide patients with conscious
sedation dentistry services, nitrous oxide has been a mainstay of dentistry for a
long time. Nitrous oxide delivery systems allow you to control the mix of gas and
oxygen a patient is receiving in order to provide the appropriate dose for the
patient and the procedure. Some of these nitrous oxide units have digital flow
controls while others are controlled manually. As with all dental equipment,
nitrous oxide delivery equipment must be working properly to ensure patient safety
and optimal treatment outcomes'),(5535,'010001085','THERMOMETER LASER POINT
GUN','010001','2015-02-24 04:36:23','2015-02-24
12:36:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Laser sight allows accurate targeting.\nSimply point
to an object and read its temperature.\nPrecise non-contact IR thermometer, safe
and easy to use.\nLaser on/off switch, Auto power off & temperature data
hold.\nConsist of optics, temperature sensor, signal amplifier, processing circuit
and LCD display\n'),(5536,'008011084','PART WASHER WITH PUMP','008011','2015-02-24
04:39:49','2015-02-24 12:40:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan sebagai alat untuk
mencuci komponen yang diselaputi minyak,gris dan kotoran'),
(5537,'004020015','CENTRIFUGAL FORCE APPARATUS','004020','2015-02-24
04:43:54','2015-02-24 12:44:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A LEARNING KIT USED TO STUDY
ANGIN','008001','2015-02-27 01:38:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti '),(5539,'011026001','IMPULSE RACE SYSTEM','011026','2015-
02-27 01:48:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
sukan lumba kereta'),(5540,'011026002','ELEVATED RACE TRACK','011026','2015-02-27
01:49:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti lumba
kereta'),(5541,'010004112','MINNESOTA SPATIAL RELATIONS TEST','010004','2015-03-03
01:16:04','2015-03-03 09:16:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Minnesota spatial
relations test in relation to a hand-skill test, interest inventory areas, an
intelligence test, and certain environmental data. It has been well established
that scores on visual perceptual tests decline with age. The norms for the
Minnesota Spatial Relations Test (MSRT) were established with persons age 16 to 67.
The purpose of this study was to develop guidelines of performance for adults age
65 and over. The MSRT was administered to 51 adults, 65 to 90 years of age. Decline
ranks are provided for tests A/B, C/D, and A/B/C/D of the MSRT'),
(5542,'010004113','SENSORY INTEGRATION & PRAXIS TEST (SIPT)','010004','2015-03-03
01:17:34','2015-03-03 09:18:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Sensory Integration and
Praxis Tests, also known as the SIPT is a collection of 17 tests that are designed
to test various aspects of sensory processing. The test is designed for use with
children between the ages of 4 years through 8 years 11 months. The SIPT tests
motor planning (praxis) components of the vestibular, proprioceptive, kinesthetic,
tactile, and visual systems'),(5543,'010004114','BRUINIKS OSERETSKY
TEST','010004','2015-03-03 01:18:46','2015-03-03 09:19:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'An
individually administered, comprehensive measure of gross and fine motor skills'),
(5544,'010004115','LEITER INTERNATIONAL PERFORMANCE','010004','2015-03-03
01:20:09','2015-03-03 09:20:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'To measure general
intelligence/cognitive ability'),(5545,'010004116','SENSORY STIMULATION
KIT','010004','2015-03-03 01:21:22','2015-03-03 09:21:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A
comprehensive sensory and cognitive therapy tool kit with more than 90 age-
appropriate sensory activities including auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory and
tactile stimuli'),(5546,'010004117','UNEX SYSTEM III','010004','2015-03-03
01:22:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5547,'010004118','VESTIBULAR II
DELUXE','010004','2015-03-03 01:24:19','2015-03-03
09:24:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Tumble Forms II Deluxe Vestibulator II System
offers all the benefits of a ceiling suspension system without installation costs
and concerns. The Tumble Forms II Deluxe Vestibulator II System has the capacity to
accommodate a wide range of therapy modules of vestibular, neurodevelopmental, and
sensory integration therapy. It can be used with various accessories to provide
vertical stimulation and direct flexion, linear acceleration, rotational
experiences, and a complete range of motion exercises'),(5548,'010004119','COTNAB
(Chessington Occupational Therapy Neurological Assessment Battery)','010004','2015-
03-03 01:25:37','2015-03-03 09:26:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Chessington Occupational
Therapy Neurological Assessment Battery (COTNAB) A standardized neurological
assessment battery for brain injury and stroke. COTNAB is a fully validated battery
of tests for the assessment of functional and perceptual dysfunction with
neurological patients aged 16 upwards'),(5549,'010004120','INTERGRATED PEER
PERFORMANCE COMPONENTS @ VALPAR 14','010004','2015-03-03 01:26:52','2015-03-03
09:27:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'To create observable worker interaction during the
completion of assembly tasks. Allows the observation of the evaluees instruction
following ability, hand and finger dexterity, and color discrimination skills.
Special emphasis is placed on each evaluees ability to interact effectively with
both peers and supervisors, and his/her ability to work as a team member'),
(5550,'010004121','WHOLE BODY RANGE OF MOTION COMPONENT @ VALPAR 9','010004','2015-
03-03 01:29:07','2015-03-03 09:29:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Valpar Component
Work Sample 9 assesses whole body range of motion, agility, and stamina through
gross body movements of the trunk, arms, hands, legs, and fingers'),
(5551,'010004122','SMALL TOOLS (MECHANICAL) @ VALPAR 1','010004','2015-03-03
01:30:26','2015-03-03 09:31:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'assesses the ability to make
precise finger and hand movements and to work with small tools in tight or awkward
spaces. The work sample simulates light work, and makes the following physical
demands upon the evaluee reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity,
depth perception, and accommodation. Significant motor coordination, finger
dexterity, and manual dexterity are called for to perform the work sample
satisfactorily'),(5552,'010004123','PRE VOCATIONAL READINESS BATTERY @ VALPAR
17','010004','2015-03-03 01:31:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5553,'010004124','EYE HAND COORDINATION @ VALPAR 11','010004','2015-03-03
01:32:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5554,'010004125','POLICE BIKE
','010004','2015-03-03 01:34:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5555,'010004126','HOME ACTIVITIES STIMULATOR 1','010004','2015-03-03
','010004','2015-03-03 01:45:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5557,'010004128','ASSISTIVE BEDRAIL','010004','2015-03-03
01:49:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5558,'010004129','SEMMES MONOFILAMENT
01:52:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5559,'010004130','POSTURE MIRROR WITH
MOBILE STAND','010004','2015-03-03 01:57:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5560,'010004131','RIVERMEAD PERCEPTUAL
ASSESSMENT BATTERY (RPAB)','010004','2015-03-03
01:58:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5561,'010004132','T/PAL VALPAR THERAPIST
PORTABLE ASSESSMENT LAB','010004','2015-03-03 01:59:25','2015-03-03
10:00:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'T/PAL contains 12 work modules designed to assess
cognitive and psychomotor abilities. The modules aid in formulating treatment plans
by providing valuable insight into the skills that a patient possesses. T/PAL
provides a standardized screening assessment system, tied to both the DOT Worker
Qualification Profile factors and to MTM industrial performance standards'),
(5562,'010004133','MILKY WAY CARPET','010004','2015-03-03
02:00:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5563,'010004134','FIBRE OPTIC
SPRAY','010004','2015-03-03 02:01:44','2015-03-03
10:02:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Fiber-Optic Light Spray Set - Fiberglass 100-Cable .
Light spray sets provide tactile and visual stimulation within Snoezelen
environments. Create a calming and relaxed atmosphere with this colour changing
fibre optic lamp'),(5564,'010004135','SHIMMERING CURTAIN WITH FIBRE
OPTIC','010004','2015-03-03 02:02:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5565,'010004136','BUBBLE TUBE ','010004','2015-03-03 02:03:40','2015-03-03
10:04:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Bubble tubes provide multi-sensory feedback and
stimulate the visual system. The constant effects of color change are also useful
for promoting color recognition and visual perception. \nIn addition to the visual
benefits, bubble tubes are ideal for providing tactile stimulation\n'),
(LOTCA)','010004','2015-03-03 02:05:40','2015-03-03
10:06:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'LOTCA designed specifically for use as part of an
ongoing evaluation and treatment plan for geriatric'),(5567,'011027001','PARAREL
BARS','011027','2015-03-05 01:18:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk gimnastik'),(5568,'011027002','MUSHROOM GIMNASTIK','011027','2015-
03-05 01:19:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk sukan
gimnastik'),(5569,'011027003','POMMEL HORSE','011027','2015-03-05
01:20:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk sukan
gimnastik'),(5570,'011027004','BALANCE BEAM','011027','2015-03-05
01:20:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Perlatan yang digunkan untuk sukan gimnastik'),
(5571,'011027005','VOULTING TABLE','011027','2015-03-05
01:21:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk sukan
gimnastik'),(5572,'011027006','WALL BARS','011027','2015-03-05
01:22:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk sukan
gimnastik'),(5573,'001009028','LAPTOP CHARGING CART','001009','2015-03-06
PRINTER','001005','2015-03-11 02:51:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5577,'006009008','GLOCKENSPIEL 32 KEYS WITH STAND','006009','2015-03-13
01:46:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5576,'006008035','PULSE HI
HAT','006008','2015-03-13 01:45:17','2019-02-12
22:24:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Komponen kepada drum'),(5578,'006008036','PULSE HI
HAT STAND','006008','2015-03-13 01:47:30','2019-02-12
22:26:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Komponen kepada drum'),(5579,'008006009','MEJA
WELDING','008006','2015-03-13 01:49:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5580,'008006010','MEJA PENCANAI PEGUN / MEJA GERUDI PEGUN','008006','2015-03-13
KETTLE','003002','2015-03-13 02:03:00','2019-02-11
21:58:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk memanaskan sup'),(5582,'003002011','DECK
RICE COOKER (AUTOMATIC)','003002','2015-03-13 02:04:58','2019-02-11
22:02:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat memasak nasi secara pukal atau kuantiti yang
banyak.'),(5583,'003006012','ALUMINIUM ROUND DINING TABLE','003006','2015-03-13
TABLE','003006','2015-03-13 02:07:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5585,'011001066','COMPETITION FLOOR EXERCISE SET','011001','2015-03-13
TABLE','011001','2015-03-13 02:58:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5587,'011001068','SPRING BOARD','011001','2015-03-13
02:59:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5588,'011001069','SET OF VAULTING RUNWAY,
LANDING MATRESS','011001','2015-03-13 03:00:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5589,'011001070','COMPETITION HORIZONTAL BAR','011001','2015-03-13
03:01:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5590,'011001071','COMPETITION PARALLEL
BAR','011001','2015-03-13 03:02:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5591,'011001072','COMPETITION BALANCE BEAM','011001','2015-03-13
03:03:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5592,'011001073','COMPETITION UNEVEN
BARS','011001','2015-03-13 03:04:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5593,'011001074','MATTRESS TROLLEY','011001','2015-03-13
HOLDER','011001','2015-03-13 03:06:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5595,'011001076','APPARATUS SCORE BOARD','011001','2015-03-13
TRACK','011001','2015-03-13 03:12:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5597,'011001078','WALL BARS','011001','2015-03-13
03:13:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5598,'011001079','FLOOR EXERCISE
MAT','011001','2015-03-13 03:14:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5599,'011001080','MINI TRAMPOLINE','011001','2015-03-13
03:15:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5600,'011001081','SAFETY CRASH
MAT','011001','2015-03-13 03:16:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5601,'011001082','VAULTING RUNWAY MAT','011001','2015-03-13
03:19:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5602,'011001083','SOFT LANDING
MAT','011001','2015-03-13 03:20:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
03:21:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5604,'011001085','TRAINING BALANCE
BEAM','011001','2015-03-13 03:22:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5605,'011001086','TRAINING PARALLEL BARS','011001','2015-03-13
03:23:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5606,'011001087','TRAINING UNEVEN
BARS','011001','2015-03-13 03:24:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5607,'011001088','TRAINING RINGS','011001','2015-03-13
03:24:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5608,'011001089','TRAINING HORIONTAL
BAR','011001','2015-03-13 03:25:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5609,'011001090','PIT WALL PADDING AND FOAM UNDER PIT','011001','2015-03-13
03:26:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5610,'011001091','CLIMBING ROPE
(STOK)','011001','2015-03-13 03:28:08','2019-02-11
TRAMPOLINE','011001','2015-03-13 03:28:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5612,'011001093','POMMEL HORSE','011001','2015-03-13
03:29:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5613,'007001033','RFID ACTIVE
READER','007001','2015-03-13 03:50:20','2015-03-13
11:53:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5614,'007001034','RFID ACTIVE USB DESKTOP
READER','007001','2015-03-13 03:51:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5615,'007001035','RFID PASSIVE USB DESKTOP READER','007001','2015-03-13
03:53:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5616,'007001036','RFID PASSIVE FIXED
READER','007001','2015-03-13 03:54:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5617,'007001037','RFID HYBRID HANDHELD ACTIVE READER','007001','2015-03-13
03:55:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5618,'010011065','MEDICAL EMERGENCY
CART','010011','2015-03-13 04:00:05','2015-03-13 12:00:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5619,'010006042','WASHER DISINFECTOR','010006','2015-03-13
04:12:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5620,'010006043','DENTAL POLISHING
UNIT','010006','2015-03-13 04:13:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5621,'010006044','DENTAL OPERATING STOOL','010006','2015-03-13
DENTAL','010006','2015-03-13 04:17:12','2015-08-06
16:23:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan gigi seperti
Single Tooth Anesthesia, Dental Portable dll'),(5623,'010006046','DENTAL MODEL
(TEETH)','010006','2015-03-13 04:18:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5624,'010006047','PRESSURE POT','010006','2015-03-13
04:19:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5625,'010006048','DENTAL X RAY/SCANNER
VIEWER','010006','2015-03-13 04:20:34','2015-10-27
16:44:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menganalisis dengan
lebih tepat seperti Dental XRay, Scanner Image Plate (Phosphate Film) dll.'),
(5626,'010006049','POUCH LAMINATE MACHINE','010006','2015-03-13
04:21:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5627,'010006050','LIGHT INTENSITY
METER','010006','2015-03-13 04:22:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5628,'006005055','CUE LIGHT INDICATOR','006005','2015-03-13
07:56:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5629,'006005056','DIGITAL PROFANITY
DELAY','006005','2015-03-13 07:56:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5630,'006005057','REVERBERATION UNIT','006005','2015-03-13 07:57:21','2019-02-12
21:32:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5632,'004014165','MERCURICAL DESK MODEL
SPHYGOMOMANOMETER','004014','2015-03-13 08:13:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5633,'004014166','WIND TUNNEL /TEROWONG ANGIN','004014','2015-03-13
08:22:11','2015-03-13 16:22:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan dalam
penyelidikan aerodinamik untuk mengkaji kesan udara bergerak objek padu lalu.
Terdiri daripada laluan tiub dengan objek yang sedang diuji dipasang di tengah-
tengah. Aliran udara digunakan untuk melepasi objek dengan sistem kipas yang kuat
atau cara-cara lain.'),(5634,'016001009','LOGO JABATAN (STOK)','016001','2015-03-13
08:39:46','2019-02-12 16:27:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Logo berbentuk signage atau
sticker didaftar sebagai stok'),(5635,'002009008','TRANSPARENT
BOARD','002009','2015-03-13 08:42:11','2018-05-25
09:35:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Paparan yang pelbagai bentuk yang digunakan untuk
memaparkan pelbagai hiasan atau kenyataan seperti Transparent, ACRYLIC dan lain-
LOADING VACCINE FRIDGE','010011','2015-03-16 00:59:41','2015-03-16
09:00:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'For long term or short term storage of various
vaccine requiring low temperature (below ambient) to ensure appropriate and quality
cold-chain especially in areas susceptible to power failures'),
(5637,'010001086','THERMO SCAN','010001','2015-03-16 01:03:03','2015-03-16
09:03:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'ThermoScan Ear Thermometer has been designed to
provide accurate temperature measurements within seconds from an easy to read LCD
display. Manufactured with Brauns unique patented pre-warmed tip, ThermoScan Ear
Thermometers ensure professional accuracy every time'),(5638,'002016001','PORTABLE
GUARD HOUSE','002016','2015-03-16 01:23:38','2018-12-17
09:18:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5639,'010011067','LINEN TROLLEY
','010011','2015-03-16 01:42:30','2015-03-16 09:43:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A round
soiled linen trolley constructed from tubular pipe mounted\non 3 swivel castors of
50mm fitted with a canvas bag\n'),(5641,'001003025','CORE FIBER PATCH PANEL
(STOK)','001003','2015-03-16 03:11:34','2017-02-02
16:07:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5642,'001003026','VIEW CONTROL
CONSOLE','001003','2015-03-16 03:13:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5643,'015004014','KABINET TINGGI FAIL BERPINTU KACA SEPARUH','015004','2015-03-16
03:15:09','2015-03-16 11:15:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kabinet yang diperbuat
daripada kayu dan berpintu kaca separuh yang terdiri dari pelbagai jenis/bentuk
seperti bertingkat, digunakan mengikut keperluan agensi'),(5644,'004013154','STEEL
BEAM TRAMMELS & ATTACHMENT','004013','2015-03-16 03:46:58','2015-03-16
TRACK','008004','2015-03-16 03:48:42','2015-03-16
BEVELLERS','008004','2015-03-16 03:49:48','2015-03-16
DDR321)','008010','2015-03-16 04:00:57','2015-03-16
12:08:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5648,'008010007','DIGITAL CORDLESS PHONE
TRAINING KIT ','008010','2015-03-16 04:02:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
XG3020)','008010','2015-03-16 04:05:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5650,'008010009','REWORK MACHINE (PC MOTHERBOARD) (ACHI/IR6000)','008010','2015-
03-16 04:06:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5651,'005008016','MANHOLE (ASET TAK
ALIH)','005008','2015-03-16 04:14:07','2017-11-23
10:31:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Menempatkan kabel bawah tanah dalam rangkaian
telekomunikasi tempatan'),(5652,'008002133','DIGITAL POWER CLAMPMETER
','008002','2015-03-16 08:02:16','2015-03-16 16:02:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digital
Power Clampmeter combines the functuionality of \noscilloscope, harmonic meter and
data logger\n'),(5653,'008002134','SOLDERING AND DESOLDERING STATION
','008002','2015-03-16 08:05:19','2015-03-16
16:05:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Designed all in one system for soldering and
disoldering. \nCompact Design for minimum use of bench space. \n'),
(5654,'008005078','BENCH LEAD CUTTER MACHINE ','008005','2015-03-16
08:06:47','2015-03-16 16:07:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Memotong dan membentuk lead
stripe sebelum kerja-kerja \npendawaian permukaan dilakukan\n'),
(5655,'004023057','PRIMUS PDQ HbA1C ','004023','2015-03-16
CENTRIFUGE','004023','2015-03-16 08:49:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5657,'004023059','HEMATOLOGY ANALYSER ','004023','2015-03-16
08:50:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5658,'004023060','SHAKER ROTATOR WITH
TECHOMETER ','004023','2015-03-17 01:52:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5659,'004023061','HOT AIR OVEN MEMMERT','004023','2015-03-17
METER','004023','2015-03-17 01:54:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5661,'002001035','SCRUBING MACHINE ','002001','2015-03-17
(36 inch x 14 inch)','015001','2015-03-17 04:34:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5663,'001003027','PROXY SERVER','001003','2015-03-17 08:56:11','2015-03-17
16:56:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A server that sits between a client application,
such as a Web browser, and a real server. It intercepts all requests to the real
server to see if it can fulfill the requests itself. If not, it forwards the
request to the real server.\n\nIt improves performance and filter request.\n'),
(5664,'001003028','BANDWIDTH MANAGEMENT (STOK)','001003','2015-03-17
08:57:34','2019-02-11 21:39:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Measuring and controlling the
communications (traffic, packets) on a network link, to avoid filling the link to
capacity or overfilling the link, which would result in network congestion and poor
performance of the network.\n\nPacketShaper analyzes and positively identifies
traffic generated by hundreds of business and recreational applications\n'),
(5665,'001003029','FABRIC INTERCONNECT (STOK)','001003','2015-03-17
08:58:48','2019-02-11 21:40:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Cisco UCS 6120XP 20-Port
Fabric Interconnect is a core part of the Cisco Unified Computing System. Typically
deployed in redundant pairs, Fabric Interconnects provide uniform access to both
networks and storage.\nThe Cisco UCS 6120XP is a 1 RU fabric interconnect and
provides:\n• 20 fixed 10 Gigabit Ethernet and FCoE Small Form-Factor Pluggable
Plus (SFP+) ports\n• 520 Gigabits per second (Gbps) of throughput\n• A
single expansion module bay can support up to eight Fibre Channel ports or up to
six 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports using the SFP+ interfaces\n• Can support up to
160 servers or 20 chassis as a single seamless system\n'),(5666,'001003030','DNS,
DHCP, IPAM APPLIANCE (STOK)','001003','2015-03-17 09:00:04','2019-02-11
21:54:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Internet Protocol address management (IPAM) is a
means of planning, tracking, and managing the Internet Protocol address space used
in a network. Most commonly, tools such as DNS and DHCP are used in tandem to
perform this task, though true IPAM will glue these services together so that each
is aware of changes in the other (for instance DNS knowing of the IP address taken
by a client via DHCP, and updating itself accordingly). Additional functionality,
such as controlling reservations in DHCP as well as other data aggregation and
reporting capability, is also common'),(5667,'010008091','TALL PORTABLE BUNK
BED','010008','2015-03-19 05:56:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5668,'010008092','ID PRINTER DIGITAL (DIGICAM)','010008','2015-03-19
06:00:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5669,'007001038','ROLLER SHUTTER (ASET TAK
ALIH)','007001','2015-03-19 06:02:15','2017-09-29
DOPPLER','010001','2015-03-19 06:03:36','2015-03-19
14:04:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Doppler Ultrasound. A Doppler ultrasound test uses
reflected sound waves to see how blood flows through a blood vessel. It helps
doctors evaluate blood flow through major arteries and veins, such as those of the
arms, legs, and neck.'),(5671,'010006051','MOBILE GRIDING BOX','010006','2015-03-19
06:11:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5672,'010006052','AUTOMATIC CROWN
REMOVER','010006','2015-03-19 06:12:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5673,'010011068','BABY BASSINETTE COT ','010011','2015-03-19 07:48:04','2015-03-
19 15:48:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Cot trolley range is useful in maternity ward or
neonatal unit for newly born babies. The cot trolleys range is developed to give
maximum safety and comfort. All the baby cot trolleys come with two way head down
or foot down tilt function for security which enable better management of baby’s
medical needs'),(5674,'010002094','NON INVASIVE BLOOD PRESSURE
MONITOR','010002','2015-03-19 07:51:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5675,'010002095','DIGITAL BLOOD PRESSURE','010002','2015-03-19
PORTABLE ','010002','2015-03-19 07:55:01','2015-03-19
15:55:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The PA5 is a small, portable hand held audiometer
ideal for screening young infants via auditory localization techniques. It is
especially effective when employing VRA (visual reinforcement audiometry).'),
(5677,'010008093','STRETCHER TROLLEY','010008','2015-03-19 07:56:52','2015-03-19
15:57:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Removable stretcher top made from aluminium sheet
supported on MS tubular frame'),(5678,'004023063','UV BOX ','004023','2015-03-19
07:59:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5679,'010004138','ROCKER BOARD
','010004','2015-03-19 08:00:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5680,'010007033','BIOSAFETY CABINET','010007','2015-03-20 08:27:49','2015-03-20
(5681,'010011069','STADIOMETER MOBILE HEIGHT','010011','2015-03-23 04:38:47','2015-
03-23 12:39:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'a cleverly designed assembly system and
particularly high-quality materials. All this lends the stadiometer an
exceptionally high degree of stability – almost the same as a permanent
installation. In addition, the adjustable spacer ensures a secure hold without any
fittings. Suitable for medical practices and hospitals, the stadiometer is also
just right for mobile use, such as examinations of children at school or patients
at home. When disassembled, the stadiometer is easy to carry anywhere'),
(5682,'010011070','MEDICAL PACK HEATER','010011','2015-03-23
KAYU','010011','2015-03-23 04:43:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5684,'010011072','TROLLEY BEDPAN','010011','2015-03-23 04:44:50','2016-02-05
10:56:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan bantuan pesakit seperti Troli Kayu, Troli
PVC dll'),(5685,'010011073','HEMOCUE HB 201+','010011','2015-03-23
04:48:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5686,'015007006','PENGHADANG DIVIDER
KAYU','015007','2015-03-23 07:57:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5687,'008014052','INSTRUCTIONAL DIGITAL SERVO SYSTEM','008014','2015-03-24
02:02:24','2015-03-24 10:02:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This servo control training
System has been designed to allow students to investigate the principles of both
Analog and Digital control'),(5688,'004020016','LEVEL CONTROL
TRAINER','004020','2015-03-24 02:04:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5689,'004020017','PRESSURE CONTROL TRAINER','004020','2015-03-24 02:06:00','2015-
06-22 10:03:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pengujian yang digunakan untuk
aktiviti pengukuraan suhu sejuk atau panas'),(5690,'004020018','FLOW CONTROL
TRAINER','004020','2015-03-24 02:07:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5691,'004020019','COMPOUND PENDULUM APPARATUS','004020','2015-03-24
APPARATUS','004020','2015-03-24 02:12:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5693,'004020021','CRANK AND CONNECTING ROD APPARATUS','004020','2015-03-24
02:13:52','2015-03-24 10:14:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This bench top unit comprises
a sturdy base plate, which can be mounted vertically for demonstration purposes or
flat for experimental use.\nOn the left of the base is a large rotating protractor
scale \'Crank\' that rotates on a shaft and bearing arrangement. The increments on
the protractor match with a indicator that ensure accurate reading of the angular
movement of the scale. Integral to this protractor are varying radius positions
used for locating the crankshaft. At the other end of the crankshaft is a
slider \'Piston\' that runs in a slide housing. A linear scale mounted to this
housing ensures accurate readings of the piston displacement. An input disc can
house a crank pin, which can be fixed at various radii across the input disc
face.\n'),(5694,'004020022','PLATE CLUTCH FRICTION APPARATUS','004020','2015-03-24
APPARATUS','004020','2015-03-24 02:16:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5696,'004020024','UNIVERSAL VIBRATION SYSTEM','004020','2015-03-24
02:17:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5697,'004023064','CHEST STAND CASSETTE
HOLDER','004023','2015-03-24 02:39:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5698,'003004009','MESIN PEMOTONG BISKUT/COKLAT','003004','2015-03-30
01:41:02','2019-02-12 09:23:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
memotong biskut'),(5699,'003002012','MESIN ACUAN MEMBUAT CHEESE
CAKE','003002','2015-03-30 01:42:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin/Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk membuat Cheese Cake (Mesin)'),(5700,'003003039','CHILLER / PETI
SEJUK BERCERMIN','003003','2015-03-30 01:47:09','2015-03-30
09:52:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk memudahkan
penyimpanan makan berbeku'),(5701,'003005028','MESIN PENCUCI
LANTAI','003005','2015-03-30 01:49:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin/ Peralatan
ynag digunkan untuk kerja-kerja mencuci lantai dapur (Retractable Hose Reel)'),
(5702,'001003031','NETWORK SWITCH (STOK)','001003','2015-04-02 06:51:48','2019-02-
11 18:07:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'rujuk kod stok (HP Procurve)'),
(5703,'011007010','CLIMBING WALL','011007','2015-04-02
06:59:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5704,'011028001','TENNIS TRAINING
MACHINE','011028','2015-04-02 07:00:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5705,'011014006','RUGBY TACKLING BAG (STOK)','011014','2015-04-02 07:02:06','2019-
02-11 22:08:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5706,'010007034','X3 PRESSURE MAPPING
SYSTEM','010007','2015-04-03 13:17:22','2015-04-03
WELDER','004001','2015-04-03 13:19:20','2015-04-03
BOWL','003011','2015-04-03 13:25:39','2015-04-03
(5709,'004023065','VAN DE GRAAFF GENERATOR','004023','2015-04-06 07:38:19','2015-
04-06 15:40:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
02:02:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5711,'004013155','SAMPLER AIR HAND HELD
TYPE','004013','2015-04-07 02:04:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5712,'004018025','ADJUSTABLE VOLUME LAB DISPENSER','004018','2015-04-07
02:06:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5713,'004018026','DISPENSER WITH DILUTER
AUTOMATIC','004018','2015-04-07 02:07:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5714,'011018014','LINE MARKER','011018','2015-04-07
02:12:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5715,'011015005','OFFICIAL SEPAKTAKRAW
MAT','011015','2015-04-10 01:48:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5716,'011012010','HOCKEY GOAL POST','011012','2015-04-10
BENDER','008011','2015-04-10 03:47:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5718,'004014167','HYDROSTATIC BENCH','004014','2015-04-10
08:07:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5719,'004012010','SERIAL PUMP (ASET TAK
ALIH)','004012','2015-04-10 08:10:14','2017-11-23
09:53:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5720,'004013156','COMPASS TRANSITING
TELESCOPE','004013','2015-04-10 08:11:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5721,'004013157','DUMPY LEVEL','004013','2015-04-10
APPARATUS','004013','2015-04-10 08:19:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5723,'004014168','PRESSURE GAUGE CALIBRATOR','004014','2015-04-10
TEST','008003','2015-04-10 08:25:35','2015-04-10
16:25:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This test is intended to study the resistance of
coarse and fine aggregates to weathering action and to judge the durability of the
coarse aggregate.'),(5725,'008003042','CLEAVELAND FLASH AND FIRE POINT
TESTER','008003','2015-04-10 08:26:52','2015-04-10
16:27:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Cleveland Open-Cup (COC) measures \nand describes
the properties of a sample in response \nto heat and a test flame under controlled
conditions. \nThe flash point measures the tendency to form a \nflammable mixture
with air while the fire point indicates \nthe tendency of sustained burning\n'),
(5726,'008003043','RING AND BALL APPARATUS (STOK)','008003','2015-04-10
COMPACTOR','008003','2015-04-10 08:29:26','2015-04-10
16:29:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The apparatus automatically compacts the sample and
stops after the preset number of blows. The mould is held in position by a quick
and practical clamping device. The trip mechanism is arranged so that the sliding
hammer falls at the same distance for every blow'),(5728,'008003045','PENETROMETER
APPARATUS','008003','2015-04-10 08:31:19','2015-04-10
16:31:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Used to determine grade of bitumen. The penetration
tests determine consistency of bitumen for the purpose of grading. Depth in units
1/10 of millimeter to which a standard needle having a standard weight will
penetrate vertically in a duration of five seconds at a temperature of 25C
determines penetration for gradation.'),(5729,'008003046','ELETRONICS
BALANCE','008003','2015-04-10 08:32:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5730,'008003047','COVERMETER','008003','2015-04-10 08:34:15','2015-04-10
16:35:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,' An instrument to locate rebar and measure the exact
concrete cover. Rebar detectors are less sophisticated devices that can only locate
metallic objects below the surface. Due to the cost-effective design, the pulse-
induction method is one of the most commonly used solutions'),
(5731,'008018004','VIBRO CONSISTENCY TEST APPARATUS','008018','2015-04-10
08:40:35','2015-04-10 16:40:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'ensure that concrete achieves
its maximum possible strength and yet retains its ease of placing on site, it is
essential that the design of the concrete mix, in relation to the water-cement
ratio and workability, is closely controlled.'),(5732,'001005019','MODULE IGNITION
SYS COMP AND OPS (STOK)','001005','2015-04-10 08:44:39','2019-02-11
22:12:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5733,'001005020','VIDEO IMAGE
PRINTER','001005','2015-04-10 08:50:16','2015-09-02
11:21:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5734,'008011086','WASTE OIL DRAINER GRAVITY
FEED','008011','2015-04-10 09:10:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5735,'004013159','INTEGRAL FLOW ORIFICE ASSEMBLY','004013','2015-04-10
09:15:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5736,'012002032','SILVERSHINE PLASTIC
LINER','012002','2015-04-13 01:32:09','2015-04-13
09:32:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Plastik Liner untuk membantu memasang plastik
Silvershine ke atas batas'),(5737,'008001119','CONVEYOR MOTOR','008001','2015-04-13
01:34:36','2015-04-13 09:35:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Motor yang menggerakkan
’conveyor belt’'),(5738,'004013160','OPTICAL TESTER
REFRACTOMETER','004013','2015-04-13 01:36:54','2015-04-13
09:37:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan untuk mengukur kadar kemanisan buah (Brix)
secara terus dengan menggunakan teknologi infra red tanpa perlu merosakkan buah /
memotong buah'),(5739,'004013161','DIRECT SOIL PH METER PORTABLE','004013','2015-
04-13 01:38:49','2015-04-13 09:39:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
untuk mengukur konduktiviti, ph dan suhu secara terus ke dalam tanah'),
(5740,'008002135','EPROM PROGRAMMER AND TESTER','008002','2015-04-13
02:34:42','2016-12-07 12:26:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5741,'008002136','LOGIC
ANALYZER','008002','2015-04-13 02:35:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5742,'008002137','HAND HELD PROGRAMMER','008002','2015-04-13
02:39:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5743,'008002138','HANDY PIC
PROGRAMMING','008002','2015-04-13 02:44:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5744,'008002139','MICROCONTROLLER PROGRAMMER (8051)','008002','2015-04-13
02:45:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5745,'004018027','ELECTRIC SYRUP
KETTLE','004018','2015-04-13 06:50:24','2015-04-13
14:50:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan makmal yg digunakan untuk membancuh ubat
cecair'),(5746,'004018028','ELECTRIC BOTTLE BRUSHER','004018','2015-04-13
06:51:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mencuci botol
ubat cecair, bancuhan sebatian'),(5747,'004018029','SILVERSON MIXER
EMULSIFIER','004018','2015-04-13 06:54:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk bancuhan inorganik dengan larutan hidrofilik'),
(5748,'010001088','ID CAMERA AGFA/ DIGID 3000','010001','2015-04-14
04:23:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5749,'010001089','DRYVIEW 6850 LASER
IMAGING W/3D','010001','2015-04-14 04:24:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5750,'010001090','DIRECTVIEW MAX CR SYSTEM','010001','2015-04-14
04:29:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5751,'010002097','ANODYNE HOME
SYSTEM','010002','2015-04-14 04:32:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5752,'010002098','BIO MEDICAL BIO THESIOMETER','010002','2015-04-14
04:32:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5753,'010002099','ROTATION FOUR SIDED
SNELLEN CHART','010002','2015-04-14 04:33:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5754,'010002100','BLOOD WEIGHT MONITOR AND ACCESSORIES','010002','2015-04-14
04:35:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5755,'010002101','TERUSEAL TUBE SEALER
','010002','2015-04-14 04:36:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5756,'004013162','ANALYTICAL BALANCE ','004013','2015-04-14
04:43:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5757,'010001091','HAEMATOLOGY ANALYZER 3
PART','010001','2015-04-14 04:45:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
06:24:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5759,'010001093','EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT
AIRWAY SET','010001','2015-04-14 06:25:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5760,'007005024','PELVIC IMMOBILIZER','007005','2015-04-14
IMMOBILIZER','007005','2015-04-14 06:39:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5762,'010002102','CUST CUTTER & DUST EXTRACTION SYSTEM','010002','2015-04-14
STRETCHER','010008','2015-04-14 06:43:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5764,'010002103','ACCUBLOCK DIGITAL DRY BATH INCUBATOR','010002','2015-04-14
06:52:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5765,'010002104','MEDIXAIR UV AIR
06:53:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5766,'007001039','SISTEM PEMANTAUAN SUHU
PETI SEJUK','007001','2015-04-14 06:56:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5767,'004003005','SHIMADZU UNIBLOC TOP LOADING BALANCES','004003','2015-04-14
06:57:49','2017-02-03 10:23:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'TOP LOADING BALANCES'),
(5768,'007001040','TEMPERATURE RECORDER FOR MPR 311D (H)','007001','2015-04-14
06:59:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5769,'002002036','QUEUE MANAGEMENT
SYSTEM','002002','2015-04-14 07:00:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
TERMINAL)','002002','2015-04-14 07:01:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
ALIH)','004012','2015-04-14 07:03:17','2017-11-23
09:52:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5772,'010004139','SPORTLIGHT WITH COLOUR
WHEEL','010004','2015-04-14 09:04:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5773,'010004140','PROJECTOR WITH WHEEL ROTATOR','010004','2015-04-14
09:05:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5774,'010004141','CATHERINE WHEEL
PANEL','010004','2015-04-14 09:06:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5775,'010004142','FIBRE OPTIC FOUNTAIN PANEL','010004','2015-04-14
09:07:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5776,'010004143','BAY AREA FUNCTIONAL
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ','010004','2015-04-14
SCALE 2ND EDITION','010004','2015-04-14 09:10:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5778,'010004145','DENVER II DEVELOPMENT SCREENING TEST','010004','2015-04-14
09:14:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5780,'010004147','WORK HARDENING JOULE 2
RAMP','010004','2015-04-14 09:19:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5782,'010004149','FIGURE 8 BOARD SYSTEM ','010004','2015-04-14
09:20:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5783,'010004150','DYSTROPHILE STRESS
LOADING DEVICE','010004','2015-04-14 09:24:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
TROLLEY )','010008','2015-04-15 05:06:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5785,'010008096','DRESSING TROLLEY WITH DRAWER','010008','2015-04-15
TROLLEY','010008','2015-04-15 05:12:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5787,'010008098','DIABETIC SOFA PATIENT CARE','010008','2015-04-15
05:14:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5788,'010011074','ALAT PEMBERSIH
UDARA','010011','2015-04-15 05:18:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
GENERATOR','006004','2015-04-15 07:19:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5791,'006003023','AUDIO LEVELLER ','006003','2015-04-15 07:23:38','2019-02-12
16:00:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5792,'008002140','COMBINED RESISTANCE,
CAPACITANCE AND INDUCTANCE BOX','008002','2015-04-16 01:36:36','2015-04-16
09:45:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'heavy duty durable construction housing used for
product design or calibration checks '),(5793,'008002141','MULTIFUNCTION
INSTALLATION TESTER','008002','2015-04-16 01:43:12','2015-04-16
09:45:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'For verifying the safety of electrical
installations in domestic, commercial, and industrial applications'),
(5794,'008002142','HARMONIC METER','008002','2015-04-16 01:44:31','2015-04-16
09:45:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Use the Tester to measure voltage and current inputs
at power line and harmonic frequencies.'),(5795,'008002143','MEGGER
TESTER','008002','2015-04-16 01:47:55','2015-04-16
09:48:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Method of testing making use of an insulation
Insulation Tester resistance meter that will help to verify the condition of
electrical insulation. '),(5796,'008002144','MEGGER PAT 4DVR METER
','008002','2015-04-16 01:49:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
CALIBRATOR)','008002','2015-04-16 01:53:30','2015-04-16
09:53:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'For testing, configuring and calibrating virtually
all process parameters.'),(5798,'008002146','Q-FACTOR METER','008002','2015-04-16
01:54:52','2015-04-16 09:55:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'equipment used in the testing
of radio frequency circuits, measures Q, the quality factor of a circuit, which
expresses how much energy is dissipated per cycle in a non-ideal reactive
circuit'),(5799,'008002147','SEMICONDUCTOR TESTER','008002','2015-04-16
01:59:01','2015-04-16 09:59:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Using this particularly handy
tester, you can quickly identify the most commonly used types of semiconductor
devices (bipolar transistors, JFETs, MOSFETs and diodes), including SMD
components'),(5800,'008002148','SPECTRUM ANALYSER','008002','2015-04-16
02:02:10','2015-04-16 10:02:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Measures the magnitude of an
input signal versus frequency within the full frequency range of the instrument.
The primary use is to measure the power of the spectrum of known and unknown
signals. '),(5801,'008002149','CIRCUIT TESTER (JET 300)','008002','2015-04-16
02:07:55','2015-04-16 10:10:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Is a tool for printed circuit
board testing. Using a bed of nails in-circuit test equipment it\'s possible to
gain access the circuit nodes on a board and measure the performance of the
components connected to them. Parameters such as resistance, capacitance and so
forth are all measures for ensuring that the circuit has been manufactured
correctly and has a very high chance of performing to its specification. Some
functionality of digital circuits can also be measure.'),(5802,'008002150','CIRCUIT
TESTER (MASTER 900)','008002','2015-04-16 02:11:53','2015-04-16
10:12:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Is a tool for printed circuit board testing. Using a
bed of nails in-circuit test equipment it’s possible to gain access the circuit
nodes on a board and measure the performance of the components connected to them.
Parameters such as resistance, capacitance and so forth are all measures for
ensuring that the circuit has been manufactured correctly and has a very high
chance of performing to its specification.'),(5803,'004023066','GAUGE
BLOCKS','004023','2015-04-16 02:16:22','2015-04-16
10:16:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini digunakan untuk mengukur ketinggian/
ketebalan bendakerja selain untuk tujuan penentuukuran bagi sesebuah tolok
mikrometer/ caliper'),(5804,'004014169','SURFACE ROUNDNESS MEASURING
MACHINE','004014','2015-04-16 02:18:33','2016-07-25
08:52:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menguji kebulatan
objek atau bendakerja dengan bantuan sistem komputer. Ianya terdapat pelbagai
seperti Surface Raundness Tester, Mitutoyo Kosaka EC 1650H dan lain lain.'),
(5805,'008001120','VIDEO MEASURING MACHINE','008001','2015-04-16 02:20:39','2015-
04-16 10:21:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini digunakan untuk mengukur/ mengmbil
data permukaan sesebuah produk untuk tujuan pengukuran dan rekod.'),
(5806,'008002151','LOGIC ANALYSERS','008002','2015-04-16 02:32:05','2015-04-16
10:32:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Logic Analysers adalah alat elektronik yang
menangkap dan memaparkan pelbagai isyarat daripada sistem digital atau litar
digital. Ia boleh menukar data yang dirakam ke dalam gambar rajah masa, menyahkod
protokol, state machine traces, bahasa himpunan, atau yang berkaitan dengan
pemasangan perisian sumber peringkat.'),(5807,'008002152','VIDEO MONITOR
TESTER','008002','2015-04-16 02:33:40','2015-04-16
10:34:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Video Monitor Tester adalah alat yang dapat
memeriksa keadaan operasi sebuah monitor dan membolehkan penyelarasan kawalan
luaran supaya sentiasa berada dalam kendalian yang baik.'),(5808,'008002153','TWO
CHANNEL CIRCUIT TRACER','008002','2015-04-16 02:35:56','2015-04-16
10:36:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Two-Channel Circuit Tracer involves in finding which
breaker supplies a given 120V load. These devices can also locate neutrals, ground
lines, branch circuits, feeders, control wiring, and more'),
(5809,'008002154','FIBER OPTIC TEST EQUIPMENT','008002','2015-04-16
02:37:04','2015-04-16 10:37:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Fiber Optic Test Equipment is
a multimode fiber optic loss test kit that offers an inexpensive solution for
testing multimode and single mode systems in the field. Measuring end-to-end loss
has never been easier than with this compact installation and maintenance test set.
It combines OPM1-2B optical power meter, OLS1-2 LED optical light source and ST
adaptor cap in one field-portable package.'),(5810,'008002155','ELECTRONIC
COPYBOARD','008002','2015-04-16 02:41:24','2015-04-16
10:41:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan elektronik yang mampu memaparkan data yang
disambungkan secara terus melalui komputer dengan menggunakan kabel penyambungan.
Peralatan ini juga mampu mencetak dokumen yang terdapat pada paparan peralatan dan
boleh dipadam secara automatik menggunakan butang yang disediakan.'),
(5811,'001003032','XXXXX','001003','2015-04-17 01:14:21','2019-02-11
18:06:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Networking Technology dan practice telah dikeluarkan
dari katalog'),(5812,'001003033','XXXXXX','001003','2015-04-17 01:17:11','2019-02-
11 18:06:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'PC System troubleshooting telah dikeluarkan dari
katalog'),(5813,'001003034','PENGUJI RANGKAIAN (NETWORK
TESTER/ANALYZER)','001003','2015-04-17 06:33:24','2019-02-12
11:47:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pengujian'),
(5814,'010003056','PHACOEMULSIFICATION SET (STOK)','010003','2015-04-17
07:05:13','2015-06-11 10:16:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5815,'010002105','IONTOPHORESIS UNIT','010002','2015-04-17
07:06:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5816,'010003057','GENERAL SET INSTRUMENT
(STOK)','010003','2015-04-17 07:08:20','2015-06-11
10:16:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5817,'010003058','FEMUR BONE INSTRUMENT SET
(STOK)','010003','2015-04-17 07:10:37','2015-06-11
10:15:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5818,'010011076','SILICONE CHILD MANUAL
RESUSCITATOR SET','010011','2015-04-17 07:12:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5819,'010002106','FLUSING PUMP','010002','2015-04-17
07:15:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5820,'010002107','DEEP SURGERY
EXTRAS','010002','2015-04-17 07:16:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5821,'010002108','CRANIOTOMY SET','010002','2015-04-17
SET','010002','2015-04-17 07:18:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5823,'010002110','AV FISTULA SET','010002','2015-04-17
SPIROMETER','010002','2015-04-20 05:37:12','2015-04-20
13:37:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Vitalograph ALPHA is an easy to use, lightweight
desktop spirometer that delivers an ideal combination of portability, speed and
accuracy. ALPHAs low cost spirometry testing is enhanced by a precise and robust
Fleisch pneumotachograph and a high resolution colour screen'),
(5825,'010002112','TRANSPORT VITAL SIGN MONITIR 5 PARAMETER','010002','2015-04-20
05:38:35','2015-06-11 10:04:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5826,'008001121','TUBE AND
PROFILE AND GRINDER FEATURE','008001','2015-04-22 02:06:51','2016-06-23
(5827,'008002156','REFRIGERANT CYCLE DEMONSTRATION UNIT','008002','2015-04-22
02:11:37','2015-04-22 10:12:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'UNIT INI MENUNJUKKAN SISTEM
(5828,'004013163','HUMIDITY / TEMPERATURE RECORDER','004013','2015-04-22
02:13:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5829,'004013164','HANGING UTILITY
SCALE','004013','2015-04-22 02:14:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5830,'008005079','WALL CHASER','008005','2015-04-22 02:18:43','2015-04-22
BANGUNAN'),(5831,'008002157','HERMETIC COMPRESSOR ANALYZER','008002','2015-04-22
02:20:17','2015-04-22 10:20:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'ALAT INI ADALAH UNTUK
GOTT/ GOTT MPT 119','008010','2015-04-22 02:22:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5833,'005008017','GAS PRESSURE ALARM SYSTEM (ASET TAK ALIH)','005008','2015-04-22
02:24:57','2017-11-23 10:31:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk menguji dan
mengesan kebocoran gas dalam kabel utama dan menghantar isyarat ke sistem
aplikasi'),(5834,'008002158','RF FIELD STRENGTH ANALYZER','008002','2015-04-22
02:41:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5835,'008002159','BIT FUME ABSORPTION /
EXTRACTOR','008002','2015-04-24 06:22:35','2015-04-24
14:23:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Removes flux fumes for safe workspace\nCarbon
activated filter for fume absorption\nQuiet fan for peace and quiet at your
workbench\nAdjustable stand allows varying angles\n'),
(5836,'008002160','DESOLDERING SYSTEM','008002','2015-04-24 06:36:18','2015-04-24
14:36:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Desoldering System for their soldering, desoldering,
rework, repair and fume extraction equipment. Many of the NSNs originally generated
refer to obsolete parts/systems or are invalid, and are thus no longer available'),
(5837,'007001041','BODY SCANNER (PENGIMBAS SINAR X/ASET TAK ALIH))','007001','2015-
04-24 06:48:16','2017-09-29 09:49:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin/Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti pemyelidikan atau pemantauan keselamatan. Ia terdiri dari
pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti Scanner Machine Sinar X, Body Scanner dll'),
(5841,'001008013','LED MESSAGE DISPLAY (ASET TAK ALIH)','001008','2015-04-29
02:04:32','2019-02-12 09:16:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5840,'011001094','BANGKU
SEGAK (STOK)','011001','2015-04-29 02:02:45','2019-02-11
LATIHAN KECERGASAN'),(5842,'016001010','LOGO SEKOLAH (STOK)','016001','2015-04-29
02:07:33','2019-02-12 16:27:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Logo berbentuk signage atau
sticker didaftar sebagai stok'),(5843,'002001036','MESIN PERAKAM WAKTU (COP
JARI)','002001','2015-04-29 02:16:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
SIGHT','011002','2015-04-29 02:25:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5846,'004014170','HIGH PRESSURE ASHER','004014','2015-04-29 02:39:06','2015-04-29
ANALYZER','004014','2015-04-29 02:40:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5848,'004014172','CHEF MAPPER XA CHILLER SYSTEM','004014','2015-04-29
02:41:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5849,'004014173','SMARTSPEC PLUS
SPECTROPHOTOMETER','004014','2015-04-29 02:42:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5850,'004014174','MOLECULAR IMAGER GEL DOC XR SYSTEM','004014','2015-04-29
02:43:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5851,'004014175','CFX96 REAL TIME PCR
DETECTION SYSTEM','004014','2015-04-29 02:44:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5852,'004014176','IMUNO MAGNETIC SEPARATION','004014','2015-04-29
02:47:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5853,'004018030','COMBISART UNIVERSAL
STAINLESS STEEL','004018','2015-04-29 03:25:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5854,'004018031','SPRAY GUN','004018','2015-04-29
03:27:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5855,'010008099','HOT BEAD
STERILIZER','010008','2015-04-29 03:28:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5856,'004001032','WAX HEATER','004001','2015-04-29 03:31:54','2019-02-13
10:00:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk mencairkan lilin dan menyimpannya pada
suhu aplikasi yang optimum.'),(5857,'010008100','X-RAY GRID HOLDER','010008','2015-
04-29 03:38:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5858,'010008101','DUAL SYRINGE FLUID
DELIVERY SYSTEM','010008','2015-04-29 03:39:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5859,'010008102','X-RAY WARMING CABINE','010008','2015-04-29
SINKI','010008','2015-04-29 03:42:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5861,'010008104','X-RAY CASSETTE READER','010008','2015-04-29
03:43:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5862,'010008105','X-TRAY PATIENT TRANSFER
SYSTEM','010008','2015-04-29 03:44:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
MESIN C ARM','010008','2015-04-29 03:49:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5864,'010008107','X-RAY MESIN ANGIOGRAFI SYSTEM BIPLANE','010008','2015-04-29
03:50:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5865,'010008108','X-RAY CONTRAST WARMER
AIR','010008','2015-04-29 03:52:05','2015-12-22
HYPERTHERMIA SYSTEM'),(5866,'010008109','TOURNIQUET FOR VENOGRAM','010008','2015-
04-29 03:53:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5867,'010008110','CASSETTE HOLDER FOR
BUCKY','010008','2015-04-29 03:54:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5868,'010008111','X-RAY CHILD IMMOBILIZER INFANT CRADLE','010008','2015-04-29
LIGHT','010008','2015-04-29 03:56:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5870,'010008113','OVERBED TABLE ELEGANCE MODEL','010008','2015-04-29
MACHINE','011014','2015-04-29 04:35:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5872,'011014008','TIANG GOL RAGBI','011014','2015-04-29
06:34:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5873,'004014177','TELTRON PERRIN
TUBE','004014','2015-04-29 06:36:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5874,'015001042','KOTAK BERBENTUK CONDONG','015001','2015-04-29
07:27:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5875,'015001043','MEJA TULIS KECIL PEGUAM
07:29:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5876,'011001095','OLYMPIC CURL
BAR','011001','2015-04-30 01:57:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5877,'011001096','OLYMPIC BARBELL','011001','2015-04-30
JUDO','011001','2015-04-30 02:00:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5879,'011001098','ELLIPTICAL E8000','011001','2015-04-30
','011001','2015-04-30 02:07:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5881,'011001100','PREACHER CURL','011001','2015-04-30
VERTICAL RACK 13 PAIRS','011001','2015-04-30
02:12:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5883,'010011077','BODY TRANSPORTATION
TROLLEY','010011','2015-04-30 06:28:53','2017-01-04
(5884,'010011078','CONDENSING UNIT','010011','2015-04-30
REFRIGERATOR','010011','2015-04-30 06:30:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5886,'008015048','DIGITAL SPA PERM','008015','2015-05-07 02:37:53','2015-05-07
10:38:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sejenis mesin untuk kerinting rambut sejuk'),
(5887,'008015049','3 IN 1 ACCELERATOR','008015','2015-05-07 02:39:13','2015-05-07
10:39:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat elektrik yang digunakan semasa proses\n-
Perming\n- Natural drying\n- Coluring\n'),(5888,'008015050','HYDRAULIC PUMP
CHAIR','008015','2015-05-07 02:40:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5889,'008015051','HAIR SPA APPLIANCE MICRO MIST MACHINE','008015','2015-05-07
SAKSI','015007','2015-05-08 03:34:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan Perabut
yang digunakan khas untuk tempat/lokasi saksi semasa memberi keterangan pada
sesuatu perbicaraan mahkamah'),(5891,'008002161','TACHOGENERATOR','008002','2015-
05-08 03:49:22','2015-05-08 11:49:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Tachogenerator is fitted
with permanent magnets in\nthe stator with the function of creating a magnetic
field. An\namplitude continuous voltage proportional to the speed, which\ndepends
on the rotation direction, is generated in the wound\nrotor.\n'),
(5892,'008002162','PCB PLOTTER 95 (ASET TAK ALIH)','008002','2015-05-08
03:51:05','2017-11-23 10:55:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The LPKF ProtoMat 95s/II
circuit board plotter is a system for creating circuit board prototypes and
engraving films as well as for engraving aluminium or plastic. Each tool change
required is made automatically. The LPKF ProtoMat 95s/II circuit board plotter
is\nexpressly not designed for machining wood.\n'),(5893,'008002163','PCB PLOTTER
LPKF PROTOMAT S62','008002','2015-05-08 03:53:49','2015-05-08
11:54:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The LPKF ProtoMat 95s/II circuit board plotter is a
system for creating circuit board prototypes and engraving films as well as for
engraving aluminium or plastic. Each tool change required is made automatically.
The LPKF ProtoMat 95s/II circuit board plotter is\nexpressly not designed for
machining wood. The LPKF ProtoMat 95s/II is controlled through a PC\n'),
(5894,'008002164','CNC DRILLING / ROUTING MACHINE','008002','2015-05-08
03:55:14','2015-05-08 11:55:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'CNC-DRILLING / ROUTING MACHINE
PCB prototype machine, it will bring simplest, quickest, most precise way to make
your own PCB. Just input your Gerber files, your PCB can be made within minutes to
hours'),(5895,'008002165','PCB DESIGN WORSTATION','008002','2015-05-08
03:57:09','2015-05-08 11:57:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Altium Designer is
productivity focused electronics design software for professionals, incorporating
unified stress-free schematic and Printed Circuit Board CAD functions with design
verification, validation and formal release and reuse capabilities. Altium Designer
is used by PCB designers and engineers to create new electronic gadgets for
entertainment, industry, defence, and the well-being of people and society'),
(5896,'008002166','PCB PREPARATION AND ETCHING MACHINE','008002','2015-05-08
03:58:16','2015-05-08 11:58:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Combines Bubble Etch and Spray
Wash in one complete unit'),(5897,'008002167','HAND SHEAR','008002','2015-05-08
SHEAR','008002','2015-05-08 04:01:35','2015-05-08
12:02:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Benchtop Guillotine type shearing machine to cut
PCBs and Laminates. Compact structure with central handle allows ease of cutting'),
(5899,'008002169','UNIVERSAL WORK STANDS','008002','2015-05-08
04:02:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5900,'008002170','DRILL BIT SHARPENING AND
GRINDING MACHINE','008002','2015-05-08 04:03:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5901,'008002171','SOLDERING AND REWORK STATION','008002','2015-05-08
04:04:50','2016-12-07 12:29:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'All in one repair system that
enables both soldering and desoldering 14 types of soldering iron tips can be
combined'),(5902,'008001122','MESIN PENCETAK BANNER','008001','2015-05-08
08:13:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk mencetak
banner yang pelbagai bentuk'),(5903,'008001123','MESIN PEMOTONG
VINIL','008001','2015-05-08 08:25:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin
yang digunakan untuk memotong kepingan cetakan berulang seperti Signwriting Plotter
Machine, dll'),(5904,'004013165','PARTICLE SIZE ANALYZER','004013','2015-05-14
DRYER (ASET TAK ALIH)','008001','2015-05-14 06:56:16','2017-11-23
(ASET TAK ALIH)','008001','2015-05-14 06:58:48','2017-11-23
TWIN HEAD MACHINES','008009','2015-05-14 07:00:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5908,'002005022','SILK SCREEN PRINTING MACHINES','002005','2015-05-14
07:24:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5909,'004014178','AUTOMATIC MOUNTING
PRESS','004014','2015-05-14 07:25:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5910,'004013166','AUTOMATIC GAS PYCNOMETER','004013','2015-05-14
07:27:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5911,'004008012','AGIGATED STORAGE
TANK','004008','2015-05-14 08:53:30','2019-02-13
12:27:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Tangki yang digunakan untuk menyediakan takungan
simpanan untuk campuran grout dari pengadun ricih tinggi berkelajuan tinggi.'),
(5912,'004014179','ELECTROACAUSTIC ZETA POTENTIAL ANALYZER','004014','2015-05-14
PASTERIZUER','010008','2015-05-15 03:02:18','2015-05-15
KANAK-KANAK'),(5914,'008002172','IMPULSE RACE SYSTEM','008002','2015-05-15
07:25:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5915,'008002173','MICRO ROUTER
COMPACT','008002','2015-05-15 07:27:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5916,'008002174','SCOUT WIND TUNNEL','008002','2015-05-15
07:28:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5917,'015001044','MEJA GURU BILIK GURU
(KAREL)','015001','2015-05-18 02:10:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5918,'004023067','STERIMAX (ELECTRICAL STERILISER)','004023','2015-05-18
PREVENTER','007001','2015-05-18 02:28:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5921,'008002175','SURFACE COMPARATOR','008002','2015-05-18
02:32:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5922,'004013167','PHOTOMETER FOR WATER
ANALYSIS','004013','2015-05-18 07:14:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5923,'004013168','PRISMATIC COMPASS','004013','2015-05-18
07:15:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5924,'008018005','SPRAY PLASTERING
MACHINE','008018','2015-05-18 07:16:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5925,'004013169','VISCOSITY TEST','004013','2015-05-18
STILL','004013','2015-05-18 07:19:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5927,'008001126','DAIL INDICATING TORGUE WRENCH','008001','2015-05-18
07:21:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5928,'008004022','DRUM MACHINE FOR DRAIN /
SEWER LINE','008004','2015-05-18 07:22:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5929,'008004023','MACHINE VISE','008004','2015-05-18
07:25:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5931,'008003048','MORTISER HOLLOW
CHISEL','008003','2015-05-18 07:26:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
07:27:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5933,'004013171','ASTM CONTRIDGE METHOD
MACHINE','004013','2015-05-21 06:37:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5934,'004013172','CENTRIFUGE EXTRACTOR APPARATUS','004013','2015-05-21
','004027','2015-05-21 06:40:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5936,'004013173','FLOAT TEST(RING AND BALL APPARATUS)','004013','2015-05-21
TEST','004027','2015-05-21 06:43:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
MS/MS)','004014','2015-05-25 02:10:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
02:12:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5940,'010008115','TROLLEY BODY
BATH','010008','2015-05-26 01:49:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5941,'007001043','REAL TIME GUARD TOUR SYSTEM','007001','2015-05-26
05-26 12:50:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5944,'008018006','REBAR BAR
BENDER','008018','2015-05-26 12:53:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5945,'008001127','SWIVEL ANGLE PLATE','008001','2015-05-26
KIT','008002','2015-05-29 08:18:04','2015-05-29
16:18:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Build circuits with resistors, light bulbs,
batteries, and switches. Take measurements with the realistic ammeter and
voltmeter. View the circuit as a schematic diagram, or switch'),
(5947,'008002178','ANALOGUE TECHNIQUE TRAINING KIT ','008002','2015-05-29
08:21:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5948,'004013174','LUMINOMETER ATP
METER','004013','2015-05-29 08:31:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
TROLLEY)','010008','2015-05-29 09:00:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
EXPRESS)','010008','2015-05-29 09:03:15','2015-05-29
17:07:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5951,'010008118','ANTI DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS
09:08:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5952,'008010011','HEATHKIT EZS 803
ROLLER','010008','2015-06-01 01:13:09','2015-06-01
(5954,'008011087','ENGINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS BOARD','008011','2015-06-02
09:22:17','2015-06-02 17:23:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'1. Engine Management
Systems Board provide:\na. Exhaust gas analyzer\nb. Diagnostic display\nc.
Knock sensor\nd. Inlet air temperature control\ne. Throttle position
sensor\nf. Engine load control\ng. Coolant temperature sensor\nh. Air flow
sensor\ni. Exhaust oxygen sensor\nj. Canister purge solenoid\nk. Coils\nl.
Idle air valve\nm. EGR solenoid valve\nn. Ignition switch\no.
Vehicle speed indicator\n2. Power Supply Unit\n3. Storage Tray\n4.
Multimeter\n5. Computer Aided Instruction Software License'),
(5955,'010007035','ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY ANALYZER','010007','2015-06-02
RAWATAN','015002','2015-06-11 01:29:38','2015-09-02
09:50:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kerusi yang digunakan untuk pelbagai rawatan kepada
pesakit.'),(5958,'010006053','WAX POT','010006','2015-06-11
01:31:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5959,'010006054','POLISHING LATHE UNIT WP-
EX2000 LATHE POLISHING UNIT WITH SUCTION','010006','2015-06-11
01:33:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5960,'010006055','DENTAL LAB EQUIPMENT
POLYMERIZATION UNIT – WAPOO MAT','010006','2015-06-11
01:34:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5961,'010006056','OPTION 2 SURGIC XT NON
OPTIC','010006','2015-06-11 01:35:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5962,'010006057','SEALING MACHINE','010006','2015-06-11
01:36:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5963,'010006058','GUTTA PERCHA DELIVERY
SYSTEM','010006','2015-06-11 01:37:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5964,'010006059','PROCESSOR FILM DENTAL (XF0013)','010006','2015-06-11
01:38:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5965,'010006060','MODEL SURVEYOR (DL0060-
N)','010006','2015-06-11 01:47:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5966,'010006061','RAPID HYDROFLASK (DL0035)','010006','2015-06-11
01:48:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5967,'010006062','DIGITAL NITROUS OXIDE
SEDATION SYSTEM','010006','2015-06-11 01:55:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5968,'003003040','INSECT DESTROYER (PEMBUNUH SERANGGA)','003003','2015-06-11
CARE','010002','2015-06-11 02:05:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5970,'010002114','OXYGEN CARE ON TRANSPORTATION','010002','2015-06-11
02:08:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5971,'004023069','DIGITAL DIFFERENTIAL
CELL','004023','2015-06-11 02:09:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5972,'004001033','BACINERATOR','004001','2015-06-11 02:12:54','2019-02-13
10:05:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk membunuh bakteria'),
(5973,'010003059','DSAEK SURGICAL SYSTEM','010003','2015-06-11
02:14:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5974,'010001094','ANTERIOR POSTERIOR
SEGMENT OCT SCAN','010001','2015-06-11 02:17:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5975,'010001095','CORNEAL CROSS LINKING SYSTEM','010001','2015-06-11
02:19:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5976,'010001096','EYE BANK SPECRILAR
MICROSCOPE','010001','2015-06-11 03:05:14','2015-06-11
11:05:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5977,'010001097','PENTACAM HR','010001','2015-
06-11 03:06:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5978,'010001098','LASER INDIRECT
OPTHALMOSCAPE SLIT LAMP LASER','010001','2015-06-11 03:07:34','2015-06-11
11:08:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5979,'010002115','RELIANCE PNEUMATIC
STOOL','010002','2015-06-11 03:09:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5980,'010002116','SURGEON OPERATING CHAIR – SURGEON TOOLS','010002','2015-06-11
03:10:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5981,'010002117','ENTONOX DEMAND
UNIT','010002','2015-06-11 03:10:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5982,'004023070','COLD PLATE','004023','2015-06-11 03:14:29','2015-06-11
11:14:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan digunakan untuk menyejukkan parafin blok
MAGNIFICATION','010007','2015-06-11 04:18:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5984,'010007038','VACUUM MANFOLD SYSTEM QIAVAC','010007','2015-06-11
','010007','2015-06-11 04:19:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5986,'010007040','HAND HELD SPARK TESTER POWER','010007','2015-06-11
04:20:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5987,'010003060','WIRE DRIVER SYSTEM POWER
PRO ELECTRIC II','010003','2015-06-11 07:14:38','2015-06-11
LIPOSUCTION','010002','2015-06-11 07:17:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5989,'010002119','KEELER VANTAGE PLUS WIRELESS BIO & CHARGER','010002','2015-06-11
07:18:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5990,'010002120','ANTENA MICRODERMA
BRASION','010002','2015-06-11 07:19:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5991,'007001044','PRESENCE SENSOR','007001','2015-06-11 08:52:45','2015-06-11
16:53:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mengesan objek (kenderaan) apabila berada di pintu
masuk laluan bagi membuka halangan'),
(5992,'011029001','STAPLEBOARD','011029','2015-06-17 08:15:49','2015-06-17
16:21:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/meja pendidikan sukan yang digunakan untuk
aktiviti Jasmani'),(5993,'011029002','BANGKU TEKANAN MELUNCUR','011029','2015-06-17
08:22:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Meja yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
sukan pendidikan Jasmani'),(5994,'011029003','METRONOME','011029','2015-06-17
08:41:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti sukan
Jasmani'),(5995,'010002121','ARTERIAL ASSIST DEVICE (AAD)','010002','2015-06-18
INDEX (ABPI) MACHINE','010002','2015-06-18 03:31:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5997,'010002123','AIR PLESTYMONOGRAPHY (APG)','010002','2015-06-18
03:33:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5998,'010002124','VASCULAR DOPPLER
SD2','010002','2015-06-18 03:36:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(5999,'010002125','PHOTOPLETHYSMOGRAPHY MACHINE (PPG)','010002','2015-06-18
RADIOFREKUENSI (RFA)','010002','2015-06-18 03:40:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(6001,'010002127','ALAT PENYUNTIK TUMESCENT ANESTESIA','010002','2015-06-18
03:41:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(6002,'010002128','VEIN ASSIST DIVICE
(VAD)','010002','2015-06-18 03:46:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(6003,'010007041','I-STAT ANALYZER','010007','2015-06-18
STRIPPER','004007','2015-06-18 08:22:16','2019-02-13
11:56:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk menyekat dan memotong tiub beg darah.'),
08:23:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(6006,'010007043','DIABETIC FOOT
KIT','010007','2015-06-18 08:24:55','2015-06-18 16:25:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The
Diabetic Foot Assessment
Kit provides the professional vascular or diabetes specialist with a system to
help in the assessment of neuropathy, ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI) and toe
brachial pressure index (TBPI).'),(6007,'010008120','SYNOPTOPHRES','010008','2015-
06-18 08:56:04','2015-06-18 16:56:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'DIGUNAKAN UNTUK MENGUKUR
MICROSCOPE VITINY','007011','2015-07-02 01:51:45','2015-07-02
KEPADA KENDERAAN-KENDERAAN'),(6009,'010008121','ENDOSCOPE CUPBOARD','010008','2015-
07-02 02:01:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(6010,'010005016','CODE BLUE ECG
BELT','010005','2015-07-02 02:03:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(6011,'010003061','SPINAL CONVEX FRAME','010003','2015-07-02 02:04:52','2015-07-02
10:05:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Untuk memposisikan pesakit dalam kes pesakit yang
mengalami kepatahan tulang belakang.'),(6012,'010007044','HANGING AUTOPSY SCALE 13
inch DIAL TYPE CAP 9KG X 10GM','010007','2015-07-02 02:06:34','2015-07-02
10:07:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Untuk menimbang organ dalaman semasa proses �POST
PROTECTION','010011','2015-07-02 02:08:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(VERSION 2)','010011','2015-07-02 02:09:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(6015,'015006013','RAK TEPI/CORNER RACK SIDE','015006','2015-07-03 02:03:15','2015-
07-03 10:10:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Rak yang digunakan untuk menyimpan sesuatu
bahan, barang dll yang ditempatkan disudut/tepi.'),(6016,'001007006','ANTIBIOTIC
READER','001007','2015-07-07 09:10:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk menganalisis, mengesan, menguji kandungan sesuatu benda.'),
(6017,'010004151','SPARKLING METALLOPHONE','010004','2015-07-08
01:34:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(6018,'010004152','MUSICAL POSITIONING
CUSHION','010004','2015-07-08 01:35:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(6019,'010004153','SOUND LIGHT DOME','010004','2015-07-08 01:36:41','2015-08-13
09:12:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk terapi pemulihan dan
cara kerja'),(6020,'010004154','SNOW PANEL','010004','2015-07-08
OPTICALLY','010004','2015-07-08 01:38:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(6032,'007012003','REVERBERATION ACOUSTIC TEST FACILITY','007012','2015-07-09
03:34:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pengujian angkasa'),(6031,'007012002','VIBRATION TEST','007012','2015-07-09
01:57:14','2017-02-08 14:21:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
aktiviti penyelidikan angkasa'),(6030,'007012001','MASS PROPERTIES MEASUREMENT
SYSTEM','007012','2015-07-09 01:56:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin
yang digunakan untuk penyelidikan angkasa'),(6033,'007012004','THEMAL VACUMM
CHAMBER','007012','2015-07-09 03:36:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti pengujian angkasa'),(6034,'007012005','ELECTROMAGNETIC
03:37:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pengujian angkasa'),(6035,'007012006','ALIGNMENT MEASUREMENT
SYSTEM','007012','2015-07-09 03:39:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin
yang digunakan untuk aktiviti pengujian angkasa'),(6036,'007012007','OPTICAL
03:40:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pengujian angkasa'),(6037,'010004156','VIBRATION FLOOR','010004','2015-07-14
02:25:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pemulihcara terapi'),
(6038,'010004157','MUSICAL WATER BED','010004','2015-07-14
02:32:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pemulihan cara kerja terapi'),
(6039,'010004158','MUSICAL HOPSCOTCH','010004','2015-07-14
02:36:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pemulihan cara kerja terapi'),
(6040,'010004159','SUPER INTERACTIVE SWITCH BOX','010004','2015-07-14
03:21:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pemulihan dan cara kerja terapi'),
(6041,'010004160','TALKING CUBE','010004','2015-07-14
03:22:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pemulihan dan cara kerja terapi'),
(6042,'010003062','OPERATING CYSTO URETHROSCOPE SIZE 8/9 FR','010003','2015-07-29
31 01:40:22','2015-09-30 17:33:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang yang
digunakan untuk pameran atau pembelajaran seperti Globe'),(6044,'008015052','BODY
MICRO CURRENT MACHINE','008015','2015-07-31
07:52:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan
kecantikan'),(6045,'008015053','BODY HIGH FREQUENCY MACHINE','008015','2015-07-31
07:52:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan
kecantikan'),(6046,'008015054','BODY ULTRASOUND MACHINE','008015','2015-07-31
07:53:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan
kecantikan'),(6047,'008015055','BODY VACUUM SUCTION MACHINE','008015','2015-07-31
07:54:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan
kecantikan'),(6048,'004014182','STERILIZATION CHEMICAL HYDROGEN
PROXIDE','004014','2015-08-06 08:11:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin
yang digunakan untuk menganalisis/rawatan pesakit '),(6049,'010004161','WALL
PALETTO','010004','2015-08-13 01:07:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk terapi pemulihan dan cara kerja'),(6050,'010004162','WEAVING
LOOM','010004','2015-08-13 02:17:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk terapi pemulihan dan cara kerja'),(6051,'010004163','PANEL
PEMBELAJARAN','010004','2015-08-13 02:20:12','2015-08-13
10:27:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan ynag digunakan untuk terapi pemulihan dan
cara kerja. Contoh Motor Skill Panel, Lock Panel , Solfwood Blok, Learning Station
dll '),(6052,'015001045','MEJA PRA SEKOLAH','015001','2015-08-13 02:52:57','2015-
08-13 10:55:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Meja yang pelbagai bentuk dan jenis yang
digunakan di Pra Sekolah. Contoh Polygon Table, Semi Hexagon Table,U Table C/W
Drawer, Rocker Table'),(6053,'015006014','RAK PRA SEKOLAH','015006','2015-08-13
02:59:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Rak yang terdiri dari pelbagai jenis. Contoh
Wooden Dramatical Play Set, Wooder Shop dll.'),(6054,'008007006','KEKUDA UNTUK
CANTING','008007','2015-08-13 03:08:31','2019-02-11
16:22:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(6055,'012007001','FLOWATCH FLOW
METER','012007','2015-08-18 02:44:06','2015-08-18
10:46:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengukur,
menganalisis kedudukan ikan'),(6056,'012007002','MINI WEATHER
STATION','012007','2015-08-18 02:47:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti perikanan'),(6057,'012007003','WATER
SAMPLER','012007','2015-08-18 02:49:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti perikanan'),(6058,'012007004','PVC WELDER','012007','2015-
08-18 03:13:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
kimpalan di perikanan'),(6059,'008001128','MELT FLOW INDEX','008001','2015-09-02
01:10:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
dibengkel.'),(6060,'008001129','DENSITY GRADIENT COLUMN','008001','2015-09-02
01:12:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
dibengkel.'),(6061,'010002129','INFUSOMAT MACHINE','010002','2015-09-02
02:06:21','2015-09-02 10:06:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
aktiviti rawatan'),(6062,'010001099','APENA / RESPIRATTORY
MONITORING','010001','2015-09-02 03:52:23','2015-09-02
11:53:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk pengujian aktiviti
kesihatan.'),(6063,'008002179','HARD DRIVE DEGAUSSER – DATAGONE
LG','008002','2015-09-02 03:59:09','2015-09-02
11:59:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan dibengkel'),
(6064,'012002033','SOIL MUNSELL COLOUR CHARTS','012002','2015-09-02
08:33:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengukur keadaan
tanah'),(6066,'010011082','UV LIGHT BOX','010011','2015-09-03
02:47:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
perubatan'),(6067,'004005007','BIOLOG MICROSTATION','004005','2015-09-03
03:04:17','2019-02-13 10:46:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
mengenalpasti jenis mikroorganisma'),(6068,'010003063','HYDROSURGERY POWER
CONSOLE','010003','2015-09-04 03:15:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti pembedahan'),(6069,'004013175','UNFORS QUALITY CONTROL
METER','004013','2015-09-11 09:55:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti pengujian'),(6070,'012006002','MESIN PENGUPAS
KELAPA','012006','2015-09-15 02:34:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin
yang digunakan untuk aktiviti mengupas, mengkopek, membelah kulit atau tempurung
kelapa. Ianya terdapat pelbagai jenis/jenama.'),(6071,'012006003','MESIN PEMERAH
SANTAN','012006','2015-09-15 02:35:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk memerah santan kelapa'),(6072,'012006004','MESIN MEMPROSES
TEBU','012006','2015-09-15 02:39:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk mencuci batang tebu, memerah tebu. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai
jenis'),(6073,'008004024','ELECTRIC FUSSION FOR HDPE PIPE','008004','2015-09-15
02:46:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan untuk kerja
pembentukan Pipe.'),(6074,'012006005','MESIN TUAI KACANG TANAH','012006','2015-09-
15 02:50:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin/Peralatan yang digunakan untuk kerja-
kerja menuai Kacang Tanah'),(6075,'012006006','MESIN MEMPROSES
JAGUNG','012006','2015-09-15 02:59:24','2015-09-15
11:03:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk kerja-kerja tanaman
jagung. Ianya seperti menanam, memproses, melerai jagung yang terdiri dari pelbagai
jenis.'),(6076,'010004164','HAND HELD MASSAGE MECHINE','010004','2015-09-21
01:58:02','2015-09-21 09:58:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin yang digunakan
untuk pemulihan dan cara kerja (urutan).'),(6077,'010006063','DENTAL ELECTROSURGERY
SET','010006','2015-09-22 02:36:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk rawatan pergigian'),(6078,'010006064','DENTAL X-RAY DIGITAL
RVG','010006','2015-09-22 02:36:29','2015-09-22
10:47:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan pergigian'),
(6079,'010006065','IRS INSTRUMENT REMOVAL SYSTEM','010006','2015-09-22
02:40:19','2015-09-22 10:45:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
rawatan pergigian'),(6080,'010006066','FACEBOW / ARTICULATOR SET','010006','2015-
09-22 02:42:09','2015-09-22 11:25:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan
untuk rawatan pergigian'),(6081,'010006067','LOUPES MOUNTEDON','010006','2015-09-22
03:04:37','2015-09-22 11:08:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
rawatan pergigian '),(6082,'010006068','INCUBATOR BIOLOGIKAL TEST','010006','2015-
09-22 03:40:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pengujian pada rawatan
pergigian'),(6083,'003005029','MACHINE MEMPROSES KEROPOK','003005','2015-09-30
04:54:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk memproses
keropok seperti Machine Mincer/ Slicer/ Cutter'),(6084,'003005030','MACHINE
MEMPROSES ACUAN SEJUK BEKU','003005','2015-09-30
04:56:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk memproses acuan
makanan sejuk beku seperti Fish Cake dll.'),(6085,'003005031','SATE
ROLLER','003005','2015-09-30 05:05:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
memproses lidi SATE'),(6086,'003005032','VACUUM PACKGING MACHINE','003005','2015-
09-30 05:06:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk membungkus
bahan mentah seperti makanan berbeku'),(6087,'003004010','ELECTRIC WAX
KNIFE','003004','2015-09-30 09:11:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk memotong'),(6088,'010002130','STATIONARY PARAFFIN
TANK','010002','2015-10-01 01:04:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk rawatan haba'),(6089,'011018015','SKYRUNNER','011018','2015-10-08
06:23:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan sokongan untuk sukan OKU bagi acara
larian'),(6090,'008011088','PNEUMATICS MODULE','008011','2015-10-08
06:43:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan kendalian untuk menganalis, menguji
bagi latihan kejuruteraan '),(6091,'008011089','IGNITION SYSTEM
COMPONENTS','008011','2015-10-08 06:45:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
kendalian di bengkel automotif'),(6092,'015001046','MEJA MAKMAL','015001','2015-10-
08 07:38:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Meja yang digunkan untuk aktiviti
07:53:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk tujuan
penyelidikan'),(6094,'011018019','SOFTBALL PITCHING MACHINE','011018','2015-10-09
08:08:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk sukan kriket'),
(6095,'010002131','FORCED WARMING MATTRESS','010002','2015-10-16 01:36:41','2015-
10-16 09:37:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan kepada
pesakit'),(6096,'004015038','PHOTOTHERAPY CABIN PUVA ','004015','2015-10-23
01:32:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk penyelidikan'),
(6097,'010004165','MOBILE FLOOR SITTER','010004','2015-10-23
09:19:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan bantuan terapi pemulihan dan cara
kerja'),(6098,'002001037','MESIN PEWASAPAN/ BIOMASTER','002001','2015-10-23
09:52:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin/Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
mengeringkan/ dokumen yang disimpan di dalam sesuatu bilik.'),
(6099,'010004166','PELVIC MODEL','010004','2015-10-26 02:57:19','2015-10-26
11:00:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralataan yanag digunakan untuk aktiviti pemulihan
cara kerja. Ianya terdapat dalam pelbagai jenis seperti Pelvic Floor, Pelvic Floor
Biofeedback, Electrical Stimulation, Vinyl Female, Vinyl Male, Bradford Pelvic dll
'),(6100,'010004167','PRESSURE BIOFEEDBACK','010004','2015-10-26
03:20:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk terapi pemulihan
dan cara kerja'),(6101,'010002132','DERMATOLOGY','010002','2015-10-26
06:49:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
06:49:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6103,'010003064','SET
POWER TOOL LINVATEC-CONMED','010003','2015-10-26 07:07:12','2015-10-26
15:10:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pembedahan menebuk dan memotong tulang'),
(6104,'010003065','VERSAJET HYDRO-SURGICAL','010003','2015-10-26
07:09:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pembedahan membersihkan tisu-tisu
tulang '),(6105,'010003066','ELECTRIC BONE MILL','010003','2015-10-26
07:12:48','2015-10-26 15:13:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
menghancur tulang'),(6106,'004018033','MEMBRANE FILTER DISPENSER','004018','2015-
10-26 08:09:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan untuk membuat filter'),
(6107,'004014184','CARESTREAM DIRECTVIEW CLASSIC SYSTEM','004014','2015-10-26
(6108,'010006069','PORTABLE TURNABLE FOR PATIENT TRANSFER','010006','2015-10-26
09:15:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Perlatan rawtan pergigian'),
(6109,'012007005','BASIC ULTRA TURAX','012007','2015-10-28
08:15:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menganalisis
ikan.'),(6110,'012007006','ULTRA PERFORMENCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY','012007','2015-
10-28 08:18:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
perikanan'),(6111,'012007007','HEAD OVER HEAD','012007','2015-10-28
09:07:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
perikanan'),(6112,'012007008','WATER PURIFICATION','012007','2015-10-28
09:08:40','2015-10-28 17:09:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunkan untuk
aktiviti perikanan'),(6113,'012007009','TITRATOR TITROLINE EASY','012007','2015-10-
28 09:11:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Perlatan perikanan'),
(6114,'012007010','VACUUMM WORKSTATION FOR SPE','012007','2015-10-28
09:18:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan kajian perikanan'),
(6115,NULL,NULL,NULL,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),
(6116,'010007045','REMOTE-AFTERLOADING BRACHY THERAPY SISTEM','010007','2015-11-09
02:27:07','2015-11-09 10:27:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Remote afterloading unit ialah
mesin yang mengawal kedudukan bahan radioaktif semasa rawatan brakiterapi. Mesin
ini dikawal secara berkomputer daripada luar bilik rawatan.\n'),
(6117,'010007046','3D WATER PHENTOM','010007','2015-11-09 02:28:53','2015-11-09
10:29:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'3D water phantom is a motorized water phantom for
automatic dose distribution measurement of radiation therapy beams'),
(6118,'010007047','QA BEAM CHECKER','010007','2015-11-09 02:30:01','2015-11-09
10:30:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The QA BeamChecker Plus uses a unique Wire-Free
system which allows a therapist or physicist to perform daily linear accelerator,
TomoTherapy, IMAT, or VMAT QA measurements'),(6119,'010007048','BREAST
BOARD','010007','2015-11-09 02:31:58','2015-11-09
10:43:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini digunakan untuk mencegah gerak pesakit
semasa rawatan dibahagian toraks. Ia diperbuat daripada bahan telus radiasi iaitu
carbon fiber.'),(6120,'010011083','DECON STOWER CUBICLE C/W CARRY
BAG','010011','2015-11-09 03:01:47','2015-11-09
11:03:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Removable side wall set in heavy duty PE material.
Wall are fitted to shower inflatable framework by velcro detail. Spray shower boom
with nozzles & detachable hand spray with plexible hose. Digunakan untuk
membersihkan badan dari sinaran, bahan kimia atau lain-lain hazmat'),
(6121,'010011084','DRYER/WARMER CABINET','010011','2015-11-09 03:02:28','2015-12-22
11:05:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan untuk mengeringkan barangan
peralatan perubatan setelah dibasuh atau digunakan untuk mengeringkan logam,
mengering tembikar dll.Digunakan untuk mengering peralatan perubatan selepas di
bersihkan. Contoh tubing Ventiletor.'),(6122,'006004015','PLAY
STATION','006004','2015-11-09 07:43:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
permainan video kanak-kanak '),(6123,'010007049','THERAPEUTIC HYPOTHERMIA MACHINE
SERVO CONTROL','010007','2015-11-19 01:20:11','2015-11-19
DAN DIPAPAR PADA SKRIN MESIN.'),(6124,'010007050','LYMPHEDEMA PUMP','010007','2015-
11-19 01:24:04','2015-11-19 09:24:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'MESIN UNTUK TERAPI LIMB
SYSTEM','010003','2015-11-19 07:05:48','2015-11-19
15:06:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan Pembedahan \"Cataract Surgery\" '),
(6126,'010001100','HUVITZ DIGITAL CHART','010001','2015-11-19
07:29:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Digital Eye Chart is a low cost high tech
way of testing visual acuity and other examinations commonly done with a paper
chart or projector. It uses a combination of your laptop or tablet PC (or Desktop
PC with dual monitor capability) and a wall mounted LCD monitor.'),
(6127,'004014185','ELECTROPHORHESIS EQUIPMENT','004014','2015-11-19
07:40:11','2015-11-19 15:41:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Performs western blotting
protein transfer'),(6128,'004014186','ASPIRATOR /Integra
07:45:21','2015-11-19 15:48:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'VACUSAFE is a compact
laboratory aspiration system providing a safe and efficient way to collect and
contain biological liquid waste'),(6129,'002003051','PLAYSTATION','002003','2015-
11-19 08:14:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan permainan video game'),
(6130,'004011019','GLITTERBUG HAND WASH MACHINE','004011','2015-11-20
07:10:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengeringkan
tangan selepas dicuci'),(6131,'004006016','EVAPORATER NITROGEN','004006','2015-11-
20 07:29:06','2019-02-13 11:17:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan untuk
mengisi nitrogen dalam penyediaan sampel analisis'),(6132,'004017010','PIPETTE
CAROUSEL RAK','004017','2015-11-20 07:32:18','2015-11-20
15:33:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan untuk memyimpan alat makmal'),
(6133,'012005044','SET KAWALAN TUMPAHAN MINYAK','012005','2015-11-20
08:44:18','2015-11-20 16:50:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Set peralatan yang digunakan
untuk kerja-kerja mengawal tumpahan minyak di lautan. Ianya terdapat pelbagai jenis
peralatan yang digunkan bersekali semasa aktiviti tersebut seperti Shipboard Crane,
Offshore Boom Container, Aluminium Cage/Skid Tank, Personel Protective Equipment,
Decontamination Set dll '),(6134,'010011085','MOBILE BED','010011','2015-11-25
08:54:26','2015-11-25 16:55:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
aktiviti rawatan semasa kempen mendaerma darah'),(6135,'010011086','BODY
PHOTOTHERAPY SYSTEM FOR PSORIASIS/CABIN PUVA','010011','2015-12-04 01:20:08','2016-
03-14 15:37:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan
menganalisis/xray kepada pesakit (Body Phototherapy System for Psoriasis/ Cabin
Puva)'),(6136,'010011087','ANTIBIOTIC DISPENSER ','010011','2015-12-11
01:47:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan untuk rawatan pesakit'),
(6137,'009002046','INDEXX QUANTI-TRAY SEALER','009002','2015-12-11
01:51:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan untuk menganalis kandungan air'),
(6138,'010007051','GENEXPERT SYSTEM','010007','2015-12-11
02:01:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan analisa perubatan'),
(6139,'010007052','BONE STATION FIXATION / DELCALCIFICATION','010007','2015-12-11
02:02:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan menganalisis perubatan'),
(6140,'009002047','PHOTO COLOUR METER ','009002','2015-12-11
02:14:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menganalisis
kandungan air, molikul yang terdapat pada air. Ianya terdiri dari pelbagai
(6141,'010011088','TRAUMA EQUIPMENT CHEST BOX','010011','2015-12-11
02:54:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan kesihatan'),
(6142,'010012001','TOTAL BODY IRRADIATION','010012','2015-12-11 03:09:25','2015-12-
11 11:11:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan penyakit kanser. Ianya
digunakan bersekali dengan Perspex Mobile Trolley.'),(6143,'010007053','PORTABLE
SURESIGNS VMI','010007','2015-12-14 03:33:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
rawatan kepada pesakit.'),(6144,'010007054','PEDESTAL ANGIOGRAPHY INJECTION
SYSTEM','010007','2015-12-14 03:35:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk rawatan kepada pesakit'),(6145,'010007055','INFOVAC
MACHINE','010007','2015-12-14 03:36:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yanag
digunakan untuk rawatan pesakit'),(6146,'010007056','PORTABLE ECHOCARDIOGRAM
MACHINE','010007','2015-12-14 03:36:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunkan untuk rawatan pesakit'),(6147,'010007057','IVUS ILAB CART
','010007','2015-12-14 03:38:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan
untuk rawatan pesakit'),(6148,'010007058','GENERAL ANAETHESIA
MACHINE','010007','2015-12-14 03:39:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti rawatan kepada pesakit'),(6149,'010007059','COUGH ASSIST
MACHINE','010007','2015-12-18 07:30:38','2015-12-18
15:33:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peraltan yang digunakan untuk rawatan'),
(6150,'010007060','NON INVASIVE CARDIAC OUTPUT MONITORING','010007','2015-12-18
07:34:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan'),
(6151,'010007061','CEREBRAL OXIMETER','010007','2015-12-18
07:38:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunkan untuk rawatan'),
(6152,'010007062','STERILIZER LOW TEMPERATURE','010007','2015-12-18
07:41:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan ynag digunkan untuk rawatan'),
(6153,'010007063','BIOIMPENDENCE ANALYSER (BIA)','010007','2015-12-18
07:44:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan'),
(6154,'010003068','ULTRASONIC WASHER','010003','2015-12-18
07:57:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan'),
(6155,'010003069','BODY WEIGHT SUPPORT','010003','2015-12-18
07:59:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan'),
','010010','2015-12-21 00:50:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pembelajaran
hospital'),(6157,'010012002','GAMMA PROBE - C-TRAK SURGICAL GUIDANCE
SYSTEM','010012','2015-12-21 01:04:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
penyelidikan nuklear'),(6158,'010010013','ADULT CHOKING TARSO','010010','2015-12-21
01:08:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pembelajaran'),
(6159,'012003006','PENYEDUT SERANGGA','012003','2015-12-21 02:39:45','2015-12-21
10:40:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Menyedut nyamuk atau serangga di dalam sangkar untuk
di pindahkan ke dalam sangkar yang lain'),(6160,'010003070','BONE SCALPEL
MACHINE/GENERATOR','010003','2015-12-21 08:54:56','2016-11-29
09:28:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti pembedahan
tulang. Ianya terdapat dalam pelbagai jenis/jenama dan pelalatan sokongan seperti
Bone Scalpel Generator Machine, Hand Piece Scalpel, Oscar Bone Cement Removal
Machine dll '),(6161,'010003071','PEAK PLASMA BLADE GENERATOR','010003','2015-12-21
08:57:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peraltan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pembedahan tulang'),(6162,'010003072','LEGEND EHS STYLUS MOTOR','010003','2015-12-
21 09:00:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk pembedahan
tulang'),(6163,'010003073','EC300 IPC NT MEDTRONIC','010003','2015-12-21
09:04:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan pembedahan tulang'),
(6164,'010010014','INFLATABLE AIR TENT','010010','2015-12-22
02:55:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pameran dan pembelajaran'),
(6165,'010006070','TFA ELEMENT MOTOR','010006','2015-12-22
04:17:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralaatn rawatan pergigian'),
(6166,'010007064','HANDHELD OAE SCREENER ','010007','2015-12-30
01:02:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan analisis perubatan'),
(6167,'010007065','AUTOMATED AUDITORY BRAINSTEM RESPONSE','010007','2015-12-30
01:04:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan analisis perubatan'),
(6168,'002001038','MESIN IMBAS JARI ','002001','2015-12-30
ATTENDANCE'),(6169,'010003074','SALINE WARMER','010003','2015-12-30
SEMASA PEMBEDAHAN'),(6170,'010003075','CELLTRAM VARIO','010003','2015-12-30
03:05:51','2015-12-30 11:07:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'ALAT INI UNTUK MEMANIPULASI
OOSIT DAN SPERMA'),(6171,'010003076','HYGIENIC METER','010003','2015-12-30
03:08:26','2015-12-30 11:09:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'ALAT YANG DIGUNAKAN UNTUK
COUNTING CHAMBER','010003','2015-12-30 03:11:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'ALAT
COMPOUND (VOC) METER','010003','2015-12-30
SCREENER','010006','2015-12-30 07:36:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'THE SPOT VISION
(6175,'015005011','SOFA BED','015005','2015-12-31
04:38:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sofa yang digunakan secara menyandar '),
(6176,'010008122','LINK AND ASSESORIES SYRINGE PUMP','010008','2016-01-06
01:27:05','2016-01-06 09:28:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Link Agilia allows the power
centralisation for 4, 6 or 8 Agilia devices, reducing the number of needed cables
for a safer working place. The material resistance and technical design create a
stable and rigid installation for a 4, 6 or 8 channel infusion. Each module can be
loaded or taken out separately. Thanks to the upper cap of the link, the devices
are well protected in case of leaking liquid. The power cap also protects the mains
power from infiltrations. The automatic security hooking system and the metallic
guide permit an easy installation of the devices. The back-fixing clamp has been
specially designed to be installed on any pole.'),(6177,'010008123','BODY
04:56:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan '),
(6178,'010003079','LIPO SUCTION','010003','2016-01-13
03:40:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Equiepment design for remove small fat tissue
volumes from our boday. The Equiepment also simmiler function as liposuction and
microlipo.'),(6179,'010001101','TELEMENTRY UNIT','010001','2016-01-13
03:42:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Equiepment design to provide special data to
trac a patient heart rate,
blood pressure, breathing and also other vitals. Equiepment also use to
monitoring piramary diagnosis for cardiovascullar disease also ideal for cardiac
and pulomanary rehabilitation.'),(6180,'010002134','PNEUMATIC LITHOTRIPTER
(STONEBREAKER)','010002','2016-01-13 03:45:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Quiepment
is used to fragment stones in the urinary system. It is non electric and powered by
high pressure carbon dioxide gas.'),(6181,'012006007','MESIN MEMPROSES
BENIH','012006','2016-01-13 04:06:00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Aset ini digunakan
untuk meleraikan benih daripada pod.'),(6182,'012006008','MESIN MENAPIS BENIH
BAYAM','012006','2016-01-13 04:07:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Aset ini digunakan
untuk menapis benih bayam daripada bunga bayam.'),(6183,'008005083','PAM MINYAK
TANGAN BERMETER','008005','2016-01-13 04:09:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mengepam
minyak'),(6184,'008001130','WATER INJECTOR/DISPENSER','008001','2016-01-13
04:10:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengagihkan air
di dalam kuantiti yang dikehendaki.'),(6185,'002001039','ALAT PENGASAH PENCIL
(STOK)','002001','2016-01-13 05:07:09','2019-02-12
14:55:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengasah pencil'),
(6186,'007011004','PERAKAM RISIKAN FORENSIK','007011','2016-01-13 07:53:02','2016-
01-13 15:53:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
rakaman keselamatan.'),(6187,'010008124','AUTOPSY SKULL DRILL','010008','2016-01-15
(6188,'010008125','FORENSIC MEDICINE DIGITAL IMAGING EVIDENCE SET','010008','2016-
CARE CO-OXYMETER','010008','2016-01-15 08:08:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'UNTUK
MACHINE','010007','2016-01-15 09:09:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
rawatan'),(6192,'010007067','JET VENTILATION','010007','2016-01-15
09:10:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6193,'010007068','VIDEO
LARYNGOSCOPE','010007','2016-01-15 09:11:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
rawatan'),(6194,'010007069','BIS VISTA MONITOR','010007','2016-01-15
09:12:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6195,'010007070','MECHINE
VAC','010007','2016-01-15 09:12:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
(6196,'004014187','AUTOMATIC PARTICAL SIZE ANALYZER','004014','2016-02-04
01:28:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pengujian Geosains'),
07:22:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan penyelidikan'),
(6198,'010001102','JAUNDICE METER','010001','2016-02-10
07:29:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan diagnosis'),
(6199,'010004168','QUADRICEPS TABLE','010004','2016-02-10
07:34:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peraltan rawatan'),(6200,'004026002','BIOMEREUX
MACHINE','004026','2016-02-12 00:55:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan untuk
indentifikasi bakteria yang terdapat dalam pelbagai model/jenama seperti Vitek 2
Compact, Back 4 Lert 3D dll'),(6201,'010012003','LAP LASER','010012','2016-02-12
01:06:23','2016-02-12 09:06:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat ini digunakan untuk PET-
CT bagi kegunaan Radioterapi Planning untuk pesakit kanser.'),
(6202,'007003022','PUMP GUN','007003','2016-02-12
01:22:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Senjata pertahanan'),(6203,'010002135','CHEST
(6204,'010011089','ADJUSTABLE CIRCUIT HOLDER','010011','2016-02-12
(6205,'012005045','SART ACR','012005','2016-02-15
03:58:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pengesanan marin'),
(6206,'012005046','TEXTSPRAY COMPACT EXT SPRAYER','012005','2016-02-15
04:01:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pembersihan marin'),
(6207,'012005047','EPIRB ACR','012005','2016-02-15
04:04:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pengesanan lokasi marin'),
(6208,'012005048','MESIN SMOKE GENERATOR','012005','2016-02-15
04:07:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin penyembur serangga yang digunakan pada
kapal'),(6209,'010007071','TRANSCUTANEOUS BILIRUBINOMETER','010007','2016-02-15
04:37:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6210,'010007072','BILI
04:40:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan bayi'),
(6211,'010007073','GRIP STRENGTH METER FOR RODENT','010007','2016-02-15
08:38:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan penyelidikan'),
(6212,'010011090','TABLE MAYO INSTRUMENT HIDRAULIK','010011','2016-02-16
09:04:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The device carries medicines, instruments and
necessary accessories in medical units and sterile environments. Height is adjusted
with hydraulic pump.'),(6213,'010002136','CRYO CUFF BOTTLE','010002','2016-02-18
07:40:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Ice bottle cooler with thermal blanket inside
the bottle. To use with the Knee, Ankle, Shoulder cuffs. The Cryo system combines
focused compression with cold therapy to provide optimal control of swelling to
minimise hemarthrosis, oedema and pain. Simplicity of design and ease of operation
makes it ideal for post-operative recovery, trauma, athletic training and home
use.'),(6214,'008011090','SYSTEM HYDRAULIC NUT SPLITTER KIT ','008011','2016-02-19
03:39:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Hydraulic nut splitter applications include
service trucks, piping industry, tank cleaning, petrochemical, steel construction,
mining, etc.'),(6215,'008011091','PAINTING MIXING SYSTEM','008011','2016-02-19
03:40:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'System that does the best paint matching in the
auto body industry. This system provides thousands of paint colors that are custom
mixed and tinted to match your vehicle\'s color and finish exactly.'),
(6216,'008011092','BATTERY CHARGER','008011','2016-02-19
03:42:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The FERVE fast chargers are the most effective
solution for charging batteries in the shortest possible time. Essential in
garages, they combine six functions in a single device: polarity testing, battery
charge status verification, alternator performance verification, normal charging,
fast charging and boosting assistance. For 12 and 24 V lead-acid batteries.'),
(6217,'011024007','ROCKING RIDER FOR TODDLERS','011024','2016-02-19
08:00:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Permainan Indoor kanak-kanak yang diperbuat
daripada plastik atau kayu.'),(6218,'010010015','SKELETON ','010010','2016-02-19
08:08:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat pembelajaran'),(6219,'012007011','TAGGING
GUNS','012007','2016-02-19 08:50:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sejenis alat
penandaan ikan yang berbentuk pistol.'),(6220,'002006014','AUDIO VISUAL
MONITER','002006','2016-02-26 03:10:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'1. These
functions assist 3D shooting with a 2D image display. The BT-LH910G does not
display 3D images.\n\n2. 3G-SDI supports 1080/50p, 1080/59.94p, and 1080/60p of the
SMPTE ST 425-A standard.\n\n3. In the 228.6 mm (9 inches) and smaller professional
monitor category (according to a Panasonic survey, as of March 2011).\n'),
(6221,'013006004','PESAWAT TANPA PEMANDU','013006','2016-02-29 00:21:08','2018-10-
17 08:27:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pesawat Tanpa Pemandu atau Drone yang digunakan
untuk aktiviti pemantauan udara.'),(6222,'008019001','SCARA ROBOT','008019','2016-
02-29 00:26:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Berfungsi sebagai robot ambil dan letak
atau Pick and Place Robot untuk mengangkat bendakerja (wrokpiece) yang kecil
mengikut program yang ditulis, memerlukan kuasa elektrik dan air compressor untuk
mengerakkan gripper'),(6223,'008019002','CARTESION ROBOT ','008019','2016-02-29
09:19:17','2016-02-29 17:24:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Berfungsi sebagai robot ambil
dan letak atau Pick and Place Robot untuk mengangkat bendakerja (wrokpiece) yang
kecil mengikut program yang ditulis, memerlukan kuasa elektrik dan air compressor
untuk mengerakkan gripper'),(6224,'008019003','REVOLUTE ROBOT','008019','2016-02-29
09:23:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Berfungsi sebagai robot ambil dan letak atau
Pick and Place Robot untuk mengangkat bendakerja (wrokpiece) yang kecil mengikut
program yang ditulis, memerlukan kuasa elektrik dan air compressor untuk
mengerakkan gripper'),(6225,'008019004','PARELLEL LINK ROBOT','008019','2016-02-29
09:26:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Berfungsi sebagai robot tebuk lubang dan
meratakan permukaan Boring and Milling pada bendakerja (wrokpiece)mengikut program
yang ditulis, memerlukan kuasa elektrik dan air compressor untuk beroperasi'),
(6226,'010002137','HEARING AID PRESCIBER SYSTEM','010002','2016-03-10
03:43:03','2016-03-10 11:46:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\"system for audiometry, real-
ear measurement and technical \nhearing instrument testing. It also offers various
counseling tools and a variety of special tests for advanced audiometry. \n\"
\n'),(6227,'010001103','SOUND LEVEL METER ','010001','2016-03-10
03:47:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'tools for obtaining the most commonly required
noise measurements, such as SPL, Lmin, Lmax, Leq/Lavg, and Peak. With Quest, you
get these features and conformance to independent sound level meter performance and
intrinsic safety standards. \n'),(6228,'010002138','VIDEO
NYSTAGMOGRAPHY','010002','2016-03-10 03:49:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Video-
Nystagmography uses real-time analysis of eye movements that meets the demands of
assessing the “Dizzy Patient�. VNG enhances the effectiveness of diagnosis of
the patients with balance disorders. \n'),
(6229,'010001104','TYMPANOMETER SCREENING','010001','2016-03-10 04:04:50','2016-03-
10 12:05:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This device is an auditory impedance tester
intended to detect possible otologic disorders associated with the functioning of
the middle ear'),(6230,'010003080','HYSTEROSCOPY','010003','2016-03-11
03:03:48','2016-03-11 11:04:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan ynag digunkan semasa
pembedahan untuk memdapatkan gambaran pada skrin pembedahan.'),
03:05:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pembedahan'),(6232,'010008127','ENT EXAMINATION CHAIR','010008','2016-03-11
03:44:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kerusi Pemeriksaan Pesakit yang digunakan di
Klinik Ortorinolaringologi (ENT)'),(6233,'014008009','MECHANICAL
BUFFALO','014008','2016-03-14 01:23:41','2016-03-14
BUFFALO','014008','2016-03-14 01:24:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'JENTERA
PERTANIAN'),(6235,'003010010','PINGGAN MAKAN (STOK)','003010','2016-03-14
03:00:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sebiji atau beberapa biji yang dibeli dalam
pelbagai kuantiti/jenis hendaklah direkodkan mengikut Tatacara Pengurusan Stor'),
(6236,'003010011','MANGKUK HIDANGAN (STOK)','003010','2016-03-14
03:01:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mangkuk Hidangan yang dibeli dalam pelbagai
kuantiti/jenis hendaklah direkodkan mengikut Tatacara Pengurusan Stor'),
(6237,'013004015','TRAK PENGANGKUT','013004','2016-03-14
03:39:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kereta/Lori/Trak yang digunakan untuk
mengangkut barang-barang yang mempunyai pelbagai bentuk/jenis seperti beroda (3)
tiga atau beroda (4) empat.'),(6238,'010013001','ELECTRICAL NERVE
SIMULATOR','010013','2016-03-14 07:03:01','2016-03-14
15:10:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan untuk rawatan Fisioterapi'),
(6239,'010013002','ULTRASOUND THERAPY MACHINE','010013','2016-03-14
07:14:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(6240,'010013003','CPM THERAPY
MACHINE','010013','2016-03-14 07:18:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(6241,'010013004','SHOCKWAVE THERAPY MACHINE','010013','2016-03-14
07:21:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(6242,'010013005','TRACTION THERAPY
MACHINE','010013','2016-03-14 07:24:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'physical therapy
traction machine'),(6243,'010013006','BIOFEEDBACK THERAPY ','010013','2016-03-14
OVEN','010006','2016-03-14 08:22:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan
pergigian'),(6245,'010006073','VACUUM PRESS DENTAL MACHINE','010006','2016-03-14
08:25:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan pergigian'),
(6246,'010006074','FOTOSCAN 630KIT DENTAL','010006','2016-03-14
08:29:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan pergigian'),
(6247,'010006075','DENTAL DIODE LASER ','010006','2016-03-14
08:32:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan pergigian'),
(6248,'010007074','SKIN PERFUSSION PRESSURE ','010007','2016-04-06 09:53:00','2016-
04-06 17:54:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Berfungsi untuk memulihkan, menguji dan
menganalisi peredaran aliran darah'),(6249,'015004015','DRY
CABINET','015004','2016-04-07 00:50:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kabinet yang
digunakan untuk menyimpan peralatan eletronik '),(6250,'004027003','OPACITY METER
FOR GAS EMISSION','004027','2016-04-07
07:29:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menganalisis dan
menunjukan keputusan ujian dan mengukur kualiti Gas Ekzos yang dihasilkan.'),
GAUGE','004027','2016-04-07 07:32:20','2016-04-07
15:32:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Perlatan untuk mengukur kedalaman bunga tayar dan
tekanan tayar'),(6252,'008011093','MULTI MOBILE MASKER','008011','2016-04-13
08:29:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Dispenses single rolls and masking paper'),
(6253,'008004025','AIR HAMMER MACHINE','008004','2016-04-13
08:31:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'For muffler and pipe removel,body shop and
shock, scraping rust, front end work.'),(6254,'002003052','MESIN PEMBERSIH
FILEM','002003','2016-04-14 08:31:50','2016-04-14
16:37:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan membuat
pembersihan/cleaning pada filem. Antaranya seperti Cinefilm Cleaning Machine'),
(6255,'004023071','RUBBER HARDNESS ','004023','2016-04-21
04:00:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Hardness Tester (Shore A) merupakan alat uji
untuk menguji kekerasan material jenis rubber(getah) dan plastik. Kekerasan dapat
didefinisikan sebagai ketahanan suatu benda untuk indentasi permanen. Skala Shore A
(durometer) didefinisikan oleh Albert F. Shore, yang mengembangkan peringkat
pengukuran.'),(6256,'004009008','THERMOHYGROGRAPH MACHINE','004009','2016-04-21
04:05:34','2016-04-21 12:06:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Thermo-Hygrograph atau
hygrothermograph adalah perakam carta yang mengukur dan merekodkan suhu dan
kelembapan (atau titik embun). Menggunakan jalur bi-logam untuk suhu dan satu
ikatan rambut manusia untuk kelembapan. Termasuk satu pen berkepala felt merah dan
biru untuk merekodkan bacaan.'),(6257,'010001105','DUAL ENERGY X-RAY
ABSORPTIOMETRY','010001','2016-04-25 01:59:14','2016-04-25
09:59:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan perubatan'),
00:31:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The nasometer is an assessment instrument that
measures the acoustic energy produced in the oral and nasal cavities during speech.
The computerised instrument then calculates the proportion of nasal and oral
resonance as a nasalence score.'),(6259,'010002139','MEDICAL HIP SPICA
TABLE','010002','2016-06-08 08:36:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The OrthoPediatrics
Spica Table offers surgeons a properly engineered device for casting procedures.
This radiolucent, lightweight, and durable device enables the user to carefully
hold hip or femur reduction and take fluoroscopic images of the patient before
application of the hip spica cast..'),
04:11:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan Ortopedik\n<br><br>\nThe KT-
2000/KT-1000 knee arthrometer is an objective instrument to measure anterior tibial
motion relative to the femur for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
07:47:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk membuat analisis
'),(6262,'010007077','NOX BOX1 MOBILE','010007','2016-06-09
07:55:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk menganalisis'),
(6263,'010007078','TRANSCUTANEOUS CO2 MONITOR','010007','2016-06-09
07:57:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan'),
(6264,'010007079','INFUSION WARMER','010007','2016-06-09
07:59:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk rawatan'),
(6265,'010003082','BATERRY OPERATED POWER TOOL/ LINVATEC-CONMED','010003','2016-06-
10 00:23:22','2016-06-10 08:36:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'DIGUNAKAN UNTUK MENEBUK DAN
MEMOTONG TULANG'),(6266,'008004026','BEARING INDUCTION HEATER','008004','2016-06-10
08:02:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan kendalian mekanikel'),
(6267,'008005084','BEARING FITTING TOOL KIT','008005','2016-06-10
08:05:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Set peralatan bengkel'),
(6268,'008005085','HYDRAULIC BEARING PULLER KIT','008005','2016-06-10
08:06:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan bengkel'),
(6269,'010002141','FIBROSCAN 402 + M PROBE','010002','2016-06-15
01:54:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6270,'010002142','SCOPE
BUDDY ENDOSCOPE','010002','2016-06-15 01:56:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
rawatan'),(6271,'010002143','PAEDIATRIC ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY','010002','2016-06-15
01:58:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6272,'010002144','OLYMPUS
MAINTENANCE UNIT COMES WITH MB-155','010002','2016-06-15
07:48:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
(6273,'010002145','EMG/NCS/EVOKED POTENTIAL SYSTEM','010002','2016-06-15
07:50:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6274,'010002146','PORTABLE
EEG WITH ICU MONITORING','010002','2016-06-15
07:52:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6275,'012008001','TROLI
MEMPROSES HAIWAN','012008','2016-06-21 07:53:32','2016-06-21
15:59:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk memproses
penyembelihan haiwan. Ianya terdapat dalam pelbagai jenis seperti Troli Oftal,
Troli Gantung, Troli Hook dll'),(6276,'012008002','KNIFE STRELIZER','012008','2016-
06-21 08:01:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang menyimpan pisau
penyembelihan'),(6277,'012008003','PERALATAN PENYEMBELIHAN HAIWAN/
CARDLE','012008','2016-06-21 08:32:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan untuk
digunkan membantu penyembelihan haiwan'),(6278,'012008004','KONVEYOR
TABLE','012008','2016-06-23 00:02:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk aktiviti penyembelihan'),(6279,'010013007','HYDROTHERAPY
','010013','2016-06-29 00:26:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
(6280,'010013009','COMBITHERAPY','010013','2016-06-29 00:27:25','2016-06-29
08:30:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
(6281,'010013008','SHORTWAVE','010013','2016-06-29 00:27:42','2016-06-29
08:27:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
(6282,'010013010','INTERFERENTIAL THERAPY','010013','2016-06-29
00:33:12',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6283,'010013011','INFRARED
RAY','010013','2016-06-29 00:33:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
(6284,'010013012','ELECTROOSTIMULATION AND GALVANIC','010013','2016-06-29
00:34:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
(6285,'010013013','STATIONARY PARAFFIN TANK','010013','2016-06-29
00:35:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6286,'010013014','PRESSURE
BIOFEEDBACK','010013','2016-06-29 00:35:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
BENCH','010013','2016-06-29 01:09:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
rawatan'),(6288,'010013016','WHIRLPOOL','010013','2016-06-29 01:09:49','2016-06-29
09:12:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
(6289,'010013017','CRYOTHERAPY/CRYOFLOW THERAPY','010013','2016-06-29
03:08:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6290,'010013018','REALTIME
ULTRA SOUND','010013','2016-06-29 03:13:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
rawatan'),(6291,'010013019','HYDROCOLLATOR TANK','010013','2016-06-29
04:02:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6292,'010013020','SHOULDER
WHEEL','010013','2016-06-29 04:04:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
rawatan'),(6293,'010013021','ICE MAKER FISIOTERAPI','010013','2016-06-29
04:18:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
(6294,'008001131','CHAMFERING AND DEBURRING MACHINE','008001','2016-07-25
01:15:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/ Mesin yang digunakan untuk membuang
bahagian bucu dan \"BURR\" pada bendakerja '),(6295,'003005033','DAPUR STAILESS
STEEL','003005','2016-07-28 02:01:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan memasak
yang diperbuat dari stailess steel bagi kegunaan memasak, menggoreng dan
sebagainya'),(6296,'008001132','WELDING POSITIONER MACHINE','008001','2016-07-29
01:29:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan memegang sementara
paip sebelum dipotong menggunakan kaedah pemotongan gas, memegang paip bagi tujuan
mengimpal dan sebagainya. '),(6297,'010011091','THE LING WAVES VOICE CLINIC SUITE
PRO','010011','2016-08-01 02:04:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
(6298,'010011092','CELL COUNTER DIGITAL','010011','2016-08-01
02:05:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan digunakan untuk no giliran'),
(6299,'010011093','QUINTUS Z 55 TV ADAPTOR','010011','2016-08-01
02:08:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6300,'010011094','MEDISUN
GIGATEST/HF-216','010011','2016-08-01 02:11:06','2016-08-01
10:16:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan yang mempunyai pelbagai jenis dan
jenama seperti Medisun Gigatest, Medisun HF-216, dll'),(6301,'010011095','MIDECAL
RACK','010011','2016-08-01 02:13:37','2016-08-01
10:22:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rack'),(6302,'004015039','X-RAY MESIN
01:36:35','2017-11-23 10:18:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Angiography is a medical
imaging technique used to visualize the inside, or lumen, of blood vessels and
organs of the body, with particular interest in the arteries, veins, and the heart
chambers.'),(6303,'015004016','MOBILE CABINET','015004','2016-08-05
03:48:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kabinet yang boleh digerakan'),
(6304,'010005017','X-RAY MESIN ANGIOGRAPHY SINGLE PLANE','010005','2016-08-15
00:33:10','2016-08-15 08:44:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Angiography is a medical
imaging technique used to visualize the inside, or lumen, of blood vessels and
organs of the body, with particular interest in the arteries, veins, and the heart
chambers.'),(6305,'010002147','VERSAJET HYDROSURGERY SYSTEM','010002','2016-08-15
01:05:42','2016-08-15 09:06:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
(6306,'010007080','CELL ANALISIS SYSTEM','010007','2016-08-26
03:37:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pengujian\n<br><br>\nPeralatan ini
terdapat dalam pelbagai jenis/jenama seperti High Content Insitu Cellular, Real
Time Cell Analyzer dll'),(6307,'010007081','HISTOSPAT ','010007','2016-08-26
03:40:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pengujian\n<br><br>\nPeralatan ini
mempunyai pelbagai jenis/jenama seperti Bond Max Autostainer dll'),
(6308,'010007082','TRANSFECTION SYSTEM NUCLEIC','010007','2016-08-26
03:45:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pengujian'),
(6309,'010007083','SPECTRAL IMAGING SYSTEM','010007','2016-08-26
07:17:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pengujian'),
07:34:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pengujian'),
(6311,'010007085','MOTORISED FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPE','010007','2016-08-26
07:38:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pengujian'),
(6312,'010007086','AMPLISCED BACKMAN COULTER','010007','2016-08-26 07:41:07','2016-
08-26 15:41:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pengujian'),
(6313,'010007087','ANALYSIS FLUIDIGM','010007','2016-08-26
07:47:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Perlatan pengujian seperti High Through Genetic
Analysis Fluidigm dll'),(6314,'010007088','SCANNER HEAD CONFOCAL
MICROSCOPE','010007','2016-08-26 08:53:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
pengujian. Contoh, Scanner Head For Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope.'),
(6315,'009007001','xxxxxx','009007','2016-09-01 02:13:20','2019-02-12
kod aset.'),(6316,'010003083','FACIAL NERVE MONITOR','010003','2016-09-02
03:39:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Monitor for intraoperative use during various
surgeries, including ENT and general surgical procedures in which a nerve may be at
risk due to unintentional manipulation. '),(6317,'004001034','PEMANAS KONTRAS
MEDIA','004001','2016-09-19 02:10:21','2019-02-13
10:07:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan ini digunakan untuk memanaskan kontras
media ke suhu badan. Pemanas ini berfungsi memanas dan mengekalkan suhu kontras
media sebelum digunakan kepada pesakit '),(6318,'010011096','FIBRINOTHERM
MACHINE','010011','2016-09-19 02:18:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'ALAT/MESIN YANG
OSTEOMETRIC BOARD','010007','2016-09-19 02:53:06','2016-09-19
STICK','004013','2016-09-19 03:38:29','2016-09-19
33 KV.'),(6321,'008002180','DC WINDING RESISTANT CE METER','008002','2016-09-19
(OHM) PADA LILITAN PENGGUBAH.'),(6322,'004027005','EXACT MICRO ','004027','2016-09-
SET'),(6323,'007008011','BODY METAL DETECTOR','007008','2016-09-20
(6324,'010001106','COMPACT TOUCH AB SCANNER','010001','2016-09-20 03:18:38','2016-
MATA.'),(6325,'010001107','SCANNER TOOL DIAGNOSTIC MACHINE','010001','2016-09-20
03:29:15','2016-09-20 11:45:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk
membuat analisa'),(6326,'009004029','X-PERT HUDSON PUMP','009004','2016-09-20
SPECIFICATIONS'),(6327,'008005030','ELEKTRONIC CUTTER (STOK)','008005','2016-09-20
07:12:20','2016-09-20 15:15:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan memotong
pendawaian'),(6328,'014002007','AIR CON FLUSH MACHINE','014002','2016-09-20
07:17:24','2016-09-20 15:23:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pengudaraan'),
(6329,'014002008','AIR CONDITIONING A/C MACHINE AUTOMOTIVE','014002','2016-09-20
07:25:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan penyelenggaraan udara kenderaan'),
(6330,'014002009','MACHINE COMPRESSSOR','014002','2016-09-20
07:28:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan penyelenggaraan udara bergerak'),
(6331,'010008052','WORK TABLE DISPENCER','010008','2016-09-20 07:29:55','2016-09-20
15:39:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(6332,'010008053','TABLE STRECH','010008','2016-
09-20 07:30:49','2016-09-20 15:36:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(6333,'004018010','RADAS MAKMAL SAINS (STOK)','004018','2016-09-20 07:49:52','2016-
09-21 15:42:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(6334,'004018011','MANGKUK STAINLESS STEEL
(STOK)','004018','2016-09-20 07:51:03','2016-09-21
15:37:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(6335,'003011002','COOLER BOX','003011','2016-09-
21 02:58:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan menyimpan bahan mentah'),
(6336,'002011005','BUKU RUJUKAN','002011','2016-09-21 03:44:19','2016-09-21
11:50:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Buku Pelbagai Rujukan yang dijadikan sebagai rujukan
Kementerian/Jabatan\n<br><br>\nBuku Rujukan Akuakultur; Tumbuhan/Lanskap; Haiwan;
Buku Syariah; Akta; Enakmen; Ordinan hendaklah direkod mengikut peraturan/panduan
Perpustakaan atau Arkib sekiranya perolehan dibuat untuk disimpan di Perpustakaan
Kem/Jabatan\n<br><br>\nDimaklumkan bagi buku-buku tersebut sekiranya dibeli khusus
untuk kegunaan sebagai rujukan pegawai-pegawai dan disimpan di pejabat hendaklah
direkodkan sebagai Aset Alih.\n'),(6337,'004012028','SCOPE METER
HANDHELD','004012','2016-09-21 07:43:41','2019-02-13
15:55:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Oscilloscope mudah alih'),(6338,'010013022','PHYSIO
CROSS TRAINER','010013','2016-09-23 01:37:56',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
digunakan untuk meningkatkan prestasi sukan, memulihkan kecederaan dan meningkatkan
keseluruhan kualiti hidup . Selain itu ia digunakan untuk meningkatkan kekuatan
'),(6339,'004015040','RHEOMETER ','004015','2016-09-27 02:52:31','2016-09-27
10:53:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'1. Mengukur reologi ricih (shear) kompleks semua
jenis bahan dan cukup sensitif untuk mengukur larutan polimer yang mempunyai sifat
kecairan yang rendah dan viskoelastik bahan polimer atau komposit. \n<br><br>2.
Reometer juga berkeupayaan untuk mengesan sebarang perubahan komposisi dan
struktur bahan, iaitu faktor kawalan yang kritikal dalam sifat aliran dan
kecacatan, dan seterusnya menunjukan kestabilan dan prestasi bahan.'),
Patologi'),(6341,'010007091','FACS ARIA','010007','2016-09-27 03:22:26','2016-09-
27 11:24:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan Patologi, ianya terdapat pelbagai jenis
dan jenama seperti Facs Flow Analisis System dll.'),(6342,'004027006','FOOD TESTING
EQUIPMENT','004027','2016-10-12 01:59:01','2019-02-14
11:50:29',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk pengujian makanan'),
(6343,'010001108','SPY GLASS IRRIGATION PUMP','010001','2016-10-12
02:09:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6344,'010001109','SPY
GLASS DIGITAL CONTROLLER','010001','2016-10-12
02:12:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
(6345,'010011097','AUTOMATED LIQUID HANDLING SYSTEM','010011','2016-10-19
07:00:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
UNIT','010011','2016-10-19 07:03:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
(6347,'010002148','AUTOMATED HISTOCHEMISTRY','010002','2016-10-19
07:10:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
02:15:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan muzik Caklempong'),
(6349,'002015037','KIT PEMBELAJARAN PRA SEKOLAH','002015','2016-10-21
02:31:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan patung-patung yang digunakan untuk
tujuan pembelajaran kanak-kanak Tadika Kemas.'),(6350,'008003050','LASER
SCANNER','008003','2016-10-26 00:05:12','2016-10-26
08:08:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengukur fizikal
kayu/pokok\n<br><br>\nUse to capture 3D geometry of civil infrastructure,create an
as-built representation of a large industry complex,reconstruct a crime scene
and\ngenerate 3D data for integration into Building Information Modelling
(BIM).\n<br><br>\n3D laser scanning is a non-contact measuring and reality
capturing system used to gather data in any scenario. As the scanner’s head
rotates 360° on the horizontal plane the laser eye rotates to capture 270° of
data on the vertical plane, which documents everything in a 3D environment except
the small footprint directly beneath the scanner. \n'),(6351,'008010012','SET
FLOURESCENT BALLAST TESTER','008010','2016-10-31
00:27:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pembelajaran'),(6352,'008010013','SET CIRCUIT BREAKER TESTER','008010','2016-10-31
00:28:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pembelajaran'),(6353,'008004027','LAPPING PLATE MACHINE','008004','2016-11-01
09:05:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pembelajaran'),
(6354,'010007092','AUTOMATED ANTIBIOTIC IDENTIFICATION','010007','2016-11-04
03:05:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mengenalpasti bakteria dan kecenderungan
antibiotik ujian merupakan sebahagian daripada proses membuat keputusan klinikal,
mengenal pasti bakteria dan menilai jawapan mereka terhadap antibiotik adalah
semakin penting akibat daripada peningkatan dalam tahan mengelakkan bakteria.'),
(6355,'010001110','HIGH RESOLUTION ANORECTAL MANOMETRY ','010001','2016-11-04
09:04:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6356,'010001111','INSIGHT
ULTIMA CENTRAL UNIT','010001','2016-11-04
09:05:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6357,'010001112','OLYMPUS
BALLOON CONTROL UNIT','010001','2016-11-04
09:08:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6358,'010001113','HIGH
09:09:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6359,'010001114','PH
REFLUX MONITORING SYSTEM','010001','2016-11-04
09:10:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6360,'010008128','SAFETY
04:27:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan untuk menyimpan bahan-bahan
berbahaya, bahan mudah terbakar, asid dan bahan menghakis, cat, dakwat DLL.'),
(6361,'010012004','SEED SLIDER','010012','2016-11-09 07:02:45','2016-11-09
15:04:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan ini digunakan untuk membantu dari segi
penyediaan seeds secara manual bagi kes khas rawatan prostate seeds
implant(LDR)/Standard Imaging/Seed Slider REF 90090'),(6362,'012008005','RFT
TANK','012008','2016-11-09 08:51:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Tangki susu atau RFT
Tank yang digunakan untuk menyimpan susu daripada berlaku kerosakan'),
(6363,'010008129','BODY MEASURE','010008','2016-11-11 00:21:55','2016-11-11
08:25:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan mengukur ketinggian '),
(6364,'002016002','DISASTER FRAME TENT ','002016','2016-11-18
08:16:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Khemah yang digunakan operasi sebagai pejabat
sementara '),(6365,'002003053','AUDIO BOOTH MOBILE','002003','2016-11-18
08:41:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Bilik Audio yang boleh bergerak'),
(6366,'008019005','ROBOTIC ARM','008019','2016-11-25 02:14:01','2016-12-07
08:21:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Berfungsi sebagai robot untuk
aktiviti \"engineering\"'),(6367,'010001115','ARGON LASER MACHINE','010001','2016-
11-29 00:15:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan Argon Laser Mesin
adalah alat untuk rawatan pesakit diabetic retinopathy dan lain-lain penyakit
vitrreoretina.'),(6368,'004004006','FILTRATION BOX FOR FLAMMABLE','004004','2016-
11-29 01:35:30','2019-02-13 10:28:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan menyimpan
bahan kimia yang mudah terbakar'),(6369,'010013023','JEBSEN TAYLOR HAND FUNCTION
TEST','010013','2016-11-29 01:43:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
(6370,'010007093','LITHIUM ANALYZER','010007','2016-11-29
01:48:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
(6371,'010003084','ORTHOPEDIC NEURO MONITORING MACHINE','010003','2016-11-29
02:04:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pembedahan'),
(6372,'010002149','ANAEROBIC CHAMBER','010002','2016-11-29
02:06:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6373,'010011099','XRAY
PROTECTOR','010011','2016-11-29 02:10:04',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Radiation
Shielding Windows, Glass & Lead Lined Mobile Screen. Raybloc (X-ray Protection)'),
(6374,'010006076','DIGITAL SHADE GUIDE ','010006','2016-11-29
08:04:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan pergigian'),
(6375,'010003085','ROBOT SURGERY','010003','2016-12-07
00:22:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pembedahan'),
(6376,'008002181','COMBINED OVERCURRENT AND EARTH FAULT ','008002','2016-12-07
04:28:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan elektrik'),(6377,'001010005','RAK
TROLLY PROJECTOR','001010','2016-12-07 08:35:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Rak
untuk menempatkan projector'),(6378,'002006015','STEADICAM','002006','2016-12-19
09:18:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Steadicam is a modular camera stabilizer
designed specifically for HD broadcast, feature film, and all demanding camera
operating requirements. The highly adaptive and open architecture of the Steadicam
M-1 allows for extreme system configuration and quickly accommodates industry
standard cameras and accessories.'),(6379,'008011094','CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE
TRANSMISSION ','008011','2016-12-20 07:15:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peraltan
pembelajaran dibengkel'),(6380,'008010014','TRANSDUCER INSTRUMENTATION TRAINING
SYSTEM','008010','2016-12-20 07:24:07','2016-12-20
15:24:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk aktiviti
pembelajaran'),(6381,'002004017','DIGITAL SIGNAGE','002004','2016-12-27
04:15:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pameran yang boleh digerakan
penggunaannya'),(6382,'008001133','UNIVERSAL HAND POWER SWAGING','008001','2016-12-
28 08:11:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan bengkel melarik logam'),
(6383,'010003086','SPERM INJECTION (IMSI) SYSTEM','010003','2016-12-30
08:20:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan penyelidikan perubatan. <br><br>LENSA
LEBIH JELAS. '),(6384,'008002182','INHOUSE RAPID PCB PROTOTYPING','008002','2017-
01-03 03:13:52','2017-01-03 11:17:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan/Mesin membuat
penanda (engraving) besi, aluminium, \n<br><br>\nThe LPKF ProtoMat 95s/II circuit
board plotter is a system for creating circuit board prototypes and engraving films
as well as for engraving aluminium or plastic. Each tool change required is made
automatically. '),(6385,'008001134','MAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION YOKE TRANDUCER
PROBE','008001','2017-01-06 03:26:34','2017-01-06
11:27:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pengujian dan pengukuran sistematik'),
(6386,'010011100','INSTRUMENT WASHER DISINFECTOR','010011','2017-02-02
(6387,'004001035','FERMENTER','004001','2017-02-03 01:42:04','2019-02-13
10:09:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengekalkan keadaan
optimum untuk pertumbuhan mikororganisma'),
(6388,'004006017','XXXXX','004006','2017-02-03 02:41:26','2017-02-03
12:12:40',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(6389,'010003087','PNEUMATIC HIGH SPEED DRILL
SYSTEM','010003','2017-02-06 01:16:45','2017-02-06
09:20:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pembedahan seperti MASTOID DRILL dll'),
02-06 01:26:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
(6391,'010003088','MICRODEBRIDER ELECTRIC HIGH SPEED DRILL','010003','2017-02-06
01:29:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pembedahan'),
(6392,'003003041','MODIFIED ATMOSPHERE PACKAGING MACHINE','003003','2017-02-24
(6393,'010002151','ANORECTAL MANOMETRY','010002','2017-02-24
\n'),(6394,'010002152','ENTEROSCOPE DOUBLE BALLOON SYSTEM','010002','2017-02-
24 03:30:07','2017-02-24 11:37:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'FUNGSI UNTUK MELIHAT USUS
PLUS','010011','2017-02-27 02:52:02','2017-02-27 10:53:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'•
Unit is operated by 18 HP twin cylinder 4-cycle, gasoline, air cooled
internal combustion engine.\n\nPeralatan kawalan serangga seperti nyamuk'),
(6396,'008014053','MAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION YOKE','008014','2017-02-27
03:56:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This equipment is used to find both surface and
near-surface discontinuities'),(6397,'008014054','UV LIGHT LED TYPE
','008014','2017-02-27 04:07:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This equipment is used
for inspection defect on speciment'),(6398,'008014055','DIGITAL ULTRASONIC FLAW
DETECTOR','008014','2017-02-27 04:11:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This equipment
is used for help analysis with colour-leg function displays coded information on
the leg in colour abaut angle beam inspection.'),(6399,'008014056','MAGNETIC
PARTICLE BENCH','008014','2017-02-27 04:13:18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This
equipment is designed horizontal wet bench to allow variety of components. Coil is
used to establish a longitudinal magnetic field within the part so the indirect
magnetization can be used to produce a longitudinal magnetic field.'),
(6400,'007008012','LASER HIDDEN INFORMATION READER ','007008','2017-03-16
CAMERAMAN','002006','2017-03-16 02:38:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(6402,'010002153','LEAKAGE TESTER ','010002','2017-03-17
09:15:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Maintainance unit'),
(6403,'010002154','ENDOSCOPIC FLUSHING PUMP ','010002','2017-03-17
09:18:17',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Flushing unit'),(6404,'002001040','LEAF CASTING
MACHINE ','002001','2017-03-17 09:30:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin pembaikan
dokumen'),(6405,'014005004','MOBILE LEACHATE TREATMENT PLANT
(MLTP)','014005','2017-03-27 05:29:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
pembekalan air bersih'),(6406,'004014189','SURFACE PLASMON RESONANCE DEYECTION
SYSTEM','004014','2017-04-07 09:44:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(6407,'004014190','INFRARED ACTIMETER FOR RODENT','004014','2017-04-20
09:32:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'for evaluation locomotor activity, rearings and
optionally hole-board test parameters for exploration in rodents'),
(6408,'009003025','MAG ROCK ','009003','2017-05-09 09:30:30','2017-05-09
17:31:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The magROCK, for measuring magnetic susceptibility
in rocks, cores and samples, incorporates the latest in measurement and display
technology while retaining the sound physical principles that enable improved
sensitivity and accuracy. Contoh Magnetic Susceptibility Meter V.3.2'),
(6409,'004015041','UNDER WATER SHUTTER ','004015','2017-05-11
02:27:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan penyelidikan dalam air'),
(6410,'001003035','FAST ETHERNET MEDIA CONVERTER (STOK)','001003','2017-05-11
02:43:08','2019-02-11 18:12:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat yang digunakan sebagai
penukar isyarat (converter) antara fiber optic dengan kabel Unshielded Twisted Pair
(UTP).\n'),(6411,'004015042','AUTOMATIC FILM APPLICATOR','004015','2017-05-11
03:05:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan bantuan penyelutan cat'),
(6412,'004014191','ORIENTATION MEASUREMENT UNIT ','004014','2017-05-19
03:11:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Merupakan peralatan pengukuran pemetaan utiliti
bawah tanah yang berasaskan teknologi gyro/ gyroskop bagi tujuan mengenalpasti
jenis utiliti, ciri-ciri seperti jenis paip, muatan, arah aliran dan lain-lain. '),
(6413,'009002048','SIDESCAN SONAR ','009002','2017-05-19
03:16:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Merupakan peralatan pengukuran hidrografi/
pemetaan dasar laut yang berasaskan prinsip sistem sonar bagi tujuan menggambarkan
parameter penting mengenai sifat-sifat dan rupa bentuk dasar laut, jisim tanah dan
ciri-ciri dinamik air laut.'),(6414,'009002049','SIDESCAN SONAR TRANSCEIVER
','009002','2017-05-19 03:18:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Merupakan peralatan
pengukuran hidrografi/ pemetaan dasar laut yang berasaskan prinsip sistem sonar
bagi tujuan menggambarkan parameter penting mengenai sifat-sifat dan rupa bentuk
dasar laut, jisim tanah dan ciri-ciri dinamik air laut.'),
(6415,'010002155','MEDICAL PENDANT OT','010002','2017-05-19
04:08:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat untuk memeriksa/mengimbas Mikrofilem'),
(6417,'012008006','DUMP TANK','012008','2017-05-25
06:49:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan untuk menyimpan susu'),
(6418,'012008007','HOT WATER TANK','012008','2017-05-25
06:52:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralaatan memproses susu'),
(6419,'012008008','PASTEURIZER MACHINE','012008','2017-05-25
(6420,'012008009','MILK PUMP TROLLEY','012008','2017-05-25
(6421,'012008010','PH METER TYPE','012008','2017-05-25
MACHINE','012008','2017-05-25 07:09:28','2017-05-25
15:11:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan menyedut susu'),(6423,'012008012','WATER
FILTER SYSTEM','012008','2017-05-25 07:15:32','2017-05-25
15:16:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan untuk menapis air seperti Penapis Air'),
07:17:30',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan di bilik menyimpan susu'),
(6425,'012008014','COOLING TOWER ','012008','2017-05-25
07:18:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan menyimpan susu'),
(6426,'004023072','GLYCATED HEMOGLOBIN ','004023','2017-05-29 06:49:25','2017-05-29
14:50:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6427,'010004169','ACRYLIC
MIRROR PANEL','010004','2017-05-31 07:50:30','2017-05-31
15:57:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan terapi pemulihan\n<br><br>UNBREAKABLE
PAYUNG','015001','2017-06-01 06:47:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
perabot \'santai\''),(6429,'008011095','ENJIN 1.0 PERODUA','008011','2017-06-07
06:53:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan latihan'),(6430,'010001116','VMARE
ENCORE PULMONARY SYSTEM ','010001','2017-06-14
00:13:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan \nJENAMA CAREFUSION'),
(6431,'010001117','CONTRAST SENSIVITY TEST','010001','2017-06-14
ALIH','012009','2017-06-19 00:59:23','2019-02-11
KAWASAN PERTANIAN (GAJAH)'),(6433,'002006017','AUTO DRY BOX','002006','2017-06-20
07:08:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Digunakan sebagai media penyimpanan peralatan
fotografi seperti body camera, lens, battery, filter, vertical grip, flash.
\n\nBerfungsi sebagai media storan peralatan fotografi dan mampu mengawal tahap
kelembapan.\n'),(6434,'010004170','MAPPING SET FOR COCHLEAR
IMPLANT','010004','2017-07-05 00:13:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mapping (or
MAPping) is the programing method of a cochlear implant to the specification and
needs of its user'),(6436,'004023074','CRITICAL POINT DRYER','004023','2017-07-21
09:12:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Pengeringan Titik Kritikal (CPD) mengeringkan
sampel dengan meningkatkan tekanan dan suhu spesimen tanpa menyeberangi sempadan
fasa (antara sempadan fasa cecair dan gas). Ini terjadi kerana sebaik sahaja titik
kritikal telah dicapai, ketumpatan cecair dan ketumpatan gas adalah sama.'),
(6437,'004014192','NON DISTRUCTIVE TESTER (NDT)STB','004014','2017-08-04
00:58:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Non destructive testing (NDT) ia awide group of
analysis techniques used in science and industry tu evaluate the properties of
metarial, component or system without causing damage.'),(6438,'008018007','SAND
AERATOR','008018','2017-08-04 01:02:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Prepared sand is
usually passed through an earator which \'fluffs up\' the sand before feeding the
moulding machines.'),(6439,'008004028','PNEUMATIC RAMMER','008004','2017-08-04
01:24:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A pneumatic sand rammer is a piece of equipment
used in foundry sand testing to make test specimen of molding sand by compacting
bulk material by freee fixed height drop of fixed weight for 3 time.'),
(6440,'008018008','SAND BLAST','008018','2017-08-04
01:29:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sandblasting is the process of propelling sand
at high speeds at an object to remove rust or other coatings.'),
(6441,'008012002','CE METER FOUNDRI','008012','2017-08-04
01:47:44',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Normaal CE Meter Foundri is only use full for
indicative check of carbon, silicon & CE values in hot molten metal.'),
(6442,'008012003','PENDULUM IMPACT TESTING MACHINE','008012','2017-08-04
01:51:13',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The apparatus consists of a pendulum of known
mass and length that is dropped from a known height to impact a notched specimen of
material.'),(6443,'008012004','ELECTRO PLATING MACHINE','008012','2017-08-04
01:53:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Electroplating is teh process of coating a
conductive material with a secondary plating material through the use of
electricity.'),(6444,'004018034','VAN DE GRAAFF GENERATOR','004018','2017-08-14
(6545,'010010030','LAERDAL AED TRAINER','010010','2018-12-12 03:20:47','2018-12-12
11:22:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Set latihan bagi tujuan demonstrasi asas penggunaan
AED semasa kecemasan'),(6445,'010008130','UNIVERSAL FOLDABLE
STRETCHER','010008','2017-09-07 07:47:07','2017-09-07
DIMANA SAHAJA'),(6446,'010006077','PNEUMATIC CHISEL','010006','2017-09-11
UNIT','010003','2017-09-13 08:42:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Bipolar cutting
electrosurgical unit / bipolar coagulation / monopolar cutting / monopolar
coagulation'),(6448,'008010015','BASIC PLC TRAINER SET','008010','2017-09-18
01:02:08','2017-09-18 09:08:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Modular training system for
PLC devices. \nSimply combine the universal PLC application simulator with any of
the various PLC applications and circuits (analog and digital) to implement
practical exercises with very little installation.'),(6449,'008010016','PLC
01:10:11',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Real model of an elevator with cabin for 3
floors and integrated PROFIBUS DP slave. Each floor can be selected from an
operating panel and from each floor.'),(6450,'008010017','PLC APPLICATION MODEL
CONVEYOR BELT','008010','2017-09-18 01:11:45',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Basic
mechatronics module driven by a variable speed 24-V geared motor and complete with
end-limit sensors and integrated PROFIBUS DP slave. Designed for basic experiments
on a conveyor system or for incorporation into a complex mechatronics system for
controlling the flow of materials.'),(6451,'008010018','PERFECT GAS
APPARATUS','008010','2017-09-18 01:14:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Is used to
examine the expansion of ideal gases. The focus is on the experimental
determination of the adiabatic exponent of air using the Clément-Desormes
method.'),(6452,'008010019','PLC PCB TRAINER SET ','008010','2017-09-18
01:17:06',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Simply combine the universal PLC application
simulator with any of the various PLC applications and circuits (analog and
digital) to implement practical exercises with very little installation.'),
(6453,'008010020','SATURATION PRESSURE UNIT','008010','2017-09-18
01:20:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Is used to demonstrate the relationship between
the pressure and temperature of water in a straight forward manner. '),
(6454,'008010021','HYDROSTATICS BENCH','008010','2017-09-18
01:24:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Is used to conduct experiments in the field of
hydrostatics, such as ground pressure measurement or demonstrating Boyle’s law'),
BENCH','008010','2017-09-18 01:28:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Is a series of
devices permits a varied experimental cross-section in the fundamentals of fluid
mechanics.'),(6456,'004014193','JOMINY END QUENCH','004014','2017-09-18
07:04:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Is used to determine the hardenability of
steels.'),(6457,'004014194','MALTESE CROSS TUBE','004014','2017-09-19
01:01:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'High vacuum electron with divergebt electron
gun aimed at a flurescent screen partially obseured by a Maltese cross.'),
(6458,'010004171','PRONE CRAWLER','010004','2017-10-05
08:39:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Provides trunk support and proper alignment for
developmentally delayed children in a quadruped position'),(6459,'003005034','HARD
BEAN CURD PRESS MACHINE','003005','2017-10-24
01:00:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk proses
penghasilan tauhu. Alat ini berfungsi sebagai penekan ke atas acuan tauhu untuk
memampatkan tauhu '),(6460,'004014195','METAL DETECTOR','004014','2017-11-14
03:55:37','2017-11-14 11:59:53',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Alat digunakan untuk kerja-
kerja mencari dan mengesan kedudukan artifak dan struktur di tapak-tapak
arkeologi. Seperti Garret At Max, Fisher F44 11-DD dan lain lain'),
(6461,'010002156','VENAFLOW ELITE SYSTEM','010002','2017-11-14
(STOK)','001009','2017-11-16 07:19:22','2019-02-12
10:00:58',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(6463,'010013024','MEDICINE BALL WITH
KETAHANAN OTOT'),(6464,'004015043','NUCLEAR MEDICINE TEST PHANTOM','004015','2017-
11-20 08:18:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'For measuring system performance,
calibration and imaging '),(6465,'010001118','INTENSIVE CARE VITAL SIGNS MONITER
','010001','2017-11-27 07:22:57','2017-11-27
15:25:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Features· Super high definition display provides
bright and clear view · Weighing less than 1.7 kg, its lightweight design provides
a highly mobile vital signs solution · Super Li-ion battery provides more than 22
hours of continuous monitoring · Trusted temperature measurement provides fast
temperature reading · PI (Perfusion Index) provides caregivers with an indication
of the reliability of Sp02 measurement. NIBP Moniter/SpO2/TEMP'),
(6466,'010006078','IMAGE PLATE SCANNER','010006','2017-12-12
02:01:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(6467,'010013025','DUMBBELL SET WITH
RACK','010013','2017-12-13 04:29:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(6468,'002004018','EASEL STEEL','002004','2017-12-18
08:31:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'i) Bingkai besi (steel) untuk kerja seorang
artis semasa ia dicat atau ditarik\n\nii)Kayu kuda adalah sokongan tegak yang
digunakan untuk memaparkan dan / atau menetapkan sesuatu yang terletak di atasnya,
pada sudut sekitar 20 ° ke arah vertica\n'),(6469,'010011102','MEJA MENUKAR LAMPIN
BAYI','010011','2017-12-27 02:26:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Rak yang digunakan
untuk menukar lampin'),(6470,'009005009','DEMEC STRAIN GAUGE','009005','2017-12-27
02:58:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Untuk ujian rekahan struktur konkrit'),
(6471,'004014196','DIGITAL CONCRETE HAMMER ','004014','2017-12-29
02:41:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Untuk ujian kekuatan struktur konkrit'),
(6472,'010010016','ARTHROSCOPY SIMULATOR','010010','2018-01-12
07:58:02',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Virtual reality simualtor for arthroscopic
surgery skills acquisition'),(6473,'010010017','LAERDAL SIMBABY','010010','2018-01-
(6474,'010010018','ENDOSCOPY BRONCHOSCOPY TRAINERS','010010','2018-01-12
08:00:42',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'endoscopic medical simulator for the training
of gastrointestinal upper and lower endoscopic and bronchoscopy procedures'),
(6475,'010010019','ENDOUROLOGY SIMULATOR','010010','2018-01-12
08:02:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Endourology/percutaneous renal access training
simulator'),(6476,'010010020','ENDOVASCULAR SIMULATOR','010010','2018-01-12
08:03:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'ANGIO simulators provide hands-on practice of
endovascular procedures performed under fluoroscopy in the cath lab, interventional
suite or an OR, in an extensive and complete virtual reality simulated
environment'),(6477,'010010021','EYE SIMULATOR','010010','2018-01-12
08:05:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'high-end virtual reality simulator equipped
with interfaces for vitreoretinal and/or cataract surgery'),
(6478,'010010022','HYSTEROSCOPY TRAINERS','010010','2018-01-12
08:05:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'comprehensive training system for OB/GYN
surgeons for diagnostic and therapeutic hysteroscopy'),
(6479,'010010023','LAPAROSCOPY SIMULATOR','010010','2018-01-12
08:06:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'LAP Mentor simulator provides the widest array
of hands-on laparoscopic training '),(6480,'010010024','LAPAROSCOPY
TRAINERS','010010','2018-01-12 08:10:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'mobile
endoscopic video system designed for all applications of endoscopy'),
(6481,'010010025','ROBOTIX MENTOR','010010','2018-01-12
08:11:16',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Virtual reality training simulator to provide a
comprehensive curriculum including complete robotic clinical procedures with true-
to-life graphics and tissue behavior'),(6482,'010010026','LAERDAL SIMMAN
SIMULATOR','010010','2018-01-12 08:14:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'high-end
medical simulator for the training of ultrasound-related examinations and
interventions'),(6485,'004018035','REPEATER PHARMACY PUMP','004018','2018-01-15
01:21:24',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The repeater pump is a versatile peristaltic
pump which plays an important role in routine pharmacy procedures - delivering
accuracy and multi-speed setting for fluid transfer processes the way you need
them.'),(6486,'012008015','MESIN PENETASAN TELUR','012008','2018-01-15
(6487,'006004016','INTERACTIVE VIRTUAL REALITY','006004','2018-01-19
04:03:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(6488,'010001119','TRANSCRANIAL DOPPLER
MACHINE ','010001','2018-01-25 07:22:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'DOPPLER
SET ','007008','2018-01-26 02:27:25',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'CLOCKING SISTEM SET
C/W 20 POINT GUARD WITH SOFTWARE\n<br><br>\nGuard Tour System Patrol Monitoring
Security System With Report Software Event Wallet
And Rfid Tags , Find Complete Details about Guard Tour System Patrol Monitoring
Security System With Report'),(6490,'004013177','FLOW HOOD METER ','004013','2018-
01-26 02:36:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mengukur suhu Hawa dingin dari Ducting'),
(6491,'004011020','DENTURE CLEANER','004011','2018-02-08 07:38:17','2019-02-13
15:23:39',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan untuk membersih gigi palsu, ortodontik dan
pemulihan pergigian'),(6492,'004014197','TRITIUM ENRICHMENT SYSTEM
','004014','2018-02-12 01:06:34','2018-02-12
09:10:46',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan (Tritium Enrichment System) ini
dibangunkan untuk mengkaji dan mengayakan kandungan Tritium di dalam sampel air
sehingga 2L terutamanya dalam kajian sumber air tanah dan air permukaan yang
membawa kepada analisis tritium yang lebih tepat untuk aplikasi hidrologi dan
penilaian sumber air.\n\n'),(6493,'016005019','RAK BENDERA','016005','2018-02-21
01:41:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kabinet yang digunakan untuk meletak
bendera.'),(6494,'007013001','KABINET PENYIMPANAN PISTOL','007013','2018-02-23
02:40:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Kabinet atau Rak yang digunakan untuk menyimpan
Pistol'),(6495,'012006009','MESIN MENGANALISIS PEMUTUAN PADI','012006','2018-03-16
02:52:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengessahkan
mutu padi.'),(6496,'012006010','MOISTURE METER PADDY','012006','2018-03-16
02:53:48',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengukur
kelembapan padi'),(6497,'002003054','MESIN PENGIMBAS FILEM
CINEMATIK','002003','2018-03-16 03:09:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan
mengimbas secara Automatik kepada paparan dalam bentuk gambar/filem. Jenama Balck
Magic'),(6498,'010010029','DISSECTION TABLE','010010','2018-04-19
02:32:33',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pembedahan yang digunakan untuk
aktiviti kajian dan kemahiran klinikal.'),(6499,'010004172','ARM
BALANCER','010004','2018-04-23 00:55:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Arm support
system that promotes motor function and muscle repair in patients with impaired arm
function. Ideal for those with weak shoulders, elbows and wrist, this unique
support system assists with activities such as typing, drawing, eating and more
without causing strain or weakness.'),(6500,'010011103','THERMOMETER CALIBRATOR
TYMPANIC','010011','2018-04-23 06:50:08','2018-04-23
14:50:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Calibration tester provides a tightly regulated
temperature source that eliminates the setup, precision calibration, and
maintenance requirement of water baths and other general purpose calibration
equipment. Calibration system acts as a heat reservoir for the thermistor probe
and as a heat radiator for the infrared ear thermometer.'),
(6501,'001005021','PENCETAK 3D','001005','2018-04-30
08:42:20',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan mencetak model 3D menggunakan bahan
filament '),(6502,'008005086','PORTBLE TILE CUTTER ','008005','2018-05-02
01:32:14','2018-05-02 09:40:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin pemotong mudah alih yang
cepat dan tepat untuk marmar / granit / jubin / batu. Penebat habuk yang baik untuk
ketahanan alat yang maksimum.Ringan dan mempunyai motor yang kuat dan mantap untuk
hayat lebih lama.\n<br><br>\nPemotong jubin/seramik secara manual sangat ideal
untuk membuat pemotong lurus tegak pada jubin seramik tetapi tidak boleh digunakan
untuk batu atau untuk membuat pemotongan kecil atau pemotongan
kombinasi.\n<br>Ianya terdapat dalam pelbagai jenama/jenis seperti
elektrik/laser/manual.'),(6503,'008002183','PCB PLOTTER LPKF PROTOMAT
S63','008002','2018-05-08 04:13:05','2018-05-08 12:13:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The
LPKF ProtoMat S63 circuit board plotter is a system for creating circuit board
prototypes and engraving films as well as for engraving aluminium or plastic. The
LPKF ProtoMat S63 is controlled through a PC'),(6504,'008003051','PORTBLE JIG SAW
MACHINE','008003','2018-05-14 08:35:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(6505,'008001135','PORTABLE THREADING MACHINE','008001','2018-05-14
09:00:36',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(6506,'002003055','RAK AUDIO
VIDEO','002003','2018-05-17 03:42:19','2018-05-17
11:44:23',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan (Rak/Kabinet) yang digunakan untuk
meletakan Sistem Audio Video. '),(6507,'004023075','METALLORGRAPHY COURSE
(6508,'008001136','SEMI AUTO GAS CUTTER MACHINE','008001','2018-05-30
(6509,'008001137','BENCH TYPE BOX PAN BRAKE MACHINE','008001','2018-05-30
ALIH)','010002','2018-06-04 08:03:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'ESWL merupakan alat
yang dapat memancarkan gelombang kejut. Gelombang kejut ini dikonsentrasikan di
sekitar ginjal yang berguna untuk menghancurkan batu ginjal menjadi pecahan-pecahan
yang lebih kecil sehingga dapat dikeluarkan bersama urine.'),
(6511,'004014198','CELLTRAM AIR MANUAL PRESSURE','004014','2018-06-11
(6512,'010003090','GYNAECOLOGICAL EXAMINATION CHAIR','010003','2018-06-11
(6513,'010011104','ANTI VIBRATION TABLE','010011','2018-06-11
QUALITY ANALYZER','004014','2018-06-11 00:26:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'ALAT
','004013','2018-06-25 09:51:26',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(6516,'008002184','MESIN KOMPOS SISA MAKANAN','008002','2018-07-04
PATHOLOGY GROSSING','010001','2018-08-10
02:53:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6518,'010001121','RAPID
02:54:31',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),
(6519,'010002158','AUTOPLUSE MECHANICAL CPR SYSTEMS','010002','2018-08-16
03:47:19',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin rawatan CPR'),(6520,'010011105','LAUNDRY
CART','010011','2018-08-28 08:09:05',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'PERALATAN YANG
(6521,'004014200','SIEVES WITHOUT SHAKER','004014','2018-08-29
04:37:55',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pengujian'),(6522,'008004029','DIESEL
POWERED PORTABLE CORE DRILL','008004','2018-08-29
04:43:22',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan menggali'),(6523,'003002013','MILK
STEAMER','003002','2018-09-12 01:41:41',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Milk Steamer is
an ideal addition to capsule machines that can only produce espresso.'),
(6524,'003002014','MESIN PEMBUAT KOPI','003002','2018-09-12
(6525,'010004173','ISOKINETIC WORK SIMULATION','010004','2018-09-14
07:21:03',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Isokinetic work simula\ntion for the analysis
and \npractice of the complex motion patterns of \nworking environments, sports or
activities of daily \nliving (ADL'),(6526,'010004174','WORK CUBE','010004','2018-
09-14 07:23:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Movable activity modules can be easily
\npositioned in seconds to simulate hundreds of \ntasks and activies. Usefull for
testing essential \nfunctions. Performs job related functional \ncapacity testing.
Gives objective measurement of \nrehabilitation progress. '),
(6527,'002002038','HAND PALLET','002002','2018-09-18
06:32:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'troli untuk mengangkat pallet'),
(6528,'010002159','HANDHELD CRYOGUN','010002','2018-09-20
08:51:08',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan rawatan'),(6529,'007007015','HEAVY
DUTY BILGES PUMP','007007','2018-09-21
09:22:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan penyelamat'),
(6530,'004023076','WIMSHURST MACHINE','004023','2018-09-26
','008010','2018-09-27 02:47:52','2018-09-27 10:49:09',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'UNTUK
(6532,'008010024','EQUILIBRIUM OF FORCE APPARATUS ','008010','2018-09-27
SESUATU STRUKTUR '),(6533,'004014201','FLOW METER APPARATUS','004014','2018-10-22
(6534,'010009017','SECHRIST VENTILATOR','010009','2018-10-26 03:06:39','2018-11-09
DESICCATOR','010007','2018-10-29 02:10:28',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'FOR VACUUM OR
NON-VACUUM USE '),(6536,'010007095','MAGNETIC STIRRER ','010007','2018-10-29
(ASET)'),(6537,'010007096','TOP PAN BALANCE','010007','2018-10-29
02:31:34',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(6538,'009002050','WILDCO BETA PLUS BOTTLE
KIT ','009002','2018-11-02 08:47:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'SET PERALATAN WILDCO
MULTIPURPOSE DEVICE','010011','2018-11-19
02:53:32',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan kawalan vektor bagi mengatasi
masalah kesukaran aktiviti pemusnahan tempat pembiakan (PTP) ke atas larva nyamuk
(Cryptic Breeding) seperti gutter, floor trap, lopak air celah bangunan dan ruang
sempit. Peralatan berfungsi untuk mencari punca, mengambil sampel dan menyembur
racun pada pembiakan larva nyamuk.'),(6540,'010001122','UROFLOW
METER','010001','2018-11-23 02:20:37',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Uroflowmetry, juga
dikenali sebagai ujian uroflow, mengukur aliran dan daya aliran air kencing semasa
kencing. Ia adalah ujian kencing yang tidak biasa yang digunakan untuk mendiagnosis
gejala seperti sakit semasa kencing atau inkontinensia kencing.'),
(6541,'010003091','ULTRASONIC SURGICAL ASPIRATOR','010003','2018-11-28
POWER SUPPLY UNIT','008014','2018-11-28 08:24:01',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'HEAVY
','010011','2018-11-28 08:40:54',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),
(6544,'010011108','FEMALE URINATION DEVICE','010011','2018-12-03
09:01:59',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Female Urination Device memudahkan proses
pembungan air kencing wanita yang sakit dan uzur tanpa perlu ke tandas. Reka bentuk
yang ringkas serta bersifat mudah alih. Boleh dikendalikan sendiri oleh
pengguna.'),(6546,'010011109','STERILIZING CABINET','010011','2018-12-13
08:50:14',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Sterilizing Cabinet direka untuk menjamin
kebersihan makanan semasa dihidangkan agar makanan sentiasa panas sebelum
dihidangkan dan memastikan penyimpanan makanan lebih kemas.'),
(6547,'004020025','HEAT EXCHANGE TRAINING APPARATUS','004020','2018-12-27
08:26:52',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pembelajaran'),
(6548,'004020026','BATCH REACTOR','004020','2018-12-27
08:28:43',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pembelajaran'),
08:36:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Robotic Educational Kit'),
(6550,'004013179','LINE LASER','004013','2018-12-27
09:04:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan mengukur'),(6551,'004001036','TOWER
HEATER','004001','2018-12-28 02:31:10',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan untuk
memanaskan suhu bilik.'),(6552,'009005010','MAGNETOTELLURIC
EGUIPMENT','009005','2019-01-02 03:16:47',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Magnetotelluric
equipment yang digunakan untuk kerja-kerja ukur bumi'),(6553,'008010025','INDUTRIAL
06:45:49',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan atau mesin yang digunakan untuk
pembelajaran'),(6554,'008010026','SOLID HANDLING STUDY BENCH','008010','2019-01-28
06:49:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan pembelajaran'),
(6555,'008018010','SEESNAKE MICRODRAIN INSPECTION SYSTEM','008018','2019-02-04
01:32:38',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin mudah alih ini digunakan untuk tujuan
pemeriksaan paip kecil dan juga konduit. Mempunyai rekabentuk terkini membolehkan
kabel berkamera memeriksa paip berdiameter kecil dan juga di kawasan bengkokan
sistem paip.'),(6556,'008018009','DRAIN CLEANING MACHINE','008018','2019-02-04
01:33:35',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mesin ini digunakan untuk membersihkan paip
limpah secondary seperti di sinki dapur, bilik mandi dan bilik utiliti menggunakan
kabel berdiameter daripada 19mm sehingga 64mm.'),(6557,'002014006','PAYUNG
ISTIADAT','002014','2019-02-04 07:18:15',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Peralatan yang
digunakan untuk Majlis majlis Rasmi yang dihadiri oleh Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di
Pertuan Agong.'),(6558,'006007016','SAPE','006007','2019-02-12
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `code_005` ENABLE KEYS */;

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